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Boost-Commit : |
Subject: [Boost-commit] svn:boost r60471 - in trunk/libs/spirit/example/scheme: . detail
From: joel_at_[hidden]
Date: 2010-03-11 03:08:53
Author: djowel
Date: 2010-03-11 03:08:52 EST (Thu, 11 Mar 2010)
New Revision: 60471
URL: http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/60471
separating the implementation from the interface
trunk/libs/spirit/example/scheme/detail/utree_detail1.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/libs/spirit/example/scheme/detail/utree_detail2.hpp (contents, props changed)
Text files modified:
trunk/libs/spirit/example/scheme/utree.hpp | 1088 ---------------------------------------
1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1086 deletions(-)
Added: trunk/libs/spirit/example/scheme/detail/utree_detail1.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/libs/spirit/example/scheme/detail/utree_detail1.hpp 2010-03-11 03:08:52 EST (Thu, 11 Mar 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2001-2010 Joel de Guzman
+ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+ file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(BOOST_MSVC)
+# pragma warning(push)
+# pragma warning(disable: 4804)
+# pragma warning(disable: 4805)
+# pragma warning(disable: 4244)
+namespace scheme { namespace detail
+ template <typename UTreeX, typename UTreeY>
+ struct visit_impl;
+ struct index_impl;
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Our utree can store these types. This enum tells us what type
+ // of data is stored in utree's discriminated union.
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ struct utree_type
+ {
+ enum info
+ {
+ nil_type,
+ bool_type,
+ int_type,
+ double_type,
+ small_string_type,
+ heap_string_type,
+ list_type,
+ reference_type
+ };
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Our POD fast string. This implementation is very primitive and is not
+ // meant to be used stand-alone. This is the internal data representation
+ // of strings in our utree. This is deliberately a POD to allow it to be
+ // placed in a union. This POD fast string specifically utilizes
+ // (sizeof(double) * 2) - (2 * sizeof(char)). In a 32 bit system, this is
+ // 14 bytes. The two extra bytes are used by utree to store management info.
+ //
+ // It is a const string (i.e. immutable). It stores the characters directly
+ // if possible and only uses the heap if the string does not fit. Null
+ // characters are allowed, making it suitable to encode raw binary. The
+ // string length is encoded in the first byte if the string is placed in-situ,
+ // else, the length plus a pointer to the string in the heap are stored.
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ struct fast_string // Keep this a POD!
+ {
+ static std::size_t const
+ buff_size = (sizeof(double)*2)/sizeof(char);
+ static std::size_t const
+ small_string_size = buff_size-(sizeof(char)*2);
+ struct heap_store
+ {
+ char* str;
+ std::size_t size;
+ };
+ union
+ {
+ char buff[buff_size];
+ heap_store heap;
+ };
+ utree_type::info get_type() const;
+ void set_type(utree_type::info t);
+ std::size_t size() const;
+ char const* str() const;
+ template <typename Iterator>
+ void construct(Iterator f, Iterator l);
+ void swap(fast_string& other);
+ void free();
+ void copy(fast_string const& other);
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Our POD double linked list. Straightforward implementation.
+ // This implementation is very primitive and is not meant to be
+ // used stand-alone. This is the internal data representation
+ // of lists in our utree.
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ struct list // keep this a POD!
+ {
+ struct node;
+ template <typename Value>
+ class node_iterator;
+ void free();
+ void copy(list const& other);
+ void default_construct();
+ template <typename T>
+ void insert_before(T const& val, node* node);
+ template <typename T>
+ void insert_after(T const& val, node* node);
+ template <typename T>
+ void push_front(T const& val);
+ template <typename T>
+ void push_back(T const& val);
+ void pop_front();
+ void pop_back();
+ node* erase(node* pos);
+ node* first;
+ node* last;
+ std::size_t size;
+ };
Added: trunk/libs/spirit/example/scheme/detail/utree_detail2.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/libs/spirit/example/scheme/detail/utree_detail2.hpp 2010-03-11 03:08:52 EST (Thu, 11 Mar 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,978 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2001-2010 Joel de Guzman
+ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+ file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+namespace scheme { namespace detail
+ inline utree_type::info fast_string::get_type() const
+ {
+ return static_cast<utree_type::info>(buff[small_string_size]);
+ }
+ inline void fast_string::set_type(utree_type::info t)
+ {
+ buff[small_string_size] = static_cast<char>(t);
+ }
+ inline std::size_t fast_string::size() const
+ {
+ BOOST_ASSERT(get_type() == utree_type::small_string_type
+ || get_type() == utree_type::heap_string_type);
+ if (get_type() == utree_type::small_string_type)
+ return buff[0];
+ else
+ return heap.size;
+ }
+ inline char const* fast_string::str() const
+ {
+ BOOST_ASSERT(get_type() == utree_type::small_string_type
+ || get_type() == utree_type::heap_string_type);
+ if (get_type() == utree_type::small_string_type)
+ return buff + 1;
+ else
+ return heap.str;
+ }
+ template <typename Iterator>
+ inline void fast_string::construct(Iterator f, Iterator l)
+ {
+ unsigned const size = l-f;
+ char* str;
+ if (size < small_string_size)
+ {
+ // if it fits, store it in-situ; the first byte
+ // is the length of the string.
+ str = buff + 1;
+ buff[0] = size;
+ set_type(utree_type::small_string_type);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // else, store it in the heap
+ str = new char[size];
+ heap.str = str;
+ heap.size = size;
+ set_type(utree_type::heap_string_type);
+ }
+ for (std::size_t i = 0; i != size; ++i)
+ {
+ *str++ = *f++;
+ }
+ }
+ inline void fast_string::swap(fast_string& other)
+ {
+ fast_string temp = other;
+ other = *this;
+ *this = temp;
+ }
+ inline void fast_string::free()
+ {
+ if (get_type() == utree_type::heap_string_type)
+ {
+ delete [] heap.str;
+ heap.str = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ inline void fast_string::copy(fast_string const& other)
+ {
+ construct(other.str(), other.str() + other.size());
+ }
+ struct list::node : boost::noncopyable
+ {
+ template <typename T>
+ node(T const& val, node* next, node* prev)
+ : val(val), next(next), prev(prev) {}
+ void unlink()
+ {
+ prev->next = next;
+ next->prev = prev;
+ }
+ utree val;
+ node* next;
+ node* prev;
+ };
+ template <typename Value>
+ class list::node_iterator
+ : public boost::iterator_facade<
+ node_iterator<Value>
+ , Value
+ , boost::bidirectional_traversal_tag
+ >
+ {
+ public:
+ node_iterator()
+ : node(0) {}
+ explicit node_iterator(list::node* p)
+ : node(p) {}
+ private:
+ friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
+ friend class scheme::utree;
+ void increment()
+ {
+ node = node->next;
+ }
+ void decrement()
+ {
+ node = node->prev;
+ }
+ bool equal(node_iterator const& other) const
+ {
+ return node == other.node;
+ }
+ utree& dereference() const
+ {
+ return node->val;
+ }
+ list::node* node;
+ };
+ inline void list::free()
+ {
+ node* p = first;
+ while (p != last)
+ {
+ node* next = p->next;
+ delete p;
+ p = next;
+ }
+ first = last = 0;
+ size = 0;
+ }
+ inline void list::copy(list const& other)
+ {
+ first = last = 0;
+ node* p = other.first;
+ while (p != 0)
+ {
+ push_back(p->val);
+ p = p->next;
+ }
+ }
+ inline void list::default_construct()
+ {
+ first = last = 0;
+ size = 0;
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ inline void list::insert_before(T const& val, node* np)
+ {
+ BOOST_ASSERT(np != 0);
+ node* new_node = new node(val, np, np->prev);
+ if (np->prev)
+ np->prev->next = new_node;
+ else
+ first = new_node;
+ np->prev = new_node;
+ ++size;
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ inline void list::insert_after(T const& val, node* np)
+ {
+ BOOST_ASSERT(np != 0);
+ node* new_node = new node(val, np->next, np);
+ if (np->next)
+ np->next->prev = new_node;
+ else
+ last = new_node;
+ np->next = new_node;
+ ++size;
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ inline void list::push_front(T const& val)
+ {
+ detail::list::node* new_node;
+ if (first == 0)
+ {
+ new_node = new detail::list::node(val, 0, 0);
+ first = last = new_node;
+ ++size;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ insert_before(val, first);
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ inline void list::push_back(T const& val)
+ {
+ if (last == 0)
+ push_front(val);
+ else
+ insert_after(val, last);
+ }
+ inline void list::pop_front()
+ {
+ BOOST_ASSERT(size != 0);
+ node* np = first;
+ first = first->next;
+ first->prev = 0;
+ delete np;
+ --size;
+ }
+ inline void list::pop_back()
+ {
+ BOOST_ASSERT(size != 0);
+ node* np = last;
+ last = last->prev;
+ last->next = 0;
+ delete np;
+ --size;
+ }
+ inline list::node* list::erase(node* pos)
+ {
+ BOOST_ASSERT(pos != 0);
+ if (pos == first)
+ {
+ pop_front();
+ return first;
+ }
+ else if (pos == last)
+ {
+ pop_back();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ node* next(pos->next);
+ pos->unlink();
+ delete pos;
+ --size;
+ return next;
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename F, typename X>
+ struct bind_impl // simple binder for binary visitation (we don't want to bring in the big guns)
+ {
+ typedef typename F::result_type result_type;
+ X& x; // always by reference
+ F f;
+ bind_impl(F f, X& x) : x(x), f(f) {}
+ template <typename Y>
+ typename F::result_type operator()(Y& y) const
+ {
+ return f(x, y);
+ }
+ template <typename Y>
+ typename F::result_type operator()(Y const& y) const
+ {
+ return f(x, y);
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename F, typename X>
+ bind_impl<F, X const> bind(F f, X const& x)
+ {
+ return bind_impl<F, X const>(f, x);
+ }
+ template <typename F, typename X>
+ bind_impl<F, X> bind(F f, X& x)
+ {
+ return bind_impl<F, X>(f, x);
+ }
+ struct utree_is_equal
+ {
+ typedef bool result_type;
+ template <typename A, typename B>
+ bool dispatch(const A&, const B&, boost::mpl::false_) const
+ {
+ return false; // cannot compare different types by default
+ }
+ template <typename A, typename B>
+ bool dispatch(const A& a, const B& b, boost::mpl::true_) const
+ {
+ return a == b; // for arithmetic types
+ }
+ template <typename A, typename B>
+ bool operator()(const A& a, const B& b) const
+ {
+ return dispatch(a, b,
+ boost::mpl::and_<
+ boost::is_arithmetic<A>,
+ boost::is_arithmetic<B> >());
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ bool operator()(const T& a, const T& b) const
+ {
+ // This code works for lists and strings as well
+ return a == b;
+ }
+ bool operator()(utree::nil, utree::nil) const
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ struct utree_is_less_than
+ {
+ typedef bool result_type;
+ template <typename A, typename B>
+ bool dispatch(const A&, const B&, boost::mpl::false_) const
+ {
+ return false; // cannot compare different types by default
+ }
+ template <typename A, typename B>
+ bool dispatch(const A& a, const B& b, boost::mpl::true_) const
+ {
+ return a < b; // for arithmetic types
+ }
+ template <typename A, typename B>
+ bool operator()(const A& a, const B& b) const
+ {
+ return dispatch(a, b,
+ boost::mpl::and_<
+ boost::is_arithmetic<A>,
+ boost::is_arithmetic<B> >());
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ bool operator()(const T& a, const T& b) const
+ {
+ // This code works for lists and strings as well
+ return a < b;
+ }
+ bool operator()(utree::nil, utree::nil) const
+ {
+ BOOST_ASSERT(false);
+ return false; // no less than comparison for nil
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename UTreeX, typename UTreeY = UTreeX>
+ struct visit_impl
+ {
+ template <typename F>
+ typename F::result_type
+ static apply(UTreeX& x, F f) // single dispatch
+ {
+ typedef typename
+ boost::mpl::if_<boost::is_const<UTreeX>, char const*, char*>::type
+ string_type;
+ typedef typename
+ boost::mpl::if_<boost::is_const<UTreeX>,
+ typename UTreeX::const_iterator,
+ typename UTreeX::iterator>::type
+ iterator;
+ typedef boost::iterator_range<iterator> list_range;
+ typedef boost::iterator_range<string_type> string_range;
+ typedef detail::utree_type type;
+ switch (x.get_type())
+ {
+ default:
+ BOOST_ASSERT(false); // can't happen
+ case type::nil_type:
+ typename UTreeX::nil arg;
+ return f(arg);
+ case type::bool_type:
+ return f(x.b);
+ case type::int_type:
+ return f(x.i);
+ case type::double_type:
+ return f(x.d);
+ case type::list_type:
+ return f(list_range(iterator(x.l.first), iterator(0)));
+ case type::heap_string_type:
+ case type::small_string_type:
+ return f(string_range(x.s.str(), x.s.str() + x.s.size()));
+ case type::reference_type:
+ return apply(*x.p, f);
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename F>
+ typename F::result_type
+ static apply(UTreeX& x, UTreeY& y, F f) // double dispatch
+ {
+ typedef typename
+ boost::mpl::if_<boost::is_const<UTreeX>, char const*, char*>::type
+ string_type;
+ typedef typename
+ boost::mpl::if_<boost::is_const<UTreeX>,
+ typename UTreeX::const_iterator,
+ typename UTreeX::iterator>::type
+ iterator;
+ typedef boost::iterator_range<iterator> list_range;
+ typedef boost::iterator_range<string_type> string_range;
+ typedef detail::utree_type type;
+ switch (x.get_type())
+ {
+ default:
+ BOOST_ASSERT(false); // can't happen
+ case type::nil_type:
+ typename UTreeX::nil x_;
+ return visit_impl::apply(y, detail::bind(f, x_));
+ case type::bool_type:
+ return visit_impl::apply(y, detail::bind(f, x.b));
+ case type::int_type:
+ return visit_impl::apply(y, detail::bind(f, x.i));
+ case type::double_type:
+ return visit_impl::apply(y, detail::bind(f, x.d));
+ case type::list_type:
+ return visit_impl::apply(
+ y, detail::bind<F, list_range>(f,
+ list_range(iterator(x.l.first), iterator(0))));
+ case type::heap_string_type:
+ case type::small_string_type:
+ return visit_impl::apply(y, detail::bind(
+ f, string_range(x.s.str(), x.s.str() + x.s.size())));
+ case type::reference_type:
+ return apply(*x.p, y, f);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ struct index_impl
+ {
+ static utree& apply(list::node* node, std::size_t i)
+ {
+ for (; i > 0; --i)
+ node = node->next;
+ return node->val;
+ }
+ static utree const& apply(list::node const* node, std::size_t i)
+ {
+ for (; i > 0; --i)
+ node = node->next;
+ return node->val;
+ }
+ };
+namespace scheme
+ inline utree::utree()
+ {
+ set_type(type::nil_type);
+ }
+ inline utree::utree(bool b) : b(b)
+ {
+ set_type(type::bool_type);
+ }
+ inline utree::utree(unsigned int i) : i(i)
+ {
+ set_type(type::int_type);
+ }
+ inline utree::utree(int i) : i(i)
+ {
+ set_type(type::int_type);
+ }
+ inline utree::utree(double d) : d(d)
+ {
+ set_type(type::double_type);
+ }
+ inline utree::utree(char const* str)
+ {
+ s.construct(str, str + strlen(str));
+ }
+ inline utree::utree(char const* str, std::size_t len)
+ {
+ s.construct(str, str + len);
+ }
+ inline utree::utree(std::string const& str)
+ {
+ s.construct(str.begin(), str.end());
+ }
+ inline utree::utree(boost::reference_wrapper<utree> ref)
+ : p(ref.get_pointer())
+ {
+ set_type(type::reference_type);
+ }
+ inline utree::utree(utree const& other)
+ {
+ copy(other);
+ }
+ inline utree::~utree()
+ {
+ free();
+ }
+ inline utree& utree::operator=(utree const& other)
+ {
+ if (this != &other)
+ {
+ free();
+ copy(other);
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline utree& utree::operator=(bool b_)
+ {
+ free();
+ b = b_;
+ set_type(type::bool_type);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline utree& utree::operator=(unsigned int i_)
+ {
+ free();
+ i = i_;
+ set_type(type::int_type);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline utree& utree::operator=(int i_)
+ {
+ free();
+ i = i_;
+ set_type(type::int_type);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline utree& utree::operator=(double d_)
+ {
+ free();
+ d = d_;
+ set_type(type::double_type);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline utree& utree::operator=(char const* s_)
+ {
+ free();
+ s.construct(s_, s_ + strlen(s_));
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline utree& utree::operator=(std::string const& s_)
+ {
+ free();
+ s.construct(s_.begin(), s_.end());
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline utree& utree::operator=(boost::reference_wrapper<utree> ref)
+ {
+ free();
+ p = ref.get_pointer();
+ set_type(type::reference_type);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename F>
+ typename F::result_type
+ inline utree::visit(utree const& x, F f)
+ {
+ return detail::visit_impl<utree const>::apply(x, f);
+ }
+ template <typename F>
+ typename F::result_type
+ inline utree::visit(utree& x, F f)
+ {
+ return detail::visit_impl<utree>::apply(x, f);
+ }
+ template <typename F>
+ typename F::result_type
+ inline utree::visit(utree const& x, utree const& y, F f)
+ {
+ return detail::visit_impl<utree const, utree const>::apply(x, y, f);
+ }
+ template <typename F>
+ typename F::result_type
+ inline utree::visit(utree const& x, utree& y, F f)
+ {
+ return detail::visit_impl<utree const, utree>::apply(x, y, f);
+ }
+ template <typename F>
+ typename F::result_type
+ inline utree::visit(utree& x, utree const& y, F f)
+ {
+ return detail::visit_impl<utree, utree const>::apply(x, y, f);
+ }
+ template <typename F>
+ typename F::result_type
+ inline utree::visit(utree& x, utree& y, F f)
+ {
+ return detail::visit_impl<utree, utree>::apply(x, y, f);
+ }
+ inline utree& utree::operator[](std::size_t i)
+ {
+ if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
+ return (*p)[i];
+ BOOST_ASSERT(get_type() == type::list_type && size() > i);
+ return detail::index_impl::apply(l.first, i);
+ }
+ inline utree const& utree::operator[](std::size_t i) const
+ {
+ if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
+ return (*(utree const*)p)[i];
+ BOOST_ASSERT(get_type() == type::list_type && size() > i);
+ return detail::index_impl::apply(l.first, i);
+ }
+ inline bool operator==(utree const& a, utree const& b)
+ {
+ return utree::visit(a, b, detail::utree_is_equal());
+ }
+ inline bool operator<(utree const& a, utree const& b)
+ {
+ return utree::visit(a, b, detail::utree_is_less_than());
+ }
+ inline bool operator!=(utree const& a, utree const& b)
+ {
+ return !(a == b);
+ }
+ inline bool operator>(utree const& a, utree const& b)
+ {
+ return b < a;
+ }
+ inline bool operator<=(utree const& a, utree const& b)
+ {
+ return !(b < a);
+ }
+ inline bool operator>=(utree const& a, utree const& b)
+ {
+ return !(a < b);
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ inline void utree::push_front(T const& val)
+ {
+ if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
+ return p->push_front(val);
+ ensure_list_type();
+ l.push_front(val);
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ inline void utree::push_back(T const& val)
+ {
+ if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
+ return p->push_back(val);
+ ensure_list_type();
+ l.push_back(val);
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ inline utree::iterator utree::insert(iterator pos, T const& val)
+ {
+ if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
+ return p->insert(pos, val);
+ ensure_list_type();
+ if (pos.node == l.last)
+ {
+ push_back(val);
+ return begin();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ l.insert_before(val, pos.node);
+ return utree::iterator(pos.node->prev);
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ inline void utree::insert(iterator pos, std::size_t n, T const& val)
+ {
+ if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
+ return p->insert(pos, n, val);
+ for (std::size_t i = 0; i != n; ++i)
+ insert(pos, val);
+ }
+ template <typename Iter>
+ inline void utree::insert(iterator pos, Iter first, Iter last)
+ {
+ if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
+ return p->insert(pos, first, last);
+ ensure_list_type();
+ while (first != last)
+ insert(pos, *first++);
+ }
+ template <typename Iter>
+ inline void utree::assign(Iter first, Iter last)
+ {
+ if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
+ return p->assign(first, last);
+ ensure_list_type();
+ clear();
+ while (first != last)
+ push_back(*first++);
+ }
+ inline void utree::clear()
+ {
+ if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
+ return p->clear();
+ // clear will always make this a nil type
+ free();
+ set_type(type::nil_type);
+ }
+ inline void utree::pop_front()
+ {
+ if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
+ return p->pop_front();
+ BOOST_ASSERT(get_type() == type::list_type);
+ l.pop_front();
+ }
+ inline void utree::pop_back()
+ {
+ if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
+ return p->pop_back();
+ BOOST_ASSERT(get_type() == type::list_type);
+ l.pop_back();
+ }
+ inline utree::iterator utree::erase(iterator pos)
+ {
+ if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
+ return p->erase(pos);
+ BOOST_ASSERT(get_type() == type::list_type);
+ return iterator(l.erase(pos.node));
+ }
+ inline utree::iterator utree::erase(iterator first, iterator last)
+ {
+ if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
+ return p->erase(first, last);
+ while (first != last)
+ erase(first++);
+ return last;
+ }
+ inline utree::iterator utree::begin()
+ {
+ if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
+ return p->begin();
+ ensure_list_type();
+ return iterator(l.first);
+ }
+ inline utree::iterator utree::end()
+ {
+ if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
+ return p->end();
+ ensure_list_type();
+ return iterator(l.last);
+ }
+ inline utree::const_iterator utree::begin() const
+ {
+ if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
+ return ((utree const*)p)->begin();
+ BOOST_ASSERT(get_type() == type::list_type);
+ return const_iterator(l.first);
+ }
+ inline utree::const_iterator utree::end() const
+ {
+ if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
+ return ((utree const*)p)->end();
+ BOOST_ASSERT(get_type() == type::list_type);
+ return const_iterator(l.last);
+ }
+ inline bool utree::empty() const
+ {
+ if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
+ return ((utree const*)p)->empty();
+ if (get_type() == type::list_type)
+ return l.size == 0;
+ BOOST_ASSERT(get_type() == type::nil_type);
+ return true;
+ }
+ inline std::size_t utree::size() const
+ {
+ if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
+ return ((utree const*)p)->size();
+ if (get_type() == type::list_type)
+ return l.size;
+ BOOST_ASSERT(get_type() == type::nil_type);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ inline utree& utree::front()
+ {
+ if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
+ return p->front();
+ BOOST_ASSERT(get_type() == type::list_type && l.first != 0);
+ return l.first->val;
+ }
+ inline utree& utree::back()
+ {
+ if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
+ return p->back();
+ BOOST_ASSERT(get_type() == type::list_type && l.last != 0);
+ return l.last->val;
+ }
+ inline utree const& utree::front() const
+ {
+ if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
+ return ((utree const*)p)->front();
+ BOOST_ASSERT(get_type() == type::list_type && l.first != 0);
+ return l.first->val;
+ }
+ inline utree const& utree::back() const
+ {
+ if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
+ return ((utree const*)p)->back();
+ BOOST_ASSERT(get_type() == type::list_type && l.last != 0);
+ return l.last->val;
+ }
+ inline void utree::swap(utree& other)
+ {
+ s.swap(other.s);
+ }
+ inline utree::type::info utree::get_type() const
+ {
+ // the fast string holds the type info
+ return s.get_type();
+ }
+ inline void utree::set_type(type::info t)
+ {
+ // the fast string holds the type info
+ s.set_type(t);
+ }
+ inline void utree::ensure_list_type()
+ {
+ if (get_type() == type::nil_type)
+ {
+ set_type(type::list_type);
+ l.default_construct();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ BOOST_ASSERT(get_type() == type::list_type);
+ }
+ }
+ inline void utree::free()
+ {
+ switch (get_type())
+ {
+ case type::heap_string_type:
+ s.free();
+ break;
+ case type::list_type:
+ l.free();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ };
+ }
+ inline void utree::copy(utree const& other)
+ {
+ set_type(other.get_type());
+ switch (other.get_type())
+ {
+ case type::nil_type:
+ break;
+ case type::bool_type:
+ b = other.b;
+ break;
+ case type::int_type:
+ i = other.i;
+ break;
+ case type::double_type:
+ d = other.d;
+ break;
+ case type::reference_type:
+ p = other.p;
+ break;
+ case type::small_string_type:
+ case type::heap_string_type:
+ s.copy(other.s);
+ break;
+ case type::list_type:
+ l.copy(other.l);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ inline utree::utree(construct_list)
+ {
+ l.default_construct();
+ set_type(type::list_type);
+ }
Modified: trunk/libs/spirit/example/scheme/utree.hpp
--- trunk/libs/spirit/example/scheme/utree.hpp (original)
+++ trunk/libs/spirit/example/scheme/utree.hpp 2010-03-11 03:08:52 EST (Thu, 11 Mar 2010)
@@ -16,124 +16,7 @@
#include <boost/range/iterator_range.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_pointer.hpp>
#include <boost/ref.hpp>
-#if defined(BOOST_MSVC)
-# pragma warning(push)
-# pragma warning(disable: 4804)
-# pragma warning(disable: 4805)
-# pragma warning(disable: 4244)
-namespace scheme { namespace detail
- template <typename UTreeX, typename UTreeY>
- struct visit_impl;
- struct index_impl;
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Our utree can store these types. This enum tells us what type
- // of data is stored in utree's discriminated union.
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- struct utree_type
- {
- enum info
- {
- nil_type,
- bool_type,
- int_type,
- double_type,
- small_string_type,
- heap_string_type,
- list_type,
- reference_type
- };
- };
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Our POD fast string. This implementation is very primitive and is not
- // meant to be used stand-alone. This is the internal data representation
- // of strings in our utree. This is deliberately a POD to allow it to be
- // placed in a union. This POD fast string specifically utilizes
- // (sizeof(double) * 2) - (2 * sizeof(char)). In a 32 bit system, this is
- // 14 bytes. The two extra bytes are used by utree to store management info.
- //
- // It is a const string (i.e. immutable). It stores the characters directly
- // if possible and only uses the heap if the string does not fit. Null
- // characters are allowed, making it suitable to encode raw binary. The
- // string length is encoded in the first byte if the string is placed in-situ,
- // else, the length plus a pointer to the string in the heap are stored.
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- struct fast_string // Keep this a POD!
- {
- static std::size_t const
- buff_size = (sizeof(double)*2)/sizeof(char);
- static std::size_t const
- small_string_size = buff_size-(sizeof(char)*2);
- struct heap_store
- {
- char* str;
- std::size_t size;
- };
- union
- {
- char buff[buff_size];
- heap_store heap;
- };
- utree_type::info get_type() const;
- void set_type(utree_type::info t);
- std::size_t size() const;
- char const* str() const;
- template <typename Iterator>
- void construct(Iterator f, Iterator l);
- void swap(fast_string& other);
- void free();
- void copy(fast_string const& other);
- };
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Our POD double linked list. Straightforward implementation.
- // This implementation is very primitive and is not meant to be
- // used stand-alone. This is the internal data representation
- // of lists in our utree.
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- struct list // keep this a POD!
- {
- struct node;
- template <typename Value>
- class node_iterator;
- void free();
- void copy(list const& other);
- void default_construct();
- template <typename T>
- void insert_before(T const& val, node* node);
- template <typename T>
- void insert_after(T const& val, node* node);
- template <typename T>
- void push_front(T const& val);
- template <typename T>
- void push_back(T const& val);
- void pop_front();
- void pop_back();
- node* erase(node* pos);
- node* first;
- node* last;
- std::size_t size;
- };
+#include "detail/utree_detail1.hpp"
namespace scheme
@@ -299,972 +182,5 @@
-namespace scheme { namespace detail
- inline utree_type::info fast_string::get_type() const
- {
- return static_cast<utree_type::info>(buff[small_string_size]);
- }
- inline void fast_string::set_type(utree_type::info t)
- {
- buff[small_string_size] = static_cast<char>(t);
- }
- inline std::size_t fast_string::size() const
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT(get_type() == utree_type::small_string_type
- || get_type() == utree_type::heap_string_type);
- if (get_type() == utree_type::small_string_type)
- return buff[0];
- else
- return heap.size;
- }
- inline char const* fast_string::str() const
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT(get_type() == utree_type::small_string_type
- || get_type() == utree_type::heap_string_type);
- if (get_type() == utree_type::small_string_type)
- return buff + 1;
- else
- return heap.str;
- }
- template <typename Iterator>
- inline void fast_string::construct(Iterator f, Iterator l)
- {
- unsigned const size = l-f;
- char* str;
- if (size < small_string_size)
- {
- // if it fits, store it in-situ; the first byte
- // is the length of the string.
- str = buff + 1;
- buff[0] = size;
- set_type(utree_type::small_string_type);
- }
- else
- {
- // else, store it in the heap
- str = new char[size];
- heap.str = str;
- heap.size = size;
- set_type(utree_type::heap_string_type);
- }
- for (std::size_t i = 0; i != size; ++i)
- {
- *str++ = *f++;
- }
- }
- inline void fast_string::swap(fast_string& other)
- {
- fast_string temp = other;
- other = *this;
- *this = temp;
- }
- inline void fast_string::free()
- {
- if (get_type() == utree_type::heap_string_type)
- {
- delete [] heap.str;
- heap.str = 0;
- }
- }
- inline void fast_string::copy(fast_string const& other)
- {
- construct(other.str(), other.str() + other.size());
- }
- struct list::node : boost::noncopyable
- {
- template <typename T>
- node(T const& val, node* next, node* prev)
- : val(val), next(next), prev(prev) {}
- void unlink()
- {
- prev->next = next;
- next->prev = prev;
- }
- utree val;
- node* next;
- node* prev;
- };
- template <typename Value>
- class list::node_iterator
- : public boost::iterator_facade<
- node_iterator<Value>
- , Value
- , boost::bidirectional_traversal_tag
- >
- {
- public:
- node_iterator()
- : node(0) {}
- explicit node_iterator(list::node* p)
- : node(p) {}
- private:
- friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
- friend class scheme::utree;
- void increment()
- {
- node = node->next;
- }
- void decrement()
- {
- node = node->prev;
- }
- bool equal(node_iterator const& other) const
- {
- return node == other.node;
- }
- utree& dereference() const
- {
- return node->val;
- }
- list::node* node;
- };
- inline void list::free()
- {
- node* p = first;
- while (p != last)
- {
- node* next = p->next;
- delete p;
- p = next;
- }
- first = last = 0;
- size = 0;
- }
- inline void list::copy(list const& other)
- {
- first = last = 0;
- node* p = other.first;
- while (p != 0)
- {
- push_back(p->val);
- p = p->next;
- }
- }
- inline void list::default_construct()
- {
- first = last = 0;
- size = 0;
- }
- template <typename T>
- inline void list::insert_before(T const& val, node* np)
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT(np != 0);
- node* new_node = new node(val, np, np->prev);
- if (np->prev)
- np->prev->next = new_node;
- else
- first = new_node;
- np->prev = new_node;
- ++size;
- }
- template <typename T>
- inline void list::insert_after(T const& val, node* np)
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT(np != 0);
- node* new_node = new node(val, np->next, np);
- if (np->next)
- np->next->prev = new_node;
- else
- last = new_node;
- np->next = new_node;
- ++size;
- }
- template <typename T>
- inline void list::push_front(T const& val)
- {
- detail::list::node* new_node;
- if (first == 0)
- {
- new_node = new detail::list::node(val, 0, 0);
- first = last = new_node;
- ++size;
- }
- else
- {
- insert_before(val, first);
- }
- }
- template <typename T>
- inline void list::push_back(T const& val)
- {
- if (last == 0)
- push_front(val);
- else
- insert_after(val, last);
- }
- inline void list::pop_front()
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT(size != 0);
- node* np = first;
- first = first->next;
- first->prev = 0;
- delete np;
- --size;
- }
- inline void list::pop_back()
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT(size != 0);
- node* np = last;
- last = last->prev;
- last->next = 0;
- delete np;
- --size;
- }
- inline list::node* list::erase(node* pos)
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT(pos != 0);
- if (pos == first)
- {
- pop_front();
- return first;
- }
- else if (pos == last)
- {
- pop_back();
- return 0;
- }
- else
- {
- node* next(pos->next);
- pos->unlink();
- delete pos;
- --size;
- return next;
- }
- }
- template <typename F, typename X>
- struct bind_impl // simple binder for binary visitation (we don't want to bring in the big guns)
- {
- typedef typename F::result_type result_type;
- X& x; // always by reference
- F f;
- bind_impl(F f, X& x) : x(x), f(f) {}
- template <typename Y>
- typename F::result_type operator()(Y& y) const
- {
- return f(x, y);
- }
- template <typename Y>
- typename F::result_type operator()(Y const& y) const
- {
- return f(x, y);
- }
- };
- template <typename F, typename X>
- bind_impl<F, X const> bind(F f, X const& x)
- {
- return bind_impl<F, X const>(f, x);
- }
- template <typename F, typename X>
- bind_impl<F, X> bind(F f, X& x)
- {
- return bind_impl<F, X>(f, x);
- }
- struct utree_is_equal
- {
- typedef bool result_type;
- template <typename A, typename B>
- bool dispatch(const A&, const B&, boost::mpl::false_) const
- {
- return false; // cannot compare different types by default
- }
- template <typename A, typename B>
- bool dispatch(const A& a, const B& b, boost::mpl::true_) const
- {
- return a == b; // for arithmetic types
- }
- template <typename A, typename B>
- bool operator()(const A& a, const B& b) const
- {
- return dispatch(a, b,
- boost::mpl::and_<
- boost::is_arithmetic<A>,
- boost::is_arithmetic<B> >());
- }
- template <typename T>
- bool operator()(const T& a, const T& b) const
- {
- // This code works for lists and strings as well
- return a == b;
- }
- bool operator()(utree::nil, utree::nil) const
- {
- return true;
- }
- };
- struct utree_is_less_than
- {
- typedef bool result_type;
- template <typename A, typename B>
- bool dispatch(const A&, const B&, boost::mpl::false_) const
- {
- return false; // cannot compare different types by default
- }
- template <typename A, typename B>
- bool dispatch(const A& a, const B& b, boost::mpl::true_) const
- {
- return a < b; // for arithmetic types
- }
- template <typename A, typename B>
- bool operator()(const A& a, const B& b) const
- {
- return dispatch(a, b,
- boost::mpl::and_<
- boost::is_arithmetic<A>,
- boost::is_arithmetic<B> >());
- }
- template <typename T>
- bool operator()(const T& a, const T& b) const
- {
- // This code works for lists and strings as well
- return a < b;
- }
- bool operator()(utree::nil, utree::nil) const
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT(false);
- return false; // no less than comparison for nil
- }
- };
- template <typename UTreeX, typename UTreeY = UTreeX>
- struct visit_impl
- {
- template <typename F>
- typename F::result_type
- static apply(UTreeX& x, F f) // single dispatch
- {
- typedef typename
- boost::mpl::if_<boost::is_const<UTreeX>, char const*, char*>::type
- string_type;
- typedef typename
- boost::mpl::if_<boost::is_const<UTreeX>,
- typename UTreeX::const_iterator,
- typename UTreeX::iterator>::type
- iterator;
- typedef boost::iterator_range<iterator> list_range;
- typedef boost::iterator_range<string_type> string_range;
- typedef detail::utree_type type;
- switch (x.get_type())
- {
- default:
- BOOST_ASSERT(false); // can't happen
- case type::nil_type:
- typename UTreeX::nil arg;
- return f(arg);
- case type::bool_type:
- return f(x.b);
- case type::int_type:
- return f(x.i);
- case type::double_type:
- return f(x.d);
- case type::list_type:
- return f(list_range(iterator(x.l.first), iterator(0)));
- case type::heap_string_type:
- case type::small_string_type:
- return f(string_range(x.s.str(), x.s.str() + x.s.size()));
- case type::reference_type:
- return apply(*x.p, f);
- }
- }
- template <typename F>
- typename F::result_type
- static apply(UTreeX& x, UTreeY& y, F f) // double dispatch
- {
- typedef typename
- boost::mpl::if_<boost::is_const<UTreeX>, char const*, char*>::type
- string_type;
- typedef typename
- boost::mpl::if_<boost::is_const<UTreeX>,
- typename UTreeX::const_iterator,
- typename UTreeX::iterator>::type
- iterator;
- typedef boost::iterator_range<iterator> list_range;
- typedef boost::iterator_range<string_type> string_range;
- typedef detail::utree_type type;
- switch (x.get_type())
- {
- default:
- BOOST_ASSERT(false); // can't happen
- case type::nil_type:
- typename UTreeX::nil x_;
- return visit_impl::apply(y, detail::bind(f, x_));
- case type::bool_type:
- return visit_impl::apply(y, detail::bind(f, x.b));
- case type::int_type:
- return visit_impl::apply(y, detail::bind(f, x.i));
- case type::double_type:
- return visit_impl::apply(y, detail::bind(f, x.d));
- case type::list_type:
- return visit_impl::apply(
- y, detail::bind<F, list_range>(f,
- list_range(iterator(x.l.first), iterator(0))));
- case type::heap_string_type:
- case type::small_string_type:
- return visit_impl::apply(y, detail::bind(
- f, string_range(x.s.str(), x.s.str() + x.s.size())));
- case type::reference_type:
- return apply(*x.p, y, f);
- }
- }
- };
- struct index_impl
- {
- static utree& apply(list::node* node, std::size_t i)
- {
- for (; i > 0; --i)
- node = node->next;
- return node->val;
- }
- static utree const& apply(list::node const* node, std::size_t i)
- {
- for (; i > 0; --i)
- node = node->next;
- return node->val;
- }
- };
-namespace scheme
- inline utree::utree()
- {
- set_type(type::nil_type);
- }
- inline utree::utree(bool b) : b(b)
- {
- set_type(type::bool_type);
- }
- inline utree::utree(unsigned int i) : i(i)
- {
- set_type(type::int_type);
- }
- inline utree::utree(int i) : i(i)
- {
- set_type(type::int_type);
- }
- inline utree::utree(double d) : d(d)
- {
- set_type(type::double_type);
- }
- inline utree::utree(char const* str)
- {
- s.construct(str, str + strlen(str));
- }
- inline utree::utree(char const* str, std::size_t len)
- {
- s.construct(str, str + len);
- }
- inline utree::utree(std::string const& str)
- {
- s.construct(str.begin(), str.end());
- }
- inline utree::utree(boost::reference_wrapper<utree> ref)
- : p(ref.get_pointer())
- {
- set_type(type::reference_type);
- }
- inline utree::utree(utree const& other)
- {
- copy(other);
- }
- inline utree::~utree()
- {
- free();
- }
- inline utree& utree::operator=(utree const& other)
- {
- if (this != &other)
- {
- free();
- copy(other);
- }
- return *this;
- }
- inline utree& utree::operator=(bool b_)
- {
- free();
- b = b_;
- set_type(type::bool_type);
- return *this;
- }
- inline utree& utree::operator=(unsigned int i_)
- {
- free();
- i = i_;
- set_type(type::int_type);
- return *this;
- }
- inline utree& utree::operator=(int i_)
- {
- free();
- i = i_;
- set_type(type::int_type);
- return *this;
- }
- inline utree& utree::operator=(double d_)
- {
- free();
- d = d_;
- set_type(type::double_type);
- return *this;
- }
- inline utree& utree::operator=(char const* s_)
- {
- free();
- s.construct(s_, s_ + strlen(s_));
- return *this;
- }
- inline utree& utree::operator=(std::string const& s_)
- {
- free();
- s.construct(s_.begin(), s_.end());
- return *this;
- }
- inline utree& utree::operator=(boost::reference_wrapper<utree> ref)
- {
- free();
- p = ref.get_pointer();
- set_type(type::reference_type);
- return *this;
- }
- template <typename F>
- typename F::result_type
- inline utree::visit(utree const& x, F f)
- {
- return detail::visit_impl<utree const>::apply(x, f);
- }
- template <typename F>
- typename F::result_type
- inline utree::visit(utree& x, F f)
- {
- return detail::visit_impl<utree>::apply(x, f);
- }
- template <typename F>
- typename F::result_type
- inline utree::visit(utree const& x, utree const& y, F f)
- {
- return detail::visit_impl<utree const, utree const>::apply(x, y, f);
- }
- template <typename F>
- typename F::result_type
- inline utree::visit(utree const& x, utree& y, F f)
- {
- return detail::visit_impl<utree const, utree>::apply(x, y, f);
- }
- template <typename F>
- typename F::result_type
- inline utree::visit(utree& x, utree const& y, F f)
- {
- return detail::visit_impl<utree, utree const>::apply(x, y, f);
- }
- template <typename F>
- typename F::result_type
- inline utree::visit(utree& x, utree& y, F f)
- {
- return detail::visit_impl<utree, utree>::apply(x, y, f);
- }
- inline utree& utree::operator[](std::size_t i)
- {
- if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
- return (*p)[i];
- BOOST_ASSERT(get_type() == type::list_type && size() > i);
- return detail::index_impl::apply(l.first, i);
- }
- inline utree const& utree::operator[](std::size_t i) const
- {
- if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
- return (*(utree const*)p)[i];
- BOOST_ASSERT(get_type() == type::list_type && size() > i);
- return detail::index_impl::apply(l.first, i);
- }
- inline bool operator==(utree const& a, utree const& b)
- {
- return utree::visit(a, b, detail::utree_is_equal());
- }
- inline bool operator<(utree const& a, utree const& b)
- {
- return utree::visit(a, b, detail::utree_is_less_than());
- }
- inline bool operator!=(utree const& a, utree const& b)
- {
- return !(a == b);
- }
- inline bool operator>(utree const& a, utree const& b)
- {
- return b < a;
- }
- inline bool operator<=(utree const& a, utree const& b)
- {
- return !(b < a);
- }
- inline bool operator>=(utree const& a, utree const& b)
- {
- return !(a < b);
- }
- template <typename T>
- inline void utree::push_front(T const& val)
- {
- if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
- return p->push_front(val);
- ensure_list_type();
- l.push_front(val);
- }
- template <typename T>
- inline void utree::push_back(T const& val)
- {
- if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
- return p->push_back(val);
- ensure_list_type();
- l.push_back(val);
- }
- template <typename T>
- inline utree::iterator utree::insert(iterator pos, T const& val)
- {
- if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
- return p->insert(pos, val);
- ensure_list_type();
- if (pos.node == l.last)
- {
- push_back(val);
- return begin();
- }
- else
- {
- l.insert_before(val, pos.node);
- return utree::iterator(pos.node->prev);
- }
- }
- template <typename T>
- inline void utree::insert(iterator pos, std::size_t n, T const& val)
- {
- if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
- return p->insert(pos, n, val);
- for (std::size_t i = 0; i != n; ++i)
- insert(pos, val);
- }
- template <typename Iter>
- inline void utree::insert(iterator pos, Iter first, Iter last)
- {
- if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
- return p->insert(pos, first, last);
- ensure_list_type();
- while (first != last)
- insert(pos, *first++);
- }
- template <typename Iter>
- inline void utree::assign(Iter first, Iter last)
- {
- if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
- return p->assign(first, last);
- ensure_list_type();
- clear();
- while (first != last)
- push_back(*first++);
- }
- inline void utree::clear()
- {
- if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
- return p->clear();
- // clear will always make this a nil type
- free();
- set_type(type::nil_type);
- }
- inline void utree::pop_front()
- {
- if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
- return p->pop_front();
- BOOST_ASSERT(get_type() == type::list_type);
- l.pop_front();
- }
- inline void utree::pop_back()
- {
- if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
- return p->pop_back();
- BOOST_ASSERT(get_type() == type::list_type);
- l.pop_back();
- }
- inline utree::iterator utree::erase(iterator pos)
- {
- if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
- return p->erase(pos);
- BOOST_ASSERT(get_type() == type::list_type);
- return iterator(l.erase(pos.node));
- }
- inline utree::iterator utree::erase(iterator first, iterator last)
- {
- if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
- return p->erase(first, last);
- while (first != last)
- erase(first++);
- return last;
- }
- inline utree::iterator utree::begin()
- {
- if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
- return p->begin();
- ensure_list_type();
- return iterator(l.first);
- }
- inline utree::iterator utree::end()
- {
- if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
- return p->end();
- ensure_list_type();
- return iterator(l.last);
- }
- inline utree::const_iterator utree::begin() const
- {
- if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
- return ((utree const*)p)->begin();
- BOOST_ASSERT(get_type() == type::list_type);
- return const_iterator(l.first);
- }
- inline utree::const_iterator utree::end() const
- {
- if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
- return ((utree const*)p)->end();
- BOOST_ASSERT(get_type() == type::list_type);
- return const_iterator(l.last);
- }
- inline bool utree::empty() const
- {
- if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
- return ((utree const*)p)->empty();
- if (get_type() == type::list_type)
- return l.size == 0;
- BOOST_ASSERT(get_type() == type::nil_type);
- return true;
- }
- inline std::size_t utree::size() const
- {
- if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
- return ((utree const*)p)->size();
- if (get_type() == type::list_type)
- return l.size;
- BOOST_ASSERT(get_type() == type::nil_type);
- return 0;
- }
- inline utree& utree::front()
- {
- if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
- return p->front();
- BOOST_ASSERT(get_type() == type::list_type && l.first != 0);
- return l.first->val;
- }
- inline utree& utree::back()
- {
- if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
- return p->back();
- BOOST_ASSERT(get_type() == type::list_type && l.last != 0);
- return l.last->val;
- }
- inline utree const& utree::front() const
- {
- if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
- return ((utree const*)p)->front();
- BOOST_ASSERT(get_type() == type::list_type && l.first != 0);
- return l.first->val;
- }
- inline utree const& utree::back() const
- {
- if (get_type() == type::reference_type)
- return ((utree const*)p)->back();
- BOOST_ASSERT(get_type() == type::list_type && l.last != 0);
- return l.last->val;
- }
- inline void utree::swap(utree& other)
- {
- s.swap(other.s);
- }
- inline utree::type::info utree::get_type() const
- {
- // the fast string holds the type info
- return s.get_type();
- }
- inline void utree::set_type(type::info t)
- {
- // the fast string holds the type info
- s.set_type(t);
- }
- inline void utree::ensure_list_type()
- {
- if (get_type() == type::nil_type)
- {
- set_type(type::list_type);
- l.default_construct();
- }
- else
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT(get_type() == type::list_type);
- }
- }
- inline void utree::free()
- {
- switch (get_type())
- {
- case type::heap_string_type:
- s.free();
- break;
- case type::list_type:
- l.free();
- break;
- default:
- break;
- };
- }
- inline void utree::copy(utree const& other)
- {
- set_type(other.get_type());
- switch (other.get_type())
- {
- case type::nil_type:
- break;
- case type::bool_type:
- b = other.b;
- break;
- case type::int_type:
- i = other.i;
- break;
- case type::double_type:
- d = other.d;
- break;
- case type::reference_type:
- p = other.p;
- break;
- case type::small_string_type:
- case type::heap_string_type:
- s.copy(other.s);
- break;
- case type::list_type:
- l.copy(other.l);
- break;
- }
- }
- inline utree::utree(construct_list)
- {
- l.default_construct();
- set_type(type::list_type);
- }
+#include "detail/utree_detail2.hpp"
Boost-Commit list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk