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Boost-Commit : |
Subject: [Boost-commit] svn:boost r62283 - in trunk/boost/polygon: . detail
From: lucanus.j.simonson_at_[hidden]
Date: 2010-05-27 18:51:34
Author: ljsimons
Date: 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
New Revision: 62283
URL: http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/62283
initial merge to trunk
trunk/boost/polygon/detail/boolean_op.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/detail/boolean_op_45.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/detail/iterator_compact_to_points.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/detail/iterator_geometry_to_set.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/detail/iterator_points_to_compact.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/detail/max_cover.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/detail/polygon_45_formation.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/detail/polygon_45_set_view.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/detail/polygon_45_touch.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/detail/polygon_90_set_view.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/detail/polygon_90_touch.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/detail/polygon_arbitrary_formation.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/detail/polygon_formation.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/detail/polygon_set_view.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/detail/property_merge.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/detail/property_merge_45.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/detail/rectangle_formation.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/detail/scan_arbitrary.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/detail/transform_detail.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/gmp_override.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/gtl.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/interval_concept.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/interval_data.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/interval_traits.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/isotropy.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/point_3d_concept.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/point_3d_data.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/point_3d_traits.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/point_concept.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/point_data.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/point_traits.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/polygon.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_45_data.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_45_set_concept.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_45_set_data.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_45_set_traits.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_45_with_holes_data.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_90_data.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_90_set_concept.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_90_set_data.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_90_set_traits.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_90_with_holes_data.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_data.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_set_concept.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_set_data.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_set_traits.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_traits.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_with_holes_data.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/rectangle_concept.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/rectangle_data.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/rectangle_traits.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/boost/polygon/transform.hpp (contents, props changed)
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/detail/boolean_op.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/detail/boolean_op.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+namespace boolean_op {
+ //BooleanOp is the generic boolean operation scanline algorithm that provides
+ //all the simple boolean set operations on manhattan data. By templatizing
+ //the intersection count of the input and algorithm internals it is extensible
+ //to multi-layer scans, properties and other advanced scanline operations above
+ //and beyond simple booleans.
+ //T must cast to int
+ template <class T, typename Unit>
+ class BooleanOp {
+ public:
+ typedef std::map<Unit, T> ScanData;
+ typedef std::pair<Unit, T> ElementType;
+ protected:
+ ScanData scanData_;
+ typename ScanData::iterator nextItr_;
+ T nullT_;
+ public:
+ inline BooleanOp () : scanData_(), nextItr_(), nullT_() { nextItr_ = scanData_.end(); nullT_ = 0; }
+ inline BooleanOp (T nullT) : scanData_(), nextItr_(), nullT_(nullT) { nextItr_ = scanData_.end(); }
+ inline BooleanOp (const BooleanOp& that) : scanData_(that.scanData_), nextItr_(),
+ nullT_(that.nullT_) { nextItr_ = scanData_.begin(); }
+ inline BooleanOp& operator=(const BooleanOp& that);
+ //moves scanline forward
+ inline void advanceScan() { nextItr_ = scanData_.begin(); }
+ //proceses the given interval and T data
+ //appends output edges to cT
+ template <class cT>
+ inline void processInterval(cT& outputContainer, interval_data<Unit> ivl, T deltaCount);
+ private:
+ inline typename ScanData::iterator lookup_(Unit pos){
+ if(nextItr_ != scanData_.end() && nextItr_->first >= pos) {
+ return nextItr_;
+ }
+ return nextItr_ = scanData_.lower_bound(pos);
+ }
+ inline typename ScanData::iterator insert_(Unit pos, T count){
+ return nextItr_ = scanData_.insert(nextItr_, ElementType(pos, count));
+ }
+ template <class cT>
+ inline void evaluateInterval_(cT& outputContainer, interval_data<Unit> ivl, T beforeCount, T afterCount);
+ };
+ class BinaryAnd {
+ public:
+ inline BinaryAnd() {}
+ inline bool operator()(int a, int b) { return (a > 0) & (b > 0); }
+ };
+ class BinaryOr {
+ public:
+ inline BinaryOr() {}
+ inline bool operator()(int a, int b) { return (a > 0) | (b > 0); }
+ };
+ class BinaryNot {
+ public:
+ inline BinaryNot() {}
+ inline bool operator()(int a, int b) { return (a > 0) & !(b > 0); }
+ };
+ class BinaryXor {
+ public:
+ inline BinaryXor() {}
+ inline bool operator()(int a, int b) { return (a > 0) ^ (b > 0); }
+ };
+ //BinaryCount is an array of two deltaCounts coming from two different layers
+ //of scan event data. It is the merged count of the two suitable for consumption
+ //as the template argument of the BooleanOp algorithm because BinaryCount casts to int.
+ //T is a binary functor object that evaluates the array of counts and returns a logical
+ //result of some operation on those values.
+ //BinaryCount supports many of the operators that work with int, particularly the
+ //binary operators, but cannot support less than or increment.
+ template <class T>
+ class BinaryCount {
+ public:
+ inline BinaryCount()
+ : counts_()
+ { counts_[0] = counts_[1] = 0; }
+ // constructs from two integers
+ inline BinaryCount(int countL, int countR)
+ : counts_()
+ { counts_[0] = countL, counts_[1] = countR; }
+ inline BinaryCount& operator=(int count) { counts_[0] = count, counts_[1] = count; return *this; }
+ inline BinaryCount& operator=(const BinaryCount& that);
+ inline BinaryCount(const BinaryCount& that)
+ : counts_()
+ { *this = that; }
+ inline bool operator==(const BinaryCount& that) const;
+ inline bool operator!=(const BinaryCount& that) const { return !((*this) == that);}
+ inline BinaryCount& operator+=(const BinaryCount& that);
+ inline BinaryCount& operator-=(const BinaryCount& that);
+ inline BinaryCount operator+(const BinaryCount& that) const;
+ inline BinaryCount operator-(const BinaryCount& that) const;
+ inline BinaryCount operator-() const;
+ inline int& operator[](bool index) { return counts_[index]; }
+ //cast to int operator evaluates data using T binary functor
+ inline operator int() const { return T()(counts_[0], counts_[1]); }
+ private:
+ int counts_[2];
+ };
+ class UnaryCount {
+ public:
+ inline UnaryCount() : count_(0) {}
+ // constructs from two integers
+ inline explicit UnaryCount(int count) : count_(count) {}
+ inline UnaryCount& operator=(int count) { count_ = count; return *this; }
+ inline UnaryCount& operator=(const UnaryCount& that) { count_ = that.count_; return *this; }
+ inline UnaryCount(const UnaryCount& that) : count_(that.count_) {}
+ inline bool operator==(const UnaryCount& that) const { return count_ == that.count_; }
+ inline bool operator!=(const UnaryCount& that) const { return !((*this) == that);}
+ inline UnaryCount& operator+=(const UnaryCount& that) { count_ += that.count_; return *this; }
+ inline UnaryCount& operator-=(const UnaryCount& that) { count_ -= that.count_; return *this; }
+ inline UnaryCount operator+(const UnaryCount& that) const { UnaryCount tmp(*this); tmp += that; return tmp; }
+ inline UnaryCount operator-(const UnaryCount& that) const { UnaryCount tmp(*this); tmp -= that; return tmp; }
+ inline UnaryCount operator-() const { UnaryCount tmp; return tmp - *this; }
+ //cast to int operator evaluates data using T binary functor
+ inline operator int() const { return count_ % 2; }
+ private:
+ int count_;
+ };
+ template <class T, typename Unit>
+ inline BooleanOp<T, Unit>& BooleanOp<T, Unit>::operator=(const BooleanOp& that) {
+ scanData_ = that.scanData_;
+ nextItr_ = scanData_.begin();
+ nullT_ = that.nullT_;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ //appends output edges to cT
+ template <class T, typename Unit>
+ template <class cT>
+ inline void BooleanOp<T, Unit>::processInterval(cT& outputContainer, interval_data<Unit> ivl, T deltaCount) {
+ typename ScanData::iterator lowItr = lookup_(ivl.low());
+ typename ScanData::iterator highItr = lookup_(ivl.high());
+ //add interval to scan data if it is past the end
+ if(lowItr == scanData_.end()) {
+ lowItr = insert_(ivl.low(), deltaCount);
+ highItr = insert_(ivl.high(), nullT_);
+ evaluateInterval_(outputContainer, ivl, nullT_, deltaCount);
+ return;
+ }
+ //ensure that highItr points to the end of the ivl
+ if(highItr == scanData_.end() || (*highItr).first > ivl.high()) {
+ T value = nullT_;
+ if(highItr != scanData_.begin()) {
+ --highItr;
+ value = highItr->second;
+ }
+ nextItr_ = highItr;
+ highItr = insert_(ivl.high(), value);
+ }
+ //split the low interval if needed
+ if(lowItr->first > ivl.low()) {
+ if(lowItr != scanData_.begin()) {
+ --lowItr;
+ nextItr_ = lowItr;
+ lowItr = insert_(ivl.low(), lowItr->second);
+ } else {
+ nextItr_ = lowItr;
+ lowItr = insert_(ivl.low(), nullT_);
+ }
+ }
+ //process scan data intersecting interval
+ for(typename ScanData::iterator itr = lowItr; itr != highItr; ){
+ T beforeCount = itr->second;
+ T afterCount = itr->second += deltaCount;
+ Unit low = itr->first;
+ ++itr;
+ Unit high = itr->first;
+ evaluateInterval_(outputContainer, interval_data<Unit>(low, high), beforeCount, afterCount);
+ }
+ //merge the bottom interval with the one below if they have the same count
+ if(lowItr != scanData_.begin()){
+ typename ScanData::iterator belowLowItr = lowItr;
+ --belowLowItr;
+ if(belowLowItr->second == lowItr->second) {
+ scanData_.erase(lowItr);
+ }
+ }
+ //merge the top interval with the one above if they have the same count
+ if(highItr != scanData_.begin()) {
+ typename ScanData::iterator beforeHighItr = highItr;
+ --beforeHighItr;
+ if(beforeHighItr->second == highItr->second) {
+ scanData_.erase(highItr);
+ highItr = beforeHighItr;
+ ++highItr;
+ }
+ }
+ nextItr_ = highItr;
+ }
+ template <class T, typename Unit>
+ template <class cT>
+ inline void BooleanOp<T, Unit>::evaluateInterval_(cT& outputContainer, interval_data<Unit> ivl,
+ T beforeCount, T afterCount) {
+ bool before = (int)beforeCount > 0;
+ bool after = (int)afterCount > 0;
+ int value = (!before & after) - (before & !after);
+ if(value) {
+ outputContainer.insert(outputContainer.end(), std::pair<interval_data<Unit>, int>(ivl, value));
+ }
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ inline BinaryCount<T>& BinaryCount<T>::operator=(const BinaryCount<T>& that) {
+ counts_[0] = that.counts_[0];
+ counts_[1] = that.counts_[1];
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ inline bool BinaryCount<T>::operator==(const BinaryCount<T>& that) const {
+ return counts_[0] == that.counts_[0] &&
+ counts_[1] == that.counts_[1];
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ inline BinaryCount<T>& BinaryCount<T>::operator+=(const BinaryCount<T>& that) {
+ counts_[0] += that.counts_[0];
+ counts_[1] += that.counts_[1];
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ inline BinaryCount<T>& BinaryCount<T>::operator-=(const BinaryCount<T>& that) {
+ counts_[0] += that.counts_[0];
+ counts_[1] += that.counts_[1];
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ inline BinaryCount<T> BinaryCount<T>::operator+(const BinaryCount<T>& that) const {
+ BinaryCount retVal(*this);
+ retVal += that;
+ return retVal;
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ inline BinaryCount<T> BinaryCount<T>::operator-(const BinaryCount<T>& that) const {
+ BinaryCount retVal(*this);
+ retVal -= that;
+ return retVal;
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ inline BinaryCount<T> BinaryCount<T>::operator-() const {
+ return BinaryCount<T>() - *this;
+ }
+ template <class T, typename Unit, typename iterator_type_1, typename iterator_type_2>
+ inline void applyBooleanBinaryOp(std::vector<std::pair<Unit, std::pair<Unit, int> > >& output,
+ //const std::vector<std::pair<Unit, std::pair<Unit, int> > >& input1,
+ //const std::vector<std::pair<Unit, std::pair<Unit, int> > >& input2,
+ iterator_type_1 itr1, iterator_type_1 itr1_end,
+ iterator_type_2 itr2, iterator_type_2 itr2_end,
+ T defaultCount) {
+ BooleanOp<T, Unit> boolean(defaultCount);
+ //typename std::vector<std::pair<Unit, std::pair<Unit, int> > >::const_iterator itr1 = input1.begin();
+ //typename std::vector<std::pair<Unit, std::pair<Unit, int> > >::const_iterator itr2 = input2.begin();
+ std::vector<std::pair<interval_data<Unit>, int> > container;
+ //output.reserve((std::max)(input1.size(), input2.size()));
+ //consider eliminating dependecy on limits with bool flag for initial state
+ Unit UnitMax = (std::numeric_limits<Unit>::max)();
+ Unit prevCoord = UnitMax;
+ Unit prevPosition = UnitMax;
+ T count(defaultCount);
+ //define the starting point
+ if(itr1 != itr1_end) {
+ prevCoord = (*itr1).first;
+ prevPosition = (*itr1).second.first;
+ count[0] += (*itr1).second.second;
+ }
+ if(itr2 != itr2_end) {
+ if((*itr2).first < prevCoord ||
+ ((*itr2).first == prevCoord && (*itr2).second.first < prevPosition)) {
+ prevCoord = (*itr2).first;
+ prevPosition = (*itr2).second.first;
+ count = defaultCount;
+ count[1] += (*itr2).second.second;
+ ++itr2;
+ } else if((*itr2).first == prevCoord && (*itr2).second.first == prevPosition) {
+ count[1] += (*itr2).second.second;
+ ++itr2;
+ if(itr1 != itr1_end) ++itr1;
+ } else {
+ if(itr1 != itr1_end) ++itr1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(itr1 != itr1_end) ++itr1;
+ }
+ while(itr1 != itr1_end || itr2 != itr2_end) {
+ Unit curCoord = UnitMax;
+ Unit curPosition = UnitMax;
+ T curCount(defaultCount);
+ if(itr1 != itr1_end) {
+ curCoord = (*itr1).first;
+ curPosition = (*itr1).second.first;
+ curCount[0] += (*itr1).second.second;
+ }
+ if(itr2 != itr2_end) {
+ if((*itr2).first < curCoord ||
+ ((*itr2).first == curCoord && (*itr2).second.first < curPosition)) {
+ curCoord = (*itr2).first;
+ curPosition = (*itr2).second.first;
+ curCount = defaultCount;
+ curCount[1] += (*itr2).second.second;
+ ++itr2;
+ } else if((*itr2).first == curCoord && (*itr2).second.first == curPosition) {
+ curCount[1] += (*itr2).second.second;
+ ++itr2;
+ if(itr1 != itr1_end) ++itr1;
+ } else {
+ if(itr1 != itr1_end) ++itr1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ ++itr1;
+ }
+ if(prevCoord != curCoord) {
+ boolean.advanceScan();
+ prevCoord = curCoord;
+ prevPosition = curPosition;
+ count = curCount;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(curPosition != prevPosition && count != defaultCount) {
+ interval_data<Unit> ivl(prevPosition, curPosition);
+ container.clear();
+ boolean.processInterval(container, ivl, count);
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < container.size(); ++i) {
+ std::pair<interval_data<Unit>, int>& element = container[i];
+ if(!output.empty() && output.back().first == prevCoord &&
+ output.back().second.first == element.first.low() &&
+ output.back().second.second == element.second * -1) {
+ output.pop_back();
+ } else {
+ output.push_back(std::pair<Unit, std::pair<Unit, int> >(prevCoord, std::pair<Unit, int>(element.first.low(),
+ element.second)));
+ }
+ output.push_back(std::pair<Unit, std::pair<Unit, int> >(prevCoord, std::pair<Unit, int>(element.first.high(),
+ element.second * -1)));
+ }
+ }
+ prevPosition = curPosition;
+ count += curCount;
+ }
+ }
+ template <class T, typename Unit>
+ inline void applyBooleanBinaryOp(std::vector<std::pair<Unit, std::pair<Unit, int> > >& inputOutput,
+ const std::vector<std::pair<Unit, std::pair<Unit, int> > >& input2,
+ T defaultCount) {
+ std::vector<std::pair<Unit, std::pair<Unit, int> > > output;
+ applyBooleanBinaryOp(output, inputOutput, input2, defaultCount);
+ if(output.size() < inputOutput.size() / 2) {
+ inputOutput = std::vector<std::pair<Unit, std::pair<Unit, int> > >();
+ } else {
+ inputOutput.clear();
+ }
+ inputOutput.insert(inputOutput.end(), output.begin(), output.end());
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline void applyUnaryXOr(std::vector<std::pair<Unit, std::pair<Unit, int> > >& input) {
+ BooleanOp<UnaryCount, Unit> booleanXOr;
+ }
+ template <typename count_type = int>
+ struct default_arg_workaround {
+ template <typename Unit>
+ static inline void applyBooleanOr(std::vector<std::pair<Unit, std::pair<Unit, int> > >& input) {
+ BooleanOp<count_type, Unit> booleanOr;
+ std::vector<std::pair<interval_data<Unit>, int> > container;
+ std::vector<std::pair<Unit, std::pair<Unit, int> > > output;
+ output.reserve(input.size());
+ //consider eliminating dependecy on limits with bool flag for initial state
+ Unit UnitMax = (std::numeric_limits<Unit>::max)();
+ Unit prevPos = UnitMax;
+ Unit prevY = UnitMax;
+ int count = 0;
+ for(typename std::vector<std::pair<Unit, std::pair<Unit, int> > >::iterator itr = input.begin();
+ itr != input.end(); ++itr) {
+ Unit pos = (*itr).first;
+ Unit y = (*itr).second.first;
+ if(pos != prevPos) {
+ booleanOr.advanceScan();
+ prevPos = pos;
+ prevY = y;
+ count = (*itr).second.second;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(y != prevY && count != 0) {
+ interval_data<Unit> ivl(prevY, y);
+ container.clear();
+ booleanOr.processInterval(container, ivl, count_type(count));
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < container.size(); ++i) {
+ std::pair<interval_data<Unit>, int>& element = container[i];
+ if(!output.empty() && output.back().first == prevPos &&
+ output.back().second.first == element.first.low() &&
+ output.back().second.second == element.second * -1) {
+ output.pop_back();
+ } else {
+ output.push_back(std::pair<Unit, std::pair<Unit, int> >(prevPos, std::pair<Unit, int>(element.first.low(),
+ element.second)));
+ }
+ output.push_back(std::pair<Unit, std::pair<Unit, int> >(prevPos, std::pair<Unit, int>(element.first.high(),
+ element.second * -1)));
+ }
+ }
+ prevY = y;
+ count += (*itr).second.second;
+ }
+ if(output.size() < input.size() / 2) {
+ input = std::vector<std::pair<Unit, std::pair<Unit, int> > >();
+ } else {
+ input.clear();
+ }
+ input.insert(input.end(), output.begin(), output.end());
+ }
+ };
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/detail/boolean_op_45.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/detail/boolean_op_45.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,1394 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+ template <typename Unit>
+ struct boolean_op_45 {
+ typedef point_data<Unit> Point;
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<Unit>::manhattan_area_type LongUnit;
+ class Count2 {
+ public:
+ inline Count2()
+ : counts()
+ { counts[0] = counts[1] = 0; }
+ //inline Count2(int count) { counts[0] = counts[1] = count; }
+ inline Count2(int count1, int count2)
+ : counts()
+ { counts[0] = count1; counts[1] = count2; }
+ inline Count2(const Count2& count)
+ : counts()
+ { counts[0] = count.counts[0]; counts[1] = count.counts[1]; }
+ inline bool operator==(const Count2& count) const { return counts[0] == count.counts[0] && counts[1] == count.counts[1]; }
+ inline bool operator!=(const Count2& count) const { return !((*this) == count); }
+ inline Count2& operator=(int count) { counts[0] = counts[1] = count; return *this; }
+ inline Count2& operator=(const Count2& count) { counts[0] = count.counts[0]; counts[1] = count.counts[1]; return *this; }
+ inline int& operator[](bool index) { return counts[index]; }
+ inline int operator[](bool index) const {return counts[index]; }
+ inline Count2& operator+=(const Count2& count){
+ counts[0] += count[0];
+ counts[1] += count[1];
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline Count2& operator-=(const Count2& count){
+ counts[0] -= count[0];
+ counts[1] -= count[1];
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline Count2 operator+(const Count2& count) const {
+ return Count2(*this)+=count;
+ }
+ inline Count2 operator-(const Count2& count) const {
+ return Count2(*this)-=count;
+ }
+ inline Count2 invert() const {
+ return Count2(-counts[0], -counts[1]);
+ }
+ private:
+ int counts[2];
+ };
+ class Count1 {
+ public:
+ inline Count1() : count_(0) { }
+ inline Count1(int count) : count_(count) { }
+ inline Count1(const Count1& count) : count_(count.count_) { }
+ inline bool operator==(const Count1& count) const { return count_ == count.count_; }
+ inline bool operator!=(const Count1& count) const { return !((*this) == count); }
+ inline Count1& operator=(int count) { count_ = count; return *this; }
+ inline Count1& operator=(const Count1& count) { count_ = count.count_; return *this; }
+ inline Count1& operator+=(const Count1& count){
+ count_ += count.count_;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline Count1& operator-=(const Count1& count){
+ count_ -= count.count_;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline Count1 operator+(const Count1& count) const {
+ return Count1(*this)+=count;
+ }
+ inline Count1 operator-(const Count1& count) const {
+ return Count1(*this)-=count;
+ }
+ inline Count1 invert() const {
+ return Count1(-count_);
+ }
+ int count_;
+ };
+ // inline std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& o, const Count2& c) {
+ // o << c[0] << " " << c[1];
+ // return o;
+ // }
+ template <typename CountType>
+ class Scan45ElementT {
+ public:
+ Unit x;
+ Unit y;
+ int rise; //-1, 0, +1
+ mutable CountType count;
+ inline Scan45ElementT() : x(), y(), rise(), count() {}
+ inline Scan45ElementT(Unit xIn, Unit yIn, int riseIn, CountType countIn = CountType()) :
+ x(xIn), y(yIn), rise(riseIn), count(countIn) {}
+ inline Scan45ElementT(const Scan45ElementT& that) :
+ x(that.x), y(that.y), rise(that.rise), count(that.count) {}
+ inline Scan45ElementT& operator=(const Scan45ElementT& that) {
+ x = that.x; y = that.y; rise = that.rise; count = that.count;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline Unit evalAtX(Unit xIn) const {
+ return y + rise * (xIn - x);
+ }
+ inline bool cross(Point& crossPoint, const Scan45ElementT& edge, Unit currentX) const {
+ Unit y1 = evalAtX(currentX);
+ Unit y2 = edge.evalAtX(currentX);
+ int rise1 = rise;
+ int rise2 = edge.rise;
+ if(rise > edge.rise){
+ if(y1 > y2) return false;
+ } else if(rise < edge.rise){
+ if(y2 > y1) return false;
+ std::swap(y1, y2);
+ std::swap(rise1, rise2);
+ } else { return false; }
+ if(rise1 == 1) {
+ if(rise2 == 0) {
+ crossPoint = Point(currentX + y2 - y1, y2);
+ } else {
+ //rise2 == -1
+ Unit delta = (y2 - y1)/2;
+ crossPoint = Point(currentX + delta, y1 + delta);
+ }
+ } else {
+ //rise1 == 0 and rise2 == -1
+ crossPoint = Point(currentX + y2 - y1, y1);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ typedef Scan45ElementT<Count2> Scan45Element;
+ // inline std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& o, const Scan45Element& c) {
+ // o << c.x << " " << c.y << " " << c.rise << " " << c.count;
+ // return o;
+ // }
+ class lessScan45ElementRise : public std::binary_function<Scan45Element, Scan45Element, bool> {
+ public:
+ inline lessScan45ElementRise() {} //default constructor is only constructor
+ inline bool operator () (Scan45Element elm1, Scan45Element elm2) const {
+ return elm1.rise < elm2.rise;
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename CountType>
+ class lessScan45Element {
+ private:
+ Unit *x_; //x value at which to apply comparison
+ int *justBefore_;
+ public:
+ inline lessScan45Element() : x_(0), justBefore_(0) {}
+ inline lessScan45Element(Unit *x, int *justBefore) : x_(x), justBefore_(justBefore) {}
+ inline lessScan45Element(const lessScan45Element& that) : x_(that.x_), justBefore_(that.justBefore_) {}
+ inline lessScan45Element& operator=(const lessScan45Element& that) { x_ = that.x_; justBefore_ = that.justBefore_; return *this; }
+ inline bool operator () (const Scan45ElementT<CountType>& elm1,
+ const Scan45ElementT<CountType>& elm2) const {
+ Unit y1 = elm1.evalAtX(*x_);
+ Unit y2 = elm2.evalAtX(*x_);
+ if(y1 < y2) return true;
+ if(y1 == y2) {
+ //if justBefore is true we invert the result of the comparison of slopes
+ if(*justBefore_) {
+ return elm1.rise > elm2.rise;
+ } else {
+ return elm1.rise < elm2.rise;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename CountType>
+ class Scan45CountT {
+ public:
+ inline Scan45CountT() : counts() {} //counts[0] = counts[1] = counts[2] = counts[3] = 0; }
+ inline Scan45CountT(CountType count) : counts() { counts[0] = counts[1] = counts[2] = counts[3] = count; }
+ inline Scan45CountT(const CountType& count1, const CountType& count2, const CountType& count3,
+ const CountType& count4) : counts() {
+ counts[0] = count1;
+ counts[1] = count2;
+ counts[2] = count3;
+ counts[3] = count4;
+ }
+ inline Scan45CountT(const Scan45CountT& count) : counts() {
+ (*this) = count;
+ }
+ inline bool operator==(const Scan45CountT& count) const {
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+ if(counts[i] != count.counts[i]) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ inline bool operator!=(const Scan45CountT& count) const { return !((*this) == count); }
+ inline Scan45CountT& operator=(CountType count) {
+ counts[0] = counts[1] = counts[2] = counts[3] = count; return *this; }
+ inline Scan45CountT& operator=(const Scan45CountT& count) {
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+ counts[i] = count.counts[i];
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline CountType& operator[](int index) { return counts[index]; }
+ inline CountType operator[](int index) const {return counts[index]; }
+ inline Scan45CountT& operator+=(const Scan45CountT& count){
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+ counts[i] += count.counts[i];
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline Scan45CountT& operator-=(const Scan45CountT& count){
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+ counts[i] -= count.counts[i];
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline Scan45CountT operator+(const Scan45CountT& count) const {
+ return Scan45CountT(*this)+=count;
+ }
+ inline Scan45CountT operator-(const Scan45CountT& count) const {
+ return Scan45CountT(*this)-=count;
+ }
+ inline Scan45CountT invert() const {
+ return Scan45CountT(CountType())-=(*this);
+ }
+ inline Scan45CountT& operator+=(const Scan45ElementT<CountType>& element){
+ counts[element.rise+1] += element.count; return *this;
+ }
+ private:
+ CountType counts[4];
+ };
+ typedef Scan45CountT<Count2> Scan45Count;
+ // inline std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& o, const Scan45Count& c) {
+ // o << c[0] << ", " << c[1] << ", ";
+ // o << c[2] << ", " << c[3];
+ // return o;
+ // }
+ // inline std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& o, const Scan45Vertex& c) {
+ // o << c.first << ": " << c.second;
+ // return o;
+ // }
+ //vetex45 is sortable
+ template <typename ct>
+ class Vertex45T {
+ public:
+ Point pt;
+ int rise; // 1, 0 or -1
+ ct count; //dxdydTheta
+ inline Vertex45T() : pt(), rise(), count() {}
+ inline Vertex45T(const Point& point, int riseIn, ct countIn) : pt(point), rise(riseIn), count(countIn) {}
+ inline Vertex45T(const Vertex45T& vertex) : pt(vertex.pt), rise(vertex.rise), count(vertex.count) {}
+ inline Vertex45T& operator=(const Vertex45T& vertex){
+ pt = vertex.pt; rise = vertex.rise; count = vertex.count; return *this; }
+ inline Vertex45T(const std::pair<Point, Point>& vertex) : pt(), rise(), count() {}
+ inline Vertex45T& operator=(const std::pair<Point, Point>& vertex){ return *this; }
+ inline bool operator==(const Vertex45T& vertex) const {
+ return pt == vertex.pt && rise == vertex.rise && count == vertex.count; }
+ inline bool operator!=(const Vertex45T& vertex) const { return !((*this) == vertex); }
+ inline bool operator==(const std::pair<Point, Point>& vertex) const { return false; }
+ inline bool operator!=(const std::pair<Point, Point>& vertex) const { return !((*this) == vertex); }
+ inline bool operator<(const Vertex45T& vertex) const {
+ if(pt.x() < vertex.pt.x()) return true;
+ if(pt.x() == vertex.pt.x()) {
+ if(pt.y() < vertex.pt.y()) return true;
+ if(pt.y() == vertex.pt.y()) { return rise < vertex.rise; }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ inline bool operator>(const Vertex45T& vertex) const { return vertex < (*this); }
+ inline bool operator<=(const Vertex45T& vertex) const { return !((*this) > vertex); }
+ inline bool operator>=(const Vertex45T& vertex) const { return !((*this) < vertex); }
+ inline Unit evalAtX(Unit xIn) const { return pt.y() + rise * (xIn - pt.x()); }
+ };
+ typedef Vertex45T<int> Vertex45;
+ // inline std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& o, const Vertex45& c) {
+ // o << c.pt << " " << c.rise << " " << c.count;
+ // return o;
+ // }
+ //when scanning Vertex45 for polygon formation we need a scanline comparator functor
+ class lessVertex45 {
+ private:
+ Unit *x_; //x value at which to apply comparison
+ int *justBefore_;
+ public:
+ inline lessVertex45() : x_(0), justBefore_() {}
+ inline lessVertex45(Unit *x, int *justBefore) : x_(x), justBefore_(justBefore) {}
+ inline lessVertex45(const lessVertex45& that) : x_(that.x_), justBefore_(that.justBefore_) {}
+ inline lessVertex45& operator=(const lessVertex45& that) { x_ = that.x_; justBefore_ = that.justBefore_; return *this; }
+ template <typename ct>
+ inline bool operator () (const Vertex45T<ct>& elm1, const Vertex45T<ct>& elm2) const {
+ Unit y1 = elm1.evalAtX(*x_);
+ Unit y2 = elm2.evalAtX(*x_);
+ if(y1 < y2) return true;
+ if(y1 == y2) {
+ //if justBefore is true we invert the result of the comparison of slopes
+ if(*justBefore_) {
+ return elm1.rise > elm2.rise;
+ } else {
+ return elm1.rise < elm2.rise;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ // 0 right to left
+ // 1 upper right to lower left
+ // 2 high to low
+ // 3 upper left to lower right
+ // 4 left to right
+ // 5 lower left to upper right
+ // 6 low to high
+ // 7 lower right to upper left
+ static inline int classifyEdge45(const Point& prevPt, const Point& nextPt) {
+ if(prevPt.x() == nextPt.x()) {
+ //2 or 6
+ return predicated_value(prevPt.y() < nextPt.y(), 6, 2);
+ }
+ if(prevPt.y() == nextPt.y()) {
+ //0 or 4
+ return predicated_value(prevPt.x() < nextPt.x(), 4, 0);
+ }
+ if(prevPt.x() < nextPt.x()) {
+ //3 or 5
+ return predicated_value(prevPt.y() < nextPt.y(), 5, 3);
+ }
+ //prevPt.x() > nextPt.y()
+ //1 or 7
+ return predicated_value(prevPt.y() < nextPt.y(), 7, 1);
+ }
+ template <int op, typename CountType>
+ static int applyLogic(CountType count1, CountType count2){
+ bool l1 = applyLogic<op>(count1);
+ bool l2 = applyLogic<op>(count2);
+ if(l1 && !l2)
+ return -1; //was true before and became false like a trailing edge
+ if(!l1 && l2)
+ return 1; //was false before and became true like a leading edge
+ return 0; //no change in logic between the two counts
+ }
+ template <int op>
+ static bool applyLogic(Count2 count) {
+#pragma warning (disable: 4127)
+ if(op == 0) { //apply or
+ return count[0] > 0 || count[1] > 0;
+ } else if(op == 1) { //apply and
+ return count[0] > 0 && count[1] > 0;
+ } else if(op == 2) { //apply not
+ return count[0] > 0 && !(count[1] > 0);
+ } else if(op == 3) { //apply xor
+ return (count[0] > 0) ^ (count[1] > 0);
+ } else
+ return false;
+#pragma warning (default: 4127)
+ }
+ template <int op>
+ struct boolean_op_45_output_functor {
+ template <typename cT>
+ void operator()(cT& output, const Count2& count1, const Count2& count2,
+ const Point& pt, int rise, direction_1d end) {
+ int edgeType = applyLogic<op>(count1, count2);
+ if(edgeType) {
+ int multiplier = end == LOW ? -1 : 1;
+ //std::cout << "cross logic: " << edgeType << std::endl;
+ output.insert(output.end(), Vertex45(pt, rise, edgeType * multiplier));
+ //std::cout << "write out: " << crossPoint << " " << Point(eraseItrs[i]->x, eraseItrs[i]->y) << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ template <int op>
+ static bool applyLogic(Count1 count) {
+#pragma warning (disable: 4127)
+ if(op == 0) { //apply or
+ return count.count_ > 0;
+ } else if(op == 1) { //apply and
+ return count.count_ > 1;
+ } else if(op == 3) { //apply xor
+ return (count.count_ % 2) != 0;
+ } else
+ return false;
+#pragma warning (default: 4127)
+ }
+ template <int op>
+ struct unary_op_45_output_functor {
+ template <typename cT>
+ void operator()(cT& output, const Count1& count1, const Count1& count2,
+ const Point& pt, int rise, direction_1d end) {
+ int edgeType = applyLogic<op>(count1, count2);
+ if(edgeType) {
+ int multiplier = end == LOW ? -1 : 1;
+ //std::cout << "cross logic: " << edgeType << std::endl;
+ output.insert(output.end(), Vertex45(pt, rise, edgeType * multiplier));
+ //std::cout << "write out: " << crossPoint << " " << Point(eraseItrs[i]->x, eraseItrs[i]->y) << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ class lessScan45Vertex {
+ public:
+ inline lessScan45Vertex() {} //default constructor is only constructor
+ template <typename Scan45Vertex>
+ inline bool operator () (const Scan45Vertex& v1, const Scan45Vertex& v2) const {
+ return (v1.first.x() < v2.first.x()) || (v1.first.x() == v2.first.x() && v1.first.y() < v2.first.y());
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename S45V>
+ static inline void sortScan45Vector(S45V& vec) {
+ std::sort(vec.begin(), vec.end(), lessScan45Vertex());
+ }
+ template <typename CountType, typename output_functor>
+ class Scan45 {
+ public:
+ typedef Scan45CountT<CountType> Scan45Count;
+ typedef std::pair<Point, Scan45Count> Scan45Vertex;
+ //index is the index into the vertex
+ static inline Scan45Element getElement(const Scan45Vertex& vertex, int index) {
+ return Scan45Element(vertex.first.x(), vertex.first.y(), index - 1, vertex.second[index]);
+ }
+ class lessScan45Point : public std::binary_function<Point, Point, bool> {
+ public:
+ inline lessScan45Point() {} //default constructor is only constructor
+ inline bool operator () (const Point& v1, const Point& v2) const {
+ return (v1.x() < v2.x()) || (v1.x() == v2.x() && v1.y() < v2.y());
+ }
+ };
+ typedef std::vector<Scan45Vertex> Scan45Vector;
+ //definitions
+ typedef std::set<Scan45ElementT<CountType>, lessScan45Element<CountType> > Scan45Data;
+ typedef typename Scan45Data::iterator iterator;
+ typedef typename Scan45Data::const_iterator const_iterator;
+ typedef std::set<Point, lessScan45Point> CrossQueue;
+ //data
+ Scan45Data scanData_;
+ CrossQueue crossQueue_;
+ Scan45Vector crossVector_;
+ Unit x_;
+ int justBefore_;
+ public:
+ inline Scan45() : scanData_(), crossQueue_(), crossVector_(),
+ x_((std::numeric_limits<Unit>::min)()), justBefore_(false) {
+ lessScan45Element<CountType> lessElm(&x_, &justBefore_);
+ scanData_ = std::set<Scan45ElementT<CountType>, lessScan45Element<CountType> >(lessElm);
+ }
+ inline Scan45(const Scan45& that) : scanData_(), crossQueue_(), crossVector_(),
+ x_((std::numeric_limits<Unit>::min)()), justBefore_(false) {
+ (*this) = that; }
+ inline Scan45& operator=(const Scan45& that) {
+ x_ = that.x_;
+ justBefore_ = that.justBefore_;
+ crossQueue_ = that.crossQueue_;
+ crossVector_ = that.crossVector_;
+ lessScan45Element<CountType> lessElm(&x_, &justBefore_);
+ scanData_ = std::set<Scan45ElementT<CountType>, lessScan45Element<CountType> >(lessElm);
+ for(const_iterator itr = that.scanData_.begin(); itr != that.scanData_.end(); ++itr){
+ scanData_.insert(scanData_.end(), *itr);
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ //cT is an output container of Vertex45
+ //iT is an iterator over Scan45Vertex elements
+ template <class cT, class iT>
+ void scan(cT& output, iT inputBegin, iT inputEnd) {
+ //std::cout << "1\n";
+ while(inputBegin != inputEnd) {
+ //std::cout << "2\n";
+ //std::cout << "x_ = " << x_ << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << "scan line size: " << scanData_.size() << std::endl;
+ //for(iterator iter = scanData_.begin();
+ // iter != scanData_.end(); ++iter) {
+ // std::cout << "scan element\n";
+ // std::cout << *iter << " " << iter->evalAtX(x_) << std::endl;
+ // }
+ // std::cout << "cross queue size: " << crossQueue_.size() << std::endl;
+ // std::cout << "cross vector size: " << crossVector_.size() << std::endl;
+ //for(CrossQueue::iterator cqitr = crossQueue_.begin(); cqitr != crossQueue_.end(); ++cqitr) {
+ // std::cout << *cqitr << " ";
+ //} std::cout << std::endl;
+ Unit nextX = (*inputBegin).first.x();
+ if(!crossVector_.empty() && crossVector_[0].first.x() < nextX) nextX = crossVector_[0].first.x();
+ if(nextX != x_) {
+ //std::cout << "3\n";
+ //we need to move to the next scanline stop
+ //we need to process end events then cross events
+ //process end events
+ if(!crossQueue_.empty() &&
+ (*crossQueue_.begin()).x() < nextX) {
+ //std::cout << "4\n";
+ nextX = (std::min)(nextX, (*crossQueue_.begin()).x());
+ }
+ //std::cout << "6\n";
+ justBefore_ = true;
+ x_ = nextX;
+ advance_(output);
+ justBefore_ = false;
+ if(!crossVector_.empty() &&
+ nextX == (*inputBegin).first.x()) {
+ inputBegin = mergeCross_(inputBegin, inputEnd);
+ }
+ processEvent_(output, crossVector_.begin(), crossVector_.end());
+ crossVector_.clear();
+ } else {
+ //std::cout << "7\n";
+ //our scanline has progressed to the event that is next in the queue
+ inputBegin = processEvent_(output, inputBegin, inputEnd);
+ }
+ }
+ //std::cout << "done scanning\n";
+ }
+ private:
+ //functions
+ template <class cT>
+ inline void advance_(cT& output) {
+ //process all cross points on the cross queue at the current x_
+ //std::cout << "advance_\n";
+ std::vector<iterator> eraseVec;
+ while(!crossQueue_.empty() &&
+ (*crossQueue_.begin()).x() == x_){
+ //std::cout << "loop\n";
+ //pop point off the cross queue
+ Point crossPoint = *(crossQueue_.begin());
+ //std::cout << crossPoint << std::endl;
+ //for(iterator iter = scanData_.begin();
+ // iter != scanData_.end(); ++iter) {
+ // std::cout << "scan element\n";
+ // std::cout << *iter << " " << iter->evalAtX(x_) << std::endl;
+ //}
+ crossQueue_.erase(crossQueue_.begin());
+ Scan45Vertex vertex(crossPoint, Scan45Count());
+ iterator lowIter = lookUp_(vertex.first.y());
+ //std::cout << "searching at: " << vertex.first.y() << std::endl;
+ //if(lowIter == scanData_.end()) std::cout << "could not find\n";
+ //else std::cout << "found: " << *lowIter << std::endl;
+ if(lowIter == scanData_.end() ||
+ lowIter->evalAtX(x_) != vertex.first.y()) {
+ // std::cout << "skipping\n";
+ //there weren't any edges at this potential cross point
+ continue;
+ }
+ CountType countBelow;
+ iterator searchDownItr = lowIter;
+ while(searchDownItr != scanData_.begin()
+ && searchDownItr->evalAtX(x_) == vertex.first.y()) {
+ //get count from below
+ --searchDownItr;
+ countBelow = searchDownItr->count;
+ }
+ //std::cout << "Below Count: " << countBelow << std::endl;
+ Scan45Count count(countBelow);
+ std::size_t numEdges = 0;
+ iterator eraseItrs[3];
+ while(lowIter != scanData_.end() &&
+ lowIter->evalAtX(x_) == vertex.first.y()) {
+ for(int index = lowIter->rise +1; index >= 0; --index)
+ count[index] = lowIter->count;
+ //std::cout << count << std::endl;
+ eraseItrs[numEdges] = lowIter;
+ ++numEdges;
+ ++lowIter;
+ }
+ if(numEdges == 1) {
+ //look for the next crossing point and continue
+ //std::cout << "found only one edge\n";
+ findCross_(eraseItrs[0]);
+ continue;
+ }
+ //before we erase the elements we need to decide if they should be written out
+ CountType currentCount = countBelow;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < numEdges; ++i) {
+ output_functor f;
+ f(output, currentCount, eraseItrs[i]->count, crossPoint, eraseItrs[i]->rise, LOW);
+ currentCount = eraseItrs[i]->count;
+ }
+ //schedule erase of the elements
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < numEdges; ++i) {
+ eraseVec.push_back(eraseItrs[i]);
+ }
+ //take the derivative wrt theta of the count at the crossing point
+ vertex.second[2] = count[2] - countBelow;
+ vertex.second[1] = count[1] - count[2];
+ vertex.second[0] = count[0] - count[1];
+ //add the point, deriviative pair into the cross vector
+ //std::cout << "LOOK HERE!\n";
+ //std::cout << count << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << vertex << std::endl;
+ crossVector_.push_back(vertex);
+ }
+ //erase crossing elements
+ std::vector<iterator> searchVec;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < eraseVec.size(); ++i) {
+ if(eraseVec[i] != scanData_.begin()) {
+ iterator searchItr = eraseVec[i];
+ --searchItr;
+ if(searchVec.empty() ||
+ searchVec.back() != searchItr)
+ searchVec.push_back(searchItr);
+ }
+ scanData_.erase(eraseVec[i]);
+ }
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < searchVec.size(); ++i) {
+ findCross_(searchVec[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ template <class iT>
+ inline iT mergeCross_(iT inputBegin, iT inputEnd) {
+ Scan45Vector vec;
+ swap(vec, crossVector_);
+ iT mergeEnd = inputBegin;
+ std::size_t mergeCount = 0;
+ while(mergeEnd != inputEnd &&
+ (*mergeEnd).first.x() == x_) {
+ ++mergeCount;
+ ++mergeEnd;
+ }
+ crossVector_.reserve((std::max)(vec.capacity(), vec.size() + mergeCount));
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i){
+ while(inputBegin != mergeEnd &&
+ (*inputBegin).first.y() < vec[i].first.y()) {
+ crossVector_.push_back(*inputBegin);
+ ++inputBegin;
+ }
+ crossVector_.push_back(vec[i]);
+ }
+ while(inputBegin != mergeEnd){
+ crossVector_.push_back(*inputBegin);
+ ++inputBegin;
+ }
+ return inputBegin;
+ }
+ template <class cT, class iT>
+ inline iT processEvent_(cT& output, iT inputBegin, iT inputEnd) {
+ //std::cout << "processEvent_\n";
+ CountType verticalCount = CountType();
+ Point prevPoint;
+ iterator prevIter = scanData_.end();
+ while(inputBegin != inputEnd &&
+ (*inputBegin).first.x() == x_) {
+ //std::cout << (*inputBegin) << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << "loop\n";
+ Scan45Vertex vertex = *inputBegin;
+ //std::cout << vertex.first << std::endl;
+ //if vertical count propigating up fake a null event at the next element
+ if(verticalCount != CountType() && (prevIter != scanData_.end() &&
+ prevIter->evalAtX(x_) < vertex.first.y())) {
+ //std::cout << "faking null event\n";
+ vertex = Scan45Vertex(Point(x_, prevIter->evalAtX(x_)), Scan45Count());
+ } else {
+ ++inputBegin;
+ //std::cout << "after increment\n";
+ //accumulate overlapping changes in Scan45Count
+ while(inputBegin != inputEnd &&
+ (*inputBegin).first.x() == x_ &&
+ (*inputBegin).first.y() == vertex.first.y()) {
+ //std::cout << "accumulate\n";
+ vertex.second += (*inputBegin).second;
+ ++inputBegin;
+ }
+ }
+ //std::cout << vertex.second << std::endl;
+ //integrate vertex
+ CountType currentCount = verticalCount;// + vertex.second[0];
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+ vertex.second[i] = currentCount += vertex.second[i];
+ }
+ //std::cout << vertex.second << std::endl;
+ //vertex represents the change in state at this point
+ //get counts at current vertex
+ CountType countBelow;
+ iterator lowIter = lookUp_(vertex.first.y());
+ if(lowIter != scanData_.begin()) {
+ //get count from below
+ --lowIter;
+ countBelow = lowIter->count;
+ ++lowIter;
+ }
+ //std::cout << "Count Below: " << countBelow[0] << " " << countBelow[1] << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << "vertical count: " << verticalCount[0] << " " << verticalCount[1] << std::endl;
+ Scan45Count countAt(countBelow - verticalCount);
+ //check if the vertical edge should be written out
+ if(verticalCount != CountType()) {
+ output_functor f;
+ f(output, countBelow - verticalCount, countBelow, prevPoint, 2, HIGH);
+ f(output, countBelow - verticalCount, countBelow, vertex.first, 2, LOW);
+ }
+ currentCount = countBelow - verticalCount;
+ while(lowIter != scanData_.end() &&
+ lowIter->evalAtX(x_) == vertex.first.y()) {
+ for(unsigned int i = lowIter->rise + 1; i < 3; ++i) {
+ countAt[i] = lowIter->count;
+ }
+ Point lp(lowIter->x, lowIter->y);
+ if(lp != vertex.first) {
+ output_functor f;
+ f(output, currentCount, lowIter->count, vertex.first, lowIter->rise, LOW);
+ }
+ currentCount = lowIter->count;
+ iterator nextIter = lowIter;
+ ++nextIter;
+ //std::cout << "erase\n";
+ scanData_.erase(lowIter);
+ if(nextIter != scanData_.end())
+ findCross_(nextIter);
+ lowIter = nextIter;
+ }
+ verticalCount += vertex.second[3];
+ prevPoint = vertex.first;
+ //std::cout << "new vertical count: " << verticalCount[0] << " " << verticalCount[1] << std::endl;
+ prevIter = lowIter;
+ //count represents the current state at this point
+ //std::cout << vertex.second << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << countAt << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << "ADD\n";
+ vertex.second += countAt;
+ //std::cout << vertex.second << std::endl;
+ //add elements to the scanline
+ for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+ if(vertex.second[i] != countBelow) {
+ //std::cout << "insert: " << vertex.first.x() << " " << vertex.first.y() << " " << i-1 <<
+ // " " << vertex.second[i][0] << " " << vertex.second[i][1] << std::endl;
+ iterator insertIter = scanData_.insert(scanData_.end(),
+ Scan45ElementT<CountType>(vertex.first.x(),
+ vertex.first.y(),
+ i - 1, vertex.second[i]));
+ findCross_(insertIter);
+ output_functor f;
+ f(output, countBelow, vertex.second[i], vertex.first, i - 1, HIGH);
+ }
+ countBelow = vertex.second[i];
+ }
+ }
+ //std::cout << "end processEvent\n";
+ return inputBegin;
+ }
+ //iter1 is horizontal
+ inline void scheduleCross0_(iterator iter1, iterator iter2) {
+ //std::cout << "0, ";
+ Unit y1 = iter1->evalAtX(x_);
+ Unit y2 = iter2->evalAtX(x_);
+ LongUnit delta = local_abs(LongUnit(y1) - LongUnit(y2));
+ if(delta + static_cast<LongUnit>(x_) <= (std::numeric_limits<Unit>::max)())
+ crossQueue_.insert(crossQueue_.end(), Point(x_ + static_cast<Unit>(delta), y1));
+ //std::cout << Point(x_ + delta, y1);
+ }
+ //neither iter is horizontal
+ inline void scheduleCross1_(iterator iter1, iterator iter2) {
+ //std::cout << "1, ";
+ Unit y1 = iter1->evalAtX(x_);
+ Unit y2 = iter2->evalAtX(x_);
+ //std::cout << y1 << " " << y2 << ": ";
+ //note that half the delta cannot exceed the positive inter range
+ LongUnit delta = y1;
+ delta -= y2;
+ Unit UnitMax = (std::numeric_limits<Unit>::max)();
+ if((delta & 1) == 1) {
+ //delta is odd, division by 2 will result in integer trunctaion
+ if(delta == 1) {
+ //the cross point is not on the integer grid and cannot be represented
+ //we must throw an exception
+ std::string msg = "GTL 45 Boolean error, precision insufficient to represent edge intersection coordinate value.";
+ throw(msg);
+ } else {
+ //note that result of this subtraction is always positive because itr1 is above itr2 in scanline
+ LongUnit halfDelta2 = (LongUnit)((((LongUnit)y1) - y2)/2);
+ //note that halfDelta2 has been truncated
+ if(halfDelta2 + x_ <= UnitMax && halfDelta2 + y2 <= UnitMax) {
+ crossQueue_.insert(crossQueue_.end(), Point(x_+static_cast<Unit>(halfDelta2), y2+static_cast<Unit>(halfDelta2)));
+ crossQueue_.insert(crossQueue_.end(), Point(x_+static_cast<Unit>(halfDelta2), y2+static_cast<Unit>(halfDelta2)+1));
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ LongUnit halfDelta = (LongUnit)((((LongUnit)y1) - y2)/2);
+ if(halfDelta + x_ <= UnitMax && halfDelta + y2 <= UnitMax)
+ crossQueue_.insert(crossQueue_.end(), Point(x_+static_cast<Unit>(halfDelta), y2+static_cast<Unit>(halfDelta)));
+ //std::cout << Point(x_+halfDelta, y2+halfDelta);
+ }
+ }
+ inline void findCross_(iterator iter) {
+ //std::cout << "find cross ";
+ iterator iteratorBelow = iter;
+ iterator iteratorAbove = iter;
+ if(iter != scanData_.begin() && iter->rise < 1) {
+ --iteratorBelow;
+ if(iter->rise == 0){
+ if(iteratorBelow->rise == 1) {
+ scheduleCross0_(iter, iteratorBelow);
+ }
+ } else {
+ //iter->rise == -1
+ if(iteratorBelow->rise == 1) {
+ scheduleCross1_(iter, iteratorBelow);
+ } else if(iteratorBelow->rise == 0) {
+ scheduleCross0_(iteratorBelow, iter);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ++iteratorAbove;
+ if(iteratorAbove != scanData_.end() && iter->rise > -1) {
+ if(iter->rise == 0) {
+ if(iteratorAbove->rise == -1) {
+ scheduleCross0_(iter, iteratorAbove);
+ }
+ } else {
+ //iter->rise == 1
+ if(iteratorAbove->rise == -1) {
+ scheduleCross1_(iteratorAbove, iter);
+ } else if(iteratorAbove->rise == 0) {
+ scheduleCross0_(iteratorAbove, iter);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //std::cout << std::endl;
+ }
+ inline iterator lookUp_(Unit y){
+ //if just before then we need to look from 1 not -1
+ return scanData_.lower_bound(Scan45ElementT<CountType>(x_, y, -1+2*justBefore_));
+ }
+ };
+ //template <typename CountType>
+ //static inline void print45Data(const std::set<Scan45ElementT<CountType>,
+ // lessScan45Element<CountType> >& data) {
+ // typename std::set<Scan45ElementT<CountType>, lessScan45Element<CountType> >::const_iterator iter;
+ // for(iter = data.begin(); iter != data.end(); ++iter) {
+ // std::cout << iter->x << " " << iter->y << " " << iter->rise << std::endl;
+ // }
+ //}
+ template <typename streamtype>
+ static inline bool testScan45Data(streamtype& stdcout) {
+ Unit x = 0;
+ int justBefore = false;
+ lessScan45Element<Count2> lessElm(&x, &justBefore);
+ std::set<Scan45ElementT<Count2>, lessScan45Element<Count2> > testData(lessElm);
+ //Unit size = testData.size();
+ typedef std::set<Scan45ElementT<Count2>, lessScan45Element<Count2> > Scan45Data;
+ typename Scan45Data::iterator itr10 = testData.insert(testData.end(), Scan45Element(0, 10, 1));
+ typename Scan45Data::iterator itr20 = testData.insert(testData.end(), Scan45Element(0, 20, 1));
+ typename Scan45Data::iterator itr30 = testData.insert(testData.end(), Scan45Element(0, 30, -1));
+ typename Scan45Data::iterator itr40 = testData.insert(testData.end(), Scan45Element(0, 40, -1));
+ typename Scan45Data::iterator itrA = testData.lower_bound(Scan45Element(0, 29, -1));
+ typename Scan45Data::iterator itr1 = testData.lower_bound(Scan45Element(0, 10, -1));
+ x = 4;
+ //now at 14 24 26 36
+ typename Scan45Data::iterator itrB = testData.lower_bound(Scan45Element(4, 29, -1));
+ typename Scan45Data::iterator itr2 = testData.lower_bound(Scan45Element(4, 14, -1));
+ if(itr1 != itr2) stdcout << "test1 failed\n";
+ if(itrA == itrB) stdcout << "test2 failed\n";
+ //remove crossing elements
+ testData.erase(itr20);
+ testData.erase(itr30);
+ x = 5;
+ itr20 = testData.insert(testData.end(), Scan45Element(0, 20, 1));
+ itr30 = testData.insert(testData.end(), Scan45Element(0, 30, -1));
+ //now at 15 25 25 35
+ typename Scan45Data::iterator itr = testData.begin();
+ if(itr != itr10) stdcout << "test3 failed\n";
+ ++itr;
+ if(itr != itr30) stdcout << "test4 failed\n";
+ ++itr;
+ if(itr != itr20) stdcout << "test5 failed\n";
+ ++itr;
+ if(itr != itr40) stdcout << "test6 failed\n";
+ stdcout << "done testing Scan45Data\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool testScan45Rect(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ stdcout << "testing Scan45Rect\n";
+ Scan45<Count2, boolean_op_45_output_functor<0> > scan45;
+ std::vector<Vertex45 > result;
+ typedef std::pair<Point, Scan45Count> Scan45Vertex;
+ std::vector<Scan45Vertex> vertices;
+ //is a Rectnagle(0, 0, 10, 10);
+ Count2 count(1, 0);
+ Count2 ncount(-1, 0);
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(0,0), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), count, Count2(0, 0), count)));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(0,10), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), ncount, Count2(0, 0), ncount)));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(10,0), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), ncount, Count2(0, 0), ncount)));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(10,10), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), count, Count2(0, 0), count)));
+ stdcout << "scanning\n";
+ scan45.scan(result, vertices.begin(), vertices.end());
+ stdcout << "done scanning\n";
+ // result size == 8
+ // result == 0 0 0 1
+ // result == 0 0 2 1
+ // result == 0 10 2 -1
+ // result == 0 10 0 -1
+ // result == 10 0 0 -1
+ // result == 10 0 2 -1
+ // result == 10 10 2 1
+ // result == 10 10 0 1
+ std::vector<Vertex45> reference;
+ reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 0), 0, 1));
+ reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 0), 2, 1));
+ reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 10), 2, -1));
+ reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 10), 0, -1));
+ reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 0), 0, -1));
+ reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 0), 2, -1));
+ reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 10), 2, 1));
+ reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 10), 0, 1));
+ if(result != reference) {
+ stdcout << "result size == " << result.size() << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) {
+ //std::cout << "result == " << result[i]<< std::endl;
+ }
+ stdcout << "reference size == " << reference.size() << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < reference.size(); ++i) {
+ //std::cout << "reference == " << reference[i]<< std::endl;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ stdcout << "done testing Scan45Rect\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool testScan45P1(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ stdcout << "testing Scan45P1\n";
+ Scan45<Count2, boolean_op_45_output_functor<0> > scan45;
+ std::vector<Vertex45 > result;
+ typedef std::pair<Point, Scan45Count> Scan45Vertex;
+ std::vector<Scan45Vertex> vertices;
+ //is a Rectnagle(0, 0, 10, 10);
+ Count2 count(1, 0);
+ Count2 ncount(-1, 0);
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(0,0), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), Count2(0, 0), count, count)));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(0,10), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), Count2(0, 0), ncount, ncount)));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(10,10), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), Count2(0, 0), ncount, ncount)));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(10,20), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), Count2(0, 0), count, count)));
+ stdcout << "scanning\n";
+ scan45.scan(result, vertices.begin(), vertices.end());
+ stdcout << "done scanning\n";
+ // result size == 8
+ // result == 0 0 1 1
+ // result == 0 0 2 1
+ // result == 0 10 2 -1
+ // result == 0 10 1 -1
+ // result == 10 10 1 -1
+ // result == 10 10 2 -1
+ // result == 10 20 2 1
+ // result == 10 20 1 1
+ std::vector<Vertex45> reference;
+ reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 0), 1, 1));
+ reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 0), 2, 1));
+ reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 10), 2, -1));
+ reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 10), 1, -1));
+ reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 10), 1, -1));
+ reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 10), 2, -1));
+ reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 20), 2, 1));
+ reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 20), 1, 1));
+ if(result != reference) {
+ stdcout << "result size == " << result.size() << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) {
+ //std::cout << "result == " << result[i]<< std::endl;
+ }
+ stdcout << "reference size == " << reference.size() << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < reference.size(); ++i) {
+ //std::cout << "reference == " << reference[i]<< std::endl;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ stdcout << "done testing Scan45P1\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool testScan45P2(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ stdcout << "testing Scan45P2\n";
+ Scan45<Count2, boolean_op_45_output_functor<0> > scan45;
+ std::vector<Vertex45 > result;
+ typedef std::pair<Point, Scan45Count> Scan45Vertex;
+ std::vector<Scan45Vertex> vertices;
+ //is a Rectnagle(0, 0, 10, 10);
+ Count2 count(1, 0);
+ Count2 ncount(-1, 0);
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(0,0), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), count, ncount, Count2(0, 0))));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(10,0), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), ncount, count, Count2(0, 0))));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(10,10), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), ncount, count, Count2(0, 0))));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(20,10), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), count, ncount, Count2(0, 0))));
+ stdcout << "scanning\n";
+ scan45.scan(result, vertices.begin(), vertices.end());
+ stdcout << "done scanning\n";
+ // result size == 8
+ // result == 0 0 0 1
+ // result == 0 0 1 -1
+ // result == 10 0 0 -1
+ // result == 10 0 1 1
+ // result == 10 10 1 1
+ // result == 10 10 0 -1
+ // result == 20 10 1 -1
+ // result == 20 10 0 1
+ std::vector<Vertex45> reference;
+ reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 0), 0, 1));
+ reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 0), 1, -1));
+ reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 0), 0, -1));
+ reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 0), 1, 1));
+ reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 10), 1, 1));
+ reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 10), 0, -1));
+ reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(20, 10), 1, -1));
+ reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(20, 10), 0, 1));
+ if(result != reference) {
+ stdcout << "result size == " << result.size() << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) {
+ //stdcout << "result == " << result[i]<< std::endl;
+ }
+ stdcout << "reference size == " << reference.size() << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < reference.size(); ++i) {
+ //stdcout << "reference == " << reference[i]<< std::endl;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ stdcout << "done testing Scan45P2\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename streamtype>
+ static inline bool testScan45And(streamtype& stdcout) {
+ stdcout << "testing Scan45And\n";
+ Scan45<Count2, boolean_op_45_output_functor<1> > scan45;
+ std::vector<Vertex45 > result;
+ typedef std::pair<Point, Scan45Count> Scan45Vertex;
+ std::vector<Scan45Vertex> vertices;
+ //is a Rectnagle(0, 0, 10, 10);
+ Count2 count(1, 0);
+ Count2 ncount(-1, 0);
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(0,0), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), count, Count2(0, 0), count)));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(0,10), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), ncount, Count2(0, 0), ncount)));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(10,0), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), ncount, Count2(0, 0), ncount)));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(10,10), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), count, Count2(0, 0), count)));
+ count = Count2(0, 1);
+ ncount = count.invert();
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(2,2), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), count, Count2(0, 0), count)));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(2,12), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), ncount, Count2(0, 0), ncount)));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(12,2), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), ncount, Count2(0, 0), ncount)));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(12,12), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), count, Count2(0, 0), count)));
+ sortScan45Vector(vertices);
+ stdcout << "scanning\n";
+ scan45.scan(result, vertices.begin(), vertices.end());
+ stdcout << "done scanning\n";
+ //result size == 8
+ //result == 2 2 0 1
+ //result == 2 2 2 1
+ //result == 2 10 2 -1
+ //result == 2 10 0 -1
+ //result == 10 2 0 -1
+ //result == 10 2 2 -1
+ //result == 10 10 2 1
+ //result == 10 10 0 1
+ std::vector<Vertex45> reference;
+ reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(2, 2), 0, 1));
+ reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(2, 2), 2, 1));
+ reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(2, 10), 2, -1));
+ reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(2, 10), 0, -1));
+ reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 2), 0, -1));
+ reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 2), 2, -1));
+ reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 10), 2, 1));
+ reference.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 10), 0, 1));
+ if(result != reference) {
+ stdcout << "result size == " << result.size() << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) {
+ //stdcout << "result == " << result[i]<< std::endl;
+ }
+ stdcout << "reference size == " << reference.size() << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < reference.size(); ++i) {
+ //stdcout << "reference == " << reference[i]<< std::endl;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ stdcout << "done testing Scan45And\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool testScan45Star1(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ stdcout << "testing Scan45Star1\n";
+ Scan45<Count2, boolean_op_45_output_functor<0> > scan45;
+ std::vector<Vertex45 > result;
+ typedef std::pair<Point, Scan45Count> Scan45Vertex;
+ std::vector<Scan45Vertex> vertices;
+ //is a Rectnagle(0, 0, 10, 10);
+ Count2 count(1, 0);
+ Count2 ncount(-1, 0);
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(0,8), Scan45Count(count, Count2(0, 0), ncount, Count2(0, 0))));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(8,0), Scan45Count(ncount, Count2(0, 0), Count2(0, 0), ncount)));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(8,16), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), Count2(0, 0), count, count)));
+ count = Count2(0, 1);
+ ncount = count.invert();
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(12,8), Scan45Count(count, Count2(0, 0), ncount, Count2(0, 0))));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(4,0), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), Count2(0, 0), count, count)));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(4,16), Scan45Count(ncount, Count2(0, 0), Count2(0, 0), ncount)));
+ sortScan45Vector(vertices);
+ stdcout << "scanning\n";
+ scan45.scan(result, vertices.begin(), vertices.end());
+ stdcout << "done scanning\n";
+ // result size == 24
+ // result == 0 8 -1 1
+ // result == 0 8 1 -1
+ // result == 4 0 1 1
+ // result == 4 0 2 1
+ // result == 4 4 2 -1
+ // result == 4 4 -1 -1
+ // result == 4 12 1 1
+ // result == 4 12 2 1
+ // result == 4 16 2 -1
+ // result == 4 16 -1 -1
+ // result == 6 2 1 -1
+ // result == 6 14 -1 1
+ // result == 6 2 -1 1
+ // result == 6 14 1 -1
+ // result == 8 0 -1 -1
+ // result == 8 0 2 -1
+ // result == 8 4 2 1
+ // result == 8 4 1 1
+ // result == 8 12 -1 -1
+ // result == 8 12 2 -1
+ // result == 8 16 2 1
+ // result == 8 16 1 1
+ // result == 12 8 1 -1
+ // result == 12 8 -1 1
+ if(result.size() != 24) {
+ //stdcout << "result size == " << result.size() << std::endl;
+ //stdcout << "reference size == " << 24 << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ stdcout << "done testing Scan45Star1\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool testScan45Star2(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ stdcout << "testing Scan45Star2\n";
+ Scan45<Count2, boolean_op_45_output_functor<0> > scan45;
+ std::vector<Vertex45 > result;
+ typedef std::pair<Point, Scan45Count> Scan45Vertex;
+ std::vector<Scan45Vertex> vertices;
+ //is a Rectnagle(0, 0, 10, 10);
+ Count2 count(1, 0);
+ Count2 ncount(-1, 0);
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(0,4), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), count, ncount, Count2(0, 0))));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(16,4), Scan45Count(count, ncount, Count2(0, 0), Count2(0, 0))));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(8,12), Scan45Count(ncount, Count2(0, 0), count, Count2(0, 0))));
+ count = Count2(0, 1);
+ ncount = count.invert();
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(0,8), Scan45Count(count, ncount, Count2(0, 0), Count2(0, 0))));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(16,8), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), count, ncount, Count2(0, 0))));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(8,0), Scan45Count(ncount, Count2(0, 0), count, Count2(0, 0))));
+ sortScan45Vector(vertices);
+ stdcout << "scanning\n";
+ scan45.scan(result, vertices.begin(), vertices.end());
+ stdcout << "done scanning\n";
+ // result size == 24
+ // result == 0 4 0 1
+ // result == 0 4 1 -1
+ // result == 0 8 -1 1
+ // result == 0 8 0 -1
+ // result == 2 6 1 1
+ // result == 2 6 -1 -1
+ // result == 4 4 0 -1
+ // result == 4 8 0 1
+ // result == 4 4 -1 1
+ // result == 4 8 1 -1
+ // result == 8 0 -1 -1
+ // result == 8 0 1 1
+ // result == 8 12 1 1
+ // result == 8 12 -1 -1
+ // result == 12 4 1 -1
+ // result == 12 8 -1 1
+ // result == 12 4 0 1
+ // result == 12 8 0 -1
+ // result == 14 6 -1 -1
+ // result == 14 6 1 1
+ // result == 16 4 0 -1
+ // result == 16 4 -1 1
+ // result == 16 8 1 -1
+ // result == 16 8 0 1
+ if(result.size() != 24) {
+ //std::cout << "result size == " << result.size() << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << "reference size == " << 24 << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ stdcout << "done testing Scan45Star2\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool testScan45Star3(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ stdcout << "testing Scan45Star3\n";
+ Scan45<Count2, boolean_op_45_output_functor<0> > scan45;
+ std::vector<Vertex45 > result;
+ typedef std::pair<Point, Scan45Count> Scan45Vertex;
+ std::vector<Scan45Vertex> vertices;
+ //is a Rectnagle(0, 0, 10, 10);
+ Count2 count(1, 0);
+ Count2 ncount(-1, 0);
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(0,8), Scan45Count(count, Count2(0, 0), ncount, Count2(0, 0))));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(8,0), Scan45Count(ncount, Count2(0, 0), Count2(0, 0), ncount)));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(8,16), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), Count2(0, 0), count, count)));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(6,0), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), count, Count2(0, 0), count)));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(6,14), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), ncount, Count2(0, 0), ncount)));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(12,0), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), ncount, Count2(0, 0), ncount)));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(12,14), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), count, Count2(0, 0), count)));
+ count = Count2(0, 1);
+ ncount = count.invert();
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(12,8), Scan45Count(count, Count2(0, 0), ncount, Count2(0, 0))));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(4,0), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), Count2(0, 0), count, count)));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(4,16), Scan45Count(ncount, Count2(0, 0), Count2(0, 0), ncount)));
+ sortScan45Vector(vertices);
+ stdcout << "scanning\n";
+ scan45.scan(result, vertices.begin(), vertices.end());
+ stdcout << "done scanning\n";
+ // result size == 28
+ // result == 0 8 -1 1
+ // result == 0 8 1 -1
+ // result == 4 0 1 1
+ // result == 4 0 2 1
+ // result == 4 4 2 -1
+ // result == 4 4 -1 -1
+ // result == 4 12 1 1
+ // result == 4 12 2 1
+ // result == 4 16 2 -1
+ // result == 4 16 -1 -1
+ // result == 6 2 1 -1
+ // result == 6 14 -1 1
+ // result == 6 0 0 1
+ // result == 6 0 2 1
+ // result == 6 2 2 -1
+ // result == 6 14 1 -1
+ // result == 8 0 0 -1
+ // result == 8 0 0 1
+ // result == 8 14 0 -1
+ // result == 8 14 2 -1
+ // result == 8 16 2 1
+ // result == 8 16 1 1
+ // result == 12 0 0 -1
+ // result == 12 0 2 -1
+ // result == 12 8 2 1
+ // result == 12 8 2 -1
+ // result == 12 14 2 1
+ // result == 12 14 0 1
+ if(result.size() != 28) {
+ //std::cout << "result size == " << result.size() << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << "reference size == " << 28 << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ stdcout << "done testing Scan45Star3\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool testScan45Star4(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ stdcout << "testing Scan45Star4\n";
+ Scan45<Count2, boolean_op_45_output_functor<0> > scan45;
+ std::vector<Vertex45 > result;
+ typedef std::pair<Point, Scan45Count> Scan45Vertex;
+ std::vector<Scan45Vertex> vertices;
+ //is a Rectnagle(0, 0, 10, 10);
+ Count2 count(1, 0);
+ Count2 ncount(-1, 0);
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(0,4), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), count, ncount, Count2(0, 0))));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(16,4), Scan45Count(count, ncount, Count2(0, 0), Count2(0, 0))));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(8,12), Scan45Count(ncount, Count2(0, 0), count, Count2(0, 0))));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(0,6), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), count, Count2(0, 0), count)));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(0,12), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), ncount, Count2(0, 0), ncount)));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(16,6), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), ncount, Count2(0, 0), ncount)));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(16,12), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), count, Count2(0, 0), count)));
+ count = Count2(0, 1);
+ ncount = count.invert();
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(0,8), Scan45Count(count, ncount, Count2(0, 0), Count2(0, 0))));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(16,8), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), count, ncount, Count2(0, 0))));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(8,0), Scan45Count(ncount, Count2(0, 0), count, Count2(0, 0))));
+ sortScan45Vector(vertices);
+ stdcout << "scanning\n";
+ scan45.scan(result, vertices.begin(), vertices.end());
+ stdcout << "done scanning\n";
+ // result size == 28
+ // result == 0 4 0 1
+ // result == 0 4 1 -1
+ // result == 0 6 0 1
+ // result == 0 6 2 1
+ // result == 0 8 2 -1
+ // result == 0 8 2 1
+ // result == 0 12 2 -1
+ // result == 0 12 0 -1
+ // result == 2 6 1 1
+ // result == 2 6 0 -1
+ // result == 4 4 0 -1
+ // result == 4 4 -1 1
+ // result == 8 12 0 1
+ // result == 8 0 -1 -1
+ // result == 8 0 1 1
+ // result == 8 12 0 -1
+ // result == 12 4 1 -1
+ // result == 12 4 0 1
+ // result == 14 6 -1 -1
+ // result == 14 6 0 1
+ // result == 16 4 0 -1
+ // result == 16 4 -1 1
+ // result == 16 6 0 -1
+ // result == 16 6 2 -1
+ // result == 16 8 2 1
+ // result == 16 8 2 -1
+ // result == 16 12 2 1
+ // result == 16 12 0 1
+ if(result.size() != 28) {
+ //stdcout << "result size == " << result.size() << std::endl;
+ //stdcout << "reference size == " << 28 << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ stdcout << "done testing Scan45Star4\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool testScan45(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ if(!testScan45Rect(stdcout)) return false;
+ if(!testScan45P1(stdcout)) return false;
+ if(!testScan45P2(stdcout)) return false;
+ if(!testScan45And(stdcout)) return false;
+ if(!testScan45Star1(stdcout)) return false;
+ if(!testScan45Star2(stdcout)) return false;
+ if(!testScan45Star3(stdcout)) return false;
+ if(!testScan45Star4(stdcout)) return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/detail/iterator_compact_to_points.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/detail/iterator_compact_to_points.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+template <typename iterator_type, typename point_type>
+class iterator_compact_to_points {
+ iterator_type iter_;
+ iterator_type iter_end_;
+ point_type pt_;
+ typename point_traits<point_type>::coordinate_type firstX_;
+ orientation_2d orient_;
+ typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
+ typedef point_type value_type;
+ typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
+ typedef const point_type* pointer; //immutable
+ typedef const point_type& reference; //immutable
+ inline iterator_compact_to_points() : iter_(), iter_end_(), pt_(), firstX_(), orient_() {}
+ inline iterator_compact_to_points(iterator_type iter, iterator_type iter_end) :
+ iter_(iter), iter_end_(iter_end), pt_(), firstX_(), orient_(HORIZONTAL) {
+ if(iter_ != iter_end_) {
+ firstX_ = *iter_;
+ x(pt_, firstX_);
+ ++iter_;
+ if(iter_ != iter_end_) {
+ y(pt_, *iter_);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //use bitwise copy and assign provided by the compiler
+ inline iterator_compact_to_points& operator++() {
+ iterator_type prev_iter = iter_;
+ ++iter_;
+ if(iter_ == iter_end_) {
+ if(x(pt_) != firstX_) {
+ iter_ = prev_iter;
+ x(pt_, firstX_);
+ }
+ } else {
+ set(pt_, orient_, *iter_);
+ orient_.turn_90();
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline const iterator_compact_to_points operator++(int) {
+ iterator_compact_to_points tmp(*this);
+ ++(*this);
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ inline bool operator==(const iterator_compact_to_points& that) const {
+ return (iter_ == that.iter_);
+ }
+ inline bool operator!=(const iterator_compact_to_points& that) const {
+ return (iter_ != that.iter_);
+ }
+ inline reference operator*() const { return pt_; }
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/detail/iterator_geometry_to_set.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/detail/iterator_geometry_to_set.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+template <typename concept_type, typename geometry_type>
+class iterator_geometry_to_set {};
+template <typename rectangle_type>
+class iterator_geometry_to_set<rectangle_concept, rectangle_type> {
+ typedef typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
+ typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
+ typedef std::pair<coordinate_type, std::pair<coordinate_type, int> > value_type;
+ typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
+ typedef const value_type* pointer; //immutable
+ typedef const value_type& reference; //immutable
+ rectangle_data<coordinate_type> rectangle_;
+ mutable value_type vertex_;
+ unsigned int corner_;
+ orientation_2d orient_;
+ bool is_hole_;
+ iterator_geometry_to_set() : rectangle_(), vertex_(), corner_(4), orient_(), is_hole_() {}
+ iterator_geometry_to_set(const rectangle_type& rectangle, direction_1d dir,
+ orientation_2d orient = HORIZONTAL, bool is_hole = false) :
+ rectangle_(), vertex_(), corner_(0), orient_(orient), is_hole_(is_hole) {
+ assign(rectangle_, rectangle);
+ if(dir == HIGH) corner_ = 4;
+ }
+ inline iterator_geometry_to_set& operator++() {
+ ++corner_;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline const iterator_geometry_to_set operator++(int) {
+ iterator_geometry_to_set tmp(*this);
+ ++(*this);
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ inline bool operator==(const iterator_geometry_to_set& that) const {
+ return corner_ == that.corner_;
+ }
+ inline bool operator!=(const iterator_geometry_to_set& that) const {
+ return !(*this == that);
+ }
+ inline reference operator*() const {
+ if(corner_ == 0) {
+ vertex_.first = get(get(rectangle_, orient_.get_perpendicular()), LOW);
+ vertex_.second.first = get(get(rectangle_, orient_), LOW);
+ vertex_.second.second = 1;
+ if(is_hole_) vertex_.second.second *= -1;
+ } else if(corner_ == 1) {
+ vertex_.second.first = get(get(rectangle_, orient_), HIGH);
+ vertex_.second.second = -1;
+ if(is_hole_) vertex_.second.second *= -1;
+ } else if(corner_ == 2) {
+ vertex_.first = get(get(rectangle_, orient_.get_perpendicular()), HIGH);
+ vertex_.second.first = get(get(rectangle_, orient_), LOW);
+ } else {
+ vertex_.second.first = get(get(rectangle_, orient_), HIGH);
+ vertex_.second.second = 1;
+ if(is_hole_) vertex_.second.second *= -1;
+ }
+ return vertex_;
+ }
+template <typename polygon_type>
+class iterator_geometry_to_set<polygon_90_concept, polygon_type> {
+ typedef typename polygon_traits<polygon_type>::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
+ typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
+ typedef std::pair<coordinate_type, std::pair<coordinate_type, int> > value_type;
+ typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
+ typedef const value_type* pointer; //immutable
+ typedef const value_type& reference; //immutable
+ typedef typename polygon_traits<polygon_type>::iterator_type coord_iterator_type;
+ value_type vertex_;
+ typename polygon_traits<polygon_type>::iterator_type itrb, itre;
+ bool last_vertex_;
+ bool is_hole_;
+ int multiplier_;
+ point_data<coordinate_type> first_pt, second_pt, pts[3];
+ bool use_wrap;
+ orientation_2d orient_;
+ int polygon_index;
+ iterator_geometry_to_set() : vertex_(), itrb(), itre(), last_vertex_(), is_hole_(), multiplier_(), first_pt(), second_pt(), pts(), use_wrap(), orient_(), polygon_index(-1) {}
+ iterator_geometry_to_set(const polygon_type& polygon, direction_1d dir, orientation_2d orient = HORIZONTAL, bool is_hole = false) :
+ vertex_(), itrb(), itre(), last_vertex_(),
+ is_hole_(is_hole), multiplier_(), first_pt(), second_pt(), pts(), use_wrap(),
+ orient_(orient), polygon_index(0) {
+ itrb = begin_points(polygon);
+ itre = end_points(polygon);
+ use_wrap = false;
+ if(itrb == itre || dir == HIGH || size(polygon) < 4) {
+ polygon_index = -1;
+ } else {
+ direction_1d wdir = winding(polygon);
+ multiplier_ = wdir == LOW ? -1 : 1;
+ if(is_hole_) multiplier_ *= -1;
+ first_pt = pts[0] = *itrb;
+ ++itrb;
+ second_pt = pts[1] = *itrb;
+ ++itrb;
+ pts[2] = *itrb;
+ evaluate_();
+ }
+ }
+ iterator_geometry_to_set(const iterator_geometry_to_set& that) :
+ vertex_(), itrb(), itre(), last_vertex_(), is_hole_(), multiplier_(), first_pt(),
+ second_pt(), pts(), use_wrap(), orient_(), polygon_index(-1) {
+ vertex_ = that.vertex_;
+ itrb = that.itrb;
+ itre = that.itre;
+ last_vertex_ = that.last_vertex_;
+ is_hole_ = that.is_hole_;
+ multiplier_ = that.multiplier_;
+ first_pt = that.first_pt;
+ second_pt = that.second_pt;
+ pts[0] = that.pts[0];
+ pts[1] = that.pts[1];
+ pts[2] = that.pts[2];
+ use_wrap = that.use_wrap;
+ orient_ = that.orient_;
+ polygon_index = that.polygon_index;
+ }
+ inline iterator_geometry_to_set& operator++() {
+ ++polygon_index;
+ if(itrb == itre) {
+ if(first_pt == pts[1]) polygon_index = -1;
+ else {
+ pts[0] = pts[1];
+ pts[1] = pts[2];
+ if(first_pt == pts[2]) {
+ pts[2] = second_pt;
+ } else {
+ pts[2] = first_pt;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ ++itrb;
+ pts[0] = pts[1];
+ pts[1] = pts[2];
+ if(itrb == itre) {
+ if(first_pt == pts[2]) {
+ pts[2] = second_pt;
+ } else {
+ pts[2] = first_pt;
+ }
+ } else {
+ pts[2] = *itrb;
+ }
+ }
+ evaluate_();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline const iterator_geometry_to_set operator++(int) {
+ iterator_geometry_to_set tmp(*this);
+ ++(*this);
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ inline bool operator==(const iterator_geometry_to_set& that) const {
+ return polygon_index == that.polygon_index;
+ }
+ inline bool operator!=(const iterator_geometry_to_set& that) const {
+ return !(*this == that);
+ }
+ inline reference operator*() const {
+ return vertex_;
+ }
+ inline void evaluate_() {
+ vertex_.first = pts[1].get(orient_.get_perpendicular());
+ vertex_.second.first =pts[1].get(orient_);
+ if(pts[1] == pts[2]) {
+ vertex_.second.second = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ if(pts[0].get(HORIZONTAL) != pts[1].get(HORIZONTAL)) {
+ vertex_.second.second = -1;
+ } else if(pts[0].get(VERTICAL) != pts[1].get(VERTICAL)) {
+ vertex_.second.second = 1;
+ } else {
+ vertex_.second.second = 0;
+ }
+ vertex_.second.second *= multiplier_;
+ }
+template <typename polygon_with_holes_type>
+class iterator_geometry_to_set<polygon_90_with_holes_concept, polygon_with_holes_type> {
+ typedef typename polygon_90_traits<polygon_with_holes_type>::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
+ typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
+ typedef std::pair<coordinate_type, std::pair<coordinate_type, int> > value_type;
+ typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
+ typedef const value_type* pointer; //immutable
+ typedef const value_type& reference; //immutable
+ iterator_geometry_to_set<polygon_90_concept, polygon_with_holes_type> itrb, itre;
+ iterator_geometry_to_set<polygon_90_concept, typename polygon_with_holes_traits<polygon_with_holes_type>::hole_type> itrhib, itrhie;
+ typename polygon_with_holes_traits<polygon_with_holes_type>::iterator_holes_type itrhb, itrhe;
+ orientation_2d orient_;
+ bool is_hole_;
+ bool started_holes;
+ iterator_geometry_to_set() : itrb(), itre(), itrhib(), itrhie(), itrhb(), itrhe(), orient_(), is_hole_(), started_holes() {}
+ iterator_geometry_to_set(const polygon_with_holes_type& polygon, direction_1d dir,
+ orientation_2d orient = HORIZONTAL, bool is_hole = false) :
+ itrb(), itre(), itrhib(), itrhie(), itrhb(), itrhe(), orient_(orient), is_hole_(is_hole), started_holes() {
+ itre = iterator_geometry_to_set<polygon_90_concept, polygon_with_holes_type>(polygon, HIGH, orient, is_hole_);
+ itrhe = end_holes(polygon);
+ if(dir == HIGH) {
+ itrb = itre;
+ itrhb = itrhe;
+ started_holes = true;
+ } else {
+ itrb = iterator_geometry_to_set<polygon_90_concept, polygon_with_holes_type>(polygon, LOW, orient, is_hole_);
+ itrhb = begin_holes(polygon);
+ started_holes = false;
+ }
+ }
+ iterator_geometry_to_set(const iterator_geometry_to_set& that) :
+ itrb(), itre(), itrhib(), itrhie(), itrhb(), itrhe(), orient_(), is_hole_(), started_holes() {
+ itrb = that.itrb;
+ itre = that.itre;
+ if(that.itrhib != that.itrhie) {
+ itrhib = that.itrhib;
+ itrhie = that.itrhie;
+ }
+ itrhb = that.itrhb;
+ itrhe = that.itrhe;
+ orient_ = that.orient_;
+ is_hole_ = that.is_hole_;
+ started_holes = that.started_holes;
+ }
+ inline iterator_geometry_to_set& operator++() {
+ //this code can be folded with flow control factoring
+ if(itrb == itre) {
+ if(itrhib == itrhie) {
+ if(itrhb != itrhe) {
+ itrhib = iterator_geometry_to_set<polygon_90_concept,
+ typename polygon_with_holes_traits<polygon_with_holes_type>::hole_type>(*itrhb, LOW, orient_, !is_hole_);
+ itrhie = iterator_geometry_to_set<polygon_90_concept,
+ typename polygon_with_holes_traits<polygon_with_holes_type>::hole_type>(*itrhb, HIGH, orient_, !is_hole_);
+ ++itrhb;
+ } else {
+ itrhib = itrhie = iterator_geometry_to_set<polygon_90_concept,
+ typename polygon_with_holes_traits<polygon_with_holes_type>::hole_type>();
+ }
+ } else {
+ ++itrhib;
+ if(itrhib == itrhie) {
+ if(itrhb != itrhe) {
+ itrhib = iterator_geometry_to_set<polygon_90_concept,
+ typename polygon_with_holes_traits<polygon_with_holes_type>::hole_type>(*itrhb, LOW, orient_, !is_hole_);
+ itrhie = iterator_geometry_to_set<polygon_90_concept,
+ typename polygon_with_holes_traits<polygon_with_holes_type>::hole_type>(*itrhb, HIGH, orient_, !is_hole_);
+ ++itrhb;
+ } else {
+ itrhib = itrhie = iterator_geometry_to_set<polygon_90_concept,
+ typename polygon_with_holes_traits<polygon_with_holes_type>::hole_type>();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ ++itrb;
+ if(itrb == itre) {
+ if(itrhb != itrhe) {
+ itrhib = iterator_geometry_to_set<polygon_90_concept,
+ typename polygon_with_holes_traits<polygon_with_holes_type>::hole_type>(*itrhb, LOW, orient_, !is_hole_);
+ itrhie = iterator_geometry_to_set<polygon_90_concept,
+ typename polygon_with_holes_traits<polygon_with_holes_type>::hole_type>(*itrhb, HIGH, orient_, !is_hole_);
+ ++itrhb;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline const iterator_geometry_to_set operator++(int) {
+ iterator_geometry_to_set tmp(*this);
+ ++(*this);
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ inline bool operator==(const iterator_geometry_to_set& that) const {
+ return itrb == that.itrb && itrhb == that.itrhb && itrhib == that.itrhib;
+ }
+ inline bool operator!=(const iterator_geometry_to_set& that) const {
+ return !(*this == that);
+ }
+ inline reference operator*() const {
+ if(itrb != itre) return *itrb;
+ return *itrhib;
+ }
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/detail/iterator_points_to_compact.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/detail/iterator_points_to_compact.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+template <typename iT, typename point_type>
+class iterator_points_to_compact {
+ iT iter_, iterEnd_;
+ orientation_2d orient_;
+ mutable typename point_traits<point_type>::coordinate_type coord_;
+ typedef typename point_traits<point_type>::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
+ typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
+ typedef coordinate_type value_type;
+ typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
+ typedef const coordinate_type* pointer; //immutable
+ typedef const coordinate_type& reference; //immutable
+ inline iterator_points_to_compact() : iter_(), iterEnd_(), orient_(), coord_() {}
+ inline iterator_points_to_compact(iT iter, iT iterEnd) :
+ iter_(iter), iterEnd_(iterEnd), orient_(HORIZONTAL), coord_() {}
+ inline iterator_points_to_compact(const iterator_points_to_compact& that) :
+ iter_(that.iter_), iterEnd_(that.iterEnd_), orient_(that.orient_), coord_(that.coord_) {}
+ //use bitwise copy and assign provided by the compiler
+ inline iterator_points_to_compact& operator++() {
+ //iT tmp = iter_;
+ ++iter_;
+ //iT tmp2 = iter_;
+ orient_.turn_90();
+ //while(tmp2 != iterEnd_ && get(*tmp2, orient_) == get(*tmp, orient_)) {
+ // iter_ = tmp2;
+ // ++tmp2;
+ //}
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline const iterator_points_to_compact operator++(int) {
+ iT tmp(*this);
+ ++(*this);
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ inline bool operator==(const iterator_points_to_compact& that) const {
+ return (iter_ == that.iter_);
+ }
+ inline bool operator!=(const iterator_points_to_compact& that) const {
+ return (iter_ != that.iter_);
+ }
+ inline reference operator*() const { coord_ = get(*iter_, orient_);
+ return coord_;
+ }
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/detail/max_cover.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/detail/max_cover.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+ template <typename Unit>
+ struct MaxCover {
+ typedef interval_data<Unit> Interval;
+ typedef rectangle_data<Unit> Rectangle;
+ class Node {
+ private:
+ std::vector<Node*> children_;
+ std::set<Interval> tracedPaths_;
+ public:
+ Rectangle rect;
+ Node() : children_(), tracedPaths_(), rect() {}
+ Node(const Rectangle rectIn) : children_(), tracedPaths_(), rect(rectIn) {}
+ typedef typename std::vector<Node*>::iterator iterator;
+ inline iterator begin() { return children_.begin(); }
+ inline iterator end() { return children_.end(); }
+ inline void add(Node* child) { children_.push_back(child); }
+ inline bool tracedPath(const Interval& ivl) const {
+ return tracedPaths_.find(ivl) != tracedPaths_.end();
+ }
+ inline void addPath(const Interval& ivl) {
+ tracedPaths_.insert(tracedPaths_.end(), ivl);
+ }
+ };
+ typedef std::pair<std::pair<Unit, Interval>, Node* > EdgeAssociation;
+ class lessEdgeAssociation : public std::binary_function<const EdgeAssociation&, const EdgeAssociation&, bool> {
+ public:
+ inline lessEdgeAssociation() {}
+ inline bool operator () (const EdgeAssociation& elem1, const EdgeAssociation& elem2) const {
+ if(elem1.first.first < elem2.first.first) return true;
+ if(elem1.first.first > elem2.first.first) return false;
+ return elem1.first.second < elem2.first.second;
+ }
+ };
+ template <class cT>
+ static inline void getMaxCover(cT& outputContainer, Node* node, orientation_2d orient) {
+ Interval rectIvl = node->rect.get(orient);
+ if(node->tracedPath(rectIvl)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ node->addPath(rectIvl);
+ if(node->begin() == node->end()) {
+ //std::cout << "WRITE OUT 3: " << node->rect << std::endl;
+ outputContainer.push_back(copy_construct<typename cT::value_type, Rectangle>(node->rect));
+ return;
+ }
+ bool writeOut = true;
+ for(typename Node::iterator itr = node->begin(); itr != node->end(); ++itr) {
+ getMaxCover(outputContainer, *itr, orient, node->rect); //get rectangles down path
+ Interval nodeIvl = (*itr)->rect.get(orient);
+ if(contains(nodeIvl, rectIvl, true)) writeOut = false;
+ }
+ if(writeOut) {
+ //std::cout << "WRITE OUT 2: " << node->rect << std::endl;
+ outputContainer.push_back(copy_construct<typename cT::value_type, Rectangle>(node->rect));
+ }
+ }
+ struct stack_element {
+ inline stack_element() :
+ node(), rect(), itr() {}
+ inline stack_element(Node* n,
+ const Rectangle& r,
+ typename Node::iterator i) :
+ node(n), rect(r), itr(i) {}
+ Node* node;
+ Rectangle rect;
+ typename Node::iterator itr;
+ };
+ template <class cT>
+ static inline void getMaxCover(cT& outputContainer, Node* node, orientation_2d orient,
+ Rectangle rect) {
+ //std::cout << "New Root\n";
+ std::vector<stack_element> stack;
+ typename Node::iterator itr = node->begin();
+ do {
+ //std::cout << "LOOP\n";
+ //std::cout << node->rect << std::endl;
+ Interval rectIvl = rect.get(orient);
+ Interval nodeIvl = node->rect.get(orient);
+ bool iresult = intersect(rectIvl, nodeIvl, false);
+ bool tresult = !node->tracedPath(rectIvl);
+ //std::cout << (itr != node->end()) << " " << iresult << " " << tresult << std::endl;
+ Rectangle nextRect1 = Rectangle(rectIvl, rectIvl);
+ Unit low = rect.get(orient.get_perpendicular()).low();
+ Unit high = node->rect.get(orient.get_perpendicular()).high();
+ nextRect1.set(orient.get_perpendicular(), Interval(low, high));
+ if(iresult && tresult) {
+ node->addPath(rectIvl);
+ bool writeOut = true;
+ //check further visibility beyond this node
+ for(typename Node::iterator itr2 = node->begin(); itr2 != node->end(); ++itr2) {
+ Interval nodeIvl3 = (*itr2)->rect.get(orient);
+ //if a child of this node can contain the interval then we can extend through
+ if(contains(nodeIvl3, rectIvl, true)) writeOut = false;
+ //std::cout << "child " << (*itr2)->rect << std::endl;
+ }
+ Rectangle nextRect2 = Rectangle(rectIvl, rectIvl);
+ Unit low2 = rect.get(orient.get_perpendicular()).low();
+ Unit high2 = node->rect.get(orient.get_perpendicular()).high();
+ nextRect2.set(orient.get_perpendicular(), Interval(low2, high2));
+ if(writeOut) {
+ //std::cout << "write out " << nextRect << std::endl;
+ outputContainer.push_back(copy_construct<typename cT::value_type, Rectangle>(nextRect2));
+ } else {
+ //std::cout << "supress " << nextRect << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ if(itr != node->end() && iresult && tresult) {
+ //std::cout << "recurse into child\n";
+ stack.push_back(stack_element(node, rect, itr));
+ rect = nextRect1;
+ node = *itr;
+ itr = node->begin();
+ } else {
+ if(!stack.empty()) {
+ //std::cout << "recurse out of child\n";
+ node = stack.back().node;
+ rect = stack.back().rect;
+ itr = stack.back().itr;
+ stack.pop_back();
+ } else {
+ //std::cout << "empty stack\n";
+ //if there were no children of the root node
+// Rectangle nextRect = Rectangle(rectIvl, rectIvl);
+// Unit low = rect.get(orient.get_perpendicular()).low();
+// Unit high = node->rect.get(orient.get_perpendicular()).high();
+// nextRect.set(orient.get_perpendicular(), Interval(low, high));
+// outputContainer.push_back(copy_construct<typename cT::value_type, Rectangle>(nextRect));
+ }
+ //std::cout << "increment " << (itr != node->end()) << std::endl;
+ if(itr != node->end()) {
+ ++itr;
+ if(itr != node->end()) {
+ //std::cout << "recurse into next child.\n";
+ stack.push_back(stack_element(node, rect, itr));
+ Interval rectIvl2 = rect.get(orient);
+ Interval nodeIvl2 = node->rect.get(orient);
+ /*bool iresult =*/ intersect(rectIvl2, nodeIvl2, false);
+ Rectangle nextRect2 = Rectangle(rectIvl2, rectIvl2);
+ Unit low2 = rect.get(orient.get_perpendicular()).low();
+ Unit high2 = node->rect.get(orient.get_perpendicular()).high();
+ nextRect2.set(orient.get_perpendicular(), Interval(low2, high2));
+ rect = nextRect2;
+ //std::cout << "rect for next child" << rect << std::endl;
+ node = *itr;
+ itr = node->begin();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } while(!stack.empty() || itr != node->end());
+ }
+ /* Function recursive version of getMaxCover
+ Because the code is so much simpler than the loop algorithm I retain it for clarity
+ template <class cT>
+ static inline void getMaxCover(cT& outputContainer, Node* node, orientation_2d orient,
+ const Rectangle& rect) {
+ Interval rectIvl = rect.get(orient);
+ Interval nodeIvl = node->rect.get(orient);
+ if(!intersect(rectIvl, nodeIvl, false)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if(node->tracedPath(rectIvl)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ node->addPath(rectIvl);
+ Rectangle nextRect(rectIvl, rectIvl);
+ Unit low = rect.get(orient.get_perpendicular()).low();
+ Unit high = node->rect.get(orient.get_perpendicular()).high();
+ nextRect.set(orient.get_perpendicular(), Interval(low, high));
+ bool writeOut = true;
+ rectIvl = nextRect.get(orient);
+ for(typename Node::iterator itr = node->begin(); itr != node->end(); ++itr) {
+ nodeIvl = (*itr)->rect.get(orient);
+ if(contains(nodeIvl, rectIvl, true)) writeOut = false;
+ }
+ if(writeOut) {
+ outputContainer.push_back(copy_construct<typename cT::value_type, Rectangle>(nextRect));
+ }
+ for(typename Node::iterator itr = node->begin(); itr != node->end(); ++itr) {
+ getMaxCover(outputContainer, *itr, orient, nextRect);
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ //iterator range is assummed to be in topological order meaning all node's trailing
+ //edges are in sorted order
+ template <class iT>
+ static inline void computeDag(iT beginNode, iT endNode, orientation_2d orient,
+ std::size_t size) {
+ std::vector<EdgeAssociation> leadingEdges;
+ leadingEdges.reserve(size);
+ for(iT iter = beginNode; iter != endNode; ++iter) {
+ Node* nodep = &(*iter);
+ Unit leading = nodep->rect.get(orient.get_perpendicular()).low();
+ Interval rectIvl = nodep->rect.get(orient);
+ leadingEdges.push_back(EdgeAssociation(std::pair<Unit, Interval>(leading, rectIvl), nodep));
+ }
+ std::sort(leadingEdges.begin(), leadingEdges.end(), lessEdgeAssociation());
+ typename std::vector<EdgeAssociation>::iterator leadingBegin = leadingEdges.begin();
+ iT trailingBegin = beginNode;
+ while(leadingBegin != leadingEdges.end()) {
+ EdgeAssociation& leadingSegment = (*leadingBegin);
+ Unit trailing = (*trailingBegin).rect.get(orient.get_perpendicular()).high();
+ Interval ivl = (*trailingBegin).rect.get(orient);
+ std::pair<Unit, Interval> trailingSegment(trailing, ivl);
+ if(leadingSegment.first.first < trailingSegment.first) {
+ ++leadingBegin;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(leadingSegment.first.first > trailingSegment.first) {
+ ++trailingBegin;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(leadingSegment.first.second.high() <= trailingSegment.second.low()) {
+ ++leadingBegin;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(trailingSegment.second.high() <= leadingSegment.first.second.low()) {
+ ++trailingBegin;
+ continue;
+ }
+ //leading segment intersects trailing segment
+ (*trailingBegin).add((*leadingBegin).second);
+ if(leadingSegment.first.second.high() > trailingSegment.second.high()) {
+ ++trailingBegin;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(trailingSegment.second.high() > leadingSegment.first.second.high()) {
+ ++leadingBegin;
+ continue;
+ }
+ ++leadingBegin;
+ ++trailingBegin;
+ }
+ }
+ template <class cT>
+ static inline void getMaxCover(cT& outputContainer,
+ const std::vector<Rectangle>& rects, orientation_2d orient) {
+ if(rects.empty()) return;
+ std::vector<Node> nodes;
+ {
+ if(rects.size() == 1) {
+ outputContainer.push_back(copy_construct<typename cT::value_type, Rectangle>(rects[0]));
+ return;
+ }
+ nodes.reserve(rects.size());
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < rects.size(); ++i) { nodes.push_back(Node(rects[i])); }
+ }
+ computeDag(nodes.begin(), nodes.end(), orient, nodes.size());
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < nodes.size(); ++i) {
+ getMaxCover(outputContainer, &(nodes[i]), orient);
+ }
+ }
+ };
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/detail/polygon_45_formation.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/detail/polygon_45_formation.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,2249 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+ template <typename T, typename T2>
+ struct PolyLineByConcept {};
+ template <typename T>
+ class PolyLine45PolygonData;
+ template <typename T>
+ class PolyLine45HoleData;
+ //polygon45formation algorithm
+ template <typename Unit>
+ struct polygon_45_formation : public boolean_op_45<Unit> {
+ typedef point_data<Unit> Point;
+ typedef polygon_45_data<Unit> Polygon45;
+ typedef polygon_45_with_holes_data<Unit> Polygon45WithHoles;
+ typedef typename boolean_op_45<Unit>::Vertex45 Vertex45;
+ typedef typename boolean_op_45<Unit>::lessVertex45 lessVertex45;
+ typedef typename boolean_op_45<Unit>::Count2 Count2;
+ typedef typename boolean_op_45<Unit>::Scan45Count Scan45Count;
+ typedef std::pair<Point, Scan45Count> Scan45Vertex;
+ typedef typename boolean_op_45<Unit>::template
+ Scan45<Count2, typename boolean_op_45<Unit>::template boolean_op_45_output_functor<0> > Scan45;
+ class PolyLine45 {
+ public:
+ typedef typename std::list<Point>::const_iterator iterator;
+ // default constructor of point does not initialize x and y
+ inline PolyLine45() : points() {} //do nothing default constructor
+ // initialize a polygon from x,y values, it is assumed that the first is an x
+ // and that the input is a well behaved polygon
+ template<class iT>
+ inline PolyLine45& set(iT inputBegin, iT inputEnd) {
+ points.clear(); //just in case there was some old data there
+ while(inputBegin != inputEnd) {
+ points.insert(points.end(), *inputBegin);
+ ++inputBegin;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // copy constructor (since we have dynamic memory)
+ inline PolyLine45(const PolyLine45& that) : points(that.points) {}
+ // assignment operator (since we have dynamic memory do a deep copy)
+ inline PolyLine45& operator=(const PolyLine45& that) {
+ points = that.points;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // get begin iterator, returns a pointer to a const Unit
+ inline iterator begin() const { return points.begin(); }
+ // get end iterator, returns a pointer to a const Unit
+ inline iterator end() const { return points.end(); }
+ inline std::size_t size() const { return points.size(); }
+ //public data member
+ std::list<Point> points;
+ };
+ class ActiveTail45 {
+ private:
+ //data
+ PolyLine45* tailp_;
+ ActiveTail45 *otherTailp_;
+ std::list<ActiveTail45*> holesList_;
+ bool head_;
+ public:
+ /**
+ * @brief iterator over coordinates of the figure
+ */
+ typedef typename PolyLine45::iterator iterator;
+ /**
+ * @brief iterator over holes contained within the figure
+ */
+ typedef typename std::list<ActiveTail45*>::const_iterator iteratorHoles;
+ //default constructor
+ inline ActiveTail45() : tailp_(0), otherTailp_(0), holesList_(), head_(0) {}
+ //constructor
+ inline ActiveTail45(const Vertex45& vertex, ActiveTail45* otherTailp = 0) :
+ tailp_(0), otherTailp_(0), holesList_(), head_(0) {
+ tailp_ = new PolyLine45;
+ tailp_->points.push_back(vertex.pt);
+ bool headArray[4] = {false, true, true, true};
+ bool inverted = vertex.count == -1;
+ head_ = headArray[vertex.rise+1] ^ inverted;
+ otherTailp_ = otherTailp;
+ }
+ inline ActiveTail45(Point point, ActiveTail45* otherTailp, bool head = true) :
+ tailp_(0), otherTailp_(0), holesList_(), head_(0) {
+ tailp_ = new PolyLine45;
+ tailp_->points.push_back(point);
+ head_ = head;
+ otherTailp_ = otherTailp;
+ }
+ inline ActiveTail45(ActiveTail45* otherTailp) :
+ tailp_(0), otherTailp_(0), holesList_(), head_(0) {
+ tailp_ = otherTailp->tailp_;
+ otherTailp_ = otherTailp;
+ }
+ //copy constructor
+ inline ActiveTail45(const ActiveTail45& that) :
+ tailp_(0), otherTailp_(0), holesList_(), head_(0) { (*this) = that; }
+ //destructor
+ inline ~ActiveTail45() {
+ destroyContents();
+ }
+ //assignment operator
+ inline ActiveTail45& operator=(const ActiveTail45& that) {
+ tailp_ = new PolyLine45(*(that.tailp_));
+ head_ = that.head_;
+ otherTailp_ = that.otherTailp_;
+ holesList_ = that.holesList_;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ //equivalence operator
+ inline bool operator==(const ActiveTail45& b) const {
+ return tailp_ == b.tailp_ && head_ == b.head_;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief get the pointer to the polyline that this is an active tail of
+ */
+ inline PolyLine45* getTail() const { return tailp_; }
+ /**
+ * @brief get the pointer to the polyline at the other end of the chain
+ */
+ inline PolyLine45* getOtherTail() const { return otherTailp_->tailp_; }
+ /**
+ * @brief get the pointer to the activetail at the other end of the chain
+ */
+ inline ActiveTail45* getOtherActiveTail() const { return otherTailp_; }
+ /**
+ * @brief test if another active tail is the other end of the chain
+ */
+ inline bool isOtherTail(const ActiveTail45& b) const { return &b == otherTailp_; }
+ /**
+ * @brief update this end of chain pointer to new polyline
+ */
+ inline ActiveTail45& updateTail(PolyLine45* newTail) { tailp_ = newTail; return *this; }
+ inline bool join(ActiveTail45* tail) {
+ if(tail == otherTailp_) {
+ //std::cout << "joining to other tail!\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(tail->head_ == head_) {
+ //std::cout << "joining head to head!\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(!tailp_) {
+ //std::cout << "joining empty tail!\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(!(otherTailp_->head_)) {
+ otherTailp_->copyHoles(*tail);
+ otherTailp_->copyHoles(*this);
+ } else {
+ tail->otherTailp_->copyHoles(*this);
+ tail->otherTailp_->copyHoles(*tail);
+ }
+ PolyLine45* tail1 = tailp_;
+ PolyLine45* tail2 = tail->tailp_;
+ if(head_) std::swap(tail1, tail2);
+ tail1->points.splice(tail1->points.end(), tail2->points);
+ delete tail2;
+ otherTailp_->tailp_ = tail1;
+ tail->otherTailp_->tailp_ = tail1;
+ otherTailp_->otherTailp_ = tail->otherTailp_;
+ tail->otherTailp_->otherTailp_ = otherTailp_;
+ tailp_ = 0;
+ tail->tailp_ = 0;
+ tail->otherTailp_ = 0;
+ otherTailp_ = 0;
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief associate a hole to this active tail by the specified policy
+ */
+ inline ActiveTail45* addHole(ActiveTail45* hole) {
+ holesList_.push_back(hole);
+ copyHoles(*hole);
+ copyHoles(*(hole->otherTailp_));
+ return this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief get the list of holes
+ */
+ inline const std::list<ActiveTail45*>& getHoles() const { return holesList_; }
+ /**
+ * @brief copy holes from that to this
+ */
+ inline void copyHoles(ActiveTail45& that) { holesList_.splice(holesList_.end(), that.holesList_); }
+ /**
+ * @brief find out if solid to right
+ */
+ inline bool solidToRight() const { return !head_; }
+ inline bool solidToLeft() const { return head_; }
+ /**
+ * @brief get vertex
+ */
+ inline Point getPoint() const {
+ if(head_) return tailp_->points.front();
+ return tailp_->points.back();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief add a coordinate to the polygon at this active tail end, properly handle degenerate edges by removing redundant coordinate
+ */
+ inline void pushPoint(Point point) {
+ if(head_) {
+ //if(tailp_->points.size() < 2) {
+ // tailp_->points.push_front(point);
+ // return;
+ //}
+ typename std::list<Point>::iterator iter = tailp_->points.begin();
+ if(iter == tailp_->points.end()) {
+ tailp_->points.push_front(point);
+ return;
+ }
+ Unit firstY = (*iter).y();
+ ++iter;
+ if(iter == tailp_->points.end()) {
+ tailp_->points.push_front(point);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(iter->y() == point.y() && firstY == point.y()) {
+ --iter;
+ *iter = point;
+ } else {
+ tailp_->points.push_front(point);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ //if(tailp_->points.size() < 2) {
+ // tailp_->points.push_back(point);
+ // return;
+ //}
+ typename std::list<Point>::reverse_iterator iter = tailp_->points.rbegin();
+ if(iter == tailp_->points.rend()) {
+ tailp_->points.push_back(point);
+ return;
+ }
+ Unit firstY = (*iter).y();
+ ++iter;
+ if(iter == tailp_->points.rend()) {
+ tailp_->points.push_back(point);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(iter->y() == point.y() && firstY == point.y()) {
+ --iter;
+ *iter = point;
+ } else {
+ tailp_->points.push_back(point);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief joins the two chains that the two active tail tails are ends of
+ * checks for closure of figure and writes out polygons appropriately
+ * returns a handle to a hole if one is closed
+ */
+ template <class cT>
+ static inline ActiveTail45* joinChains(Point point, ActiveTail45* at1, ActiveTail45* at2, bool solid,
+ cT& output) {
+ if(at1->otherTailp_ == at2) {
+ //if(at2->otherTailp_ != at1) std::cout << "half closed error\n";
+ //we are closing a figure
+ at1->pushPoint(point);
+ at2->pushPoint(point);
+ if(solid) {
+ //we are closing a solid figure, write to output
+ //std::cout << "test1\n";
+ at1->copyHoles(*(at1->otherTailp_));
+ //std::cout << "test2\n";
+ //Polygon45WithHolesImpl<PolyLine45PolygonData> poly(polyData);
+ //std::cout << poly << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << "test3\n";
+ typedef typename cT::value_type pType;
+ output.push_back(pType());
+ typedef typename geometry_concept<pType>::type cType;
+ typename PolyLineByConcept<Unit, cType>::type polyData(at1);
+ assign(output.back(), polyData);
+ //std::cout << "test4\n";
+ //std::cout << "delete " << at1->otherTailp_ << std::endl;
+ //at1->print();
+ //at1->otherTailp_->print();
+ delete at1->otherTailp_;
+ //at1->print();
+ //at1->otherTailp_->print();
+ //std::cout << "test5\n";
+ //std::cout << "delete " << at1 << std::endl;
+ delete at1;
+ //std::cout << "test6\n";
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ //we are closing a hole, return the tail end active tail of the figure
+ return at1;
+ }
+ }
+ //we are not closing a figure
+ at1->pushPoint(point);
+ at1->join(at2);
+ delete at1;
+ delete at2;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ inline void destroyContents() {
+ if(otherTailp_) {
+ //std::cout << "delete p " << tailp_ << std::endl;
+ if(tailp_) delete tailp_;
+ tailp_ = 0;
+ otherTailp_->otherTailp_ = 0;
+ otherTailp_->tailp_ = 0;
+ otherTailp_ = 0;
+ }
+ for(typename std::list<ActiveTail45*>::iterator itr = holesList_.begin(); itr != holesList_.end(); ++itr) {
+ //std::cout << "delete p " << (*itr) << std::endl;
+ if(*itr) {
+ if((*itr)->otherTailp_) {
+ delete (*itr)->otherTailp_;
+ (*itr)->otherTailp_ = 0;
+ }
+ delete (*itr);
+ }
+ (*itr) = 0;
+ }
+ holesList_.clear();
+ }
+// inline void print() {
+// std::cout << this << " " << tailp_ << " " << otherTailp_ << " " << holesList_.size() << " " << head_ << std::endl;
+// }
+ static inline std::pair<ActiveTail45*, ActiveTail45*> createActiveTail45sAsPair(Point point, bool solid,
+ ActiveTail45* phole, bool fractureHoles) {
+ ActiveTail45* at1 = 0;
+ ActiveTail45* at2 = 0;
+ if(phole && fractureHoles) {
+ //std::cout << "adding hole\n";
+ at1 = phole;
+ //assert solid == false, we should be creating a corner with solid below and to the left if there was a hole
+ at2 = at1->getOtherActiveTail();
+ at2->pushPoint(point);
+ at1->pushPoint(point);
+ } else {
+ at1 = new ActiveTail45(point, at2, solid);
+ at2 = new ActiveTail45(at1);
+ at1->otherTailp_ = at2;
+ at2->head_ = !solid;
+ if(phole)
+ at2->addHole(phole); //assert fractureHoles == false
+ }
+ return std::pair<ActiveTail45*, ActiveTail45*>(at1, at2);
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename ct>
+ class Vertex45CountT {
+ public:
+ typedef ct count_type;
+ inline Vertex45CountT()
+ : counts()
+ { counts[0] = counts[1] = counts[2] = counts[3] = 0; }
+ //inline Vertex45CountT(ct count) { counts[0] = counts[1] = counts[2] = counts[3] = count; }
+ inline Vertex45CountT(const ct& count1, const ct& count2, const ct& count3,
+ const ct& count4)
+ : counts()
+ {
+ counts[0] = count1;
+ counts[1] = count2;
+ counts[2] = count3;
+ counts[3] = count4;
+ }
+ inline Vertex45CountT(const Vertex45& vertex)
+ : counts()
+ {
+ counts[0] = counts[1] = counts[2] = counts[3] = 0;
+ (*this) += vertex;
+ }
+ inline Vertex45CountT(const Vertex45CountT& count)
+ : counts()
+ {
+ (*this) = count;
+ }
+ inline bool operator==(const Vertex45CountT& count) const {
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+ if(counts[i] != count.counts[i]) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ inline bool operator!=(const Vertex45CountT& count) const { return !((*this) == count); }
+ inline Vertex45CountT& operator=(ct count) {
+ counts[0] = counts[1] = counts[2] = counts[3] = count; return *this; }
+ inline Vertex45CountT& operator=(const Vertex45CountT& count) {
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+ counts[i] = count.counts[i];
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline ct& operator[](int index) { return counts[index]; }
+ inline ct operator[](int index) const {return counts[index]; }
+ inline Vertex45CountT& operator+=(const Vertex45CountT& count){
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+ counts[i] += count.counts[i];
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline Vertex45CountT& operator-=(const Vertex45CountT& count){
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+ counts[i] -= count.counts[i];
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline Vertex45CountT operator+(const Vertex45CountT& count) const {
+ return Vertex45CountT(*this)+=count;
+ }
+ inline Vertex45CountT operator-(const Vertex45CountT& count) const {
+ return Vertex45CountT(*this)-=count;
+ }
+ inline Vertex45CountT invert() const {
+ return Vertex45CountT()-=(*this);
+ }
+ inline Vertex45CountT& operator+=(const Vertex45& element){
+ counts[element.rise+1] += element.count; return *this;
+ }
+ inline bool is_45() const {
+ return counts[0] != 0 || counts[2] != 0;
+ }
+ private:
+ ct counts[4];
+ };
+ typedef Vertex45CountT<int> Vertex45Count;
+// inline std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& o, const Vertex45Count& c) {
+// o << c[0] << ", " << c[1] << ", ";
+// o << c[2] << ", " << c[3];
+// return o;
+// }
+ template <typename ct>
+ class Vertex45CompactT {
+ public:
+ Point pt;
+ ct count;
+ typedef typename boolean_op_45<Unit>::template Vertex45T<typename ct::count_type> Vertex45T;
+ inline Vertex45CompactT() : pt(), count() {}
+ inline Vertex45CompactT(const Point& point, int riseIn, int countIn) : pt(point), count() {
+ count[riseIn+1] = countIn;
+ }
+ inline Vertex45CompactT(const Vertex45T& vertex) : pt(vertex.pt), count() {
+ count[vertex.rise+1] = vertex.count;
+ }
+ inline Vertex45CompactT(const Vertex45CompactT& vertex) : pt(vertex.pt), count(vertex.count) {}
+ inline Vertex45CompactT& operator=(const Vertex45CompactT& vertex){
+ pt = vertex.pt; count = vertex.count; return *this; }
+ inline bool operator==(const Vertex45CompactT& vertex) const {
+ return pt == vertex.pt && count == vertex.count; }
+ inline bool operator!=(const Vertex45CompactT& vertex) const { return !((*this) == vertex); }
+ inline bool operator==(const std::pair<Point, Point>& vertex) const { return false; }
+ inline bool operator!=(const std::pair<Point, Point>& vertex) const { return !((*this) == vertex); }
+ inline bool operator<(const Vertex45CompactT& vertex) const {
+ if(pt.x() < vertex.pt.x()) return true;
+ if(pt.x() == vertex.pt.x()) {
+ return pt.y() < vertex.pt.y();
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ inline bool operator>(const Vertex45CompactT& vertex) const { return vertex < (*this); }
+ inline bool operator<=(const Vertex45CompactT& vertex) const { return !((*this) > vertex); }
+ inline bool operator>=(const Vertex45CompactT& vertex) const { return !((*this) < vertex); }
+ inline bool haveVertex45(int index) const { return count[index]; }
+ inline Vertex45T operator[](int index) const {
+ return Vertex45T(pt, index-1, count[index]); }
+ };
+ typedef Vertex45CompactT<Vertex45Count> Vertex45Compact;
+// inline std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& o, const Vertex45Compact& c) {
+// o << c.pt << ", " << c.count;
+// return o;
+// }
+ class Polygon45Formation {
+ private:
+ //definitions
+ typedef std::map<Vertex45, ActiveTail45*, lessVertex45> Polygon45FormationData;
+ typedef typename Polygon45FormationData::iterator iterator;
+ typedef typename Polygon45FormationData::const_iterator const_iterator;
+ //data
+ Polygon45FormationData scanData_;
+ Unit x_;
+ int justBefore_;
+ int fractureHoles_;
+ public:
+ inline Polygon45Formation() : scanData_(), x_((std::numeric_limits<Unit>::min)()), justBefore_(false), fractureHoles_(0) {
+ lessVertex45 lessElm(&x_, &justBefore_);
+ scanData_ = Polygon45FormationData(lessElm);
+ }
+ inline Polygon45Formation(bool fractureHoles) : scanData_(), x_((std::numeric_limits<Unit>::min)()), justBefore_(false), fractureHoles_(fractureHoles) {
+ lessVertex45 lessElm(&x_, &justBefore_);
+ scanData_ = Polygon45FormationData(lessElm);
+ }
+ inline Polygon45Formation(const Polygon45Formation& that) :
+ scanData_(), x_((std::numeric_limits<Unit>::min)()), justBefore_(false), fractureHoles_(0) { (*this) = that; }
+ inline Polygon45Formation& operator=(const Polygon45Formation& that) {
+ x_ = that.x_;
+ justBefore_ = that.justBefore_;
+ fractureHoles_ = that.fractureHoles_;
+ lessVertex45 lessElm(&x_, &justBefore_);
+ scanData_ = Polygon45FormationData(lessElm);
+ for(const_iterator itr = that.scanData_.begin(); itr != that.scanData_.end(); ++itr){
+ scanData_.insert(scanData_.end(), *itr);
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ //cT is an output container of Polygon45 or Polygon45WithHoles
+ //iT is an iterator over Vertex45 elements
+ //inputBegin - inputEnd is a range of sorted iT that represents
+ //one or more scanline stops worth of data
+ template <class cT, class iT>
+ void scan(cT& output, iT inputBegin, iT inputEnd) {
+ //std::cout << "1\n";
+ while(inputBegin != inputEnd) {
+ //std::cout << "2\n";
+ x_ = (*inputBegin).pt.x();
+ //std::cout << "SCAN FORMATION " << x_ << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << "x_ = " << x_ << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << "scan line size: " << scanData_.size() << std::endl;
+ inputBegin = processEvent_(output, inputBegin, inputEnd);
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ //functions
+ template <class cT, class cT2>
+ inline std::pair<int, ActiveTail45*> processPoint_(cT& output, cT2& elements, Point point,
+ Vertex45Count& counts, ActiveTail45** tails, Vertex45Count& incoming) {
+ //std::cout << point << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << counts[0] << " ";
+ //std::cout << counts[1] << " ";
+ //std::cout << counts[2] << " ";
+ //std::cout << counts[3] << "\n";
+ //std::cout << incoming[0] << " ";
+ //std::cout << incoming[1] << " ";
+ //std::cout << incoming[2] << " ";
+ //std::cout << incoming[3] << "\n";
+ //join any closing solid corners
+ ActiveTail45* returnValue = 0;
+ int returnCount = 0;
+ for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+ //std::cout << i << std::endl;
+ if(counts[i] == -1) {
+ //std::cout << "fixed i\n";
+ for(int j = i + 1; j < 4; ++j) {
+ //std::cout << j << std::endl;
+ if(counts[j]) {
+ if(counts[j] == 1) {
+ //std::cout << "case1: " << i << " " << j << std::endl;
+ //if a figure is closed it will be written out by this function to output
+ ActiveTail45::joinChains(point, tails[i], tails[j], true, output);
+ counts[i] = 0;
+ counts[j] = 0;
+ tails[i] = 0;
+ tails[j] = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //find any pairs of incoming edges that need to create pair for leading solid
+ //std::cout << "checking case2\n";
+ for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+ //std::cout << i << std::endl;
+ if(incoming[i] == 1) {
+ //std::cout << "fixed i\n";
+ for(int j = i + 1; j < 4; ++j) {
+ //std::cout << j << std::endl;
+ if(incoming[j]) {
+ if(incoming[j] == -1) {
+ //std::cout << "case2: " << i << " " << j << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << "creating active tail pair\n";
+ std::pair<ActiveTail45*, ActiveTail45*> tailPair =
+ ActiveTail45::createActiveTail45sAsPair(point, true, 0, fractureHoles_ != 0);
+ //tailPair.first->print();
+ //tailPair.second->print();
+ if(j == 3) {
+ //vertical active tail becomes return value
+ returnValue = tailPair.first;
+ returnCount = 1;
+ } else {
+ Vertex45 vertex(point, i -1, incoming[i]);
+ //std::cout << "new element " << j-1 << " " << -1 << std::endl;
+ elements.push_back(std::pair<Vertex45, ActiveTail45*>(Vertex45(point, j -1, -1), tailPair.first));
+ }
+ //std::cout << "new element " << i-1 << " " << 1 << std::endl;
+ elements.push_back(std::pair<Vertex45, ActiveTail45*>(Vertex45(point, i -1, 1), tailPair.second));
+ incoming[i] = 0;
+ incoming[j] = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //find any active tail that needs to pass through to an incoming edge
+ //we expect to find no more than two pass through
+ //find pass through with solid on top
+ //std::cout << "checking case 3\n";
+ for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+ //std::cout << i << std::endl;
+ if(counts[i] != 0) {
+ if(counts[i] == 1) {
+ //std::cout << "fixed i\n";
+ for(int j = 3; j >= 0; --j) {
+ if(incoming[j] != 0) {
+ if(incoming[j] == 1) {
+ //std::cout << "case3: " << i << " " << j << std::endl;
+ //tails[i]->print();
+ //pass through solid on top
+ tails[i]->pushPoint(point);
+ //std::cout << "after push\n";
+ if(j == 3) {
+ returnValue = tails[i];
+ returnCount = -1;
+ } else {
+ elements.push_back(std::pair<Vertex45, ActiveTail45*>(Vertex45(point, j -1, incoming[j]), tails[i]));
+ }
+ tails[i] = 0;
+ counts[i] = 0;
+ incoming[j] = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //std::cout << "checking case 4\n";
+ //find pass through with solid on bottom
+ for(int i = 3; i >= 0; --i) {
+ if(counts[i] != 0) {
+ if(counts[i] == -1) {
+ for(int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
+ if(incoming[j] != 0) {
+ if(incoming[j] == -1) {
+ //std::cout << "case4: " << i << " " << j << std::endl;
+ //pass through solid on bottom
+ tails[i]->pushPoint(point);
+ if(j == 3) {
+ returnValue = tails[i];
+ returnCount = 1;
+ } else {
+ //std::cout << "new element " << j-1 << " " << incoming[j] << std::endl;
+ elements.push_back(std::pair<Vertex45, ActiveTail45*>(Vertex45(point, j -1, incoming[j]), tails[i]));
+ }
+ tails[i] = 0;
+ counts[i] = 0;
+ incoming[j] = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //find the end of a hole or the beginning of a hole
+ //find end of a hole
+ for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+ if(counts[i] != 0) {
+ for(int j = i+1; j < 4; ++j) {
+ if(counts[j] != 0) {
+ //std::cout << "case5: " << i << " " << j << std::endl;
+ //we are ending a hole and may potentially close a figure and have to handle the hole
+ returnValue = ActiveTail45::joinChains(point, tails[i], tails[j], false, output);
+ tails[i] = 0;
+ tails[j] = 0;
+ counts[i] = 0;
+ counts[j] = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //find beginning of a hole
+ for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+ if(incoming[i] != 0) {
+ for(int j = i+1; j < 4; ++j) {
+ if(incoming[j] != 0) {
+ //std::cout << "case6: " << i << " " << j << std::endl;
+ //we are beginning a empty space
+ ActiveTail45* holep = 0;
+ if(counts[3] == 0) holep = tails[3];
+ std::pair<ActiveTail45*, ActiveTail45*> tailPair =
+ ActiveTail45::createActiveTail45sAsPair(point, false, holep, fractureHoles_ != 0);
+ if(j == 3) {
+ returnValue = tailPair.first;
+ returnCount = -1;
+ } else {
+ //std::cout << "new element " << j-1 << " " << incoming[j] << std::endl;
+ elements.push_back(std::pair<Vertex45, ActiveTail45*>(Vertex45(point, j -1, incoming[j]), tailPair.first));
+ }
+ //std::cout << "new element " << i-1 << " " << incoming[i] << std::endl;
+ elements.push_back(std::pair<Vertex45, ActiveTail45*>(Vertex45(point, i -1, incoming[i]), tailPair.second));
+ incoming[i] = 0;
+ incoming[j] = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //assert that tails, counts and incoming are all null
+ return std::pair<int, ActiveTail45*>(returnCount, returnValue);
+ }
+ template <class cT, class iT>
+ inline iT processEvent_(cT& output, iT inputBegin, iT inputEnd) {
+ //std::cout << "processEvent_\n";
+ justBefore_ = true;
+ //collect up all elements from the tree that are at the y
+ //values of events in the input queue
+ //create vector of new elements to add into tree
+ ActiveTail45* verticalTail = 0;
+ int verticalCount = 0;
+ iT currentIter = inputBegin;
+ std::vector<iterator> elementIters;
+ std::vector<std::pair<Vertex45, ActiveTail45*> > elements;
+ while(currentIter != inputEnd && currentIter->pt.x() == x_) {
+ //std::cout << "loop\n";
+ Unit currentY = (*currentIter).pt.y();
+ iterator iter = lookUp_(currentY);
+ //int counts[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
+ Vertex45Count counts;
+ ActiveTail45* tails[4] = {0, 0, 0, verticalTail};
+ //std::cout << "finding elements in tree\n";
+ while(iter != scanData_.end() &&
+ iter->first.evalAtX(x_) == currentY) {
+ //std::cout << "loop2\n";
+ elementIters.push_back(iter);
+ int index = iter->first.rise + 1;
+ //std::cout << index << " " << iter->first.count << std::endl;
+ counts[index] = iter->first.count;
+ tails[index] = iter->second;
+ ++iter;
+ }
+ //int incoming[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
+ Vertex45Count incoming;
+ //std::cout << "aggregating\n";
+ do {
+ //std::cout << "loop3\n";
+ Vertex45Compact currentVertex(*currentIter);
+ incoming += currentVertex.count;
+ ++currentIter;
+ } while(currentIter != inputEnd && currentIter->pt.y() == currentY &&
+ currentIter->pt.x() == x_);
+ //now counts and tails have the data from the left and
+ //incoming has the data from the right at this point
+ //cancel out any end points
+ //std::cout << counts[0] << " ";
+ //std::cout << counts[1] << " ";
+ //std::cout << counts[2] << " ";
+ //std::cout << counts[3] << "\n";
+ //std::cout << incoming[0] << " ";
+ //std::cout << incoming[1] << " ";
+ //std::cout << incoming[2] << " ";
+ //std::cout << incoming[3] << "\n";
+ if(verticalTail) {
+ counts[3] = -verticalCount;
+ }
+ incoming[3] *= -1;
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) incoming[i] += counts[i];
+ //std::cout << "calling processPoint_\n";
+ std::pair<int, ActiveTail45*> result = processPoint_(output, elements, Point(x_, currentY), counts, tails, incoming);
+ verticalCount = result.first;
+ verticalTail = result.second;
+ //if(verticalTail) std::cout << "have vertical tail\n";
+ //std::cout << "verticalCount: " << verticalCount << std::endl;
+ if(verticalTail && !verticalCount) {
+ //we got a hole out of the point we just processed
+ //iter is still at the next y element above the current y value in the tree
+ //std::cout << "checking whether ot handle hole\n";
+ if(currentIter == inputEnd ||
+ currentIter->pt.x() != x_ ||
+ currentIter->pt.y() >= iter->first.evalAtX(x_)) {
+ //std::cout << "handle hole here\n";
+ if(fractureHoles_) {
+ //std::cout << "fracture hole here\n";
+ //we need to handle the hole now and not at the next input vertex
+ ActiveTail45* at = iter->second;
+ Point point(x_, iter->first.evalAtX(x_));
+ verticalTail->getOtherActiveTail()->pushPoint(point);
+ iter->second = verticalTail->getOtherActiveTail();
+ at->pushPoint(point);
+ verticalTail->join(at);
+ delete at;
+ delete verticalTail;
+ verticalTail = 0;
+ } else {
+ //std::cout << "push hole onto list\n";
+ iter->second->addHole(verticalTail);
+ verticalTail = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //std::cout << "erasing\n";
+ //erase all elements from the tree
+ for(typename std::vector<iterator>::iterator iter = elementIters.begin();
+ iter != elementIters.end(); ++iter) {
+ //std::cout << "erasing loop\n";
+ scanData_.erase(*iter);
+ }
+ //switch comparison tie breaking policy
+ justBefore_ = false;
+ //add new elements into tree
+ //std::cout << "inserting\n";
+ for(typename std::vector<std::pair<Vertex45, ActiveTail45*> >::iterator iter = elements.begin();
+ iter != elements.end(); ++iter) {
+ //std::cout << "inserting loop\n";
+ scanData_.insert(scanData_.end(), *iter);
+ }
+ //std::cout << "end processEvent\n";
+ return currentIter;
+ }
+ inline iterator lookUp_(Unit y){
+ //if just before then we need to look from 1 not -1
+ return scanData_.lower_bound(Vertex45(Point(x_, y), -1+2*justBefore_, 0));
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool testPolygon45FormationRect(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ stdcout << "testing polygon formation\n";
+ Polygon45Formation pf(true);
+ std::vector<Polygon45> polys;
+ std::vector<Vertex45> data;
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 0), 0, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 0), 2, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 10), 2, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 10), 0, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 0), 0, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 0), 2, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 10), 2, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 10), 0, 1));
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ pf.scan(polys, data.begin(), data.end());
+ stdcout << "result size: " << polys.size() << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << polys[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ stdcout << "done testing polygon formation\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool testPolygon45FormationP1(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ stdcout << "testing polygon formation\n";
+ Polygon45Formation pf(true);
+ std::vector<Polygon45> polys;
+ std::vector<Vertex45> data;
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 0), 1, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 0), 2, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 10), 2, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 10), 1, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 10), 1, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 10), 2, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 20), 2, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 20), 1, 1));
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ pf.scan(polys, data.begin(), data.end());
+ stdcout << "result size: " << polys.size() << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << polys[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ stdcout << "done testing polygon formation\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ //polygon45set class
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool testPolygon45FormationP2(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ stdcout << "testing polygon formation\n";
+ Polygon45Formation pf(true);
+ std::vector<Polygon45> polys;
+ std::vector<Vertex45> data;
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 0), 0, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 0), 1, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 0), 0, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 0), 1, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 10), 1, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 10), 0, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(20, 10), 1, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(20, 10), 0, 1));
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ pf.scan(polys, data.begin(), data.end());
+ stdcout << "result size: " << polys.size() << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << polys[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ stdcout << "done testing polygon formation\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ //polygon45set class
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool testPolygon45FormationStar1(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ stdcout << "testing polygon formation\n";
+ Polygon45Formation pf(true);
+ std::vector<Polygon45> polys;
+ std::vector<Vertex45> data;
+ // result == 0 8 -1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 8), -1, 1));
+ // result == 0 8 1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 8), 1, -1));
+ // result == 4 0 1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 0), 1, 1));
+ // result == 4 0 2 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 0), 2, 1));
+ // result == 4 4 2 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 4), 2, -1));
+ // result == 4 4 -1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 4), -1, -1));
+ // result == 4 12 1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 12), 1, 1));
+ // result == 4 12 2 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 12), 2, 1));
+ // result == 4 16 2 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 16), 2, 1));
+ // result == 4 16 -1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 16), -1, -1));
+ // result == 6 2 1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(6, 2), 1, -1));
+ // result == 6 14 -1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(6, 14), -1, 1));
+ // result == 6 2 -1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(6, 2), -1, 1));
+ // result == 6 14 1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(6, 14), 1, -1));
+ // result == 8 0 -1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 0), -1, -1));
+ // result == 8 0 2 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 0), 2, -1));
+ // result == 8 4 2 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 4), 2, 1));
+ // result == 8 4 1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 4), 1, 1));
+ // result == 8 12 -1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 12), -1, -1));
+ // result == 8 12 2 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 12), 2, -1));
+ // result == 8 16 2 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 16), 2, 1));
+ // result == 8 16 1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 16), 1, 1));
+ // result == 12 8 1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(12, 8), 1, -1));
+ // result == 12 8 -1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(12, 8), -1, 1));
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ pf.scan(polys, data.begin(), data.end());
+ stdcout << "result size: " << polys.size() << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << polys[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ stdcout << "done testing polygon formation\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool testPolygon45FormationStar2(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ stdcout << "testing polygon formation\n";
+ Polygon45Formation pf(true);
+ std::vector<Polygon45> polys;
+ Scan45 scan45;
+ std::vector<Vertex45 > result;
+ std::vector<Scan45Vertex> vertices;
+ //is a Rectnagle(0, 0, 10, 10);
+ Count2 count(1, 0);
+ Count2 ncount(-1, 0);
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(0,4), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), count, ncount, Count2(0, 0))));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(16,4), Scan45Count(count, ncount, Count2(0, 0), Count2(0, 0))));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(8,12), Scan45Count(ncount, Count2(0, 0), count, Count2(0, 0))));
+ count = Count2(0, 1);
+ ncount = count.invert();
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(0,8), Scan45Count(count, ncount, Count2(0, 0), Count2(0, 0))));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(16,8), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), count, ncount, Count2(0, 0))));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(8,0), Scan45Count(ncount, Count2(0, 0), count, Count2(0, 0))));
+ sortScan45Vector(vertices);
+ stdcout << "scanning\n";
+ scan45.scan(result, vertices.begin(), vertices.end());
+ std::sort(result.begin(), result.end());
+ pf.scan(polys, result.begin(), result.end());
+ stdcout << "result size: " << polys.size() << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << polys[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ stdcout << "done testing polygon formation\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool testPolygon45FormationStarHole1(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ stdcout << "testing polygon formation\n";
+ Polygon45Formation pf(true);
+ std::vector<Polygon45> polys;
+ std::vector<Vertex45> data;
+ // result == 0 8 -1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 8), -1, 1));
+ // result == 0 8 1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 8), 1, -1));
+ // result == 4 0 1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 0), 1, 1));
+ // result == 4 0 2 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 0), 2, 1));
+ // result == 4 4 2 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 4), 2, -1));
+ // result == 4 4 -1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 4), -1, -1));
+ // result == 4 12 1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 12), 1, 1));
+ // result == 4 12 2 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 12), 2, 1));
+ // result == 4 16 2 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 16), 2, 1));
+ // result == 4 16 -1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 16), -1, -1));
+ // result == 6 2 1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(6, 2), 1, -1));
+ // result == 6 14 -1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(6, 14), -1, 1));
+ // result == 6 2 -1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(6, 2), -1, 1));
+ // result == 6 14 1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(6, 14), 1, -1));
+ // result == 8 0 -1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 0), -1, -1));
+ // result == 8 0 2 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 0), 2, -1));
+ // result == 8 4 2 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 4), 2, 1));
+ // result == 8 4 1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 4), 1, 1));
+ // result == 8 12 -1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 12), -1, -1));
+ // result == 8 12 2 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 12), 2, -1));
+ // result == 8 16 2 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 16), 2, 1));
+ // result == 8 16 1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 16), 1, 1));
+ // result == 12 8 1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(12, 8), 1, -1));
+ // result == 12 8 -1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(12, 8), -1, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(6, 4), 1, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(6, 4), 2, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(6, 8), -1, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(6, 8), 2, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 6), -1, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 6), 1, 1));
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ pf.scan(polys, data.begin(), data.end());
+ stdcout << "result size: " << polys.size() << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << polys[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ stdcout << "done testing polygon formation\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool testPolygon45FormationStarHole2(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ stdcout << "testing polygon formation\n";
+ Polygon45Formation pf(false);
+ std::vector<Polygon45WithHoles> polys;
+ std::vector<Vertex45> data;
+ // result == 0 8 -1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 8), -1, 1));
+ // result == 0 8 1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 8), 1, -1));
+ // result == 4 0 1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 0), 1, 1));
+ // result == 4 0 2 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 0), 2, 1));
+ // result == 4 4 2 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 4), 2, -1));
+ // result == 4 4 -1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 4), -1, -1));
+ // result == 4 12 1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 12), 1, 1));
+ // result == 4 12 2 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 12), 2, 1));
+ // result == 4 16 2 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 16), 2, 1));
+ // result == 4 16 -1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 16), -1, -1));
+ // result == 6 2 1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(6, 2), 1, -1));
+ // result == 6 14 -1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(6, 14), -1, 1));
+ // result == 6 2 -1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(6, 2), -1, 1));
+ // result == 6 14 1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(6, 14), 1, -1));
+ // result == 8 0 -1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 0), -1, -1));
+ // result == 8 0 2 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 0), 2, -1));
+ // result == 8 4 2 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 4), 2, 1));
+ // result == 8 4 1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 4), 1, 1));
+ // result == 8 12 -1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 12), -1, -1));
+ // result == 8 12 2 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 12), 2, -1));
+ // result == 8 16 2 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 16), 2, 1));
+ // result == 8 16 1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 16), 1, 1));
+ // result == 12 8 1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(12, 8), 1, -1));
+ // result == 12 8 -1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(12, 8), -1, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(6, 4), 1, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(6, 4), 2, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(6, 12), -1, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(6, 12), 2, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 8), -1, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 8), 1, 1));
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ pf.scan(polys, data.begin(), data.end());
+ stdcout << "result size: " << polys.size() << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << polys[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ stdcout << "done testing polygon formation\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool testPolygon45Formation(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ stdcout << "testing polygon formation\n";
+ Polygon45Formation pf(false);
+ std::vector<Polygon45WithHoles> polys;
+ std::vector<Vertex45> data;
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 0), 0, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 0), 2, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 100), 2, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 100), 0, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(100, 0), 0, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(100, 0), 2, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(100, 100), 2, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(100, 100), 0, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(2, 2), 0, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(2, 2), 2, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(2, 10), 2, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(2, 10), 0, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 2), 0, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 2), 2, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 10), 2, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 10), 0, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(2, 12), 0, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(2, 12), 2, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(2, 22), 2, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(2, 22), 0, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 12), 0, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 12), 2, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 22), 2, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 22), 0, -1));
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ pf.scan(polys, data.begin(), data.end());
+ stdcout << "result size: " << polys.size() << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << polys[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ stdcout << "done testing polygon formation\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ class Polygon45Tiling {
+ private:
+ //definitions
+ typedef std::map<Vertex45, ActiveTail45*, lessVertex45> Polygon45FormationData;
+ typedef typename Polygon45FormationData::iterator iterator;
+ typedef typename Polygon45FormationData::const_iterator const_iterator;
+ //data
+ Polygon45FormationData scanData_;
+ Unit x_;
+ int justBefore_;
+ public:
+ inline Polygon45Tiling() : scanData_(), x_((std::numeric_limits<Unit>::min)()), justBefore_(false) {
+ lessVertex45 lessElm(&x_, &justBefore_);
+ scanData_ = Polygon45FormationData(lessElm);
+ }
+ inline Polygon45Tiling(const Polygon45Tiling& that) :
+ scanData_(), x_((std::numeric_limits<Unit>::min)()), justBefore_(false) { (*this) = that; }
+ inline Polygon45Tiling& operator=(const Polygon45Tiling& that) {
+ x_ = that.x_;
+ justBefore_ = that.justBefore_;
+ lessVertex45 lessElm(&x_, &justBefore_);
+ scanData_ = Polygon45FormationData(lessElm);
+ for(const_iterator itr = that.scanData_.begin(); itr != that.scanData_.end(); ++itr){
+ scanData_.insert(scanData_.end(), *itr);
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ //cT is an output container of Polygon45 or Polygon45WithHoles
+ //iT is an iterator over Vertex45 elements
+ //inputBegin - inputEnd is a range of sorted iT that represents
+ //one or more scanline stops worth of data
+ template <class cT, class iT>
+ void scan(cT& output, iT inputBegin, iT inputEnd) {
+ //std::cout << "1\n";
+ while(inputBegin != inputEnd) {
+ //std::cout << "2\n";
+ x_ = (*inputBegin).pt.x();
+ //std::cout << "SCAN FORMATION " << x_ << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << "x_ = " << x_ << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << "scan line size: " << scanData_.size() << std::endl;
+ inputBegin = processEvent_(output, inputBegin, inputEnd);
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ //functions
+ inline void getVerticalPair_(std::pair<ActiveTail45*, ActiveTail45*>& verticalPair,
+ iterator previter) {
+ ActiveTail45* iterTail = (*previter).second;
+ Point prevPoint(x_, previter->first.evalAtX(x_));
+ iterTail->pushPoint(prevPoint);
+ std::pair<ActiveTail45*, ActiveTail45*> tailPair =
+ ActiveTail45::createActiveTail45sAsPair(prevPoint, true, 0, false);
+ verticalPair.first = iterTail;
+ verticalPair.second = tailPair.first;
+ (*previter).second = tailPair.second;
+ }
+ template <class cT, class cT2>
+ inline std::pair<int, ActiveTail45*> processPoint_(cT& output, cT2& elements,
+ std::pair<ActiveTail45*, ActiveTail45*>& verticalPair,
+ iterator previter, Point point,
+ Vertex45Count& counts, ActiveTail45** tails, Vertex45Count& incoming) {
+ //std::cout << point << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << counts[0] << " ";
+ //std::cout << counts[1] << " ";
+ //std::cout << counts[2] << " ";
+ //std::cout << counts[3] << "\n";
+ //std::cout << incoming[0] << " ";
+ //std::cout << incoming[1] << " ";
+ //std::cout << incoming[2] << " ";
+ //std::cout << incoming[3] << "\n";
+ //join any closing solid corners
+ ActiveTail45* returnValue = 0;
+ std::pair<ActiveTail45*, ActiveTail45*> verticalPairOut;
+ verticalPairOut.first = 0;
+ verticalPairOut.second = 0;
+ int returnCount = 0;
+ for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+ //std::cout << i << std::endl;
+ if(counts[i] == -1) {
+ //std::cout << "fixed i\n";
+ for(int j = i + 1; j < 4; ++j) {
+ //std::cout << j << std::endl;
+ if(counts[j]) {
+ if(counts[j] == 1) {
+ //std::cout << "case1: " << i << " " << j << std::endl;
+ //if a figure is closed it will be written out by this function to output
+ ActiveTail45::joinChains(point, tails[i], tails[j], true, output);
+ counts[i] = 0;
+ counts[j] = 0;
+ tails[i] = 0;
+ tails[j] = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //find any pairs of incoming edges that need to create pair for leading solid
+ //std::cout << "checking case2\n";
+ for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+ //std::cout << i << std::endl;
+ if(incoming[i] == 1) {
+ //std::cout << "fixed i\n";
+ for(int j = i + 1; j < 4; ++j) {
+ //std::cout << j << std::endl;
+ if(incoming[j]) {
+ if(incoming[j] == -1) {
+ //std::cout << "case2: " << i << " " << j << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << "creating active tail pair\n";
+ std::pair<ActiveTail45*, ActiveTail45*> tailPair =
+ ActiveTail45::createActiveTail45sAsPair(point, true, 0, false);
+ //tailPair.first->print();
+ //tailPair.second->print();
+ if(j == 3) {
+ //vertical active tail becomes return value
+ returnValue = tailPair.first;
+ returnCount = 1;
+ } else {
+ Vertex45 vertex(point, i -1, incoming[i]);
+ //std::cout << "new element " << j-1 << " " << -1 << std::endl;
+ elements.push_back(std::pair<Vertex45, ActiveTail45*>(Vertex45(point, j -1, -1), tailPair.first));
+ }
+ //std::cout << "new element " << i-1 << " " << 1 << std::endl;
+ elements.push_back(std::pair<Vertex45, ActiveTail45*>(Vertex45(point, i -1, 1), tailPair.second));
+ incoming[i] = 0;
+ incoming[j] = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //find any active tail that needs to pass through to an incoming edge
+ //we expect to find no more than two pass through
+ //find pass through with solid on top
+ //std::cout << "checking case 3\n";
+ for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+ //std::cout << i << std::endl;
+ if(counts[i] != 0) {
+ if(counts[i] == 1) {
+ //std::cout << "fixed i\n";
+ for(int j = 3; j >= 0; --j) {
+ if(incoming[j] != 0) {
+ if(incoming[j] == 1) {
+ //std::cout << "case3: " << i << " " << j << std::endl;
+ //tails[i]->print();
+ //pass through solid on top
+ if(i != 3)
+ tails[i]->pushPoint(point);
+ //std::cout << "after push\n";
+ if(j == 3) {
+ returnValue = tails[i];
+ returnCount = -1;
+ } else {
+ verticalPairOut.first = tails[i];
+ std::pair<ActiveTail45*, ActiveTail45*> tailPair =
+ ActiveTail45::createActiveTail45sAsPair(point, true, 0, false);
+ verticalPairOut.second = tailPair.first;
+ elements.push_back(std::pair<Vertex45, ActiveTail45*>(Vertex45(point, j -1, incoming[j]),
+ tailPair.second));
+ }
+ tails[i] = 0;
+ counts[i] = 0;
+ incoming[j] = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //std::cout << "checking case 4\n";
+ //find pass through with solid on bottom
+ for(int i = 3; i >= 0; --i) {
+ if(counts[i] != 0) {
+ if(counts[i] == -1) {
+ for(int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
+ if(incoming[j] != 0) {
+ if(incoming[j] == -1) {
+ //std::cout << "case4: " << i << " " << j << std::endl;
+ //pass through solid on bottom
+ if(i == 3) {
+ //std::cout << "new element " << j-1 << " " << incoming[j] << std::endl;
+ if(j == 3) {
+ returnValue = tails[i];
+ returnCount = 1;
+ } else {
+ tails[i]->pushPoint(point);
+ elements.push_back(std::pair<Vertex45, ActiveTail45*>(Vertex45(point, j -1, incoming[j]), tails[i]));
+ }
+ } else if(j == 3) {
+ if(verticalPair.first == 0) {
+ getVerticalPair_(verticalPair, previter);
+ }
+ ActiveTail45::joinChains(point, tails[i], verticalPair.first, true, output);
+ returnValue = verticalPair.second;
+ returnCount = 1;
+ } else {
+ if(verticalPair.first == 0) {
+ getVerticalPair_(verticalPair, previter);
+ }
+ ActiveTail45::joinChains(point, tails[i], verticalPair.first, true, output);
+ verticalPair.second->pushPoint(point);
+ elements.push_back(std::pair<Vertex45, ActiveTail45*>(Vertex45(point, j -1, incoming[j]),
+ verticalPair.second));
+ }
+ tails[i] = 0;
+ counts[i] = 0;
+ incoming[j] = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //find the end of a hole or the beginning of a hole
+ //find end of a hole
+ for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+ if(counts[i] != 0) {
+ for(int j = i+1; j < 4; ++j) {
+ if(counts[j] != 0) {
+ //std::cout << "case5: " << i << " " << j << std::endl;
+ //we are ending a hole and may potentially close a figure and have to handle the hole
+ tails[i]->pushPoint(point);
+ verticalPairOut.first = tails[i];
+ if(j == 3) {
+ verticalPairOut.second = tails[j];
+ } else {
+ if(verticalPair.first == 0) {
+ getVerticalPair_(verticalPair, previter);
+ }
+ ActiveTail45::joinChains(point, tails[j], verticalPair.first, true, output);
+ verticalPairOut.second = verticalPair.second;
+ }
+ tails[i] = 0;
+ tails[j] = 0;
+ counts[i] = 0;
+ counts[j] = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //find beginning of a hole
+ for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+ if(incoming[i] != 0) {
+ for(int j = i+1; j < 4; ++j) {
+ if(incoming[j] != 0) {
+ //std::cout << "case6: " << i << " " << j << std::endl;
+ //we are beginning a empty space
+ if(verticalPair.first == 0) {
+ getVerticalPair_(verticalPair, previter);
+ }
+ verticalPair.second->pushPoint(point);
+ if(j == 3) {
+ returnValue = verticalPair.first;
+ returnCount = -1;
+ } else {
+ std::pair<ActiveTail45*, ActiveTail45*> tailPair =
+ ActiveTail45::createActiveTail45sAsPair(point, true, 0, false);
+ //std::cout << "new element " << j-1 << " " << incoming[j] << std::endl;
+ elements.push_back(std::pair<Vertex45, ActiveTail45*>(Vertex45(point, j -1, incoming[j]), tailPair.second));
+ verticalPairOut.second = tailPair.first;
+ verticalPairOut.first = verticalPair.first;
+ }
+ //std::cout << "new element " << i-1 << " " << incoming[i] << std::endl;
+ elements.push_back(std::pair<Vertex45, ActiveTail45*>(Vertex45(point, i -1, incoming[i]), verticalPair.second));
+ incoming[i] = 0;
+ incoming[j] = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ verticalPair = verticalPairOut;
+ //assert that verticalPair is either both null, or neither null
+ //assert that returnValue is null if verticalPair is not null
+ //assert that tails, counts and incoming are all null
+ return std::pair<int, ActiveTail45*>(returnCount, returnValue);
+ }
+ template <class cT, class iT>
+ inline iT processEvent_(cT& output, iT inputBegin, iT inputEnd) {
+ //std::cout << "processEvent_\n";
+ justBefore_ = true;
+ //collect up all elements from the tree that are at the y
+ //values of events in the input queue
+ //create vector of new elements to add into tree
+ ActiveTail45* verticalTail = 0;
+ std::pair<ActiveTail45*, ActiveTail45*> verticalPair;
+ verticalPair.first = 0;
+ verticalPair.second = 0;
+ int verticalCount = 0;
+ iT currentIter = inputBegin;
+ std::vector<iterator> elementIters;
+ std::vector<std::pair<Vertex45, ActiveTail45*> > elements;
+ while(currentIter != inputEnd && currentIter->pt.x() == x_) {
+ //std::cout << "loop\n";
+ Unit currentY = (*currentIter).pt.y();
+ iterator iter = lookUp_(currentY);
+ //int counts[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
+ Vertex45Count counts;
+ ActiveTail45* tails[4] = {0, 0, 0, verticalTail};
+ //std::cout << "finding elements in tree\n";
+ iterator previter = iter;
+ if(previter != scanData_.end() &&
+ previter->first.evalAtX(x_) >= currentY &&
+ previter != scanData_.begin())
+ --previter;
+ while(iter != scanData_.end() &&
+ iter->first.evalAtX(x_) == currentY) {
+ //std::cout << "loop2\n";
+ elementIters.push_back(iter);
+ int index = iter->first.rise + 1;
+ //std::cout << index << " " << iter->first.count << std::endl;
+ counts[index] = iter->first.count;
+ tails[index] = iter->second;
+ ++iter;
+ }
+ //int incoming[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
+ Vertex45Count incoming;
+ //std::cout << "aggregating\n";
+ do {
+ //std::cout << "loop3\n";
+ Vertex45Compact currentVertex(*currentIter);
+ incoming += currentVertex.count;
+ ++currentIter;
+ } while(currentIter != inputEnd && currentIter->pt.y() == currentY &&
+ currentIter->pt.x() == x_);
+ //now counts and tails have the data from the left and
+ //incoming has the data from the right at this point
+ //cancel out any end points
+ //std::cout << counts[0] << " ";
+ //std::cout << counts[1] << " ";
+ //std::cout << counts[2] << " ";
+ //std::cout << counts[3] << "\n";
+ //std::cout << incoming[0] << " ";
+ //std::cout << incoming[1] << " ";
+ //std::cout << incoming[2] << " ";
+ //std::cout << incoming[3] << "\n";
+ if(verticalTail) {
+ counts[3] = -verticalCount;
+ }
+ incoming[3] *= -1;
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) incoming[i] += counts[i];
+ //std::cout << "calling processPoint_\n";
+ std::pair<int, ActiveTail45*> result = processPoint_(output, elements, verticalPair, previter,
+ Point(x_, currentY), counts, tails, incoming);
+ verticalCount = result.first;
+ verticalTail = result.second;
+ if(verticalPair.first != 0 && iter != scanData_.end() &&
+ (currentIter == inputEnd || currentIter->pt.x() != x_ ||
+ currentIter->pt.y() > (*iter).first.evalAtX(x_))) {
+ //splice vertical pair into edge above
+ ActiveTail45* tailabove = (*iter).second;
+ Point point(x_, (*iter).first.evalAtX(x_));
+ verticalPair.second->pushPoint(point);
+ ActiveTail45::joinChains(point, tailabove, verticalPair.first, true, output);
+ (*iter).second = verticalPair.second;
+ verticalPair.first = 0;
+ verticalPair.second = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ //std::cout << "erasing\n";
+ //erase all elements from the tree
+ for(typename std::vector<iterator>::iterator iter = elementIters.begin();
+ iter != elementIters.end(); ++iter) {
+ //std::cout << "erasing loop\n";
+ scanData_.erase(*iter);
+ }
+ //switch comparison tie breaking policy
+ justBefore_ = false;
+ //add new elements into tree
+ //std::cout << "inserting\n";
+ for(typename std::vector<std::pair<Vertex45, ActiveTail45*> >::iterator iter = elements.begin();
+ iter != elements.end(); ++iter) {
+ //std::cout << "inserting loop\n";
+ scanData_.insert(scanData_.end(), *iter);
+ }
+ //std::cout << "end processEvent\n";
+ return currentIter;
+ }
+ inline iterator lookUp_(Unit y){
+ //if just before then we need to look from 1 not -1
+ return scanData_.lower_bound(Vertex45(Point(x_, y), -1+2*justBefore_, 0));
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool testPolygon45TilingRect(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ stdcout << "testing polygon tiling\n";
+ Polygon45Tiling pf;
+ std::vector<Polygon45> polys;
+ std::vector<Vertex45> data;
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 0), 0, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 0), 2, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 10), 2, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 10), 0, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 0), 0, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 0), 2, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 10), 2, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 10), 0, 1));
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ pf.scan(polys, data.begin(), data.end());
+ stdcout << "result size: " << polys.size() << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << polys[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ stdcout << "done testing polygon tiling\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool testPolygon45TilingP1(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ stdcout << "testing polygon tiling\n";
+ Polygon45Tiling pf;
+ std::vector<Polygon45> polys;
+ std::vector<Vertex45> data;
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 0), 1, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 0), 2, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 10), 2, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 10), 1, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 10), 1, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 10), 2, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 20), 2, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 20), 1, 1));
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ pf.scan(polys, data.begin(), data.end());
+ stdcout << "result size: " << polys.size() << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << polys[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ stdcout << "done testing polygon tiling\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool testPolygon45TilingP2(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ stdcout << "testing polygon tiling\n";
+ Polygon45Tiling pf;
+ std::vector<Polygon45> polys;
+ std::vector<Vertex45> data;
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 0), 0, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 0), 1, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 0), 0, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 0), 1, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 10), 1, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 10), 0, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(20, 10), 1, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(20, 10), 0, 1));
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ pf.scan(polys, data.begin(), data.end());
+ stdcout << "result size: " << polys.size() << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << polys[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ stdcout << "done testing polygon tiling\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool testPolygon45TilingP3(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ stdcout << "testing polygon tiling\n";
+ Polygon45Tiling pf;
+ std::vector<Polygon45> polys;
+ std::vector<Vertex45> data;
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 0), 0, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 0), 2, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 10), 2, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 10), 0, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(20, 0), 0, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(20, 0), 2, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 10), 1, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 10), 0, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(20, 20), 1, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(20, 20), 2, 1));
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ pf.scan(polys, data.begin(), data.end());
+ stdcout << "result size: " << polys.size() << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << polys[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ stdcout << "done testing polygon tiling\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool testPolygon45TilingP4(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ stdcout << "testing polygon tiling p4\n";
+ Polygon45Tiling pf;
+ std::vector<Polygon45> polys;
+ std::vector<Vertex45> data;
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 0), 0, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 0), 2, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 10), 2, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 10), 0, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 0), -1, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 0), 0, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(20, 10), 2, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(20, 10), 0, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(20, -10), -1, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(20, -10), 2, -1));
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ pf.scan(polys, data.begin(), data.end());
+ stdcout << "result size: " << polys.size() << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << polys[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ stdcout << "done testing polygon tiling\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool testPolygon45TilingP5(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ stdcout << "testing polygon tiling P5\n";
+ Polygon45Tiling pf;
+ std::vector<Polygon45> polys;
+ std::vector<Vertex45> data;
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 0), 0, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 0), 2, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 10), 2, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 10), 0, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 0), 0, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 0), 2, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 10), 2, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 10), 0, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(1, 1), 0, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(1, 1), 1, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(2, 1), 0, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(2, 1), 1, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(2, 2), 1, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(2, 2), 0, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(3, 2), 1, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(3, 2), 0, -1));
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ pf.scan(polys, data.begin(), data.end());
+ stdcout << "result size: " << polys.size() << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << polys[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ stdcout << "done testing polygon tiling\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool testPolygon45TilingP6(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ stdcout << "testing polygon tiling P6\n";
+ Polygon45Tiling pf;
+ std::vector<Polygon45> polys;
+ std::vector<Vertex45> data;
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 0), 0, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 0), 2, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 10), 2, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 10), 0, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 0), 0, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 0), 2, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 10), 2, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 10), 0, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(1, 1), 0, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(1, 1), 2, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(1, 2), 2, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(1, 2), 0, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(2, 1), 0, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(2, 1), 2, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(2, 2), 2, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(2, 2), 0, -1));
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ pf.scan(polys, data.begin(), data.end());
+ stdcout << "result size: " << polys.size() << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << polys[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ stdcout << "done testing polygon tiling\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool testPolygon45TilingStar1(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ stdcout << "testing polygon tiling star1\n";
+ Polygon45Tiling pf;
+ std::vector<Polygon45> polys;
+ std::vector<Vertex45> data;
+ // result == 0 8 -1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 8), -1, 1));
+ // result == 0 8 1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 8), 1, -1));
+ // result == 4 0 1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 0), 1, 1));
+ // result == 4 0 2 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 0), 2, 1));
+ // result == 4 4 2 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 4), 2, -1));
+ // result == 4 4 -1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 4), -1, -1));
+ // result == 4 12 1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 12), 1, 1));
+ // result == 4 12 2 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 12), 2, 1));
+ // result == 4 16 2 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 16), 2, 1));
+ // result == 4 16 -1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 16), -1, -1));
+ // result == 6 2 1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(6, 2), 1, -1));
+ // result == 6 14 -1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(6, 14), -1, 1));
+ // result == 6 2 -1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(6, 2), -1, 1));
+ // result == 6 14 1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(6, 14), 1, -1));
+ // result == 8 0 -1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 0), -1, -1));
+ // result == 8 0 2 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 0), 2, -1));
+ // result == 8 4 2 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 4), 2, 1));
+ // result == 8 4 1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 4), 1, 1));
+ // result == 8 12 -1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 12), -1, -1));
+ // result == 8 12 2 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 12), 2, -1));
+ // result == 8 16 2 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 16), 2, 1));
+ // result == 8 16 1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 16), 1, 1));
+ // result == 12 8 1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(12, 8), 1, -1));
+ // result == 12 8 -1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(12, 8), -1, 1));
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ pf.scan(polys, data.begin(), data.end());
+ stdcout << "result size: " << polys.size() << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << polys[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ stdcout << "done testing polygon tiling\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool testPolygon45TilingStar2(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ stdcout << "testing polygon tiling\n";
+ Polygon45Tiling pf;
+ std::vector<Polygon45> polys;
+ Scan45 scan45;
+ std::vector<Vertex45 > result;
+ std::vector<Scan45Vertex> vertices;
+ //is a Rectnagle(0, 0, 10, 10);
+ Count2 count(1, 0);
+ Count2 ncount(-1, 0);
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(0,4), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), count, ncount, Count2(0, 0))));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(16,4), Scan45Count(count, ncount, Count2(0, 0), Count2(0, 0))));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(8,12), Scan45Count(ncount, Count2(0, 0), count, Count2(0, 0))));
+ count = Count2(0, 1);
+ ncount = count.invert();
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(0,8), Scan45Count(count, ncount, Count2(0, 0), Count2(0, 0))));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(16,8), Scan45Count(Count2(0, 0), count, ncount, Count2(0, 0))));
+ vertices.push_back(Scan45Vertex(Point(8,0), Scan45Count(ncount, Count2(0, 0), count, Count2(0, 0))));
+ sortScan45Vector(vertices);
+ stdcout << "scanning\n";
+ scan45.scan(result, vertices.begin(), vertices.end());
+ std::sort(result.begin(), result.end());
+ pf.scan(polys, result.begin(), result.end());
+ stdcout << "result size: " << polys.size() << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << polys[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ stdcout << "done testing polygon tiling\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool testPolygon45TilingStarHole1(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ stdcout << "testing polygon tiling star hole 1\n";
+ Polygon45Tiling pf;
+ std::vector<Polygon45> polys;
+ std::vector<Vertex45> data;
+ // result == 0 8 -1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 8), -1, 1));
+ // result == 0 8 1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 8), 1, -1));
+ // result == 4 0 1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 0), 1, 1));
+ // result == 4 0 2 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 0), 2, 1));
+ // result == 4 4 2 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 4), 2, -1));
+ // result == 4 4 -1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 4), -1, -1));
+ // result == 4 12 1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 12), 1, 1));
+ // result == 4 12 2 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 12), 2, 1));
+ // result == 4 16 2 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 16), 2, 1));
+ // result == 4 16 -1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 16), -1, -1));
+ // result == 6 2 1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(6, 2), 1, -1));
+ // result == 6 14 -1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(6, 14), -1, 1));
+ // result == 6 2 -1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(6, 2), -1, 1));
+ // result == 6 14 1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(6, 14), 1, -1));
+ // result == 8 0 -1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 0), -1, -1));
+ // result == 8 0 2 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 0), 2, -1));
+ // result == 8 4 2 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 4), 2, 1));
+ // result == 8 4 1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 4), 1, 1));
+ // result == 8 12 -1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 12), -1, -1));
+ // result == 8 12 2 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 12), 2, -1));
+ // result == 8 16 2 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 16), 2, 1));
+ // result == 8 16 1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 16), 1, 1));
+ // result == 12 8 1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(12, 8), 1, -1));
+ // result == 12 8 -1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(12, 8), -1, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(6, 4), 1, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(6, 4), 2, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(6, 8), -1, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(6, 8), 2, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 6), -1, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 6), 1, 1));
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ pf.scan(polys, data.begin(), data.end());
+ stdcout << "result size: " << polys.size() << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << polys[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ stdcout << "done testing polygon tiling\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool testPolygon45TilingStarHole2(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ stdcout << "testing polygon tiling star hole 2\n";
+ Polygon45Tiling pf;
+ std::vector<Polygon45WithHoles> polys;
+ std::vector<Vertex45> data;
+ // result == 0 8 -1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 8), -1, 1));
+ // result == 0 8 1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 8), 1, -1));
+ // result == 4 0 1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 0), 1, 1));
+ // result == 4 0 2 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 0), 2, 1));
+ // result == 4 4 2 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 4), 2, -1));
+ // result == 4 4 -1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 4), -1, -1));
+ // result == 4 12 1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 12), 1, 1));
+ // result == 4 12 2 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 12), 2, 1));
+ // result == 4 16 2 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 16), 2, 1));
+ // result == 4 16 -1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(4, 16), -1, -1));
+ // result == 6 2 1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(6, 2), 1, -1));
+ // result == 6 14 -1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(6, 14), -1, 1));
+ // result == 6 2 -1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(6, 2), -1, 1));
+ // result == 6 14 1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(6, 14), 1, -1));
+ // result == 8 0 -1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 0), -1, -1));
+ // result == 8 0 2 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 0), 2, -1));
+ // result == 8 4 2 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 4), 2, 1));
+ // result == 8 4 1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 4), 1, 1));
+ // result == 8 12 -1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 12), -1, -1));
+ // result == 8 12 2 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 12), 2, -1));
+ // result == 8 16 2 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 16), 2, 1));
+ // result == 8 16 1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(8, 16), 1, 1));
+ // result == 12 8 1 -1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(12, 8), 1, -1));
+ // result == 12 8 -1 1
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(12, 8), -1, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(6, 4), 1, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(6, 4), 2, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(6, 12), -1, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(6, 12), 2, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 8), -1, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 8), 1, 1));
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ pf.scan(polys, data.begin(), data.end());
+ stdcout << "result size: " << polys.size() << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << polys[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ stdcout << "done testing polygon tiling\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool testPolygon45Tiling(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ stdcout << "testing polygon tiling\n";
+ Polygon45Tiling pf;
+ std::vector<Polygon45WithHoles> polys;
+ std::vector<Vertex45> data;
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 0), 0, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 0), 2, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 100), 2, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(0, 100), 0, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(100, 0), 0, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(100, 0), 2, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(100, 100), 2, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(100, 100), 0, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(2, 2), 0, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(2, 2), 2, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(2, 10), 2, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(2, 10), 0, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 2), 0, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 2), 2, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 10), 2, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 10), 0, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(2, 12), 0, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(2, 12), 2, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(2, 22), 2, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(2, 22), 0, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 12), 0, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 12), 2, 1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 22), 2, -1));
+ data.push_back(Vertex45(Point(10, 22), 0, -1));
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ pf.scan(polys, data.begin(), data.end());
+ stdcout << "result size: " << polys.size() << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << polys[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ stdcout << "done testing polygon tiling\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename Unit>
+ class PolyLine45HoleData {
+ public:
+ typedef typename polygon_45_formation<Unit>::ActiveTail45 ActiveTail45;
+ typedef typename ActiveTail45::iterator iterator;
+ typedef polygon_45_concept geometry_type;
+ typedef Unit coordinate_type;
+ typedef point_data<Unit> Point;
+ typedef Point point_type;
+ // typedef iterator_points_to_compact<iterator, Point> compact_iterator_type;
+ typedef iterator iterator_type;
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<Unit>::area_type area_type;
+ inline PolyLine45HoleData() : p_(0) {}
+ inline PolyLine45HoleData(ActiveTail45* p) : p_(p) {}
+ //use default copy and assign
+ inline iterator begin() const { return p_->getTail()->begin(); }
+ inline iterator end() const { return p_->getTail()->end(); }
+ inline std::size_t size() const { return 0; }
+ template<class iT>
+ inline PolyLine45HoleData& set(iT inputBegin, iT inputEnd) {
+ return *this;
+ }
+ private:
+ ActiveTail45* p_;
+ };
+ template <typename Unit>
+ class PolyLine45PolygonData {
+ public:
+ typedef typename polygon_45_formation<Unit>::ActiveTail45 ActiveTail45;
+ typedef typename ActiveTail45::iterator iterator;
+ typedef PolyLine45HoleData<Unit> holeType;
+ typedef polygon_45_with_holes_concept geometry_type;
+ typedef Unit coordinate_type;
+ typedef point_data<Unit> Point;
+ typedef Point point_type;
+ // typedef iterator_points_to_compact<iterator, Point> compact_iterator_type;
+ typedef iterator iterator_type;
+ typedef holeType hole_type;
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<Unit>::area_type area_type;
+ class iteratorHoles {
+ private:
+ typename ActiveTail45::iteratorHoles itr_;
+ public:
+ typedef PolyLine45HoleData<Unit> holeType;
+ typedef holeType value_type;
+ typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
+ typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
+ typedef const value_type* pointer; //immutable
+ typedef const value_type& reference; //immutable
+ inline iteratorHoles() : itr_() {}
+ inline iteratorHoles(typename ActiveTail45::iteratorHoles itr) : itr_(itr) {}
+ inline iteratorHoles(const iteratorHoles& that) : itr_(that.itr_) {}
+ inline iteratorHoles& operator=(const iteratorHoles& that) {
+ itr_ = that.itr_;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline bool operator==(const iteratorHoles& that) { return itr_ == that.itr_; }
+ inline bool operator!=(const iteratorHoles& that) { return itr_ != that.itr_; }
+ inline iteratorHoles& operator++() {
+ ++itr_;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline const iteratorHoles operator++(int) {
+ iteratorHoles tmp = *this;
+ ++(*this);
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ inline holeType operator*() {
+ return *itr_;
+ }
+ };
+ typedef iteratorHoles iterator_holes_type;
+ inline PolyLine45PolygonData() : p_(0) {}
+ inline PolyLine45PolygonData(ActiveTail45* p) : p_(p) {}
+ //use default copy and assign
+ inline iterator begin() const { return p_->getTail()->begin(); }
+ inline iterator end() const { return p_->getTail()->end(); }
+ inline iteratorHoles begin_holes() const { return iteratorHoles(p_->getHoles().begin()); }
+ inline iteratorHoles end_holes() const { return iteratorHoles(p_->getHoles().end()); }
+ inline ActiveTail45* yield() { return p_; }
+ //stub out these four required functions that will not be used but are needed for the interface
+ inline std::size_t size_holes() const { return 0; }
+ inline std::size_t size() const { return 0; }
+ template<class iT>
+ inline PolyLine45PolygonData& set(iT inputBegin, iT inputEnd) {
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // initialize a polygon from x,y values, it is assumed that the first is an x
+ // and that the input is a well behaved polygon
+ template<class iT>
+ inline PolyLine45PolygonData& set_holes(iT inputBegin, iT inputEnd) {
+ return *this;
+ }
+ private:
+ ActiveTail45* p_;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct PolyLineByConcept<T, polygon_45_with_holes_concept> { typedef PolyLine45PolygonData<T> type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct PolyLineByConcept<T, polygon_with_holes_concept> { typedef PolyLine45PolygonData<T> type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct PolyLineByConcept<T, polygon_45_concept> { typedef PolyLine45HoleData<T> type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct PolyLineByConcept<T, polygon_concept> { typedef PolyLine45HoleData<T> type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct geometry_concept<PolyLine45PolygonData<T> > { typedef polygon_45_with_holes_concept type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct geometry_concept<PolyLine45HoleData<T> > { typedef polygon_45_concept type; };
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/detail/polygon_45_set_view.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/detail/polygon_45_set_view.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+ template <typename ltype, typename rtype, int op_type>
+ class polygon_45_set_view;
+ template <typename ltype, typename rtype, int op_type>
+ struct polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_45_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type> > {
+ typedef typename polygon_45_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
+ typedef typename polygon_45_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>::iterator_type iterator_type;
+ typedef typename polygon_45_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>::operator_arg_type operator_arg_type;
+ static inline iterator_type begin(const polygon_45_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>& polygon_45_set);
+ static inline iterator_type end(const polygon_45_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>& polygon_45_set);
+ template <typename input_iterator_type>
+ static inline void set(polygon_45_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>& polygon_45_set,
+ input_iterator_type input_begin, input_iterator_type input_end);
+ static inline bool clean(const polygon_45_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>& polygon_45_set);
+ };
+ template <typename value_type, typename ltype, typename rtype, int op_type>
+ struct compute_45_set_value {
+ static
+ void value(value_type& output_, const ltype& lvalue_, const rtype& rvalue_) {
+ output_.set(polygon_45_set_traits<ltype>::begin(lvalue_),
+ polygon_45_set_traits<ltype>::end(lvalue_));
+ value_type rinput_;
+ rinput_.set(polygon_45_set_traits<rtype>::begin(rvalue_),
+ polygon_45_set_traits<rtype>::end(rvalue_));
+#pragma warning (disable: 4127)
+ if(op_type == 0)
+ output_ |= rinput_;
+ else if(op_type == 1)
+ output_ &= rinput_;
+ else if(op_type == 2)
+ output_ ^= rinput_;
+ else
+ output_ -= rinput_;
+#pragma warning (default: 4127)
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename value_type, typename ltype, typename rcoord, int op_type>
+ struct compute_45_set_value<value_type, ltype, polygon_45_set_data<rcoord>, op_type> {
+ static
+ void value(value_type& output_, const ltype& lvalue_, const polygon_45_set_data<rcoord>& rvalue_) {
+ output_.set(polygon_45_set_traits<ltype>::begin(lvalue_),
+ polygon_45_set_traits<ltype>::end(lvalue_));
+#pragma warning (disable: 4127)
+ if(op_type == 0)
+ output_ |= rvalue_;
+ else if(op_type == 1)
+ output_ &= rvalue_;
+ else if(op_type == 2)
+ output_ ^= rvalue_;
+ else
+ output_ -= rvalue_;
+#pragma warning (default: 4127)
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename ltype, typename rtype, int op_type>
+ class polygon_45_set_view {
+ public:
+ typedef typename polygon_45_set_traits<ltype>::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
+ typedef polygon_45_set_data<coordinate_type> value_type;
+ typedef typename value_type::iterator_type iterator_type;
+ typedef polygon_45_set_view operator_arg_type;
+ private:
+ const ltype& lvalue_;
+ const rtype& rvalue_;
+ mutable value_type output_;
+ mutable bool evaluated_;
+ polygon_45_set_view& operator=(const polygon_45_set_view&);
+ public:
+ polygon_45_set_view(const ltype& lvalue,
+ const rtype& rvalue ) :
+ lvalue_(lvalue), rvalue_(rvalue), output_(), evaluated_(false) {}
+ // get iterator to begin vertex data
+ public:
+ const value_type& value() const {
+ if(!evaluated_) {
+ evaluated_ = true;
+ compute_45_set_value<value_type, ltype, rtype, op_type>::value(output_, lvalue_, rvalue_);
+ }
+ return output_;
+ }
+ public:
+ iterator_type begin() const { return value().begin(); }
+ iterator_type end() const { return value().end(); }
+ bool dirty() const { return value().dirty(); } //result of a boolean is clean
+ bool sorted() const { return value().sorted(); } //result of a boolean is sorted
+ // template <typename input_iterator_type>
+ // void set(input_iterator_type input_begin, input_iterator_type input_end,
+ // orientation_2d orient) const {
+ // orient_ = orient;
+ // output_.clear();
+ // output_.insert(output_.end(), input_begin, input_end);
+ // std::sort(output_.begin(), output_.end());
+ // }
+ };
+ template <typename ltype, typename rtype, int op_type>
+ typename polygon_45_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>::iterator_type
+ polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_45_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type> >::
+ begin(const polygon_45_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>& polygon_45_set) {
+ return polygon_45_set.begin();
+ }
+ template <typename ltype, typename rtype, int op_type>
+ typename polygon_45_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>::iterator_type
+ polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_45_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type> >::
+ end(const polygon_45_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>& polygon_45_set) {
+ return polygon_45_set.end();
+ }
+ template <typename ltype, typename rtype, int op_type>
+ bool polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_45_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type> >::
+ clean(const polygon_45_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>& polygon_45_set) {
+ return polygon_45_set.value().clean(); }
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2, int op_type>
+ geometry_type_1& self_assignment_boolean_op_45(geometry_type_1& lvalue_, const geometry_type_2& rvalue_) {
+ typedef geometry_type_1 ltype;
+ typedef geometry_type_2 rtype;
+ typedef typename polygon_45_set_traits<ltype>::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
+ typedef polygon_45_set_data<coordinate_type> value_type;
+ value_type output_;
+ value_type rinput_;
+ output_.set(polygon_45_set_traits<ltype>::begin(lvalue_),
+ polygon_45_set_traits<ltype>::end(lvalue_));
+ rinput_.set(polygon_45_set_traits<rtype>::begin(rvalue_),
+ polygon_45_set_traits<rtype>::end(rvalue_));
+#pragma warning (disable: 4127)
+ if(op_type == 0)
+ output_ |= rinput_;
+ else if(op_type == 1)
+ output_ &= rinput_;
+ else if(op_type == 2)
+ output_ ^= rinput_;
+ else
+ output_ -= rinput_;
+#pragma warning (default: 4127)
+ polygon_45_set_mutable_traits<geometry_type_1>::set(lvalue_, output_.begin(), output_.end());
+ return lvalue_;
+ }
+ template <typename concept_type>
+ struct fracture_holes_option_by_type {
+ static const bool value = true;
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct fracture_holes_option_by_type<polygon_45_with_holes_concept> {
+ static const bool value = false;
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct fracture_holes_option_by_type<polygon_with_holes_concept> {
+ static const bool value = false;
+ };
+ template <typename ltype, typename rtype, int op_type>
+ struct geometry_concept<polygon_45_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type> > { typedef polygon_45_set_concept type; };
+ namespace operators {
+ struct y_ps45_b : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_4< y_ps45_b,
+ typename is_polygon_45_or_90_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type,
+ typename is_polygon_45_or_90_set_type<geometry_type_2>::type,
+ typename is_either_polygon_45_set_type<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2>::type>::type,
+ polygon_45_set_view<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, 0> >::type
+ operator|(const geometry_type_1& lvalue, const geometry_type_2& rvalue) {
+ return polygon_45_set_view<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, 0>
+ (lvalue, rvalue);
+ }
+ struct y_ps45_p : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_4< y_ps45_p,
+ typename gtl_if<typename is_polygon_45_or_90_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename gtl_if<typename is_polygon_45_or_90_set_type<geometry_type_2>::type>::type,
+ typename gtl_if<typename is_either_polygon_45_set_type<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ polygon_45_set_view<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, 0> >::type
+ operator+(const geometry_type_1& lvalue, const geometry_type_2& rvalue) {
+ return polygon_45_set_view<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, 0>
+ (lvalue, rvalue);
+ }
+ struct y_ps45_s : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_4< y_ps45_s, typename is_polygon_45_or_90_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type,
+ typename is_polygon_45_or_90_set_type<geometry_type_2>::type,
+ typename is_either_polygon_45_set_type<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2>::type>::type,
+ polygon_45_set_view<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, 1> >::type
+ operator*(const geometry_type_1& lvalue, const geometry_type_2& rvalue) {
+ return polygon_45_set_view<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, 1>
+ (lvalue, rvalue);
+ }
+ struct y_ps45_a : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_4< y_ps45_a, typename is_polygon_45_or_90_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type,
+ typename is_polygon_45_or_90_set_type<geometry_type_2>::type,
+ typename is_either_polygon_45_set_type<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2>::type>::type,
+ polygon_45_set_view<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, 1> >::type
+ operator&(const geometry_type_1& lvalue, const geometry_type_2& rvalue) {
+ return polygon_45_set_view<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, 1>
+ (lvalue, rvalue);
+ }
+ struct y_ps45_x : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_4< y_ps45_x, typename is_polygon_45_or_90_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type,
+ typename is_polygon_45_or_90_set_type<geometry_type_2>::type,
+ typename is_either_polygon_45_set_type<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2>::type>::type,
+ polygon_45_set_view<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, 2> >::type
+ operator^(const geometry_type_1& lvalue, const geometry_type_2& rvalue) {
+ return polygon_45_set_view<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, 2>
+ (lvalue, rvalue);
+ }
+ struct y_ps45_m : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_4< y_ps45_m,
+ typename gtl_if<typename is_polygon_45_or_90_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename gtl_if<typename is_polygon_45_or_90_set_type<geometry_type_2>::type>::type,
+ typename gtl_if<typename is_either_polygon_45_set_type<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ polygon_45_set_view<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, 3> >::type
+ operator-(const geometry_type_1& lvalue, const geometry_type_2& rvalue) {
+ return polygon_45_set_view<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, 3>
+ (lvalue, rvalue);
+ }
+ struct y_ps45_pe : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_4<y_ps45_pe, typename is_mutable_polygon_45_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type, gtl_yes,
+ typename is_polygon_45_or_90_set_type<geometry_type_2>::type>::type,
+ geometry_type_1>::type &
+ operator+=(geometry_type_1& lvalue, const geometry_type_2& rvalue) {
+ return self_assignment_boolean_op_45<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, 0>(lvalue, rvalue);
+ }
+ struct y_ps45_be : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3<y_ps45_be, typename is_mutable_polygon_45_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type,
+ typename is_polygon_45_or_90_set_type<geometry_type_2>::type>::type,
+ geometry_type_1>::type &
+ operator|=(geometry_type_1& lvalue, const geometry_type_2& rvalue) {
+ return self_assignment_boolean_op_45<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, 0>(lvalue, rvalue);
+ }
+ struct y_ps45_se : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3< y_ps45_se,
+ typename is_mutable_polygon_45_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type,
+ typename is_polygon_45_or_90_set_type<geometry_type_2>::type>::type,
+ geometry_type_1>::type &
+ operator*=(geometry_type_1& lvalue, const geometry_type_2& rvalue) {
+ return self_assignment_boolean_op_45<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, 1>(lvalue, rvalue);
+ }
+ struct y_ps45_ae : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3<y_ps45_ae, typename is_mutable_polygon_45_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type,
+ typename is_polygon_45_or_90_set_type<geometry_type_2>::type>::type,
+ geometry_type_1>::type &
+ operator&=(geometry_type_1& lvalue, const geometry_type_2& rvalue) {
+ return self_assignment_boolean_op_45<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, 1>(lvalue, rvalue);
+ }
+ struct y_ps45_xe : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and_3<y_ps45_xe, typename is_mutable_polygon_45_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type,
+ typename is_polygon_45_or_90_set_type<geometry_type_2>::type>::type,
+ geometry_type_1>::type &
+ operator^=(geometry_type_1& lvalue, const geometry_type_2& rvalue) {
+ return self_assignment_boolean_op_45<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, 2>(lvalue, rvalue);
+ }
+ struct y_ps45_me : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3<y_ps45_me, typename is_mutable_polygon_45_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type,
+ typename is_polygon_45_or_90_set_type<geometry_type_2>::type>::type,
+ geometry_type_1>::type &
+ operator-=(geometry_type_1& lvalue, const geometry_type_2& rvalue) {
+ return self_assignment_boolean_op_45<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, 3>(lvalue, rvalue);
+ }
+ struct y_ps45_rpe : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename coordinate_type_1>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3< y_ps45_rpe, typename is_mutable_polygon_45_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type,
+ typename gtl_same_type<typename geometry_concept<coordinate_type_1>::type,
+ coordinate_concept>::type>::type,
+ geometry_type_1>::type &
+ operator+=(geometry_type_1& lvalue, coordinate_type_1 rvalue) {
+ return resize(lvalue, rvalue);
+ }
+ struct y_ps45_rme : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename coordinate_type_1>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3<y_ps45_rme, typename gtl_if<typename is_mutable_polygon_45_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename gtl_same_type<typename geometry_concept<coordinate_type_1>::type,
+ coordinate_concept>::type>::type,
+ geometry_type_1>::type &
+ operator-=(geometry_type_1& lvalue, coordinate_type_1 rvalue) {
+ return resize(lvalue, -rvalue);
+ }
+ struct y_ps45_rp : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename coordinate_type_1>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3<y_ps45_rp, typename gtl_if<typename is_mutable_polygon_45_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename gtl_same_type<typename geometry_concept<coordinate_type_1>::type,
+ coordinate_concept>::type>
+ ::type, geometry_type_1>::type
+ operator+(const geometry_type_1& lvalue, coordinate_type_1 rvalue) {
+ geometry_type_1 retval(lvalue);
+ retval += rvalue;
+ return retval;
+ }
+ struct y_ps45_rm : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename coordinate_type_1>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3<y_ps45_rm, typename gtl_if<typename is_mutable_polygon_45_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename gtl_same_type<typename geometry_concept<coordinate_type_1>::type,
+ coordinate_concept>::type>
+ ::type, geometry_type_1>::type
+ operator-(const geometry_type_1& lvalue, coordinate_type_1 rvalue) {
+ geometry_type_1 retval(lvalue);
+ retval -= rvalue;
+ return retval;
+ }
+ }
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/detail/polygon_45_touch.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/detail/polygon_45_touch.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+ template <typename Unit>
+ struct polygon_45_touch {
+ typedef point_data<Unit> Point;
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<Unit>::manhattan_area_type LongUnit;
+ template <typename property_map>
+ static inline void merge_property_maps(property_map& mp, const property_map& mp2, bool subtract = false) {
+ property_map newmp;
+ newmp.reserve(mp.size() + mp2.size());
+ std::size_t i = 0;
+ std::size_t j = 0;
+ while(i != mp.size() && j != mp2.size()) {
+ if(mp[i].first < mp2[j].first) {
+ newmp.push_back(mp[i]);
+ ++i;
+ } else if(mp[i].first > mp2[j].first) {
+ newmp.push_back(mp2[j]);
+ if(subtract) newmp.back().second *= -1;
+ ++j;
+ } else {
+ int count = mp[i].second;
+ if(subtract) count -= mp2[j].second;
+ else count += mp2[j].second;
+ if(count) {
+ newmp.push_back(mp[i]);
+ newmp.back().second = count;
+ }
+ ++i;
+ ++j;
+ }
+ }
+ while(i != mp.size()) {
+ newmp.push_back(mp[i]);
+ ++i;
+ }
+ while(j != mp2.size()) {
+ newmp.push_back(mp2[j]);
+ if(subtract) newmp.back().second *= -1;
+ ++j;
+ }
+ mp.swap(newmp);
+ }
+ class CountTouch {
+ public:
+ inline CountTouch() : counts() {}
+ //inline CountTouch(int count) { counts[0] = counts[1] = count; }
+ //inline CountTouch(int count1, int count2) { counts[0] = count1; counts[1] = count2; }
+ inline CountTouch(const CountTouch& count) : counts(count.counts) {}
+ inline bool operator==(const CountTouch& count) const { return counts == count.counts; }
+ inline bool operator!=(const CountTouch& count) const { return !((*this) == count); }
+ //inline CountTouch& operator=(int count) { counts[0] = counts[1] = count; return *this; }
+ inline CountTouch& operator=(const CountTouch& count) { counts = count.counts; return *this; }
+ inline int& operator[](int index) {
+ std::vector<std::pair<int, int> >::iterator itr = lower_bound(counts.begin(), counts.end(), std::make_pair(index, int(0)));
+ if(itr != counts.end() && itr->first == index) {
+ return itr->second;
+ }
+ itr = counts.insert(itr, std::make_pair(index, int(0)));
+ return itr->second;
+ }
+// inline int operator[](int index) const {
+// std::vector<std::pair<int, int> >::const_iterator itr = counts.begin();
+// for( ; itr != counts.end() && itr->first <= index; ++itr) {
+// if(itr->first == index) {
+// return itr->second;
+// }
+// }
+// return 0;
+// }
+ inline CountTouch& operator+=(const CountTouch& count){
+ merge_property_maps(counts, count.counts, false);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline CountTouch& operator-=(const CountTouch& count){
+ merge_property_maps(counts, count.counts, true);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline CountTouch operator+(const CountTouch& count) const {
+ return CountTouch(*this)+=count;
+ }
+ inline CountTouch operator-(const CountTouch& count) const {
+ return CountTouch(*this)-=count;
+ }
+ inline CountTouch invert() const {
+ CountTouch retval;
+ retval -= *this;
+ return retval;
+ }
+ std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > counts;
+ };
+ typedef std::pair<std::pair<Unit, std::map<Unit, std::set<int> > >, std::map<int, std::set<int> > > map_graph_o;
+ typedef std::pair<std::pair<Unit, std::map<Unit, std::set<int> > >, std::vector<std::set<int> > > vector_graph_o;
+ template <typename cT>
+ static void process_previous_x(cT& output) {
+ std::map<Unit, std::set<int> >& y_prop_map = output.first.second;
+ for(typename std::map<Unit, std::set<int> >::iterator itr = y_prop_map.begin();
+ itr != y_prop_map.end(); ++itr) {
+ for(std::set<int>::iterator inner_itr = itr->second.begin();
+ inner_itr != itr->second.end(); ++inner_itr) {
+ std::set<int>& output_edges = (*(output.second))[*inner_itr];
+ std::set<int>::iterator inner_inner_itr = inner_itr;
+ ++inner_inner_itr;
+ for( ; inner_inner_itr != itr->second.end(); ++inner_inner_itr) {
+ output_edges.insert(output_edges.end(), *inner_inner_itr);
+ std::set<int>& output_edges_2 = (*(output.second))[*inner_inner_itr];
+ output_edges_2.insert(output_edges_2.end(), *inner_itr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ y_prop_map.clear();
+ }
+ struct touch_45_output_functor {
+ template <typename cT>
+ void operator()(cT& output, const CountTouch& count1, const CountTouch& count2,
+ const Point& pt, int , direction_1d ) {
+ Unit& x = output.first.first;
+ std::map<Unit, std::set<int> >& y_prop_map = output.first.second;
+ if(pt.x() != x) process_previous_x(output);
+ x = pt.x();
+ std::set<int>& output_set = y_prop_map[pt.y()];
+ for(std::vector<std::pair<int, int> >::const_iterator itr1 = count1.counts.begin();
+ itr1 != count1.counts.end(); ++itr1) {
+ if(itr1->second > 0) {
+ output_set.insert(output_set.end(), itr1->first);
+ }
+ }
+ for(std::vector<std::pair<int, int> >::const_iterator itr2 = count2.counts.begin();
+ itr2 != count2.counts.end(); ++itr2) {
+ if(itr2->second > 0) {
+ output_set.insert(output_set.end(), itr2->first);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ typedef typename std::pair<Point,
+ typename boolean_op_45<Unit>::template Scan45CountT<CountTouch> > Vertex45Compact;
+ typedef std::vector<Vertex45Compact> TouchSetData;
+ struct lessVertex45Compact {
+ bool operator()(const Vertex45Compact& l, const Vertex45Compact& r) {
+ return l.first < r.first;
+ }
+ };
+// template <typename TSD>
+// static void print_tsd(TSD& tsd) {
+// for(std::size_t i = 0; i < tsd.size(); ++i) {
+// std::cout << tsd[i].first << ": ";
+// for(unsigned int r = 0; r < 4; ++r) {
+// std::cout << r << " { ";
+// for(std::vector<std::pair<int, int> >::iterator itr = tsd[i].second[r].counts.begin();
+// itr != tsd[i].second[r].counts.end(); ++itr) {
+// std::cout << itr->first << "," << itr->second << " ";
+// } std::cout << "} ";
+// }
+// } std::cout << std::endl;
+// }
+// template <typename T>
+// static void print_scanline(T& t) {
+// for(typename T::iterator itr = t.begin(); itr != t.end(); ++itr) {
+// std::cout << itr->x << "," << itr->y << " " << itr->rise << " ";
+// for(std::vector<std::pair<int, int> >::iterator itr2 = itr->count.counts.begin();
+// itr2 != itr->count.counts.end(); ++itr2) {
+// std::cout << itr2->first << ":" << itr2->second << " ";
+// } std::cout << std::endl;
+// }
+// }
+ template <typename graph_type>
+ static void performTouch(graph_type& graph, TouchSetData& tsd) {
+ std::sort(tsd.begin(), tsd.end(), lessVertex45Compact());
+ typedef std::vector<std::pair<Point, typename boolean_op_45<Unit>::template Scan45CountT<CountTouch> > > TSD;
+ TSD tsd_;
+ tsd_.reserve(tsd.size());
+ for(typename TouchSetData::iterator itr = tsd.begin(); itr != tsd.end(); ) {
+ typename TouchSetData::iterator itr2 = itr;
+ ++itr2;
+ for(; itr2 != tsd.end() && itr2->first == itr->first; ++itr2) {
+ (itr->second) += (itr2->second); //accumulate
+ }
+ tsd_.push_back(std::make_pair(itr->first, itr->second));
+ itr = itr2;
+ }
+ std::pair<std::pair<Unit, std::map<Unit, std::set<int> > >, graph_type*> output
+ (std::make_pair(std::make_pair((std::numeric_limits<Unit>::max)(), std::map<Unit, std::set<int> >()), &graph));
+ typename boolean_op_45<Unit>::template Scan45<CountTouch, touch_45_output_functor> scanline;
+ for(typename TSD::iterator itr = tsd_.begin(); itr != tsd_.end(); ) {
+ typename TSD::iterator itr2 = itr;
+ ++itr2;
+ while(itr2 != tsd_.end() && itr2->first.x() == itr->first.x()) {
+ ++itr2;
+ }
+ scanline.scan(output, itr, itr2);
+ itr = itr2;
+ }
+ process_previous_x(output);
+ }
+ template <typename iT>
+ static void populateTouchSetData(TouchSetData& tsd, iT begin, iT end, int nodeCount) {
+ for( ; begin != end; ++begin) {
+ Vertex45Compact vertex;
+ vertex.first = typename Vertex45Compact::first_type(begin->pt.x() * 2, begin->pt.y() * 2);
+ tsd.push_back(vertex);
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+ if(begin->count[i]) {
+ tsd.back().second[i][nodeCount] += begin->count[i];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/detail/polygon_90_set_view.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/detail/polygon_90_set_view.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+ struct operator_provides_storage {};
+ struct operator_requires_copy {};
+ template <typename value_type, typename arg_type>
+ inline void insert_into_view_arg(value_type& dest, const arg_type& arg, orientation_2d orient);
+ template <typename ltype, typename rtype, typename op_type>
+ class polygon_90_set_view;
+ template <typename ltype, typename rtype, typename op_type>
+ struct polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_90_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type> > {
+ typedef typename polygon_90_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
+ typedef typename polygon_90_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>::iterator_type iterator_type;
+ typedef typename polygon_90_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>::operator_arg_type operator_arg_type;
+ static inline iterator_type begin(const polygon_90_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>& polygon_set);
+ static inline iterator_type end(const polygon_90_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>& polygon_set);
+ static inline orientation_2d orient(const polygon_90_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>& polygon_set);
+ static inline bool clean(const polygon_90_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>& polygon_set);
+ static inline bool sorted(const polygon_90_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>& polygon_set);
+ };
+ template <typename value_type, typename ltype, typename rtype, typename op_type>
+ struct compute_90_set_value {
+ static
+ void value(value_type& output_, const ltype& lvalue_, const rtype& rvalue_, orientation_2d orient_) {
+ value_type linput_(orient_);
+ value_type rinput_(orient_);
+ insert_into_view_arg(linput_, lvalue_, orient_);
+ insert_into_view_arg(rinput_, rvalue_, orient_);
+ output_.applyBooleanBinaryOp(linput_.begin(), linput_.end(),
+ rinput_.begin(), rinput_.end(), boolean_op::BinaryCount<op_type>());
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename value_type, typename lcoord, typename rcoord, typename op_type>
+ struct compute_90_set_value<value_type, polygon_90_set_data<lcoord>, polygon_90_set_data<rcoord>, op_type> {
+ static
+ void value(value_type& output_, const polygon_90_set_data<lcoord>& lvalue_,
+ const polygon_90_set_data<rcoord>& rvalue_, orientation_2d) {
+ lvalue_.sort();
+ rvalue_.sort();
+ output_.applyBooleanBinaryOp(lvalue_.begin(), lvalue_.end(),
+ rvalue_.begin(), rvalue_.end(), boolean_op::BinaryCount<op_type>());
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename value_type, typename lcoord, typename rtype, typename op_type>
+ struct compute_90_set_value<value_type, polygon_90_set_data<lcoord>, rtype, op_type> {
+ static
+ void value(value_type& output_, const polygon_90_set_data<lcoord>& lvalue_,
+ const rtype& rvalue_, orientation_2d orient_) {
+ value_type rinput_(orient_);
+ lvalue_.sort();
+ insert_into_view_arg(rinput_, rvalue_, orient_);
+ output_.applyBooleanBinaryOp(lvalue_.begin(), lvalue_.end(),
+ rinput_.begin(), rinput_.end(), boolean_op::BinaryCount<op_type>());
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename value_type, typename ltype, typename rcoord, typename op_type>
+ struct compute_90_set_value<value_type, ltype, polygon_90_set_data<rcoord>, op_type> {
+ static
+ void value(value_type& output_, const ltype& lvalue_,
+ const polygon_90_set_data<rcoord>& rvalue_, orientation_2d orient_) {
+ value_type linput_(orient_);
+ insert_into_view_arg(linput_, lvalue_, orient_);
+ rvalue_.sort();
+ output_.applyBooleanBinaryOp(linput_.begin(), linput_.end(),
+ rvalue_.begin(), rvalue_.end(), boolean_op::BinaryCount<op_type>());
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename ltype, typename rtype, typename op_type>
+ class polygon_90_set_view {
+ public:
+ typedef typename polygon_90_set_traits<ltype>::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
+ typedef polygon_90_set_data<coordinate_type> value_type;
+ typedef typename value_type::iterator_type iterator_type;
+ typedef polygon_90_set_view operator_arg_type;
+ private:
+ const ltype& lvalue_;
+ const rtype& rvalue_;
+ orientation_2d orient_;
+ op_type op_;
+ mutable value_type output_;
+ mutable bool evaluated_;
+ polygon_90_set_view& operator=(const polygon_90_set_view&);
+ public:
+ polygon_90_set_view(const ltype& lvalue,
+ const rtype& rvalue,
+ orientation_2d orient,
+ op_type op) :
+ lvalue_(lvalue), rvalue_(rvalue), orient_(orient), op_(op), output_(orient), evaluated_(false) {}
+ // get iterator to begin vertex data
+ private:
+ const value_type& value() const {
+ if(!evaluated_) {
+ evaluated_ = true;
+ compute_90_set_value<value_type, ltype, rtype, op_type>::value(output_, lvalue_, rvalue_, orient_);
+ }
+ return output_;
+ }
+ public:
+ iterator_type begin() const { return value().begin(); }
+ iterator_type end() const { return value().end(); }
+ orientation_2d orient() const { return orient_; }
+ bool dirty() const { return false; } //result of a boolean is clean
+ bool sorted() const { return true; } //result of a boolean is sorted
+// template <typename input_iterator_type>
+// void set(input_iterator_type input_begin, input_iterator_type input_end,
+// orientation_2d orient) const {
+// orient_ = orient;
+// output_.clear();
+// output_.insert(output_.end(), input_begin, input_end);
+// std::sort(output_.begin(), output_.end());
+// }
+ void sort() const {} //is always sorted
+ };
+ template <typename ltype, typename rtype, typename op_type>
+ struct geometry_concept<polygon_90_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type> > {
+ typedef polygon_90_set_concept type;
+ };
+ template <typename ltype, typename rtype, typename op_type>
+ typename polygon_90_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>::iterator_type
+ polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_90_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type> >::
+ begin(const polygon_90_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>& polygon_set) {
+ return polygon_set.begin();
+ }
+ template <typename ltype, typename rtype, typename op_type>
+ typename polygon_90_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>::iterator_type
+ polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_90_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type> >::
+ end(const polygon_90_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>& polygon_set) {
+ return polygon_set.end();
+ }
+// template <typename ltype, typename rtype, typename op_type>
+// template <typename input_iterator_type>
+// void polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_90_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type> >::
+// set(polygon_90_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>& polygon_set,
+// input_iterator_type input_begin, input_iterator_type input_end,
+// orientation_2d orient) {
+// polygon_set.set(input_begin, input_end, orient);
+// }
+ template <typename ltype, typename rtype, typename op_type>
+ orientation_2d polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_90_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type> >::
+ orient(const polygon_90_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>& polygon_set) {
+ return polygon_set.orient(); }
+ template <typename ltype, typename rtype, typename op_type>
+ bool polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_90_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type> >::
+ clean(const polygon_90_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>& polygon_set) {
+ return true; }
+ template <typename ltype, typename rtype, typename op_type>
+ bool polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_90_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type> >::
+ sorted(const polygon_90_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>& polygon_set) {
+ return true; }
+ template <typename value_type, typename arg_type>
+ inline void insert_into_view_arg(value_type& dest, const arg_type& arg, orientation_2d orient) {
+ typedef typename polygon_90_set_traits<arg_type>::iterator_type literator;
+ literator itr1, itr2;
+ itr1 = polygon_90_set_traits<arg_type>::begin(arg);
+ itr2 = polygon_90_set_traits<arg_type>::end(arg);
+ dest.insert(itr1, itr2, orient);
+ dest.sort();
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ template <typename ltype, typename rtype, typename op_type>
+ inline polygon_90_set_data<T>& polygon_90_set_data<T>::operator=(const polygon_90_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>& that) {
+ set(that.begin(), that.end(), that.orient());
+ dirty_ = false;
+ unsorted_ = false;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ template <typename ltype, typename rtype, typename op_type>
+ inline polygon_90_set_data<T>::polygon_90_set_data(const polygon_90_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>& that) :
+ orient_(that.orient()), data_(that.begin(), that.end()), dirty_(false), unsorted_(false) {}
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2>
+ struct self_assign_operator_lvalue {
+ typedef geometry_type_1& type;
+ };
+ template <typename type_1, typename type_2>
+ struct by_value_binary_operator {
+ typedef type_1 type;
+ };
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2, typename op_type>
+ geometry_type_1& self_assignment_boolean_op(geometry_type_1& lvalue_, const geometry_type_2& rvalue_) {
+ typedef geometry_type_1 ltype;
+ typedef geometry_type_2 rtype;
+ typedef typename polygon_90_set_traits<ltype>::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
+ typedef polygon_90_set_data<coordinate_type> value_type;
+ orientation_2d orient_ = polygon_90_set_traits<ltype>::orient(lvalue_);
+ value_type linput_(orient_);
+ value_type rinput_(orient_);
+ value_type output_(orient_);
+ insert_into_view_arg(linput_, lvalue_, orient_);
+ insert_into_view_arg(rinput_, rvalue_, orient_);
+ output_.applyBooleanBinaryOp(linput_.begin(), linput_.end(),
+ rinput_.begin(), rinput_.end(), boolean_op::BinaryCount<op_type>());
+ polygon_90_set_mutable_traits<geometry_type_1>::set(lvalue_, output_.begin(), output_.end(), orient_);
+ return lvalue_;
+ }
+ namespace operators {
+ struct y_ps90_b : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3< y_ps90_b,
+ typename is_polygon_90_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type,
+ typename is_polygon_90_set_type<geometry_type_2>::type>::type,
+ polygon_90_set_view<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, boolean_op::BinaryOr> >::type
+ operator|(const geometry_type_1& lvalue, const geometry_type_2& rvalue) {
+ return polygon_90_set_view<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, boolean_op::BinaryOr>
+ (lvalue, rvalue,
+ polygon_90_set_traits<geometry_type_1>::orient(lvalue),
+ boolean_op::BinaryOr());
+ }
+ struct y_ps90_p : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and_3< y_ps90_p,
+ typename gtl_if<typename is_polygon_90_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename gtl_if<typename is_polygon_90_set_type<geometry_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ polygon_90_set_view<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, boolean_op::BinaryOr> >::type
+ operator+(const geometry_type_1& lvalue, const geometry_type_2& rvalue) {
+ return polygon_90_set_view<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, boolean_op::BinaryOr>
+ (lvalue, rvalue,
+ polygon_90_set_traits<geometry_type_1>::orient(lvalue),
+ boolean_op::BinaryOr());
+ }
+ struct y_ps90_s : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3< y_ps90_s,
+ typename is_polygon_90_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type,
+ typename is_polygon_90_set_type<geometry_type_2>::type>::type,
+ polygon_90_set_view<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, boolean_op::BinaryAnd> >::type
+ operator*(const geometry_type_1& lvalue, const geometry_type_2& rvalue) {
+ return polygon_90_set_view<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, boolean_op::BinaryAnd>
+ (lvalue, rvalue,
+ polygon_90_set_traits<geometry_type_1>::orient(lvalue),
+ boolean_op::BinaryAnd());
+ }
+ struct y_ps90_a : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3< y_ps90_a,
+ typename is_polygon_90_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type,
+ typename is_polygon_90_set_type<geometry_type_2>::type>::type,
+ polygon_90_set_view<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, boolean_op::BinaryAnd> >::type
+ operator&(const geometry_type_1& lvalue, const geometry_type_2& rvalue) {
+ return polygon_90_set_view<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, boolean_op::BinaryAnd>
+ (lvalue, rvalue,
+ polygon_90_set_traits<geometry_type_1>::orient(lvalue),
+ boolean_op::BinaryAnd());
+ }
+ struct y_ps90_x : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3< y_ps90_x,
+ typename is_polygon_90_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type,
+ typename is_polygon_90_set_type<geometry_type_2>::type>::type,
+ polygon_90_set_view<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, boolean_op::BinaryXor> >::type
+ operator^(const geometry_type_1& lvalue, const geometry_type_2& rvalue) {
+ return polygon_90_set_view<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, boolean_op::BinaryXor>
+ (lvalue, rvalue,
+ polygon_90_set_traits<geometry_type_1>::orient(lvalue),
+ boolean_op::BinaryXor());
+ }
+ struct y_ps90_m : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3< y_ps90_m,
+ typename gtl_if<typename is_polygon_90_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename gtl_if<typename is_polygon_90_set_type<geometry_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ polygon_90_set_view<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, boolean_op::BinaryNot> >::type
+ operator-(const geometry_type_1& lvalue, const geometry_type_2& rvalue) {
+ return polygon_90_set_view<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, boolean_op::BinaryNot>
+ (lvalue, rvalue,
+ polygon_90_set_traits<geometry_type_1>::orient(lvalue),
+ boolean_op::BinaryNot());
+ }
+ struct y_ps90_pe : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename coordinate_type_1, typename geometry_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and< y_ps90_pe, typename is_polygon_90_set_type<geometry_type_2>::type>::type,
+ polygon_90_set_data<coordinate_type_1> >::type &
+ operator+=(polygon_90_set_data<coordinate_type_1>& lvalue, const geometry_type_2& rvalue) {
+ lvalue.insert(polygon_90_set_traits<geometry_type_2>::begin(rvalue), polygon_90_set_traits<geometry_type_2>::end(rvalue),
+ polygon_90_set_traits<geometry_type_2>::orient(rvalue));
+ return lvalue;
+ }
+ struct y_ps90_be : gtl_yes {};
+ //
+ template <typename coordinate_type_1, typename geometry_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and< y_ps90_be, typename is_polygon_90_set_type<geometry_type_2>::type>::type,
+ polygon_90_set_data<coordinate_type_1> >::type &
+ operator|=(polygon_90_set_data<coordinate_type_1>& lvalue, const geometry_type_2& rvalue) {
+ return lvalue += rvalue;
+ }
+ struct y_ps90_pe2 : gtl_yes {};
+ //normal self assignment boolean operations
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3< y_ps90_pe2, typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type,
+ typename is_polygon_90_set_type<geometry_type_2>::type>::type,
+ geometry_type_1>::type &
+ operator+=(geometry_type_1& lvalue, const geometry_type_2& rvalue) {
+ return self_assignment_boolean_op<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, boolean_op::BinaryOr>(lvalue, rvalue);
+ }
+ struct y_ps90_be2 : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3<y_ps90_be2, typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type,
+ typename is_polygon_90_set_type<geometry_type_2>::type>::type,
+ geometry_type_1>::type &
+ operator|=(geometry_type_1& lvalue, const geometry_type_2& rvalue) {
+ return self_assignment_boolean_op<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, boolean_op::BinaryOr>(lvalue, rvalue);
+ }
+ struct y_ps90_se : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3<y_ps90_se, typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type,
+ typename is_polygon_90_set_type<geometry_type_2>::type>::type,
+ geometry_type_1>::type &
+ operator*=(geometry_type_1& lvalue, const geometry_type_2& rvalue) {
+ return self_assignment_boolean_op<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, boolean_op::BinaryAnd>(lvalue, rvalue);
+ }
+ struct y_ps90_ae : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3<y_ps90_ae, typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type,
+ typename is_polygon_90_set_type<geometry_type_2>::type>::type,
+ geometry_type_1>::type &
+ operator&=(geometry_type_1& lvalue, const geometry_type_2& rvalue) {
+ return self_assignment_boolean_op<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, boolean_op::BinaryAnd>(lvalue, rvalue);
+ }
+ struct y_ps90_xe : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3<y_ps90_xe, typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type,
+ typename is_polygon_90_set_type<geometry_type_2>::type>::type,
+ geometry_type_1>::type &
+ operator^=(geometry_type_1& lvalue, const geometry_type_2& rvalue) {
+ return self_assignment_boolean_op<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, boolean_op::BinaryXor>(lvalue, rvalue);
+ }
+ struct y_ps90_me : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3< y_ps90_me, typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type,
+ typename is_polygon_90_set_type<geometry_type_2>::type>::type,
+ geometry_type_1>::type &
+ operator-=(geometry_type_1& lvalue, const geometry_type_2& rvalue) {
+ return self_assignment_boolean_op<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, boolean_op::BinaryNot>(lvalue, rvalue);
+ }
+ struct y_ps90_rpe : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename coordinate_type_1>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3<y_ps90_rpe,
+ typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type,
+ typename gtl_same_type<typename geometry_concept<coordinate_type_1>::type, coordinate_concept>::type>::type,
+ geometry_type_1>::type &
+ operator+=(geometry_type_1& lvalue, coordinate_type_1 rvalue) {
+ return resize(lvalue, rvalue);
+ }
+ struct y_ps90_rme : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename coordinate_type_1>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3<y_ps90_rme,
+ typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type,
+ typename gtl_same_type<typename geometry_concept<coordinate_type_1>::type, coordinate_concept>::type>::type,
+ geometry_type_1>::type &
+ operator-=(geometry_type_1& lvalue, coordinate_type_1 rvalue) {
+ return resize(lvalue, -rvalue);
+ }
+ struct y_ps90_rp : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename coordinate_type_1>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3<y_ps90_rp,
+ typename gtl_if<typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename gtl_if<typename gtl_same_type<typename geometry_concept<coordinate_type_1>::type, coordinate_concept>::type>::type>::type,
+ geometry_type_1>::type
+ operator+(const geometry_type_1& lvalue, coordinate_type_1 rvalue) {
+ geometry_type_1 retval(lvalue);
+ retval += rvalue;
+ return retval;
+ }
+ struct y_ps90_rm : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename coordinate_type_1>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3<y_ps90_rm,
+ typename gtl_if<typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename gtl_if<typename gtl_same_type<typename geometry_concept<coordinate_type_1>::type, coordinate_concept>::type>::type>::type,
+ geometry_type_1>::type
+ operator-(const geometry_type_1& lvalue, coordinate_type_1 rvalue) {
+ geometry_type_1 retval(lvalue);
+ retval -= rvalue;
+ return retval;
+ }
+ }
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/detail/polygon_90_touch.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/detail/polygon_90_touch.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+ template <typename Unit>
+ struct touch_90_operation {
+ typedef interval_data<Unit> Interval;
+ class TouchScanEvent {
+ private:
+ typedef std::map<Unit, std::set<int> > EventData;
+ EventData eventData_;
+ public:
+ // The TouchScanEvent::iterator is a lazy algorithm that accumulates
+ // polygon ids in a set as it is incremented through the
+ // scan event data structure.
+ // The iterator provides a forward iterator semantic only.
+ class iterator {
+ private:
+ typename EventData::const_iterator itr_;
+ std::pair<Interval, std::set<int> > ivlIds_;
+ bool incremented_;
+ public:
+ inline iterator() : itr_(), ivlIds_(), incremented_(false) {}
+ inline iterator(typename EventData::const_iterator itr,
+ Unit prevPos, Unit curPos, const std::set<int>& ivlIds) : itr_(itr), ivlIds_(), incremented_(false) {
+ ivlIds_.second = ivlIds;
+ ivlIds_.first = Interval(prevPos, curPos);
+ }
+ inline iterator(const iterator& that) : itr_(), ivlIds_(), incremented_(false) { (*this) = that; }
+ inline iterator& operator=(const iterator& that) {
+ itr_ = that.itr_;
+ ivlIds_.first = that.ivlIds_.first;
+ ivlIds_.second = that.ivlIds_.second;
+ incremented_ = that.incremented_;
+ return *this;
+ };
+ inline bool operator==(const iterator& that) { return itr_ == that.itr_; }
+ inline bool operator!=(const iterator& that) { return itr_ != that.itr_; }
+ inline iterator& operator++() {
+ //std::cout << "increment\n";
+ //std::cout << "state\n";
+ //for(std::set<int>::iterator itr = ivlIds_.second.begin(); itr != ivlIds_.second.end(); ++itr) {
+ // std::cout << (*itr) << " ";
+ //} std::cout << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << "update\n";
+ for(std::set<int>::const_iterator itr = (*itr_).second.begin();
+ itr != (*itr_).second.end(); ++itr) {
+ //std::cout << (*itr) << " ";
+ std::set<int>::iterator lb = ivlIds_.second.find(*itr);
+ if(lb != ivlIds_.second.end()) {
+ ivlIds_.second.erase(lb);
+ } else {
+ ivlIds_.second.insert(*itr);
+ }
+ }
+ //std::cout << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << "new state\n";
+ //for(std::set<int>::iterator itr = ivlIds_.second.begin(); itr != ivlIds_.second.end(); ++itr) {
+ // std::cout << (*itr) << " ";
+ //} std::cout << std::endl;
+ ++itr_;
+ //ivlIds_.first = Interval(ivlIds_.first.get(HIGH), itr_->first);
+ incremented_ = true;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline const iterator operator++(int){
+ iterator tmpItr(*this);
+ ++(*this);
+ return tmpItr;
+ }
+ inline std::pair<Interval, std::set<int> >& operator*() {
+ if(incremented_) ivlIds_.first = Interval(ivlIds_.first.get(HIGH), itr_->first);
+ incremented_ = false;
+ if(ivlIds_.second.empty())(++(*this));
+ if(incremented_) ivlIds_.first = Interval(ivlIds_.first.get(HIGH), itr_->first);
+ incremented_ = false;
+ return ivlIds_; }
+ };
+ inline TouchScanEvent() : eventData_() {}
+ template<class iT>
+ inline TouchScanEvent(iT begin, iT end) : eventData_() {
+ for( ; begin != end; ++begin){
+ insert(*begin);
+ }
+ }
+ inline TouchScanEvent(const TouchScanEvent& that) : eventData_(that.eventData_) {}
+ inline TouchScanEvent& operator=(const TouchScanEvent& that){
+ eventData_ = that.eventData_;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ //Insert an interval polygon id into the EventData
+ inline void insert(const std::pair<Interval, int>& intervalId){
+ insert(intervalId.first.low(), intervalId.second);
+ insert(intervalId.first.high(), intervalId.second);
+ }
+ //Insert an position and polygon id into EventData
+ inline void insert(Unit pos, int id) {
+ typename EventData::iterator lb = eventData_.lower_bound(pos);
+ if(lb != eventData_.end() && lb->first == pos) {
+ std::set<int>& mr (lb->second);
+ std::set<int>::iterator mri = mr.find(id);
+ if(mri == mr.end()) {
+ mr.insert(id);
+ } else {
+ mr.erase(id);
+ }
+ } else {
+ lb = eventData_.insert(lb, std::pair<Unit, std::set<int> >(pos, std::set<int>()));
+ (*lb).second.insert(id);
+ }
+ }
+ //merge this scan event with that by inserting its data
+ inline void insert(const TouchScanEvent& that){
+ typename EventData::const_iterator itr;
+ for(itr = that.eventData_.begin(); itr != that.eventData_.end(); ++itr) {
+ eventData_[(*itr).first].insert(itr->second.begin(), itr->second.end());
+ }
+ }
+ //Get the begin iterator over event data
+ inline iterator begin() const {
+ //std::cout << "begin\n";
+ if(eventData_.empty()) return end();
+ typename EventData::const_iterator itr = eventData_.begin();
+ Unit pos = itr->first;
+ const std::set<int>& idr = itr->second;
+ ++itr;
+ return iterator(itr, pos, itr->first, idr);
+ }
+ //Get the end iterator over event data
+ inline iterator end() const { return iterator(eventData_.end(), 0, 0, std::set<int>()); }
+ inline void clear() { eventData_.clear(); }
+ inline Interval extents() const {
+ if(eventData_.empty()) return Interval();
+ return Interval((*(eventData_.begin())).first, (*(eventData_.rbegin())).first);
+ }
+ };
+ //declaration of a map of scan events by coordinate value used to store all the
+ //polygon data for a single layer input into the scanline algorithm
+ typedef std::pair<std::map<Unit, TouchScanEvent>, std::map<Unit, TouchScanEvent> > TouchSetData;
+ class TouchOp {
+ public:
+ typedef std::map<Unit, std::set<int> > ScanData;
+ typedef std::pair<Unit, std::set<int> > ElementType;
+ protected:
+ ScanData scanData_;
+ typename ScanData::iterator nextItr_;
+ public:
+ inline TouchOp () : scanData_(), nextItr_() { nextItr_ = scanData_.end(); }
+ inline TouchOp (const TouchOp& that) : scanData_(that.scanData_), nextItr_() { nextItr_ = scanData_.begin(); }
+ inline TouchOp& operator=(const TouchOp& that);
+ //moves scanline forward
+ inline void advanceScan() { nextItr_ = scanData_.begin(); }
+ //proceses the given interval and std::set<int> data
+ //the output data structre is a graph, the indicies in the vector correspond to graph nodes,
+ //the integers in the set are vector indicies and are the nodes with which that node shares an edge
+ template <typename graphT>
+ inline void processInterval(graphT& outputContainer, Interval ivl, const std::set<int>& ids, bool leadingEdge) {
+ //print();
+ typename ScanData::iterator lowItr = lookup_(ivl.low());
+ typename ScanData::iterator highItr = lookup_(ivl.high());
+ //std::cout << "Interval: " << ivl << std::endl;
+ //for(std::set<int>::const_iterator itr = ids.begin(); itr != ids.end(); ++itr)
+ // std::cout << (*itr) << " ";
+ //std::cout << std::endl;
+ //add interval to scan data if it is past the end
+ if(lowItr == scanData_.end()) {
+ //std::cout << "case0" << std::endl;
+ lowItr = insert_(ivl.low(), ids);
+ evaluateBorder_(outputContainer, ids, ids);
+ highItr = insert_(ivl.high(), std::set<int>());
+ return;
+ }
+ //ensure that highItr points to the end of the ivl
+ if(highItr == scanData_.end() || (*highItr).first > ivl.high()) {
+ //std::cout << "case1" << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << highItr->first << std::endl;
+ std::set<int> value = std::set<int>();
+ if(highItr != scanData_.begin()) {
+ --highItr;
+ //std::cout << highItr->first << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << "high set size " << highItr->second.size() << std::endl;
+ value = highItr->second;
+ }
+ nextItr_ = highItr;
+ highItr = insert_(ivl.high(), value);
+ } else {
+ //evaluate border with next higher interval
+ //std::cout << "case1a" << std::endl;
+ if(leadingEdge)evaluateBorder_(outputContainer, highItr->second, ids);
+ }
+ //split the low interval if needed
+ if(lowItr->first > ivl.low()) {
+ //std::cout << "case2" << std::endl;
+ if(lowItr != scanData_.begin()) {
+ //std::cout << "case3" << std::endl;
+ --lowItr;
+ nextItr_ = lowItr;
+ //std::cout << lowItr->first << " " << lowItr->second.size() << std::endl;
+ lowItr = insert_(ivl.low(), lowItr->second);
+ } else {
+ //std::cout << "case4" << std::endl;
+ nextItr_ = lowItr;
+ lowItr = insert_(ivl.low(), std::set<int>());
+ }
+ } else {
+ //evaluate border with next higher interval
+ //std::cout << "case2a" << std::endl;
+ typename ScanData::iterator nextLowerItr = lowItr;
+ if(leadingEdge && nextLowerItr != scanData_.begin()){
+ --nextLowerItr;
+ evaluateBorder_(outputContainer, nextLowerItr->second, ids);
+ }
+ }
+ //std::cout << "low: " << lowItr->first << " high: " << highItr->first << std::endl;
+ //print();
+ //process scan data intersecting interval
+ for(typename ScanData::iterator itr = lowItr; itr != highItr; ){
+ //std::cout << "case5" << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << itr->first << std::endl;
+ std::set<int>& beforeIds = itr->second;
+ ++itr;
+ evaluateInterval_(outputContainer, beforeIds, ids, leadingEdge);
+ }
+ //print();
+ //merge the bottom interval with the one below if they have the same count
+ if(lowItr != scanData_.begin()){
+ //std::cout << "case6" << std::endl;
+ typename ScanData::iterator belowLowItr = lowItr;
+ --belowLowItr;
+ if(belowLowItr->second == lowItr->second) {
+ //std::cout << "case7" << std::endl;
+ scanData_.erase(lowItr);
+ }
+ }
+ //merge the top interval with the one above if they have the same count
+ if(highItr != scanData_.begin()) {
+ //std::cout << "case8" << std::endl;
+ typename ScanData::iterator beforeHighItr = highItr;
+ --beforeHighItr;
+ if(beforeHighItr->second == highItr->second) {
+ //std::cout << "case9" << std::endl;
+ scanData_.erase(highItr);
+ highItr = beforeHighItr;
+ ++highItr;
+ }
+ }
+ //print();
+ nextItr_ = highItr;
+ }
+// inline void print() const {
+// for(typename ScanData::const_iterator itr = scanData_.begin(); itr != scanData_.end(); ++itr) {
+// std::cout << itr->first << ": ";
+// for(std::set<int>::const_iterator sitr = itr->second.begin();
+// sitr != itr->second.end(); ++sitr){
+// std::cout << *sitr << " ";
+// }
+// std::cout << std::endl;
+// }
+// }
+ private:
+ inline typename ScanData::iterator lookup_(Unit pos){
+ if(nextItr_ != scanData_.end() && nextItr_->first >= pos) {
+ return nextItr_;
+ }
+ return nextItr_ = scanData_.lower_bound(pos);
+ }
+ inline typename ScanData::iterator insert_(Unit pos, const std::set<int>& ids){
+ //std::cout << "inserting " << ids.size() << " ids at: " << pos << std::endl;
+ return nextItr_ = scanData_.insert(nextItr_, std::pair<Unit, std::set<int> >(pos, ids));
+ }
+ template <typename graphT>
+ inline void evaluateInterval_(graphT& outputContainer, std::set<int>& ids,
+ const std::set<int>& changingIds, bool leadingEdge) {
+ for(std::set<int>::const_iterator ciditr = changingIds.begin(); ciditr != changingIds.end(); ++ciditr){
+ //std::cout << "evaluateInterval " << (*ciditr) << std::endl;
+ evaluateId_(outputContainer, ids, *ciditr, leadingEdge);
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename graphT>
+ inline void evaluateBorder_(graphT& outputContainer, const std::set<int>& ids, const std::set<int>& changingIds) {
+ for(std::set<int>::const_iterator ciditr = changingIds.begin(); ciditr != changingIds.end(); ++ciditr){
+ //std::cout << "evaluateBorder " << (*ciditr) << std::endl;
+ evaluateBorderId_(outputContainer, ids, *ciditr);
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename graphT>
+ inline void evaluateBorderId_(graphT& outputContainer, const std::set<int>& ids, int changingId) {
+ for(std::set<int>::const_iterator scanItr = ids.begin(); scanItr != ids.end(); ++scanItr) {
+ //std::cout << "create edge: " << changingId << " " << *scanItr << std::endl;
+ if(changingId != *scanItr){
+ outputContainer[changingId].insert(*scanItr);
+ outputContainer[*scanItr].insert(changingId);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename graphT>
+ inline void evaluateId_(graphT& outputContainer, std::set<int>& ids, int changingId, bool leadingEdge) {
+ //std::cout << "changingId: " << changingId << std::endl;
+ //for( std::set<int>::iterator itr = ids.begin(); itr != ids.end(); ++itr){
+ // std::cout << *itr << " ";
+ //}std::cout << std::endl;
+ std::set<int>::iterator lb = ids.lower_bound(changingId);
+ if(lb == ids.end() || (*lb) != changingId) {
+ if(leadingEdge) {
+ //std::cout << "insert\n";
+ //insert and add to output
+ for(std::set<int>::iterator scanItr = ids.begin(); scanItr != ids.end(); ++scanItr) {
+ //std::cout << "create edge: " << changingId << " " << *scanItr << std::endl;
+ if(changingId != *scanItr){
+ outputContainer[changingId].insert(*scanItr);
+ outputContainer[*scanItr].insert(changingId);
+ }
+ }
+ ids.insert(changingId);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(!leadingEdge){
+ //std::cout << "erase\n";
+ ids.erase(lb);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename graphT>
+ static inline void processEvent(graphT& outputContainer, TouchOp& op, const TouchScanEvent& data, bool leadingEdge) {
+ for(typename TouchScanEvent::iterator itr = data.begin(); itr != data.end(); ++itr) {
+ //std::cout << "processInterval" << std::endl;
+ op.processInterval(outputContainer, (*itr).first, (*itr).second, leadingEdge);
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename graphT>
+ static inline void performTouch(graphT& outputContainer, const TouchSetData& data) {
+ typename std::map<Unit, TouchScanEvent>::const_iterator leftItr = data.first.begin();
+ typename std::map<Unit, TouchScanEvent>::const_iterator rightItr = data.second.begin();
+ typename std::map<Unit, TouchScanEvent>::const_iterator leftEnd = data.first.end();
+ typename std::map<Unit, TouchScanEvent>::const_iterator rightEnd = data.second.end();
+ TouchOp op;
+ while(leftItr != leftEnd || rightItr != rightEnd) {
+ //std::cout << "loop" << std::endl;
+ op.advanceScan();
+ //rightItr cannont be at end if leftItr is not at end
+ if(leftItr != leftEnd && rightItr != rightEnd &&
+ leftItr->first <= rightItr->first) {
+ //std::cout << "case1" << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << leftItr ->first << std::endl;
+ processEvent(outputContainer, op, leftItr->second, true);
+ ++leftItr;
+ } else {
+ //std::cout << "case2" << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << rightItr ->first << std::endl;
+ processEvent(outputContainer, op, rightItr->second, false);
+ ++rightItr;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template <class iT>
+ static inline void populateTouchSetData(TouchSetData& data, iT beginData, iT endData, int id) {
+ Unit prevPos = ((std::numeric_limits<Unit>::max)());
+ Unit prevY = prevPos;
+ int count = 0;
+ for(iT itr = beginData; itr != endData; ++itr) {
+ Unit pos = (*itr).first;
+ if(pos != prevPos) {
+ prevPos = pos;
+ prevY = (*itr).second.first;
+ count = (*itr).second.second;
+ continue;
+ }
+ Unit y = (*itr).second.first;
+ if(count != 0 && y != prevY) {
+ std::pair<Interval, int> element(Interval(prevY, y), id);
+ if(count > 0) {
+ data.first[pos].insert(element);
+ } else {
+ data.second[pos].insert(element);
+ }
+ }
+ prevY = y;
+ count += (*itr).second.second;
+ }
+ }
+ static inline void populateTouchSetData(TouchSetData& data, const std::vector<std::pair<Unit, std::pair<Unit, int> > >& inputData, int id) {
+ populateTouchSetData(data, inputData.begin(), inputData.end(), id);
+ }
+ };
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/detail/polygon_arbitrary_formation.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/detail/polygon_arbitrary_formation.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,2891 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+ template <typename T, typename T2>
+ struct PolyLineArbitraryByConcept {};
+ template <typename T>
+ class poly_line_arbitrary_polygon_data;
+ template <typename T>
+ class poly_line_arbitrary_hole_data;
+ template <typename Unit>
+ struct scanline_base {
+ typedef point_data<Unit> Point;
+ typedef std::pair<Point, Point> half_edge;
+ class less_point : public std::binary_function<Point, Point, bool> {
+ public:
+ inline less_point() {}
+ inline bool operator () (const Point& pt1, const Point& pt2) const {
+ if(pt1.get(HORIZONTAL) < pt2.get(HORIZONTAL)) return true;
+ if(pt1.get(HORIZONTAL) == pt2.get(HORIZONTAL)) {
+ if(pt1.get(VERTICAL) < pt2.get(VERTICAL)) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ static inline bool between(Point pt, Point pt1, Point pt2) {
+ less_point lp;
+ if(lp(pt1, pt2))
+ return lp(pt, pt2) && lp(pt1, pt);
+ return lp(pt, pt1) && lp(pt2, pt);
+ }
+ template <typename area_type>
+ static inline Unit compute_intercept(const area_type& dy2,
+ const area_type& dx1,
+ const area_type& dx2) {
+ //intercept = dy2 * dx1 / dx2
+ //return (Unit)(((area_type)dy2 * (area_type)dx1) / (area_type)dx2);
+ area_type dx1_q = dx1 / dx2;
+ area_type dx1_r = dx1 % dx2;
+ return dx1_q * dy2 + (dy2 * dx1_r)/dx2;
+ }
+ template <typename area_type>
+ static inline bool equal_slope(area_type dx1, area_type dy1, area_type dx2, area_type dy2) {
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<Unit>::unsigned_area_type unsigned_product_type;
+ unsigned_product_type cross_1 = (unsigned_product_type)(dx2 < 0 ? -dx2 :dx2) * (unsigned_product_type)(dy1 < 0 ? -dy1 : dy1);
+ unsigned_product_type cross_2 = (unsigned_product_type)(dx1 < 0 ? -dx1 :dx1) * (unsigned_product_type)(dy2 < 0 ? -dy2 : dy2);
+ int dx1_sign = dx1 < 0 ? -1 : 1;
+ int dx2_sign = dx2 < 0 ? -1 : 1;
+ int dy1_sign = dy1 < 0 ? -1 : 1;
+ int dy2_sign = dy2 < 0 ? -1 : 1;
+ int cross_1_sign = dx2_sign * dy1_sign;
+ int cross_2_sign = dx1_sign * dy2_sign;
+ return cross_1 == cross_2 && (cross_1_sign == cross_2_sign || cross_1 == 0);
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ static inline bool equal_slope_hp(const T& dx1, const T& dy1, const T& dx2, const T& dy2) {
+ return dx1 * dy2 == dx2 * dy1;
+ }
+ static inline bool equal_slope(const Unit& x, const Unit& y,
+ const Point& pt1, const Point& pt2) {
+ const Point* pts[2] = {&pt1, &pt2};
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<Unit>::manhattan_area_type at;
+ at dy2 = (at)pts[1]->get(VERTICAL) - (at)y;
+ at dy1 = (at)pts[0]->get(VERTICAL) - (at)y;
+ at dx2 = (at)pts[1]->get(HORIZONTAL) - (at)x;
+ at dx1 = (at)pts[0]->get(HORIZONTAL) - (at)x;
+ return equal_slope(dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2);
+ }
+ template <typename area_type>
+ static inline bool less_slope(area_type dx1, area_type dy1, area_type dx2, area_type dy2) {
+ //reflext x and y slopes to right hand side half plane
+ if(dx1 < 0) {
+ dy1 *= -1;
+ dx1 *= -1;
+ } else if(dx1 == 0) {
+ //if the first slope is vertical the first cannot be less
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(dx2 < 0) {
+ dy2 *= -1;
+ dx2 *= -1;
+ } else if(dx2 == 0) {
+ //if the second slope is vertical the first is always less unless it is also vertical, in which case they are equal
+ return dx1 != 0;
+ }
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<Unit>::unsigned_area_type unsigned_product_type;
+ unsigned_product_type cross_1 = (unsigned_product_type)(dx2 < 0 ? -dx2 :dx2) * (unsigned_product_type)(dy1 < 0 ? -dy1 : dy1);
+ unsigned_product_type cross_2 = (unsigned_product_type)(dx1 < 0 ? -dx1 :dx1) * (unsigned_product_type)(dy2 < 0 ? -dy2 : dy2);
+ int dx1_sign = dx1 < 0 ? -1 : 1;
+ int dx2_sign = dx2 < 0 ? -1 : 1;
+ int dy1_sign = dy1 < 0 ? -1 : 1;
+ int dy2_sign = dy2 < 0 ? -1 : 1;
+ int cross_1_sign = dx2_sign * dy1_sign;
+ int cross_2_sign = dx1_sign * dy2_sign;
+ if(cross_1_sign < cross_2_sign) return true;
+ if(cross_2_sign < cross_1_sign) return false;
+ if(cross_1_sign == -1) return cross_2 < cross_1;
+ return cross_1 < cross_2;
+ }
+ static inline bool less_slope(const Unit& x, const Unit& y,
+ const Point& pt1, const Point& pt2) {
+ const Point* pts[2] = {&pt1, &pt2};
+ //compute y value on edge from pt_ to pts[1] at the x value of pts[0]
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<Unit>::manhattan_area_type at;
+ at dy2 = (at)pts[1]->get(VERTICAL) - (at)y;
+ at dy1 = (at)pts[0]->get(VERTICAL) - (at)y;
+ at dx2 = (at)pts[1]->get(HORIZONTAL) - (at)x;
+ at dx1 = (at)pts[0]->get(HORIZONTAL) - (at)x;
+ return less_slope(dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2);
+ }
+ //return -1 below, 0 on and 1 above line
+ static inline int on_above_or_below(Point pt, const half_edge& he) {
+ if(pt == he.first || pt == he.second) return 0;
+ if(equal_slope(pt.get(HORIZONTAL), pt.get(VERTICAL), he.first, he.second)) return 0;
+ bool less_result = less_slope(pt.get(HORIZONTAL), pt.get(VERTICAL), he.first, he.second);
+ int retval = less_result ? -1 : 1;
+ less_point lp;
+ if(lp(he.second, he.first)) retval *= -1;
+ if(!between(pt, he.first, he.second)) retval *= -1;
+ return retval;
+ }
+ //returns true is the segment intersects the integer grid square with lower
+ //left corner at point
+ static inline bool intersects_grid(Point pt, const half_edge& he) {
+ if(pt == he.second) return true;
+ if(pt == he.first) return true;
+ rectangle_data<Unit> rect1;
+ set_points(rect1, he.first, he.second);
+ if(contains(rect1, pt, true)) {
+ if(is_vertical(he) || is_horizontal(he)) return true;
+ } else {
+ return false; //can't intersect a grid not within bounding box
+ }
+ Unit x = pt.get(HORIZONTAL);
+ Unit y = pt.get(VERTICAL);
+ if(equal_slope(x, y, he.first, he.second) &&
+ between(pt, he.first, he.second)) return true;
+ Point pt01(pt.get(HORIZONTAL), pt.get(VERTICAL) + 1);
+ Point pt10(pt.get(HORIZONTAL) + 1, pt.get(VERTICAL));
+ Point pt11(pt.get(HORIZONTAL) + 1, pt.get(VERTICAL) + 1);
+// if(pt01 == he.first) return true;
+// if(pt10 == he.first) return true;
+// if(pt11 == he.first) return true;
+// if(pt01 == he.second) return true;
+// if(pt10 == he.second) return true;
+// if(pt11 == he.second) return true;
+ //check non-integer intersections
+ half_edge widget1(pt, pt11);
+ //intersects but not just at pt11
+ if(intersects(widget1, he) && on_above_or_below(pt11, he)) return true;
+ half_edge widget2(pt01, pt10);
+ //intersects but not just at pt01 or 10
+ if(intersects(widget2, he) && on_above_or_below(pt01, he) && on_above_or_below(pt10, he)) return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ static inline Unit evalAtXforYlazy(Unit xIn, Point pt, Point other_pt) {
+ long double
+ evalAtXforYret, evalAtXforYxIn, evalAtXforYx1, evalAtXforYy1, evalAtXforYdx1, evalAtXforYdx,
+ evalAtXforYdy, evalAtXforYx2, evalAtXforYy2, evalAtXforY0;
+ //y = (x - x1)dy/dx + y1
+ //y = (xIn - pt.x)*(other_pt.y-pt.y)/(other_pt.x-pt.x) + pt.y
+ //assert pt.x != other_pt.x
+ if(pt.y() == other_pt.y())
+ return pt.y();
+ evalAtXforYxIn = xIn;
+ evalAtXforYx1 = pt.get(HORIZONTAL);
+ evalAtXforYy1 = pt.get(VERTICAL);
+ evalAtXforYdx1 = evalAtXforYxIn - evalAtXforYx1;
+ evalAtXforY0 = 0;
+ if(evalAtXforYdx1 == evalAtXforY0) return (Unit)evalAtXforYy1;
+ evalAtXforYx2 = other_pt.get(HORIZONTAL);
+ evalAtXforYy2 = other_pt.get(VERTICAL);
+ evalAtXforYdx = evalAtXforYx2 - evalAtXforYx1;
+ evalAtXforYdy = evalAtXforYy2 - evalAtXforYy1;
+ evalAtXforYret = ((evalAtXforYdx1) * evalAtXforYdy / evalAtXforYdx + evalAtXforYy1);
+ return (Unit)evalAtXforYret;
+ }
+ static inline typename high_precision_type<Unit>::type evalAtXforY(Unit xIn, Point pt, Point other_pt) {
+ typename high_precision_type<Unit>::type
+ evalAtXforYret, evalAtXforYxIn, evalAtXforYx1, evalAtXforYy1, evalAtXforYdx1, evalAtXforYdx,
+ evalAtXforYdy, evalAtXforYx2, evalAtXforYy2, evalAtXforY0;
+ //y = (x - x1)dy/dx + y1
+ //y = (xIn - pt.x)*(other_pt.y-pt.y)/(other_pt.x-pt.x) + pt.y
+ //assert pt.x != other_pt.x
+ typedef typename high_precision_type<Unit>::type high_precision;
+ if(pt.y() == other_pt.y())
+ return (high_precision)pt.y();
+ evalAtXforYxIn = (high_precision)xIn;
+ evalAtXforYx1 = pt.get(HORIZONTAL);
+ evalAtXforYy1 = pt.get(VERTICAL);
+ evalAtXforYdx1 = evalAtXforYxIn - evalAtXforYx1;
+ evalAtXforY0 = high_precision(0);
+ if(evalAtXforYdx1 == evalAtXforY0) return evalAtXforYret = evalAtXforYy1;
+ evalAtXforYx2 = (high_precision)other_pt.get(HORIZONTAL);
+ evalAtXforYy2 = (high_precision)other_pt.get(VERTICAL);
+ evalAtXforYdx = evalAtXforYx2 - evalAtXforYx1;
+ evalAtXforYdy = evalAtXforYy2 - evalAtXforYy1;
+ evalAtXforYret = ((evalAtXforYdx1) * evalAtXforYdy / evalAtXforYdx + evalAtXforYy1);
+ return evalAtXforYret;
+ }
+ struct evalAtXforYPack {
+ typename high_precision_type<Unit>::type
+ evalAtXforYret, evalAtXforYxIn, evalAtXforYx1, evalAtXforYy1, evalAtXforYdx1, evalAtXforYdx,
+ evalAtXforYdy, evalAtXforYx2, evalAtXforYy2, evalAtXforY0;
+ inline const typename high_precision_type<Unit>::type& evalAtXforY(Unit xIn, Point pt, Point other_pt) {
+ //y = (x - x1)dy/dx + y1
+ //y = (xIn - pt.x)*(other_pt.y-pt.y)/(other_pt.x-pt.x) + pt.y
+ //assert pt.x != other_pt.x
+ typedef typename high_precision_type<Unit>::type high_precision;
+ if(pt.y() == other_pt.y()) {
+ evalAtXforYret = (high_precision)pt.y();
+ return evalAtXforYret;
+ }
+ evalAtXforYxIn = (high_precision)xIn;
+ evalAtXforYx1 = pt.get(HORIZONTAL);
+ evalAtXforYy1 = pt.get(VERTICAL);
+ evalAtXforYdx1 = evalAtXforYxIn - evalAtXforYx1;
+ evalAtXforY0 = high_precision(0);
+ if(evalAtXforYdx1 == evalAtXforY0) return evalAtXforYret = evalAtXforYy1;
+ evalAtXforYx2 = (high_precision)other_pt.get(HORIZONTAL);
+ evalAtXforYy2 = (high_precision)other_pt.get(VERTICAL);
+ evalAtXforYdx = evalAtXforYx2 - evalAtXforYx1;
+ evalAtXforYdy = evalAtXforYy2 - evalAtXforYy1;
+ evalAtXforYret = ((evalAtXforYdx1) * evalAtXforYdy / evalAtXforYdx + evalAtXforYy1);
+ return evalAtXforYret;
+ }
+ };
+ static inline bool is_vertical(const half_edge& he) {
+ return he.first.get(HORIZONTAL) == he.second.get(HORIZONTAL);
+ }
+ static inline bool is_horizontal(const half_edge& he) {
+ return he.first.get(VERTICAL) == he.second.get(VERTICAL);
+ }
+ static inline bool is_45_degree(const half_edge& he) {
+ return euclidean_distance(he.first, he.second, HORIZONTAL) == euclidean_distance(he.first, he.second, VERTICAL);
+ }
+ //scanline comparator functor
+ class less_half_edge : public std::binary_function<half_edge, half_edge, bool> {
+ private:
+ Unit *x_; //x value at which to apply comparison
+ int *justBefore_;
+ evalAtXforYPack * pack_;
+ public:
+ inline less_half_edge() : x_(0), justBefore_(0), pack_(0) {}
+ inline less_half_edge(Unit *x, int *justBefore, evalAtXforYPack * packIn) : x_(x), justBefore_(justBefore), pack_(packIn) {}
+ inline less_half_edge(const less_half_edge& that) : x_(that.x_), justBefore_(that.justBefore_),
+ pack_(that.pack_){}
+ inline less_half_edge& operator=(const less_half_edge& that) {
+ x_ = that.x_;
+ justBefore_ = that.justBefore_;
+ pack_ = that.pack_;
+ return *this; }
+ inline bool operator () (const half_edge& elm1, const half_edge& elm2) const {
+ if((std::max)(elm1.first.y(), elm1.second.y()) < (std::min)(elm2.first.y(), elm2.second.y()))
+ return true;
+ if((std::min)(elm1.first.y(), elm1.second.y()) > (std::max)(elm2.first.y(), elm2.second.y()))
+ return false;
+ //check if either x of elem1 is equal to x_
+ Unit localx = *x_;
+ Unit elm1y = 0;
+ bool elm1_at_x = false;
+ if(localx == elm1.first.get(HORIZONTAL)) {
+ elm1_at_x = true;
+ elm1y = elm1.first.get(VERTICAL);
+ } else if(localx == elm1.second.get(HORIZONTAL)) {
+ elm1_at_x = true;
+ elm1y = elm1.second.get(VERTICAL);
+ }
+ Unit elm2y = 0;
+ bool elm2_at_x = false;
+ if(localx == elm2.first.get(HORIZONTAL)) {
+ elm2_at_x = true;
+ elm2y = elm2.first.get(VERTICAL);
+ } else if(localx == elm2.second.get(HORIZONTAL)) {
+ elm2_at_x = true;
+ elm2y = elm2.second.get(VERTICAL);
+ }
+ bool retval = false;
+ if(!(elm1_at_x && elm2_at_x)) {
+ //at least one of the segments doesn't have an end point a the current x
+ //-1 below, 1 above
+ int pt1_oab = on_above_or_below(elm1.first, half_edge(elm2.first, elm2.second));
+ int pt2_oab = on_above_or_below(elm1.second, half_edge(elm2.first, elm2.second));
+ if(pt1_oab == pt2_oab) {
+ if(pt1_oab == -1)
+ retval = true; //pt1 is below elm2 so elm1 is below elm2
+ } else {
+ //the segments can't cross so elm2 is on whatever side of elm1 that one of its ends is
+ int pt3_oab = on_above_or_below(elm2.first, half_edge(elm1.first, elm1.second));
+ if(pt3_oab == 1)
+ retval = true; //elm1's point is above elm1
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(elm1y < elm2y) {
+ retval = true;
+ } else if(elm1y == elm2y) {
+ if(elm1 == elm2)
+ return false;
+ retval = less_slope(elm1.second.get(HORIZONTAL) - elm1.first.get(HORIZONTAL),
+ elm1.second.get(VERTICAL) - elm1.first.get(VERTICAL),
+ elm2.second.get(HORIZONTAL) - elm2.first.get(HORIZONTAL),
+ elm2.second.get(VERTICAL) - elm2.first.get(VERTICAL));
+ retval = ((*justBefore_) != 0) ^ retval;
+ }
+ }
+ return retval;
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename unsigned_product_type>
+ static inline void unsigned_mod(unsigned_product_type& result, int& result_sign, unsigned_product_type a, int a_sign, unsigned_product_type b, int b_sign) {
+ result = a % b;
+ result_sign = a_sign;
+ }
+ template <typename unsigned_product_type>
+ static inline void unsigned_add(unsigned_product_type& result, int& result_sign, unsigned_product_type a, int a_sign, unsigned_product_type b, int b_sign) {
+ int switcher = 0;
+ if(a_sign < 0) switcher += 1;
+ if(b_sign < 0) switcher += 2;
+ if(a < b) switcher += 4;
+ switch (switcher) {
+ case 0: //both positive
+ result = a + b;
+ result_sign = 1;
+ break;
+ case 1: //a is negative
+ result = a - b;
+ result_sign = -1;
+ break;
+ case 2: //b is negative
+ result = a - b;
+ result_sign = 1;
+ break;
+ case 3: //both negative
+ result = a + b;
+ result_sign = -1;
+ break;
+ case 4: //both positive
+ result = a + b;
+ result_sign = 1;
+ break;
+ case 5: //a is negative
+ result = b - a;
+ result_sign = 1;
+ break;
+ case 6: //b is negative
+ result = b - a;
+ result_sign = -1;
+ break;
+ case 7: //both negative
+ result = b + a;
+ result_sign = -1;
+ break;
+ };
+ }
+ struct compute_intersection_pack {
+ typedef typename high_precision_type<Unit>::type high_precision;
+ high_precision y_high, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, x11, x21, y11, y21, x_num, y_num, x_den, y_den, x, y;
+ static inline bool compute_lazy_intersection(Point& intersection, const half_edge& he1, const half_edge& he2, bool projected = false) {
+ long double y_high, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, x11, x21, y11, y21, x_num, y_num, x_den, y_den, x, y;
+ typedef rectangle_data<Unit> Rectangle;
+ Rectangle rect1, rect2;
+ set_points(rect1, he1.first, he1.second);
+ set_points(rect2, he2.first, he2.second);
+ if(!projected && !::boost::polygon::intersects(rect1, rect2, true)) return false;
+ if(is_vertical(he1)) {
+ if(is_vertical(he2)) return false;
+ y_high = evalAtXforYlazy(he1.first.get(HORIZONTAL), he2.first, he2.second);
+ Unit y_local = (Unit)y_high;
+ if(y_high < y_local) --y_local;
+ if(projected || contains(rect1.get(VERTICAL), y_local, true)) {
+ intersection = Point(he1.first.get(HORIZONTAL), y_local);
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if(is_vertical(he2)) {
+ y_high = evalAtXforYlazy(he2.first.get(HORIZONTAL), he1.first, he1.second);
+ Unit y_local = (Unit)y_high;
+ if(y_high < y_local) --y_local;
+ if(projected || contains(rect2.get(VERTICAL), y_local, true)) {
+ intersection = Point(he2.first.get(HORIZONTAL), y_local);
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ //the bounding boxes of the two line segments intersect, so we check closer to find the intersection point
+ dy2 = (he2.second.get(VERTICAL)) -
+ (he2.first.get(VERTICAL));
+ dy1 = (he1.second.get(VERTICAL)) -
+ (he1.first.get(VERTICAL));
+ dx2 = (he2.second.get(HORIZONTAL)) -
+ (he2.first.get(HORIZONTAL));
+ dx1 = (he1.second.get(HORIZONTAL)) -
+ (he1.first.get(HORIZONTAL));
+ if(equal_slope_hp(dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2)) return false;
+ //the line segments have different slopes
+ //we can assume that the line segments are not vertical because such an intersection is handled elsewhere
+ x11 = (he1.first.get(HORIZONTAL));
+ x21 = (he2.first.get(HORIZONTAL));
+ y11 = (he1.first.get(VERTICAL));
+ y21 = (he2.first.get(VERTICAL));
+ //Unit exp_x = ((at)x11 * (at)dy1 * (at)dx2 - (at)x21 * (at)dy2 * (at)dx1 + (at)y21 * (at)dx1 * (at)dx2 - (at)y11 * (at)dx1 * (at)dx2) / ((at)dy1 * (at)dx2 - (at)dy2 * (at)dx1);
+ //Unit exp_y = ((at)y11 * (at)dx1 * (at)dy2 - (at)y21 * (at)dx2 * (at)dy1 + (at)x21 * (at)dy1 * (at)dy2 - (at)x11 * (at)dy1 * (at)dy2) / ((at)dx1 * (at)dy2 - (at)dx2 * (at)dy1);
+ x_num = (x11 * dy1 * dx2 - x21 * dy2 * dx1 + y21 * dx1 * dx2 - y11 * dx1 * dx2);
+ x_den = (dy1 * dx2 - dy2 * dx1);
+ y_num = (y11 * dx1 * dy2 - y21 * dx2 * dy1 + x21 * dy1 * dy2 - x11 * dy1 * dy2);
+ y_den = (dx1 * dy2 - dx2 * dy1);
+ x = x_num / x_den;
+ y = y_num / y_den;
+ //std::cout << "cross1 " << dy1 << " " << dx2 << " " << dy1 * dx2 << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << "cross2 " << dy2 << " " << dx1 << " " << dy2 * dx1 << std::endl;
+ //Unit exp_x = compute_x_intercept<at>(x11, x21, y11, y21, dy1, dy2, dx1, dx2);
+ //Unit exp_y = compute_x_intercept<at>(y11, y21, x11, x21, dx1, dx2, dy1, dy2);
+ Unit x_unit = (Unit)(x);
+ Unit y_unit = (Unit)(y);
+ //truncate downward if it went up due to negative number
+ if(x < x_unit) --x_unit;
+ if(y < y_unit) --y_unit;
+ //if(x != exp_x || y != exp_y)
+ // std::cout << exp_x << " " << exp_y << " " << x << " " << y << std::endl;
+ //Unit y1 = evalAtXforY(exp_x, he1.first, he1.second);
+ //Unit y2 = evalAtXforY(exp_x, he2.first, he2.second);
+ //std::cout << exp_x << " " << exp_y << " " << y1 << " " << y2 << std::endl;
+ Point result(x_unit, y_unit);
+ if(!projected && !contains(rect1, result, true)) return false;
+ if(!projected && !contains(rect2, result, true)) return false;
+ if(projected) {
+ rectangle_data<long double> inf_rect((long double)(std::numeric_limits<Unit>::min)(),
+ (long double) (std::numeric_limits<Unit>::min)(),
+ (long double)(std::numeric_limits<Unit>::max)(),
+ (long double) (std::numeric_limits<Unit>::max)() );
+ return contains(inf_rect, intersection, true);
+ }
+ intersection = result;
+ return true;
+ }
+ inline bool compute_intersection(Point& intersection, const half_edge& he1, const half_edge& he2, bool projected = false) {
+ if(!projected && !intersects(he1, he2))
+ return false;
+ bool lazy_success = compute_lazy_intersection(intersection, he1, he2, projected);
+ if(!projected) {
+ if(lazy_success) {
+ if(intersects_grid(intersection, he1) &&
+ intersects_grid(intersection, he2))
+ return true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return lazy_success;
+ }
+ typedef rectangle_data<Unit> Rectangle;
+ Rectangle rect1, rect2;
+ set_points(rect1, he1.first, he1.second);
+ set_points(rect2, he2.first, he2.second);
+ if(!::boost::polygon::intersects(rect1, rect2, true)) return false;
+ if(is_vertical(he1)) {
+ if(is_vertical(he2)) return false;
+ y_high = evalAtXforY(he1.first.get(HORIZONTAL), he2.first, he2.second);
+ Unit y = convert_high_precision_type<Unit>(y_high);
+ if(y_high < (high_precision)y) --y;
+ if(contains(rect1.get(VERTICAL), y, true)) {
+ intersection = Point(he1.first.get(HORIZONTAL), y);
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if(is_vertical(he2)) {
+ y_high = evalAtXforY(he2.first.get(HORIZONTAL), he1.first, he1.second);
+ Unit y = convert_high_precision_type<Unit>(y_high);
+ if(y_high < (high_precision)y) --y;
+ if(contains(rect2.get(VERTICAL), y, true)) {
+ intersection = Point(he2.first.get(HORIZONTAL), y);
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ //the bounding boxes of the two line segments intersect, so we check closer to find the intersection point
+ dy2 = (high_precision)(he2.second.get(VERTICAL)) -
+ (high_precision)(he2.first.get(VERTICAL));
+ dy1 = (high_precision)(he1.second.get(VERTICAL)) -
+ (high_precision)(he1.first.get(VERTICAL));
+ dx2 = (high_precision)(he2.second.get(HORIZONTAL)) -
+ (high_precision)(he2.first.get(HORIZONTAL));
+ dx1 = (high_precision)(he1.second.get(HORIZONTAL)) -
+ (high_precision)(he1.first.get(HORIZONTAL));
+ if(equal_slope_hp(dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2)) return false;
+ //the line segments have different slopes
+ //we can assume that the line segments are not vertical because such an intersection is handled elsewhere
+ x11 = (high_precision)(he1.first.get(HORIZONTAL));
+ x21 = (high_precision)(he2.first.get(HORIZONTAL));
+ y11 = (high_precision)(he1.first.get(VERTICAL));
+ y21 = (high_precision)(he2.first.get(VERTICAL));
+ //Unit exp_x = ((at)x11 * (at)dy1 * (at)dx2 - (at)x21 * (at)dy2 * (at)dx1 + (at)y21 * (at)dx1 * (at)dx2 - (at)y11 * (at)dx1 * (at)dx2) / ((at)dy1 * (at)dx2 - (at)dy2 * (at)dx1);
+ //Unit exp_y = ((at)y11 * (at)dx1 * (at)dy2 - (at)y21 * (at)dx2 * (at)dy1 + (at)x21 * (at)dy1 * (at)dy2 - (at)x11 * (at)dy1 * (at)dy2) / ((at)dx1 * (at)dy2 - (at)dx2 * (at)dy1);
+ x_num = (x11 * dy1 * dx2 - x21 * dy2 * dx1 + y21 * dx1 * dx2 - y11 * dx1 * dx2);
+ x_den = (dy1 * dx2 - dy2 * dx1);
+ y_num = (y11 * dx1 * dy2 - y21 * dx2 * dy1 + x21 * dy1 * dy2 - x11 * dy1 * dy2);
+ y_den = (dx1 * dy2 - dx2 * dy1);
+ x = x_num / x_den;
+ y = y_num / y_den;
+ //std::cout << "cross1 " << dy1 << " " << dx2 << " " << dy1 * dx2 << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << "cross2 " << dy2 << " " << dx1 << " " << dy2 * dx1 << std::endl;
+ //Unit exp_x = compute_x_intercept<at>(x11, x21, y11, y21, dy1, dy2, dx1, dx2);
+ //Unit exp_y = compute_x_intercept<at>(y11, y21, x11, x21, dx1, dx2, dy1, dy2);
+ Unit x_unit = convert_high_precision_type<Unit>(x);
+ Unit y_unit = convert_high_precision_type<Unit>(y);
+ //truncate downward if it went up due to negative number
+ if(x < (high_precision)x_unit) --x_unit;
+ if(y < (high_precision)y_unit) --y_unit;
+ //if(x != exp_x || y != exp_y)
+ // std::cout << exp_x << " " << exp_y << " " << x << " " << y << std::endl;
+ //Unit y1 = evalAtXforY(exp_x, he1.first, he1.second);
+ //Unit y2 = evalAtXforY(exp_x, he2.first, he2.second);
+ //std::cout << exp_x << " " << exp_y << " " << y1 << " " << y2 << std::endl;
+ Point result(x_unit, y_unit);
+ if(!contains(rect1, result, true)) return false;
+ if(!contains(rect2, result, true)) return false;
+ intersection = result;
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ static inline bool compute_intersection(Point& intersection, const half_edge& he1, const half_edge& he2) {
+ typedef typename high_precision_type<Unit>::type high_precision;
+ typedef rectangle_data<Unit> Rectangle;
+ Rectangle rect1, rect2;
+ set_points(rect1, he1.first, he1.second);
+ set_points(rect2, he2.first, he2.second);
+ if(!::boost::polygon::intersects(rect1, rect2, true)) return false;
+ if(is_vertical(he1)) {
+ if(is_vertical(he2)) return false;
+ high_precision y_high = evalAtXforY(he1.first.get(HORIZONTAL), he2.first, he2.second);
+ Unit y = convert_high_precision_type<Unit>(y_high);
+ if(y_high < (high_precision)y) --y;
+ if(contains(rect1.get(VERTICAL), y, true)) {
+ intersection = Point(he1.first.get(HORIZONTAL), y);
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if(is_vertical(he2)) {
+ high_precision y_high = evalAtXforY(he2.first.get(HORIZONTAL), he1.first, he1.second);
+ Unit y = convert_high_precision_type<Unit>(y_high);
+ if(y_high < (high_precision)y) --y;
+ if(contains(rect2.get(VERTICAL), y, true)) {
+ intersection = Point(he2.first.get(HORIZONTAL), y);
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ //the bounding boxes of the two line segments intersect, so we check closer to find the intersection point
+ high_precision dy2 = (high_precision)(he2.second.get(VERTICAL)) -
+ (high_precision)(he2.first.get(VERTICAL));
+ high_precision dy1 = (high_precision)(he1.second.get(VERTICAL)) -
+ (high_precision)(he1.first.get(VERTICAL));
+ high_precision dx2 = (high_precision)(he2.second.get(HORIZONTAL)) -
+ (high_precision)(he2.first.get(HORIZONTAL));
+ high_precision dx1 = (high_precision)(he1.second.get(HORIZONTAL)) -
+ (high_precision)(he1.first.get(HORIZONTAL));
+ if(equal_slope_hp(dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2)) return false;
+ //the line segments have different slopes
+ //we can assume that the line segments are not vertical because such an intersection is handled elsewhere
+ high_precision x11 = (high_precision)(he1.first.get(HORIZONTAL));
+ high_precision x21 = (high_precision)(he2.first.get(HORIZONTAL));
+ high_precision y11 = (high_precision)(he1.first.get(VERTICAL));
+ high_precision y21 = (high_precision)(he2.first.get(VERTICAL));
+ //Unit exp_x = ((at)x11 * (at)dy1 * (at)dx2 - (at)x21 * (at)dy2 * (at)dx1 + (at)y21 * (at)dx1 * (at)dx2 - (at)y11 * (at)dx1 * (at)dx2) / ((at)dy1 * (at)dx2 - (at)dy2 * (at)dx1);
+ //Unit exp_y = ((at)y11 * (at)dx1 * (at)dy2 - (at)y21 * (at)dx2 * (at)dy1 + (at)x21 * (at)dy1 * (at)dy2 - (at)x11 * (at)dy1 * (at)dy2) / ((at)dx1 * (at)dy2 - (at)dx2 * (at)dy1);
+ high_precision x_num = (x11 * dy1 * dx2 - x21 * dy2 * dx1 + y21 * dx1 * dx2 - y11 * dx1 * dx2);
+ high_precision x_den = (dy1 * dx2 - dy2 * dx1);
+ high_precision y_num = (y11 * dx1 * dy2 - y21 * dx2 * dy1 + x21 * dy1 * dy2 - x11 * dy1 * dy2);
+ high_precision y_den = (dx1 * dy2 - dx2 * dy1);
+ high_precision x = x_num / x_den;
+ high_precision y = y_num / y_den;
+ //std::cout << "cross1 " << dy1 << " " << dx2 << " " << dy1 * dx2 << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << "cross2 " << dy2 << " " << dx1 << " " << dy2 * dx1 << std::endl;
+ //Unit exp_x = compute_x_intercept<at>(x11, x21, y11, y21, dy1, dy2, dx1, dx2);
+ //Unit exp_y = compute_x_intercept<at>(y11, y21, x11, x21, dx1, dx2, dy1, dy2);
+ Unit x_unit = convert_high_precision_type<Unit>(x);
+ Unit y_unit = convert_high_precision_type<Unit>(y);
+ //truncate downward if it went up due to negative number
+ if(x < (high_precision)x_unit) --x_unit;
+ if(y < (high_precision)y_unit) --y_unit;
+ //if(x != exp_x || y != exp_y)
+ // std::cout << exp_x << " " << exp_y << " " << x << " " << y << std::endl;
+ //Unit y1 = evalAtXforY(exp_x, he1.first, he1.second);
+ //Unit y2 = evalAtXforY(exp_x, he2.first, he2.second);
+ //std::cout << exp_x << " " << exp_y << " " << y1 << " " << y2 << std::endl;
+ Point result(x_unit, y_unit);
+ if(!contains(rect1, result, true)) return false;
+ if(!contains(rect2, result, true)) return false;
+ intersection = result;
+ return true;
+ }
+ static inline bool intersects(const half_edge& he1, const half_edge& he2) {
+ typedef rectangle_data<Unit> Rectangle;
+ Rectangle rect1, rect2;
+ set_points(rect1, he1.first, he1.second);
+ set_points(rect2, he2.first, he2.second);
+ if(::boost::polygon::intersects(rect1, rect2, false)) {
+ if(he1.first == he2.first) {
+ if(he1.second != he2.second && equal_slope(he1.first.get(HORIZONTAL), he1.first.get(VERTICAL),
+ he1.second, he2.second)) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if(he1.first == he2.second) {
+ if(he1.second != he2.first && equal_slope(he1.first.get(HORIZONTAL), he1.first.get(VERTICAL),
+ he1.second, he2.first)) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if(he1.second == he2.first) {
+ if(he1.first != he2.second && equal_slope(he1.second.get(HORIZONTAL), he1.second.get(VERTICAL),
+ he1.first, he2.second)) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if(he1.second == he2.second) {
+ if(he1.first != he2.first && equal_slope(he1.second.get(HORIZONTAL), he1.second.get(VERTICAL),
+ he1.first, he2.first)) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ int oab1 = on_above_or_below(he1.first, he2);
+ if(oab1 == 0 && between(he1.first, he2.first, he2.second)) return true;
+ int oab2 = on_above_or_below(he1.second, he2);
+ if(oab2 == 0 && between(he1.second, he2.first, he2.second)) return true;
+ if(oab1 == oab2 && oab1 != 0) return false; //both points of he1 are on same side of he2
+ int oab3 = on_above_or_below(he2.first, he1);
+ if(oab3 == 0 && between(he2.first, he1.first, he1.second)) return true;
+ int oab4 = on_above_or_below(he2.second, he1);
+ if(oab4 == 0 && between(he2.second, he1.first, he1.second)) return true;
+ if(oab3 == oab4) return false; //both points of he2 are on same side of he1
+ return true; //they must cross
+ }
+ if(is_vertical(he1) && is_vertical(he2) && he1.first.get(HORIZONTAL) == he2.first.get(HORIZONTAL))
+ return ::boost::polygon::intersects(rect1.get(VERTICAL), rect2.get(VERTICAL), false) &&
+ rect1.get(VERTICAL) != rect2.get(VERTICAL);
+ if(is_horizontal(he1) && is_horizontal(he2) && he1.first.get(VERTICAL) == he2.first.get(VERTICAL))
+ return ::boost::polygon::intersects(rect1.get(HORIZONTAL), rect2.get(HORIZONTAL), false) &&
+ rect1.get(HORIZONTAL) != rect2.get(HORIZONTAL);
+ return false;
+ }
+ class vertex_half_edge {
+ public:
+ typedef typename high_precision_type<Unit>::type high_precision;
+ Point pt;
+ Point other_pt; // 1, 0 or -1
+ int count; //dxdydTheta
+ inline vertex_half_edge() : pt(), other_pt(), count() {}
+ inline vertex_half_edge(const Point& point, const Point& other_point, int countIn) : pt(point), other_pt(other_point), count(countIn) {}
+ inline vertex_half_edge(const vertex_half_edge& vertex) : pt(vertex.pt), other_pt(vertex.other_pt), count(vertex.count) {}
+ inline vertex_half_edge& operator=(const vertex_half_edge& vertex){
+ pt = vertex.pt; other_pt = vertex.other_pt; count = vertex.count; return *this; }
+ inline vertex_half_edge(const std::pair<Point, Point>& vertex) : pt(), other_pt(), count() {}
+ inline vertex_half_edge& operator=(const std::pair<Point, Point>& vertex){ return *this; }
+ inline bool operator==(const vertex_half_edge& vertex) const {
+ return pt == vertex.pt && other_pt == vertex.other_pt && count == vertex.count; }
+ inline bool operator!=(const vertex_half_edge& vertex) const { return !((*this) == vertex); }
+ inline bool operator==(const std::pair<Point, Point>& vertex) const { return false; }
+ inline bool operator!=(const std::pair<Point, Point>& vertex) const { return !((*this) == vertex); }
+ inline bool operator<(const vertex_half_edge& vertex) const {
+ if(pt.get(HORIZONTAL) < vertex.pt.get(HORIZONTAL)) return true;
+ if(pt.get(HORIZONTAL) == vertex.pt.get(HORIZONTAL)) {
+ if(pt.get(VERTICAL) < vertex.pt.get(VERTICAL)) return true;
+ if(pt.get(VERTICAL) == vertex.pt.get(VERTICAL)) { return less_slope(pt.get(HORIZONTAL), pt.get(VERTICAL),
+ other_pt, vertex.other_pt);
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ inline bool operator>(const vertex_half_edge& vertex) const { return vertex < (*this); }
+ inline bool operator<=(const vertex_half_edge& vertex) const { return !((*this) > vertex); }
+ inline bool operator>=(const vertex_half_edge& vertex) const { return !((*this) < vertex); }
+ inline high_precision evalAtX(Unit xIn) const { return evalAtXforYlazy(xIn, pt, other_pt); }
+ inline bool is_vertical() const {
+ return pt.get(HORIZONTAL) == other_pt.get(HORIZONTAL);
+ }
+ inline bool is_begin() const {
+ return pt.get(HORIZONTAL) < other_pt.get(HORIZONTAL) ||
+ (pt.get(HORIZONTAL) == other_pt.get(HORIZONTAL) &&
+ (pt.get(VERTICAL) < other_pt.get(VERTICAL)));
+ }
+ };
+ //when scanning Vertex45 for polygon formation we need a scanline comparator functor
+ class less_vertex_half_edge : public std::binary_function<vertex_half_edge, vertex_half_edge, bool> {
+ private:
+ Unit *x_; //x value at which to apply comparison
+ int *justBefore_;
+ public:
+ inline less_vertex_half_edge() : x_(0), justBefore_(0) {}
+ inline less_vertex_half_edge(Unit *x, int *justBefore) : x_(x), justBefore_(justBefore) {}
+ inline less_vertex_half_edge(const less_vertex_half_edge& that) : x_(that.x_), justBefore_(that.justBefore_) {}
+ inline less_vertex_half_edge& operator=(const less_vertex_half_edge& that) { x_ = that.x_; justBefore_ = that.justBefore_; return *this; }
+ inline bool operator () (const vertex_half_edge& elm1, const vertex_half_edge& elm2) const {
+ if((std::max)(elm1.pt.y(), elm1.other_pt.y()) < (std::min)(elm2.pt.y(), elm2.other_pt.y()))
+ return true;
+ if((std::min)(elm1.pt.y(), elm1.other_pt.y()) > (std::max)(elm2.pt.y(), elm2.other_pt.y()))
+ return false;
+ //check if either x of elem1 is equal to x_
+ Unit localx = *x_;
+ Unit elm1y = 0;
+ bool elm1_at_x = false;
+ if(localx == elm1.pt.get(HORIZONTAL)) {
+ elm1_at_x = true;
+ elm1y = elm1.pt.get(VERTICAL);
+ } else if(localx == elm1.other_pt.get(HORIZONTAL)) {
+ elm1_at_x = true;
+ elm1y = elm1.other_pt.get(VERTICAL);
+ }
+ Unit elm2y = 0;
+ bool elm2_at_x = false;
+ if(localx == elm2.pt.get(HORIZONTAL)) {
+ elm2_at_x = true;
+ elm2y = elm2.pt.get(VERTICAL);
+ } else if(localx == elm2.other_pt.get(HORIZONTAL)) {
+ elm2_at_x = true;
+ elm2y = elm2.other_pt.get(VERTICAL);
+ }
+ bool retval = false;
+ if(!(elm1_at_x && elm2_at_x)) {
+ //at least one of the segments doesn't have an end point a the current x
+ //-1 below, 1 above
+ int pt1_oab = on_above_or_below(elm1.pt, half_edge(elm2.pt, elm2.other_pt));
+ int pt2_oab = on_above_or_below(elm1.other_pt, half_edge(elm2.pt, elm2.other_pt));
+ if(pt1_oab == pt2_oab) {
+ if(pt1_oab == -1)
+ retval = true; //pt1 is below elm2 so elm1 is below elm2
+ } else {
+ //the segments can't cross so elm2 is on whatever side of elm1 that one of its ends is
+ int pt3_oab = on_above_or_below(elm2.pt, half_edge(elm1.pt, elm1.other_pt));
+ if(pt3_oab == 1)
+ retval = true; //elm1's point is above elm1
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(elm1y < elm2y) {
+ retval = true;
+ } else if(elm1y == elm2y) {
+ if(elm1.pt == elm2.pt && elm1.other_pt == elm2.other_pt)
+ return false;
+ retval = less_slope(elm1.other_pt.get(HORIZONTAL) - elm1.pt.get(HORIZONTAL),
+ elm1.other_pt.get(VERTICAL) - elm1.pt.get(VERTICAL),
+ elm2.other_pt.get(HORIZONTAL) - elm2.pt.get(HORIZONTAL),
+ elm2.other_pt.get(VERTICAL) - elm2.pt.get(VERTICAL));
+ retval = ((*justBefore_) != 0) ^ retval;
+ }
+ }
+ return retval;
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ template <typename Unit>
+ class polygon_arbitrary_formation : public scanline_base<Unit> {
+ public:
+ typedef typename scanline_base<Unit>::Point Point;
+ typedef typename scanline_base<Unit>::half_edge half_edge;
+ typedef typename scanline_base<Unit>::vertex_half_edge vertex_half_edge;
+ typedef typename scanline_base<Unit>::less_vertex_half_edge less_vertex_half_edge;
+ class poly_line_arbitrary {
+ public:
+ typedef typename std::list<Point>::const_iterator iterator;
+ // default constructor of point does not initialize x and y
+ inline poly_line_arbitrary() : points() {} //do nothing default constructor
+ // initialize a polygon from x,y values, it is assumed that the first is an x
+ // and that the input is a well behaved polygon
+ template<class iT>
+ inline poly_line_arbitrary& set(iT inputBegin, iT inputEnd) {
+ points.clear(); //just in case there was some old data there
+ while(inputBegin != inputEnd) {
+ points.insert(points.end(), *inputBegin);
+ ++inputBegin;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // copy constructor (since we have dynamic memory)
+ inline poly_line_arbitrary(const poly_line_arbitrary& that) : points(that.points) {}
+ // assignment operator (since we have dynamic memory do a deep copy)
+ inline poly_line_arbitrary& operator=(const poly_line_arbitrary& that) {
+ points = that.points;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // get begin iterator, returns a pointer to a const Unit
+ inline iterator begin() const { return points.begin(); }
+ // get end iterator, returns a pointer to a const Unit
+ inline iterator end() const { return points.end(); }
+ inline std::size_t size() const { return points.size(); }
+ //public data member
+ std::list<Point> points;
+ };
+ class active_tail_arbitrary {
+ protected:
+ //data
+ poly_line_arbitrary* tailp_;
+ active_tail_arbitrary *otherTailp_;
+ std::list<active_tail_arbitrary*> holesList_;
+ bool head_;
+ public:
+ /**
+ * @brief iterator over coordinates of the figure
+ */
+ typedef typename poly_line_arbitrary::iterator iterator;
+ /**
+ * @brief iterator over holes contained within the figure
+ */
+ typedef typename std::list<active_tail_arbitrary*>::const_iterator iteratorHoles;
+ //default constructor
+ inline active_tail_arbitrary() : tailp_(), otherTailp_(), holesList_(), head_() {}
+ //constructor
+ inline active_tail_arbitrary(const vertex_half_edge& vertex, active_tail_arbitrary* otherTailp = 0) : tailp_(), otherTailp_(), holesList_(), head_() {
+ tailp_ = new poly_line_arbitrary;
+ tailp_->points.push_back(vertex.pt);
+ bool headArray[4] = {false, true, true, true};
+ bool inverted = vertex.count == -1;
+ head_ = (!vertex.is_vertical) ^ inverted;
+ otherTailp_ = otherTailp;
+ }
+ inline active_tail_arbitrary(Point point, active_tail_arbitrary* otherTailp, bool head = true) :
+ tailp_(), otherTailp_(), holesList_(), head_() {
+ tailp_ = new poly_line_arbitrary;
+ tailp_->points.push_back(point);
+ head_ = head;
+ otherTailp_ = otherTailp;
+ }
+ inline active_tail_arbitrary(active_tail_arbitrary* otherTailp) :
+ tailp_(), otherTailp_(), holesList_(), head_() {
+ tailp_ = otherTailp->tailp_;
+ otherTailp_ = otherTailp;
+ }
+ //copy constructor
+ inline active_tail_arbitrary(const active_tail_arbitrary& that) :
+ tailp_(), otherTailp_(), holesList_(), head_() { (*this) = that; }
+ //destructor
+ inline ~active_tail_arbitrary() {
+ destroyContents();
+ }
+ //assignment operator
+ inline active_tail_arbitrary& operator=(const active_tail_arbitrary& that) {
+ tailp_ = new poly_line_arbitrary(*(that.tailp_));
+ head_ = that.head_;
+ otherTailp_ = that.otherTailp_;
+ holesList_ = that.holesList_;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ //equivalence operator
+ inline bool operator==(const active_tail_arbitrary& b) const {
+ return tailp_ == b.tailp_ && head_ == b.head_;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief get the pointer to the polyline that this is an active tail of
+ */
+ inline poly_line_arbitrary* getTail() const { return tailp_; }
+ /**
+ * @brief get the pointer to the polyline at the other end of the chain
+ */
+ inline poly_line_arbitrary* getOtherTail() const { return otherTailp_->tailp_; }
+ /**
+ * @brief get the pointer to the activetail at the other end of the chain
+ */
+ inline active_tail_arbitrary* getOtherActiveTail() const { return otherTailp_; }
+ /**
+ * @brief test if another active tail is the other end of the chain
+ */
+ inline bool isOtherTail(const active_tail_arbitrary& b) const { return &b == otherTailp_; }
+ /**
+ * @brief update this end of chain pointer to new polyline
+ */
+ inline active_tail_arbitrary& updateTail(poly_line_arbitrary* newTail) { tailp_ = newTail; return *this; }
+ inline bool join(active_tail_arbitrary* tail) {
+ if(tail == otherTailp_) {
+ //std::cout << "joining to other tail!\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(tail->head_ == head_) {
+ //std::cout << "joining head to head!\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(!tailp_) {
+ //std::cout << "joining empty tail!\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(!(otherTailp_->head_)) {
+ otherTailp_->copyHoles(*tail);
+ otherTailp_->copyHoles(*this);
+ } else {
+ tail->otherTailp_->copyHoles(*this);
+ tail->otherTailp_->copyHoles(*tail);
+ }
+ poly_line_arbitrary* tail1 = tailp_;
+ poly_line_arbitrary* tail2 = tail->tailp_;
+ if(head_) std::swap(tail1, tail2);
+ typename std::list<point_data<Unit> >::reverse_iterator riter = tail1->points.rbegin();
+ typename std::list<point_data<Unit> >::iterator iter = tail2->points.begin();
+ if(*riter == *iter) {
+ tail1->points.pop_back(); //remove duplicate point
+ }
+ tail1->points.splice(tail1->points.end(), tail2->points);
+ delete tail2;
+ otherTailp_->tailp_ = tail1;
+ tail->otherTailp_->tailp_ = tail1;
+ otherTailp_->otherTailp_ = tail->otherTailp_;
+ tail->otherTailp_->otherTailp_ = otherTailp_;
+ tailp_ = 0;
+ tail->tailp_ = 0;
+ tail->otherTailp_ = 0;
+ otherTailp_ = 0;
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief associate a hole to this active tail by the specified policy
+ */
+ inline active_tail_arbitrary* addHole(active_tail_arbitrary* hole) {
+ holesList_.push_back(hole);
+ copyHoles(*hole);
+ copyHoles(*(hole->otherTailp_));
+ return this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief get the list of holes
+ */
+ inline const std::list<active_tail_arbitrary*>& getHoles() const { return holesList_; }
+ /**
+ * @brief copy holes from that to this
+ */
+ inline void copyHoles(active_tail_arbitrary& that) { holesList_.splice(holesList_.end(), that.holesList_); }
+ /**
+ * @brief find out if solid to right
+ */
+ inline bool solidToRight() const { return !head_; }
+ inline bool solidToLeft() const { return head_; }
+ /**
+ * @brief get vertex
+ */
+ inline Point getPoint() const {
+ if(head_) return tailp_->points.front();
+ return tailp_->points.back();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief add a coordinate to the polygon at this active tail end, properly handle degenerate edges by removing redundant coordinate
+ */
+ inline void pushPoint(Point point) {
+ if(head_) {
+ //if(tailp_->points.size() < 2) {
+ // tailp_->points.push_front(point);
+ // return;
+ //}
+ typename std::list<Point>::iterator iter = tailp_->points.begin();
+ if(iter == tailp_->points.end()) {
+ tailp_->points.push_front(point);
+ return;
+ }
+ ++iter;
+ if(iter == tailp_->points.end()) {
+ tailp_->points.push_front(point);
+ return;
+ }
+ --iter;
+ if(*iter != point) {
+ tailp_->points.push_front(point);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ //if(tailp_->points.size() < 2) {
+ // tailp_->points.push_back(point);
+ // return;
+ //}
+ typename std::list<Point>::reverse_iterator iter = tailp_->points.rbegin();
+ if(iter == tailp_->points.rend()) {
+ tailp_->points.push_back(point);
+ return;
+ }
+ ++iter;
+ if(iter == tailp_->points.rend()) {
+ tailp_->points.push_back(point);
+ return;
+ }
+ --iter;
+ if(*iter != point) {
+ tailp_->points.push_back(point);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief joins the two chains that the two active tail tails are ends of
+ * checks for closure of figure and writes out polygons appropriately
+ * returns a handle to a hole if one is closed
+ */
+ template <class cT>
+ static inline active_tail_arbitrary* joinChains(Point point, active_tail_arbitrary* at1, active_tail_arbitrary* at2, bool solid,
+ cT& output) {
+ if(at1->otherTailp_ == at2) {
+ //if(at2->otherTailp_ != at1) std::cout << "half closed error\n";
+ //we are closing a figure
+ at1->pushPoint(point);
+ at2->pushPoint(point);
+ if(solid) {
+ //we are closing a solid figure, write to output
+ //std::cout << "test1\n";
+ at1->copyHoles(*(at1->otherTailp_));
+ typename PolyLineArbitraryByConcept<Unit, typename geometry_concept<typename cT::value_type>::type>::type polyData(at1);
+ //poly_line_arbitrary_polygon_data polyData(at1);
+ //std::cout << "test2\n";
+ //std::cout << poly << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << "test3\n";
+ typedef typename cT::value_type result_type;
+ typedef typename geometry_concept<result_type>::type result_concept;
+ output.push_back(result_type());
+ assign(output.back(), polyData);
+ //std::cout << "test4\n";
+ //std::cout << "delete " << at1->otherTailp_ << std::endl;
+ //at1->print();
+ //at1->otherTailp_->print();
+ delete at1->otherTailp_;
+ //at1->print();
+ //at1->otherTailp_->print();
+ //std::cout << "test5\n";
+ //std::cout << "delete " << at1 << std::endl;
+ delete at1;
+ //std::cout << "test6\n";
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ //we are closing a hole, return the tail end active tail of the figure
+ return at1;
+ }
+ }
+ //we are not closing a figure
+ at1->pushPoint(point);
+ at1->join(at2);
+ delete at1;
+ delete at2;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ inline void destroyContents() {
+ if(otherTailp_) {
+ //std::cout << "delete p " << tailp_ << std::endl;
+ if(tailp_) delete tailp_;
+ tailp_ = 0;
+ otherTailp_->otherTailp_ = 0;
+ otherTailp_->tailp_ = 0;
+ otherTailp_ = 0;
+ }
+ for(typename std::list<active_tail_arbitrary*>::iterator itr = holesList_.begin(); itr != holesList_.end(); ++itr) {
+ //std::cout << "delete p " << (*itr) << std::endl;
+ if(*itr) {
+ if((*itr)->otherTailp_) {
+ delete (*itr)->otherTailp_;
+ (*itr)->otherTailp_ = 0;
+ }
+ delete (*itr);
+ }
+ (*itr) = 0;
+ }
+ holesList_.clear();
+ }
+ inline void print() {
+ //std::cout << this << " " << tailp_ << " " << otherTailp_ << " " << holesList_.size() << " " << head_ << std::endl;
+ }
+ static inline std::pair<active_tail_arbitrary*, active_tail_arbitrary*> createActiveTailsAsPair(Point point, bool solid,
+ active_tail_arbitrary* phole, bool fractureHoles) {
+ active_tail_arbitrary* at1 = 0;
+ active_tail_arbitrary* at2 = 0;
+ if(phole && fractureHoles) {
+ //std::cout << "adding hole\n";
+ at1 = phole;
+ //assert solid == false, we should be creating a corner with solid below and to the left if there was a hole
+ at2 = at1->getOtherActiveTail();
+ at2->pushPoint(point);
+ at1->pushPoint(point);
+ } else {
+ at1 = new active_tail_arbitrary(point, at2, solid);
+ at2 = new active_tail_arbitrary(at1);
+ at1->otherTailp_ = at2;
+ at2->head_ = !solid;
+ if(phole)
+ at2->addHole(phole); //assert fractureHoles == false
+ }
+ return std::pair<active_tail_arbitrary*, active_tail_arbitrary*>(at1, at2);
+ }
+ };
+ typedef std::vector<std::pair<Point, int> > vertex_arbitrary_count;
+ class less_half_edge_count : public std::binary_function<vertex_half_edge, vertex_half_edge, bool> {
+ private:
+ Point pt_;
+ public:
+ inline less_half_edge_count() : pt_() {}
+ inline less_half_edge_count(Point point) : pt_(point) {}
+ inline bool operator () (const std::pair<Point, int>& elm1, const std::pair<Point, int>& elm2) const {
+ return less_slope(pt_.get(HORIZONTAL), pt_.get(VERTICAL), elm1.first, elm2.first);
+ }
+ };
+ static inline void sort_vertex_arbitrary_count(vertex_arbitrary_count& count, const Point& pt) {
+ less_half_edge_count lfec(pt);
+ std::sort(count.begin(), count.end(), lfec);
+ }
+ typedef std::vector<std::pair<std::pair<std::pair<Point, Point>, int>, active_tail_arbitrary*> > incoming_count;
+ class less_incoming_count : public std::binary_function<std::pair<std::pair<std::pair<Point, Point>, int>, active_tail_arbitrary*>,
+ std::pair<std::pair<std::pair<Point, Point>, int>, active_tail_arbitrary*>, bool> {
+ private:
+ Point pt_;
+ public:
+ inline less_incoming_count() : pt_() {}
+ inline less_incoming_count(Point point) : pt_(point) {}
+ inline bool operator () (const std::pair<std::pair<std::pair<Point, Point>, int>, active_tail_arbitrary*>& elm1,
+ const std::pair<std::pair<std::pair<Point, Point>, int>, active_tail_arbitrary*>& elm2) const {
+ Unit dx1 = elm1.first.first.first.get(HORIZONTAL) - elm1.first.first.second.get(HORIZONTAL);
+ Unit dx2 = elm2.first.first.first.get(HORIZONTAL) - elm2.first.first.second.get(HORIZONTAL);
+ Unit dy1 = elm1.first.first.first.get(VERTICAL) - elm1.first.first.second.get(VERTICAL);
+ Unit dy2 = elm2.first.first.first.get(VERTICAL) - elm2.first.first.second.get(VERTICAL);
+ return less_slope(dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2);
+ }
+ };
+ static inline void sort_incoming_count(incoming_count& count, const Point& pt) {
+ less_incoming_count lfec(pt);
+ std::sort(count.begin(), count.end(), lfec);
+ }
+ static inline void compact_vertex_arbitrary_count(const Point& pt, vertex_arbitrary_count &count) {
+ if(count.empty()) return;
+ vertex_arbitrary_count tmp;
+ tmp.reserve(count.size());
+ tmp.push_back(count[0]);
+ //merge duplicates
+ for(std::size_t i = 1; i < count.size(); ++i) {
+ if(!equal_slope(pt.get(HORIZONTAL), pt.get(VERTICAL), tmp[i-1].first, count[i].first)) {
+ tmp.push_back(count[i]);
+ } else {
+ tmp.back().second += count[i].second;
+ }
+ }
+ count.clear();
+ count.swap(tmp);
+ }
+ // inline std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& o, const vertex_arbitrary_count& c) {
+// for(unsinged int i = 0; i < c.size(); ++i) {
+// o << c[i].first << " " << c[i].second << " ";
+// }
+// return o;
+// }
+ class vertex_arbitrary_compact {
+ public:
+ Point pt;
+ vertex_arbitrary_count count;
+ inline vertex_arbitrary_compact() : pt(), count() {}
+ inline vertex_arbitrary_compact(const Point& point, const Point& other_point, int countIn) : pt(point), count() {
+ count.push_back(std::pair<Point, int>(other_point, countIn));
+ }
+ inline vertex_arbitrary_compact(const vertex_half_edge& vertex) : pt(vertex.pt), count() {
+ count.push_back(std::pair<Point, int>(vertex.other_pt, vertex.count));
+ }
+ inline vertex_arbitrary_compact(const vertex_arbitrary_compact& vertex) : pt(vertex.pt), count(vertex.count) {}
+ inline vertex_arbitrary_compact& operator=(const vertex_arbitrary_compact& vertex){
+ pt = vertex.pt; count = vertex.count; return *this; }
+ //inline vertex_arbitrary_compact(const std::pair<Point, Point>& vertex) {}
+ inline vertex_arbitrary_compact& operator=(const std::pair<Point, Point>& vertex){ return *this; }
+ inline bool operator==(const vertex_arbitrary_compact& vertex) const {
+ return pt == vertex.pt && count == vertex.count; }
+ inline bool operator!=(const vertex_arbitrary_compact& vertex) const { return !((*this) == vertex); }
+ inline bool operator==(const std::pair<Point, Point>& vertex) const { return false; }
+ inline bool operator!=(const std::pair<Point, Point>& vertex) const { return !((*this) == vertex); }
+ inline bool operator<(const vertex_arbitrary_compact& vertex) const {
+ if(pt.get(HORIZONTAL) < vertex.pt.get(HORIZONTAL)) return true;
+ if(pt.get(HORIZONTAL) == vertex.pt.get(HORIZONTAL)) {
+ return pt.get(VERTICAL) < vertex.pt.get(VERTICAL);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ inline bool operator>(const vertex_arbitrary_compact& vertex) const { return vertex < (*this); }
+ inline bool operator<=(const vertex_arbitrary_compact& vertex) const { return !((*this) > vertex); }
+ inline bool operator>=(const vertex_arbitrary_compact& vertex) const { return !((*this) < vertex); }
+ inline bool have_vertex_half_edge(int index) const { return count[index]; }
+ inline vertex_half_edge operator[](int index) const { return vertex_half_edge(pt, count[index]); }
+ };
+// inline std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& o, const vertex_arbitrary_compact& c) {
+// o << c.pt << ", " << c.count;
+// return o;
+// }
+ protected:
+ //definitions
+ typedef std::map<vertex_half_edge, active_tail_arbitrary*, less_vertex_half_edge> scanline_data;
+ typedef typename scanline_data::iterator iterator;
+ typedef typename scanline_data::const_iterator const_iterator;
+ //data
+ scanline_data scanData_;
+ Unit x_;
+ int justBefore_;
+ int fractureHoles_;
+ public:
+ inline polygon_arbitrary_formation() :
+ scanData_(), x_((std::numeric_limits<Unit>::min)()), justBefore_(false), fractureHoles_(0) {
+ less_vertex_half_edge lessElm(&x_, &justBefore_);
+ scanData_ = scanline_data(lessElm);
+ }
+ inline polygon_arbitrary_formation(bool fractureHoles) :
+ scanData_(), x_((std::numeric_limits<Unit>::min)()), justBefore_(false), fractureHoles_(fractureHoles) {
+ less_vertex_half_edge lessElm(&x_, &justBefore_);
+ scanData_ = scanline_data(lessElm);
+ }
+ inline polygon_arbitrary_formation(const polygon_arbitrary_formation& that) :
+ scanData_(), x_((std::numeric_limits<Unit>::min)()), justBefore_(false), fractureHoles_(0) { (*this) = that; }
+ inline polygon_arbitrary_formation& operator=(const polygon_arbitrary_formation& that) {
+ x_ = that.x_;
+ justBefore_ = that.justBefore_;
+ fractureHoles_ = that.fractureHoles_;
+ less_vertex_half_edge lessElm(&x_, &justBefore_);
+ scanData_ = scanline_data(lessElm);
+ for(const_iterator itr = that.scanData_.begin(); itr != that.scanData_.end(); ++itr){
+ scanData_.insert(scanData_.end(), *itr);
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ //cT is an output container of Polygon45 or Polygon45WithHoles
+ //iT is an iterator over vertex_half_edge elements
+ //inputBegin - inputEnd is a range of sorted iT that represents
+ //one or more scanline stops worth of data
+ template <class cT, class iT>
+ void scan(cT& output, iT inputBegin, iT inputEnd) {
+ //std::cout << "1\n";
+ while(inputBegin != inputEnd) {
+ //std::cout << "2\n";
+ x_ = (*inputBegin).pt.get(HORIZONTAL);
+ //std::cout << "SCAN FORMATION " << x_ << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << "x_ = " << x_ << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << "scan line size: " << scanData_.size() << std::endl;
+ inputBegin = processEvent_(output, inputBegin, inputEnd);
+ }
+ //std::cout << "scan line size: " << scanData_.size() << std::endl;
+ }
+ protected:
+ //functions
+ template <class cT, class cT2>
+ inline std::pair<std::pair<Point, int>, active_tail_arbitrary*> processPoint_(cT& output, cT2& elements, Point point,
+ incoming_count& counts_from_scanline, vertex_arbitrary_count& incoming_count) {
+ //std::cout << "\nAT POINT: " << point << std::endl;
+ //join any closing solid corners
+ std::vector<int> counts;
+ std::vector<int> incoming;
+ std::vector<active_tail_arbitrary*> tails;
+ counts.reserve(counts_from_scanline.size());
+ tails.reserve(counts_from_scanline.size());
+ incoming.reserve(incoming_count.size());
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < counts_from_scanline.size(); ++i) {
+ counts.push_back(counts_from_scanline[i].first.second);
+ tails.push_back(counts_from_scanline[i].second);
+ }
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < incoming_count.size(); ++i) {
+ incoming.push_back(incoming_count[i].second);
+ if(incoming_count[i].first < point) {
+ incoming.back() = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ active_tail_arbitrary* returnValue = 0;
+ std::pair<Point, int> returnCount(Point(0, 0), 0);
+ int i_size_less_1 = (int)(incoming.size()) -1;
+ int c_size_less_1 = (int)(counts.size()) -1;
+ int i_size = incoming.size();
+ int c_size = counts.size();
+ bool have_vertical_tail_from_below = false;
+ if(c_size &&
+ is_vertical(counts_from_scanline.back().first.first)) {
+ have_vertical_tail_from_below = true;
+ }
+ //assert size = size_less_1 + 1
+ //std::cout << tails.size() << " " << incoming.size() << " " << counts_from_scanline.size() << " " << incoming_count.size() << std::endl;
+ // for(std::size_t i = 0; i < counts.size(); ++i) {
+ // std::cout << counts_from_scanline[i].first.first.first.get(HORIZONTAL) << ",";
+ // std::cout << counts_from_scanline[i].first.first.first.get(VERTICAL) << " ";
+ // std::cout << counts_from_scanline[i].first.first.second.get(HORIZONTAL) << ",";
+ // std::cout << counts_from_scanline[i].first.first.second.get(VERTICAL) << ":";
+ // std::cout << counts_from_scanline[i].first.second << " ";
+ // } std::cout << std::endl;
+ // print(incoming_count);
+ {
+ for(int i = 0; i < c_size_less_1; ++i) {
+ //std::cout << i << std::endl;
+ if(counts[i] == -1) {
+ //std::cout << "fixed i\n";
+ for(int j = i + 1; j < c_size; ++j) {
+ //std::cout << j << std::endl;
+ if(counts[j]) {
+ if(counts[j] == 1) {
+ //std::cout << "case1: " << i << " " << j << std::endl;
+ //if a figure is closed it will be written out by this function to output
+ active_tail_arbitrary::joinChains(point, tails[i], tails[j], true, output);
+ counts[i] = 0;
+ counts[j] = 0;
+ tails[i] = 0;
+ tails[j] = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //find any pairs of incoming edges that need to create pair for leading solid
+ //std::cout << "checking case2\n";
+ {
+ for(int i = 0; i < i_size_less_1; ++i) {
+ //std::cout << i << std::endl;
+ if(incoming[i] == 1) {
+ //std::cout << "fixed i\n";
+ for(int j = i + 1; j < i_size; ++j) {
+ //std::cout << j << std::endl;
+ if(incoming[j]) {
+ //std::cout << incoming[j] << std::endl;
+ if(incoming[j] == -1) {
+ //std::cout << "case2: " << i << " " << j << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << "creating active tail pair\n";
+ std::pair<active_tail_arbitrary*, active_tail_arbitrary*> tailPair =
+ active_tail_arbitrary::createActiveTailsAsPair(point, true, 0, fractureHoles_ != 0);
+ //tailPair.first->print();
+ //tailPair.second->print();
+ if(j == i_size_less_1 && incoming_count[j].first.get(HORIZONTAL) == point.get(HORIZONTAL)) {
+ //vertical active tail becomes return value
+ returnValue = tailPair.first;
+ returnCount.first = point;
+ returnCount.second = 1;
+ } else {
+ //std::cout << "new element " << j-1 << " " << -1 << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << point << " " << incoming_count[j].first << std::endl;
+ elements.push_back(std::pair<vertex_half_edge,
+ active_tail_arbitrary*>(vertex_half_edge(point,
+ incoming_count[j].first, -1), tailPair.first));
+ }
+ //std::cout << "new element " << i-1 << " " << 1 << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << point << " " << incoming_count[i].first << std::endl;
+ elements.push_back(std::pair<vertex_half_edge,
+ active_tail_arbitrary*>(vertex_half_edge(point,
+ incoming_count[i].first, 1), tailPair.second));
+ incoming[i] = 0;
+ incoming[j] = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //find any active tail that needs to pass through to an incoming edge
+ //we expect to find no more than two pass through
+ //find pass through with solid on top
+ {
+ //std::cout << "checking case 3\n";
+ for(int i = 0; i < c_size; ++i) {
+ //std::cout << i << std::endl;
+ if(counts[i] != 0) {
+ if(counts[i] == 1) {
+ //std::cout << "fixed i\n";
+ for(int j = i_size_less_1; j >= 0; --j) {
+ if(incoming[j] != 0) {
+ if(incoming[j] == 1) {
+ //std::cout << "case3: " << i << " " << j << std::endl;
+ //tails[i]->print();
+ //pass through solid on top
+ tails[i]->pushPoint(point);
+ //std::cout << "after push\n";
+ if(j == i_size_less_1 && incoming_count[j].first.get(HORIZONTAL) == point.get(HORIZONTAL)) {
+ returnValue = tails[i];
+ returnCount.first = point;
+ returnCount.second = -1;
+ } else {
+ elements.push_back(std::pair<vertex_half_edge,
+ active_tail_arbitrary*>(vertex_half_edge(point,
+ incoming_count[j].first, incoming[j]), tails[i]));
+ }
+ tails[i] = 0;
+ counts[i] = 0;
+ incoming[j] = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //std::cout << "checking case 4\n";
+ //find pass through with solid on bottom
+ {
+ for(int i = c_size_less_1; i >= 0; --i) {
+ //std::cout << "i = " << i << " with count " << counts[i] << std::endl;
+ if(counts[i] != 0) {
+ if(counts[i] == -1) {
+ for(int j = 0; j < i_size; ++j) {
+ if(incoming[j] != 0) {
+ if(incoming[j] == -1) {
+ //std::cout << "case4: " << i << " " << j << std::endl;
+ //pass through solid on bottom
+ tails[i]->pushPoint(point);
+ if(j == i_size_less_1 && incoming_count[j].first.get(HORIZONTAL) == point.get(HORIZONTAL)) {
+ returnValue = tails[i];
+ returnCount.first = point;
+ returnCount.second = 1;
+ } else {
+ //std::cout << "new element " << j-1 << " " << incoming[j] << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << point << " " << incoming_count[j].first << std::endl;
+ elements.push_back(std::pair<vertex_half_edge,
+ active_tail_arbitrary*>(vertex_half_edge(point,
+ incoming_count[j].first, incoming[j]), tails[i]));
+ }
+ tails[i] = 0;
+ counts[i] = 0;
+ incoming[j] = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //find the end of a hole or the beginning of a hole
+ //find end of a hole
+ {
+ for(int i = 0; i < c_size_less_1; ++i) {
+ if(counts[i] != 0) {
+ for(int j = i+1; j < c_size; ++j) {
+ if(counts[j] != 0) {
+ //std::cout << "case5: " << i << " " << j << std::endl;
+ //we are ending a hole and may potentially close a figure and have to handle the hole
+ returnValue = active_tail_arbitrary::joinChains(point, tails[i], tails[j], false, output);
+ if(returnValue) returnCount.first = point;
+ //std::cout << returnValue << std::endl;
+ tails[i] = 0;
+ tails[j] = 0;
+ counts[i] = 0;
+ counts[j] = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //find beginning of a hole
+ {
+ for(int i = 0; i < i_size_less_1; ++i) {
+ if(incoming[i] != 0) {
+ for(int j = i+1; j < i_size; ++j) {
+ if(incoming[j] != 0) {
+ //std::cout << "case6: " << i << " " << j << std::endl;
+ //we are beginning a empty space
+ active_tail_arbitrary* holep = 0;
+ //if(c_size && counts[c_size_less_1] == 0 &&
+ // counts_from_scanline[c_size_less_1].first.first.first.get(HORIZONTAL) == point.get(HORIZONTAL))
+ if(have_vertical_tail_from_below) {
+ holep = tails[c_size_less_1];
+ tails[c_size_less_1] = 0;
+ have_vertical_tail_from_below = false;
+ }
+ std::pair<active_tail_arbitrary*, active_tail_arbitrary*> tailPair =
+ active_tail_arbitrary::createActiveTailsAsPair(point, false, holep, fractureHoles_ != 0);
+ if(j == i_size_less_1 && incoming_count[j].first.get(HORIZONTAL) == point.get(HORIZONTAL)) {
+ //std::cout << "vertical element " << point << std::endl;
+ returnValue = tailPair.first;
+ returnCount.first = point;
+ //returnCount = incoming_count[j];
+ returnCount.second = -1;
+ } else {
+ //std::cout << "new element " << j-1 << " " << incoming[j] << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << point << " " << incoming_count[j].first << std::endl;
+ elements.push_back(std::pair<vertex_half_edge,
+ active_tail_arbitrary*>(vertex_half_edge(point,
+ incoming_count[j].first, incoming[j]), tailPair.first));
+ }
+ //std::cout << "new element " << i-1 << " " << incoming[i] << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << point << " " << incoming_count[i].first << std::endl;
+ elements.push_back(std::pair<vertex_half_edge,
+ active_tail_arbitrary*>(vertex_half_edge(point,
+ incoming_count[i].first, incoming[i]), tailPair.second));
+ incoming[i] = 0;
+ incoming[j] = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(have_vertical_tail_from_below) {
+ if(tails.back()) {
+ tails.back()->pushPoint(point);
+ returnValue = tails.back();
+ returnCount.first = point;
+ returnCount.second = counts.back();
+ }
+ }
+ //assert that tails, counts and incoming are all null
+ return std::pair<std::pair<Point, int>, active_tail_arbitrary*>(returnCount, returnValue);
+ }
+ static inline void print(const vertex_arbitrary_count& count) {
+ for(unsigned i = 0; i < count.size(); ++i) {
+ //std::cout << count[i].first.get(HORIZONTAL) << ",";
+ //std::cout << count[i].first.get(VERTICAL) << ":";
+ //std::cout << count[i].second << " ";
+ } //std::cout << std::endl;
+ }
+ static inline void print(const scanline_data& data) {
+ for(typename scanline_data::const_iterator itr = data.begin(); itr != data.end(); ++itr){
+ //std::cout << itr->first.pt << ", " << itr->first.other_pt << "; ";
+ } //std::cout << std::endl;
+ }
+ template <class cT, class iT>
+ inline iT processEvent_(cT& output, iT inputBegin, iT inputEnd) {
+ typedef typename high_precision_type<Unit>::type high_precision;
+ //std::cout << "processEvent_\n";
+ justBefore_ = true;
+ //collect up all elements from the tree that are at the y
+ //values of events in the input queue
+ //create vector of new elements to add into tree
+ active_tail_arbitrary* verticalTail = 0;
+ std::pair<Point, int> verticalCount(Point(0, 0), 0);
+ iT currentIter = inputBegin;
+ std::vector<iterator> elementIters;
+ std::vector<std::pair<vertex_half_edge, active_tail_arbitrary*> > elements;
+ while(currentIter != inputEnd && currentIter->pt.get(HORIZONTAL) == x_) {
+ //std::cout << "loop\n";
+ Unit currentY = (*currentIter).pt.get(VERTICAL);
+ //std::cout << "current Y " << currentY << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << "scanline size " << scanData_.size() << std::endl;
+ //print(scanData_);
+ iterator iter = lookUp_(currentY);
+ //std::cout << "found element in scanline " << (iter != scanData_.end()) << std::endl;
+ //int counts[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
+ incoming_count counts_from_scanline;
+ //std::cout << "finding elements in tree\n";
+ //if(iter != scanData_.end())
+ // std::cout << "first iter y is " << iter->first.evalAtX(x_) << std::endl;
+ while(iter != scanData_.end() &&
+ ((iter->first.pt.x() == x_ && iter->first.pt.y() == currentY) ||
+ (iter->first.other_pt.x() == x_ && iter->first.other_pt.y() == currentY))) {
+ //iter->first.evalAtX(x_) == (high_precision)currentY) {
+ //std::cout << "loop2\n";
+ elementIters.push_back(iter);
+ counts_from_scanline.push_back(std::pair<std::pair<std::pair<Point, Point>, int>, active_tail_arbitrary*>
+ (std::pair<std::pair<Point, Point>, int>(std::pair<Point, Point>(iter->first.pt,
+ iter->first.other_pt),
+ iter->first.count),
+ iter->second));
+ ++iter;
+ }
+ Point currentPoint(x_, currentY);
+ //std::cout << "counts_from_scanline size " << counts_from_scanline.size() << std::endl;
+ sort_incoming_count(counts_from_scanline, currentPoint);
+ vertex_arbitrary_count incoming;
+ //std::cout << "aggregating\n";
+ do {
+ //std::cout << "loop3\n";
+ const vertex_half_edge& elem = *currentIter;
+ incoming.push_back(std::pair<Point, int>(elem.other_pt, elem.count));
+ ++currentIter;
+ } while(currentIter != inputEnd && currentIter->pt.get(VERTICAL) == currentY &&
+ currentIter->pt.get(HORIZONTAL) == x_);
+ //print(incoming);
+ sort_vertex_arbitrary_count(incoming, currentPoint);
+ //std::cout << currentPoint.get(HORIZONTAL) << "," << currentPoint.get(VERTICAL) << std::endl;
+ //print(incoming);
+ //std::cout << "incoming counts from input size " << incoming.size() << std::endl;
+ //compact_vertex_arbitrary_count(currentPoint, incoming);
+ vertex_arbitrary_count tmp;
+ tmp.reserve(incoming.size());
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < incoming.size(); ++i) {
+ if(currentPoint < incoming[i].first) {
+ tmp.push_back(incoming[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ incoming.swap(tmp);
+ //std::cout << "incoming counts from input size " << incoming.size() << std::endl;
+ //now counts_from_scanline has the data from the left and
+ //incoming has the data from the right at this point
+ //cancel out any end points
+ if(verticalTail) {
+ //std::cout << "adding vertical tail to counts from scanline\n";
+ //std::cout << -verticalCount.second << std::endl;
+ counts_from_scanline.push_back(std::pair<std::pair<std::pair<Point, Point>, int>, active_tail_arbitrary*>
+ (std::pair<std::pair<Point, Point>, int>(std::pair<Point, Point>(verticalCount.first,
+ currentPoint),
+ -verticalCount.second),
+ verticalTail));
+ }
+ if(!incoming.empty() && incoming.back().first.get(HORIZONTAL) == x_) {
+ //std::cout << "inverted vertical event\n";
+ incoming.back().second *= -1;
+ }
+ //std::cout << "calling processPoint_\n";
+ std::pair<std::pair<Point, int>, active_tail_arbitrary*> result = processPoint_(output, elements, Point(x_, currentY), counts_from_scanline, incoming);
+ verticalCount = result.first;
+ verticalTail = result.second;
+ //if(verticalTail) {
+ // std::cout << "have vertical tail\n";
+ // std::cout << verticalCount.second << std::endl;
+ //}
+ if(verticalTail && !(verticalCount.second)) {
+ //we got a hole out of the point we just processed
+ //iter is still at the next y element above the current y value in the tree
+ //std::cout << "checking whether ot handle hole\n";
+ if(currentIter == inputEnd ||
+ currentIter->pt.get(HORIZONTAL) != x_ ||
+ on_above_or_below(currentIter->pt, half_edge(iter->first.pt, iter->first.other_pt)) != -1) {
+ //(high_precision)(currentIter->pt.get(VERTICAL)) >= iter->first.evalAtX(x_)) {
+ //std::cout << "handle hole here\n";
+ if(fractureHoles_) {
+ //std::cout << "fracture hole here\n";
+ //we need to handle the hole now and not at the next input vertex
+ active_tail_arbitrary* at = iter->second;
+ high_precision precise_y = iter->first.evalAtX(x_);
+ Unit fracture_y = convert_high_precision_type<Unit>(precise_y);
+ if(precise_y < fracture_y) --fracture_y;
+ Point point(x_, fracture_y);
+ verticalTail->getOtherActiveTail()->pushPoint(point);
+ iter->second = verticalTail->getOtherActiveTail();
+ at->pushPoint(point);
+ verticalTail->join(at);
+ delete at;
+ delete verticalTail;
+ verticalTail = 0;
+ } else {
+ //std::cout << "push hole onto list\n";
+ iter->second->addHole(verticalTail);
+ verticalTail = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //std::cout << "erasing\n";
+ //erase all elements from the tree
+ for(typename std::vector<iterator>::iterator iter = elementIters.begin();
+ iter != elementIters.end(); ++iter) {
+ //std::cout << "erasing loop\n";
+ scanData_.erase(*iter);
+ }
+ //switch comparison tie breaking policy
+ justBefore_ = false;
+ //add new elements into tree
+ //std::cout << "inserting\n";
+ for(typename std::vector<std::pair<vertex_half_edge, active_tail_arbitrary*> >::iterator iter = elements.begin();
+ iter != elements.end(); ++iter) {
+ //std::cout << "inserting loop\n";
+ scanData_.insert(scanData_.end(), *iter);
+ }
+ //std::cout << "end processEvent\n";
+ return currentIter;
+ }
+ inline iterator lookUp_(Unit y){
+ //if just before then we need to look from 1 not -1
+ //std::cout << "just before " << justBefore_ << std::endl;
+ return scanData_.lower_bound(vertex_half_edge(Point(x_, y), Point(x_, y+1), 0));
+ }
+ public: //test functions
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool testPolygonArbitraryFormationRect(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ stdcout << "testing polygon formation\n";
+ polygon_arbitrary_formation pf(true);
+ std::vector<polygon_data<Unit> > polys;
+ std::vector<vertex_half_edge> data;
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(10, 0), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 10), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(0, 10), Point(0, 0), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(0, 10), Point(10, 10), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 0), Point(0, 0), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 0), Point(10, 10), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 10), Point(10, 0), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 10), Point(0, 10), 1));
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ pf.scan(polys, data.begin(), data.end());
+ stdcout << "result size: " << polys.size() << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << polys[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ stdcout << "done testing polygon formation\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool testPolygonArbitraryFormationP1(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ stdcout << "testing polygon formation P1\n";
+ polygon_arbitrary_formation pf(true);
+ std::vector<polygon_data<Unit> > polys;
+ std::vector<vertex_half_edge> data;
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(10, 10), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 10), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(0, 10), Point(0, 0), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(0, 10), Point(10, 20), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 10), Point(0, 0), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 10), Point(10, 20), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 20), Point(10, 10), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 20), Point(0, 10), 1));
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ pf.scan(polys, data.begin(), data.end());
+ stdcout << "result size: " << polys.size() << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << polys[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ stdcout << "done testing polygon formation\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool testPolygonArbitraryFormationP2(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ stdcout << "testing polygon formation P2\n";
+ polygon_arbitrary_formation pf(true);
+ std::vector<polygon_data<Unit> > polys;
+ std::vector<vertex_half_edge> data;
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(-3, 1), Point(2, -4), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(-3, 1), Point(-2, 2), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(-2, 2), Point(2, 4), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(-2, 2), Point(-3, 1), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(2, -4), Point(-3, 1), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(2, -4), Point(2, 4), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(2, 4), Point(-2, 2), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(2, 4), Point(2, -4), 1));
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ pf.scan(polys, data.begin(), data.end());
+ stdcout << "result size: " << polys.size() << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << polys[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ stdcout << "done testing polygon formation\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool testPolygonArbitraryFormationPolys(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ stdcout << "testing polygon formation polys\n";
+ polygon_arbitrary_formation pf(false);
+ std::vector<polygon_with_holes_data<Unit> > polys;
+ polygon_arbitrary_formation pf2(true);
+ std::vector<polygon_with_holes_data<Unit> > polys2;
+ std::vector<vertex_half_edge> data;
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(100, 1), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 100), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(1, 100), Point(0, 0), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(1, 100), Point(101, 101), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(100, 1), Point(0, 0), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(100, 1), Point(101, 101), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(101, 101), Point(100, 1), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(101, 101), Point(1, 100), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(2, 2), Point(10, 2), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(2, 2), Point(2, 10), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(2, 10), Point(2, 2), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(2, 10), Point(10, 10), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 2), Point(2, 2), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 2), Point(10, 10), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 10), Point(10, 2), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 10), Point(2, 10), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(2, 12), Point(10, 12), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(2, 12), Point(2, 22), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(2, 22), Point(2, 12), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(2, 22), Point(10, 22), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 12), Point(2, 12), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 12), Point(10, 22), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 22), Point(10, 12), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 22), Point(2, 22), -1));
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ pf.scan(polys, data.begin(), data.end());
+ stdcout << "result size: " << polys.size() << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << polys[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ pf2.scan(polys2, data.begin(), data.end());
+ stdcout << "result size: " << polys2.size() << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys2.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << polys2[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ stdcout << "done testing polygon formation\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool testPolygonArbitraryFormationSelfTouch1(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ stdcout << "testing polygon formation self touch 1\n";
+ polygon_arbitrary_formation pf(true);
+ std::vector<polygon_data<Unit> > polys;
+ std::vector<vertex_half_edge> data;
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(10, 0), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 10), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(0, 10), Point(0, 0), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(0, 10), Point(5, 10), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 0), Point(0, 0), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 0), Point(10, 5), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 5), Point(10, 0), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 5), Point(5, 5), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(5, 10), Point(5, 5), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(5, 10), Point(0, 10), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(5, 2), Point(5, 5), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(5, 2), Point(7, 2), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(5, 5), Point(5, 10), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(5, 5), Point(5, 2), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(5, 5), Point(10, 5), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(5, 5), Point(7, 2), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(7, 2), Point(5, 5), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(7, 2), Point(5, 2), 1));
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ pf.scan(polys, data.begin(), data.end());
+ stdcout << "result size: " << polys.size() << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << polys[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ stdcout << "done testing polygon formation\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool testPolygonArbitraryFormationSelfTouch2(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ stdcout << "testing polygon formation self touch 2\n";
+ polygon_arbitrary_formation pf(true);
+ std::vector<polygon_data<Unit> > polys;
+ std::vector<vertex_half_edge> data;
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(10, 0), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 10), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(0, 10), Point(0, 0), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(0, 10), Point(5, 10), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 0), Point(0, 0), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 0), Point(10, 5), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 5), Point(10, 0), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 5), Point(5, 5), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(5, 10), Point(4, 1), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(5, 10), Point(0, 10), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(4, 1), Point(5, 10), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(4, 1), Point(7, 2), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(5, 5), Point(10, 5), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(5, 5), Point(7, 2), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(7, 2), Point(5, 5), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(7, 2), Point(4, 1), 1));
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ pf.scan(polys, data.begin(), data.end());
+ stdcout << "result size: " << polys.size() << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << polys[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ stdcout << "done testing polygon formation\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool testPolygonArbitraryFormationSelfTouch3(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ stdcout << "testing polygon formation self touch 3\n";
+ polygon_arbitrary_formation pf(true);
+ std::vector<polygon_data<Unit> > polys;
+ std::vector<vertex_half_edge> data;
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(10, 0), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 10), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(0, 10), Point(0, 0), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(0, 10), Point(6, 10), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 0), Point(0, 0), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 0), Point(10, 5), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 5), Point(10, 0), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 5), Point(5, 5), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(6, 10), Point(4, 1), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(6, 10), Point(0, 10), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(4, 1), Point(6, 10), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(4, 1), Point(7, 2), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(5, 5), Point(10, 5), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(5, 5), Point(7, 2), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(7, 2), Point(5, 5), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(7, 2), Point(4, 1), 1));
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ pf.scan(polys, data.begin(), data.end());
+ stdcout << "result size: " << polys.size() << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << polys[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ stdcout << "done testing polygon formation\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool testPolygonArbitraryFormationColinear(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ stdcout << "testing polygon formation colinear 3\n";
+ stdcout << "Polygon Set Data { <-3 2, -2 2>:1 <-3 2, -1 4>:-1 <-2 2, 0 2>:1 <-1 4, 0 2>:-1 } \n";
+ polygon_arbitrary_formation pf(true);
+ std::vector<polygon_data<Unit> > polys;
+ std::vector<vertex_half_edge> data;
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(-3, 2), Point(-2, 2), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(-2, 2), Point(-3, 2), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(-3, 2), Point(-1, 4), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(-1, 4), Point(-3, 2), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(-2, 2), Point(0, 2), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(0, 2), Point(-2, 2), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(-1, 4), Point(0, 2), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(0, 2), Point(-1, 4), 1));
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ pf.scan(polys, data.begin(), data.end());
+ stdcout << "result size: " << polys.size() << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << polys[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ stdcout << "done testing polygon formation\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool testSegmentIntersection(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ stdcout << "testing segment intersection\n";
+ half_edge he1, he2;
+ he1.first = Point(0, 0);
+ he1.second = Point(10, 10);
+ he2.first = Point(0, 0);
+ he2.second = Point(10, 20);
+ Point result;
+ bool b = compute_intersection(result, he1, he2);
+ if(!b || result != Point(0, 0)) return false;
+ he1.first = Point(0, 10);
+ b = compute_intersection(result, he1, he2);
+ if(!b || result != Point(5, 10)) return false;
+ he1.first = Point(0, 11);
+ b = compute_intersection(result, he1, he2);
+ if(!b || result != Point(5, 10)) return false;
+ he1.first = Point(0, 0);
+ he1.second = Point(1, 9);
+ he2.first = Point(0, 9);
+ he2.second = Point(1, 0);
+ b = compute_intersection(result, he1, he2);
+ if(!b || result != Point(0, 4)) return false;
+ he1.first = Point(0, -10);
+ he1.second = Point(1, -1);
+ he2.first = Point(0, -1);
+ he2.second = Point(1, -10);
+ b = compute_intersection(result, he1, he2);
+ if(!b || result != Point(0, -5)) return false;
+ he1.first = Point((std::numeric_limits<int>::max)(), (std::numeric_limits<int>::max)()-1);
+ he1.second = Point((std::numeric_limits<int>::min)(), (std::numeric_limits<int>::max)());
+ //he1.second = Point(0, (std::numeric_limits<int>::max)());
+ he2.first = Point((std::numeric_limits<int>::max)()-1, (std::numeric_limits<int>::max)());
+ he2.second = Point((std::numeric_limits<int>::max)(), (std::numeric_limits<int>::min)());
+ //he2.second = Point((std::numeric_limits<int>::max)(), 0);
+ b = compute_intersection(result, he1, he2);
+ //b is false because of overflow error
+ he1.first = Point(1000, 2000);
+ he1.second = Point(1010, 2010);
+ he2.first = Point(1000, 2000);
+ he2.second = Point(1010, 2020);
+ b = compute_intersection(result, he1, he2);
+ if(!b || result != Point(1000, 2000)) return false;
+ return b;
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename Unit>
+ class poly_line_arbitrary_hole_data {
+ private:
+ typedef typename polygon_arbitrary_formation<Unit>::active_tail_arbitrary active_tail_arbitrary;
+ active_tail_arbitrary* p_;
+ public:
+ typedef point_data<Unit> Point;
+ typedef Point point_type;
+ typedef Unit coordinate_type;
+ typedef typename active_tail_arbitrary::iterator iterator_type;
+ //typedef iterator_points_to_compact<iterator_type, Point> compact_iterator_type;
+ typedef iterator_type iterator;
+ inline poly_line_arbitrary_hole_data() : p_(0) {}
+ inline poly_line_arbitrary_hole_data(active_tail_arbitrary* p) : p_(p) {}
+ //use default copy and assign
+ inline iterator begin() const { return p_->getTail()->begin(); }
+ inline iterator end() const { return p_->getTail()->end(); }
+ //inline compact_iterator_type begin_compact() const { return compact_iterator_type(begin()); }
+ //inline compact_iterator_type end_compact() const { return compact_iterator_type(end()); }
+ inline std::size_t size() const { return 0; }
+ template<class iT>
+ inline poly_line_arbitrary_hole_data& set(iT inputBegin, iT inputEnd) {
+ //assert this is not called
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template<class iT>
+ inline poly_line_arbitrary_hole_data& set_compact(iT inputBegin, iT inputEnd) {
+ //assert this is not called
+ return *this;
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename Unit>
+ class poly_line_arbitrary_polygon_data {
+ private:
+ typedef typename polygon_arbitrary_formation<Unit>::active_tail_arbitrary active_tail_arbitrary;
+ active_tail_arbitrary* p_;
+ public:
+ typedef point_data<Unit> Point;
+ typedef Point point_type;
+ typedef Unit coordinate_type;
+ typedef typename active_tail_arbitrary::iterator iterator_type;
+ //typedef iterator_points_to_compact<iterator_type, Point> compact_iterator_type;
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<Unit>::coordinate_distance area_type;
+ class iterator_holes_type {
+ private:
+ typedef poly_line_arbitrary_hole_data<Unit> holeType;
+ mutable holeType hole_;
+ typename active_tail_arbitrary::iteratorHoles itr_;
+ public:
+ typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
+ typedef holeType value_type;
+ typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
+ typedef const holeType* pointer; //immutable
+ typedef const holeType& reference; //immutable
+ inline iterator_holes_type() : hole_(), itr_() {}
+ inline iterator_holes_type(typename active_tail_arbitrary::iteratorHoles itr) : hole_(), itr_(itr) {}
+ inline iterator_holes_type(const iterator_holes_type& that) : hole_(that.hole_), itr_(that.itr_) {}
+ inline iterator_holes_type& operator=(const iterator_holes_type& that) {
+ itr_ = that.itr_;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline bool operator==(const iterator_holes_type& that) { return itr_ == that.itr_; }
+ inline bool operator!=(const iterator_holes_type& that) { return itr_ != that.itr_; }
+ inline iterator_holes_type& operator++() {
+ ++itr_;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline const iterator_holes_type operator++(int) {
+ iterator_holes_type tmp = *this;
+ ++(*this);
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ inline reference operator*() {
+ hole_ = holeType(*itr_);
+ return hole_;
+ }
+ };
+ typedef poly_line_arbitrary_hole_data<Unit> hole_type;
+ inline poly_line_arbitrary_polygon_data() : p_(0) {}
+ inline poly_line_arbitrary_polygon_data(active_tail_arbitrary* p) : p_(p) {}
+ //use default copy and assign
+ inline iterator_type begin() const { return p_->getTail()->begin(); }
+ inline iterator_type end() const { return p_->getTail()->end(); }
+ //inline compact_iterator_type begin_compact() const { return p_->getTail()->begin(); }
+ //inline compact_iterator_type end_compact() const { return p_->getTail()->end(); }
+ inline iterator_holes_type begin_holes() const { return iterator_holes_type(p_->getHoles().begin()); }
+ inline iterator_holes_type end_holes() const { return iterator_holes_type(p_->getHoles().end()); }
+ inline active_tail_arbitrary* yield() { return p_; }
+ //stub out these four required functions that will not be used but are needed for the interface
+ inline std::size_t size_holes() const { return 0; }
+ inline std::size_t size() const { return 0; }
+ template<class iT>
+ inline poly_line_arbitrary_polygon_data& set(iT inputBegin, iT inputEnd) {
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template<class iT>
+ inline poly_line_arbitrary_polygon_data& set_compact(iT inputBegin, iT inputEnd) {
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template<class iT>
+ inline poly_line_arbitrary_polygon_data& set_holes(iT inputBegin, iT inputEnd) {
+ return *this;
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename Unit>
+ class trapezoid_arbitrary_formation : public polygon_arbitrary_formation<Unit> {
+ private:
+ typedef typename scanline_base<Unit>::Point Point;
+ typedef typename scanline_base<Unit>::half_edge half_edge;
+ typedef typename scanline_base<Unit>::vertex_half_edge vertex_half_edge;
+ typedef typename scanline_base<Unit>::less_vertex_half_edge less_vertex_half_edge;
+ typedef typename polygon_arbitrary_formation<Unit>::poly_line_arbitrary poly_line_arbitrary;
+ typedef typename polygon_arbitrary_formation<Unit>::active_tail_arbitrary active_tail_arbitrary;
+ typedef std::vector<std::pair<Point, int> > vertex_arbitrary_count;
+ typedef typename polygon_arbitrary_formation<Unit>::less_half_edge_count less_half_edge_count;
+ typedef std::vector<std::pair<std::pair<std::pair<Point, Point>, int>, active_tail_arbitrary*> > incoming_count;
+ typedef typename polygon_arbitrary_formation<Unit>::less_incoming_count less_incoming_count;
+ typedef typename polygon_arbitrary_formation<Unit>::vertex_arbitrary_compact vertex_arbitrary_compact;
+ private:
+ //definitions
+ typedef std::map<vertex_half_edge, active_tail_arbitrary*, less_vertex_half_edge> scanline_data;
+ typedef typename scanline_data::iterator iterator;
+ typedef typename scanline_data::const_iterator const_iterator;
+ //data
+ public:
+ inline trapezoid_arbitrary_formation() : polygon_arbitrary_formation<Unit>() {}
+ inline trapezoid_arbitrary_formation(const trapezoid_arbitrary_formation& that) : polygon_arbitrary_formation<Unit>(that) {}
+ inline trapezoid_arbitrary_formation& operator=(const trapezoid_arbitrary_formation& that) {
+ * static_cast<polygon_arbitrary_formation<Unit>*>(this) = * static_cast<polygon_arbitrary_formation<Unit>*>(&that);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ //cT is an output container of Polygon45 or Polygon45WithHoles
+ //iT is an iterator over vertex_half_edge elements
+ //inputBegin - inputEnd is a range of sorted iT that represents
+ //one or more scanline stops worth of data
+ template <class cT, class iT>
+ void scan(cT& output, iT inputBegin, iT inputEnd) {
+ //std::cout << "1\n";
+ while(inputBegin != inputEnd) {
+ //std::cout << "2\n";
+ polygon_arbitrary_formation<Unit>::x_ = (*inputBegin).pt.get(HORIZONTAL);
+ //std::cout << "SCAN FORMATION " << x_ << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << "x_ = " << x_ << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << "scan line size: " << scanData_.size() << std::endl;
+ inputBegin = processEvent_(output, inputBegin, inputEnd);
+ }
+ //std::cout << "scan line size: " << scanData_.size() << std::endl;
+ }
+ private:
+ //functions
+ inline void getVerticalPair_(std::pair<active_tail_arbitrary*,
+ active_tail_arbitrary*>& verticalPair,
+ iterator previter) {
+ active_tail_arbitrary* iterTail = (*previter).second;
+ Point prevPoint(polygon_arbitrary_formation<Unit>::x_,
+ convert_high_precision_type<Unit>(previter->first.evalAtX(polygon_arbitrary_formation<Unit>::x_)));
+ iterTail->pushPoint(prevPoint);
+ std::pair<active_tail_arbitrary*, active_tail_arbitrary*> tailPair =
+ active_tail_arbitrary::createActiveTailsAsPair(prevPoint, true, 0, false);
+ verticalPair.first = iterTail;
+ verticalPair.second = tailPair.first;
+ (*previter).second = tailPair.second;
+ }
+ template <class cT, class cT2>
+ inline std::pair<std::pair<Point, int>, active_tail_arbitrary*>
+ processPoint_(cT& output, cT2& elements,
+ std::pair<active_tail_arbitrary*, active_tail_arbitrary*>& verticalPair,
+ iterator previter, Point point, incoming_count& counts_from_scanline,
+ vertex_arbitrary_count& incoming_count) {
+ //std::cout << "\nAT POINT: " << point << std::endl;
+ //join any closing solid corners
+ std::vector<int> counts;
+ std::vector<int> incoming;
+ std::vector<active_tail_arbitrary*> tails;
+ counts.reserve(counts_from_scanline.size());
+ tails.reserve(counts_from_scanline.size());
+ incoming.reserve(incoming_count.size());
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < counts_from_scanline.size(); ++i) {
+ counts.push_back(counts_from_scanline[i].first.second);
+ tails.push_back(counts_from_scanline[i].second);
+ }
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < incoming_count.size(); ++i) {
+ incoming.push_back(incoming_count[i].second);
+ if(incoming_count[i].first < point) {
+ incoming.back() = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ active_tail_arbitrary* returnValue = 0;
+ std::pair<active_tail_arbitrary*, active_tail_arbitrary*> verticalPairOut;
+ verticalPairOut.first = 0;
+ verticalPairOut.second = 0;
+ std::pair<Point, int> returnCount(Point(0, 0), 0);
+ int i_size_less_1 = (int)(incoming.size()) -1;
+ int c_size_less_1 = (int)(counts.size()) -1;
+ int i_size = incoming.size();
+ int c_size = counts.size();
+ bool have_vertical_tail_from_below = false;
+ if(c_size &&
+ is_vertical(counts_from_scanline.back().first.first)) {
+ have_vertical_tail_from_below = true;
+ }
+ //assert size = size_less_1 + 1
+ //std::cout << tails.size() << " " << incoming.size() << " " << counts_from_scanline.size() << " " << incoming_count.size() << std::endl;
+ // for(std::size_t i = 0; i < counts.size(); ++i) {
+ // std::cout << counts_from_scanline[i].first.first.first.get(HORIZONTAL) << ",";
+ // std::cout << counts_from_scanline[i].first.first.first.get(VERTICAL) << " ";
+ // std::cout << counts_from_scanline[i].first.first.second.get(HORIZONTAL) << ",";
+ // std::cout << counts_from_scanline[i].first.first.second.get(VERTICAL) << ":";
+ // std::cout << counts_from_scanline[i].first.second << " ";
+ // } std::cout << std::endl;
+ // print(incoming_count);
+ {
+ for(int i = 0; i < c_size_less_1; ++i) {
+ //std::cout << i << std::endl;
+ if(counts[i] == -1) {
+ //std::cout << "fixed i\n";
+ for(int j = i + 1; j < c_size; ++j) {
+ //std::cout << j << std::endl;
+ if(counts[j]) {
+ if(counts[j] == 1) {
+ //std::cout << "case1: " << i << " " << j << std::endl;
+ //if a figure is closed it will be written out by this function to output
+ active_tail_arbitrary::joinChains(point, tails[i], tails[j], true, output);
+ counts[i] = 0;
+ counts[j] = 0;
+ tails[i] = 0;
+ tails[j] = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //find any pairs of incoming edges that need to create pair for leading solid
+ //std::cout << "checking case2\n";
+ {
+ for(int i = 0; i < i_size_less_1; ++i) {
+ //std::cout << i << std::endl;
+ if(incoming[i] == 1) {
+ //std::cout << "fixed i\n";
+ for(int j = i + 1; j < i_size; ++j) {
+ //std::cout << j << std::endl;
+ if(incoming[j]) {
+ //std::cout << incoming[j] << std::endl;
+ if(incoming[j] == -1) {
+ //std::cout << "case2: " << i << " " << j << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << "creating active tail pair\n";
+ std::pair<active_tail_arbitrary*, active_tail_arbitrary*> tailPair =
+ active_tail_arbitrary::createActiveTailsAsPair(point, true, 0, polygon_arbitrary_formation<Unit>::fractureHoles_ != 0);
+ //tailPair.first->print();
+ //tailPair.second->print();
+ if(j == i_size_less_1 && incoming_count[j].first.get(HORIZONTAL) == point.get(HORIZONTAL)) {
+ //vertical active tail becomes return value
+ returnValue = tailPair.first;
+ returnCount.first = point;
+ returnCount.second = 1;
+ } else {
+ //std::cout << "new element " << j-1 << " " << -1 << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << point << " " << incoming_count[j].first << std::endl;
+ elements.push_back(std::pair<vertex_half_edge,
+ active_tail_arbitrary*>(vertex_half_edge(point,
+ incoming_count[j].first, -1), tailPair.first));
+ }
+ //std::cout << "new element " << i-1 << " " << 1 << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << point << " " << incoming_count[i].first << std::endl;
+ elements.push_back(std::pair<vertex_half_edge,
+ active_tail_arbitrary*>(vertex_half_edge(point,
+ incoming_count[i].first, 1), tailPair.second));
+ incoming[i] = 0;
+ incoming[j] = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //find any active tail that needs to pass through to an incoming edge
+ //we expect to find no more than two pass through
+ //find pass through with solid on top
+ {
+ //std::cout << "checking case 3\n";
+ for(int i = 0; i < c_size; ++i) {
+ //std::cout << i << std::endl;
+ if(counts[i] != 0) {
+ if(counts[i] == 1) {
+ //std::cout << "fixed i\n";
+ for(int j = i_size_less_1; j >= 0; --j) {
+ if(incoming[j] != 0) {
+ if(incoming[j] == 1) {
+ //std::cout << "case3: " << i << " " << j << std::endl;
+ //tails[i]->print();
+ //pass through solid on top
+ tails[i]->pushPoint(point);
+ //std::cout << "after push\n";
+ if(j == i_size_less_1 && incoming_count[j].first.get(HORIZONTAL) == point.get(HORIZONTAL)) {
+ returnValue = tails[i];
+ returnCount.first = point;
+ returnCount.second = -1;
+ } else {
+ std::pair<active_tail_arbitrary*, active_tail_arbitrary*> tailPair =
+ active_tail_arbitrary::createActiveTailsAsPair(point, true, 0, false);
+ verticalPairOut.first = tails[i];
+ verticalPairOut.second = tailPair.first;
+ elements.push_back(std::pair<vertex_half_edge,
+ active_tail_arbitrary*>(vertex_half_edge(point,
+ incoming_count[j].first, incoming[j]), tailPair.second));
+ }
+ tails[i] = 0;
+ counts[i] = 0;
+ incoming[j] = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //std::cout << "checking case 4\n";
+ //find pass through with solid on bottom
+ {
+ for(int i = c_size_less_1; i >= 0; --i) {
+ //std::cout << "i = " << i << " with count " << counts[i] << std::endl;
+ if(counts[i] != 0) {
+ if(counts[i] == -1) {
+ for(int j = 0; j < i_size; ++j) {
+ if(incoming[j] != 0) {
+ if(incoming[j] == -1) {
+ //std::cout << "case4: " << i << " " << j << std::endl;
+ //pass through solid on bottom
+ //if count from scanline is vertical
+ if(i == c_size_less_1 &&
+ counts_from_scanline[i].first.first.first.get(HORIZONTAL) ==
+ point.get(HORIZONTAL)) {
+ //if incoming count is vertical
+ if(j == i_size_less_1 &&
+ incoming_count[j].first.get(HORIZONTAL) == point.get(HORIZONTAL)) {
+ returnValue = tails[i];
+ returnCount.first = point;
+ returnCount.second = 1;
+ } else {
+ tails[i]->pushPoint(point);
+ elements.push_back(std::pair<vertex_half_edge,
+ active_tail_arbitrary*>(vertex_half_edge(point,
+ incoming_count[j].first, incoming[j]), tails[i]));
+ }
+ } else if(j == i_size_less_1 &&
+ incoming_count[j].first.get(HORIZONTAL) ==
+ point.get(HORIZONTAL)) {
+ if(verticalPair.first == 0) {
+ getVerticalPair_(verticalPair, previter);
+ }
+ active_tail_arbitrary::joinChains(point, tails[i], verticalPair.first, true, output);
+ returnValue = verticalPair.second;
+ returnCount.first = point;
+ returnCount.second = 1;
+ } else {
+ //neither is vertical
+ if(verticalPair.first == 0) {
+ getVerticalPair_(verticalPair, previter);
+ }
+ active_tail_arbitrary::joinChains(point, tails[i], verticalPair.first, true, output);
+ verticalPair.second->pushPoint(point);
+ elements.push_back(std::pair<vertex_half_edge,
+ active_tail_arbitrary*>(vertex_half_edge(point,
+ incoming_count[j].first, incoming[j]), verticalPair.second));
+ }
+ tails[i] = 0;
+ counts[i] = 0;
+ incoming[j] = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //find the end of a hole or the beginning of a hole
+ //find end of a hole
+ {
+ for(int i = 0; i < c_size_less_1; ++i) {
+ if(counts[i] != 0) {
+ for(int j = i+1; j < c_size; ++j) {
+ if(counts[j] != 0) {
+ //std::cout << "case5: " << i << " " << j << std::endl;
+ //we are ending a hole and may potentially close a figure and have to handle the hole
+ tails[i]->pushPoint(point);
+ verticalPairOut.first = tails[i];
+ if(j == c_size_less_1 &&
+ counts_from_scanline[j].first.first.first.get(HORIZONTAL) ==
+ point.get(HORIZONTAL)) {
+ verticalPairOut.second = tails[j];
+ } else {
+ //need to close a trapezoid below
+ if(verticalPair.first == 0) {
+ getVerticalPair_(verticalPair, previter);
+ }
+ active_tail_arbitrary::joinChains(point, tails[j], verticalPair.first, true, output);
+ verticalPairOut.second = verticalPair.second;
+ }
+ tails[i] = 0;
+ tails[j] = 0;
+ counts[i] = 0;
+ counts[j] = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //find beginning of a hole
+ {
+ for(int i = 0; i < i_size_less_1; ++i) {
+ if(incoming[i] != 0) {
+ for(int j = i+1; j < i_size; ++j) {
+ if(incoming[j] != 0) {
+ //std::cout << "case6: " << i << " " << j << std::endl;
+ //we are beginning a empty space
+ if(verticalPair.first == 0) {
+ getVerticalPair_(verticalPair, previter);
+ }
+ verticalPair.second->pushPoint(point);
+ if(j == i_size_less_1 &&
+ incoming_count[j].first.get(HORIZONTAL) == point.get(HORIZONTAL)) {
+ returnValue = verticalPair.first;
+ returnCount.first = point;
+ returnCount.second = -1;
+ } else {
+ std::pair<active_tail_arbitrary*, active_tail_arbitrary*> tailPair =
+ active_tail_arbitrary::createActiveTailsAsPair(point, false, 0, false);
+ elements.push_back(std::pair<vertex_half_edge,
+ active_tail_arbitrary*>(vertex_half_edge(point,
+ incoming_count[j].first, incoming[j]), tailPair.second));
+ verticalPairOut.second = tailPair.first;
+ verticalPairOut.first = verticalPair.first;
+ }
+ elements.push_back(std::pair<vertex_half_edge,
+ active_tail_arbitrary*>(vertex_half_edge(point,
+ incoming_count[i].first, incoming[i]), verticalPair.second));
+ incoming[i] = 0;
+ incoming[j] = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(have_vertical_tail_from_below) {
+ if(tails.back()) {
+ tails.back()->pushPoint(point);
+ returnValue = tails.back();
+ returnCount.first = point;
+ returnCount.second = counts.back();
+ }
+ }
+ verticalPair = verticalPairOut;
+ //assert that tails, counts and incoming are all null
+ return std::pair<std::pair<Point, int>, active_tail_arbitrary*>(returnCount, returnValue);
+ }
+ static inline void print(const vertex_arbitrary_count& count) {
+ for(unsigned i = 0; i < count.size(); ++i) {
+ //std::cout << count[i].first.get(HORIZONTAL) << ",";
+ //std::cout << count[i].first.get(VERTICAL) << ":";
+ //std::cout << count[i].second << " ";
+ } //std::cout << std::endl;
+ }
+ static inline void print(const scanline_data& data) {
+ for(typename scanline_data::const_iterator itr = data.begin(); itr != data.end(); ++itr){
+ //std::cout << itr->first.pt << ", " << itr->first.other_pt << "; ";
+ } //std::cout << std::endl;
+ }
+ template <class cT, class iT>
+ inline iT processEvent_(cT& output, iT inputBegin, iT inputEnd) {
+ typedef typename high_precision_type<Unit>::type high_precision;
+ //std::cout << "processEvent_\n";
+ polygon_arbitrary_formation<Unit>::justBefore_ = true;
+ //collect up all elements from the tree that are at the y
+ //values of events in the input queue
+ //create vector of new elements to add into tree
+ active_tail_arbitrary* verticalTail = 0;
+ std::pair<active_tail_arbitrary*, active_tail_arbitrary*> verticalPair;
+ std::pair<Point, int> verticalCount(Point(0, 0), 0);
+ iT currentIter = inputBegin;
+ std::vector<iterator> elementIters;
+ std::vector<std::pair<vertex_half_edge, active_tail_arbitrary*> > elements;
+ while(currentIter != inputEnd && currentIter->pt.get(HORIZONTAL) == polygon_arbitrary_formation<Unit>::x_) {
+ //std::cout << "loop\n";
+ Unit currentY = (*currentIter).pt.get(VERTICAL);
+ //std::cout << "current Y " << currentY << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << "scanline size " << scanData_.size() << std::endl;
+ //print(scanData_);
+ iterator iter = lookUp_(currentY);
+ //std::cout << "found element in scanline " << (iter != scanData_.end()) << std::endl;
+ //int counts[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
+ incoming_count counts_from_scanline;
+ //std::cout << "finding elements in tree\n";
+ //if(iter != scanData_.end())
+ // std::cout << "first iter y is " << iter->first.evalAtX(x_) << std::endl;
+ iterator previter = iter;
+ if(previter != polygon_arbitrary_formation<Unit>::scanData_.end() &&
+ previter->first.evalAtX(polygon_arbitrary_formation<Unit>::x_) >= currentY &&
+ previter != polygon_arbitrary_formation<Unit>::scanData_.begin())
+ --previter;
+ while(iter != polygon_arbitrary_formation<Unit>::scanData_.end() &&
+ ((iter->first.pt.x() == polygon_arbitrary_formation<Unit>::x_ && iter->first.pt.y() == currentY) ||
+ (iter->first.other_pt.x() == polygon_arbitrary_formation<Unit>::x_ && iter->first.other_pt.y() == currentY))) {
+ //iter->first.evalAtX(polygon_arbitrary_formation<Unit>::x_) == (high_precision)currentY) {
+ //std::cout << "loop2\n";
+ elementIters.push_back(iter);
+ counts_from_scanline.push_back(std::pair<std::pair<std::pair<Point, Point>, int>, active_tail_arbitrary*>
+ (std::pair<std::pair<Point, Point>, int>(std::pair<Point, Point>(iter->first.pt,
+ iter->first.other_pt),
+ iter->first.count),
+ iter->second));
+ ++iter;
+ }
+ Point currentPoint(polygon_arbitrary_formation<Unit>::x_, currentY);
+ //std::cout << "counts_from_scanline size " << counts_from_scanline.size() << std::endl;
+ sort_incoming_count(counts_from_scanline, currentPoint);
+ vertex_arbitrary_count incoming;
+ //std::cout << "aggregating\n";
+ do {
+ //std::cout << "loop3\n";
+ const vertex_half_edge& elem = *currentIter;
+ incoming.push_back(std::pair<Point, int>(elem.other_pt, elem.count));
+ ++currentIter;
+ } while(currentIter != inputEnd && currentIter->pt.get(VERTICAL) == currentY &&
+ currentIter->pt.get(HORIZONTAL) == polygon_arbitrary_formation<Unit>::x_);
+ //print(incoming);
+ sort_vertex_arbitrary_count(incoming, currentPoint);
+ //std::cout << currentPoint.get(HORIZONTAL) << "," << currentPoint.get(VERTICAL) << std::endl;
+ //print(incoming);
+ //std::cout << "incoming counts from input size " << incoming.size() << std::endl;
+ //compact_vertex_arbitrary_count(currentPoint, incoming);
+ vertex_arbitrary_count tmp;
+ tmp.reserve(incoming.size());
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < incoming.size(); ++i) {
+ if(currentPoint < incoming[i].first) {
+ tmp.push_back(incoming[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ incoming.swap(tmp);
+ //std::cout << "incoming counts from input size " << incoming.size() << std::endl;
+ //now counts_from_scanline has the data from the left and
+ //incoming has the data from the right at this point
+ //cancel out any end points
+ if(verticalTail) {
+ //std::cout << "adding vertical tail to counts from scanline\n";
+ //std::cout << -verticalCount.second << std::endl;
+ counts_from_scanline.push_back(std::pair<std::pair<std::pair<Point, Point>, int>, active_tail_arbitrary*>
+ (std::pair<std::pair<Point, Point>, int>(std::pair<Point, Point>(verticalCount.first,
+ currentPoint),
+ -verticalCount.second),
+ verticalTail));
+ }
+ if(!incoming.empty() && incoming.back().first.get(HORIZONTAL) == polygon_arbitrary_formation<Unit>::x_) {
+ //std::cout << "inverted vertical event\n";
+ incoming.back().second *= -1;
+ }
+ //std::cout << "calling processPoint_\n";
+ std::pair<std::pair<Point, int>, active_tail_arbitrary*> result = processPoint_(output, elements, verticalPair, previter, Point(polygon_arbitrary_formation<Unit>::x_, currentY), counts_from_scanline, incoming);
+ verticalCount = result.first;
+ verticalTail = result.second;
+ if(verticalPair.first != 0 && iter != polygon_arbitrary_formation<Unit>::scanData_.end() &&
+ (currentIter == inputEnd || currentIter->pt.x() != polygon_arbitrary_formation<Unit>::x_ ||
+ currentIter->pt.y() > (*iter).first.evalAtX(polygon_arbitrary_formation<Unit>::x_))) {
+ //splice vertical pair into edge above
+ active_tail_arbitrary* tailabove = (*iter).second;
+ Point point(polygon_arbitrary_formation<Unit>::x_,
+ convert_high_precision_type<Unit>((*iter).first.evalAtX(polygon_arbitrary_formation<Unit>::x_)));
+ verticalPair.second->pushPoint(point);
+ active_tail_arbitrary::joinChains(point, tailabove, verticalPair.first, true, output);
+ (*iter).second = verticalPair.second;
+ verticalPair.first = 0;
+ verticalPair.second = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ //std::cout << "erasing\n";
+ //erase all elements from the tree
+ for(typename std::vector<iterator>::iterator iter = elementIters.begin();
+ iter != elementIters.end(); ++iter) {
+ //std::cout << "erasing loop\n";
+ polygon_arbitrary_formation<Unit>::scanData_.erase(*iter);
+ }
+ //switch comparison tie breaking policy
+ polygon_arbitrary_formation<Unit>::justBefore_ = false;
+ //add new elements into tree
+ //std::cout << "inserting\n";
+ for(typename std::vector<std::pair<vertex_half_edge, active_tail_arbitrary*> >::iterator iter = elements.begin();
+ iter != elements.end(); ++iter) {
+ //std::cout << "inserting loop\n";
+ polygon_arbitrary_formation<Unit>::scanData_.insert(polygon_arbitrary_formation<Unit>::scanData_.end(), *iter);
+ }
+ //std::cout << "end processEvent\n";
+ return currentIter;
+ }
+ public:
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool testTrapezoidArbitraryFormationRect(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ stdcout << "testing trapezoid formation\n";
+ trapezoid_arbitrary_formation pf;
+ std::vector<polygon_data<Unit> > polys;
+ std::vector<vertex_half_edge> data;
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(10, 0), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 10), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(0, 10), Point(0, 0), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(0, 10), Point(10, 10), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 0), Point(0, 0), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 0), Point(10, 10), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 10), Point(10, 0), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 10), Point(0, 10), 1));
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ pf.scan(polys, data.begin(), data.end());
+ stdcout << "result size: " << polys.size() << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << polys[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ stdcout << "done testing trapezoid formation\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool testTrapezoidArbitraryFormationP1(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ stdcout << "testing trapezoid formation P1\n";
+ trapezoid_arbitrary_formation pf;
+ std::vector<polygon_data<Unit> > polys;
+ std::vector<vertex_half_edge> data;
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(10, 10), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 10), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(0, 10), Point(0, 0), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(0, 10), Point(10, 20), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 10), Point(0, 0), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 10), Point(10, 20), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 20), Point(10, 10), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 20), Point(0, 10), 1));
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ pf.scan(polys, data.begin(), data.end());
+ stdcout << "result size: " << polys.size() << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << polys[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ stdcout << "done testing trapezoid formation\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool testTrapezoidArbitraryFormationP2(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ stdcout << "testing trapezoid formation P2\n";
+ trapezoid_arbitrary_formation pf;
+ std::vector<polygon_data<Unit> > polys;
+ std::vector<vertex_half_edge> data;
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(-3, 1), Point(2, -4), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(-3, 1), Point(-2, 2), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(-2, 2), Point(2, 4), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(-2, 2), Point(-3, 1), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(2, -4), Point(-3, 1), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(2, -4), Point(2, 4), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(2, 4), Point(-2, 2), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(2, 4), Point(2, -4), 1));
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ pf.scan(polys, data.begin(), data.end());
+ stdcout << "result size: " << polys.size() << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << polys[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ stdcout << "done testing trapezoid formation\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool testTrapezoidArbitraryFormationPolys(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ stdcout << "testing trapezoid formation polys\n";
+ trapezoid_arbitrary_formation pf;
+ std::vector<polygon_with_holes_data<Unit> > polys;
+ //trapezoid_arbitrary_formation pf2(true);
+ //std::vector<polygon_with_holes_data<Unit> > polys2;
+ std::vector<vertex_half_edge> data;
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(100, 1), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 100), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(1, 100), Point(0, 0), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(1, 100), Point(101, 101), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(100, 1), Point(0, 0), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(100, 1), Point(101, 101), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(101, 101), Point(100, 1), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(101, 101), Point(1, 100), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(2, 2), Point(10, 2), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(2, 2), Point(2, 10), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(2, 10), Point(2, 2), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(2, 10), Point(10, 10), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 2), Point(2, 2), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 2), Point(10, 10), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 10), Point(10, 2), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 10), Point(2, 10), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(2, 12), Point(10, 12), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(2, 12), Point(2, 22), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(2, 22), Point(2, 12), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(2, 22), Point(10, 22), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 12), Point(2, 12), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 12), Point(10, 22), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 22), Point(10, 12), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 22), Point(2, 22), -1));
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ pf.scan(polys, data.begin(), data.end());
+ stdcout << "result size: " << polys.size() << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << polys[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ //pf2.scan(polys2, data.begin(), data.end());
+ //stdcout << "result size: " << polys2.size() << std::endl;
+ //for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys2.size(); ++i) {
+ // stdcout << polys2[i] << std::endl;
+ //}
+ stdcout << "done testing trapezoid formation\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool testTrapezoidArbitraryFormationSelfTouch1(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ stdcout << "testing trapezoid formation self touch 1\n";
+ trapezoid_arbitrary_formation pf;
+ std::vector<polygon_data<Unit> > polys;
+ std::vector<vertex_half_edge> data;
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(10, 0), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 10), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(0, 10), Point(0, 0), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(0, 10), Point(5, 10), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 0), Point(0, 0), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 0), Point(10, 5), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 5), Point(10, 0), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(10, 5), Point(5, 5), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(5, 10), Point(5, 5), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(5, 10), Point(0, 10), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(5, 2), Point(5, 5), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(5, 2), Point(7, 2), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(5, 5), Point(5, 10), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(5, 5), Point(5, 2), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(5, 5), Point(10, 5), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(5, 5), Point(7, 2), 1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(7, 2), Point(5, 5), -1));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge(Point(7, 2), Point(5, 2), 1));
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ pf.scan(polys, data.begin(), data.end());
+ stdcout << "result size: " << polys.size() << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << polys[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ stdcout << "done testing trapezoid formation\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct PolyLineArbitraryByConcept<T, polygon_with_holes_concept> { typedef poly_line_arbitrary_polygon_data<T> type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct PolyLineArbitraryByConcept<T, polygon_concept> { typedef poly_line_arbitrary_hole_data<T> type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct geometry_concept<poly_line_arbitrary_polygon_data<T> > { typedef polygon_45_with_holes_concept type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct geometry_concept<poly_line_arbitrary_hole_data<T> > { typedef polygon_45_concept type; };
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/detail/polygon_formation.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/detail/polygon_formation.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,1807 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+namespace polygon_formation {
+ /*
+ * End has two states, HEAD and TAIL as is represented by a bool
+ */
+ typedef bool End;
+ /*
+ * HEAD End is represented as false because it is the lesser state
+ */
+ const End HEAD = false;
+ /*
+ * TAIL End is represented by true because TAIL comes after head and 1 after 0
+ */
+ const End TAIL = true;
+ /*
+ * 2D turning direction, left and right sides (is a boolean value since it has two states.)
+ */
+ typedef bool Side;
+ /*
+ * LEFT Side is 0 because we inuitively think left to right; left < right
+ */
+ const Side LEFT = false;
+ /*
+ * RIGHT Side is 1 so that right > left
+ */
+ const Side RIGHT = true;
+ /*
+ * The PolyLine class is data storage and services for building and representing partial polygons.
+ * As the polyline is added to it extends its storage to accomodate the data.
+ * PolyLines can be joined head-to-head/head-to-tail when it is determined that two polylines are
+ * part of the same polygon.
+ * PolyLines keep state information about what orientation their incomplete head and tail geometry have,
+ * which side of the polyline is solid and whether the polyline is joined head-to-head and tail-to-head.
+ * PolyLines have nothing whatsoever to do with holes.
+ * It may be valuable to collect a histogram of PolyLine lengths used by an algorithm on its typical data
+ * sets and tune the allocation of the initial vector of coordinate data to be greater than or equal to
+ * the mean, median, mode, or mean plus some number of standard deviation, or just generally large enough
+ * to prevent too much unnecesary reallocations, but not too big that it wastes a lot of memory and degrades cache
+ * performance.
+ */
+ template <typename Unit>
+ class PolyLine {
+ private:
+ //data
+ /*
+ * ptdata_ a vector of coordiantes
+ * if VERTICAL_HEAD, first coordiante is an X
+ * else first coordinate is a Y
+ */
+ std::vector<Unit> ptdata_;
+ /*
+ * head and tail points to other polylines before and after this in a chain
+ */
+ PolyLine* headp_;
+ PolyLine* tailp_;
+ /*
+ * state bitmask
+ * bit zero is orientation, 0 H, 1 V
+ * bit 1 is head connectivity, 0 for head, 1 for tail
+ * bit 2 is tail connectivity, 0 for head, 1 for tail
+ * bit 3 is solid to left of PolyLine when 1, right when 0
+ */
+ int state_;
+ public:
+ /*
+ * default constructor (for preallocation)
+ */
+ PolyLine();
+ /*
+ * constructor that takes the orientation, coordiante and side to which there is solid
+ */
+ PolyLine(orientation_2d orient, Unit coord, Side side);
+ //copy constructor
+ PolyLine(const PolyLine& pline);
+ //destructor
+ ~PolyLine();
+ //assignment operator
+ PolyLine& operator=(const PolyLine& that);
+ //equivalence operator
+ bool operator==(const PolyLine& b) const;
+ /*
+ * valid PolyLine (only default constructed polylines are invalid.)
+ */
+ bool isValid() const;
+ /*
+ * Orientation of Head
+ */
+ orientation_2d headOrient() const;
+ /*
+ * returns true if first coordinate is an X value (first segment is vertical)
+ */
+ bool verticalHead() const;
+ /*
+ * returns the orientation_2d fo the tail
+ */
+ orientation_2d tailOrient() const;
+ /*
+ * returns true if last coordinate is an X value (last segment is vertical)
+ */
+ bool verticalTail() const;
+ /*
+ * retrun true if PolyLine has odd number of coordiantes
+ */
+ bool oddLength() const;
+ /*
+ * retrun the End of the other polyline that the specified end of this polyline is connected to
+ */
+ End endConnectivity(End end) const;
+ /*
+ * retrun true if the head of this polyline is connect to the tail of a polyline
+ */
+ bool headToTail() const;
+ /*
+ * retrun true if the head of this polyline is connect to the head of a polyline
+ */
+ bool headToHead() const;
+ /*
+ * retrun true if the tail of this polyline is connect to the tail of a polyline
+ */
+ bool tailToTail() const;
+ /*
+ * retrun true if the tail of this polyline is connect to the head of a polyline
+ */
+ bool tailToHead() const;
+ /*
+ * retrun the side on which there is solid for this polyline
+ */
+ Side solidSide() const;
+ /*
+ * retrun true if there is solid to the right of this polyline
+ */
+ bool solidToRight() const;
+ /*
+ * returns true if the polyline tail is not connected
+ */
+ bool active() const;
+ /*
+ * adds a coordinate value to the end of the polyline changing the tail orientation
+ */
+ PolyLine& pushCoordinate(Unit coord);
+ /*
+ * removes a coordinate value at the end of the polyline changing the tail orientation
+ */
+ PolyLine& popCoordinate();
+ /*
+ * extends the tail of the polyline to include the point, changing orientation if needed
+ */
+ PolyLine& pushPoint(const point_data<Unit>& point);
+ /*
+ * changes the last coordinate of the tail of the polyline by the amount of the delta
+ */
+ PolyLine& extendTail(Unit delta);
+ /*
+ * join thisEnd of this polyline to that polyline's end
+ */
+ PolyLine& joinTo(End thisEnd, PolyLine& that, End end);
+ /*
+ * join an end of this polyline to the tail of that polyline
+ */
+ PolyLine& joinToTail(PolyLine& that, End end);
+ /*
+ * join an end of this polyline to the head of that polyline
+ */
+ PolyLine& joinToHead(PolyLine& that, End end);
+ /*
+ * join the head of this polyline to the head of that polyline
+ */
+ //join this to that in the given way
+ PolyLine& joinHeadToHead(PolyLine& that);
+ /*
+ * join the head of this polyline to the tail of that polyline
+ */
+ PolyLine& joinHeadToTail(PolyLine& that);
+ /*
+ * join the tail of this polyline to the head of that polyline
+ */
+ PolyLine& joinTailToHead(PolyLine& that);
+ /*
+ * join the tail of this polyline to the tail of that polyline
+ */
+ PolyLine& joinTailToTail(PolyLine& that);
+ /*
+ * dissconnect the tail at the end of the polygon
+ */
+ PolyLine& disconnectTails();
+ /*
+ * get the coordinate at one end of this polyline, by default the tail end
+ */
+ Unit getEndCoord(End end = TAIL) const;
+ /*
+ * get the point on the polyline at the given index (polylines have the same number of coordinates as points
+ */
+ point_data<Unit> getPoint(unsigned int index) const;
+ /*
+ * get the point on one end of the polyline, by default the tail
+ */
+ point_data<Unit> getEndPoint(End end = TAIL) const;
+ /*
+ * get the orientation of a segment by index
+ */
+ orientation_2d segmentOrient(unsigned int index = 0) const;
+ /*
+ * get a coordinate by index using the square bracket operator
+ */
+ Unit operator[] (unsigned int index) const;
+ /*
+ * get the number of segments/points/coordinates in the polyline
+ */
+ unsigned int numSegments() const;
+ /*
+ * get the pointer to the next polyline at one end of this
+ */
+ PolyLine* next(End end) const;
+ /*
+ * write out coordinates of this and all attached polylines to a single vector
+ */
+ PolyLine* writeOut(std::vector<Unit>& outVec, End startEnd = TAIL) const;
+ private:
+ //methods
+ PolyLine& joinTo_(End thisEnd, PolyLine& that, End end);
+ };
+ //forward declaration
+ template<bool orientT, typename Unit>
+ class PolyLinePolygonData;
+ //forward declaration
+ template<bool orientT, typename Unit>
+ class PolyLinePolygonWithHolesData;
+ /*
+ * ActiveTail represents an edge of an incomplete polygon.
+ *
+ * An ActiveTail object is the active tail end of a polyline object, which may (should) be the attached to
+ * a chain of polyline objects through a pointer. The ActiveTail class provides an abstraction between
+ * and algorithm that builds polygons and the PolyLine data representation of incomplete polygons that are
+ * being built. It does this by providing an iterface to access the information about the last edge at the
+ * tail of the PolyLine it is associated with. To a polygon constructing algorithm, an ActiveTail is a floating
+ * edge of an incomplete polygon and has an orientation and coordinate value, as well as knowing which side of
+ * that edge is supposed to be solid or space. Any incomplete polygon will have two active tails. Active tails
+ * may be joined together to merge two incomplete polygons into a larger incomplete polygon. If two active tails
+ * that are to be merged are the oppositve ends of the same incomplete polygon that indicates that the polygon
+ * has been closed and is complete. The active tail keeps a pointer to the other active tail of its incomplete
+ * polygon so that it is easy to check this condition. These pointers are updated when active tails are joined.
+ * The active tail also keeps a list of pointers to active tail objects that serve as handles to closed holes. In
+ * this way a hole can be associated to another incomplete polygon, which will eventually be its enclosing shell,
+ * or reassociate the hole to another incomplete polygon in the case that it become a hole itself. Alternately,
+ * the active tail may add a filiment to stitch a hole into a shell and "fracture" the hole out of the interior
+ * of a polygon. The active tail maintains a static output buffer to temporarily write polygon data to when
+ * it outputs a figure so that outputting a polygon does not require the allocation of a temporary buffer. This
+ * static buffer should be destroyed whenever the program determines that it won't need it anymore and would prefer to
+ * release the memory it has allocated back to the system.
+ */
+ template <typename Unit>
+ class ActiveTail {
+ private:
+ //data
+ PolyLine<Unit>* tailp_;
+ ActiveTail *otherTailp_;
+ std::list<ActiveTail*> holesList_;
+ public:
+ /*
+ * iterator over coordinates of the figure
+ */
+ class iterator {
+ private:
+ const PolyLine<Unit>* pLine_;
+ const PolyLine<Unit>* pLineEnd_;
+ unsigned int index_;
+ unsigned int indexEnd_;
+ End startEnd_;
+ public:
+ inline iterator() : pLine_(), pLineEnd_(), index_(), indexEnd_(), startEnd_() {}
+ inline iterator(const ActiveTail* at, bool isHole, orientation_2d orient) :
+ pLine_(), pLineEnd_(), index_(), indexEnd_(), startEnd_() {
+ //if it is a hole and orientation is vertical or it is not a hole and orientation is horizontal
+ //we want to use this active tail, otherwise we want to use the other active tail
+ startEnd_ = TAIL;
+ if(!isHole ^ (orient == HORIZONTAL)) {
+ //switch winding direction
+ at = at->getOtherActiveTail();
+ }
+ //now we have the right winding direction
+ //if it is horizontal we need to skip the first element
+ pLine_ = at->getTail();
+ index_ = at->getTail()->numSegments() - 1;
+ if((at->getOrient() == HORIZONTAL) ^ (orient == HORIZONTAL)) {
+ pLineEnd_ = at->getTail();
+ indexEnd_ = pLineEnd_->numSegments() - 1;
+ if(index_ == 0) {
+ pLine_ = at->getTail()->next(HEAD);
+ if(at->getTail()->endConnectivity(HEAD) == TAIL) {
+ index_ = pLine_->numSegments() -1;
+ } else {
+ startEnd_ = HEAD;
+ index_ = 0;
+ }
+ } else { --index_; }
+ } else {
+ pLineEnd_ = at->getOtherActiveTail()->getTail();
+ indexEnd_ = pLineEnd_->numSegments() - 1;
+ }
+ at->getTail()->joinTailToTail(*(at->getOtherActiveTail()->getTail()));
+ }
+ //use bitwise copy and assign provided by the compiler
+ inline iterator& operator++() {
+ if(pLine_ == pLineEnd_ && index_ == indexEnd_) {
+ pLine_ = 0;
+ index_ = 0;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ if(startEnd_ == HEAD) {
+ ++index_;
+ if(index_ == pLine_->numSegments()) {
+ End end = pLine_->endConnectivity(TAIL);
+ pLine_ = pLine_->next(TAIL);
+ if(end == TAIL) {
+ startEnd_ = TAIL;
+ index_ = pLine_->numSegments() -1;
+ } else {
+ index_ = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(index_ == 0) {
+ End end = pLine_->endConnectivity(HEAD);
+ pLine_ = pLine_->next(HEAD);
+ if(end == TAIL) {
+ index_ = pLine_->numSegments() -1;
+ } else {
+ startEnd_ = HEAD;
+ index_ = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ --index_;
+ }
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline const iterator operator++(int) {
+ iterator tmp(*this);
+ ++(*this);
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ inline bool operator==(const iterator& that) const {
+ return pLine_ == that.pLine_ && index_ == that.index_;
+ }
+ inline bool operator!=(const iterator& that) const {
+ return pLine_ != that.pLine_ || index_ != that.index_;
+ }
+ inline Unit operator*() { return (*pLine_)[index_]; }
+ };
+ /*
+ * iterator over holes contained within the figure
+ */
+ typedef typename std::list<ActiveTail*>::const_iterator iteratorHoles;
+ //default constructor
+ ActiveTail();
+ //constructor
+ ActiveTail(orientation_2d orient, Unit coord, Side solidToRight, ActiveTail* otherTailp);
+ //constructor
+ ActiveTail(PolyLine<Unit>* active, ActiveTail* otherTailp);
+ //copy constructor
+ ActiveTail(const ActiveTail& that);
+ //destructor
+ ~ActiveTail();
+ //assignment operator
+ ActiveTail& operator=(const ActiveTail& that);
+ //equivalence operator
+ bool operator==(const ActiveTail& b) const;
+ /*
+ * comparison operators, ActiveTail objects are sortable by geometry
+ */
+ bool operator<(const ActiveTail& b) const;
+ bool operator<=(const ActiveTail& b) const;
+ bool operator>(const ActiveTail& b) const;
+ bool operator>=(const ActiveTail& b) const;
+ /*
+ * get the pointer to the polyline that this is an active tail of
+ */
+ PolyLine<Unit>* getTail() const;
+ /*
+ * get the pointer to the polyline at the other end of the chain
+ */
+ PolyLine<Unit>* getOtherTail() const;
+ /*
+ * get the pointer to the activetail at the other end of the chain
+ */
+ ActiveTail* getOtherActiveTail() const;
+ /*
+ * test if another active tail is the other end of the chain
+ */
+ bool isOtherTail(const ActiveTail& b);
+ /*
+ * update this end of chain pointer to new polyline
+ */
+ ActiveTail& updateTail(PolyLine<Unit>* newTail);
+ /*
+ * associate a hole to this active tail by the specified policy
+ */
+ ActiveTail* addHole(ActiveTail* hole, bool fractureHoles);
+ /*
+ * get the list of holes
+ */
+ const std::list<ActiveTail*>& getHoles() const;
+ /*
+ * copy holes from that to this
+ */
+ void copyHoles(ActiveTail& that);
+ /*
+ * find out if solid to right
+ */
+ bool solidToRight() const;
+ /*
+ * get coordinate (getCoord and getCoordinate are aliases for eachother)
+ */
+ Unit getCoord() const;
+ Unit getCoordinate() const;
+ /*
+ * get the tail orientation
+ */
+ orientation_2d getOrient() const;
+ /*
+ * add a coordinate to the polygon at this active tail end, properly handle degenerate edges by removing redundant coordinate
+ */
+ void pushCoordinate(Unit coord);
+ /*
+ * write the figure that this active tail points to out to the temp buffer
+ */
+ void writeOutFigure(std::vector<Unit>& outVec, bool isHole = false) const;
+ /*
+ * write the figure that this active tail points to out through iterators
+ */
+ void writeOutFigureItrs(iterator& beginOut, iterator& endOut, bool isHole = false, orientation_2d orient = VERTICAL) const;
+ iterator begin(bool isHole, orientation_2d orient) const;
+ iterator end() const;
+ /*
+ * write the holes that this active tail points to out through iterators
+ */
+ void writeOutFigureHoleItrs(iteratorHoles& beginOut, iteratorHoles& endOut) const;
+ iteratorHoles beginHoles() const;
+ iteratorHoles endHoles() const;
+ /*
+ * joins the two chains that the two active tail tails are ends of
+ * checks for closure of figure and writes out polygons appropriately
+ * returns a handle to a hole if one is closed
+ */
+ static ActiveTail* joinChains(ActiveTail* at1, ActiveTail* at2, bool solid, std::vector<Unit>& outBufferTmp);
+ template <typename PolygonT>
+ static ActiveTail* joinChains(ActiveTail* at1, ActiveTail* at2, bool solid, typename std::vector<PolygonT>& outBufferTmp);
+ /*
+ * deallocate temp buffer
+ */
+ static void destroyOutBuffer();
+ /*
+ * deallocate all polygon data this active tail points to (deep delete, call only from one of a pair of active tails)
+ */
+ void destroyContents();
+ };
+ /* allocate a polyline object */
+ template <typename Unit>
+ PolyLine<Unit>* createPolyLine(orientation_2d orient, Unit coord, Side side);
+ /* deallocate a polyline object */
+ template <typename Unit>
+ void destroyPolyLine(PolyLine<Unit>* pLine);
+ /* allocate an activetail object */
+ template <typename Unit>
+ ActiveTail<Unit>* createActiveTail();
+ /* deallocate an activetail object */
+ template <typename Unit>
+ void destroyActiveTail(ActiveTail<Unit>* aTail);
+ template<bool orientT, typename Unit>
+ class PolyLineHoleData {
+ private:
+ ActiveTail<Unit>* p_;
+ public:
+ typedef Unit coordinate_type;
+ typedef typename ActiveTail<Unit>::iterator compact_iterator_type;
+ typedef iterator_compact_to_points<compact_iterator_type, point_data<coordinate_type> > iterator_type;
+ inline PolyLineHoleData() : p_(0) {}
+ inline PolyLineHoleData(ActiveTail<Unit>* p) : p_(p) {}
+ //use default copy and assign
+ inline compact_iterator_type begin_compact() const { return p_->begin(true, (orientT ? VERTICAL : HORIZONTAL)); }
+ inline compact_iterator_type end_compact() const { return p_->end(); }
+ inline iterator_type begin() const { return iterator_type(begin_compact(), end_compact()); }
+ inline iterator_type end() const { return iterator_type(end_compact(), end_compact()); }
+ inline std::size_t size() const { return 0; }
+ inline ActiveTail<Unit>* yield() { return p_; }
+ template<class iT>
+ inline PolyLineHoleData& set(iT inputBegin, iT inputEnd) {
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template<class iT>
+ inline PolyLineHoleData& set_compact(iT inputBegin, iT inputEnd) {
+ return *this;
+ }
+ };
+ template<bool orientT, typename Unit>
+ class PolyLinePolygonWithHolesData {
+ private:
+ ActiveTail<Unit>* p_;
+ public:
+ typedef Unit coordinate_type;
+ typedef typename ActiveTail<Unit>::iterator compact_iterator_type;
+ typedef iterator_compact_to_points<compact_iterator_type, point_data<coordinate_type> > iterator_type;
+ typedef PolyLineHoleData<orientT, Unit> hole_type;
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<Unit>::area_type area_type;
+ class iteratorHoles {
+ private:
+ typename ActiveTail<Unit>::iteratorHoles itr_;
+ public:
+ inline iteratorHoles() : itr_() {}
+ inline iteratorHoles(typename ActiveTail<Unit>::iteratorHoles itr) : itr_(itr) {}
+ //use bitwise copy and assign provided by the compiler
+ inline iteratorHoles& operator++() {
+ ++itr_;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline const iteratorHoles operator++(int) {
+ iteratorHoles tmp(*this);
+ ++(*this);
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ inline bool operator==(const iteratorHoles& that) const {
+ return itr_ == that.itr_;
+ }
+ inline bool operator!=(const iteratorHoles& that) const {
+ return itr_ != that.itr_;
+ }
+ inline PolyLineHoleData<orientT, Unit> operator*() { return PolyLineHoleData<orientT, Unit>(*itr_);}
+ };
+ typedef iteratorHoles iterator_holes_type;
+ inline PolyLinePolygonWithHolesData() : p_(0) {}
+ inline PolyLinePolygonWithHolesData(ActiveTail<Unit>* p) : p_(p) {}
+ //use default copy and assign
+ inline compact_iterator_type begin_compact() const { return p_->begin(false, (orientT ? VERTICAL : HORIZONTAL)); }
+ inline compact_iterator_type end_compact() const { return p_->end(); }
+ inline iterator_type begin() const { return iterator_type(begin_compact(), end_compact()); }
+ inline iterator_type end() const { return iterator_type(end_compact(), end_compact()); }
+ inline iteratorHoles begin_holes() const { return iteratorHoles(p_->beginHoles()); }
+ inline iteratorHoles end_holes() const { return iteratorHoles(p_->endHoles()); }
+ inline ActiveTail<Unit>* yield() { return p_; }
+ //stub out these four required functions that will not be used but are needed for the interface
+ inline std::size_t size_holes() const { return 0; }
+ inline std::size_t size() const { return 0; }
+ template<class iT>
+ inline PolyLinePolygonWithHolesData& set(iT inputBegin, iT inputEnd) {
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template<class iT>
+ inline PolyLinePolygonWithHolesData& set_compact(iT inputBegin, iT inputEnd) {
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // initialize a polygon from x,y values, it is assumed that the first is an x
+ // and that the input is a well behaved polygon
+ template<class iT>
+ inline PolyLinePolygonWithHolesData& set_holes(iT inputBegin, iT inputEnd) {
+ return *this;
+ }
+ };
+ template <bool orientT, typename Unit, typename polygon_concept_type>
+ struct PolyLineType { };
+ template <bool orientT, typename Unit>
+ struct PolyLineType<orientT, Unit, polygon_90_with_holes_concept> { typedef PolyLinePolygonWithHolesData<orientT, Unit> type; };
+ template <bool orientT, typename Unit>
+ struct PolyLineType<orientT, Unit, polygon_45_with_holes_concept> { typedef PolyLinePolygonWithHolesData<orientT, Unit> type; };
+ template <bool orientT, typename Unit>
+ struct PolyLineType<orientT, Unit, polygon_with_holes_concept> { typedef PolyLinePolygonWithHolesData<orientT, Unit> type; };
+ template <bool orientT, typename Unit>
+ struct PolyLineType<orientT, Unit, polygon_90_concept> { typedef PolyLineHoleData<orientT, Unit> type; };
+ template <bool orientT, typename Unit>
+ struct PolyLineType<orientT, Unit, polygon_45_concept> { typedef PolyLineHoleData<orientT, Unit> type; };
+ template <bool orientT, typename Unit>
+ struct PolyLineType<orientT, Unit, polygon_concept> { typedef PolyLineHoleData<orientT, Unit> type; };
+ template <bool orientT, typename Unit, typename polygon_concept_type>
+ class ScanLineToPolygonItrs {
+ private:
+ std::map<Unit, ActiveTail<Unit>*> tailMap_;
+ typedef typename PolyLineType<orientT, Unit, polygon_concept_type>::type PolyLinePolygonData;
+ std::vector<PolyLinePolygonData> outputPolygons_;
+ bool fractureHoles_;
+ public:
+ typedef typename std::vector<PolyLinePolygonData>::iterator iterator;
+ inline ScanLineToPolygonItrs() : tailMap_(), outputPolygons_(), fractureHoles_(false) {}
+ /* construct a scanline with the proper offsets, protocol and options */
+ inline ScanLineToPolygonItrs(bool fractureHoles) : tailMap_(), outputPolygons_(), fractureHoles_(fractureHoles) {}
+ ~ScanLineToPolygonItrs() { clearOutput_(); }
+ /* process all vertical edges, left and right, at a unique x coordinate, edges must be sorted low to high */
+ void processEdges(iterator& beginOutput, iterator& endOutput,
+ Unit currentX, std::vector<interval_data<Unit> >& leftEdges,
+ std::vector<interval_data<Unit> >& rightEdges);
+ private:
+ void clearOutput_();
+ };
+ /*
+ * ScanLine does all the work of stitching together polygons from incoming vertical edges
+ */
+// template <typename Unit, typename polygon_concept_type>
+// class ScanLineToPolygons {
+// private:
+// ScanLineToPolygonItrs<true, Unit> scanline_;
+// public:
+// inline ScanLineToPolygons() : scanline_() {}
+// /* construct a scanline with the proper offsets, protocol and options */
+// inline ScanLineToPolygons(bool fractureHoles) : scanline_(fractureHoles) {}
+// /* process all vertical edges, left and right, at a unique x coordinate, edges must be sorted low to high */
+// inline void processEdges(std::vector<Unit>& outBufferTmp, Unit currentX, std::vector<interval_data<Unit> >& leftEdges,
+// std::vector<interval_data<Unit> >& rightEdges) {
+// typename ScanLineToPolygonItrs<true, Unit>::iterator itr, endItr;
+// scanline_.processEdges(itr, endItr, currentX, leftEdges, rightEdges);
+// //copy data into outBufferTmp
+// while(itr != endItr) {
+// typename PolyLinePolygonData<true, Unit>::iterator pditr;
+// outBufferTmp.push_back(0);
+// unsigned int sizeIndex = outBufferTmp.size() - 1;
+// int count = 0;
+// for(pditr = (*itr).begin(); pditr != (*itr).end(); ++pditr) {
+// outBufferTmp.push_back(*pditr);
+// ++count;
+// }
+// outBufferTmp[sizeIndex] = count;
+// typename PolyLinePolygonData<true, Unit>::iteratorHoles pdHoleItr;
+// for(pdHoleItr = (*itr).beginHoles(); pdHoleItr != (*itr).endHoles(); ++pdHoleItr) {
+// outBufferTmp.push_back(0);
+// unsigned int sizeIndex2 = outBufferTmp.size() - 1;
+// int count2 = 0;
+// for(pditr = (*pdHoleItr).begin(); pditr != (*pdHoleItr).end(); ++pditr) {
+// outBufferTmp.push_back(*pditr);
+// ++count2;
+// }
+// outBufferTmp[sizeIndex2] = -count;
+// }
+// ++itr;
+// }
+// }
+// };
+ //EVERY FUNCTION in this DEF file should be explicitly defined as inline
+ //microsoft compiler improperly warns whenever you cast an integer to bool
+ //call this function on an integer to convert it to bool without a warning
+ template <class T>
+ inline bool to_bool(const T& val) { return val != 0; }
+ //default constructor (for preallocation)
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline PolyLine<Unit>::PolyLine() : ptdata_() ,headp_(0), tailp_(0), state_(-1) {}
+ //constructor
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline PolyLine<Unit>::PolyLine(orientation_2d orient, Unit coord, Side side) :
+ ptdata_(1, coord),
+ headp_(0),
+ tailp_(0),
+ state_(orient.to_int() +
+ (side << 3)) {}
+ //copy constructor
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline PolyLine<Unit>::PolyLine(const PolyLine<Unit>& pline) : ptdata_(pline.ptdata_),
+ headp_(pline.headp_),
+ tailp_(pline.tailp_),
+ state_(pline.state_) {}
+ //destructor
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline PolyLine<Unit>::~PolyLine() {
+ //clear out data just in case it is read later
+ headp_ = tailp_ = 0;
+ state_ = 0;
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline PolyLine<Unit>& PolyLine<Unit>::operator=(const PolyLine<Unit>& that) {
+ if(!(this == &that)) {
+ headp_ = that.headp_;
+ tailp_ = that.tailp_;
+ ptdata_ = that.ptdata_;
+ state_ = that.state_;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline bool PolyLine<Unit>::operator==(const PolyLine<Unit>& b) const {
+ return this == &b || (state_ == b.state_ &&
+ headp_ == b.headp_ &&
+ tailp_ == b.tailp_);
+ }
+ //valid PolyLine
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline bool PolyLine<Unit>::isValid() const {
+ return state_ > -1; }
+ //first coordinate is an X value
+ //first segment is vertical
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline bool PolyLine<Unit>::verticalHead() const {
+ return state_ & VERTICAL_HEAD;
+ }
+ //retrun true is PolyLine has odd number of coordiantes
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline bool PolyLine<Unit>::oddLength() const {
+ return to_bool((ptdata_.size()-1) % 2);
+ }
+ //last coordiante is an X value
+ //last segment is vertical
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline bool PolyLine<Unit>::verticalTail() const {
+ return to_bool(verticalHead() ^ oddLength());
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline orientation_2d PolyLine<Unit>::tailOrient() const {
+ return (verticalTail() ? VERTICAL : HORIZONTAL);
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline orientation_2d PolyLine<Unit>::headOrient() const {
+ return (verticalHead() ? VERTICAL : HORIZONTAL);
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline End PolyLine<Unit>::endConnectivity(End end) const {
+ //Tail should be defined as true
+ if(end) { return tailToTail(); }
+ return headToTail();
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline bool PolyLine<Unit>::headToTail() const {
+ return to_bool(state_ & HEAD_TO_TAIL);
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline bool PolyLine<Unit>::headToHead() const {
+ return to_bool(!headToTail());
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline bool PolyLine<Unit>::tailToHead() const {
+ return to_bool(!tailToTail());
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline bool PolyLine<Unit>::tailToTail() const {
+ return to_bool(state_ & TAIL_TO_TAIL);
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline Side PolyLine<Unit>::solidSide() const {
+ return solidToRight(); }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline bool PolyLine<Unit>::solidToRight() const {
+ return to_bool(state_ & SOLID_TO_RIGHT) != 0;
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline bool PolyLine<Unit>::active() const {
+ return !to_bool(tailp_);
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline PolyLine<Unit>& PolyLine<Unit>::pushCoordinate(Unit coord) {
+ ptdata_.push_back(coord);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline PolyLine<Unit>& PolyLine<Unit>::popCoordinate() {
+ ptdata_.pop_back();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline PolyLine<Unit>& PolyLine<Unit>::pushPoint(const point_data<Unit>& point) {
+ point_data<Unit> endPt = getEndPoint();
+ //vertical is true, horizontal is false
+ if((tailOrient().to_int() ? point.get(VERTICAL) == endPt.get(VERTICAL) : point.get(HORIZONTAL) == endPt.get(HORIZONTAL))) {
+ //we were pushing a colinear segment
+ return popCoordinate();
+ }
+ return pushCoordinate(tailOrient().to_int() ? point.get(VERTICAL) : point.get(HORIZONTAL));
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline PolyLine<Unit>& PolyLine<Unit>::extendTail(Unit delta) {
+ ptdata_.back() += delta;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ //private member function that creates a link from this PolyLine to that
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline PolyLine<Unit>& PolyLine<Unit>::joinTo_(End thisEnd, PolyLine<Unit>& that, End end) {
+ if(thisEnd){
+ tailp_ = &that;
+ state_ &= ~TAIL_TO_TAIL; //clear any previous state_ of bit (for safety)
+ state_ |= (end << 2); //place bit into mask
+ } else {
+ headp_ = &that;
+ state_ &= ~HEAD_TO_TAIL; //clear any previous state_ of bit (for safety)
+ state_ |= (end << 1); //place bit into mask
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ //join two PolyLines (both ways of the association)
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline PolyLine<Unit>& PolyLine<Unit>::joinTo(End thisEnd, PolyLine<Unit>& that, End end) {
+ joinTo_(thisEnd, that, end);
+ that.joinTo_(end, *this, thisEnd);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ //convenience functions for joining PolyLines
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline PolyLine<Unit>& PolyLine<Unit>::joinToTail(PolyLine<Unit>& that, End end) {
+ return joinTo(TAIL, that, end);
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline PolyLine<Unit>& PolyLine<Unit>::joinToHead(PolyLine<Unit>& that, End end) {
+ return joinTo(HEAD, that, end);
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline PolyLine<Unit>& PolyLine<Unit>::joinHeadToHead(PolyLine<Unit>& that) {
+ return joinToHead(that, HEAD);
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline PolyLine<Unit>& PolyLine<Unit>::joinHeadToTail(PolyLine<Unit>& that) {
+ return joinToHead(that, TAIL);
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline PolyLine<Unit>& PolyLine<Unit>::joinTailToHead(PolyLine<Unit>& that) {
+ return joinToTail(that, HEAD);
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline PolyLine<Unit>& PolyLine<Unit>::joinTailToTail(PolyLine<Unit>& that) {
+ return joinToTail(that, TAIL);
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline PolyLine<Unit>& PolyLine<Unit>::disconnectTails() {
+ next(TAIL)->state_ &= !TAIL_TO_TAIL;
+ next(TAIL)->tailp_ = 0;
+ state_ &= !TAIL_TO_TAIL;
+ tailp_ = 0;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline Unit PolyLine<Unit>::getEndCoord(End end) const {
+ if(end)
+ return ptdata_.back();
+ return ptdata_.front();
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline orientation_2d PolyLine<Unit>::segmentOrient(unsigned int index) const {
+ return (to_bool((unsigned int)verticalHead() ^ (index % 2)) ? VERTICAL : HORIZONTAL);
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline point_data<Unit> PolyLine<Unit>::getPoint(unsigned int index) const {
+ //assert(isValid() && headp_->isValid()) ("PolyLine: headp_ must be valid");
+ point_data<Unit> pt;
+ pt.set(HORIZONTAL, ptdata_[index]);
+ pt.set(VERTICAL, ptdata_[index]);
+ Unit prevCoord;
+ if(index == 0) {
+ prevCoord = headp_->getEndCoord(headToTail());
+ } else {
+ prevCoord = ptdata_[index-1];
+ }
+ pt.set(segmentOrient(index), prevCoord);
+ return pt;
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline point_data<Unit> PolyLine<Unit>::getEndPoint(End end) const {
+ return getPoint((end ? numSegments() - 1 : (unsigned int)0));
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline Unit PolyLine<Unit>::operator[] (unsigned int index) const {
+ //assert(ptdata_.size() > index) ("PolyLine: out of bounds index");
+ return ptdata_[index];
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline unsigned int PolyLine<Unit>::numSegments() const {
+ return ptdata_.size();
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline PolyLine<Unit>* PolyLine<Unit>::next(End end) const {
+ return (end ? tailp_ : headp_);
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline ActiveTail<Unit>::ActiveTail() : tailp_(0), otherTailp_(0), holesList_() {}
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline ActiveTail<Unit>::ActiveTail(orientation_2d orient, Unit coord, Side solidToRight, ActiveTail* otherTailp) :
+ tailp_(0), otherTailp_(0), holesList_() {
+ tailp_ = createPolyLine(orient, coord, solidToRight);
+ otherTailp_ = otherTailp;
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline ActiveTail<Unit>::ActiveTail(PolyLine<Unit>* active, ActiveTail<Unit>* otherTailp) :
+ tailp_(active), otherTailp_(otherTailp), holesList_() {}
+ //copy constructor
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline ActiveTail<Unit>::ActiveTail(const ActiveTail<Unit>& that) : tailp_(that.tailp_), otherTailp_(that.otherTailp_), holesList_() {}
+ //destructor
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline ActiveTail<Unit>::~ActiveTail() {
+ //clear them in case the memory is read later
+ tailp_ = 0; otherTailp_ = 0;
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline ActiveTail<Unit>& ActiveTail<Unit>::operator=(const ActiveTail<Unit>& that) {
+ //self assignment is safe in this case
+ tailp_ = that.tailp_;
+ otherTailp_ = that.otherTailp_;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline bool ActiveTail<Unit>::operator==(const ActiveTail<Unit>& b) const {
+ return tailp_ == b.tailp_ && otherTailp_ == b.otherTailp_;
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline bool ActiveTail<Unit>::operator<(const ActiveTail<Unit>& b) const {
+ return tailp_->getEndPoint().get(VERTICAL) < b.tailp_->getEndPoint().get(VERTICAL);
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline bool ActiveTail<Unit>::operator<=(const ActiveTail<Unit>& b) const {
+ return !(*this > b); }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline bool ActiveTail<Unit>::operator>(const ActiveTail<Unit>& b) const {
+ return b < (*this); }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline bool ActiveTail<Unit>::operator>=(const ActiveTail<Unit>& b) const {
+ return !(*this < b); }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline PolyLine<Unit>* ActiveTail<Unit>::getTail() const {
+ return tailp_; }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline PolyLine<Unit>* ActiveTail<Unit>::getOtherTail() const {
+ return otherTailp_->tailp_; }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline ActiveTail<Unit>* ActiveTail<Unit>::getOtherActiveTail() const {
+ return otherTailp_; }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline bool ActiveTail<Unit>::isOtherTail(const ActiveTail<Unit>& b) {
+ // assert( (tailp_ == b.getOtherTail() && getOtherTail() == b.tailp_) ||
+ // (tailp_ != b.getOtherTail() && getOtherTail() != b.tailp_))
+ // ("ActiveTail: Active tails out of sync");
+ return otherTailp_ == &b;
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline ActiveTail<Unit>& ActiveTail<Unit>::updateTail(PolyLine<Unit>* newTail) {
+ tailp_ = newTail;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline ActiveTail<Unit>* ActiveTail<Unit>::addHole(ActiveTail<Unit>* hole, bool fractureHoles) {
+ if(!fractureHoles){
+ holesList_.push_back(hole);
+ copyHoles(*hole);
+ copyHoles(*(hole->getOtherActiveTail()));
+ return this;
+ }
+ ActiveTail<Unit>* h, *v;
+ ActiveTail<Unit>* other = hole->getOtherActiveTail();
+ if(other->getOrient() == VERTICAL) {
+ //assert that hole.getOrient() == HORIZONTAL
+ //this case should never happen
+ h = hole;
+ v = other;
+ } else {
+ //assert that hole.getOrient() == VERTICAL
+ h = other;
+ v = hole;
+ }
+ h->pushCoordinate(v->getCoordinate());
+ //assert that h->getOrient() == VERTICAL
+ //v->pushCoordinate(getCoordinate());
+ //assert that v->getOrient() == VERTICAL
+ //I can't close a figure by adding a hole, so pass zero for xMin and yMin
+ std::vector<Unit> tmpVec;
+ ActiveTail<Unit>::joinChains(this, h, false, tmpVec);
+ return v;
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline const std::list<ActiveTail<Unit>*>& ActiveTail<Unit>::getHoles() const {
+ return holesList_;
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline void ActiveTail<Unit>::copyHoles(ActiveTail<Unit>& that) {
+ holesList_.splice(holesList_.end(), that.holesList_); //splice the two lists together
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline bool ActiveTail<Unit>::solidToRight() const {
+ return getTail()->solidToRight(); }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline Unit ActiveTail<Unit>::getCoord() const {
+ return getTail()->getEndCoord(); }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline Unit ActiveTail<Unit>::getCoordinate() const {
+ return getCoord(); }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline orientation_2d ActiveTail<Unit>::getOrient() const {
+ return getTail()->tailOrient(); }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline void ActiveTail<Unit>::pushCoordinate(Unit coord) {
+ //appropriately handle any co-linear polyline segments by calling push point internally
+ point_data<Unit> p;
+ p.set(HORIZONTAL, coord);
+ p.set(VERTICAL, coord);
+ //if we are vertical assign the last coordinate (an X) to p.x, else to p.y
+ p.set(getOrient().get_perpendicular(), getCoordinate());
+ tailp_->pushPoint(p);
+ }
+ //global utility functions
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline PolyLine<Unit>* createPolyLine(orientation_2d orient, Unit coord, Side side) {
+ return new PolyLine<Unit>(orient, coord, side);
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline void destroyPolyLine(PolyLine<Unit>* pLine) {
+ delete pLine;
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline ActiveTail<Unit>* createActiveTail() {
+ //consider replacing system allocator with ActiveTail memory pool
+ return new ActiveTail<Unit>();
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline void destroyActiveTail(ActiveTail<Unit>* aTail) {
+ delete aTail;
+ }
+ //no recursion, to prevent max recursion depth errors
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline void ActiveTail<Unit>::destroyContents() {
+ tailp_->disconnectTails();
+ PolyLine<Unit>* nextPolyLinep = tailp_->next(HEAD);
+ End end = tailp_->endConnectivity(HEAD);
+ destroyPolyLine(tailp_);
+ while(nextPolyLinep) {
+ End nextEnd = nextPolyLinep->endConnectivity(!end); //get the direction of next polyLine
+ PolyLine<Unit>* nextNextPolyLinep = nextPolyLinep->next(!end); //get the next polyline
+ destroyPolyLine(nextPolyLinep); //destroy the current polyline
+ end = nextEnd;
+ nextPolyLinep = nextNextPolyLinep;
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline typename ActiveTail<Unit>::iterator ActiveTail<Unit>::begin(bool isHole, orientation_2d orient) const {
+ return iterator(this, isHole, orient);
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline typename ActiveTail<Unit>::iterator ActiveTail<Unit>::end() const {
+ return iterator();
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline typename ActiveTail<Unit>::iteratorHoles ActiveTail<Unit>::beginHoles() const {
+ return holesList_.begin();
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline typename ActiveTail<Unit>::iteratorHoles ActiveTail<Unit>::endHoles() const {
+ return holesList_.end();
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline void ActiveTail<Unit>::writeOutFigureItrs(iterator& beginOut, iterator& endOut, bool isHole, orientation_2d orient) const {
+ beginOut = begin(isHole, orient);
+ endOut = end();
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline void ActiveTail<Unit>::writeOutFigureHoleItrs(iteratorHoles& beginOut, iteratorHoles& endOut) const {
+ beginOut = beginHoles();
+ endOut = endHoles();
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline void ActiveTail<Unit>::writeOutFigure(std::vector<Unit>& outVec, bool isHole) const {
+ //we start writing out the polyLine that this active tail points to at its tail
+ std::size_t size = outVec.size();
+ outVec.push_back(0); //place holder for size
+ PolyLine<Unit>* nextPolyLinep = 0;
+ if(!isHole){
+ nextPolyLinep = otherTailp_->tailp_->writeOut(outVec);
+ } else {
+ nextPolyLinep = tailp_->writeOut(outVec);
+ }
+ Unit firsty = outVec[size + 1];
+ if((getOrient() == HORIZONTAL) ^ !isHole) {
+ //our first coordinate is a y value, so we need to rotate it to the end
+ typename std::vector<Unit>::iterator tmpItr = outVec.begin();
+ tmpItr += size;
+ outVec.erase(++tmpItr); //erase the 2nd element
+ }
+ End startEnd = tailp_->endConnectivity(HEAD);
+ if(isHole) startEnd = otherTailp_->tailp_->endConnectivity(HEAD);
+ while(nextPolyLinep) {
+ bool nextStartEnd = nextPolyLinep->endConnectivity(!startEnd);
+ nextPolyLinep = nextPolyLinep->writeOut(outVec, startEnd);
+ startEnd = nextStartEnd;
+ }
+ if((getOrient() == HORIZONTAL) ^ !isHole) {
+ //we want to push the y value onto the end since we ought to have ended with an x
+ outVec.push_back(firsty); //should never be executed because we want first value to be an x
+ }
+ //the vector contains the coordinates of the linked list of PolyLines in the correct order
+ //first element is supposed to be the size
+ outVec[size] = outVec.size() - 1 - size; //number of coordinates in vector
+ //assert outVec[size] % 2 == 0 //it should be even
+ //make the size negative for holes
+ outVec[size] *= (isHole ? -1 : 1);
+ }
+ //no recursion to prevent max recursion depth errors
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline PolyLine<Unit>* PolyLine<Unit>::writeOut(std::vector<Unit>& outVec, End startEnd) const {
+ if(startEnd == HEAD){
+ //forward order
+ outVec.insert(outVec.end(), ptdata_.begin(), ptdata_.end());
+ return tailp_;
+ }else{
+ //reverse order
+ //do not reserve because we expect outVec to be large enough already
+ for(int i = ptdata_.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i){
+ outVec.push_back(ptdata_[i]);
+ }
+ //NT didn't know about this version of the API....
+ //outVec.insert(outVec.end(), ptdata_.rbegin(), ptdata_.rend());
+ return headp_;
+ }
+ }
+ //solid indicates if it was joined by a solit or a space
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline ActiveTail<Unit>* ActiveTail<Unit>::joinChains(ActiveTail<Unit>* at1, ActiveTail<Unit>* at2, bool solid, std::vector<Unit>& outBufferTmp)
+ {
+ //checks to see if we closed a figure
+ if(at1->isOtherTail(*at2)){
+ //value of solid tells us if we closed solid or hole
+ //and output the solid or handle the hole appropriately
+ //if the hole needs to fracture across horizontal partition boundary we need to notify
+ //the calling context to do so
+ if(solid) {
+ //the chains are being joined because there is solid to the right
+ //this means that if the figure is closed at this point it must be a hole
+ //because otherwise it would have to have another vertex to the right of this one
+ //and would not be closed at this point
+ return at1;
+ } else {
+ //assert pG != 0
+ //the figure that was closed is a shell
+ at1->writeOutFigure(outBufferTmp);
+ //process holes of the polygon
+ at1->copyHoles(*at2); //there should not be holes on at2, but if there are, copy them over
+ const std::list<ActiveTail<Unit>*>& holes = at1->getHoles();
+ for(typename std::list<ActiveTail<Unit>*>::const_iterator litr = holes.begin(); litr != holes.end(); ++litr) {
+ (*litr)->writeOutFigure(outBufferTmp, true);
+ //delete the hole
+ (*litr)->destroyContents();
+ destroyActiveTail((*litr)->getOtherActiveTail());
+ destroyActiveTail((*litr));
+ }
+ //delete the polygon
+ at1->destroyContents();
+ //at2 contents are the same as at1, so it should not destroy them
+ destroyActiveTail(at1);
+ destroyActiveTail(at2);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ //join the two partial polygons into one large partial polygon
+ at1->getTail()->joinTailToTail(*(at2->getTail()));
+ *(at1->getOtherActiveTail()) = ActiveTail(at1->getOtherTail(), at2->getOtherActiveTail());
+ *(at2->getOtherActiveTail()) = ActiveTail(at2->getOtherTail(), at1->getOtherActiveTail());
+ at1->getOtherActiveTail()->copyHoles(*at1);
+ at1->getOtherActiveTail()->copyHoles(*at2);
+ destroyActiveTail(at1);
+ destroyActiveTail(at2);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ //solid indicates if it was joined by a solit or a space
+ template <typename Unit>
+ template <typename PolygonT>
+ inline ActiveTail<Unit>* ActiveTail<Unit>::joinChains(ActiveTail<Unit>* at1, ActiveTail<Unit>* at2, bool solid,
+ std::vector<PolygonT>& outBufferTmp) {
+ //checks to see if we closed a figure
+ if(at1->isOtherTail(*at2)){
+ //value of solid tells us if we closed solid or hole
+ //and output the solid or handle the hole appropriately
+ //if the hole needs to fracture across horizontal partition boundary we need to notify
+ //the calling context to do so
+ if(solid) {
+ //the chains are being joined because there is solid to the right
+ //this means that if the figure is closed at this point it must be a hole
+ //because otherwise it would have to have another vertex to the right of this one
+ //and would not be closed at this point
+ return at1;
+ } else {
+ //assert pG != 0
+ //the figure that was closed is a shell
+ outBufferTmp.push_back(at1);
+ at1->copyHoles(*at2); //there should not be holes on at2, but if there are, copy them over
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ //join the two partial polygons into one large partial polygon
+ at1->getTail()->joinTailToTail(*(at2->getTail()));
+ *(at1->getOtherActiveTail()) = ActiveTail<Unit>(at1->getOtherTail(), at2->getOtherActiveTail());
+ *(at2->getOtherActiveTail()) = ActiveTail<Unit>(at2->getOtherTail(), at1->getOtherActiveTail());
+ at1->getOtherActiveTail()->copyHoles(*at1);
+ at1->getOtherActiveTail()->copyHoles(*at2);
+ destroyActiveTail(at1);
+ destroyActiveTail(at2);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ template <class TKey, class T> inline typename std::map<TKey, T>::iterator findAtNext(std::map<TKey, T>& theMap,
+ typename std::map<TKey, T>::iterator pos, const TKey& key)
+ {
+ if(pos == theMap.end()) return theMap.find(key);
+ //if they match the mapItr is pointing to the correct position
+ if(pos->first < key) {
+ return theMap.find(key);
+ }
+ if(pos->first > key) {
+ return theMap.end();
+ }
+ //else they are equal and no need to do anything to the iterator
+ return pos;
+ }
+ // createActiveTailsAsPair is called in these two end cases of geometry
+ // 1. lower left concave corner
+ // ###|
+ // ###|
+ // ###|###
+ // ###|###
+ // 2. lower left convex corner
+ // |###
+ // |###
+ // |
+ // |
+ // In case 1 there may be a hole propigated up from the bottom. If the fracture option is enabled
+ // the two active tails that form the filament fracture line edges can become the new active tail pair
+ // by pushing x and y onto them. Otherwise the hole simply needs to be associated to one of the new active tails
+ // with add hole
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline std::pair<ActiveTail<Unit>*, ActiveTail<Unit>*> createActiveTailsAsPair(Unit x, Unit y, bool solid, ActiveTail<Unit>* phole, bool fractureHoles) {
+ ActiveTail<Unit>* at1 = 0;
+ ActiveTail<Unit>* at2 = 0;
+ if(!phole || !fractureHoles){
+ at1 = createActiveTail<Unit>();
+ at2 = createActiveTail<Unit>();
+ (*at1) = ActiveTail<Unit>(VERTICAL, x, solid, at2);
+ (*at2) = ActiveTail<Unit>(HORIZONTAL, y, !solid, at1);
+ //provide a function through activeTail class to provide this
+ at1->getTail()->joinHeadToHead(*(at2->getTail()));
+ if(phole)
+ at1->addHole(phole, fractureHoles); //assert fractureHoles == false
+ return std::pair<ActiveTail<Unit>*, ActiveTail<Unit>*>(at1, at2);
+ }
+ //assert phole is not null
+ //assert fractureHoles is true
+ if(phole->getOrient() == VERTICAL) {
+ at2 = phole;
+ } else {
+ at2 = phole->getOtherActiveTail(); //should never be executed since orientation is expected to be vertical
+ }
+ //assert solid == false, we should be creating a corner with solid below and to the left if there was a hole
+ at1 = at2->getOtherActiveTail();
+ //assert at1 is horizontal
+ at1->pushCoordinate(x);
+ //assert at2 is vertical
+ at2->pushCoordinate(y);
+ return std::pair<ActiveTail<Unit>*, ActiveTail<Unit>*>(at1, at2);
+ }
+ //Process edges connects vertical input edges (right or left edges of figures) to horizontal edges stored as member
+ //data of the scanline object. It also creates now horizontal edges as needed to construct figures from edge data.
+ //
+ //There are only 12 geometric end cases where the scanline intersects a horizontal edge and even fewer unique
+ //actions to take:
+ // 1. Solid on both sides of the vertical partition after the current position and space on both sides before
+ // ###|###
+ // ###|###
+ // |
+ // |
+ // This case does not need to be handled because there is no vertical edge at the current x coordinate.
+ //
+ // 2. Solid on both sides of the vertical partition before the current position and space on both sides after
+ // |
+ // |
+ // ###|###
+ // ###|###
+ // This case does not need to be handled because there is no vertical edge at the current x coordinate.
+ //
+ // 3. Solid on the left of the vertical partition after the current position and space elsewhere
+ // ###|
+ // ###|
+ // |
+ // |
+ // The horizontal edge from the left is found and turns upward because of the vertical right edge to become
+ // the currently active vertical edge.
+ //
+ // 4. Solid on the left of the vertical partion before the current position and space elsewhere
+ // |
+ // |
+ // ###|
+ // ###|
+ // The horizontal edge from the left is found and joined to the currently active vertical edge.
+ //
+ // 5. Solid to the right above and below and solid to the left above current position.
+ // ###|###
+ // ###|###
+ // |###
+ // |###
+ // The horizontal edge from the left is found and joined to the currently active vertical edge,
+ // potentially closing a hole.
+ //
+ // 6. Solid on the left of the vertical partion before the current position and solid to the right above and below
+ // |###
+ // |###
+ // ###|###
+ // ###|###
+ // The horizontal edge from the left is found and turns upward because of the vertical right edge to become
+ // the currently active vertical edge.
+ //
+ // 7. Solid on the right of the vertical partition after the current position and space elsewhere
+ // |###
+ // |###
+ // |
+ // |
+ // Create two new ActiveTails, one is added to the horizontal edges and the other becomes the vertical currentTail
+ //
+ // 8. Solid on the right of the vertical partion before the current position and space elsewhere
+ // |
+ // |
+ // |###
+ // |###
+ // The currentTail vertical edge turns right and is added to the horizontal edges data
+ //
+ // 9. Solid to the right above and solid to the left above and below current position.
+ // ###|###
+ // ###|###
+ // ###|
+ // ###|
+ // The currentTail vertical edge turns right and is added to the horizontal edges data
+ //
+ // 10. Solid on the left of the vertical partion above and below the current position and solid to the right below
+ // ###|
+ // ###|
+ // ###|###
+ // ###|###
+ // Create two new ActiveTails, one is added to the horizontal edges data and the other becomes the vertical currentTail
+ //
+ // 11. Solid to the right above and solid to the left below current position.
+ // |###
+ // |###
+ // ###|
+ // ###|
+ // The currentTail vertical edge joins the horizontal edge from the left (may close a polygon)
+ // Create two new ActiveTails, one is added to the horizontal edges data and the other becomes the vertical currentTail
+ //
+ // 12. Solid on the left of the vertical partion above the current position and solid to the right below
+ // ###|
+ // ###|
+ // |###
+ // |###
+ // The currentTail vertical edge turns right and is added to the horizontal edges data.
+ // The horizontal edge from the left turns upward and becomes the currentTail vertical edge
+ //
+ template <bool orientT, typename Unit, typename polygon_concept_type>
+ inline void ScanLineToPolygonItrs<orientT, Unit, polygon_concept_type>::
+ processEdges(iterator& beginOutput, iterator& endOutput,
+ Unit currentX, std::vector<interval_data<Unit> >& leftEdges,
+ std::vector<interval_data<Unit> >& rightEdges) {
+ clearOutput_();
+ typename std::map<Unit, ActiveTail<Unit>*>::iterator nextMapItr = tailMap_.begin();
+ //foreach edge
+ unsigned int leftIndex = 0;
+ unsigned int rightIndex = 0;
+ bool bottomAlreadyProcessed = false;
+ ActiveTail<Unit>* currentTail = 0;
+ const Unit UnitMax = (std::numeric_limits<Unit>::max)();
+ while(leftIndex < leftEdges.size() || rightIndex < rightEdges.size()) {
+ interval_data<Unit> edges[2] = {interval_data<Unit> (UnitMax, UnitMax), interval_data<Unit> (UnitMax, UnitMax)};
+ bool haveNextEdge = true;
+ if(leftIndex < leftEdges.size())
+ edges[0] = leftEdges[leftIndex];
+ else
+ haveNextEdge = false;
+ if(rightIndex < rightEdges.size())
+ edges[1] = rightEdges[rightIndex];
+ else
+ haveNextEdge = false;
+ bool trailingEdge = edges[1].get(LOW) < edges[0].get(LOW);
+ interval_data<Unit> & edge = edges[trailingEdge];
+ interval_data<Unit> & nextEdge = edges[!trailingEdge];
+ //process this edge
+ if(!bottomAlreadyProcessed) {
+ //assert currentTail = 0
+ //process the bottom end of this edge
+ typename std::map<Unit, ActiveTail<Unit>*>::iterator thisMapItr = findAtNext(tailMap_, nextMapItr, edge.get(LOW));
+ if(thisMapItr != tailMap_.end()) {
+ //there is an edge in the map at the low end of this edge
+ //it needs to turn upward and become the current tail
+ ActiveTail<Unit>* tail = thisMapItr->second;
+ if(currentTail) {
+ //stitch currentTail into this tail
+ currentTail = tail->addHole(currentTail, fractureHoles_);
+ if(!fractureHoles_)
+ currentTail->pushCoordinate(currentX);
+ } else {
+ currentTail = tail;
+ currentTail->pushCoordinate(currentX);
+ }
+ //assert currentTail->getOrient() == VERTICAL
+ nextMapItr = thisMapItr; //set nextMapItr to the next position after this one
+ ++nextMapItr;
+ //remove thisMapItr from the map
+ tailMap_.erase(thisMapItr);
+ } else {
+ //there is no edge in the map at the low end of this edge
+ //we need to create one and another one to be the current vertical tail
+ //if this is a trailing edge then there is space to the right of the vertical edge
+ //so pass the inverse of trailingEdge to indicate solid to the right
+ std::pair<ActiveTail<Unit>*, ActiveTail<Unit>*> tailPair =
+ createActiveTailsAsPair(currentX, edge.get(LOW), !trailingEdge, currentTail, fractureHoles_);
+ currentTail = tailPair.first;
+ tailMap_.insert(nextMapItr, std::pair<Unit, ActiveTail<Unit>*>(edge.get(LOW), tailPair.second));
+ // leave nextMapItr unchanged
+ }
+ }
+ if(haveNextEdge && edge.get(HIGH) == nextEdge.get(LOW)) {
+ //the top of this edge is equal to the bottom of the next edge, process them both
+ bottomAlreadyProcessed = true;
+ typename std::map<Unit, ActiveTail<Unit>*>::iterator thisMapItr = findAtNext(tailMap_, nextMapItr, edge.get(HIGH));
+ if(thisMapItr == tailMap_.end()) //assert this should never happen
+ return;
+ if(trailingEdge) {
+ //geometry at this position
+ // |##
+ // |##
+ // -----
+ // ##|
+ // ##|
+ //current tail should join thisMapItr tail
+ ActiveTail<Unit>* tail = thisMapItr->second;
+ //pass false because they are being joined because space is to the right and it will close a solid figure
+ ActiveTail<Unit>::joinChains(currentTail, tail, false, outputPolygons_);
+ //two new tails are created, the vertical becomes current tail, the horizontal becomes thisMapItr tail
+ //pass true becuase they are created at the lower left corner of some solid
+ //pass null because there is no hole pointer possible
+ std::pair<ActiveTail<Unit>*, ActiveTail<Unit>*> tailPair =
+ createActiveTailsAsPair<Unit>(currentX, edge.get(HIGH), true, 0, fractureHoles_);
+ currentTail = tailPair.first;
+ thisMapItr->second = tailPair.second;
+ } else {
+ //geometry at this position
+ // ##|
+ // ##|
+ // -----
+ // |##
+ // |##
+ //current tail should turn right
+ currentTail->pushCoordinate(edge.get(HIGH));
+ //thisMapItr tail should turn up
+ thisMapItr->second->pushCoordinate(currentX);
+ //thisMapItr tail becomes current tail and current tail becomes thisMapItr tail
+ std::swap(currentTail, thisMapItr->second);
+ }
+ nextMapItr = thisMapItr; //set nextMapItr to the next position after this one
+ ++nextMapItr;
+ } else {
+ //there is a gap between the top of this edge and the bottom of the next, process the top of this edge
+ bottomAlreadyProcessed = false;
+ //process the top of this edge
+ typename std::map<Unit, ActiveTail<Unit>*>::iterator thisMapItr = findAtNext(tailMap_, nextMapItr, edge.get(HIGH));
+ if(thisMapItr != tailMap_.end()) {
+ //thisMapItr is pointing to a horizontal edge in the map at the top of this vertical edge
+ //we need to join them and potentially close a figure
+ //assert currentTail != 0
+ ActiveTail<Unit>* tail = thisMapItr->second;
+ //pass the opositve of trailing edge to mean that they are joined because of solid to the right
+ currentTail = ActiveTail<Unit>::joinChains(currentTail, tail, !trailingEdge, outputPolygons_);
+ nextMapItr = thisMapItr; //set nextMapItr to the next position after this one
+ ++nextMapItr;
+ if(currentTail) {
+ Unit nextItrY = UnitMax;
+ if(nextMapItr != tailMap_.end()) {
+ nextItrY = nextMapItr->first;
+ }
+ //for it to be a hole this must have been a left edge
+ Unit leftY = UnitMax;
+ if(leftIndex + 1 < leftEdges.size())
+ leftY = leftEdges[leftIndex+1].get(LOW);
+ Unit rightY = nextEdge.get(LOW);
+ if(!haveNextEdge || (nextItrY < leftY && nextItrY < rightY)) {
+ //we need to add it to the next edge above it in the map
+ tail = nextMapItr->second;
+ tail = tail->addHole(currentTail, fractureHoles_);
+ if(fractureHoles_) {
+ //some small additional work stitching in the filament
+ tail->pushCoordinate(nextItrY);
+ nextMapItr->second = tail;
+ }
+ //set current tail to null
+ currentTail = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ //delete thisMapItr from the map
+ tailMap_.erase(thisMapItr);
+ } else {
+ //currentTail must turn right and be added into the map
+ currentTail->pushCoordinate(edge.get(HIGH));
+ //assert currentTail->getOrient() == HORIZONTAL
+ tailMap_.insert(nextMapItr, std::pair<Unit, ActiveTail<Unit>*>(edge.get(HIGH), currentTail));
+ //set currentTail to null
+ currentTail = 0;
+ //leave nextMapItr unchanged, it is still next
+ }
+ }
+ //increment index
+ leftIndex += !trailingEdge;
+ rightIndex += trailingEdge;
+ } //end while
+ beginOutput = outputPolygons_.begin();
+ endOutput = outputPolygons_.end();
+ } //end function
+ template<bool orientT, typename Unit, typename polygon_concept_type>
+ inline void ScanLineToPolygonItrs<orientT, Unit, polygon_concept_type>::clearOutput_() {
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < outputPolygons_.size(); ++i) {
+ ActiveTail<Unit>* at1 = outputPolygons_[i].yield();
+ const std::list<ActiveTail<Unit>*>& holes = at1->getHoles();
+ for(typename std::list<ActiveTail<Unit>*>::const_iterator litr = holes.begin(); litr != holes.end(); ++litr) {
+ //delete the hole
+ (*litr)->destroyContents();
+ destroyActiveTail((*litr)->getOtherActiveTail());
+ destroyActiveTail((*litr));
+ }
+ //delete the polygon
+ at1->destroyContents();
+ //at2 contents are the same as at1, so it should not destroy them
+ destroyActiveTail((at1)->getOtherActiveTail());
+ destroyActiveTail(at1);
+ }
+ outputPolygons_.clear();
+ }
+} //polygon_formation namespace
+ template <bool orientT, typename Unit>
+ struct geometry_concept<polygon_formation::PolyLinePolygonWithHolesData<orientT, Unit> > {
+ typedef polygon_90_with_holes_concept type;
+ };
+ template <bool orientT, typename Unit>
+ struct geometry_concept<polygon_formation::PolyLineHoleData<orientT, Unit> > {
+ typedef polygon_90_concept type;
+ };
+ //public API to access polygon formation algorithm
+ template <typename output_container, typename iterator_type, typename concept_type>
+ unsigned int get_polygons(output_container& container, iterator_type begin, iterator_type end,
+ orientation_2d orient, bool fracture_holes, concept_type ) {
+ typedef typename output_container::value_type polygon_type;
+ typedef typename iterator_type::value_type::first_type coordinate_type;
+ polygon_type poly;
+ unsigned int countPolygons = 0;
+ typedef typename geometry_concept<polygon_type>::type polygon_concept_type;
+ polygon_formation::ScanLineToPolygonItrs<true, coordinate_type, polygon_concept_type> scanlineToPolygonItrsV(fracture_holes);
+ polygon_formation::ScanLineToPolygonItrs<false, coordinate_type, polygon_concept_type> scanlineToPolygonItrsH(fracture_holes);
+ std::vector<interval_data<coordinate_type> > leftEdges;
+ std::vector<interval_data<coordinate_type> > rightEdges;
+ coordinate_type prevPos = (std::numeric_limits<coordinate_type>::max)();
+ coordinate_type prevY = (std::numeric_limits<coordinate_type>::max)();
+ int count = 0;
+ for(iterator_type itr = begin;
+ itr != end; ++ itr) {
+ coordinate_type pos = (*itr).first;
+ if(pos != prevPos) {
+ if(orient == VERTICAL) {
+ typename polygon_formation::ScanLineToPolygonItrs<true, coordinate_type, polygon_concept_type>::iterator itrPoly, itrPolyEnd;
+ scanlineToPolygonItrsV.processEdges(itrPoly, itrPolyEnd, prevPos, leftEdges, rightEdges);
+ for( ; itrPoly != itrPolyEnd; ++ itrPoly) {
+ ++countPolygons;
+ assign(poly, *itrPoly);
+ container.insert(container.end(), poly);
+ }
+ } else {
+ typename polygon_formation::ScanLineToPolygonItrs<false, coordinate_type, polygon_concept_type>::iterator itrPoly, itrPolyEnd;
+ scanlineToPolygonItrsH.processEdges(itrPoly, itrPolyEnd, prevPos, leftEdges, rightEdges);
+ for( ; itrPoly != itrPolyEnd; ++ itrPoly) {
+ ++countPolygons;
+ assign(poly, *itrPoly);
+ container.insert(container.end(), poly);
+ }
+ }
+ leftEdges.clear();
+ rightEdges.clear();
+ prevPos = pos;
+ prevY = (*itr).second.first;
+ count = (*itr).second.second;
+ continue;
+ }
+ coordinate_type y = (*itr).second.first;
+ if(count != 0 && y != prevY) {
+ std::pair<interval_data<coordinate_type>, int> element(interval_data<coordinate_type>(prevY, y), count);
+ if(element.second == 1) {
+ if(leftEdges.size() && leftEdges.back().high() == element.first.low()) {
+ encompass(leftEdges.back(), element.first);
+ } else {
+ leftEdges.push_back(element.first);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(rightEdges.size() && rightEdges.back().high() == element.first.low()) {
+ encompass(rightEdges.back(), element.first);
+ } else {
+ rightEdges.push_back(element.first);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ prevY = y;
+ count += (*itr).second.second;
+ }
+ if(orient == VERTICAL) {
+ typename polygon_formation::ScanLineToPolygonItrs<true, coordinate_type, polygon_concept_type>::iterator itrPoly, itrPolyEnd;
+ scanlineToPolygonItrsV.processEdges(itrPoly, itrPolyEnd, prevPos, leftEdges, rightEdges);
+ for( ; itrPoly != itrPolyEnd; ++ itrPoly) {
+ ++countPolygons;
+ assign(poly, *itrPoly);
+ container.insert(container.end(), poly);
+ }
+ } else {
+ typename polygon_formation::ScanLineToPolygonItrs<false, coordinate_type, polygon_concept_type>::iterator itrPoly, itrPolyEnd;
+ scanlineToPolygonItrsH.processEdges(itrPoly, itrPolyEnd, prevPos, leftEdges, rightEdges);
+ for( ; itrPoly != itrPolyEnd; ++ itrPoly) {
+ ++countPolygons;
+ assign(poly, *itrPoly);
+ container.insert(container.end(), poly);
+ }
+ }
+ return countPolygons;
+ }
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/detail/polygon_set_view.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/detail/polygon_set_view.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+ template <typename coordinate_type>
+ inline void polygon_set_data<coordinate_type>::clean() const {
+ if(dirty_) {
+ polygon_45_set_data<coordinate_type> tmp;
+ if(downcast(tmp) ) {
+ tmp.clean();
+ data_.clear();
+ is_45_ = true;
+ polygon_set_data<coordinate_type> tmp2;
+ tmp2.insert(tmp);
+ data_.swap(tmp2.data_);
+ dirty_ = false;
+ sort();
+ } else {
+ sort();
+ arbitrary_boolean_op<coordinate_type> abo;
+ polygon_set_data<coordinate_type> tmp2;
+ abo.execute(tmp2, begin(), end(), end(), end(), 0);
+ data_.swap(tmp2.data_);
+ is_45_ = tmp2.is_45_;
+ dirty_ = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template <>
+ inline void polygon_set_data<double>::clean() const {
+ if(dirty_) {
+ sort();
+ arbitrary_boolean_op<double> abo;
+ polygon_set_data<double> tmp2;
+ abo.execute(tmp2, begin(), end(), end(), end(), 0);
+ data_.swap(tmp2.data_);
+ is_45_ = tmp2.is_45_;
+ dirty_ = false;
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename value_type, typename arg_type>
+ inline void insert_into_view_arg(value_type& dest, const arg_type& arg);
+ template <typename ltype, typename rtype, int op_type>
+ class polygon_set_view;
+ template <typename ltype, typename rtype, int op_type>
+ struct polygon_set_traits<polygon_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type> > {
+ typedef typename polygon_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
+ typedef typename polygon_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>::iterator_type iterator_type;
+ typedef typename polygon_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>::operator_arg_type operator_arg_type;
+ static inline iterator_type begin(const polygon_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>& polygon_set);
+ static inline iterator_type end(const polygon_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>& polygon_set);
+ static inline bool clean(const polygon_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>& polygon_set);
+ static inline bool sort(const polygon_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>& polygon_set);
+ };
+ //template <typename value_type, typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2, int op_type>
+ //void execute_boolean_op(value_type& output_, const geometry_type_1& lvalue_, const geometry_type_2& rvalue_,
+ // double coord) {
+ // typedef geometry_type_1 ltype;
+ // typedef geometry_type_2 rtype;
+ // typedef typename polygon_set_traits<ltype>::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
+ // value_type linput_;
+ // value_type rinput_;
+ // insert_into_view_arg(linput_, lvalue_);
+ // insert_into_view_arg(rinput_, rvalue_);
+ // arbitrary_boolean_op<coordinate_type> abo;
+ // abo.execute(output_, linput_.begin(), linput_.end(),
+ // rinput_.begin(), rinput_.end(), op_type);
+ //}
+ template <typename value_type, typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2, int op_type>
+ void execute_boolean_op(value_type& output_, const geometry_type_1& lvalue_, const geometry_type_2& rvalue_) {
+ typedef geometry_type_1 ltype;
+ typedef geometry_type_2 rtype;
+ typedef typename polygon_set_traits<ltype>::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
+ value_type linput_;
+ value_type rinput_;
+ insert_into_view_arg(linput_, lvalue_);
+ insert_into_view_arg(rinput_, rvalue_);
+ polygon_45_set_data<coordinate_type> l45, r45, o45;
+ if(linput_.downcast(l45) && rinput_.downcast(r45)) {
+ //the op codes are screwed up between 45 and arbitrary
+#pragma warning (disable: 4127)
+ if(op_type < 2)
+ l45.template applyAdaptiveBoolean_<op_type>(o45, r45);
+ else if(op_type == 2)
+ l45.template applyAdaptiveBoolean_<3>(o45, r45);
+ else
+ l45.template applyAdaptiveBoolean_<2>(o45, r45);
+#pragma warning (default: 4127)
+ output_.insert(o45);
+ } else {
+ arbitrary_boolean_op<coordinate_type> abo;
+ abo.execute(output_, linput_.begin(), linput_.end(),
+ rinput_.begin(), rinput_.end(), op_type);
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename ltype, typename rtype, int op_type>
+ class polygon_set_view {
+ public:
+ typedef typename polygon_set_traits<ltype>::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
+ typedef polygon_set_data<coordinate_type> value_type;
+ typedef typename value_type::iterator_type iterator_type;
+ typedef polygon_set_view operator_arg_type;
+ private:
+ const ltype& lvalue_;
+ const rtype& rvalue_;
+ mutable value_type output_;
+ mutable bool evaluated_;
+ polygon_set_view& operator=(const polygon_set_view&);
+ public:
+ polygon_set_view(const ltype& lvalue,
+ const rtype& rvalue ) :
+ lvalue_(lvalue), rvalue_(rvalue), output_(), evaluated_(false) {}
+ // get iterator to begin vertex data
+ public:
+ const value_type& value() const {
+ if(!evaluated_) {
+ evaluated_ = true;
+ execute_boolean_op<value_type, ltype, rtype, op_type>(output_, lvalue_, rvalue_);
+ }
+ return output_;
+ }
+ public:
+ iterator_type begin() const { return value().begin(); }
+ iterator_type end() const { return value().end(); }
+ bool dirty() const { return false; } //result of a boolean is clean
+ bool sorted() const { return true; } //result of a boolean is sorted
+ void sort() const {} //is always sorted
+ };
+ template <typename ltype, typename rtype, int op_type>
+ typename polygon_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>::iterator_type
+ polygon_set_traits<polygon_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type> >::
+ begin(const polygon_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>& polygon_set) {
+ return polygon_set.begin();
+ }
+ template <typename ltype, typename rtype, int op_type>
+ typename polygon_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>::iterator_type
+ polygon_set_traits<polygon_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type> >::
+ end(const polygon_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>& polygon_set) {
+ return polygon_set.end();
+ }
+ template <typename ltype, typename rtype, int op_type>
+ bool polygon_set_traits<polygon_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type> >::
+ clean(const polygon_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>& ) {
+ return true; }
+ template <typename ltype, typename rtype, int op_type>
+ bool polygon_set_traits<polygon_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type> >::
+ sort(const polygon_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>& ) {
+ return true; }
+ template <typename value_type, typename arg_type>
+ inline void insert_into_view_arg(value_type& dest, const arg_type& arg) {
+ typedef typename polygon_set_traits<arg_type>::iterator_type literator;
+ literator itr1, itr2;
+ itr1 = polygon_set_traits<arg_type>::begin(arg);
+ itr2 = polygon_set_traits<arg_type>::end(arg);
+ dest.insert(itr1, itr2);
+ }
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2, int op_type>
+ geometry_type_1& self_assignment_boolean_op(geometry_type_1& lvalue_, const geometry_type_2& rvalue_) {
+ typedef geometry_type_1 ltype;
+ typedef typename polygon_set_traits<ltype>::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
+ typedef polygon_set_data<coordinate_type> value_type;
+ value_type output_;
+ execute_boolean_op<value_type, geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, op_type>(output_, lvalue_, rvalue_);
+ polygon_set_mutable_traits<geometry_type_1>::set(lvalue_, output_.begin(), output_.end());
+ return lvalue_;
+ }
+ // copy constructor
+ template <typename coordinate_type>
+ template <typename ltype, typename rtype, int op_type>
+ polygon_set_data<coordinate_type>::polygon_set_data(const polygon_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>& that) :
+ data_(that.value().data_), dirty_(that.value().dirty_), unsorted_(that.value().unsorted_), is_45_(that.value().is_45_) {}
+ template <typename ltype, typename rtype, int op_type>
+ struct geometry_concept<polygon_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type> > { typedef polygon_set_concept type; };
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/detail/property_merge.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/detail/property_merge.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,588 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+template <typename coordinate_type>
+class property_merge_point {
+ coordinate_type x_, y_;
+ inline property_merge_point() : x_(), y_() {}
+ inline property_merge_point(coordinate_type x, coordinate_type y) : x_(x), y_(y) {}
+ //use builtin assign and copy
+ inline bool operator==(const property_merge_point& that) const { return x_ == that.x_ && y_ == that.y_; }
+ inline bool operator!=(const property_merge_point& that) const { return !((*this) == that); }
+ inline bool operator<(const property_merge_point& that) const {
+ if(x_ < that.x_) return true;
+ if(x_ > that.x_) return false;
+ return y_ < that.y_;
+ }
+ inline coordinate_type x() const { return x_; }
+ inline coordinate_type y() const { return y_; }
+ inline void x(coordinate_type value) { x_ = value; }
+ inline void y(coordinate_type value) { y_ = value; }
+template <typename coordinate_type>
+class property_merge_interval {
+ coordinate_type low_, high_;
+ inline property_merge_interval() : low_(), high_() {}
+ inline property_merge_interval(coordinate_type low, coordinate_type high) : low_(low), high_(high) {}
+ //use builtin assign and copy
+ inline bool operator==(const property_merge_interval& that) const { return low_ == that.low_ && high_ == that.high_; }
+ inline bool operator!=(const property_merge_interval& that) const { return !((*this) == that); }
+ inline bool operator<(const property_merge_interval& that) const {
+ if(low_ < that.low_) return true;
+ if(low_ > that.low_) return false;
+ return high_ < that.high_;
+ }
+ inline coordinate_type low() const { return low_; }
+ inline coordinate_type high() const { return high_; }
+ inline void low(coordinate_type value) { low_ = value; }
+ inline void high(coordinate_type value) { high_ = value; }
+template <typename coordinate_type, typename property_type, typename polygon_set_type, typename keytype = std::set<property_type> >
+class merge_scanline {
+ //definitions
+ typedef keytype property_set;
+ typedef std::vector<std::pair<property_type, int> > property_map;
+ typedef std::pair<property_merge_point<coordinate_type>, std::pair<property_type, int> > vertex_property;
+ typedef std::pair<property_merge_point<coordinate_type>, property_map> vertex_data;
+ typedef std::vector<vertex_property> property_merge_data;
+ //typedef std::map<property_set, polygon_set_type> Result;
+ typedef std::map<coordinate_type, property_map> scanline_type;
+ typedef typename scanline_type::iterator scanline_iterator;
+ typedef std::pair<property_merge_interval<coordinate_type>, std::pair<property_set, property_set> > edge_property;
+ typedef std::vector<edge_property> edge_property_vector;
+ //static public member functions
+ template <typename iT, typename orientation_2d_type>
+ static inline void
+ populate_property_merge_data(property_merge_data& pmd, iT input_begin, iT input_end,
+ const property_type& property, orientation_2d_type orient) {
+ for( ; input_begin != input_end; ++input_begin) {
+ std::pair<property_merge_point<coordinate_type>, std::pair<property_type, int> > element;
+ if(orient == HORIZONTAL)
+ element.first = property_merge_point<coordinate_type>((*input_begin).second.first, (*input_begin).first);
+ else
+ element.first = property_merge_point<coordinate_type>((*input_begin).first, (*input_begin).second.first);
+ element.second.first = property;
+ element.second.second = (*input_begin).second.second;
+ pmd.push_back(element);
+ }
+ }
+ //public member functions
+ merge_scanline() : output(), scanline(), currentVertex(), tmpVector(), previousY(), countFromBelow(), scanlinePosition() {}
+ merge_scanline(const merge_scanline& that) :
+ output(that.output),
+ scanline(that.scanline),
+ currentVertex(that.currentVertex),
+ tmpVector(that.tmpVector),
+ previousY(that.previousY),
+ countFromBelow(that.countFromBelow),
+ scanlinePosition(that.scanlinePosition)
+ {}
+ merge_scanline& operator=(const merge_scanline& that) {
+ output = that.output;
+ scanline = that.scanline;
+ currentVertex = that.currentVertex;
+ tmpVector = that.tmpVector;
+ previousY = that.previousY;
+ countFromBelow = that.countFromBelow;
+ scanlinePosition = that.scanlinePosition;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename result_type>
+ inline void perform_merge(result_type& result, property_merge_data& data) {
+ if(data.empty()) return;
+ //sort
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end(), less_vertex_data<vertex_property>());
+ //scanline
+ bool firstIteration = true;
+ scanlinePosition = scanline.end();
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) {
+ if(firstIteration) {
+ mergeProperty(currentVertex.second, data[i].second);
+ currentVertex.first = data[i].first;
+ firstIteration = false;
+ } else {
+ if(data[i].first != currentVertex.first) {
+ if(data[i].first.x() != currentVertex.first.x()) {
+ processVertex(output);
+ //std::cout << scanline.size() << " ";
+ countFromBelow.clear(); //should already be clear
+ writeOutput(currentVertex.first.x(), result, output);
+ currentVertex.second.clear();
+ mergeProperty(currentVertex.second, data[i].second);
+ currentVertex.first = data[i].first;
+ //std::cout << assertRedundant(scanline) << "/" << scanline.size() << " ";
+ } else {
+ processVertex(output);
+ currentVertex.second.clear();
+ mergeProperty(currentVertex.second, data[i].second);
+ currentVertex.first = data[i].first;
+ }
+ } else {
+ mergeProperty(currentVertex.second, data[i].second);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ processVertex(output);
+ writeOutput(currentVertex.first.x(), result, output);
+ //std::cout << assertRedundant(scanline) << "/" << scanline.size() << "\n";
+ //std::cout << scanline.size() << "\n";
+ }
+ //private supporting types
+ template <class T>
+ class less_vertex_data {
+ public:
+ less_vertex_data() {}
+ bool operator()(const T& lvalue, const T& rvalue) {
+ if(lvalue.first.x() < rvalue.first.x()) return true;
+ if(lvalue.first.x() > rvalue.first.x()) return false;
+ if(lvalue.first.y() < rvalue.first.y()) return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct lessPropertyCount {
+ lessPropertyCount() {}
+ bool operator()(const T& a, const T& b) {
+ return a.first < b.first;
+ }
+ };
+ //private static member functions
+ static inline void mergeProperty(property_map& lvalue, std::pair<property_type, int>& rvalue) {
+ typename property_map::iterator itr = std::lower_bound(lvalue.begin(), lvalue.end(), rvalue,
+ lessPropertyCount<std::pair<property_type, int> >());
+ if(itr == lvalue.end() ||
+ (*itr).first != rvalue.first) {
+ lvalue.insert(itr, rvalue);
+ } else {
+ (*itr).second += rvalue.second;
+ if((*itr).second == 0)
+ lvalue.erase(itr);
+ }
+// if(assertSorted(lvalue)) {
+// std::cout << "in mergeProperty\n";
+// exit(0);
+// }
+ }
+// static inline bool assertSorted(property_map& pset) {
+// bool result = false;
+// for(std::size_t i = 1; i < pset.size(); ++i) {
+// if(pset[i] < pset[i-1]) {
+// std::cout << "Out of Order Error ";
+// result = true;
+// }
+// if(pset[i].first == pset[i-1].first) {
+// std::cout << "Duplicate Property Error ";
+// result = true;
+// }
+// if(pset[0].second == 0 || pset[1].second == 0) {
+// std::cout << "Empty Property Error ";
+// result = true;
+// }
+// }
+// return result;
+// }
+ static inline void setProperty(property_set& pset, property_map& pmap) {
+ for(typename property_map::iterator itr = pmap.begin(); itr != pmap.end(); ++itr) {
+ if((*itr).second > 0) {
+ pset.insert(pset.end(), (*itr).first);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //private data members
+ edge_property_vector output;
+ scanline_type scanline;
+ vertex_data currentVertex;
+ property_map tmpVector;
+ coordinate_type previousY;
+ property_map countFromBelow;
+ scanline_iterator scanlinePosition;
+ //private member functions
+ inline void mergeCount(property_map& lvalue, property_map& rvalue) {
+ typename property_map::iterator litr = lvalue.begin();
+ typename property_map::iterator ritr = rvalue.begin();
+ tmpVector.clear();
+ while(litr != lvalue.end() && ritr != rvalue.end()) {
+ if((*litr).first <= (*ritr).first) {
+ if(!tmpVector.empty() &&
+ (*litr).first == tmpVector.back().first) {
+ tmpVector.back().second += (*litr).second;
+ } else {
+ tmpVector.push_back(*litr);
+ }
+ ++litr;
+ } else if((*ritr).first <= (*litr).first) {
+ if(!tmpVector.empty() &&
+ (*ritr).first == tmpVector.back().first) {
+ tmpVector.back().second += (*ritr).second;
+ } else {
+ tmpVector.push_back(*ritr);
+ }
+ ++ritr;
+ }
+ }
+ while(litr != lvalue.end()) {
+ if(!tmpVector.empty() &&
+ (*litr).first == tmpVector.back().first) {
+ tmpVector.back().second += (*litr).second;
+ } else {
+ tmpVector.push_back(*litr);
+ }
+ ++litr;
+ }
+ while(ritr != rvalue.end()) {
+ if(!tmpVector.empty() &&
+ (*ritr).first == tmpVector.back().first) {
+ tmpVector.back().second += (*ritr).second;
+ } else {
+ tmpVector.push_back(*ritr);
+ }
+ ++ritr;
+ }
+ lvalue.clear();
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < tmpVector.size(); ++i) {
+ if(tmpVector[i].second != 0) {
+ lvalue.push_back(tmpVector[i]);
+ }
+ }
+// if(assertSorted(lvalue)) {
+// std::cout << "in mergeCount\n";
+// exit(0);
+// }
+ }
+ inline void processVertex(edge_property_vector& output) {
+ if(!countFromBelow.empty()) {
+ //we are processing an interval of change in scanline state between
+ //previous vertex position and current vertex position where
+ //count from below represents the change on the interval
+ //foreach scanline element from previous to current we
+ //write the interval on the scanline that is changing
+ //the old value and the new value to output
+ property_merge_interval<coordinate_type> currentInterval(previousY, currentVertex.first.y());
+ coordinate_type currentY = currentInterval.low();
+ if(scanlinePosition == scanline.end() ||
+ (*scanlinePosition).first != previousY) {
+ scanlinePosition = scanline.lower_bound(previousY);
+ }
+ scanline_iterator previousScanlinePosition = scanlinePosition;
+ ++scanlinePosition;
+ while(scanlinePosition != scanline.end()) {
+ coordinate_type elementY = (*scanlinePosition).first;
+ if(elementY <= currentInterval.high()) {
+ property_map& countOnLeft = (*previousScanlinePosition).second;
+ edge_property element;
+ output.push_back(element);
+ output.back().first = property_merge_interval<coordinate_type>((*previousScanlinePosition).first, elementY);
+ setProperty(output.back().second.first, countOnLeft);
+ mergeCount(countOnLeft, countFromBelow);
+ setProperty(output.back().second.second, countOnLeft);
+ if(output.back().second.first == output.back().second.second) {
+ output.pop_back(); //it was an internal vertical edge, not to be output
+ }
+ else if(output.size() > 1) {
+ edge_property& secondToLast = output[output.size()-2];
+ if(secondToLast.first.high() == output.back().first.low() &&
+ secondToLast.second.first == output.back().second.first &&
+ secondToLast.second.second == output.back().second.second) {
+ //merge output onto previous output because properties are
+ //identical on both sides implying an internal horizontal edge
+ secondToLast.first.high(output.back().first.high());
+ output.pop_back();
+ }
+ }
+ if(previousScanlinePosition == scanline.begin()) {
+ if(countOnLeft.empty()) {
+ scanline.erase(previousScanlinePosition);
+ }
+ } else {
+ scanline_iterator tmpitr = previousScanlinePosition;
+ --tmpitr;
+ if((*tmpitr).second == (*previousScanlinePosition).second)
+ scanline.erase(previousScanlinePosition);
+ }
+ } else if(currentY < currentInterval.high()){
+ //elementY > currentInterval.high()
+ //split the interval between previous and current scanline elements
+ std::pair<coordinate_type, property_map> elementScan;
+ elementScan.first = currentInterval.high();
+ elementScan.second = (*previousScanlinePosition).second;
+ scanlinePosition = scanline.insert(scanlinePosition, elementScan);
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ previousScanlinePosition = scanlinePosition;
+ currentY = previousY = elementY;
+ ++scanlinePosition;
+ if(scanlinePosition == scanline.end() &&
+ currentY < currentInterval.high()) {
+ //insert a new element for top of range
+ std::pair<coordinate_type, property_map> elementScan;
+ elementScan.first = currentInterval.high();
+ scanlinePosition = scanline.insert(scanline.end(), elementScan);
+ }
+ }
+ if(scanlinePosition == scanline.end() &&
+ currentY < currentInterval.high()) {
+ //handle case where we iterated to end of the scanline
+ //we need to insert an element into the scanline at currentY
+ //with property value coming from below
+ //and another one at currentInterval.high() with empty property value
+ mergeCount(scanline[currentY], countFromBelow);
+ std::pair<coordinate_type, property_map> elementScan;
+ elementScan.first = currentInterval.high();
+ scanline.insert(scanline.end(), elementScan);
+ edge_property element;
+ output.push_back(element);
+ output.back().first = property_merge_interval<coordinate_type>(currentY, currentInterval.high());
+ setProperty(output.back().second.second, countFromBelow);
+ mergeCount(countFromBelow, currentVertex.second);
+ } else {
+ mergeCount(countFromBelow, currentVertex.second);
+ if(countFromBelow.empty()) {
+ if(previousScanlinePosition == scanline.begin()) {
+ if((*previousScanlinePosition).second.empty()) {
+ scanline.erase(previousScanlinePosition);
+ //previousScanlinePosition = scanline.end();
+ //std::cout << "ERASE_A ";
+ }
+ } else {
+ scanline_iterator tmpitr = previousScanlinePosition;
+ --tmpitr;
+ if((*tmpitr).second == (*previousScanlinePosition).second) {
+ scanline.erase(previousScanlinePosition);
+ //previousScanlinePosition = scanline.end();
+ //std::cout << "ERASE_B ";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ //count from below is empty, we are starting a new interval of change
+ countFromBelow = currentVertex.second;
+ scanlinePosition = scanline.lower_bound(currentVertex.first.y());
+ if(scanlinePosition != scanline.end()) {
+ if((*scanlinePosition).first != currentVertex.first.y()) {
+ if(scanlinePosition != scanline.begin()) {
+ //decrement to get the lower position of the first interval this vertex intersects
+ --scanlinePosition;
+ //insert a new element into the scanline for the incoming vertex
+ property_map& countOnLeft = (*scanlinePosition).second;
+ std::pair<coordinate_type, property_map> element(currentVertex.first.y(), countOnLeft);
+ scanlinePosition = scanline.insert(scanlinePosition, element);
+ } else {
+ property_map countOnLeft;
+ std::pair<coordinate_type, property_map> element(currentVertex.first.y(), countOnLeft);
+ scanlinePosition = scanline.insert(scanlinePosition, element);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ property_map countOnLeft;
+ std::pair<coordinate_type, property_map> element(currentVertex.first.y(), countOnLeft);
+ scanlinePosition = scanline.insert(scanlinePosition, element);
+ }
+ }
+ previousY = currentVertex.first.y();
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ inline int assertRedundant(T& t) {
+ if(t.empty()) return 0;
+ int count = 0;
+ typename T::iterator itr = t.begin();
+ if((*itr).second.empty())
+ ++count;
+ typename T::iterator itr2 = itr;
+ ++itr2;
+ while(itr2 != t.end()) {
+ if((*itr).second == (*itr2).second)
+ ++count;
+ itr = itr2;
+ ++itr2;
+ }
+ return count;
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ inline void performExtract(T& result, property_merge_data& data) {
+ if(data.empty()) return;
+ //sort
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end(), less_vertex_data<vertex_property>());
+ //scanline
+ bool firstIteration = true;
+ scanlinePosition = scanline.end();
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) {
+ if(firstIteration) {
+ mergeProperty(currentVertex.second, data[i].second);
+ currentVertex.first = data[i].first;
+ firstIteration = false;
+ } else {
+ if(data[i].first != currentVertex.first) {
+ if(data[i].first.x() != currentVertex.first.x()) {
+ processVertex(output);
+ //std::cout << scanline.size() << " ";
+ countFromBelow.clear(); //should already be clear
+ writeGraph(currentVertex.first.x(), result, output, scanline);
+ currentVertex.second.clear();
+ mergeProperty(currentVertex.second, data[i].second);
+ currentVertex.first = data[i].first;
+ } else {
+ processVertex(output);
+ currentVertex.second.clear();
+ mergeProperty(currentVertex.second, data[i].second);
+ currentVertex.first = data[i].first;
+ }
+ } else {
+ mergeProperty(currentVertex.second, data[i].second);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ processVertex(output);
+ writeGraph(currentVertex.first.x(), result, output, scanline);
+ //std::cout << scanline.size() << "\n";
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ inline void insertEdges(T& graph, property_set& p1, property_set& p2) {
+ for(typename property_set::iterator itr = p1.begin(); itr != p1.end(); ++itr) {
+ for(typename property_set::iterator itr2 = p2.begin(); itr2 != p2.end(); ++itr2) {
+ if(*itr != *itr2) {
+ graph[*itr].insert(*itr2);
+ graph[*itr2].insert(*itr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ inline void propertySetAbove(coordinate_type y, property_set& ps, T& scanline) {
+ ps.clear();
+ typename T::iterator itr = scanline.find(y);
+ if(itr != scanline.end())
+ setProperty(ps, (*itr).second);
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ inline void propertySetBelow(coordinate_type y, property_set& ps, T& scanline) {
+ ps.clear();
+ typename T::iterator itr = scanline.find(y);
+ if(itr != scanline.begin()) {
+ --itr;
+ setProperty(ps, (*itr).second);
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename T2>
+ inline void writeGraph(coordinate_type x, T& graph, edge_property_vector& output, T2& scanline) {
+ if(output.empty()) return;
+ edge_property* previousEdgeP = &(output[0]);
+ bool firstIteration = true;
+ property_set ps;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < output.size(); ++i) {
+ edge_property& previousEdge = *previousEdgeP;
+ edge_property& edge = output[i];
+ if(previousEdge.first.high() == edge.first.low()) {
+ //horizontal edge
+ insertEdges(graph, edge.second.first, previousEdge.second.first);
+ //corner 1
+ insertEdges(graph, edge.second.first, previousEdge.second.second);
+ //other horizontal edge
+ insertEdges(graph, edge.second.second, previousEdge.second.second);
+ //corner 2
+ insertEdges(graph, edge.second.second, previousEdge.second.first);
+ } else {
+ if(!firstIteration){
+ //look up regions above previous edge
+ propertySetAbove(previousEdge.first.high(), ps, scanline);
+ insertEdges(graph, ps, previousEdge.second.first);
+ insertEdges(graph, ps, previousEdge.second.second);
+ }
+ //look up regions below current edge in the scanline
+ propertySetBelow(edge.first.high(), ps, scanline);
+ insertEdges(graph, ps, edge.second.first);
+ insertEdges(graph, ps, edge.second.second);
+ }
+ firstIteration = false;
+ //vertical edge
+ insertEdges(graph, edge.second.second, edge.second.first);
+ //shared region to left
+ insertEdges(graph, edge.second.second, edge.second.second);
+ //shared region to right
+ insertEdges(graph, edge.second.first, edge.second.first);
+ previousEdgeP = &(output[i]);
+ }
+ edge_property& previousEdge = *previousEdgeP;
+ propertySetAbove(previousEdge.first.high(), ps, scanline);
+ insertEdges(graph, ps, previousEdge.second.first);
+ insertEdges(graph, ps, previousEdge.second.second);
+ output.clear();
+ }
+ template <typename Result>
+ inline void writeOutput(coordinate_type x, Result& result, edge_property_vector& output) {
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < output.size(); ++i) {
+ edge_property& edge = output[i];
+ //edge.second.first is the property set on the left of the edge
+ if(!edge.second.first.empty()) {
+ typename Result::iterator itr = result.find(edge.second.first);
+ if(itr == result.end()) {
+ std::pair<property_set, polygon_set_type> element(edge.second.first, polygon_set_type(VERTICAL));
+ itr = result.insert(result.end(), element);
+ }
+ std::pair<interval_data<coordinate_type>, int> element2(interval_data<coordinate_type>(edge.first.low(), edge.first.high()), -1); //right edge of figure
+ (*itr).second.insert(x, element2);
+ }
+ if(!edge.second.second.empty()) {
+ //edge.second.second is the property set on the right of the edge
+ typename Result::iterator itr = result.find(edge.second.second);
+ if(itr == result.end()) {
+ std::pair<property_set, polygon_set_type> element(edge.second.second, polygon_set_type(VERTICAL));
+ itr = result.insert(result.end(), element);
+ }
+ std::pair<interval_data<coordinate_type>, int> element3(interval_data<coordinate_type>(edge.first.low(), edge.first.high()), 1); //left edge of figure
+ (*itr).second.insert(x, element3);
+ }
+ }
+ output.clear();
+ }
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/detail/property_merge_45.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/detail/property_merge_45.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+ template <typename Unit, typename property_type>
+ struct polygon_45_property_merge {
+ typedef point_data<Unit> Point;
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<Unit>::manhattan_area_type LongUnit;
+ template <typename property_map>
+ static inline void merge_property_maps(property_map& mp, const property_map& mp2, bool subtract = false) {
+ polygon_45_touch<Unit>::merge_property_maps(mp, mp2, subtract);
+ }
+ class CountMerge {
+ public:
+ inline CountMerge() : counts() {}
+ //inline CountMerge(int count) { counts[0] = counts[1] = count; }
+ //inline CountMerge(int count1, int count2) { counts[0] = count1; counts[1] = count2; }
+ inline CountMerge(const CountMerge& count) : counts(count.counts) {}
+ inline bool operator==(const CountMerge& count) const { return counts == count.counts; }
+ inline bool operator!=(const CountMerge& count) const { return !((*this) == count); }
+ //inline CountMerge& operator=(int count) { counts[0] = counts[1] = count; return *this; }
+ inline CountMerge& operator=(const CountMerge& count) { counts = count.counts; return *this; }
+ inline int& operator[](property_type index) {
+ std::vector<std::pair<int, int> >::iterator itr = lower_bound(counts.begin(), counts.end(), std::make_pair(index, int(0)));
+ if(itr != counts.end() && itr->first == index) {
+ return itr->second;
+ }
+ itr = counts.insert(itr, std::make_pair(index, int(0)));
+ return itr->second;
+ }
+// inline int operator[](int index) const {
+// std::vector<std::pair<int, int> >::const_iterator itr = counts.begin();
+// for( ; itr != counts.end() && itr->first <= index; ++itr) {
+// if(itr->first == index) {
+// return itr->second;
+// }
+// }
+// return 0;
+// }
+ inline CountMerge& operator+=(const CountMerge& count){
+ merge_property_maps(counts, count.counts, false);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline CountMerge& operator-=(const CountMerge& count){
+ merge_property_maps(counts, count.counts, true);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline CountMerge operator+(const CountMerge& count) const {
+ return CountMerge(*this)+=count;
+ }
+ inline CountMerge operator-(const CountMerge& count) const {
+ return CountMerge(*this)-=count;
+ }
+ inline CountMerge invert() const {
+ CountMerge retval;
+ retval -= *this;
+ return retval;
+ }
+ std::vector<std::pair<property_type, int> > counts;
+ };
+ //output is a std::map<std::set<property_type>, polygon_45_set_data<Unit> >
+ struct merge_45_output_functor {
+ template <typename cT>
+ void operator()(cT& output, const CountMerge& count1, const CountMerge& count2,
+ const Point& pt, int rise, direction_1d end) {
+ typedef typename cT::key_type keytype;
+ keytype left;
+ keytype right;
+ int edgeType = end == LOW ? -1 : 1;
+ for(typename std::vector<std::pair<property_type, int> >::const_iterator itr = count1.counts.begin();
+ itr != count1.counts.end(); ++itr) {
+ left.insert(left.end(), (*itr).first);
+ }
+ for(typename std::vector<std::pair<property_type, int> >::const_iterator itr = count2.counts.begin();
+ itr != count2.counts.end(); ++itr) {
+ right.insert(right.end(), (*itr).first);
+ }
+ if(left == right) return;
+ if(!left.empty()) {
+ //std::cout << pt.x() << " " << pt.y() << " " << rise << " " << edgeType << std::endl;
+ output[left].insert_clean(typename boolean_op_45<Unit>::Vertex45(pt, rise, -edgeType));
+ }
+ if(!right.empty()) {
+ //std::cout << pt.x() << " " << pt.y() << " " << rise << " " << -edgeType << std::endl;
+ output[right].insert_clean(typename boolean_op_45<Unit>::Vertex45(pt, rise, edgeType));
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ typedef typename std::pair<Point,
+ typename boolean_op_45<Unit>::template Scan45CountT<CountMerge> > Vertex45Compact;
+ typedef std::vector<Vertex45Compact> MergeSetData;
+ struct lessVertex45Compact {
+ bool operator()(const Vertex45Compact& l, const Vertex45Compact& r) {
+ return l.first < r.first;
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename output_type>
+ static void performMerge(output_type& result, MergeSetData& tsd) {
+ std::sort(tsd.begin(), tsd.end(), lessVertex45Compact());
+ typedef std::vector<std::pair<Point, typename boolean_op_45<Unit>::template Scan45CountT<CountMerge> > > TSD;
+ TSD tsd_;
+ tsd_.reserve(tsd.size());
+ for(typename MergeSetData::iterator itr = tsd.begin(); itr != tsd.end(); ) {
+ typename MergeSetData::iterator itr2 = itr;
+ ++itr2;
+ for(; itr2 != tsd.end() && itr2->first == itr->first; ++itr2) {
+ (itr->second) += (itr2->second); //accumulate
+ }
+ tsd_.push_back(std::make_pair(itr->first, itr->second));
+ itr = itr2;
+ }
+ typename boolean_op_45<Unit>::template Scan45<CountMerge, merge_45_output_functor> scanline;
+ for(typename TSD::iterator itr = tsd_.begin(); itr != tsd_.end(); ) {
+ typename TSD::iterator itr2 = itr;
+ ++itr2;
+ while(itr2 != tsd_.end() && itr2->first.x() == itr->first.x()) {
+ ++itr2;
+ }
+ scanline.scan(result, itr, itr2);
+ itr = itr2;
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename iT>
+ static void populateMergeSetData(MergeSetData& tsd, iT begin, iT end, property_type property) {
+ for( ; begin != end; ++begin) {
+ Vertex45Compact vertex;
+ vertex.first = typename Vertex45Compact::first_type(begin->pt.x() * 2, begin->pt.y() * 2);
+ tsd.push_back(vertex);
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+ if(begin->count[i]) {
+ tsd.back().second[i][property] += begin->count[i];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/detail/rectangle_formation.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/detail/rectangle_formation.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+namespace rectangle_formation {
+ template <class T>
+ class ScanLineToRects {
+ public:
+ typedef T rectangle_type;
+ typedef typename rectangle_traits<T>::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
+ typedef rectangle_data<coordinate_type> scan_rect_type;
+ private:
+ typedef std::set<scan_rect_type, less_rectangle_concept<scan_rect_type, scan_rect_type> > ScanData;
+ ScanData scanData_;
+ bool haveCurrentRect_;
+ scan_rect_type currentRect_;
+ orientation_2d orient_;
+ typename rectangle_traits<T>::coordinate_type currentCoordinate_;
+ public:
+ inline ScanLineToRects() : scanData_(), haveCurrentRect_(), currentRect_(), orient_(), currentCoordinate_() {}
+ inline ScanLineToRects(orientation_2d orient, rectangle_type model) :
+ scanData_(orientation_2d(orient.to_int() ? VERTICAL : HORIZONTAL)),
+ haveCurrentRect_(false), currentRect_(), orient_(orient), currentCoordinate_() {
+ assign(currentRect_, model);
+ currentCoordinate_ = (std::numeric_limits<coordinate_type>::max)();
+ }
+ template <typename CT>
+ inline ScanLineToRects& processEdge(CT& rectangles, const interval_data<coordinate_type>& edge);
+ inline ScanLineToRects& nextMajorCoordinate(coordinate_type currentCoordinate) {
+ if(haveCurrentRect_) {
+ scanData_.insert(scanData_.end(), currentRect_);
+ haveCurrentRect_ = false;
+ }
+ currentCoordinate_ = currentCoordinate;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ };
+ template <class CT, class ST, class rectangle_type, typename interval_type, typename coordinate_type> inline CT&
+ processEdge_(CT& rectangles, ST& scanData, const interval_type& edge,
+ bool& haveCurrentRect, rectangle_type& currentRect, coordinate_type currentCoordinate, orientation_2d orient)
+ {
+ typedef typename CT::value_type result_type;
+ bool edgeProcessed = false;
+ if(!scanData.empty()) {
+ //process all rectangles in the scanData that touch the edge
+ typename ST::iterator dataIter = scanData.lower_bound(rectangle_type(edge, edge));
+ //decrement beginIter until its low is less than edge's low
+ while((dataIter == scanData.end() || (*dataIter).get(orient).get(LOW) > edge.get(LOW)) &&
+ dataIter != scanData.begin())
+ {
+ --dataIter;
+ }
+ //process each rectangle until the low end of the rectangle
+ //is greater than the high end of the edge
+ while(dataIter != scanData.end() &&
+ (*dataIter).get(orient).get(LOW) <= edge.get(HIGH))
+ {
+ const rectangle_type& rect = *dataIter;
+ //if the rectangle data intersects the edge at all
+ if(rect.get(orient).get(HIGH) >= edge.get(LOW)) {
+ if(contains(rect.get(orient), edge, true)) {
+ //this is a closing edge
+ //we need to write out the intersecting rectangle and
+ //insert between 0 and 2 rectangles into the scanData
+ //write out rectangle
+ rectangle_type tmpRect = rect;
+ if(rect.get(orient.get_perpendicular()).get(LOW) < currentCoordinate) {
+ //set the high coordinate perpedicular to slicing orientation
+ //to the current coordinate of the scan event
+ tmpRect.set(orient.get_perpendicular().get_direction(HIGH),
+ currentCoordinate);
+ result_type result;
+ assign(result, tmpRect);
+ rectangles.insert(rectangles.end(), result);
+ }
+ //erase the rectangle from the scan data
+ typename ST::iterator nextIter = dataIter;
+ ++nextIter;
+ scanData.erase(dataIter);
+ if(tmpRect.get(orient).get(LOW) < edge.get(LOW)) {
+ //insert a rectangle for the overhang of the bottom
+ //of the rectangle back into scan data
+ rectangle_type lowRect(tmpRect);
+ lowRect.set(orient.get_perpendicular(), interval_data<coordinate_type>(currentCoordinate,
+ currentCoordinate));
+ lowRect.set(orient.get_direction(HIGH), edge.get(LOW));
+ scanData.insert(nextIter, lowRect);
+ }
+ if(tmpRect.get(orient).get(HIGH) > edge.get(HIGH)) {
+ //insert a rectangle for the overhang of the top
+ //of the rectangle back into scan data
+ rectangle_type highRect(tmpRect);
+ highRect.set(orient.get_perpendicular(), interval_data<coordinate_type>(currentCoordinate,
+ currentCoordinate));
+ highRect.set(orient.get_direction(LOW), edge.get(HIGH));
+ scanData.insert(nextIter, highRect);
+ }
+ //we are done with this edge
+ edgeProcessed = true;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ //it must be an opening edge
+ //assert that rect does not overlap the edge but only touches
+ //write out rectangle
+ rectangle_type tmpRect = rect;
+ //set the high coordinate perpedicular to slicing orientation
+ //to the current coordinate of the scan event
+ if(tmpRect.get(orient.get_perpendicular().get_direction(LOW)) < currentCoordinate) {
+ tmpRect.set(orient.get_perpendicular().get_direction(HIGH),
+ currentCoordinate);
+ result_type result;
+ assign(result, tmpRect);
+ rectangles.insert(rectangles.end(), result);
+ }
+ //erase the rectangle from the scan data
+ typename ST::iterator nextIter = dataIter;
+ ++nextIter;
+ scanData.erase(dataIter);
+ dataIter = nextIter;
+ if(haveCurrentRect) {
+ if(currentRect.get(orient).get(HIGH) >= edge.get(LOW)){
+ if(!edgeProcessed && currentRect.get(orient.get_direction(HIGH)) > edge.get(LOW)){
+ rectangle_type tmpRect2(currentRect);
+ tmpRect2.set(orient.get_direction(HIGH), edge.get(LOW));
+ scanData.insert(nextIter, tmpRect2);
+ if(currentRect.get(orient.get_direction(HIGH)) > edge.get(HIGH)) {
+ currentRect.set(orient, interval_data<coordinate_type>(edge.get(HIGH), currentRect.get(orient.get_direction(HIGH))));
+ } else {
+ haveCurrentRect = false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ //extend the top of current rect
+ currentRect.set(orient.get_direction(HIGH),
+ (std::max)(edge.get(HIGH),
+ tmpRect.get(orient.get_direction(HIGH))));
+ }
+ } else {
+ //insert current rect into the scanData
+ scanData.insert(nextIter, currentRect);
+ //create a new current rect
+ currentRect.set(orient.get_perpendicular(), interval_data<coordinate_type>(currentCoordinate,
+ currentCoordinate));
+ currentRect.set(orient, interval_data<coordinate_type>((std::min)(tmpRect.get(orient).get(LOW),
+ edge.get(LOW)),
+ (std::max)(tmpRect.get(orient).get(HIGH),
+ edge.get(HIGH))));
+ }
+ } else {
+ haveCurrentRect = true;
+ currentRect.set(orient.get_perpendicular(), interval_data<coordinate_type>(currentCoordinate,
+ currentCoordinate));
+ currentRect.set(orient, interval_data<coordinate_type>((std::min)(tmpRect.get(orient).get(LOW),
+ edge.get(LOW)),
+ (std::max)(tmpRect.get(orient).get(HIGH),
+ edge.get(HIGH))));
+ }
+ //skip to nextIter position
+ edgeProcessed = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ //edgeProcessed = true;
+ }
+ ++dataIter;
+ } //end while edge intersects rectangle data
+ }
+ if(!edgeProcessed) {
+ if(haveCurrentRect) {
+ if(currentRect.get(orient.get_perpendicular().get_direction(HIGH))
+ == currentCoordinate &&
+ currentRect.get(orient.get_direction(HIGH)) >= edge.get(LOW))
+ {
+ if(currentRect.get(orient.get_direction(HIGH)) > edge.get(LOW)){
+ rectangle_type tmpRect(currentRect);
+ tmpRect.set(orient.get_direction(HIGH), edge.get(LOW));
+ scanData.insert(scanData.end(), tmpRect);
+ if(currentRect.get(orient.get_direction(HIGH)) > edge.get(HIGH)) {
+ currentRect.set(orient,
+ interval_data<coordinate_type>(edge.get(HIGH),
+ currentRect.get(orient.get_direction(HIGH))));
+ return rectangles;
+ } else {
+ haveCurrentRect = false;
+ return rectangles;
+ }
+ }
+ //extend current rect
+ currentRect.set(orient.get_direction(HIGH), edge.get(HIGH));
+ return rectangles;
+ }
+ scanData.insert(scanData.end(), currentRect);
+ haveCurrentRect = false;
+ }
+ rectangle_type tmpRect(currentRect);
+ tmpRect.set(orient.get_perpendicular(), interval_data<coordinate_type>(currentCoordinate,
+ currentCoordinate));
+ tmpRect.set(orient, edge);
+ scanData.insert(tmpRect);
+ return rectangles;
+ }
+ return rectangles;
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ template <class CT>
+ inline
+ ScanLineToRects<T>& ScanLineToRects<T>::processEdge(CT& rectangles, const interval_data<coordinate_type>& edge)
+ {
+ processEdge_(rectangles, scanData_, edge, haveCurrentRect_, currentRect_, currentCoordinate_, orient_);
+ return *this;
+ }
+} //namespace rectangle_formation
+ template <typename T, typename T2>
+ struct get_coordinate_type_for_rectangles {
+ typedef typename polygon_traits<T>::coordinate_type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct get_coordinate_type_for_rectangles<T, rectangle_concept> {
+ typedef typename rectangle_traits<T>::coordinate_type type;
+ };
+ template <typename output_container, typename iterator_type, typename rectangle_concept>
+ void form_rectangles(output_container& output, iterator_type begin, iterator_type end,
+ orientation_2d orient, rectangle_concept ) {
+ typedef typename output_container::value_type rectangle_type;
+ typedef typename get_coordinate_type_for_rectangles<rectangle_type, typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type Unit;
+ rectangle_data<Unit> model;
+ Unit prevPos = (std::numeric_limits<Unit>::max)();
+ rectangle_formation::ScanLineToRects<rectangle_data<Unit> > scanlineToRects(orient, model);
+ for(iterator_type itr = begin;
+ itr != end; ++ itr) {
+ Unit pos = (*itr).first;
+ if(pos != prevPos) {
+ scanlineToRects.nextMajorCoordinate(pos);
+ prevPos = pos;
+ }
+ Unit lowy = (*itr).second.first;
+ iterator_type tmp_itr = itr;
+ ++itr;
+ Unit highy = (*itr).second.first;
+ scanlineToRects.processEdge(output, interval_data<Unit>(lowy, highy));
+ if(abs((*itr).second.second) > 1) itr = tmp_itr; //next edge begins from this vertex
+ }
+ }
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/detail/scan_arbitrary.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/detail/scan_arbitrary.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,2852 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+#include <fstream>
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+ template <typename Unit>
+ class line_intersection : public scanline_base<Unit> {
+ private:
+ typedef typename scanline_base<Unit>::Point Point;
+ //the first point is the vertex and and second point establishes the slope of an edge eminating from the vertex
+ //typedef std::pair<Point, Point> half_edge;
+ typedef typename scanline_base<Unit>::half_edge half_edge;
+ //scanline comparator functor
+ typedef typename scanline_base<Unit>::less_half_edge less_half_edge;
+ typedef typename scanline_base<Unit>::less_point less_point;
+ //when parallel half edges are encounterd the set of segments is expanded
+ //when a edge leaves the scanline it is removed from the set
+ //when the set is empty the element is removed from the map
+ typedef int segment_id;
+ typedef std::pair<half_edge, std::set<segment_id> > scanline_element;
+ typedef std::map<half_edge, std::set<segment_id>, less_half_edge> edge_scanline;
+ typedef typename edge_scanline::iterator iterator;
+ std::map<Unit, std::set<segment_id> > vertical_data_;
+ edge_scanline edge_scanline_;
+ Unit x_;
+ int just_before_;
+ segment_id segment_id_;
+ std::vector<std::pair<half_edge, int> > event_edges_;
+ std::set<Point> intersection_queue_;
+ public:
+ inline line_intersection() : vertical_data_(), edge_scanline_(), x_((std::numeric_limits<Unit>::max)()), just_before_(0), segment_id_(0), event_edges_(), intersection_queue_() {
+ less_half_edge lessElm(&x_, &just_before_);
+ edge_scanline_ = edge_scanline(lessElm);
+ }
+ inline line_intersection(const line_intersection& that) : vertical_data_(), edge_scanline_(), x_(), just_before_(), segment_id_(), event_edges_(), intersection_queue_() { (*this) = that; }
+ inline line_intersection& operator=(const line_intersection& that) {
+ x_ = that.x_;
+ just_before_ = that.just_before_;
+ segment_id_ = that.segment_id_;
+ //I cannot simply copy that.edge_scanline_ to this edge_scanline_ becuase the functor store pointers to other members!
+ less_half_edge lessElm(&x_, &just_before_);
+ edge_scanline_ = edge_scanline(lessElm);
+ edge_scanline_.insert(that.edge_scanline_.begin(), that.edge_scanline_.end());
+ return *this;
+ }
+ static inline void between(Point pt, Point pt1, Point pt2) {
+ less_point lp;
+ if(lp(pt1, pt2))
+ return lp(pt, pt2) && lp(pt1, pt);
+ return lp(pt, pt1) && lp(pt2, pt);
+ }
+ template <typename iT>
+ static inline void compute_histogram_in_y(iT begin, iT end, std::size_t size, std::vector<std::pair<Unit, std::pair<std::size_t, std::size_t> > >& histogram) {
+ std::vector<std::pair<Unit, int> > ends;
+ ends.reserve(size * 2);
+ for(iT itr = begin ; itr != end; ++itr) {
+ int count = (*itr).first.first.y() < (*itr).first.second.y() ? 1 : -1;
+ ends.push_back(std::make_pair((*itr).first.first.y(), count));
+ ends.push_back(std::make_pair((*itr).first.second.y(), -count));
+ }
+ std::sort(ends.begin(), ends.end());
+ histogram.reserve(ends.size());
+ histogram.push_back(std::make_pair(ends.front().first, std::make_pair(0, 0)));
+ for(typename std::vector<std::pair<Unit, int> >::iterator itr = ends.begin(); itr != ends.end(); ++itr) {
+ if((*itr).first != histogram.back().first) {
+ histogram.push_back(std::make_pair((*itr).first, histogram.back().second));
+ }
+ if((*itr).second < 0)
+ histogram.back().second.second -= (*itr).second;
+ histogram.back().second.first += (*itr).second;
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename iT>
+ static inline void compute_y_cuts(std::vector<Unit>& y_cuts, iT begin, iT end, std::size_t size) {
+ if(begin == end) return;
+ if(size < 30) return; //30 is empirically chosen, but the algorithm is not sensitive to this constant
+ std::size_t min_cut = size;
+ iT cut = begin;
+ std::size_t position = 0;
+ std::size_t cut_size = 0;
+ std::size_t histogram_size = std::distance(begin, end);
+ for(iT itr = begin; itr != end; ++itr, ++position) {
+ if(position < histogram_size / 3)
+ continue;
+ if(histogram_size - position < histogram_size / 3) break;
+ if((*itr).second.first < min_cut) {
+ cut = itr;
+ min_cut = (*cut).second.first;
+ cut_size = position;
+ }
+ }
+ if(cut_size == 0 || (*cut).second.first > size / 9) //nine is empirically chosen
+ return;
+ compute_y_cuts(y_cuts, begin, cut, (*cut).second.first + (*cut).second.second);
+ y_cuts.push_back((*cut).first);
+ compute_y_cuts(y_cuts, cut, end, size - (*cut).second.second);
+ }
+ template <typename iT>
+ static inline void validate_scan_divide_and_conquer(std::vector<std::set<Point> >& intersection_points,
+ iT begin, iT end) {
+ std::vector<std::pair<Unit, std::pair<std::size_t, std::size_t> > > histogram;
+ compute_histogram_in_y(begin, end, std::distance(begin, end), histogram);
+ std::vector<Unit> y_cuts;
+ compute_y_cuts(y_cuts, histogram.begin(), histogram.end(), std::distance(begin, end));
+ std::map<Unit, std::vector<std::pair<half_edge, segment_id> > > bins;
+ bins[histogram.front().first] = std::vector<std::pair<half_edge, segment_id> >();
+ for(typename std::vector<Unit>::iterator itr = y_cuts.begin(); itr != y_cuts.end(); ++itr) {
+ bins[*itr] = std::vector<std::pair<half_edge, segment_id> >();
+ }
+ for(iT itr = begin; itr != end; ++itr) {
+ typename std::map<Unit, std::vector<std::pair<half_edge, segment_id> > >::iterator lb =
+ bins.lower_bound((std::min)((*itr).first.first.y(), (*itr).first.second.y()));
+ if(lb != bins.begin())
+ --lb;
+ typename std::map<Unit, std::vector<std::pair<half_edge, segment_id> > >::iterator ub =
+ bins.upper_bound((std::max)((*itr).first.first.y(), (*itr).first.second.y()));
+ for( ; lb != ub; ++lb) {
+ (*lb).second.push_back(*itr);
+ }
+ }
+ validate_scan(intersection_points, bins[histogram.front().first].begin(), bins[histogram.front().first].end());
+ for(typename std::vector<Unit>::iterator itr = y_cuts.begin(); itr != y_cuts.end(); ++itr) {
+ validate_scan(intersection_points, bins[*itr].begin(), bins[*itr].end(), *itr);
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename iT>
+ static inline void validate_scan(std::vector<std::set<Point> >& intersection_points,
+ iT begin, iT end) {
+ validate_scan(intersection_points, begin, end, (std::numeric_limits<Unit>::min)());
+ }
+ //quadratic algorithm to do same work as optimal scan for cross checking
+ template <typename iT>
+ static inline void validate_scan(std::vector<std::set<Point> >& intersection_points,
+ iT begin, iT end, Unit min_y) {
+ std::vector<Point> pts;
+ std::vector<std::pair<half_edge, segment_id> > data(begin, end);
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) {
+ if(data[i].first.second < data[i].first.first) {
+ std::swap(data[i].first.first, data[i].first.second);
+ }
+ }
+ typename scanline_base<Unit>::compute_intersection_pack pack_;
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ //find all intersection points
+ for(typename std::vector<std::pair<half_edge, segment_id> >::iterator outer = data.begin();
+ outer != data.end(); ++outer) {
+ const half_edge& he1 = (*outer).first;
+ //its own end points
+ pts.push_back(he1.first);
+ pts.push_back(he1.second);
+ std::set<Point>& segmentpts = intersection_points[(*outer).second];
+ for(typename std::set<Point>::iterator itr = segmentpts.begin(); itr != segmentpts.end(); ++itr) {
+ if((*itr).y() > min_y - 1)
+ pts.push_back(*itr);
+ }
+ bool have_first_y = he1.first.y() >= min_y && he1.second.y() >= min_y;
+ for(typename std::vector<std::pair<half_edge, segment_id> >::iterator inner = outer;
+ inner != data.end(); ++inner) {
+ const half_edge& he2 = (*inner).first;
+ if(have_first_y || (he2.first.y() >= min_y && he2.second.y() >= min_y)) {
+ //at least one segment has a low y value within the range
+ if(he1 == he2) continue;
+ if((std::min)(he2. first.get(HORIZONTAL),
+ he2.second.get(HORIZONTAL)) >=
+ (std::max)(he1.second.get(HORIZONTAL),
+ he1.first.get(HORIZONTAL)))
+ break;
+ if(he1.first == he2.first || he1.second == he2.second)
+ continue;
+ Point intersection;
+ if(pack_.compute_intersection(intersection, he1, he2)) {
+ //their intersection point
+ pts.push_back(intersection);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ std::sort(pts.begin(), pts.end());
+ typename std::vector<Point>::iterator newend = std::unique(pts.begin(), pts.end());
+ typename std::vector<Point>::iterator lfinger = pts.begin();
+ //find all segments that interact with intersection points
+ for(typename std::vector<std::pair<half_edge, segment_id> >::iterator outer = data.begin();
+ outer != data.end(); ++outer) {
+ const half_edge& he1 = (*outer).first;
+ segment_id id1 = (*outer).second;
+ typedef rectangle_data<Unit> Rectangle;
+ //Rectangle rect1;
+ //set_points(rect1, he1.first, he1.second);
+ //typename std::vector<Point>::iterator itr = lower_bound(pts.begin(), newend, (std::min)(he1.first, he1.second));
+ //typename std::vector<Point>::iterator itr2 = upper_bound(pts.begin(), newend, (std::max)(he1.first, he1.second));
+ Point startpt = (std::min)(he1.first, he1.second);
+ Point stoppt = (std::max)(he1.first, he1.second);
+ //while(itr != newend && itr != pts.begin() && (*itr).get(HORIZONTAL) >= (std::min)(he1.first.get(HORIZONTAL), he1.second.get(HORIZONTAL))) --itr;
+ //while(itr2 != newend && (*itr2).get(HORIZONTAL) <= (std::max)(he1.first.get(HORIZONTAL), he1.second.get(HORIZONTAL))) ++itr2;
+ //itr = pts.begin();
+ //itr2 = pts.end();
+ while(lfinger != newend && (*lfinger).x() < startpt.x()) ++lfinger;
+ for(typename std::vector<Point>::iterator itr = lfinger ; itr != newend && (*itr).x() <= stoppt.x(); ++itr) {
+ if(intersects_grid(*itr, he1))
+ intersection_points[id1].insert(*itr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename iT, typename property_type>
+ static inline void validate_scan(std::vector<std::pair<half_edge, std::pair<property_type, int> > >& output_segments,
+ iT begin, iT end) {
+ std::vector<std::pair<property_type, int> > input_properties;
+ std::vector<std::pair<half_edge, int> > input_segments, intermediate_segments;
+ int index = 0;
+ for( ; begin != end; ++begin) {
+ input_properties.push_back((*begin).second);
+ input_segments.push_back(std::make_pair((*begin).first, index++));
+ }
+ validate_scan(intermediate_segments, input_segments.begin(), input_segments.end());
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < intermediate_segments.size(); ++i) {
+ output_segments.push_back(std::make_pair(intermediate_segments[i].first,
+ input_properties[intermediate_segments[i].second]));
+ less_point lp;
+ if(lp(output_segments.back().first.first, output_segments.back().first.second) !=
+ lp(input_segments[intermediate_segments[i].second].first.first,
+ input_segments[intermediate_segments[i].second].first.second)) {
+ //edge changed orientation, invert count on edge
+ output_segments.back().second.second *= -1;
+ }
+ if(!is_vertical(input_segments[intermediate_segments[i].second].first) &&
+ is_vertical(output_segments.back().first)) {
+ output_segments.back().second.second *= -1;
+ }
+ if(lp(output_segments.back().first.second, output_segments.back().first.first)) {
+ std::swap(output_segments.back().first.first, output_segments.back().first.second);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename iT>
+ static inline void validate_scan(std::vector<std::pair<half_edge, int> >& output_segments,
+ iT begin, iT end) {
+ std::vector<std::set<Point> > intersection_points(std::distance(begin, end));
+ validate_scan_divide_and_conquer(intersection_points, begin, end);
+ //validate_scan(intersection_points, begin, end);
+ segment_intersections(output_segments, intersection_points, begin, end);
+// std::pair<segment_id, segment_id> offenders;
+// if(!verify_scan(offenders, output_segments.begin(), output_segments.end())) {
+// std::cout << "break here!\n";
+// for(typename std::set<Point>::iterator itr = intersection_points[offenders.first].begin();
+// itr != intersection_points[offenders.first].end(); ++itr) {
+// std::cout << (*itr).x() << " " << (*itr).y() << " ";
+// } std::cout << std::endl;
+// for(typename std::set<Point>::iterator itr = intersection_points[offenders.second].begin();
+// itr != intersection_points[offenders.second].end(); ++itr) {
+// std::cout << (*itr).x() << " " << (*itr).y() << " ";
+// } std::cout << std::endl;
+// exit(1);
+// }
+ }
+ //quadratic algorithm to find intersections
+ template <typename iT, typename segment_id>
+ static inline bool verify_scan(std::pair<segment_id, segment_id>& offenders,
+ iT begin, iT end) {
+ std::vector<std::pair<half_edge, segment_id> > data(begin, end);
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) {
+ if(data[i].first.second < data[i].first.first) {
+ std::swap(data[i].first.first, data[i].first.second);
+ }
+ }
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ for(typename std::vector<std::pair<half_edge, segment_id> >::iterator outer = data.begin();
+ outer != data.end(); ++outer) {
+ const half_edge& he1 = (*outer).first;
+ segment_id id1 = (*outer).second;
+ for(typename std::vector<std::pair<half_edge, segment_id> >::iterator inner = outer;
+ inner != data.end(); ++inner) {
+ const half_edge& he2 = (*inner).first;
+ if(he1 == he2) continue;
+ if((std::min)(he2. first.get(HORIZONTAL),
+ he2.second.get(HORIZONTAL)) >
+ (std::max)(he1.second.get(HORIZONTAL),
+ he1.first.get(HORIZONTAL)))
+ break;
+ segment_id id2 = (*inner).second;
+ if(scanline_base<Unit>::intersects(he1, he2)) {
+ offenders.first = id1;
+ offenders.second = id2;
+ //std::cout << he1.first.x() << " " << he1.first.y() << " " << he1.second.x() << " " << he1.second.y() << " " << he2.first.x() << " " << he2.first.y() << " " << he2.second.x() << " " << he2.second.y() << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ class less_point_down_slope : public std::binary_function<Point, Point, bool> {
+ public:
+ inline less_point_down_slope() {}
+ inline bool operator () (const Point& pt1, const Point& pt2) const {
+ if(pt1.get(HORIZONTAL) < pt2.get(HORIZONTAL)) return true;
+ if(pt1.get(HORIZONTAL) == pt2.get(HORIZONTAL)) {
+ if(pt1.get(VERTICAL) > pt2.get(VERTICAL)) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename iT>
+ static inline void segment_edge(std::vector<std::pair<half_edge, int> >& output_segments,
+ const half_edge& , segment_id id, iT begin, iT end) {
+ iT current = begin;
+ iT next = begin;
+ ++next;
+ while(next != end) {
+ output_segments.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(*current, *next), id));
+ current = next;
+ ++next;
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename iT>
+ static inline void segment_intersections(std::vector<std::pair<half_edge, int> >& output_segments,
+ std::vector<std::set<Point> >& intersection_points,
+ iT begin, iT end) {
+ for(iT iter = begin; iter != end; ++iter) {
+ //less_point lp;
+ const half_edge& he = (*iter).first;
+ //if(lp(he.first, he.second)) {
+ // //it is the begin event
+ segment_id id = (*iter).second;
+ const std::set<Point>& pts = intersection_points[id];
+ Point hpt(he.first.get(HORIZONTAL)+1, he.first.get(VERTICAL));
+ if(!is_vertical(he) && less_slope(he.first.get(HORIZONTAL), he.first.get(VERTICAL),
+ he.second, hpt)) {
+ //slope is below horizontal
+ std::vector<Point> tmpPts;
+ tmpPts.reserve(pts.size());
+ tmpPts.insert(tmpPts.end(), pts.begin(), pts.end());
+ less_point_down_slope lpds;
+ std::sort(tmpPts.begin(), tmpPts.end(), lpds);
+ segment_edge(output_segments, he, id, tmpPts.begin(), tmpPts.end());
+ } else {
+ segment_edge(output_segments, he, id, pts.begin(), pts.end());
+ }
+ //}
+ }
+ }
+ //iT iterator over unsorted pair<Point> representing line segments of input
+ //output_segments is populated with fully intersected output line segment half
+ //edges and the index of the input segment that they are assoicated with
+ //duplicate output half edges with different ids will be generated in the case
+ //that parallel input segments intersection
+ //outputs are in sorted order and include both begin and end events for
+ //each segment
+ template <typename iT>
+ inline void scan(std::vector<std::pair<half_edge, int> >& output_segments,
+ iT begin, iT end) {
+ std::map<segment_id, std::set<Point> > intersection_points;
+ scan(intersection_points, begin, end);
+ segment_intersections(output_segments, intersection_points, begin, end);
+ }
+ //iT iterator over sorted sequence of half edge, segment id pairs representing segment begin and end points
+ //intersection points provides a mapping from input segment id (vector index) to the set
+ //of intersection points assocated with that input segment
+ template <typename iT>
+ inline void scan(std::map<segment_id, std::set<Point> >& intersection_points,
+ iT begin, iT end) {
+ for(iT iter = begin; iter != end; ++iter) {
+ const std::pair<half_edge, int>& elem = *iter;
+ const half_edge& he = elem.first;
+ Unit current_x = he.first.get(HORIZONTAL);
+ if(current_x != x_) {
+ process_scan_event(intersection_points);
+ while(!intersection_queue_.empty() &&
+ (*(intersection_queue_.begin()).get(HORIZONTAL) < current_x)) {
+ x_ = *(intersection_queue_.begin()).get(HORIZONTAL);
+ process_intersections_at_scan_event(intersection_points);
+ }
+ x_ = current_x;
+ }
+ event_edges_.push_back(elem);
+ }
+ process_scan_event(intersection_points);
+ }
+ inline iterator lookup(const half_edge& he) {
+ return edge_scanline_.find(he);
+ }
+ inline void insert_into_scanline(const half_edge& he, int id) {
+ edge_scanline_[he].insert(id);
+ }
+ inline void lookup_and_remove(const half_edge& he, int id) {
+ iterator remove_iter = lookup(he);
+ if(remove_iter == edge_scanline_.end()) {
+ //std::cout << "failed to find removal segment in scanline\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ std::set<segment_id>& ids = (*remove_iter).second;
+ std::set<segment_id>::iterator id_iter = ids.find(id);
+ if(id_iter == ids.end()) {
+ //std::cout << "failed to find removal segment id in scanline set\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ ids.erase(id_iter);
+ if(ids.empty())
+ edge_scanline_.erase(remove_iter);
+ }
+ static inline void update_segments(std::map<segment_id, std::set<Point> >& intersection_points,
+ const std::set<segment_id>& segments, Point pt) {
+ for(std::set<segment_id>::const_iterator itr = segments.begin(); itr != segments.end(); ++itr) {
+ intersection_points[*itr].insert(pt);
+ }
+ }
+ inline void process_intersections_at_scan_event(std::map<segment_id, std::set<Point> >& intersection_points) {
+ //there may be additional intersection points at this x location that haven't been
+ //found yet if vertical or near vertical line segments intersect more than
+ //once before the next x location
+ just_before_ = true;
+ std::set<iterator> intersecting_elements;
+ std::set<Unit> intersection_locations;
+ typedef typename std::set<Point>::iterator intersection_iterator;
+ intersection_iterator iter;
+ //first find all secondary intersection locations and all scanline iterators
+ //that are intersecting
+ for(iter = intersection_queue_.begin();
+ iter != intersection_queue_.end() && (*iter).get(HORIZONTAL) == x_; ++iter) {
+ Point pt = *iter;
+ Unit y = pt.get(VERTICAL);
+ intersection_locations.insert(y);
+ //if x_ is max there can be only end events and no sloping edges
+ if(x_ != (std::numeric_limits<Unit>::max)()) {
+ //deal with edges that project to the right of scanline
+ //first find the edges in the scanline adjacent to primary intersectin points
+ //lookup segment in scanline at pt
+ iterator itr = edge_scanline_.lower_bound(half_edge(pt, Point(x_+1, y)));
+ //look above pt in scanline until reaching end or segment that doesn't intersect
+ //1x1 grid upper right of pt
+ //look below pt in scanline until reaching begin or segment that doesn't interset
+ //1x1 grid upper right of pt
+ //second find edges in scanline on the y interval of each edge found in the previous
+ //step for x_ to x_ + 1
+ //third find overlaps in the y intervals of all found edges to find all
+ //secondary intersection points
+ }
+ }
+ //erase the intersection points from the queue
+ intersection_queue_.erase(intersection_queue_.begin(), iter);
+ std::vector<scanline_element> insertion_edges;
+ insertion_edges.reserve(intersecting_elements.size());
+ std::vector<std::pair<Unit, iterator> > sloping_ends;
+ //do all the work of updating the output of all intersecting
+ for(typename std::set<iterator>::iterator inter_iter = intersecting_elements.begin();
+ inter_iter != intersecting_elements.end(); ++inter_iter) {
+ //if it is horizontal update it now and continue
+ if(is_horizontal((*inter_iter).first)) {
+ update_segments(intersection_points, (*inter_iter).second, Point(x_, (*inter_iter).first.get(VERTICAL)));
+ } else {
+ //if x_ is max there can be only end events and no sloping edges
+ if(x_ != (std::numeric_limits<Unit>::max)()) {
+ //insert its end points into the vector of sloping ends
+ const half_edge& he = (*inter_iter).first;
+ Unit y = evalAtXforY(x_, he.first, he.second);
+ Unit y2 = evalAtXforY(x_+1, he.first, he.second);
+ if(y2 >= y) y2 +=1; //we round up, in exact case we don't worry about overbite of one
+ else y += 1; //downward sloping round up
+ sloping_ends.push_back(std::make_pair(y, inter_iter));
+ sloping_ends.push_back(std::make_pair(y2, inter_iter));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //merge sloping element data
+ std::sort(sloping_ends.begin(), sloping_ends.end());
+ std::map<Unit, std::set<iterator> > sloping_elements;
+ std::set<iterator> merge_elements;
+ for(typename std::vector<std::pair<Unit, iterator> >::iterator slop_iter = sloping_ends.begin();
+ slop_iter = sloping_ends.end(); ++slop_iter) {
+ //merge into sloping elements
+ typename std::set<iterator>::iterator merge_iterator = merge_elements.find((*slop_iter).second);
+ if(merge_iterator = merge_elements.end()) {
+ merge_elements.insert((*slop_iter).second);
+ } else {
+ merge_elements.erase(merge_iterator);
+ }
+ sloping_elements[(*slop_iter).first] = merge_elements;
+ }
+ //scan intersection points
+ typename std::map<Unit, std::set<segment_id> >::iterator vertical_iter = vertical_data_.begin();
+ typename std::map<Unit, std::set<iterator> >::iterator sloping_iter = sloping_elements.begin();
+ for(typename std::set<Unit>::iterator position_iter = intersection_locations.begin();
+ position_iter = intersection_locations.end(); ++position_iter) {
+ //look for vertical segments that intersect this point and update them
+ Unit y = *position_iter;
+ Point pt(x_, y);
+ //handle vertical segments
+ if(vertical_iter != vertical_data_.end()) {
+ typename std::map<Unit, std::set<segment_id> >::iterator next_vertical = vertical_iter;
+ for(++next_vertical; next_vertical != vertical_data_.end() &&
+ (*next_vertical).first < y; ++next_vertical) {
+ vertical_iter = next_vertical;
+ }
+ if((*vertical_iter).first < y && !(*vertical_iter).second.empty()) {
+ update_segments(intersection_points, (*vertical_iter).second, pt);
+ ++vertical_iter;
+ if(vertical_iter != vertical_data_.end() && (*vertical_iter).first == y)
+ update_segments(intersection_points, (*vertical_iter).second, pt);
+ }
+ }
+ //handle sloping segments
+ if(sloping_iter != sloping_elements.end()) {
+ typename std::map<Unit, std::set<iterator> >::iterator next_sloping = sloping_iter;
+ for(++next_sloping; next_sloping != sloping_elements.end() &&
+ (*next_sloping).first < y; ++next_sloping) {
+ sloping_iter = next_sloping;
+ }
+ if((*sloping_iter).first < y && !(*sloping_iter).second.empty()) {
+ for(typename std::set<iterator>::iterator element_iter = (*sloping_iter).second.begin();
+ element_iter != (*sloping_iter).second.end(); ++element_iter) {
+ const half_edge& he = (*element_iter).first;
+ if(intersects_grid(pt, he)) {
+ update_segments(intersection_points, (*element_iter).second, pt);
+ }
+ }
+ ++sloping_iter;
+ if(sloping_iter != sloping_elements.end() && (*sloping_iter).first == y &&
+ !(*sloping_iter).second.empty()) {
+ for(typename std::set<iterator>::iterator element_iter = (*sloping_iter).second.begin();
+ element_iter != (*sloping_iter).second.end(); ++element_iter) {
+ const half_edge& he = (*element_iter).first;
+ if(intersects_grid(pt, he)) {
+ update_segments(intersection_points, (*element_iter).second, pt);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //erase and reinsert edges into scanline with check for future intersection
+ }
+ inline void process_scan_event(std::map<segment_id, std::set<Point> >& intersection_points) {
+ just_before_ = true;
+ //process end events by removing those segments from the scanline
+ //and insert vertices of all events into intersection queue
+ Point prev_point((std::numeric_limits<Unit>::min)(), (std::numeric_limits<Unit>::min)());
+ less_point lp;
+ std::set<segment_id> vertical_ids;
+ vertical_data_.clear();
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < event_edges_.size(); ++i) {
+ segment_id id = event_edges_[i].second;
+ const half_edge& he = event_edges_[i].first;
+ //vertical half edges are handled during intersection processing because
+ //they cannot be inserted into the scanline
+ if(!is_vertical(he)) {
+ if(lp(he.second, he.first)) {
+ //half edge is end event
+ lookup_and_remove(he, id);
+ } else {
+ //half edge is begin event
+ insert_into_scanline(he, id);
+ //note that they will be immediately removed and reinserted after
+ //handling their intersection (vertex)
+ //an optimization would allow them to be processed specially to avoid the redundant
+ //removal and reinsertion
+ }
+ } else {
+ //common case if you are lucky
+ //update the map of y to set of segment id
+ if(lp(he.second, he.first)) {
+ //half edge is end event
+ std::set<segment_id>::iterator itr = vertical_ids.find(id);
+ if(itr == vertical_ids.end()) {
+ //std::cout << "Failed to find end event id in vertical ids\n";
+ } else {
+ vertical_ids.erase(itr);
+ vertical_data_[he.first.get(HORIZONTAL)] = vertical_ids;
+ }
+ } else {
+ //half edge is a begin event
+ vertical_ids.insert(id);
+ vertical_data_[he.first.get(HORIZONTAL)] = vertical_ids;
+ }
+ }
+ //prevent repeated insertion of same vertex into intersection queue
+ if(prev_point != he.first)
+ intersection_queue_.insert(he.first);
+ else
+ prev_point = he.first;
+ // process intersections at scan event
+ process_intersections_at_scan_event(intersection_points);
+ }
+ event_edges_.clear();
+ }
+ public:
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool test_validate_scan(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ std::vector<std::pair<half_edge, segment_id> > input, edges;
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 10)), 0));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(10, 10)), 1));
+ std::pair<segment_id, segment_id> result;
+ validate_scan(edges, input.begin(), input.end());
+ if(!verify_scan(result, edges.begin(), edges.end())) {
+ stdcout << "s fail1 " << result.first << " " << result.second << "\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 5), Point(5, 5)), 2));
+ edges.clear();
+ validate_scan(edges, input.begin(), input.end());
+ if(!verify_scan(result, edges.begin(), edges.end())) {
+ stdcout << "s fail2 " << result.first << " " << result.second << "\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ input.pop_back();
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(1, 0), Point(11, 11)), input.size()));
+ edges.clear();
+ validate_scan(edges, input.begin(), input.end());
+ if(!verify_scan(result, edges.begin(), edges.end())) {
+ stdcout << "s fail3 " << result.first << " " << result.second << "\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(1, 0), Point(10, 11)), input.size()));
+ edges.clear();
+ validate_scan(edges, input.begin(), input.end());
+ if(!verify_scan(result, edges.begin(), edges.end())) {
+ stdcout << "s fail4 " << result.first << " " << result.second << "\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ input.pop_back();
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(1, 2), Point(11, 11)), input.size()));
+ edges.clear();
+ validate_scan(edges, input.begin(), input.end());
+ if(!verify_scan(result, edges.begin(), edges.end())) {
+ stdcout << "s fail5 " << result.first << " " << result.second << "\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 5), Point(0, 11)), input.size()));
+ edges.clear();
+ validate_scan(edges, input.begin(), input.end());
+ if(!verify_scan(result, edges.begin(), edges.end())) {
+ stdcout << "s fail6 " << result.first << " " << result.second << "\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ input.pop_back();
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < input.size(); ++i) {
+ std::swap(input[i].first.first, input[i].first.second);
+ }
+ edges.clear();
+ validate_scan(edges, input.begin(), input.end());
+ if(!verify_scan(result, edges.begin(), edges.end())) {
+ stdcout << "s fail5 2 " << result.first << " " << result.second << "\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < input.size(); ++i) {
+ input[i].first.first = Point(input[i].first.first.get(HORIZONTAL) * -1,
+ input[i].first.first.get(VERTICAL) * -1);
+ input[i].first.second = Point(input[i].first.second.get(HORIZONTAL) * -1,
+ input[i].first.second.get(VERTICAL) * -1);
+ }
+ edges.clear();
+ validate_scan(edges, input.begin(), input.end());
+ stdcout << edges.size() << std::endl;
+ if(!verify_scan(result, edges.begin(), edges.end())) {
+ stdcout << "s fail5 3 " << result.first << " " << result.second << "\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ input.clear();
+ edges.clear();
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(5, 7), Point(7, 6)), 0));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(2, 4), Point(6, 7)), 1));
+ validate_scan(edges, input.begin(), input.end());
+ if(!verify_scan(result, edges.begin(), edges.end())) {
+ stdcout << "s fail2 1 " << result.first << " " << result.second << "\n";
+ print(input);
+ print(edges);
+ return false;
+ }
+ input.clear();
+ edges.clear();
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(3, 2), Point(1, 7)), 0));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 6), Point(7, 4)), 1));
+ validate_scan(edges, input.begin(), input.end());
+ if(!verify_scan(result, edges.begin(), edges.end())) {
+ stdcout << "s fail2 2 " << result.first << " " << result.second << "\n";
+ print(input);
+ print(edges);
+ return false;
+ }
+ input.clear();
+ edges.clear();
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(6, 6), Point(1, 0)), 0));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(3, 6), Point(2, 3)), 1));
+ validate_scan(edges, input.begin(), input.end());
+ if(!verify_scan(result, edges.begin(), edges.end())) {
+ stdcout << "s fail2 3 " << result.first << " " << result.second << "\n";
+ print(input);
+ print(edges);
+ return false;
+ }
+ input.clear();
+ edges.clear();
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(7, 0)), 0));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(6, 0), Point(2, 0)), 1));
+ validate_scan(edges, input.begin(), input.end());
+ if(!verify_scan(result, edges.begin(), edges.end())) {
+ stdcout << "s fail2 4 " << result.first << " " << result.second << "\n";
+ print(input);
+ print(edges);
+ return false;
+ }
+ input.clear();
+ edges.clear();
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(-17333131 - -17208131, -10316869 - -10191869), Point(0, 0)), 0));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(-17291260 - -17208131, -10200000 - -10191869), Point(-17075000 - -17208131, -10200000 - -10191869)), 1));
+ validate_scan(edges, input.begin(), input.end());
+ if(!verify_scan(result, edges.begin(), edges.end())) {
+ stdcout << "s fail2 5 " << result.first << " " << result.second << "\n";
+ print(input);
+ print(edges);
+ return false;
+ }
+ input.clear();
+ edges.clear();
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(-17333131, -10316869), Point(-17208131, -10191869)), 0));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(-17291260, -10200000), Point(-17075000, -10200000)), 1));
+ validate_scan(edges, input.begin(), input.end());
+ if(!verify_scan(result, edges.begin(), edges.end())) {
+ stdcout << "s fail2 6 " << result.first << " " << result.second << "\n";
+ print(input);
+ print(edges);
+ return false;
+ }
+ input.clear();
+ edges.clear();
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(-9850009+9853379, -286971+290340), Point(-12777869+9853379, -3214831+290340)), 0));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(-5223510+9853379, -290340+290340), Point(-9858140+9853379, -290340+290340)), 1));
+ validate_scan(edges, input.begin(), input.end());
+ print(edges);
+ if(!verify_scan(result, edges.begin(), edges.end())) {
+ stdcout << "s fail2 7 " << result.first << " " << result.second << "\n";
+ print(input);
+ print(edges);
+ return false;
+ }
+ input.clear();
+ edges.clear();
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(-9850009, -286971), Point(-12777869, -3214831)), 0));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(-5223510, -290340), Point(-9858140, -290340)), 1));
+ validate_scan(edges, input.begin(), input.end());
+ if(!verify_scan(result, edges.begin(), edges.end())) {
+ stdcout << "s fail2 8 " << result.first << " " << result.second << "\n";
+ print(input);
+ print(edges);
+ return false;
+ }
+ //3 3 2 2: 0; 4 2 0 6: 1; 0 3 6 3: 2; 4 1 5 5: 3;
+ input.clear();
+ edges.clear();
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(3, 3), Point(2, 2)), 0));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(4, 2), Point(0, 6)), 1));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 3), Point(6, 3)), 2));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(4, 1), Point(5, 5)), 3));
+ validate_scan(edges, input.begin(), input.end());
+ if(!verify_scan(result, edges.begin(), edges.end())) {
+ stdcout << "s fail4 1 " << result.first << " " << result.second << "\n";
+ print(input);
+ print(edges);
+ return false;
+ }
+ //5 7 1 3: 0; 4 5 2 1: 1; 2 5 2 1: 2; 4 1 5 3: 3;
+ input.clear();
+ edges.clear();
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(5, 7), Point(1, 3)), 0));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(4, 5), Point(2, 1)), 1));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(2, 5), Point(2, 1)), 2));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(4, 1), Point(5, 3)), 3));
+ validate_scan(edges, input.begin(), input.end());
+ if(!verify_scan(result, edges.begin(), edges.end())) {
+ stdcout << "s fail4 2 " << result.first << " " << result.second << "\n";
+ print(input);
+ print(edges);
+ return false;
+ }
+ //1 0 -4 -1: 0; 0 0 2 -1: 1;
+ input.clear();
+ edges.clear();
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(1, 0), Point(-4, -1)), 0));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(2, -1)), 1));
+ validate_scan(edges, input.begin(), input.end());
+ if(!verify_scan(result, edges.begin(), edges.end())) {
+ stdcout << "s fail2 5 " << result.first << " " << result.second << "\n";
+ print(input);
+ print(edges);
+ return false;
+ }
+ Unit min_c =0;
+ Unit max_c =0;
+ for(unsigned int outer = 0; outer < 1000; ++outer) {
+ input.clear();
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+ Unit x1 = rand();
+ Unit x2 = rand();
+ Unit y1 = rand();
+ Unit y2 = rand();
+ int neg1 = rand() % 2;
+ if(neg1) x1 *= -1;
+ int neg2 = rand() % 2;
+ if(neg2) x2 *= -1;
+ int neg3 = rand() % 2;
+ if(neg3) y1 *= -1;
+ int neg4 = rand() % 2;
+ if(neg4) y2 *= -1;
+ if(x1 < min_c) min_c = x1;
+ if(x2 < min_c) min_c = x2;
+ if(y1 < min_c) min_c = y1;
+ if(y2 < min_c) min_c = y2;
+ if(x1 > max_c) max_c = x1;
+ if(x2 > max_c) max_c = x2;
+ if(y1 > max_c) max_c = y1;
+ if(y2 > max_c) max_c = y2;
+ Point pt1(x1, y1);
+ Point pt2(x2, y2);
+ if(pt1 != pt2)
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(pt1, pt2), i));
+ }
+ edges.clear();
+ validate_scan(edges, input.begin(), input.end());
+ if(!verify_scan(result, edges.begin(), edges.end())) {
+ stdcout << "s fail9 " << outer << ": " << result.first << " " << result.second << "\n";
+ print(input);
+ print(edges);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ //static void print(const std::pair<half_edge, segment_id>& segment) {
+ //std::cout << segment.first.first << " " << segment.first.second << ": " << segment.second << "; ";
+ //}
+ static void print(const std::vector<std::pair<half_edge, segment_id> >& vec) {
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++ i) {
+ // print(vec[i]);
+ }
+ //std::cout << std::endl;
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool test_verify_scan(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ std::vector<std::pair<half_edge, segment_id> > edges;
+ edges.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 10)), 0));
+ edges.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(10, 10)), 1));
+ std::pair<segment_id, segment_id> result;
+ if(!verify_scan(result, edges.begin(), edges.end())) {
+ stdcout << "fail1\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ edges.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 5), Point(5, 5)), 2));
+ if(verify_scan(result, edges.begin(), edges.end())) {
+ stdcout << "fail2\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ edges.pop_back();
+ edges.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(1, 0), Point(11, 11)), edges.size()));
+ if(!verify_scan(result, edges.begin(), edges.end())) {
+ stdcout << "fail3\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ edges.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(1, 0), Point(10, 11)), edges.size()));
+ if(verify_scan(result, edges.begin(), edges.end())) {
+ stdcout << "fail4\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ edges.pop_back();
+ edges.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(1, 2), Point(11, 11)), edges.size()));
+ if(!verify_scan(result, edges.begin(), edges.end())) {
+ stdcout << "fail5 " << result.first << " " << result.second << "\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ edges.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 5), Point(0, 11)), edges.size()));
+ if(verify_scan(result, edges.begin(), edges.end())) {
+ stdcout << "fail6 " << result.first << " " << result.second << "\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ edges.pop_back();
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < edges.size(); ++i) {
+ std::swap(edges[i].first.first, edges[i].first.second);
+ }
+ if(!verify_scan(result, edges.begin(), edges.end())) {
+ stdcout << "fail5 2 " << result.first << " " << result.second << "\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < edges.size(); ++i) {
+ edges[i].first.first = Point(edges[i].first.first.get(HORIZONTAL) * -1,
+ edges[i].first.first.get(VERTICAL) * -1);
+ edges[i].first.second = Point(edges[i].first.second.get(HORIZONTAL) * -1,
+ edges[i].first.second.get(VERTICAL) * -1);
+ }
+ if(!verify_scan(result, edges.begin(), edges.end())) {
+ stdcout << "fail5 3 " << result.first << " " << result.second << "\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ //scanline consumes the "flattened" fully intersected line segments produced by
+ //a pass of line_intersection along with property and count information and performs a
+ //useful operation like booleans or property merge or connectivity extraction
+ template <typename Unit, typename property_type, typename keytype = std::set<property_type> >
+ class scanline : public scanline_base<Unit> {
+ public:
+ //definitions
+ typedef typename scanline_base<Unit>::Point Point;
+ //the first point is the vertex and and second point establishes the slope of an edge eminating from the vertex
+ //typedef std::pair<Point, Point> half_edge;
+ typedef typename scanline_base<Unit>::half_edge half_edge;
+ //scanline comparator functor
+ typedef typename scanline_base<Unit>::less_half_edge less_half_edge;
+ typedef typename scanline_base<Unit>::less_point less_point;
+ typedef keytype property_set;
+ //this is the data type used internally to store the combination of property counts at a given location
+ typedef std::vector<std::pair<property_type, int> > property_map;
+ //this data structure assocates a property and count to a half edge
+ typedef std::pair<half_edge, std::pair<property_type, int> > vertex_property;
+ //this data type is used internally to store the combined property data for a given half edge
+ typedef std::pair<half_edge, property_map> vertex_data;
+ //this data type stores the combination of many half edges
+ typedef std::vector<vertex_property> property_merge_data;
+ //this data structure stores end points of edges in the scanline
+ typedef std::set<Point, less_point> end_point_queue;
+ //this is the output data type that is created by the scanline before it is post processed based on content of property sets
+ typedef std::pair<half_edge, std::pair<property_set, property_set> > half_edge_property;
+ //this is the scanline data structure
+ typedef std::map<half_edge, property_map, less_half_edge> scanline_type;
+ typedef std::pair<half_edge, property_map> scanline_element;
+ typedef typename scanline_type::iterator iterator;
+ typedef typename scanline_type::const_iterator const_iterator;
+ //data
+ scanline_type scan_data_;
+ std::vector<iterator> removal_set_; //edges to be removed at the current scanline stop
+ std::vector<scanline_element> insertion_set_; //edge to be inserted after current scanline stop
+ end_point_queue end_point_queue_;
+ Unit x_;
+ Unit y_;
+ int just_before_;
+ typename scanline_base<Unit>::evalAtXforYPack evalAtXforYPack_;
+ public:
+ inline scanline() : scan_data_(), removal_set_(), insertion_set_(), end_point_queue_(),
+ x_((std::numeric_limits<Unit>::max)()), y_((std::numeric_limits<Unit>::max)()), just_before_(false), evalAtXforYPack_() {
+ less_half_edge lessElm(&x_, &just_before_, &evalAtXforYPack_);
+ scan_data_ = scanline_type(lessElm);
+ }
+ inline scanline(const scanline& that) : scan_data_(), removal_set_(), insertion_set_(), end_point_queue_(),
+ x_((std::numeric_limits<Unit>::max)()), y_((std::numeric_limits<Unit>::max)()), just_before_(false), evalAtXforYPack_() {
+ (*this) = that; }
+ inline scanline& operator=(const scanline& that) {
+ x_ = that.x_;
+ y_ = that.y_;
+ just_before_ = that.just_before_;
+ end_point_queue_ = that.end_point_queue_;
+ //I cannot simply copy that.scanline_type to this scanline_type becuase the functor store pointers to other members!
+ less_half_edge lessElm(&x_, &just_before_);
+ scan_data_ = scanline_type(lessElm);
+ scan_data_.insert(that.scan_data_.begin(), that.scan_data_.end());
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename result_type, typename result_functor>
+ void write_out(result_type& result, result_functor rf, const half_edge& he,
+ const property_map& pm_left, const property_map& pm_right) {
+ //std::cout << "write out ";
+ //std::cout << he.first << ", " << he.second << std::endl;
+ property_set ps_left, ps_right;
+ set_unique_property(ps_left, pm_left);
+ set_unique_property(ps_right, pm_right);
+ if(ps_left != ps_right) {
+ //std::cout << "!equivalent\n";
+ rf(result, he, ps_left, ps_right);
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename result_type, typename result_functor, typename iT>
+ iT handle_input_events(result_type& result, result_functor rf, iT begin, iT end) {
+ typedef typename high_precision_type<Unit>::type high_precision;
+ //for each event
+ property_map vertical_properties_above;
+ property_map vertical_properties_below;
+ half_edge vertical_edge_above;
+ half_edge vertical_edge_below;
+ std::vector<scanline_element> insertion_elements;
+ //current_iter should increase monotonically toward end as we process scanline stop
+ iterator current_iter = scan_data_.begin();
+ just_before_ = true;
+ Unit y = (std::numeric_limits<Unit>::min)();
+ bool first_iteration = true;
+ //we want to return from inside the loop when we hit end or new x
+#pragma warning( disable: 4127 )
+ while(true) {
+ if(begin == end || (!first_iteration && ((*begin).first.first.get(VERTICAL) != y ||
+ (*begin).first.first.get(HORIZONTAL) != x_))) {
+ //lookup iterator range in scanline for elements coming in from the left
+ //that end at this y
+ Point pt(x_, y);
+ //grab the properties coming in from below
+ property_map properties_below;
+ if(current_iter != scan_data_.end()) {
+ //make sure we are looking at element in scanline just below y
+ //if(evalAtXforY(x_, (*current_iter).first.first, (*current_iter).first.second) != y) {
+ if(on_above_or_below(Point(x_, y), (*current_iter).first) != 0) {
+ Point e2(pt);
+ if(e2.get(VERTICAL) != (std::numeric_limits<Unit>::max)())
+ e2.set(VERTICAL, e2.get(VERTICAL) + 1);
+ else
+ e2.set(VERTICAL, e2.get(VERTICAL) - 1);
+ half_edge vhe(pt, e2);
+ current_iter = scan_data_.lower_bound(vhe);
+ }
+ if(current_iter != scan_data_.end()) {
+ //get the bottom iterator for elements at this point
+ //while(evalAtXforY(x_, (*current_iter).first.first, (*current_iter).first.second) >= (high_precision)y &&
+ while(on_above_or_below(Point(x_, y), (*current_iter).first) != 1 &&
+ current_iter != scan_data_.begin()) {
+ --current_iter;
+ }
+ //if(evalAtXforY(x_, (*current_iter).first.first, (*current_iter).first.second) >= (high_precision)y) {
+ if(on_above_or_below(Point(x_, y), (*current_iter).first) != 1) {
+ properties_below.clear();
+ } else {
+ properties_below = (*current_iter).second;
+ //move back up to y or one past y
+ ++current_iter;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ std::vector<iterator> edges_from_left;
+ while(current_iter != scan_data_.end() &&
+ //can only be true if y is integer
+ //evalAtXforY(x_, (*current_iter).first.first, (*current_iter).first.second) == y) {
+ on_above_or_below(Point(x_, y), (*current_iter).first) == 0) {
+ //removal_set_.push_back(current_iter);
+ ++current_iter;
+ }
+ //merge vertical count with count from below
+ if(!vertical_properties_below.empty()) {
+ merge_property_maps(vertical_properties_below, properties_below);
+ //write out vertical edge
+ write_out(result, rf, vertical_edge_below, properties_below, vertical_properties_below);
+ } else {
+ merge_property_maps(vertical_properties_below, properties_below);
+ }
+ //iteratively add intertion element counts to count from below
+ //and write them to insertion set
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < insertion_elements.size(); ++i) {
+ if(i == 0) {
+ merge_property_maps(insertion_elements[i].second, vertical_properties_below);
+ write_out(result, rf, insertion_elements[i].first, insertion_elements[i].second, vertical_properties_below);
+ } else {
+ merge_property_maps(insertion_elements[i].second, insertion_elements[i-1].second);
+ write_out(result, rf, insertion_elements[i].first, insertion_elements[i].second, insertion_elements[i-1].second);
+ }
+ insertion_set_.push_back(insertion_elements[i]);
+ }
+ if((begin == end || (*begin).first.first.get(HORIZONTAL) != x_)) {
+ if(vertical_properties_above.empty()) {
+ return begin;
+ } else {
+ y = vertical_edge_above.second.get(VERTICAL);
+ vertical_properties_below.clear();
+ vertical_properties_above.swap(vertical_properties_below);
+ vertical_edge_below = vertical_edge_above;
+ insertion_elements.clear();
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ vertical_properties_below.clear();
+ vertical_properties_above.swap(vertical_properties_below);
+ vertical_edge_below = vertical_edge_above;
+ insertion_elements.clear();
+ }
+ if(begin != end) {
+ const vertex_property& vp = *begin;
+ const half_edge& he = vp.first;
+ y = he.first.get(VERTICAL);
+ first_iteration = false;
+ if(! vertical_properties_below.empty() &&
+ vertical_edge_below.second.get(VERTICAL) < y) {
+ y = vertical_edge_below.second.get(VERTICAL);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(is_vertical(he)) {
+ update_property_map(vertical_properties_above, vp.second);
+ vertical_edge_above = he;
+ } else {
+ if(insertion_elements.empty() ||
+ insertion_elements.back().first != he) {
+ insertion_elements.push_back(scanline_element(he, property_map()));
+ }
+ update_property_map(insertion_elements.back().second, vp.second);
+ }
+ ++begin;
+ }
+ }
+#pragma warning( default: 4127 )
+ }
+ inline void erase_end_events(typename end_point_queue::iterator epqi) {
+ end_point_queue_.erase(end_point_queue_.begin(), epqi);
+ for(typename std::vector<iterator>::iterator retire_itr = removal_set_.begin();
+ retire_itr != removal_set_.end(); ++retire_itr) {
+ scan_data_.erase(*retire_itr);
+ }
+ removal_set_.clear();
+ }
+ inline void remove_retired_edges_from_scanline() {
+ just_before_ = true;
+ typename end_point_queue::iterator epqi = end_point_queue_.begin();
+ Unit current_x = x_;
+ Unit previous_x = x_;
+ while(epqi != end_point_queue_.end() &&
+ (*epqi).get(HORIZONTAL) <= current_x) {
+ x_ = (*epqi).get(HORIZONTAL);
+ if(x_ != previous_x) erase_end_events(epqi);
+ previous_x = x_;
+ //lookup elements
+ Point e2(*epqi);
+ if(e2.get(VERTICAL) != (std::numeric_limits<Unit>::max)())
+ e2.set(VERTICAL, e2.get(VERTICAL) + 1);
+ else
+ e2.set(VERTICAL, e2.get(VERTICAL) - 1);
+ half_edge vhe_e(*epqi, e2);
+ iterator current_iter = scan_data_.lower_bound(vhe_e);
+ while(current_iter != scan_data_.end() && (*current_iter).first.second == (*epqi)) {
+ //evalAtXforY(x_, (*current_iter).first.first, (*current_iter).first.second) == (*epqi).get(VERTICAL)) {
+ removal_set_.push_back(current_iter);
+ ++current_iter;
+ }
+ ++epqi;
+ }
+ x_ = current_x;
+ erase_end_events(epqi);
+ }
+ inline void insert_new_edges_into_scanline() {
+ just_before_ = false;
+ for(typename std::vector<scanline_element>::iterator insert_itr = insertion_set_.begin();
+ insert_itr != insertion_set_.end(); ++insert_itr) {
+ scan_data_.insert(*insert_itr);
+ end_point_queue_.insert((*insert_itr).first.second);
+ }
+ insertion_set_.clear();
+ }
+ //iterator over range of vertex property elements and call result functor
+ //passing edge to be output, the merged data on both sides and the result
+ template <typename result_type, typename result_functor, typename iT>
+ void scan(result_type& result, result_functor rf, iT begin, iT end) {
+ while(begin != end) {
+ x_ = (*begin).first.first.get(HORIZONTAL); //update scanline stop location
+ //print_scanline();
+ --x_;
+ remove_retired_edges_from_scanline();
+ ++x_;
+ begin = handle_input_events(result, rf, begin, end);
+ remove_retired_edges_from_scanline();
+ //print_scanline();
+ insert_new_edges_into_scanline();
+ }
+ //print_scanline();
+ x_ = (std::numeric_limits<Unit>::max)();
+ remove_retired_edges_from_scanline();
+ }
+ //inline void print_scanline() {
+ // std::cout << "scanline at " << x_ << ": ";
+ // for(iterator itr = scan_data_.begin(); itr != scan_data_.end(); ++itr) {
+ // const scanline_element& se = *itr;
+ // const half_edge& he = se.first;
+ // const property_map& mp = se.second;
+ // std::cout << he.first << ", " << he.second << " ( ";
+ // for(std::size_t i = 0; i < mp.size(); ++i) {
+ // std::cout << mp[i].first << ":" << mp[i].second << " ";
+ // } std::cout << ") ";
+ // } std::cout << std::endl;
+ //}
+ static inline void merge_property_maps(property_map& mp, const property_map& mp2) {
+ property_map newmp;
+ newmp.reserve(mp.size() + mp2.size());
+ unsigned int i = 0;
+ unsigned int j = 0;
+ while(i != mp.size() && j != mp2.size()) {
+ if(mp[i].first < mp2[j].first) {
+ newmp.push_back(mp[i]);
+ ++i;
+ } else if(mp[i].first > mp2[j].first) {
+ newmp.push_back(mp2[j]);
+ ++j;
+ } else {
+ int count = mp[i].second;
+ count += mp2[j].second;
+ if(count) {
+ newmp.push_back(mp[i]);
+ newmp.back().second = count;
+ }
+ ++i;
+ ++j;
+ }
+ }
+ while(i != mp.size()) {
+ newmp.push_back(mp[i]);
+ ++i;
+ }
+ while(j != mp2.size()) {
+ newmp.push_back(mp2[j]);
+ ++j;
+ }
+ mp.swap(newmp);
+ }
+ static inline void update_property_map(property_map& mp, const std::pair<property_type, int>& prop_data) {
+ property_map newmp;
+ newmp.reserve(mp.size() +1);
+ bool consumed = false;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < mp.size(); ++i) {
+ if(!consumed && prop_data.first == mp[i].first) {
+ consumed = true;
+ int count = prop_data.second + mp[i].second;
+ if(count)
+ newmp.push_back(std::make_pair(prop_data.first, count));
+ } else if(!consumed && prop_data.first < mp[i].first) {
+ consumed = true;
+ newmp.push_back(prop_data);
+ newmp.push_back(mp[i]);
+ } else {
+ newmp.push_back(mp[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ if(!consumed) newmp.push_back(prop_data);
+ mp.swap(newmp);
+ }
+ static inline void set_unique_property(property_set& unqiue_property, const property_map& property) {
+ unqiue_property.clear();
+ for(typename property_map::const_iterator itr = property.begin(); itr != property.end(); ++itr) {
+ if((*itr).second > 0)
+ unqiue_property.insert(unqiue_property.end(), (*itr).first);
+ }
+ }
+ static inline bool common_vertex(const half_edge& he1, const half_edge& he2) {
+ return he1.first == he2.first ||
+ he1.first == he2.second ||
+ he1.second == he2.first ||
+ he1.second == he2.second;
+ }
+ typedef typename scanline_base<Unit>::vertex_half_edge vertex_half_edge;
+ template <typename iT>
+ static inline void convert_segments_to_vertex_half_edges(std::vector<vertex_half_edge>& output, iT begin, iT end) {
+ for( ; begin != end; ++begin) {
+ const half_edge& he = (*begin).first;
+ int count = (*begin).second;
+ output.push_back(vertex_half_edge(he.first, he.second, count));
+ output.push_back(vertex_half_edge(he.second, he.first, -count));
+ }
+ std::sort(output.begin(), output.end());
+ }
+ class test_functor {
+ public:
+ inline test_functor() {}
+ inline void operator()(std::vector<std::pair<half_edge, std::pair<property_set, property_set> > >& result,
+ const half_edge& he, const property_set& ps_left, const property_set& ps_right) {
+ result.push_back(std::make_pair(he, std::make_pair(ps_left, ps_right)));
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool test_scanline(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ std::vector<std::pair<half_edge, std::pair<property_set, property_set> > > result;
+ std::vector<std::pair<half_edge, std::pair<property_type, int> > > input;
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 10)), std::make_pair(0, 1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(10, 0)), std::make_pair(0, 1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 10), Point(10, 10)), std::make_pair(0, -1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(10, 0), Point(10, 10)), std::make_pair(0, -1)));
+ scanline sl;
+ test_functor tf;
+ sl.scan(result, tf, input.begin(), input.end());
+ stdcout << "scanned\n";
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << result[i].first.first << ", " << result[i].first.second << "; ";
+ } stdcout << std::endl;
+ input.clear();
+ result.clear();
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(-1, -1), Point(10, 0)), std::make_pair(0, 1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(-1, -1), Point(0, 10)), std::make_pair(0, -1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 10), Point(11, 11)), std::make_pair(0, -1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(10, 0), Point(11, 11)), std::make_pair(0, 1)));
+ scanline sl2;
+ sl2.scan(result, tf, input.begin(), input.end());
+ stdcout << "scanned\n";
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << result[i].first.first << ", " << result[i].first.second << "; ";
+ } stdcout << std::endl;
+ input.clear();
+ result.clear();
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 10)), std::make_pair(0, 1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(10, 0)), std::make_pair(0, 1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 10), Point(10, 10)), std::make_pair(0, -1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(1, 1), Point(8, 2)), std::make_pair(1, 1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(1, 1), Point(2, 8)), std::make_pair(1, -1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(2, 8), Point(9, 9)), std::make_pair(1, -1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(8, 2), Point(9, 9)), std::make_pair(1, 1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(10, 0), Point(10, 10)), std::make_pair(0, -1)));
+ scanline sl3;
+ sl3.scan(result, tf, input.begin(), input.end());
+ stdcout << "scanned\n";
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << result[i].first.first << ", " << result[i].first.second << "; ";
+ } stdcout << std::endl;
+ input.clear();
+ result.clear();
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 10)), std::make_pair(0, 1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(10, 0)), std::make_pair(0, 1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 10), Point(10, 10)), std::make_pair(0, -1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(1, 1), Point(8, 2)), std::make_pair(0, 1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(1, 1), Point(2, 8)), std::make_pair(0, -1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(2, 8), Point(9, 9)), std::make_pair(0, -1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(8, 2), Point(9, 9)), std::make_pair(0, 1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(10, 0), Point(10, 10)), std::make_pair(0, -1)));
+ scanline sl4;
+ sl4.scan(result, tf, input.begin(), input.end());
+ stdcout << "scanned\n";
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << result[i].first.first << ", " << result[i].first.second << "; ";
+ } stdcout << std::endl;
+ input.clear();
+ result.clear();
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(10, 0)), std::make_pair(0, 1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(9, 1)), std::make_pair(0, 1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 9)), std::make_pair(0, -1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 10)), std::make_pair(0, 1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 10), Point(10, 10)), std::make_pair(0, -1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(1, 9), Point(10, 10)), std::make_pair(0, -1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(9, 1), Point(10, 10)), std::make_pair(0, 1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(10, 0), Point(10, 10)), std::make_pair(0, -1)));
+ scanline sl5;
+ sl5.scan(result, tf, input.begin(), input.end());
+ stdcout << "scanned\n";
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << result[i].first.first << ", " << result[i].first.second << "; ";
+ } stdcout << std::endl;
+ input.clear();
+ result.clear();
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(10, 0)), std::make_pair(0, 1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(9, 1)), std::make_pair(1, 1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 9)), std::make_pair(1, -1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 10)), std::make_pair(0, 1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 10), Point(10, 10)), std::make_pair(0, -1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(1, 9), Point(10, 10)), std::make_pair(1, -1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(9, 1), Point(10, 10)), std::make_pair(1, 1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(10, 0), Point(10, 10)), std::make_pair(0, -1)));
+ scanline sl6;
+ sl6.scan(result, tf, input.begin(), input.end());
+ stdcout << "scanned\n";
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << result[i].first.first << ", " << result[i].first.second << "; ";
+ } stdcout << std::endl;
+ input.clear();
+ result.clear();
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(10, 0)), std::make_pair(0, 1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(9, 1)), std::make_pair(1, 1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 9)), std::make_pair(1, -1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 10)), std::make_pair(0, 1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 10), Point(10, 10)), std::make_pair(0, -1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 20), Point(10, 20)), std::make_pair(0, 1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 20), Point(9, 21)), std::make_pair(1, 1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 20), Point(1, 29)), std::make_pair(1, -1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 20), Point(0, 30)), std::make_pair(0, 1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 30), Point(10, 30)), std::make_pair(0, -1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(1, 9), Point(10, 10)), std::make_pair(1, -1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(1, 29), Point(10, 30)), std::make_pair(1, -1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(9, 1), Point(10, 10)), std::make_pair(1, 1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(9, 21), Point(10, 30)), std::make_pair(1, 1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(10, 20), Point(10, 30)), std::make_pair(0, -1)));
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(10, 20), Point(10, 30)), std::make_pair(0, -1)));
+ scanline sl7;
+ sl7.scan(result, tf, input.begin(), input.end());
+ stdcout << "scanned\n";
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << result[i].first.first << ", " << result[i].first.second << "; ";
+ } stdcout << std::endl;
+ input.clear();
+ result.clear();
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(-1, -1), Point(10, 0)), std::make_pair(0, 1))); //a
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(-1, -1), Point(0, 10)), std::make_pair(0, -1))); //a
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(0, 10), Point(11, 11)), std::make_pair(0, -1))); //a
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(10, 0), Point(20, 0)), std::make_pair(0, 1))); //b
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(10, 0), Point(11, 11)), std::make_pair(0, -1))); //b
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(10, 0), Point(11, 11)), std::make_pair(0, 1))); //a
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(11, 11), Point(20, 10)), std::make_pair(0, -1))); //b
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(20, 0), Point(30, 0)), std::make_pair(0, 1))); //c
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(20, 0), Point(20, 10)), std::make_pair(0, -1))); //b
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(20, 0), Point(20, 10)), std::make_pair(0, 1))); //c
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(20, 10), Point(30, 10)), std::make_pair(0, -1))); //c
+ input.push_back(std::make_pair(half_edge(Point(30, 0), Point(30, 10)), std::make_pair(0, -1))); //c
+ scanline sl8;
+ sl8.scan(result, tf, input.begin(), input.end());
+ stdcout << "scanned\n";
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << result[i].first.first << ", " << result[i].first.second << "; ";
+ } stdcout << std::endl;
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename Unit>
+ class merge_output_functor {
+ public:
+ typedef typename scanline_base<Unit>::half_edge half_edge;
+ merge_output_functor() {}
+ template <typename result_type, typename key_type>
+ void operator()(result_type& result, const half_edge& edge, const key_type& left, const key_type& right) {
+ typename std::pair<half_edge, int> elem;
+ elem.first = edge;
+ elem.second = 1;
+ if(edge.second < edge.first) elem.second *= -1;
+ if(scanline_base<Unit>::is_vertical(edge)) elem.second *= -1;
+ if(!left.empty())
+ result[left].insert_clean(elem);
+ elem.second *= -1;
+ if(!right.empty())
+ result[right].insert_clean(elem);
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename Unit, typename property_type, typename key_type = std::set<property_type>,
+ typename output_functor_type = merge_output_functor<Unit> >
+ class property_merge : public scanline_base<Unit> {
+ protected:
+ typedef typename scanline_base<Unit>::Point Point;
+ //the first point is the vertex and and second point establishes the slope of an edge eminating from the vertex
+ //typedef std::pair<Point, Point> half_edge;
+ typedef typename scanline_base<Unit>::half_edge half_edge;
+ //scanline comparator functor
+ typedef typename scanline_base<Unit>::less_half_edge less_half_edge;
+ typedef typename scanline_base<Unit>::less_point less_point;
+ //this data structure assocates a property and count to a half edge
+ typedef std::pair<half_edge, std::pair<property_type, int> > vertex_property;
+ //this data type stores the combination of many half edges
+ typedef std::vector<vertex_property> property_merge_data;
+ //this is the data type used internally to store the combination of property counts at a given location
+ typedef std::vector<std::pair<property_type, int> > property_map;
+ //this data type is used internally to store the combined property data for a given half edge
+ typedef std::pair<half_edge, property_map> vertex_data;
+ property_merge_data pmd;
+ typename scanline_base<Unit>::evalAtXforYPack evalAtXforYPack_;
+ template<typename vertex_data_type>
+ class less_vertex_data {
+ typename scanline_base<Unit>::evalAtXforYPack* pack_;
+ public:
+ less_vertex_data() : pack_() {}
+ less_vertex_data(typename scanline_base<Unit>::evalAtXforYPack* pack) : pack_(pack) {}
+ bool operator()(const vertex_data_type& lvalue, const vertex_data_type& rvalue) {
+ less_point lp;
+ if(lp(lvalue.first.first, rvalue.first.first)) return true;
+ if(lp(rvalue.first.first, lvalue.first.first)) return false;
+ Unit x = lvalue.first.first.get(HORIZONTAL);
+ int just_before_ = 0;
+ less_half_edge lhe(&x, &just_before_, pack_);
+ return lhe(lvalue.first, rvalue.first);
+ }
+ };
+ inline void sort_property_merge_data() {
+ less_vertex_data<vertex_property> lvd(&evalAtXforYPack_);
+ std::sort(pmd.begin(), pmd.end(), lvd);
+ }
+ public:
+ inline property_merge_data& get_property_merge_data() { return pmd; }
+ inline property_merge() : pmd(), evalAtXforYPack_() {}
+ inline property_merge(const property_merge& pm) : pmd(pm.pmd), evalAtXforYPack_(pm.evalAtXforYPack_) {}
+ inline property_merge& operator=(const property_merge& pm) { pmd = pm.pmd; return *this; }
+ template <typename polygon_type>
+ void insert(const polygon_type& polygon_object, const property_type& property_value, bool is_hole = false) {
+ insert(polygon_object, property_value, is_hole, typename geometry_concept<polygon_type>::type());
+ }
+ //result type should be std::map<std::set<property_type>, polygon_set_type>
+ //or std::map<std::vector<property_type>, polygon_set_type>
+ template <typename result_type>
+ void merge(result_type& result) {
+ if(pmd.empty()) return;
+ //intersect data
+ property_merge_data tmp_pmd;
+ line_intersection<Unit>::validate_scan(tmp_pmd, pmd.begin(), pmd.end());
+ pmd.swap(tmp_pmd);
+ sort_property_merge_data();
+ scanline<Unit, property_type, key_type> sl;
+ output_functor_type mof;
+ sl.scan(result, mof, pmd.begin(), pmd.end());
+ }
+ inline bool verify() {
+ std::pair<int, int> offenders;
+ std::vector<std::pair<half_edge, int> > lines;
+ int count = 0;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < pmd.size(); ++i) {
+ lines.push_back(std::make_pair(pmd[i].first, count++));
+ }
+ if(!line_intersection<Unit>::verify_scan(offenders, lines.begin(), lines.end())) {
+ //stdcout << "Intersection failed!\n";
+ //stdcout << offenders.first << " " << offenders.second << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ std::vector<Point> pts;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i) {
+ pts.push_back(lines[i].first.first);
+ pts.push_back(lines[i].first.second);
+ }
+ std::sort(pts.begin(), pts.end());
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < pts.size(); i+=2) {
+ if(pts[i] != pts[i+1]) {
+ //stdcout << "Non-closed figures after line intersection!\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ void clear() {*this = property_merge();}
+ protected:
+ template <typename polygon_type>
+ void insert(const polygon_type& polygon_object, const property_type& property_value, bool is_hole,
+ polygon_concept ) {
+ bool first_iteration = true;
+ bool second_iteration = true;
+ Point first_point;
+ Point second_point;
+ Point previous_previous_point;
+ Point previous_point;
+ Point current_point;
+ direction_1d winding_dir = winding(polygon_object);
+ for(typename polygon_traits<polygon_type>::iterator_type itr = begin_points(polygon_object);
+ itr != end_points(polygon_object); ++itr) {
+ assign(current_point, *itr);
+ if(first_iteration) {
+ first_iteration = false;
+ first_point = previous_point = current_point;
+ } else if(second_iteration) {
+ if(previous_point != current_point) {
+ second_iteration = false;
+ previous_previous_point = previous_point;
+ second_point = previous_point = current_point;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(previous_point != current_point) {
+ create_vertex(pmd, previous_point, current_point, winding_dir,
+ is_hole, property_value);
+ previous_previous_point = previous_point;
+ previous_point = current_point;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ current_point = first_point;
+ if(!first_iteration && !second_iteration) {
+ if(previous_point != current_point) {
+ create_vertex(pmd, previous_point, current_point, winding_dir,
+ is_hole, property_value);
+ previous_previous_point = previous_point;
+ previous_point = current_point;
+ }
+ current_point = second_point;
+ create_vertex(pmd, previous_point, current_point, winding_dir,
+ is_hole, property_value);
+ previous_previous_point = previous_point;
+ previous_point = current_point;
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_with_holes_type>
+ void insert(const polygon_with_holes_type& polygon_with_holes_object, const property_type& property_value, bool is_hole,
+ polygon_with_holes_concept tag) {
+ insert(polygon_with_holes_object, property_value, is_hole, polygon_concept());
+ for(typename polygon_with_holes_traits<polygon_with_holes_type>::iterator_holes_type itr =
+ begin_holes(polygon_with_holes_object);
+ itr != end_holes(polygon_with_holes_object); ++itr) {
+ insert(*itr, property_value, !is_hole, polygon_concept());
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename rectangle_type>
+ void insert(const rectangle_type& rectangle_object, const property_type& property_value, bool is_hole,
+ rectangle_concept ) {
+ polygon_90_data<Unit> poly;
+ assign(poly, rectangle_object);
+ insert(poly, property_value, is_hole, polygon_concept());
+ }
+ public: //change to private when done testing
+ static inline void create_vertex(property_merge_data& pmd,
+ const Point& current_point,
+ const Point& next_point,
+ direction_1d winding,
+ bool is_hole, const property_type& property) {
+ if(current_point == next_point) return;
+ vertex_property current_vertex;
+ current_vertex.first.first = current_point;
+ current_vertex.first.second = next_point;
+ current_vertex.second.first = property;
+ int multiplier = 1;
+ if(winding == CLOCKWISE)
+ multiplier = -1;
+ if(is_hole)
+ multiplier *= -1;
+ if(current_point < next_point) {
+ multiplier *= -1;
+ std::swap(current_vertex.first.first, current_vertex.first.second);
+ }
+ current_vertex.second.second = multiplier * (euclidean_distance(next_point, current_point, HORIZONTAL) == 0 ? -1: 1);
+ pmd.push_back(current_vertex);
+ //current_vertex.first.second = previous_point;
+ //current_vertex.second.second *= -1;
+ //pmd.push_back(current_vertex);
+ }
+ static inline void sort_vertex_half_edges(vertex_data& vertex) {
+ less_half_edge_pair lessF(vertex.first);
+ std::sort(vertex.second.begin(), vertex.second.end(), lessF);
+ }
+ class less_half_edge_pair {
+ private:
+ Point pt_;
+ public:
+ less_half_edge_pair(const Point& pt) : pt_(pt) {}
+ bool operator()(const half_edge& e1, const half_edge& e2) {
+ const Point& pt1 = e1.first;
+ const Point& pt2 = e2.first;
+ if(get(pt1, HORIZONTAL) ==
+ get(pt_, HORIZONTAL)) {
+ //vertical edge is always largest
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(get(pt2, HORIZONTAL) ==
+ get(pt_, HORIZONTAL)) {
+ //if half edge 1 is not vertical its slope is less than that of half edge 2
+ return get(pt1, HORIZONTAL) != get(pt2, HORIZONTAL);
+ }
+ return less_slope(get(pt_, HORIZONTAL),
+ get(pt_, VERTICAL), pt1, pt2);
+ }
+ };
+ public:
+ //test functions
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static stream_type& print (stream_type& o, const property_map& c)
+ {
+ o << "count: {";
+ for(typename property_map::const_iterator itr = c.begin(); itr != c.end(); ++itr) {
+ o << ((*itr).first) << ":" << ((*itr).second) << " ";
+ }
+ return o << "} ";
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static stream_type& print (stream_type& o, const half_edge& he)
+ {
+ o << "half edge: (";
+ o << (he.first);
+ return o << ", " << (he.second) << ") ";
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static stream_type& print (stream_type& o, const vertex_property& c)
+ {
+ o << "vertex property: {";
+ print(o, c.first);
+ o << ", " << c.second.first << ":" << c.second.second << " ";
+ return o;
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static stream_type& print (stream_type& o, const std::vector<vertex_property>& hev)
+ {
+ o << "vertex properties: {";
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < hev.size(); ++i) {
+ print(o, (hev[i])) << " ";
+ }
+ return o << "} ";
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static stream_type& print (stream_type& o, const std::vector<half_edge>& hev)
+ {
+ o << "half edges: {";
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < hev.size(); ++i) {
+ print(o, (hev[i])) << " ";
+ }
+ return o << "} ";
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static stream_type& print (stream_type& o, const vertex_data& v)
+ {
+ return print(o << "vertex: <" << (v.first) << ", ", (v.second)) << "> ";
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static stream_type& print (stream_type& o, const std::vector<vertex_data>& vv)
+ {
+ o << "vertices: {";
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < vv.size(); ++i) {
+ print(o, (vv[i])) << " ";
+ }
+ return o << "} ";
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool test_insertion(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ property_merge si;
+ rectangle_data<Unit> rect;
+ xl(rect, 0);
+ yl(rect, 1);
+ xh(rect, 10);
+ yh(rect, 11);
+ si.insert(rect, 333);
+ print(stdcout, si.pmd) << std::endl;
+ Point pts[4] = {Point(0, 0), Point(10,-3), Point(13, 8), Point(0, 0) };
+ polygon_data<Unit> poly;
+ property_merge si2;
+ poly.set(pts, pts+3);
+ si2.insert(poly, 444);
+ si2.sort_property_merge_data();
+ print(stdcout, si2.pmd) << std::endl;
+ property_merge si3;
+ poly.set(pts, pts+4);
+ si3.insert(poly, 444);
+ si3.sort_property_merge_data();
+ stdcout << (si2.pmd == si3.pmd) << std::endl;
+ std::reverse(pts, pts+4);
+ property_merge si4;
+ poly.set(pts, pts+4);
+ si4.insert(poly, 444);
+ si4.sort_property_merge_data();
+ print(stdcout, si4.pmd) << std::endl;
+ stdcout << (si2.pmd == si4.pmd) << std::endl;
+ std::reverse(pts, pts+3);
+ property_merge si5;
+ poly.set(pts, pts+4);
+ si5.insert(poly, 444);
+ si5.sort_property_merge_data();
+ stdcout << (si2.pmd == si5.pmd) << std::endl;
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool test_merge(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ property_merge si;
+ rectangle_data<Unit> rect;
+ xl(rect, 0);
+ yl(rect, 1);
+ xh(rect, 10);
+ yh(rect, 11);
+ si.insert(rect, 333);
+ std::map<std::set<property_type>, polygon_set_data<Unit> > result;
+ si.merge(result);
+ print(stdcout, si.pmd) << std::endl;
+ polygon_set_data<Unit> psd = (*(result.begin())).second;
+ std::vector<polygon_data<Unit> > polys;
+ psd.get(polys);
+ if(polys.size() != 1) {
+ stdcout << "fail merge 1\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ stdcout << (polys[0]) << std::endl;
+ si.clear();
+ std::vector<Point> pts;
+ pts.push_back(Point(0, 0));
+ pts.push_back(Point(10, -10));
+ pts.push_back(Point(10, 10));
+ polygon_data<Unit> poly;
+ poly.set(pts.begin(), pts.end());
+ si.insert(poly, 444);
+ pts.clear();
+ pts.push_back(Point(5, 0));
+ pts.push_back(Point(-5, -10));
+ pts.push_back(Point(-5, 10));
+ poly.set(pts.begin(), pts.end());
+ si.insert(poly, 444);
+ result.clear();
+ si.merge(result);
+ print(stdcout, si.pmd) << std::endl;
+ psd = (*(result.begin())).second;
+ stdcout << psd << std::endl;
+ polys.clear();
+ psd.get(polys);
+ if(polys.size() != 1) {
+ stdcout << "fail merge 2\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ //Polygon { -4 -1, 3 3, -2 3 }
+ //Polygon { 0 -4, -4 -2, -2 1 }
+ si.clear();
+ pts.clear();
+ pts.push_back(Point(-4, -1));
+ pts.push_back(Point(3, 3));
+ pts.push_back(Point(-2, 3));
+ poly.set(pts.begin(), pts.end());
+ si.insert(poly, 444);
+ pts.clear();
+ pts.push_back(Point(0, -4));
+ pts.push_back(Point(-4, -2));
+ pts.push_back(Point(-2, 1));
+ poly.set(pts.begin(), pts.end());
+ si.insert(poly, 444);
+ result.clear();
+ si.merge(result);
+ print(stdcout, si.pmd) << std::endl;
+ psd = (*(result.begin())).second;
+ stdcout << psd << std::endl;
+ polys.clear();
+ psd.get(polys);
+ if(polys.size() != 1) {
+ stdcout << "fail merge 3\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ stdcout << "Polygon { -2 2, -2 2, 1 4 } \n";
+ stdcout << "Polygon { 2 4, 2 -4, -3 1 } \n";
+ si.clear();
+ pts.clear();
+ pts.push_back(Point(-2, 2));
+ pts.push_back(Point(-2, 2));
+ pts.push_back(Point(1, 4));
+ poly.set(pts.begin(), pts.end());
+ si.insert(poly, 444);
+ pts.clear();
+ pts.push_back(Point(2, 4));
+ pts.push_back(Point(2, -4));
+ pts.push_back(Point(-3, 1));
+ poly.set(pts.begin(), pts.end());
+ si.insert(poly, 444);
+ result.clear();
+ si.merge(result);
+ print(stdcout, si.pmd) << std::endl;
+ psd = (*(result.begin())).second;
+ stdcout << psd << std::endl;
+ polys.clear();
+ psd.get(polys);
+ if(polys.size() != 1) {
+ stdcout << "fail merge 4\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ stdcout << (polys[0]) << std::endl;
+ stdcout << "Polygon { -4 0, -2 -3, 3 -4 } \n";
+ stdcout << "Polygon { -1 1, 1 -2, -4 -3 } \n";
+ si.clear();
+ pts.clear();
+ pts.push_back(Point(-4, 0));
+ pts.push_back(Point(-2, -3));
+ pts.push_back(Point(3, -4));
+ poly.set(pts.begin(), pts.end());
+ si.insert(poly, 444);
+ pts.clear();
+ pts.push_back(Point(-1, 1));
+ pts.push_back(Point(1, -2));
+ pts.push_back(Point(-4, -3));
+ poly.set(pts.begin(), pts.end());
+ si.insert(poly, 444);
+ result.clear();
+ si.merge(result);
+ print(stdcout, si.pmd) << std::endl;
+ psd = (*(result.begin())).second;
+ stdcout << psd << std::endl;
+ polys.clear();
+ psd.get(polys);
+ if(polys.size() != 1) {
+ stdcout << "fail merge 5\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ stdcout << "Polygon { 2 2, -2 0, 0 1 } \n";
+ stdcout << "Polygon { 4 -2, 3 -1, 2 3 } \n";
+ si.clear();
+ pts.clear();
+ pts.push_back(Point(2, 2));
+ pts.push_back(Point(-2, 0));
+ pts.push_back(Point(0, 1));
+ poly.set(pts.begin(), pts.end());
+ si.insert(poly, 444);
+ pts.clear();
+ pts.push_back(Point(4, -2));
+ pts.push_back(Point(3, -1));
+ pts.push_back(Point(2, 3));
+ poly.set(pts.begin(), pts.end());
+ si.insert(poly, 444);
+ result.clear();
+ si.merge(result);
+ print(stdcout, si.pmd) << std::endl;
+ if(!result.empty()) {
+ psd = (*(result.begin())).second;
+ stdcout << psd << std::endl;
+ polys.clear();
+ psd.get(polys);
+ if(polys.size() != 1) {
+ stdcout << "fail merge 6\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ stdcout << (polys[0]) << std::endl;
+ }
+ stdcout << "Polygon { 0 2, 3 -1, 4 1 } \n";
+ stdcout << "Polygon { -4 3, 3 3, 4 2 } \n";
+ si.clear();
+ pts.clear();
+ pts.push_back(Point(0, 2));
+ pts.push_back(Point(3, -1));
+ pts.push_back(Point(4, 1));
+ poly.set(pts.begin(), pts.end());
+ si.insert(poly, 444);
+ pts.clear();
+ pts.push_back(Point(-4, 3));
+ pts.push_back(Point(3, 3));
+ pts.push_back(Point(4, 2));
+ poly.set(pts.begin(), pts.end());
+ si.insert(poly, 444);
+ result.clear();
+ si.merge(result);
+ print(stdcout, si.pmd) << std::endl;
+ if(!result.empty()) {
+ psd = (*(result.begin())).second;
+ stdcout << psd << std::endl;
+ polys.clear();
+ psd.get(polys);
+ if(polys.size() == 0) {
+ stdcout << "fail merge 7\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ stdcout << (polys[0]) << std::endl;
+ }
+stdcout << "Polygon { 1 -2, -1 4, 3 -2 } \n";
+stdcout << "Polygon { 0 -3, 3 1, -3 -4 } \n";
+ si.clear();
+ pts.clear();
+ pts.push_back(Point(1, -2));
+ pts.push_back(Point(-1, 4));
+ pts.push_back(Point(3, -2));
+ poly.set(pts.begin(), pts.end());
+ si.insert(poly, 444);
+ pts.clear();
+ pts.push_back(Point(0, -3));
+ pts.push_back(Point(3, 1));
+ pts.push_back(Point(-3, -4));
+ poly.set(pts.begin(), pts.end());
+ si.insert(poly, 444);
+ result.clear();
+ si.merge(result);
+ print(stdcout, si.pmd) << std::endl;
+ if(!result.empty()) {
+ psd = (*(result.begin())).second;
+ stdcout << psd << std::endl;
+ polys.clear();
+ psd.get(polys);
+ if(polys.size() == 0) {
+ stdcout << "fail merge 8\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ stdcout << (polys[0]) << std::endl;
+ }
+stdcout << "Polygon { 2 2, 3 0, -3 4 } \n";
+stdcout << "Polygon { -2 -2, 0 0, -1 -1 } \n";
+ si.clear();
+ pts.clear();
+ pts.push_back(Point(2, 2));
+ pts.push_back(Point(3, 0));
+ pts.push_back(Point(-3, 4));
+ poly.set(pts.begin(), pts.end());
+ si.insert(poly, 444);
+ pts.clear();
+ pts.push_back(Point(-2, -2));
+ pts.push_back(Point(0, 0));
+ pts.push_back(Point(-1, -1));
+ poly.set(pts.begin(), pts.end());
+ si.insert(poly, 444);
+ result.clear();
+ si.merge(result);
+ print(stdcout, si.pmd) << std::endl;
+ if(!result.empty()) {
+ psd = (*(result.begin())).second;
+ stdcout << psd << std::endl;
+ polys.clear();
+ psd.get(polys);
+ if(polys.size() == 0) {
+ stdcout << "fail merge 9\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ stdcout << (polys[0]) << std::endl;
+ }
+ si.clear();
+ pts.clear();
+ //5624841,17616200,75000,9125000
+ //pts.push_back(Point(5624841,75000));
+ //pts.push_back(Point(5624841,9125000));
+ //pts.push_back(Point(17616200,9125000));
+ //pts.push_back(Point(17616200,75000));
+pts.push_back(Point(12262940, 6652520 )); pts.push_back(Point(12125750, 6652520 )); pts.push_back(Point(12121272, 6652961 )); pts.push_back(Point(12112981, 6656396 )); pts.push_back(Point(12106636, 6662741 )); pts.push_back(Point(12103201, 6671032 )); pts.push_back(Point(12103201, 6680007 )); pts.push_back(Point(12106636, 6688298 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(12109500, 6691780 )); pts.push_back(Point(12748600, 7330890 )); pts.push_back(Point(15762600, 7330890 )); pts.push_back(Point(15904620, 7472900 )); pts.push_back(Point(15909200, 7473030 )); pts.push_back(Point(15935830, 7476006 )); pts.push_back(Point(15992796, 7499602 )); pts.push_back(Point(16036397, 7543203 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(16059993, 7600169 )); pts.push_back(Point(16059993, 7661830 )); pts.push_back(Point(16036397, 7718796 )); pts.push_back(Point(15992796, 7762397 )); pts.push_back(Point(15935830, 7785993 )); pts.push_back(Point(15874169, 7785993 )); pts.push_back(Point(15817203, 7762397 )); pts.push_back(Point(15773602, 7718796 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(15750006, 7661830 )); pts.push_back(Point(15747030, 7635200 )); pts.push_back(Point(15746900, 7630620 )); pts.push_back(Point(15670220, 7553930 )); pts.push_back(Point(14872950, 7553930 )); pts.push_back(Point(14872950, 7626170 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(14869973, 7661280 )); pts.push_back(Point(14846377, 7718246 )); pts.push_back(Point(14802776, 7761847 )); pts.push_back(Point(14745810, 7785443 )); pts.push_back(Point(14684149, 7785443 )); pts.push_back(Point(14627183, 7761847 )); pts.push_back(Point(14583582, 7718246 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(14559986, 7661280 )); pts.push_back(Point(14557070, 7636660 )); pts.push_back(Point(14556670, 7625570 )); pts.push_back(Point(13703330, 7625570 )); pts.push_back(Point(13702930, 7636660 )); pts.push_back(Point(13699993, 7661830 )); pts.push_back(Point(13676397, 7718796 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(13632796, 7762397 )); pts.push_back(Point(13575830, 7785993 )); pts.push_back(Point(13514169, 7785993 )); pts.push_back(Point(13457203, 7762397 )); pts.push_back(Point(13436270, 7745670 )); pts.push_back(Point(13432940, 7742520 )); pts.push_back(Point(12963760, 7742520 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(12959272, 7742961 )); pts.push_back(Point(12950981, 7746396 )); pts.push_back(Point(12944636, 7752741 )); pts.push_back(Point(12941201, 7761032 )); pts.push_back(Point(12941201, 7770007 )); pts.push_back(Point(12944636, 7778298 )); pts.push_back(Point(12947490, 7781780 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(13425330, 8259620 )); pts.push_back(Point(15601330, 8259620 )); pts.push_back(Point(15904620, 8562900 )); pts.push_back(Point(15909200, 8563030 )); pts.push_back(Point(15935830, 8566006 )); pts.push_back(Point(15992796, 8589602 )); pts.push_back(Point(16036397, 8633203 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(16059993, 8690169 )); pts.push_back(Point(16059993, 8751830 )); pts.push_back(Point(16036397, 8808796 )); pts.push_back(Point(15992796, 8852397 )); pts.push_back(Point(15935830, 8875993 )); pts.push_back(Point(15874169, 8875993 )); pts.push_back(Point(15817203, 8852397 )); pts.push_back(Point(15773602, 8808796 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(15750006, 8751830 )); pts.push_back(Point(15747030, 8725200 )); pts.push_back(Point(15746900, 8720620 )); pts.push_back(Point(15508950, 8482660 )); pts.push_back(Point(14689890, 8482660 )); pts.push_back(Point(14685412, 8483101 )); pts.push_back(Point(14677121, 8486536 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(14670776, 8492881 )); pts.push_back(Point(14667341, 8501172 )); pts.push_back(Point(14667341, 8510147 )); pts.push_back(Point(14670776, 8518438 )); pts.push_back(Point(14673630, 8521920 )); pts.push_back(Point(14714620, 8562900 )); pts.push_back(Point(14719200, 8563030 )); pts.push_back(Point(14745830, 8566006 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(14802796, 8589602 )); pts.push_back(Point(14846397, 8633203 )); pts.push_back(Point(14869993, 8690169 )); pts.push_back(Point(14869993, 8751830 )); pts.push_back(Point(14846397, 8808796 )); pts.push_back(Point(14802796, 8852397 )); pts.push_back(Point(14745830, 8875993 )); pts.push_back(Point(14684169, 8875993 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(14627203, 8852397 )); pts.push_back(Point(14583602, 8808796 )); pts.push_back(Point(14560006, 8751830 )); pts.push_back(Point(14557030, 8725200 )); pts.push_back(Point(14556900, 8720620 )); pts.push_back(Point(14408270, 8571980 )); pts.push_back(Point(13696320, 8571980 )); pts.push_back(Point(13696320, 8675520 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(13699963, 8690161 )); pts.push_back(Point(13699963, 8751818 )); pts.push_back(Point(13676368, 8808781 )); pts.push_back(Point(13632771, 8852378 )); pts.push_back(Point(13575808, 8875973 )); pts.push_back(Point(13514151, 8875973 )); pts.push_back(Point(13457188, 8852378 )); pts.push_back(Point(13436270, 8835670 )); pts.push_back(Point(13432940, 8832520 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(13281760, 8832520 )); pts.push_back(Point(13277272, 8832961 )); pts.push_back(Point(13268981, 8836396 )); pts.push_back(Point(13262636, 8842741 )); pts.push_back(Point(13259201, 8851032 )); pts.push_back(Point(13259201, 8860007 )); pts.push_back(Point(13262636, 8868298 )); pts.push_back(Point(13265500, 8871780 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(13518710, 9125000 )); pts.push_back(Point(16270720, 9125000 )); pts.push_back(Point(16270720, 8939590 )); pts.push_back(Point(17120780, 8939590 )); pts.push_back(Point(17120780, 9125000 )); pts.push_back(Point(17616200, 9125000 )); pts.push_back(Point(17616200, 75000 )); pts.push_back(Point(16024790, 75000 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(16021460, 80700 )); pts.push_back(Point(16016397, 88796 )); pts.push_back(Point(15972796, 132397 )); pts.push_back(Point(15915830, 155993 )); pts.push_back(Point(15908730, 157240 )); pts.push_back(Point(15905000, 157800 )); pts.push_back(Point(15516800, 546000 )); pts.push_back(Point(15905000, 934200 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(15908730, 934760 )); pts.push_back(Point(15915830, 936006 )); pts.push_back(Point(15972796, 959602 )); pts.push_back(Point(16016397, 1003203 )); pts.push_back(Point(16039993, 1060169 )); pts.push_back(Point(16039993, 1121830 )); pts.push_back(Point(16016397, 1178796 )); pts.push_back(Point(15972796, 1222397 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(15915830, 1245993 )); pts.push_back(Point(15854169, 1245993 )); pts.push_back(Point(15797203, 1222397 )); pts.push_back(Point(15753602, 1178796 )); pts.push_back(Point(15730006, 1121830 )); pts.push_back(Point(15728760, 1114730 )); pts.push_back(Point(15728200, 1111000 )); pts.push_back(Point(15363500, 746300 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(14602620, 746300 )); pts.push_back(Point(14598142, 746741 )); pts.push_back(Point(14589851, 750176 )); pts.push_back(Point(14583506, 756521 )); pts.push_back(Point(14580071, 764812 )); pts.push_back(Point(14580071, 773787 )); pts.push_back(Point(14583506, 782078 )); pts.push_back(Point(14586360, 785560 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(14586370, 785560 )); pts.push_back(Point(14735000, 934200 )); pts.push_back(Point(14738730, 934760 )); pts.push_back(Point(14745830, 936006 )); pts.push_back(Point(14802796, 959602 )); pts.push_back(Point(14846397, 1003203 )); pts.push_back(Point(14869993, 1060169 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(14870450, 1062550 )); pts.push_back(Point(14872170, 1071980 )); pts.push_back(Point(14972780, 1071980 )); pts.push_back(Point(15925000, 2024200 )); pts.push_back(Point(15928730, 2024760 )); pts.push_back(Point(15935830, 2026006 )); pts.push_back(Point(15992796, 2049602 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(16036397, 2093203 )); pts.push_back(Point(16059993, 2150169 )); pts.push_back(Point(16059993, 2211830 )); pts.push_back(Point(16036397, 2268796 )); pts.push_back(Point(15992796, 2312397 )); pts.push_back(Point(15935830, 2335993 )); pts.push_back(Point(15874169, 2335993 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(15817203, 2312397 )); pts.push_back(Point(15773602, 2268796 )); pts.push_back(Point(15750006, 2211830 )); pts.push_back(Point(15748760, 2204730 )); pts.push_back(Point(15748200, 2201000 )); pts.push_back(Point(14869220, 1322020 )); pts.push_back(Point(14088350, 1322020 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(14083862, 1322461 )); pts.push_back(Point(14075571, 1325896 )); pts.push_back(Point(14069226, 1332241 )); pts.push_back(Point(14065791, 1340532 )); pts.push_back(Point(14065791, 1349507 )); pts.push_back(Point(14069226, 1357798 )); pts.push_back(Point(14072080, 1361280 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(14072090, 1361280 )); pts.push_back(Point(14735000, 2024200 )); pts.push_back(Point(14738730, 2024760 )); pts.push_back(Point(14745830, 2026006 )); pts.push_back(Point(14802796, 2049602 )); pts.push_back(Point(14846397, 2093203 )); pts.push_back(Point(14869993, 2150169 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(14869993, 2211830 )); pts.push_back(Point(14846397, 2268796 )); pts.push_back(Point(14802796, 2312397 )); pts.push_back(Point(14745830, 2335993 )); pts.push_back(Point(14684169, 2335993 )); pts.push_back(Point(14627203, 2312397 )); pts.push_back(Point(14583602, 2268796 )); pts.push_back(Point(14560006, 2211830 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(14558760, 2204730 )); pts.push_back(Point(14558200, 2201000 )); pts.push_back(Point(13752220, 1395020 )); pts.push_back(Point(12991340, 1395020 )); pts.push_back(Point(12986862, 1395461 )); pts.push_back(Point(12978571, 1398896 )); pts.push_back(Point(12972226, 1405241 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(12968791, 1413532 )); pts.push_back(Point(12968791, 1422507 )); pts.push_back(Point(12972226, 1430798 )); pts.push_back(Point(12975080, 1434280 )); pts.push_back(Point(12975090, 1434280 )); pts.push_back(Point(13565000, 2024200 )); pts.push_back(Point(13568730, 2024760 )); pts.push_back(Point(13575830, 2026006 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(13632796, 2049602 )); pts.push_back(Point(13676397, 2093203 )); pts.push_back(Point(13699993, 2150169 )); pts.push_back(Point(13699993, 2211830 )); pts.push_back(Point(13676397, 2268796 )); pts.push_back(Point(13632796, 2312397 )); pts.push_back(Point(13575830, 2335993 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(13514169, 2335993 )); pts.push_back(Point(13457203, 2312397 )); pts.push_back(Point(13413602, 2268796 )); pts.push_back(Point(13390006, 2211830 )); pts.push_back(Point(13388760, 2204730 )); pts.push_back(Point(13388200, 2201000 )); pts.push_back(Point(12655220, 1468020 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(11894340, 1468020 )); pts.push_back(Point(11889862, 1468461 )); pts.push_back(Point(11881571, 1471896 )); pts.push_back(Point(11875226, 1478241 )); pts.push_back(Point(11871791, 1486532 )); pts.push_back(Point(11871791, 1495507 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(11875226, 1503798 )); pts.push_back(Point(11878090, 1507280 )); pts.push_back(Point(12395000, 2024200 )); pts.push_back(Point(12398730, 2024760 )); pts.push_back(Point(12405830, 2026006 )); pts.push_back(Point(12462796, 2049602 )); pts.push_back(Point(12506397, 2093203 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(12529993, 2150169 )); pts.push_back(Point(12529993, 2211830 )); pts.push_back(Point(12506397, 2268796 )); pts.push_back(Point(12462796, 2312397 )); pts.push_back(Point(12405830, 2335993 )); pts.push_back(Point(12344169, 2335993 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(12287203, 2312397 )); pts.push_back(Point(12243602, 2268796 )); pts.push_back(Point(12220006, 2211830 )); pts.push_back(Point(12218760, 2204730 )); pts.push_back(Point(12218200, 2201000 )); pts.push_back(Point(11558220, 1541020 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(10797340, 1541020 )); pts.push_back(Point(10792862, 1541461 )); pts.push_back(Point(10784571, 1544896 )); pts.push_back(Point(10778226, 1551241 )); pts.push_back(Point(10774791, 1559532 )); pts.push_back(Point(10774791, 1568507 )); pts.push_back(Point(10778226, 1576798 )); pts.push_back(Point(10781080, 1580280 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(10781090, 1580280 )); pts.push_back(Point(11225000, 2024200 )); pts.push_back(Point(11228730, 2024760 )); pts.push_back(Point(11235830, 2026006 )); pts.push_back(Point(11292796, 2049602 )); pts.push_back(Point(11336397, 2093203 )); pts.push_back(Point(11359993, 2150169 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(11359993, 2211830 )); pts.push_back(Point(11336397, 2268796 )); pts.push_back(Point(11292796, 2312397 )); pts.push_back(Point(11235830, 2335993 )); pts.push_back(Point(11174169, 2335993 )); pts.push_back(Point(11117203, 2312397 )); pts.push_back(Point(11073602, 2268796 )); pts.push_back(Point(11050006, 2211830 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(11048760, 2204730 )); pts.push_back(Point(11048200, 2201000 )); pts.push_back(Point(10461220, 1614020 )); pts.push_back(Point( 5647400, 1614020 )); pts.push_back(Point( 5642912, 1614461 ));
+pts.push_back(Point( 5634621, 1617896 )); pts.push_back(Point( 5628276, 1624241 )); pts.push_back(Point( 5624841, 1632532 )); pts.push_back(Point( 5624841, 1641507 )); pts.push_back(Point( 5628276, 1649798 )); pts.push_back(Point( 5631130, 1653280 ));
+pts.push_back(Point( 5688490, 1710640 )); pts.push_back(Point( 9722350, 1710640 )); pts.push_back(Point(10034620, 2022900 )); pts.push_back(Point(10039200, 2023030 )); pts.push_back(Point(10065830, 2026006 )); pts.push_back(Point(10122796, 2049602 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(10166397, 2093203 )); pts.push_back(Point(10189993, 2150169 )); pts.push_back(Point(10189993, 2211830 )); pts.push_back(Point(10166397, 2268796 )); pts.push_back(Point(10158620, 2279450 )); pts.push_back(Point(10158620, 2404900 )); pts.push_back(Point(10548950, 2795240 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(15586950, 2795240 )); pts.push_back(Point(15904620, 3112900 )); pts.push_back(Point(15909200, 3113030 )); pts.push_back(Point(15935830, 3116006 )); pts.push_back(Point(15992796, 3139602 )); pts.push_back(Point(16036397, 3183203 )); pts.push_back(Point(16059993, 3240169 )); pts.push_back(Point(16059993, 3301830 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(16036397, 3358796 )); pts.push_back(Point(15992796, 3402397 )); pts.push_back(Point(15935830, 3425993 )); pts.push_back(Point(15874169, 3425993 )); pts.push_back(Point(15817203, 3402397 )); pts.push_back(Point(15773602, 3358796 )); pts.push_back(Point(15750006, 3301830 )); pts.push_back(Point(15747030, 3275200 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(15746900, 3270620 )); pts.push_back(Point(15494570, 3018280 )); pts.push_back(Point(14675510, 3018280 )); pts.push_back(Point(14671032, 3018721 )); pts.push_back(Point(14662741, 3022156 )); pts.push_back(Point(14656396, 3028501 )); pts.push_back(Point(14652961, 3036792 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(14652961, 3045767 )); pts.push_back(Point(14656396, 3054058 )); pts.push_back(Point(14659260, 3057540 )); pts.push_back(Point(14714620, 3112900 )); pts.push_back(Point(14719200, 3113030 )); pts.push_back(Point(14745830, 3116006 )); pts.push_back(Point(14802796, 3139602 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(14846397, 3183203 )); pts.push_back(Point(14869993, 3240169 )); pts.push_back(Point(14869993, 3301830 )); pts.push_back(Point(14846397, 3358796 )); pts.push_back(Point(14802796, 3402397 )); pts.push_back(Point(14745830, 3425993 )); pts.push_back(Point(14684169, 3425993 )); pts.push_back(Point(14627203, 3402397 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(14583602, 3358796 )); pts.push_back(Point(14560006, 3301830 )); pts.push_back(Point(14557030, 3275200 )); pts.push_back(Point(14556900, 3270620 )); pts.push_back(Point(14370700, 3084410 )); pts.push_back(Point(13702830, 3084410 )); pts.push_back(Point(13702830, 3263160 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(13700003, 3302210 )); pts.push_back(Point(13676407, 3359176 )); pts.push_back(Point(13632806, 3402777 )); pts.push_back(Point(13575840, 3426373 )); pts.push_back(Point(13514179, 3426373 )); pts.push_back(Point(13457213, 3402777 )); pts.push_back(Point(13413612, 3359176 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(13390016, 3302210 )); pts.push_back(Point(13387030, 3275200 )); pts.push_back(Point(13386900, 3270620 )); pts.push_back(Point(13266840, 3150550 )); pts.push_back(Point(12532920, 3150550 )); pts.push_back(Point(12532920, 3264990 )); pts.push_back(Point(12529993, 3301820 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(12506397, 3358786 )); pts.push_back(Point(12462796, 3402387 )); pts.push_back(Point(12405830, 3425983 )); pts.push_back(Point(12344169, 3425983 )); pts.push_back(Point(12287203, 3402387 )); pts.push_back(Point(12243602, 3358786 )); pts.push_back(Point(12220006, 3301820 )); pts.push_back(Point(12217030, 3275200 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(12216900, 3270620 )); pts.push_back(Point(12157460, 3211170 )); pts.push_back(Point(11362030, 3211170 )); pts.push_back(Point(11360250, 3220520 )); pts.push_back(Point(11359993, 3221830 )); pts.push_back(Point(11336397, 3278796 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(11292796, 3322397 )); pts.push_back(Point(11235830, 3345993 )); pts.push_back(Point(11174169, 3345993 )); pts.push_back(Point(11117203, 3322397 )); pts.push_back(Point(11096270, 3305670 )); pts.push_back(Point(11092940, 3302520 )); pts.push_back(Point(10680760, 3302520 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(10676272, 3302961 )); pts.push_back(Point(10667981, 3306396 )); pts.push_back(Point(10661636, 3312741 )); pts.push_back(Point(10658201, 3321032 )); pts.push_back(Point(10658201, 3330007 )); pts.push_back(Point(10661636, 3338298 )); pts.push_back(Point(10664500, 3341780 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(11264260, 3941550 )); pts.push_back(Point(15643260, 3941550 )); pts.push_back(Point(15904620, 4202900 )); pts.push_back(Point(15909200, 4203030 )); pts.push_back(Point(15935830, 4206006 )); pts.push_back(Point(15992796, 4229602 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(16036397, 4273203 )); pts.push_back(Point(16059993, 4330169 )); pts.push_back(Point(16059993, 4391830 )); pts.push_back(Point(16036397, 4448796 )); pts.push_back(Point(15992796, 4492397 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(15935830, 4515993 )); pts.push_back(Point(15874169, 4515993 )); pts.push_back(Point(15817203, 4492397 )); pts.push_back(Point(15773602, 4448796 )); pts.push_back(Point(15750006, 4391830 )); pts.push_back(Point(15747030, 4365200 )); pts.push_back(Point(15746900, 4360620 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(15550880, 4164590 )); pts.push_back(Point(14825070, 4164590 )); pts.push_back(Point(14825070, 4247610 )); pts.push_back(Point(14846397, 4273213 )); pts.push_back(Point(14869993, 4330179 )); pts.push_back(Point(14869993, 4391840 )); pts.push_back(Point(14846397, 4448806 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(14802796, 4492407 )); pts.push_back(Point(14745830, 4516003 )); pts.push_back(Point(14684169, 4516003 )); pts.push_back(Point(14627203, 4492407 )); pts.push_back(Point(14583602, 4448806 )); pts.push_back(Point(14560006, 4391840 )); pts.push_back(Point(14557030, 4365200 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(14556900, 4360620 )); pts.push_back(Point(14432520, 4236230 )); pts.push_back(Point(13702830, 4236230 )); pts.push_back(Point(13702830, 4352930 )); pts.push_back(Point(13699993, 4391750 )); pts.push_back(Point(13676397, 4448716 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(13632796, 4492317 )); pts.push_back(Point(13575830, 4515913 )); pts.push_back(Point(13514169, 4515913 )); pts.push_back(Point(13457203, 4492317 )); pts.push_back(Point(13413602, 4448716 )); pts.push_back(Point(13390006, 4391750 )); pts.push_back(Point(13387030, 4365200 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(13386900, 4360620 )); pts.push_back(Point(13334170, 4307880 )); pts.push_back(Point(12532990, 4307880 )); pts.push_back(Point(12532990, 4357550 )); pts.push_back(Point(12529993, 4391760 )); pts.push_back(Point(12506397, 4448726 )); pts.push_back(Point(12462796, 4492327 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(12405830, 4515923 )); pts.push_back(Point(12344169, 4515923 )); pts.push_back(Point(12287203, 4492327 )); pts.push_back(Point(12243602, 4448726 )); pts.push_back(Point(12220006, 4391760 )); pts.push_back(Point(12217970, 4378710 )); pts.push_back(Point(12216810, 4368500 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(11363190, 4368500 )); pts.push_back(Point(11362030, 4378710 )); pts.push_back(Point(11359983, 4391828 )); pts.push_back(Point(11336388, 4448791 )); pts.push_back(Point(11292791, 4492388 )); pts.push_back(Point(11235828, 4515983 )); pts.push_back(Point(11174171, 4515983 )); pts.push_back(Point(11117208, 4492388 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(11096270, 4475670 )); pts.push_back(Point(11092940, 4472520 )); pts.push_back(Point(11057750, 4472520 )); pts.push_back(Point(11053272, 4472961 )); pts.push_back(Point(11044981, 4476396 )); pts.push_back(Point(11038636, 4482741 )); pts.push_back(Point(11035201, 4491032 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(11035201, 4500007 )); pts.push_back(Point(11038636, 4508298 )); pts.push_back(Point(11041490, 4511780 )); pts.push_back(Point(11573490, 5043780 )); pts.push_back(Point(15655490, 5043780 )); pts.push_back(Point(15904620, 5292900 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(15909200, 5293030 )); pts.push_back(Point(15935830, 5296006 )); pts.push_back(Point(15992796, 5319602 )); pts.push_back(Point(16036397, 5363203 )); pts.push_back(Point(16059993, 5420169 )); pts.push_back(Point(16059993, 5481830 )); pts.push_back(Point(16036397, 5538796 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(15992796, 5582397 )); pts.push_back(Point(15935830, 5605993 )); pts.push_back(Point(15874169, 5605993 )); pts.push_back(Point(15817203, 5582397 )); pts.push_back(Point(15773602, 5538796 )); pts.push_back(Point(15750006, 5481830 )); pts.push_back(Point(15747030, 5455200 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(15746900, 5450620 )); pts.push_back(Point(15563110, 5266820 )); pts.push_back(Point(14857380, 5266820 )); pts.push_back(Point(14857380, 5382430 )); pts.push_back(Point(14869993, 5420179 )); pts.push_back(Point(14869993, 5481840 )); pts.push_back(Point(14846397, 5538806 )); pts.push_back(Point(14802796, 5582407 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(14745830, 5606003 )); pts.push_back(Point(14684169, 5606003 )); pts.push_back(Point(14627203, 5582407 )); pts.push_back(Point(14583602, 5538806 )); pts.push_back(Point(14560006, 5481840 )); pts.push_back(Point(14557030, 5455200 )); pts.push_back(Point(14556900, 5450620 )); pts.push_back(Point(14444750, 5338460 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(13702890, 5338460 )); pts.push_back(Point(13702890, 5364400 )); pts.push_back(Point(13699993, 5401800 )); pts.push_back(Point(13676397, 5458766 )); pts.push_back(Point(13632796, 5502367 )); pts.push_back(Point(13575830, 5525963 )); pts.push_back(Point(13514169, 5525963 )); pts.push_back(Point(13457203, 5502367 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(13413602, 5458766 )); pts.push_back(Point(13390006, 5401800 )); pts.push_back(Point(13389230, 5397620 )); pts.push_back(Point(13387590, 5388060 )); pts.push_back(Point(12532960, 5388060 )); pts.push_back(Point(12532960, 5446220 )); pts.push_back(Point(12529993, 5481820 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(12506397, 5538786 )); pts.push_back(Point(12462796, 5582387 )); pts.push_back(Point(12405830, 5605983 )); pts.push_back(Point(12344169, 5605983 )); pts.push_back(Point(12287203, 5582387 )); pts.push_back(Point(12266270, 5565670 )); pts.push_back(Point(12262940, 5562520 )); pts.push_back(Point(11737750, 5562520 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(11733272, 5562961 )); pts.push_back(Point(11724981, 5566396 )); pts.push_back(Point(11718636, 5572741 )); pts.push_back(Point(11715201, 5581032 )); pts.push_back(Point(11715201, 5590007 )); pts.push_back(Point(11718636, 5598298 )); pts.push_back(Point(11721500, 5601780 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(12287760, 6168050 )); pts.push_back(Point(15689760, 6168050 )); pts.push_back(Point(15904620, 6382900 )); pts.push_back(Point(15909200, 6383030 )); pts.push_back(Point(15935830, 6386006 )); pts.push_back(Point(15992796, 6409602 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(16036397, 6453203 )); pts.push_back(Point(16059993, 6510169 )); pts.push_back(Point(16059993, 6571830 )); pts.push_back(Point(16036397, 6628796 )); pts.push_back(Point(15992796, 6672397 )); pts.push_back(Point(15935830, 6695993 )); pts.push_back(Point(15874169, 6695993 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(15817203, 6672397 )); pts.push_back(Point(15773602, 6628796 )); pts.push_back(Point(15750006, 6571830 )); pts.push_back(Point(15747030, 6545200 )); pts.push_back(Point(15746900, 6540620 )); pts.push_back(Point(15597380, 6391090 )); pts.push_back(Point(14858060, 6391090 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(14858060, 6473860 )); pts.push_back(Point(14869993, 6510179 )); pts.push_back(Point(14869993, 6571840 )); pts.push_back(Point(14846397, 6628806 )); pts.push_back(Point(14802796, 6672407 )); pts.push_back(Point(14745830, 6696003 )); pts.push_back(Point(14684169, 6696003 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(14627203, 6672407 )); pts.push_back(Point(14583602, 6628806 )); pts.push_back(Point(14560006, 6571840 )); pts.push_back(Point(14557030, 6545200 )); pts.push_back(Point(14556900, 6540620 )); pts.push_back(Point(14479020, 6462730 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(13702990, 6462730 )); pts.push_back(Point(13702990, 6537170 )); pts.push_back(Point(13700003, 6571840 )); pts.push_back(Point(13676407, 6628806 )); pts.push_back(Point(13632806, 6672407 )); pts.push_back(Point(13575840, 6696003 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(13514179, 6696003 )); pts.push_back(Point(13457213, 6672407 )); pts.push_back(Point(13413612, 6628806 )); pts.push_back(Point(13390016, 6571840 )); pts.push_back(Point(13387040, 6545550 )); pts.push_back(Point(13386710, 6534380 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(12533290, 6534380 )); pts.push_back(Point(12532960, 6545550 )); pts.push_back(Point(12529983, 6571828 )); pts.push_back(Point(12506388, 6628791 )); pts.push_back(Point(12462791, 6672388 )); pts.push_back(Point(12405828, 6695983 ));
+pts.push_back(Point(12344171, 6695983 )); pts.push_back(Point(12287208, 6672388 )); pts.push_back(Point(12266270, 6655670 ));
+ poly.set(pts.begin(), pts.end());
+ si.insert(poly, 444);
+ result.clear();
+ si.merge(result);
+ si.verify();
+ print(stdcout, si.pmd) << std::endl;
+ if(!result.empty()) {
+ psd = (*(result.begin())).second;
+ stdcout << psd << std::endl;
+ std::vector<Point> outpts;
+ for(typename polygon_set_data<Unit>::iterator_type itr = psd.begin();
+ itr != psd.end(); ++itr) {
+ outpts.push_back((*itr).first.first);
+ outpts.push_back((*itr).first.second);
+ }
+ std::sort(outpts.begin(), outpts.end());
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < outpts.size(); i+=2) {
+ if(outpts[i] != outpts[i+1]) {
+ stdcout << "Polygon set not a closed figure\n";
+ stdcout << i << std::endl;
+ stdcout << outpts[i] << " " << outpts[i+1] << std::endl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ polys.clear();
+ psd.get(polys);
+ if(polys.size() == 0) {
+ stdcout << "fail merge 10\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ stdcout << (polys[0]) << std::endl;
+ }
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
+ stdcout << "random case # " << i << std::endl;
+ si.clear();
+ pts.clear();
+ pts.push_back(Point(rand()%9-4, rand()%9-4));
+ pts.push_back(Point(rand()%9-4, rand()%9-4));
+ pts.push_back(Point(rand()%9-4, rand()%9-4));
+ polygon_data<Unit> poly1;
+ poly1.set(pts.begin(), pts.end());
+ stdcout << poly1 << std::endl;
+ si.insert(poly1, 444);
+ pts.clear();
+ pts.push_back(Point(rand()%9-4, rand()%9-4));
+ pts.push_back(Point(rand()%9-4, rand()%9-4));
+ pts.push_back(Point(rand()%9-4, rand()%9-4));
+ polygon_data<Unit> poly2;
+ poly2.set(pts.begin(), pts.end());
+ stdcout << poly2 << std::endl;
+ si.insert(poly2, 444);
+ result.clear();
+ si.merge(result);
+ print(stdcout, si.pmd) << std::endl;
+ if(!result.empty()) {
+ psd = (*(result.begin())).second;
+ stdcout << psd << std::endl;
+ polys.clear();
+ psd.get(polys);
+ if(polys.size() == 0) {
+ si.clear();
+ si.insert(poly1, 333);
+ result.clear();
+ si.merge(result);
+ psd = (*(result.begin())).second;
+ std::vector<polygon_data<Unit> > polys1;
+ psd.get(polys1);
+ si.clear();
+ si.insert(poly2, 333);
+ result.clear();
+ si.merge(result);
+ psd = (*(result.begin())).second;
+ std::vector<polygon_data<Unit> > polys2;
+ psd.get(polys2);
+ if(!polys1.empty() || !polys2.empty()) {
+ stdcout << "fail random merge " << i << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(!polys.empty())
+ stdcout << polys.size() << ": " << (polys[0]) << std::endl;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool check_rectangle_trio(rectangle_data<Unit> rect1, rectangle_data<Unit> rect2, rectangle_data<Unit> rect3, stream_type& stdcout) {
+ property_merge si;
+ std::map<std::set<property_type>, polygon_set_data<Unit> > result;
+ std::vector<polygon_data<Unit> > polys;
+ property_merge_90<property_type, Unit> si90;
+ std::map<std::set<property_type>, polygon_90_set_data<Unit> > result90;
+ std::vector<polygon_data<Unit> > polys90;
+ si.insert(rect1, 111);
+ si90.insert(rect1, 111);
+ stdcout << rect1 << std::endl;
+ si.insert(rect2, 222);
+ si90.insert(rect2, 222);
+ stdcout << rect2 << std::endl;
+ si.insert(rect3, 333);
+ si90.insert(rect3, 333);
+ stdcout << rect3 << std::endl;
+ si.merge(result);
+ si90.merge(result90);
+ if(result.size() != result90.size()) {
+ stdcout << "merge failed with size mismatch\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ typename std::map<std::set<property_type>, polygon_90_set_data<Unit> >::iterator itr90 = result90.begin();
+ for(typename std::map<std::set<property_type>, polygon_set_data<Unit> >::iterator itr = result.begin();
+ itr != result.end(); ++itr) {
+ for(typename std::set<property_type>::const_iterator set_itr = (*itr).first.begin();
+ set_itr != (*itr).first.end(); ++set_itr) {
+ stdcout << (*set_itr) << " ";
+ } stdcout << ") \n";
+ polygon_set_data<Unit> psd = (*itr).second;
+ polygon_90_set_data<Unit> psd90 = (*itr90).second;
+ polys.clear();
+ polys90.clear();
+ psd.get(polys);
+ psd90.get(polys90);
+ if(polys.size() != polys90.size()) {
+ stdcout << "merge failed with polygon count mismatch\n";
+ stdcout << psd << std::endl;
+ for(std::size_t j = 0; j < polys.size(); ++j) {
+ stdcout << polys[j] << std::endl;
+ }
+ stdcout << "reference\n";
+ for(std::size_t j = 0; j < polys90.size(); ++j) {
+ stdcout << polys90[j] << std::endl;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ bool failed = false;
+ for(std::size_t j = 0; j < polys.size(); ++j) {
+ stdcout << polys[j] << std::endl;
+ stdcout << polys90[j] << std::endl;
+#pragma warning (disable:1572)
+ if(area(polys[j]) != area(polys90[j])) {
+#pragma warning (default:1572)
+ stdcout << "merge failed with area mismatch\n";
+ failed = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(failed) return 0;
+ ++itr90;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool test_manhattan_intersection(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ rectangle_data<Unit> rect1, rect2, rect3;
+ set_points(rect1, (Point(-1, 2)), (Point(1, 4)));
+ set_points(rect2, (Point(-1, 2)), (Point(2, 3)));
+ set_points(rect3, (Point(-3, 0)), (Point(4, 2)));
+ if(!check_rectangle_trio(rect1, rect2, rect3, stdcout)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
+ property_merge si;
+ std::map<std::set<property_type>, polygon_set_data<Unit> > result;
+ std::vector<polygon_data<Unit> > polys;
+ property_merge_90<property_type, Unit> si90;
+ std::map<std::set<property_type>, polygon_90_set_data<Unit> > result90;
+ std::vector<polygon_data<Unit> > polys90;
+ stdcout << "random case # " << i << std::endl;
+ set_points(rect1, (Point(rand()%9-4, rand()%9-4)), (Point(rand()%9-4, rand()%9-4)));
+ set_points(rect2, (Point(rand()%9-4, rand()%9-4)), (Point(rand()%9-4, rand()%9-4)));
+ set_points(rect3, (Point(rand()%9-4, rand()%9-4)), (Point(rand()%9-4, rand()%9-4)));
+ if(!check_rectangle_trio(rect1, rect2, rect3, stdcout)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static inline bool test_intersection(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ property_merge si;
+ rectangle_data<Unit> rect;
+ xl(rect, 0);
+ yl(rect, 10);
+ xh(rect, 30);
+ yh(rect, 20);
+ si.insert(rect, 333);
+ xl(rect, 10);
+ yl(rect, 0);
+ xh(rect, 20);
+ yh(rect, 30);
+ si.insert(rect, 444);
+ xl(rect, 15);
+ yl(rect, 0);
+ xh(rect, 25);
+ yh(rect, 30);
+ si.insert(rect, 555);
+ std::map<std::set<property_type>, polygon_set_data<Unit> > result;
+ si.merge(result);
+ print(stdcout, si.pmd) << std::endl;
+ for(typename std::map<std::set<property_type>, polygon_set_data<Unit> >::iterator itr = result.begin();
+ itr != result.end(); ++itr) {
+ stdcout << "( ";
+ for(typename std::set<property_type>::const_iterator set_itr = (*itr).first.begin();
+ set_itr != (*itr).first.end(); ++set_itr) {
+ stdcout << (*set_itr) << " ";
+ } stdcout << ") \n";
+ polygon_set_data<Unit> psd = (*itr).second;
+ stdcout << psd << std::endl;
+ std::vector<polygon_data<Unit> > polys;
+ psd.get(polys);
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << polys[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ std::vector<Point> pts;
+ std::vector<polygon_data<Unit> > polys;
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
+ property_merge si2;
+ stdcout << "random case # " << i << std::endl;
+ si.clear();
+ pts.clear();
+ pts.push_back(Point(rand()%9-4, rand()%9-4));
+ pts.push_back(Point(rand()%9-4, rand()%9-4));
+ pts.push_back(Point(rand()%9-4, rand()%9-4));
+ polygon_data<Unit> poly1;
+ poly1.set(pts.begin(), pts.end());
+ stdcout << poly1 << std::endl;
+ si.insert(poly1, 444);
+ si2.insert(poly1, 333);
+ pts.clear();
+ pts.push_back(Point(rand()%9-4, rand()%9-4));
+ pts.push_back(Point(rand()%9-4, rand()%9-4));
+ pts.push_back(Point(rand()%9-4, rand()%9-4));
+ polygon_data<Unit> poly2;
+ poly2.set(pts.begin(), pts.end());
+ stdcout << poly2 << std::endl;
+ si.insert(poly2, 444);
+ si2.insert(poly2, 444);
+ pts.clear();
+ pts.push_back(Point(rand()%9-4, rand()%9-4));
+ pts.push_back(Point(rand()%9-4, rand()%9-4));
+ pts.push_back(Point(rand()%9-4, rand()%9-4));
+ polygon_data<Unit> poly3;
+ poly3.set(pts.begin(), pts.end());
+ stdcout << poly3 << std::endl;
+ si.insert(poly3, 444);
+ si2.insert(poly3, 555);
+ result.clear();
+ std::map<std::set<property_type>, polygon_set_data<Unit> > result2;
+ si.merge(result);
+ si2.merge(result2);
+ stdcout << "merged result\n";
+ for(typename std::map<std::set<property_type>, polygon_set_data<Unit> >::iterator itr = result.begin();
+ itr != result.end(); ++itr) {
+ stdcout << "( ";
+ for(typename std::set<property_type>::const_iterator set_itr = (*itr).first.begin();
+ set_itr != (*itr).first.end(); ++set_itr) {
+ stdcout << (*set_itr) << " ";
+ } stdcout << ") \n";
+ polygon_set_data<Unit> psd = (*itr).second;
+ stdcout << psd << std::endl;
+ std::vector<polygon_data<Unit> > polys2;
+ psd.get(polys2);
+ for(std::size_t ii = 0; ii < polys2.size(); ++ii) {
+ stdcout << polys2[ii] << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ stdcout << "intersected pmd\n";
+ print(stdcout, si2.pmd) << std::endl;
+ stdcout << "intersected result\n";
+ for(typename std::map<std::set<property_type>, polygon_set_data<Unit> >::iterator itr = result2.begin();
+ itr != result2.end(); ++itr) {
+ stdcout << "( ";
+ for(typename std::set<property_type>::const_iterator set_itr = (*itr).first.begin();
+ set_itr != (*itr).first.end(); ++set_itr) {
+ stdcout << (*set_itr) << " ";
+ } stdcout << ") \n";
+ polygon_set_data<Unit> psd = (*itr).second;
+ stdcout << psd << std::endl;
+ std::vector<polygon_data<Unit> > polys2;
+ psd.get(polys2);
+ for(std::size_t ii = 0; ii < polys2.size(); ++ii) {
+ stdcout << polys2[ii] << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ si.clear();
+ for(typename std::map<std::set<property_type>, polygon_set_data<Unit> >::iterator itr = result2.begin();
+ itr != result2.end(); ++itr) {
+ polys.clear();
+ (*itr).second.get(polys);
+ for(std::size_t j = 0; j < polys.size(); ++j) {
+ si.insert(polys[j], 444);
+ }
+ }
+ result2.clear();
+ si.merge(result2);
+ stdcout << "remerged result\n";
+ for(typename std::map<std::set<property_type>, polygon_set_data<Unit> >::iterator itr = result2.begin();
+ itr != result2.end(); ++itr) {
+ stdcout << "( ";
+ for(typename std::set<property_type>::const_iterator set_itr = (*itr).first.begin();
+ set_itr != (*itr).first.end(); ++set_itr) {
+ stdcout << (*set_itr) << " ";
+ } stdcout << ") \n";
+ polygon_set_data<Unit> psd = (*itr).second;
+ stdcout << psd << std::endl;
+ std::vector<polygon_data<Unit> > polys2;
+ psd.get(polys2);
+ for(std::size_t ii = 0; ii < polys2.size(); ++ii) {
+ stdcout << polys2[ii] << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ std::vector<polygon_data<Unit> > polys2;
+ polys.clear();
+ (*(result.begin())).second.get(polys);
+ (*(result2.begin())).second.get(polys2);
+ if(!(polys == polys2)) {
+ stdcout << "failed intersection check # " << i << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename Unit>
+ class arbitrary_boolean_op : public scanline_base<Unit> {
+ private:
+ typedef int property_type;
+ typedef typename scanline_base<Unit>::Point Point;
+ //the first point is the vertex and and second point establishes the slope of an edge eminating from the vertex
+ //typedef std::pair<Point, Point> half_edge;
+ typedef typename scanline_base<Unit>::half_edge half_edge;
+ //scanline comparator functor
+ typedef typename scanline_base<Unit>::less_half_edge less_half_edge;
+ typedef typename scanline_base<Unit>::less_point less_point;
+ //this data structure assocates a property and count to a half edge
+ typedef std::pair<half_edge, std::pair<property_type, int> > vertex_property;
+ //this data type stores the combination of many half edges
+ typedef std::vector<vertex_property> property_merge_data;
+ //this is the data type used internally to store the combination of property counts at a given location
+ typedef std::vector<std::pair<property_type, int> > property_map;
+ //this data type is used internally to store the combined property data for a given half edge
+ typedef std::pair<half_edge, property_map> vertex_data;
+ property_merge_data pmd;
+ typename scanline_base<Unit>::evalAtXforYPack evalAtXforYPack_;
+ template<typename vertex_data_type>
+ class less_vertex_data {
+ typename scanline_base<Unit>::evalAtXforYPack* pack_;
+ public:
+ less_vertex_data() : pack_() {}
+ less_vertex_data(typename scanline_base<Unit>::evalAtXforYPack* pack) : pack_(pack) {}
+ bool operator()(const vertex_data_type& lvalue, const vertex_data_type& rvalue) {
+ less_point lp;
+ if(lp(lvalue.first.first, rvalue.first.first)) return true;
+ if(lp(rvalue.first.first, lvalue.first.first)) return false;
+ Unit x = lvalue.first.first.get(HORIZONTAL);
+ int just_before_ = 0;
+ less_half_edge lhe(&x, &just_before_, pack_);
+ return lhe(lvalue.first, rvalue.first);
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename result_type, typename key_type, int op_type>
+ class boolean_output_functor {
+ public:
+ boolean_output_functor() {}
+ void operator()(result_type& result, const half_edge& edge, const key_type& left, const key_type& right) {
+ typename std::pair<half_edge, int> elem;
+ elem.first = edge;
+ elem.second = 1;
+ if(edge.second < edge.first) elem.second *= -1;
+ if(is_vertical(edge)) elem.second *= -1;
+#pragma warning (disable: 4127)
+ if(op_type == 0) { //OR
+ if(!left.empty() && right.empty()) {
+ result.insert_clean(elem);
+ } else if(!right.empty() && left.empty()) {
+ elem.second *= -1;
+ result.insert_clean(elem);
+ }
+ } else if(op_type == 1) { //AND
+ if(left.size() == 2 && right.size() != 2) {
+ result.insert_clean(elem);
+ } else if(right.size() == 2 && left.size() != 2) {
+ elem.second *= -1;
+ result.insert_clean(elem);
+ }
+ } else if(op_type == 2) { //XOR
+ if(left.size() == 1 && right.size() != 1) {
+ result.insert_clean(elem);
+ } else if(right.size() == 1 && left.size() != 1) {
+ elem.second *= -1;
+ result.insert_clean(elem);
+ }
+ } else { //SUBTRACT
+ if(left.size() == 1) {
+ if((*(left.begin())) == 0) {
+ result.insert_clean(elem);
+ }
+ }
+#pragma warning (default: 4127)
+ if(right.size() == 1) {
+ if((*(right.begin())) == 0) {
+ elem.second *= -1;
+ result.insert_clean(elem);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ inline void sort_property_merge_data() {
+ less_vertex_data<vertex_property> lvd(&evalAtXforYPack_);
+ std::sort(pmd.begin(), pmd.end(), lvd);
+ }
+ public:
+ inline arbitrary_boolean_op() : pmd(), evalAtXforYPack_() {}
+ inline arbitrary_boolean_op(const arbitrary_boolean_op& pm) : pmd(pm.pmd), evalAtXforYPack_(pm.evalAtXforYPack_) {}
+ inline arbitrary_boolean_op& operator=(const arbitrary_boolean_op& pm) { pmd = pm.pmd; return *this; }
+ };
+ template <typename result_type, typename iT1, typename iT2>
+ inline void execute(result_type& result, iT1 b1, iT1 e1, iT2 b2, iT2 e2, int op) {
+ //intersect data
+ insert(b1, e1, 0);
+ insert(b2, e2, 1);
+ property_merge_data tmp_pmd;
+ std::fstream debug_file;
+ debug_file.open("gtl_debug.txt", std::ios::out);
+ property_merge<Unit, property_type, std::vector<property_type> >::print(debug_file, pmd);
+ debug_file.close();
+ if(pmd.empty())
+ return;
+ line_intersection<Unit>::validate_scan(tmp_pmd, pmd.begin(), pmd.end());
+ pmd.swap(tmp_pmd);
+ sort_property_merge_data();
+ scanline<Unit, property_type, std::vector<property_type> > sl;
+ if(op == BOOLEAN_OR) {
+ boolean_output_functor<result_type, std::vector<property_type>, 0> bof;
+ sl.scan(result, bof, pmd.begin(), pmd.end());
+ } else if(op == BOOLEAN_AND) {
+ boolean_output_functor<result_type, std::vector<property_type>, 1> bof;
+ sl.scan(result, bof, pmd.begin(), pmd.end());
+ } else if(op == BOOLEAN_XOR) {
+ boolean_output_functor<result_type, std::vector<property_type>, 2> bof;
+ sl.scan(result, bof, pmd.begin(), pmd.end());
+ } else if(op == BOOLEAN_NOT) {
+ boolean_output_functor<result_type, std::vector<property_type>, 3> bof;
+ sl.scan(result, bof, pmd.begin(), pmd.end());
+ }
+ }
+ inline void clear() {*this = arbitrary_boolean_op();}
+ private:
+ template <typename iT>
+ void insert(iT b, iT e, int id) {
+ for(;
+ b != e; ++b) {
+ pmd.push_back(vertex_property(half_edge((*b).first.first, (*b).first.second),
+ std::pair<property_type, int>(id, (*b).second)));
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename Unit, typename stream_type>
+ bool test_arbitrary_boolean_op(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ polygon_set_data<Unit> psd;
+ rectangle_data<Unit> rect;
+ set_points(rect, point_data<Unit>(0, 0), point_data<Unit>(10, 10));
+ psd.insert(rect);
+ polygon_set_data<Unit> psd2;
+ set_points(rect, point_data<Unit>(5, 5), point_data<Unit>(15, 15));
+ psd2.insert(rect);
+ std::vector<polygon_data<Unit> > pv;
+ pv.clear();
+ arbitrary_boolean_op<Unit> abo;
+ polygon_set_data<Unit> psd3;
+ abo.execute(psd3, psd.begin(), psd.end(), psd2.begin(), psd2.end(), arbitrary_boolean_op<Unit>::BOOLEAN_OR);
+ psd3.get(pv);
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < pv.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << pv[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ pv.clear();
+ abo.clear();
+ psd3.clear();
+ abo.execute(psd3, psd.begin(), psd.end(), psd2.begin(), psd2.end(), arbitrary_boolean_op<Unit>::BOOLEAN_AND);
+ psd3.get(pv);
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < pv.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << pv[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ pv.clear();
+ abo.clear();
+ psd3.clear();
+ abo.execute(psd3, psd.begin(), psd.end(), psd2.begin(), psd2.end(), arbitrary_boolean_op<Unit>::BOOLEAN_XOR);
+ psd3.get(pv);
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < pv.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << pv[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ pv.clear();
+ abo.clear();
+ psd3.clear();
+ abo.execute(psd3, psd.begin(), psd.end(), psd2.begin(), psd2.end(), arbitrary_boolean_op<Unit>::BOOLEAN_NOT);
+ psd3.get(pv);
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < pv.size(); ++i) {
+ stdcout << pv[i] << std::endl;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename Unit, typename property_type>
+ class arbitrary_connectivity_extraction : public scanline_base<Unit> {
+ private:
+ typedef typename scanline_base<Unit>::Point Point;
+ //the first point is the vertex and and second point establishes the slope of an edge eminating from the vertex
+ //typedef std::pair<Point, Point> half_edge;
+ typedef typename scanline_base<Unit>::half_edge half_edge;
+ //scanline comparator functor
+ typedef typename scanline_base<Unit>::less_half_edge less_half_edge;
+ typedef typename scanline_base<Unit>::less_point less_point;
+ //this data structure assocates a property and count to a half edge
+ typedef std::pair<half_edge, std::pair<property_type, int> > vertex_property;
+ //this data type stores the combination of many half edges
+ typedef std::vector<vertex_property> property_merge_data;
+ //this is the data type used internally to store the combination of property counts at a given location
+ typedef std::vector<std::pair<property_type, int> > property_map;
+ //this data type is used internally to store the combined property data for a given half edge
+ typedef std::pair<half_edge, property_map> vertex_data;
+ property_merge_data pmd;
+ typename scanline_base<Unit>::evalAtXforYPack evalAtXforYPack_;
+ template<typename vertex_data_type>
+ class less_vertex_data {
+ typename scanline_base<Unit>::evalAtXforYPack* pack_;
+ public:
+ less_vertex_data() : pack_() {}
+ less_vertex_data(typename scanline_base<Unit>::evalAtXforYPack* pack) : pack_(pack) {}
+ bool operator()(const vertex_data_type& lvalue, const vertex_data_type& rvalue) {
+ less_point lp;
+ if(lp(lvalue.first.first, rvalue.first.first)) return true;
+ if(lp(rvalue.first.first, lvalue.first.first)) return false;
+ Unit x = lvalue.first.first.get(HORIZONTAL);
+ int just_before_ = 0;
+ less_half_edge lhe(&x, &just_before_, pack_);
+ return lhe(lvalue.first, rvalue.first);
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename cT>
+ static void process_previous_x(cT& output) {
+ std::map<point_data<Unit>, std::set<property_type> >& y_prop_map = output.first.second;
+ if(y_prop_map.empty()) return;
+ Unit x = output.first.first;
+ for(typename std::map<point_data<Unit>, std::set<property_type> >::iterator itr =
+ y_prop_map.begin(); itr != y_prop_map.end(); ++itr) {
+ if((*itr).first.x() < x) {
+ y_prop_map.erase(y_prop_map.begin(), itr);
+ continue;
+ }
+ for(typename std::set<property_type>::iterator inner_itr = itr->second.begin();
+ inner_itr != itr->second.end(); ++inner_itr) {
+ std::set<property_type>& output_edges = (*(output.second))[*inner_itr];
+ typename std::set<property_type>::iterator inner_inner_itr = inner_itr;
+ ++inner_inner_itr;
+ for( ; inner_inner_itr != itr->second.end(); ++inner_inner_itr) {
+ output_edges.insert(output_edges.end(), *inner_inner_itr);
+ std::set<property_type>& output_edges_2 = (*(output.second))[*inner_inner_itr];
+ output_edges_2.insert(output_edges_2.end(), *inner_itr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename result_type, typename key_type>
+ class connectivity_extraction_output_functor {
+ public:
+ connectivity_extraction_output_functor() {}
+ void operator()(result_type& result, const half_edge& edge, const key_type& left, const key_type& right) {
+ Unit& x = result.first.first;
+ std::map<point_data<Unit>, std::set<property_type> >& y_prop_map = result.first.second;
+ point_data<Unit> pt = edge.first;
+ if(pt.x() != x) process_previous_x(result);
+ x = pt.x();
+ std::set<property_type>& output_set = y_prop_map[pt];
+ {
+ for(typename key_type::const_iterator itr1 =
+ left.begin(); itr1 != left.end(); ++itr1) {
+ output_set.insert(output_set.end(), *itr1);
+ }
+ for(typename key_type::const_iterator itr2 =
+ right.begin(); itr2 != right.end(); ++itr2) {
+ output_set.insert(output_set.end(), *itr2);
+ }
+ }
+ std::set<property_type>& output_set2 = y_prop_map[edge.second];
+ for(typename key_type::const_iterator itr1 =
+ left.begin(); itr1 != left.end(); ++itr1) {
+ output_set2.insert(output_set2.end(), *itr1);
+ }
+ for(typename key_type::const_iterator itr2 =
+ right.begin(); itr2 != right.end(); ++itr2) {
+ output_set2.insert(output_set2.end(), *itr2);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ inline void sort_property_merge_data() {
+ less_vertex_data<vertex_property> lvd(&evalAtXforYPack_);
+ std::sort(pmd.begin(), pmd.end(), lvd);
+ }
+ public:
+ inline arbitrary_connectivity_extraction() : pmd(), evalAtXforYPack_() {}
+ inline arbitrary_connectivity_extraction
+ (const arbitrary_connectivity_extraction& pm) : pmd(pm.pmd), evalAtXforYPack_(pm.evalAtXforYPack_) {}
+ inline arbitrary_connectivity_extraction& operator=
+ (const arbitrary_connectivity_extraction& pm) { pmd = pm.pmd; return *this; }
+ template <typename result_type>
+ inline void execute(result_type& result) {
+ //intersect data
+ property_merge_data tmp_pmd;
+ line_intersection<Unit>::validate_scan(tmp_pmd, pmd.begin(), pmd.end());
+ pmd.swap(tmp_pmd);
+ sort_property_merge_data();
+ scanline<Unit, property_type, std::vector<property_type> > sl;
+ std::pair<std::pair<Unit, std::map<point_data<Unit>, std::set<property_type> > >,
+ result_type*> output
+ (std::make_pair(std::make_pair((std::numeric_limits<Unit>::max)(),
+ std::map<point_data<Unit>,
+ std::set<property_type> >()), &result));
+ connectivity_extraction_output_functor<std::pair<std::pair<Unit,
+ std::map<point_data<Unit>, std::set<property_type> > >, result_type*>,
+ std::vector<property_type> > ceof;
+ sl.scan(output, ceof, pmd.begin(), pmd.end());
+ process_previous_x(output);
+ }
+ inline void clear() {*this = arbitrary_connectivity_extraction();}
+ template <typename iT>
+ void populateTouchSetData(iT begin, iT end,
+ property_type property) {
+ for( ; begin != end; ++begin) {
+ pmd.push_back(vertex_property(half_edge((*begin).first.first, (*begin).first.second),
+ std::pair<property_type, int>(property, (*begin).second)));
+ }
+ }
+ };
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/detail/transform_detail.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/detail/transform_detail.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+ // inline std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& o, const axis_transformation& r) {
+ // o << r.atr_;
+ // return o;
+ // }
+ // inline std::istream& operator>> (std::istream& i, axis_transformation& r) {
+ // int tmp;
+ // i >> tmp;
+ // r = axis_transformation((axis_transformation::ATR)tmp);
+ // return i;
+ // }
+ // template <typename scale_factor_type>
+ // inline std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& o, const anisotropic_scale_factor<scale_factor_type>& sc) {
+ // o << sc.scale_[0] << BOOST_POLYGON_SEP << sc.scale_[1] << GTL_SEP << sc.scale_[2];
+ // return o;
+ // }
+ // template <typename scale_factor_type>
+ // inline std::istream& operator>> (std::istream& i, anisotropic_scale_factor<scale_factor_type>& sc) {
+ // i >> sc.scale_[0] >> sc.scale_[1] >> sc.scale_[2];
+ // return i;
+ // }
+ // template <typename coordinate_type>
+ // inline std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& o, const transformation& tr) {
+ // o << tr.atr_ << BOOST_POLYGON_SEP << tr.p_;
+ // return o;
+ // }
+ // template <typename coordinate_type>
+ // inline std::istream& operator>> (std::istream& i, transformation& tr) {
+ // i >> tr.atr_ >> tr.p_;
+ // return i;
+ // }
+ inline axis_transformation::axis_transformation(const orientation_3d& orient) : atr_(NULL_TRANSFORM) {
+ const ATR tmp[3] = {
+ UP_EAST_NORTH, //sort by x, then z, then y
+ EAST_UP_NORTH, //sort by y, then z, then x
+ EAST_NORTH_UP //sort by z, then y, then x
+ };
+ atr_ = tmp[orient.to_int()];
+ }
+ inline axis_transformation::axis_transformation(const orientation_2d& orient) : atr_(NULL_TRANSFORM) {
+ const ATR tmp[3] = {
+ NORTH_EAST_UP, //sort by z, then x, then y
+ EAST_NORTH_UP //sort by z, then y, then x
+ };
+ atr_ = tmp[orient.to_int()];
+ }
+ inline axis_transformation::axis_transformation(const direction_3d& dir) : atr_(NULL_TRANSFORM) {
+ const ATR tmp[6] = {
+ DOWN_EAST_NORTH, //sort by -x, then z, then y
+ UP_EAST_NORTH, //sort by x, then z, then y
+ EAST_DOWN_NORTH, //sort by -y, then z, then x
+ EAST_UP_NORTH, //sort by y, then z, then x
+ EAST_NORTH_DOWN, //sort by -z, then y, then x
+ EAST_NORTH_UP //sort by z, then y, then x
+ };
+ atr_ = tmp[dir.to_int()];
+ }
+ inline axis_transformation::axis_transformation(const direction_2d& dir) : atr_(NULL_TRANSFORM) {
+ const ATR tmp[4] = {
+ SOUTH_EAST_UP, //sort by z, then x, then y
+ NORTH_EAST_UP, //sort by z, then x, then y
+ EAST_SOUTH_UP, //sort by z, then y, then x
+ EAST_NORTH_UP //sort by z, then y, then x
+ };
+ atr_ = tmp[dir.to_int()];
+ }
+ inline axis_transformation& axis_transformation::operator=(const axis_transformation& a) {
+ atr_ = a.atr_;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline axis_transformation& axis_transformation::operator=(const ATR& atr) {
+ atr_ = atr;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline bool axis_transformation::operator==(const axis_transformation& a) const {
+ return atr_ == a.atr_;
+ }
+ inline bool axis_transformation::operator!=(const axis_transformation& a) const {
+ return !(*this == a);
+ }
+ inline bool axis_transformation::operator<(const axis_transformation& a) const {
+ return atr_ < a.atr_;
+ }
+ inline axis_transformation& axis_transformation::operator+=(const axis_transformation& a){
+ bool abit5 = (a.atr_ & 32) != 0;
+ bool abit4 = (a.atr_ & 16) != 0;
+ bool abit3 = (a.atr_ & 8) != 0;
+ bool abit2 = (a.atr_ & 4) != 0;
+ bool abit1 = (a.atr_ & 2) != 0;
+ bool abit0 = (a.atr_ & 1) != 0;
+ bool bit5 = (atr_ & 32) != 0;
+ bool bit4 = (atr_ & 16) != 0;
+ bool bit3 = (atr_ & 8) != 0;
+ bool bit2 = (atr_ & 4) != 0;
+ bool bit1 = (atr_ & 2) != 0;
+ bool bit0 = (atr_ & 1) != 0;
+ int indexes[2][3] = {
+ {
+ ((int)((bit5 & bit2) | (bit4 & !bit2)) << 1) +
+ (int)(bit2 & !bit5),
+ ((int)((bit4 & bit2) | (bit5 & !bit2)) << 1) +
+ (int)(!bit5 & !bit2),
+ ((int)(!bit4 & !bit5) << 1) +
+ (int)(bit5)
+ },
+ {
+ ((int)((abit5 & abit2) | (abit4 & !abit2)) << 1) +
+ (int)(abit2 & !abit5),
+ ((int)((abit4 & abit2) | (abit5 & !abit2)) << 1) +
+ (int)(!abit5 & !abit2),
+ ((int)(!abit4 & !abit5) << 1) +
+ (int)(abit5)
+ }
+ };
+ int zero_bits[2][3] = {
+ {bit0, bit1, bit3},
+ {abit0, abit1, abit3}
+ };
+ int nbit3 = zero_bits[0][2] ^ zero_bits[1][indexes[0][2]];
+ int nbit1 = zero_bits[0][1] ^ zero_bits[1][indexes[0][1]];
+ int nbit0 = zero_bits[0][0] ^ zero_bits[1][indexes[0][0]];
+ indexes[0][0] = indexes[1][indexes[0][0]];
+ indexes[0][1] = indexes[1][indexes[0][1]];
+ indexes[0][2] = indexes[1][indexes[0][2]];
+ int nbit5 = (indexes[0][2] == 1);
+ int nbit4 = (indexes[0][2] == 0);
+ int nbit2 = (!(nbit5 | nbit4) & (bool)(indexes[0][0] & 1)) | //swap xy
+ (nbit5 & ((indexes[0][0] & 2) >> 1)) | //z->y x->z
+ (nbit4 & ((indexes[0][1] & 2) >> 1)); //z->x y->z
+ atr_ = (ATR)((nbit5 << 5) +
+ (nbit4 << 4) +
+ (nbit3 << 3) +
+ (nbit2 << 2) +
+ (nbit1 << 1) + nbit0);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline axis_transformation axis_transformation::operator+(const axis_transformation& a) const {
+ axis_transformation retval(*this);
+ return retval+=a;
+ }
+ // populate_axis_array writes the three INDIVIDUAL_AXIS values that the
+ // ATR enum value of 'this' represent into axis_array
+ inline void axis_transformation::populate_axis_array(INDIVIDUAL_AXIS axis_array[]) const {
+ bool bit5 = (atr_ & 32) != 0;
+ bool bit4 = (atr_ & 16) != 0;
+ bool bit3 = (atr_ & 8) != 0;
+ bool bit2 = (atr_ & 4) != 0;
+ bool bit1 = (atr_ & 2) != 0;
+ bool bit0 = (atr_ & 1) != 0;
+ axis_array[2] =
+ (INDIVIDUAL_AXIS)((((int)(!bit4 & !bit5)) << 2) +
+ ((int)(bit5) << 1) +
+ bit3);
+ axis_array[1] =
+ (INDIVIDUAL_AXIS)((((int)((bit4 & bit2) | (bit5 & !bit2))) << 2)+
+ ((int)(!bit5 & !bit2) << 1) +
+ bit1);
+ axis_array[0] =
+ (INDIVIDUAL_AXIS)((((int)((bit5 & bit2) | (bit4 & !bit2))) << 2) +
+ ((int)(bit2 & !bit5) << 1) +
+ bit0);
+ }
+ // combine_axis_arrays concatenates this_array and that_array overwriting
+ // the result into this_array
+ inline void
+ axis_transformation::combine_axis_arrays (INDIVIDUAL_AXIS this_array[],
+ const INDIVIDUAL_AXIS that_array[]){
+ int indexes[3] = {this_array[0] >> 1,
+ this_array[1] >> 1,
+ this_array[2] >> 1};
+ int zero_bits[2][3] = {
+ {this_array[0] & 1, this_array[1] & 1, this_array[2] & 1},
+ {that_array[0] & 1, that_array[1] & 1, that_array[2] & 1}
+ };
+ this_array[0] = that_array[indexes[0]];
+ this_array[0] = (INDIVIDUAL_AXIS)((int)this_array[0] & (int)((int)PZ+(int)PY));
+ this_array[0] = (INDIVIDUAL_AXIS)((int)this_array[0] |
+ ((int)zero_bits[0][0] ^
+ (int)zero_bits[1][indexes[0]]));
+ this_array[1] = that_array[indexes[1]];
+ this_array[1] = (INDIVIDUAL_AXIS)((int)this_array[1] & (int)((int)PZ+(int)PY));
+ this_array[1] = (INDIVIDUAL_AXIS)((int)this_array[1] |
+ ((int)zero_bits[0][1] ^
+ (int)zero_bits[1][indexes[1]]));
+ this_array[2] = that_array[indexes[2]];
+ this_array[2] = (INDIVIDUAL_AXIS)((int)this_array[2] & (int)((int)PZ+(int)PY));
+ this_array[2] = (INDIVIDUAL_AXIS)((int)this_array[2] |
+ ((int)zero_bits[0][2] ^
+ (int)zero_bits[1][indexes[2]]));
+ }
+ // write_back_axis_array converts an array of three INDIVIDUAL_AXIS values
+ // to the ATR enum value and sets 'this' to that value
+ inline void axis_transformation::write_back_axis_array(const INDIVIDUAL_AXIS this_array[]) {
+ int bit5 = ((int)this_array[2] & 2) != 0;
+ int bit4 = !((((int)this_array[2] & 4) != 0) | (((int)this_array[2] & 2) != 0));
+ int bit3 = ((int)this_array[2] & 1) != 0;
+ //bit 2 is the tricky bit
+ int bit2 = ((!(bit5 | bit4)) & (((int)this_array[0] & 2) != 0)) | //swap xy
+ (bit5 & (((int)this_array[0] & 4) >> 2)) | //z->y x->z
+ (bit4 & (((int)this_array[1] & 4) >> 2)); //z->x y->z
+ int bit1 = ((int)this_array[1] & 1);
+ int bit0 = ((int)this_array[0] & 1);
+ atr_ = ATR((bit5 << 5) +
+ (bit4 << 4) +
+ (bit3 << 3) +
+ (bit2 << 2) +
+ (bit1 << 1) + bit0);
+ }
+ // behavior is deterministic but undefined in the case where illegal
+ // combinations of directions are passed in.
+ inline axis_transformation&
+ axis_transformation::set_directions(const direction_2d& horizontalDir,
+ const direction_2d& verticalDir){
+ int bit2 = (static_cast<orientation_2d>(horizontalDir).to_int()) != 0;
+ int bit1 = !(verticalDir.to_int() & 1);
+ int bit0 = !(horizontalDir.to_int() & 1);
+ atr_ = ATR((bit2 << 2) + (bit1 << 1) + bit0);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // behavior is deterministic but undefined in the case where illegal
+ // combinations of directions are passed in.
+ inline axis_transformation& axis_transformation::set_directions(const direction_3d& horizontalDir,
+ const direction_3d& verticalDir,
+ const direction_3d& proximalDir){
+ int this_array[3] = {horizontalDir.to_int(),
+ verticalDir.to_int(),
+ proximalDir.to_int()};
+ int bit5 = (this_array[2] & 2) != 0;
+ int bit4 = !(((this_array[2] & 4) != 0) | ((this_array[2] & 2) != 0));
+ int bit3 = !((this_array[2] & 1) != 0);
+ //bit 2 is the tricky bit
+ int bit2 = (!(bit5 | bit4) & ((this_array[0] & 2) != 0 )) | //swap xy
+ (bit5 & ((this_array[0] & 4) >> 2)) | //z->y x->z
+ (bit4 & ((this_array[1] & 4) >> 2)); //z->x y->z
+ int bit1 = !(this_array[1] & 1);
+ int bit0 = !(this_array[0] & 1);
+ atr_ = ATR((bit5 << 5) +
+ (bit4 << 4) +
+ (bit3 << 3) +
+ (bit2 << 2) +
+ (bit1 << 1) + bit0);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename coordinate_type_2>
+ inline void axis_transformation::transform(coordinate_type_2& x, coordinate_type_2& y) const {
+ int bit2 = (atr_ & 4) != 0;
+ int bit1 = (atr_ & 2) != 0;
+ int bit0 = (atr_ & 1) != 0;
+ x *= -((bit0 << 1) - 1);
+ y *= -((bit1 << 1) - 1);
+ predicated_swap(bit2 != 0,x,y);
+ }
+ template <typename coordinate_type_2>
+ inline void axis_transformation::transform(coordinate_type_2& x, coordinate_type_2& y, coordinate_type_2& z) const {
+ int bit5 = (atr_ & 32) != 0;
+ int bit4 = (atr_ & 16) != 0;
+ int bit3 = (atr_ & 8) != 0;
+ int bit2 = (atr_ & 4) != 0;
+ int bit1 = (atr_ & 2) != 0;
+ int bit0 = (atr_ & 1) != 0;
+ x *= -((bit0 << 1) - 1);
+ y *= -((bit1 << 1) - 1);
+ z *= -((bit3 << 1) - 1);
+ predicated_swap(bit2 != 0, x, y);
+ predicated_swap(bit5 != 0, y, z);
+ predicated_swap(bit4 != 0, x, z);
+ }
+ inline axis_transformation& axis_transformation::invert_2d() {
+ int bit2 = ((atr_ & 4) != 0);
+ int bit1 = ((atr_ & 2) != 0);
+ int bit0 = ((atr_ & 1) != 0);
+ //swap bit 0 and bit 1 if bit2 is 1
+ predicated_swap(bit2 != 0, bit0, bit1);
+ bit1 = bit1 << 1;
+ atr_ = (ATR)(atr_ & (32+16+8+4)); //mask away bit0 and bit1
+ atr_ = (ATR)(atr_ | bit0 | bit1);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline axis_transformation axis_transformation::inverse_2d() const {
+ axis_transformation retval(*this);
+ return retval.invert_2d();
+ }
+ inline axis_transformation& axis_transformation::invert() {
+ int bit5 = ((atr_ & 32) != 0);
+ int bit4 = ((atr_ & 16) != 0);
+ int bit3 = ((atr_ & 8) != 0);
+ int bit2 = ((atr_ & 4) != 0);
+ int bit1 = ((atr_ & 2) != 0);
+ int bit0 = ((atr_ & 1) != 0);
+ predicated_swap(bit2 != 0, bit4, bit5);
+ predicated_swap(bit4 != 0, bit0, bit3);
+ predicated_swap(bit5 != 0, bit1, bit3);
+ predicated_swap(bit2 != 0, bit0, bit1);
+ atr_ = (ATR)((bit5 << 5) +
+ (bit4 << 4) +
+ (bit3 << 3) +
+ (bit2 << 2) +
+ (bit1 << 1) + bit0);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline axis_transformation axis_transformation::inverse() const {
+ axis_transformation retval(*this);
+ return retval.invert();
+ }
+ template <typename scale_factor_type>
+ inline scale_factor_type anisotropic_scale_factor<scale_factor_type>::get(orientation_3d orient) const {
+ return scale_[orient.to_int()];
+ }
+ template <typename scale_factor_type>
+ inline void anisotropic_scale_factor<scale_factor_type>::set(orientation_3d orient, scale_factor_type value) {
+ scale_[orient.to_int()] = value;
+ }
+ template <typename scale_factor_type>
+ inline scale_factor_type anisotropic_scale_factor<scale_factor_type>::x() const { return scale_[HORIZONTAL]; }
+ template <typename scale_factor_type>
+ inline scale_factor_type anisotropic_scale_factor<scale_factor_type>::y() const { return scale_[VERTICAL]; }
+ template <typename scale_factor_type>
+ inline scale_factor_type anisotropic_scale_factor<scale_factor_type>::z() const { return scale_[PROXIMAL]; }
+ template <typename scale_factor_type>
+ inline void anisotropic_scale_factor<scale_factor_type>::x(scale_factor_type value) { scale_[HORIZONTAL] = value; }
+ template <typename scale_factor_type>
+ inline void anisotropic_scale_factor<scale_factor_type>::y(scale_factor_type value) { scale_[VERTICAL] = value; }
+ template <typename scale_factor_type>
+ inline void anisotropic_scale_factor<scale_factor_type>::z(scale_factor_type value) { scale_[PROXIMAL] = value; }
+ //concatenation operator (convolve scale factors)
+ template <typename scale_factor_type>
+ inline anisotropic_scale_factor<scale_factor_type> anisotropic_scale_factor<scale_factor_type>::operator+(const anisotropic_scale_factor<scale_factor_type>& s) const {
+ anisotropic_scale_factor<scale_factor_type> retval(*this);
+ return retval+=s;
+ }
+ //concatenate this with that
+ template <typename scale_factor_type>
+ inline const anisotropic_scale_factor<scale_factor_type>& anisotropic_scale_factor<scale_factor_type>::operator+=(const anisotropic_scale_factor<scale_factor_type>& s){
+ scale_[0] *= s.scale_[0];
+ scale_[1] *= s.scale_[1];
+ scale_[2] *= s.scale_[2];
+ return *this;
+ }
+ //transform
+ template <typename scale_factor_type>
+ inline anisotropic_scale_factor<scale_factor_type>& anisotropic_scale_factor<scale_factor_type>::transform(axis_transformation atr){
+ direction_3d dirs[3];
+ atr.get_directions(dirs[0],dirs[1],dirs[2]);
+ scale_factor_type tmp[3] = {scale_[0], scale_[1], scale_[2]};
+ for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i){
+ scale_[orientation_3d(dirs[i]).to_int()] = tmp[i];
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename scale_factor_type>
+ template <typename coordinate_type_2>
+ inline void anisotropic_scale_factor<scale_factor_type>::scale(coordinate_type_2& x, coordinate_type_2& y) const {
+ x = scaling_policy<coordinate_type_2>::round((scale_factor_type)x * get(HORIZONTAL));
+ y = scaling_policy<coordinate_type_2>::round((scale_factor_type)y * get(HORIZONTAL));
+ }
+ template <typename scale_factor_type>
+ template <typename coordinate_type_2>
+ inline void anisotropic_scale_factor<scale_factor_type>::scale(coordinate_type_2& x, coordinate_type_2& y, coordinate_type_2& z) const {
+ scale(x, y);
+ z = scaling_policy<coordinate_type_2>::round((scale_factor_type)z * get(HORIZONTAL));
+ }
+ template <typename scale_factor_type>
+ inline anisotropic_scale_factor<scale_factor_type>& anisotropic_scale_factor<scale_factor_type>::invert() {
+ x(1/x());
+ y(1/y());
+ z(1/z());
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename coordinate_type>
+ inline transformation<coordinate_type>::transformation() : atr_(), p_(0, 0, 0) {;}
+ template <typename coordinate_type>
+ inline transformation<coordinate_type>::transformation(axis_transformation atr) : atr_(atr), p_(0, 0, 0){;}
+ template <typename coordinate_type>
+ inline transformation<coordinate_type>::transformation(axis_transformation::ATR atr) : atr_(atr), p_(0, 0, 0){;}
+ template <typename coordinate_type>
+ template <typename point_type>
+ inline transformation<coordinate_type>::transformation(const point_type& p) : atr_(), p_(0, 0, 0) {
+ set_translation(p);
+ }
+ template <typename coordinate_type>
+ template <typename point_type>
+ inline transformation<coordinate_type>::transformation(axis_transformation atr, const point_type& p) :
+ atr_(atr), p_(0, 0, 0) {
+ set_translation(p);
+ }
+ template <typename coordinate_type>
+ template <typename point_type>
+ inline transformation<coordinate_type>::transformation(axis_transformation atr, const point_type& referencePt, const point_type& destinationPt) : atr_(), p_(0, 0, 0) {
+ transformation<coordinate_type> tmp(referencePt);
+ transformation<coordinate_type> rotRef(atr);
+ transformation<coordinate_type> tmpInverse = tmp.inverse();
+ point_type decon(referencePt);
+ deconvolve(decon, destinationPt);
+ transformation<coordinate_type> displacement(decon);
+ tmp += rotRef;
+ tmp += tmpInverse;
+ tmp += displacement;
+ (*this) = tmp;
+ }
+ template <typename coordinate_type>
+ inline transformation<coordinate_type>::transformation(const transformation<coordinate_type>& tr) :
+ atr_(tr.atr_), p_(tr.p_) {;}
+ template <typename coordinate_type>
+ inline bool transformation<coordinate_type>::operator==(const transformation<coordinate_type>& tr) const {
+ return atr_ == tr.atr_ && p_ == tr.p_;
+ }
+ template <typename coordinate_type>
+ inline bool transformation<coordinate_type>::operator!=(const transformation<coordinate_type>& tr) const {
+ return !(*this == tr);
+ }
+ template <typename coordinate_type>
+ inline bool transformation<coordinate_type>::operator<(const transformation<coordinate_type>& tr) const {
+ return atr_ < tr.atr_ || atr_ == tr.atr_ && p_ < tr.p_;
+ }
+ template <typename coordinate_type>
+ inline transformation<coordinate_type> transformation<coordinate_type>::operator+(const transformation<coordinate_type>& tr) const {
+ transformation<coordinate_type> retval(*this);
+ return retval+=tr;
+ }
+ template <typename coordinate_type>
+ inline const transformation<coordinate_type>& transformation<coordinate_type>::operator+=(const transformation<coordinate_type>& tr){
+ //apply the inverse transformation of this to the translation point of that
+ //and convolve it with this translation point
+ coordinate_type x, y, z;
+ transformation<coordinate_type> inv = inverse();
+ inv.transform(x, y, z);
+ p_.set(HORIZONTAL, p_.get(HORIZONTAL) + x);
+ p_.set(VERTICAL, p_.get(VERTICAL) + y);
+ p_.set(PROXIMAL, p_.get(PROXIMAL) + z);
+ //concatenate axis transforms
+ atr_ += tr.atr_;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename coordinate_type>
+ inline void transformation<coordinate_type>::set_axis_transformation(const axis_transformation& atr) {
+ atr_ = atr;
+ }
+ template <typename coordinate_type>
+ template <typename point_type>
+ inline void transformation<coordinate_type>::get_translation(point_type& p) const {
+ assign(p, p_);
+ }
+ template <typename coordinate_type>
+ template <typename point_type>
+ inline void transformation<coordinate_type>::set_translation(const point_type& p) {
+ assign(p_, p);
+ }
+ template <typename coordinate_type>
+ inline void transformation<coordinate_type>::transform(coordinate_type& x, coordinate_type& y) const {
+ //subtract each component of new origin point
+ y -= p_.get(VERTICAL);
+ x -= p_.get(HORIZONTAL);
+ atr_.transform(x, y);
+ }
+ template <typename coordinate_type>
+ inline void transformation<coordinate_type>::transform(coordinate_type& x, coordinate_type& y, coordinate_type& z) const {
+ //subtract each component of new origin point
+ z -= p_.get(PROXIMAL);
+ y -= p_.get(VERTICAL);
+ x -= p_.get(HORIZONTAL);
+ atr_.transform(x,y,z);
+ }
+ // sets the axis_transform portion to its inverse
+ // transforms the tranlastion portion by that inverse axis_transform
+ // multiplies the translation portion by -1 to reverse it
+ template <typename coordinate_type>
+ inline transformation<coordinate_type>& transformation<coordinate_type>::invert() {
+ coordinate_type x = p_.get(HORIZONTAL), y = p_.get(VERTICAL), z = p_.get(PROXIMAL);
+ atr_.transform(x, y, z);
+ x *= -1;
+ y *= -1;
+ z *= -1;
+ p_ = point_3d_data<coordinate_type>(x, y, z);
+ atr_.invert();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename coordinate_type>
+ inline transformation<coordinate_type> transformation<coordinate_type>::inverse() const {
+ transformation<coordinate_type> retval(*this);
+ return retval.invert();
+ }
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/gmp_override.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/gmp_override.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+#include <gmpxx.h>
+namespace boost { namespace polygon {
+ class gmp_int {
+ private:
+ inline gmp_int(const mpq_class& input) : v_(input) {}
+ public:
+ inline gmp_int() {}
+ explicit inline gmp_int(long input) : v_(input) {}
+ inline gmp_int(const gmp_int& input) : v_(input.v_) {}
+ inline gmp_int& operator=(const gmp_int& that) {
+ v_ = that.v_;
+ return (*this);
+ }
+ inline gmp_int& operator=(long that) {
+ v_ = that;
+ return (*this);
+ }
+ inline operator int() const {
+ std::cout << "cast\n";
+ mpz_class num = v_.get_num();
+ mpz_class den = v_.get_den();
+ num /= den;
+ return num.get_si();
+ }
+ inline double get_d() const {
+ return v_.get_d();
+ }
+ inline int get_num() const {
+ return v_.get_num().get_si();
+ }
+ inline int get_den() const {
+ return v_.get_den().get_si();
+ }
+ inline bool operator==(const gmp_int& that) const {
+ return v_ == that.v_;
+ }
+ inline bool operator!=(const gmp_int& that) const {
+ return v_ != that.v_;
+ }
+ inline bool operator<(const gmp_int& that) const {
+ bool retval = v_ < that.v_;
+ return retval;
+ }
+ inline bool operator<=(const gmp_int& that) const {
+ return v_ <= that.v_;
+ }
+ inline bool operator>(const gmp_int& that) const {
+ return v_ > that.v_;
+ }
+ inline bool operator>=(const gmp_int& that) const {
+ return v_ >= that.v_;
+ }
+ inline gmp_int operator+(const gmp_int& b) {
+ return gmp_int((*this).v_ + b.v_);
+ }
+ inline gmp_int operator-(const gmp_int& b) {
+ return gmp_int((*this).v_ - b.v_);
+ }
+ inline gmp_int operator*(const gmp_int& b) {
+ return gmp_int((*this).v_ * b.v_);
+ }
+ inline gmp_int operator/(const gmp_int& b) {
+ return gmp_int((*this).v_ / b.v_);
+ }
+ inline gmp_int& operator+=(const gmp_int& b) {
+ (*this).v_ += b.v_;
+ return (*this);
+ }
+ inline gmp_int& operator-=(const gmp_int& b) {
+ (*this).v_ -= b.v_;
+ return (*this);
+ }
+ inline gmp_int& operator*=(const gmp_int& b) {
+ (*this).v_ *= b.v_;
+ return (*this);
+ }
+ inline gmp_int& operator/=(const gmp_int& b) {
+ (*this).v_ /= b.v_;
+ return (*this);
+ }
+ inline gmp_int& operator++() {
+ ++v_;
+ return (*this);
+ }
+ inline gmp_int& operator--() {
+ --v_;
+ return (*this);
+ }
+ inline gmp_int operator++(int) {
+ gmp_int retval(*this);
+ ++(*this);
+ return retval;
+ }
+ inline gmp_int operator--(int) {
+ gmp_int retval(*this);
+ --(*this);
+ return retval;
+ }
+ private:
+ mpq_class v_;
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct high_precision_type<int> {
+ typedef mpq_class type;
+ };
+ template <>
+ int convert_high_precision_type<int>(const mpq_class& v) {
+ mpz_class num = v.get_num();
+ mpz_class den = v.get_den();
+ num /= den;
+ return num.get_si();
+ };
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/gtl.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/gtl.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+#ifndef GTL_GTL_HPP
+#define GTL_GTL_HPP
+#ifdef __ICC
+#pragma warning (disable:1125)
+#ifdef WIN32
+#pragma warning( disable: 4996 )
+#pragma warning( disable: 4800 )
+#include "polygon.hpp"
+namespace gtl = boost::polygon;
+using namespace boost::polygon::operators;
+#if __ICC
+#pragma warning (default:1125)
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/interval_concept.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/interval_concept.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,592 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+#include "isotropy.hpp"
+#include "interval_data.hpp"
+#include "interval_traits.hpp"
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+ struct interval_concept {};
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_interval_concept { typedef gtl_no type; };
+ template <>
+ struct is_interval_concept<interval_concept> { typedef gtl_yes type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_mutable_interval_concept { typedef gtl_no type; };
+ template <>
+ struct is_mutable_interval_concept<interval_concept> { typedef gtl_yes type; };
+ template <typename T, typename CT>
+ struct interval_coordinate_type_by_concept { typedef void type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct interval_coordinate_type_by_concept<T, gtl_yes> { typedef typename interval_traits<T>::coordinate_type type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct interval_coordinate_type {
+ typedef typename interval_coordinate_type_by_concept<
+ T, typename is_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T, typename CT>
+ struct interval_difference_type_by_concept { typedef void type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct interval_difference_type_by_concept<T, gtl_yes> {
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<typename interval_traits<T>::coordinate_type>::coordinate_difference type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct interval_difference_type {
+ typedef typename interval_difference_type_by_concept<
+ T, typename is_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ typename interval_coordinate_type<T>::type
+ get(const T& interval, direction_1d dir,
+ typename enable_if<typename gtl_if<typename is_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type>::type>::type * = 0
+ ) {
+ return interval_traits<T>::get(interval, dir);
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename coordinate_type>
+ void
+ set(T& interval, direction_1d dir, coordinate_type value,
+ typename enable_if<typename is_mutable_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type>::type * = 0
+ ) {
+ //this may need to be refined
+ interval_mutable_traits<T>::set(interval, dir, value);
+ if(high(interval) < low(interval))
+ interval_mutable_traits<T>::set(interval, dir.backward(), value);
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename T2, typename T3>
+ T
+ construct(T2 low_value, T3 high_value,
+ typename enable_if<typename is_mutable_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type>::type * = 0
+ ) {
+ if(low_value > high_value) std::swap(low_value, high_value);
+ return interval_mutable_traits<T>::construct(low_value, high_value);
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename T2>
+ T
+ copy_construct(const T2& interval,
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and<typename is_mutable_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type,
+ typename is_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<T2>::type>::type>::type>::type * = 0
+ ) {
+ return construct<T>
+ (get(interval, LOW ),
+ get(interval, HIGH));
+ }
+ template <typename T1, typename T2>
+ T1 &
+ assign(T1& lvalue, const T2& rvalue,
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and< typename is_mutable_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<T1>::type>::type,
+ typename is_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<T2>::type>::type>::type>::type * = 0) {
+ lvalue = copy_construct<T1>(rvalue);
+ return lvalue;
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename T2>
+ bool
+ equivalence(const T& interval1, const T2& interval2,
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and< typename is_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type,
+ typename is_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<T2>::type>::type>::type>::type * = 0
+ ) {
+ return get(interval1, LOW) ==
+ get(interval2, LOW) &&
+ get(interval1, HIGH) ==
+ get(interval2, HIGH);
+ }
+ struct y_i_contains : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename interval_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and< y_i_contains, typename is_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type>::type>::type >::type, bool>::type
+ contains(const interval_type& interval,
+ typename interval_traits<interval_type>::coordinate_type value,
+ bool consider_touch = true ) {
+ if(consider_touch) {
+ return value <= high(interval) && value >= low(interval);
+ } else {
+ return value < high(interval) && value > low(interval);
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename interval_type, typename interval_type_2>
+ bool
+ contains(const interval_type& interval,
+ const interval_type_2& value, bool consider_touch = true,
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and< typename is_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type>::type>::type,
+ typename is_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type_2>::type>::type>::type>::type * = 0
+ ) {
+ return contains(interval, get(value, LOW), consider_touch) &&
+ contains(interval, get(value, HIGH), consider_touch);
+ }
+ // get the low coordinate
+ template <typename interval_type>
+ typename interval_traits<interval_type>::coordinate_type
+ low(const interval_type& interval,
+ typename enable_if< typename is_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type>::type>::type>::type * = 0
+ ) { return get(interval, LOW); }
+ // get the high coordinate
+ template <typename interval_type>
+ typename interval_traits<interval_type>::coordinate_type
+ high(const interval_type& interval,
+ typename enable_if< typename is_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type>::type>::type>::type * = 0
+ ) { return get(interval, HIGH); }
+ // get the center coordinate
+ template <typename interval_type>
+ typename interval_traits<interval_type>::coordinate_type
+ center(const interval_type& interval,
+ typename enable_if< typename is_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type>::type>::type>::type * = 0
+ ) { return (high(interval) + low(interval))/2; }
+ struct y_i_low : gtl_yes {};
+ // set the low coordinate to v
+ template <typename interval_type>
+ typename enable_if<typename gtl_and<y_i_low, typename is_mutable_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type>::type>::type>::type, void>::type
+ low(interval_type& interval,
+ typename interval_traits<interval_type>::coordinate_type v) { set(interval, LOW, v); }
+ struct y_i_high : gtl_yes {};
+ // set the high coordinate to v
+ template <typename interval_type>
+ typename enable_if<typename gtl_and<y_i_high, typename is_mutable_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type>::type>::type>::type, void>::type
+ high(interval_type& interval,
+ typename interval_traits<interval_type>::coordinate_type v) { set(interval, HIGH, v); }
+ // get the magnitude of the interval
+ template <typename interval_type>
+ typename interval_difference_type<interval_type>::type
+ delta(const interval_type& interval,
+ typename enable_if< typename is_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type>::type>::type>::type * = 0
+ ) {
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<typename interval_traits<interval_type>::coordinate_type>::coordinate_difference diffT;
+ return (diffT)high(interval) - (diffT)low(interval); }
+ struct y_i_flip : gtl_yes {};
+ // flip this about coordinate
+ template <typename interval_type>
+ typename enable_if<typename gtl_and<y_i_flip, typename is_mutable_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type>::type>::type>::type, interval_type>::type &
+ flip(interval_type& interval,
+ typename interval_traits<interval_type>::coordinate_type axis = 0) {
+ typename interval_traits<interval_type>::coordinate_type newLow, newHigh;
+ newLow = 2 * axis - high(interval);
+ newHigh = 2 * axis - low(interval);
+ low(interval, newLow);
+ high(interval, newHigh);
+ return interval;
+ }
+ struct y_i_scale_up : gtl_yes {};
+ // scale interval by factor
+ template <typename interval_type>
+ typename enable_if<typename gtl_and<y_i_scale_up, typename is_mutable_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type>::type>::type>::type, interval_type>::type &
+ scale_up(interval_type& interval,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename interval_traits<interval_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type factor) {
+ typedef typename interval_traits<interval_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ Unit newHigh = high(interval) * (Unit)factor;
+ low(interval, low(interval) * (Unit)factor);
+ high(interval, (newHigh));
+ return interval;
+ }
+ struct y_i_scale_down : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename interval_type>
+ typename enable_if<typename gtl_and<y_i_scale_down, typename is_mutable_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type>::type>::type>::type, interval_type>::type &
+ scale_down(interval_type& interval,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename interval_traits<interval_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type factor) {
+ typedef typename interval_traits<interval_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<Unit>::coordinate_distance dt;
+ Unit newHigh = scaling_policy<Unit>::round((dt)(high(interval)) / (dt)factor);
+ low(interval, scaling_policy<Unit>::round((dt)(low(interval)) / (dt)factor));
+ high(interval, (newHigh));
+ return interval;
+ }
+ struct y_i_scale : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename interval_type>
+ typename enable_if<typename gtl_and<y_i_scale, typename is_mutable_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type>::type>::type>::type, interval_type>::type &
+ scale(interval_type& interval, double factor) {
+ typedef typename interval_traits<interval_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ Unit newHigh = scaling_policy<Unit>::round((double)(high(interval)) * factor);
+ low(interval, scaling_policy<Unit>::round((double)low(interval)* factor));
+ high(interval, (newHigh));
+ return interval;
+ }
+ // move interval by delta
+ template <typename interval_type>
+ interval_type&
+ move(interval_type& interval,
+ typename interval_difference_type<interval_type>::type displacement,
+ typename enable_if<typename is_mutable_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type>::type>::type>::type * = 0
+ ) {
+ typedef typename interval_traits<interval_type>::coordinate_type ctype;
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<ctype>::coordinate_difference Unit;
+ Unit len = delta(interval);
+ low(interval, static_cast<ctype>(static_cast<Unit>(low(interval)) + displacement));
+ high(interval, static_cast<ctype>(static_cast<Unit>(low(interval)) + len));
+ return interval;
+ }
+ struct y_i_convolve : gtl_yes {};
+ // convolve this with b
+ template <typename interval_type>
+ typename enable_if<typename gtl_and<y_i_convolve, typename is_mutable_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type>::type>::type>::type, interval_type>::type &
+ convolve(interval_type& interval,
+ typename interval_traits<interval_type>::coordinate_type b) {
+ typedef typename interval_traits<interval_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ Unit newLow = low(interval) + b;
+ Unit newHigh = high(interval) + b;
+ low(interval, newLow);
+ high(interval, newHigh);
+ return interval;
+ }
+ struct y_i_deconvolve : gtl_yes {};
+ // deconvolve this with b
+ template <typename interval_type>
+ typename enable_if<typename gtl_and<y_i_deconvolve, typename is_mutable_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type>::type>::type>::type, interval_type>::type &
+ deconvolve(interval_type& interval,
+ typename interval_traits<interval_type>::coordinate_type b) {
+ typedef typename interval_traits<interval_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ Unit newLow = low(interval) - b;
+ Unit newHigh = high(interval) - b;
+ low(interval, newLow);
+ high(interval, newHigh);
+ return interval;
+ }
+ struct y_i_convolve2 : gtl_yes {};
+ // convolve this with b
+ template <typename interval_type, typename interval_type_2>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and_3<y_i_convolve2,
+ typename is_mutable_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type>::type>::type,
+ typename is_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ interval_type>::type &
+ convolve(interval_type& interval,
+ const interval_type_2& b) {
+ typedef typename interval_traits<interval_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ Unit newLow = low(interval) + low(b);
+ Unit newHigh = high(interval) + high(b);
+ low(interval, newLow);
+ high(interval, newHigh);
+ return interval;
+ }
+ struct y_i_deconvolve2 : gtl_yes {};
+ // deconvolve this with b
+ template <typename interval_type, typename interval_type_2>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and_3< y_i_deconvolve2,
+ typename is_mutable_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type>::type>::type,
+ typename is_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ interval_type>::type &
+ deconvolve(interval_type& interval,
+ const interval_type_2& b) {
+ typedef typename interval_traits<interval_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ Unit newLow = low(interval) - low(b);
+ Unit newHigh = high(interval) - high(b);
+ low(interval, newLow);
+ high(interval, newHigh);
+ return interval;
+ }
+ struct y_i_reconvolve : gtl_yes {};
+ // reflected convolve this with b
+ template <typename interval_type, typename interval_type_2>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and_3<y_i_reconvolve,
+ typename is_mutable_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type>::type>::type,
+ typename is_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ interval_type>::type &
+ reflected_convolve(interval_type& interval,
+ const interval_type_2& b) {
+ typedef typename interval_traits<interval_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ Unit newLow = low(interval) - high(b);
+ Unit newHigh = high(interval) - low(b);
+ low(interval, newLow);
+ high(interval, newHigh);
+ return interval;
+ }
+ struct y_i_redeconvolve : gtl_yes {};
+ // reflected deconvolve this with b
+ template <typename interval_type, typename interval_type_2>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and_3< y_i_redeconvolve,
+ typename is_mutable_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type>::type>::type,
+ typename is_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ interval_type>::type &
+ reflected_deconvolve(interval_type& interval,
+ const interval_type_2& b) {
+ typedef typename interval_traits<interval_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ Unit newLow = low(interval) + high(b);
+ Unit newHigh = high(interval) + low(b);
+ low(interval, newLow);
+ high(interval, newHigh);
+ return interval;
+ }
+ struct y_i_e_dist1 : gtl_yes {};
+ // distance from a coordinate to an interval
+ template <typename interval_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and<y_i_e_dist1, typename is_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ typename interval_difference_type<interval_type>::type>::type
+ euclidean_distance(const interval_type& interval,
+ typename interval_traits<interval_type>::coordinate_type position) {
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<typename interval_traits<interval_type>::coordinate_type>::coordinate_difference Unit;
+ Unit dist[3] = {0, (Unit)low(interval) - (Unit)position, (Unit)position - (Unit)high(interval)};
+ return dist[ (dist[1] > 0) + ((dist[2] > 0) << 1) ];
+ }
+ struct y_i_e_dist2 : gtl_yes {};
+ // distance between two intervals
+ template <typename interval_type, typename interval_type_2>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and_3<y_i_e_dist2, typename is_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type>::type>::type,
+ typename is_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ typename interval_difference_type<interval_type>::type>::type
+ euclidean_distance(const interval_type& interval,
+ const interval_type_2& b) {
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<typename interval_traits<interval_type>::coordinate_type>::coordinate_difference Unit;
+ Unit dist[3] = {0, (Unit)low(interval) - (Unit)high(b), (Unit)low(b) - (Unit)high(interval)};
+ return dist[ (dist[1] > 0) + ((dist[2] > 0) << 1) ];
+ }
+ struct y_i_e_intersects : gtl_yes {};
+ // check if Interval b intersects `this` Interval
+ template <typename interval_type, typename interval_type_2>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and_3<y_i_e_intersects, typename is_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type>::type>::type,
+ typename is_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ bool>::type
+ intersects(const interval_type& interval, const interval_type_2& b,
+ bool consider_touch = true) {
+ return consider_touch ?
+ (low(interval) <= high(b)) & (high(interval) >= low(b)) :
+ (low(interval) < high(b)) & (high(interval) > low(b));
+ }
+ struct y_i_e_bintersect : gtl_yes {};
+ // check if Interval b partially overlaps `this` Interval
+ template <typename interval_type, typename interval_type_2>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and_3<y_i_e_bintersect, typename is_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type>::type>::type,
+ typename is_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ bool>::type
+ boundaries_intersect(const interval_type& interval, const interval_type_2& b,
+ bool consider_touch = true) {
+ return (contains(interval, low(b), consider_touch) ||
+ contains(interval, high(b), consider_touch)) &&
+ (contains(b, low(interval), consider_touch) ||
+ contains(b, high(interval), consider_touch));
+ }
+ struct y_i_abuts1 : gtl_yes {};
+ // check if they are end to end
+ template <typename interval_type, typename interval_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3<y_i_abuts1, typename is_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type>::type>::type,
+ typename is_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ bool>::type
+ abuts(const interval_type& interval, const interval_type_2& b, direction_1d dir) {
+ return dir.to_int() ? low(b) == high(interval) : low(interval) == high(b);
+ }
+ struct y_i_abuts2 : gtl_yes {};
+ // check if they are end to end
+ template <typename interval_type, typename interval_type_2>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and_3<y_i_abuts2, typename is_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type>::type>::type,
+ typename is_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ bool>::type
+ abuts(const interval_type& interval, const interval_type_2& b) {
+ return abuts(interval, b, HIGH) || abuts(interval, b, LOW);
+ }
+ struct y_i_intersect : gtl_yes {};
+ // set 'this' interval to the intersection of 'this' and b
+ template <typename interval_type, typename interval_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3<y_i_intersect, typename is_mutable_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type>::type>::type,
+ typename is_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ bool>::type
+ intersect(interval_type& interval, const interval_type_2& b, bool consider_touch = true) {
+ typedef typename interval_traits<interval_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ Unit lowVal = (std::max)(low(interval), low(b));
+ Unit highVal = (std::min)(high(interval), high(b));
+ bool valid = consider_touch ?
+ lowVal <= highVal :
+ lowVal < highVal;
+ if(valid) {
+ low(interval, lowVal);
+ high(interval, highVal);
+ }
+ return valid;
+ }
+ struct y_i_g_intersect : gtl_yes {};
+ // set 'this' interval to the generalized intersection of 'this' and b
+ template <typename interval_type, typename interval_type_2>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and_3<y_i_g_intersect, typename is_mutable_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type>::type>::type,
+ typename is_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ interval_type>::type &
+ generalized_intersect(interval_type& interval, const interval_type_2& b) {
+ typedef typename interval_traits<interval_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ Unit coords[4] = {low(interval), high(interval), low(b), high(b)};
+ //consider implementing faster sorting of small fixed length range
+ std::sort(coords, coords+4);
+ low(interval, coords[1]);
+ high(interval, coords[2]);
+ return interval;
+ }
+ struct y_i_bloat : gtl_yes {};
+ // bloat the Interval
+ template <typename interval_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and<y_i_bloat, typename is_mutable_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ interval_type>::type &
+ bloat(interval_type& interval, typename interval_traits<interval_type>::coordinate_type bloating) {
+ low(interval, low(interval)-bloating);
+ high(interval, high(interval)+bloating);
+ return interval;
+ }
+ struct y_i_bloat2 : gtl_yes {};
+ // bloat the specified side of `this` Interval
+ template <typename interval_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and<y_i_bloat2, typename is_mutable_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ interval_type>::type &
+ bloat(interval_type& interval, direction_1d dir, typename interval_traits<interval_type>::coordinate_type bloating) {
+ set(interval, dir, get(interval, dir) + dir.get_sign() * bloating);
+ return interval;
+ }
+ struct y_i_shrink : gtl_yes {};
+ // shrink the Interval
+ template <typename interval_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and<y_i_shrink, typename is_mutable_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ interval_type>::type &
+ shrink(interval_type& interval, typename interval_traits<interval_type>::coordinate_type shrinking) {
+ return bloat(interval, -shrinking);
+ }
+ struct y_i_shrink2 : gtl_yes {};
+ // shrink the specified side of `this` Interval
+ template <typename interval_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and<y_i_shrink2, typename is_mutable_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ interval_type>::type &
+ shrink(interval_type& interval, direction_1d dir, typename interval_traits<interval_type>::coordinate_type shrinking) {
+ return bloat(interval, dir, -shrinking);
+ }
+ // Enlarge `this` Interval to encompass the specified Interval
+ template <typename interval_type, typename interval_type_2>
+ bool
+ encompass(interval_type& interval, const interval_type_2& b,
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and< typename is_mutable_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type>::type>::type,
+ typename is_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type_2>::type>::type>::type>::type * = 0
+ ) {
+ bool retval = !contains(interval, b, true);
+ low(interval, (std::min)(low(interval), low(b)));
+ high(interval, (std::max)(high(interval), high(b)));
+ return retval;
+ }
+ struct y_i_encompass : gtl_yes {};
+ // Enlarge `this` Interval to encompass the specified Interval
+ template <typename interval_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and<y_i_encompass, typename is_mutable_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ bool>::type
+ encompass(interval_type& interval, typename interval_traits<interval_type>::coordinate_type b) {
+ bool retval = !contains(interval, b, true);
+ low(interval, (std::min)(low(interval), b));
+ high(interval, (std::max)(high(interval), b));
+ return retval;
+ }
+ struct y_i_get_half : gtl_yes {};
+ // gets the half of the interval as an interval
+ template <typename interval_type>
+ typename enable_if<typename gtl_and<y_i_get_half, typename is_mutable_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type>::type>::type>::type, interval_type>::type
+ get_half(const interval_type& interval, direction_1d d1d) {
+ typedef typename interval_traits<interval_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ Unit c = (get(interval, LOW) + get(interval, HIGH)) / 2;
+ return construct<interval_type>((d1d == LOW) ? get(interval, LOW) : c,
+ (d1d == LOW) ? c : get(interval, HIGH));
+ }
+ struct y_i_join_with : gtl_yes {};
+ // returns true if the 2 intervals exactly touch at one value, like in l1 <= h1 == l2 <= h2
+ // sets the argument to the joined interval
+ template <typename interval_type, typename interval_type_2>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and_3<y_i_join_with, typename is_mutable_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type>::type>::type,
+ typename is_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ bool>::type
+ join_with(interval_type& interval, const interval_type_2& b) {
+ if(abuts(interval, b)) {
+ encompass(interval, b);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ template <class T2>
+ interval_data<T>& interval_data<T>::operator=(const T2& rvalue) {
+ assign(*this, rvalue);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ struct geometry_concept<interval_data<T> > {
+ typedef interval_concept type;
+ };
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/interval_data.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/interval_data.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+#include "isotropy.hpp"
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+ template <typename T>
+ class interval_data {
+ public:
+ typedef T coordinate_type;
+ inline interval_data()
+ :coords_()
+ {}
+ inline interval_data(coordinate_type low, coordinate_type high)
+ :coords_()
+ {
+ coords_[LOW] = low; coords_[HIGH] = high;
+ }
+ inline interval_data(const interval_data& that)
+ :coords_()
+ {
+ (*this) = that;
+ }
+ inline interval_data& operator=(const interval_data& that) {
+ coords_[0] = that.coords_[0]; coords_[1] = that.coords_[1]; return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename T2>
+ inline interval_data& operator=(const T2& rvalue);
+ inline coordinate_type get(direction_1d dir) const {
+ return coords_[dir.to_int()];
+ }
+ inline coordinate_type low() const { return coords_[0]; }
+ inline coordinate_type high() const { return coords_[1]; }
+ inline bool operator==(const interval_data& that) const {
+ return low() == that.low() && high() == that.high(); }
+ inline bool operator!=(const interval_data& that) const {
+ return low() != that.low() || high() != that.high(); }
+ inline bool operator<(const interval_data& that) const {
+ if(coords_[0] < that.coords_[0]) return true;
+ if(coords_[0] > that.coords_[0]) return false;
+ if(coords_[1] < that.coords_[1]) return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ inline bool operator<=(const interval_data& that) const { return !(that < *this); }
+ inline bool operator>(const interval_data& that) const { return that < *this; }
+ inline bool operator>=(const interval_data& that) const { return !((*this) < that); }
+ inline void set(direction_1d dir, coordinate_type value) {
+ coords_[dir.to_int()] = value;
+ }
+ coordinate_type coords_[2];
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/interval_traits.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/interval_traits.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+ template <typename T>
+ struct interval_traits {
+ typedef typename T::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
+ static inline coordinate_type get(const T& interval, direction_1d dir) {
+ return interval.get(dir);
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct interval_mutable_traits {
+ static inline void set(T& interval, direction_1d dir, typename interval_traits<T>::coordinate_type value) {
+ interval.set(dir, value);
+ }
+ static inline T construct(typename interval_traits<T>::coordinate_type low_value,
+ typename interval_traits<T>::coordinate_type high_value) {
+ return T(low_value, high_value);
+ }
+ };
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/isotropy.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/isotropy.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,542 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+#include <cmath>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <vector>
+#include <deque>
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+#include <list>
+//#include <iostream>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <limits>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <string>
+#include <boost/config.hpp>
+#ifdef BOOST_MSVC
+typedef boost::long_long_type polygon_long_long_type;
+typedef boost::ulong_long_type polygon_ulong_long_type;
+//typedef long long polygon_long_long_type;
+//typedef unsigned long long polygon_ulong_long_type;
+#include <boost/mpl/size_t.hpp>
+#include <boost/mpl/protect.hpp>
+#include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
+#include <boost/mpl/bool.hpp>
+#include <boost/mpl/and.hpp>
+#include <boost/mpl/or.hpp>
+#ifdef WIN32
+#ifdef __ICC
+typedef long long polygon_long_long_type;
+typedef unsigned long long polygon_ulong_long_type;
+ namespace boost {
+ template <bool B, class T = void>
+ struct enable_if_c {
+ typedef T type;
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ struct enable_if_c<false, T> {};
+ template <class Cond, class T = void>
+ struct enable_if : public enable_if_c<Cond::value, T> {};
+ template <bool B, class T>
+ struct lazy_enable_if_c {
+ typedef typename T::type type;
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ struct lazy_enable_if_c<false, T> {};
+ template <class Cond, class T>
+ struct lazy_enable_if : public lazy_enable_if_c<Cond::value, T> {};
+ template <bool B, class T = void>
+ struct disable_if_c {
+ typedef T type;
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ struct disable_if_c<true, T> {};
+ template <class Cond, class T = void>
+ struct disable_if : public disable_if_c<Cond::value, T> {};
+ template <bool B, class T>
+ struct lazy_disable_if_c {
+ typedef typename T::type type;
+ };
+ template <class T>
+ struct lazy_disable_if_c<true, T> {};
+ template <class Cond, class T>
+ struct lazy_disable_if : public lazy_disable_if_c<Cond::value, T> {};
+ }
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+ };
+ struct undefined_concept {};
+ template <typename T>
+ struct geometry_concept { typedef undefined_concept type; };
+ template <typename GCT, typename T>
+ struct view_of {};
+ template <typename T1, typename T2>
+ view_of<T1, T2> view_as(const T2& obj) { return view_of<T1, T2>(obj); }
+ template <typename T>
+ struct coordinate_traits {};
+ template <typename T>
+ struct high_precision_type {
+ typedef long double type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ T convert_high_precision_type(const typename high_precision_type<T>::type& v) {
+ return T(v);
+ }
+ template <>
+ struct coordinate_traits<int> {
+ typedef int coordinate_type;
+ typedef long double area_type;
+ typedef polygon_long_long_type manhattan_area_type;
+ typedef polygon_ulong_long_type unsigned_area_type;
+ typedef polygon_long_long_type coordinate_difference;
+ typedef long manhattan_area_type;
+ typedef unsigned long unsigned_area_type;
+ typedef long coordinate_difference;
+ typedef long double coordinate_distance;
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct coordinate_traits<polygon_long_long_type> {
+ typedef polygon_long_long_type coordinate_type;
+ typedef long double area_type;
+ typedef polygon_long_long_type manhattan_area_type;
+ typedef polygon_ulong_long_type unsigned_area_type;
+ typedef polygon_long_long_type coordinate_difference;
+ typedef long double coordinate_distance;
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct coordinate_traits<float> {
+ typedef float coordinate_type;
+ typedef float area_type;
+ typedef float manhattan_area_type;
+ typedef float unsigned_area_type;
+ typedef float coordinate_difference;
+ typedef float coordinate_distance;
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct coordinate_traits<double> {
+ typedef double coordinate_type;
+ typedef double area_type;
+ typedef double manhattan_area_type;
+ typedef double unsigned_area_type;
+ typedef double coordinate_difference;
+ typedef double coordinate_distance;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct scaling_policy {
+ template <typename T2>
+ static inline T round(T2 t2) {
+ return (T)std::floor(t2+0.5);
+ }
+ static inline T round(T t2) {
+ return t2;
+ }
+ };
+ struct coordinate_concept {};
+ template <>
+ struct geometry_concept<int> { typedef coordinate_concept type; };
+ template <>
+ struct geometry_concept<polygon_long_long_type> { typedef coordinate_concept type; };
+ template <>
+ struct geometry_concept<float> { typedef coordinate_concept type; };
+ template <>
+ struct geometry_concept<double> { typedef coordinate_concept type; };
+ struct gtl_no : mpl::bool_<false> {};
+ struct gtl_yes : mpl::bool_<true> {};
+ template <typename T, typename T2>
+ struct gtl_and : mpl::and_<T, T2> {};
+ template <typename T, typename T2, typename T3>
+ struct gtl_and_3 : mpl::and_<T, T2, T3> {};
+ template <typename T, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4>
+ struct gtl_and_4 : mpl::and_<T, T2, T3, T4> {};
+// template <typename T, typename T2>
+// struct gtl_or : mpl::or_<T, T2> {};
+// template <typename T, typename T2, typename T3>
+// struct gtl_or_3 : mpl::or_<T, T2, T3> {};
+// template <typename T, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4>
+// struct gtl_or_4 : mpl::or_<T, T2, T3, T4> {};
+ struct gtl_no { static const bool value = false; };
+ struct gtl_yes { typedef gtl_yes type;
+ static const bool value = true; };
+ template <bool T, bool T2>
+ struct gtl_and_c { typedef gtl_no type; };
+ template <>
+ struct gtl_and_c<true, true> { typedef gtl_yes type; };
+ template <typename T, typename T2>
+ struct gtl_and : gtl_and_c<T::value, T2::value> {};
+ template <typename T, typename T2, typename T3>
+ struct gtl_and_3 { typedef typename gtl_and<
+ T, typename gtl_and<T2, T3>::type>::type type; };
+ template <typename T, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4>
+ struct gtl_and_4 { typedef typename gtl_and_3<
+ T, T2, typename gtl_and<T3, T4>::type>::type type; };
+ template <typename T, typename T2>
+ struct gtl_or { typedef gtl_yes type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct gtl_or<T, T> { typedef T type; };
+ template <typename T, typename T2, typename T3>
+ struct gtl_or_3 { typedef typename gtl_or<
+ T, typename gtl_or<T2, T3>::type>::type type; };
+ template <typename T, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4>
+ struct gtl_or_4 { typedef typename gtl_or<
+ T, typename gtl_or_3<T2, T3, T4>::type>::type type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct gtl_not { typedef gtl_no type; };
+ template <>
+ struct gtl_not<gtl_no> { typedef gtl_yes type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct gtl_if {
+#ifdef WIN32
+ typedef gtl_no type;
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct gtl_if<gtl_yes> { typedef gtl_yes type; };
+ template <typename T, typename T2>
+ struct gtl_same_type { typedef gtl_no type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct gtl_same_type<T, T> { typedef gtl_yes type; };
+ template <typename T, typename T2>
+ struct gtl_different_type { typedef typename gtl_not<typename gtl_same_type<T, T2>::type>::type type; };
+ struct manhattan_domain {};
+ struct forty_five_domain {};
+ struct general_domain {};
+ template <typename T>
+ struct geometry_domain { typedef general_domain type; };
+ template <typename domain_type, typename coordinate_type>
+ struct area_type_by_domain { typedef typename coordinate_traits<coordinate_type>::area_type type; };
+ template <typename coordinate_type>
+ struct area_type_by_domain<manhattan_domain, coordinate_type> {
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<coordinate_type>::manhattan_area_type type; };
+ struct y_c_edist : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename coordinate_type_1, typename coordinate_type_2>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and_3<y_c_edist, typename gtl_same_type<typename geometry_concept<coordinate_type_1>::type, coordinate_concept>::type,
+ typename gtl_same_type<typename geometry_concept<coordinate_type_1>::type, coordinate_concept>::type>::type,
+ typename coordinate_traits<coordinate_type_1>::coordinate_difference>::type
+ euclidean_distance(const coordinate_type_1& lvalue, const coordinate_type_2& rvalue) {
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<coordinate_type_1>::coordinate_difference Unit;
+ return (lvalue < rvalue) ? (Unit)rvalue - (Unit)lvalue : (Unit)lvalue - (Unit)rvalue;
+ }
+ // predicated_swap swaps a and b if pred is true
+ // predicated_swap is guarenteed to behave the same as
+ // if(pred){
+ // T tmp = a;
+ // a = b;
+ // b = tmp;
+ // }
+ // but will not generate a branch instruction.
+ // predicated_swap always creates a temp copy of a, but does not
+ // create more than one temp copy of an input.
+ // predicated_swap can be used to optimize away branch instructions in C++
+ template <class T>
+ inline bool predicated_swap(const bool& pred,
+ T& a,
+ T& b) {
+ const T tmp = a;
+ const T* input[2] = {&b, &tmp};
+ a = *input[!pred];
+ b = *input[pred];
+ return pred;
+ }
+ enum direction_1d_enum { LOW = 0, HIGH = 1,
+ LEFT = 0, RIGHT = 1,
+ enum orientation_2d_enum { HORIZONTAL = 0, VERTICAL = 1 };
+ enum direction_2d_enum { WEST = 0, EAST = 1, SOUTH = 2, NORTH = 3 };
+ enum orientation_3d_enum { PROXIMAL = 2 };
+ enum direction_3d_enum { DOWN = 4, UP = 5 };
+ enum winding_direction {
+ clockwise_winding = 0,
+ counterclockwise_winding = 1,
+ unknown_winding = 2
+ };
+ class direction_2d;
+ class direction_3d;
+ class orientation_2d;
+ class direction_1d {
+ private:
+ unsigned int val_;
+ explicit direction_1d(int d);
+ public:
+ inline direction_1d() : val_(LOW) {}
+ inline direction_1d(const direction_1d& that) : val_(that.val_) {}
+ inline direction_1d(const direction_1d_enum val) : val_(val) {}
+ explicit inline direction_1d(const direction_2d& that);
+ explicit inline direction_1d(const direction_3d& that);
+ inline direction_1d& operator = (const direction_1d& d) {
+ val_ = d.val_; return * this; }
+ inline bool operator==(direction_1d d) const { return (val_ == d.val_); }
+ inline bool operator!=(direction_1d d) const { return !((*this) == d); }
+ inline unsigned int to_int(void) const { return val_; }
+ inline direction_1d& backward() { val_ ^= 1; return *this; }
+ inline int get_sign() const { return val_ * 2 - 1; }
+ };
+ class direction_2d;
+ class orientation_2d {
+ private:
+ unsigned int val_;
+ explicit inline orientation_2d(int o);
+ public:
+ inline orientation_2d() : val_(HORIZONTAL) {}
+ inline orientation_2d(const orientation_2d& ori) : val_(ori.val_) {}
+ inline orientation_2d(const orientation_2d_enum val) : val_(val) {}
+ explicit inline orientation_2d(const direction_2d& that);
+ inline orientation_2d& operator=(const orientation_2d& ori) {
+ val_ = ori.val_; return * this; }
+ inline bool operator==(orientation_2d that) const { return (val_ == that.val_); }
+ inline bool operator!=(orientation_2d that) const { return (val_ != that.val_); }
+ inline unsigned int to_int() const { return (val_); }
+ inline void turn_90() { val_ = val_^ 1; }
+ inline orientation_2d get_perpendicular() const {
+ orientation_2d retval = *this;
+ retval.turn_90();
+ return retval;
+ }
+ inline direction_2d get_direction(direction_1d dir) const;
+ };
+ class direction_2d {
+ private:
+ int val_;
+ public:
+ inline direction_2d() : val_(WEST) {}
+ inline direction_2d(const direction_2d& that) : val_(that.val_) {}
+ inline direction_2d(const direction_2d_enum val) : val_(val) {}
+ inline direction_2d& operator=(const direction_2d& d) {
+ val_ = d.val_;
+ return * this;
+ }
+ inline ~direction_2d() { }
+ inline bool operator==(direction_2d d) const { return (val_ == d.val_); }
+ inline bool operator!=(direction_2d d) const { return !((*this) == d); }
+ inline bool operator< (direction_2d d) const { return (val_ < d.val_); }
+ inline bool operator<=(direction_2d d) const { return (val_ <= d.val_); }
+ inline bool operator> (direction_2d d) const { return (val_ > d.val_); }
+ inline bool operator>=(direction_2d d) const { return (val_ >= d.val_); }
+ // Casting to int
+ inline unsigned int to_int(void) const { return val_; }
+ inline direction_2d backward() const {
+ // flip the LSB, toggles 0 - 1 and 2 - 3
+ return direction_2d(direction_2d_enum(val_ ^ 1));
+ }
+ // Returns a direction 90 degree left (LOW) or right(HIGH) to this one
+ inline direction_2d turn(direction_1d t) const {
+ return direction_2d(direction_2d_enum(val_ ^ 3 ^ (val_ >> 1) ^ t.to_int()));
+ }
+ // Returns a direction 90 degree left to this one
+ inline direction_2d left() const {return turn(HIGH);}
+ // Returns a direction 90 degree right to this one
+ inline direction_2d right() const {return turn(LOW);}
+ // N, E are positive, S, W are negative
+ inline bool is_positive() const {return (val_ & 1);}
+ inline bool is_negative() const {return !is_positive();}
+ inline int get_sign() const {return ((is_positive()) << 1) -1;}
+ };
+ direction_1d::direction_1d(const direction_2d& that) : val_(that.to_int() & 1) {}
+ orientation_2d::orientation_2d(const direction_2d& that) : val_(that.to_int() >> 1) {}
+ direction_2d orientation_2d::get_direction(direction_1d dir) const {
+ return direction_2d(direction_2d_enum((val_ << 1) + dir.to_int()));
+ }
+ class orientation_3d {
+ private:
+ unsigned int val_;
+ explicit inline orientation_3d(int o);
+ public:
+ inline orientation_3d() : val_((int)HORIZONTAL) {}
+ inline orientation_3d(const orientation_3d& ori) : val_(ori.val_) {}
+ inline orientation_3d(orientation_2d ori) : val_(ori.to_int()) {}
+ inline orientation_3d(const orientation_3d_enum val) : val_(val) {}
+ explicit inline orientation_3d(const direction_2d& that);
+ explicit inline orientation_3d(const direction_3d& that);
+ inline ~orientation_3d() { }
+ inline orientation_3d& operator=(const orientation_3d& ori) {
+ val_ = ori.val_; return * this; }
+ inline bool operator==(orientation_3d that) const { return (val_ == that.val_); }
+ inline bool operator!=(orientation_3d that) const { return (val_ != that.val_); }
+ inline unsigned int to_int() const { return (val_); }
+ inline direction_3d get_direction(direction_1d dir) const;
+ };
+ class direction_3d {
+ private:
+ int val_;
+ public:
+ inline direction_3d() : val_(WEST) {}
+ inline direction_3d(direction_2d that) : val_(that.to_int()) {}
+ inline direction_3d(const direction_3d& that) : val_(that.val_) {}
+ inline direction_3d(const direction_2d_enum val) : val_(val) {}
+ inline direction_3d(const direction_3d_enum val) : val_(val) {}
+ inline direction_3d& operator=(direction_3d d) {
+ val_ = d.val_;
+ return * this;
+ }
+ inline ~direction_3d() { }
+ inline bool operator==(direction_3d d) const { return (val_ == d.val_); }
+ inline bool operator!=(direction_3d d) const { return !((*this) == d); }
+ inline bool operator< (direction_3d d) const { return (val_ < d.val_); }
+ inline bool operator<=(direction_3d d) const { return (val_ <= d.val_); }
+ inline bool operator> (direction_3d d) const { return (val_ > d.val_); }
+ inline bool operator>=(direction_3d d) const { return (val_ >= d.val_); }
+ // Casting to int
+ inline unsigned int to_int(void) const { return val_; }
+ inline direction_3d backward() const {
+ // flip the LSB, toggles 0 - 1 and 2 - 3 and 4 - 5
+ return direction_2d(direction_2d_enum(val_ ^ 1));
+ }
+ // N, E, U are positive, S, W, D are negative
+ inline bool is_positive() const {return (val_ & 1);}
+ inline bool is_negative() const {return !is_positive();}
+ inline int get_sign() const {return ((is_positive()) << 1) -1;}
+ };
+ direction_1d::direction_1d(const direction_3d& that) : val_(that.to_int() & 1) {}
+ orientation_3d::orientation_3d(const direction_3d& that) : val_(that.to_int() >> 1) {}
+ orientation_3d::orientation_3d(const direction_2d& that) : val_(that.to_int() >> 1) {}
+ direction_3d orientation_3d::get_direction(direction_1d dir) const {
+ return direction_3d(direction_3d_enum((val_ << 1) + dir.to_int()));
+ }
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/point_3d_concept.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/point_3d_concept.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+#include "point_concept.hpp"
+#include "point_3d_data.hpp"
+#include "point_3d_traits.hpp"
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+ struct point_3d_concept {};
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_point_3d_concept { typedef gtl_no type; };
+ template <>
+ struct is_point_3d_concept<point_3d_concept> { typedef gtl_yes type; };
+ //template <>
+ //struct is_point_concept<point_3d_concept> { typedef void type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_mutable_point_3d_concept { typedef gtl_no type; };
+ template <>
+ struct is_mutable_point_3d_concept<point_3d_concept> { typedef gtl_yes type; };
+ template <typename T, typename CT>
+ struct point_3d_coordinate_type_by_concept { typedef void type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct point_3d_coordinate_type_by_concept<T, gtl_yes> { typedef typename point_3d_traits<T>::coordinate_type type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct point_3d_coordinate_type {
+ typedef typename point_3d_coordinate_type_by_concept<T, typename is_point_3d_concept<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T, typename CT>
+ struct point_3d_difference_type_by_concept { typedef void type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct point_3d_difference_type_by_concept<T, gtl_yes> {
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<typename point_3d_traits<T>::coordinate_type>::coordinate_difference type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct point_3d_difference_type {
+ typedef typename point_3d_difference_type_by_concept<
+ T, typename is_point_3d_concept<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T, typename CT>
+ struct point_3d_distance_type_by_concept { typedef void type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct point_3d_distance_type_by_concept<T, gtl_yes> {
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<typename point_3d_traits<T>::coordinate_type>::coordinate_distance type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct point_3d_distance_type {
+ typedef typename point_3d_distance_type_by_concept<
+ T, typename is_point_3d_concept<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type>::type type;
+ };
+ struct y_p3d_get : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename T>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and<y_p3d_get, typename gtl_if<typename is_point_3d_concept<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type>::type>::type,
+ typename point_3d_coordinate_type<T>::type >::type
+ get(const T& point, orientation_3d orient) { return point_3d_traits<T>::get(point, orient); }
+ struct y_p3d_set : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename T, typename coordinate_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and<y_p3d_set, typename is_mutable_point_3d_concept<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type>::type, void>::type
+ set(T& point, orientation_3d orient, coordinate_type value) { point_3d_mutable_traits<T>::set(point, orient, value); }
+ struct y_p3d_set2 : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename T, typename coordinate_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and<y_p3d_set2, typename is_mutable_point_3d_concept<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type>::type, void>::type
+ set(T& point, orientation_2d orient, coordinate_type value) { point_3d_mutable_traits<T>::set(point, orient, value); }
+ struct y_p3d_construct : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename T, typename coordinate_type1, typename coordinate_type2, typename coordinate_type3>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and<y_p3d_construct, typename is_mutable_point_3d_concept<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type>::type, T>::type
+ construct(coordinate_type1 x_value, coordinate_type2 y_value, coordinate_type3 z_value) {
+ return point_3d_mutable_traits<T>::construct(x_value, y_value, z_value); }
+ struct y_p3d_assign : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename point_3d_type_1, typename point_3d_type_2>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and_3<y_p3d_assign, typename is_mutable_point_3d_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_3d_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename is_point_3d_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_3d_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ point_3d_type_1>::type &
+ assign(point_3d_type_1& lvalue, const point_3d_type_2& rvalue) {
+ set(lvalue, HORIZONTAL, get(rvalue, HORIZONTAL));
+ set(lvalue, VERTICAL, get(rvalue, VERTICAL));
+ set(lvalue, PROXIMAL, get(rvalue, PROXIMAL));
+ return lvalue;
+ }
+ struct y_p3d_z : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename point_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and<y_p3d_z, typename is_point_3d_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ typename point_3d_traits<point_type>::coordinate_type >::type
+ z(const point_type& point) { return get(point, PROXIMAL); }
+ struct y_p3d_x : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename point_type, typename coordinate_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and<y_p3d_x, typename is_mutable_point_3d_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type>::type>::type>::type, void>::type
+ x(point_type& point, coordinate_type value) { set(point, HORIZONTAL, value); }
+ struct y_p3d_y : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename point_type, typename coordinate_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and<y_p3d_y, typename is_mutable_point_3d_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type>::type>::type>::type, void>::type
+ y(point_type& point, coordinate_type value) { set(point, VERTICAL, value); }
+ struct y_p3d_z2 : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename point_type, typename coordinate_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and<y_p3d_z2, typename is_mutable_point_3d_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type>::type>::type>::type, void>::type
+ z(point_type& point, coordinate_type value) { set(point, PROXIMAL, value); }
+ struct y_p3d_equiv : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename T, typename T2>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and_3<y_p3d_equiv, typename gtl_same_type<point_3d_concept, typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type,
+ typename gtl_same_type<point_3d_concept, typename geometry_concept<T2>::type>::type>::type,
+ bool>::type
+ equivalence(const T& point1, const T2& point2) {
+ return x(point1) == x(point2) && y(point1) == y(point2) && z(point1) == z(point2);
+ }
+ struct y_p3d_dist : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename point_type_1, typename point_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3<y_p3d_dist, typename is_point_3d_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename is_point_3d_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ typename point_3d_difference_type<point_type_1>::type>::type
+ euclidean_distance(const point_type_1& point1, const point_type_2& point2, orientation_3d orient) {
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<typename point_3d_traits<point_type_1>::coordinate_type>::coordinate_difference return_type;
+ return_type return_value =
+ (return_type)get(point1, orient) - (return_type)get(point2, orient);
+ return return_value < 0 ? -return_value : return_value;
+ }
+ struct y_p3d_man_dist : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename point_type_1, typename point_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3<y_p3d_man_dist, typename gtl_same_type<point_3d_concept, typename geometry_concept<point_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename gtl_same_type<point_3d_concept, typename geometry_concept<point_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ typename point_3d_difference_type<point_type_1>::type>::type
+ manhattan_distance(const point_type_1& point1, const point_type_2& point2) {
+ return euclidean_distance(point1, point2, HORIZONTAL) + euclidean_distance(point1, point2, VERTICAL)
+ + euclidean_distance(point1, point2, PROXIMAL);
+ }
+ struct y_p3d_dist2 : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename point_type_1, typename point_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3< y_p3d_dist2,
+ typename gtl_same_type<point_3d_concept, typename geometry_concept<point_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename gtl_same_type<point_3d_concept, typename geometry_concept<point_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ typename point_3d_distance_type<point_type_1>::type>::type
+ euclidean_distance(const point_type_1& point1, const point_type_2& point2) {
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<typename point_3d_traits<point_type_1>::coordinate_type>::coordinate_distance return_value;
+ return_value pdist = (return_value)euclidean_distance(point1, point2, PROXIMAL);
+ pdist *= pdist;
+ return sqrt((double)(distance_squared(point1, point2) + pdist));
+ }
+ struct y_p3d_convolve : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename point_type_1, typename point_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3< y_p3d_convolve,
+ typename is_mutable_point_3d_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename gtl_same_type<point_3d_concept, typename geometry_concept<point_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ point_type_1>::type &
+ convolve(point_type_1& lvalue, const point_type_2& rvalue) {
+ x(lvalue, x(lvalue) + x(rvalue));
+ y(lvalue, y(lvalue) + y(rvalue));
+ z(lvalue, z(lvalue) + z(rvalue));
+ return lvalue;
+ }
+ struct y_p3d_deconvolve : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename point_type_1, typename point_type_2>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and_3<y_p3d_deconvolve, typename is_mutable_point_3d_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename gtl_same_type<point_3d_concept, typename geometry_concept<point_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ point_type_1>::type &
+ deconvolve(point_type_1& lvalue, const point_type_2& rvalue) {
+ x(lvalue, x(lvalue) - x(rvalue));
+ y(lvalue, y(lvalue) - y(rvalue));
+ z(lvalue, z(lvalue) - z(rvalue));
+ return lvalue;
+ }
+ struct y_p3d_scale_up : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename point_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and<y_p3d_scale_up, typename is_mutable_point_3d_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ point_type>::type &
+ scale_up(point_type& point,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename point_3d_traits<point_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type factor) {
+ x(point, x(point) * (typename point_3d_traits<point_type>::coordinate_type)factor);
+ y(point, y(point) * (typename point_3d_traits<point_type>::coordinate_type)factor);
+ z(point, z(point) * (typename point_3d_traits<point_type>::coordinate_type)factor);
+ return point;
+ }
+ struct y_p3d_scale_down : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename point_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and<y_p3d_scale_down, typename is_mutable_point_3d_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ point_type>::type &
+ scale_down(point_type& point,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename point_3d_traits<point_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type factor) {
+ typedef typename point_3d_traits<point_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<Unit>::coordinate_distance dt;
+ x(point, scaling_policy<Unit>::round((dt)(x(point)) / (dt)factor));
+ y(point, scaling_policy<Unit>::round((dt)(y(point)) / (dt)factor));
+ z(point, scaling_policy<Unit>::round((dt)(z(point)) / (dt)factor));
+ return point;
+ }
+ struct y_p3d_scale : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename point_type, typename scaling_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and<y_p3d_scale, typename is_mutable_point_3d_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ point_type>::type &
+ scale(point_type& point,
+ const scaling_type& scaling) {
+ typedef typename point_3d_traits<point_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ Unit x_(x(point)), y_(y(point)), z_(z(point));
+ scaling.scale(x_, y_, z_);
+ x(point, x_);
+ y(point, y_);
+ z(point, z_);
+ return point;
+ }
+ struct y_p3d_transform : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename point_type, typename transformation_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and<y_p3d_transform, typename is_mutable_point_3d_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ point_type>::type &
+ transform(point_type& point, const transformation_type& transformation) {
+ typedef typename point_3d_traits<point_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ Unit x_(x(point)), y_(y(point)), z_(z(point));
+ transformation.transform(x_, y_, z_);
+ x(point, x_);
+ y(point, y_);
+ z(point, z_);
+ return point;
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ struct geometry_concept<point_3d_data<T> > {
+ typedef point_3d_concept type;
+ };
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/point_3d_data.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/point_3d_data.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+ template <typename T>
+ class point_3d_data {
+ public:
+ typedef T coordinate_type;
+ inline point_3d_data():coords_(){}
+ inline point_3d_data(coordinate_type x, coordinate_type y):coords_() {
+ coords_[HORIZONTAL] = x; coords_[VERTICAL] = y; coords_[PROXIMAL] = 0; }
+ inline point_3d_data(coordinate_type x, coordinate_type y, coordinate_type z)
+ :coords_()
+ {
+ coords_[HORIZONTAL] = x; coords_[VERTICAL] = y; coords_[PROXIMAL] = z; }
+ inline point_3d_data(const point_3d_data& that):coords_() { (*this) = that; }
+ inline point_3d_data& operator=(const point_3d_data& that) {
+ coords_[0] = that.coords_[0]; coords_[1] = that.coords_[1];
+ coords_[2] = that.coords_[2]; return *this; }
+ template <typename T2>
+ inline point_3d_data& operator=(const T2& rvalue);
+ inline bool operator==(const point_3d_data& that) const {
+ return coords_[0] == that.coords_[0] && coords_[1] == that.coords_[1] && coords_[2] == that.coords_[2];
+ }
+ inline bool operator!=(const point_3d_data& that) const {
+ return !((*this) == that);
+ }
+ inline coordinate_type get(orientation_2d orient) const {
+ return coords_[orient.to_int()]; }
+ inline coordinate_type get(orientation_3d orient) const {
+ return coords_[orient.to_int()]; }
+ inline void set(orientation_2d orient, coordinate_type value) {
+ coords_[orient.to_int()] = value; }
+ inline void set(orientation_3d orient, coordinate_type value) {
+ coords_[orient.to_int()] = value; }
+ private:
+ coordinate_type coords_[3];
+ };
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/point_3d_traits.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/point_3d_traits.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+#include "isotropy.hpp"
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+ template <typename T>
+ struct point_3d_traits {
+ typedef typename T::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
+ static inline coordinate_type get(const T& point, orientation_3d orient) {
+ return point.get(orient); }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct point_3d_mutable_traits {
+ static inline void set(T& point, orientation_3d orient, typename point_3d_traits<T>::coordinate_type value) {
+ point.set(orient, value); }
+ static inline T construct(typename point_3d_traits<T>::coordinate_type x_value,
+ typename point_3d_traits<T>::coordinate_type y_value,
+ typename point_3d_traits<T>::coordinate_type z_value) {
+ return T(x_value, y_value, z_value); }
+ };
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/point_concept.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/point_concept.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+#include "isotropy.hpp"
+#include "point_data.hpp"
+#include "point_traits.hpp"
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+ struct point_concept {};
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_point_concept { typedef gtl_no type; };
+ template <>
+ struct is_point_concept<point_concept> { typedef gtl_yes type; };
+ struct point_3d_concept;
+ template <>
+ struct is_point_concept<point_3d_concept> { typedef gtl_yes type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_mutable_point_concept { typedef gtl_no type; };
+ template <>
+ struct is_mutable_point_concept<point_concept> { typedef gtl_yes type; };
+ template <typename T, typename CT>
+ struct point_coordinate_type_by_concept { typedef void type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct point_coordinate_type_by_concept<T, gtl_yes> { typedef typename point_traits<T>::coordinate_type type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct point_coordinate_type {
+ typedef typename point_coordinate_type_by_concept<T, typename is_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T, typename CT>
+ struct point_difference_type_by_concept { typedef void type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct point_difference_type_by_concept<T, gtl_yes> {
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<typename point_traits<T>::coordinate_type>::coordinate_difference type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct point_difference_type {
+ typedef typename point_difference_type_by_concept<
+ T, typename is_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T, typename CT>
+ struct point_distance_type_by_concept { typedef void type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct point_distance_type_by_concept<T, gtl_yes> {
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<typename point_traits<T>::coordinate_type>::coordinate_distance type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct point_distance_type {
+ typedef typename point_distance_type_by_concept<
+ T, typename is_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ typename point_coordinate_type<T>::type
+ get(const T& point, orientation_2d orient,
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_if<typename is_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type>::type>::type * = 0
+ ) {
+ return point_traits<T>::get(point, orient);
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename coordinate_type>
+ void
+ set(T& point, orientation_2d orient, coordinate_type value,
+ typename enable_if<typename is_mutable_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type>::type * = 0
+ ) {
+ point_mutable_traits<T>::set(point, orient, value);
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename coordinate_type1, typename coordinate_type2>
+ T
+ construct(coordinate_type1 x_value, coordinate_type2 y_value,
+ typename enable_if<typename is_mutable_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type>::type * = 0
+ ) {
+ return point_mutable_traits<T>::construct(x_value, y_value);
+ }
+ template <typename T1, typename T2>
+ T1&
+ assign(T1& lvalue, const T2& rvalue,
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and< typename is_mutable_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<T1>::type>::type,
+ typename is_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<T2>::type>::type>::type>::type * = 0
+ ) {
+ set(lvalue, HORIZONTAL, get(rvalue, HORIZONTAL));
+ set(lvalue, VERTICAL, get(rvalue, VERTICAL));
+ return lvalue;
+ }
+ struct y_p_x : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename point_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and<y_p_x, typename is_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ typename point_traits<point_type>::coordinate_type >::type
+ x(const point_type& point) {
+ return get(point, HORIZONTAL);
+ }
+ struct y_p_y : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename point_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and<y_p_y, typename is_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ typename point_traits<point_type>::coordinate_type >::type
+ y(const point_type& point) {
+ return get(point, VERTICAL);
+ }
+ struct y_p_sx : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename point_type, typename coordinate_type>
+ typename enable_if<typename gtl_and<y_p_sx, typename is_mutable_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ void>::type
+ x(point_type& point, coordinate_type value) {
+ set(point, HORIZONTAL, value);
+ }
+ struct y_p_sy : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename point_type, typename coordinate_type>
+ typename enable_if<typename gtl_and<y_p_sy, typename is_mutable_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ void>::type
+ y(point_type& point, coordinate_type value) {
+ set(point, VERTICAL, value);
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename T2>
+ bool
+ equivalence(const T& point1, const T2& point2,
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and<typename gtl_same_type<point_concept, typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type,
+ typename is_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<T2>::type>::type>::type>::type * = 0
+ ) {
+ typename point_traits<T>::coordinate_type x1 = x(point1);
+ typename point_traits<T2>::coordinate_type x2 = get(point2, HORIZONTAL);
+ typename point_traits<T>::coordinate_type y1 = get(point1, VERTICAL);
+ typename point_traits<T2>::coordinate_type y2 = y(point2);
+ return x1 == x2 && y1 == y2;
+ }
+ template <typename point_type_1, typename point_type_2>
+ typename point_difference_type<point_type_1>::type
+ manhattan_distance(const point_type_1& point1, const point_type_2& point2,
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and<typename gtl_same_type<point_concept, typename geometry_concept<point_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename is_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type_2>::type>::type>::type>::type * = 0) {
+ return euclidean_distance(point1, point2, HORIZONTAL) + euclidean_distance(point1, point2, VERTICAL);
+ }
+ struct y_i_ed1 : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename point_type_1, typename point_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3<y_i_ed1, typename is_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename is_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ typename point_difference_type<point_type_1>::type>::type
+ euclidean_distance(const point_type_1& point1, const point_type_2& point2, orientation_2d orient) {
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename point_traits<point_type_1>::coordinate_type>::coordinate_difference return_value =
+ get(point1, orient) - get(point2, orient);
+ return return_value < 0 ? (typename coordinate_traits<typename point_traits<point_type_1>::coordinate_type>::coordinate_difference)-return_value : return_value;
+ }
+ struct y_i_ed2 : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename point_type_1, typename point_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3<y_i_ed2, typename gtl_same_type<point_concept, typename geometry_concept<point_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename gtl_same_type<point_concept, typename geometry_concept<point_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ typename point_distance_type<point_type_1>::type>::type
+ euclidean_distance(const point_type_1& point1, const point_type_2& point2) {
+ typedef typename point_traits<point_type_1>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ return sqrt((double)(distance_squared(point1, point2)));
+ }
+ template <typename point_type_1, typename point_type_2>
+ typename point_difference_type<point_type_1>::type
+ distance_squared(const point_type_1& point1, const point_type_2& point2,
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and<typename is_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename is_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type_2>::type>::type>::type>::type * = 0
+ ) {
+ typedef typename point_traits<point_type_1>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ typename coordinate_traits<Unit>::coordinate_difference dx = euclidean_distance(point1, point2, HORIZONTAL);
+ typename coordinate_traits<Unit>::coordinate_difference dy = euclidean_distance(point1, point2, VERTICAL);
+ dx *= dx;
+ dy *= dy;
+ return dx + dy;
+ }
+ template <typename point_type_1, typename point_type_2>
+ point_type_1 &
+ convolve(point_type_1& lvalue, const point_type_2& rvalue,
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and<typename is_mutable_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename is_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type_2>::type>::type>::type>::type * = 0
+ ) {
+ x(lvalue, x(lvalue) + x(rvalue));
+ y(lvalue, y(lvalue) + y(rvalue));
+ return lvalue;
+ }
+ template <typename point_type_1, typename point_type_2>
+ point_type_1 &
+ deconvolve(point_type_1& lvalue, const point_type_2& rvalue,
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and<typename is_mutable_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename is_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type_2>::type>::type>::type>::type * = 0
+ ) {
+ x(lvalue, x(lvalue) - x(rvalue));
+ y(lvalue, y(lvalue) - y(rvalue));
+ return lvalue;
+ }
+ template <typename point_type, typename coord_type>
+ point_type &
+ scale_up(point_type& point, coord_type factor,
+ typename enable_if<typename is_mutable_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type>::type>::type>::type * = 0
+ ) {
+ typedef typename point_traits<point_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ x(point, x(point) * (Unit)factor);
+ y(point, y(point) * (Unit)factor);
+ return point;
+ }
+ template <typename point_type, typename coord_type>
+ point_type &
+ scale_down(point_type& point, coord_type factor,
+ typename enable_if<typename is_mutable_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type>::type>::type>::type * = 0
+ ) {
+ typedef typename point_traits<point_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<Unit>::coordinate_distance dt;
+ x(point, scaling_policy<Unit>::round((dt)((dt)(x(point)) / (dt)factor)));
+ y(point, scaling_policy<Unit>::round((dt)((dt)(y(point)) / (dt)factor)));
+ return point;
+ }
+ template <typename point_type, typename scaling_type>
+ point_type &
+ scale(point_type& point,
+ const scaling_type& scaling,
+ typename enable_if<typename is_mutable_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type>::type>::type>::type * = 0
+ ) {
+ typedef typename point_traits<point_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ Unit x_(x(point)), y_(y(point));
+ scaling.scale(x_, y_);
+ x(point, x_);
+ y(point, y_);
+ return point;
+ }
+ template <typename point_type, typename transformation_type>
+ point_type &
+ transform(point_type& point, const transformation_type& transformation,
+ typename enable_if<typename is_mutable_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type>::type>::type>::type * = 0
+ ) {
+ typedef typename point_traits<point_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ Unit x_(x(point)), y_(y(point));
+ transformation.transform(x_, y_);
+ x(point, x_);
+ y(point, y_);
+ return point;
+ }
+ struct y_pt_move : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename point_type>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and< y_pt_move,
+ typename is_mutable_point_concept<
+ typename geometry_concept<point_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ point_type>::type &
+ move(point_type& point, orientation_2d orient,
+ typename point_traits<point_type>::coordinate_type displacement,
+ typename enable_if<typename is_mutable_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type>::type>::type>::type * = 0
+ ) {
+ typedef typename point_traits<point_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ Unit v(get(point, orient));
+ set(point, orient, v + displacement);
+ return point;
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ template <class T2>
+ point_data<T>& point_data<T>::operator=(const T2& rvalue) {
+ assign(*this, rvalue);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ struct geometry_concept<point_data<T> > {
+ typedef point_concept type;
+ };
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/point_data.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/point_data.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+#include "isotropy.hpp"
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+ template <typename T>
+ class point_data {
+ public:
+ typedef T coordinate_type;
+ inline point_data()
+ :coords_()
+ {}
+ inline point_data(coordinate_type x, coordinate_type y)
+ :coords_()
+ {
+ coords_[HORIZONTAL] = x; coords_[VERTICAL] = y;
+ }
+ inline point_data(const point_data& that)
+ :coords_()
+ { (*this) = that; }
+ template <typename other>
+ point_data(const other& that) : coords_() { (*this) = that; }
+ inline point_data& operator=(const point_data& that) {
+ coords_[0] = that.coords_[0]; coords_[1] = that.coords_[1]; return *this;
+ }
+ template<typename T1, typename T2>
+ inline point_data(const T1& x, const T2& y):coords_() {
+ coords_[HORIZONTAL] = (coordinate_type)x;
+ coords_[VERTICAL] = (coordinate_type)y;
+ }
+ template <typename T2>
+ inline point_data(const point_data<T2>& rvalue):coords_() {
+ coords_[HORIZONTAL] = (coordinate_type)(rvalue.x());
+ coords_[VERTICAL] = (coordinate_type)(rvalue.y());
+ }
+ template <typename T2>
+ inline point_data& operator=(const T2& rvalue);
+ inline bool operator==(const point_data& that) const {
+ return coords_[0] == that.coords_[0] && coords_[1] == that.coords_[1];
+ }
+ inline bool operator!=(const point_data& that) const {
+ return !((*this) == that);
+ }
+ inline bool operator<(const point_data& that) const {
+ return coords_[0] < that.coords_[0] ||
+ (coords_[0] == that.coords_[0] && coords_[1] < that.coords_[1]);
+ }
+ inline bool operator<=(const point_data& that) const { return !(that < *this); }
+ inline bool operator>(const point_data& that) const { return that < *this; }
+ inline bool operator>=(const point_data& that) const { return !((*this) < that); }
+ inline coordinate_type get(orientation_2d orient) const {
+ return coords_[orient.to_int()];
+ }
+ inline void set(orientation_2d orient, coordinate_type value) {
+ coords_[orient.to_int()] = value;
+ }
+ inline coordinate_type x() const {
+ return coords_[HORIZONTAL];
+ }
+ inline coordinate_type y() const {
+ return coords_[VERTICAL];
+ }
+ inline point_data& x(coordinate_type value) {
+ coords_[HORIZONTAL] = value;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline point_data& y(coordinate_type value) {
+ coords_[VERTICAL] = value;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ private:
+ coordinate_type coords_[2];
+ };
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/point_traits.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/point_traits.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+#include "isotropy.hpp"
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+ template <typename T>
+ struct point_traits {
+ typedef typename T::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
+ static inline coordinate_type get(const T& point, orientation_2d orient) {
+ return point.get(orient);
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct point_mutable_traits {
+ static inline void set(T& point, orientation_2d orient, typename point_traits<T>::coordinate_type value) {
+ point.set(orient, value);
+ }
+ static inline T construct(typename point_traits<T>::coordinate_type x_value, typename point_traits<T>::coordinate_type y_value) {
+ return T(x_value, y_value);
+ }
+ };
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/polygon.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/polygon.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+#include "isotropy.hpp"
+#include "point_data.hpp"
+#include "point_traits.hpp"
+#include "point_concept.hpp"
+//point 3d
+#include "point_3d_data.hpp"
+#include "point_3d_traits.hpp"
+#include "point_3d_concept.hpp"
+#include "transform.hpp"
+#include "detail/transform_detail.hpp"
+#include "interval_data.hpp"
+#include "interval_traits.hpp"
+#include "interval_concept.hpp"
+#include "rectangle_data.hpp"
+#include "rectangle_traits.hpp"
+#include "rectangle_concept.hpp"
+//algorithms needed by polygon types
+#include "detail/iterator_points_to_compact.hpp"
+#include "detail/iterator_compact_to_points.hpp"
+#include "polygon_45_data.hpp"
+#include "polygon_data.hpp"
+#include "polygon_90_data.hpp"
+#include "polygon_90_with_holes_data.hpp"
+#include "polygon_45_with_holes_data.hpp"
+#include "polygon_with_holes_data.hpp"
+#include "polygon_traits.hpp"
+//manhattan boolean algorithms
+#include "detail/boolean_op.hpp"
+#include "detail/polygon_formation.hpp"
+#include "detail/rectangle_formation.hpp"
+#include "detail/max_cover.hpp"
+#include "detail/property_merge.hpp"
+#include "detail/polygon_90_touch.hpp"
+#include "detail/iterator_geometry_to_set.hpp"
+//45 boolean op algorithms
+#include "detail/boolean_op_45.hpp"
+#include "detail/polygon_45_formation.hpp"
+//polygon set data types
+#include "polygon_90_set_data.hpp"
+//polygon set trait types
+#include "polygon_90_set_traits.hpp"
+//polygon set concepts
+#include "polygon_90_set_concept.hpp"
+//boolean operator syntax
+#include "detail/polygon_90_set_view.hpp"
+//45 boolean op algorithms
+#include "detail/polygon_45_touch.hpp"
+#include "detail/property_merge_45.hpp"
+#include "polygon_45_set_data.hpp"
+#include "polygon_45_set_traits.hpp"
+#include "polygon_45_set_concept.hpp"
+#include "detail/polygon_45_set_view.hpp"
+//arbitrary polygon algorithms
+#include "detail/polygon_arbitrary_formation.hpp"
+#include "polygon_set_data.hpp"
+//general scanline
+#include "detail/scan_arbitrary.hpp"
+#include "polygon_set_traits.hpp"
+#include "detail/polygon_set_view.hpp"
+#include "polygon_set_concept.hpp"
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_45_data.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_45_data.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+#include "isotropy.hpp"
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+struct polygon_45_concept;
+template <typename T> class polygon_data;
+template <typename T>
+class polygon_45_data {
+ typedef polygon_45_concept geometry_type;
+ typedef T coordinate_type;
+ typedef typename std::vector<point_data<coordinate_type> >::const_iterator iterator_type;
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<T>::coordinate_distance area_type;
+ typedef point_data<T> point_type;
+ inline polygon_45_data() : coords_() {} //do nothing default constructor
+ template<class iT>
+ inline polygon_45_data(iT input_begin, iT input_end) : coords_(input_begin, input_end) {}
+ template<class iT>
+ inline polygon_45_data& set(iT input_begin, iT input_end) {
+ coords_.clear(); //just in case there was some old data there
+ coords_.insert(coords_.end(), input_begin, input_end);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // copy constructor (since we have dynamic memory)
+ inline polygon_45_data(const polygon_45_data& that) : coords_(that.coords_) {}
+ // assignment operator (since we have dynamic memory do a deep copy)
+ inline polygon_45_data& operator=(const polygon_45_data& that) {
+ coords_ = that.coords_;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename T2>
+ inline polygon_45_data& operator=(const T2& rvalue);
+ inline bool operator==(const polygon_45_data& that) const {
+ if(coords_.size() != that.coords_.size()) return false;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < coords_.size(); ++i) {
+ if(coords_[i] != that.coords_[i]) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ inline bool operator!=(const polygon_45_data& that) const { return !((*this) == that); }
+ // get begin iterator, returns a pointer to a const Unit
+ inline iterator_type begin() const { return coords_.begin(); }
+ // get end iterator, returns a pointer to a const Unit
+ inline iterator_type end() const { return coords_.end(); }
+ inline std::size_t size() const { return coords_.size(); }
+ std::vector<point_data<coordinate_type> > coords_;
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_45_set_concept.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_45_set_concept.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+#include "polygon_45_set_data.hpp"
+#include "polygon_45_set_traits.hpp"
+#include "detail/polygon_45_touch.hpp"
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+ template <typename T, typename T2>
+ struct is_either_polygon_45_set_type {
+ typedef typename gtl_or<typename is_polygon_45_set_type<T>::type, typename is_polygon_45_set_type<T2>::type >::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_polygon_45_or_90_set_type {
+ typedef typename gtl_or<typename is_polygon_45_set_type<T>::type, typename is_polygon_90_set_type<T>::type >::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_if<typename is_polygon_45_or_90_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type>::type,
+ typename polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::iterator_type>::type
+ begin_45_set_data(const polygon_set_type& polygon_set) {
+ return polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::begin(polygon_set);
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_if<typename is_polygon_45_or_90_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type>::type,
+ typename polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::iterator_type>::type
+ end_45_set_data(const polygon_set_type& polygon_set) {
+ return polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::end(polygon_set);
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_if<typename is_polygon_45_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type>::type,
+ bool>::type
+ clean(const polygon_set_type& polygon_set) {
+ return polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::clean(polygon_set);
+ }
+ //assign
+ template <typename polygon_set_type_1, typename polygon_set_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and< typename gtl_if<typename is_mutable_polygon_45_set_type<polygon_set_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename gtl_if<typename is_polygon_45_or_90_set_type<polygon_set_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type_1>::type &
+ assign(polygon_set_type_1& lvalue, const polygon_set_type_2& rvalue) {
+ polygon_45_set_mutable_traits<polygon_set_type_1>::set(lvalue, begin_45_set_data(rvalue), end_45_set_data(rvalue));
+ return lvalue;
+ }
+ //get trapezoids
+ template <typename output_container_type, typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_if<typename is_polygon_45_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type>::type,
+ void>::type
+ get_trapezoids(output_container_type& output, const polygon_set_type& polygon_set) {
+ clean(polygon_set);
+ polygon_45_set_data<typename polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type> ps;
+ assign(ps, polygon_set);
+ ps.get_trapezoids(output);
+ }
+ //get trapezoids
+ template <typename output_container_type, typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_if<typename is_polygon_45_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type>::type,
+ void>::type
+ get_trapezoids(output_container_type& output, const polygon_set_type& polygon_set, orientation_2d slicing_orientation) {
+ clean(polygon_set);
+ polygon_45_set_data<typename polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type> ps;
+ assign(ps, polygon_set);
+ ps.get_trapezoids(output, slicing_orientation);
+ }
+ //equivalence
+ template <typename polygon_set_type_1, typename polygon_set_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3<typename gtl_if<typename is_polygon_45_or_90_set_type<polygon_set_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename gtl_if<typename is_polygon_45_or_90_set_type<polygon_set_type_2>::type>::type,
+ typename gtl_if<typename is_either_polygon_45_set_type<polygon_set_type_1,
+ polygon_set_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ bool>::type
+ equivalence(const polygon_set_type_1& lvalue,
+ const polygon_set_type_2& rvalue) {
+ polygon_45_set_data<typename polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_set_type_1>::coordinate_type> ps1;
+ assign(ps1, lvalue);
+ polygon_45_set_data<typename polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_set_type_2>::coordinate_type> ps2;
+ assign(ps2, rvalue);
+ return ps1 == ps2;
+ }
+ //clear
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_if<typename is_mutable_polygon_45_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type>::type,
+ void>::type
+ clear(polygon_set_type& polygon_set) {
+ polygon_45_set_data<typename polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type> ps;
+ assign(polygon_set, ps);
+ }
+ //empty
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_if<typename is_mutable_polygon_45_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type>::type,
+ bool>::type
+ empty(const polygon_set_type& polygon_set) {
+ if(clean(polygon_set)) return begin_45_set_data(polygon_set) == end_45_set_data(polygon_set);
+ polygon_45_set_data<typename polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type> ps;
+ assign(ps, polygon_set);
+ ps.clean();
+ return ps.empty();
+ }
+ //extents
+ template <typename polygon_set_type, typename rectangle_type>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and< typename gtl_if<typename is_mutable_polygon_45_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type>::type,
+ typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ bool>::type
+ extents(rectangle_type& extents_rectangle,
+ const polygon_set_type& polygon_set) {
+ clean(polygon_set);
+ polygon_45_set_data<typename polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type> ps;
+ assign(ps, polygon_set);
+ return ps.extents(extents_rectangle);
+ }
+ //area
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_45_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::area_type>::type
+ area(const polygon_set_type& polygon_set) {
+ typedef typename polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ typedef polygon_45_with_holes_data<Unit> p_type;
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<Unit>::area_type area_type;
+ std::vector<p_type> polys;
+ assign(polys, polygon_set);
+ area_type retval = (area_type)0;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i) {
+ retval += area(polys[i]);
+ }
+ return retval;
+ }
+ //interact
+ template <typename polygon_set_type_1, typename polygon_set_type_2>
+ typename enable_if <
+ typename gtl_and< typename gtl_if<typename is_mutable_polygon_45_set_type<polygon_set_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename gtl_if<typename is_polygon_45_or_90_set_type<polygon_set_type_2>::type>::type >::type,
+ polygon_set_type_1>::type&
+ interact(polygon_set_type_1& polygon_set_1, const polygon_set_type_2& polygon_set_2) {
+ typedef typename polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_set_type_1>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ std::vector<polygon_45_data<Unit> > polys;
+ assign(polys, polygon_set_1);
+ std::vector<std::set<int> > graph(polys.size()+1, std::set<int>());
+ connectivity_extraction_45<Unit> ce;
+ ce.insert(polygon_set_2);
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i){
+ ce.insert(polys[i]);
+ }
+ ce.extract(graph);
+ clear(polygon_set_1);
+ polygon_45_set_data<Unit> ps;
+ for(std::set<int>::iterator itr = graph[0].begin(); itr != graph[0].end(); ++itr){
+ ps.insert(polys[(*itr)-1]);
+ }
+ assign(polygon_set_1, ps);
+ return polygon_set_1;
+ }
+// //self_intersect
+// template <typename polygon_set_type>
+// typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_45_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type>::type,
+// polygon_set_type>::type &
+// self_intersect(polygon_set_type& polygon_set) {
+// typedef typename polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+// //TODO
+// }
+ template <typename polygon_set_type, typename coord_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_45_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type>::type &
+ resize(polygon_set_type& polygon_set, coord_type resizing,
+ RoundingOption rounding = CLOSEST, CornerOption corner = INTERSECTION) {
+ typedef typename polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ clean(polygon_set);
+ polygon_45_set_data<Unit> ps;
+ assign(ps, polygon_set);
+ ps.resize(resizing, rounding, corner);
+ assign(polygon_set, ps);
+ return polygon_set;
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_45_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type>::type &
+ bloat(polygon_set_type& polygon_set,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type bloating) {
+ return resize(polygon_set, static_cast<typename polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>(bloating));
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_45_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type>::type &
+ shrink(polygon_set_type& polygon_set,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type shrinking) {
+ return resize(polygon_set, -(typename polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type)shrinking);
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_45_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type>::type &
+ grow_and(polygon_set_type& polygon_set,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type bloating) {
+ typedef typename polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ std::vector<polygon_45_data<Unit> > polys;
+ assign(polys, polygon_set);
+ clear(polygon_set);
+ polygon_45_set_data<Unit> ps;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i) {
+ polygon_45_set_data<Unit> tmpPs;
+ tmpPs.insert(polys[i]);
+ bloat(tmpPs, bloating);
+ tmpPs.clean(); //apply implicit OR on tmp polygon set
+ ps.insert(tmpPs);
+ }
+ ps.self_intersect();
+ assign(polygon_set, ps);
+ return polygon_set;
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_45_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type>::type &
+ scale_up(polygon_set_type& polygon_set,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type factor) {
+ typedef typename polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ clean(polygon_set);
+ polygon_45_set_data<Unit> ps;
+ assign(ps, polygon_set);
+ ps.scale_up(factor);
+ assign(polygon_set, ps);
+ return polygon_set;
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_45_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type>::type &
+ scale_down(polygon_set_type& polygon_set,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type factor) {
+ typedef typename polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ clean(polygon_set);
+ polygon_45_set_data<Unit> ps;
+ assign(ps, polygon_set);
+ ps.scale_down(factor);
+ assign(polygon_set, ps);
+ return polygon_set;
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_45_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type>::type &
+ scale(polygon_set_type& polygon_set, double factor) {
+ typedef typename polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ clean(polygon_set);
+ polygon_45_set_data<Unit> ps;
+ assign(ps, polygon_set);
+ ps.scale(factor);
+ assign(polygon_set, ps);
+ return polygon_set;
+ }
+ //self_intersect
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_45_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type>::type &
+ self_intersect(polygon_set_type& polygon_set) {
+ typedef typename polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ polygon_45_set_data<Unit> ps;
+ assign(ps, polygon_set);
+ ps.self_intersect();
+ assign(polygon_set, ps);
+ return polygon_set;
+ }
+ //self_xor
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_45_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type>::type &
+ self_xor(polygon_set_type& polygon_set) {
+ typedef typename polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ polygon_45_set_data<Unit> ps;
+ assign(ps, polygon_set);
+ ps.self_xor();
+ assign(polygon_set, ps);
+ return polygon_set;
+ }
+ //transform
+ template <typename polygon_set_type, typename transformation_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_45_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type>::type &
+ transform(polygon_set_type& polygon_set,
+ const transformation_type& transformation) {
+ typedef typename polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ clean(polygon_set);
+ polygon_45_set_data<Unit> ps;
+ assign(ps, polygon_set);
+ ps.transform(transformation);
+ assign(polygon_set, ps);
+ return polygon_set;
+ }
+ //keep
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_45_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type>::type &
+ keep(polygon_set_type& polygon_set,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::area_type min_area,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::area_type max_area,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type min_width,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type max_width,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type min_height,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type max_height) {
+ typedef typename polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<Unit>::unsigned_area_type uat;
+ std::list<polygon_45_data<Unit> > polys;
+ assign(polys, polygon_set);
+ typename std::list<polygon_45_data<Unit> >::iterator itr_nxt;
+ for(typename std::list<polygon_45_data<Unit> >::iterator itr = polys.begin(); itr != polys.end(); itr = itr_nxt){
+ itr_nxt = itr;
+ ++itr_nxt;
+ rectangle_data<Unit> bbox;
+ extents(bbox, *itr);
+ uat pwidth = delta(bbox, HORIZONTAL);
+ if(pwidth > min_width && pwidth <= max_width){
+ uat pheight = delta(bbox, VERTICAL);
+ if(pheight > min_height && pheight <= max_height){
+ typename coordinate_traits<Unit>::area_type parea = area(*itr);
+ if(parea <= max_area && parea >= min_area) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ polys.erase(itr);
+ }
+ assign(polygon_set, polys);
+ return polygon_set;
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ struct view_of<polygon_90_set_concept, T> {
+ typedef typename get_coordinate_type<T, typename geometry_concept<T>::type >::type coordinate_type;
+ T* tp;
+ std::vector<polygon_90_with_holes_data<coordinate_type> > polys;
+ view_of(T& obj) : tp(&obj), polys() {
+ std::vector<polygon_with_holes_data<coordinate_type> > gpolys;
+ assign(gpolys, obj);
+ for(typename std::vector<polygon_with_holes_data<coordinate_type> >::iterator itr = gpolys.begin();
+ itr != gpolys.end(); ++itr) {
+ polys.push_back(polygon_90_with_holes_data<coordinate_type>());
+ assign(polys.back(), view_as<polygon_90_with_holes_concept>(*itr));
+ }
+ }
+ view_of(const T& obj) : tp(), polys() {
+ std::vector<polygon_with_holes_data<coordinate_type> > gpolys;
+ assign(gpolys, obj);
+ for(typename std::vector<polygon_with_holes_data<coordinate_type> >::iterator itr = gpolys.begin();
+ itr != gpolys.end(); ++itr) {
+ polys.push_back(polygon_90_with_holes_data<coordinate_type>());
+ assign(polys.back(), view_as<polygon_90_with_holes_concept>(*itr));
+ }
+ }
+ typedef typename std::vector<polygon_90_with_holes_data<coordinate_type> >::const_iterator iterator_type;
+ typedef view_of operator_arg_type;
+ inline iterator_type begin() const {
+ return polys.begin();
+ }
+ inline iterator_type end() const {
+ return polys.end();
+ }
+ inline orientation_2d orient() const { return HORIZONTAL; }
+ inline bool clean() const { return false; }
+ inline bool sorted() const { return false; }
+ inline T& get() { return *tp; }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct polygon_90_set_traits<view_of<polygon_90_set_concept, T> > {
+ typedef typename view_of<polygon_90_set_concept, T>::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
+ typedef typename view_of<polygon_90_set_concept, T>::iterator_type iterator_type;
+ typedef view_of<polygon_90_set_concept, T> operator_arg_type;
+ static inline iterator_type begin(const view_of<polygon_90_set_concept, T>& polygon_set) {
+ return polygon_set.begin();
+ }
+ static inline iterator_type end(const view_of<polygon_90_set_concept, T>& polygon_set) {
+ return polygon_set.end();
+ }
+ static inline orientation_2d orient(const view_of<polygon_90_set_concept, T>& polygon_set) {
+ return polygon_set.orient(); }
+ static inline bool clean(const view_of<polygon_90_set_concept, T>& polygon_set) {
+ return polygon_set.clean(); }
+ static inline bool sorted(const view_of<polygon_90_set_concept, T>& polygon_set) {
+ return polygon_set.sorted(); }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct geometry_concept<view_of<polygon_90_set_concept, T> > {
+ typedef polygon_90_set_concept type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct get_coordinate_type<view_of<polygon_90_set_concept, T>, polygon_90_set_concept> {
+ typedef typename view_of<polygon_90_set_concept, T>::coordinate_type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct get_iterator_type_2<view_of<polygon_90_set_concept, T>, polygon_90_set_concept> {
+ typedef typename view_of<polygon_90_set_concept, T>::iterator_type type;
+ static type begin(const view_of<polygon_90_set_concept, T>& t) { return t.begin(); }
+ static type end(const view_of<polygon_90_set_concept, T>& t) { return t.end(); }
+ };
+#include "detail/polygon_45_set_view.hpp"
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_45_set_data.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_45_set_data.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,1877 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+#include "polygon_90_set_data.hpp"
+#include "detail/boolean_op_45.hpp"
+#include "detail/polygon_45_formation.hpp"
+#include "detail/polygon_45_touch.hpp"
+#include "detail/property_merge_45.hpp"
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+ enum RoundingOption { CLOSEST = 0, OVERSIZE = 1, UNDERSIZE = 2, SQRT2 = 3, SQRT1OVER2 = 4 };
+ enum CornerOption { INTERSECTION = 0, ORTHOGONAL = 1, UNFILLED = 2 };
+ template <typename ltype, typename rtype, int op_type>
+ class polygon_45_set_view;
+ struct polygon_45_set_concept {};
+ template <typename Unit>
+ class polygon_45_set_data {
+ public:
+ typedef typename polygon_45_formation<Unit>::Vertex45Compact Vertex45Compact;
+ typedef std::vector<Vertex45Compact> Polygon45VertexData;
+ typedef Unit coordinate_type;
+ typedef Polygon45VertexData value_type;
+ typedef typename value_type::const_iterator iterator_type;
+ typedef polygon_45_set_data operator_arg_type;
+ // default constructor
+ inline polygon_45_set_data() : error_data_(), data_(), dirty_(false), unsorted_(false), is_manhattan_(true) {}
+ // constructor from a geometry object
+ template <typename geometry_type>
+ inline polygon_45_set_data(const geometry_type& that) : error_data_(), data_(), dirty_(false), unsorted_(false), is_manhattan_(true) {
+ insert(that);
+ }
+ // copy constructor
+ inline polygon_45_set_data(const polygon_45_set_data& that) :
+ error_data_(that.error_data_), data_(that.data_), dirty_(that.dirty_),
+ unsorted_(that.unsorted_), is_manhattan_(that.is_manhattan_) {}
+ template <typename ltype, typename rtype, int op_type>
+ inline polygon_45_set_data(const polygon_45_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>& that) :
+ error_data_(), data_(), dirty_(false), unsorted_(false), is_manhattan_(true) {
+ (*this) = that.value();
+ }
+ // destructor
+ inline ~polygon_45_set_data() {}
+ // assignement operator
+ inline polygon_45_set_data& operator=(const polygon_45_set_data& that) {
+ if(this == &that) return *this;
+ error_data_ = that.error_data_;
+ data_ = that.data_;
+ dirty_ = that.dirty_;
+ unsorted_ = that.unsorted_;
+ is_manhattan_ = that.is_manhattan_;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename ltype, typename rtype, int op_type>
+ inline polygon_45_set_data& operator=(const polygon_45_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>& that) {
+ (*this) = that.value();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename geometry_object>
+ inline polygon_45_set_data& operator=(const geometry_object& geometry) {
+ data_.clear();
+ insert(geometry);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // insert iterator range
+ inline void insert(iterator_type input_begin, iterator_type input_end, bool is_hole = false) {
+ if(input_begin == input_end || (!data_.empty() && &(*input_begin) == &(*(data_.begin())))) return;
+ dirty_ = true;
+ unsorted_ = true;
+ while(input_begin != input_end) {
+ insert(*input_begin, is_hole);
+ ++input_begin;
+ }
+ }
+ // insert iterator range
+ template <typename iT>
+ inline void insert(iT input_begin, iT input_end, bool is_hole = false) {
+ if(input_begin == input_end) return;
+ dirty_ = true;
+ unsorted_ = true;
+ while(input_begin != input_end) {
+ insert(*input_begin, is_hole);
+ ++input_begin;
+ }
+ }
+ inline void insert(const polygon_45_set_data& polygon_set, bool is_hole = false);
+ template <typename coord_type>
+ inline void insert(const polygon_45_set_data<coord_type>& polygon_set, bool is_hole = false);
+ template <typename geometry_type>
+ inline void insert(const geometry_type& geometry_object, bool is_hole = false) {
+ insert_dispatch(geometry_object, is_hole, typename geometry_concept<geometry_type>::type());
+ }
+ inline void insert_clean(const Vertex45Compact& vertex_45, bool is_hole = false) {
+ if(vertex_45.count.is_45()) is_manhattan_ = false;
+ data_.push_back(vertex_45);
+ if(is_hole) data_.back().count.invert();
+ }
+ inline void insert(const Vertex45Compact& vertex_45, bool is_hole = false) {
+ dirty_ = true;
+ unsorted_ = true;
+ insert_clean(vertex_45, is_hole);
+ }
+ template <typename coordinate_type_2>
+ inline void insert(const polygon_90_set_data<coordinate_type_2>& polygon_set, bool is_hole = false) {
+ if(polygon_set.orient() == VERTICAL) {
+ for(typename polygon_90_set_data<coordinate_type_2>::iterator_type itr = polygon_set.begin();
+ itr != polygon_set.end(); ++itr) {
+ Vertex45Compact vertex_45(point_data<Unit>((*itr).first, (*itr).second.first), 2, (*itr).second.second);
+ vertex_45.count[1] = (*itr).second.second;
+ if(is_hole) vertex_45.count[1] *= - 1;
+ insert_clean(vertex_45, is_hole);
+ }
+ } else {
+ for(typename polygon_90_set_data<coordinate_type_2>::iterator_type itr = polygon_set.begin();
+ itr != polygon_set.end(); ++itr) {
+ Vertex45Compact vertex_45(point_data<Unit>((*itr).second.first, (*itr).first), 2, (*itr).second.second);
+ vertex_45.count[1] = (*itr).second.second;
+ if(is_hole) vertex_45.count[1] *= - 1;
+ insert_clean(vertex_45, is_hole);
+ }
+ }
+ dirty_ = true;
+ unsorted_ = true;
+ }
+ template <typename output_container>
+ inline void get(output_container& output) const {
+ get_dispatch(output, typename geometry_concept<typename output_container::value_type>::type());
+ }
+ inline bool has_error_data() const { return !error_data_.empty(); }
+ inline std::size_t error_count() const { return error_data_.size() / 4; }
+ inline void get_error_data(polygon_45_set_data& p) const {
+ p.data_.insert(p.data_.end(), error_data_.begin(), error_data_.end());
+ }
+ // equivalence operator
+ inline bool operator==(const polygon_45_set_data& p) const {
+ clean();
+ p.clean();
+ return data_ == p.data_;
+ }
+ // inequivalence operator
+ inline bool operator!=(const polygon_45_set_data& p) const {
+ return !((*this) == p);
+ }
+ // get iterator to begin vertex data
+ inline iterator_type begin() const {
+ return data_.begin();
+ }
+ // get iterator to end vertex data
+ inline iterator_type end() const {
+ return data_.end();
+ }
+ const value_type& value() const {
+ return data_;
+ }
+ // clear the contents of the polygon_45_set_data
+ inline void clear() { data_.clear(); error_data_.clear(); dirty_ = unsorted_ = false; is_manhattan_ = true; }
+ // find out if Polygon set is empty
+ inline bool empty() const { return data_.empty(); }
+ // get the Polygon set size in vertices
+ inline std::size_t size() const { clean(); return data_.size(); }
+ // get the current Polygon set capacity in vertices
+ inline std::size_t capacity() const { return data_.capacity(); }
+ // reserve size of polygon set in vertices
+ inline void reserve(std::size_t size) { return data_.reserve(size); }
+ // find out if Polygon set is sorted
+ inline bool sorted() const { return !unsorted_; }
+ // find out if Polygon set is clean
+ inline bool dirty() const { return dirty_; }
+ // find out if Polygon set is clean
+ inline bool is_manhattan() const { return is_manhattan_; }
+ bool clean() const;
+ void sort() const{
+ if(unsorted_) {
+ std::sort(data_.begin(), data_.end());
+ unsorted_ = false;
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename input_iterator_type>
+ void set(input_iterator_type input_begin, input_iterator_type input_end) {
+ data_.clear();
+ insert(input_begin, input_end);
+ dirty_ = true;
+ unsorted_ = true;
+ }
+ void set_clean(const value_type& value) {
+ data_ = value;
+ dirty_ = false;
+ unsorted_ = false;
+ }
+ void set(const value_type& value) {
+ data_ = value;
+ dirty_ = true;
+ unsorted_ = true;
+ }
+ // append to the container cT with polygons (holes will be fractured vertically)
+ template <class cT>
+ void get_polygons(cT& container) const {
+ get_dispatch(container, polygon_45_concept());
+ }
+ // append to the container cT with PolygonWithHoles objects
+ template <class cT>
+ void get_polygons_with_holes(cT& container) const {
+ get_dispatch(container, polygon_45_with_holes_concept());
+ }
+ // append to the container cT with polygons of three or four verticies
+ // slicing orientation is vertical
+ template <class cT>
+ void get_trapezoids(cT& container) const {
+ clean();
+ typename polygon_45_formation<Unit>::Polygon45Tiling pf;
+ //std::cout << "FORMING POLYGONS\n";
+ pf.scan(container, data_.begin(), data_.end());
+ //std::cout << "DONE FORMING POLYGONS\n";
+ }
+ // append to the container cT with polygons of three or four verticies
+ template <class cT>
+ void get_trapezoids(cT& container, orientation_2d slicing_orientation) const {
+ if(slicing_orientation == VERTICAL) {
+ get_trapezoids(container);
+ } else {
+ polygon_45_set_data<Unit> ps(*this);
+ ps.transform(axis_transformation(axis_transformation::SWAP_XY));
+ cT result;
+ ps.get_trapezoids(result);
+ for(typename cT::iterator itr = result.begin(); itr != result.end(); ++itr) {
+ ::boost::polygon::transform(*itr, axis_transformation(axis_transformation::SWAP_XY));
+ }
+ container.insert(container.end(), result.begin(), result.end());
+ }
+ }
+ // insert vertex sequence
+ template <class iT>
+ void insert_vertex_sequence(iT begin_vertex, iT end_vertex,
+ direction_1d winding, bool is_hole = false);
+ // get the external boundary rectangle
+ template <typename rectangle_type>
+ bool extents(rectangle_type& rect) const;
+ // snap verticies of set to even,even or odd,odd coordinates
+ void snap() const;
+ // |= &= += *= -= ^= binary operators
+ polygon_45_set_data& operator|=(const polygon_45_set_data& b);
+ polygon_45_set_data& operator&=(const polygon_45_set_data& b);
+ polygon_45_set_data& operator+=(const polygon_45_set_data& b);
+ polygon_45_set_data& operator*=(const polygon_45_set_data& b);
+ polygon_45_set_data& operator-=(const polygon_45_set_data& b);
+ polygon_45_set_data& operator^=(const polygon_45_set_data& b);
+ // resizing operations
+ polygon_45_set_data& operator+=(Unit delta);
+ polygon_45_set_data& operator-=(Unit delta);
+ // shrink the Polygon45Set by shrinking
+ polygon_45_set_data& resize(coordinate_type resizing, RoundingOption rounding = CLOSEST,
+ CornerOption corner = INTERSECTION);
+ // transform set
+ template <typename transformation_type>
+ polygon_45_set_data& transform(const transformation_type& tr);
+ // scale set
+ polygon_45_set_data& scale_up(typename coordinate_traits<Unit>::unsigned_area_type factor);
+ polygon_45_set_data& scale_down(typename coordinate_traits<Unit>::unsigned_area_type factor);
+ polygon_45_set_data& scale(double scaling);
+ // self_intersect
+ polygon_45_set_data& self_intersect() {
+ sort();
+ applyAdaptiveUnary_<1>(); //1 = AND
+ dirty_ = false;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // self_xor
+ polygon_45_set_data& self_xor() {
+ sort();
+ applyAdaptiveUnary_<3>(); //3 = XOR
+ dirty_ = false;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // accumulate the bloated polygon
+ template <typename geometry_type>
+ polygon_45_set_data& insert_with_resize(const geometry_type& poly,
+ coordinate_type resizing, RoundingOption rounding = CLOSEST,
+ CornerOption corner = INTERSECTION,
+ bool hole = false) {
+ return insert_with_resize_dispatch(poly, resizing, rounding, corner, hole, typename geometry_concept<geometry_type>::type());
+ }
+ private:
+ mutable value_type error_data_;
+ mutable value_type data_;
+ mutable bool dirty_;
+ mutable bool unsorted_;
+ mutable bool is_manhattan_;
+ private:
+ //functions
+ template <typename output_container>
+ void get_dispatch(output_container& output, polygon_45_concept tag) const {
+ get_fracture(output, true, tag);
+ }
+ template <typename output_container>
+ void get_dispatch(output_container& output, polygon_45_with_holes_concept tag) const {
+ get_fracture(output, false, tag);
+ }
+ template <typename output_container>
+ void get_dispatch(output_container& output, polygon_concept tag) const {
+ get_fracture(output, true, tag);
+ }
+ template <typename output_container>
+ void get_dispatch(output_container& output, polygon_with_holes_concept tag) const {
+ get_fracture(output, false, tag);
+ }
+ template <typename output_container, typename concept_type>
+ void get_fracture(output_container& container, bool fracture_holes, concept_type ) const {
+ clean();
+ typename polygon_45_formation<Unit>::Polygon45Formation pf(fracture_holes);
+ //std::cout << "FORMING POLYGONS\n";
+ pf.scan(container, data_.begin(), data_.end());
+ }
+ template <typename geometry_type>
+ void insert_dispatch(const geometry_type& geometry_object, bool is_hole, undefined_concept) {
+ insert(geometry_object.begin(), geometry_object.end(), is_hole);
+ }
+ template <typename geometry_type>
+ void insert_dispatch(const geometry_type& geometry_object, bool is_hole, rectangle_concept tag);
+ template <typename geometry_type>
+ void insert_dispatch(const geometry_type& geometry_object, bool is_hole, polygon_90_concept ) {
+ insert_vertex_sequence(begin_points(geometry_object), end_points(geometry_object), winding(geometry_object), is_hole);
+ }
+ template <typename geometry_type>
+ void insert_dispatch(const geometry_type& geometry_object, bool is_hole, polygon_90_with_holes_concept ) {
+ insert_vertex_sequence(begin_points(geometry_object), end_points(geometry_object), winding(geometry_object), is_hole);
+ for(typename polygon_with_holes_traits<geometry_type>::iterator_holes_type itr =
+ begin_holes(geometry_object); itr != end_holes(geometry_object);
+ ++itr) {
+ insert_vertex_sequence(begin_points(*itr), end_points(*itr), winding(*itr), !is_hole);
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename geometry_type>
+ void insert_dispatch(const geometry_type& geometry_object, bool is_hole, polygon_45_concept ) {
+ insert_vertex_sequence(begin_points(geometry_object), end_points(geometry_object), winding(geometry_object), is_hole);
+ }
+ template <typename geometry_type>
+ void insert_dispatch(const geometry_type& geometry_object, bool is_hole, polygon_45_with_holes_concept ) {
+ insert_vertex_sequence(begin_points(geometry_object), end_points(geometry_object), winding(geometry_object), is_hole);
+ for(typename polygon_with_holes_traits<geometry_type>::iterator_holes_type itr =
+ begin_holes(geometry_object); itr != end_holes(geometry_object);
+ ++itr) {
+ insert_vertex_sequence(begin_points(*itr), end_points(*itr), winding(*itr), !is_hole);
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename geometry_type>
+ void insert_dispatch(const geometry_type& geometry_object, bool is_hole, polygon_45_set_concept ) {
+ polygon_45_set_data ps;
+ assign(ps, geometry_object);
+ insert(ps, is_hole);
+ }
+ template <typename geometry_type>
+ void insert_dispatch(const geometry_type& geometry_object, bool is_hole, polygon_90_set_concept ) {
+ std::list<polygon_90_data<coordinate_type> > pl;
+ assign(pl, geometry_object);
+ insert(pl.begin(), pl.end(), is_hole);
+ }
+ void insert_vertex_half_edge_45_pair(const point_data<Unit>& pt1, point_data<Unit>& pt2,
+ const point_data<Unit>& pt3, direction_1d wdir);
+ template <typename geometry_type>
+ polygon_45_set_data& insert_with_resize_dispatch(const geometry_type& poly,
+ coordinate_type resizing, RoundingOption rounding,
+ CornerOption corner, bool hole, polygon_45_concept tag);
+ // accumulate the bloated polygon with holes
+ template <typename geometry_type>
+ polygon_45_set_data& insert_with_resize_dispatch(const geometry_type& poly,
+ coordinate_type resizing, RoundingOption rounding,
+ CornerOption corner, bool hole, polygon_45_with_holes_concept tag);
+ static void snap_vertex_45(Vertex45Compact& vertex);
+ public:
+ template <int op>
+ void applyAdaptiveBoolean_(const polygon_45_set_data& rvalue) const;
+ template <int op>
+ void applyAdaptiveBoolean_(polygon_45_set_data& result, const polygon_45_set_data& rvalue) const;
+ template <int op>
+ void applyAdaptiveUnary_() const;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct geometry_concept<polygon_45_set_data<T> > {
+ typedef polygon_45_set_concept type;
+ };
+ template <typename iT, typename T>
+ void scale_up_vertex_45_compact_range(iT beginr, iT endr, T factor) {
+ for( ; beginr != endr; ++beginr) {
+ scale_up((*beginr).pt, factor);
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename iT, typename T>
+ void scale_down_vertex_45_compact_range_blindly(iT beginr, iT endr, T factor) {
+ for( ; beginr != endr; ++beginr) {
+ scale_down((*beginr).pt, factor);
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline std::pair<int, int> characterizeEdge45(const point_data<Unit>& pt1, const point_data<Unit>& pt2) {
+ std::pair<int, int> retval(0, 1);
+ if(pt1.x() == pt2.x()) {
+ retval.first = 3;
+ retval.second = -1;
+ return retval;
+ }
+ //retval.second = pt1.x() < pt2.x() ? -1 : 1;
+ retval.second = 1;
+ if(pt1.y() == pt2.y()) {
+ retval.first = 1;
+ } else if(pt1.x() < pt2.x()) {
+ if(pt1.y() < pt2.y()) {
+ retval.first = 2;
+ } else {
+ retval.first = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(pt1.y() < pt2.y()) {
+ retval.first = 0;
+ } else {
+ retval.first = 2;
+ }
+ }
+ return retval;
+ }
+ template <typename cT, typename pT>
+ bool insert_vertex_half_edge_45_pair_into_vector(cT& output,
+ const pT& pt1, pT& pt2,
+ const pT& pt3,
+ direction_1d wdir) {
+ int multiplier = wdir == LOW ? -1 : 1;
+ typename cT::value_type vertex(pt2, 0, 0);
+ //std::cout << pt1 << " " << pt2 << " " << pt3 << std::endl;
+ std::pair<int, int> check;
+ check = characterizeEdge45(pt1, pt2);
+ //std::cout << "index " << check.first << " " << check.second * -multiplier << std::endl;
+ vertex.count[check.first] += check.second * -multiplier;
+ check = characterizeEdge45(pt2, pt3);
+ //std::cout << "index " << check.first << " " << check.second * multiplier << std::endl;
+ vertex.count[check.first] += check.second * multiplier;
+ output.push_back(vertex);
+ return vertex.count.is_45();
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline void polygon_45_set_data<Unit>::insert_vertex_half_edge_45_pair(const point_data<Unit>& pt1, point_data<Unit>& pt2,
+ const point_data<Unit>& pt3,
+ direction_1d wdir) {
+ if(insert_vertex_half_edge_45_pair_into_vector(data_, pt1, pt2, pt3, wdir)) is_manhattan_ = false;
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ template <class iT>
+ inline void polygon_45_set_data<Unit>::insert_vertex_sequence(iT begin_vertex, iT end_vertex,
+ direction_1d winding, bool is_hole) {
+ if(begin_vertex == end_vertex) return;
+ if(is_hole) winding = winding.backward();
+ iT itr = begin_vertex;
+ if(itr == end_vertex) return;
+ point_data<Unit> firstPt = *itr;
+ ++itr;
+ point_data<Unit> secondPt(firstPt);
+ //skip any duplicate points
+ do {
+ if(itr == end_vertex) return;
+ secondPt = *itr;
+ ++itr;
+ } while(secondPt == firstPt);
+ point_data<Unit> prevPt = secondPt;
+ point_data<Unit> prevPrevPt = firstPt;
+ while(itr != end_vertex) {
+ point_data<Unit> pt = *itr;
+ //skip any duplicate points
+ if(pt == prevPt) {
+ ++itr;
+ continue;
+ }
+ //operate on the three points
+ insert_vertex_half_edge_45_pair(prevPrevPt, prevPt, pt, winding);
+ prevPrevPt = prevPt;
+ prevPt = pt;
+ ++itr;
+ }
+ if(prevPt != firstPt) {
+ insert_vertex_half_edge_45_pair(prevPrevPt, prevPt, firstPt, winding);
+ insert_vertex_half_edge_45_pair(prevPt, firstPt, secondPt, winding);
+ } else {
+ insert_vertex_half_edge_45_pair(prevPrevPt, firstPt, secondPt, winding);
+ }
+ dirty_ = true;
+ unsorted_ = true;
+ }
+ // insert polygon set
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline void polygon_45_set_data<Unit>::insert(const polygon_45_set_data<Unit>& polygon_set, bool is_hole) {
+ std::size_t count = data_.size();
+ data_.insert(data_.end(), polygon_set.data_.begin(), polygon_set.data_.end());
+ error_data_.insert(error_data_.end(), polygon_set.error_data_.begin(),
+ polygon_set.error_data_.end());
+ if(is_hole) {
+ for(std::size_t i = count; i < data_.size(); ++i) {
+ data_[i].count = data_[i].count.invert();
+ }
+ }
+ dirty_ = true;
+ unsorted_ = true;
+ if(polygon_set.is_manhattan_ == false) is_manhattan_ = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ // insert polygon set
+ template <typename Unit>
+ template <typename coord_type>
+ inline void polygon_45_set_data<Unit>::insert(const polygon_45_set_data<coord_type>& polygon_set, bool is_hole) {
+ std::size_t count = data_.size();
+ for(typename polygon_45_set_data<coord_type>::iterator_type itr = polygon_set.begin();
+ itr != polygon_set.end(); ++itr) {
+ const typename polygon_45_set_data<coord_type>::Vertex45Compact& v = *itr;
+ typename polygon_45_set_data<Unit>::Vertex45Compact v2;
+ v2.pt.x(static_cast<Unit>(v.pt.x()));
+ v2.pt.y(static_cast<Unit>(v.pt.y()));
+ v2.count = typename polygon_45_formation<Unit>::Vertex45Count(v.count[0], v.count[1], v.count[2], v.count[3]);
+ data_.push_back(v2);
+ }
+ polygon_45_set_data<coord_type> tmp;
+ polygon_set.get_error_data(tmp);
+ for(typename polygon_45_set_data<coord_type>::iterator_type itr = tmp.begin();
+ itr != tmp.end(); ++itr) {
+ const typename polygon_45_set_data<coord_type>::Vertex45Compact& v = *itr;
+ typename polygon_45_set_data<Unit>::Vertex45Compact v2;
+ v2.pt.x(static_cast<Unit>(v.pt.x()));
+ v2.pt.y(static_cast<Unit>(v.pt.y()));
+ v2.count = typename polygon_45_formation<Unit>::Vertex45Count(v.count[0], v.count[1], v.count[2], v.count[3]);
+ error_data_.push_back(v2);
+ }
+ if(is_hole) {
+ for(std::size_t i = count; i < data_.size(); ++i) {
+ data_[i].count = data_[i].count.invert();
+ }
+ }
+ dirty_ = true;
+ unsorted_ = true;
+ if(polygon_set.is_manhattan() == false) is_manhattan_ = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ template <typename cT, typename rT>
+ void insert_rectangle_into_vector_45(cT& output, const rT& rect, bool is_hole) {
+ point_data<typename rectangle_traits<rT>::coordinate_type>
+ llpt = ll(rect), lrpt = lr(rect), ulpt = ul(rect), urpt = ur(rect);
+ direction_1d dir = COUNTERCLOCKWISE;
+ if(is_hole) dir = CLOCKWISE;
+ insert_vertex_half_edge_45_pair_into_vector(output, llpt, lrpt, urpt, dir);
+ insert_vertex_half_edge_45_pair_into_vector(output, lrpt, urpt, ulpt, dir);
+ insert_vertex_half_edge_45_pair_into_vector(output, urpt, ulpt, llpt, dir);
+ insert_vertex_half_edge_45_pair_into_vector(output, ulpt, llpt, lrpt, dir);
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ template <typename geometry_type>
+ inline void polygon_45_set_data<Unit>::insert_dispatch(const geometry_type& geometry_object,
+ bool is_hole, rectangle_concept ) {
+ dirty_ = true;
+ unsorted_ = true;
+ insert_rectangle_into_vector_45(data_, geometry_object, is_hole);
+ }
+ // get the external boundary rectangle
+ template <typename Unit>
+ template <typename rectangle_type>
+ inline bool polygon_45_set_data<Unit>::extents(rectangle_type& rect) const{
+ clean();
+ if(empty()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ Unit low = (std::numeric_limits<Unit>::max)();
+ Unit high = (std::numeric_limits<Unit>::min)();
+ interval_data<Unit> xivl(low, high);
+ interval_data<Unit> yivl(low, high);
+ for(typename value_type::const_iterator itr = data_.begin();
+ itr != data_.end(); ++ itr) {
+ if((*itr).pt.x() > xivl.get(HIGH))
+ xivl.set(HIGH, (*itr).pt.x());
+ if((*itr).pt.x() < xivl.get(LOW))
+ xivl.set(LOW, (*itr).pt.x());
+ if((*itr).pt.y() > yivl.get(HIGH))
+ yivl.set(HIGH, (*itr).pt.y());
+ if((*itr).pt.y() < yivl.get(LOW))
+ yivl.set(LOW, (*itr).pt.y());
+ }
+ rect = construct<rectangle_type>(xivl, yivl);
+ return true;
+ }
+ //this function snaps the vertex and two half edges
+ //to be both even or both odd coordinate values if one of the edges is 45
+ //and throws an excpetion if an edge is non-manhattan, non-45.
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline void polygon_45_set_data<Unit>::snap_vertex_45(typename polygon_45_set_data<Unit>::Vertex45Compact& vertex) {
+ bool plus45 = vertex.count[2] != 0;
+ bool minus45 = vertex.count[0] != 0;
+ if(plus45 || minus45) {
+ if(abs(vertex.pt.x()) % 2 != abs(vertex.pt.y()) % 2) {
+ if(vertex.count[1] != 0 ||
+ (plus45 && minus45)) {
+ //move right
+ vertex.pt.x(vertex.pt.x() + 1);
+ } else {
+ //assert that vertex.count[3] != 0
+ Unit modifier = plus45 ? -1 : 1;
+ vertex.pt.y(vertex.pt.y() + modifier);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline void polygon_45_set_data<Unit>::snap() const {
+ for(typename value_type::iterator itr = data_.begin();
+ itr != data_.end(); ++itr) {
+ snap_vertex_45(*itr);
+ }
+ }
+ // |= &= += *= -= ^= binary operators
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline polygon_45_set_data<Unit>& polygon_45_set_data<Unit>::operator|=(const polygon_45_set_data<Unit>& b) {
+ insert(b);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline polygon_45_set_data<Unit>& polygon_45_set_data<Unit>::operator&=(const polygon_45_set_data<Unit>& b) {
+ //b.sort();
+ //sort();
+ applyAdaptiveBoolean_<1>(b);
+ dirty_ = false;
+ unsorted_ = false;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline polygon_45_set_data<Unit>& polygon_45_set_data<Unit>::operator+=(const polygon_45_set_data<Unit>& b) {
+ return (*this) |= b;
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline polygon_45_set_data<Unit>& polygon_45_set_data<Unit>::operator*=(const polygon_45_set_data<Unit>& b) {
+ return (*this) &= b;
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline polygon_45_set_data<Unit>& polygon_45_set_data<Unit>::operator-=(const polygon_45_set_data<Unit>& b) {
+ //b.sort();
+ //sort();
+ applyAdaptiveBoolean_<2>(b);
+ dirty_ = false;
+ unsorted_ = false;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline polygon_45_set_data<Unit>& polygon_45_set_data<Unit>::operator^=(const polygon_45_set_data<Unit>& b) {
+ //b.sort();
+ //sort();
+ applyAdaptiveBoolean_<3>(b);
+ dirty_ = false;
+ unsorted_ = false;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline polygon_45_set_data<Unit>& polygon_45_set_data<Unit>::operator+=(Unit delta) {
+ return resize(delta);
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline polygon_45_set_data<Unit>& polygon_45_set_data<Unit>::operator-=(Unit delta) {
+ return (*this) += -delta;
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline polygon_45_set_data<Unit>&
+ polygon_45_set_data<Unit>::resize(Unit resizing, RoundingOption rounding, CornerOption corner) {
+ if(resizing == 0) return *this;
+ std::list<polygon_45_with_holes_data<Unit> > pl;
+ get_polygons_with_holes(pl);
+ clear();
+ for(typename std::list<polygon_45_with_holes_data<Unit> >::iterator itr = pl.begin(); itr != pl.end(); ++itr) {
+ insert_with_resize(*itr, resizing, rounding, corner);
+ }
+ clean();
+ //perterb 45 edges to prevent non-integer intersection errors upon boolean op
+ //snap();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ //distance is assumed to be positive
+ inline int roundClosest(double distance) {
+ int f = (int)distance;
+ if(distance - (double)f < 0.5) return f;
+ return f+1;
+ }
+ //distance is assumed to be positive
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline Unit roundWithOptions(double distance, RoundingOption rounding) {
+ if(rounding == CLOSEST) {
+ return roundClosest(distance);
+ } else if(rounding == OVERSIZE) {
+ return (Unit)distance + 1;
+ } else { //UNDERSIZE
+ return (Unit)distance;
+ }
+ }
+ // 0 is east, 1 is northeast, 2 is north, 3 is northwest, 4 is west, 5 is southwest, 6 is south
+ // 7 is southwest
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline point_data<Unit> bloatVertexInDirWithOptions(const point_data<Unit>& point, unsigned int dir,
+ Unit bloating, RoundingOption rounding) {
+ const double sqrt2 = 1.4142135623730950488016887242097;
+ if(dir & 1) {
+ Unit unitDistance = (Unit)bloating;
+ if(rounding != SQRT2) {
+ //45 degree bloating
+ double distance = (double)bloating;
+ distance /= sqrt2; // multiply by 1/sqrt2
+ unitDistance = roundWithOptions<Unit>(distance, rounding);
+ }
+ int xMultiplier = 1;
+ int yMultiplier = 1;
+ if(dir == 3 || dir == 5) xMultiplier = -1;
+ if(dir == 5 || dir == 7) yMultiplier = -1;
+ return point_data<Unit>(point.x()+xMultiplier*unitDistance,
+ point.y()+yMultiplier*unitDistance);
+ } else {
+ if(dir == 0)
+ return point_data<Unit>(point.x()+bloating, point.y());
+ if(dir == 2)
+ return point_data<Unit>(point.x(), point.y()+bloating);
+ if(dir == 4)
+ return point_data<Unit>(point.x()-bloating, point.y());
+ if(dir == 6)
+ return point_data<Unit>(point.x(), point.y()-bloating);
+ return point_data<Unit>();
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline unsigned int getEdge45Direction(const point_data<Unit>& pt1, const point_data<Unit>& pt2) {
+ if(pt1.x() == pt2.x()) {
+ if(pt1.y() < pt2.y()) return 2;
+ return 6;
+ }
+ if(pt1.y() == pt2.y()) {
+ if(pt1.x() < pt2.x()) return 0;
+ return 4;
+ }
+ if(pt2.y() > pt1.y()) {
+ if(pt2.x() > pt1.x()) return 1;
+ return 3;
+ }
+ if(pt2.x() > pt1.x()) return 7;
+ return 5;
+ }
+ inline unsigned int getEdge45NormalDirection(unsigned int dir, int multiplier) {
+ if(multiplier < 0)
+ return (dir + 2) % 8;
+ return (dir + 4 + 2) % 8;
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline point_data<Unit> getIntersectionPoint(const point_data<Unit>& pt1, unsigned int slope1,
+ const point_data<Unit>& pt2, unsigned int slope2) {
+ //the intention here is to use all integer arithmetic without causing overflow
+ //turncation error or divide by zero error
+ //I don't use floating point arithmetic because its precision may not be high enough
+ //at the extremes of the integer range
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<Unit>::area_type LongUnit;
+ const Unit rises[8] = {0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1};
+ const Unit runs[8] = {1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1};
+ LongUnit rise1 = rises[slope1];
+ LongUnit rise2 = rises[slope2];
+ LongUnit run1 = runs[slope1];
+ LongUnit run2 = runs[slope2];
+ LongUnit x1 = (LongUnit)pt1.x();
+ LongUnit x2 = (LongUnit)pt2.x();
+ LongUnit y1 = (LongUnit)pt1.y();
+ LongUnit y2 = (LongUnit)pt2.y();
+ Unit x = 0;
+ Unit y = 0;
+ if(run1 == 0) {
+ x = pt1.x();
+ y = (Unit)(((x1 - x2) * rise2) / run2) + pt2.y();
+ } else if(run2 == 0) {
+ x = pt2.x();
+ y = (Unit)(((x2 - x1) * rise1) / run1) + pt1.y();
+ } else {
+ // y - y1 = (rise1/run1)(x - x1)
+ // y - y2 = (rise2/run2)(x - x2)
+ // y = (rise1/run1)(x - x1) + y1 = (rise2/run2)(x - x2) + y2
+ // (rise1/run1 - rise2/run2)x = y2 - y1 + rise1/run1 x1 - rise2/run2 x2
+ // x = (y2 - y1 + rise1/run1 x1 - rise2/run2 x2)/(rise1/run1 - rise2/run2)
+ // x = (y2 - y1 + rise1/run1 x1 - rise2/run2 x2)(rise1 run2 - rise2 run1)/(run1 run2)
+ x = (Unit)((y2 - y1 + ((rise1 * x1) / run1) - ((rise2 * x2) / run2)) *
+ (run1 * run2) / (rise1 * run2 - rise2 * run1));
+ if(rise1 == 0) {
+ y = pt1.y();
+ } else if(rise2 == 0) {
+ y = pt2.y();
+ } else {
+ // y - y1 = (rise1/run1)(x - x1)
+ // (run1/rise1)(y - y1) = x - x1
+ // x = (run1/rise1)(y - y1) + x1 = (run2/rise2)(y - y2) + x2
+ y = (Unit)((x2 - x1 + ((run1 * y1) / rise1) - ((run2 * y2) / rise2)) *
+ (rise1 * rise2) / (run1 * rise2 - run2 * rise1));
+ }
+ }
+ return point_data<Unit>(x, y);
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline
+ void handleResizingEdge45_SQRT1OVER2(polygon_45_set_data<Unit>& sizingSet, point_data<Unit> first,
+ point_data<Unit> second, Unit resizing, CornerOption corner) {
+ if(first.x() == second.x()) {
+ sizingSet.insert(rectangle_data<Unit>(first.x() - resizing, first.y(), first.x() + resizing, second.y()));
+ return;
+ }
+ if(first.y() == second.y()) {
+ sizingSet.insert(rectangle_data<Unit>(first.x(), first.y() - resizing, second.x(), first.y() + resizing));
+ return;
+ }
+ std::vector<point_data<Unit> > pts;
+ Unit bloating = resizing < 0 ? -resizing : resizing;
+ if(corner == UNFILLED) {
+ //we have to round up
+ bloating = bloating / 2 + bloating % 2 ; //round up
+ if(second.x() < first.x()) std::swap(first, second);
+ if(first.y() < second.y()) { //upward sloping
+ pts.push_back(point_data<Unit>(first.x() + bloating, first.y() - bloating));
+ pts.push_back(point_data<Unit>(first.x() - bloating, first.y() + bloating));
+ pts.push_back(point_data<Unit>(second.x() - bloating, second.y() + bloating));
+ pts.push_back(point_data<Unit>(second.x() + bloating, second.y() - bloating));
+ sizingSet.insert_vertex_sequence(pts.begin(), pts.end(), CLOCKWISE, false);
+ } else { //downward sloping
+ pts.push_back(point_data<Unit>(first.x() + bloating, first.y() + bloating));
+ pts.push_back(point_data<Unit>(first.x() - bloating, first.y() - bloating));
+ pts.push_back(point_data<Unit>(second.x() - bloating, second.y() - bloating));
+ pts.push_back(point_data<Unit>(second.x() + bloating, second.y() + bloating));
+ sizingSet.insert_vertex_sequence(pts.begin(), pts.end(), COUNTERCLOCKWISE, false);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if(second.x() < first.x()) std::swap(first, second);
+ if(first.y() < second.y()) { //upward sloping
+ pts.push_back(point_data<Unit>(first.x(), first.y() - bloating));
+ pts.push_back(point_data<Unit>(first.x() - bloating, first.y()));
+ pts.push_back(point_data<Unit>(second.x(), second.y() + bloating));
+ pts.push_back(point_data<Unit>(second.x() + bloating, second.y()));
+ sizingSet.insert_vertex_sequence(pts.begin(), pts.end(), CLOCKWISE, false);
+ } else { //downward sloping
+ pts.push_back(point_data<Unit>(first.x() - bloating, first.y()));
+ pts.push_back(point_data<Unit>(first.x(), first.y() + bloating));
+ pts.push_back(point_data<Unit>(second.x() + bloating, second.y()));
+ pts.push_back(point_data<Unit>(second.x(), second.y() - bloating));
+ sizingSet.insert_vertex_sequence(pts.begin(), pts.end(), CLOCKWISE, false);
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline
+ void handleResizingEdge45(polygon_45_set_data<Unit>& sizingSet, point_data<Unit> first,
+ point_data<Unit> second, Unit resizing, RoundingOption rounding) {
+ if(first.x() == second.x()) {
+ sizingSet.insert(rectangle_data<int>(first.x() - resizing, first.y(), first.x() + resizing, second.y()));
+ return;
+ }
+ if(first.y() == second.y()) {
+ sizingSet.insert(rectangle_data<int>(first.x(), first.y() - resizing, second.x(), first.y() + resizing));
+ return;
+ }
+ //edge is 45
+ std::vector<point_data<Unit> > pts;
+ Unit bloating = resizing < 0 ? -resizing : resizing;
+ if(second.x() < first.x()) std::swap(first, second);
+ if(first.y() < second.y()) {
+ pts.push_back(bloatVertexInDirWithOptions(first, 3, bloating, rounding));
+ pts.push_back(bloatVertexInDirWithOptions(first, 7, bloating, rounding));
+ pts.push_back(bloatVertexInDirWithOptions(second, 7, bloating, rounding));
+ pts.push_back(bloatVertexInDirWithOptions(second, 3, bloating, rounding));
+ sizingSet.insert_vertex_sequence(pts.begin(), pts.end(), HIGH, false);
+ } else {
+ pts.push_back(bloatVertexInDirWithOptions(first, 1, bloating, rounding));
+ pts.push_back(bloatVertexInDirWithOptions(first, 5, bloating, rounding));
+ pts.push_back(bloatVertexInDirWithOptions(second, 5, bloating, rounding));
+ pts.push_back(bloatVertexInDirWithOptions(second, 1, bloating, rounding));
+ sizingSet.insert_vertex_sequence(pts.begin(), pts.end(), HIGH, false);
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline point_data<Unit> bloatVertexInDirWithSQRT1OVER2(int edge1, int normal1, const point_data<Unit>& second, Unit bloating,
+ bool first) {
+ orientation_2d orient = first ? HORIZONTAL : VERTICAL;
+ orientation_2d orientp = orient.get_perpendicular();
+ int multiplier = first ? 1 : -1;
+ point_data<Unit> pt1(second);
+ if(edge1 == 1) {
+ if(normal1 == 3) {
+ move(pt1, orient, -multiplier * bloating);
+ } else {
+ move(pt1, orientp, -multiplier * bloating);
+ }
+ } else if(edge1 == 3) {
+ if(normal1 == 1) {
+ move(pt1, orient, multiplier * bloating);
+ } else {
+ move(pt1, orientp, -multiplier * bloating);
+ }
+ } else if(edge1 == 5) {
+ if(normal1 == 3) {
+ move(pt1, orientp, multiplier * bloating);
+ } else {
+ move(pt1, orient, multiplier * bloating);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(normal1 == 5) {
+ move(pt1, orient, -multiplier * bloating);
+ } else {
+ move(pt1, orientp, multiplier * bloating);
+ }
+ }
+ return pt1;
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline
+ void handleResizingVertex45(polygon_45_set_data<Unit>& sizingSet, const point_data<Unit>& first,
+ const point_data<Unit>& second, const point_data<Unit>& third, Unit resizing,
+ RoundingOption rounding, CornerOption corner,
+ int multiplier) {
+ unsigned int edge1 = getEdge45Direction(first, second);
+ unsigned int edge2 = getEdge45Direction(second, third);
+ unsigned int diffAngle;
+ if(multiplier < 0)
+ diffAngle = (edge2 + 8 - edge1) % 8;
+ else
+ diffAngle = (edge1 + 8 - edge2) % 8;
+ if(diffAngle < 4) {
+ if(resizing > 0) return; //accute interior corner
+ else multiplier *= -1; //make it appear to be an accute exterior angle
+ }
+ Unit bloating = abs(resizing);
+ if(rounding == SQRT1OVER2) {
+ if(edge1 % 2 && edge2 % 2) return;
+ if(corner == ORTHOGONAL && edge1 % 2 == 0 && edge2 % 2 == 0) {
+ rectangle_data<Unit> insertion_rect;
+ set_points(insertion_rect, second, second);
+ bloat(insertion_rect, bloating);
+ sizingSet.insert(insertion_rect);
+ } else if(corner != ORTHOGONAL) {
+ point_data<Unit> pt1(0, 0);
+ point_data<Unit> pt2(0, 0);
+ unsigned int normal1 = getEdge45NormalDirection(edge1, multiplier);
+ unsigned int normal2 = getEdge45NormalDirection(edge2, multiplier);
+ if(edge1 % 2) {
+ pt1 = bloatVertexInDirWithSQRT1OVER2(edge1, normal1, second, bloating, true);
+ } else {
+ pt1 = bloatVertexInDirWithOptions(second, normal1, bloating, UNDERSIZE);
+ }
+ if(edge2 % 2) {
+ pt2 = bloatVertexInDirWithSQRT1OVER2(edge2, normal2, second, bloating, false);
+ } else {
+ pt2 = bloatVertexInDirWithOptions(second, normal2, bloating, UNDERSIZE);
+ }
+ std::vector<point_data<Unit> > pts;
+ pts.push_back(pt1);
+ pts.push_back(second);
+ pts.push_back(pt2);
+ pts.push_back(getIntersectionPoint(pt1, edge1, pt2, edge2));
+ polygon_45_data<Unit> poly(pts.begin(), pts.end());
+ sizingSet.insert(poly);
+ } else {
+ //ORTHOGONAL of a 45 degree corner
+ int normal = 0;
+ if(edge1 % 2) {
+ normal = getEdge45NormalDirection(edge2, multiplier);
+ } else {
+ normal = getEdge45NormalDirection(edge1, multiplier);
+ }
+ rectangle_data<Unit> insertion_rect;
+ point_data<Unit> edgePoint = bloatVertexInDirWithOptions(second, normal, bloating, UNDERSIZE);
+ set_points(insertion_rect, second, edgePoint);
+ if(normal == 0 || normal == 4)
+ bloat(insertion_rect, VERTICAL, bloating);
+ else
+ bloat(insertion_rect, HORIZONTAL, bloating);
+ sizingSet.insert(insertion_rect);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ unsigned int normal1 = getEdge45NormalDirection(edge1, multiplier);
+ unsigned int normal2 = getEdge45NormalDirection(edge2, multiplier);
+ point_data<Unit> edgePoint1 = bloatVertexInDirWithOptions(second, normal1, bloating, rounding);
+ point_data<Unit> edgePoint2 = bloatVertexInDirWithOptions(second, normal2, bloating, rounding);
+ //if the change in angle is 135 degrees it is an accute exterior corner
+ if((edge1+ multiplier * 3) % 8 == edge2) {
+ if(corner == ORTHOGONAL) {
+ rectangle_data<Unit> insertion_rect;
+ set_points(insertion_rect, edgePoint1, edgePoint2);
+ sizingSet.insert(insertion_rect);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ std::vector<point_data<Unit> > pts;
+ pts.push_back(edgePoint1);
+ pts.push_back(second);
+ pts.push_back(edgePoint2);
+ pts.push_back(getIntersectionPoint(edgePoint1, edge1, edgePoint2, edge2));
+ polygon_45_data<Unit> poly(pts.begin(), pts.end());
+ sizingSet.insert(poly);
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ template <typename geometry_type>
+ inline polygon_45_set_data<Unit>&
+ polygon_45_set_data<Unit>::insert_with_resize_dispatch(const geometry_type& poly,
+ coordinate_type resizing,
+ RoundingOption rounding,
+ CornerOption corner,
+ bool hole, polygon_45_concept ) {
+ direction_1d wdir = winding(poly);
+ int multiplier = wdir == LOW ? -1 : 1;
+ if(hole) resizing *= -1;
+ typedef typename polygon_45_data<Unit>::iterator_type piterator;
+ piterator first, second, third, end, real_end;
+ real_end = end_points(poly);
+ third = begin_points(poly);
+ first = third;
+ if(first == real_end) return *this;
+ ++third;
+ if(third == real_end) return *this;
+ second = end = third;
+ ++third;
+ if(third == real_end) return *this;
+ polygon_45_set_data<Unit> sizingSet;
+ //insert minkofski shapes on edges and corners
+ do {
+ if(rounding != SQRT1OVER2) {
+ handleResizingEdge45(sizingSet, *first, *second, resizing, rounding);
+ } else {
+ handleResizingEdge45_SQRT1OVER2(sizingSet, *first, *second, resizing, corner);
+ }
+ if(corner != UNFILLED)
+ handleResizingVertex45(sizingSet, *first, *second, *third, resizing, rounding, corner, multiplier);
+ first = second;
+ second = third;
+ ++third;
+ if(third == real_end) {
+ third = begin_points(poly);
+ if(*second == *third) {
+ ++third; //skip first point if it is duplicate of last point
+ }
+ }
+ } while(second != end);
+ //sizingSet.snap();
+ polygon_45_set_data<Unit> tmp;
+ //insert original shape
+ tmp.insert_dispatch(poly, false, polygon_45_concept());
+ if(resizing < 0) tmp -= sizingSet;
+ else tmp += sizingSet;
+ tmp.clean();
+ insert(tmp, hole);
+ dirty_ = true;
+ unsorted_ = true;
+ return (*this);
+ }
+ // accumulate the bloated polygon with holes
+ template <typename Unit>
+ template <typename geometry_type>
+ inline polygon_45_set_data<Unit>&
+ polygon_45_set_data<Unit>::insert_with_resize_dispatch(const geometry_type& poly,
+ coordinate_type resizing,
+ RoundingOption rounding,
+ CornerOption corner,
+ bool hole, polygon_45_with_holes_concept ) {
+ insert_with_resize_dispatch(poly, resizing, rounding, corner, hole, polygon_45_concept());
+ for(typename polygon_with_holes_traits<geometry_type>::iterator_holes_type itr =
+ begin_holes(poly); itr != end_holes(poly);
+ ++itr) {
+ insert_with_resize_dispatch(*itr, resizing, rounding, corner, !hole, polygon_45_concept());
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // transform set
+ template <typename Unit>
+ template <typename transformation_type>
+ inline polygon_45_set_data<Unit>& polygon_45_set_data<Unit>::transform(const transformation_type& tr){
+ clean();
+ std::vector<polygon_45_with_holes_data<Unit> > polys;
+ get(polys);
+ for(typename std::vector<polygon_45_with_holes_data<Unit> >::iterator itr = polys.begin();
+ itr != polys.end(); ++itr) {
+ ::boost::polygon::transform(*itr, tr);
+ }
+ clear();
+ insert(polys.begin(), polys.end());
+ dirty_ = true;
+ unsorted_ = true;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline polygon_45_set_data<Unit>& polygon_45_set_data<Unit>::scale_up(typename coordinate_traits<Unit>::unsigned_area_type factor) {
+ scale_up_vertex_45_compact_range(data_.begin(), data_.end(), factor);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline polygon_45_set_data<Unit>& polygon_45_set_data<Unit>::scale_down(typename coordinate_traits<Unit>::unsigned_area_type factor) {
+ clean();
+ std::vector<polygon_45_with_holes_data<Unit> > polys;
+ get_polygons_with_holes(polys);
+ for(typename std::vector<polygon_45_with_holes_data<Unit> >::iterator itr = polys.begin();
+ itr != polys.end(); ++itr) {
+ ::boost::polygon::scale_down(*itr, factor);
+ }
+ clear();
+ insert(polys.begin(), polys.end());
+ dirty_ = true;
+ unsorted_ = true;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline polygon_45_set_data<Unit>& polygon_45_set_data<Unit>::scale(double factor) {
+ clean();
+ std::vector<polygon_45_with_holes_data<Unit> > polys;
+ get_polygons_with_holes(polys);
+ for(typename std::vector<polygon_45_with_holes_data<Unit> >::iterator itr = polys.begin();
+ itr != polys.end(); ++itr) {
+ ::boost::polygon::scale(*itr, factor);
+ }
+ clear();
+ insert(polys.begin(), polys.end());
+ dirty_ = true;
+ unsorted_ = true;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ inline bool polygon_45_set_data<Unit>::clean() const {
+ if(unsorted_) sort();
+ if(dirty_) {
+ applyAdaptiveUnary_<0>();
+ dirty_ = false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ template <int op>
+ inline void polygon_45_set_data<Unit>::applyAdaptiveBoolean_(const polygon_45_set_data<Unit>& rvalue) const {
+ polygon_45_set_data<Unit> tmp;
+ applyAdaptiveBoolean_<op>(tmp, rvalue);
+ data_.swap(tmp.data_); //swapping vectors should be constant time operation
+ error_data_.swap(tmp.error_data_);
+ is_manhattan_ = tmp.is_manhattan_;
+ unsorted_ = false;
+ dirty_ = false;
+ }
+ template <typename Unit2, int op>
+ bool applyBoolean45OpOnVectors(std::vector<typename polygon_45_formation<Unit2>::Vertex45Compact>& result_data,
+ std::vector<typename polygon_45_formation<Unit2>::Vertex45Compact>& lvalue_data,
+ std::vector<typename polygon_45_formation<Unit2>::Vertex45Compact>& rvalue_data
+ ) {
+ bool result_is_manhattan_ = true;
+ typename boolean_op_45<Unit2>::template Scan45<typename boolean_op_45<Unit2>::Count2,
+ typename boolean_op_45<Unit2>::template boolean_op_45_output_functor<op> > scan45;
+ std::vector<typename boolean_op_45<Unit2>::Vertex45> eventOut;
+ typedef std::pair<typename boolean_op_45<Unit2>::Point,
+ typename boolean_op_45<Unit2>::template Scan45CountT<typename boolean_op_45<Unit2>::Count2> > Scan45Vertex;
+ std::vector<Scan45Vertex> eventIn;
+ typedef std::vector<typename polygon_45_formation<Unit2>::Vertex45Compact> value_type;
+ typename value_type::const_iterator iter1 = lvalue_data.begin();
+ typename value_type::const_iterator iter2 = rvalue_data.begin();
+ typename value_type::const_iterator end1 = lvalue_data.end();
+ typename value_type::const_iterator end2 = rvalue_data.end();
+ const Unit2 UnitMax = (std::numeric_limits<Unit2>::max)();
+ Unit2 x = UnitMax;
+ while(iter1 != end1 || iter2 != end2) {
+ Unit2 currentX = UnitMax;
+ if(iter1 != end1) currentX = iter1->pt.x();
+ if(iter2 != end2) currentX = (std::min)(currentX, iter2->pt.x());
+ if(currentX != x) {
+ //std::cout << "SCAN " << currentX << "\n";
+ //scan event
+ scan45.scan(eventOut, eventIn.begin(), eventIn.end());
+ std::sort(eventOut.begin(), eventOut.end());
+ std::size_t ptCount = 0;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < eventOut.size(); ++i) {
+ if(!result_data.empty() &&
+ result_data.back().pt == eventOut[i].pt) {
+ result_data.back().count += eventOut[i];
+ ++ptCount;
+ } else {
+ if(!result_data.empty()) {
+ if(result_data.back().count.is_45()) {
+ result_is_manhattan_ = false;
+ }
+ if(ptCount == 2 && result_data.back().count == (typename polygon_45_formation<Unit2>::Vertex45Count(0, 0, 0, 0))) {
+ result_data.pop_back();
+ }
+ }
+ result_data.push_back(eventOut[i]);
+ ptCount = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if(ptCount == 2 && result_data.back().count == (typename polygon_45_formation<Unit2>::Vertex45Count(0, 0, 0, 0))) {
+ result_data.pop_back();
+ }
+ eventOut.clear();
+ eventIn.clear();
+ x = currentX;
+ }
+ //std::cout << "get next\n";
+ if(iter2 != end2 && (iter1 == end1 || iter2->pt.x() < iter1->pt.x() ||
+ (iter2->pt.x() == iter1->pt.x() &&
+ iter2->pt.y() < iter1->pt.y()) )) {
+ //std::cout << "case1 next\n";
+ eventIn.push_back(Scan45Vertex
+ (iter2->pt,
+ typename polygon_45_formation<Unit2>::
+ Scan45Count(typename polygon_45_formation<Unit2>::Count2(0, iter2->count[0]),
+ typename polygon_45_formation<Unit2>::Count2(0, iter2->count[1]),
+ typename polygon_45_formation<Unit2>::Count2(0, iter2->count[2]),
+ typename polygon_45_formation<Unit2>::Count2(0, iter2->count[3]))));
+ ++iter2;
+ } else if(iter1 != end1 && (iter2 == end2 || iter1->pt.x() < iter2->pt.x() ||
+ (iter1->pt.x() == iter2->pt.x() &&
+ iter1->pt.y() < iter2->pt.y()) )) {
+ //std::cout << "case2 next\n";
+ eventIn.push_back(Scan45Vertex
+ (iter1->pt,
+ typename polygon_45_formation<Unit2>::
+ Scan45Count(
+ typename polygon_45_formation<Unit2>::Count2(iter1->count[0], 0),
+ typename polygon_45_formation<Unit2>::Count2(iter1->count[1], 0),
+ typename polygon_45_formation<Unit2>::Count2(iter1->count[2], 0),
+ typename polygon_45_formation<Unit2>::Count2(iter1->count[3], 0))));
+ ++iter1;
+ } else {
+ //std::cout << "case3 next\n";
+ eventIn.push_back(Scan45Vertex
+ (iter2->pt,
+ typename polygon_45_formation<Unit2>::
+ Scan45Count(typename polygon_45_formation<Unit2>::Count2(iter1->count[0],
+ iter2->count[0]),
+ typename polygon_45_formation<Unit2>::Count2(iter1->count[1],
+ iter2->count[1]),
+ typename polygon_45_formation<Unit2>::Count2(iter1->count[2],
+ iter2->count[2]),
+ typename polygon_45_formation<Unit2>::Count2(iter1->count[3],
+ iter2->count[3]))));
+ ++iter1;
+ ++iter2;
+ }
+ }
+ scan45.scan(eventOut, eventIn.begin(), eventIn.end());
+ std::sort(eventOut.begin(), eventOut.end());
+ std::size_t ptCount = 0;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < eventOut.size(); ++i) {
+ if(!result_data.empty() &&
+ result_data.back().pt == eventOut[i].pt) {
+ result_data.back().count += eventOut[i];
+ ++ptCount;
+ } else {
+ if(!result_data.empty()) {
+ if(result_data.back().count.is_45()) {
+ result_is_manhattan_ = false;
+ }
+ if(ptCount == 2 && result_data.back().count == (typename polygon_45_formation<Unit2>::Vertex45Count(0, 0, 0, 0))) {
+ result_data.pop_back();
+ }
+ }
+ result_data.push_back(eventOut[i]);
+ ptCount = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if(ptCount == 2 && result_data.back().count == (typename polygon_45_formation<Unit2>::Vertex45Count(0, 0, 0, 0))) {
+ result_data.pop_back();
+ }
+ if(!result_data.empty() &&
+ result_data.back().count.is_45()) {
+ result_is_manhattan_ = false;
+ }
+ return result_is_manhattan_;
+ }
+ template <typename Unit2, int op>
+ bool applyUnary45OpOnVectors(std::vector<typename polygon_45_formation<Unit2>::Vertex45Compact>& result_data,
+ std::vector<typename polygon_45_formation<Unit2>::Vertex45Compact>& lvalue_data ) {
+ bool result_is_manhattan_ = true;
+ typename boolean_op_45<Unit2>::template Scan45<typename boolean_op_45<Unit2>::Count1,
+ typename boolean_op_45<Unit2>::template unary_op_45_output_functor<op> > scan45;
+ std::vector<typename boolean_op_45<Unit2>::Vertex45> eventOut;
+ typedef typename boolean_op_45<Unit2>::template Scan45CountT<typename boolean_op_45<Unit2>::Count1> Scan45Count;
+ typedef std::pair<typename boolean_op_45<Unit2>::Point, Scan45Count> Scan45Vertex;
+ std::vector<Scan45Vertex> eventIn;
+ typedef std::vector<typename polygon_45_formation<Unit2>::Vertex45Compact> value_type;
+ typename value_type::const_iterator iter1 = lvalue_data.begin();
+ typename value_type::const_iterator end1 = lvalue_data.end();
+ const Unit2 UnitMax = (std::numeric_limits<Unit2>::max)();
+ Unit2 x = UnitMax;
+ while(iter1 != end1) {
+ Unit2 currentX = iter1->pt.x();
+ if(currentX != x) {
+ //std::cout << "SCAN " << currentX << "\n";
+ //scan event
+ scan45.scan(eventOut, eventIn.begin(), eventIn.end());
+ std::sort(eventOut.begin(), eventOut.end());
+ std::size_t ptCount = 0;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < eventOut.size(); ++i) {
+ if(!result_data.empty() &&
+ result_data.back().pt == eventOut[i].pt) {
+ result_data.back().count += eventOut[i];
+ ++ptCount;
+ } else {
+ if(!result_data.empty()) {
+ if(result_data.back().count.is_45()) {
+ result_is_manhattan_ = false;
+ }
+ if(ptCount == 2 && result_data.back().count == (typename polygon_45_formation<Unit2>::Vertex45Count(0, 0, 0, 0))) {
+ result_data.pop_back();
+ }
+ }
+ result_data.push_back(eventOut[i]);
+ ptCount = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if(ptCount == 2 && result_data.back().count == (typename polygon_45_formation<Unit2>::Vertex45Count(0, 0, 0, 0))) {
+ result_data.pop_back();
+ }
+ eventOut.clear();
+ eventIn.clear();
+ x = currentX;
+ }
+ //std::cout << "get next\n";
+ eventIn.push_back(Scan45Vertex
+ (iter1->pt,
+ Scan45Count( typename boolean_op_45<Unit2>::Count1(iter1->count[0]),
+ typename boolean_op_45<Unit2>::Count1(iter1->count[1]),
+ typename boolean_op_45<Unit2>::Count1(iter1->count[2]),
+ typename boolean_op_45<Unit2>::Count1(iter1->count[3]))));
+ ++iter1;
+ }
+ scan45.scan(eventOut, eventIn.begin(), eventIn.end());
+ std::sort(eventOut.begin(), eventOut.end());
+ std::size_t ptCount = 0;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < eventOut.size(); ++i) {
+ if(!result_data.empty() &&
+ result_data.back().pt == eventOut[i].pt) {
+ result_data.back().count += eventOut[i];
+ ++ptCount;
+ } else {
+ if(!result_data.empty()) {
+ if(result_data.back().count.is_45()) {
+ result_is_manhattan_ = false;
+ }
+ if(ptCount == 2 && result_data.back().count == (typename polygon_45_formation<Unit2>::Vertex45Count(0, 0, 0, 0))) {
+ result_data.pop_back();
+ }
+ }
+ result_data.push_back(eventOut[i]);
+ ptCount = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if(ptCount == 2 && result_data.back().count == (typename polygon_45_formation<Unit2>::Vertex45Count(0, 0, 0, 0))) {
+ result_data.pop_back();
+ }
+ if(!result_data.empty() &&
+ result_data.back().count.is_45()) {
+ result_is_manhattan_ = false;
+ }
+ return result_is_manhattan_;
+ }
+ template <typename cT, typename iT>
+ void get_error_rects_shell(cT& posE, cT& negE, iT beginr, iT endr) {
+ typedef typename iT::value_type Point;
+ typedef typename point_traits<Point>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<Unit>::area_type area_type;
+ Point pt1, pt2, pt3;
+ bool i1 = true;
+ bool i2 = true;
+ bool not_done = beginr != endr;
+ bool next_to_last = false;
+ bool last = false;
+ Point first, second;
+ while(not_done) {
+ if(last) {
+ last = false;
+ not_done = false;
+ pt3 = second;
+ } else if(next_to_last) {
+ next_to_last = false;
+ last = true;
+ pt3 = first;
+ } else if(i1) {
+ const Point& pt = *beginr;
+ first = pt1 = pt;
+ i1 = false;
+ i2 = true;
+ ++beginr;
+ if(beginr == endr) return; //too few points
+ continue;
+ } else if (i2) {
+ const Point& pt = *beginr;
+ second = pt2 = pt;
+ i2 = false;
+ ++beginr;
+ if(beginr == endr) return; //too few points
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ const Point& pt = *beginr;
+ pt3 = pt;
+ ++beginr;
+ if(beginr == endr) {
+ next_to_last = true;
+ //skip last point equal to first
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if(local_abs(x(pt2)) % 2) { //y % 2 should also be odd
+ //is corner concave or convex?
+ Point pts[] = {pt1, pt2, pt3};
+ area_type ar = point_sequence_area<Point*, area_type>(pts, pts+3);
+ direction_1d dir = ar < 0 ? COUNTERCLOCKWISE : CLOCKWISE;
+ //std::cout << pt1 << " " << pt2 << " " << pt3 << " " << ar << std::endl;
+ if(dir == CLOCKWISE) {
+ posE.push_back(rectangle_data<typename Point::coordinate_type>
+ (x(pt2) - 1, y(pt2) - 1, x(pt2) + 1, y(pt2) + 1));
+ } else {
+ negE.push_back(rectangle_data<typename Point::coordinate_type>
+ (x(pt2) - 1, y(pt2) - 1, x(pt2) + 1, y(pt2) + 1));
+ }
+ }
+ pt1 = pt2;
+ pt2 = pt3;
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename cT, typename pT>
+ void get_error_rects(cT& posE, cT& negE, const pT& p) {
+ get_error_rects_shell(posE, negE, p.begin(), p.end());
+ for(typename pT::iterator_holes_type iHb = p.begin_holes();
+ iHb != p.end_holes(); ++iHb) {
+ get_error_rects_shell(posE, negE, iHb->begin(), iHb->end());
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ template <int op>
+ inline void polygon_45_set_data<Unit>::applyAdaptiveBoolean_(polygon_45_set_data<Unit>& result,
+ const polygon_45_set_data<Unit>& rvalue) const {
+ result.clear();
+ result.error_data_ = error_data_;
+ result.error_data_.insert(result.error_data_.end(), rvalue.error_data_.begin(),
+ rvalue.error_data_.end());
+ if(is_manhattan() && rvalue.is_manhattan()) {
+ //convert each into polygon_90_set data and call boolean operations
+ polygon_90_set_data<Unit> l90sd(VERTICAL), r90sd(VERTICAL), output(VERTICAL);
+ for(typename value_type::const_iterator itr = data_.begin(); itr != data_.end(); ++itr) {
+ if((*itr).count[3] == 0) continue; //skip all non vertical edges
+ l90sd.insert(std::make_pair((*itr).pt.x(), std::make_pair((*itr).pt.y(), (*itr).count[3])), false, VERTICAL);
+ }
+ for(typename value_type::const_iterator itr = rvalue.data_.begin(); itr != rvalue.data_.end(); ++itr) {
+ if((*itr).count[3] == 0) continue; //skip all non vertical edges
+ r90sd.insert(std::make_pair((*itr).pt.x(), std::make_pair((*itr).pt.y(), (*itr).count[3])), false, VERTICAL);
+ }
+ l90sd.sort();
+ r90sd.sort();
+#pragma warning (disable: 4127)
+ if(op == 0) {
+ output.applyBooleanBinaryOp(l90sd.begin(), l90sd.end(),
+ r90sd.begin(), r90sd.end(), boolean_op::BinaryCount<boolean_op::BinaryOr>());
+ } else if (op == 1) {
+ output.applyBooleanBinaryOp(l90sd.begin(), l90sd.end(),
+ r90sd.begin(), r90sd.end(), boolean_op::BinaryCount<boolean_op::BinaryAnd>());
+ } else if (op == 2) {
+ output.applyBooleanBinaryOp(l90sd.begin(), l90sd.end(),
+ r90sd.begin(), r90sd.end(), boolean_op::BinaryCount<boolean_op::BinaryNot>());
+ } else if (op == 3) {
+ output.applyBooleanBinaryOp(l90sd.begin(), l90sd.end(),
+ r90sd.begin(), r90sd.end(), boolean_op::BinaryCount<boolean_op::BinaryXor>());
+ }
+#pragma warning (default: 4127)
+ result.data_.clear();
+ result.insert(output);
+ result.is_manhattan_ = true;
+ result.dirty_ = false;
+ result.unsorted_ = false;
+ } else {
+ sort();
+ rvalue.sort();
+ try {
+ result.is_manhattan_ = applyBoolean45OpOnVectors<Unit, op>(result.data_, data_, rvalue.data_);
+ } catch (std::string str) {
+ std::string msg = "GTL 45 Boolean error, precision insufficient to represent edge intersection coordinate value.";
+ if(str == msg) {
+ result.clear();
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<Unit>::manhattan_area_type Unit2;
+ typedef typename polygon_45_formation<Unit2>::Vertex45Compact Vertex45Compact2;
+ typedef std::vector<Vertex45Compact2> Data2;
+ Data2 rvalue_data, lvalue_data, result_data;
+ rvalue_data.reserve(rvalue.data_.size());
+ lvalue_data.reserve(data_.size());
+ for(std::size_t i = 0 ; i < data_.size(); ++i) {
+ const Vertex45Compact& vi = data_[i];
+ Vertex45Compact2 ci;
+ ci.pt = point_data<Unit2>(x(vi.pt), y(vi.pt));
+ ci.count = typename polygon_45_formation<Unit2>::Vertex45Count
+ ( vi.count[0], vi.count[1], vi.count[2], vi.count[3]);
+ lvalue_data.push_back(ci);
+ }
+ for(std::size_t i = 0 ; i < rvalue.data_.size(); ++i) {
+ const Vertex45Compact& vi = rvalue.data_[i];
+ Vertex45Compact2 ci;
+ ci.pt = (point_data<Unit2>(x(vi.pt), y(vi.pt)));
+ ci.count = typename polygon_45_formation<Unit2>::Vertex45Count
+ ( vi.count[0], vi.count[1], vi.count[2], vi.count[3]);
+ rvalue_data.push_back(ci);
+ }
+ scale_up_vertex_45_compact_range(lvalue_data.begin(), lvalue_data.end(), 2);
+ scale_up_vertex_45_compact_range(rvalue_data.begin(), rvalue_data.end(), 2);
+ bool result_is_manhattan = applyBoolean45OpOnVectors<Unit2, op>(result_data,
+ lvalue_data,
+ rvalue_data );
+ if(!result_is_manhattan) {
+ typename polygon_45_formation<Unit2>::Polygon45Formation pf(false);
+ //std::cout << "FORMING POLYGONS\n";
+ std::vector<polygon_45_with_holes_data<Unit2> > container;
+ pf.scan(container, result_data.begin(), result_data.end());
+ Data2 error_data_out;
+ std::vector<rectangle_data<Unit2> > pos_error_rects;
+ std::vector<rectangle_data<Unit2> > neg_error_rects;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < container.size(); ++i) {
+ get_error_rects(pos_error_rects, neg_error_rects, container[i]);
+ }
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < pos_error_rects.size(); ++i) {
+ insert_rectangle_into_vector_45(result_data, pos_error_rects[i], false);
+ insert_rectangle_into_vector_45(error_data_out, pos_error_rects[i], false);
+ }
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < neg_error_rects.size(); ++i) {
+ insert_rectangle_into_vector_45(result_data, neg_error_rects[i], true);
+ insert_rectangle_into_vector_45(error_data_out, neg_error_rects[i], false);
+ }
+ scale_down_vertex_45_compact_range_blindly(error_data_out.begin(), error_data_out.end(), 2);
+ for(std::size_t i = 0 ; i < error_data_out.size(); ++i) {
+ const Vertex45Compact2& vi = error_data_out[i];
+ Vertex45Compact ci;
+ ci.pt.x(static_cast<Unit>(x(vi.pt)));
+ ci.pt.y(static_cast<Unit>(y(vi.pt)));
+ ci.count = typename polygon_45_formation<Unit>::Vertex45Count
+ ( vi.count[0], vi.count[1], vi.count[2], vi.count[3]);
+ result.error_data_.push_back(ci);
+ }
+ Data2 new_result_data;
+ std::sort(result_data.begin(), result_data.end());
+ applyUnary45OpOnVectors<Unit2, 0>(new_result_data, result_data); //OR operation
+ result_data.swap(new_result_data);
+ }
+ scale_down_vertex_45_compact_range_blindly(result_data.begin(), result_data.end(), 2);
+ //result.data_.reserve(result_data.size());
+ for(std::size_t i = 0 ; i < result_data.size(); ++i) {
+ const Vertex45Compact2& vi = result_data[i];
+ Vertex45Compact ci;
+ ci.pt.x(static_cast<Unit>(x(vi.pt)));
+ ci.pt.y(static_cast<Unit>(y(vi.pt)));
+ ci.count = typename polygon_45_formation<Unit>::Vertex45Count
+ ( vi.count[0], vi.count[1], vi.count[2], vi.count[3]);
+ result.data_.push_back(ci);
+ }
+ result.is_manhattan_ = result_is_manhattan;
+ result.dirty_ = false;
+ result.unsorted_ = false;
+ } else { throw str; }
+ }
+ //std::cout << "DONE SCANNING\n";
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ template <int op>
+ inline void polygon_45_set_data<Unit>::applyAdaptiveUnary_() const {
+ polygon_45_set_data<Unit> result;
+ result.error_data_ = error_data_;
+ if(is_manhattan()) {
+ //convert each into polygon_90_set data and call boolean operations
+ polygon_90_set_data<Unit> l90sd(VERTICAL);
+ for(typename value_type::const_iterator itr = data_.begin(); itr != data_.end(); ++itr) {
+ if((*itr).count[3] == 0) continue; //skip all non vertical edges
+ l90sd.insert(std::make_pair((*itr).pt.x(), std::make_pair((*itr).pt.y(), (*itr).count[3])), false, VERTICAL);
+ }
+ l90sd.sort();
+#pragma warning (disable: 4127)
+ if(op == 0) {
+ l90sd.clean();
+ } else if (op == 1) {
+ l90sd.self_intersect();
+ } else if (op == 3) {
+ l90sd.self_xor();
+ }
+#pragma warning (default: 4127)
+ result.data_.clear();
+ result.insert(l90sd);
+ result.is_manhattan_ = true;
+ result.dirty_ = false;
+ result.unsorted_ = false;
+ } else {
+ sort();
+ try {
+ result.is_manhattan_ = applyUnary45OpOnVectors<Unit, op>(result.data_, data_);
+ } catch (std::string str) {
+ std::string msg = "GTL 45 Boolean error, precision insufficient to represent edge intersection coordinate value.";
+ if(str == msg) {
+ result.clear();
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<Unit>::manhattan_area_type Unit2;
+ typedef typename polygon_45_formation<Unit2>::Vertex45Compact Vertex45Compact2;
+ typedef std::vector<Vertex45Compact2> Data2;
+ Data2 lvalue_data, result_data;
+ lvalue_data.reserve(data_.size());
+ for(std::size_t i = 0 ; i < data_.size(); ++i) {
+ const Vertex45Compact& vi = data_[i];
+ Vertex45Compact2 ci;
+ ci.pt.x(static_cast<Unit>(x(vi.pt)));
+ ci.pt.y(static_cast<Unit>(y(vi.pt)));
+ ci.count = typename polygon_45_formation<Unit2>::Vertex45Count
+ ( vi.count[0], vi.count[1], vi.count[2], vi.count[3]);
+ lvalue_data.push_back(ci);
+ }
+ scale_up_vertex_45_compact_range(lvalue_data.begin(), lvalue_data.end(), 2);
+ bool result_is_manhattan = applyUnary45OpOnVectors<Unit2, op>(result_data,
+ lvalue_data );
+ if(!result_is_manhattan) {
+ typename polygon_45_formation<Unit2>::Polygon45Formation pf(false);
+ //std::cout << "FORMING POLYGONS\n";
+ std::vector<polygon_45_with_holes_data<Unit2> > container;
+ pf.scan(container, result_data.begin(), result_data.end());
+ Data2 error_data_out;
+ std::vector<rectangle_data<Unit2> > pos_error_rects;
+ std::vector<rectangle_data<Unit2> > neg_error_rects;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < container.size(); ++i) {
+ get_error_rects(pos_error_rects, neg_error_rects, container[i]);
+ }
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < pos_error_rects.size(); ++i) {
+ insert_rectangle_into_vector_45(result_data, pos_error_rects[i], false);
+ insert_rectangle_into_vector_45(error_data_out, pos_error_rects[i], false);
+ }
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < neg_error_rects.size(); ++i) {
+ insert_rectangle_into_vector_45(result_data, neg_error_rects[i], true);
+ insert_rectangle_into_vector_45(error_data_out, neg_error_rects[i], false);
+ }
+ scale_down_vertex_45_compact_range_blindly(error_data_out.begin(), error_data_out.end(), 2);
+ for(std::size_t i = 0 ; i < error_data_out.size(); ++i) {
+ const Vertex45Compact2& vi = error_data_out[i];
+ Vertex45Compact ci;
+ ci.pt.x(static_cast<Unit>(x(vi.pt)));
+ ci.pt.y(static_cast<Unit>(y(vi.pt)));
+ ci.count = typename polygon_45_formation<Unit>::Vertex45Count
+ ( vi.count[0], vi.count[1], vi.count[2], vi.count[3]);
+ result.error_data_.push_back(ci);
+ }
+ Data2 new_result_data;
+ std::sort(result_data.begin(), result_data.end());
+ applyUnary45OpOnVectors<Unit2, 0>(new_result_data, result_data); //OR operation
+ result_data.swap(new_result_data);
+ }
+ scale_down_vertex_45_compact_range_blindly(result_data.begin(), result_data.end(), 2);
+ //result.data_.reserve(result_data.size());
+ for(std::size_t i = 0 ; i < result_data.size(); ++i) {
+ const Vertex45Compact2& vi = result_data[i];
+ Vertex45Compact ci;
+ ci.pt.x(static_cast<Unit>(x(vi.pt)));
+ ci.pt.y(static_cast<Unit>(y(vi.pt)));
+ ci.count = typename polygon_45_formation<Unit>::Vertex45Count
+ ( vi.count[0], vi.count[1], vi.count[2], vi.count[3]);
+ result.data_.push_back(ci);
+ }
+ result.is_manhattan_ = result_is_manhattan;
+ result.dirty_ = false;
+ result.unsorted_ = false;
+ } else { throw str; }
+ }
+ //std::cout << "DONE SCANNING\n";
+ }
+ data_.swap(result.data_);
+ error_data_.swap(result.error_data_);
+ dirty_ = result.dirty_;
+ unsorted_ = result.unsorted_;
+ is_manhattan_ = result.is_manhattan_;
+ }
+ template <typename coordinate_type, typename property_type>
+ class property_merge_45 {
+ private:
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<coordinate_type>::manhattan_area_type big_coord;
+ typedef typename polygon_45_property_merge<big_coord, property_type>::MergeSetData tsd;
+ tsd tsd_;
+ public:
+ inline property_merge_45() : tsd_() {}
+ inline property_merge_45(const property_merge_45& that) : tsd_(that.tsd_) {}
+ inline property_merge_45& operator=(const property_merge_45& that) {
+ tsd_ = that.tsd_;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline void insert(const polygon_45_set_data<coordinate_type>& ps, property_type property) {
+ ps.clean();
+ polygon_45_property_merge<big_coord, property_type>::populateMergeSetData(tsd_, ps.begin(), ps.end(), property);
+ }
+ template <class GeoObjT>
+ inline void insert(const GeoObjT& geoObj, property_type property) {
+ polygon_45_set_data<coordinate_type> ps;
+ ps.insert(geoObj);
+ insert(ps, property);
+ }
+ //merge properties of input geometries and store the resulting geometries of regions
+ //with unique sets of merged properties to polygons sets in a map keyed by sets of properties
+ // T = std::map<std::set<property_type>, polygon_45_set_data<coordiante_type> > or
+ // T = std::map<std::vector<property_type>, polygon_45_set_data<coordiante_type> >
+ template <class result_type>
+ inline void merge(result_type& result) {
+ typedef typename result_type::key_type keytype;
+ typedef std::map<keytype, polygon_45_set_data<big_coord> > bigtype;
+ bigtype result_big;
+ polygon_45_property_merge<big_coord, property_type>::performMerge(result_big, tsd_);
+ std::vector<polygon_45_with_holes_data<big_coord> > polys;
+ std::vector<rectangle_data<big_coord> > pos_error_rects;
+ std::vector<rectangle_data<big_coord> > neg_error_rects;
+ for(typename std::map<keytype, polygon_45_set_data<big_coord> >::iterator itr = result_big.begin();
+ itr != result_big.end(); ++itr) {
+ polys.clear();
+ (*itr).second.get(polys);
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i) {
+ get_error_rects(pos_error_rects, neg_error_rects, polys[i]);
+ }
+ (*itr).second += pos_error_rects;
+ (*itr).second -= neg_error_rects;
+ (*itr).second.scale_down(2);
+ result[(*itr).first].insert((*itr).second);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ //ConnectivityExtraction computes the graph of connectivity between rectangle, polygon and
+ //polygon set graph nodes where an edge is created whenever the geometry in two nodes overlap
+ template <typename coordinate_type>
+ class connectivity_extraction_45 {
+ private:
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<coordinate_type>::manhattan_area_type big_coord;
+ typedef typename polygon_45_touch<big_coord>::TouchSetData tsd;
+ tsd tsd_;
+ unsigned int nodeCount_;
+ public:
+ inline connectivity_extraction_45() : tsd_(), nodeCount_(0) {}
+ inline connectivity_extraction_45(const connectivity_extraction_45& that) : tsd_(that.tsd_),
+ nodeCount_(that.nodeCount_) {}
+ inline connectivity_extraction_45& operator=(const connectivity_extraction_45& that) {
+ tsd_ = that.tsd_;
+ nodeCount_ = that.nodeCount_; {}
+ return *this;
+ }
+ //insert a polygon set graph node, the value returned is the id of the graph node
+ inline unsigned int insert(const polygon_45_set_data<coordinate_type>& ps) {
+ ps.clean();
+ polygon_45_touch<big_coord>::populateTouchSetData(tsd_, ps.begin(), ps.end(), nodeCount_);
+ return nodeCount_++;
+ }
+ template <class GeoObjT>
+ inline unsigned int insert(const GeoObjT& geoObj) {
+ polygon_45_set_data<coordinate_type> ps;
+ ps.insert(geoObj);
+ return insert(ps);
+ }
+ //extract connectivity and store the edges in the graph
+ //graph must be indexable by graph node id and the indexed value must be a std::set of
+ //graph node id
+ template <class GraphT>
+ inline void extract(GraphT& graph) {
+ polygon_45_touch<big_coord>::performTouch(graph, tsd_);
+ }
+ };
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_45_set_traits.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_45_set_traits.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+ //default definition of polygon 45 set traits works for any model of polygon 45, polygon 45 with holes or any vector or list thereof
+ template <typename T>
+ struct polygon_45_set_traits {
+ typedef typename get_coordinate_type<T, typename geometry_concept<T>::type >::type coordinate_type;
+ typedef typename get_iterator_type<T>::type iterator_type;
+ typedef T operator_arg_type;
+ static inline iterator_type begin(const T& polygon_set) {
+ return get_iterator_type<T>::begin(polygon_set);
+ }
+ static inline iterator_type end(const T& polygon_set) {
+ return get_iterator_type<T>::end(polygon_set);
+ }
+ static inline bool clean(const T& ) { return false; }
+ static inline bool sorted(const T& ) { return false; }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_45_polygonal_concept { typedef gtl_no type; };
+ template <>
+ struct is_45_polygonal_concept<polygon_45_concept> { typedef gtl_yes type; };
+ template <>
+ struct is_45_polygonal_concept<polygon_45_with_holes_concept> { typedef gtl_yes type; };
+ template <>
+ struct is_45_polygonal_concept<polygon_45_set_concept> { typedef gtl_yes type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_polygon_45_set_type {
+ typedef typename is_45_polygonal_concept<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_polygon_45_set_type<std::list<T> > {
+ typedef typename gtl_or<
+ typename is_45_polygonal_concept<typename geometry_concept<std::list<T> >::type>::type,
+ typename is_45_polygonal_concept<typename geometry_concept<typename std::list<T>::value_type>::type>::type>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_polygon_45_set_type<std::vector<T> > {
+ typedef typename gtl_or<
+ typename is_45_polygonal_concept<typename geometry_concept<std::vector<T> >::type>::type,
+ typename is_45_polygonal_concept<typename geometry_concept<typename std::vector<T>::value_type>::type>::type>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_mutable_polygon_45_set_type {
+ typedef typename gtl_same_type<polygon_45_set_concept, typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_mutable_polygon_45_set_type<std::list<T> > {
+ typedef typename gtl_or<
+ typename gtl_same_type<polygon_45_set_concept, typename geometry_concept<std::list<T> >::type>::type,
+ typename is_45_polygonal_concept<typename geometry_concept<typename std::list<T>::value_type>::type>::type>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_mutable_polygon_45_set_type<std::vector<T> > {
+ typedef typename gtl_or<
+ typename gtl_same_type<polygon_45_set_concept, typename geometry_concept<std::vector<T> >::type>::type,
+ typename is_45_polygonal_concept<typename geometry_concept<typename std::vector<T>::value_type>::type>::type>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ bool fracture_holes_45_by_concept() { return false; }
+ template <>
+ inline bool fracture_holes_45_by_concept<polygon_45_concept>() { return true; }
+ template <typename T, typename iT>
+ void get_45_polygons_T(T& t, iT begin, iT end) {
+ typedef typename polygon_45_set_traits<T>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ typedef typename geometry_concept<typename T::value_type>::type CType;
+ typename polygon_45_formation<Unit>::Polygon45Formation pf(fracture_holes_45_by_concept<CType>());
+ //std::cout << "FORMING POLYGONS\n";
+ pf.scan(t, begin, end);
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ struct polygon_45_set_mutable_traits {};
+ template <typename T>
+ struct polygon_45_set_mutable_traits<std::list<T> > {
+ template <typename input_iterator_type>
+ static inline void set(std::list<T>& polygon_set, input_iterator_type input_begin, input_iterator_type input_end) {
+ polygon_set.clear();
+ polygon_45_set_data<typename polygon_45_set_traits<std::list<T> >::coordinate_type> ps;
+ ps.insert(input_begin, input_end);
+ ps.sort();
+ ps.clean();
+ get_45_polygons_T(polygon_set, ps.begin(), ps.end());
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct polygon_45_set_mutable_traits<std::vector<T> > {
+ template <typename input_iterator_type>
+ static inline void set(std::vector<T>& polygon_set, input_iterator_type input_begin, input_iterator_type input_end) {
+ polygon_set.clear();
+ polygon_45_set_data<typename polygon_45_set_traits<std::list<T> >::coordinate_type> ps;
+ ps.insert(input_begin, input_end);
+ ps.sort();
+ ps.clean();
+ get_45_polygons_T(polygon_set, ps.begin(), ps.end());
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct polygon_45_set_mutable_traits<polygon_45_set_data<T> > {
+ template <typename input_iterator_type>
+ static inline void set(polygon_45_set_data<T>& polygon_set,
+ input_iterator_type input_begin, input_iterator_type input_end) {
+ polygon_set.set(input_begin, input_end);
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_45_set_data<T> > {
+ typedef typename polygon_45_set_data<T>::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
+ typedef typename polygon_45_set_data<T>::iterator_type iterator_type;
+ typedef typename polygon_45_set_data<T>::operator_arg_type operator_arg_type;
+ static inline iterator_type begin(const polygon_45_set_data<T>& polygon_set) {
+ return polygon_set.begin();
+ }
+ static inline iterator_type end(const polygon_45_set_data<T>& polygon_set) {
+ return polygon_set.end();
+ }
+ static inline bool clean(const polygon_45_set_data<T>& polygon_set) { polygon_set.clean(); return true; }
+ static inline bool sorted(const polygon_45_set_data<T>& polygon_set) { int untested = 0;polygon_set.sort(); return true; }
+ };
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_45_with_holes_data.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_45_with_holes_data.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+#include "isotropy.hpp"
+#include "polygon_45_data.hpp"
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+struct polygon_45_with_holes_concept;
+template <typename T>
+class polygon_45_with_holes_data {
+ typedef polygon_45_with_holes_concept geometry_type;
+ typedef T coordinate_type;
+ typedef typename polygon_45_data<T>::iterator_type iterator_type;
+ typedef typename std::list<polygon_45_data<coordinate_type> >::const_iterator iterator_holes_type;
+ typedef polygon_45_data<coordinate_type> hole_type;
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<T>::coordinate_distance area_type;
+ typedef point_data<T> point_type;
+ // default constructor of point does not initialize x and y
+ inline polygon_45_with_holes_data() : self_(), holes_() {} //do nothing default constructor
+ template<class iT>
+ inline polygon_45_with_holes_data(iT input_begin, iT input_end) : self_(), holes_() {
+ set(input_begin, input_end);
+ }
+ template<class iT, typename hiT>
+ inline polygon_45_with_holes_data(iT input_begin, iT input_end, hiT holes_begin, hiT holes_end) : self_(), holes_() {
+ set(input_begin, input_end);
+ set_holes(holes_begin, holes_end);
+ }
+ template<class iT>
+ inline polygon_45_with_holes_data& set(iT input_begin, iT input_end) {
+ self_.set(input_begin, input_end);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // initialize a polygon from x,y values, it is assumed that the first is an x
+ // and that the input is a well behaved polygon
+ template<class iT>
+ inline polygon_45_with_holes_data& set_holes(iT input_begin, iT input_end) {
+ holes_.clear(); //just in case there was some old data there
+ for( ; input_begin != input_end; ++ input_begin) {
+ holes_.push_back(hole_type());
+ holes_.back().set((*input_begin).begin(), (*input_begin).end());
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // copy constructor (since we have dynamic memory)
+ inline polygon_45_with_holes_data(const polygon_45_with_holes_data& that) : self_(that.self_),
+ holes_(that.holes_) {}
+ // assignment operator (since we have dynamic memory do a deep copy)
+ inline polygon_45_with_holes_data& operator=(const polygon_45_with_holes_data& that) {
+ self_ = that.self_;
+ holes_ = that.holes_;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename T2>
+ inline polygon_45_with_holes_data& operator=(const T2& rvalue);
+ // get begin iterator, returns a pointer to a const coordinate_type
+ inline const iterator_type begin() const {
+ return self_.begin();
+ }
+ // get end iterator, returns a pointer to a const coordinate_type
+ inline const iterator_type end() const {
+ return self_.end();
+ }
+ inline std::size_t size() const {
+ return self_.size();
+ }
+ // get begin iterator, returns a pointer to a const polygon
+ inline const iterator_holes_type begin_holes() const {
+ return holes_.begin();
+ }
+ // get end iterator, returns a pointer to a const polygon
+ inline const iterator_holes_type end_holes() const {
+ return holes_.end();
+ }
+ inline std::size_t size_holes() const {
+ return holes_.size();
+ }
+ polygon_45_data<coordinate_type> self_;
+ std::list<hole_type> holes_;
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_90_data.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_90_data.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+struct polygon_90_concept;
+template <typename T>
+class polygon_90_data {
+ typedef polygon_90_concept geometry_type;
+ typedef T coordinate_type;
+ typedef typename std::vector<coordinate_type>::const_iterator compact_iterator_type;
+ typedef iterator_compact_to_points<compact_iterator_type, point_data<coordinate_type> > iterator_type;
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<T>::area_type area_type;
+ inline polygon_90_data() : coords_() {} //do nothing default constructor
+ // initialize a polygon from x,y values, it is assumed that the first is an x
+ // and that the input is a well behaved polygon
+ template<class iT>
+ inline polygon_90_data& set(iT begin_point, iT end_point) {
+ return set_compact(iterator_points_to_compact<iT, typename std::iterator_traits<iT>::value_type>(begin_point, end_point),
+ iterator_points_to_compact<iT, typename std::iterator_traits<iT>::value_type>(end_point, end_point));
+ }
+ template<class iT>
+ inline polygon_90_data& set_compact(iT input_begin, iT input_end) {
+ coords_.clear(); //just in case there was some old data there
+ while(input_begin != input_end) {
+ coords_.insert(coords_.end(), *input_begin);
+ ++input_begin;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // copy constructor (since we have dynamic memory)
+ inline polygon_90_data(const polygon_90_data& that) : coords_(that.coords_) {}
+ // assignment operator (since we have dynamic memory do a deep copy)
+ inline polygon_90_data& operator=(const polygon_90_data& that) {
+ coords_ = that.coords_;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename T2>
+ inline polygon_90_data& operator=(const T2& rvalue);
+ // assignment operator (since we have dynamic memory do a deep copy)
+ inline bool operator==(const polygon_90_data& that) const {
+ return coords_ == that.coords_;
+ }
+ // get begin iterator, returns a pointer to a const Unit
+ inline iterator_type begin() const { return iterator_type(coords_.begin(), coords_.end()); }
+ // get end iterator, returns a pointer to a const Unit
+ inline iterator_type end() const { return iterator_type(coords_.end(), coords_.end()); }
+ // get begin iterator, returns a pointer to a const Unit
+ inline compact_iterator_type begin_compact() const { return coords_.begin(); }
+ // get end iterator, returns a pointer to a const Unit
+ inline compact_iterator_type end_compact() const { return coords_.end(); }
+ inline std::size_t size() const { return coords_.size(); }
+ std::vector<coordinate_type> coords_;
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_90_set_concept.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_90_set_concept.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,548 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+#include "polygon_90_set_data.hpp"
+#include "polygon_90_set_traits.hpp"
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::iterator_type>::type
+ begin_90_set_data(const polygon_set_type& polygon_set) {
+ return polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::begin(polygon_set);
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::iterator_type>::type
+ end_90_set_data(const polygon_set_type& polygon_set) {
+ return polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::end(polygon_set);
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ orientation_2d>::type
+ scanline_orientation(const polygon_set_type& polygon_set) {
+ return polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::orient(polygon_set);
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ bool>::type
+ clean(const polygon_set_type& polygon_set) {
+ return polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::clean(polygon_set);
+ }
+ //assign
+ template <typename polygon_set_type_1, typename polygon_set_type_2>
+ typename enable_if <
+ typename gtl_and<
+ typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type_1>::type,
+ typename is_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type_2>::type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type_1>::type &
+ assign(polygon_set_type_1& lvalue, const polygon_set_type_2& rvalue) {
+ polygon_90_set_mutable_traits<polygon_set_type_1>::set(lvalue, begin_90_set_data(rvalue), end_90_set_data(rvalue),
+ scanline_orientation(rvalue));
+ return lvalue;
+ }
+ template <typename T1, typename T2>
+ struct are_not_both_rectangle_concept { typedef gtl_yes type; };
+ template <>
+ struct are_not_both_rectangle_concept<rectangle_concept, rectangle_concept> { typedef gtl_no type; };
+ //equivalence
+ template <typename polygon_set_type_1, typename polygon_set_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3<
+ typename is_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type_1>::type,
+ typename is_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type_2>::type,
+ typename are_not_both_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<polygon_set_type_1>::type,
+ typename geometry_concept<polygon_set_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ bool>::type
+ equivalence(const polygon_set_type_1& lvalue,
+ const polygon_set_type_2& rvalue) {
+ polygon_90_set_data<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type_1>::coordinate_type> ps1;
+ assign(ps1, lvalue);
+ polygon_90_set_data<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type_2>::coordinate_type> ps2;
+ assign(ps2, rvalue);
+ return ps1 == ps2;
+ }
+ //get rectangle tiles (slicing orientation is vertical)
+ template <typename output_container_type, typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_if<typename is_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type>::type,
+ void>::type
+ get_rectangles(output_container_type& output, const polygon_set_type& polygon_set) {
+ clean(polygon_set);
+ polygon_90_set_data<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type> ps(VERTICAL);
+ assign(ps, polygon_set);
+ ps.get_rectangles(output);
+ }
+ //get rectangle tiles
+ template <typename output_container_type, typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_if<typename is_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type>::type,
+ void>::type
+ get_rectangles(output_container_type& output, const polygon_set_type& polygon_set, orientation_2d slicing_orientation) {
+ clean(polygon_set);
+ polygon_90_set_data<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type> ps;
+ assign(ps, polygon_set);
+ ps.get_rectangles(output, slicing_orientation);
+ }
+ //get: min_rectangles max_rectangles
+ template <typename output_container_type, typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if <typename gtl_and<
+ typename is_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ typename gtl_same_type<rectangle_concept,
+ typename geometry_concept
+ <typename std::iterator_traits
+ <typename output_container_type::iterator>::value_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ void>::type
+ get_max_rectangles(output_container_type& output, const polygon_set_type& polygon_set) {
+ std::vector<rectangle_data<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type> > rects;
+ assign(rects, polygon_set);
+ MaxCover<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::getMaxCover(output, rects, scanline_orientation(polygon_set));
+ }
+ //clear
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ void>::type
+ clear(polygon_set_type& polygon_set) {
+ polygon_90_set_data<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type> ps(scanline_orientation(polygon_set));
+ assign(polygon_set, ps);
+ }
+ //empty
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ bool>::type
+ empty(const polygon_set_type& polygon_set) {
+ if(clean(polygon_set)) return begin_90_set_data(polygon_set) == end_90_set_data(polygon_set);
+ polygon_90_set_data<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type> ps;
+ assign(ps, polygon_set);
+ ps.clean();
+ return ps.empty();
+ }
+ //extents
+ template <typename polygon_set_type, typename rectangle_type>
+ typename enable_if <typename gtl_and< typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ bool>::type
+ extents(rectangle_type& extents_rectangle,
+ const polygon_set_type& polygon_set) {
+ typedef typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ polygon_90_set_data<Unit> ps;
+ assign(ps, polygon_set);
+ return ps.extents(extents_rectangle);
+ }
+ //area
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::manhattan_area_type>::type
+ area(const polygon_set_type& polygon_set) {
+ typedef rectangle_data<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type> rectangle_type;
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::manhattan_area_type area_type;
+ std::vector<rectangle_type> rects;
+ assign(rects, polygon_set);
+ area_type retval = (area_type)0;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < rects.size(); ++i) {
+ retval += (area_type)area(rects[i]);
+ }
+ return retval;
+ }
+ //interact
+ template <typename polygon_set_type_1, typename polygon_set_type_2>
+ typename enable_if <typename gtl_and< typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type_1>::type,
+ typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type_2>::type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type_1>::type&
+ interact(polygon_set_type_1& polygon_set_1, const polygon_set_type_2& polygon_set_2) {
+ typedef typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type_1>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ polygon_90_set_data<Unit> ps(scanline_orientation(polygon_set_2));
+ polygon_90_set_data<Unit> ps2(ps);
+ ps.insert(polygon_set_1);
+ ps2.insert(polygon_set_2);
+ ps.interact(ps2);
+ assign(polygon_set_1, ps);
+ return polygon_set_1;
+ }
+ //self_intersect
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type>::type &
+ self_intersect(polygon_set_type& polygon_set) {
+ typedef typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ polygon_90_set_data<Unit> ps;
+ assign(ps, polygon_set);
+ ps.self_intersect();
+ assign(polygon_set, ps);
+ return polygon_set;
+ }
+ //self_xor
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type>::type &
+ self_xor(polygon_set_type& polygon_set) {
+ typedef typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ polygon_90_set_data<Unit> ps;
+ assign(ps, polygon_set);
+ ps.self_xor();
+ assign(polygon_set, ps);
+ return polygon_set;
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type>::type &
+ bloat(polygon_set_type& polygon_set,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type bloating) {
+ return bloat(polygon_set, bloating, bloating, bloating, bloating);
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type>::type &
+ bloat(polygon_set_type& polygon_set, orientation_2d orient,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type bloating) {
+ if(orient == orientation_2d(HORIZONTAL))
+ return bloat(polygon_set, bloating, bloating, 0, 0);
+ return bloat(polygon_set, 0, 0, bloating, bloating);
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type>::type &
+ bloat(polygon_set_type& polygon_set, orientation_2d orient,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type low_bloating,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type high_bloating) {
+ if(orient == orientation_2d(HORIZONTAL))
+ return bloat(polygon_set, low_bloating, high_bloating, 0, 0);
+ return bloat(polygon_set, 0, 0, low_bloating, high_bloating);
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type>::type &
+ bloat(polygon_set_type& polygon_set, direction_2d dir,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type bloating) {
+ if(dir == direction_2d(EAST))
+ return bloat(polygon_set, 0, bloating, 0, 0);
+ if(dir == direction_2d(WEST))
+ return bloat(polygon_set, bloating, 0, 0, 0);
+ if(dir == direction_2d(SOUTH))
+ return bloat(polygon_set, 0, 0, bloating, 0);
+ return bloat(polygon_set, 0, 0, 0, bloating);
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type>::type &
+ bloat(polygon_set_type& polygon_set,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type west_bloating,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type east_bloating,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type south_bloating,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type north_bloating) {
+ typedef typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ polygon_90_set_data<Unit> ps;
+ assign(ps, polygon_set);
+ ps.bloat(west_bloating, east_bloating, south_bloating, north_bloating);
+ ps.clean();
+ assign(polygon_set, ps);
+ return polygon_set;
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type>::type &
+ shrink(polygon_set_type& polygon_set,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type shrinking) {
+ return shrink(polygon_set, shrinking, shrinking, shrinking, shrinking);
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type>::type &
+ shrink(polygon_set_type& polygon_set, orientation_2d orient,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type shrinking) {
+ if(orient == orientation_2d(HORIZONTAL))
+ return shrink(polygon_set, shrinking, shrinking, 0, 0);
+ return shrink(polygon_set, 0, 0, shrinking, shrinking);
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type>::type &
+ shrink(polygon_set_type& polygon_set, orientation_2d orient,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type low_shrinking,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type high_shrinking) {
+ if(orient == orientation_2d(HORIZONTAL))
+ return shrink(polygon_set, low_shrinking, high_shrinking, 0, 0);
+ return shrink(polygon_set, 0, 0, low_shrinking, high_shrinking);
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type>::type &
+ shrink(polygon_set_type& polygon_set, direction_2d dir,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type shrinking) {
+ if(dir == direction_2d(EAST))
+ return shrink(polygon_set, 0, shrinking, 0, 0);
+ if(dir == direction_2d(WEST))
+ return shrink(polygon_set, shrinking, 0, 0, 0);
+ if(dir == direction_2d(SOUTH))
+ return shrink(polygon_set, 0, 0, shrinking, 0);
+ return shrink(polygon_set, 0, 0, 0, shrinking);
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type>::type &
+ shrink(polygon_set_type& polygon_set,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type west_shrinking,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type east_shrinking,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type south_shrinking,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type north_shrinking) {
+ typedef typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ polygon_90_set_data<Unit> ps;
+ assign(ps, polygon_set);
+ ps.shrink(west_shrinking, east_shrinking, south_shrinking, north_shrinking);
+ ps.clean();
+ assign(polygon_set, ps);
+ return polygon_set;
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_set_type, typename coord_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type>::type &
+ resize(polygon_set_type& polygon_set, coord_type resizing) {
+ typedef typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ if(resizing > 0) {
+ return bloat(polygon_set, resizing);
+ }
+ if(resizing < 0) {
+ return shrink(polygon_set, -resizing);
+ }
+ return polygon_set;
+ }
+ //positive or negative values allow for any and all directions of sizing
+ template <typename polygon_set_type, typename coord_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type>::type &
+ resize(polygon_set_type& polygon_set, coord_type west, coord_type east, coord_type south, coord_type north) {
+ typedef typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ polygon_90_set_data<Unit> ps;
+ assign(ps, polygon_set);
+ ps.resize(west, east, south, north);
+ assign(polygon_set, ps);
+ return polygon_set;
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type>::type &
+ grow_and(polygon_set_type& polygon_set,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type bloating) {
+ return grow_and(polygon_set, bloating, bloating, bloating, bloating);
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type>::type &
+ grow_and(polygon_set_type& polygon_set, orientation_2d orient,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type bloating) {
+ if(orient == orientation_2d(HORIZONTAL))
+ return grow_and(polygon_set, bloating, bloating, 0, 0);
+ return grow_and(polygon_set, 0, 0, bloating, bloating);
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type>::type &
+ grow_and(polygon_set_type& polygon_set, orientation_2d orient,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type low_bloating,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type high_bloating) {
+ if(orient == orientation_2d(HORIZONTAL))
+ return grow_and(polygon_set, low_bloating, high_bloating, 0, 0);
+ return grow_and(polygon_set, 0, 0, low_bloating, high_bloating);
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type>::type &
+ grow_and(polygon_set_type& polygon_set, direction_2d dir,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type bloating) {
+ if(dir == direction_2d(EAST))
+ return grow_and(polygon_set, 0, bloating, 0, 0);
+ if(dir == direction_2d(WEST))
+ return grow_and(polygon_set, bloating, 0, 0, 0);
+ if(dir == direction_2d(SOUTH))
+ return grow_and(polygon_set, 0, 0, bloating, 0);
+ return grow_and(polygon_set, 0, 0, 0, bloating);
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_if<typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type>::type &
+ grow_and(polygon_set_type& polygon_set,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type west_bloating,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type east_bloating,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type south_bloating,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type north_bloating) {
+ typedef typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ std::vector<polygon_90_data<Unit> > polys;
+ assign(polys, polygon_set);
+ clear(polygon_set);
+ polygon_90_set_data<Unit> ps(scanline_orientation(polygon_set));
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i) {
+ polygon_90_set_data<Unit> tmpPs(scanline_orientation(polygon_set));
+ tmpPs.insert(polys[i]);
+ bloat(tmpPs, west_bloating, east_bloating, south_bloating, north_bloating);
+ tmpPs.clean(); //apply implicit OR on tmp polygon set
+ ps.insert(tmpPs);
+ }
+ self_intersect(ps);
+ assign(polygon_set, ps);
+ return polygon_set;
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type>::type &
+ scale_up(polygon_set_type& polygon_set,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>
+ ::unsigned_area_type factor) {
+ typedef typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ polygon_90_set_data<Unit> ps;
+ assign(ps, polygon_set);
+ ps.scale_up(factor);
+ assign(polygon_set, ps);
+ return polygon_set;
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type>::type &
+ scale_down(polygon_set_type& polygon_set,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>
+ ::unsigned_area_type factor) {
+ typedef typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ polygon_90_set_data<Unit> ps;
+ assign(ps, polygon_set);
+ ps.scale_down(factor);
+ assign(polygon_set, ps);
+ return polygon_set;
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_set_type, typename scaling_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type>::type &
+ scale(polygon_set_type& polygon_set,
+ const scaling_type& scaling) {
+ typedef typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ polygon_90_set_data<Unit> ps;
+ assign(ps, polygon_set);
+ ps.scale(scaling);
+ assign(polygon_set, ps);
+ return polygon_set;
+ }
+ //move
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ polygon_set_type&
+ move(polygon_set_type& polygon_set,
+ orientation_2d orient, typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type displacement,
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type>::type * = 0) {
+ if(orient == HORIZONTAL)
+ return move(polygon_set, displacement, 0);
+ else
+ return move(polygon_set, 0, displacement);
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ polygon_set_type&
+ move(polygon_set_type& polygon_set, typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type x_displacement,
+ typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type y_displacement,
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type>::type * = 0
+ ) {
+ typedef typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ polygon_90_set_data<Unit> ps;
+ assign(ps, polygon_set);
+ ps.move(x_displacement, y_displacement);
+ ps.clean();
+ assign(polygon_set, ps);
+ return polygon_set;
+ }
+ //transform
+ template <typename polygon_set_type, typename transformation_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type>::type &
+ transform(polygon_set_type& polygon_set,
+ const transformation_type& transformation) {
+ typedef typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ polygon_90_set_data<Unit> ps;
+ assign(ps, polygon_set);
+ ps.transform(transformation);
+ ps.clean();
+ assign(polygon_set, ps);
+ return polygon_set;
+ typedef typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ }
+ //keep
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type>::type &
+ keep(polygon_set_type& polygon_set,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type min_area,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type max_area,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type min_width,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type max_width,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type min_height,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type max_height) {
+ typedef typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<Unit>::unsigned_area_type uat;
+ std::list<polygon_90_data<Unit> > polys;
+ assign(polys, polygon_set);
+ clear(polygon_set);
+ typename std::list<polygon_90_data<Unit> >::iterator itr_nxt;
+ for(typename std::list<polygon_90_data<Unit> >::iterator itr = polys.begin(); itr != polys.end(); itr = itr_nxt){
+ itr_nxt = itr;
+ ++itr_nxt;
+ rectangle_data<Unit> bbox;
+ extents(bbox, *itr);
+ uat pwidth = delta(bbox, HORIZONTAL);
+ if(pwidth > min_width && pwidth <= max_width){
+ uat pheight = delta(bbox, VERTICAL);
+ if(pheight > min_height && pheight <= max_height){
+ uat parea = area(*itr);
+ if(parea <= max_area && parea >= min_area) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ polys.erase(itr);
+ }
+ assign(polygon_set, polys);
+ return polygon_set;
+ }
+#include "detail/polygon_90_set_view.hpp"
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_90_set_data.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_90_set_data.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,647 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+#include "isotropy.hpp"
+#include "point_concept.hpp"
+#include "point_3d_concept.hpp"
+#include "transform.hpp"
+#include "interval_concept.hpp"
+#include "rectangle_concept.hpp"
+#include "detail/iterator_points_to_compact.hpp"
+#include "detail/iterator_compact_to_points.hpp"
+#include "polygon_traits.hpp"
+//manhattan boolean algorithms
+#include "detail/boolean_op.hpp"
+#include "detail/polygon_formation.hpp"
+#include "detail/rectangle_formation.hpp"
+#include "detail/max_cover.hpp"
+#include "detail/property_merge.hpp"
+#include "detail/polygon_90_touch.hpp"
+#include "detail/iterator_geometry_to_set.hpp"
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+ template <typename ltype, typename rtype, typename op_type>
+ class polygon_90_set_view;
+ template <typename T>
+ class polygon_90_set_data {
+ public:
+ typedef T coordinate_type;
+ typedef std::vector<std::pair<coordinate_type, std::pair<coordinate_type, int> > > value_type;
+ typedef typename std::vector<std::pair<coordinate_type, std::pair<coordinate_type, int> > >::const_iterator iterator_type;
+ typedef polygon_90_set_data operator_arg_type;
+ // default constructor
+ inline polygon_90_set_data() : orient_(HORIZONTAL), data_(), dirty_(false), unsorted_(false) {}
+ // constructor
+ inline polygon_90_set_data(orientation_2d orient) : orient_(orient), data_(), dirty_(false), unsorted_(false) {}
+ // constructor from an iterator pair over vertex data
+ template <typename iT>
+ inline polygon_90_set_data(orientation_2d orient, iT input_begin, iT input_end) :
+ orient_(HORIZONTAL), data_(), dirty_(false), unsorted_(false) {
+ dirty_ = true;
+ unsorted_ = true;
+ for( ; input_begin != input_end; ++input_begin) { insert(*input_begin); }
+ }
+ // copy constructor
+ inline polygon_90_set_data(const polygon_90_set_data& that) :
+ orient_(that.orient_), data_(that.data_), dirty_(that.dirty_), unsorted_(that.unsorted_) {}
+ template <typename ltype, typename rtype, typename op_type>
+ inline polygon_90_set_data(const polygon_90_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>& that);
+ // copy with orientation change constructor
+ inline polygon_90_set_data(orientation_2d orient, const polygon_90_set_data& that) :
+ orient_(orient), data_(), dirty_(false), unsorted_(false) {
+ insert(that, false, that.orient_);
+ }
+ // destructor
+ inline ~polygon_90_set_data() {}
+ // assignement operator
+ inline polygon_90_set_data& operator=(const polygon_90_set_data& that) {
+ if(this == &that) return *this;
+ orient_ = that.orient_;
+ data_ = that.data_;
+ dirty_ = that.dirty_;
+ unsorted_ = that.unsorted_;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename ltype, typename rtype, typename op_type>
+ inline polygon_90_set_data& operator=(const polygon_90_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>& that);
+ template <typename geometry_object>
+ inline polygon_90_set_data& operator=(const geometry_object& geometry) {
+ data_.clear();
+ insert(geometry);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // insert iterator range
+ inline void insert(iterator_type input_begin, iterator_type input_end, orientation_2d orient = HORIZONTAL) {
+ if(input_begin == input_end || (!data_.empty() && &(*input_begin) == &(*(data_.begin())))) return;
+ dirty_ = true;
+ unsorted_ = true;
+ if(orient == orient_)
+ data_.insert(data_.end(), input_begin, input_end);
+ else {
+ for( ; input_begin != input_end; ++input_begin) {
+ insert(*input_begin, false, orient);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // insert iterator range
+ template <typename iT>
+ inline void insert(iT input_begin, iT input_end, orientation_2d orient = HORIZONTAL) {
+ if(input_begin == input_end) return;
+ dirty_ = true;
+ unsorted_ = true;
+ for( ; input_begin != input_end; ++input_begin) {
+ insert(*input_begin, false, orient);
+ }
+ }
+ inline void insert(const polygon_90_set_data& polygon_set) {
+ insert(polygon_set.begin(), polygon_set.end(), polygon_set.orient());
+ }
+ inline void insert(const std::pair<std::pair<point_data<coordinate_type>, point_data<coordinate_type> >, int>& edge, bool is_hole = false,
+ orientation_2d orient = HORIZONTAL) {
+ std::pair<coordinate_type, std::pair<coordinate_type, int> > vertex;
+ vertex.first = edge.first.first.x();
+ vertex.second.first = edge.first.first.y();
+ vertex.second.second = edge.second * (is_hole ? -1 : 1);
+ insert(vertex, false, VERTICAL);
+ vertex.first = edge.first.second.x();
+ vertex.second.first = edge.first.second.y();
+ vertex.second.second *= -1;
+ insert(vertex, false, VERTICAL);
+ }
+ template <typename geometry_type>
+ inline void insert(const geometry_type& geometry_object, bool is_hole = false, orientation_2d = HORIZONTAL) {
+ iterator_geometry_to_set<typename geometry_concept<geometry_type>::type, geometry_type>
+ begin_input(geometry_object, LOW, orient_, is_hole), end_input(geometry_object, HIGH, orient_, is_hole);
+ insert(begin_input, end_input, orient_);
+ }
+ inline void insert(const std::pair<coordinate_type, std::pair<coordinate_type, int> >& vertex, bool is_hole = false,
+ orientation_2d orient = HORIZONTAL) {
+ data_.push_back(vertex);
+ if(orient != orient_) std::swap(data_.back().first, data_.back().second.first);
+ if(is_hole) data_.back().second.second *= -1;
+ dirty_ = true;
+ unsorted_ = true;
+ }
+ inline void insert(coordinate_type major_coordinate, const std::pair<interval_data<coordinate_type>, int>& edge) {
+ std::pair<coordinate_type, std::pair<coordinate_type, int> > vertex;
+ vertex.first = major_coordinate;
+ vertex.second.first = edge.first.get(LOW);
+ vertex.second.second = edge.second;
+ insert(vertex, false, orient_);
+ vertex.second.first = edge.first.get(HIGH);
+ vertex.second.second *= -1;
+ insert(vertex, false, orient_);
+ }
+ template <typename output_container>
+ inline void get(output_container& output) const {
+ get_dispatch(output, typename geometry_concept<typename output_container::value_type>::type());
+ }
+ template <typename output_container>
+ inline void get_polygons(output_container& output) const {
+ get_dispatch(output, polygon_90_concept());
+ }
+ template <typename output_container>
+ inline void get_rectangles(output_container& output) const {
+ clean();
+ form_rectangles(output, data_.begin(), data_.end(), orient_, rectangle_concept());
+ }
+ template <typename output_container>
+ inline void get_rectangles(output_container& output, orientation_2d slicing_orientation) const {
+ if(slicing_orientation == orient_) {
+ get_rectangles(output);
+ } else {
+ polygon_90_set_data<coordinate_type> ps(*this);
+ ps.transform(axis_transformation(axis_transformation::SWAP_XY));
+ output_container result;
+ ps.get_rectangles(result);
+ for(typename output_container::iterator itr = result.begin(); itr != result.end(); ++itr) {
+ ::boost::polygon::transform(*itr, axis_transformation(axis_transformation::SWAP_XY));
+ }
+ output.insert(output.end(), result.begin(), result.end());
+ }
+ }
+ // equivalence operator
+ inline bool operator==(const polygon_90_set_data& p) const {
+ if(orient_ == p.orient()) {
+ clean();
+ p.clean();
+ return data_ == p.data_;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // inequivalence operator
+ inline bool operator!=(const polygon_90_set_data& p) const {
+ return !((*this) == p);
+ }
+ // get iterator to begin vertex data
+ inline iterator_type begin() const {
+ return data_.begin();
+ }
+ // get iterator to end vertex data
+ inline iterator_type end() const {
+ return data_.end();
+ }
+ const value_type& value() const {
+ return data_;
+ }
+ // clear the contents of the polygon_90_set_data
+ inline void clear() { data_.clear(); dirty_ = unsorted_ = false; }
+ // find out if Polygon set is empty
+ inline bool empty() const { clean(); return data_.empty(); }
+ // get the Polygon set size in vertices
+ inline std::size_t size() const { clean(); return data_.size(); }
+ // get the current Polygon set capacity in vertices
+ inline std::size_t capacity() const { return data_.capacity(); }
+ // reserve size of polygon set in vertices
+ inline void reserve(std::size_t size) { return data_.reserve(size); }
+ // find out if Polygon set is sorted
+ inline bool sorted() const { return !unsorted_; }
+ // find out if Polygon set is clean
+ inline bool dirty() const { return dirty_; }
+ // get the scanline orientation of the polygon set
+ inline orientation_2d orient() const { return orient_; }
+ void clean() const {
+ sort();
+ if(dirty_) {
+ boolean_op::default_arg_workaround<int>::applyBooleanOr(data_);
+ dirty_ = false;
+ }
+ }
+ void sort() const{
+ if(unsorted_) {
+ std::sort(data_.begin(), data_.end());
+ unsorted_ = false;
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename input_iterator_type>
+ void set(input_iterator_type input_begin, input_iterator_type input_end, orientation_2d orient) {
+ data_.clear();
+ data_.insert(data_.end(), input_begin, input_end);
+ orient_ = orient;
+ dirty_ = true;
+ unsorted_ = true;
+ }
+ void set(const value_type& value, orientation_2d orient) {
+ data_ = value;
+ orient_ = orient;
+ dirty_ = true;
+ unsorted_ = true;
+ }
+ //extents
+ template <typename rectangle_type>
+ bool
+ extents(rectangle_type& extents_rectangle) const {
+ clean();
+ if(data_.empty()) return false;
+ if(orient_ == HORIZONTAL)
+ set_points(extents_rectangle, point_data<coordinate_type>(data_[0].second.first, data_[0].first),
+ point_data<coordinate_type>(data_[data_.size() - 1].second.first, data_[data_.size() - 1].first));
+ else
+ set_points(extents_rectangle, point_data<coordinate_type>(data_[0].first, data_[0].second.first),
+ point_data<coordinate_type>(data_[data_.size() - 1].first, data_[data_.size() - 1].second.first));
+ for(std::size_t i = 1; i < data_.size() - 1; ++i) {
+ if(orient_ == HORIZONTAL)
+ encompass(extents_rectangle, point_data<coordinate_type>(data_[i].second.first, data_[i].first));
+ else
+ encompass(extents_rectangle, point_data<coordinate_type>(data_[i].first, data_[i].second.first));
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ polygon_90_set_data&
+ bloat(typename coordinate_traits<coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type west_bloating,
+ typename coordinate_traits<coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type east_bloating,
+ typename coordinate_traits<coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type south_bloating,
+ typename coordinate_traits<coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type north_bloating) {
+ std::vector<rectangle_data<coordinate_type> > rects;
+ clean();
+ rects.reserve(data_.size() / 2);
+ get(rects);
+ rectangle_data<coordinate_type> convolutionRectangle(interval_data<coordinate_type>(-((coordinate_type)west_bloating),
+ (coordinate_type)east_bloating),
+ interval_data<coordinate_type>(-((coordinate_type)south_bloating),
+ (coordinate_type)north_bloating));
+ for(typename std::vector<rectangle_data<coordinate_type> >::iterator itr = rects.begin();
+ itr != rects.end(); ++itr) {
+ convolve(*itr, convolutionRectangle);
+ }
+ clear();
+ insert(rects.begin(), rects.end());
+ return *this;
+ }
+ polygon_90_set_data&
+ shrink(typename coordinate_traits<coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type west_shrinking,
+ typename coordinate_traits<coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type east_shrinking,
+ typename coordinate_traits<coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type south_shrinking,
+ typename coordinate_traits<coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type north_shrinking) {
+ rectangle_data<coordinate_type> externalBoundary;
+ if(!extents(externalBoundary)) return *this;
+ ::boost::polygon::bloat(externalBoundary, 10); //bloat by diferential ammount
+ //insert a hole that encompasses the data
+ insert(externalBoundary, true); //note that the set is in a dirty state now
+ sort(); //does not apply implicit OR operation
+ std::vector<rectangle_data<coordinate_type> > rects;
+ rects.reserve(data_.size() / 2);
+ //begin does not apply implicit or operation, this is a dirty range
+ form_rectangles(rects, data_.begin(), data_.end(), orient_, rectangle_concept());
+ clear();
+ rectangle_data<coordinate_type> convolutionRectangle(interval_data<coordinate_type>(-((coordinate_type)east_shrinking),
+ (coordinate_type)west_shrinking),
+ interval_data<coordinate_type>(-((coordinate_type)north_shrinking),
+ (coordinate_type)south_shrinking));
+ for(typename std::vector<rectangle_data<coordinate_type> >::iterator itr = rects.begin();
+ itr != rects.end(); ++itr) {
+ rectangle_data<coordinate_type>& rect = *itr;
+ convolve(rect, convolutionRectangle);
+ //insert rectangle as a hole
+ insert(rect, true);
+ }
+ convolve(externalBoundary, convolutionRectangle);
+ //insert duplicate of external boundary as solid to cancel out the external hole boundaries
+ insert(externalBoundary);
+ clean(); //we have negative values in the set, so we need to apply an OR operation to make it valid input to a boolean
+ return *this;
+ }
+ polygon_90_set_data&
+ resize(coordinate_type west, coordinate_type east, coordinate_type south, coordinate_type north);
+ polygon_90_set_data& move(coordinate_type x_delta, coordinate_type y_delta) {
+ for(typename std::vector<std::pair<coordinate_type, std::pair<coordinate_type, int> > >::iterator
+ itr = data_.begin(); itr != data_.end(); ++itr) {
+ if(orient_ == orientation_2d(VERTICAL)) {
+ (*itr).first += x_delta;
+ (*itr).second.first += y_delta;
+ } else {
+ (*itr).second.first += x_delta;
+ (*itr).first += y_delta;
+ }
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // transform set
+ template <typename transformation_type>
+ polygon_90_set_data& transform(const transformation_type& transformation) {
+ direction_2d dir1, dir2;
+ transformation.get_directions(dir1, dir2);
+ int sign = dir1.get_sign() * dir2.get_sign();
+ for(typename std::vector<std::pair<coordinate_type, std::pair<coordinate_type, int> > >::iterator
+ itr = data_.begin(); itr != data_.end(); ++itr) {
+ if(orient_ == orientation_2d(VERTICAL)) {
+ transformation.transform((*itr).first, (*itr).second.first);
+ } else {
+ transformation.transform((*itr).second.first, (*itr).first);
+ }
+ (*itr).second.second *= sign;
+ }
+ if(dir1 != EAST || dir2 != NORTH)
+ unsorted_ = true; //some mirroring or rotation must have happened
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // scale set
+ polygon_90_set_data& scale_up(typename coordinate_traits<coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type factor) {
+ for(typename std::vector<std::pair<coordinate_type, std::pair<coordinate_type, int> > >::iterator
+ itr = data_.begin(); itr != data_.end(); ++itr) {
+ (*itr).first *= (coordinate_type)factor;
+ (*itr).second.first *= (coordinate_type)factor;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ polygon_90_set_data& scale_down(typename coordinate_traits<coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type factor) {
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<coordinate_type>::coordinate_distance dt;
+ for(typename std::vector<std::pair<coordinate_type, std::pair<coordinate_type, int> > >::iterator
+ itr = data_.begin(); itr != data_.end(); ++itr) {
+ (*itr).first = scaling_policy<coordinate_type>::round((dt)((*itr).first) / (dt)factor);
+ (*itr).second.first = scaling_policy<coordinate_type>::round((dt)((*itr).second.first) / (dt)factor);
+ }
+ unsorted_ = true; //scaling down can make coordinates equal that were not previously equal
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename scaling_type>
+ polygon_90_set_data& scale(const anisotropic_scale_factor<scaling_type>& scaling) {
+ for(typename std::vector<std::pair<coordinate_type, std::pair<coordinate_type, int> > >::iterator
+ itr = data_.begin(); itr != data_.end(); ++itr) {
+ if(orient_ == orientation_2d(VERTICAL)) {
+ scaling.scale((*itr).first, (*itr).second.first);
+ } else {
+ scaling.scale((*itr).second.first, (*itr).first);
+ }
+ }
+ unsorted_ = true;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename scaling_type>
+ polygon_90_set_data& scale_with(const scaling_type& scaling) {
+ for(typename std::vector<std::pair<coordinate_type, std::pair<coordinate_type, int> > >::iterator
+ itr = data_.begin(); itr != data_.end(); ++itr) {
+ if(orient_ == orientation_2d(VERTICAL)) {
+ scaling.scale((*itr).first, (*itr).second.first);
+ } else {
+ scaling.scale((*itr).second.first, (*itr).first);
+ }
+ }
+ unsorted_ = true;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ polygon_90_set_data& scale(double factor) {
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<coordinate_type>::coordinate_distance dt;
+ for(typename std::vector<std::pair<coordinate_type, std::pair<coordinate_type, int> > >::iterator
+ itr = data_.begin(); itr != data_.end(); ++itr) {
+ (*itr).first = scaling_policy<coordinate_type>::round((dt)((*itr).first) * (dt)factor);
+ (*itr).second.first = scaling_policy<coordinate_type>::round((dt)((*itr).second.first) * (dt)factor);
+ }
+ unsorted_ = true; //scaling make coordinates equal that were not previously equal
+ return *this;
+ }
+ polygon_90_set_data& self_xor() {
+ sort();
+ if(dirty_) { //if it is clean it is a no-op
+ boolean_op::default_arg_workaround<boolean_op::UnaryCount>::applyBooleanOr(data_);
+ dirty_ = false;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ polygon_90_set_data& self_intersect() {
+ sort();
+ if(dirty_) { //if it is clean it is a no-op
+ interval_data<coordinate_type> ivl((std::numeric_limits<coordinate_type>::min)(), (std::numeric_limits<coordinate_type>::max)());
+ rectangle_data<coordinate_type> rect(ivl, ivl);
+ insert(rect, true);
+ clean();
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline polygon_90_set_data& interact(const polygon_90_set_data& that) {
+ typedef coordinate_type Unit;
+ if(that.dirty_) that.clean();
+ typename touch_90_operation<Unit>::TouchSetData tsd;
+ touch_90_operation<Unit>::populateTouchSetData(tsd, that.data_, 0);
+ std::vector<polygon_90_data<Unit> > polys;
+ get(polys);
+ std::vector<std::set<int> > graph(polys.size()+1, std::set<int>());
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i){
+ polygon_90_set_data<Unit> psTmp(that.orient_);
+ psTmp.insert(polys[i]);
+ psTmp.clean();
+ touch_90_operation<Unit>::populateTouchSetData(tsd, psTmp.data_, i+1);
+ }
+ touch_90_operation<Unit>::performTouch(graph, tsd);
+ clear();
+ for(std::set<int>::iterator itr = graph[0].begin(); itr != graph[0].end(); ++itr){
+ insert(polys[(*itr)-1]);
+ }
+ dirty_ = false;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <class T2, typename iterator_type_1, typename iterator_type_2>
+ void applyBooleanBinaryOp(iterator_type_1 itr1, iterator_type_1 itr1_end,
+ iterator_type_2 itr2, iterator_type_2 itr2_end,
+ T2 defaultCount) {
+ data_.clear();
+ boolean_op::applyBooleanBinaryOp(data_, itr1, itr1_end, itr2, itr2_end, defaultCount);
+ }
+ private:
+ orientation_2d orient_;
+ mutable value_type data_;
+ mutable bool dirty_;
+ mutable bool unsorted_;
+ private:
+ //functions
+ template <typename output_container>
+ void get_dispatch(output_container& output, rectangle_concept ) const {
+ clean();
+ form_rectangles(output, data_.begin(), data_.end(), orient_, rectangle_concept());
+ }
+ template <typename output_container>
+ void get_dispatch(output_container& output, polygon_90_concept tag) const {
+ get_fracture(output, true, tag);
+ }
+ template <typename output_container>
+ void get_dispatch(output_container& output, polygon_90_with_holes_concept tag) const {
+ get_fracture(output, false, tag);
+ }
+ template <typename output_container>
+ void get_dispatch(output_container& output, polygon_45_concept tag) const {
+ get_fracture(output, true, tag);
+ }
+ template <typename output_container>
+ void get_dispatch(output_container& output, polygon_45_with_holes_concept tag) const {
+ get_fracture(output, false, tag);
+ }
+ template <typename output_container>
+ void get_dispatch(output_container& output, polygon_concept tag) const {
+ get_fracture(output, true, tag);
+ }
+ template <typename output_container>
+ void get_dispatch(output_container& output, polygon_with_holes_concept tag) const {
+ get_fracture(output, false, tag);
+ }
+ template <typename output_container, typename concept_type>
+ void get_fracture(output_container& container, bool fracture_holes, concept_type tag) const {
+ clean();
+ ::boost::polygon::get_polygons(container, data_.begin(), data_.end(), orient_, fracture_holes, tag);
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename coordinate_type>
+ polygon_90_set_data<coordinate_type>&
+ polygon_90_set_data<coordinate_type>::resize(coordinate_type west,
+ coordinate_type east,
+ coordinate_type south,
+ coordinate_type north) {
+ move(-west, -south);
+ coordinate_type e_total = west + east;
+ coordinate_type n_total = south + north;
+ if((e_total < 0) ^ (n_total < 0)) {
+ //different signs
+ if(e_total < 0) {
+ shrink(0, -e_total, 0, 0);
+ if(n_total != 0)
+ return bloat(0, 0, 0, n_total);
+ else
+ return (*this);
+ } else {
+ shrink(0, 0, 0, -n_total); //shrink first
+ if(e_total != 0)
+ return bloat(0, e_total, 0, 0);
+ else
+ return (*this);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(e_total < 0) {
+ return shrink(0, -e_total, 0, -n_total);
+ }
+ return bloat(0, e_total, 0, n_total);
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename coordinate_type, typename property_type>
+ class property_merge_90 {
+ private:
+ std::vector<std::pair<property_merge_point<coordinate_type>, std::pair<property_type, int> > > pmd_;
+ public:
+ inline property_merge_90() : pmd_() {}
+ inline property_merge_90(const property_merge_90& that) : pmd_(that.pmd_) {}
+ inline property_merge_90& operator=(const property_merge_90& that) { pmd_ = that.pmd_; return *this; }
+ inline void insert(const polygon_90_set_data<coordinate_type>& ps, const property_type& property) {
+ merge_scanline<coordinate_type, property_type, polygon_90_set_data<coordinate_type> >::
+ populate_property_merge_data(pmd_, ps.begin(), ps.end(), property, ps.orient());
+ }
+ template <class GeoObjT>
+ inline void insert(const GeoObjT& geoObj, const property_type& property) {
+ polygon_90_set_data<coordinate_type> ps;
+ ps.insert(geoObj);
+ insert(ps, property);
+ }
+ //merge properties of input geometries and store the resulting geometries of regions
+ //with unique sets of merged properties to polygons sets in a map keyed by sets of properties
+ // T = std::map<std::set<property_type>, polygon_90_set_data<coordiante_type> > or
+ // T = std::map<std::vector<property_type>, polygon_90_set_data<coordiante_type> >
+ template <typename ResultType>
+ inline void merge(ResultType& result) {
+ merge_scanline<coordinate_type, property_type, polygon_90_set_data<coordinate_type>, typename ResultType::key_type> ms;
+ ms.perform_merge(result, pmd_);
+ }
+ };
+ //ConnectivityExtraction computes the graph of connectivity between rectangle, polygon and
+ //polygon set graph nodes where an edge is created whenever the geometry in two nodes overlap
+ template <typename coordinate_type>
+ class connectivity_extraction_90 {
+ private:
+ typedef typename touch_90_operation<coordinate_type>::TouchSetData tsd;
+ tsd tsd_;
+ unsigned int nodeCount_;
+ public:
+ inline connectivity_extraction_90() : tsd_(), nodeCount_(0) {}
+ inline connectivity_extraction_90(const connectivity_extraction_90& that) : tsd_(that.tsd_),
+ nodeCount_(that.nodeCount_) {}
+ inline connectivity_extraction_90& operator=(const connectivity_extraction_90& that) {
+ tsd_ = that.tsd_;
+ nodeCount_ = that.nodeCount_; {}
+ return *this;
+ }
+ //insert a polygon set graph node, the value returned is the id of the graph node
+ inline unsigned int insert(const polygon_90_set_data<coordinate_type>& ps) {
+ ps.clean();
+ touch_90_operation<coordinate_type>::populateTouchSetData(tsd_, ps.begin(), ps.end(), nodeCount_);
+ return nodeCount_++;
+ }
+ template <class GeoObjT>
+ inline unsigned int insert(const GeoObjT& geoObj) {
+ polygon_90_set_data<coordinate_type> ps;
+ ps.insert(geoObj);
+ return insert(ps);
+ }
+ //extract connectivity and store the edges in the graph
+ //graph must be indexable by graph node id and the indexed value must be a std::set of
+ //graph node id
+ template <class GraphT>
+ inline void extract(GraphT& graph) {
+ touch_90_operation<coordinate_type>::performTouch(graph, tsd_);
+ }
+ };
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_90_set_traits.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_90_set_traits.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+ struct polygon_90_set_concept {};
+ template <typename T, typename T2>
+ struct traits_by_concept {};
+ template <typename T>
+ struct traits_by_concept<T, coordinate_concept> { typedef coordinate_traits<T> type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct traits_by_concept<T, interval_concept> { typedef interval_traits<T> type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct traits_by_concept<T, point_concept> { typedef point_traits<T> type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct traits_by_concept<T, point_3d_concept> { typedef point_3d_traits<T> type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct traits_by_concept<T, rectangle_concept> { typedef rectangle_traits<T> type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct traits_by_concept<T, polygon_90_concept> { typedef polygon_traits<T> type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct traits_by_concept<T, polygon_90_with_holes_concept> { typedef polygon_traits<T> type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct traits_by_concept<T, polygon_45_concept> { typedef polygon_traits<T> type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct traits_by_concept<T, polygon_45_with_holes_concept> { typedef polygon_traits<T> type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct traits_by_concept<T, polygon_concept> { typedef polygon_traits<T> type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct traits_by_concept<T, polygon_with_holes_concept> { typedef polygon_traits<T> type; };
+ struct polygon_45_set_concept;
+ struct polygon_set_concept;
+ template <typename T>
+ struct polygon_90_set_traits;
+ template <typename T>
+ struct polygon_45_set_traits;
+ template <typename T>
+ struct polygon_set_traits;
+ template <typename T>
+ struct traits_by_concept<T, polygon_90_set_concept> { typedef polygon_90_set_traits<T> type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct traits_by_concept<T, polygon_45_set_concept> { typedef polygon_45_set_traits<T> type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct traits_by_concept<T, polygon_set_concept> { typedef polygon_set_traits<T> type; };
+ template <typename T, typename T2>
+ struct get_coordinate_type {
+ typedef typename traits_by_concept<T, T2>::type traits_type;
+ typedef typename traits_type::coordinate_type type;
+ };
+ //want to prevent recursive template definition syntax errors, so duplicate get_coordinate_type
+ template <typename T, typename T2>
+ struct get_coordinate_type_2 {
+ typedef typename traits_by_concept<T, T2>::type traits_type;
+ typedef typename traits_type::coordinate_type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct get_coordinate_type<T, undefined_concept> {
+ typedef typename get_coordinate_type_2<typename std::iterator_traits
+ <typename T::iterator>::value_type,
+ typename geometry_concept<typename std::iterator_traits
+ <typename T::iterator>::value_type>::type>::type type; };
+ template <typename T, typename T2>
+ struct get_iterator_type_2 {
+ typedef const T* type;
+ static type begin(const T& t) { return &t; }
+ static type end(const T& t) { const T* tp = &t; ++tp; return tp; }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct get_iterator_type {
+ typedef get_iterator_type_2<T, typename geometry_concept<T>::type> indirect_type;
+ typedef typename indirect_type::type type;
+ static type begin(const T& t) { return indirect_type::begin(t); }
+ static type end(const T& t) { return indirect_type::end(t); }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct get_iterator_type_2<T, undefined_concept> {
+ typedef typename T::const_iterator type;
+ static type begin(const T& t) { return t.begin(); }
+ static type end(const T& t) { return t.end(); }
+ };
+// //helpers for allowing polygon 45 and containers of polygon 45 to behave interchangably in polygon_45_set_traits
+// template <typename T, typename T2>
+// struct get_coordinate_type_45 {};
+// template <typename T, typename T2>
+// struct get_coordinate_type_2_45 {};
+// template <typename T>
+// struct get_coordinate_type_45<T, void> {
+// typedef typename get_coordinate_type_2_45< typename T::value_type, typename geometry_concept<typename T::value_type>::type >::type type; };
+// template <typename T>
+// struct get_coordinate_type_45<T, polygon_45_concept> { typedef typename polygon_traits<T>::coordinate_type type; };
+// template <typename T>
+// struct get_coordinate_type_45<T, polygon_45_with_holes_concept> { typedef typename polygon_traits<T>::coordinate_type type; };
+// template <typename T>
+// struct get_coordinate_type_2_45<T, polygon_45_concept> { typedef typename polygon_traits<T>::coordinate_type type; };
+// template <typename T>
+// struct get_coordinate_type_2_45<T, polygon_45_with_holes_concept> { typedef typename polygon_traits<T>::coordinate_type type; };
+// template <typename T, typename T2>
+// struct get_iterator_type_45 {};
+// template <typename T>
+// struct get_iterator_type_45<T, void> {
+// typedef typename T::const_iterator type;
+// static type begin(const T& t) { return t.begin(); }
+// static type end(const T& t) { return t.end(); }
+// };
+// template <typename T>
+// struct get_iterator_type_45<T, polygon_45_concept> {
+// typedef const T* type;
+// static type begin(const T& t) { return &t; }
+// static type end(const T& t) { const T* tp = &t; ++tp; return tp; }
+// };
+// template <typename T>
+// struct get_iterator_type_45<T, polygon_45_with_holes_concept> {
+// typedef const T* type;
+// static type begin(const T& t) { return &t; }
+// static type end(const T& t) { const T* tp = &t; ++tp; return tp; }
+// };
+// template <typename T>
+// struct get_iterator_type_45<T, polygon_90_set_concept> {
+// typedef const T* type;
+// static type begin(const T& t) { return &t; }
+// static type end(const T& t) { const T* tp = &t; ++tp; return tp; }
+// };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct polygon_90_set_traits {
+ typedef typename get_coordinate_type<T, typename geometry_concept<T>::type >::type coordinate_type;
+ typedef get_iterator_type<T> indirection_type;
+ typedef typename get_iterator_type<T>::type iterator_type;
+ typedef T operator_arg_type;
+ static inline iterator_type begin(const T& polygon_set) {
+ return indirection_type::begin(polygon_set);
+ }
+ static inline iterator_type end(const T& polygon_set) {
+ return indirection_type::end(polygon_set);
+ }
+ static inline orientation_2d orient(const T&) { return HORIZONTAL; }
+ static inline bool clean(const T&) { return false; }
+ static inline bool sorted(const T&) { return false; }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_manhattan_polygonal_concept { typedef gtl_no type; };
+ template <>
+ struct is_manhattan_polygonal_concept<rectangle_concept> { typedef gtl_yes type; };
+ template <>
+ struct is_manhattan_polygonal_concept<polygon_90_concept> { typedef gtl_yes type; };
+ template <>
+ struct is_manhattan_polygonal_concept<polygon_90_with_holes_concept> { typedef gtl_yes type; };
+ template <>
+ struct is_manhattan_polygonal_concept<polygon_90_set_concept> { typedef gtl_yes type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_polygon_90_set_type {
+ typedef typename is_manhattan_polygonal_concept<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_polygon_90_set_type<std::list<T> > {
+ typedef typename gtl_or<
+ typename is_manhattan_polygonal_concept<typename geometry_concept<std::list<T> >::type>::type,
+ typename is_manhattan_polygonal_concept<typename geometry_concept<typename std::list<T>::value_type>::type>::type>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_polygon_90_set_type<std::vector<T> > {
+ typedef typename gtl_or<
+ typename is_manhattan_polygonal_concept<typename geometry_concept<std::vector<T> >::type>::type,
+ typename is_manhattan_polygonal_concept<typename geometry_concept<typename std::vector<T>::value_type>::type>::type>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type {
+ typedef typename gtl_same_type<polygon_90_set_concept, typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<std::list<T> > {
+ typedef typename gtl_or<
+ typename gtl_same_type<polygon_90_set_concept, typename geometry_concept<std::list<T> >::type>::type,
+ typename is_manhattan_polygonal_concept<typename geometry_concept<typename std::list<T>::value_type>::type>::type>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<std::vector<T> > {
+ typedef typename gtl_or<
+ typename gtl_same_type<polygon_90_set_concept, typename geometry_concept<std::vector<T> >::type>::type,
+ typename is_manhattan_polygonal_concept<typename geometry_concept<typename std::vector<T>::value_type>::type>::type>::type type;
+ };
+// //specialization for rectangle, polygon_90 and polygon_90_with_holes types
+// template <typename T>
+// struct polygon_90_set_traits
+// typedef typename geometry_concept<T>::type concept_type;
+// typedef typename get_coordinate_type<T, concept_type>::type coordinate_type;
+// typedef iterator_geometry_to_set<concept_type, T> iterator_type;
+// typedef T operator_arg_type;
+// static inline iterator_type begin(const T& polygon_set) {
+// return iterator_geometry_to_set<concept_type, T>(polygon_set, LOW, HORIZONTAL);
+// }
+// static inline iterator_type end(const T& polygon_set) {
+// return iterator_geometry_to_set<concept_type, T>(polygon_set, HIGH, HORIZONTAL);
+// }
+// static inline orientation_2d orient(const T& polygon_set) { return HORIZONTAL; }
+// static inline bool clean(const T& polygon_set) { return false; }
+// static inline bool sorted(const T& polygon_set) { return false; }
+// };
+// //specialization for containers of recangle, polygon_90, polygon_90_with_holes
+// template <typename T>
+// struct polygon_90_set_traits<T, typename is_manhattan_polygonal_concept<typename std::iterator_traits<typename T::iterator>::value_type>::type> {
+// typedef typename std::iterator_traits<typename T::iterator>::value_type geometry_type;
+// typedef typename geometry_concept<geometry_type>::type concept_type;
+// typedef typename get_coordinate_type<geometry_type, concept_type>::type coordinate_type;
+// typedef iterator_geometry_range_to_set<concept_type, typename T::const_iterator> iterator_type;
+// typedef T operator_arg_type;
+// static inline iterator_type begin(const T& polygon_set) {
+// return iterator_type(polygon_set.begin(), HORIZONTAL);
+// }
+// static inline iterator_type end(const T& polygon_set) {
+// return iterator_type(polygon_set.end(), HORIZONTAL);
+// }
+// static inline orientation_2d orient(const T& polygon_set) { return HORIZONTAL; }
+// static inline bool clean(const T& polygon_set) { return false; }
+// static inline bool sorted(const T& polygon_set) { return false; }
+// };
+ //get dispatch functions
+ template <typename output_container_type, typename pst>
+ void get_90_dispatch(output_container_type& output, const pst& ps,
+ orientation_2d orient, rectangle_concept ) {
+ form_rectangles(output, ps.begin(), ps.end(), orient, rectangle_concept());
+ }
+ template <typename output_container_type, typename pst>
+ void get_90_dispatch(output_container_type& output, const pst& ps,
+ orientation_2d orient, polygon_90_concept tag) {
+ get_polygons(output, ps.begin(), ps.end(), orient, true, tag);
+ }
+ template <typename output_container_type, typename pst>
+ void get_90_dispatch(output_container_type& output, const pst& ps,
+ orientation_2d orient, polygon_90_with_holes_concept tag) {
+ get_polygons(output, ps.begin(), ps.end(), orient, false, tag);
+ }
+ //by default works with containers of rectangle, polygon or polygon with holes
+ //must be specialized to work with anything else
+ template <typename T>
+ struct polygon_90_set_mutable_traits {};
+ template <typename T>
+ struct polygon_90_set_mutable_traits<std::list<T> > {
+ typedef typename geometry_concept<T>::type concept_type;
+ template <typename input_iterator_type>
+ static inline void set(std::list<T>& polygon_set, input_iterator_type input_begin, input_iterator_type input_end, orientation_2d orient) {
+ polygon_set.clear();
+ polygon_90_set_data<typename polygon_90_set_traits<std::list<T> >::coordinate_type> ps(orient);
+ ps.insert(input_begin, input_end, orient);
+ ps.clean();
+ get_90_dispatch(polygon_set, ps, orient, concept_type());
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct polygon_90_set_mutable_traits<std::vector<T> > {
+ typedef typename geometry_concept<T>::type concept_type;
+ template <typename input_iterator_type>
+ static inline void set(std::vector<T>& polygon_set, input_iterator_type input_begin, input_iterator_type input_end, orientation_2d orient) {
+ polygon_set.clear();
+ polygon_90_set_data<typename polygon_90_set_traits<std::list<T> >::coordinate_type> ps(orient);
+ ps.insert(input_begin, input_end, orient);
+ ps.clean();
+ get_90_dispatch(polygon_set, ps, orient, concept_type());
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct polygon_90_set_mutable_traits<polygon_90_set_data<T> > {
+ template <typename input_iterator_type>
+ static inline void set(polygon_90_set_data<T>& polygon_set,
+ input_iterator_type input_begin, input_iterator_type input_end,
+ orientation_2d orient) {
+ polygon_set.clear();
+ polygon_set.insert(input_begin, input_end, orient);
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_90_set_data<T> > {
+ typedef typename polygon_90_set_data<T>::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
+ typedef typename polygon_90_set_data<T>::iterator_type iterator_type;
+ typedef typename polygon_90_set_data<T>::operator_arg_type operator_arg_type;
+ static inline iterator_type begin(const polygon_90_set_data<T>& polygon_set) {
+ return polygon_set.begin();
+ }
+ static inline iterator_type end(const polygon_90_set_data<T>& polygon_set) {
+ return polygon_set.end();
+ }
+ static inline orientation_2d orient(const polygon_90_set_data<T>& polygon_set) { return polygon_set.orient(); }
+ static inline bool clean(const polygon_90_set_data<T>& polygon_set) { polygon_set.clean(); return true; }
+ static inline bool sorted(const polygon_90_set_data<T>& polygon_set) { polygon_set.sort(); return true; }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_polygon_90_set_concept { };
+ template <>
+ struct is_polygon_90_set_concept<polygon_90_set_concept> { typedef gtl_yes type; };
+ template <>
+ struct is_polygon_90_set_concept<rectangle_concept> { typedef gtl_yes type; };
+ template <>
+ struct is_polygon_90_set_concept<polygon_90_concept> { typedef gtl_yes type; };
+ template <>
+ struct is_polygon_90_set_concept<polygon_90_with_holes_concept> { typedef gtl_yes type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_mutable_polygon_90_set_concept { typedef gtl_no type; };
+ template <>
+ struct is_mutable_polygon_90_set_concept<polygon_90_set_concept> { typedef gtl_yes type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct geometry_concept<polygon_90_set_data<T> > { typedef polygon_90_set_concept type; };
+ //template <typename T>
+ //typename enable_if<typename is_polygon_90_set_type<T>::type, void>::type
+ //print_is_polygon_90_set_concept(const T& t) { std::cout << "is polygon 90 set concept\n"; }
+ //template <typename T>
+ //typename enable_if<typename is_mutable_polygon_90_set_type<T>::type, void>::type
+ //print_is_mutable_polygon_90_set_concept(const T& t) { std::cout << "is mutable polygon 90 set concept\n"; }
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_90_with_holes_data.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_90_with_holes_data.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+#include "isotropy.hpp"
+#include "polygon_90_data.hpp"
+struct polygon_90_with_holes_concept;
+template <typename T>
+class polygon_90_with_holes_data {
+ typedef polygon_90_with_holes_concept geometry_type;
+ typedef T coordinate_type;
+ typedef typename polygon_90_data<T>::iterator_type iterator_type;
+ typedef typename polygon_90_data<T>::compact_iterator_type compact_iterator_type;
+ typedef typename std::list<polygon_90_data<coordinate_type> >::const_iterator iterator_holes_type;
+ typedef polygon_90_data<coordinate_type> hole_type;
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<T>::area_type area_type;
+ typedef point_data<T> point_type;
+ // default constructor of point does not initialize x and y
+ inline polygon_90_with_holes_data() : self_(), holes_() {} //do nothing default constructor
+ // initialize a polygon from x,y values, it is assumed that the first is an x
+ // and that the input is a well behaved polygon
+ template<class iT>
+ inline polygon_90_with_holes_data& set(iT input_begin, iT input_end) {
+ self_.set(input_begin, input_end);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // initialize a polygon from x,y values, it is assumed that the first is an x
+ // and that the input is a well behaved polygon
+ template<class iT>
+ inline polygon_90_with_holes_data& set_compact(iT input_begin, iT input_end) {
+ self_.set_compact(input_begin, input_end);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // initialize a polygon from x,y values, it is assumed that the first is an x
+ // and that the input is a well behaved polygon
+ template<class iT>
+ inline polygon_90_with_holes_data& set_holes(iT input_begin, iT input_end) {
+ holes_.clear(); //just in case there was some old data there
+ for( ; input_begin != input_end; ++ input_begin) {
+ holes_.push_back(hole_type());
+ holes_.back().set_compact((*input_begin).begin_compact(), (*input_begin).end_compact());
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // copy constructor (since we have dynamic memory)
+ inline polygon_90_with_holes_data(const polygon_90_with_holes_data& that) : self_(that.self_),
+ holes_(that.holes_) {}
+ // assignment operator (since we have dynamic memory do a deep copy)
+ inline polygon_90_with_holes_data& operator=(const polygon_90_with_holes_data& that) {
+ self_ = that.self_;
+ holes_ = that.holes_;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename T2>
+ inline polygon_90_with_holes_data& operator=(const T2& rvalue);
+ // get begin iterator, returns a pointer to a const coordinate_type
+ inline const iterator_type begin() const {
+ return self_.begin();
+ }
+ // get end iterator, returns a pointer to a const coordinate_type
+ inline const iterator_type end() const {
+ return self_.end();
+ }
+ // get begin iterator, returns a pointer to a const coordinate_type
+ inline const compact_iterator_type begin_compact() const {
+ return self_.begin_compact();
+ }
+ // get end iterator, returns a pointer to a const coordinate_type
+ inline const compact_iterator_type end_compact() const {
+ return self_.end_compact();
+ }
+ inline std::size_t size() const {
+ return self_.size();
+ }
+ // get begin iterator, returns a pointer to a const polygon
+ inline const iterator_holes_type begin_holes() const {
+ return holes_.begin();
+ }
+ // get end iterator, returns a pointer to a const polygon
+ inline const iterator_holes_type end_holes() const {
+ return holes_.end();
+ }
+ inline std::size_t size_holes() const {
+ return holes_.size();
+ }
+ polygon_90_data<coordinate_type> self_;
+ std::list<hole_type> holes_;
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_data.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_data.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+struct polygon_concept;
+template <typename T>
+class polygon_data {
+ typedef polygon_concept geometry_type;
+ typedef T coordinate_type;
+ typedef typename std::vector<point_data<coordinate_type> >::const_iterator iterator_type;
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<T>::coordinate_distance area_type;
+ typedef point_data<T> point_type;
+ inline polygon_data() : coords_() {} //do nothing default constructor
+ template<class iT>
+ inline polygon_data(iT input_begin, iT input_end) : coords_(input_begin, input_end) {}
+ template<class iT>
+ inline polygon_data& set(iT input_begin, iT input_end) {
+ coords_.clear(); //just in case there was some old data there
+ coords_.insert(coords_.end(), input_begin, input_end);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // copy constructor (since we have dynamic memory)
+ inline polygon_data(const polygon_data& that) : coords_(that.coords_) {}
+ // assignment operator (since we have dynamic memory do a deep copy)
+ inline polygon_data& operator=(const polygon_data& that) {
+ coords_ = that.coords_;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename T2>
+ inline polygon_data& operator=(const T2& rvalue);
+ inline bool operator==(const polygon_data& that) const {
+ if(coords_.size() != that.coords_.size()) return false;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < coords_.size(); ++i) {
+ if(coords_[i] != that.coords_[i]) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ inline bool operator!=(const polygon_data& that) const { return !((*this) == that); }
+ // get begin iterator, returns a pointer to a const Unit
+ inline iterator_type begin() const { return coords_.begin(); }
+ // get end iterator, returns a pointer to a const Unit
+ inline iterator_type end() const { return coords_.end(); }
+ inline std::size_t size() const { return coords_.size(); }
+ std::vector<point_data<coordinate_type> > coords_;
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_set_concept.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_set_concept.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,557 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+#include "polygon_set_data.hpp"
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+ template <typename T, typename T2>
+ struct is_either_polygon_set_type {
+ typedef typename gtl_or<typename is_polygon_set_type<T>::type, typename is_polygon_set_type<T2>::type >::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_any_polygon_set_type {
+ typedef typename gtl_or<typename is_polygon_45_or_90_set_type<T>::type, typename is_polygon_set_type<T>::type >::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_any_polygon_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ typename polygon_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::iterator_type>::type
+ begin_polygon_set_data(const polygon_set_type& polygon_set) {
+ return polygon_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::begin(polygon_set);
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_any_polygon_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ typename polygon_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::iterator_type>::type
+ end_polygon_set_data(const polygon_set_type& polygon_set) {
+ return polygon_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::end(polygon_set);
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_polygon_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ bool>::type
+ clean(const polygon_set_type& polygon_set) {
+ return polygon_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::clean(polygon_set);
+ }
+ //assign
+ template <typename polygon_set_type_1, typename polygon_set_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and<
+ typename is_mutable_polygon_set_type<polygon_set_type_1>::type,
+ typename is_any_polygon_set_type<polygon_set_type_2>::type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type_1>::type &
+ assign(polygon_set_type_1& lvalue, const polygon_set_type_2& rvalue) {
+ if(clean(rvalue))
+ polygon_set_mutable_traits<polygon_set_type_1>::set(lvalue, begin_polygon_set_data(rvalue), end_polygon_set_data(rvalue));
+ else {
+ polygon_set_data<typename polygon_set_traits<polygon_set_type_2>::coordinate_type> ps;
+ ps.insert(begin_polygon_set_data(rvalue), end_polygon_set_data(rvalue));
+ ps.clean();
+ polygon_set_mutable_traits<polygon_set_type_1>::set(lvalue, ps.begin(), ps.end());
+ }
+ return lvalue;
+ }
+ //get trapezoids
+ template <typename output_container_type, typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ void>::type
+ get_trapezoids(output_container_type& output, const polygon_set_type& polygon_set) {
+ polygon_set_data<typename polygon_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type> ps;
+ assign(ps, polygon_set);
+ ps.get_trapezoids(output);
+ }
+ //get trapezoids
+ template <typename output_container_type, typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ void>::type
+ get_trapezoids(output_container_type& output, const polygon_set_type& polygon_set,
+ orientation_2d orient) {
+ polygon_set_data<typename polygon_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type> ps;
+ assign(ps, polygon_set);
+ ps.get_trapezoids(output, orient);
+ }
+ //equivalence
+ template <typename polygon_set_type_1, typename polygon_set_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3 <
+ typename is_any_polygon_set_type<polygon_set_type_1>::type,
+ typename is_any_polygon_set_type<polygon_set_type_2>::type,
+ typename is_either_polygon_set_type<polygon_set_type_1, polygon_set_type_2>::type>::type,
+ bool>::type
+ equivalence(const polygon_set_type_1& lvalue,
+ const polygon_set_type_2& rvalue) {
+ polygon_set_data<typename polygon_set_traits<polygon_set_type_1>::coordinate_type> ps1;
+ assign(ps1, lvalue);
+ polygon_set_data<typename polygon_set_traits<polygon_set_type_2>::coordinate_type> ps2;
+ assign(ps2, rvalue);
+ return ps1 == ps2;
+ }
+ //clear
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ void>::type
+ clear(polygon_set_type& polygon_set) {
+ polygon_set_data<typename polygon_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type> ps;
+ assign(polygon_set, ps);
+ }
+ //empty
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ bool>::type
+ empty(const polygon_set_type& polygon_set) {
+ if(clean(polygon_set)) return begin_polygon_set_data(polygon_set) == end_polygon_set_data(polygon_set);
+ polygon_set_data<typename polygon_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type> ps;
+ assign(ps, polygon_set);
+ ps.clean();
+ return ps.empty();
+ }
+ //extents
+ template <typename polygon_set_type, typename rectangle_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and<
+ typename is_mutable_polygon_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ bool>::type
+ extents(rectangle_type& extents_rectangle,
+ const polygon_set_type& polygon_set) {
+ clean(polygon_set);
+ polygon_set_data<typename polygon_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type> ps;
+ assign(ps, polygon_set);
+ return ps.extents(extents_rectangle);
+ }
+ //area
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::area_type>::type
+ area(const polygon_set_type& polygon_set) {
+ typedef typename polygon_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ typedef polygon_with_holes_data<Unit> p_type;
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<Unit>::area_type area_type;
+ std::vector<p_type> polys;
+ assign(polys, polygon_set);
+ area_type retval = (area_type)0;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i) {
+ retval += area(polys[i]);
+ }
+ return retval;
+ }
+ // TODO: Dafna add ngon parameter passing
+ template <typename polygon_set_type, typename coord_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type>::type &
+ resize(polygon_set_type& polygon_set, coord_type resizing, bool corner_fill_arcs = false, int ngon=0) {
+ typedef typename polygon_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ clean(polygon_set);
+ polygon_set_data<Unit> ps;
+ assign(ps, polygon_set);
+ ps.resize(resizing, corner_fill_arcs,ngon);
+ assign(polygon_set, ps);
+ return polygon_set;
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type>::type &
+ bloat(polygon_set_type& polygon_set,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type bloating) {
+ return resize(polygon_set, bloating);
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type>::type &
+ shrink(polygon_set_type& polygon_set,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type shrinking) {
+ return resize(polygon_set, -(typename polygon_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type)shrinking);
+ }
+ //interact
+ template <typename polygon_set_type_1, typename polygon_set_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3 <
+ typename is_any_polygon_set_type<polygon_set_type_1>::type,
+ typename is_any_polygon_set_type<polygon_set_type_2>::type,
+ typename is_either_polygon_set_type<polygon_set_type_1, polygon_set_type_2>::type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type_1>::type&
+ interact(polygon_set_type_1& polygon_set_1, const polygon_set_type_2& polygon_set_2) {
+ polygon_set_data<typename polygon_set_traits<polygon_set_type_1>::coordinate_type> ps1;
+ assign(ps1, polygon_set_1);
+ polygon_set_data<typename polygon_set_traits<polygon_set_type_2>::coordinate_type> ps2;
+ assign(ps2, polygon_set_2);
+ ps1.interact(ps2);
+ assign(polygon_set_1, ps1);
+ return polygon_set_1;
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type>::type &
+ scale_up(polygon_set_type& polygon_set,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type factor) {
+ typedef typename polygon_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ clean(polygon_set);
+ polygon_set_data<Unit> ps;
+ assign(ps, polygon_set);
+ ps.scale_up(factor);
+ assign(polygon_set, ps);
+ return polygon_set;
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type>::type &
+ scale_down(polygon_set_type& polygon_set,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type factor) {
+ typedef typename polygon_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ clean(polygon_set);
+ polygon_set_data<Unit> ps;
+ assign(ps, polygon_set);
+ ps.scale_down(factor);
+ assign(polygon_set, ps);
+ return polygon_set;
+ }
+ //transform
+ template <typename polygon_set_type, typename transformation_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type>::type &
+ transform(polygon_set_type& polygon_set,
+ const transformation_type& transformation) {
+ typedef typename polygon_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ clean(polygon_set);
+ polygon_set_data<Unit> ps;
+ assign(ps, polygon_set);
+ ps.transform(transformation);
+ assign(polygon_set, ps);
+ return polygon_set;
+ }
+ //keep
+ template <typename polygon_set_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_mutable_polygon_set_type<polygon_set_type>::type,
+ polygon_set_type>::type &
+ keep(polygon_set_type& polygon_set,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::area_type min_area,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::area_type max_area,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type min_width,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type max_width,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type min_height,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type max_height) {
+ typedef typename polygon_set_traits<polygon_set_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<Unit>::unsigned_area_type uat;
+ std::list<polygon_with_holes_data<Unit> > polys;
+ assign(polys, polygon_set);
+ typename std::list<polygon_with_holes_data<Unit> >::iterator itr_nxt;
+ for(typename std::list<polygon_with_holes_data<Unit> >::iterator itr = polys.begin(); itr != polys.end(); itr = itr_nxt){
+ itr_nxt = itr;
+ ++itr_nxt;
+ rectangle_data<Unit> bbox;
+ extents(bbox, *itr);
+ uat pwidth = delta(bbox, HORIZONTAL);
+ if(pwidth > min_width && pwidth <= max_width){
+ uat pheight = delta(bbox, VERTICAL);
+ if(pheight > min_height && pheight <= max_height){
+ typename coordinate_traits<Unit>::area_type parea = area(*itr);
+ if(parea <= max_area && parea >= min_area) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ polys.erase(itr);
+ }
+ assign(polygon_set, polys);
+ return polygon_set;
+ }
+ namespace operators {
+ struct yes_ps_ob : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_4 < yes_ps_ob, typename is_any_polygon_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type,
+ typename is_any_polygon_set_type<geometry_type_2>::type,
+ typename is_either_polygon_set_type<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2>::type>::type,
+ polygon_set_view<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, 0> >::type
+ operator|(const geometry_type_1& lvalue, const geometry_type_2& rvalue) {
+ return polygon_set_view<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, 0>
+ (lvalue, rvalue);
+ }
+ struct yes_ps_op : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_4 < yes_ps_op,
+ typename gtl_if<typename is_any_polygon_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename gtl_if<typename is_any_polygon_set_type<geometry_type_2>::type>::type,
+ typename gtl_if<typename is_either_polygon_set_type<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2>::type>::type>
+ ::type, polygon_set_view<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, 0> >::type
+ operator+(const geometry_type_1& lvalue, const geometry_type_2& rvalue) {
+ return polygon_set_view<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, 0>
+ (lvalue, rvalue);
+ }
+ struct yes_ps_os : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_4 < yes_ps_os,
+ typename is_any_polygon_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type,
+ typename is_any_polygon_set_type<geometry_type_2>::type,
+ typename is_either_polygon_set_type<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2>::type>::type,
+ polygon_set_view<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, 1> >::type
+ operator*(const geometry_type_1& lvalue, const geometry_type_2& rvalue) {
+ return polygon_set_view<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, 1>
+ (lvalue, rvalue);
+ }
+ struct yes_ps_oa : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_4 < yes_ps_oa,
+ typename is_any_polygon_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type,
+ typename is_any_polygon_set_type<geometry_type_2>::type,
+ typename is_either_polygon_set_type<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2>::type>::type,
+ polygon_set_view<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, 1> >::type
+ operator&(const geometry_type_1& lvalue, const geometry_type_2& rvalue) {
+ return polygon_set_view<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, 1>
+ (lvalue, rvalue);
+ }
+ struct yes_ps_ox : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_4 < yes_ps_ox,
+ typename is_any_polygon_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type,
+ typename is_any_polygon_set_type<geometry_type_2>::type,
+ typename is_either_polygon_set_type<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2>::type>::type,
+ polygon_set_view<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, 2> >::type
+ operator^(const geometry_type_1& lvalue, const geometry_type_2& rvalue) {
+ return polygon_set_view<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, 2>
+ (lvalue, rvalue);
+ }
+ struct yes_ps_om : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_4 < yes_ps_om,
+ typename gtl_if<typename is_any_polygon_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename gtl_if<typename is_any_polygon_set_type<geometry_type_2>::type>::type,
+ typename gtl_if<typename is_either_polygon_set_type<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2>::type>::type>
+ ::type, polygon_set_view<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, 3> >::type
+ operator-(const geometry_type_1& lvalue, const geometry_type_2& rvalue) {
+ return polygon_set_view<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, 3>
+ (lvalue, rvalue);
+ }
+ struct yes_ps_ope : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_4< yes_ps_ope, gtl_yes, typename is_mutable_polygon_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type,
+ typename is_any_polygon_set_type<geometry_type_2>::type>::type,
+ geometry_type_1>::type &
+ operator+=(geometry_type_1& lvalue, const geometry_type_2& rvalue) {
+ return self_assignment_boolean_op<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, 0>(lvalue, rvalue);
+ }
+ struct yes_ps_obe : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3< yes_ps_obe, typename is_mutable_polygon_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type,
+ typename is_any_polygon_set_type<geometry_type_2>::type>::type,
+ geometry_type_1>::type &
+ operator|=(geometry_type_1& lvalue, const geometry_type_2& rvalue) {
+ return self_assignment_boolean_op<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, 0>(lvalue, rvalue);
+ }
+ struct yes_ps_ose : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3< yes_ps_ose, typename is_mutable_polygon_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type,
+ typename is_any_polygon_set_type<geometry_type_2>::type>::type,
+ geometry_type_1>::type &
+ operator*=(geometry_type_1& lvalue, const geometry_type_2& rvalue) {
+ return self_assignment_boolean_op<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, 1>(lvalue, rvalue);
+ }
+ struct yes_ps_oae : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and_3< yes_ps_oae, typename is_mutable_polygon_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type,
+ typename is_any_polygon_set_type<geometry_type_2>::type>::type,
+ geometry_type_1>::type &
+ operator&=(geometry_type_1& lvalue, const geometry_type_2& rvalue) {
+ return self_assignment_boolean_op<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, 1>(lvalue, rvalue);
+ }
+ struct yes_ps_oxe : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3< yes_ps_oxe, typename is_mutable_polygon_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type,
+ typename is_any_polygon_set_type<geometry_type_2>::type>::type,
+ geometry_type_1>::type &
+ operator^=(geometry_type_1& lvalue, const geometry_type_2& rvalue) {
+ return self_assignment_boolean_op<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, 2>(lvalue, rvalue);
+ }
+ struct yes_ps_ome : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename geometry_type_2>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and_3< yes_ps_ome, typename is_mutable_polygon_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type,
+ typename is_any_polygon_set_type<geometry_type_2>::type>::type,
+ geometry_type_1>::type &
+ operator-=(geometry_type_1& lvalue, const geometry_type_2& rvalue) {
+ return self_assignment_boolean_op<geometry_type_1, geometry_type_2, 3>(lvalue, rvalue);
+ }
+ // TODO: Dafna, test these four resizing operators
+ struct y_ps_rpe : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename coordinate_type_1>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3< y_ps_rpe, typename is_mutable_polygon_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type,
+ typename gtl_same_type<typename geometry_concept<coordinate_type_1>::type,
+ coordinate_concept>::type>::type,
+ geometry_type_1>::type &
+ operator+=(geometry_type_1& lvalue, coordinate_type_1 rvalue) {
+ return resize(lvalue, rvalue);
+ }
+ struct y_ps_rme : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename coordinate_type_1>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3<y_ps_rme, typename gtl_if<typename is_mutable_polygon_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename gtl_same_type<typename geometry_concept<coordinate_type_1>::type,
+ coordinate_concept>::type>::type,
+ geometry_type_1>::type &
+ operator-=(geometry_type_1& lvalue, coordinate_type_1 rvalue) {
+ return resize(lvalue, -rvalue);
+ }
+ struct y_ps_rp : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename coordinate_type_1>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3<y_ps_rp, typename gtl_if<typename is_mutable_polygon_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename gtl_same_type<typename geometry_concept<coordinate_type_1>::type,
+ coordinate_concept>::type>
+ ::type, geometry_type_1>::type
+ operator+(const geometry_type_1& lvalue, coordinate_type_1 rvalue) {
+ geometry_type_1 retval(lvalue);
+ retval += rvalue;
+ return retval;
+ }
+ struct y_ps_rm : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename geometry_type_1, typename coordinate_type_1>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3<y_ps_rm, typename gtl_if<typename is_mutable_polygon_set_type<geometry_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename gtl_same_type<typename geometry_concept<coordinate_type_1>::type,
+ coordinate_concept>::type>
+ ::type, geometry_type_1>::type
+ operator-(const geometry_type_1& lvalue, coordinate_type_1 rvalue) {
+ geometry_type_1 retval(lvalue);
+ retval -= rvalue;
+ return retval;
+ }
+ } //end operators namespace
+ template <typename T>
+ struct view_of<polygon_45_set_concept, T> {
+ typedef typename get_coordinate_type<T, typename geometry_concept<T>::type >::type coordinate_type;
+ T* tp;
+ std::vector<polygon_45_with_holes_data<coordinate_type> > polys;
+ view_of(const T& obj) : tp(), polys() {
+ std::vector<polygon_with_holes_data<coordinate_type> > gpolys;
+ assign(gpolys, obj);
+ for(typename std::vector<polygon_with_holes_data<coordinate_type> >::iterator itr = gpolys.begin();
+ itr != gpolys.end(); ++itr) {
+ polys.push_back(polygon_45_with_holes_data<coordinate_type>());
+ assign(polys.back(), view_as<polygon_45_with_holes_concept>(*itr));
+ }
+ }
+ view_of(T& obj) : tp(&obj), polys() {
+ std::vector<polygon_with_holes_data<coordinate_type> > gpolys;
+ assign(gpolys, obj);
+ for(typename std::vector<polygon_with_holes_data<coordinate_type> >::iterator itr = gpolys.begin();
+ itr != gpolys.end(); ++itr) {
+ polys.push_back(polygon_45_with_holes_data<coordinate_type>());
+ assign(polys.back(), view_as<polygon_45_with_holes_concept>(*itr));
+ }
+ }
+ typedef typename std::vector<polygon_45_with_holes_data<coordinate_type> >::const_iterator iterator_type;
+ typedef view_of operator_arg_type;
+ inline iterator_type begin() const {
+ return polys.begin();
+ }
+ inline iterator_type end() const {
+ return polys.end();
+ }
+ inline orientation_2d orient() const { return HORIZONTAL; }
+ inline bool clean() const { return false; }
+ inline bool sorted() const { return false; }
+ inline T& get() { return *tp; }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct polygon_45_set_traits<view_of<polygon_45_set_concept, T> > {
+ typedef typename view_of<polygon_45_set_concept, T>::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
+ typedef typename view_of<polygon_45_set_concept, T>::iterator_type iterator_type;
+ typedef view_of<polygon_45_set_concept, T> operator_arg_type;
+ static inline iterator_type begin(const view_of<polygon_45_set_concept, T>& polygon_set) {
+ return polygon_set.begin();
+ }
+ static inline iterator_type end(const view_of<polygon_45_set_concept, T>& polygon_set) {
+ return polygon_set.end();
+ }
+ static inline orientation_2d orient(const view_of<polygon_45_set_concept, T>& polygon_set) {
+ return polygon_set.orient(); }
+ static inline bool clean(const view_of<polygon_45_set_concept, T>& polygon_set) {
+ return polygon_set.clean(); }
+ static inline bool sorted(const view_of<polygon_45_set_concept, T>& polygon_set) {
+ return polygon_set.sorted(); }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct geometry_concept<view_of<polygon_45_set_concept, T> > {
+ typedef polygon_45_set_concept type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct get_coordinate_type<view_of<polygon_45_set_concept, T>, polygon_45_set_concept> {
+ typedef typename view_of<polygon_45_set_concept, T>::coordinate_type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct get_iterator_type_2<view_of<polygon_45_set_concept, T>, polygon_45_set_concept> {
+ typedef typename view_of<polygon_45_set_concept, T>::iterator_type type;
+ static type begin(const view_of<polygon_45_set_concept, T>& t) { return t.begin(); }
+ static type end(const view_of<polygon_45_set_concept, T>& t) { return t.end(); }
+ };
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_set_data.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_set_data.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,861 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+#include "polygon_45_set_data.hpp"
+#include "polygon_45_set_concept.hpp"
+#include "polygon_traits.hpp"
+#include "detail/polygon_arbitrary_formation.hpp"
+#include <iostream>
+namespace boost { namespace polygon {
+ // utility function to round coordinate types down
+ // rounds down for both negative and positive numbers
+ // intended really for integer type T (does not make sense for float)
+ template <typename T>
+ static inline T round_down(double val) {
+ T rounded_val = (T)(val);
+ if(val < (double)rounded_val)
+ --rounded_val;
+ return rounded_val;
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ static inline point_data<T> round_down(point_data<double> v) {
+ return point_data<T>(round_down<T>(v.x()),round_down<T>(v.y()));
+ }
+ //foward declare view
+ template <typename ltype, typename rtype, int op_type> class polygon_set_view;
+ template <typename T>
+ class polygon_set_data {
+ public:
+ typedef T coordinate_type;
+ typedef point_data<T> point_type;
+ typedef std::pair<point_type, point_type> edge_type;
+ typedef std::pair<edge_type, int> element_type;
+ typedef std::vector<element_type> value_type;
+ typedef typename value_type::const_iterator iterator_type;
+ typedef polygon_set_data operator_arg_type;
+ // default constructor
+ inline polygon_set_data() : data_(), dirty_(false), unsorted_(false), is_45_(true) {}
+ // constructor from an iterator pair over edge data
+ template <typename iT>
+ inline polygon_set_data(iT input_begin, iT input_end) : data_(), dirty_(false), unsorted_(false), is_45_(true) {
+ for( ; input_begin != input_end; ++input_begin) { insert(*input_begin); }
+ }
+ // copy constructor
+ inline polygon_set_data(const polygon_set_data& that) :
+ data_(that.data_), dirty_(that.dirty_), unsorted_(that.unsorted_), is_45_(that.is_45_) {}
+ // copy constructor
+ template <typename ltype, typename rtype, int op_type>
+ inline polygon_set_data(const polygon_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>& that);
+ // destructor
+ inline ~polygon_set_data() {}
+ // assignement operator
+ inline polygon_set_data& operator=(const polygon_set_data& that) {
+ if(this == &that) return *this;
+ data_ = that.data_;
+ dirty_ = that.dirty_;
+ unsorted_ = that.unsorted_;
+ is_45_ = that.is_45_;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename ltype, typename rtype, int op_type>
+ inline polygon_set_data& operator=(const polygon_set_view<ltype, rtype, op_type>& geometry) {
+ (*this) = geometry.value();
+ dirty_ = false;
+ unsorted_ = false;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename geometry_object>
+ inline polygon_set_data& operator=(const geometry_object& geometry) {
+ data_.clear();
+ insert(geometry);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // insert iterator range
+ inline void insert(iterator_type input_begin, iterator_type input_end, bool is_hole = false) {
+ if(input_begin == input_end || (!data_.empty() && &(*input_begin) == &(*(data_.begin())))) return;
+ dirty_ = true;
+ unsorted_ = true;
+ while(input_begin != input_end) {
+ insert(*input_begin, is_hole);
+ ++input_begin;
+ }
+ }
+ // insert iterator range
+ template <typename iT>
+ inline void insert(iT input_begin, iT input_end, bool is_hole = false) {
+ if(input_begin == input_end) return;
+ for(; input_begin != input_end; ++input_begin) {
+ insert(*input_begin, is_hole);
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename geometry_type>
+ inline void insert(const geometry_type& geometry_object, bool is_hole = false) {
+ insert(geometry_object, is_hole, typename geometry_concept<geometry_type>::type());
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_type>
+ inline void insert(const polygon_type& polygon_object, bool is_hole, polygon_concept ) {
+ bool first_iteration = true;
+ point_type first_point;
+ point_type previous_point;
+ point_type current_point;
+ direction_1d winding_dir = winding(polygon_object);
+ int multiplier = winding_dir == COUNTERCLOCKWISE ? 1 : -1;
+ if(is_hole) multiplier *= -1;
+ for(typename polygon_traits<polygon_type>::iterator_type itr = begin_points(polygon_object);
+ itr != end_points(polygon_object); ++itr) {
+ assign(current_point, *itr);
+ if(first_iteration) {
+ first_iteration = false;
+ first_point = previous_point = current_point;
+ } else {
+ if(previous_point != current_point) {
+ element_type elem(edge_type(previous_point, current_point),
+ ( previous_point.get(HORIZONTAL) == current_point.get(HORIZONTAL) ? -1 : 1) * multiplier);
+ insert_clean(elem);
+ }
+ }
+ previous_point = current_point;
+ }
+ current_point = first_point;
+ if(!first_iteration) {
+ if(previous_point != current_point) {
+ element_type elem(edge_type(previous_point, current_point),
+ ( previous_point.get(HORIZONTAL) == current_point.get(HORIZONTAL) ? -1 : 1) * multiplier);
+ insert_clean(elem);
+ }
+ dirty_ = true;
+ unsorted_ = true;
+ }
+ }
+ inline void insert(const polygon_set_data& ps, bool is_hole = false) {
+ insert(ps.data_.begin(), ps.data_.end(), is_hole);
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_45_set_type>
+ inline void insert(const polygon_45_set_type& ps, bool is_hole, polygon_45_set_concept) {
+ std::vector<polygon_45_with_holes_data<typename polygon_45_set_traits<polygon_45_set_type>::coordinate_type> > polys;
+ assign(polys, ps);
+ insert(polys.begin(), polys.end(), is_hole);
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_90_set_type>
+ inline void insert(const polygon_90_set_type& ps, bool is_hole, polygon_90_set_concept) {
+ std::vector<polygon_90_with_holes_data<typename polygon_90_set_traits<polygon_90_set_type>::coordinate_type> > polys;
+ assign(polys, ps);
+ insert(polys.begin(), polys.end(), is_hole);
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_type>
+ inline void insert(const polygon_type& polygon_object, bool is_hole, polygon_45_concept ) {
+ insert(polygon_object, is_hole, polygon_concept()); }
+ template <typename polygon_type>
+ inline void insert(const polygon_type& polygon_object, bool is_hole, polygon_90_concept ) {
+ insert(polygon_object, is_hole, polygon_concept()); }
+ template <typename polygon_with_holes_type>
+ inline void insert(const polygon_with_holes_type& polygon_with_holes_object, bool is_hole,
+ polygon_with_holes_concept ) {
+ insert(polygon_with_holes_object, is_hole, polygon_concept());
+ for(typename polygon_with_holes_traits<polygon_with_holes_type>::iterator_holes_type itr =
+ begin_holes(polygon_with_holes_object);
+ itr != end_holes(polygon_with_holes_object); ++itr) {
+ insert(*itr, !is_hole, polygon_concept());
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_with_holes_type>
+ inline void insert(const polygon_with_holes_type& polygon_with_holes_object, bool is_hole,
+ polygon_45_with_holes_concept ) {
+ insert(polygon_with_holes_object, is_hole, polygon_with_holes_concept()); }
+ template <typename polygon_with_holes_type>
+ inline void insert(const polygon_with_holes_type& polygon_with_holes_object, bool is_hole,
+ polygon_90_with_holes_concept ) {
+ insert(polygon_with_holes_object, is_hole, polygon_with_holes_concept()); }
+ template <typename rectangle_type>
+ inline void insert(const rectangle_type& rectangle_object, bool is_hole, rectangle_concept ) {
+ polygon_90_data<coordinate_type> poly;
+ assign(poly, rectangle_object);
+ insert(poly, is_hole, polygon_concept());
+ }
+ inline void insert_clean(const element_type& edge, bool is_hole = false) {
+ if( ! scanline_base<coordinate_type>::is_45_degree(edge.first) &&
+ ! scanline_base<coordinate_type>::is_horizontal(edge.first) &&
+ ! scanline_base<coordinate_type>::is_vertical(edge.first) ) is_45_ = false;
+ data_.push_back(edge);
+ if(data_.back().first.second < data_.back().first.first) {
+ std::swap(data_.back().first.second, data_.back().first.first);
+ data_.back().second *= -1;
+ }
+ if(is_hole)
+ data_.back().second *= -1;
+ }
+ inline void insert(const element_type& edge, bool is_hole = false) {
+ insert_clean(edge, is_hole);
+ dirty_ = true;
+ unsorted_ = true;
+ }
+ template <class iT>
+ inline void insert_vertex_sequence(iT begin_vertex, iT end_vertex, direction_1d winding, bool is_hole) {
+ polygon_data<coordinate_type> poly;
+ poly.set(begin_vertex, end_vertex);
+ insert(poly, is_hole);
+ }
+ template <typename output_container>
+ inline void get(output_container& output) {
+ get_dispatch(output, typename geometry_concept<typename output_container::value_type>::type());
+ }
+ // append to the container cT with polygons of three or four verticies
+ // slicing orientation is vertical
+ template <class cT>
+ void get_trapezoids(cT& container) const {
+ clean();
+ trapezoid_arbitrary_formation<coordinate_type> pf;
+ typedef typename polygon_arbitrary_formation<coordinate_type>::vertex_half_edge vertex_half_edge;
+ std::vector<vertex_half_edge> data;
+ for(iterator_type itr = data_.begin(); itr != data_.end(); ++itr){
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge((*itr).first.first, (*itr).first.second, (*itr).second));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge((*itr).first.second, (*itr).first.first, -1 * (*itr).second));
+ }
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ pf.scan(container, data.begin(), data.end());
+ //std::cout << "DONE FORMING POLYGONS\n";
+ }
+ // append to the container cT with polygons of three or four verticies
+ template <class cT>
+ void get_trapezoids(cT& container, orientation_2d slicing_orientation) const {
+ if(slicing_orientation == VERTICAL) {
+ get_trapezoids(container);
+ } else {
+ polygon_set_data<T> ps(*this);
+ ps.transform(axis_transformation(axis_transformation::SWAP_XY));
+ cT result;
+ ps.get_trapezoids(result);
+ for(typename cT::iterator itr = result.begin(); itr != result.end(); ++itr) {
+ ::boost::polygon::transform(*itr, axis_transformation(axis_transformation::SWAP_XY));
+ }
+ container.insert(container.end(), result.begin(), result.end());
+ }
+ }
+ // equivalence operator
+ inline bool operator==(const polygon_set_data& p) const {
+ clean();
+ p.clean();
+ return data_ == p.data_;
+ }
+ // inequivalence operator
+ inline bool operator!=(const polygon_set_data& p) const {
+ return !((*this) == p);
+ }
+ // get iterator to begin vertex data
+ inline iterator_type begin() const {
+ return data_.begin();
+ }
+ // get iterator to end vertex data
+ inline iterator_type end() const {
+ return data_.end();
+ }
+ const value_type& value() const {
+ return data_;
+ }
+ // clear the contents of the polygon_set_data
+ inline void clear() { data_.clear(); dirty_ = unsorted_ = false; }
+ // find out if Polygon set is empty
+ inline bool empty() const { return data_.empty(); }
+ // get the Polygon set size in vertices
+ inline std::size_t size() const { clean(); return data_.size(); }
+ // get the current Polygon set capacity in vertices
+ inline std::size_t capacity() const { return data_.capacity(); }
+ // reserve size of polygon set in vertices
+ inline void reserve(std::size_t size) { return data_.reserve(size); }
+ // find out if Polygon set is sorted
+ inline bool sorted() const { return !unsorted_; }
+ // find out if Polygon set is clean
+ inline bool dirty() const { return dirty_; }
+ void clean() const;
+ void sort() const{
+ if(unsorted_) {
+ std::sort(data_.begin(), data_.end());
+ unsorted_ = false;
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename input_iterator_type>
+ void set(input_iterator_type input_begin, input_iterator_type input_end) {
+ clear();
+ insert(input_begin, input_end);
+ dirty_ = true;
+ unsorted_ = true;
+ }
+ void set(const value_type& value) {
+ data_ = value;
+ dirty_ = true;
+ unsorted_ = true;
+ }
+ template <typename rectangle_type>
+ bool extents(rectangle_type& rect) {
+ clean();
+ if(empty()) return false;
+ bool first_iteration = true;
+ for(iterator_type itr = begin();
+ itr != end(); ++itr) {
+ rectangle_type edge_box;
+ set_points(edge_box, (*itr).first.first, (*itr).first.second);
+ if(first_iteration)
+ rect = edge_box;
+ else
+ encompass(rect, edge_box);
+ first_iteration = false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ inline polygon_set_data&
+ resize(coordinate_type resizing, bool corner_fill_arc = false, unsigned int num_circle_segments=0) {
+ if(resizing == 0) return *this;
+ std::list<polygon_with_holes_data<coordinate_type> > pl;
+ get(pl);
+ clear();
+ for(typename std::list<polygon_with_holes_data<coordinate_type> >::iterator itr = pl.begin(); itr != pl.end(); ++itr) {
+ insert_with_resize(*itr, resizing, corner_fill_arc, num_circle_segments);
+ }
+ clean();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename transform_type>
+ inline polygon_set_data&
+ transform(const transform_type& tr) {
+ std::vector<polygon_with_holes_data<T> > polys;
+ get(polys);
+ clear();
+ for(std::size_t i = 0 ; i < polys.size(); ++i) {
+ ::boost::polygon::transform(polys[i], tr);
+ insert(polys[i]);
+ }
+ unsorted_ = true;
+ dirty_ = true;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline polygon_set_data&
+ scale_up(typename coordinate_traits<coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type factor) {
+ for(typename value_type::iterator itr = data_.begin(); itr != data_.end(); ++itr) {
+ ::boost::polygon::scale_up((*itr).first.first, factor);
+ ::boost::polygon::scale_up((*itr).first.second, factor);
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline polygon_set_data&
+ scale_down(typename coordinate_traits<coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type factor) {
+ for(typename value_type::iterator itr = data_.begin(); itr != data_.end(); ++itr) {
+ ::boost::polygon::scale_down((*itr).first.first, factor);
+ ::boost::polygon::scale_down((*itr).first.second, factor);
+ }
+ unsorted_ = true;
+ dirty_ = true;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename scaling_type>
+ inline polygon_set_data& scale(polygon_set_data& polygon_set,
+ const scaling_type& scaling) {
+ for(typename value_type::iterator itr = begin(); itr != end(); ++itr) {
+ ::boost::polygon::scale((*itr).first.first, scaling);
+ ::boost::polygon::scale((*itr).first.second, scaling);
+ }
+ unsorted_ = true;
+ dirty_ = true;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // TODO:: should be private
+ template <typename geometry_type>
+ inline polygon_set_data&
+ insert_with_resize(const geometry_type& poly, coordinate_type resizing, bool corner_fill_arc=false, unsigned int num_circle_segments=0, bool hole = false) {
+ return insert_with_resize_dispatch(poly, resizing, corner_fill_arc, num_circle_segments, hole, typename geometry_concept<geometry_type>::type());
+ }
+ template <typename geometry_type>
+ inline polygon_set_data&
+ insert_with_resize_dispatch(const geometry_type& poly, coordinate_type resizing, bool corner_fill_arc, unsigned int num_circle_segments, bool hole,
+ polygon_with_holes_concept tag) {
+ insert_with_resize_dispatch(poly, resizing, corner_fill_arc, num_circle_segments, hole, polygon_concept());
+ for(typename polygon_with_holes_traits<geometry_type>::iterator_holes_type itr =
+ begin_holes(poly); itr != end_holes(poly);
+ ++itr) {
+ insert_with_resize_dispatch(*itr, resizing, corner_fill_arc, num_circle_segments, !hole, polygon_concept());
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename geometry_type>
+ inline polygon_set_data&
+ insert_with_resize_dispatch(const geometry_type& poly, coordinate_type resizing, bool corner_fill_arc, unsigned int num_circle_segments, bool hole,
+ polygon_concept tag) {
+ if (resizing==0)
+ return *this;
+ // one dimensional used to store CCW/CW flag
+ //direction_1d wdir = winding(poly);
+ // LOW==CLOCKWISE just faster to type
+ // so > 0 is CCW
+ //int multiplier = wdir == LOW ? -1 : 1;
+ //std::cout<<" multiplier : "<<multiplier<<std::endl;
+ //if(hole) resizing *= -1;
+ direction_1d resize_wdir = resizing>0?COUNTERCLOCKWISE:CLOCKWISE;
+ typedef typename polygon_data<T>::iterator_type piterator;
+ piterator first, second, third, end, real_end;
+ real_end = end_points(poly);
+ third = begin_points(poly);
+ first = third;
+ if(first == real_end) return *this;
+ ++third;
+ if(third == real_end) return *this;
+ second = end = third;
+ ++third;
+ if(third == real_end) return *this;
+ // for 1st corner
+ std::vector<point_data<T> > first_pts;
+ std::vector<point_data<T> > all_pts;
+ direction_1d first_wdir = CLOCKWISE;
+ // for all corners
+ polygon_set_data<T> sizingSet;
+ bool sizing_sign = resizing>0;
+ bool prev_concave = true;
+ point_data<T> prev_point;
+ int iCtr=0;
+ //insert minkofski shapes on edges and corners
+ //first, second and third point to points in correct CCW order
+ // check if convex or concave case
+ point_data<coordinate_type> normal1( second->y()-first->y(), first->x()-second->x());
+ point_data<coordinate_type> normal2( third->y()-second->y(), second->x()-third->x());
+ double direction = normal1.x()*normal2.y()- normal2.x()*normal1.y();
+ bool convex = direction>0;
+ bool treat_as_concave = convex ^ sizing_sign ;
+ point_data<double> v;
+ assign(v, normal1);
+ double s2 = (v.x()*v.x()+v.y()*v.y());
+ double s = sqrt(s2)/resizing;
+ v = point_data<double>(v.x()/s,v.y()/s);
+ point_data<T> curr_prev;
+ if (prev_concave)
+ //TODO missing round_down()
+ curr_prev = point_data<T>(first->x()+v.x(),first->y()+v.y());
+ else
+ curr_prev = prev_point;
+ // around concave corners - insert rectangle
+ // if previous corner is concave it's point info may be ignored
+ if ( treat_as_concave) {
+ std::vector<point_data<T> > pts;
+ pts.push_back(point_data<T>(second->x()+v.x(),second->y()+v.y()));
+ pts.push_back(*second);
+ pts.push_back(*first);
+ pts.push_back(point_data<T>(curr_prev));
+ if (first_pts.size()){
+ sizingSet.insert_vertex_sequence(pts.begin(),pts.end(), resize_wdir,false);
+ }else {
+ first_pts=pts;
+ first_wdir = resize_wdir;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // add either intersection_quad or pie_shape, based on corner_fill_arc option
+ // for convex corner (convexity depends on sign of resizing, whether we shrink or grow)
+ std::vector< std::vector<point_data<T> > > pts;
+ direction_1d winding;
+ if (make_resizing_vertex_list(pts, curr_prev, prev_concave, *first, *second, *third, resizing
+ , num_circle_segments, corner_fill_arc))
+ {
+ if (first_pts.size()) {
+ for (int i=0; i<pts.size(); i++) {
+ sizingSet.insert_vertex_sequence(pts[i].begin(),pts[i].end(),winding,false);
+ }
+ } else {
+ first_pts = pts[0];
+ first_wdir = resize_wdir;
+ for (int i=1; i<pts.size(); i++) {
+ sizingSet.insert_vertex_sequence(pts[i].begin(),pts[i].end(),winding,false);
+ }
+ }
+ prev_point = curr_prev;
+ } else {
+ treat_as_concave = true;
+ }
+ }
+ prev_concave = treat_as_concave;
+ first = second;
+ second = third;
+ ++third;
+ if(third == real_end) {
+ third = begin_points(poly);
+ if(*second == *third) {
+ ++third; //skip first point if it is duplicate of last point
+ }
+ }
+ } while(second != end);
+ // handle insertion of first point
+ if (!prev_concave) {
+ first_pts[first_pts.size()-1]=prev_point;
+ }
+ sizingSet.insert_vertex_sequence(first_pts.begin(),first_pts.end(),first_wdir,false);
+ polygon_set_data<coordinate_type> tmp;
+ //insert original shape
+ tmp.insert(poly, false, polygon_concept());
+ if(resizing < 0 ^ hole) tmp -= sizingSet;
+ else tmp += sizingSet;
+ //tmp.clean();
+ insert(tmp, hole);
+ return (*this);
+ }
+ inline polygon_set_data&
+ interact(const polygon_set_data& that);
+ inline bool downcast(polygon_45_set_data<coordinate_type>& result) const {
+ if(!is_45_) return false;
+ for(iterator_type itr = begin(); itr != end(); ++itr) {
+ const element_type& elem = *itr;
+ int count = elem.second;
+ int rise = 1; //up sloping 45
+ if(scanline_base<coordinate_type>::is_horizontal(elem.first)) rise = 0;
+ else if(scanline_base<coordinate_type>::is_vertical(elem.first)) rise = 2;
+ else {
+ if(!scanline_base<coordinate_type>::is_45_degree(elem.first)) {
+ is_45_ = false;
+ return false; //consider throwing because is_45_ has be be wrong
+ }
+ if(elem.first.first.y() > elem.first.second.y()) rise = -1; //down sloping 45
+ }
+ typename polygon_45_set_data<coordinate_type>::Vertex45Compact vertex(elem.first.first, rise, count);
+ result.insert(vertex);
+ typename polygon_45_set_data<coordinate_type>::Vertex45Compact vertex2(elem.first.second, rise, -count);
+ result.insert(vertex2);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ inline GEOMETRY_CONCEPT_ID concept_downcast() const {
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<coordinate_type>::coordinate_difference delta_type;
+ bool is_45 = false;
+ for(iterator_type itr = begin(); itr != end(); ++itr) {
+ const element_type& elem = *itr;
+ delta_type h_delta = euclidean_distance(elem.first.first, elem.first.second, HORIZONTAL);
+ delta_type v_delta = euclidean_distance(elem.first.first, elem.first.second, VERTICAL);
+ if(h_delta != 0 || v_delta != 0) {
+ //neither delta is zero and the edge is not MANHATTAN
+ if(v_delta != h_delta && v_delta != -h_delta) return POLYGON_SET_CONCEPT;
+ else is_45 = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(is_45) return POLYGON_45_SET_CONCEPT;
+ }
+ private:
+ mutable value_type data_;
+ mutable bool dirty_;
+ mutable bool unsorted_;
+ mutable bool is_45_;
+ private:
+ //functions
+ template <typename output_container>
+ void get_dispatch(output_container& output, polygon_concept tag) const {
+ get_fracture(output, true, tag);
+ }
+ template <typename output_container>
+ void get_dispatch(output_container& output, polygon_with_holes_concept tag) const {
+ get_fracture(output, false, tag);
+ }
+ template <typename output_container, typename concept_type>
+ void get_fracture(output_container& container, bool fracture_holes, concept_type ) const {
+ clean();
+ polygon_arbitrary_formation<coordinate_type> pf(fracture_holes);
+ typedef typename polygon_arbitrary_formation<coordinate_type>::vertex_half_edge vertex_half_edge;
+ std::vector<vertex_half_edge> data;
+ for(iterator_type itr = data_.begin(); itr != data_.end(); ++itr){
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge((*itr).first.first, (*itr).first.second, (*itr).second));
+ data.push_back(vertex_half_edge((*itr).first.second, (*itr).first.first, -1 * (*itr).second));
+ }
+ std::sort(data.begin(), data.end());
+ pf.scan(container, data.begin(), data.end());
+ }
+ };
+ struct polygon_set_concept;
+ template <typename T>
+ struct geometry_concept<polygon_set_data<T> > {
+ typedef polygon_set_concept type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ inline double compute_area(point_data<T>& a, point_data<T>& b, point_data<T>& c) {
+ return (double)(b.x()-a.x())*(double)(c.y()-a.y())- (double)(c.x()-a.x())*(double)(b.y()-a.y());
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ inline int make_resizing_vertex_list(std::vector<std::vector<point_data< T> > >& return_points,
+ point_data<T>& curr_prev, bool ignore_prev_point,
+ point_data< T> start, point_data<T> middle, point_data< T> end,
+ double sizing_distance, unsigned int num_circle_segments, bool corner_fill_arc) {
+ // handle the case of adding an intersection point
+ point_data<double> dn1( middle.y()-start.y(), start.x()-middle.x());
+ double size = sizing_distance/sqrt( dn1.x()*dn1.x()+dn1.y()*dn1.y());
+ dn1 = point_data<double>( dn1.x()*size, dn1.y()* size);
+ point_data<double> dn2( end.y()-middle.y(), middle.x()-end.x());
+ size = sizing_distance/sqrt( dn2.x()*dn2.x()+dn2.y()*dn2.y());
+ dn2 = point_data<double>( dn2.x()*size, dn2.y()* size);
+ point_data<double> start_offset((start.x()+dn1.x()),(start.y()+dn1.y()));
+ point_data<double> mid1_offset((middle.x()+dn1.x()),(middle.y()+dn1.y()));
+ point_data<double> end_offset((end.x()+dn2.x()),(end.y()+dn2.y()));
+ point_data<double> mid2_offset((middle.x()+dn2.x()),(middle.y()+dn2.y()));
+ if (ignore_prev_point)
+ curr_prev = round_down<T>(start_offset);
+ if (corner_fill_arc) {
+ std::vector<point_data< T> > return_points1;
+ return_points.push_back(return_points1);
+ std::vector<point_data< T> >& return_points_back = return_points[return_points.size()-1];
+ return_points_back.push_back(round_down<T>(mid1_offset));
+ return_points_back.push_back(middle);
+ return_points_back.push_back(start);
+ return_points_back.push_back(curr_prev);
+ point_data<double> dmid(middle.x(),middle.y());
+ return_points.push_back(return_points1);
+ int num = make_arc(return_points[return_points.size()-1],mid1_offset,mid2_offset,dmid,sizing_distance,num_circle_segments);
+ curr_prev = round_down<T>(mid2_offset);
+ return num;
+ }
+ std::pair<point_data<double>,point_data<double> > he1(start_offset,mid1_offset);
+ std::pair<point_data<double>,point_data<double> > he2(mid2_offset ,end_offset);
+ typedef typename high_precision_type<double>::type high_precision;
+ point_data<T> intersect;
+ typename scanline_base<T>::compute_intersection_pack pack;
+ bool res = pack.compute_intersection(intersect,he1,he2,true);
+ if( res ) {
+ std::vector<point_data< T> > return_points1;
+ return_points.push_back(return_points1);
+ std::vector<point_data< T> >& return_points_back = return_points[return_points.size()-1];
+ return_points_back.push_back(intersect);
+ return_points_back.push_back(middle);
+ return_points_back.push_back(start);
+ return_points_back.push_back(curr_prev);
+ double d1= compute_area(intersect,middle,start);
+ double d2= compute_area(start,curr_prev,intersect);
+ curr_prev = intersect;
+ return return_points.size();
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // this routine should take in start and end point s.t. end point is CCW from start
+ // it sould make a pie slice polygon that is an intersection of that arc
+ // with an ngon segments approximation of the circle centered at center with radius r
+ // point start is gauaranteed to be on the segmentation
+ // returnPoints will start with the first point after start
+ // returnPoints vector may be empty
+ template <typename T>
+ inline int make_arc(std::vector<point_data< T> >& return_points,
+ point_data< double> start, point_data< double> end,
+ point_data< double> center, double r, unsigned int num_circle_segments) {
+ const double our_pi=3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971;
+ // derive start and end angles
+ double ps = atan2(start.y()-center.y(), start.x()-center.x());
+ double pe = atan2(end.y()-center.y(), end.x()-center.x());
+ if (ps < 0.0)
+ ps += 2.0 * our_pi;
+ if (pe <= 0.0)
+ pe += 2.0 * our_pi;
+ if (ps >= 2.0 * M_PI)
+ ps -= 2.0 * our_pi;
+ while (pe <= ps)
+ pe += 2.0 * our_pi;
+ double delta_angle = (2.0 * our_pi) / (double)num_circle_segments;
+ if ( start==end) // full circle?
+ {
+ ps = delta_angle*0.5;
+ pe = ps + our_pi * 2.0;
+ double x,y;
+ x = center.x() + r * cos(ps);
+ y = center.y() + r * sin(ps);
+ start = point_data<double>(x,y);
+ end = start;
+ }
+ return_points.push_back(round_down<T>(center));
+ return_points.push_back(round_down<T>(start));
+ int i=0;
+ double curr_angle = ps+delta_angle;
+ while( curr_angle < pe - 0.01 && i < 2 * num_circle_segments) {
+ i++;
+ double x = center.x() + r * cos( curr_angle);
+ double y = center.y() + r * sin( curr_angle);
+ return_points.push_back( round_down<T>((point_data<double>(x,y))));
+ curr_angle+=delta_angle;
+ }
+ return_points.push_back(round_down<T>(end));
+ return return_points.size();
+ }
+}// close namespace
+}// close name space
+#include "detail/scan_arbitrary.hpp"
+namespace boost { namespace polygon {
+ //ConnectivityExtraction computes the graph of connectivity between rectangle, polygon and
+ //polygon set graph nodes where an edge is created whenever the geometry in two nodes overlap
+ template <typename coordinate_type>
+ class connectivity_extraction{
+ private:
+ typedef arbitrary_connectivity_extraction<coordinate_type, int> ce;
+ ce ce_;
+ unsigned int nodeCount_;
+ public:
+ inline connectivity_extraction() : ce_(), nodeCount_(0) {}
+ inline connectivity_extraction(const connectivity_extraction& that) : ce_(that.ce_),
+ nodeCount_(that.nodeCount_) {}
+ inline connectivity_extraction& operator=(const connectivity_extraction& that) {
+ ce_ = that.ce_;
+ nodeCount_ = that.nodeCount_; {}
+ return *this;
+ }
+ //insert a polygon set graph node, the value returned is the id of the graph node
+ inline unsigned int insert(const polygon_set_data<coordinate_type>& ps) {
+ ps.clean();
+ ce_.populateTouchSetData(ps.begin(), ps.end(), nodeCount_);
+ return nodeCount_++;
+ }
+ template <class GeoObjT>
+ inline unsigned int insert(const GeoObjT& geoObj) {
+ polygon_set_data<coordinate_type> ps;
+ ps.insert(geoObj);
+ return insert(ps);
+ }
+ //extract connectivity and store the edges in the graph
+ //graph must be indexable by graph node id and the indexed value must be a std::set of
+ //graph node id
+ template <class GraphT>
+ inline void extract(GraphT& graph) {
+ ce_.execute(graph);
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ polygon_set_data<T>&
+ polygon_set_data<T>::interact(const polygon_set_data<T>& that) {
+ connectivity_extraction<coordinate_type> ce;
+ std::vector<polygon_with_holes_data<T> > polys;
+ get(polys);
+ clear();
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i) {
+ ce.insert(polys[i]);
+ }
+ int id = ce.insert(that);
+ std::vector<std::set<int> > graph(id+1);
+ ce.extract(graph);
+ for(std::set<int>::iterator itr = graph[id].begin();
+ itr != graph[id].end(); ++itr) {
+ insert(polys[*itr]);
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+#include "polygon_set_traits.hpp"
+#include "detail/polygon_set_view.hpp"
+#include "polygon_set_concept.hpp"
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_set_traits.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_set_traits.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+ struct polygon_set_concept {};
+ //default definition of polygon set traits works for any model of polygon , polygon with holes or any vector or list thereof
+ template <typename T>
+ struct polygon_set_traits {
+ typedef typename get_coordinate_type<T, typename geometry_concept<T>::type >::type coordinate_type;
+ typedef typename get_iterator_type<T>::type iterator_type;
+ typedef T operator_arg_type;
+ static inline iterator_type begin(const T& polygon_set) {
+ return get_iterator_type<T>::begin(polygon_set);
+ }
+ static inline iterator_type end(const T& polygon_set) {
+ return get_iterator_type<T>::end(polygon_set);
+ }
+ static inline bool clean(const T& ) { return false; }
+ static inline bool sorted(const T& ) { return false; }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_polygonal_concept { typedef gtl_no type; };
+ template <>
+ struct is_polygonal_concept<polygon_concept> { typedef gtl_yes type; };
+ template <>
+ struct is_polygonal_concept<polygon_with_holes_concept> { typedef gtl_yes type; };
+ template <>
+ struct is_polygonal_concept<polygon_set_concept> { typedef gtl_yes type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_polygon_set_type {
+ typedef typename is_polygonal_concept<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_polygon_set_type<std::list<T> > {
+ typedef typename gtl_or<
+ typename is_polygonal_concept<typename geometry_concept<std::list<T> >::type>::type,
+ typename is_polygonal_concept<typename geometry_concept<typename std::list<T>::value_type>::type>::type>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_polygon_set_type<std::vector<T> > {
+ typedef typename gtl_or<
+ typename is_polygonal_concept<typename geometry_concept<std::vector<T> >::type>::type,
+ typename is_polygonal_concept<typename geometry_concept<typename std::vector<T>::value_type>::type>::type>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_mutable_polygon_set_type {
+ typedef typename gtl_same_type<polygon_set_concept, typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_mutable_polygon_set_type<std::list<T> > {
+ typedef typename gtl_or<
+ typename gtl_same_type<polygon_set_concept, typename geometry_concept<std::list<T> >::type>::type,
+ typename is_polygonal_concept<typename geometry_concept<typename std::list<T>::value_type>::type>::type>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_mutable_polygon_set_type<std::vector<T> > {
+ typedef typename gtl_or<
+ typename gtl_same_type<polygon_set_concept, typename geometry_concept<std::vector<T> >::type>::type,
+ typename is_polygonal_concept<typename geometry_concept<typename std::vector<T>::value_type>::type>::type>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct polygon_set_mutable_traits {};
+ template <typename T>
+ struct polygon_set_mutable_traits<std::list<T> > {
+ template <typename input_iterator_type>
+ static inline void set(std::list<T>& polygon_set, input_iterator_type input_begin, input_iterator_type input_end) {
+ polygon_set.clear();
+ polygon_set_data<typename polygon_set_traits<std::list<T> >::coordinate_type> ps;
+ ps.insert(input_begin, input_end);
+ ps.get(polygon_set);
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct polygon_set_mutable_traits<std::vector<T> > {
+ template <typename input_iterator_type>
+ static inline void set(std::vector<T>& polygon_set, input_iterator_type input_begin, input_iterator_type input_end) {
+ polygon_set.clear();
+ polygon_set_data<typename polygon_set_traits<std::list<T> >::coordinate_type> ps;
+ ps.insert(input_begin, input_end);
+ ps.get(polygon_set);
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct polygon_set_mutable_traits<polygon_set_data<T> > {
+ template <typename input_iterator_type>
+ static inline void set(polygon_set_data<T>& polygon_set,
+ input_iterator_type input_begin, input_iterator_type input_end) {
+ polygon_set.set(input_begin, input_end);
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct polygon_set_traits<polygon_set_data<T> > {
+ typedef typename polygon_set_data<T>::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
+ typedef typename polygon_set_data<T>::iterator_type iterator_type;
+ typedef typename polygon_set_data<T>::operator_arg_type operator_arg_type;
+ static inline iterator_type begin(const polygon_set_data<T>& polygon_set) {
+ return polygon_set.begin();
+ }
+ static inline iterator_type end(const polygon_set_data<T>& polygon_set) {
+ return polygon_set.end();
+ }
+ static inline bool clean(const polygon_set_data<T>& polygon_set) { polygon_set.clean(); return true; }
+ static inline bool sorted(const polygon_set_data<T>& polygon_set) { int untested = 0;polygon_set.sort(); return true; }
+ };
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_traits.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_traits.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,1848 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+ template <typename T, typename enable = gtl_yes>
+ struct polygon_90_traits {
+ typedef typename T::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
+ typedef typename T::compact_iterator_type compact_iterator_type;
+ // Get the begin iterator
+ static inline compact_iterator_type begin_compact(const T& t) {
+ return t.begin_compact();
+ }
+ // Get the end iterator
+ static inline compact_iterator_type end_compact(const T& t) {
+ return t.end_compact();
+ }
+ // Get the number of sides of the polygon
+ static inline std::size_t size(const T& t) {
+ return t.size();
+ }
+ // Get the winding direction of the polygon
+ static inline winding_direction winding(const T&) {
+ return unknown_winding;
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct polygon_traits_general {
+ typedef typename T::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
+ typedef typename T::iterator_type iterator_type;
+ typedef typename T::point_type point_type;
+ // Get the begin iterator
+ static inline iterator_type begin_points(const T& t) {
+ return t.begin();
+ }
+ // Get the end iterator
+ static inline iterator_type end_points(const T& t) {
+ return t.end();
+ }
+ // Get the number of sides of the polygon
+ static inline std::size_t size(const T& t) {
+ return t.size();
+ }
+ // Get the winding direction of the polygon
+ static inline winding_direction winding(const T&) {
+ return unknown_winding;
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct polygon_traits_90 {
+ typedef typename polygon_90_traits<T>::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
+ typedef iterator_compact_to_points<typename polygon_90_traits<T>::compact_iterator_type, point_data<coordinate_type> > iterator_type;
+ typedef point_data<coordinate_type> point_type;
+ // Get the begin iterator
+ static inline iterator_type begin_points(const T& t) {
+ return iterator_type(polygon_90_traits<T>::begin_compact(t),
+ polygon_90_traits<T>::end_compact(t));
+ }
+ // Get the end iterator
+ static inline iterator_type end_points(const T& t) {
+ return iterator_type(polygon_90_traits<T>::end_compact(t),
+ polygon_90_traits<T>::end_compact(t));
+ }
+ // Get the number of sides of the polygon
+ static inline std::size_t size(const T& t) {
+ return polygon_90_traits<T>::size(t);
+ }
+ // Get the winding direction of the polygon
+ static inline winding_direction winding(const T& t) {
+ return polygon_90_traits<T>::winding(t);
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename T, typename enable = gtl_yes>
+ struct polygon_traits {};
+ template <typename T>
+ struct polygon_traits<T,
+ typename gtl_or_4<
+ typename gtl_same_type<typename geometry_concept<T>::type, polygon_concept>::type,
+ typename gtl_same_type<typename geometry_concept<T>::type, polygon_45_concept>::type,
+ typename gtl_same_type<typename geometry_concept<T>::type, polygon_with_holes_concept>::type,
+ typename gtl_same_type<typename geometry_concept<T>::type, polygon_45_with_holes_concept>::type
+ >::type> : public polygon_traits_general<T> {};
+ template <typename T>
+ struct polygon_traits< T,
+ typename gtl_or<
+ typename gtl_same_type<typename geometry_concept<T>::type, polygon_90_concept>::type,
+ typename gtl_same_type<typename geometry_concept<T>::type, polygon_90_with_holes_concept>::type
+ >::type > : public polygon_traits_90<T> {};
+ template <typename T, typename T_IF, typename T_ELSE>
+ struct gtl_ifelse {};
+ template <typename T_IF, typename T_ELSE>
+ struct gtl_ifelse<gtl_no, T_IF, T_ELSE> {
+ typedef T_ELSE type;
+ };
+ template <typename T_IF, typename T_ELSE>
+ struct gtl_ifelse<gtl_yes, T_IF, T_ELSE> {
+ typedef T_IF type;
+ };
+ template <typename T, typename enable = gtl_yes>
+ struct polygon_traits {};
+ template <typename T>
+ struct polygon_traits<T, typename gtl_or<typename gtl_or_4<
+ typename gtl_same_type<typename geometry_concept<T>::type, polygon_concept>::type,
+ typename gtl_same_type<typename geometry_concept<T>::type, polygon_45_concept>::type,
+ typename gtl_same_type<typename geometry_concept<T>::type, polygon_with_holes_concept>::type,
+ typename gtl_same_type<typename geometry_concept<T>::type, polygon_45_with_holes_concept>::type
+ >::type, typename gtl_or<
+ typename gtl_same_type<typename geometry_concept<T>::type, polygon_90_concept>::type,
+ typename gtl_same_type<typename geometry_concept<T>::type, polygon_90_with_holes_concept>::type
+ >::type>::type > : public gtl_ifelse<typename gtl_or<
+ typename gtl_same_type<typename geometry_concept<T>::type, polygon_90_concept>::type,
+ typename gtl_same_type<typename geometry_concept<T>::type, polygon_90_with_holes_concept>::type >::type,
+ polygon_traits_90<T>,
+ polygon_traits_general<T> >::type {
+ };
+ template <typename T, typename enable = void>
+ struct polygon_with_holes_traits {
+ typedef typename T::iterator_holes_type iterator_holes_type;
+ typedef typename T::hole_type hole_type;
+ // Get the begin iterator
+ static inline iterator_holes_type begin_holes(const T& t) {
+ return t.begin_holes();
+ }
+ // Get the end iterator
+ static inline iterator_holes_type end_holes(const T& t) {
+ return t.end_holes();
+ }
+ // Get the number of holes
+ static inline std::size_t size_holes(const T& t) {
+ return t.size_holes();
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename T, typename enable = void>
+ struct polygon_90_mutable_traits {
+ // Set the data of a polygon with the unique coordinates in an iterator, starting with an x
+ template <typename iT>
+ static inline T& set_compact(T& t, iT input_begin, iT input_end) {
+ t.set_compact(input_begin, input_end);
+ return t;
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct polygon_90_mutable_traits<T, typename gtl_same_type<polygon_concept, typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type> {
+ // Set the data of a polygon with the unique coordinates in an iterator, starting with an x
+ template <typename iT>
+ static inline T& set_compact(T& t, iT input_begin, iT input_end) {
+ typedef iterator_points_to_compact<iT, typename polygon_traits<T>::point_type> iTp;
+ t.set_points(iTp(polygon_traits<T>::begin_points(t)), iTp(polygon_traits<T>::end_points(t)));
+ return t;
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename T, typename enable = void>
+ struct polygon_mutable_traits {
+ // Set the data of a polygon with the unique coordinates in an iterator, starting with an x
+ template <typename iT>
+ static inline T& set_points(T& t, iT input_begin, iT input_end) {
+ t.set(input_begin, input_end);
+ return t;
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename T, typename enable = void>
+ struct polygon_with_holes_mutable_traits {
+ // Set the data of a polygon with the unique coordinates in an iterator, starting with an x
+ template <typename iT>
+ static inline T& set_holes(T& t, iT inputBegin, iT inputEnd) {
+ t.set_holes(inputBegin, inputEnd);
+ return t;
+ }
+ };
+#include "isotropy.hpp"
+#include "point_data.hpp"
+#include "point_traits.hpp"
+#include "point_concept.hpp"
+#include "interval_data.hpp"
+#include "interval_traits.hpp"
+#include "interval_concept.hpp"
+#include "rectangle_data.hpp"
+#include "rectangle_traits.hpp"
+#include "rectangle_concept.hpp"
+//algorithms needed by polygon types
+#include "detail/iterator_points_to_compact.hpp"
+#include "detail/iterator_compact_to_points.hpp"
+#include "polygon_45_data.hpp"
+#include "polygon_data.hpp"
+#include "polygon_90_data.hpp"
+#include "polygon_90_with_holes_data.hpp"
+#include "polygon_45_with_holes_data.hpp"
+#include "polygon_with_holes_data.hpp"
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+ struct polygon_concept {};
+ struct polygon_with_holes_concept {};
+ struct polygon_45_concept {};
+ struct polygon_45_with_holes_concept {};
+ struct polygon_90_concept {};
+ struct polygon_90_with_holes_concept {};
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_polygon_90_type {
+ typedef typename geometry_concept<T>::type GC;
+ typedef typename gtl_same_type<polygon_90_concept, GC>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_polygon_45_type {
+ typedef typename geometry_concept<T>::type GC;
+ typedef typename gtl_or<typename is_polygon_90_type<T>::type,
+ typename gtl_same_type<polygon_45_concept, GC>::type>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_polygon_type {
+ typedef typename geometry_concept<T>::type GC;
+ typedef typename gtl_or<typename is_polygon_45_type<T>::type,
+ typename gtl_same_type<polygon_concept, GC>::type>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_polygon_90_with_holes_type {
+ typedef typename geometry_concept<T>::type GC;
+ typedef typename gtl_or<typename is_polygon_90_type<T>::type,
+ typename gtl_same_type<polygon_90_with_holes_concept, GC>::type>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_polygon_45_with_holes_type {
+ typedef typename geometry_concept<T>::type GC;
+ typedef typename gtl_or_3<typename is_polygon_90_with_holes_type<T>::type,
+ typename is_polygon_45_type<T>::type,
+ typename gtl_same_type<polygon_45_with_holes_concept, GC>::type>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_polygon_with_holes_type {
+ typedef typename geometry_concept<T>::type GC;
+ typedef typename gtl_or_3<typename is_polygon_45_with_holes_type<T>::type,
+ typename is_polygon_type<T>::type,
+ typename gtl_same_type<polygon_with_holes_concept, GC>::type>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_mutable_polygon_90_type {
+ typedef typename geometry_concept<T>::type GC;
+ typedef typename gtl_same_type<polygon_90_concept, GC>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_mutable_polygon_45_type {
+ typedef typename geometry_concept<T>::type GC;
+ typedef typename gtl_same_type<polygon_45_concept, GC>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_mutable_polygon_type {
+ typedef typename geometry_concept<T>::type GC;
+ typedef typename gtl_same_type<polygon_concept, GC>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_mutable_polygon_90_with_holes_type {
+ typedef typename geometry_concept<T>::type GC;
+ typedef typename gtl_same_type<polygon_90_with_holes_concept, GC>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_mutable_polygon_45_with_holes_type {
+ typedef typename geometry_concept<T>::type GC;
+ typedef typename gtl_same_type<polygon_45_with_holes_concept, GC>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_mutable_polygon_with_holes_type {
+ typedef typename geometry_concept<T>::type GC;
+ typedef typename gtl_same_type<polygon_with_holes_concept, GC>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_any_mutable_polygon_with_holes_type {
+ typedef typename gtl_or_3<typename is_mutable_polygon_90_with_holes_type<T>::type,
+ typename is_mutable_polygon_45_with_holes_type<T>::type,
+ typename is_mutable_polygon_with_holes_type<T>::type>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_any_mutable_polygon_without_holes_type {
+ typedef typename gtl_or_3<
+ typename is_mutable_polygon_90_type<T>::type,
+ typename is_mutable_polygon_45_type<T>::type,
+ typename is_mutable_polygon_type<T>::type>::type type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_any_mutable_polygon_type {
+ typedef typename gtl_or<typename is_any_mutable_polygon_with_holes_type<T>::type,
+ typename is_any_mutable_polygon_without_holes_type<T>::type>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct polygon_from_polygon_with_holes_type {};
+ template <>
+ struct polygon_from_polygon_with_holes_type<polygon_with_holes_concept> { typedef polygon_concept type; };
+ template <>
+ struct polygon_from_polygon_with_holes_type<polygon_45_with_holes_concept> { typedef polygon_45_concept type; };
+ template <>
+ struct polygon_from_polygon_with_holes_type<polygon_90_with_holes_concept> { typedef polygon_90_concept type; };
+ template <>
+ struct geometry_domain<polygon_45_concept> { typedef forty_five_domain type; };
+ template <>
+ struct geometry_domain<polygon_45_with_holes_concept> { typedef forty_five_domain type; };
+ template <>
+ struct geometry_domain<polygon_90_concept> { typedef manhattan_domain type; };
+ template <>
+ struct geometry_domain<polygon_90_with_holes_concept> { typedef manhattan_domain type; };
+ template <typename domain_type, typename coordinate_type>
+ struct distance_type_by_domain { typedef typename coordinate_traits<coordinate_type>::coordinate_distance type; };
+ template <typename coordinate_type>
+ struct distance_type_by_domain<manhattan_domain, coordinate_type> {
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<coordinate_type>::coordinate_difference type; };
+ // \brief Sets the boundary of the polygon to the points in the iterator range
+ // \tparam T A type that models polygon_concept
+ // \tparam iT Iterator type over objects that model point_concept
+ // \param t The polygon to set
+ // \param begin_points The start of the range of points
+ // \param end_points The end of the range of points
+ /// \relatesalso polygon_concept
+ template <typename T, typename iT>
+ typename enable_if <typename is_any_mutable_polygon_type<T>::type, T>::type &
+ set_points(T& t, iT begin_points, iT end_points) {
+ polygon_mutable_traits<T>::set_points(t, begin_points, end_points);
+ return t;
+ }
+ // \brief Sets the boundary of the polygon to the non-redundant coordinates in the iterator range
+ // \tparam T A type that models polygon_90_concept
+ // \tparam iT Iterator type over objects that model coordinate_concept
+ // \param t The polygon to set
+ // \param begin_compact_coordinates The start of the range of coordinates
+ // \param end_compact_coordinates The end of the range of coordinates
+/// \relatesalso polygon_90_concept
+ template <typename T, typename iT>
+ typename enable_if <typename gtl_or<
+ typename is_mutable_polygon_90_type<T>::type,
+ typename is_mutable_polygon_90_with_holes_type<T>::type>::type, T>::type &
+ set_compact(T& t, iT begin_compact_coordinates, iT end_compact_coordinates) {
+ polygon_90_mutable_traits<T>::set_compact(t, begin_compact_coordinates, end_compact_coordinates);
+ return t;
+ }
+/// \relatesalso polygon_with_holes_concept
+ template <typename T, typename iT>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and <
+ typename is_any_mutable_polygon_with_holes_type<T>::type,
+ typename gtl_different_type<typename geometry_domain<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type,
+ manhattan_domain>::type>::type,
+ T>::type &
+ set_compact(T& t, iT begin_compact_coordinates, iT end_compact_coordinates) {
+ iterator_compact_to_points<iT, point_data<typename polygon_traits<T>::coordinate_type> >
+ itrb(begin_compact_coordinates, end_compact_coordinates),
+ itre(end_compact_coordinates, end_compact_coordinates);
+ return set_points(t, itrb, itre);
+ }
+/// \relatesalso polygon_with_holes_concept
+ template <typename T, typename iT>
+ typename enable_if <typename is_any_mutable_polygon_with_holes_type<T>::type, T>::type &
+ set_holes(T& t, iT begin_holes, iT end_holes) {
+ polygon_with_holes_mutable_traits<T>::set_holes(t, begin_holes, end_holes);
+ return t;
+ }
+/// \relatesalso polygon_90_concept
+ template <typename T>
+ typename polygon_90_traits<T>::compact_iterator_type
+ begin_compact(const T& polygon,
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and <typename is_polygon_with_holes_type<T>::type,
+ typename gtl_same_type<typename geometry_domain<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type,
+ manhattan_domain>::type>::type>::type * = 0
+ ) {
+ return polygon_90_traits<T>::begin_compact(polygon);
+ }
+/// \relatesalso polygon_90_concept
+ template <typename T>
+ typename polygon_90_traits<T>::compact_iterator_type
+ end_compact(const T& polygon,
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and <typename is_polygon_with_holes_type<T>::type,
+ typename gtl_same_type<typename geometry_domain<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type,
+ manhattan_domain>::type>::type>::type * = 0
+ ) {
+ return polygon_90_traits<T>::end_compact(polygon);
+ }
+ /// \relatesalso polygon_concept
+ template <typename T>
+ typename enable_if < typename gtl_if<
+ typename is_polygon_with_holes_type<T>::type>::type,
+ typename polygon_traits<T>::iterator_type>::type
+ begin_points(const T& polygon) {
+ return polygon_traits<T>::begin_points(polygon);
+ }
+ /// \relatesalso polygon_concept
+ template <typename T>
+ typename enable_if < typename gtl_if<
+ typename is_polygon_with_holes_type<T>::type>::type,
+ typename polygon_traits<T>::iterator_type>::type
+ end_points(const T& polygon) {
+ return polygon_traits<T>::end_points(polygon);
+ }
+ /// \relatesalso polygon_concept
+ template <typename T>
+ typename enable_if <typename is_polygon_with_holes_type<T>::type,
+ std::size_t>::type
+ size(const T& polygon) {
+ return polygon_traits<T>::size(polygon);
+ }
+/// \relatesalso polygon_with_holes_concept
+ template <typename T>
+ typename enable_if < typename gtl_if<
+ typename is_polygon_with_holes_type<T>::type>::type,
+ typename polygon_with_holes_traits<T>::iterator_holes_type>::type
+ begin_holes(const T& polygon) {
+ return polygon_with_holes_traits<T>::begin_holes(polygon);
+ }
+/// \relatesalso polygon_with_holes_concept
+ template <typename T>
+ typename enable_if < typename gtl_if<
+ typename is_polygon_with_holes_type<T>::type>::type,
+ typename polygon_with_holes_traits<T>::iterator_holes_type>::type
+ end_holes(const T& polygon) {
+ return polygon_with_holes_traits<T>::end_holes(polygon);
+ }
+/// \relatesalso polygon_with_holes_concept
+ template <typename T>
+ typename enable_if <typename is_polygon_with_holes_type<T>::type,
+ std::size_t>::type
+ size_holes(const T& polygon) {
+ return polygon_with_holes_traits<T>::size_holes(polygon);
+ }
+ // \relatesalso polygon_concept
+ template <typename T1, typename T2>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and< typename is_mutable_polygon_type<T1>::type,
+ typename is_polygon_type<T2>::type>::type, T1>::type &
+ assign(T1& lvalue, const T2& rvalue) {
+ polygon_mutable_traits<T1>::set_points(lvalue, polygon_traits<T2>::begin_points(rvalue),
+ polygon_traits<T2>::end_points(rvalue));
+ return lvalue;
+ }
+// \relatesalso polygon_with_holes_concept
+ template <typename T1, typename T2>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and< typename is_mutable_polygon_with_holes_type<T1>::type,
+ typename is_polygon_with_holes_type<T2>::type>::type, T1>::type &
+ assign(T1& lvalue, const T2& rvalue) {
+ polygon_mutable_traits<T1>::set_points(lvalue, polygon_traits<T2>::begin_points(rvalue),
+ polygon_traits<T2>::end_points(rvalue));
+ polygon_with_holes_mutable_traits<T1>::set_holes(lvalue, polygon_with_holes_traits<T2>::begin_holes(rvalue),
+ polygon_with_holes_traits<T2>::end_holes(rvalue));
+ return lvalue;
+ }
+ // \relatesalso polygon_45_concept
+ template <typename T1, typename T2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and< typename is_mutable_polygon_45_type<T1>::type, typename is_polygon_45_type<T2>::type>::type, T1>::type &
+ assign(T1& lvalue, const T2& rvalue) {
+ polygon_mutable_traits<T1>::set_points(lvalue, polygon_traits<T2>::begin_points(rvalue),
+ polygon_traits<T2>::end_points(rvalue));
+ return lvalue;
+ }
+// \relatesalso polygon_45_with_holes_concept
+ template <typename T1, typename T2>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and< typename is_mutable_polygon_45_with_holes_type<T1>::type,
+ typename is_polygon_45_with_holes_type<T2>::type>::type, T1>::type &
+ assign(T1& lvalue, const T2& rvalue) {
+ polygon_mutable_traits<T1>::set_points(lvalue, polygon_traits<T2>::begin_points(rvalue),
+ polygon_traits<T2>::end_points(rvalue));
+ polygon_with_holes_mutable_traits<T1>::set_holes(lvalue, polygon_with_holes_traits<T2>::begin_holes(rvalue),
+ polygon_with_holes_traits<T2>::end_holes(rvalue));
+ return lvalue;
+ }
+ // \relatesalso polygon_90_concept
+ template <typename T1, typename T2>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and< typename is_mutable_polygon_90_type<T1>::type,
+ typename is_polygon_90_type<T2>::type>::type, T1>::type &
+ assign(T1& lvalue, const T2& rvalue) {
+ polygon_90_mutable_traits<T1>::set_compact(lvalue, polygon_90_traits<T2>::begin_compact(rvalue),
+ polygon_90_traits<T2>::end_compact(rvalue));
+ return lvalue;
+ }
+// \relatesalso polygon_90_with_holes_concept
+ template <typename T1, typename T2>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and< typename is_mutable_polygon_90_with_holes_type<T1>::type,
+ typename is_polygon_90_with_holes_type<T2>::type>::type, T1>::type &
+ assign(T1& lvalue, const T2& rvalue) {
+ polygon_90_mutable_traits<T1>::set_compact(lvalue, polygon_90_traits<T2>::begin_compact(rvalue),
+ polygon_90_traits<T2>::end_compact(rvalue));
+ polygon_with_holes_mutable_traits<T1>::set_holes(lvalue, polygon_with_holes_traits<T2>::begin_holes(rvalue),
+ polygon_with_holes_traits<T2>::end_holes(rvalue));
+ return lvalue;
+ }
+ // \relatesalso polygon_90_concept
+ template <typename T1, typename T2>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and< typename is_any_mutable_polygon_type<T1>::type,
+ typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<T2>::type>::type>::type, T1>::type &
+ assign(T1& polygon, const T2& rect) {
+ typedef point_data<typename polygon_traits<T1>::coordinate_type> PT;
+ PT points[4] = {PT(xl(rect), yl(rect)), PT(xh(rect), yl(rect)), PT(xh(rect), yh(rect)), PT(xl(rect), yh(rect))};
+ set_points(polygon, points, points+4);
+ return polygon;
+ }
+/// \relatesalso polygon_90_concept
+ template <typename polygon_type, typename point_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and< typename is_mutable_polygon_90_type<polygon_type>::type,
+ typename is_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ polygon_type>::type &
+ convolve(polygon_type& polygon, const point_type& point) {
+ std::vector<typename polygon_90_traits<polygon_type>::coordinate_type> coords;
+ coords.reserve(size(polygon));
+ bool pingpong = true;
+ for(typename polygon_90_traits<polygon_type>::compact_iterator_type iter = begin_compact(polygon);
+ iter != end_compact(polygon); ++iter) {
+ coords.push_back((*iter) + (pingpong ? x(point) : y(point)));
+ pingpong = !pingpong;
+ }
+ polygon_90_mutable_traits<polygon_type>::set_compact(polygon, coords.begin(), coords.end());
+ return polygon;
+ }
+/// \relatesalso polygon_concept
+ template <typename polygon_type, typename point_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and< typename gtl_or<
+ typename is_mutable_polygon_45_type<polygon_type>::type,
+ typename is_mutable_polygon_type<polygon_type>::type>::type,
+ typename is_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ polygon_type>::type &
+ convolve(polygon_type& polygon, const point_type& point) {
+ std::vector<typename std::iterator_traits<typename polygon_traits<polygon_type>::iterator_type>::value_type> points;
+ points.reserve(size(polygon));
+ for(typename polygon_traits<polygon_type>::iterator_type iter = begin_points(polygon);
+ iter != end_points(polygon); ++iter) {
+ points.push_back(*iter);
+ convolve(points.back(), point);
+ }
+ polygon_mutable_traits<polygon_type>::set_points(polygon, points.begin(), points.end());
+ return polygon;
+ }
+/// \relatesalso polygon_with_holes_concept
+ template <typename polygon_type, typename point_type>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and< typename is_any_mutable_polygon_with_holes_type<polygon_type>::type,
+ typename is_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ polygon_type>::type &
+ convolve(polygon_type& polygon, const point_type& point) {
+ typedef typename polygon_with_holes_traits<polygon_type>::hole_type hole_type;
+ hole_type h;
+ set_points(h, begin_points(polygon), end_points(polygon));
+ convolve(h, point);
+ std::vector<hole_type> holes;
+ holes.reserve(size_holes(polygon));
+ for(typename polygon_with_holes_traits<polygon_type>::iterator_holes_type itr = begin_holes(polygon);
+ itr != end_holes(polygon); ++itr) {
+ holes.push_back(*itr);
+ convolve(holes.back(), point);
+ }
+ assign(polygon, h);
+ set_holes(polygon, holes.begin(), holes.end());
+ return polygon;
+ }
+/// \relatesalso polygon_concept
+ template <typename T>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_any_mutable_polygon_type<T>::type, T>::type &
+ move(T& polygon, orientation_2d orient, typename polygon_traits<T>::coordinate_type displacement) {
+ typedef typename polygon_traits<T>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ if(orient == HORIZONTAL) return convolve(polygon, point_data<Unit>(displacement, Unit(0)));
+ return convolve(polygon, point_data<Unit>(Unit(0), displacement));
+ }
+/// \relatesalso polygon_concept
+/// \brief Applies a transformation to the polygon.
+/// \tparam polygon_type A type that models polygon_concept
+/// \tparam transform_type A type that may be either axis_transformation or transformation or that overloads point_concept::transform
+/// \param polygon The polygon to transform
+/// \param tr The transformation to apply
+ template <typename polygon_type, typename transform_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_any_mutable_polygon_without_holes_type<polygon_type>::type, polygon_type>::type &
+ transform(polygon_type& polygon, const transform_type& tr) {
+ std::vector<typename std::iterator_traits<typename polygon_traits<polygon_type>::iterator_type>::value_type> points;
+ points.reserve(size(polygon));
+ for(typename polygon_traits<polygon_type>::iterator_type iter = begin_points(polygon);
+ iter != end_points(polygon); ++iter) {
+ points.push_back(*iter);
+ transform(points.back(), tr);
+ }
+ polygon_mutable_traits<polygon_type>::set_points(polygon, points.begin(), points.end());
+ return polygon;
+ }
+/// \relatesalso polygon_with_holes_concept
+ template <typename T, typename transform_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_any_mutable_polygon_with_holes_type<T>::type, T>::type &
+ transform(T& polygon, const transform_type& tr) {
+ typedef typename polygon_with_holes_traits<T>::hole_type hole_type;
+ hole_type h;
+ set_points(h, begin_points(polygon), end_points(polygon));
+ transform(h, tr);
+ std::vector<hole_type> holes;
+ holes.reserve(size_holes(polygon));
+ for(typename polygon_with_holes_traits<T>::iterator_holes_type itr = begin_holes(polygon);
+ itr != end_holes(polygon); ++itr) {
+ holes.push_back(*itr);
+ transform(holes.back(), tr);
+ }
+ assign(polygon, h);
+ set_holes(polygon, holes.begin(), holes.end());
+ return polygon;
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_any_mutable_polygon_without_holes_type<polygon_type>::type, polygon_type>::type &
+ scale_up(polygon_type& polygon, typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_traits<polygon_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type factor) {
+ std::vector<typename std::iterator_traits<typename polygon_traits<polygon_type>::iterator_type>::value_type> points;
+ points.reserve(size(polygon));
+ for(typename polygon_traits<polygon_type>::iterator_type iter = begin_points(polygon);
+ iter != end_points(polygon); ++iter) {
+ points.push_back(*iter);
+ scale_up(points.back(), factor);
+ }
+ polygon_mutable_traits<polygon_type>::set_points(polygon, points.begin(), points.end());
+ return polygon;
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_any_mutable_polygon_with_holes_type<T>::type, T>::type &
+ scale_up(T& polygon, typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_traits<T>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type factor) {
+ typedef typename polygon_with_holes_traits<T>::hole_type hole_type;
+ hole_type h;
+ set_points(h, begin_points(polygon), end_points(polygon));
+ scale_up(h, factor);
+ std::vector<hole_type> holes;
+ holes.reserve(size_holes(polygon));
+ for(typename polygon_with_holes_traits<T>::iterator_holes_type itr = begin_holes(polygon);
+ itr != end_holes(polygon); ++itr) {
+ holes.push_back(*itr);
+ scale_up(holes.back(), factor);
+ }
+ assign(polygon, h);
+ set_holes(polygon, holes.begin(), holes.end());
+ return polygon;
+ }
+ //scale non-45 down
+ template <typename polygon_type>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and< typename is_any_mutable_polygon_without_holes_type<polygon_type>::type,
+ typename gtl_not<typename gtl_same_type
+ < forty_five_domain,
+ typename geometry_domain<typename geometry_concept<polygon_type>::type>::type>::type>::type>::type,
+ polygon_type>::type &
+ scale_down(polygon_type& polygon, typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_traits<polygon_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type factor) {
+ std::vector<typename std::iterator_traits<typename polygon_traits<polygon_type>::iterator_type>::value_type> points;
+ points.reserve(size(polygon));
+ for(typename polygon_traits<polygon_type>::iterator_type iter = begin_points(polygon);
+ iter != end_points(polygon); ++iter) {
+ points.push_back(*iter);
+ scale_down(points.back(), factor);
+ }
+ polygon_mutable_traits<polygon_type>::set_points(polygon, points.begin(), points.end());
+ return polygon;
+ }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ Unit local_abs(Unit value) { return value < 0 ? (Unit)-value : value; }
+ template <typename Unit>
+ void snap_point_vector_to_45(std::vector<point_data<Unit> >& pts) {
+ typedef point_data<Unit> Point;
+ if(pts.size() < 3) { pts.clear(); return; }
+ Point firstPt = pts.front();
+ Point prevPt = firstPt;
+ std::unique(pts.begin(), pts.end());
+ if(pts.back() == pts[0]) pts.pop_back();
+ //iterate over point triplets
+ int numPts = pts.size();
+ bool wrap_around = false;
+ for(int i = 0; i < numPts; ++i) {
+ Point& pt1 = pts[i];
+ Point& pt2 = pts[(i + 1) % numPts];
+ Point& pt3 = pts[(i + 2) % numPts];
+ //check if non-45 edge
+ Unit deltax = x(pt2) - x(pt1);
+ Unit deltay = y(pt2) - y(pt1);
+ if(deltax && deltay &&
+ local_abs(deltax) != local_abs(deltay)) {
+ //adjust the middle point
+ Unit ndx = x(pt3) - x(pt2);
+ Unit ndy = y(pt3) - y(pt2);
+ if(ndx && ndy) {
+ Unit diff = local_abs(local_abs(deltax) - local_abs(deltay));
+ Unit halfdiff = diff/2;
+ if((deltax > 0 && deltay > 0) ||
+ (deltax < 0 && deltay < 0)) {
+ //previous edge is rising slope
+ if(local_abs(deltax + halfdiff + (diff % 2)) ==
+ local_abs(deltay - halfdiff)) {
+ x(pt2, x(pt2) + halfdiff + (diff % 2));
+ y(pt2, y(pt2) - halfdiff);
+ } else if(local_abs(deltax - halfdiff - (diff % 2)) ==
+ local_abs(deltay + halfdiff)) {
+ x(pt2, x(pt2) - halfdiff - (diff % 2));
+ y(pt2, y(pt2) + halfdiff);
+ } else{
+ //std::cout << "fail1\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ //previous edge is falling slope
+ if(local_abs(deltax + halfdiff + (diff % 2)) ==
+ local_abs(deltay + halfdiff)) {
+ x(pt2, x(pt2) + halfdiff + (diff % 2));
+ y(pt2, y(pt2) + halfdiff);
+ } else if(local_abs(deltax - halfdiff - (diff % 2)) ==
+ local_abs(deltay - halfdiff)) {
+ x(pt2, x(pt2) - halfdiff - (diff % 2));
+ y(pt2, y(pt2) - halfdiff);
+ } else {
+ //std::cout << "fail2\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if(i == numPts - 1 && (diff % 2)) {
+ //we have a wrap around effect
+ if(!wrap_around) {
+ wrap_around = true;
+ i = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if(ndx) {
+ //next edge is horizontal
+ //find the x value for pt1 that would make the abs(deltax) == abs(deltay)
+ Unit newDeltaX = local_abs(deltay);
+ if(deltax < 0) newDeltaX *= -1;
+ x(pt2, x(pt1) + newDeltaX);
+ } else { //ndy
+ //next edge is vertical
+ //find the y value for pt1 that would make the abs(deltax) == abs(deltay)
+ Unit newDeltaY = local_abs(deltax);
+ if(deltay < 0) newDeltaY *= -1;
+ y(pt2, y(pt1) + newDeltaY);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_any_mutable_polygon_without_holes_type<polygon_type>::type, polygon_type>::type &
+ snap_to_45(polygon_type& polygon) {
+ std::vector<typename std::iterator_traits<typename polygon_traits<polygon_type>::iterator_type>::value_type> points;
+ points.reserve(size(polygon));
+ for(typename polygon_traits<polygon_type>::iterator_type iter = begin_points(polygon);
+ iter != end_points(polygon); ++iter) {
+ points.push_back(*iter);
+ }
+ snap_point_vector_to_45(points);
+ polygon_mutable_traits<polygon_type>::set_points(polygon, points.begin(), points.end());
+ return polygon;
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_any_mutable_polygon_with_holes_type<polygon_type>::type, polygon_type>::type &
+ snap_to_45(polygon_type& polygon) {
+ typedef typename polygon_with_holes_traits<polygon_type>::hole_type hole_type;
+ hole_type h;
+ set_points(h, begin_points(polygon), end_points(polygon));
+ snap_to_45(h);
+ std::vector<hole_type> holes;
+ holes.reserve(size_holes(polygon));
+ for(typename polygon_with_holes_traits<polygon_type>::iterator_holes_type itr = begin_holes(polygon);
+ itr != end_holes(polygon); ++itr) {
+ holes.push_back(*itr);
+ snap_to_45(holes.back());
+ }
+ assign(polygon, h);
+ set_holes(polygon, holes.begin(), holes.end());
+ return polygon;
+ }
+ //scale specifically 45 down
+ template <typename polygon_type>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and< typename is_any_mutable_polygon_without_holes_type<polygon_type>::type,
+ typename gtl_same_type
+ < forty_five_domain,
+ typename geometry_domain<typename geometry_concept<polygon_type>::type>::type>::type>::type,
+ polygon_type>::type &
+ scale_down(polygon_type& polygon, typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_traits<polygon_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type factor) {
+ std::vector<typename std::iterator_traits<typename polygon_traits<polygon_type>::iterator_type>::value_type> points;
+ points.reserve(size(polygon));
+ for(typename polygon_traits<polygon_type>::iterator_type iter = begin_points(polygon);
+ iter != end_points(polygon); ++iter) {
+ points.push_back(*iter);
+ scale_down(points.back(), factor);
+ }
+ snap_point_vector_to_45(points);
+ polygon_mutable_traits<polygon_type>::set_points(polygon, points.begin(), points.end());
+ return polygon;
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_any_mutable_polygon_with_holes_type<T>::type, T>::type &
+ scale_down(T& polygon, typename coordinate_traits<typename polygon_traits<T>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type factor) {
+ typedef typename polygon_with_holes_traits<T>::hole_type hole_type;
+ hole_type h;
+ set_points(h, begin_points(polygon), end_points(polygon));
+ scale_down(h, factor);
+ std::vector<hole_type> holes;
+ holes.reserve(size_holes(polygon));
+ for(typename polygon_with_holes_traits<T>::iterator_holes_type itr = begin_holes(polygon);
+ itr != end_holes(polygon); ++itr) {
+ holes.push_back(*itr);
+ scale_down(holes.back(), factor);
+ }
+ assign(polygon, h);
+ set_holes(polygon, holes.begin(), holes.end());
+ return polygon;
+ }
+ //scale non-45
+ template <typename polygon_type>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and< typename is_any_mutable_polygon_without_holes_type<polygon_type>::type,
+ typename gtl_not<typename gtl_same_type
+ < forty_five_domain,
+ typename geometry_domain<typename geometry_concept<polygon_type>::type>::type>::type>::type>::type,
+ polygon_type>::type &
+ scale(polygon_type& polygon, double factor) {
+ std::vector<typename std::iterator_traits<typename polygon_traits<polygon_type>::iterator_type>::value_type> points;
+ points.reserve(size(polygon));
+ for(typename polygon_traits<polygon_type>::iterator_type iter = begin_points(polygon);
+ iter != end_points(polygon); ++iter) {
+ points.push_back(*iter);
+ scale(points.back(), anisotropic_scale_factor<double>(factor, factor));
+ }
+ polygon_mutable_traits<polygon_type>::set_points(polygon, points.begin(), points.end());
+ return polygon;
+ }
+ //scale specifically 45
+ template <typename polygon_type>
+ polygon_type&
+ scale(polygon_type& polygon, double factor,
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and< typename is_any_mutable_polygon_without_holes_type<polygon_type>::type,
+ typename gtl_same_type
+ < forty_five_domain,
+ typename geometry_domain<typename geometry_concept<polygon_type>::type>::type>::type>::type>::type * = 0
+ ) {
+ std::vector<typename std::iterator_traits<typename polygon_traits<polygon_type>::iterator_type>::value_type> points;
+ points.reserve(size(polygon));
+ for(typename polygon_traits<polygon_type>::iterator_type iter = begin_points(polygon);
+ iter != end_points(polygon); ++iter) {
+ points.push_back(*iter);
+ scale(points.back(), anisotropic_scale_factor<double>(factor, factor));
+ }
+ snap_point_vector_to_45(points);
+ polygon_mutable_traits<polygon_type>::set_points(polygon, points.begin(), points.end());
+ return polygon;
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ T&
+ scale(T& polygon, double factor,
+ typename enable_if< typename is_any_mutable_polygon_with_holes_type<T>::type>::type * = 0
+ ) {
+ typedef typename polygon_with_holes_traits<T>::hole_type hole_type;
+ hole_type h;
+ set_points(h, begin_points(polygon), end_points(polygon));
+ scale(h, factor);
+ std::vector<hole_type> holes;
+ holes.reserve(size_holes(polygon));
+ for(typename polygon_with_holes_traits<T>::iterator_holes_type itr = begin_holes(polygon);
+ itr != end_holes(polygon); ++itr) {
+ holes.push_back(*itr);
+ scale(holes.back(), factor);
+ }
+ assign(polygon, h);
+ set_holes(polygon, holes.begin(), holes.end());
+ return polygon;
+ }
+ template <typename iterator_type, typename area_type>
+ static area_type
+ point_sequence_area(iterator_type begin_range, iterator_type end_range) {
+ typedef typename std::iterator_traits<iterator_type>::value_type point_type;
+ typedef typename point_traits<point_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ if(begin_range == end_range) return area_type(0);
+ point_type first = *begin_range;
+ point_type previous = first;
+ ++begin_range;
+ // Initialize trapezoid base line
+ area_type y_base = (area_type)y(first);
+ // Initialize area accumulator
+ area_type area(0);
+ while (begin_range != end_range) {
+ area_type x1 = (area_type)x(previous);
+ area_type x2 = (area_type)x(*begin_range);
+#pragma warning (disable:1572)
+ if(x1 != x2) {
+#pragma warning (default:1572)
+ // do trapezoid area accumulation
+ area += (x2 - x1) * (((area_type)y(*begin_range) - y_base) +
+ ((area_type)y(previous) - y_base)) / 2;
+ }
+ previous = *begin_range;
+ // go to next point
+ ++begin_range;
+ }
+ //wrap around to evaluate the edge between first and last if not closed
+ if(!equivalence(first, previous)) {
+ area_type x1 = (area_type)x(previous);
+ area_type x2 = (area_type)x(first);
+ area += (x2 - x1) * (((area_type)y(first) - y_base) +
+ ((area_type)y(previous) - y_base)) / 2;
+ }
+ return area;
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename is_polygon_with_holes_type<T>::type,
+ typename area_type_by_domain< typename geometry_domain<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type,
+ typename polygon_traits<T>::coordinate_type>::type>::type
+ area(const T& polygon) {
+ typedef typename area_type_by_domain< typename geometry_domain<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type,
+ typename polygon_traits<T>::coordinate_type>::type area_type;
+ area_type retval = point_sequence_area<typename polygon_traits<T>::iterator_type, area_type>
+ (begin_points(polygon), end_points(polygon));
+ if(retval < 0) retval *= -1;
+ for(typename polygon_with_holes_traits<T>::iterator_holes_type itr =
+ polygon_with_holes_traits<T>::begin_holes(polygon);
+ itr != polygon_with_holes_traits<T>::end_holes(polygon); ++itr) {
+ area_type tmp_area = point_sequence_area
+ <typename polygon_traits<typename polygon_with_holes_traits<T>::hole_type>::iterator_type, area_type>
+ (begin_points(*itr), end_points(*itr));
+ if(tmp_area < 0) tmp_area *= -1;
+ retval -= tmp_area;
+ }
+ return retval;
+ }
+ template <typename iT>
+ bool point_sequence_is_45(iT itr, iT itr_end) {
+ typedef typename iT::value_type Point;
+ typedef typename point_traits<Point>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ if(itr == itr_end) return true;
+ Point firstPt = *itr;
+ Point prevPt = firstPt;
+ ++itr;
+ while(itr != itr_end) {
+ Point pt = *itr;
+ Unit deltax = x(pt) - x(prevPt);
+ Unit deltay = y(pt) - y(prevPt);
+ if(deltax && deltay &&
+ local_abs(deltax) != local_abs(deltay))
+ return false;
+ prevPt = pt;
+ ++itr;
+ }
+ Unit deltax = x(firstPt) - x(prevPt);
+ Unit deltay = y(firstPt) - y(prevPt);
+ if(deltax && deltay &&
+ local_abs(deltax) != local_abs(deltay))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename polygon_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename is_polygon_with_holes_type<polygon_type>::type, bool>::type
+ is_45(const polygon_type& polygon) {
+ typename polygon_traits<polygon_type>::iterator_type itr = begin_points(polygon), itr_end = end_points(polygon);
+ if(!point_sequence_is_45(itr, itr_end)) return false;
+ typename polygon_with_holes_traits<polygon_type>::iterator_holes_type itrh = begin_holes(polygon), itrh_end = end_holes(polygon);
+ typedef typename polygon_with_holes_traits<polygon_type>::hole_type hole_type;
+ for(; itrh != itrh_end; ++ itrh) {
+ typename polygon_traits<hole_type>::iterator_type itr1 = begin_points(polygon), itr1_end = end_points(polygon);
+ if(!point_sequence_is_45(itr1, itr1_end)) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename distance_type, typename iterator_type>
+ distance_type point_sequence_distance(iterator_type itr, iterator_type itr_end) {
+ typedef distance_type Unit;
+ typedef iterator_type iterator;
+ typedef typename std::iterator_traits<iterator>::value_type point_type;
+ Unit return_value = Unit(0);
+ point_type previous_point, first_point;
+ if(itr == itr_end) return return_value;
+ previous_point = first_point = *itr;
+ ++itr;
+ for( ; itr != itr_end; ++itr) {
+ point_type current_point = *itr;
+ return_value += (Unit)euclidean_distance(current_point, previous_point);
+ previous_point = current_point;
+ }
+ return_value += (Unit)euclidean_distance(previous_point, first_point);
+ return return_value;
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ typename distance_type_by_domain
+ <typename geometry_domain<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type, typename polygon_traits<T>::coordinate_type>::type
+ perimeter(const T& polygon,
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename is_polygon_with_holes_type<T>::type>::type * = 0
+ ) {
+ typedef typename distance_type_by_domain
+ <typename geometry_domain<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type, typename polygon_traits<T>::coordinate_type>::type Unit;
+ typedef typename polygon_traits<T>::iterator_type iterator;
+ iterator itr = begin_points(polygon);
+ iterator itr_end = end_points(polygon);
+ Unit return_value = point_sequence_distance<Unit, iterator>(itr, itr_end);
+ for(typename polygon_with_holes_traits<T>::iterator_holes_type itr_holes = begin_holes(polygon);
+ itr_holes != end_holes(polygon); ++itr_holes) {
+ typedef typename polygon_traits<typename polygon_with_holes_traits<T>::hole_type>::iterator_type hitertype;
+ return_value += point_sequence_distance<Unit, hitertype>(begin_points(*itr_holes), end_points(*itr_holes));
+ }
+ return return_value;
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ typename enable_if <typename is_polygon_with_holes_type<T>::type,
+ direction_1d>::type
+ winding(const T& polygon) {
+ winding_direction wd = polygon_traits<T>::winding(polygon);
+ if(wd != unknown_winding) {
+ return wd == clockwise_winding ? CLOCKWISE: COUNTERCLOCKWISE;
+ }
+ typedef typename area_type_by_domain< typename geometry_domain<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type,
+ typename polygon_traits<T>::coordinate_type>::type area_type;
+ return point_sequence_area<typename polygon_traits<T>::iterator_type, area_type>(begin_points(polygon), end_points(polygon)) < 0 ?
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename input_point_type>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and< typename is_polygon_90_type<T>::type,
+ typename gtl_same_type<typename geometry_concept<input_point_type>::type, point_concept>::type>::type,
+ bool>::type
+ contains(const T& polygon, const input_point_type& point, bool consider_touch = true) {
+ typedef T polygon_type;
+ typedef typename polygon_traits<polygon_type>::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
+ typedef typename polygon_traits<polygon_type>::iterator_type iterator;
+ typedef typename std::iterator_traits<iterator>::value_type point_type;
+ iterator iter, iter_end;
+ iter_end = end_points(polygon);
+ iter = begin_points(polygon);
+ point_type prev_pt = *iter;
+ std::size_t num = size(polygon);
+ std::size_t counts[2] = {0, 0};
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
+ if(i == num-1) iter = begin_points(polygon);
+ else ++iter;
+ point_type current_pt = *iter;
+ if(x(current_pt) ==
+ x(prev_pt)) {
+ unsigned int index = x(current_pt) >
+ x(point);
+ std::size_t increment = 0;
+ interval_data<coordinate_type> ivl(y(current_pt),
+ y(prev_pt));
+ if(contains(ivl, y(point), true)) {
+ if(x(current_pt) ==
+ x(point)) return consider_touch;
+ ++increment;
+ if(y(current_pt) !=
+ y(point) &&
+ y(prev_pt) !=
+ y(point)) {
+ ++increment;
+ }
+ counts[index] += increment;
+ }
+ }
+ prev_pt = current_pt;
+ }
+ //odd count implies boundary condition
+ if(counts[0] % 2 || counts[1] % 2) return consider_touch;
+ //an odd number of edges to the left implies interior pt
+ return counts[0] % 4 != 0;
+ }
+ //TODO: refactor to expose as user APIs
+ template <typename Unit>
+ struct edge_utils {
+ typedef point_data<Unit> Point;
+ typedef std::pair<Point, Point> half_edge;
+ class less_point : public std::binary_function<Point, Point, bool> {
+ public:
+ inline less_point() {}
+ inline bool operator () (const Point& pt1, const Point& pt2) const {
+ if(pt1.get(HORIZONTAL) < pt2.get(HORIZONTAL)) return true;
+ if(pt1.get(HORIZONTAL) == pt2.get(HORIZONTAL)) {
+ if(pt1.get(VERTICAL) < pt2.get(VERTICAL)) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ static inline bool between(Point pt, Point pt1, Point pt2) {
+ less_point lp;
+ if(lp(pt1, pt2))
+ return lp(pt, pt2) && lp(pt1, pt);
+ return lp(pt, pt1) && lp(pt2, pt);
+ }
+ template <typename area_type>
+ static inline bool equal_slope(area_type dx1, area_type dy1, area_type dx2, area_type dy2) {
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<Unit>::unsigned_area_type unsigned_product_type;
+ unsigned_product_type cross_1 = (unsigned_product_type)(dx2 < 0 ? -dx2 :dx2) * (unsigned_product_type)(dy1 < 0 ? -dy1 : dy1);
+ unsigned_product_type cross_2 = (unsigned_product_type)(dx1 < 0 ? -dx1 :dx1) * (unsigned_product_type)(dy2 < 0 ? -dy2 : dy2);
+ int dx1_sign = dx1 < 0 ? -1 : 1;
+ int dx2_sign = dx2 < 0 ? -1 : 1;
+ int dy1_sign = dy1 < 0 ? -1 : 1;
+ int dy2_sign = dy2 < 0 ? -1 : 1;
+ int cross_1_sign = dx2_sign * dy1_sign;
+ int cross_2_sign = dx1_sign * dy2_sign;
+ return cross_1 == cross_2 && (cross_1_sign == cross_2_sign || cross_1 == 0);
+ }
+ static inline bool equal_slope(const Unit& x, const Unit& y,
+ const Point& pt1, const Point& pt2) {
+ const Point* pts[2] = {&pt1, &pt2};
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<Unit>::manhattan_area_type at;
+ at dy2 = (at)pts[1]->get(VERTICAL) - (at)y;
+ at dy1 = (at)pts[0]->get(VERTICAL) - (at)y;
+ at dx2 = (at)pts[1]->get(HORIZONTAL) - (at)x;
+ at dx1 = (at)pts[0]->get(HORIZONTAL) - (at)x;
+ return equal_slope(dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2);
+ }
+ template <typename area_type>
+ static inline bool less_slope(area_type dx1, area_type dy1, area_type dx2, area_type dy2) {
+ //reflext x and y slopes to right hand side half plane
+ if(dx1 < 0) {
+ dy1 *= -1;
+ dx1 *= -1;
+ } else if(dx1 == 0) {
+ //if the first slope is vertical the first cannot be less
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(dx2 < 0) {
+ dy2 *= -1;
+ dx2 *= -1;
+ } else if(dx2 == 0) {
+ //if the second slope is vertical the first is always less unless it is also vertical, in which case they are equal
+ return dx1 != 0;
+ }
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<Unit>::unsigned_area_type unsigned_product_type;
+ unsigned_product_type cross_1 = (unsigned_product_type)(dx2 < 0 ? -dx2 :dx2) * (unsigned_product_type)(dy1 < 0 ? -dy1 : dy1);
+ unsigned_product_type cross_2 = (unsigned_product_type)(dx1 < 0 ? -dx1 :dx1) * (unsigned_product_type)(dy2 < 0 ? -dy2 : dy2);
+ int dx1_sign = dx1 < 0 ? -1 : 1;
+ int dx2_sign = dx2 < 0 ? -1 : 1;
+ int dy1_sign = dy1 < 0 ? -1 : 1;
+ int dy2_sign = dy2 < 0 ? -1 : 1;
+ int cross_1_sign = dx2_sign * dy1_sign;
+ int cross_2_sign = dx1_sign * dy2_sign;
+ if(cross_1_sign < cross_2_sign) return true;
+ if(cross_2_sign < cross_1_sign) return false;
+ if(cross_1_sign == -1) return cross_2 < cross_1;
+ return cross_1 < cross_2;
+ }
+ static inline bool less_slope(const Unit& x, const Unit& y,
+ const Point& pt1, const Point& pt2) {
+ const Point* pts[2] = {&pt1, &pt2};
+ //compute y value on edge from pt_ to pts[1] at the x value of pts[0]
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<Unit>::manhattan_area_type at;
+ at dy2 = (at)pts[1]->get(VERTICAL) - (at)y;
+ at dy1 = (at)pts[0]->get(VERTICAL) - (at)y;
+ at dx2 = (at)pts[1]->get(HORIZONTAL) - (at)x;
+ at dx1 = (at)pts[0]->get(HORIZONTAL) - (at)x;
+ return less_slope(dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2);
+ }
+ //return -1 below, 0 on and 1 above line
+ //assumes point is on x interval of segment
+ static inline int on_above_or_below(Point pt, const half_edge& he) {
+ if(pt == he.first || pt == he.second) return 0;
+ if(equal_slope(pt.get(HORIZONTAL), pt.get(VERTICAL), he.first, he.second)) return 0;
+ bool less_result = less_slope(pt.get(HORIZONTAL), pt.get(VERTICAL), he.first, he.second);
+ int retval = less_result ? -1 : 1;
+ less_point lp;
+ if(lp(he.second, he.first)) retval *= -1;
+ if(!between(pt, he.first, he.second)) retval *= -1;
+ return retval;
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename T, typename input_point_type>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and< typename is_any_mutable_polygon_with_holes_type<T>::type,
+ typename gtl_same_type<typename geometry_concept<input_point_type>::type, point_concept>::type>::type,
+ bool>::type
+ contains(const T& polygon, const input_point_type& point, bool consider_touch = true) {
+ typedef typename polygon_with_holes_traits<T>::iterator_holes_type holes_iterator;
+ bool isInside = contains( view_as< typename polygon_from_polygon_with_holes_type<
+ typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type>( polygon ), point, consider_touch );
+ if(!isInside) return false; //no need to check holes
+ holes_iterator itH = begin_holes( polygon );
+ while( itH != end_holes( polygon ) ) {
+ if( contains( *itH, point, !consider_touch ) ) {
+ isInside = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ ++itH;
+ }
+ return isInside;
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename input_point_type>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and_3<
+ typename is_polygon_type<T>::type,
+ typename gtl_different_type<typename geometry_domain<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type, manhattan_domain>::type,
+ typename gtl_same_type<typename geometry_concept<input_point_type>::type, point_concept>::type>::type,
+ bool>::type
+ contains(const T& polygon, const input_point_type& point, bool consider_touch = true) {
+ typedef typename point_traits<input_point_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ typedef point_data<Unit> Point;
+ typedef std::pair<Point, Point> half_edge;
+ typedef typename polygon_traits<T>::iterator_type iterator;
+ iterator itr = begin_points(polygon);
+ iterator itrEnd = end_points(polygon);
+ half_edge he;
+ if(itr == itrEnd) return false;
+ assign(he.first, *itr);
+ Point firstPt;
+ assign(firstPt, *itr);
+ ++itr;
+ if(itr == itrEnd) return false;
+ bool done = false;
+ int above = 0;
+ while(!done) {
+ Point currentPt;
+ if(itr == itrEnd) {
+ done = true;
+ currentPt = firstPt;
+ } else {
+ assign(currentPt, *itr);
+ ++itr;
+ }
+ if(currentPt == he.first) {
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ he.second = currentPt;
+ if(equivalence(point, currentPt)) return consider_touch;
+ Unit xmin = (std::min)(x(he.first), x(he.second));
+ Unit xmax = (std::max)(x(he.first), x(he.second));
+ if(x(point) >= xmin && x(point) < xmax) { //double counts if <= xmax
+ Point tmppt;
+ assign(tmppt, point);
+ int oabedge = edge_utils<Unit>::on_above_or_below(tmppt, he);
+ if(oabedge == 0) return consider_touch;
+ if(oabedge == 1) ++above;
+ } else if(x(point) == xmax) {
+ Point tmppt;
+ assign(tmppt, point);
+ if( edge_utils<Unit>::on_above_or_below(tmppt, he) == 0 ) {
+ return consider_touch;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ he.first = he.second;
+ }
+ return above % 2 != 0; //if the point is above an odd number of edges is must be inside polygon
+ }
+ /*
+ template <typename T, typename input_point_type>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and_3<
+ typename is_polygon_with_holes_type<T>::type,
+ typename gtl_different_type<typename geometry_domain<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type, manhattan_domain>::type,
+ typename gtl_same_type<typename geometry_concept<input_point_type>::type, point_concept>::type>::type,
+ bool>::type
+ contains(const T& polygon, const input_point_type& point, bool consider_touch = true) {
+ typedef typename point_traits<input_point_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ typedef point_data<Unit> Point;
+ typedef std::pair<Point, Point> half_edge;
+ typedef typename polygon_traits<T>::iterator_type iterator;
+ iterator itr = begin_points(polygon);
+ iterator itrEnd = end_points(polygon);
+ half_edge he;
+ if(itr == itrEnd) return false;
+ assign(he.first, *itr);
+ Point firstPt;
+ assign(firstPt, *itr);
+ ++itr;
+ if(itr == itrEnd) return false;
+ bool done = false;
+ int above = 0;
+ while(!done) {
+ Point currentPt;
+ if(itr == itrEnd) {
+ done = true;
+ currentPt = firstPt;
+ } else {
+ assign(currentPt, *itr);
+ ++itr;
+ }
+ if(currentPt == he.first) {
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ he.second = currentPt;
+ if(equivalence(point, currentPt)) return consider_touch;
+ Unit xmin = (std::min)(x(he.first), x(he.second));
+ Unit xmax = (std::max)(x(he.first), x(he.second));
+ if(x(point) >= xmin && x(point) < xmax) { //double counts if <= xmax
+ Point tmppt;
+ assign(tmppt, point);
+ int oabedge = edge_utils<Unit>::on_above_or_below(tmppt, he);
+ if(oabedge == 0) return consider_touch;
+ if(oabedge == 1) ++above;
+ }
+ }
+ he.first = he.second;
+ }
+ return above % 2 != 0; //if the point is above an odd number of edges is must be inside polygon
+ }
+ */
+ template <typename T1, typename T2>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and< typename is_mutable_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<T1>::type>::type,
+ typename is_polygon_with_holes_type<T2>::type>::type,
+ bool>::type
+ center(T1& center_point, const T2& polygon) {
+ typedef typename polygon_traits<T2>::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
+ rectangle_data<coordinate_type> bbox;
+ extents(bbox, polygon);
+ return center(center_point, bbox);
+ }
+ template <typename T1, typename T2>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and< typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<T1>::type>::type,
+ typename is_polygon_with_holes_type<T2>::type>::type,
+ bool>::type
+ extents(T1& bounding_box, const T2& polygon) {
+ typedef typename polygon_traits<T2>::iterator_type iterator;
+ bool first_iteration = true;
+ iterator itr_end = end_points(polygon);
+ for(iterator itr = begin_points(polygon); itr != itr_end; ++itr) {
+ if(first_iteration) {
+ set_points(bounding_box, *itr, *itr);
+ first_iteration = false;
+ } else {
+ encompass(bounding_box, *itr);
+ }
+ }
+ if(first_iteration) return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ template <class T2>
+ polygon_90_data<T>& polygon_90_data<T>::operator=(const T2& rvalue) {
+ assign(*this, rvalue);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ template <class T2>
+ polygon_45_data<T>& polygon_45_data<T>::operator=(const T2& rvalue) {
+ assign(*this, rvalue);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ template <class T2>
+ polygon_data<T>& polygon_data<T>::operator=(const T2& rvalue) {
+ assign(*this, rvalue);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ template <class T2>
+ polygon_90_with_holes_data<T>& polygon_90_with_holes_data<T>::operator=(const T2& rvalue) {
+ assign(*this, rvalue);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ template <class T2>
+ polygon_45_with_holes_data<T>& polygon_45_with_holes_data<T>::operator=(const T2& rvalue) {
+ assign(*this, rvalue);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ template <class T2>
+ polygon_with_holes_data<T>& polygon_with_holes_data<T>::operator=(const T2& rvalue) {
+ assign(*this, rvalue);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ struct geometry_concept<polygon_data<T> > {
+ typedef polygon_concept type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct geometry_concept<polygon_45_data<T> > {
+ typedef polygon_45_concept type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct geometry_concept<polygon_90_data<T> > {
+ typedef polygon_90_concept type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct geometry_concept<polygon_with_holes_data<T> > {
+ typedef polygon_with_holes_concept type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct geometry_concept<polygon_45_with_holes_data<T> > {
+ typedef polygon_45_with_holes_concept type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct geometry_concept<polygon_90_with_holes_data<T> > {
+ typedef polygon_90_with_holes_concept type;
+ };
+// template <typename T> struct polygon_with_holes_traits<polygon_90_data<T> > {
+// typedef polygon_90_data<T> hole_type;
+// typedef const hole_type* iterator_holes_type;
+// static inline iterator_holes_type begin_holes(const hole_type& t) { return &t; }
+// static inline iterator_holes_type end_holes(const hole_type& t) { return &t; }
+// static inline std::size_t size_holes(const hole_type& t) { return 0; }
+// };
+// template <typename T> struct polygon_with_holes_traits<polygon_45_data<T> > {
+// typedef polygon_45_data<T> hole_type;
+// typedef const hole_type* iterator_holes_type;
+// static inline iterator_holes_type begin_holes(const hole_type& t) { return &t; }
+// static inline iterator_holes_type end_holes(const hole_type& t) { return &t; }
+// static inline std::size_t size_holes(const hole_type& t) { return 0; }
+// };
+// template <typename T> struct polygon_with_holes_traits<polygon_data<T> > {
+// typedef polygon_data<T> hole_type;
+// typedef const hole_type* iterator_holes_type;
+// static inline iterator_holes_type begin_holes(const hole_type& t) { return &t; }
+// static inline iterator_holes_type end_holes(const hole_type& t) { return &t; }
+// static inline std::size_t size_holes(const hole_type& t) { return 0; }
+// };
+ template <typename T> struct get_void {};
+ template <> struct get_void<gtl_yes> { typedef void type; };
+ template <typename T> struct polygon_with_holes_traits<
+ T, typename get_void<typename is_any_mutable_polygon_without_holes_type<T>::type>::type > {
+ typedef T hole_type;
+ typedef const hole_type* iterator_holes_type;
+ static inline iterator_holes_type begin_holes(const hole_type& t) { return &t; }
+ static inline iterator_holes_type end_holes(const hole_type& t) { return &t; }
+ static inline std::size_t size_holes(const hole_type& t) { return 0; }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct view_of<rectangle_concept, T> {
+ typedef typename polygon_traits<T>::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
+ typedef interval_data<coordinate_type> interval_type;
+ rectangle_data<coordinate_type> rect;
+ view_of(const T& obj) : rect() {
+ point_data<coordinate_type> pts[2];
+ typename polygon_traits<T>::iterator_type itr =
+ begin_points(obj), itre = end_points(obj);
+ if(itr == itre) return;
+ assign(pts[0], *itr);
+ ++itr;
+ if(itr == itre) return;
+ ++itr;
+ if(itr == itre) return;
+ assign(pts[1], *itr);
+ set_points(rect, pts[0], pts[1]);
+ }
+ inline interval_type get(orientation_2d orient) const {
+ return rect.get(orient); }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct geometry_concept<view_of<rectangle_concept, T> > {
+ typedef rectangle_concept type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct view_of<polygon_45_concept, T> {
+ const T* t;
+ view_of(const T& obj) : t(&obj) {}
+ typedef typename polygon_traits<T>::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
+ typedef typename polygon_traits<T>::iterator_type iterator_type;
+ typedef typename polygon_traits<T>::point_type point_type;
+ /// Get the begin iterator
+ inline iterator_type begin() const {
+ return polygon_traits<T>::begin_points(*t);
+ }
+ /// Get the end iterator
+ inline iterator_type end() const {
+ return polygon_traits<T>::end_points(*t);
+ }
+ /// Get the number of sides of the polygon
+ inline std::size_t size() const {
+ return polygon_traits<T>::size(*t);
+ }
+ /// Get the winding direction of the polygon
+ inline winding_direction winding() const {
+ return polygon_traits<T>::winding(*t);
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct geometry_concept<view_of<polygon_45_concept, T> > {
+ typedef polygon_45_concept type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct view_of<polygon_90_concept, T> {
+ const T* t;
+ view_of(const T& obj) : t(&obj) {}
+ typedef typename polygon_traits<T>::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
+ typedef typename polygon_traits<T>::iterator_type iterator_type;
+ typedef typename polygon_traits<T>::point_type point_type;
+ typedef iterator_points_to_compact<iterator_type, point_type> compact_iterator_type;
+ /// Get the begin iterator
+ inline compact_iterator_type begin_compact() const {
+ return compact_iterator_type(polygon_traits<T>::begin_points(*t),
+ polygon_traits<T>::end_points(*t));
+ }
+ /// Get the end iterator
+ inline compact_iterator_type end_compact() const {
+ return compact_iterator_type(polygon_traits<T>::end_points(*t),
+ polygon_traits<T>::end_points(*t));
+ }
+ /// Get the number of sides of the polygon
+ inline std::size_t size() const {
+ return polygon_traits<T>::size(*t);
+ }
+ /// Get the winding direction of the polygon
+ inline winding_direction winding() const {
+ return polygon_traits<T>::winding(*t);
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct geometry_concept<view_of<polygon_90_concept, T> > {
+ typedef polygon_90_concept type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct view_of<polygon_45_with_holes_concept, T> {
+ const T* t;
+ view_of(const T& obj) : t(&obj) {}
+ typedef typename polygon_traits<T>::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
+ typedef typename polygon_traits<T>::iterator_type iterator_type;
+ typedef typename polygon_traits<T>::point_type point_type;
+ typedef view_of<polygon_45_concept, typename polygon_with_holes_traits<T>::hole_type> hole_type;
+ struct iterator_holes_type {
+ typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
+ typedef hole_type value_type;
+ typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
+ typedef const hole_type* pointer; //immutable
+ typedef const hole_type& reference; //immutable
+ typedef typename polygon_with_holes_traits<T>::iterator_holes_type iht;
+ iht internal_itr;
+ iterator_holes_type() : internal_itr() {}
+ iterator_holes_type(iht iht_in) : internal_itr(iht_in) {}
+ inline iterator_holes_type& operator++() {
+ ++internal_itr;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline const iterator_holes_type operator++(int) {
+ iterator_holes_type tmp(*this);
+ ++(*this);
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ inline bool operator==(const iterator_holes_type& that) const {
+ return (internal_itr == that.internal_itr);
+ }
+ inline bool operator!=(const iterator_holes_type& that) const {
+ return (internal_itr != that.internal_itr);
+ }
+ inline value_type operator*() const {
+ return view_as<polygon_45_concept>(*internal_itr);
+ }
+ };
+ /// Get the begin iterator
+ inline iterator_type begin() const {
+ return polygon_traits<T>::begin_points(*t);
+ }
+ /// Get the end iterator
+ inline iterator_type end() const {
+ return polygon_traits<T>::end_points(*t);
+ }
+ /// Get the number of sides of the polygon
+ inline std::size_t size() const {
+ return polygon_traits<T>::size(*t);
+ }
+ /// Get the winding direction of the polygon
+ inline winding_direction winding() const {
+ return polygon_traits<T>::winding(*t);
+ }
+ /// Get the begin iterator
+ inline iterator_holes_type begin_holes() const {
+ return polygon_with_holes_traits<T>::begin_holes(*t);
+ }
+ /// Get the end iterator
+ inline iterator_holes_type end_holes() const {
+ return polygon_with_holes_traits<T>::end_holes(*t);
+ }
+ /// Get the number of sides of the polygon
+ inline std::size_t size_holes() const {
+ return polygon_with_holes_traits<T>::size_holes(*t);
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct geometry_concept<view_of<polygon_45_with_holes_concept, T> > {
+ typedef polygon_45_with_holes_concept type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct view_of<polygon_90_with_holes_concept, T> {
+ const T* t;
+ view_of(const T& obj) : t(&obj) {}
+ typedef typename polygon_traits<T>::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
+ typedef typename polygon_traits<T>::iterator_type iterator_type;
+ typedef typename polygon_traits<T>::point_type point_type;
+ typedef iterator_points_to_compact<iterator_type, point_type> compact_iterator_type;
+ typedef view_of<polygon_90_concept, typename polygon_with_holes_traits<T>::hole_type> hole_type;
+ struct iterator_holes_type {
+ typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
+ typedef hole_type value_type;
+ typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
+ typedef const hole_type* pointer; //immutable
+ typedef const hole_type& reference; //immutable
+ typedef typename polygon_with_holes_traits<T>::iterator_holes_type iht;
+ iht internal_itr;
+ iterator_holes_type() : internal_itr() {}
+ iterator_holes_type(iht iht_in) : internal_itr(iht_in) {}
+ inline iterator_holes_type& operator++() {
+ ++internal_itr;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline const iterator_holes_type operator++(int) {
+ iterator_holes_type tmp(*this);
+ ++(*this);
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ inline bool operator==(const iterator_holes_type& that) const {
+ return (internal_itr == that.internal_itr);
+ }
+ inline bool operator!=(const iterator_holes_type& that) const {
+ return (internal_itr != that.internal_itr);
+ }
+ inline value_type operator*() const {
+ return view_as<polygon_90_concept>(*internal_itr);
+ }
+ };
+ /// Get the begin iterator
+ inline compact_iterator_type begin_compact() const {
+ return compact_iterator_type(polygon_traits<T>::begin_points(*t),
+ polygon_traits<T>::end_points(*t));
+ }
+ /// Get the end iterator
+ inline compact_iterator_type end_compact() const {
+ return compact_iterator_type(polygon_traits<T>::end_points(*t),
+ polygon_traits<T>::end_points(*t));
+ }
+ /// Get the number of sides of the polygon
+ inline std::size_t size() const {
+ return polygon_traits<T>::size(*t);
+ }
+ /// Get the winding direction of the polygon
+ inline winding_direction winding() const {
+ return polygon_traits<T>::winding(*t);
+ }
+ /// Get the begin iterator
+ inline iterator_holes_type begin_holes() const {
+ return polygon_with_holes_traits<T>::begin_holes(*t);
+ }
+ /// Get the end iterator
+ inline iterator_holes_type end_holes() const {
+ return polygon_with_holes_traits<T>::end_holes(*t);
+ }
+ /// Get the number of sides of the polygon
+ inline std::size_t size_holes() const {
+ return polygon_with_holes_traits<T>::size_holes(*t);
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct geometry_concept<view_of<polygon_90_with_holes_concept, T> > {
+ typedef polygon_90_with_holes_concept type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct view_of<polygon_concept, T> {
+ const T* t;
+ view_of(const T& obj) : t(&obj) {}
+ typedef typename polygon_traits<T>::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
+ typedef typename polygon_traits<T>::iterator_type iterator_type;
+ typedef typename polygon_traits<T>::point_type point_type;
+ /// Get the begin iterator
+ inline iterator_type begin() const {
+ return polygon_traits<T>::begin_points(*t);
+ }
+ /// Get the end iterator
+ inline iterator_type end() const {
+ return polygon_traits<T>::end_points(*t);
+ }
+ /// Get the number of sides of the polygon
+ inline std::size_t size() const {
+ return polygon_traits<T>::size(*t);
+ }
+ /// Get the winding direction of the polygon
+ inline winding_direction winding() const {
+ return polygon_traits<T>::winding(*t);
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct geometry_concept<view_of<polygon_concept, T> > {
+ typedef polygon_concept type;
+ };
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_with_holes_data.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/polygon_with_holes_data.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+#include "isotropy.hpp"
+#include "polygon_data.hpp"
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+ struct polygon_with_holes_concept;
+ template <typename T>
+ class polygon_with_holes_data {
+ typedef polygon_with_holes_concept geometry_type;
+ typedef T coordinate_type;
+ typedef typename polygon_data<T>::iterator_type iterator_type;
+ typedef typename std::list<polygon_data<coordinate_type> >::const_iterator iterator_holes_type;
+ typedef polygon_data<coordinate_type> hole_type;
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<T>::coordinate_distance area_type;
+ typedef point_data<T> point_type;
+ // default constructor of point does not initialize x and y
+ inline polygon_with_holes_data() : self_(), holes_() {} //do nothing default constructor
+ template<class iT>
+ inline polygon_with_holes_data(iT input_begin, iT input_end) : self_(), holes_() {
+ set(input_begin, input_end);
+ }
+ template<class iT, typename hiT>
+ inline polygon_with_holes_data(iT input_begin, iT input_end, hiT holes_begin, hiT holes_end) : self_(), holes_() {
+ set(input_begin, input_end);
+ set_holes(holes_begin, holes_end);
+ }
+ template<class iT>
+ inline polygon_with_holes_data& set(iT input_begin, iT input_end) {
+ self_.set(input_begin, input_end);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // initialize a polygon from x,y values, it is assumed that the first is an x
+ // and that the input is a well behaved polygon
+ template<class iT>
+ inline polygon_with_holes_data& set_holes(iT input_begin, iT input_end) {
+ holes_.clear(); //just in case there was some old data there
+ for( ; input_begin != input_end; ++ input_begin) {
+ holes_.push_back(hole_type());
+ holes_.back().set((*input_begin).begin(), (*input_begin).end());
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // copy constructor (since we have dynamic memory)
+ inline polygon_with_holes_data(const polygon_with_holes_data& that) : self_(that.self_),
+ holes_(that.holes_) {}
+ // assignment operator (since we have dynamic memory do a deep copy)
+ inline polygon_with_holes_data& operator=(const polygon_with_holes_data& that) {
+ self_ = that.self_;
+ holes_ = that.holes_;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename T2>
+ inline polygon_with_holes_data& operator=(const T2& rvalue);
+ // get begin iterator, returns a pointer to a const coordinate_type
+ inline const iterator_type begin() const {
+ return self_.begin();
+ }
+ // get end iterator, returns a pointer to a const coordinate_type
+ inline const iterator_type end() const {
+ return self_.end();
+ }
+ inline std::size_t size() const {
+ return self_.size();
+ }
+ // get begin iterator, returns a pointer to a const polygon
+ inline const iterator_holes_type begin_holes() const {
+ return holes_.begin();
+ }
+ // get end iterator, returns a pointer to a const polygon
+ inline const iterator_holes_type end_holes() const {
+ return holes_.end();
+ }
+ inline std::size_t size_holes() const {
+ return holes_.size();
+ }
+ polygon_data<coordinate_type> self_;
+ std::list<hole_type> holes_;
+ };
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/rectangle_concept.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/rectangle_concept.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,1080 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+#include "isotropy.hpp"
+#include "point_data.hpp"
+#include "point_traits.hpp"
+#include "point_concept.hpp"
+#include "interval_data.hpp"
+#include "interval_traits.hpp"
+#include "interval_concept.hpp"
+#include "rectangle_data.hpp"
+#include "rectangle_traits.hpp"
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+ struct rectangle_concept {};
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_rectangle_concept { typedef gtl_no type; };
+ template <>
+ struct is_rectangle_concept<rectangle_concept> { typedef gtl_yes type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct is_mutable_rectangle_concept { typedef gtl_no type; };
+ template <>
+ struct is_mutable_rectangle_concept<rectangle_concept> { typedef gtl_yes type; };
+ template <>
+ struct geometry_domain<rectangle_concept> { typedef manhattan_domain type; };
+ template <typename T, typename CT>
+ struct rectangle_interval_type_by_concept { typedef void type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct rectangle_interval_type_by_concept<T, gtl_yes> { typedef typename rectangle_traits<T>::interval_type type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct rectangle_interval_type {
+ typedef typename rectangle_interval_type_by_concept<T, typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T, typename CT>
+ struct rectangle_coordinate_type_by_concept { typedef void type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct rectangle_coordinate_type_by_concept<T, gtl_yes> { typedef typename rectangle_traits<T>::coordinate_type type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct rectangle_coordinate_type {
+ typedef typename rectangle_coordinate_type_by_concept<T, typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T, typename CT>
+ struct rectangle_difference_type_by_concept { typedef void type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct rectangle_difference_type_by_concept<T, gtl_yes> {
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<typename rectangle_traits<T>::coordinate_type>::coordinate_difference type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct rectangle_difference_type {
+ typedef typename rectangle_difference_type_by_concept<
+ T, typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T, typename CT>
+ struct rectangle_distance_type_by_concept { typedef void type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct rectangle_distance_type_by_concept<T, gtl_yes> {
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<typename rectangle_traits<T>::coordinate_type>::coordinate_distance type; };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct rectangle_distance_type {
+ typedef typename rectangle_distance_type_by_concept<
+ T, typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type>::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ typename rectangle_interval_type<T>::type
+ get(const T& rectangle, orientation_2d orient,
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_if<typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type>::type>::type * = 0
+ ) {
+ return rectangle_traits<T>::get(rectangle, orient);
+ }
+ struct y_r_h : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename T>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and<y_r_h, typename gtl_if<typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type>::type>::type,
+ typename rectangle_traits<T>::interval_type>::type
+ horizontal(const T& rectangle) {
+ return rectangle_traits<T>::get(rectangle, HORIZONTAL);
+ }
+ struct y_r_v : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename T>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and<y_r_v, typename gtl_if<typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type>::type>::type,
+ typename rectangle_traits<T>::interval_type>::type
+ vertical(const T& rectangle) {
+ return rectangle_traits<T>::get(rectangle, VERTICAL);
+ }
+ struct y_r_set : gtl_yes {};
+ template <orientation_2d_enum orient, typename T, typename T2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3<y_r_set, typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type,
+ typename is_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<T2>::type>::type>::type,
+ void>::type
+ set(T& rectangle, const T2& interval) {
+ rectangle_mutable_traits<T>::set(rectangle, orient, interval);
+ }
+ struct y_r_set2 : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename T, typename T2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3<y_r_set2, typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type,
+ typename is_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<T2>::type>::type>::type,
+ void>::type
+ set(T& rectangle, orientation_2d orient, const T2& interval) {
+ rectangle_mutable_traits<T>::set(rectangle, orient, interval);
+ }
+ struct y_r_h2 : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename T, typename T2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3<y_r_h2, typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type,
+ typename is_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<T2>::type>::type>::type,
+ void>::type
+ horizontal(T& rectangle, const T2& interval) {
+ rectangle_mutable_traits<T>::set(rectangle, HORIZONTAL, interval);
+ }
+ struct y_r_v2 : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename T, typename T2>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and_3<y_r_v2, typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type,
+ typename is_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<T2>::type>::type>::type, void>::type
+ vertical(T& rectangle, const T2& interval) {
+ rectangle_mutable_traits<T>::set(rectangle, VERTICAL, interval);
+ }
+ struct y_r_construct : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename T, typename T2, typename T3>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and<y_r_construct, typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type>::type,
+ T>::type
+ construct(const T2& interval_horizontal,
+ const T3& interval_vertical) {
+ return rectangle_mutable_traits<T>::construct(interval_horizontal, interval_vertical); }
+ struct y_r_construct2 : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename T, typename coord_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and<y_r_construct2, typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type>::type,
+ T>::type
+ construct(coord_type xl, coord_type yl, coord_type xh, coord_type yh) {
+ return rectangle_mutable_traits<T>::construct(interval_data<coord_type>(xl, xh),
+ interval_data<coord_type>(yl, yh));
+ }
+ struct y_r_cconstruct : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename T, typename T2>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and_3<y_r_cconstruct,
+ typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type,
+ typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<T2>::type>::type>::type,
+ T>::type
+ copy_construct(const T2& rectangle) {
+ return construct<T> (get(rectangle, HORIZONTAL), get(rectangle, VERTICAL));
+ }
+ struct y_r_assign : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename rectangle_type_1, typename rectangle_type_2>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and_3< y_r_assign,
+ typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ rectangle_type_1>::type &
+ assign(rectangle_type_1& lvalue, const rectangle_type_2& rvalue) {
+ set(lvalue, HORIZONTAL, get(rvalue, HORIZONTAL));
+ set(lvalue, VERTICAL, get(rvalue, VERTICAL));
+ return lvalue;
+ }
+ struct y_r_equiv : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename T, typename T2>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and_3< y_r_equiv,
+ typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<T>::type>::type,
+ typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<T2>::type>::type>::type,
+ bool>::type
+ equivalence(const T& rect1, const T2& rect2) {
+ return equivalence(get(rect1, HORIZONTAL), get(rect2, HORIZONTAL)) &&
+ equivalence(get(rect1, VERTICAL), get(rect2, VERTICAL));
+ }
+ struct y_r_get : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename rectangle_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and<y_r_get, typename gtl_if< typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type>::type>::type,
+ typename rectangle_coordinate_type<rectangle_type>::type>::type
+ get(const rectangle_type& rectangle, orientation_2d orient, direction_1d dir) {
+ return get(rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::get(rectangle, orient), dir);
+ }
+ struct y_r_set3 : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename rectangle_type>
+ typename enable_if<typename gtl_and<y_r_set3, typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type>::type, void>::type
+ set(rectangle_type& rectangle, orientation_2d orient, direction_1d dir,
+ typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::coordinate_type value) {
+ typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::interval_type ivl = get(rectangle, orient);
+ set(ivl, dir, value);
+ set(rectangle, orient, ivl);
+ }
+ struct y_r_xl : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename rectangle_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and<y_r_xl, typename gtl_if< typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type>::type>::type,
+ typename rectangle_coordinate_type<rectangle_type>::type>::type
+ xl(const rectangle_type& rectangle) {
+ return get(rectangle, HORIZONTAL, LOW);
+ }
+ struct y_r_xl2 : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename rectangle_type>
+ typename enable_if<typename gtl_and<y_r_xl2, typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type>::type, void>::type
+ xl(rectangle_type& rectangle, typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::coordinate_type value) {
+ return set(rectangle, HORIZONTAL, LOW, value);
+ }
+ struct y_r_xh : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename rectangle_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and<y_r_xh, typename gtl_if< typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type>::type>::type,
+ typename rectangle_coordinate_type<rectangle_type>::type>::type
+ xh(const rectangle_type& rectangle) {
+ return get(rectangle, HORIZONTAL, HIGH);
+ }
+ struct y_r_xh2 : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename rectangle_type>
+ typename enable_if<typename gtl_and<y_r_xh2, typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type>::type, void>::type
+ xh(rectangle_type& rectangle, typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::coordinate_type value) {
+ return set(rectangle, HORIZONTAL, HIGH, value);
+ }
+ struct y_r_yl : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename rectangle_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and<y_r_yl, typename gtl_if< typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type>::type>::type,
+ typename rectangle_coordinate_type<rectangle_type>::type>::type
+ yl(const rectangle_type& rectangle) {
+ return get(rectangle, VERTICAL, LOW);
+ }
+ struct y_r_yl2 : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename rectangle_type>
+ typename enable_if<typename gtl_and<y_r_yl2, typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type>::type, void>::type
+ yl(rectangle_type& rectangle, typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::coordinate_type value) {
+ return set(rectangle, VERTICAL, LOW, value);
+ }
+ struct y_r_yh : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename rectangle_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and<y_r_yh, typename gtl_if< typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type>::type>::type,
+ typename rectangle_coordinate_type<rectangle_type>::type>::type
+ yh(const rectangle_type& rectangle) {
+ return get(rectangle, VERTICAL, HIGH);
+ }
+ struct y_r_yh2 : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename rectangle_type>
+ typename enable_if<typename gtl_and<y_r_yh2, typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type>::type, void>::type
+ yh(rectangle_type& rectangle, typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::coordinate_type value) {
+ return set(rectangle, VERTICAL, HIGH, value);
+ }
+ struct y_r_ll : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename rectangle_type>
+ typename enable_if<typename gtl_and<y_r_ll, typename gtl_if< typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type>::type>::type,
+ point_data<typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::coordinate_type> >::type
+ ll(const rectangle_type& rectangle) {
+ return point_data<typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::coordinate_type> (xl(rectangle), yl(rectangle));
+ }
+ struct y_r_lr : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename rectangle_type>
+ typename enable_if<typename gtl_and<y_r_lr, typename gtl_if< typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type>::type>::type,
+ point_data<typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::coordinate_type> >::type
+ lr(const rectangle_type& rectangle) {
+ return point_data<typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::coordinate_type> (xh(rectangle), yl(rectangle));
+ }
+ struct y_r_ul : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename rectangle_type>
+ typename enable_if<typename gtl_and<y_r_ul, typename gtl_if< typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type>::type>::type,
+ point_data<typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::coordinate_type> >::type
+ ul(const rectangle_type& rectangle) {
+ return point_data<typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::coordinate_type> (xl(rectangle), yh(rectangle));
+ }
+ struct y_r_ur : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename rectangle_type>
+ typename enable_if<typename gtl_and<y_r_ur, typename gtl_if< typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type>::type>::type,
+ point_data<typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::coordinate_type> >::type
+ ur(const rectangle_type& rectangle) {
+ return point_data<typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::coordinate_type> (xh(rectangle), yh(rectangle));
+ }
+ struct y_r_contains : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename rectangle_type, typename rectangle_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3<y_r_contains, typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type,
+ typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ bool>::type
+ contains(const rectangle_type& rectangle, const rectangle_type_2 rectangle_contained,
+ bool consider_touch = true) {
+ return contains(horizontal(rectangle), horizontal(rectangle_contained), consider_touch) &&
+ contains(vertical(rectangle), vertical(rectangle_contained), consider_touch);
+ }
+ struct y_r_contains2 : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename rectangle_type, typename point_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3<y_r_contains2, typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type,
+ typename is_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type>::type>::type>::type, bool>::type
+ contains(const rectangle_type& rectangle, const point_type point_contained,
+ bool consider_touch = true) {
+ return contains(horizontal(rectangle), x(point_contained), consider_touch) &&
+ contains(vertical(rectangle), y(point_contained), consider_touch);
+ }
+ struct y_r_set_points : gtl_yes {};
+ // set all four coordinates based upon two points
+ template <typename rectangle_type, typename point_type_1, typename point_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_4< y_r_set_points,
+ typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type,
+ typename is_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename is_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ rectangle_type>::type &
+ set_points(rectangle_type& rectangle, const point_type_1& p1,
+ const point_type_2& p2) {
+ typedef typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ Unit x1(x(p1));
+ Unit x2(x(p2));
+ Unit y1(y(p1));
+ Unit y2(y(p2));
+ horizontal(rectangle, construct<typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::interval_type>(x1, x2));
+ vertical(rectangle, construct<typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::interval_type>(y1, y2));
+ return rectangle;
+ }
+ // move rectangle by delta in orient
+ template <typename rectangle_type>
+ rectangle_type&
+ move(rectangle_type& rectangle, orientation_2d orient,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::coordinate_type>::coordinate_difference delta,
+ typename enable_if<typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type>::type * = 0
+ ) {
+ typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::interval_type ivl = get(rectangle, orient);
+ move(ivl, delta);
+ set(rectangle, orient, ivl);
+ return rectangle;
+ }
+ struct y_r_convolve : gtl_yes {};
+ // convolve this with b
+ template <typename rectangle_type_1, typename rectangle_type_2>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and_3< y_r_convolve,
+ typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ rectangle_type_1>::type &
+ convolve(rectangle_type_1& rectangle,
+ const rectangle_type_2& convolution_rectangle) {
+ typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type_1>::interval_type ivl = horizontal(rectangle);
+ horizontal(rectangle, convolve(ivl, horizontal(convolution_rectangle)));
+ ivl = vertical(rectangle);
+ vertical(rectangle, convolve(ivl, vertical(convolution_rectangle)));
+ return rectangle;
+ }
+ struct y_r_deconvolve : gtl_yes {};
+ // deconvolve this with b
+ template <typename rectangle_type_1, typename rectangle_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3< y_r_deconvolve,
+ typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ rectangle_type_1>::type &
+ deconvolve(rectangle_type_1& rectangle, const rectangle_type_2& convolution_rectangle) {
+ typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type_1>::interval_type ivl = horizontal(rectangle);
+ horizontal(rectangle, deconvolve(ivl, horizontal(convolution_rectangle)));
+ ivl = vertical(rectangle);
+ vertical(rectangle, deconvolve(ivl, vertical(convolution_rectangle)));
+ return rectangle;
+ }
+ struct y_r_reconvolve : gtl_yes {};
+ // reflectedConvolve this with b
+ template <typename rectangle_type_1, typename rectangle_type_2>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and_3<y_r_reconvolve, typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ rectangle_type_1>::type &
+ reflected_convolve(rectangle_type_1& rectangle, const rectangle_type_2& convolution_rectangle) {
+ typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type_1>::interval_type ivl = horizontal(rectangle);
+ horizontal(rectangle, reflected_convolve(ivl, horizontal(convolution_rectangle)));
+ ivl = vertical(rectangle);
+ vertical(rectangle, reflected_convolve(ivl, vertical(convolution_rectangle)));
+ return rectangle;
+ }
+ struct y_r_redeconvolve : gtl_yes {};
+ // reflectedDeconvolve this with b
+ // deconvolve this with b
+ template <typename rectangle_type_1, typename rectangle_type_2>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and_3<y_r_redeconvolve, typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ rectangle_type_1>::type &
+ reflected_deconvolve(rectangle_type_1& rectangle, const rectangle_type_2& convolution_rectangle) {
+ typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type_1>::interval_type ivl = horizontal(rectangle);
+ horizontal(rectangle, reflected_deconvolve(ivl, horizontal(convolution_rectangle)));
+ ivl = vertical(rectangle);
+ vertical(rectangle, reflected_deconvolve(ivl, vertical(convolution_rectangle)));
+ return rectangle;
+ }
+ struct y_r_convolve2 : gtl_yes {};
+ // convolve with point
+ template <typename rectangle_type, typename point_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3<y_r_convolve2, typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type,
+ typename is_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ rectangle_type>::type &
+ convolve(rectangle_type& rectangle, const point_type& convolution_point) {
+ typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::interval_type ivl = horizontal(rectangle);
+ horizontal(rectangle, convolve(ivl, x(convolution_point)));
+ ivl = vertical(rectangle);
+ vertical(rectangle, convolve(ivl, y(convolution_point)));
+ return rectangle;
+ }
+ struct y_r_deconvolve2 : gtl_yes {};
+ // deconvolve with point
+ template <typename rectangle_type, typename point_type>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and_3<y_r_deconvolve2, typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type,
+ typename is_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type>::type>::type>::type, rectangle_type>::type &
+ deconvolve(rectangle_type& rectangle, const point_type& convolution_point) {
+ typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::interval_type ivl = horizontal(rectangle);
+ horizontal(rectangle, deconvolve(ivl, x(convolution_point)));
+ ivl = vertical(rectangle);
+ vertical(rectangle, deconvolve(ivl, y(convolution_point)));
+ return rectangle;
+ }
+ struct y_r_delta : gtl_yes {};
+ // get the magnitude of the interval range depending on orient
+ template <typename rectangle_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and<y_r_delta, typename gtl_if<typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type>::type>::type,
+ typename rectangle_difference_type<rectangle_type>::type>::type
+ delta(const rectangle_type& rectangle, orientation_2d orient) {
+ return delta(get(rectangle, orient));
+ }
+ struct y_r_area : gtl_yes {};
+ // get the area of the rectangle
+ template <typename rectangle_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and<y_r_area, typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::coordinate_type>::manhattan_area_type>::type
+ area(const rectangle_type& rectangle) {
+ typedef typename coordinate_traits<typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::coordinate_type>::manhattan_area_type area_type;
+ return (area_type)delta(rectangle, HORIZONTAL) * (area_type)delta(rectangle, VERTICAL);
+ }
+ struct y_r_go : gtl_yes {};
+ // returns the orientation of the longest side
+ template <typename rectangle_type>
+ typename enable_if<typename gtl_and<y_r_go, typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ orientation_2d>::type
+ guess_orientation(const rectangle_type& rectangle) {
+ return delta(rectangle, HORIZONTAL) >= delta(rectangle, VERTICAL) ?
+ }
+ struct y_r_half_p : gtl_yes {};
+ // get the half perimeter of the rectangle
+ template <typename rectangle_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and<y_r_half_p, typename gtl_if<typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type>::type>::type,
+ typename rectangle_difference_type<rectangle_type>::type>::type
+ half_perimeter(const rectangle_type& rectangle) {
+ return delta(rectangle, HORIZONTAL) + delta(rectangle, VERTICAL);
+ }
+ // get the perimeter of the rectangle
+ template <typename rectangle_type>
+ typename rectangle_difference_type<rectangle_type>::type
+ perimeter(const rectangle_type& rectangle,
+ typename enable_if< typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type>::type * = 0
+ ) {
+ return 2 * half_perimeter(rectangle);
+ }
+ struct y_r_intersects : gtl_yes {};
+ // check if Rectangle b intersects `this` Rectangle
+ // [in] b Rectangle that will be checked
+ // [in] considerTouch If true, return true even if b touches the boundary
+ // [ret] . true if `t` intersects b
+ template <typename rectangle_type_1, typename rectangle_type_2>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and_3<y_r_intersects, typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ bool>::type
+ intersects(const rectangle_type_1& rectangle, const rectangle_type_2& b, bool consider_touch = true) {
+ return intersects(horizontal(rectangle), horizontal(b), consider_touch) &&
+ intersects(vertical(rectangle), vertical(b), consider_touch);
+ }
+ struct y_r_b_intersect : gtl_yes {};
+ // Check if boundaries of Rectangle b and `this` Rectangle intersect
+ // [in] b Rectangle that will be checked
+ // [in] considerTouch If true, return true even if p is on the foundary
+ // [ret] . true if `t` contains p
+ template <typename rectangle_type_1, typename rectangle_type_2>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and_3<y_r_b_intersect, typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ bool>::type
+ boundaries_intersect(const rectangle_type_1& rectangle, const rectangle_type_2& b,
+ bool consider_touch = true) {
+ return (intersects(rectangle, b, consider_touch) &&
+ !(contains(rectangle, b, !consider_touch)) &&
+ !(contains(b, rectangle, !consider_touch)));
+ }
+ struct y_r_b_abuts : gtl_yes {};
+ // check if b is touching 'this' on the end specified by dir
+ template <typename rectangle_type_1, typename rectangle_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3<y_r_b_abuts, typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ bool>::type
+ abuts(const rectangle_type_1& rectangle, const rectangle_type_2& b,
+ direction_2d dir) {
+ return
+ abuts(get(rectangle, orientation_2d(dir)),
+ get(b, orientation_2d(dir)),
+ direction_1d(dir)) &&
+ intersects(get(rectangle, orientation_2d(dir).get_perpendicular()),
+ get(b, orientation_2d(dir).get_perpendicular()), true);
+ }
+ struct y_r_b_abuts2 : gtl_yes {};
+ // check if they are touching in the given orientation
+ template <typename rectangle_type_1, typename rectangle_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3<y_r_b_abuts2, typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ bool>::type
+ abuts(const rectangle_type_1& rectangle, const rectangle_type_2& b,
+ orientation_2d orient) {
+ return
+ abuts(get(rectangle, orient), get(b, orient)) &&
+ intersects(get(rectangle, orient.get_perpendicular()),
+ get(b, orient.get_perpendicular()), true);
+ }
+ struct y_r_b_abuts3 : gtl_yes {};
+ // check if they are touching but not overlapping
+ template <typename rectangle_type_1, typename rectangle_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3<y_r_b_abuts3, typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ bool>::type
+ abuts(const rectangle_type_1& rectangle, const rectangle_type_2& b) {
+ return abuts(rectangle, b, HORIZONTAL) || abuts(rectangle, b, VERTICAL);
+ }
+ struct y_r_b_intersect2 : gtl_yes {};
+ // intersect rectangle with interval on orient
+ template <typename rectangle_type, typename interval_type>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and_3<y_r_b_intersect2, typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type,
+ typename is_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ bool>::type
+ intersect(rectangle_type& rectangle, const interval_type& b,
+ orientation_2d orient, bool consider_touch = true) {
+ typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::interval_type ivl = get(rectangle, orient);
+ if(intersect(ivl, b, consider_touch)) {
+ set(rectangle, orient, ivl);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ struct y_r_b_intersect3 : gtl_yes {};
+ // clip rectangle to b
+ template <typename rectangle_type_1, typename rectangle_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3<y_r_b_intersect3, typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ bool>::type
+ intersect(rectangle_type_1& rectangle, const rectangle_type_2& b, bool consider_touch = true) {
+ if(intersects(rectangle, b)) {
+ intersect(rectangle, horizontal(b), HORIZONTAL, consider_touch);
+ intersect(rectangle, vertical(b), VERTICAL, consider_touch);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ struct y_r_g_intersect : gtl_yes {};
+ // Sets this to the generalized intersection of this and the given rectangle
+ template <typename rectangle_type_1, typename rectangle_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3<y_r_g_intersect,
+ typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ rectangle_type_1>::type &
+ generalized_intersect(rectangle_type_1& rectangle, const rectangle_type_2& b) {
+ typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type_1>::interval_type ivl = get(rectangle, HORIZONTAL);
+ generalized_intersect(ivl, horizontal(b));
+ horizontal(rectangle, ivl);
+ ivl = vertical(rectangle);
+ generalized_intersect(ivl, vertical(b));
+ vertical(rectangle, ivl);
+ return rectangle;
+ }
+ struct y_r_bloat : gtl_yes {};
+ // bloat the interval specified by orient by bloating
+ template <typename rectangle_type>
+ typename enable_if<typename gtl_and<y_r_bloat, typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ rectangle_type>::type &
+ bloat(rectangle_type& rectangle, orientation_2d orient,
+ typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::coordinate_type bloating) {
+ typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::interval_type ivl = get(rectangle, orient);
+ bloat(ivl, bloating);
+ set(rectangle, orient, ivl);
+ return rectangle;
+ }
+ struct y_r_bloat2 : gtl_yes {};
+ // bloat the Rectangle by bloating
+ template <typename rectangle_type>
+ typename enable_if<typename gtl_and<y_r_bloat2, typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ rectangle_type>::type &
+ bloat(rectangle_type& rectangle,
+ typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::coordinate_type bloating) {
+ bloat(rectangle, HORIZONTAL, bloating);
+ return bloat(rectangle, VERTICAL, bloating);
+ }
+ struct y_r_bloat3 : gtl_yes {};
+ // bloat the interval cooresponding to orient by bloating in dir direction
+ template <typename rectangle_type>
+ typename enable_if<typename gtl_and<y_r_bloat3, typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ rectangle_type>::type &
+ bloat(rectangle_type& rectangle, direction_2d dir,
+ typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::coordinate_type bloating) {
+ typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::interval_type ivl = get(rectangle, orientation_2d(dir));
+ bloat(ivl, direction_1d(dir), bloating);
+ set(rectangle, orientation_2d(dir), ivl);
+ return rectangle;
+ }
+ struct y_r_shrink : gtl_yes {};
+ // shrink the interval specified by orient by bloating
+ template <typename rectangle_type>
+ typename enable_if<typename gtl_and<y_r_shrink, typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ rectangle_type>::type &
+ shrink(rectangle_type& rectangle, orientation_2d orient,
+ typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::coordinate_type shrinking) {
+ return bloat(rectangle, orient, -shrinking);
+ }
+ struct y_r_shrink2 : gtl_yes {};
+ // shrink the Rectangle by bloating
+ template <typename rectangle_type>
+ typename enable_if<typename gtl_and<y_r_shrink2, typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ rectangle_type>::type &
+ shrink(rectangle_type& rectangle,
+ typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::coordinate_type shrinking) {
+ return bloat(rectangle, -shrinking);
+ }
+ struct y_r_shrink3 : gtl_yes {};
+ // shrink the interval cooresponding to orient by bloating in dir direction
+ template <typename rectangle_type>
+ typename enable_if<typename gtl_and<y_r_shrink3, typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ rectangle_type>::type &
+ shrink(rectangle_type& rectangle, direction_2d dir,
+ typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::coordinate_type shrinking) {
+ return bloat(rectangle, dir, -shrinking);
+ }
+ struct y_r_encompass : gtl_yes {};
+ // encompass interval on orient
+ template <typename rectangle_type, typename interval_type>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and_3<y_r_encompass, typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type,
+ typename is_interval_concept<typename geometry_concept<interval_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ bool>::type
+ encompass(rectangle_type& rectangle, const interval_type& b,
+ orientation_2d orient) {
+ typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::interval_type ivl = get(rectangle, orient);
+ if(encompass(ivl, b)) {
+ set(rectangle, orient, ivl);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ struct y_r_encompass2 : gtl_yes {};
+ // enlarge rectangle to encompass the Rectangle b
+ template <typename rectangle_type_1, typename rectangle_type_2>
+ bool
+ encompass(rectangle_type_1& rectangle, const rectangle_type_2& b,
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3<y_r_encompass2,
+ typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type_2>::type>::type >::type>::type * = 0
+ ) {
+ //note that operator | is intentional because both should be called regardless
+ return encompass(rectangle, horizontal(b), HORIZONTAL) |
+ encompass(rectangle, vertical(b), VERTICAL);
+ }
+ struct y_r_encompass3 : gtl_yes {};
+ // enlarge rectangle to encompass the point b
+ template <typename rectangle_type_1, typename point_type>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and_3<y_r_encompass3, typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename is_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ bool>::type
+ encompass(rectangle_type_1& rectangle, const point_type& b,
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and< typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename is_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type>::type>::type>::type>::type * = 0
+ ) {
+ typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type_1>::interval_type hivl, vivl;
+ hivl = horizontal(rectangle);
+ vivl = vertical(rectangle);
+ //note that operator | is intentional because both should be called regardless
+ bool retval = encompass(hivl, x(b)) | encompass(vivl, y(b));
+ if(retval) {
+ horizontal(rectangle, hivl);
+ vertical(rectangle, vivl);
+ }
+ return retval;
+ }
+ struct y_r_center : gtl_yes {};
+ // returns the center of the rectangle
+ template <typename point_type, typename rectangle_type>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and_3<y_r_center, typename is_mutable_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type>::type>::type,
+ typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ bool>::type
+ center(point_type& center_point, const rectangle_type& rectangle) {
+ center_point = construct<point_type>(center(horizontal(rectangle)),
+ center(vertical(rectangle)));
+ return true;
+ }
+ struct y_r_get_corner : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename point_type, typename rectangle_type>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and_3<y_r_get_corner, typename is_mutable_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type>::type>::type,
+ typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ bool>::type
+ get_corner(point_type& corner_point, const rectangle_type& rectangle, direction_2d direction_facing, direction_1d direction_turning) {
+ typedef typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ Unit u1 = get(rectangle, direction_facing);
+ Unit u2 = get(rectangle, direction_facing.turn(direction_turning));
+ if(orientation_2d(direction_facing).to_int()) std::swap(u1, u2);
+ corner_point = construct<point_type>(u1, u2);
+ return true;
+ }
+ struct y_r_get_half : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename rectangle_type>
+ typename enable_if<typename gtl_and<y_r_get_half, typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ rectangle_type>::type
+ get_half(const rectangle_type& rectangle, direction_2d dir) {
+ rectangle_type retval(rectangle);
+ set(retval, orientation_2d(dir), get_half(get(rectangle, orientation_2d(dir)), direction_1d(dir)));
+ return retval;
+ }
+ struct y_r_join_with : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename rectangle_type_1, typename rectangle_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3<y_r_join_with, typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ bool>::type
+ join_with(rectangle_type_1& rectangle, const rectangle_type_2& b) {
+ typedef typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type_1>::interval_type Interval1;
+ typedef typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type_2>::interval_type Interval2;
+ Interval1 hi1 = get(rectangle, HORIZONTAL);
+ Interval1 vi1 = get(rectangle, VERTICAL);
+ Interval2 hi2 = get(b, HORIZONTAL), vi2 = get(b, VERTICAL);
+ Interval1 temp;
+ if (equivalence(hi1, hi2) && join_with(vi1, vi2)) {
+ vertical(rectangle, vi1);
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (equivalence(vi1, vi2) && join_with(hi1, hi2)) {
+ horizontal(rectangle, hi1);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ struct y_r_eda2 : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename rectangle_type, typename point_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3<y_r_eda2,
+ typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type,
+ typename is_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ typename rectangle_difference_type<rectangle_type>::type>::type
+ euclidean_distance(const rectangle_type& lvalue, const point_type& rvalue, orientation_2d orient) {
+ return euclidean_distance(get(lvalue, orient), get(rvalue, orient));
+ }
+ struct y_r_eda : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename rectangle_type, typename rectangle_type_2>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and_3<y_r_eda,
+ typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type,
+ typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ typename rectangle_difference_type<rectangle_type>::type>::type
+ euclidean_distance(const rectangle_type& lvalue, const rectangle_type_2& rvalue, orientation_2d orient) {
+ return euclidean_distance(get(lvalue, orient), get(rvalue, orient));
+ }
+ struct y_r_sed : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename rectangle_type, typename point_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_if< typename gtl_and_3<y_r_sed,
+ typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type,
+ typename is_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type>::type>::type>::type>::type,
+ typename rectangle_difference_type<rectangle_type>::type>::type
+ square_euclidean_distance(rectangle_type& lvalue, const point_type& rvalue) {
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::coordinate_type>::coordinate_difference xdist, ydist;
+ xdist = euclidean_distance(lvalue, rvalue, HORIZONTAL);
+ ydist = euclidean_distance(lvalue, rvalue, VERTICAL);
+ return (xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist);
+ }
+ struct y_r_sed2 : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename rectangle_type, typename rectangle_type_2>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and_3<y_r_sed2, typename is_rectangle_concept< typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type,
+ typename is_rectangle_concept< typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ typename rectangle_difference_type<rectangle_type>::type>::type
+ square_euclidean_distance(const rectangle_type& lvalue, const rectangle_type_2& rvalue) {
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::coordinate_type>::coordinate_difference xdist, ydist;
+ xdist = euclidean_distance(lvalue, rvalue, HORIZONTAL);
+ ydist = euclidean_distance(lvalue, rvalue, VERTICAL);
+ return (xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist);
+ }
+ struct y_r_edist : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename rectangle_type, typename point_type>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3<y_r_edist, typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type,
+ typename is_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ typename rectangle_distance_type<rectangle_type>::type>::type
+ euclidean_distance(rectangle_type& lvalue, const point_type& rvalue) {
+ return sqrt((double)
+ (square_euclidean_distance(lvalue, rvalue)));
+ }
+ struct y_r_edist2 : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename rectangle_type, typename rectangle_type_2>
+ typename enable_if< typename gtl_and_3<y_r_edist2, typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type,
+ typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ typename rectangle_distance_type<rectangle_type>::type>::type
+ euclidean_distance(const rectangle_type& lvalue, const rectangle_type_2& rvalue) {
+ double val = (int)square_euclidean_distance(lvalue, rvalue);
+ return sqrt(val);
+ }
+ struct y_r_mdist : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename rectangle_type, typename point_type>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and_3<y_r_mdist, typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type,
+ typename is_point_concept<typename geometry_concept<point_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ typename rectangle_difference_type<rectangle_type>::type>::type
+ manhattan_distance(rectangle_type& lvalue, const point_type& rvalue) {
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::coordinate_type>::coordinate_difference xdist, ydist;
+ xdist = euclidean_distance(lvalue, rvalue, HORIZONTAL);
+ ydist = euclidean_distance(lvalue, rvalue, VERTICAL);
+ return xdist + ydist;
+ }
+ struct y_r_mdist2 : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename rectangle_type, typename rectangle_type_2>
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and_3<y_r_mdist2, typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type,
+ typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ typename rectangle_difference_type<rectangle_type>::type>::type
+ manhattan_distance(const rectangle_type& lvalue, const rectangle_type_2& rvalue) {
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::coordinate_type>::coordinate_difference xdist, ydist;
+ xdist = euclidean_distance(lvalue, rvalue, HORIZONTAL);
+ ydist = euclidean_distance(lvalue, rvalue, VERTICAL);
+ return xdist + ydist;
+ }
+ struct y_r_scale_up : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename rectangle_type>
+ typename enable_if<typename gtl_and<y_r_scale_up, typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ rectangle_type>::type &
+ scale_up(rectangle_type& rectangle,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type factor) {
+ horizontal(rectangle, scale_up(horizontal(rectangle), factor));
+ vertical(rectangle, scale_up(vertical(rectangle), factor));
+ return rectangle;
+ }
+ struct y_r_scale_down : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename rectangle_type>
+ typename enable_if<typename gtl_and<y_r_scale_down, typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ rectangle_type>::type &
+ scale_down(rectangle_type& rectangle,
+ typename coordinate_traits<typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::coordinate_type>::unsigned_area_type factor) {
+ horizontal(rectangle, scale_down(horizontal(rectangle), factor));
+ vertical(rectangle, scale_down(vertical(rectangle), factor));
+ return rectangle;
+ }
+ struct y_r_scale : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename rectangle_type, typename scaling_type>
+ typename enable_if<typename gtl_and<y_r_scale, typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ rectangle_type>::type &
+ scale(rectangle_type& rectangle, const scaling_type& scaling) {
+ point_data<typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::coordinate_type> llp(xl(rectangle), yl(rectangle));
+ point_data<typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::coordinate_type> urp(xl(rectangle), yl(rectangle));
+ scale(llp, scaling);
+ scale(urp, scaling);
+ set_points(rectangle, llp, urp);
+ return rectangle;
+ }
+ struct y_r_transform : gtl_yes {};
+ template <typename rectangle_type, typename transformation_type>
+ typename enable_if<typename gtl_and<y_r_transform, typename is_mutable_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type>::type>::type>::type,
+ rectangle_type>::type &
+ transform(rectangle_type& rectangle, const transformation_type& transformation) {
+ point_data<typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::coordinate_type> llp(xl(rectangle), yl(rectangle));
+ point_data<typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type>::coordinate_type> urp(xh(rectangle), yh(rectangle));
+ transform(llp, transformation);
+ transform(urp, transformation);
+ set_points(rectangle, llp, urp);
+ return rectangle;
+ }
+ template <typename rectangle_type_1, typename rectangle_type_2>
+ class less_rectangle_concept {
+ private:
+ orientation_2d orient_;
+ public:
+ inline less_rectangle_concept(orientation_2d orient = VERTICAL) : orient_(orient) {}
+ typename enable_if<
+ typename gtl_and< typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type_1>::type>::type,
+ typename is_rectangle_concept<typename geometry_concept<rectangle_type_2>::type>::type>::type,
+ bool>::type
+ operator () (const rectangle_type_1& a,
+ const rectangle_type_2& b) const {
+ typedef typename rectangle_traits<rectangle_type_1>::coordinate_type Unit;
+ Unit vl1 = get(get(a, orient_), LOW);
+ Unit vl2 = get(get(b, orient_), LOW);
+ if(vl1 > vl2) return false;
+ if(vl1 == vl2) {
+ orientation_2d perp = orient_.get_perpendicular();
+ Unit hl1 = get(get(a, perp), LOW);
+ Unit hl2 = get(get(b, perp), LOW);
+ if(hl1 > hl2) return false;
+ if(hl1 == hl2) {
+ Unit vh1 = get(get(a, orient_), HIGH);
+ Unit vh2 = get(get(b, orient_), HIGH);
+ if(vh1 > vh2) return false;
+ if(vh1 == vh2) {
+ Unit hh1 = get(get(a, perp), HIGH);
+ Unit hh2 = get(get(b, perp), HIGH);
+ return hh1 < hh2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ template <typename interval_type_1>
+ inline void rectangle_data<T>::set(orientation_2d orient, const interval_type_1& interval) {
+ assign(ranges_[orient.to_int()], interval);
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ template <class T2>
+ rectangle_data<T>& rectangle_data<T>::operator=(const T2& rvalue) {
+ assign(*this, rvalue);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ template <class T2>
+ bool rectangle_data<T>::operator==(const T2& rvalue) const {
+ return equivalence(*this, rvalue);
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ struct geometry_concept<rectangle_data<T> > {
+ typedef rectangle_concept type;
+ };
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/rectangle_data.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/rectangle_data.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+#include "isotropy.hpp"
+#include "interval_data.hpp"
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+template <typename T>
+class rectangle_data {
+ typedef T coordinate_type;
+ typedef interval_data<T> interval_type;
+ inline rectangle_data():ranges_() {}
+ inline rectangle_data(T xl, T yl, T xh, T yh):ranges_() {
+ if(xl > xh) std::swap(xl, xh);
+ if(yl > yh) std::swap(yl, yh);
+ ranges_[HORIZONTAL] = interval_data<T>(xl, xh);
+ ranges_[VERTICAL] = interval_data<T>(yl, yh);
+ }
+ template <typename interval_type_1, typename interval_type_2>
+ inline rectangle_data(const interval_type_1& hrange,
+ const interval_type_2& vrange):ranges_() {
+ set(HORIZONTAL, hrange); set(VERTICAL, vrange); }
+ inline rectangle_data(const rectangle_data& that):ranges_() { (*this) = that; }
+ inline rectangle_data& operator=(const rectangle_data& that) {
+ ranges_[0] = that.ranges_[0]; ranges_[1] = that.ranges_[1]; return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename T2>
+ inline rectangle_data& operator=(const T2& rvalue);
+ template <typename T2>
+ inline bool operator==(const T2& rvalue) const;
+ template <typename T2>
+ inline bool operator!=(const T2& rvalue) const { return !((*this) == rvalue); }
+ inline interval_data<coordinate_type> get(orientation_2d orient) const {
+ return ranges_[orient.to_int()]; }
+ inline coordinate_type get(direction_2d dir) const {
+ return ranges_[orientation_2d(dir).to_int()].get(direction_1d(dir));
+ }
+ inline void set(direction_2d dir, coordinate_type value) {
+ return ranges_[orientation_2d(dir).to_int()].set(direction_1d(dir), value);
+ }
+ template <typename interval_type_1>
+ inline void set(orientation_2d orient, const interval_type_1& interval);
+ interval_data<coordinate_type> ranges_[2];
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/rectangle_traits.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/rectangle_traits.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+ template <typename T, typename enable = gtl_yes>
+ struct rectangle_traits {};
+ template <typename T>
+ struct rectangle_traits<T, gtl_no> {};
+ template <typename T>
+ struct rectangle_traits<T, typename gtl_same_type<typename T::interval_type, typename T::interval_type>::type> {
+ typedef typename T::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
+ typedef typename T::interval_type interval_type;
+ static inline interval_type get(const T& rectangle, orientation_2d orient) {
+ return rectangle.get(orient); }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ struct rectangle_mutable_traits {
+ template <typename T2>
+ static inline void set(T& rectangle, orientation_2d orient, const T2& interval) {
+ rectangle.set(orient, interval); }
+ template <typename T2, typename T3>
+ static inline T construct(const T2& interval_horizontal,
+ const T3& interval_vertical) {
+ return T(interval_horizontal, interval_vertical); }
+ };
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/transform.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/transform.hpp 2010-05-27 18:51:27 EDT (Thu, 27 May 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
+ Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+#include "isotropy.hpp"
+#include "point_3d_concept.hpp"
+namespace boost { namespace polygon{
+// Transformation of Coordinate Systems
+// Enum meaning:
+// Select which direction_3d to change the positive direction of each
+// axis in the old coordinate system to map it to the new coordiante system.
+// The first direction_3d listed for each enum is the direction to map the
+// positive horizontal direction to.
+// The second direction_3d listed for each enum is the direction to map the
+// positive vertical direction to.
+// The third direction_3d listed for each enum is the direction to map the
+// positive proximal direction to.
+// The zero position bit (LSB) indicates whether the horizontal axis flips
+// when transformed.
+// The 1st postion bit indicates whether the vertical axis flips when
+// transformed.
+// The 2nd position bit indicates whether the horizontal and vertical axis
+// swap positions when transformed.
+// Note that the first eight values are the complete set of 2D transforms.
+// The 3rd position bit indicates whether the proximal axis flips when
+// transformed.
+// The 4th position bit indicates whether the proximal and horizontal axis are
+// swapped when transformed. It changes the meaning of the 2nd position bit
+// to mean that the horizontal and vertical axis are swapped in their new
+// positions, naturally.
+// The 5th position bit (MSB) indicates whether the proximal and vertical axis
+// are swapped when transformed. It is mutually exclusive with the 4th postion
+// bit, making the maximum legal value 48 (decimal). It similarly changes the
+// meaning of the 2nd position bit to mean that the horizontal and vertical are
+// swapped in their new positions.
+// Enum Values:
+// 000000 EAST NORTH UP
+// 000001 WEST NORTH UP
+// 000010 EAST SOUTH UP
+// 000011 WEST SOUTH UP
+// 000100 NORTH EAST UP
+// 000101 SOUTH EAST UP
+// 000110 NORTH WEST UP
+// 000111 SOUTH WEST UP
+// 001000 EAST NORTH DOWN
+// 001001 WEST NORTH DOWN
+// 001010 EAST SOUTH DOWN
+// 001011 WEST SOUTH DOWN
+// 001100 NORTH EAST DOWN
+// 001101 SOUTH EAST DOWN
+// 001110 NORTH WEST DOWN
+// 001111 SOUTH WEST DOWN
+// 010000 UP NORTH EAST
+// 010001 DOWN NORTH EAST
+// 010010 UP SOUTH EAST
+// 010011 DOWN SOUTH EAST
+// 010100 NORTH UP EAST
+// 010101 SOUTH UP EAST
+// 010110 NORTH DOWN EAST
+// 010111 SOUTH DOWN EAST
+// 011000 UP NORTH WEST
+// 011001 DOWN NORTH WEST
+// 011010 UP SOUTH WEST
+// 011011 DOWN SOUTH WEST
+// 011100 NORTH UP WEST
+// 011101 SOUTH UP WEST
+// 011110 NORTH DOWN WEST
+// 011111 SOUTH DOWN WEST
+// 100000 EAST UP NORTH
+// 100001 WEST UP NORTH
+// 100010 EAST DOWN NORTH
+// 100011 WEST DOWN NORTH
+// 100100 UP EAST NORTH
+// 100101 DOWN EAST NORTH
+// 100110 UP WEST NORTH
+// 100111 DOWN WEST NORTH
+// 101000 EAST UP SOUTH
+// 101001 WEST UP SOUTH
+// 101010 EAST DOWN SOUTH
+// 101011 WEST DOWN SOUTH
+// 101100 UP EAST SOUTH
+// 101101 DOWN EAST SOUTH
+// 101110 UP WEST SOUTH
+// 101111 DOWN WEST SOUTH
+class axis_transformation {
+ // Enum Names and values
+ // ENU = 0, EAST_NORTH_UP = 0, EN = 0, EAST_NORTH = 0,
+ // WNU = 1, WEST_NORTH_UP = 1, WN = 1, WEST_NORTH = 1, FLIP_X = 1,
+ // ESU = 2, EAST_SOUTH_UP = 2, ES = 2, EAST_SOUTH = 2, FLIP_Y = 2,
+ // WSU = 3, WEST_SOUTH_UP = 3, WS = 3, WEST_SOUTH = 3,
+ // NEU = 4, NORTH_EAST_UP = 4, NE = 4, NORTH_EAST = 4, SWAP_XY = 4,
+ // SEU = 5, SOUTH_EAST_UP = 5, SE = 5, SOUTH_EAST = 5,
+ // NWU = 6, NORTH_WEST_UP = 6, NW = 6, NORTH_WEST = 6,
+ // SWU = 7, SOUTH_WEST_UP = 7, SW = 7, SOUTH_WEST = 7,
+ // END_2D_TRANSFORM = 7,
+ // END = 8, EAST_NORTH_DOWN = 8,
+ // WND = 9, WEST_NORTH_DOWN = 9,
+ // ESD = 10, EAST_SOUTH_DOWN = 10,
+ // WSD = 11, WEST_SOUTH_DOWN = 11,
+ // NED = 12, NORTH_EAST_DOWN = 12,
+ // SED = 13, SOUTH_EAST_DOWN = 13,
+ // NWD = 14, NORTH_WEST_DOWN = 14,
+ // SWD = 15, SOUTH_WEST_DOWN = 15,
+ // UNE = 16, UP_NORTH_EAST = 16,
+ // DNE = 17, DOWN_NORTH_EAST = 17,
+ // USE = 18, UP_SOUTH_EAST = 18,
+ // DSE = 19, DOWN_SOUTH_EAST = 19,
+ // NUE = 20, NORTH_UP_EAST = 20,
+ // SUE = 21, SOUTH_UP_EAST = 21,
+ // NDE = 22, NORTH_DOWN_EAST = 22,
+ // SDE = 23, SOUTH_DOWN_EAST = 23,
+ // UNW = 24, UP_NORTH_WEST = 24,
+ // DNW = 25, DOWN_NORTH_WEST = 25,
+ // USW = 26, UP_SOUTH_WEST = 26,
+ // DSW = 27, DOWN_SOUTH_WEST = 27,
+ // NUW = 28, NORTH_UP_WEST = 28,
+ // SUW = 29, SOUTH_UP_WEST = 29,
+ // NDW = 30, NORTH_DOWN_WEST = 30,
+ // SDW = 31, SOUTH_DOWN_WEST = 31,
+ // EUN = 32, EAST_UP_NORTH = 32,
+ // WUN = 33, WEST_UP_NORTH = 33,
+ // EDN = 34, EAST_DOWN_NORTH = 34,
+ // WDN = 35, WEST_DOWN_NORTH = 35,
+ // UEN = 36, UP_EAST_NORTH = 36,
+ // DEN = 37, DOWN_EAST_NORTH = 37,
+ // UWN = 38, UP_WEST_NORTH = 38,
+ // DWN = 39, DOWN_WEST_NORTH = 39,
+ // EUS = 40, EAST_UP_SOUTH = 40,
+ // WUS = 41, WEST_UP_SOUTH = 41,
+ // EDS = 42, EAST_DOWN_SOUTH = 42,
+ // WDS = 43, WEST_DOWN_SOUTH = 43,
+ // UES = 44, UP_EAST_SOUTH = 44,
+ // DES = 45, DOWN_EAST_SOUTH = 45,
+ // UWS = 46, UP_WEST_SOUTH = 46,
+ enum ATR {
+ ENU = 0, EAST_NORTH_UP = 0, EN = 0, EAST_NORTH = 0,
+ WNU = 1, WEST_NORTH_UP = 1, WN = 1, WEST_NORTH = 1, FLIP_X = 1,
+ ESU = 2, EAST_SOUTH_UP = 2, ES = 2, EAST_SOUTH = 2, FLIP_Y = 2,
+ WSU = 3, WEST_SOUTH_UP = 3, WS = 3, WEST_SOUTH = 3, FLIP_XY = 3,
+ NEU = 4, NORTH_EAST_UP = 4, NE = 4, NORTH_EAST = 4, SWAP_XY = 4,
+ SEU = 5, SOUTH_EAST_UP = 5, SE = 5, SOUTH_EAST = 5, ROTATE_LEFT = 5,
+ END = 8, EAST_NORTH_DOWN = 8, FLIP_Z = 8,
+ ESD = 10, EAST_SOUTH_DOWN = 10,
+ WSD = 11, WEST_SOUTH_DOWN = 11,
+ NED = 12, NORTH_EAST_DOWN = 12,
+ SED = 13, SOUTH_EAST_DOWN = 13,
+ NWD = 14, NORTH_WEST_DOWN = 14,
+ SWD = 15, SOUTH_WEST_DOWN = 15,
+ UNE = 16, UP_NORTH_EAST = 16,
+ DNE = 17, DOWN_NORTH_EAST = 17,
+ USE = 18, UP_SOUTH_EAST = 18,
+ DSE = 19, DOWN_SOUTH_EAST = 19,
+ NUE = 20, NORTH_UP_EAST = 20,
+ SUE = 21, SOUTH_UP_EAST = 21,
+ NDE = 22, NORTH_DOWN_EAST = 22,
+ SDE = 23, SOUTH_DOWN_EAST = 23,
+ UNW = 24, UP_NORTH_WEST = 24,
+ DNW = 25, DOWN_NORTH_WEST = 25,
+ USW = 26, UP_SOUTH_WEST = 26,
+ DSW = 27, DOWN_SOUTH_WEST = 27,
+ NUW = 28, NORTH_UP_WEST = 28,
+ SUW = 29, SOUTH_UP_WEST = 29,
+ NDW = 30, NORTH_DOWN_WEST = 30,
+ SDW = 31, SOUTH_DOWN_WEST = 31,
+ EUN = 32, EAST_UP_NORTH = 32,
+ WUN = 33, WEST_UP_NORTH = 33,
+ EDN = 34, EAST_DOWN_NORTH = 34,
+ WDN = 35, WEST_DOWN_NORTH = 35,
+ UEN = 36, UP_EAST_NORTH = 36,
+ DEN = 37, DOWN_EAST_NORTH = 37,
+ UWN = 38, UP_WEST_NORTH = 38,
+ DWN = 39, DOWN_WEST_NORTH = 39,
+ EUS = 40, EAST_UP_SOUTH = 40,
+ WUS = 41, WEST_UP_SOUTH = 41,
+ EDS = 42, EAST_DOWN_SOUTH = 42,
+ WDS = 43, WEST_DOWN_SOUTH = 43,
+ UES = 44, UP_EAST_SOUTH = 44,
+ DES = 45, DOWN_EAST_SOUTH = 45,
+ UWS = 46, UP_WEST_SOUTH = 46,
+ };
+ // Individual axis enum values indicate which axis an implicit individual
+ // axis will be mapped to.
+ // The value of the enum paired with an axis provides the information
+ // about what the axis will transform to.
+ // Three individual axis values, one for each axis, are equivalent to one
+ // ATR enum value, but easier to work with because they are independent.
+ // Converting to and from the individual axis values from the ATR value
+ // is a convenient way to implement tranformation related functionality.
+ // Enum meanings:
+ // PX: map to positive x axis
+ // NX: map to negative x axis
+ // PY: map to positive y axis
+ // NY: map to negative y axis
+ // PZ: map to positive z axis
+ // NZ: map to negative z axis
+ PX = 0,
+ NX = 1,
+ PY = 2,
+ NY = 3,
+ PZ = 4,
+ NZ = 5
+ };
+ inline axis_transformation() : atr_(NULL_TRANSFORM) {}
+ inline axis_transformation(ATR atr) : atr_(atr) {}
+ inline axis_transformation(const axis_transformation& atr) : atr_(atr.atr_) {}
+ explicit axis_transformation(const orientation_3d& orient);
+ explicit axis_transformation(const direction_3d& dir);
+ explicit axis_transformation(const orientation_2d& orient);
+ explicit axis_transformation(const direction_2d& dir);
+ // assignment operator
+ axis_transformation& operator=(const axis_transformation& a);
+ // assignment operator
+ axis_transformation& operator=(const ATR& atr);
+ // equivalence operator
+ bool operator==(const axis_transformation& a) const;
+ // inequivalence operator
+ bool operator!=(const axis_transformation& a) const;
+ // ordering
+ bool operator<(const axis_transformation& a) const;
+ // concatenation operator
+ axis_transformation operator+(const axis_transformation& a) const;
+ // concatenate this with that
+ axis_transformation& operator+=(const axis_transformation& a);
+ // populate_axis_array writes the three INDIVIDUAL_AXIS values that the
+ // ATR enum value of 'this' represent into axis_array
+ void populate_axis_array(INDIVIDUAL_AXIS axis_array[]) const;
+ // it is recommended that the directions stored in an array
+ // in the caller code for easier isotropic access by orientation value
+ inline void get_directions(direction_2d& horizontal_dir,
+ direction_2d& vertical_dir) const {
+ bool bit2 = (atr_ & 4) != 0;
+ bool bit1 = (atr_ & 2) != 0;
+ bool bit0 = (atr_ & 1) != 0;
+ vertical_dir = direction_2d((direction_2d_enum)(((int)(!bit2) << 1) + !bit1));
+ horizontal_dir = direction_2d((direction_2d_enum)(((int)(bit2) << 1) + !bit0));
+ }
+ // it is recommended that the directions stored in an array
+ // in the caller code for easier isotropic access by orientation value
+ inline void get_directions(direction_3d& horizontal_dir,
+ direction_3d& vertical_dir,
+ direction_3d& proximal_dir) const {
+ bool bit5 = (atr_ & 32) != 0;
+ bool bit4 = (atr_ & 16) != 0;
+ bool bit3 = (atr_ & 8) != 0;
+ bool bit2 = (atr_ & 4) != 0;
+ bool bit1 = (atr_ & 2) != 0;
+ bool bit0 = (atr_ & 1) != 0;
+ proximal_dir = direction_3d((direction_2d_enum)((((int)(!bit4 & !bit5)) << 2) +
+ ((int)(bit5) << 1) +
+ !bit3));
+ vertical_dir = direction_3d((direction_2d_enum)((((int)((bit4 & bit2) | (bit5 & !bit2))) << 2)+
+ ((int)(!bit5 & !bit2) << 1) +
+ !bit1));
+ horizontal_dir = direction_3d((direction_2d_enum)((((int)((bit5 & bit2) |
+ (bit4 & !bit2))) << 2) +
+ ((int)(bit2 & !bit5) << 1) +
+ !bit0));
+ }
+ // combine_axis_arrays concatenates this_array and that_array overwriting
+ // the result into this_array
+ static void combine_axis_arrays (INDIVIDUAL_AXIS this_array[],
+ const INDIVIDUAL_AXIS that_array[]);
+ // write_back_axis_array converts an array of three INDIVIDUAL_AXIS values
+ // to the ATR enum value and sets 'this' to that value
+ void write_back_axis_array(const INDIVIDUAL_AXIS this_array[]);
+ // behavior is deterministic but undefined in the case where illegal
+ // combinations of directions are passed in.
+ axis_transformation& set_directions(const direction_2d& horizontal_dir,
+ const direction_2d& vertical_dir);
+ // behavior is deterministic but undefined in the case where illegal
+ // combinations of directions are passed in.
+ axis_transformation& set_directions(const direction_3d& horizontal_dir,
+ const direction_3d& vertical_dir,
+ const direction_3d& proximal_dir);
+ // transform the two coordinates by reference using the 2D portion of this
+ template <typename coordinate_type>
+ void transform(coordinate_type& x, coordinate_type& y) const;
+ // transform the three coordinates by reference
+ template <typename coordinate_type>
+ void transform(coordinate_type& x, coordinate_type& y, coordinate_type& z) const;
+ // invert the 2D portion of this
+ axis_transformation& invert_2d();
+ // get the inverse of the 2D portion of this
+ axis_transformation inverse_2d() const;
+ // invert this axis_transformation
+ axis_transformation& invert();
+ // get the inverse axis_transformation of this
+ axis_transformation inverse() const;
+ //friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& o, const axis_transformation& r);
+ //friend std::istream& operator>> (std::istream& i, axis_transformation& r);
+ ATR atr_;
+// Scaling object to be used to store the scale factor for each axis
+// For use by the transformation object, in that context the scale factor
+// is the amount that each axis scales by when transformed.
+// If the horizontal value of the Scale is 10 that means the horizontal
+// axis of the input is multiplied by 10 when the transformation is applied.
+template <typename scale_factor_type>
+class anisotropic_scale_factor {
+ inline anisotropic_scale_factor()
+ : scale_()
+ {
+ scale_[0] = 1;
+ scale_[1] = 1;
+ scale_[2] = 1;
+ }
+ inline anisotropic_scale_factor(scale_factor_type xscale, scale_factor_type yscale)
+ : scale_()
+ {
+ scale_[0] = xscale;
+ scale_[1] = yscale;
+ scale_[2] = 1;
+ }
+ inline anisotropic_scale_factor(scale_factor_type xscale, scale_factor_type yscale, scale_factor_type zscale)
+ : scale_()
+ {
+ scale_[0] = xscale;
+ scale_[1] = yscale;
+ scale_[2] = zscale;
+ }
+ // get a component of the anisotropic_scale_factor by orientation
+ scale_factor_type get(orientation_3d orient) const;
+ scale_factor_type get(orientation_2d orient) const { return get(orientation_3d(orient)); }
+ // set a component of the anisotropic_scale_factor by orientation
+ void set(orientation_3d orient, scale_factor_type value);
+ void set(orientation_2d orient, scale_factor_type value) { set(orientation_3d(orient), value); }
+ scale_factor_type x() const;
+ scale_factor_type y() const;
+ scale_factor_type z() const;
+ void x(scale_factor_type value);
+ void y(scale_factor_type value);
+ void z(scale_factor_type value);
+ // concatination operator (convolve scale factors)
+ anisotropic_scale_factor operator+(const anisotropic_scale_factor& s) const;
+ // concatinate this with that
+ const anisotropic_scale_factor& operator+=(const anisotropic_scale_factor& s);
+ // transform this scale with an axis_transform
+ anisotropic_scale_factor& transform(axis_transformation atr);
+ // scale the two coordinates
+ template <typename coordinate_type>
+ void scale(coordinate_type& x, coordinate_type& y) const;
+ // scale the three coordinates
+ template <typename coordinate_type>
+ void scale(coordinate_type& x, coordinate_type& y, coordinate_type& z) const;
+ // invert this scale factor to give the reverse scale factor
+ anisotropic_scale_factor& invert();
+ scale_factor_type scale_[3];
+ //friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& o, const Scale& r);
+ //friend std::istream& operator>> (std::istream& i, Scale& r);
+// Transformation object, stores and provides services for transformations
+// Transformation object stores an axistransformation, a scale factor and a translation.
+// The tranlation is the position of the origin of the new system of coordinates in the old system.
+// The scale scales the coordinates before they are transformed.
+template <typename coordinate_type>
+class transformation {
+ transformation();
+ transformation(axis_transformation atr);
+ transformation(axis_transformation::ATR atr);
+ template <typename point_type>
+ transformation(const point_type& p);
+ template <typename point_type>
+ transformation(axis_transformation atr, const point_type& p);
+ template <typename point_type>
+ transformation(axis_transformation atr, const point_type& referencePt, const point_type& destinationPt);
+ transformation(const transformation& tr);
+ // equivalence operator
+ bool operator==(const transformation& tr) const;
+ // inequivalence operator
+ bool operator!=(const transformation& tr) const;
+ // ordering
+ bool operator<(const transformation& tr) const;
+ // concatenation operator
+ transformation operator+(const transformation& tr) const;
+ // concatenate this with that
+ const transformation& operator+=(const transformation& tr);
+ // get the axis_transformation portion of this
+ inline axis_transformation get_axis_transformation() const {return atr_;}
+ // set the axis_transformation portion of this
+ void set_axis_transformation(const axis_transformation& atr);
+ // get the translation portion of this as a point3d
+ template <typename point_type>
+ void get_translation(point_type& translation) const;
+ // set the translation portion of this with a point3d
+ template <typename point_type>
+ void set_translation(const point_type& p);
+ // apply the 2D portion of this transformation to the two coordinates given
+ void transform(coordinate_type& x, coordinate_type& y) const;
+ // apply this transformation to the three coordinates given
+ void transform(coordinate_type& x, coordinate_type& y, coordinate_type& z) const;
+ // invert this transformation
+ transformation& invert();
+ // get the inverse of this transformation
+ transformation inverse() const;
+ inline void get_directions(direction_2d& horizontal_dir,
+ direction_2d& vertical_dir) const {
+ return atr_.get_directions(horizontal_dir, vertical_dir); }
+ inline void get_directions(direction_3d& horizontal_dir,
+ direction_3d& vertical_dir,
+ direction_3d& proximal_dir) const {
+ return atr_.get_directions(horizontal_dir, vertical_dir, proximal_dir); }
+ axis_transformation atr_;
+ point_3d_data<coordinate_type> p_;
+ template <typename point_type>
+ void construct_dispatch(axis_transformation atr, point_type p, point_concept tag);
+ template <typename point_type>
+ void construct_dispatch(axis_transformation atr, point_type p, point_3d_concept tag);
+ template <typename point_type>
+ void construct_dispatch(axis_transformation atr, point_type rp, point_type dp, point_concept tag);
+ template <typename point_type>
+ void construct_dispatch(axis_transformation atr, point_type rp, point_type dp, point_3d_concept tag);
+ //friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& o, const transformation& tr);
+ //friend std::istream& operator>> (std::istream& i, transformation& tr);
+#include "detail/transform_detail.hpp"
Boost-Commit list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk