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Boost-Commit : |
Subject: [Boost-commit] svn:boost r61121 - sandbox/geometry/boost/geometry/algorithms/detail/overlay
From: barend.gehrels_at_[hidden]
Date: 2010-04-07 08:00:16
Author: barendgehrels
Date: 2010-04-07 08:00:15 EDT (Wed, 07 Apr 2010)
New Revision: 61121
URL: http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/61121
Removed quadratic behavior in split_rings, now one call to get_turns, sort turns, and split
Text files modified:
sandbox/geometry/boost/geometry/algorithms/detail/overlay/split_rings.hpp | 354 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
1 files changed, 240 insertions(+), 114 deletions(-)
Modified: sandbox/geometry/boost/geometry/algorithms/detail/overlay/split_rings.hpp
--- sandbox/geometry/boost/geometry/algorithms/detail/overlay/split_rings.hpp (original)
+++ sandbox/geometry/boost/geometry/algorithms/detail/overlay/split_rings.hpp 2010-04-07 08:00:15 EDT (Wed, 07 Apr 2010)
@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
+//#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/overlay/get_turns.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/core/point_type.hpp>
@@ -59,6 +62,9 @@
--> we use id1+1
+ After that, we need to update all indices AFTER IP.
+ We removed two vertices here (4-2), and added one (the IP)
static inline void apply(Range& range, Range& output
, segment_identifier const& id1
@@ -93,7 +99,7 @@
-template <typename Polygon>
+/*template <typename Polygon>
struct split_polygon
typedef typename geometry::ring_type<Polygon>::type ring_type;
@@ -114,7 +120,7 @@
split_range<ring_type>::apply(ring, splitted, id1, id2, point);
template <typename Tag, typename Geometry>
@@ -127,9 +133,13 @@
-template <typename Polygon>
-struct split<polygon_tag, Polygon> : split_polygon<Polygon>
+//template <typename Polygon>
+//struct split<polygon_tag, Polygon> : split_polygon<Polygon>
template <typename Tag, typename RingCollection, typename Geometry>
@@ -188,6 +198,73 @@
+/// Sorts vector of turns (results from get_turns)
+template <typename Turn>
+struct sorter
+ inline bool operator()(Turn const& left, Turn const& right) const
+ {
+ if (left.count_between != right.count_between)
+ {
+ return left.count_between < right.count_between;
+ }
+ if (left.operations[0].seg_id.segment_index
+ == right.operations[0].seg_id.segment_index)
+ {
+ return left.operations[0].distance < right.operations[0].distance;
+ }
+ return left.operations[0].seg_id.segment_index
+ < right.operations[0].seg_id.segment_index;
+ }
+/// Turn operation with additional distance field
+template <typename P>
+struct split_turn_operation : public detail::overlay::turn_operation
+ inline split_turn_operation()
+ : detail::overlay::turn_operation()
+ , distance(geometry::make_distance_result<distance_type>(0))
+ {}
+ typedef typename distance_result<P, P>::type distance_type;
+ distance_type distance; // distance-measurement from segment.first to IP
+/// Turn information with distance fields, plus "count_between" field
+template <typename P>
+struct split_turn_info : detail::overlay::turn_info
+ <
+ P, split_turn_operation<P>
+ >
+ //std::string history;
+ int count_between; // counts number of segments between ring in intersection
+ split_turn_info()
+ : count_between(0)
+ {}
+/// Policy to calculate distance
+struct split_calculate_distance_policy
+ template <typename Point1, typename Point2, typename Info>
+ static inline void apply(Info& info, Point1 const& p1, Point2 const& p2)
+ {
+ info.operations[0].distance
+ = boost::geometry::distance(info.point, p1);
+ info.operations[1].distance
+ = boost::geometry::distance(info.point, p2);
+ }
template <typename Range, typename RingCollection>
class range_split_rings
@@ -196,27 +273,6 @@
typedef typename geometry::ring_type<Range>::type ring_type;
- // create sections in one dimension
- typedef box<point_type> box_type;
- typedef sections<box_type, 1> sections_type;
- typedef typename sections_type::value_type section_type;
- typedef typename boost::range_reverse_iterator<sections_type const>::type
- section_iterator;
- typedef typename boost::range_iterator
- <
- typename geometry::range_type<Range>::type const
- >::type iterator_type;
- typedef typename boost::range_reverse_iterator
- <
- typename geometry::range_type<Range>::type const
- >::type reverse_iterator_type;
- // for getting intersection points
- typedef detail::overlay::turn_info<point_type> turn_info;
- typedef std::vector<turn_info> turns_type;
typedef typename strategy_intersection
@@ -228,108 +284,185 @@
- static inline bool call(Range& range, RingCollection& ring_collection, int trial)
+ /*
+ template <typename Turns>
+ static void report(Turns const& turns, std::string const& header)
- sections_type sections;
- geometry::sectionalize(range, sections);
+ if (turns.empty())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ std::cout << header << std::endl;
+ BOOST_FOREACH(typename boost::range_value<Turns>::type const& turn, turns)
+ {
+ std::cout
+ << "I at " << turn.operations[0].seg_id.segment_index
+ << "/" << turn.operations[1].seg_id.segment_index
+ << " (" << turn.count_between
+ << ") " << turn.operations[0].distance
+ << "/" << turn.operations[1].distance
+ << " " << geometry::wkt(turn.point) << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ */
- // One section or less, there can be no intersection points.
- if (boost::size(sections) <= 1)
+ template <typename Operation>
+ static bool adapt(Operation& op, Operation const& first, Operation const& second)
+ {
+ if (first.seg_id.segment_index > second.seg_id.segment_index)
- // assign output
- return false;
+ return adapt(op, second, first);
+ if (op.seg_id.segment_index > first.seg_id.segment_index
+ ||
+ (op.seg_id.segment_index == first.seg_id.segment_index
+ && op.distance > first.distance
+ )
+ )
+ {
+ if (op.seg_id.segment_index < second.seg_id.segment_index
+ //|| segment.segment_index == second &&
+ )
+ {
+ // mark for deletion
+ op.seg_id.segment_index = -1;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ op.seg_id.segment_index -= (second.seg_id.segment_index - first.seg_id.segment_index - 1);
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ static void call(Range range, RingCollection& ring_collection)
+ {
+ typedef split_turn_info<point_type> turn_info;
+ typedef std::deque<turn_info> turns_type;
turns_type turns;
- // Outer loop iterates over segments
- iterator_type it1 = boost::begin(range);
+ detail::get_turns::no_interrupt_policy policy;
+ geometry::get_turns
+ <
+ split_calculate_distance_policy
+ >(range, turns, policy);
+ //report(turns, "intersected");
+ // Make operations[0].seg_id always the smallest, to sort properly
+ // Also calculate the number of segments in between
+ for (typename boost::range_iterator<turns_type>::type
+ it = boost::begin(turns);
+ it != boost::end(turns);
+ ++it)
+ {
+ turn_info& turn = *it;
+ if (turn.operations[0].seg_id.segment_index > turn.operations[1].seg_id.segment_index)
+ {
+ std::swap(turn.operations[0], turn.operations[1]);
+ }
+ // ...[1] > ...[0]
+ // check count
+ int const between1 = turn.operations[1].seg_id.segment_index
+ - turn.operations[0].seg_id.segment_index;
+ /*
+ NOTE: if we would use between2 here, we have to adapt other code as well,
+ such as adaption of the indexes; splitting of the range, etc.
+ int between2 = boost::size(range) + turn.operations[0].seg_id.segment_index
+ - turn.operations[1].seg_id.segment_index;
+ turn.count_between = (std::min)(between1, between2);
+ */
+ turn.count_between = between1;
+ }
+ //report(turns, "swapped");
+ std::sort(turns.begin(), turns.end(), sorter<turn_info>());
+ //report(turns, "sorted");
- /*if (trial % 10 == 0)
+ while(turns.size() > 0)
- std::cout << "trial " << trial << std::endl;
- }*/
+ // Process first turn
+ turn_info const& turn = turns.front();
- int index1 = 0;
- for (iterator_type prev1 = it1++;
- it1 != boost::end(range);
- prev1 = it1++, index1++)
- {
- geometry::segment<point_type const> segment1(*prev1, *it1);
- box_type segment_box = geometry::make_envelope<box_type>(segment1);
- // Inner loop iterates reversely over sections
- for (section_iterator sit = boost::rbegin(sections);
- sit != boost::rend(sections);
- sit++)
+ split_turn_operation<point_type> const& first_op = turn.operations[0];
+ split_turn_operation<point_type> const& second_op = turn.operations[1];
+ bool do_split = first_op.seg_id.segment_index >= 0
+ && second_op.seg_id.segment_index >= 0;
+ if (do_split)
- if (! detail::disjoint::disjoint_box_box(segment_box, sit->bounding_box))
+ ring_type copy = range; // TEMP, for check
+ ring_type splitted;
+ split<ring_tag, Range>::apply(range, splitted,
+ turn.operations[0].seg_id, turn.operations[1].seg_id,
+ turn.point);
+ ring_collection.push_back(splitted);
- // Calculate the reverse and not-reverse index
- // Suppose section is [0..2] [begin_index..end_index] and range.size() = 6
- // we want to have 1-2 and then 0-1
- // -> rbegin=5, we want to have [rbegin+3..rbegin+5]
- int index2 = sit->end_index - 1;
- std::size_t count = 0;
+ std::deque<turn_info> splitted_turns;
+ geometry::get_turns
+ <
+ split_calculate_distance_policy
+ >(splitted, splitted_turns, detail::get_turns::no_interrupt_policy());
- // Iterate (reversely) over segments within section
- for (iterator_type it2 = boost::begin(range) + index2 + 1;
- count < sit->count;
- it2--, index2--, count++)
+ if (splitted_turns.size() > 0)
- iterator_type prev2 = it2 - 1;
- // Do not check adjacent segments
- bool skip = index2 + 1 >= index1
- || (index2 == 0 && index1 >= int(sit->range_count) - 2);
- if (! skip)
- {
- geometry::segment<point_type const> segment2(*prev2, *it2);
- typename strategy::return_type result
- = strategy::apply(segment1, segment2);
- if (result.get<0>().count > 0)
- {
- ring_type copy = range;
- ring_type splitted;
- // Insert the intersection point.
- // Split off the sub-ring
- split<ring_tag, Range>::apply(range, splitted,
- segment_identifier(-1, -1, -1, index2),
- segment_identifier(-1, -1, -1, index1),
- result.get<0>().intersections[0]);
- ring_collection.push_back(splitted);
+ std::cout << "not OK! " << splitted_turns.size() << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << " " << geometry::wkt(copy) << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << " " << geometry::wkt(splitted) << std::endl;
+ //report(splitted_turns, "NOT OK");
+ //std::cout << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
- if (geometry::intersects(splitted))
- {
- std::cout << geometry::wkt(copy) << std::endl;
- std::cout << geometry::wkt(splitted) << std::endl;
- std::cout << "not OK " << trial << std::endl;
- }
+ }
+ turns.pop_front();
-if (geometry::area(splitted) > 0)
-std::cout << geometry::wkt(splitted)
- << " ; " << geometry::area(splitted)
- << " " << splitted.size()
- << " at " << geometry::wkt(result.get<0>().intersections[0])
- << std::endl;
- return true;
- }
- }
+ if (do_split)
+ {
+ for (typename boost::range_iterator<turns_type>::type
+ rest = boost::begin(turns);
+ rest != boost::end(turns);
+ ++rest)
+ {
+ //turn_info copy = turn;
+ if (adapt(rest->operations[0], first_op, second_op)
+ || adapt(rest->operations[1], first_op, second_op))
+ {
+ /**
+ std::cout << " ADAPTED "
+ << copy.operations[0].seg_id.segment_index << "/" << copy.operations[1].seg_id.segment_index
+ << " "
+ << geometry::wkt(copy.point) << std::endl;
+ **/
- }
+ }
+ }
+ while(turns.size() > 0
+ && (turns.front().operations[0].seg_id.segment_index < 0
+ || turns.front().operations[1].seg_id.segment_index < 0))
+ {
+ turns.pop_front();
- return false;
+ // Add the (possibly untouched) input range
+ insert_rings<ring_tag, RingCollection, Range>::apply(ring_collection, range);
@@ -337,14 +470,7 @@
// Copy by value of range is intentional, copy is modified here
static inline void apply(Range range, RingCollection& ring_collection)
- int trial = 1;
- while(call(range, ring_collection, trial++))
- {
- // no operation is intentional
- }
- // Add the (possibly untouched) input range
- insert_rings<tag, RingCollection, Range>::apply(ring_collection, range);
+ call(range, ring_collection);
Boost-Commit list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk