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Subject: [Boost-commit] svn:boost r62103 - sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc
From: vicente.botet_at_[hidden]
Date: 2010-05-20 03:37:32
Author: viboes
Date: 2010-05-20 03:37:27 EDT (Thu, 20 May 2010)
New Revision: 62103
URL: http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/62103
Boost.Chrono: Add Boost.Threads 1.43: port to Boost.Chrono to conform with C++0x
sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/Jamfile.v2 (contents, props changed)
sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/acknowledgements.qbk (contents, props changed)
sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/barrier.qbk (contents, props changed)
sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/changes.qbk (contents, props changed)
sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/condition_variables.qbk (contents, props changed)
sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/future_ref.qbk (contents, props changed)
sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/futures.qbk (contents, props changed)
sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/index.html (contents, props changed)
sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/mutex_concepts.qbk (contents, props changed)
sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/mutexes.qbk (contents, props changed)
sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/once.qbk (contents, props changed)
sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/overview.qbk (contents, props changed)
sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/shared_mutex_ref.qbk (contents, props changed)
sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/thread.qbk (contents, props changed)
sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/thread_ref.qbk (contents, props changed)
sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/time.qbk (contents, props changed)
sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/tss.qbk (contents, props changed)
Added: sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/Jamfile.v2
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/Jamfile.v2 2010-05-20 03:37:27 EDT (Thu, 20 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# (C) Copyright 2008 Anthony Williams
+# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+# file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+path-constant boost-images : ../../../doc/src/images ;
+xml thread : thread.qbk ;
+boostbook standalone
+ :
+ thread
+ :
+ # HTML options first:
+ # Use graphics not text for navigation:
+ <xsl:param>navig.graphics=1
+ # How far down we chunk nested sections, basically all of them:
+ <xsl:param>chunk.section.depth=3
+ # Don't put the first section on the same page as the TOC:
+ <xsl:param>chunk.first.sections=1
+ # How far down sections get TOC's
+ <xsl:param>toc.section.depth=10
+ # Max depth in each TOC:
+ <xsl:param>toc.max.depth=3
+ # How far down we go with TOC's
+ <xsl:param>generate.section.toc.level=10
+ # Path for links to Boost:
+ <xsl:param>boost.root=../../../..
+ # Path for libraries index:
+ <xsl:param>boost.libraries=../../../../libs/libraries.htm
+ # Use the main Boost stylesheet:
+ <xsl:param>html.stylesheet=../../../../doc/html/boostbook.css
+ ;
Added: sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/acknowledgements.qbk
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/acknowledgements.qbk 2010-05-20 03:37:27 EDT (Thu, 20 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ (C) Copyright 2007-8 Anthony Williams.
+ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+ (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+[section:acknowledgements Acknowledgments]
+The original implementation of __boost_thread__ was written by William Kempf, with contributions from numerous others. This new
+version initially grew out of an attempt to rewrite __boost_thread__ to William Kempf's design with fresh code that could be
+released under the Boost Software License. However, as the C++ Standards committee have been actively discussing standardizing a
+thread library for C++, this library has evolved to reflect the proposals, whilst retaining as much backwards-compatibility as
+Particular thanks must be given to Roland Schwarz, who contributed a lot of time and code to the original __boost_thread__ library,
+and who has been actively involved with the rewrite. The scheme for dividing the platform-specific implementations into separate
+directories was devised by Roland, and his input has contributed greatly to improving the quality of the current implementation.
+Thanks also must go to Peter Dimov, Howard Hinnant, Alexander Terekhov, Chris Thomasson and others for their comments on the
+implementation details of the code.
Added: sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/barrier.qbk
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/barrier.qbk 2010-05-20 03:37:27 EDT (Thu, 20 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+ (C) Copyright 2007-8 Anthony Williams.
+ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+ (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+[section:barriers Barriers]
+A barrier is a simple concept. Also known as a ['rendezvous], it is a synchronization point between multiple threads. The barrier is
+configured for a particular number of threads (`n`), and as threads reach the barrier they must wait until all `n` threads have
+arrived. Once the `n`-th thread has reached the barrier, all the waiting threads can proceed, and the barrier is reset.
+[section:barrier Class `barrier`]
+ #include <boost/thread/barrier.hpp>
+ class barrier
+ {
+ public:
+ barrier(unsigned int count);
+ ~barrier();
+ bool wait();
+ };
+Instances of __barrier__ are not copyable or movable.
+[heading Constructor]
+ barrier(unsigned int count);
+[[Effects:] [Construct a barrier for `count` threads.]]
+[[Throws:] [__thread_resource_error__ if an error occurs.]]
+[heading Destructor]
+ ~barrier();
+[[Precondition:] [No threads are waiting on `*this`.]]
+[[Effects:] [Destroys `*this`.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[heading Member function `wait`]
+ bool wait();
+[[Effects:] [Block until `count` threads have called `wait` on `*this`. When the `count`-th thread calls `wait`, all waiting threads
+are unblocked, and the barrier is reset. ]]
+[[Returns:] [`true` for exactly one thread from each batch of waiting threads, `false` otherwise.]]
+[[Throws:] [__thread_resource_error__ if an error occurs.]]
Added: sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/changes.qbk
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/changes.qbk 2010-05-20 03:37:27 EDT (Thu, 20 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+ (C) Copyright 2007-8 Anthony Williams.
+ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+ (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+[section:changes Changes since boost 1.40]
+The 1.41.0 release of Boost adds futures to the thread library. There are also a few minor changes.
+[heading Changes since boost 1.35]
+The 1.36.0 release of Boost includes a few new features in the thread library:
+* New generic __lock_multiple_ref__ and __try_lock_multiple_ref__ functions for locking multiple mutexes at once.
+* Rvalue reference support for move semantics where the compilers supports it.
+* A few bugs fixed and missing functions added (including the serious win32 condition variable bug).
+* `scoped_try_lock` types are now backwards-compatible with Boost 1.34.0 and previous releases.
+* Support for passing function arguments to the thread function by supplying additional arguments to the __thread__ constructor.
+* Backwards-compatibility overloads added for `timed_lock` and `timed_wait` functions to allow use of `xtime` for timeouts.
+[heading Changes since boost 1.34]
+Almost every line of code in __boost_thread__ has been changed since the 1.34 release of boost. However, most of the interface
+changes have been extensions, so the new code is largely backwards-compatible with the old code. The new features and breaking
+changes are described below.
+[heading New Features]
+* Instances of __thread__ and of the various lock types are now movable.
+* Threads can be interrupted at __interruption_points__.
+* Condition variables can now be used with any type that implements the __lockable_concept__, through the use of
+`boost::condition_variable_any` (`boost::condition` is a `typedef` to `boost::condition_variable_any`, provided for backwards
+compatibility). `boost::condition_variable` is provided as an optimization, and will only work with
+`boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex>` (`boost::mutex::scoped_lock`).
+* Thread IDs are separated from __thread__, so a thread can obtain it's own ID (using `boost::this_thread::get_id()`), and IDs can
+be used as keys in associative containers, as they have the full set of comparison operators.
+* Timeouts are now implemented using the Boost DateTime library, through a typedef `boost::system_time` for absolute timeouts, and
+with support for relative timeouts in many cases. `boost::xtime` is supported for backwards compatibility only.
+* Locks are implemented as publicly accessible templates `boost::lock_guard`, `boost::unique_lock`, `boost::shared_lock`, and
+`boost::upgrade_lock`, which are templated on the type of the mutex. The __lockable_concept__ has been extended to include publicly
+available __lock_ref__ and __unlock_ref__ member functions, which are used by the lock types.
+[heading Breaking Changes]
+The list below should cover all changes to the public interface which break backwards compatibility.
+* __try_mutex__ has been removed, and the functionality subsumed into __mutex__. __try_mutex__ is left as a `typedef`,
+but is no longer a separate class.
+* __recursive_try_mutex__ has been removed, and the functionality subsumed into
+__recursive_mutex__. __recursive_try_mutex__ is left as a `typedef`, but is no longer a separate class.
+* `boost::detail::thread::lock_ops` has been removed. Code that relies on the `lock_ops` implementation detail will no longer work,
+as this has been removed, as it is no longer necessary now that mutex types now have public __lock_ref__ and __unlock_ref__ member
+* `scoped_lock` constructors with a second parameter of type `bool` are no longer provided. With previous boost releases,
+``boost::mutex::scoped_lock some_lock(some_mutex,false);`` could be used to create a lock object that was associated with a mutex,
+but did not lock it on construction. This facility has now been replaced with the constructor that takes a
+`boost::defer_lock_type` as the second parameter: ``boost::mutex::scoped_lock some_lock(some_mutex,boost::defer_lock);``
+* The `locked()` member function of the `scoped_lock` types has been renamed to __owns_lock_ref__.
+* You can no longer obtain a __thread__ instance representing the current thread: a default-constructed __thread__ object is not
+associated with any thread. The only use for such a thread object was to support the comparison operators: this functionality has
+been moved to __thread_id__.
+* The broken `boost::read_write_mutex` has been replaced with __shared_mutex__.
+* __mutex__ is now never recursive. For Boost releases prior to 1.35 __mutex__ was recursive on Windows and not on POSIX platforms.
+* When using a __recursive_mutex__ with a call to [cond_any_wait_link `boost::condition_variable_any::wait()`], the mutex is only
+ unlocked one level, and not completely. This prior behaviour was not guaranteed and did not feature in the tests.
Added: sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/condition_variables.qbk
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/condition_variables.qbk 2010-05-20 03:37:27 EDT (Thu, 20 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,513 @@
+ (C) Copyright 2007-8 Anthony Williams.
+ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+ (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+[section:condvar_ref Condition Variables]
+[heading Synopsis]
+The classes `condition_variable` and `condition_variable_any` provide a
+mechanism for one thread to wait for notification from another thread that a
+particular condition has become true. The general usage pattern is that one
+thread locks a mutex and then calls `wait` on an instance of
+`condition_variable` or `condition_variable_any`. When the thread is woken from
+the wait, then it checks to see if the appropriate condition is now true, and
+continues if so. If the condition is not true, then the thread then calls `wait`
+again to resume waiting. In the simplest case, this condition is just a boolean
+ boost::condition_variable cond;
+ boost::mutex mut;
+ bool data_ready;
+ void process_data();
+ void wait_for_data_to_process()
+ {
+ boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(mut);
+ while(!data_ready)
+ {
+ cond.wait(lock);
+ }
+ process_data();
+ }
+Notice that the `lock` is passed to `wait`: `wait` will atomically add the
+thread to the set of threads waiting on the condition variable, and unlock the
+mutex. When the thread is woken, the mutex will be locked again before the call
+to `wait` returns. This allows other threads to acquire the mutex in order to
+update the shared data, and ensures that the data associated with the condition
+is correctly synchronized.
+In the mean time, another thread sets the condition to `true`, and then calls
+either `notify_one` or `notify_all` on the condition variable to wake one
+waiting thread or all the waiting threads respectively.
+ void retrieve_data();
+ void prepare_data();
+ void prepare_data_for_processing()
+ {
+ retrieve_data();
+ prepare_data();
+ {
+ boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(mut);
+ data_ready=true;
+ }
+ cond.notify_one();
+ }
+Note that the same mutex is locked before the shared data is updated, but that
+the mutex does not have to be locked across the call to `notify_one`.
+This example uses an object of type `condition_variable`, but would work just as
+well with an object of type `condition_variable_any`: `condition_variable_any`
+is more general, and will work with any kind of lock or mutex, whereas
+`condition_variable` requires that the lock passed to `wait` is an instance of
+`boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex>`. This enables `condition_variable` to make
+optimizations in some cases, based on the knowledge of the mutex type;
+`condition_variable_any` typically has a more complex implementation than
+[section:condition_variable Class `condition_variable`]
+ #include <boost/thread/condition_variable.hpp>
+ namespace boost
+ {
+ class condition_variable
+ {
+ public:
+ condition_variable();
+ ~condition_variable();
+ void notify_one();
+ void notify_all();
+ void wait(boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex>& lock);
+ template<typename predicate_type>
+ void wait(boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex>& lock,predicate_type predicate);
+ bool timed_wait(boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex>& lock,boost::system_time const& abs_time);
+ template<typename duration_type>
+ bool timed_wait(boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex>& lock,duration_type const& rel_time);
+ template<typename predicate_type>
+ bool timed_wait(boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex>& lock,boost::system_time const& abs_time,predicate_type predicate);
+ template<typename duration_type,typename predicate_type>
+ bool timed_wait(boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex>& lock,duration_type const& rel_time,predicate_type predicate);
+ // backwards compatibility
+ bool timed_wait(boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex>& lock,boost::xtime const& abs_time);
+ template<typename predicate_type>
+ bool timed_wait(boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex>& lock,boost::xtime const& abs_time,predicate_type predicate);
+ };
+ }
+[section:constructor `condition_variable()`]
+[[Effects:] [Constructs an object of class `condition_variable`.]]
+[[Throws:] [__thread_resource_error__ if an error occurs.]]
+[section:destructor `~condition_variable()`]
+[[Precondition:] [All threads waiting on `*this` have been notified by a call to
+`notify_one` or `notify_all` (though the respective calls to `wait` or
+`timed_wait` need not have returned).]]
+[[Effects:] [Destroys the object.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:notify_one `void notify_one()`]
+[[Effects:] [If any threads are currently __blocked__ waiting on `*this` in a call
+to `wait` or `timed_wait`, unblocks one of those threads.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:notify_all `void notify_all()`]
+[[Effects:] [If any threads are currently __blocked__ waiting on `*this` in a call
+to `wait` or `timed_wait`, unblocks all of those threads.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:wait `void wait(boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex>& lock)`]
+[[Precondition:] [`lock` is locked by the current thread, and either no other
+thread is currently waiting on `*this`, or the execution of the `mutex()` member
+function on the `lock` objects supplied in the calls to `wait` or `timed_wait`
+in all the threads currently waiting on `*this` would return the same value as
+`lock->mutex()` for this call to `wait`.]]
+[[Effects:] [Atomically call `lock.unlock()` and blocks the current thread. The
+thread will unblock when notified by a call to `this->notify_one()` or
+`this->notify_all()`, or spuriously. When the thread is unblocked (for whatever
+reason), the lock is reacquired by invoking `lock.lock()` before the call to
+`wait` returns. The lock is also reacquired by invoking `lock.lock()` if the
+function exits with an exception.]]
+[[Postcondition:] [`lock` is locked by the current thread.]]
+[[Throws:] [__thread_resource_error__ if an error
+occurs. __thread_interrupted__ if the wait was interrupted by a call to
+__interrupt__ on the __thread__ object associated with the current thread of execution.]]
+[section:wait_predicate `template<typename predicate_type> void wait(boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex>& lock, predicate_type pred)`]
+[[Effects:] [As-if ``
+ wait(lock);
+[section:timed_wait `bool timed_wait(boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex>& lock,boost::system_time const& abs_time)`]
+[[Precondition:] [`lock` is locked by the current thread, and either no other
+thread is currently waiting on `*this`, or the execution of the `mutex()` member
+function on the `lock` objects supplied in the calls to `wait` or `timed_wait`
+in all the threads currently waiting on `*this` would return the same value as
+`lock->mutex()` for this call to `wait`.]]
+[[Effects:] [Atomically call `lock.unlock()` and blocks the current thread. The
+thread will unblock when notified by a call to `this->notify_one()` or
+`this->notify_all()`, when the time as reported by `boost::get_system_time()`
+would be equal to or later than the specified `abs_time`, or spuriously. When
+the thread is unblocked (for whatever reason), the lock is reacquired by
+invoking `lock.lock()` before the call to `wait` returns. The lock is also
+reacquired by invoking `lock.lock()` if the function exits with an exception.]]
+[[Returns:] [`false` if the call is returning because the time specified by
+`abs_time` was reached, `true` otherwise.]]
+[[Postcondition:] [`lock` is locked by the current thread.]]
+[[Throws:] [__thread_resource_error__ if an error
+occurs. __thread_interrupted__ if the wait was interrupted by a call to
+__interrupt__ on the __thread__ object associated with the current thread of execution.]]
+[section:timed_wait_rel `template<typename duration_type> bool timed_wait(boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex>& lock,duration_type const& rel_time)`]
+[[Precondition:] [`lock` is locked by the current thread, and either no other
+thread is currently waiting on `*this`, or the execution of the `mutex()` member
+function on the `lock` objects supplied in the calls to `wait` or `timed_wait`
+in all the threads currently waiting on `*this` would return the same value as
+`lock->mutex()` for this call to `wait`.]]
+[[Effects:] [Atomically call `lock.unlock()` and blocks the current thread. The
+thread will unblock when notified by a call to `this->notify_one()` or
+`this->notify_all()`, after the period of time indicated by the `rel_time`
+argument has elapsed, or spuriously. When the thread is unblocked (for whatever
+reason), the lock is reacquired by invoking `lock.lock()` before the call to
+`wait` returns. The lock is also reacquired by invoking `lock.lock()` if the
+function exits with an exception.]]
+[[Returns:] [`false` if the call is returning because the time period specified
+by `rel_time` has elapsed, `true` otherwise.]]
+[[Postcondition:] [`lock` is locked by the current thread.]]
+[[Throws:] [__thread_resource_error__ if an error
+occurs. __thread_interrupted__ if the wait was interrupted by a call to
+__interrupt__ on the __thread__ object associated with the current thread of execution.]]
+[note The duration overload of timed_wait is difficult to use correctly. The overload taking a predicate should be preferred in most cases.]
+[section:timed_wait_predicate `template<typename predicate_type> bool timed_wait(boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex>& lock, boost::system_time const& abs_time, predicate_type pred)`]
+[[Effects:] [As-if ``
+ if(!timed_wait(lock,abs_time))
+ {
+ return pred();
+ }
+return true;
+[section:condition_variable_any Class `condition_variable_any`]
+ #include <boost/thread/condition_variable.hpp>
+ namespace boost
+ {
+ class condition_variable_any
+ {
+ public:
+ condition_variable_any();
+ ~condition_variable_any();
+ void notify_one();
+ void notify_all();
+ template<typename lock_type>
+ void wait(lock_type& lock);
+ template<typename lock_type,typename predicate_type>
+ void wait(lock_type& lock,predicate_type predicate);
+ template<typename lock_type>
+ bool timed_wait(lock_type& lock,boost::system_time const& abs_time);
+ template<typename lock_type,typename duration_type>
+ bool timed_wait(lock_type& lock,duration_type const& rel_time);
+ template<typename lock_type,typename predicate_type>
+ bool timed_wait(lock_type& lock,boost::system_time const& abs_time,predicate_type predicate);
+ template<typename lock_type,typename duration_type,typename predicate_type>
+ bool timed_wait(lock_type& lock,duration_type const& rel_time,predicate_type predicate);
+ // backwards compatibility
+ template<typename lock_type>
+ bool timed_wait(lock_type>& lock,boost::xtime const& abs_time);
+ template<typename lock_type,typename predicate_type>
+ bool timed_wait(lock_type& lock,boost::xtime const& abs_time,predicate_type predicate);
+ };
+ }
+[section:constructor `condition_variable_any()`]
+[[Effects:] [Constructs an object of class `condition_variable_any`.]]
+[[Throws:] [__thread_resource_error__ if an error occurs.]]
+[section:destructor `~condition_variable_any()`]
+[[Precondition:] [All threads waiting on `*this` have been notified by a call to
+`notify_one` or `notify_all` (though the respective calls to `wait` or
+`timed_wait` need not have returned).]]
+[[Effects:] [Destroys the object.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:notify_one `void notify_one()`]
+[[Effects:] [If any threads are currently __blocked__ waiting on `*this` in a call
+to `wait` or `timed_wait`, unblocks one of those threads.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:notify_all `void notify_all()`]
+[[Effects:] [If any threads are currently __blocked__ waiting on `*this` in a call
+to `wait` or `timed_wait`, unblocks all of those threads.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:wait `template<typename lock_type> void wait(lock_type& lock)`]
+[[Effects:] [Atomically call `lock.unlock()` and blocks the current thread. The
+thread will unblock when notified by a call to `this->notify_one()` or
+`this->notify_all()`, or spuriously. When the thread is unblocked (for whatever
+reason), the lock is reacquired by invoking `lock.lock()` before the call to
+`wait` returns. The lock is also reacquired by invoking `lock.lock()` if the
+function exits with an exception.]]
+[[Postcondition:] [`lock` is locked by the current thread.]]
+[[Throws:] [__thread_resource_error__ if an error
+occurs. __thread_interrupted__ if the wait was interrupted by a call to
+__interrupt__ on the __thread__ object associated with the current thread of execution.]]
+[section:wait_predicate `template<typename lock_type,typename predicate_type> void wait(lock_type& lock, predicate_type pred)`]
+[[Effects:] [As-if ``
+ wait(lock);
+[section:timed_wait `template<typename lock_type> bool timed_wait(lock_type& lock,boost::system_time const& abs_time)`]
+[[Effects:] [Atomically call `lock.unlock()` and blocks the current thread. The
+thread will unblock when notified by a call to `this->notify_one()` or
+`this->notify_all()`, when the time as reported by `boost::get_system_time()`
+would be equal to or later than the specified `abs_time`, or spuriously. When
+the thread is unblocked (for whatever reason), the lock is reacquired by
+invoking `lock.lock()` before the call to `wait` returns. The lock is also
+reacquired by invoking `lock.lock()` if the function exits with an exception.]]
+[[Returns:] [`false` if the call is returning because the time specified by
+`abs_time` was reached, `true` otherwise.]]
+[[Postcondition:] [`lock` is locked by the current thread.]]
+[[Throws:] [__thread_resource_error__ if an error
+occurs. __thread_interrupted__ if the wait was interrupted by a call to
+__interrupt__ on the __thread__ object associated with the current thread of execution.]]
+[section:timed_wait_rel `template<typename lock_type,typename duration_type> bool timed_wait(lock_type& lock,duration_type const& rel_time)`]
+[[Effects:] [Atomically call `lock.unlock()` and blocks the current thread. The
+thread will unblock when notified by a call to `this->notify_one()` or
+`this->notify_all()`, after the period of time indicated by the `rel_time`
+argument has elapsed, or spuriously. When the thread is unblocked (for whatever
+reason), the lock is reacquired by invoking `lock.lock()` before the call to
+`wait` returns. The lock is also reacquired by invoking `lock.lock()` if the
+function exits with an exception.]]
+[[Returns:] [`false` if the call is returning because the time period specified
+by `rel_time` has elapsed, `true` otherwise.]]
+[[Postcondition:] [`lock` is locked by the current thread.]]
+[[Throws:] [__thread_resource_error__ if an error
+occurs. __thread_interrupted__ if the wait was interrupted by a call to
+__interrupt__ on the __thread__ object associated with the current thread of execution.]]
+[note The duration overload of timed_wait is difficult to use correctly. The overload taking a predicate should be preferred in most cases.]
+[section:timed_wait_predicate `template<typename lock_type,typename predicate_type> bool timed_wait(lock_type& lock, boost::system_time const& abs_time, predicate_type pred)`]
+[[Effects:] [As-if ``
+ if(!timed_wait(lock,abs_time))
+ {
+ return pred();
+ }
+return true;
+[section:condition Typedef `condition`]
+ #include <boost/thread/condition.hpp>
+ typedef condition_variable_any condition;
+The typedef `condition` is provided for backwards compatibility with previous boost releases.
Added: sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/future_ref.qbk
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/future_ref.qbk 2010-05-20 03:37:27 EDT (Thu, 20 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,968 @@
+ (C) Copyright 2008-9 Anthony Williams.
+ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+ (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+[section:reference Futures Reference]
+[section:future_state `state` enum]
+ namespace future_state
+ {
+ enum state {uninitialized, waiting, ready};
+ }
+[section:unique_future `unique_future` class template]
+ template <typename R>
+ class unique_future
+ {
+ unique_future(unique_future & rhs);// = delete;
+ unique_future& operator=(unique_future& rhs);// = delete;
+ public:
+ typedef future_state::state state;
+ unique_future();
+ ~unique_future();
+ // move support
+ unique_future(unique_future && other);
+ unique_future& operator=(unique_future && other);
+ void swap(unique_future& other);
+ // retrieving the value
+ R&& get();
+ // functions to check state
+ state get_state() const;
+ bool is_ready() const;
+ bool has_exception() const;
+ bool has_value() const;
+ // waiting for the result to be ready
+ void wait() const;
+ template<typename Duration>
+ bool timed_wait(Duration const& rel_time) const;
+ bool timed_wait_until(boost::system_time const& abs_time) const;
+ };
+[section:default_constructor Default Constructor]
+ unique_future();
+[[Effects:] [Constructs an uninitialized future.]]
+[[Postconditions:] [[unique_future_is_ready_link `this->is_ready`] returns `false`. [unique_future_get_state_link
+`this->get_state()`] returns __uninitialized__.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:destructor Destructor]
+ ~unique_future();
+[[Effects:] [Destroys `*this`.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:move_constructor Move Constructor]
+ unique_future(unique_future && other);
+[[Effects:] [Constructs a new future, and transfers ownership of the asynchronous result associated with `other` to `*this`.]]
+[[Postconditions:] [[unique_future_get_state_link `this->get_state()`] returns the value of `other->get_state()` prior to the
+call. `other->get_state()` returns __uninitialized__. If `other` was associated with an asynchronous result, that result is now
+associated with `*this`. `other` is not associated with any asynchronous result.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[[Notes:] [If the compiler does not support rvalue-references, this is implemented using the boost.thread move emulation.]]
+[section:move_assignment Move Assignment Operator]
+ unique_future& operator=(unique_future && other);
+[[Effects:] [Transfers ownership of the asynchronous result associated with `other` to `*this`.]]
+[[Postconditions:] [[unique_future_get_state_link `this->get_state()`] returns the value of `other->get_state()` prior to the
+call. `other->get_state()` returns __uninitialized__. If `other` was associated with an asynchronous result, that result is now
+associated with `*this`. `other` is not associated with any asynchronous result. If `*this` was associated with an asynchronous
+result prior to the call, that result no longer has an associated __unique_future__ instance.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[[Notes:] [If the compiler does not support rvalue-references, this is implemented using the boost.thread move emulation.]]
+[section:swap Member function `swap()`]
+ void swap(unique_future & other);
+[[Effects:] [Swaps ownership of the asynchronous results associated with `other` and `*this`.]]
+[[Postconditions:] [[unique_future_get_state_link `this->get_state()`] returns the value of `other->get_state()` prior to the
+call. `other->get_state()` returns the value of `this->get_state()` prior to the call. If `other` was associated with an
+asynchronous result, that result is now associated with `*this`, otherwise `*this` has no associated result. If `*this` was
+associated with an asynchronous result, that result is now associated with `other`, otherwise `other` has no associated result.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:get Member function `get()`]
+ R&& get();
+ R& unique_future<R&>::get();
+ void unique_future<void>::get();
+[[Effects:] [If `*this` is associated with an asynchronous result, waits until the result is ready as-if by a call to
+__unique_future_wait__, and retrieves the result (whether that is a value or an exception).]]
+[[Returns:] [If the result type `R` is a reference, returns the stored reference. If `R` is `void`, there is no return
+value. Otherwise, returns an rvalue-reference to the value stored in the asynchronous result.]]
+[[Postconditions:] [[unique_future_is_ready_link `this->is_ready()`] returns `true`. [unique_future_get_state_link
+`this->get_state()`] returns __ready__.]]
+[[Throws:] [__future_uninitialized__ if `*this` is not associated with an asynchronous result. __thread_interrupted__ if the result
+associated with `*this` is not ready at the point of the call, and the current thread is interrupted. Any exception stored in the
+asynchronous result in place of a value.]]
+[[Notes:] [`get()` is an ['interruption point].]]
+[section:wait Member function `wait()`]
+ void wait();
+[[Effects:] [If `*this` is associated with an asynchronous result, waits until the result is ready. If the result is not ready on
+entry, and the result has a ['wait callback] set, that callback is invoked prior to waiting.]]
+[[Throws:] [__future_uninitialized__ if `*this` is not associated with an asynchronous result. __thread_interrupted__ if the result
+associated with `*this` is not ready at the point of the call, and the current thread is interrupted. Any exception thrown by the
+['wait callback] if such a callback is called.]]
+[[Postconditions:] [[unique_future_is_ready_link `this->is_ready()`] returns `true`. [unique_future_get_state_link
+`this->get_state()`] returns __ready__.]]
+[[Notes:] [`wait()` is an ['interruption point].]]
+[section:timed_wait_duration Member function `timed_wait()`]
+ template<typename Duration>
+ bool timed_wait(Duration const& wait_duration);
+[[Effects:] [If `*this` is associated with an asynchronous result, waits until the result is ready, or the time specified by
+`wait_duration` has elapsed. If the result is not ready on entry, and the result has a ['wait callback] set, that callback is
+invoked prior to waiting.]]
+[[Returns:] [`true` if `*this` is associated with an asynchronous result, and that result is ready before the specified time has
+elapsed, `false` otherwise.]]
+[[Throws:] [__future_uninitialized__ if `*this` is not associated with an asynchronous result. __thread_interrupted__ if the result
+associated with `*this` is not ready at the point of the call, and the current thread is interrupted. Any exception thrown by the
+['wait callback] if such a callback is called.]]
+[[Postconditions:] [If this call returned `true`, then [unique_future_is_ready_link `this->is_ready()`] returns `true` and
+[unique_future_get_state_link `this->get_state()`] returns __ready__.]]
+[[Notes:] [`timed_wait()` is an ['interruption point]. `Duration` must be a type that meets the Boost.DateTime time duration requirements.]]
+[section:timed_wait_absolute Member function `timed_wait()`]
+ bool timed_wait(boost::system_time const& wait_timeout);
+[[Effects:] [If `*this` is associated with an asynchronous result, waits until the result is ready, or the time point specified by
+`wait_timeout` has passed. If the result is not ready on entry, and the result has a ['wait callback] set, that callback is invoked
+prior to waiting.]]
+[[Returns:] [`true` if `*this` is associated with an asynchronous result, and that result is ready before the specified time has
+passed, `false` otherwise.]]
+[[Throws:] [__future_uninitialized__ if `*this` is not associated with an asynchronous result. __thread_interrupted__ if the result
+associated with `*this` is not ready at the point of the call, and the current thread is interrupted. Any exception thrown by the
+['wait callback] if such a callback is called.]]
+[[Postconditions:] [If this call returned `true`, then [unique_future_is_ready_link `this->is_ready()`] returns `true` and
+[unique_future_get_state_link `this->get_state()`] returns __ready__.]]
+[[Notes:] [`timed_wait()` is an ['interruption point].]]
+[section:is_ready Member function `is_ready()`]
+ bool is_ready();
+[[Effects:] [Checks to see if the asynchronous result associated with `*this` is set.]]
+[[Returns:] [`true` if `*this` is associated with an asynchronous result, and that result is ready for retrieval, `false`
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:has_value Member function `has_value()`]
+ bool has_value();
+[[Effects:] [Checks to see if the asynchronous result associated with `*this` is set with a value rather than an exception.]]
+[[Returns:] [`true` if `*this` is associated with an asynchronous result, that result is ready for retrieval, and the result is a
+stored value, `false` otherwise.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:has_exception Member function `has_exception()`]
+ bool has_exception();
+[[Effects:] [Checks to see if the asynchronous result associated with `*this` is set with an exception rather than a value.]]
+[[Returns:] [`true` if `*this` is associated with an asynchronous result, that result is ready for retrieval, and the result is a
+stored exception, `false` otherwise.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:get_state Member function `get_state()`]
+ future_state::state get_state();
+[[Effects:] [Determine the state of the asynchronous result associated with `*this`, if any.]]
+[[Returns:] [__uninitialized__ if `*this` is not associated with an asynchronous result. __ready__ if the asynchronous result
+associated with `*this` is ready for retrieval, __waiting__ otherwise.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:shared_future `shared_future` class template]
+ template <typename R>
+ class shared_future
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef future_state::state state;
+ shared_future();
+ ~shared_future();
+ // copy support
+ shared_future(shared_future const& other);
+ shared_future& operator=(shared_future const& other);
+ // move support
+ shared_future(shared_future && other);
+ shared_future(unique_future<R> && other);
+ shared_future& operator=(shared_future && other);
+ shared_future& operator=(unique_future<R> && other);
+ void swap(shared_future& other);
+ // retrieving the value
+ R get();
+ // functions to check state, and wait for ready
+ state get_state() const;
+ bool is_ready() const;
+ bool has_exception() const;
+ bool has_value() const;
+ // waiting for the result to be ready
+ void wait() const;
+ template<typename Duration>
+ bool timed_wait(Duration const& rel_time) const;
+ bool timed_wait_until(boost::system_time const& abs_time) const;
+ };
+[section:default_constructor Default Constructor]
+ shared_future();
+[[Effects:] [Constructs an uninitialized future.]]
+[[Postconditions:] [[shared_future_is_ready_link `this->is_ready`] returns `false`. [shared_future_get_state_link
+`this->get_state()`] returns __uninitialized__.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:get Member function `get()`]
+ const R& get();
+[[Effects:] [If `*this` is associated with an asynchronous result, waits until the result is ready as-if by a call to
+__shared_future_wait__, and returns a `const` reference to the result.]]
+[[Returns:] [If the result type `R` is a reference, returns the stored reference. If `R` is `void`, there is no return
+value. Otherwise, returns a `const` reference to the value stored in the asynchronous result.]]
+[[Throws:] [__future_uninitialized__ if `*this` is not associated with an asynchronous result. __thread_interrupted__ if the
+result associated with `*this` is not ready at the point of the call, and the current thread is interrupted.]]
+[[Notes:] [`get()` is an ['interruption point].]]
+[section:wait Member function `wait()`]
+ void wait();
+[[Effects:] [If `*this` is associated with an asynchronous result, waits until the result is ready. If the result is not ready on
+entry, and the result has a ['wait callback] set, that callback is invoked prior to waiting.]]
+[[Throws:] [__future_uninitialized__ if `*this` is not associated with an asynchronous result. __thread_interrupted__ if the result
+associated with `*this` is not ready at the point of the call, and the current thread is interrupted. Any exception thrown by the
+['wait callback] if such a callback is called.]]
+[[Postconditions:] [[shared_future_is_ready_link `this->is_ready()`] returns `true`. [shared_future_get_state_link
+`this->get_state()`] returns __ready__.]]
+[[Notes:] [`wait()` is an ['interruption point].]]
+[section:timed_wait_duration Member function `timed_wait()`]
+ template<typename Duration>
+ bool timed_wait(Duration const& wait_duration);
+[[Effects:] [If `*this` is associated with an asynchronous result, waits until the result is ready, or the time specified by
+`wait_duration` has elapsed. If the result is not ready on entry, and the result has a ['wait callback] set, that callback is
+invoked prior to waiting.]]
+[[Returns:] [`true` if `*this` is associated with an asynchronous result, and that result is ready before the specified time has
+elapsed, `false` otherwise.]]
+[[Throws:] [__future_uninitialized__ if `*this` is not associated with an asynchronous result. __thread_interrupted__ if the result
+associated with `*this` is not ready at the point of the call, and the current thread is interrupted. Any exception thrown by the
+['wait callback] if such a callback is called.]]
+[[Postconditions:] [If this call returned `true`, then [shared_future_is_ready_link `this->is_ready()`] returns `true` and
+[shared_future_get_state_link `this->get_state()`] returns __ready__.]]
+[[Notes:] [`timed_wait()` is an ['interruption point]. `Duration` must be a type that meets the Boost.DateTime time duration requirements.]]
+[section:timed_wait_absolute Member function `timed_wait()`]
+ bool timed_wait(boost::system_time const& wait_timeout);
+[[Effects:] [If `*this` is associated with an asynchronous result, waits until the result is ready, or the time point specified by
+`wait_timeout` has passed. If the result is not ready on entry, and the result has a ['wait callback] set, that callback is invoked
+prior to waiting.]]
+[[Returns:] [`true` if `*this` is associated with an asynchronous result, and that result is ready before the specified time has
+passed, `false` otherwise.]]
+[[Throws:] [__future_uninitialized__ if `*this` is not associated with an asynchronous result. __thread_interrupted__ if the result
+associated with `*this` is not ready at the point of the call, and the current thread is interrupted. Any exception thrown by the
+['wait callback] if such a callback is called.]]
+[[Postconditions:] [If this call returned `true`, then [shared_future_is_ready_link `this->is_ready()`] returns `true` and
+[shared_future_get_state_link `this->get_state()`] returns __ready__.]]
+[[Notes:] [`timed_wait()` is an ['interruption point].]]
+[section:is_ready Member function `is_ready()`]
+ bool is_ready();
+[[Effects:] [Checks to see if the asynchronous result associated with `*this` is set.]]
+[[Returns:] [`true` if `*this` is associated with an asynchronous result, and that result is ready for retrieval, `false`
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:has_value Member function `has_value()`]
+ bool has_value();
+[[Effects:] [Checks to see if the asynchronous result associated with `*this` is set with a value rather than an exception.]]
+[[Returns:] [`true` if `*this` is associated with an asynchronous result, that result is ready for retrieval, and the result is a
+stored value, `false` otherwise.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:has_exception Member function `has_exception()`]
+ bool has_exception();
+[[Effects:] [Checks to see if the asynchronous result associated with `*this` is set with an exception rather than a value.]]
+[[Returns:] [`true` if `*this` is associated with an asynchronous result, that result is ready for retrieval, and the result is a
+stored exception, `false` otherwise.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:get_state Member function `get_state()`]
+ future_state::state get_state();
+[[Effects:] [Determine the state of the asynchronous result associated with `*this`, if any.]]
+[[Returns:] [__uninitialized__ if `*this` is not associated with an asynchronous result. __ready__ if the asynchronous result
+associated with `*this` is ready for retrieval, __waiting__ otherwise.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:promise `promise` class template]
+ template <typename R>
+ class promise
+ {
+ promise(promise & rhs);// = delete;
+ promise & operator=(promise & rhs);// = delete;
+ public:
+ // template <class Allocator> explicit promise(Allocator a);
+ promise();
+ ~promise();
+ // Move support
+ promise(promise && rhs);
+ promise & operator=(promise&& rhs);
+ void swap(promise& other);
+ // Result retrieval
+ unique_future<R> get_future();
+ // Set the value
+ void set_value(R& r);
+ void set_value(R&& r);
+ void set_exception(boost::exception_ptr e);
+ template<typename F>
+ void set_wait_callback(F f);
+ };
+[section:default_constructor Default Constructor]
+ promise();
+[[Effects:] [Constructs a new __promise__ with no associated result.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:move_constructor Move Constructor]
+ promise(promise && other);
+[[Effects:] [Constructs a new __promise__, and transfers ownership of the result associated with `other` to `*this`, leaving `other`
+with no associated result.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[[Notes:] [If the compiler does not support rvalue-references, this is implemented using the boost.thread move emulation.]]
+[section:move_assignment Move Assignment Operator]
+ promise& operator=(promise && other);
+[[Effects:] [Transfers ownership of the result associated with `other` to `*this`, leaving `other` with no associated result. If there
+was already a result associated with `*this`, and that result was not ['ready], sets any futures associated with that result to
+['ready] with a __broken_promise__ exception as the result. ]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[[Notes:] [If the compiler does not support rvalue-references, this is implemented using the boost.thread move emulation.]]
+[section:destructor Destructor]
+ ~promise();
+[[Effects:] [Destroys `*this`. If there was a result associated with `*this`, and that result is not ['ready], sets any futures
+associated with that task to ['ready] with a __broken_promise__ exception as the result.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:get_future Member Function `get_future()`]
+ unique_future<R> get_future();
+[[Effects:] [If `*this` was not associated with a result, allocate storage for a new asynchronous result and associate it with
+`*this`. Returns a __unique_future__ associated with the result associated with `*this`. ]]
+[[Throws:] [__future_already_retrieved__ if the future associated with the task has already been retrieved. `std::bad_alloc` if any
+memory necessary could not be allocated.]]
+[section:set_value Member Function `set_value()`]
+ void set_value(R&& r);
+ void set_value(const R& r);
+ void promise<R&>::set_value(R& r);
+ void promise<void>::set_value();
+[[Effects:] [If `*this` was not associated with a result, allocate storage for a new asynchronous result and associate it with
+`*this`. Store the value `r` in the asynchronous result associated with `*this`. Any threads blocked waiting for the asynchronous
+result are woken.]]
+[[Postconditions:] [All futures waiting on the asynchronous result are ['ready] and __unique_future_has_value__ or
+__shared_future_has_value__ for those futures shall return `true`.]]
+[[Throws:] [__promise_already_satisfied__ if the result associated with `*this` is already ['ready]. `std::bad_alloc` if the memory
+required for storage of the result cannot be allocated. Any exception thrown by the copy or move-constructor of `R`.]]
+[section:set_exception Member Function `set_exception()`]
+ void set_exception(boost::exception_ptr e);
+[[Effects:] [If `*this` was not associated with a result, allocate storage for a new asynchronous result and associate it with
+`*this`. Store the exception `e` in the asynchronous result associated with `*this`. Any threads blocked waiting for the asynchronous
+result are woken.]]
+[[Postconditions:] [All futures waiting on the asynchronous result are ['ready] and __unique_future_has_exception__ or
+__shared_future_has_exception__ for those futures shall return `true`.]]
+[[Throws:] [__promise_already_satisfied__ if the result associated with `*this` is already ['ready]. `std::bad_alloc` if the memory
+required for storage of the result cannot be allocated.]]
+[section:set_wait_callback Member Function `set_wait_callback()`]
+ template<typename F>
+ void set_wait_callback(F f);
+[[Preconditions:] [The expression `f(t)` where `t` is a lvalue of type __packaged_task__ shall be well-formed. Invoking a copy of
+`f` shall have the same effect as invoking `f`]]
+[[Effects:] [Store a copy of `f` with the asynchronous result associated with `*this` as a ['wait callback]. This will replace any
+existing wait callback store alongside that result. If a thread subsequently calls one of the wait functions on a __unique_future__
+or __shared_future__ associated with this result, and the result is not ['ready], `f(*this)` shall be invoked.]]
+[[Throws:] [`std::bad_alloc` if memory cannot be allocated for the required storage.]]
+[section:packaged_task `packaged_task` class template]
+ template<typename R>
+ class packaged_task
+ {
+ packaged_task(packaged_task&);// = delete;
+ packaged_task& operator=(packaged_task&);// = delete;
+ public:
+ // construction and destruction
+ template <class F>
+ explicit packaged_task(F const& f);
+ explicit packaged_task(R(*f)());
+ template <class F>
+ explicit packaged_task(F&& f);
+ // template <class F, class Allocator>
+ // explicit packaged_task(F const& f, Allocator a);
+ // template <class F, class Allocator>
+ // explicit packaged_task(F&& f, Allocator a);
+ ~packaged_task()
+ {}
+ // move support
+ packaged_task(packaged_task&& other);
+ packaged_task& operator=(packaged_task&& other);
+ void swap(packaged_task& other);
+ // result retrieval
+ unique_future<R> get_future();
+ // execution
+ void operator()();
+ template<typename F>
+ void set_wait_callback(F f);
+ };
+[section:task_constructor Task Constructor]
+ template<typename F>
+ packaged_task(F const &f);
+ packaged_task(R(*f)());
+ template<typename F>
+ packaged_task(F&&f);
+[[Preconditions:] [`f()` is a valid expression with a return type convertible to `R`. Invoking a copy of `f` shall behave the same
+as invoking `f`.]]
+[[Effects:] [Constructs a new __packaged_task__ with a copy of `f` stored as the associated task.]]
+[[Throws:] [Any exceptions thrown by the copy (or move) constructor of `f`. `std::bad_alloc` if memory for the internal data
+structures could not be allocated.]]
+[section:move_constructor Move Constructor]
+ packaged_task(packaged_task && other);
+[[Effects:] [Constructs a new __packaged_task__, and transfers ownership of the task associated with `other` to `*this`, leaving `other`
+with no associated task.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[[Notes:] [If the compiler does not support rvalue-references, this is implemented using the boost.thread move emulation.]]
+[section:move_assignment Move Assignment Operator]
+ packaged_task& operator=(packaged_task && other);
+[[Effects:] [Transfers ownership of the task associated with `other` to `*this`, leaving `other` with no associated task. If there
+was already a task associated with `*this`, and that task has not been invoked, sets any futures associated with that task to
+['ready] with a __broken_promise__ exception as the result. ]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[[Notes:] [If the compiler does not support rvalue-references, this is implemented using the boost.thread move emulation.]]
+[section:destructor Destructor]
+ ~packaged_task();
+[[Effects:] [Destroys `*this`. If there was a task associated with `*this`, and that task has not been invoked, sets any futures
+associated with that task to ['ready] with a __broken_promise__ exception as the result.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:get_future Member Function `get_future()`]
+ unique_future<R> get_future();
+[[Effects:] [Returns a __unique_future__ associated with the result of the task associated with `*this`. ]]
+[[Throws:] [__task_moved__ if ownership of the task associated with `*this` has been moved to another instance of
+__packaged_task__. __future_already_retrieved__ if the future associated with the task has already been retrieved.]]
+[section:call_operator Member Function `operator()()`]
+ void operator()();
+[[Effects:] [Invoke the task associated with `*this` and store the result in the corresponding future. If the task returns normally,
+the return value is stored as the asynchronous result, otherwise the exception thrown is stored. Any threads blocked waiting for the
+asynchronous result associated with this task are woken.]]
+[[Postconditions:] [All futures waiting on the asynchronous result are ['ready]]]
+[[Throws:] [__task_moved__ if ownership of the task associated with `*this` has been moved to another instance of
+__packaged_task__. __task_already_started__ if the task has already been invoked.]]
+[section:set_wait_callback Member Function `set_wait_callback()`]
+ template<typename F>
+ void set_wait_callback(F f);
+[[Preconditions:] [The expression `f(t)` where `t` is a lvalue of type __packaged_task__ shall be well-formed. Invoking a copy of
+`f` shall have the same effect as invoking `f`]]
+[[Effects:] [Store a copy of `f` with the task associated with `*this` as a ['wait callback]. This will replace any existing wait
+callback store alongside that task. If a thread subsequently calls one of the wait functions on a __unique_future__ or
+__shared_future__ associated with this task, and the result of the task is not ['ready], `f(*this)` shall be invoked.]]
+[[Throws:] [__task_moved__ if ownership of the task associated with `*this` has been moved to another instance of
+[section:wait_for_any Non-member function `wait_for_any()`]
+ template<typename Iterator>
+ Iterator wait_for_any(Iterator begin,Iterator end);
+ template<typename F1,typename F2>
+ unsigned wait_for_any(F1& f1,F2& f2);
+ template<typename F1,typename F2,typename F3>
+ unsigned wait_for_any(F1& f1,F2& f2,F3& f3);
+ template<typename F1,typename F2,typename F3,typename F4>
+ unsigned wait_for_any(F1& f1,F2& f2,F3& f3,F4& f4);
+ template<typename F1,typename F2,typename F3,typename F4,typename F5>
+ unsigned wait_for_any(F1& f1,F2& f2,F3& f3,F4& f4,F5& f5);
+[[Preconditions:] [The types `Fn` shall be specializations of
+__unique_future__ or __shared_future__, and `Iterator` shall be a
+forward iterator with a `value_type` which is a specialization of
+__unique_future__ or __shared_future__.]]
+[[Effects:] [Waits until at least one of the specified futures is ['ready].]]
+[[Returns:] [The range-based overload returns an `Iterator` identifying the first future in the range that was detected as
+['ready]. The remaining overloads return the zero-based index of the first future that was detected as ['ready] (first parameter =>
+0, second parameter => 1, etc.).]]
+[[Throws:] [__thread_interrupted__ if the current thread is interrupted. Any exception thrown by the ['wait callback] associated
+with any of the futures being waited for. `std::bad_alloc` if memory could not be allocated for the internal wait structures.]]
+[[Notes:] [`wait_for_any()` is an ['interruption point].]]
+[section:wait_for_all Non-member function `wait_for_all()`]
+ template<typename Iterator>
+ void wait_for_all(Iterator begin,Iterator end);
+ template<typename F1,typename F2>
+ void wait_for_all(F1& f1,F2& f2);
+ template<typename F1,typename F2,typename F3>
+ void wait_for_all(F1& f1,F2& f2,F3& f3);
+ template<typename F1,typename F2,typename F3,typename F4>
+ void wait_for_all(F1& f1,F2& f2,F3& f3,F4& f4);
+ template<typename F1,typename F2,typename F3,typename F4,typename F5>
+ void wait_for_all(F1& f1,F2& f2,F3& f3,F4& f4,F5& f5);
+[[Preconditions:] [The types `Fn` shall be specializations of
+__unique_future__ or __shared_future__, and `Iterator` shall be a
+forward iterator with a `value_type` which is a specialization of
+__unique_future__ or __shared_future__.]]
+[[Effects:] [Waits until all of the specified futures are ['ready].]]
+[[Throws:] [Any exceptions thrown by a call to `wait()` on the specified futures.]]
+[[Notes:] [`wait_for_all()` is an ['interruption point].]]
Added: sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/futures.qbk
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/futures.qbk 2010-05-20 03:37:27 EDT (Thu, 20 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+ (C) Copyright 2008-9 Anthony Williams.
+ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+ (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+[section:futures Futures]
+[template future_state_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.futures.reference.future_state [link_text]]]
+[def __uninitialized__ [future_state_link `boost::future_state::uninitialized`]]
+[def __ready__ [future_state_link `boost::future_state::ready`]]
+[def __waiting__ [future_state_link `boost::future_state::waiting`]]
+[def __future_uninitialized__ `boost::future_uninitialized`]
+[def __broken_promise__ `boost::broken_promise`]
+[def __future_already_retrieved__ `boost::future_already_retrieved`]
+[def __task_moved__ `boost::task_moved`]
+[def __task_already_started__ `boost::task_already_started`]
+[def __promise_already_satisfied__ `boost::promise_already_satisfied`]
+[def __thread_interrupted__ `boost::thread_interrupted`]
+[template unique_future_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.futures.reference.unique_future [link_text]]]
+[def __unique_future__ [unique_future_link `boost::unique_future`]]
+[template unique_future_get_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.futures.reference.unique_future.get [link_text]]]
+[def __unique_future_get__ [unique_future_get_link `boost::unique_future<R>::get()`]]
+[template unique_future_wait_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.futures.reference.unique_future.wait [link_text]]]
+[def __unique_future_wait__ [unique_future_wait_link `boost::unique_future<R>::wait()`]]
+[template unique_future_is_ready_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.futures.reference.unique_future.is_ready [link_text]]]
+[def __unique_future_is_ready__ [unique_future_is_ready_link `boost::unique_future<R>::is_ready()`]]
+[template unique_future_has_value_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.futures.reference.unique_future.has_value [link_text]]]
+[def __unique_future_has_value__ [unique_future_has_value_link `boost::unique_future<R>::has_value()`]]
+[template unique_future_has_exception_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.futures.reference.unique_future.has_exception [link_text]]]
+[def __unique_future_has_exception__ [unique_future_has_exception_link `boost::unique_future<R>::has_exception()`]]
+[template unique_future_get_state_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.futures.reference.unique_future.get_state [link_text]]]
+[def __unique_future_get_state__ [unique_future_get_state_link `boost::unique_future<R>::get_state()`]]
+[template shared_future_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.futures.reference.shared_future [link_text]]]
+[def __shared_future__ [shared_future_link `boost::shared_future`]]
+[template shared_future_get_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.futures.reference.shared_future.get [link_text]]]
+[def __shared_future_get__ [shared_future_get_link `boost::shared_future<R>::get()`]]
+[template shared_future_wait_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.futures.reference.shared_future.wait [link_text]]]
+[def __shared_future_wait__ [shared_future_wait_link `boost::shared_future<R>::wait()`]]
+[template shared_future_is_ready_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.futures.reference.shared_future.is_ready [link_text]]]
+[def __shared_future_is_ready__ [shared_future_is_ready_link `boost::shared_future<R>::is_ready()`]]
+[template shared_future_has_value_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.futures.reference.shared_future.has_value [link_text]]]
+[def __shared_future_has_value__ [shared_future_has_value_link `boost::shared_future<R>::has_value()`]]
+[template shared_future_has_exception_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.futures.reference.shared_future.has_exception [link_text]]]
+[def __shared_future_has_exception__ [shared_future_has_exception_link `boost::shared_future<R>::has_exception()`]]
+[template shared_future_get_state_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.futures.reference.shared_future.get_state [link_text]]]
+[def __shared_future_get_state__ [shared_future_get_state_link `boost::shared_future<R>::get_state()`]]
+[template promise_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.futures.reference.promise [link_text]]]
+[def __promise__ [promise_link `boost::promise`]]
+[template packaged_task_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.futures.reference.packaged_task [link_text]]]
+[def __packaged_task__ [packaged_task_link `boost::packaged_task`]]
+[template wait_for_any_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.futures.reference.wait_for_any [link_text]]]
+[def __wait_for_any__ [wait_for_any_link `boost::wait_for_any()`]]
+[template wait_for_all_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.futures.reference.wait_for_all [link_text]]]
+[def __wait_for_all__ [wait_for_all_link `boost::wait_for_all()`]]
+[section:overview Overview]
+The futures library provides a means of handling synchronous future values, whether those values are generated by another thread, or
+on a single thread in response to external stimuli, or on-demand.
+This is done through the provision of four class templates: __unique_future__ and __shared_future__ which are used to retrieve the
+asynchronous results, and __promise__ and __packaged_task__ which are used to generate the asynchronous results.
+An instance of __unique_future__ holds the one and only reference to a result. Ownership can be transferred between instances using
+the move constructor or move-assignment operator, but at most one instance holds a reference to a given asynchronous result. When
+the result is ready, it is returned from __unique_future_get__ by rvalue-reference to allow the result to be moved or copied as
+appropriate for the type.
+On the other hand, many instances of __shared_future__ may reference the same result. Instances can be freely copied and assigned,
+and __shared_future_get__ returns a `const` reference so that multiple calls to __shared_future_get__ are safe. You can move an
+instance of __unique_future__ into an instance of __shared_future__, thus transferring ownership of the associated asynchronous
+result, but not vice-versa.
+You can wait for futures either individually or with one of the __wait_for_any__ and __wait_for_all__ functions.
+[section:creating Creating asynchronous values]
+You can set the value in a future with either a __promise__ or a __packaged_task__. A __packaged_task__ is a callable object that
+wraps a function or callable object. When the packaged task is invoked, it invokes the contained function in turn, and populates a
+future with the return value. This is an answer to the perennial question: "how do I return a value from a thread?": package the
+function you wish to run as a __packaged_task__ and pass the packaged task to the thread constructor. The future retrieved from the
+packaged task can then be used to obtain the return value. If the function throws an exception, that is stored in the future in
+place of the return value.
+ int calculate_the_answer_to_life_the_universe_and_everything()
+ {
+ return 42;
+ }
+ boost::packaged_task<int> pt(calculate_the_answer_to_life_the_universe_and_everything);
+ boost::unique_future<int> fi=pt.get_future();
+ boost::thread task(boost::move(pt)); // launch task on a thread
+ fi.wait(); // wait for it to finish
+ assert(fi.is_ready());
+ assert(fi.has_value());
+ assert(!fi.has_exception());
+ assert(fi.get_state()==boost::future_state::ready);
+ assert(fi.get()==42);
+A __promise__ is a bit more low level: it just provides explicit functions to store a value or an exception in the associated
+future. A promise can therefore be used where the value may come from more than one possible source, or where a single operation may
+produce multiple values.
+ boost::promise<int> pi;
+ boost::unique_future<int> fi;
+ fi=pi.get_future();
+ pi.set_value(42);
+ assert(fi.is_ready());
+ assert(fi.has_value());
+ assert(!fi.has_exception());
+ assert(fi.get_state()==boost::future_state::ready);
+ assert(fi.get()==42);
+[section:lazy_futures Wait Callbacks and Lazy Futures]
+Both __promise__ and __packaged_task__ support ['wait callbacks] that are invoked when a thread blocks in a call to `wait()` or
+`timed_wait()` on a future that is waiting for the result from the __promise__ or __packaged_task__, in the thread that is doing the
+waiting. These can be set using the `set_wait_callback()` member function on the __promise__ or __packaged_task__ in question.
+This allows ['lazy futures] where the result is not actually computed until it is needed by some thread. In the example below, the
+call to `f.get()` invokes the callback `invoke_lazy_task`, which runs the task to set the value. If you remove the call to
+`f.get()`, the task is not ever run.
+ int calculate_the_answer_to_life_the_universe_and_everything()
+ {
+ return 42;
+ }
+ void invoke_lazy_task(boost::packaged_task<int>& task)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ task();
+ }
+ catch(boost::task_already_started&)
+ {}
+ }
+ int main()
+ {
+ boost::packaged_task<int> task(calculate_the_answer_to_life_the_universe_and_everything);
+ task.set_wait_callback(invoke_lazy_task);
+ boost::unique_future<int> f(task.get_future());
+ assert(f.get()==42);
+ }
+[include future_ref.qbk]
\ No newline at end of file
Added: sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/index.html
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+++ sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/index.html 2010-05-20 03:37:27 EDT (Thu, 20 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<!-- Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Beman Dawes, William E. Kempf.
+ Subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+ (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=../../../doc/html/thread.html">
+Automatic redirection failed, please go to ../../../doc/html/thread.html
Added: sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/mutex_concepts.qbk
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/mutex_concepts.qbk 2010-05-20 03:37:27 EDT (Thu, 20 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,1119 @@
+ (C) Copyright 2007-8 Anthony Williams.
+ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+ (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+[section:mutex_concepts Mutex Concepts]
+A mutex object facilitates protection against data races and allows thread-safe synchronization of data between threads. A thread
+obtains ownership of a mutex object by calling one of the lock functions and relinquishes ownership by calling the corresponding
+unlock function. Mutexes may be either recursive or non-recursive, and may grant simultaneous ownership to one or many
+threads. __boost_thread__ supplies recursive and non-recursive mutexes with exclusive ownership semantics, along with a shared
+ownership (multiple-reader / single-writer) mutex.
+__boost_thread__ supports four basic concepts for lockable objects: __lockable_concept_type__, __timed_lockable_concept_type__,
+__shared_lockable_concept_type__ and __upgrade_lockable_concept_type__. Each mutex type implements one or more of these concepts, as
+do the various lock types.
+[section:lockable `Lockable` Concept]
+The __lockable_concept__ models exclusive ownership. A type that implements the __lockable_concept__ shall provide the following
+member functions:
+* [lock_ref_link `void lock();`]
+* [try_lock_ref_link `bool try_lock();`]
+* [unlock_ref_link `void unlock();`]
+Lock ownership acquired through a call to __lock_ref__ or __try_lock_ref__ must be released through a call to __unlock_ref__.
+[section:lock `void lock()`]
+[[Effects:] [The current thread blocks until ownership can be obtained for the current thread.]]
+[[Postcondition:] [The current thread owns `*this`.]]
+[[Throws:] [__thread_resource_error__ if an error occurs.]]
+[section:try_lock `bool try_lock()`]
+[[Effects:] [Attempt to obtain ownership for the current thread without blocking.]]
+[[Returns:] [`true` if ownership was obtained for the current thread, `false` otherwise.]]
+[[Postcondition:] [If the call returns `true`, the current thread owns the `*this`.]]
+[[Throws:] [__thread_resource_error__ if an error occurs.]]
+[section:unlock `void unlock()`]
+[[Precondition:] [The current thread owns `*this`.]]
+[[Effects:] [Releases ownership by the current thread.]]
+[[Postcondition:] [The current thread no longer owns `*this`.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing]]
+[section:timed_lockable `TimedLockable` Concept]
+The __timed_lockable_concept__ refines the __lockable_concept__ to add support for
+timeouts when trying to acquire the lock.
+A type that implements the __timed_lockable_concept__ shall meet the requirements
+of the __lockable_concept__. In addition, the following member functions must be
+* [timed_lock_ref_link `bool timed_lock(boost::system_time const& abs_time);`]
+* [timed_lock_duration_ref_link `template<typename DurationType> bool timed_lock(DurationType const& rel_time);`]
+Lock ownership acquired through a call to __timed_lock_ref__ must be released through a call to __unlock_ref__.
+[section:timed_lock `bool timed_lock(boost::system_time const& abs_time)`]
+[[Effects:] [Attempt to obtain ownership for the current thread. Blocks until ownership can be obtained, or the specified time is
+reached. If the specified time has already passed, behaves as __try_lock_ref__.]]
+[[Returns:] [`true` if ownership was obtained for the current thread, `false` otherwise.]]
+[[Postcondition:] [If the call returns `true`, the current thread owns `*this`.]]
+[[Throws:] [__thread_resource_error__ if an error occurs.]]
+[section:timed_lock_duration `template<typename DurationType> bool
+timed_lock(DurationType const& rel_time)`]
+[[Effects:] [As-if [timed_lock_ref_link
+[section:shared_lockable `SharedLockable` Concept]
+The __shared_lockable_concept__ is a refinement of the __timed_lockable_concept__ that
+allows for ['shared ownership] as well as ['exclusive ownership]. This is the
+standard multiple-reader / single-write model: at most one thread can have
+exclusive ownership, and if any thread does have exclusive ownership, no other threads
+can have shared or exclusive ownership. Alternatively, many threads may have
+shared ownership.
+For a type to implement the __shared_lockable_concept__, as well as meeting the
+requirements of the __timed_lockable_concept__, it must also provide the following
+member functions:
+* [lock_shared_ref_link `void lock_shared();`]
+* [try_lock_shared_ref_link `bool try_lock_shared();`]
+* [unlock_shared_ref_link `bool unlock_shared();`]
+* [timed_lock_shared_ref_link `bool timed_lock_shared(boost::system_time const& abs_time);`]
+Lock ownership acquired through a call to __lock_shared_ref__, __try_lock_shared_ref__ or __timed_lock_shared_ref__ must be released
+through a call to __unlock_shared_ref__.
+[section:lock_shared `void lock_shared()`]
+[[Effects:] [The current thread blocks until shared ownership can be obtained for the current thread.]]
+[[Postcondition:] [The current thread has shared ownership of `*this`.]]
+[[Throws:] [__thread_resource_error__ if an error occurs.]]
+[section:try_lock_shared `bool try_lock_shared()`]
+[[Effects:] [Attempt to obtain shared ownership for the current thread without blocking.]]
+[[Returns:] [`true` if shared ownership was obtained for the current thread, `false` otherwise.]]
+[[Postcondition:] [If the call returns `true`, the current thread has shared ownership of `*this`.]]
+[[Throws:] [__thread_resource_error__ if an error occurs.]]
+[section:timed_lock_shared `bool timed_lock_shared(boost::system_time const& abs_time)`]
+[[Effects:] [Attempt to obtain shared ownership for the current thread. Blocks until shared ownership can be obtained, or the
+specified time is reached. If the specified time has already passed, behaves as __try_lock_shared_ref__.]]
+[[Returns:] [`true` if shared ownership was acquired for the current thread, `false` otherwise.]]
+[[Postcondition:] [If the call returns `true`, the current thread has shared
+ownership of `*this`.]]
+[[Throws:] [__thread_resource_error__ if an error occurs.]]
+[section:unlock_shared `void unlock_shared()`]
+[[Precondition:] [The current thread has shared ownership of `*this`.]]
+[[Effects:] [Releases shared ownership of `*this` by the current thread.]]
+[[Postcondition:] [The current thread no longer has shared ownership of `*this`.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing]]
+[section:upgrade_lockable `UpgradeLockable` Concept]
+The __upgrade_lockable_concept__ is a refinement of the __shared_lockable_concept__ that allows for ['upgradable ownership] as well
+as ['shared ownership] and ['exclusive ownership]. This is an extension to the multiple-reader / single-write model provided by the
+__shared_lockable_concept__: a single thread may have ['upgradable ownership] at the same time as others have ['shared
+ownership]. The thread with ['upgradable ownership] may at any time attempt to upgrade that ownership to ['exclusive ownership]. If
+no other threads have shared ownership, the upgrade is completed immediately, and the thread now has ['exclusive ownership], which
+must be relinquished by a call to __unlock_ref__, just as if it had been acquired by a call to __lock_ref__.
+If a thread with ['upgradable ownership] tries to upgrade whilst other threads have ['shared ownership], the attempt will fail and
+the thread will block until ['exclusive ownership] can be acquired.
+Ownership can also be ['downgraded] as well as ['upgraded]: exclusive ownership of an implementation of the
+__upgrade_lockable_concept__ can be downgraded to upgradable ownership or shared ownership, and upgradable ownership can be
+downgraded to plain shared ownership.
+For a type to implement the __upgrade_lockable_concept__, as well as meeting the
+requirements of the __shared_lockable_concept__, it must also provide the following
+member functions:
+* [lock_upgrade_ref_link `void lock_upgrade();`]
+* [unlock_upgrade_ref_link `bool unlock_upgrade();`]
+* [unlock_upgrade_and_lock_ref_link `void unlock_upgrade_and_lock();`]
+* [unlock_and_lock_upgrade_ref_link `void unlock_and_lock_upgrade();`]
+* [unlock_upgrade_and_lock_shared_ref_link `void unlock_upgrade_and_lock_shared();`]
+Lock ownership acquired through a call to __lock_upgrade_ref__ must be released through a call to __unlock_upgrade_ref__. If the
+ownership type is changed through a call to one of the `unlock_xxx_and_lock_yyy()` functions, ownership must be released through a
+call to the unlock function corresponding to the new level of ownership.
+[section:lock_upgrade `void lock_upgrade()`]
+[[Effects:] [The current thread blocks until upgrade ownership can be obtained for the current thread.]]
+[[Postcondition:] [The current thread has upgrade ownership of `*this`.]]
+[[Throws:] [__thread_resource_error__ if an error occurs.]]
+[section:unlock_upgrade `void unlock_upgrade()`]
+[[Precondition:] [The current thread has upgrade ownership of `*this`.]]
+[[Effects:] [Releases upgrade ownership of `*this` by the current thread.]]
+[[Postcondition:] [The current thread no longer has upgrade ownership of `*this`.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing]]
+[section:unlock_upgrade_and_lock `void unlock_upgrade_and_lock()`]
+[[Precondition:] [The current thread has upgrade ownership of `*this`.]]
+[[Effects:] [Atomically releases upgrade ownership of `*this` by the current thread and acquires exclusive ownership of `*this`. If
+any other threads have shared ownership, blocks until exclusive ownership can be acquired.]]
+[[Postcondition:] [The current thread has exclusive ownership of `*this`.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing]]
+[section:unlock_upgrade_and_lock_shared `void unlock_upgrade_and_lock_shared()`]
+[[Precondition:] [The current thread has upgrade ownership of `*this`.]]
+[[Effects:] [Atomically releases upgrade ownership of `*this` by the current thread and acquires shared ownership of `*this` without
+[[Postcondition:] [The current thread has shared ownership of `*this`.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing]]
+[section:unlock_and_lock_upgrade `void unlock_and_lock_upgrade()`]
+[[Precondition:] [The current thread has exclusive ownership of `*this`.]]
+[[Effects:] [Atomically releases exclusive ownership of `*this` by the current thread and acquires upgrade ownership of `*this`
+without blocking.]]
+[[Postcondition:] [The current thread has upgrade ownership of `*this`.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing]]
+[section:locks Lock Types]
+[section:lock_guard Class template `lock_guard`]
+ #include <boost/thread/locks.hpp>
+ template<typename Lockable>
+ class lock_guard
+ {
+ public:
+ explicit lock_guard(Lockable& m_);
+ lock_guard(Lockable& m_,boost::adopt_lock_t);
+ ~lock_guard();
+ };
+__lock_guard__ is very simple: on construction it
+acquires ownership of the implementation of the __lockable_concept__ supplied as
+the constructor parameter. On destruction, the ownership is released. This
+provides simple RAII-style locking of a __lockable_concept_type__ object, to facilitate exception-safe
+locking and unlocking. In addition, the [link
+thread.synchronization.locks.lock_guard.constructor_adopt `lock_guard(Lockable &
+m,boost::adopt_lock_t)` constructor] allows the __lock_guard__ object to
+take ownership of a lock already held by the current thread.
+[section:constructor `lock_guard(Lockable & m)`]
+[[Effects:] [Stores a reference to `m`. Invokes [lock_ref_link `m.lock()`].]]
+[[Throws:] [Any exception thrown by the call to [lock_ref_link `m.lock()`].]]
+[section:constructor_adopt `lock_guard(Lockable & m,boost::adopt_lock_t)`]
+[[Precondition:] [The current thread owns a lock on `m` equivalent to one
+obtained by a call to [lock_ref_link `m.lock()`].]]
+[[Effects:] [Stores a reference to `m`. Takes ownership of the lock state of
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:destructor `~lock_guard()`]
+[[Effects:] [Invokes [unlock_ref_link `m.unlock()`] on the __lockable_concept_type__
+object passed to the constructor.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:unique_lock Class template `unique_lock`]
+ #include <boost/thread/locks.hpp>
+ template<typename Lockable>
+ class unique_lock
+ {
+ public:
+ unique_lock();
+ explicit unique_lock(Lockable& m_);
+ unique_lock(Lockable& m_,adopt_lock_t);
+ unique_lock(Lockable& m_,defer_lock_t);
+ unique_lock(Lockable& m_,try_to_lock_t);
+ unique_lock(Lockable& m_,system_time const& target_time);
+ ~unique_lock();
+ unique_lock(detail::thread_move_t<unique_lock<Lockable> > other);
+ unique_lock(detail::thread_move_t<upgrade_lock<Lockable> > other);
+ operator detail::thread_move_t<unique_lock<Lockable> >();
+ detail::thread_move_t<unique_lock<Lockable> > move();
+ unique_lock& operator=(detail::thread_move_t<unique_lock<Lockable> > other);
+ unique_lock& operator=(detail::thread_move_t<upgrade_lock<Lockable> > other);
+ void swap(unique_lock& other);
+ void swap(detail::thread_move_t<unique_lock<Lockable> > other);
+ void lock();
+ bool try_lock();
+ template<typename TimeDuration>
+ bool timed_lock(TimeDuration const& relative_time);
+ bool timed_lock(::boost::system_time const& absolute_time);
+ void unlock();
+ bool owns_lock() const;
+ operator ``['unspecified-bool-type]``() const;
+ bool operator!() const;
+ Lockable* mutex() const;
+ Lockable* release();
+ };
+__unique_lock__ is more complex than __lock_guard__: not only does it provide for RAII-style locking, it also allows for deferring
+acquiring the lock until the __lock_ref__ member function is called explicitly, or trying to acquire the lock in a non-blocking
+fashion, or with a timeout. Consequently, __unlock_ref__ is only called in the destructor if the lock object has locked the
+__lockable_concept_type__ object, or otherwise adopted a lock on the __lockable_concept_type__ object.
+Specializations of __unique_lock__ model the __timed_lockable_concept__ if the supplied __lockable_concept_type__ type itself models
+__timed_lockable_concept__ (e.g. `boost::unique_lock<boost::timed_mutex>`), or the __lockable_concept__ otherwise
+(e.g. `boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex>`).
+An instance of __unique_lock__ is said to ['own] the lock state of a __lockable_concept_type__ `m` if __mutex_func_ref__ returns a
+pointer to `m` and __owns_lock_ref__ returns `true`. If an object that ['owns] the lock state of a __lockable_concept_type__ object
+is destroyed, then the destructor will invoke [unlock_ref_link `mutex()->unlock()`].
+The member functions of __unique_lock__ are not thread-safe. In particular, __unique_lock__ is intended to model the ownership of a
+__lockable_concept_type__ object by a particular thread, and the member functions that release ownership of the lock state
+(including the destructor) must be called by the same thread that acquired ownership of the lock state.
+[section:defaultconstructor `unique_lock()`]
+[[Effects:] [Creates a lock object with no associated mutex.]]
+[[Postcondition:] [__owns_lock_ref__ returns `false`. __mutex_func_ref__ returns `NULL`.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:constructor `unique_lock(Lockable & m)`]
+[[Effects:] [Stores a reference to `m`. Invokes [lock_ref_link `m.lock()`].]]
+[[Postcondition:] [__owns_lock_ref__ returns `true`. __mutex_func_ref__ returns `&m`.]]
+[[Throws:] [Any exception thrown by the call to [lock_ref_link `m.lock()`].]]
+[section:constructor_adopt `unique_lock(Lockable & m,boost::adopt_lock_t)`]
+[[Precondition:] [The current thread owns an exclusive lock on `m`.]]
+[[Effects:] [Stores a reference to `m`. Takes ownership of the lock state of `m`.]]
+[[Postcondition:] [__owns_lock_ref__ returns `true`. __mutex_func_ref__ returns `&m`.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:constructor_defer `unique_lock(Lockable & m,boost::defer_lock_t)`]
+[[Effects:] [Stores a reference to `m`.]]
+[[Postcondition:] [__owns_lock_ref__ returns `false`. __mutex_func_ref__ returns `&m`.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:constructor_try `unique_lock(Lockable & m,boost::try_to_lock_t)`]
+[[Effects:] [Stores a reference to `m`. Invokes [try_lock_ref_link
+`m.try_lock()`], and takes ownership of the lock state if the call returns
+[[Postcondition:] [__mutex_func_ref__ returns `&m`. If the call to __try_lock_ref__
+returned `true`, then __owns_lock_ref__ returns `true`, otherwise __owns_lock_ref__
+returns `false`.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:constructor_abs_time `unique_lock(Lockable & m,boost::system_time const& abs_time)`]
+[[Effects:] [Stores a reference to `m`. Invokes [timed_lock_ref_link
+`m.timed_lock(abs_time)`], and takes ownership of the lock state if the call
+returns `true`.]]
+[[Postcondition:] [__mutex_func_ref__ returns `&m`. If the call to __timed_lock_ref__
+returned `true`, then __owns_lock_ref__ returns `true`, otherwise __owns_lock_ref__
+returns `false`.]]
+[[Throws:] [Any exceptions thrown by the call to [timed_lock_ref_link `m.timed_lock(abs_time)`].]]
+[section:destructor `~unique_lock()`]
+[[Effects:] [Invokes __mutex_func_ref__`->`[unlock_ref_link `unlock()`] if
+__owns_lock_ref__ returns `true`.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:owns_lock `bool owns_lock() const`]
+[[Returns:] [`true` if the `*this` owns the lock on the __lockable_concept_type__
+object associated with `*this`.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:mutex `Lockable* mutex() const`]
+[[Returns:] [A pointer to the __lockable_concept_type__ object associated with
+`*this`, or `NULL` if there is no such object.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:bool_conversion `operator unspecified-bool-type() const`]
+[[Returns:] [If __owns_lock_ref__ would return `true`, a value that evaluates to
+`true` in boolean contexts, otherwise a value that evaluates to `false` in
+boolean contexts.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:operator_not `bool operator!() const`]
+[[Returns:] [`!` __owns_lock_ref__.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:release `Lockable* release()`]
+[[Effects:] [The association between `*this` and the __lockable_concept_type__ object is removed, without affecting the lock state
+of the __lockable_concept_type__ object. If __owns_lock_ref__ would have returned `true`, it is the responsibility of the calling
+code to ensure that the __lockable_concept_type__ is correctly unlocked.]]
+[[Returns:] [A pointer to the __lockable_concept_type__ object associated with `*this` at the point of the call, or `NULL` if there
+is no such object.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[[Postcondition:] [`*this` is no longer associated with any __lockable_concept_type__ object. __mutex_func_ref__ returns `NULL` and
+__owns_lock_ref__ returns `false`.]]
+[section:shared_lock Class template `shared_lock`]
+ #include <boost/thread/locks.hpp>
+ template<typename Lockable>
+ class shared_lock
+ {
+ public:
+ shared_lock();
+ explicit shared_lock(Lockable& m_);
+ shared_lock(Lockable& m_,adopt_lock_t);
+ shared_lock(Lockable& m_,defer_lock_t);
+ shared_lock(Lockable& m_,try_to_lock_t);
+ shared_lock(Lockable& m_,system_time const& target_time);
+ shared_lock(detail::thread_move_t<shared_lock<Lockable> > other);
+ shared_lock(detail::thread_move_t<unique_lock<Lockable> > other);
+ shared_lock(detail::thread_move_t<upgrade_lock<Lockable> > other);
+ ~shared_lock();
+ operator detail::thread_move_t<shared_lock<Lockable> >();
+ detail::thread_move_t<shared_lock<Lockable> > move();
+ shared_lock& operator=(detail::thread_move_t<shared_lock<Lockable> > other);
+ shared_lock& operator=(detail::thread_move_t<unique_lock<Lockable> > other);
+ shared_lock& operator=(detail::thread_move_t<upgrade_lock<Lockable> > other);
+ void swap(shared_lock& other);
+ void lock();
+ bool try_lock();
+ bool timed_lock(boost::system_time const& target_time);
+ void unlock();
+ operator ``['unspecified-bool-type]``() const;
+ bool operator!() const;
+ bool owns_lock() const;
+ };
+Like __unique_lock__, __shared_lock__ models the __lockable_concept__, but rather than acquiring unique ownership of the supplied
+__lockable_concept_type__ object, locking an instance of __shared_lock__ acquires shared ownership.
+Like __unique_lock__, not only does it provide for RAII-style locking, it also allows for deferring acquiring the lock until the
+__lock_ref__ member function is called explicitly, or trying to acquire the lock in a non-blocking fashion, or with a
+timeout. Consequently, __unlock_ref__ is only called in the destructor if the lock object has locked the __lockable_concept_type__
+object, or otherwise adopted a lock on the __lockable_concept_type__ object.
+An instance of __shared_lock__ is said to ['own] the lock state of a __lockable_concept_type__ `m` if __mutex_func_ref__ returns a
+pointer to `m` and __owns_lock_ref__ returns `true`. If an object that ['owns] the lock state of a __lockable_concept_type__ object
+is destroyed, then the destructor will invoke [unlock_shared_ref_link `mutex()->unlock_shared()`].
+The member functions of __shared_lock__ are not thread-safe. In particular, __shared_lock__ is intended to model the shared
+ownership of a __lockable_concept_type__ object by a particular thread, and the member functions that release ownership of the lock
+state (including the destructor) must be called by the same thread that acquired ownership of the lock state.
+[section:defaultconstructor `shared_lock()`]
+[[Effects:] [Creates a lock object with no associated mutex.]]
+[[Postcondition:] [__owns_lock_ref__ returns `false`. __mutex_func_ref__ returns `NULL`.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:constructor `shared_lock(Lockable & m)`]
+[[Effects:] [Stores a reference to `m`. Invokes [lock_shared_ref_link `m.lock_shared()`].]]
+[[Postcondition:] [__owns_lock_shared_ref__ returns `true`. __mutex_func_ref__ returns `&m`.]]
+[[Throws:] [Any exception thrown by the call to [lock_shared_ref_link `m.lock_shared()`].]]
+[section:constructor_adopt `shared_lock(Lockable & m,boost::adopt_lock_t)`]
+[[Precondition:] [The current thread owns an exclusive lock on `m`.]]
+[[Effects:] [Stores a reference to `m`. Takes ownership of the lock state of `m`.]]
+[[Postcondition:] [__owns_lock_shared_ref__ returns `true`. __mutex_func_ref__ returns `&m`.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:constructor_defer `shared_lock(Lockable & m,boost::defer_lock_t)`]
+[[Effects:] [Stores a reference to `m`.]]
+[[Postcondition:] [__owns_lock_shared_ref__ returns `false`. __mutex_func_ref__ returns `&m`.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:constructor_try `shared_lock(Lockable & m,boost::try_to_lock_t)`]
+[[Effects:] [Stores a reference to `m`. Invokes [try_lock_shared_ref_link
+`m.try_lock_shared()`], and takes ownership of the lock state if the call returns
+[[Postcondition:] [__mutex_func_ref__ returns `&m`. If the call to __try_lock_shared_ref__
+returned `true`, then __owns_lock_shared_ref__ returns `true`, otherwise __owns_lock_shared_ref__
+returns `false`.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:constructor_abs_time `shared_lock(Lockable & m,boost::system_time const& abs_time)`]
+[[Effects:] [Stores a reference to `m`. Invokes [timed_lock_shared_ref_link
+`m.timed_lock(abs_time)`], and takes ownership of the lock state if the call
+returns `true`.]]
+[[Postcondition:] [__mutex_func_ref__ returns `&m`. If the call to __timed_lock_shared_ref__
+returned `true`, then __owns_lock_shared_ref__ returns `true`, otherwise __owns_lock_shared_ref__
+returns `false`.]]
+[[Throws:] [Any exceptions thrown by the call to [timed_lock_shared_ref_link `m.timed_lock(abs_time)`].]]
+[section:destructor `~shared_lock()`]
+[[Effects:] [Invokes __mutex_func_ref__`->`[unlock_shared_ref_link `unlock_shared()`] if
+__owns_lock_shared_ref__ returns `true`.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:owns_lock `bool owns_lock() const`]
+[[Returns:] [`true` if the `*this` owns the lock on the __lockable_concept_type__
+object associated with `*this`.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:mutex `Lockable* mutex() const`]
+[[Returns:] [A pointer to the __lockable_concept_type__ object associated with
+`*this`, or `NULL` if there is no such object.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:bool_conversion `operator unspecified-bool-type() const`]
+[[Returns:] [If __owns_lock_shared_ref__ would return `true`, a value that evaluates to
+`true` in boolean contexts, otherwise a value that evaluates to `false` in
+boolean contexts.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:operator_not `bool operator!() const`]
+[[Returns:] [`!` __owns_lock_shared_ref__.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:release `Lockable* release()`]
+[[Effects:] [The association between `*this` and the __lockable_concept_type__ object is removed, without affecting the lock state
+of the __lockable_concept_type__ object. If __owns_lock_shared_ref__ would have returned `true`, it is the responsibility of the calling
+code to ensure that the __lockable_concept_type__ is correctly unlocked.]]
+[[Returns:] [A pointer to the __lockable_concept_type__ object associated with `*this` at the point of the call, or `NULL` if there
+is no such object.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[[Postcondition:] [`*this` is no longer associated with any __lockable_concept_type__ object. __mutex_func_ref__ returns `NULL` and
+__owns_lock_shared_ref__ returns `false`.]]
+[section:upgrade_lock Class template `upgrade_lock`]
+ #include <boost/thread/locks.hpp>
+ template<typename Lockable>
+ class upgrade_lock
+ {
+ public:
+ explicit upgrade_lock(Lockable& m_);
+ upgrade_lock(detail::thread_move_t<upgrade_lock<Lockable> > other);
+ upgrade_lock(detail::thread_move_t<unique_lock<Lockable> > other);
+ ~upgrade_lock();
+ operator detail::thread_move_t<upgrade_lock<Lockable> >();
+ detail::thread_move_t<upgrade_lock<Lockable> > move();
+ upgrade_lock& operator=(detail::thread_move_t<upgrade_lock<Lockable> > other);
+ upgrade_lock& operator=(detail::thread_move_t<unique_lock<Lockable> > other);
+ void swap(upgrade_lock& other);
+ void lock();
+ void unlock();
+ operator ``['unspecified-bool-type]``() const;
+ bool operator!() const;
+ bool owns_lock() const;
+ };
+Like __unique_lock__, __upgrade_lock__ models the __lockable_concept__, but rather than acquiring unique ownership of the supplied
+__lockable_concept_type__ object, locking an instance of __upgrade_lock__ acquires upgrade ownership.
+Like __unique_lock__, not only does it provide for RAII-style locking, it also allows for deferring acquiring the lock until the
+__lock_ref__ member function is called explicitly, or trying to acquire the lock in a non-blocking fashion, or with a
+timeout. Consequently, __unlock_ref__ is only called in the destructor if the lock object has locked the __lockable_concept_type__
+object, or otherwise adopted a lock on the __lockable_concept_type__ object.
+An instance of __upgrade_lock__ is said to ['own] the lock state of a __lockable_concept_type__ `m` if __mutex_func_ref__ returns a
+pointer to `m` and __owns_lock_ref__ returns `true`. If an object that ['owns] the lock state of a __lockable_concept_type__ object
+is destroyed, then the destructor will invoke [unlock_upgrade_ref_link `mutex()->unlock_upgrade()`].
+The member functions of __upgrade_lock__ are not thread-safe. In particular, __upgrade_lock__ is intended to model the upgrade
+ownership of a __lockable_concept_type__ object by a particular thread, and the member functions that release ownership of the lock
+state (including the destructor) must be called by the same thread that acquired ownership of the lock state.
+[section:upgrade_to_unique_lock Class template `upgrade_to_unique_lock`]
+ #include <boost/thread/locks.hpp>
+ template <class Lockable>
+ class upgrade_to_unique_lock
+ {
+ public:
+ explicit upgrade_to_unique_lock(upgrade_lock<Lockable>& m_);
+ ~upgrade_to_unique_lock();
+ upgrade_to_unique_lock(detail::thread_move_t<upgrade_to_unique_lock<Lockable> > other);
+ upgrade_to_unique_lock& operator=(detail::thread_move_t<upgrade_to_unique_lock<Lockable> > other);
+ void swap(upgrade_to_unique_lock& other);
+ operator ``['unspecified-bool-type]``() const;
+ bool operator!() const;
+ bool owns_lock() const;
+ };
+__upgrade_to_unique_lock__ allows for a temporary upgrade of an __upgrade_lock__ to exclusive ownership. When constructed with a
+reference to an instance of __upgrade_lock__, if that instance has upgrade ownership on some __lockable_concept_type__ object, that
+ownership is upgraded to exclusive ownership. When the __upgrade_to_unique_lock__ instance is destroyed, the ownership of the
+__lockable_concept_type__ is downgraded back to ['upgrade ownership].
+[section:scoped_try_lock Mutex-specific class `scoped_try_lock`]
+ class MutexType::scoped_try_lock
+ {
+ private:
+ MutexType::scoped_try_lock(MutexType::scoped_try_lock<MutexType>& other);
+ MutexType::scoped_try_lock& operator=(MutexType::scoped_try_lock<MutexType>& other);
+ public:
+ MutexType::scoped_try_lock();
+ explicit MutexType::scoped_try_lock(MutexType& m);
+ MutexType::scoped_try_lock(MutexType& m_,adopt_lock_t);
+ MutexType::scoped_try_lock(MutexType& m_,defer_lock_t);
+ MutexType::scoped_try_lock(MutexType& m_,try_to_lock_t);
+ MutexType::scoped_try_lock(MutexType::scoped_try_lock<MutexType>&& other);
+ MutexType::scoped_try_lock& operator=(MutexType::scoped_try_lock<MutexType>&& other);
+ void swap(MutexType::scoped_try_lock&& other);
+ void lock();
+ bool try_lock();
+ void unlock();
+ bool owns_lock() const;
+ MutexType* mutex() const;
+ MutexType* release();
+ bool operator!() const;
+ typedef ``['unspecified-bool-type]`` bool_type;
+ operator bool_type() const;
+ };
+The member typedef `scoped_try_lock` is provided for each distinct
+`MutexType` as a typedef to a class with the preceding definition. The
+semantics of each constructor and member function are identical to
+those of [unique_lock_link `boost::unique_lock<MutexType>`] for the same `MutexType`, except
+that the constructor that takes a single reference to a mutex will
+call [try_lock_ref_link `m.try_lock()`] rather than `m.lock()`.
+[section:lock_functions Lock functions]
+[section:lock_multiple Non-member function `lock(Lockable1,Lockable2,...)`]
+ template<typename Lockable1,typename Lockable2>
+ void lock(Lockable1& l1,Lockable2& l2);
+ template<typename Lockable1,typename Lockable2,typename Lockable3>
+ void lock(Lockable1& l1,Lockable2& l2,Lockable3& l3);
+ template<typename Lockable1,typename Lockable2,typename Lockable3,typename Lockable4>
+ void lock(Lockable1& l1,Lockable2& l2,Lockable3& l3,Lockable4& l4);
+ template<typename Lockable1,typename Lockable2,typename Lockable3,typename Lockable4,typename Lockable5>
+ void lock(Lockable1& l1,Lockable2& l2,Lockable3& l3,Lockable4& l4,Lockable5& l5);
+[[Effects:] [Locks the __lockable_concept_type__ objects supplied as
+arguments in an unspecified and indeterminate order in a way that
+avoids deadlock. It is safe to call this function concurrently from
+multiple threads with the same mutexes (or other lockable objects) in
+different orders without risk of deadlock. If any of the __lock_ref__
+or __try_lock_ref__ operations on the supplied
+__lockable_concept_type__ objects throws an exception any locks
+acquired by the function will be released before the function exits.]]
+[[Throws:] [Any exceptions thrown by calling __lock_ref__ or
+__try_lock_ref__ on the supplied __lockable_concept_type__ objects.]]
+[[Postcondition:] [All the supplied __lockable_concept_type__ objects
+are locked by the calling thread.]]
+[section:lock_range Non-member function `lock(begin,end)`]
+ template<typename ForwardIterator>
+ void lock(ForwardIterator begin,ForwardIterator end);
+[[Preconditions:] [The `value_type` of `ForwardIterator` must implement the __lockable_concept__]]
+[[Effects:] [Locks all the __lockable_concept_type__ objects in the
+supplied range in an unspecified and indeterminate order in a way that
+avoids deadlock. It is safe to call this function concurrently from
+multiple threads with the same mutexes (or other lockable objects) in
+different orders without risk of deadlock. If any of the __lock_ref__
+or __try_lock_ref__ operations on the __lockable_concept_type__
+objects in the supplied range throws an exception any locks acquired
+by the function will be released before the function exits.]]
+[[Throws:] [Any exceptions thrown by calling __lock_ref__ or
+__try_lock_ref__ on the supplied __lockable_concept_type__ objects.]]
+[[Postcondition:] [All the __lockable_concept_type__ objects in the
+supplied range are locked by the calling thread.]]
+[section:try_lock_multiple Non-member function `try_lock(Lockable1,Lockable2,...)`]
+ template<typename Lockable1,typename Lockable2>
+ int try_lock(Lockable1& l1,Lockable2& l2);
+ template<typename Lockable1,typename Lockable2,typename Lockable3>
+ int try_lock(Lockable1& l1,Lockable2& l2,Lockable3& l3);
+ template<typename Lockable1,typename Lockable2,typename Lockable3,typename Lockable4>
+ int try_lock(Lockable1& l1,Lockable2& l2,Lockable3& l3,Lockable4& l4);
+ template<typename Lockable1,typename Lockable2,typename Lockable3,typename Lockable4,typename Lockable5>
+ int try_lock(Lockable1& l1,Lockable2& l2,Lockable3& l3,Lockable4& l4,Lockable5& l5);
+[[Effects:] [Calls __try_lock_ref__ on each of the
+__lockable_concept_type__ objects supplied as arguments. If any of the
+calls to __try_lock_ref__ returns `false` then all locks acquired are
+released and the zero-based index of the failed lock is returned.
+If any of the __try_lock_ref__ operations on the supplied
+__lockable_concept_type__ objects throws an exception any locks
+acquired by the function will be released before the function exits.]]
+[[Returns:] [`-1` if all the supplied __lockable_concept_type__ objects
+are now locked by the calling thread, the zero-based index of the
+object which could not be locked otherwise.]]
+[[Throws:] [Any exceptions thrown by calling __try_lock_ref__ on the
+supplied __lockable_concept_type__ objects.]]
+[[Postcondition:] [If the function returns `-1`, all the supplied
+__lockable_concept_type__ objects are locked by the calling
+thread. Otherwise any locks acquired by this function will have been
+[section:try_lock_range Non-member function `try_lock(begin,end)`]
+ template<typename ForwardIterator>
+ ForwardIterator try_lock(ForwardIterator begin,ForwardIterator end);
+[[Preconditions:] [The `value_type` of `ForwardIterator` must implement the __lockable_concept__]]
+[[Effects:] [Calls __try_lock_ref__ on each of the
+__lockable_concept_type__ objects in the supplied range. If any of the
+calls to __try_lock_ref__ returns `false` then all locks acquired are
+released and an iterator referencing the failed lock is returned.
+If any of the __try_lock_ref__ operations on the supplied
+__lockable_concept_type__ objects throws an exception any locks
+acquired by the function will be released before the function exits.]]
+[[Returns:] [`end` if all the supplied __lockable_concept_type__
+objects are now locked by the calling thread, an iterator referencing
+the object which could not be locked otherwise.]]
+[[Throws:] [Any exceptions thrown by calling __try_lock_ref__ on the
+supplied __lockable_concept_type__ objects.]]
+[[Postcondition:] [If the function returns `end` then all the
+__lockable_concept_type__ objects in the supplied range are locked by
+the calling thread, otherwise all locks acquired by the function have
+been released.]]
Added: sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/mutexes.qbk
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/mutexes.qbk 2010-05-20 03:37:27 EDT (Thu, 20 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+ (C) Copyright 2007-8 Anthony Williams.
+ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+ (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+[section:mutex_types Mutex Types]
+[section:mutex Class `mutex`]
+ #include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
+ class mutex:
+ boost::noncopyable
+ {
+ public:
+ mutex();
+ ~mutex();
+ void lock();
+ bool try_lock();
+ void unlock();
+ typedef platform-specific-type native_handle_type;
+ native_handle_type native_handle();
+ typedef unique_lock<mutex> scoped_lock;
+ typedef unspecified-type scoped_try_lock;
+ };
+__mutex__ implements the __lockable_concept__ to provide an exclusive-ownership mutex. At most one thread can own the lock on a given
+instance of __mutex__ at any time. Multiple concurrent calls to __lock_ref__, __try_lock_ref__ and __unlock_ref__ shall be permitted.
+[section:nativehandle Member function `native_handle()`]
+ typedef platform-specific-type native_handle_type;
+ native_handle_type native_handle();
+[[Effects:] [Returns an instance of `native_handle_type` that can be used with platform-specific APIs to manipulate the underlying
+implementation. If no such instance exists, `native_handle()` and `native_handle_type` are not present.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:try_mutex Typedef `try_mutex`]
+ #include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
+ typedef mutex try_mutex;
+__try_mutex__ is a `typedef` to __mutex__, provided for backwards compatibility with previous releases of boost.
+[section:timed_mutex Class `timed_mutex`]
+ #include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
+ class timed_mutex:
+ boost::noncopyable
+ {
+ public:
+ timed_mutex();
+ ~timed_mutex();
+ void lock();
+ void unlock();
+ bool try_lock();
+ bool timed_lock(system_time const & abs_time);
+ template<typename TimeDuration>
+ bool timed_lock(TimeDuration const & relative_time);
+ typedef platform-specific-type native_handle_type;
+ native_handle_type native_handle();
+ typedef unique_lock<timed_mutex> scoped_timed_lock;
+ typedef unspecified-type scoped_try_lock;
+ typedef scoped_timed_lock scoped_lock;
+ };
+__timed_mutex__ implements the __timed_lockable_concept__ to provide an exclusive-ownership mutex. At most one thread can own the
+lock on a given instance of __timed_mutex__ at any time. Multiple concurrent calls to __lock_ref__, __try_lock_ref__,
+__timed_lock_ref__, __timed_lock_duration_ref__ and __unlock_ref__ shall be permitted.
+[section:nativehandle Member function `native_handle()`]
+ typedef platform-specific-type native_handle_type;
+ native_handle_type native_handle();
+[[Effects:] [Returns an instance of `native_handle_type` that can be used with platform-specific APIs to manipulate the underlying
+implementation. If no such instance exists, `native_handle()` and `native_handle_type` are not present.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:recursive_mutex Class `recursive_mutex`]
+ #include <boost/thread/recursive_mutex.hpp>
+ class recursive_mutex:
+ boost::noncopyable
+ {
+ public:
+ recursive_mutex();
+ ~recursive_mutex();
+ void lock();
+ bool try_lock();
+ void unlock();
+ typedef platform-specific-type native_handle_type;
+ native_handle_type native_handle();
+ typedef unique_lock<recursive_mutex> scoped_lock;
+ typedef unspecified-type scoped_try_lock;
+ };
+__recursive_mutex__ implements the __lockable_concept__ to provide an exclusive-ownership recursive mutex. At most one thread can
+own the lock on a given instance of __recursive_mutex__ at any time. Multiple concurrent calls to __lock_ref__, __try_lock_ref__ and
+__unlock_ref__ shall be permitted. A thread that already has exclusive ownership of a given __recursive_mutex__ instance can call
+__lock_ref__ or __try_lock_ref__ to acquire an additional level of ownership of the mutex. __unlock_ref__ must be called once for
+each level of ownership acquired by a single thread before ownership can be acquired by another thread.
+[section:nativehandle Member function `native_handle()`]
+ typedef platform-specific-type native_handle_type;
+ native_handle_type native_handle();
+[[Effects:] [Returns an instance of `native_handle_type` that can be used with platform-specific APIs to manipulate the underlying
+implementation. If no such instance exists, `native_handle()` and `native_handle_type` are not present.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:recursive_try_mutex Typedef `recursive_try_mutex`]
+ #include <boost/thread/recursive_mutex.hpp>
+ typedef recursive_mutex recursive_try_mutex;
+__recursive_try_mutex__ is a `typedef` to __recursive_mutex__, provided for backwards compatibility with previous releases of boost.
+[section:recursive_timed_mutex Class `recursive_timed_mutex`]
+ #include <boost/thread/recursive_mutex.hpp>
+ class recursive_timed_mutex:
+ boost::noncopyable
+ {
+ public:
+ recursive_timed_mutex();
+ ~recursive_timed_mutex();
+ void lock();
+ bool try_lock();
+ void unlock();
+ bool timed_lock(system_time const & abs_time);
+ template<typename TimeDuration>
+ bool timed_lock(TimeDuration const & relative_time);
+ typedef platform-specific-type native_handle_type;
+ native_handle_type native_handle();
+ typedef unique_lock<recursive_timed_mutex> scoped_lock;
+ typedef unspecified-type scoped_try_lock;
+ typedef scoped_lock scoped_timed_lock;
+ };
+__recursive_timed_mutex__ implements the __timed_lockable_concept__ to provide an exclusive-ownership recursive mutex. At most one
+thread can own the lock on a given instance of __recursive_timed_mutex__ at any time. Multiple concurrent calls to __lock_ref__,
+__try_lock_ref__, __timed_lock_ref__, __timed_lock_duration_ref__ and __unlock_ref__ shall be permitted. A thread that already has
+exclusive ownership of a given __recursive_timed_mutex__ instance can call __lock_ref__, __timed_lock_ref__,
+__timed_lock_duration_ref__ or __try_lock_ref__ to acquire an additional level of ownership of the mutex. __unlock_ref__ must be
+called once for each level of ownership acquired by a single thread before ownership can be acquired by another thread.
+[section:nativehandle Member function `native_handle()`]
+ typedef platform-specific-type native_handle_type;
+ native_handle_type native_handle();
+[[Effects:] [Returns an instance of `native_handle_type` that can be used with platform-specific APIs to manipulate the underlying
+implementation. If no such instance exists, `native_handle()` and `native_handle_type` are not present.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[include shared_mutex_ref.qbk]
Added: sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/once.qbk
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/once.qbk 2010-05-20 03:37:27 EDT (Thu, 20 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ (C) Copyright 2007-8 Anthony Williams.
+ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+ (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+[section:once One-time Initialization]
+`boost::call_once` provides a mechanism for ensuring that an initialization routine is run exactly once without data races or deadlocks.
+[section:once_flag Typedef `once_flag`]
+ #include <boost/thread/once.hpp>
+ typedef platform-specific-type once_flag;
+ #define BOOST_ONCE_INIT platform-specific-initializer
+Objects of type `boost::once_flag` shall be initialized with `BOOST_ONCE_INIT`:
+ boost::once_flag f=BOOST_ONCE_INIT;
+[section:call_once Non-member function `call_once`]
+ #include <boost/thread/once.hpp>
+ template<typename Callable>
+ void call_once(once_flag& flag,Callable func);
+[[Requires:] [`Callable` is `CopyConstructible`. Copying `func` shall have no side effects, and the effect of calling the copy shall
+be equivalent to calling the original. ]]
+[[Effects:] [Calls to `call_once` on the same `once_flag` object are serialized. If there has been no prior effective `call_once` on
+the same `once_flag` object, the argument `func` (or a copy thereof) is called as-if by invoking `func()`, and the invocation of
+`call_once` is effective if and only if `func()` returns without exception. If an exception is thrown, the exception is
+propagated to the caller. If there has been a prior effective `call_once` on the same `once_flag` object, the `call_once` returns
+without invoking `func`. ]]
+[[Synchronization:] [The completion of an effective `call_once` invocation on a `once_flag` object, synchronizes with
+all subsequent `call_once` invocations on the same `once_flag` object. ]]
+[[Throws:] [`thread_resource_error` when the effects cannot be achieved. or any exception propagated from `func`.]]
+[[Note:] [The function passed to `call_once` must not also call
+`call_once` passing the same `once_flag` object. This may cause
+deadlock, or invoking the passed function a second time. The
+alternative is to allow the second call to return immediately, but
+that assumes the code knows it has been called recursively, and can
+proceed even though the call to `call_once` didn't actually call the
+function, in which case it could also avoid calling `call_once`
+ void call_once(void (*func)(),once_flag& flag);
+This second overload is provided for backwards compatibility. The effects of `call_once(func,flag)` shall be the same as those of
Added: sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/overview.qbk
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/overview.qbk 2010-05-20 03:37:27 EDT (Thu, 20 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ (C) Copyright 2007-8 Anthony Williams.
+ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+ (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+[section:overview Overview]
+__boost_thread__ enables the use of multiple threads of execution with shared data in portable C++ code. It provides classes and
+functions for managing the threads themselves, along with others for synchronizing data between the threads or providing separate
+copies of data specific to individual threads.
+The __boost_thread__ library was originally written and designed by William E. Kempf. This version is a major rewrite designed to
+closely follow the proposals presented to the C++ Standards Committee, in particular
+[@http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2008/n2497.html N2497],
+[@http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2007/n2320.html N2320],
+[@http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2007/n2184.html N2184],
+[@http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2006/n2139.html N2139], and
+[@http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2006/n2094.html N2094]
+In order to use the classes and functions described here, you can
+either include the specific headers specified by the descriptions of
+each class or function, or include the master thread library header:
+ #include <boost/thread.hpp>
+which includes all the other headers in turn.
Added: sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/shared_mutex_ref.qbk
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/shared_mutex_ref.qbk 2010-05-20 03:37:27 EDT (Thu, 20 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ (C) Copyright 2007-8 Anthony Williams.
+ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+ (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+[section:shared_mutex Class `shared_mutex`]
+ #include <boost/thread/shared_mutex.hpp>
+ class shared_mutex
+ {
+ public:
+ shared_mutex();
+ ~shared_mutex();
+ void lock_shared();
+ bool try_lock_shared();
+ bool timed_lock_shared(system_time const& timeout);
+ void unlock_shared();
+ void lock();
+ bool try_lock();
+ bool timed_lock(system_time const& timeout);
+ void unlock();
+ void lock_upgrade();
+ void unlock_upgrade();
+ void unlock_upgrade_and_lock();
+ void unlock_and_lock_upgrade();
+ void unlock_and_lock_shared();
+ void unlock_upgrade_and_lock_shared();
+ };
+The class `boost::shared_mutex` provides an implementation of a multiple-reader / single-writer mutex. It implements the
+Multiple concurrent calls to __lock_ref__, __try_lock_ref__, __timed_lock_ref__, __lock_shared_ref__, __try_lock_shared_ref__ and
+__timed_lock_shared_ref__ shall be permitted.
Added: sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/thread.qbk
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/thread.qbk 2010-05-20 03:37:27 EDT (Thu, 20 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+ (C) Copyright 2007-8 Anthony Williams.
+ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+ (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+[article Thread
+ [quickbook 1.4]
+ [authors [Williams, Anthony]]
+ [copyright 2007-8 Anthony Williams]
+ [purpose C++ Library for launching threads and synchronizing data between them]
+ [category text]
+ [license
+ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+ (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ [@http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt])
+ ]
+[template lockable_concept_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.mutex_concepts.lockable [link_text]]]
+[def __lockable_concept__ [lockable_concept_link `Lockable` concept]]
+[def __lockable_concept_type__ [lockable_concept_link `Lockable`]]
+[template timed_lockable_concept_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.mutex_concepts.timed_lockable [link_text]]]
+[def __timed_lockable_concept__ [timed_lockable_concept_link `TimedLockable` concept]]
+[def __timed_lockable_concept_type__ [timed_lockable_concept_link `TimedLockable`]]
+[template shared_lockable_concept_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.mutex_concepts.shared_lockable [link_text]]]
+[def __shared_lockable_concept__ [shared_lockable_concept_link `SharedLockable` concept]]
+[def __shared_lockable_concept_type__ [shared_lockable_concept_link `SharedLockable`]]
+[template upgrade_lockable_concept_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.mutex_concepts.upgrade_lockable [link_text]]]
+[def __upgrade_lockable_concept__ [upgrade_lockable_concept_link `UpgradeLockable` concept]]
+[def __upgrade_lockable_concept_type__ [upgrade_lockable_concept_link `UpgradeLockable`]]
+[template lock_ref_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.mutex_concepts.lockable.lock [link_text]]]
+[def __lock_ref__ [lock_ref_link `lock()`]]
+[template lock_multiple_ref_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.lock_functions.lock_multiple [link_text]]]
+[def __lock_multiple_ref__ [lock_multiple_ref_link `lock()`]]
+[template try_lock_multiple_ref_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.lock_functions.try_lock_multiple [link_text]]]
+[def __try_lock_multiple_ref__ [try_lock_multiple_ref_link `try_lock()`]]
+[template unlock_ref_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.mutex_concepts.lockable.unlock [link_text]]]
+[def __unlock_ref__ [unlock_ref_link `unlock()`]]
+[template try_lock_ref_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.mutex_concepts.lockable.try_lock [link_text]]]
+[def __try_lock_ref__ [try_lock_ref_link `try_lock()`]]
+[template timed_lock_ref_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.mutex_concepts.timed_lockable.timed_lock [link_text]]]
+[def __timed_lock_ref__ [timed_lock_ref_link `timed_lock()`]]
+[template timed_lock_duration_ref_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.mutex_concepts.timed_lockable.timed_lock_duration [link_text]]]
+[def __timed_lock_duration_ref__ [timed_lock_duration_ref_link `timed_lock()`]]
+[template lock_shared_ref_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.mutex_concepts.shared_lockable.lock_shared [link_text]]]
+[def __lock_shared_ref__ [lock_shared_ref_link `lock_shared()`]]
+[template unlock_shared_ref_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.mutex_concepts.shared_lockable.unlock_shared [link_text]]]
+[def __unlock_shared_ref__ [unlock_shared_ref_link `unlock_shared()`]]
+[template try_lock_shared_ref_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.mutex_concepts.shared_lockable.try_lock_shared [link_text]]]
+[def __try_lock_shared_ref__ [try_lock_shared_ref_link `try_lock_shared()`]]
+[template timed_lock_shared_ref_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.mutex_concepts.shared_lockable.timed_lock_shared [link_text]]]
+[def __timed_lock_shared_ref__ [timed_lock_shared_ref_link `timed_lock_shared()`]]
+[template timed_lock_shared_duration_ref_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.mutex_concepts.shared_lockable.timed_lock_shared_duration [link_text]]]
+[def __timed_lock_shared_duration_ref__ [timed_lock_shared_duration_ref_link `timed_lock_shared()`]]
+[template lock_upgrade_ref_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.mutex_concepts.upgrade_lockable.lock_upgrade [link_text]]]
+[def __lock_upgrade_ref__ [lock_upgrade_ref_link `lock_upgrade()`]]
+[template unlock_upgrade_ref_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.mutex_concepts.upgrade_lockable.unlock_upgrade [link_text]]]
+[def __unlock_upgrade_ref__ [unlock_upgrade_ref_link `unlock_upgrade()`]]
+[template unlock_upgrade_and_lock_ref_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.mutex_concepts.upgrade_lockable.unlock_upgrade_and_lock [link_text]]]
+[def __unlock_upgrade_and_lock_ref__ [unlock_upgrade_and_lock_ref_link `unlock_upgrade_and_lock()`]]
+[template unlock_and_lock_upgrade_ref_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.mutex_concepts.upgrade_lockable.unlock_and_lock_upgrade [link_text]]]
+[def __unlock_and_lock_upgrade_ref__ [unlock_and_lock_upgrade_ref_link `unlock_and_lock_upgrade()`]]
+[template unlock_upgrade_and_lock_shared_ref_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.mutex_concepts.upgrade_lockable.unlock_upgrade_and_lock_shared [link_text]]]
+[def __unlock_upgrade_and_lock_shared_ref__ [unlock_upgrade_and_lock_shared_ref_link `unlock_upgrade_and_lock_shared()`]]
+[template owns_lock_ref_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.locks.unique_lock.owns_lock [link_text]]]
+[def __owns_lock_ref__ [owns_lock_ref_link `owns_lock()`]]
+[template owns_lock_shared_ref_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.locks.shared_lock.owns_lock [link_text]]]
+[def __owns_lock_shared_ref__ [owns_lock_shared_ref_link `owns_lock()`]]
+[template mutex_func_ref_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.locks.unique_lock.mutex [link_text]]]
+[def __mutex_func_ref__ [mutex_func_ref_link `mutex()`]]
+[def __boost_thread__ [*Boost.Thread]]
+[def __not_a_thread__ ['Not-a-Thread]]
+[def __interruption_points__ [link interruption_points ['interruption points]]]
+[def __mutex__ [link thread.synchronization.mutex_types.mutex `boost::mutex`]]
+[def __try_mutex__ [link thread.synchronization.mutex_types.try_mutex `boost::try_mutex`]]
+[def __timed_mutex__ [link thread.synchronization.mutex_types.timed_mutex `boost::timed_mutex`]]
+[def __recursive_mutex__ [link thread.synchronization.mutex_types.recursive_mutex `boost::recursive_mutex`]]
+[def __recursive_try_mutex__ [link thread.synchronization.mutex_types.recursive_try_mutex `boost::recursive_try_mutex`]]
+[def __recursive_timed_mutex__ [link thread.synchronization.mutex_types.recursive_timed_mutex `boost::recursive_timed_mutex`]]
+[def __shared_mutex__ [link thread.synchronization.mutex_types.shared_mutex `boost::shared_mutex`]]
+[template unique_lock_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.locks.unique_lock [link_text]]]
+[def __lock_guard__ [link thread.synchronization.locks.lock_guard `boost::lock_guard`]]
+[def __unique_lock__ [unique_lock_link `boost::unique_lock`]]
+[def __shared_lock__ [link thread.synchronization.locks.shared_lock `boost::shared_lock`]]
+[def __upgrade_lock__ [link thread.synchronization.locks.upgrade_lock `boost::upgrade_lock`]]
+[def __upgrade_to_unique_lock__ [link thread.synchronization.locks.upgrade_to_unique_lock `boost::upgrade_to_unique_lock`]]
+[def __thread__ [link thread.thread_management.thread `boost::thread`]]
+[def __thread_id__ [link thread.thread_management.thread.id `boost::thread::id`]]
+[template join_link[link_text] [link thread.thread_management.thread.join [link_text]]]
+[def __join__ [join_link `join()`]]
+[template timed_join_link[link_text] [link thread.thread_management.thread.timed_join [link_text]]]
+[def __timed_join__ [timed_join_link `timed_join()`]]
+[def __detach__ [link thread.thread_management.thread.detach `detach()`]]
+[def __interrupt__ [link thread.thread_management.thread.interrupt `interrupt()`]]
+[def __sleep__ [link thread.thread_management.this_thread.sleep `boost::this_thread::sleep()`]]
+[def __interruption_enabled__ [link thread.thread_management.this_thread.interruption_enabled `boost::this_thread::interruption_enabled()`]]
+[def __interruption_requested__ [link thread.thread_management.this_thread.interruption_requested `boost::this_thread::interruption_requested()`]]
+[def __interruption_point__ [link thread.thread_management.this_thread.interruption_point `boost::this_thread::interruption_point()`]]
+[def __disable_interruption__ [link thread.thread_management.this_thread.disable_interruption `boost::this_thread::disable_interruption`]]
+[def __restore_interruption__ [link thread.thread_management.this_thread.restore_interruption `boost::this_thread::restore_interruption`]]
+[def __thread_resource_error__ `boost::thread_resource_error`]
+[def __thread_interrupted__ `boost::thread_interrupted`]
+[def __barrier__ [link thread.synchronization.barriers.barrier `boost::barrier`]]
+[template cond_wait_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.condvar_ref.condition_variable.wait [link_text]]]
+[def __cond_wait__ [cond_wait_link `wait()`]]
+[template cond_timed_wait_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.condvar_ref.condition_variable.timed_wait [link_text]]]
+[def __cond_timed_wait__ [cond_timed_wait_link `timed_wait()`]]
+[template cond_any_wait_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.condvar_ref.condition_variable_any.wait [link_text]]]
+[def __cond_any_wait__ [cond_any_wait_link `wait()`]]
+[template cond_any_timed_wait_link[link_text] [link thread.synchronization.condvar_ref.condition_variable_any.timed_wait [link_text]]]
+[def __cond_any_timed_wait__ [cond_any_timed_wait_link `timed_wait()`]]
+[def __blocked__ ['blocked]]
+[include overview.qbk]
+[include changes.qbk]
+[include thread_ref.qbk]
+[section:synchronization Synchronization]
+[include mutex_concepts.qbk]
+[include mutexes.qbk]
+[include condition_variables.qbk]
+[include once.qbk]
+[include barrier.qbk]
+[include futures.qbk]
+[include tss.qbk]
+[include time.qbk]
+[include acknowledgements.qbk]
Added: sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/thread_ref.qbk
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/thread_ref.qbk 2010-05-20 03:37:27 EDT (Thu, 20 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,1071 @@
+ (C) Copyright 2007-8 Anthony Williams.
+ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+ (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+[section:thread_management Thread Management]
+[heading Synopsis]
+The __thread__ class is responsible for launching and managing threads. Each __thread__ object represents a single thread of execution,
+or __not_a_thread__, and at most one __thread__ object represents a given thread of execution: objects of type __thread__ are not
+Objects of type __thread__ are movable, however, so they can be stored in move-aware containers, and returned from functions. This
+allows the details of thread creation to be wrapped in a function.
+ boost::thread make_thread();
+ void f()
+ {
+ boost::thread some_thread=make_thread();
+ some_thread.join();
+ }
+[Note: On compilers that support rvalue references, __thread__ provides a proper move constructor and move-assignment operator, and
+therefore meets the C++0x ['MoveConstructible] and ['MoveAssignable] concepts. With such compilers, __thread__ can therefore be used
+with containers that support those concepts.
+For other compilers, move support is provided with a move emulation layer, so containers must explicitly detect that move emulation
+layer. See <boost/thread/detail/move.hpp> for details.]
+[heading Launching threads]
+A new thread is launched by passing an object of a callable type that can be invoked with no parameters to the constructor. The
+object is then copied into internal storage, and invoked on the newly-created thread of execution. If the object must not (or
+cannot) be copied, then `boost::ref` can be used to pass in a reference to the function object. In this case, the user of
+__boost_thread__ must ensure that the referred-to object outlives the newly-created thread of execution.
+ struct callable
+ {
+ void operator()();
+ };
+ boost::thread copies_are_safe()
+ {
+ callable x;
+ return boost::thread(x);
+ } // x is destroyed, but the newly-created thread has a copy, so this is OK
+ boost::thread oops()
+ {
+ callable x;
+ return boost::thread(boost::ref(x));
+ } // x is destroyed, but the newly-created thread still has a reference
+ // this leads to undefined behaviour
+If you wish to construct an instance of __thread__ with a function or callable object that requires arguments to be supplied,
+this can be done by passing additional arguments to the __thread__ constructor:
+ void find_the_question(int the_answer);
+ boost::thread deep_thought_2(find_the_question,42);
+The arguments are ['copied] into the internal thread structure: if a reference is required, use `boost::ref`, just as for references
+to callable functions.
+There is an unspecified limit on the number of additional arguments that can be passed.
+[heading Exceptions in thread functions]
+If the function or callable object passed to the __thread__ constructor propagates an exception when invoked that is not of type
+__thread_interrupted__, `std::terminate()` is called.
+[heading Joining and detaching]
+When the __thread__ object that represents a thread of execution is destroyed the thread becomes ['detached]. Once a thread is
+detached, it will continue executing until the invocation of the function or callable object supplied on construction has completed,
+or the program is terminated. A thread can also be detached by explicitly invoking the __detach__ member function on the __thread__
+object. In this case, the __thread__ object ceases to represent the now-detached thread, and instead represents __not_a_thread__.
+In order to wait for a thread of execution to finish, the __join__ or __timed_join__ member functions of the __thread__ object must be
+used. __join__ will block the calling thread until the thread represented by the __thread__ object has completed. If the thread of
+execution represented by the __thread__ object has already completed, or the __thread__ object represents __not_a_thread__, then __join__
+returns immediately. __timed_join__ is similar, except that a call to __timed_join__ will also return if the thread being waited for
+does not complete when the specified time has elapsed.
+[heading Interruption]
+A running thread can be ['interrupted] by invoking the __interrupt__ member function of the corresponding __thread__ object. When the
+interrupted thread next executes one of the specified __interruption_points__ (or if it is currently __blocked__ whilst executing one)
+with interruption enabled, then a __thread_interrupted__ exception will be thrown in the interrupted thread. If not caught,
+this will cause the execution of the interrupted thread to terminate. As with any other exception, the stack will be unwound, and
+destructors for objects of automatic storage duration will be executed.
+If a thread wishes to avoid being interrupted, it can create an instance of __disable_interruption__. Objects of this class disable
+interruption for the thread that created them on construction, and restore the interruption state to whatever it was before on
+ void f()
+ {
+ // interruption enabled here
+ {
+ boost::this_thread::disable_interruption di;
+ // interruption disabled
+ {
+ boost::this_thread::disable_interruption di2;
+ // interruption still disabled
+ } // di2 destroyed, interruption state restored
+ // interruption still disabled
+ } // di destroyed, interruption state restored
+ // interruption now enabled
+ }
+The effects of an instance of __disable_interruption__ can be temporarily reversed by constructing an instance of
+__restore_interruption__, passing in the __disable_interruption__ object in question. This will
+restore the interruption state to what it was when the __disable_interruption__ object was constructed, and then
+disable interruption again when the __restore_interruption__ object is destroyed.
+ void g()
+ {
+ // interruption enabled here
+ {
+ boost::this_thread::disable_interruption di;
+ // interruption disabled
+ {
+ boost::this_thread::restore_interruption ri(di);
+ // interruption now enabled
+ } // ri destroyed, interruption disable again
+ } // di destroyed, interruption state restored
+ // interruption now enabled
+ }
+At any point, the interruption state for the current thread can be queried by calling __interruption_enabled__.
+[heading Predefined Interruption Points]
+The following functions are ['interruption points], which will throw __thread_interrupted__ if interruption is enabled for the
+current thread, and interruption is requested for the current thread:
+* [join_link `boost::thread::join()`]
+* [timed_join_link `boost::thread::timed_join()`]
+* [cond_wait_link `boost::condition_variable::wait()`]
+* [cond_timed_wait_link `boost::condition_variable::timed_wait()`]
+* [cond_any_wait_link `boost::condition_variable_any::wait()`]
+* [cond_any_timed_wait_link `boost::condition_variable_any::timed_wait()`]
+* [link thread.thread_management.thread.sleep `boost::thread::sleep()`]
+* __sleep__
+* __interruption_point__
+[heading Thread IDs]
+Objects of class __thread_id__ can be used to identify threads. Each running thread of execution has a unique ID obtainable
+from the corresponding __thread__ by calling the `get_id()` member function, or by calling `boost::this_thread::get_id()` from
+within the thread. Objects of class __thread_id__ can be copied, and used as keys in associative containers: the full range of
+comparison operators is provided. Thread IDs can also be written to an output stream using the stream insertion operator, though the
+output format is unspecified.
+Each instance of __thread_id__ either refers to some thread, or __not_a_thread__. Instances that refer to __not_a_thread__
+compare equal to each other, but not equal to any instances that refer to an actual thread of execution. The comparison operators on
+__thread_id__ yield a total order for every non-equal thread ID.
+[section:thread Class `thread`]
+ #include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
+ class thread
+ {
+ public:
+ thread();
+ ~thread();
+ template <class F>
+ explicit thread(F f);
+ template <class F,class A1,class A2,...>
+ thread(F f,A1 a1,A2 a2,...);
+ template <class F>
+ thread(detail::thread_move_t<F> f);
+ // move support
+ thread(detail::thread_move_t<thread> x);
+ thread& operator=(detail::thread_move_t<thread> x);
+ operator detail::thread_move_t<thread>();
+ detail::thread_move_t<thread> move();
+ void swap(thread& x);
+ class id;
+ id get_id() const;
+ bool joinable() const;
+ void join();
+ bool timed_join(const system_time& wait_until);
+ template<typename TimeDuration>
+ bool timed_join(TimeDuration const& rel_time);
+ void detach();
+ static unsigned hardware_concurrency();
+ typedef platform-specific-type native_handle_type;
+ native_handle_type native_handle();
+ void interrupt();
+ bool interruption_requested() const;
+ // backwards compatibility
+ bool operator==(const thread& other) const;
+ bool operator!=(const thread& other) const;
+ static void yield();
+ static void sleep(const system_time& xt);
+ };
+ void swap(thread& lhs,thread& rhs);
+[section:default_constructor Default Constructor]
+ thread();
+[[Effects:] [Constructs a __thread__ instance that refers to __not_a_thread__.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing]]
+[section:callable_constructor Thread Constructor]
+ template<typename Callable>
+ thread(Callable func);
+[[Preconditions:] [`Callable` must by copyable.]]
+[[Effects:] [`func` is copied into storage managed internally by the thread library, and that copy is invoked on a newly-created
+thread of execution. If this invocation results in an exception being propagated into the internals of the thread library that is
+not of type __thread_interrupted__, then `std::terminate()` will be called.]]
+[[Postconditions:] [`*this` refers to the newly created thread of execution.]]
+[[Throws:] [__thread_resource_error__ if an error occurs.]]
+[section:multiple_argument_constructor Thread Constructor with arguments]
+ template <class F,class A1,class A2,...>
+ thread(F f,A1 a1,A2 a2,...);
+[[Preconditions:] [`F` and each `A`n must by copyable or movable.]]
+[[Effects:] [As if [link
+`thread(boost::bind(f,a1,a2,...))`. Consequently, `f` and each `a`n
+are copied into internal storage for access by the new thread.]]]
+[[Postconditions:] [`*this` refers to the newly created thread of execution.]]
+[[Throws:] [__thread_resource_error__ if an error occurs.]]
+[[Note:] [Currently up to nine additional arguments `a1` to `a9` can be specified in addition to the function `f`.]]
+[section:destructor Thread Destructor]
+ ~thread();
+[[Effects:] [If `*this` has an associated thread of execution, calls __detach__. Destroys `*this`.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:joinable Member function `joinable()`]
+ bool joinable() const;
+[[Returns:] [`true` if `*this` refers to a thread of execution, `false` otherwise.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing]]
+[section:join Member function `join()`]
+ void join();
+[[Preconditions:] [`this->get_id()!=boost::this_thread::get_id()`]]
+[[Effects:] [If `*this` refers to a thread of execution, waits for that thread of execution to complete.]]
+[[Postconditions:] [If `*this` refers to a thread of execution on entry, that thread of execution has completed. `*this` no longer refers to any thread of execution.]]
+[[Throws:] [__thread_interrupted__ if the current thread of execution is interrupted.]]
+[[Notes:] [`join()` is one of the predefined __interruption_points__.]]
+[section:timed_join Member function `timed_join()`]
+ bool timed_join(const system_time& wait_until);
+ template<typename TimeDuration>
+ bool timed_join(TimeDuration const& rel_time);
+[[Preconditions:] [`this->get_id()!=boost::this_thread::get_id()`]]
+[[Effects:] [If `*this` refers to a thread of execution, waits for that thread of execution to complete, the time `wait_until` has
+been reach or the specified duration `rel_time` has elapsed. If `*this` doesn't refer to a thread of execution, returns immediately.]]
+[[Returns:] [`true` if `*this` refers to a thread of execution on entry, and that thread of execution has completed before the call
+times out, `false` otherwise.]]
+[[Postconditions:] [If `*this` refers to a thread of execution on entry, and `timed_join` returns `true`, that thread of execution
+has completed, and `*this` no longer refers to any thread of execution. If this call to `timed_join` returns `false`, `*this` is
+[[Throws:] [__thread_interrupted__ if the current thread of execution is interrupted.]]
+[[Notes:] [`timed_join()` is one of the predefined __interruption_points__.]]
+[section:detach Member function `detach()`]
+ void detach();
+[[Effects:] [If `*this` refers to a thread of execution, that thread of execution becomes detached, and no longer has an associated __thread__ object.]]
+[[Postconditions:] [`*this` no longer refers to any thread of execution.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing]]
+[section:get_id Member function `get_id()`]
+ thread::id get_id() const;
+[[Returns:] [If `*this` refers to a thread of execution, an instance of __thread_id__ that represents that thread. Otherwise returns
+a default-constructed __thread_id__.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing]]
+[section:interrupt Member function `interrupt()`]
+ void interrupt();
+[[Effects:] [If `*this` refers to a thread of execution, request that the thread will be interrupted the next time it enters one of
+the predefined __interruption_points__ with interruption enabled, or if it is currently __blocked__ in a call to one of the
+predefined __interruption_points__ with interruption enabled .]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing]]
+[section:hardware_concurrency Static member function `hardware_concurrency()`]
+ unsigned hardware_concurrency();
+[[Returns:] [The number of hardware threads available on the current system (e.g. number of CPUs or cores or hyperthreading units),
+or 0 if this information is not available.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing]]
+[section:nativehandle Member function `native_handle()`]
+ typedef platform-specific-type native_handle_type;
+ native_handle_type native_handle();
+[[Effects:] [Returns an instance of `native_handle_type` that can be used with platform-specific APIs to manipulate the underlying
+implementation. If no such instance exists, `native_handle()` and `native_handle_type` are not present.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:equals `operator==`]
+ bool operator==(const thread& other) const;
+[[Returns:] [`get_id()==other.get_id()`]]
+[section:not_equals `operator!=`]
+ bool operator!=(const thread& other) const;
+[[Returns:] [`get_id()!=other.get_id()`]]
+[section:sleep Static member function `sleep()`]
+ void sleep(system_time const& abs_time);
+[[Effects:] [Suspends the current thread until the specified time has been reached.]]
+[[Throws:] [__thread_interrupted__ if the current thread of execution is interrupted.]]
+[[Notes:] [`sleep()` is one of the predefined __interruption_points__.]]
+[section:yield Static member function `yield()`]
+ void yield();
+[[Effects:] [See [link thread.thread_management.this_thread.yield `boost::this_thread::yield()`].]]
+[section:swap Member function `swap()`]
+ void swap(thread& other);
+[[Effects:] [Exchanges the threads of execution associated with `*this` and `other`, so `*this` is associated with the thread of
+execution associated with `other` prior to the call, and vice-versa.]]
+[[Postconditions:] [`this->get_id()` returns the same value as `other.get_id()` prior to the call. `other.get_id()` returns the same
+value as `this->get_id()` prior to the call.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:non_member_swap Non-member function `swap()`]
+ #include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
+ void swap(thread& lhs,thread& rhs);
+[[Effects:] [[link thread.thread_management.thread.swap `lhs.swap(rhs)`].]]
+[section:id Class `boost::thread::id`]
+ #include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
+ class thread::id
+ {
+ public:
+ id();
+ bool operator==(const id& y) const;
+ bool operator!=(const id& y) const;
+ bool operator<(const id& y) const;
+ bool operator>(const id& y) const;
+ bool operator<=(const id& y) const;
+ bool operator>=(const id& y) const;
+ template<class charT, class traits>
+ friend std::basic_ostream<charT, traits>&
+ operator<<(std::basic_ostream<charT, traits>& os, const id& x);
+ };
+[section:constructor Default constructor]
+ id();
+[[Effects:] [Constructs a __thread_id__ instance that represents __not_a_thread__.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing]]
+[section:is_equal `operator==`]
+ bool operator==(const id& y) const;
+[[Returns:] [`true` if `*this` and `y` both represent the same thread of execution, or both represent __not_a_thread__, `false`
+[[Throws:] [Nothing]]
+[section:not_equal `operator!=`]
+ bool operator!=(const id& y) const;
+[[Returns:] [`true` if `*this` and `y` represent different threads of execution, or one represents a thread of execution, and
+the other represent __not_a_thread__, `false` otherwise.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing]]
+[section:less_than `operator<`]
+ bool operator<(const id& y) const;
+[[Returns:] [`true` if `*this!=y` is `true` and the implementation-defined total order of __thread_id__ values places `*this` before
+`y`, `false` otherwise.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing]]
+[[Note:] [A __thread_id__ instance representing __not_a_thread__ will always compare less than an instance representing a thread of
+[section:greater_than `operator>`]
+ bool operator>(const id& y) const;
+[[Returns:] [`y<*this`]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing]]
+[section:less_than_or_equal `operator>=`]
+ bool operator<=(const id& y) const;
+[[Returns:] [`!(y<*this)`]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing]]
+[section:greater_than_or_equal `operator>=`]
+ bool operator>=(const id& y) const;
+[[Returns:] [`!(*this<y)`]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing]]
+[section:stream_out Friend `operator<<`]
+ template<class charT, class traits>
+ friend std::basic_ostream<charT, traits>&
+ operator<<(std::basic_ostream<charT, traits>& os, const id& x);
+[[Effects:] [Writes a representation of the __thread_id__ instance `x` to the stream `os`, such that the representation of two
+instances of __thread_id__ `a` and `b` is the same if `a==b`, and different if `a!=b`.]]
+[[Returns:] [`os`]]
+[section:this_thread Namespace `this_thread`]
+[section:get_id Non-member function `get_id()`]
+ #include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
+ namespace this_thread
+ {
+ thread::id get_id();
+ }
+[[Returns:] [An instance of __thread_id__ that represents that currently executing thread.]]
+[[Throws:] [__thread_resource_error__ if an error occurs.]]
+[section:interruption_point Non-member function `interruption_point()`]
+ #include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
+ namespace this_thread
+ {
+ void interruption_point();
+ }
+[[Effects:] [Check to see if the current thread has been interrupted.]]
+[[Throws:] [__thread_interrupted__ if __interruption_enabled__ and __interruption_requested__ both return `true`.]]
+[section:interruption_requested Non-member function `interruption_requested()`]
+ #include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
+ namespace this_thread
+ {
+ bool interruption_requested();
+ }
+[[Returns:] [`true` if interruption has been requested for the current thread, `false` otherwise.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:interruption_enabled Non-member function `interruption_enabled()`]
+ #include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
+ namespace this_thread
+ {
+ bool interruption_enabled();
+ }
+[[Returns:] [`true` if interruption has been enabled for the current thread, `false` otherwise.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:sleep Non-member function `sleep()`]
+ #include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
+ namespace this_thread
+ {
+ template<typename TimeDuration>
+ void sleep(TimeDuration const& rel_time);
+ }
+[[Effects:] [Suspends the current thread until the specified time has elapsed.]]
+[[Throws:] [__thread_interrupted__ if the current thread of execution is interrupted.]]
+[[Notes:] [`sleep()` is one of the predefined __interruption_points__.]]
+[section:yield Non-member function `yield()`]
+ #include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
+ namespace this_thread
+ {
+ void yield();
+ }
+[[Effects:] [Gives up the remainder of the current thread's time slice, to allow other threads to run.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:disable_interruption Class `disable_interruption`]
+ #include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
+ namespace this_thread
+ {
+ class disable_interruption
+ {
+ public:
+ disable_interruption();
+ ~disable_interruption();
+ };
+ }
+`boost::this_thread::disable_interruption` disables interruption for the current thread on construction, and restores the prior
+interruption state on destruction. Instances of `disable_interruption` cannot be copied or moved.
+[section:constructor Constructor]
+ disable_interruption();
+[[Effects:] [Stores the current state of __interruption_enabled__ and disables interruption for the current thread.]]
+[[Postconditions:] [__interruption_enabled__ returns `false` for the current thread.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:destructor Destructor]
+ ~disable_interruption();
+[[Preconditions:] [Must be called from the same thread from which `*this` was constructed.]]
+[[Effects:] [Restores the current state of __interruption_enabled__ for the current thread to that prior to the construction of `*this`.]]
+[[Postconditions:] [__interruption_enabled__ for the current thread returns the value stored in the constructor of `*this`.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:restore_interruption Class `restore_interruption`]
+ #include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
+ namespace this_thread
+ {
+ class restore_interruption
+ {
+ public:
+ explicit restore_interruption(disable_interruption& disabler);
+ ~restore_interruption();
+ };
+ }
+On construction of an instance of `boost::this_thread::restore_interruption`, the interruption state for the current thread is
+restored to the interruption state stored by the constructor of the supplied instance of __disable_interruption__. When the instance
+is destroyed, interruption is again disabled. Instances of `restore_interruption` cannot be copied or moved.
+[section:constructor Constructor]
+ explicit restore_interruption(disable_interruption& disabler);
+[[Preconditions:] [Must be called from the same thread from which `disabler` was constructed.]]
+[[Effects:] [Restores the current state of __interruption_enabled__ for the current thread to that prior to the construction of `disabler`.]]
+[[Postconditions:] [__interruption_enabled__ for the current thread returns the value stored in the constructor of `disabler`.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:destructor Destructor]
+ ~restore_interruption();
+[[Preconditions:] [Must be called from the same thread from which `*this` was constructed.]]
+[[Effects:] [Disables interruption for the current thread.]]
+[[Postconditions:] [__interruption_enabled__ for the current thread returns `false`.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:atthreadexit Non-member function template `at_thread_exit()`]
+ #include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
+ template<typename Callable>
+ void at_thread_exit(Callable func);
+[[Effects:] [A copy of `func` is placed in
+thread-specific storage. This copy is invoked when the current thread
+exits (even if the thread has been interrupted).]]
+[[Postconditions:] [A copy of `func` has been saved for invocation on thread exit.]]
+[[Throws:] [`std::bad_alloc` if memory cannot be allocated for the copy of the function, __thread_resource_error__ if any other
+error occurs within the thread library. Any exception thrown whilst copying `func` into internal storage.]]
+[[Note:] [This function is *not* called if the thread was terminated
+forcefully using platform-specific APIs, or if the thread is
+terminated due to a call to `exit()`, `abort()` or
+`std::terminate()`. In particular, returning from `main()` is
+equivalent to call to `exit()`, so will not call any functions
+registered with `at_thread_exit()`]]
+[section:threadgroup Class `thread_group`]
+ #include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
+ class thread_group:
+ private noncopyable
+ {
+ public:
+ thread_group();
+ ~thread_group();
+ template<typename F>
+ thread* create_thread(F threadfunc);
+ void add_thread(thread* thrd);
+ void remove_thread(thread* thrd);
+ void join_all();
+ void interrupt_all();
+ int size() const;
+ };
+`thread_group` provides for a collection of threads that are related in some fashion. New threads can be added to the group with
+`add_thread` and `create_thread` member functions. `thread_group` is not copyable or movable.
+[section:constructor Constructor]
+ thread_group();
+[[Effects:] [Create a new thread group with no threads.]]
+[section:destructor Destructor]
+ ~thread_group();
+[[Effects:] [Destroy `*this` and `delete` all __thread__ objects in the group.]]
+[section:create_thread Member function `create_thread()`]
+ template<typename F>
+ thread* create_thread(F threadfunc);
+[[Effects:] [Create a new __thread__ object as-if by `new thread(threadfunc)` and add it to the group.]]
+[[Postcondition:] [`this->size()` is increased by one, the new thread is running.]]
+[[Returns:] [A pointer to the new __thread__ object.]]
+[section:add_thread Member function `add_thread()`]
+ void add_thread(thread* thrd);
+[[Precondition:] [The expression `delete thrd` is well-formed and will not result in undefined behaviour.]]
+[[Effects:] [Take ownership of the __thread__ object pointed to by `thrd` and add it to the group.]]
+[[Postcondition:] [`this->size()` is increased by one.]]
+[section:remove_thread Member function `remove_thread()`]
+ void remove_thread(thread* thrd);
+[[Effects:] [If `thrd` is a member of the group, remove it without calling `delete`.]]
+[[Postcondition:] [If `thrd` was a member of the group, `this->size()` is decreased by one.]]
+[section:join_all Member function `join_all()`]
+ void join_all();
+[[Effects:] [Call `join()` on each __thread__ object in the group.]]
+[[Postcondition:] [Every thread in the group has terminated.]]
+[[Note:] [Since __join__ is one of the predefined __interruption_points__, `join_all()` is also an interruption point.]]
+[section:interrupt_all Member function `interrupt_all()`]
+ void interrupt_all();
+[[Effects:] [Call `interrupt()` on each __thread__ object in the group.]]
+[section:size Member function `size()`]
+ int size();
+[[Returns:] [The number of threads in the group.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
Added: sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/time.qbk
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/time.qbk 2010-05-20 03:37:27 EDT (Thu, 20 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ (C) Copyright 2007-8 Anthony Williams.
+ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+ (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+[section:time Date and Time Requirements]
+As of Boost 1.35.0, the __boost_thread__ library uses the [link date_time Boost.Date_Time] library for all operations that require a
+time out. These include (but are not limited to):
+* __sleep__
+* __timed_join__
+* __cond_timed_wait__
+* __timed_lock_ref__
+For the overloads that accept an absolute time parameter, an object of type [link thread.time.system_time `boost::system_time`] is
+required. Typically, this will be obtained by adding a duration to the current time, obtained with a call to [link
+thread.time.get_system_time `boost::get_system_time()`]. e.g.
+ boost::system_time const timeout=boost::get_system_time() + boost::posix_time::milliseconds(500);
+ extern bool done;
+ extern boost::mutex m;
+ extern boost::condition_variable cond;
+ boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lk(m);
+ while(!done)
+ {
+ if(!cond.timed_wait(lk,timeout))
+ {
+ throw "timed out";
+ }
+ }
+For the overloads that accept a ['TimeDuration] parameter, an object of any type that meets the [link
+date_time.posix_time.time_duration Boost.Date_Time Time Duration requirements] can be used, e.g.
+ boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(25));
+ boost::mutex m;
+ if(m.timed_lock(boost::posix_time::nanoseconds(100)))
+ {
+ // ...
+ }
+[section:system_time Typedef `system_time`]
+ #include <boost/thread/thread_time.hpp>
+ typedef boost::posix_time::ptime system_time;
+See the documentation for [link date_time.posix_time.ptime_class `boost::posix_time::ptime`] in the Boost.Date_Time library.
+[section:get_system_time Non-member function `get_system_time()`]
+ #include <boost/thread/thread_time.hpp>
+ system_time get_system_time();
+[[Returns:] [The current time.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
\ No newline at end of file
Added: sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/tss.qbk
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/chrono/libs/thread/doc/tss.qbk 2010-05-20 03:37:27 EDT (Thu, 20 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+ (C) Copyright 2007-8 Anthony Williams.
+ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+ (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+[section Thread Local Storage]
+[heading Synopsis]
+Thread local storage allows multi-threaded applications to have a separate instance of a given data item for each thread. Where a
+single-threaded application would use static or global data, this could lead to contention, deadlock or data corruption in a
+multi-threaded application. One example is the C `errno` variable, used for storing the error code related to functions from the
+Standard C library. It is common practice (and required by POSIX) for compilers that support multi-threaded applications to provide
+a separate instance of `errno` for each thread, in order to avoid different threads competing to read or update the value.
+Though compilers often provide this facility in the form of extensions to the declaration syntax (such as `__declspec(thread)` or
+`__thread` annotations on `static` or namespace-scope variable declarations), such support is non-portable, and is often limited in
+some way, such as only supporting POD types.
+[heading Portable thread-local storage with `boost::thread_specific_ptr`]
+`boost::thread_specific_ptr` provides a portable mechanism for thread-local storage that works on all compilers supported by
+__boost_thread__. Each instance of `boost::thread_specific_ptr` represents a pointer to an object (such as `errno`) where each
+thread must have a distinct value. The value for the current thread can be obtained using the `get()` member function, or by using
+the `*` and `->` pointer deference operators. Initially the pointer has a value of `NULL` in each thread, but the value for the
+current thread can be set using the `reset()` member function.
+If the value of the pointer for the current thread is changed using `reset()`, then the previous value is destroyed by calling the
+cleanup routine. Alternatively, the stored value can be reset to `NULL` and the prior value returned by calling the `release()`
+member function, allowing the application to take back responsibility for destroying the object.
+[heading Cleanup at thread exit]
+When a thread exits, the objects associated with each `boost::thread_specific_ptr` instance are destroyed. By default, the object
+pointed to by a pointer `p` is destroyed by invoking `delete p`, but this can be overridden for a specific instance of
+`boost::thread_specific_ptr` by providing a cleanup routine to the constructor. In this case, the object is destroyed by invoking
+`func(p)` where `func` is the cleanup routine supplied to the constructor. The cleanup functions are called in an unspecified
+order. If a cleanup routine sets the value of associated with an instance of `boost::thread_specific_ptr` that has already been
+cleaned up, that value is added to the cleanup list. Cleanup finishes when there are no outstanding instances of
+`boost::thread_specific_ptr` with values.
+[section:thread_specific_ptr Class `thread_specific_ptr`]
+ #include <boost/thread/tss.hpp>
+ template <typename T>
+ class thread_specific_ptr
+ {
+ public:
+ thread_specific_ptr();
+ explicit thread_specific_ptr(void (*cleanup_function)(T*));
+ ~thread_specific_ptr();
+ T* get() const;
+ T* operator->() const;
+ T& operator*() const;
+ T* release();
+ void reset(T* new_value=0);
+ };
+[section:default_constructor `thread_specific_ptr();`]
+[[Requires:] [`delete this->get()` is well-formed.]]
+[[Effects:] [Construct a `thread_specific_ptr` object for storing a pointer to an object of type `T` specific to each thread. The
+default `delete`-based cleanup function will be used to destroy any thread-local objects when `reset()` is called, or the thread
+[[Throws:] [`boost::thread_resource_error` if an error occurs.]]
+[section:constructor_with_custom_cleanup `explicit thread_specific_ptr(void (*cleanup_function)(T*));`]
+[[Requires:] [`cleanup_function(this->get())` does not throw any exceptions.]]
+[[Effects:] [Construct a `thread_specific_ptr` object for storing a pointer to an object of type `T` specific to each thread. The
+supplied `cleanup_function` will be used to destroy any thread-local objects when `reset()` is called, or the thread exits.]]
+[[Throws:] [`boost::thread_resource_error` if an error occurs.]]
+[section:destructor `~thread_specific_ptr();`]
+[[Effects:] [Calls `this->reset()` to clean up the associated value for the current thread, and destroys `*this`.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[note Care needs to be taken to ensure that any threads still running after an instance of `boost::thread_specific_ptr` has been
+destroyed do not call any member functions on that instance.]
+[section:get `T* get() const;`]
+[[Returns:] [The pointer associated with the current thread.]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[note The initial value associated with an instance of `boost::thread_specific_ptr` is `NULL` for each thread.]
+[section:operator_arrow `T* operator->() const;`]
+[[Returns:] [`this->get()`]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:operator_star `T& operator*() const;`]
+[[Requires:] [`this->get` is not `NULL`.]]
+[[Returns:] [`*(this->get())`]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
+[section:reset `void reset(T* new_value=0);`]
+[[Effects:] [If `this->get()!=new_value` and `this->get()` is non-`NULL`, invoke `delete this->get()` or
+`cleanup_function(this->get())` as appropriate. Store `new_value` as the pointer associated with the current thread.]]
+[[Postcondition:] [`this->get()==new_value`]]
+[[Throws:] [`boost::thread_resource_error` if an error occurs.]]
+[section:release `T* release();`]
+[[Effects:] [Return `this->get()` and store `NULL` as the pointer associated with the current thread without invoking the cleanup
+[[Postcondition:] [`this->get()==0`]]
+[[Throws:] [Nothing.]]
Boost-Commit list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk