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Boost-Commit : |
Subject: [Boost-commit] svn:boost r62653 - in branches/filesystem3: boost/filesystem boost/filesystem/v2 boost/filesystem/v3 libs/filesystem libs/filesystem/build libs/filesystem/doc libs/filesystem/example libs/filesystem/src libs/filesystem/test libs/filesystem/v2 libs/filesystem/v2/build libs/filesystem/v2/doc libs/filesystem/v2/example libs/filesystem/v2/src libs/filesystem/v2/test libs/filesystem/v3 libs/filesystem/v3/boost/filesystem libs/filesystem/v3/build libs/filesystem/v3/doc libs/filesystem/v3/example libs/filesystem/v3/libs/filesystem libs/filesystem/v3/libs/filesystem/build libs/filesystem/v3/libs/filesystem/doc libs/filesystem/v3/libs/filesystem/example libs/filesystem/v3/libs/filesystem/src libs/filesystem/v3/libs/filesystem/test libs/filesystem/v3/src libs/filesystem/v3/test
From: bdawes_at_[hidden]
Date: 2010-06-09 09:00:19
Author: bemandawes
Date: 2010-06-09 09:00:15 EDT (Wed, 09 Jun 2010)
New Revision: 62653
URL: http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/62653
Move files into new v2 + v3 directory structure
- copied unchanged from r62650, /branches/filesystem3/boost/filesystem/config.hpp
- copied unchanged from r62650, /branches/filesystem3/boost/filesystem/convenience.hpp
- copied unchanged from r62650, /branches/filesystem3/boost/filesystem/exception.hpp
- copied unchanged from r62650, /branches/filesystem3/boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp
- copied unchanged from r62650, /branches/filesystem3/boost/filesystem/operations.hpp
- copied unchanged from r62650, /branches/filesystem3/boost/filesystem/path.hpp
- copied unchanged from r62650, /branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/v3/boost/filesystem/config.hpp
- copied unchanged from r62650, /branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/v3/boost/filesystem/convenience.hpp
- copied unchanged from r62650, /branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/v3/boost/filesystem/exception.hpp
- copied unchanged from r62650, /branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/v3/boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp
- copied unchanged from r62650, /branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/v3/boost/filesystem/operations.hpp
- copied unchanged from r62650, /branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/v3/boost/filesystem/path.hpp
- copied unchanged from r62650, /branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/v3/boost/filesystem/path_traits.hpp
- copied from r62650, /branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/build/
- copied from r62650, /branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/doc/
- copied from r62650, /branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/example/
- copied from r62650, /branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/src/
- copied from r62650, /branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/test/
- copied from r62650, /branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/v3/libs/filesystem/build/
- copied from r62650, /branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/v3/libs/filesystem/doc/
- copied from r62650, /branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/v3/libs/filesystem/example/
- copied unchanged from r62650, /branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/v3/libs/filesystem/index.html
- copied from r62650, /branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/v3/libs/filesystem/src/
- copied from r62650, /branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/v3/libs/filesystem/test/
Deleted: branches/filesystem3/boost/filesystem/config.hpp
--- branches/filesystem3/boost/filesystem/config.hpp 2010-06-09 09:00:15 EDT (Wed, 09 Jun 2010)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-// boost/filesystem/config.hpp ---------------------------------------------//
-// Copyright Beman Dawes 2003
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
-// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-// See library home page at http://www.boost.org/libs/filesystem
-#define BOOST_FILESYSTEM_I18N // aid users wishing to compile several versions
-// ability to change namespace aids path_table.cpp ------------------------//
-#include <boost/config.hpp>
-#include <boost/system/api_config.hpp> // for BOOST_POSIX_API or BOOST_WINDOWS_API
-#include <boost/detail/workaround.hpp>
-// BOOST_POSIX_PATH or BOOST_WINDOWS_PATH specify which path syntax to recognise
-# if defined(BOOST_WINDOWS_API) && defined(BOOST_POSIX_PATH)
-# error builds with Windows API do not support BOOST_POSIX_PATH
-# endif
-# if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) && defined(BOOST_WINDOWS_PATH)
-# error builds on non-Windows platforms do not support BOOST_WINDOWS_PATH
-# endif
-# if defined(BOOST_WINDOWS_PATH) && defined(BOOST_POSIX_PATH)
-# error both BOOST_WINDOWS_PATH and BOOST_POSIX_PATH are defined
-# elif !defined(BOOST_WINDOWS_PATH) && !defined(BOOST_POSIX_PATH)
-# if !defined(BOOST_POSIX_PATH) && (defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__))
-# else
-# endif
-# endif
-// narrow support only for badly broken compilers or libraries -------------//
-# endif
-// This header implements separate compilation features as described in
-// http://www.boost.org/more/separate_compilation.html
-// enable dynamic linking ---------------------------------------------------//
-# else
-# endif
-// enable automatic library variant selection ------------------------------//
-// Set the name of our library, this will get undef'ed by auto_link.hpp
-// once it's done with it:
-#define BOOST_LIB_NAME boost_filesystem
-// If we're importing code from a dll, then tell auto_link.hpp about it:
-# define BOOST_DYN_LINK
-// And include the header that does the work:
-#include <boost/config/auto_link.hpp>
-#endif // auto-linking disabled
Deleted: branches/filesystem3/boost/filesystem/convenience.hpp
--- branches/filesystem3/boost/filesystem/convenience.hpp 2010-06-09 09:00:15 EDT (Wed, 09 Jun 2010)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
-// boost/filesystem/convenience.hpp ----------------------------------------//
-// Copyright Beman Dawes, 2002-2005
-// Copyright Vladimir Prus, 2002
-// Use, modification, and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
-// License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-// See library home page at http://www.boost.org/libs/filesystem
-#include <boost/filesystem/operations.hpp>
-#include <boost/system/error_code.hpp>
-#include <vector>
-#include <stack>
-#include <boost/config/abi_prefix.hpp> // must be the last #include
- template<class Path> typename boost::enable_if<is_basic_path<Path>, \
- BOOST_FS_TYPE>::type
-# define BOOST_FS_FUNC_STRING BOOST_FS_FUNC(typename Path::string_type)
-# define BOOST_FS_TYPENAME typename
-# else
- typedef boost::filesystem::path Path;
-# define BOOST_FS_FUNC_STRING inline std::string
-# endif
-namespace boost
- namespace filesystem
- {
- BOOST_FS_FUNC(bool) create_directories(const Path& ph)
- {
- if (ph.empty() || exists(ph))
- {
- if ( !ph.empty() && !is_directory(ph) )
- boost::throw_exception( basic_filesystem_error<Path>(
- "boost::filesystem::create_directories", ph,
- make_error_code( boost::system::posix::file_exists ) ) );
- return false;
- }
- // First create branch, by calling ourself recursively
- create_directories(ph.parent_path());
- // Now that parent's path exists, create the directory
- create_directory(ph);
- return true;
- }
- BOOST_FS_FUNC_STRING extension(const Path& ph)
- {
- typedef BOOST_FS_TYPENAME Path::string_type string_type;
- string_type filename = ph.filename();
- BOOST_FS_TYPENAME string_type::size_type n = filename.rfind('.');
- if (n != string_type::npos)
- return filename.substr(n);
- else
- return string_type();
- }
- BOOST_FS_FUNC_STRING basename(const Path& ph)
- {
- typedef BOOST_FS_TYPENAME Path::string_type string_type;
- string_type filename = ph.filename();
- BOOST_FS_TYPENAME string_type::size_type n = filename.rfind('.');
- return filename.substr(0, n);
- }
- BOOST_FS_FUNC(Path) change_extension( const Path & ph,
- const BOOST_FS_TYPENAME Path::string_type & new_extension )
- { return ph.parent_path() / (basename(ph) + new_extension); }
-# endif
- // "do-the-right-thing" overloads ---------------------------------------//
- inline bool create_directories(const path& ph)
- { return create_directories<path>(ph); }
- inline bool create_directories(const wpath& ph)
- { return create_directories<wpath>(ph); }
- inline std::string extension(const path& ph)
- { return extension<path>(ph); }
- inline std::wstring extension(const wpath& ph)
- { return extension<wpath>(ph); }
- inline std::string basename(const path& ph)
- { return basename<path>( ph ); }
- inline std::wstring basename(const wpath& ph)
- { return basename<wpath>( ph ); }
- inline path change_extension( const path & ph, const std::string& new_ex )
- { return change_extension<path>( ph, new_ex ); }
- inline wpath change_extension( const wpath & ph, const std::wstring& new_ex )
- { return change_extension<wpath>( ph, new_ex ); }
-# endif
-# endif
- // basic_recursive_directory_iterator helpers --------------------------//
- namespace detail
- {
- template< class Path >
- struct recur_dir_itr_imp
- {
- typedef basic_directory_iterator< Path > element_type;
- std::stack< element_type, std::vector< element_type > > m_stack;
- int m_level;
- bool m_no_push;
- bool m_no_throw;
- recur_dir_itr_imp() : m_level(0), m_no_push(false), m_no_throw(false) {}
- };
- } // namespace detail
- // basic_recursive_directory_iterator ----------------------------------//
- template< class Path >
- class basic_recursive_directory_iterator
- : public boost::iterator_facade<
- basic_recursive_directory_iterator<Path>,
- basic_directory_entry<Path>,
- boost::single_pass_traversal_tag >
- {
- public:
- typedef Path path_type;
- basic_recursive_directory_iterator(){} // creates the "end" iterator
- explicit basic_recursive_directory_iterator( const Path & dir_path );
- basic_recursive_directory_iterator( const Path & dir_path,
- system::error_code & ec );
- int level() const { return m_imp->m_level; }
- void pop();
- void no_push()
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT( m_imp.get() && "attempt to no_push() on end iterator" );
- m_imp->m_no_push = true;
- }
- file_status status() const
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT( m_imp.get()
- && "attempt to call status() on end recursive_iterator" );
- return m_imp->m_stack.top()->status();
- }
- file_status symlink_status() const
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT( m_imp.get()
- && "attempt to call symlink_status() on end recursive_iterator" );
- return m_imp->m_stack.top()->symlink_status();
- }
- private:
- // shared_ptr provides shallow-copy semantics required for InputIterators.
- // m_imp.get()==0 indicates the end iterator.
- boost::shared_ptr< detail::recur_dir_itr_imp< Path > > m_imp;
- friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
- typename boost::iterator_facade<
- basic_recursive_directory_iterator<Path>,
- basic_directory_entry<Path>,
- boost::single_pass_traversal_tag >::reference
- dereference() const
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT( m_imp.get() && "attempt to dereference end iterator" );
- return *m_imp->m_stack.top();
- }
- void increment();
- bool equal( const basic_recursive_directory_iterator & rhs ) const
- { return m_imp == rhs.m_imp; }
- };
- typedef basic_recursive_directory_iterator<path> recursive_directory_iterator;
- typedef basic_recursive_directory_iterator<wpath> wrecursive_directory_iterator;
-# endif
- // basic_recursive_directory_iterator implementation -------------------//
- // constructors
- template<class Path>
- basic_recursive_directory_iterator<Path>::
- basic_recursive_directory_iterator( const Path & dir_path )
- : m_imp( new detail::recur_dir_itr_imp<Path> )
- {
- m_imp->m_stack.push( basic_directory_iterator<Path>( dir_path ) );
- if ( m_imp->m_stack.top () == basic_directory_iterator<Path>() )
- { m_imp.reset (); }
- }
- template<class Path>
- basic_recursive_directory_iterator<Path>::
- basic_recursive_directory_iterator( const Path & dir_path,
- system::error_code & ec )
- : m_imp( new detail::recur_dir_itr_imp<Path> )
- {
- m_imp->m_no_throw = true;
- m_imp->m_stack.push( basic_directory_iterator<Path>( dir_path, ec ) );
- if ( m_imp->m_stack.top () == basic_directory_iterator<Path>() )
- { m_imp.reset (); }
- }
- // increment
- template<class Path>
- void basic_recursive_directory_iterator<Path>::increment()
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT( m_imp.get() && "increment on end iterator" );
- static const basic_directory_iterator<Path> end_itr;
- if ( m_imp->m_no_push )
- { m_imp->m_no_push = false; }
- else if ( is_directory( m_imp->m_stack.top()->status() ) )
- {
- system::error_code ec;
- if( m_imp->m_no_throw ) {
- m_imp->m_stack.push(
- basic_directory_iterator<Path>( *m_imp->m_stack.top(), ec )
- );
- }
- else {
- m_imp->m_stack.push(
- basic_directory_iterator<Path>( *m_imp->m_stack.top() )
- );
- }
- m_imp->m_stack.push(
- m_imp->m_no_throw
- ? basic_directory_iterator<Path>( *m_imp->m_stack.top(), ec )
- : basic_directory_iterator<Path>( *m_imp->m_stack.top() ) );
- if ( m_imp->m_stack.top() != end_itr )
- {
- ++m_imp->m_level;
- return;
- }
- m_imp->m_stack.pop();
- }
- while ( !m_imp->m_stack.empty()
- && ++m_imp->m_stack.top() == end_itr )
- {
- m_imp->m_stack.pop();
- --m_imp->m_level;
- }
- if ( m_imp->m_stack.empty() ) m_imp.reset(); // done, so make end iterator
- }
- // pop
- template<class Path>
- void basic_recursive_directory_iterator<Path>::pop()
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT( m_imp.get() && "pop on end iterator" );
- BOOST_ASSERT( m_imp->m_level > 0 && "pop with level < 1" );
- static const basic_directory_iterator<Path> end_itr;
- do
- {
- m_imp->m_stack.pop();
- --m_imp->m_level;
- }
- while ( !m_imp->m_stack.empty()
- && ++m_imp->m_stack.top() == end_itr );
- if ( m_imp->m_stack.empty() ) m_imp.reset(); // done, so make end iterator
- }
- } // namespace filesystem
-} // namespace boost
-#include <boost/config/abi_suffix.hpp> // pops abi_prefix.hpp pragmas
Deleted: branches/filesystem3/boost/filesystem/exception.hpp
--- branches/filesystem3/boost/filesystem/exception.hpp 2010-06-09 09:00:15 EDT (Wed, 09 Jun 2010)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-// boost/filesystem/exception.hpp -------------------------------------------//
-// Copyright Beman Dawes 2003
-// Use, modification, and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
-// License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-// This header is no long used. The contents have been moved to path.hpp.
-// It is provided so that user code #includes do not have to be changed.
Deleted: branches/filesystem3/boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp
--- branches/filesystem3/boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp 2010-06-09 09:00:15 EDT (Wed, 09 Jun 2010)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,584 +0,0 @@
-// boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp --------------------------------------------//
-// Copyright Beman Dawes 2002.
-// Use, modification, and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
-// License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-// See library home page at http://www.boost.org/libs/filesystem
-#include <boost/filesystem/operations.hpp> // for 8.3 hack (see below)
-#include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
-#include <boost/detail/workaround.hpp>
-#include <iosfwd>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <boost/config/abi_prefix.hpp> // must be the last #include
-// NOTE: fstream.hpp for Boost 1.32.0 and earlier supplied workarounds for
-// various compiler problems. They have been removed to ease development of the
-// basic i18n functionality. Once the new interface is stable, the workarounds
-// will be reinstated for any compilers that otherwise can support the rest of
-// the library after internationalization.
-namespace boost
- namespace filesystem
- {
- namespace detail
- {
- // The 8.3 hack:
- // C++98 does not supply a wchar_t open, so try to get an equivalent
- // narrow char name based on the short, so-called 8.3, name.
- // Not needed for Dinkumware 405 and later as they do supply wchar_t open.
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL bool create_file_api( const std::wstring & ph,
- std::ios_base::openmode mode ); // true if succeeds
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL std::string narrow_path_api(
- const std::wstring & ph ); // return is empty if fails
- inline std::string path_proxy( const std::wstring & file_ph,
- std::ios_base::openmode mode )
- // Return a non-existant path if cannot supply narrow short path.
- // An empty path doesn't work because some Dinkumware versions
- // assert the path is non-empty.
- {
- std::string narrow_ph;
- bool created_file( false );
- if ( !exists( file_ph )
- && (mode & std::ios_base::out) != 0
- && create_file_api( file_ph, mode ) )
- {
- created_file = true;
- }
- narrow_ph = narrow_path_api( file_ph );
- if ( narrow_ph.empty() )
- {
- if ( created_file ) remove_api( file_ph );
- narrow_ph = "\x01";
- }
- return narrow_ph;
- }
-# else
- // Dinkumware 405 and later does supply wchar_t functions
- inline const std::wstring & path_proxy( const std::wstring & file_ph,
- std::ios_base::openmode )
- { return file_ph; }
-# endif
-# endif
- inline const std::string & path_proxy( const std::string & file_ph,
- std::ios_base::openmode )
- { return file_ph; }
- } // namespace detail
- template < class charT, class traits = std::char_traits<charT> >
- class basic_filebuf : public std::basic_filebuf<charT,traits>
- {
- private: // disallow copying
- basic_filebuf( const basic_filebuf & );
- const basic_filebuf & operator=( const basic_filebuf & );
- public:
- basic_filebuf() {}
- virtual ~basic_filebuf() {}
- template<class Path>
- typename boost::enable_if<is_basic_path<Path>,
- basic_filebuf<charT,traits> *>::type
- open( const Path & file_ph, std::ios_base::openmode mode );
- basic_filebuf<charT,traits> *
- open( const wpath & file_ph, std::ios_base::openmode mode );
-# endif
-# if !BOOST_WORKAROUND( BOOST_MSVC, <= 1200 ) // VC++ 6.0 can't handle this
- basic_filebuf<charT,traits> *
- open( const path & file_ph, std::ios_base::openmode mode );
-# endif
- };
- template < class charT, class traits = std::char_traits<charT> >
- class basic_ifstream : public std::basic_ifstream<charT,traits>
- {
- private: // disallow copying
- basic_ifstream( const basic_ifstream & );
- const basic_ifstream & operator=( const basic_ifstream & );
- public:
- basic_ifstream() {}
- // use two signatures, rather than one signature with default second
- // argument, to workaround VC++ 7.1 bug (ID VSWhidbey 38416)
- template<class Path>
- explicit basic_ifstream( const Path & file_ph,
- typename boost::enable_if<is_basic_path<Path> >::type* dummy = 0 );
- template<class Path>
- basic_ifstream( const Path & file_ph, std::ios_base::openmode mode,
- typename boost::enable_if<is_basic_path<Path> >::type* dummy = 0 );
- template<class Path>
- typename boost::enable_if<is_basic_path<Path>, void>::type
- open( const Path & file_ph );
- template<class Path>
- typename boost::enable_if<is_basic_path<Path>, void>::type
- open( const Path & file_ph, std::ios_base::openmode mode );
- explicit basic_ifstream( const wpath & file_ph );
- basic_ifstream( const wpath & file_ph, std::ios_base::openmode mode );
- void open( const wpath & file_ph );
- void open( const wpath & file_ph, std::ios_base::openmode mode );
-# endif
- explicit basic_ifstream( const path & file_ph );
- basic_ifstream( const path & file_ph, std::ios_base::openmode mode );
-# if !BOOST_WORKAROUND( BOOST_MSVC, <= 1200 ) // VC++ 6.0 can't handle this
- void open( const path & file_ph );
- void open( const path & file_ph, std::ios_base::openmode mode );
-# endif
- virtual ~basic_ifstream() {}
- };
- template < class charT, class traits = std::char_traits<charT> >
- class basic_ofstream : public std::basic_ofstream<charT,traits>
- {
- private: // disallow copying
- basic_ofstream( const basic_ofstream & );
- const basic_ofstream & operator=( const basic_ofstream & );
- public:
- basic_ofstream() {}
- // use two signatures, rather than one signature with default second
- // argument, to workaround VC++ 7.1 bug (ID VSWhidbey 38416)
- template<class Path>
- explicit basic_ofstream( const Path & file_ph,
- typename boost::enable_if<is_basic_path<Path> >::type* dummy = 0 );
- explicit basic_ofstream( const wpath & file_ph );
- template<class Path>
- basic_ofstream( const Path & file_ph, std::ios_base::openmode mode,
- typename boost::enable_if<is_basic_path<Path> >::type* dummy = 0 );
- basic_ofstream( const wpath & file_ph, std::ios_base::openmode mode );
- template<class Path>
- typename boost::enable_if<is_basic_path<Path>, void>::type
- open( const Path & file_ph );
- void open( const wpath & file_ph );
- template<class Path>
- typename boost::enable_if<is_basic_path<Path>, void>::type
- open( const Path & file_ph, std::ios_base::openmode mode );
- void open( const wpath & file_ph, std::ios_base::openmode mode );
-# endif
- explicit basic_ofstream( const path & file_ph );
- basic_ofstream( const path & file_ph, std::ios_base::openmode mode );
-# if !BOOST_WORKAROUND( BOOST_MSVC, <= 1200 ) // VC++ 6.0 can't handle this
- void open( const path & file_ph );
- void open( const path & file_ph, std::ios_base::openmode mode );
-# endif
- virtual ~basic_ofstream() {}
- };
- template < class charT, class traits = std::char_traits<charT> >
- class basic_fstream : public std::basic_fstream<charT,traits>
- {
- private: // disallow copying
- basic_fstream( const basic_fstream & );
- const basic_fstream & operator=( const basic_fstream & );
- public:
- basic_fstream() {}
- // use two signatures, rather than one signature with default second
- // argument, to workaround VC++ 7.1 bug (ID VSWhidbey 38416)
- template<class Path>
- explicit basic_fstream( const Path & file_ph,
- typename boost::enable_if<is_basic_path<Path> >::type* dummy = 0 );
- explicit basic_fstream( const wpath & file_ph );
- template<class Path>
- basic_fstream( const Path & file_ph, std::ios_base::openmode mode,
- typename boost::enable_if<is_basic_path<Path> >::type* dummy = 0 );
- basic_fstream( const wpath & file_ph, std::ios_base::openmode mode );
- template<class Path>
- typename boost::enable_if<is_basic_path<Path>, void>::type
- open( const Path & file_ph );
- void open( const wpath & file_ph );
- template<class Path>
- typename boost::enable_if<is_basic_path<Path>, void>::type
- open( const Path & file_ph, std::ios_base::openmode mode );
- void open( const wpath & file_ph, std::ios_base::openmode mode );
-# endif
- explicit basic_fstream( const path & file_ph );
- basic_fstream( const path & file_ph, std::ios_base::openmode mode );
-# if !BOOST_WORKAROUND( BOOST_MSVC, <= 1200 ) // VC++ 6.0 can't handle this
- void open( const path & file_ph );
- void open( const path & file_ph, std::ios_base::openmode mode );
-# endif
- virtual ~basic_fstream() {}
- };
- typedef basic_filebuf<char> filebuf;
- typedef basic_ifstream<char> ifstream;
- typedef basic_ofstream<char> ofstream;
- typedef basic_fstream<char> fstream;
- typedef basic_filebuf<wchar_t> wfilebuf;
- typedef basic_ifstream<wchar_t> wifstream;
- typedef basic_fstream<wchar_t> wfstream;
- typedef basic_ofstream<wchar_t> wofstream;
-# endif
-// basic_filebuf definitions -----------------------------------------------//
- template <class charT, class traits>
- template<class Path>
- typename boost::enable_if<is_basic_path<Path>,
- basic_filebuf<charT,traits> *>::type
- basic_filebuf<charT,traits>::open( const Path & file_ph,
- std::ios_base::openmode mode )
- {
- return (std::basic_filebuf<charT,traits>::open( detail::path_proxy(
- file_ph.external_file_string(), mode ).c_str(), mode )
- == 0) ? 0 : this;
- }
- template <class charT, class traits>
- basic_filebuf<charT,traits> *
- basic_filebuf<charT, traits>::open( const wpath & file_ph,
- std::ios_base::openmode mode )
- {
- return this->BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE open<wpath>( file_ph, mode );
- }
-// basic_ifstream definitions ----------------------------------------------//
- template <class charT, class traits> template<class Path>
- basic_ifstream<charT,traits>::basic_ifstream(const Path & file_ph,
- typename boost::enable_if<is_basic_path<Path> >::type* )
- : std::basic_ifstream<charT,traits>(
- detail::path_proxy( file_ph.external_file_string(),
- std::ios_base::in ).c_str(), std::ios_base::in ) {}
- template <class charT, class traits>
- basic_ifstream<charT,traits>::basic_ifstream( const wpath & file_ph )
- : std::basic_ifstream<charT,traits>(
- detail::path_proxy( file_ph.external_file_string(),
- std::ios_base::in ).c_str(), std::ios_base::in ) {}
- template <class charT, class traits> template<class Path>
- basic_ifstream<charT,traits>::basic_ifstream( const Path & file_ph,
- std::ios_base::openmode mode,
- typename boost::enable_if<is_basic_path<Path> >::type* )
- : std::basic_ifstream<charT,traits>(
- detail::path_proxy( file_ph.external_file_string(),
- mode ).c_str(), mode ) {}
- template <class charT, class traits>
- basic_ifstream<charT,traits>::basic_ifstream( const wpath & file_ph,
- std::ios_base::openmode mode )
- : std::basic_ifstream<charT,traits>(
- detail::path_proxy( file_ph.external_file_string(),
- mode ).c_str(), mode ) {}
- template <class charT, class traits> template<class Path>
- typename boost::enable_if<is_basic_path<Path>, void>::type
- basic_ifstream<charT,traits>::open( const Path & file_ph )
- {
- std::basic_ifstream<charT,traits>::open(
- detail::path_proxy( file_ph.external_file_string(),
- std::ios_base::in ).c_str(), std::ios_base::in );
- }
- template <class charT, class traits>
- void basic_ifstream<charT,traits>::open( const wpath & file_ph )
- {
- std::basic_ifstream<charT,traits>::open(
- detail::path_proxy( file_ph.external_file_string(),
- std::ios_base::in ).c_str(), std::ios_base::in );
- }
- template <class charT, class traits> template<class Path>
- typename boost::enable_if<is_basic_path<Path>, void>::type
- basic_ifstream<charT,traits>::open( const Path & file_ph,
- std::ios_base::openmode mode )
- {
- std::basic_ifstream<charT,traits>::open(
- detail::path_proxy( file_ph.external_file_string(),
- mode ).c_str(), mode );
- }
- template <class charT, class traits>
- void basic_ifstream<charT,traits>::open( const wpath & file_ph,
- std::ios_base::openmode mode )
- {
- std::basic_ifstream<charT,traits>::open(
- detail::path_proxy( file_ph.external_file_string(),
- mode ).c_str(), mode );
- }
-// basic_ofstream definitions ----------------------------------------------//
- template <class charT, class traits> template<class Path>
- basic_ofstream<charT,traits>::basic_ofstream(const Path & file_ph,
- typename boost::enable_if<is_basic_path<Path> >::type* )
- : std::basic_ofstream<charT,traits>(
- detail::path_proxy( file_ph.external_file_string(),
- std::ios_base::out ).c_str(), std::ios_base::out ) {}
- template <class charT, class traits>
- basic_ofstream<charT,traits>::basic_ofstream( const wpath & file_ph )
- : std::basic_ofstream<charT,traits>(
- detail::path_proxy( file_ph.external_file_string(),
- std::ios_base::out ).c_str(), std::ios_base::out ) {}
- template <class charT, class traits> template<class Path>
- basic_ofstream<charT,traits>::basic_ofstream( const Path & file_ph,
- std::ios_base::openmode mode,
- typename boost::enable_if<is_basic_path<Path> >::type* )
- : std::basic_ofstream<charT,traits>(
- detail::path_proxy( file_ph.external_file_string(),
- mode ).c_str(), mode ) {}
- template <class charT, class traits>
- basic_ofstream<charT,traits>::basic_ofstream( const wpath & file_ph,
- std::ios_base::openmode mode )
- : std::basic_ofstream<charT,traits>(
- detail::path_proxy( file_ph.external_file_string(),
- mode ).c_str(), mode ) {}
- template <class charT, class traits> template<class Path>
- typename boost::enable_if<is_basic_path<Path>, void>::type
- basic_ofstream<charT,traits>::open( const Path & file_ph )
- {
- std::basic_ofstream<charT,traits>::open(
- detail::path_proxy( file_ph.external_file_string(),
- std::ios_base::out ).c_str(), std::ios_base::out );
- }
- template <class charT, class traits>
- void basic_ofstream<charT,traits>::open( const wpath & file_ph )
- {
- std::basic_ofstream<charT,traits>::open(
- detail::path_proxy( file_ph.external_file_string(),
- std::ios_base::out ).c_str(), std::ios_base::out );
- }
- template <class charT, class traits> template<class Path>
- typename boost::enable_if<is_basic_path<Path>, void>::type
- basic_ofstream<charT,traits>::open( const Path & file_ph,
- std::ios_base::openmode mode )
- {
- std::basic_ofstream<charT,traits>::open(
- detail::path_proxy( file_ph.external_file_string(),
- mode ).c_str(), mode );
- }
- template <class charT, class traits>
- void basic_ofstream<charT,traits>::open( const wpath & file_ph,
- std::ios_base::openmode mode )
- {
- std::basic_ofstream<charT,traits>::open(
- detail::path_proxy( file_ph.external_file_string(),
- mode ).c_str(), mode );
- }
-// basic_fstream definitions -----------------------------------------------//
- template <class charT, class traits> template<class Path>
- basic_fstream<charT,traits>::basic_fstream(const Path & file_ph,
- typename boost::enable_if<is_basic_path<Path> >::type* )
- : std::basic_fstream<charT,traits>(
- detail::path_proxy( file_ph.external_file_string(),
- std::ios_base::in|std::ios_base::out ).c_str(),
- std::ios_base::in|std::ios_base::out ) {}
- template <class charT, class traits>
- basic_fstream<charT,traits>::basic_fstream( const wpath & file_ph )
- : std::basic_fstream<charT,traits>(
- detail::path_proxy( file_ph.external_file_string(),
- std::ios_base::in|std::ios_base::out ).c_str(),
- std::ios_base::in|std::ios_base::out ) {}
- template <class charT, class traits> template<class Path>
- basic_fstream<charT,traits>::basic_fstream( const Path & file_ph,
- std::ios_base::openmode mode,
- typename boost::enable_if<is_basic_path<Path> >::type* )
- : std::basic_fstream<charT,traits>(
- detail::path_proxy( file_ph.external_file_string(),
- mode ).c_str(), mode ) {}
- template <class charT, class traits>
- basic_fstream<charT,traits>::basic_fstream( const wpath & file_ph,
- std::ios_base::openmode mode )
- : std::basic_fstream<charT,traits>(
- detail::path_proxy( file_ph.external_file_string(),
- mode ).c_str(), mode ) {}
- template <class charT, class traits> template<class Path>
- typename boost::enable_if<is_basic_path<Path>, void>::type
- basic_fstream<charT,traits>::open( const Path & file_ph )
- {
- std::basic_fstream<charT,traits>::open(
- detail::path_proxy( file_ph.external_file_string(),
- std::ios_base::in|std::ios_base::out ).c_str(),
- std::ios_base::in|std::ios_base::out );
- }
- template <class charT, class traits>
- void basic_fstream<charT,traits>::open( const wpath & file_ph )
- {
- std::basic_fstream<charT,traits>::open(
- detail::path_proxy( file_ph.external_file_string(),
- std::ios_base::in|std::ios_base::out ).c_str(),
- std::ios_base::in|std::ios_base::out );
- }
- template <class charT, class traits> template<class Path>
- typename boost::enable_if<is_basic_path<Path>, void>::type
- basic_fstream<charT,traits>::open( const Path & file_ph,
- std::ios_base::openmode mode )
- {
- std::basic_fstream<charT,traits>::open(
- detail::path_proxy( file_ph.external_file_string(),
- mode ).c_str(), mode );
- }
- template <class charT, class traits>
- void basic_fstream<charT,traits>::open( const wpath & file_ph,
- std::ios_base::openmode mode )
- {
- std::basic_fstream<charT,traits>::open(
- detail::path_proxy( file_ph.external_file_string(),
- mode ).c_str(), mode );
- }
-# endif
-# if !BOOST_WORKAROUND( BOOST_MSVC, <= 1200 ) // VC++ 6.0 can't handle this
- template <class charT, class traits>
- basic_filebuf<charT,traits> *
- basic_filebuf<charT, traits>::open( const path & file_ph,
- std::ios_base::openmode mode )
- {
- return std::basic_filebuf<charT,traits>::open(
- file_ph.file_string().c_str(), mode ) == 0 ? 0 : this;
- }
-# endif
- template <class charT, class traits>
- basic_ifstream<charT,traits>::basic_ifstream( const path & file_ph )
- : std::basic_ifstream<charT,traits>(
- file_ph.file_string().c_str(), std::ios_base::in ) {}
- template <class charT, class traits>
- basic_ifstream<charT,traits>::basic_ifstream( const path & file_ph,
- std::ios_base::openmode mode )
- : std::basic_ifstream<charT,traits>(
- file_ph.file_string().c_str(), mode ) {}
-# if !BOOST_WORKAROUND( BOOST_MSVC, <= 1200 ) // VC++ 6.0 can't handle this
- template <class charT, class traits>
- void basic_ifstream<charT,traits>::open( const path & file_ph )
- {
- std::basic_ifstream<charT,traits>::open(
- file_ph.file_string().c_str(), std::ios_base::in );
- }
- template <class charT, class traits>
- void basic_ifstream<charT,traits>::open( const path & file_ph,
- std::ios_base::openmode mode )
- {
- std::basic_ifstream<charT,traits>::open(
- file_ph.file_string().c_str(), mode );
- }
-# endif
- template <class charT, class traits>
- basic_ofstream<charT,traits>::basic_ofstream( const path & file_ph )
- : std::basic_ofstream<charT,traits>(
- file_ph.file_string().c_str(), std::ios_base::out ) {}
- template <class charT, class traits>
- basic_ofstream<charT,traits>::basic_ofstream( const path & file_ph,
- std::ios_base::openmode mode )
- : std::basic_ofstream<charT,traits>(
- file_ph.file_string().c_str(), mode ) {}
-# if !BOOST_WORKAROUND( BOOST_MSVC, <= 1200 ) // VC++ 6.0 can't handle this
- template <class charT, class traits>
- void basic_ofstream<charT,traits>::open( const path & file_ph )
- {
- std::basic_ofstream<charT,traits>::open(
- file_ph.file_string().c_str(), std::ios_base::out );
- }
- template <class charT, class traits>
- void basic_ofstream<charT,traits>::open( const path & file_ph,
- std::ios_base::openmode mode )
- {
- std::basic_ofstream<charT,traits>::open(
- file_ph.file_string().c_str(), mode );
- }
-# endif
- template <class charT, class traits>
- basic_fstream<charT,traits>::basic_fstream( const path & file_ph )
- : std::basic_fstream<charT,traits>(
- file_ph.file_string().c_str(),
- std::ios_base::in|std::ios_base::out ) {}
- template <class charT, class traits>
- basic_fstream<charT,traits>::basic_fstream( const path & file_ph,
- std::ios_base::openmode mode )
- : std::basic_fstream<charT,traits>(
- file_ph.file_string().c_str(), mode ) {}
-# if !BOOST_WORKAROUND( BOOST_MSVC, <= 1200 ) // VC++ 6.0 can't handle this
- template <class charT, class traits>
- void basic_fstream<charT,traits>::open( const path & file_ph )
- {
- std::basic_fstream<charT,traits>::open(
- file_ph.file_string().c_str(), std::ios_base::in|std::ios_base::out );
- }
- template <class charT, class traits>
- void basic_fstream<charT,traits>::open( const path & file_ph,
- std::ios_base::openmode mode )
- {
- std::basic_fstream<charT,traits>::open(
- file_ph.file_string().c_str(), mode );
- }
-# endif
- } // namespace filesystem
-} // namespace boost
-#include <boost/config/abi_suffix.hpp> // pops abi_prefix.hpp pragmas
Deleted: branches/filesystem3/boost/filesystem/operations.hpp
--- branches/filesystem3/boost/filesystem/operations.hpp 2010-06-09 09:00:15 EDT (Wed, 09 Jun 2010)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,1179 +0,0 @@
-// boost/filesystem/operations.hpp -----------------------------------------//
-// Copyright 2002-2005 Beman Dawes
-// Copyright 2002 Jan Langer
-// Copyright 2001 Dietmar Kuehl
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
-// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-// See library home page at http://www.boost.org/libs/filesystem
-#include <boost/filesystem/path.hpp>
-#include <boost/detail/scoped_enum_emulation.hpp>
-#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
-#include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
-#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
-#include <boost/iterator.hpp>
-#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
-#include <boost/assert.hpp>
-#include <string>
-#include <utility> // for pair
-#include <ctime>
-# include <fstream>
-# if !defined(_WIN32_WINNT) || _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500
-# define BOOST_FS_HARD_LINK // Default for Windows 2K or later
-# endif
-#include <boost/config/abi_prefix.hpp> // must be the last #include
- namespace std { using ::time_t; }
-# endif
-namespace boost
- namespace filesystem
- {
-// typedef boost::filesystem::path Path; needs to be in namespace boost::filesystem
- template<class Path> typename boost::enable_if<is_basic_path<Path>, \
- BOOST_FS_TYPE>::type
- template<class Path> inline typename boost::enable_if<is_basic_path<Path>, \
- BOOST_FS_TYPE>::type
-# define BOOST_FS_TYPENAME typename
-# else
- typedef boost::filesystem::path Path;
-# endif
- template<class Path> class basic_directory_iterator;
- typedef basic_directory_iterator<path> directory_iterator;
- template<class Path> class basic_directory_entry;
- enum file_type
- {
- status_unknown,
- file_not_found,
- regular_file,
- directory_file,
- // the following will never be reported by some operating or file systems
- symlink_file,
- block_file,
- character_file,
- fifo_file,
- socket_file,
- type_unknown // file does exist, but isn't one of the above types or
- // we don't have strong enough permission to find its type
- };
- class file_status
- {
- public:
- explicit file_status( file_type v = status_unknown ) : m_value(v) {}
- void type( file_type v ) { m_value = v; }
- file_type type() const { return m_value; }
- private:
- // the internal representation is unspecified so that additional state
- // information such as permissions can be added in the future; this
- // implementation just uses status_type as the internal representation
- file_type m_value;
- };
- inline bool status_known( file_status f ) { return f.type() != status_unknown; }
- inline bool exists( file_status f ) { return f.type() != status_unknown && f.type() != file_not_found; }
- inline bool is_regular_file(file_status f){ return f.type() == regular_file; }
- inline bool is_directory( file_status f ) { return f.type() == directory_file; }
- inline bool is_symlink( file_status f ) { return f.type() == symlink_file; }
- inline bool is_other( file_status f ) { return exists(f) && !is_regular_file(f) && !is_directory(f) && !is_symlink(f); }
- inline bool is_regular( file_status f ) { return f.type() == regular_file; }
-# endif
- struct space_info
- {
- // all values are byte counts
- boost::uintmax_t capacity;
- boost::uintmax_t free; // <= capacity
- boost::uintmax_t available; // <= free
- };
- namespace detail
- {
- typedef std::pair< system::error_code, bool >
- query_pair;
- typedef std::pair< system::error_code, boost::uintmax_t >
- uintmax_pair;
- typedef std::pair< system::error_code, std::time_t >
- time_pair;
- typedef std::pair< system::error_code, space_info >
- space_pair;
- template< class Path >
- struct directory_pair
- {
- typedef std::pair< system::error_code,
- typename Path::external_string_type > type;
- };
- symbolic_link_exists_api( const std::string & ); // deprecated
-# endif
- status_api( const std::string & ph, system::error_code & ec );
- symlink_status_api( const std::string & ph, system::error_code & ec );
-# endif
- is_empty_api( const std::string & ph );
- equivalent_api( const std::string & ph1, const std::string & ph2 );
- file_size_api( const std::string & ph );
- space_api( const std::string & ph );
- last_write_time_api( const std::string & ph );
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL system::error_code
- last_write_time_api( const std::string & ph, std::time_t new_value );
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL system::error_code
- get_current_path_api( std::string & ph );
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL system::error_code
- set_current_path_api( const std::string & ph );
- create_directory_api( const std::string & ph );
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL system::error_code
- create_hard_link_api( const std::string & to_ph,
- const std::string & from_ph );
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL system::error_code
- create_symlink_api( const std::string & to_ph,
- const std::string & from_ph );
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL system::error_code
- remove_api( const std::string & ph );
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL system::error_code
- rename_api( const std::string & from, const std::string & to );
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL system::error_code
- copy_file_api( const std::string & from, const std::string & to, bool fail_if_exists );
-# if defined(BOOST_WINDOWS_API)
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL system::error_code
- get_full_path_name_api( const std::string & ph, std::string & target );
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL boost::filesystem::file_status
- status_api( const std::wstring & ph, system::error_code & ec );
- is_empty_api( const std::wstring & ph );
- equivalent_api( const std::wstring & ph1, const std::wstring & ph2 );
- file_size_api( const std::wstring & ph );
- space_api( const std::wstring & ph );
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL system::error_code
- get_full_path_name_api( const std::wstring & ph, std::wstring & target );
- last_write_time_api( const std::wstring & ph );
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL system::error_code
- last_write_time_api( const std::wstring & ph, std::time_t new_value );
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL system::error_code
- get_current_path_api( std::wstring & ph );
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL system::error_code
- set_current_path_api( const std::wstring & ph );
- create_directory_api( const std::wstring & ph );
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL system::error_code
- create_hard_link_api( const std::wstring & existing_ph,
- const std::wstring & new_ph );
-# endif
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL system::error_code
- create_symlink_api( const std::wstring & to_ph,
- const std::wstring & from_ph );
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL system::error_code
- remove_api( const std::wstring & ph );
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL system::error_code
- rename_api( const std::wstring & from, const std::wstring & to );
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL system::error_code
- copy_file_api( const std::wstring & from, const std::wstring & to, bool fail_if_exists );
-# endif
-# endif
- template<class Path>
- bool remove_aux( const Path & ph, file_status f );
- template<class Path>
- unsigned long remove_all_aux( const Path & ph, file_status f );
- } // namespace detail
-// operations functions ----------------------------------------------------//
- // The non-template overloads enable automatic conversion from std and
- // C-style strings. See basic_path constructors. The enable_if for the
- // templates implements the famous "do-the-right-thing" rule.
-// query functions ---------------------------------------------------------//
- BOOST_INLINE_FS_FUNC(file_status)
- status( const Path & ph, system::error_code & ec )
- { return detail::status_api( ph.external_file_string(), ec ); }
- BOOST_FS_FUNC(file_status)
- status( const Path & ph )
- {
- system::error_code ec;
- file_status result( detail::status_api( ph.external_file_string(), ec ) );
- if ( ec )
- boost::throw_exception( basic_filesystem_error<Path>(
- "boost::filesystem::status", ph, ec ) );
- return result;
- }
- BOOST_INLINE_FS_FUNC(file_status)
- symlink_status( const Path & ph, system::error_code & ec )
- { return detail::status_api( ph.external_file_string(), ec ); }
-# else
- { return detail::symlink_status_api( ph.external_file_string(), ec ); }
-# endif
- BOOST_FS_FUNC(file_status)
- symlink_status( const Path & ph )
- {
- system::error_code ec;
- file_status result( symlink_status( ph, ec ) );
- if ( ec )
- boost::throw_exception( basic_filesystem_error<Path>(
- "boost::filesystem::symlink_status", ph, ec ) );
- return result;
- }
- inline bool symbolic_link_exists( const path & ph )
- { return is_symlink( symlink_status(ph) ); }
-# endif
- BOOST_FS_FUNC(bool) exists( const Path & ph )
- {
- system::error_code ec;
- file_status result( detail::status_api( ph.external_file_string(), ec ) );
- if ( ec )
- boost::throw_exception( basic_filesystem_error<Path>(
- "boost::filesystem::exists", ph, ec ) );
- return exists( result );
- }
- BOOST_FS_FUNC(bool) is_directory( const Path & ph )
- {
- system::error_code ec;
- file_status result( detail::status_api( ph.external_file_string(), ec ) );
- if ( ec )
- boost::throw_exception( basic_filesystem_error<Path>(
- "boost::filesystem::is_directory", ph, ec ) );
- return is_directory( result );
- }
- BOOST_FS_FUNC(bool) is_regular_file( const Path & ph )
- {
- system::error_code ec;
- file_status result( detail::status_api( ph.external_file_string(), ec ) );
- if ( ec )
- boost::throw_exception( basic_filesystem_error<Path>(
- "boost::filesystem::is_regular_file", ph, ec ) );
- return is_regular_file( result );
- }
- BOOST_FS_FUNC(bool) is_regular( const Path & ph )
- {
- system::error_code ec;
- file_status result( detail::status_api( ph.external_file_string(), ec ) );
- if ( ec )
- boost::throw_exception( basic_filesystem_error<Path>(
- "boost::filesystem::is_regular", ph, ec ) );
- return is_regular( result );
- }
-# endif
- BOOST_FS_FUNC(bool) is_other( const Path & ph )
- {
- system::error_code ec;
- file_status result( detail::status_api( ph.external_file_string(), ec ) );
- if ( ec )
- boost::throw_exception( basic_filesystem_error<Path>(
- "boost::filesystem::is_other", ph, ec ) );
- return is_other( result );
- }
- BOOST_FS_FUNC(bool) is_symlink(
- const Path & )
- {
- return false;
-# else
- const Path & ph)
- {
- system::error_code ec;
- file_status result( detail::symlink_status_api( ph.external_file_string(), ec ) );
- if ( ec )
- boost::throw_exception( basic_filesystem_error<Path>(
- "boost::filesystem::is_symlink", ph, ec ) );
- return is_symlink( result );
-# endif
- }
- // VC++ 7.0 and earlier has a serious namespace bug that causes a clash
- // between boost::filesystem::is_empty and the unrelated type trait
- // boost::is_empty.
-# if !defined( BOOST_MSVC ) || BOOST_MSVC > 1300
- BOOST_FS_FUNC(bool) is_empty( const Path & ph )
-# else
- BOOST_FS_FUNC(bool) _is_empty( const Path & ph )
-# endif
- {
- detail::query_pair result(
- detail::is_empty_api( ph.external_file_string() ) );
- if ( result.first )
- boost::throw_exception( basic_filesystem_error<Path>(
- "boost::filesystem::is_empty", ph, result.first ) );
- return result.second;
- }
- BOOST_FS_FUNC(bool) equivalent( const Path & ph1, const Path & ph2 )
- {
- detail::query_pair result( detail::equivalent_api(
- ph1.external_file_string(), ph2.external_file_string() ) );
- if ( result.first )
- boost::throw_exception( basic_filesystem_error<Path>(
- "boost::filesystem::equivalent", ph1, ph2, result.first ) );
- return result.second;
- }
- BOOST_FS_FUNC(boost::uintmax_t) file_size( const Path & ph )
- {
- detail::uintmax_pair result
- ( detail::file_size_api( ph.external_file_string() ) );
- if ( result.first )
- boost::throw_exception( basic_filesystem_error<Path>(
- "boost::filesystem::file_size", ph, result.first ) );
- return result.second;
- }
- BOOST_FS_FUNC(space_info) space( const Path & ph )
- {
- detail::space_pair result
- ( detail::space_api( ph.external_file_string() ) );
- if ( result.first )
- boost::throw_exception( basic_filesystem_error<Path>(
- "boost::filesystem::space", ph, result.first ) );
- return result.second;
- }
- BOOST_FS_FUNC(std::time_t) last_write_time( const Path & ph )
- {
- detail::time_pair result
- ( detail::last_write_time_api( ph.external_file_string() ) );
- if ( result.first )
- boost::throw_exception( basic_filesystem_error<Path>(
- "boost::filesystem::last_write_time", ph, result.first ) );
- return result.second;
- }
-// operations --------------------------------------------------------------//
- BOOST_FS_FUNC(bool) create_directory( const Path & dir_ph )
- {
- detail::query_pair result(
- detail::create_directory_api( dir_ph.external_directory_string() ) );
- if ( result.first )
- boost::throw_exception( basic_filesystem_error<Path>(
- "boost::filesystem::create_directory",
- dir_ph, result.first ) );
- return result.second;
- }
-#if !defined(BOOST_WINDOWS_API) || defined(BOOST_FS_HARD_LINK)
- create_hard_link( const Path & to_ph, const Path & from_ph )
- {
- system::error_code ec(
- detail::create_hard_link_api(
- to_ph.external_file_string(),
- from_ph.external_file_string() ) );
- if ( ec )
- boost::throw_exception( basic_filesystem_error<Path>(
- "boost::filesystem::create_hard_link",
- to_ph, from_ph, ec ) );
- }
- BOOST_FS_FUNC(system::error_code)
- create_hard_link( const Path & to_ph, const Path & from_ph,
- system::error_code & ec )
- {
- ec = detail::create_hard_link_api(
- to_ph.external_file_string(),
- from_ph.external_file_string() );
- return ec;
- }
- create_symlink( const Path & to_ph, const Path & from_ph )
- {
- system::error_code ec(
- detail::create_symlink_api(
- to_ph.external_file_string(),
- from_ph.external_file_string() ) );
- if ( ec )
- boost::throw_exception( basic_filesystem_error<Path>(
- "boost::filesystem::create_symlink",
- to_ph, from_ph, ec ) );
- }
- BOOST_FS_FUNC(system::error_code)
- create_symlink( const Path & to_ph, const Path & from_ph,
- system::error_code & ec )
- {
- ec = detail::create_symlink_api(
- to_ph.external_file_string(),
- from_ph.external_file_string() );
- return ec;
- }
- BOOST_FS_FUNC(bool) remove( const Path & ph )
- {
- system::error_code ec;
- file_status f = symlink_status( ph, ec );
- if ( ec )
- boost::throw_exception( basic_filesystem_error<Path>(
- "boost::filesystem::remove", ph, ec ) );
- return detail::remove_aux( ph, f );
- }
- BOOST_FS_FUNC(unsigned long) remove_all( const Path & ph )
- {
- system::error_code ec;
- file_status f = symlink_status( ph, ec );
- if ( ec )
- boost::throw_exception( basic_filesystem_error<Path>(
- "boost::filesystem::remove_all", ph, ec ) );
- return exists( f ) ? detail::remove_all_aux( ph, f ) : 0;
- }
- BOOST_FS_FUNC(void) rename( const Path & from_path, const Path & to_path )
- {
- system::error_code ec( detail::rename_api(
- from_path.external_directory_string(),
- to_path.external_directory_string() ) );
- if ( ec )
- boost::throw_exception( basic_filesystem_error<Path>(
- "boost::filesystem::rename",
- from_path, to_path, ec ) );
- }
- { fail_if_exists, overwrite_if_exists };
- BOOST_FS_FUNC(void) copy_file( const Path & from_path, const Path & to_path,
- BOOST_SCOPED_ENUM(copy_option) option = copy_option::fail_if_exists )
- {
- system::error_code ec( detail::copy_file_api(
- from_path.external_directory_string(),
- to_path.external_directory_string(), option == copy_option::fail_if_exists ) );
- if ( ec )
- boost::throw_exception( basic_filesystem_error<Path>(
- "boost::filesystem::copy_file",
- from_path, to_path, ec ) );
- }
- template< class Path >
- Path current_path()
- {
- typename Path::external_string_type ph;
- system::error_code ec( detail::get_current_path_api( ph ) );
- if ( ec )
- boost::throw_exception( basic_filesystem_error<Path>(
- "boost::filesystem::current_path", ec ) );
- return Path( Path::traits_type::to_internal( ph ) );
- }
- BOOST_FS_FUNC(void) current_path( const Path & ph )
- {
- system::error_code ec( detail::set_current_path_api(
- ph.external_directory_string() ) );
- if ( ec )
- boost::throw_exception( basic_filesystem_error<Path>(
- "boost::filesystem::current_path", ph, ec ) );
- }
- template< class Path >
- const Path & initial_path()
- {
- static Path init_path;
- if ( init_path.empty() ) init_path = current_path<Path>();
- return init_path;
- }
- // legacy support
- inline path current_path() // overload supports pre-i18n apps
- { return current_path<boost::filesystem::path>(); }
- inline const path & initial_path() // overload supports pre-i18n apps
- { return initial_path<boost::filesystem::path>(); }
-# endif
- BOOST_FS_FUNC(Path) system_complete( const Path & ph )
- {
- if ( ph.empty() ) return ph;
- BOOST_FS_TYPENAME Path::external_string_type sys_ph;
- system::error_code ec( detail::get_full_path_name_api( ph.external_file_string(),
- sys_ph ) );
- if ( ec )
- boost::throw_exception( basic_filesystem_error<Path>(
- "boost::filesystem::system_complete", ph, ec ) );
- return Path( Path::traits_type::to_internal( sys_ph ) );
-# else
- return (ph.empty() || ph.is_complete())
- ? ph : current_path<Path>() / ph;
-# endif
- }
- complete( const Path & ph,
- const Path & base/* = initial_path<Path>() */)
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT( base.is_complete()
- && (ph.is_complete() || !ph.has_root_name())
- && "boost::filesystem::complete() precondition not met" );
- if (ph.empty() || ph.is_complete()) return ph;
- if ( !ph.has_root_name() )
- return ph.has_root_directory()
- ? Path( base.root_name() ) / ph
- : base / ph;
- return base / ph;
-# else
- return (ph.empty() || ph.is_complete()) ? ph : base / ph;
-# endif
- }
- // VC++ 7.1 had trouble with default arguments, so separate one argument
- // signatures are provided as workarounds; the effect is the same.
- BOOST_FS_FUNC(Path) complete( const Path & ph )
- { return complete( ph, initial_path<Path>() ); }
- last_write_time( const Path & ph, const std::time_t new_time )
- {
- system::error_code ec( detail::last_write_time_api( ph.external_file_string(),
- new_time ) );
- if ( ec )
- boost::throw_exception( basic_filesystem_error<Path>(
- "boost::filesystem::last_write_time", ph, ec ) );
- }
- // "do-the-right-thing" overloads ---------------------------------------//
- inline file_status status( const path & ph )
- { return status<path>( ph ); }
- inline file_status status( const wpath & ph )
- { return status<wpath>( ph ); }
- inline file_status status( const path & ph, system::error_code & ec )
- { return status<path>( ph, ec ); }
- inline file_status status( const wpath & ph, system::error_code & ec )
- { return status<wpath>( ph, ec ); }
- inline file_status symlink_status( const path & ph )
- { return symlink_status<path>( ph ); }
- inline file_status symlink_status( const wpath & ph )
- { return symlink_status<wpath>( ph ); }
- inline file_status symlink_status( const path & ph, system::error_code & ec )
- { return symlink_status<path>( ph, ec ); }
- inline file_status symlink_status( const wpath & ph, system::error_code & ec )
- { return symlink_status<wpath>( ph, ec ); }
- inline bool exists( const path & ph ) { return exists<path>( ph ); }
- inline bool exists( const wpath & ph ) { return exists<wpath>( ph ); }
- inline bool is_directory( const path & ph )
- { return is_directory<path>( ph ); }
- inline bool is_directory( const wpath & ph )
- { return is_directory<wpath>( ph ); }
- inline bool is_regular_file( const path & ph )
- { return is_regular_file<path>( ph ); }
- inline bool is_regular_file( const wpath & ph )
- { return is_regular_file<wpath>( ph ); }
- inline bool is_regular( const path & ph )
- { return is_regular<path>( ph ); }
- inline bool is_regular( const wpath & ph )
- { return is_regular<wpath>( ph ); }
-# endif
- inline bool is_other( const path & ph )
- { return is_other<path>( ph ); }
- inline bool is_other( const wpath & ph )
- { return is_other<wpath>( ph ); }
- inline bool is_symlink( const path & ph )
- { return is_symlink<path>( ph ); }
- inline bool is_symlink( const wpath & ph )
- { return is_symlink<wpath>( ph ); }
- inline bool is_empty( const path & ph )
- { return boost::filesystem::is_empty<path>( ph ); }
- inline bool is_empty( const wpath & ph )
- { return boost::filesystem::is_empty<wpath>( ph ); }
- inline bool equivalent( const path & ph1, const path & ph2 )
- { return equivalent<path>( ph1, ph2 ); }
- inline bool equivalent( const wpath & ph1, const wpath & ph2 )
- { return equivalent<wpath>( ph1, ph2 ); }
- inline boost::uintmax_t file_size( const path & ph )
- { return file_size<path>( ph ); }
- inline boost::uintmax_t file_size( const wpath & ph )
- { return file_size<wpath>( ph ); }
- inline space_info space( const path & ph )
- { return space<path>( ph ); }
- inline space_info space( const wpath & ph )
- { return space<wpath>( ph ); }
- inline std::time_t last_write_time( const path & ph )
- { return last_write_time<path>( ph ); }
- inline std::time_t last_write_time( const wpath & ph )
- { return last_write_time<wpath>( ph ); }
- inline bool create_directory( const path & dir_ph )
- { return create_directory<path>( dir_ph ); }
- inline bool create_directory( const wpath & dir_ph )
- { return create_directory<wpath>( dir_ph ); }
-#if !defined(BOOST_WINDOWS_API) || defined(BOOST_FS_HARD_LINK)
- inline void create_hard_link( const path & to_ph,
- const path & from_ph )
- { return create_hard_link<path>( to_ph, from_ph ); }
- inline void create_hard_link( const wpath & to_ph,
- const wpath & from_ph )
- { return create_hard_link<wpath>( to_ph, from_ph ); }
- inline system::error_code create_hard_link( const path & to_ph,
- const path & from_ph, system::error_code & ec )
- { return create_hard_link<path>( to_ph, from_ph, ec ); }
- inline system::error_code create_hard_link( const wpath & to_ph,
- const wpath & from_ph, system::error_code & ec )
- { return create_hard_link<wpath>( to_ph, from_ph, ec ); }
- inline void create_symlink( const path & to_ph,
- const path & from_ph )
- { return create_symlink<path>( to_ph, from_ph ); }
- inline void create_symlink( const wpath & to_ph,
- const wpath & from_ph )
- { return create_symlink<wpath>( to_ph, from_ph ); }
- inline system::error_code create_symlink( const path & to_ph,
- const path & from_ph, system::error_code & ec )
- { return create_symlink<path>( to_ph, from_ph, ec ); }
- inline system::error_code create_symlink( const wpath & to_ph,
- const wpath & from_ph, system::error_code & ec )
- { return create_symlink<wpath>( to_ph, from_ph, ec ); }
- inline bool remove( const path & ph )
- { return remove<path>( ph ); }
- inline bool remove( const wpath & ph )
- { return remove<wpath>( ph ); }
- inline unsigned long remove_all( const path & ph )
- { return remove_all<path>( ph ); }
- inline unsigned long remove_all( const wpath & ph )
- { return remove_all<wpath>( ph ); }
- inline void rename( const path & from_path, const path & to_path )
- { return rename<path>( from_path, to_path ); }
- inline void rename( const wpath & from_path, const wpath & to_path )
- { return rename<wpath>( from_path, to_path ); }
- inline void copy_file( const path & from_path, const path & to_path )
- { return copy_file<path>( from_path, to_path ); }
- inline void copy_file( const wpath & from_path, const wpath & to_path )
- { return copy_file<wpath>( from_path, to_path ); }
- inline path system_complete( const path & ph )
- { return system_complete<path>( ph ); }
- inline wpath system_complete( const wpath & ph )
- { return system_complete<wpath>( ph ); }
- inline path complete( const path & ph,
- const path & base/* = initial_path<path>()*/ )
- { return complete<path>( ph, base ); }
- inline wpath complete( const wpath & ph,
- const wpath & base/* = initial_path<wpath>()*/ )
- { return complete<wpath>( ph, base ); }
- inline path complete( const path & ph )
- { return complete<path>( ph, initial_path<path>() ); }
- inline wpath complete( const wpath & ph )
- { return complete<wpath>( ph, initial_path<wpath>() ); }
- inline void last_write_time( const path & ph, const std::time_t new_time )
- { last_write_time<path>( ph, new_time ); }
- inline void last_write_time( const wpath & ph, const std::time_t new_time )
- { last_write_time<wpath>( ph, new_time ); }
- inline void current_path( const path & ph )
- { current_path<path>( ph ); }
- inline void current_path( const wpath & ph )
- { current_path<wpath>( ph ); }
- namespace detail
- {
- template<class Path>
- bool remove_aux( const Path & ph, file_status f )
- {
- if ( exists( f ) )
- {
- system::error_code ec = remove_api( ph.external_file_string() );
- if ( ec )
- boost::throw_exception( basic_filesystem_error<Path>(
- "boost::filesystem::remove", ph, ec ) );
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- template<class Path>
- unsigned long remove_all_aux( const Path & ph, file_status f )
- {
- static const boost::filesystem::basic_directory_iterator<Path> end_itr;
- unsigned long count = 1;
- if ( !boost::filesystem::is_symlink( f ) // don't recurse symbolic links
- && boost::filesystem::is_directory( f ) )
- {
- for ( boost::filesystem::basic_directory_iterator<Path> itr( ph );
- itr != end_itr; ++itr )
- {
- boost::system::error_code ec;
- boost::filesystem::file_status fn = boost::filesystem::symlink_status( itr->path(), ec );
- if ( ec )
- boost::throw_exception( basic_filesystem_error<Path>(
- "boost::filesystem:remove_all", ph, ec ) );
- count += remove_all_aux( itr->path(), fn );
- }
- }
- remove_aux( ph, f );
- return count;
- }
-// test helper -------------------------------------------------------------//
- // not part of the documented interface because false positives are possible;
- // there is no law that says that an OS that has large stat.st_size
- // actually supports large file sizes.
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL bool possible_large_file_size_support();
-// directory_iterator helpers ----------------------------------------------//
-// forwarding functions avoid need for BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL for class
-// basic_directory_iterator, and so avoid iterator_facade DLL template
-// problems. They also overload to the proper external path character type.
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL system::error_code
- dir_itr_first( void *& handle,
-#if defined(BOOST_POSIX_API)
- void *& buffer,
- const std::string & dir_path,
- std::string & target, file_status & fs, file_status & symlink_fs );
- // eof: return==0 && handle==0
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL system::error_code
- dir_itr_increment( void *& handle,
-#if defined(BOOST_POSIX_API)
- void *& buffer,
- std::string & target, file_status & fs, file_status & symlink_fs );
- // eof: return==0 && handle==0
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL system::error_code
- dir_itr_close( void *& handle
-#if defined(BOOST_POSIX_API)
- , void *& buffer
- );
- // Effects: none if handle==0, otherwise close handle, set handle=0
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL system::error_code
- dir_itr_first( void *& handle, const std::wstring & ph,
- std::wstring & target, file_status & fs, file_status & symlink_fs );
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL system::error_code
- dir_itr_increment( void *& handle, std::wstring & target,
- file_status & fs, file_status & symlink_fs );
-# endif
- template< class Path >
- class dir_itr_imp
- {
- public:
- basic_directory_entry<Path> m_directory_entry;
- void * m_handle;
- void * m_buffer; // see dir_itr_increment implementation
-# endif
- dir_itr_imp() : m_handle(0)
- , m_buffer(0)
-# endif
- {}
- ~dir_itr_imp() { dir_itr_close( m_handle
-#if defined(BOOST_POSIX_API)
- , m_buffer
- ); }
- };
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL system::error_code not_found_error();
- } // namespace detail
-// basic_directory_iterator ------------------------------------------------//
- template< class Path >
- class basic_directory_iterator
- : public boost::iterator_facade<
- basic_directory_iterator<Path>,
- basic_directory_entry<Path>,
- boost::single_pass_traversal_tag >
- {
- public:
- typedef Path path_type;
- basic_directory_iterator(){} // creates the "end" iterator
- explicit basic_directory_iterator( const Path & dir_path );
- basic_directory_iterator( const Path & dir_path, system::error_code & ec );
- private:
- // shared_ptr provides shallow-copy semantics required for InputIterators.
- // m_imp.get()==0 indicates the end iterator.
- boost::shared_ptr< detail::dir_itr_imp< Path > > m_imp;
- friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
- typename boost::iterator_facade<
- basic_directory_iterator<Path>,
- basic_directory_entry<Path>,
- boost::single_pass_traversal_tag >::reference dereference() const
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT( m_imp.get() && "attempt to dereference end iterator" );
- return m_imp->m_directory_entry;
- }
- void increment();
- bool equal( const basic_directory_iterator & rhs ) const
- { return m_imp == rhs.m_imp; }
- system::error_code m_init( const Path & dir_path );
- };
- typedef basic_directory_iterator< path > directory_iterator;
- typedef basic_directory_iterator< wpath > wdirectory_iterator;
-# endif
- // basic_directory_iterator implementation ---------------------------//
- template<class Path>
- system::error_code basic_directory_iterator<Path>::m_init(
- const Path & dir_path )
- {
- if ( dir_path.empty() )
- {
- m_imp.reset();
- return detail::not_found_error();
- }
- typename Path::external_string_type name;
- file_status fs, symlink_fs;
- system::error_code ec( detail::dir_itr_first( m_imp->m_handle,
-#if defined(BOOST_POSIX_API)
- m_imp->m_buffer,
- dir_path.external_directory_string(),
- name, fs, symlink_fs ) );
- if ( ec )
- {
- m_imp.reset();
- return ec;
- }
- if ( m_imp->m_handle == 0 ) m_imp.reset(); // eof, so make end iterator
- else // not eof
- {
- m_imp->m_directory_entry.assign( dir_path
- / Path::traits_type::to_internal( name ), fs, symlink_fs );
- if ( name[0] == dot<Path>::value // dot or dot-dot
- && (name.size() == 1
- || (name[1] == dot<Path>::value
- && name.size() == 2)) )
- { increment(); }
- }
- return boost::system::error_code();
- }
- template<class Path>
- basic_directory_iterator<Path>::basic_directory_iterator(
- const Path & dir_path )
- : m_imp( new detail::dir_itr_imp<Path> )
- {
- system::error_code ec( m_init(dir_path) );
- if ( ec )
- {
- boost::throw_exception( basic_filesystem_error<Path>(
- "boost::filesystem::basic_directory_iterator constructor",
- dir_path, ec ) );
- }
- }
- template<class Path>
- basic_directory_iterator<Path>::basic_directory_iterator(
- const Path & dir_path, system::error_code & ec )
- : m_imp( new detail::dir_itr_imp<Path> )
- {
- ec = m_init(dir_path);
- }
- template<class Path>
- void basic_directory_iterator<Path>::increment()
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT( m_imp.get() && "attempt to increment end iterator" );
- BOOST_ASSERT( m_imp->m_handle != 0 && "internal program error" );
- typename Path::external_string_type name;
- file_status fs, symlink_fs;
- system::error_code ec;
- for (;;)
- {
- ec = detail::dir_itr_increment( m_imp->m_handle,
-#if defined(BOOST_POSIX_API)
- m_imp->m_buffer,
- name, fs, symlink_fs );
- if ( ec )
- {
- boost::throw_exception( basic_filesystem_error<Path>(
- "boost::filesystem::basic_directory_iterator increment",
- m_imp->m_directory_entry.path().parent_path(), ec ) );
- }
- if ( m_imp->m_handle == 0 ) { m_imp.reset(); return; } // eof, make end
- if ( !(name[0] == dot<Path>::value // !(dot or dot-dot)
- && (name.size() == 1
- || (name[1] == dot<Path>::value
- && name.size() == 2))) )
- {
- m_imp->m_directory_entry.replace_filename(
- Path::traits_type::to_internal( name ), fs, symlink_fs );
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- // basic_directory_entry -----------------------------------------------//
- template<class Path>
- class basic_directory_entry
- {
- public:
- typedef Path path_type;
- typedef typename Path::string_type string_type;
- // compiler generated copy-ctor, copy assignment, and destructor apply
- basic_directory_entry() {}
- explicit basic_directory_entry( const path_type & p,
- file_status st = file_status(), file_status symlink_st=file_status() )
- : m_path(p), m_status(st), m_symlink_status(symlink_st)
- {}
- void assign( const path_type & p,
- file_status st, file_status symlink_st )
- { m_path = p; m_status = st; m_symlink_status = symlink_st; }
- void replace_filename( const string_type & s,
- file_status st, file_status symlink_st )
- {
- m_path.remove_filename();
- m_path /= s;
- m_status = st;
- m_symlink_status = symlink_st;
- }
- void replace_leaf( const string_type & s,
- file_status st, file_status symlink_st )
- { replace_filename( s, st, symlink_st ); }
-# endif
- const Path & path() const { return m_path; }
- file_status status() const;
- file_status status( system::error_code & ec ) const;
- file_status symlink_status() const;
- file_status symlink_status( system::error_code & ec ) const;
- // conversion simplifies the most common use of basic_directory_entry
- operator const path_type &() const { return m_path; }
- // deprecated functions preserve common use cases in legacy code
- typename Path::string_type filename() const
- {
- return path().filename();
- }
- typename Path::string_type leaf() const
- {
- return path().filename();
- }
- typename Path::string_type string() const
- {
- return path().string();
- }
-# endif
- private:
- path_type m_path;
- mutable file_status m_status; // stat()-like
- mutable file_status m_symlink_status; // lstat()-like
- // note: m_symlink_status is not used by Windows implementation
- }; // basic_directory_status
- typedef basic_directory_entry<path> directory_entry;
- typedef basic_directory_entry<wpath> wdirectory_entry;
-# endif
- // basic_directory_entry implementation --------------------------------//
- template<class Path>
- file_status
- basic_directory_entry<Path>::status() const
- {
- if ( !status_known( m_status ) )
- {
- if ( status_known( m_symlink_status )
- && !is_symlink( m_symlink_status ) )
- { m_status = m_symlink_status; }
- else { m_status = boost::filesystem::status( m_path ); }
-# else
- m_status = boost::filesystem::status( m_path );
-# endif
- }
- return m_status;
- }
- template<class Path>
- file_status
- basic_directory_entry<Path>::status( system::error_code & ec ) const
- {
- if ( !status_known( m_status ) )
- {
- if ( status_known( m_symlink_status )
- && !is_symlink( m_symlink_status ) )
- { ec = boost::system::error_code();; m_status = m_symlink_status; }
- else { m_status = boost::filesystem::status( m_path, ec ); }
-# else
- m_status = boost::filesystem::status( m_path, ec );
-# endif
- }
- else ec = boost::system::error_code();;
- return m_status;
- }
- template<class Path>
- file_status
- basic_directory_entry<Path>::symlink_status() const
- {
- if ( !status_known( m_symlink_status ) )
- { m_symlink_status = boost::filesystem::symlink_status( m_path ); }
- return m_symlink_status;
-# else
- return status();
-# endif
- }
- template<class Path>
- file_status
- basic_directory_entry<Path>::symlink_status( system::error_code & ec ) const
- {
- if ( !status_known( m_symlink_status ) )
- { m_symlink_status = boost::filesystem::symlink_status( m_path, ec ); }
- else ec = boost::system::error_code();;
- return m_symlink_status;
-# else
- return status( ec );
-# endif
- }
- } // namespace filesystem
-} // namespace boost
-#include <boost/config/abi_suffix.hpp> // pops abi_prefix.hpp pragmas
Deleted: branches/filesystem3/boost/filesystem/path.hpp
--- branches/filesystem3/boost/filesystem/path.hpp 2010-06-09 09:00:15 EDT (Wed, 09 Jun 2010)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,1531 +0,0 @@
-// boost/filesystem/path.hpp -----------------------------------------------//
-// Copyright Beman Dawes 2002-2005
-// Copyright Vladimir Prus 2002
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
-// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-// See library home page at http://www.boost.org/libs/filesystem
-// basic_path's stem(), extension(), and replace_extension() are based on
-// basename(), extension(), and change_extension() from the original
-// filesystem/convenience.hpp header by Vladimir Prus.
-#include <boost/filesystem/config.hpp>
-#include <boost/system/system_error.hpp>
-#include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp>
-#include <boost/throw_exception.hpp>
-#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
-#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
-#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
-#include <string>
-#include <algorithm> // for lexicographical_compare
-#include <iosfwd> // needed by basic_path inserter and extractor
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include <cassert>
-# include <locale>
-# endif
-#include <boost/config/abi_prefix.hpp> // must be the last #include
-namespace boost
- {
- template<class String, class Traits> class basic_path;
- struct path_traits;
- typedef basic_path< std::string, path_traits > path;
- struct path_traits
- {
- typedef std::string internal_string_type;
- typedef std::string external_string_type;
- static external_string_type to_external( const path &,
- const internal_string_type & src ) { return src; }
- static internal_string_type to_internal(
- const external_string_type & src ) { return src; }
- };
- struct BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL wpath_traits;
- typedef basic_path< std::wstring, wpath_traits > wpath;
- struct BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL wpath_traits
- {
- typedef std::wstring internal_string_type;
- typedef std::wstring external_string_type;
- static external_string_type to_external( const wpath &,
- const internal_string_type & src ) { return src; }
- static internal_string_type to_internal(
- const external_string_type & src ) { return src; }
-# else
- typedef std::string external_string_type;
- static external_string_type to_external( const wpath & ph,
- const internal_string_type & src );
- static internal_string_type to_internal(
- const external_string_type & src );
-# endif
- static void imbue( const std::locale & loc );
- static bool imbue( const std::locale & loc, const std::nothrow_t & );
- };
- // path traits ---------------------------------------------------------//
- template<class Path> struct is_basic_path
- { BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( bool, value = false ); };
- template<> struct is_basic_path<path>
- { BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( bool, value = true ); };
- template<> struct is_basic_path<wpath>
- { BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( bool, value = true ); };
-# endif
- // These only have to be specialized if Path::string_type::value_type
- // is not convertible from char, although specializations may eliminate
- // compiler warnings. See ticket 2543.
- template<class Path> struct slash
- { BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( char, value = '/' ); };
- template<class Path> struct dot
- { BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( char, value = '.' ); };
- template<class Path> struct colon
- { BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( char, value = ':' ); };
- template<> struct slash<wpath>
- { BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( wchar_t, value = L'/' ); };
- template<> struct dot<wpath>
- { BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( wchar_t, value = L'.' ); };
- template<> struct colon<wpath>
- { BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( wchar_t, value = L':' ); };
-# endif
- template<class Path> struct path_alt_separator
- { BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( char, value = '\\' ); };
- template<> struct path_alt_separator<wpath>
- { BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( wchar_t, value = L'\\' ); };
-# endif
-# endif
- // workaround for VC++ 7.0 and earlier issues with nested classes
- namespace detail
- {
- template<class Path>
- class iterator_helper
- {
- public:
- typedef typename Path::iterator iterator;
- static void do_increment( iterator & ph );
- static void do_decrement( iterator & ph );
- };
- }
- // basic_path ----------------------------------------------------------//
- template<class String, class Traits>
- class basic_path
- {
- // invariant: m_path valid according to the portable generic path grammar
- // validate template arguments
-// TODO: get these working
-// BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( ::boost::is_same<String,typename Traits::internal_string_type>::value );
-// BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( ::boost::is_same<typename Traits::external_string_type,std::string>::value || ::boost::is_same<typename Traits::external_string_type,std::wstring>::value );
- public:
- // compiler generates copy constructor and copy assignment
- typedef basic_path<String, Traits> path_type;
- typedef String string_type;
- typedef typename String::value_type value_type;
- typedef Traits traits_type;
- typedef typename Traits::external_string_type external_string_type;
- // constructors/destructor
- basic_path() {}
- basic_path( const string_type & s ) { operator/=( s ); }
- basic_path( const value_type * s ) { operator/=( s ); }
- template <class InputIterator>
- basic_path( InputIterator first, InputIterator last )
- { append( first, last ); }
-# endif
- ~basic_path() {}
- // assignments
- basic_path & operator=( const string_type & s )
- {
- m_path.clear();
-# else
- m_path.erase( m_path.begin(), m_path.end() );
-# endif
- operator/=( s );
- return *this;
- }
- basic_path & operator=( const value_type * s )
- {
- m_path.clear();
-# else
- m_path.erase( m_path.begin(), m_path.end() );
-# endif
- operator/=( s );
- return *this;
- }
- template <class InputIterator>
- basic_path & assign( InputIterator first, InputIterator last )
- { m_path.clear(); append( first, last ); return *this; }
-# endif
- // modifiers
- basic_path & operator/=( const basic_path & rhs ) { return operator /=( rhs.string().c_str() ); }
- basic_path & operator/=( const string_type & rhs ) { return operator /=( rhs.c_str() ); }
- basic_path & operator/=( const value_type * s );
- template <class InputIterator>
- basic_path & append( InputIterator first, InputIterator last );
-# endif
- void clear()
- {
- m_path.clear();
-# else
- m_path.erase( m_path.begin(), m_path.end() );
-# endif
- }
- void swap( basic_path & rhs )
- {
- m_path.swap( rhs.m_path );
- std::swap( m_cygwin_root, rhs.m_cygwin_root );
-# endif
- }
- basic_path & remove_filename();
- basic_path & replace_extension( const string_type & new_extension = string_type() );
- basic_path & remove_leaf() { return remove_filename(); }
-# endif
- // observers
- const string_type & string() const { return m_path; }
- const string_type file_string() const;
- const string_type directory_string() const { return file_string(); }
- const external_string_type external_file_string() const { return Traits::to_external( *this, file_string() ); }
- const external_string_type external_directory_string() const { return Traits::to_external( *this, directory_string() ); }
- basic_path root_path() const;
- string_type root_name() const;
- string_type root_directory() const;
- basic_path relative_path() const;
- basic_path parent_path() const;
- string_type filename() const;
- string_type stem() const;
- string_type extension() const;
- string_type leaf() const { return filename(); }
- basic_path branch_path() const { return parent_path(); }
- bool has_leaf() const { return !m_path.empty(); }
- bool has_branch_path() const { return !parent_path().empty(); }
-# endif
- bool empty() const { return m_path.empty(); } // name consistent with std containers
- bool is_complete() const;
- bool has_root_path() const;
- bool has_root_name() const;
- bool has_root_directory() const;
- bool has_relative_path() const { return !relative_path().empty(); }
- bool has_filename() const { return !m_path.empty(); }
- bool has_parent_path() const { return !parent_path().empty(); }
- // iterators
- class iterator : public boost::iterator_facade<
- iterator,
- string_type const,
- boost::bidirectional_traversal_tag >
- {
- private:
- friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
- friend class boost::BOOST_FILESYSTEM_NAMESPACE::basic_path<String, Traits>;
- const string_type & dereference() const
- { return m_name; }
- bool equal( const iterator & rhs ) const
- { return m_path_ptr == rhs.m_path_ptr && m_pos == rhs.m_pos; }
- friend class boost::BOOST_FILESYSTEM_NAMESPACE::detail::iterator_helper<path_type>;
- void increment()
- {
- boost::BOOST_FILESYSTEM_NAMESPACE::detail::iterator_helper<path_type>::do_increment(
- *this );
- }
- void decrement()
- {
- boost::BOOST_FILESYSTEM_NAMESPACE::detail::iterator_helper<path_type>::do_decrement(
- *this );
- }
- string_type m_name; // current element
- const basic_path * m_path_ptr; // path being iterated over
- typename string_type::size_type m_pos; // position of name in
- // path_ptr->string(). The
- // end() iterator is indicated by
- // pos == path_ptr->m_path.size()
- }; // iterator
- typedef iterator const_iterator;
- iterator begin() const;
- iterator end() const;
- private:
- // Note: This is an implementation for POSIX and Windows, where there
- // are only minor differences between generic and native path grammars.
- // Private members might be quite different in other implementations,
- // particularly where there were wide differences between portable and
- // native path formats, or between file_string() and
- // directory_string() formats, or simply that the implementation
- // was willing expend additional memory to achieve greater speed for
- // some operations at the expense of other operations.
- string_type m_path; // invariant: portable path grammar
- // on Windows, backslashes converted to slashes
- bool m_cygwin_root; // if present, m_path[0] was slash. note: initialization
- // done by append
-# endif
- void m_append_separator_if_needed();
- void m_append( value_type value ); // converts Windows alt_separator
- // Was qualified; como433beta8 reports:
- // warning #427-D: qualified name is not allowed in member declaration
- friend class iterator;
- friend class boost::BOOST_FILESYSTEM_NAMESPACE::detail::iterator_helper<path_type>;
- // Deprecated features ease transition for existing code. Don't use these
- // in new code.
- public:
- typedef bool (*name_check)( const std::string & name );
- basic_path( const string_type & str, name_check ) { operator/=( str ); }
- basic_path( const typename string_type::value_type * s, name_check )
- { operator/=( s );}
- string_type native_file_string() const { return file_string(); }
- string_type native_directory_string() const { return directory_string(); }
- static bool default_name_check_writable() { return false; }
- static void default_name_check( name_check ) {}
- static name_check default_name_check() { return 0; }
- basic_path & canonize();
- basic_path & normalize();
-# endif
- };
- // basic_path non-member functions ---------------------------------------//
- template< class String, class Traits >
- inline void swap( basic_path<String, Traits> & lhs,
- basic_path<String, Traits> & rhs ) { lhs.swap( rhs ); }
- template< class String, class Traits >
- bool operator<( const basic_path<String, Traits> & lhs, const basic_path<String, Traits> & rhs )
- {
- return std::lexicographical_compare(
- lhs.begin(), lhs.end(), rhs.begin(), rhs.end() );
- }
- template< class String, class Traits >
- bool operator<( const typename basic_path<String, Traits>::string_type::value_type * lhs,
- const basic_path<String, Traits> & rhs )
- {
- basic_path<String, Traits> tmp( lhs );
- return std::lexicographical_compare(
- tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), rhs.begin(), rhs.end() );
- }
- template< class String, class Traits >
- bool operator<( const typename basic_path<String, Traits>::string_type & lhs,
- const basic_path<String, Traits> & rhs )
- {
- basic_path<String, Traits> tmp( lhs );
- return std::lexicographical_compare(
- tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), rhs.begin(), rhs.end() );
- }
- template< class String, class Traits >
- bool operator<( const basic_path<String, Traits> & lhs,
- const typename basic_path<String, Traits>::string_type::value_type * rhs )
- {
- basic_path<String, Traits> tmp( rhs );
- return std::lexicographical_compare(
- lhs.begin(), lhs.end(), tmp.begin(), tmp.end() );
- }
- template< class String, class Traits >
- bool operator<( const basic_path<String, Traits> & lhs,
- const typename basic_path<String, Traits>::string_type & rhs )
- {
- basic_path<String, Traits> tmp( rhs );
- return std::lexicographical_compare(
- lhs.begin(), lhs.end(), tmp.begin(), tmp.end() );
- }
- // operator == uses hand-written compare rather than !(lhs < rhs) && !(rhs < lhs)
- // because the result is the same yet the direct compare is much more efficient
- // than lexicographical_compare, which would also be called twice.
- template< class String, class Traits >
- inline bool operator==( const basic_path<String, Traits> & lhs,
- const typename basic_path<String, Traits>::string_type::value_type * rhs )
- {
- typedef typename
- boost::BOOST_FILESYSTEM_NAMESPACE::basic_path<String, Traits> path_type;
- const typename path_type::string_type::value_type * l (lhs.string().c_str());
- while ( (*l == *rhs
- || (*l == path_alt_separator<path_type>::value && *rhs == slash<path_type>::value)
- || (*l == slash<path_type>::value && *rhs == path_alt_separator<path_type>::value)
-# endif
- ) && *l ) { ++l; ++rhs; }
- return *l == *rhs
- || (*l == path_alt_separator<path_type>::value && *rhs == slash<path_type>::value)
- || (*l == slash<path_type>::value && *rhs == path_alt_separator<path_type>::value)
-# endif
- ;
- }
- template< class String, class Traits >
- inline bool operator==( const basic_path<String, Traits> & lhs,
- const basic_path<String, Traits> & rhs )
- {
- return lhs == rhs.string().c_str();
- }
- template< class String, class Traits >
- inline bool operator==( const typename basic_path<String, Traits>::string_type::value_type * lhs,
- const basic_path<String, Traits> & rhs )
- {
- return rhs == lhs;
- }
- template< class String, class Traits >
- inline bool operator==( const typename basic_path<String, Traits>::string_type & lhs,
- const basic_path<String, Traits> & rhs )
- {
- return rhs == lhs.c_str();
- }
- template< class String, class Traits >
- inline bool operator==( const basic_path<String, Traits> & lhs,
- const typename basic_path<String, Traits>::string_type & rhs )
- {
- return lhs == rhs.c_str();
- }
- template< class String, class Traits >
- inline bool operator!=( const basic_path<String, Traits> & lhs,
- const basic_path<String, Traits> & rhs )
- { return !(lhs == rhs); }
- template< class String, class Traits >
- inline bool operator!=( const typename basic_path<String,
- Traits>::string_type::value_type * lhs,
- const basic_path<String, Traits> & rhs )
- { return !(lhs == rhs); }
- template< class String, class Traits >
- inline bool operator!=( const typename basic_path<String, Traits>::string_type & lhs,
- const basic_path<String, Traits> & rhs )
- { return !(lhs == rhs); }
- template< class String, class Traits >
- inline bool operator!=( const basic_path<String, Traits> & lhs,
- const typename basic_path<String, Traits>::string_type::value_type * rhs )
- { return !(lhs == rhs); }
- template< class String, class Traits >
- inline bool operator!=( const basic_path<String, Traits> & lhs,
- const typename basic_path<String, Traits>::string_type & rhs )
- { return !(lhs == rhs); }
- template< class String, class Traits >
- inline bool operator>( const basic_path<String, Traits> & lhs, const basic_path<String, Traits> & rhs ) { return rhs < lhs; }
- template< class String, class Traits >
- inline bool operator>( const typename basic_path<String, Traits>::string_type::value_type * lhs,
- const basic_path<String, Traits> & rhs ) { return rhs < basic_path<String, Traits>(lhs); }
- template< class String, class Traits >
- inline bool operator>( const typename basic_path<String, Traits>::string_type & lhs,
- const basic_path<String, Traits> & rhs ) { return rhs < basic_path<String, Traits>(lhs); }
- template< class String, class Traits >
- inline bool operator>( const basic_path<String, Traits> & lhs,
- const typename basic_path<String, Traits>::string_type::value_type * rhs )
- { return basic_path<String, Traits>(rhs) < lhs; }
- template< class String, class Traits >
- inline bool operator>( const basic_path<String, Traits> & lhs,
- const typename basic_path<String, Traits>::string_type & rhs )
- { return basic_path<String, Traits>(rhs) < lhs; }
- template< class String, class Traits >
- inline bool operator<=( const basic_path<String, Traits> & lhs, const basic_path<String, Traits> & rhs ) { return !(rhs < lhs); }
- template< class String, class Traits >
- inline bool operator<=( const typename basic_path<String, Traits>::string_type::value_type * lhs,
- const basic_path<String, Traits> & rhs ) { return !(rhs < basic_path<String, Traits>(lhs)); }
- template< class String, class Traits >
- inline bool operator<=( const typename basic_path<String, Traits>::string_type & lhs,
- const basic_path<String, Traits> & rhs ) { return !(rhs < basic_path<String, Traits>(lhs)); }
- template< class String, class Traits >
- inline bool operator<=( const basic_path<String, Traits> & lhs,
- const typename basic_path<String, Traits>::string_type::value_type * rhs )
- { return !(basic_path<String, Traits>(rhs) < lhs); }
- template< class String, class Traits >
- inline bool operator<=( const basic_path<String, Traits> & lhs,
- const typename basic_path<String, Traits>::string_type & rhs )
- { return !(basic_path<String, Traits>(rhs) < lhs); }
- template< class String, class Traits >
- inline bool operator>=( const basic_path<String, Traits> & lhs, const basic_path<String, Traits> & rhs ) { return !(lhs < rhs); }
- template< class String, class Traits >
- inline bool operator>=( const typename basic_path<String, Traits>::string_type::value_type * lhs,
- const basic_path<String, Traits> & rhs ) { return !(lhs < basic_path<String, Traits>(rhs)); }
- template< class String, class Traits >
- inline bool operator>=( const typename basic_path<String, Traits>::string_type & lhs,
- const basic_path<String, Traits> & rhs ) { return !(lhs < basic_path<String, Traits>(rhs)); }
- template< class String, class Traits >
- inline bool operator>=( const basic_path<String, Traits> & lhs,
- const typename basic_path<String, Traits>::string_type::value_type * rhs )
- { return !(basic_path<String, Traits>(lhs) < rhs); }
- template< class String, class Traits >
- inline bool operator>=( const basic_path<String, Traits> & lhs,
- const typename basic_path<String, Traits>::string_type & rhs )
- { return !(basic_path<String, Traits>(lhs) < rhs); }
- // operator /
- template< class String, class Traits >
- inline basic_path<String, Traits> operator/(
- const basic_path<String, Traits> & lhs,
- const basic_path<String, Traits> & rhs )
- { return basic_path<String, Traits>( lhs ) /= rhs; }
- template< class String, class Traits >
- inline basic_path<String, Traits> operator/(
- const basic_path<String, Traits> & lhs,
- const typename String::value_type * rhs )
- { return basic_path<String, Traits>( lhs ) /=
- basic_path<String, Traits>( rhs ); }
- template< class String, class Traits >
- inline basic_path<String, Traits> operator/(
- const basic_path<String, Traits> & lhs, const String & rhs )
- { return basic_path<String, Traits>( lhs ) /=
- basic_path<String, Traits>( rhs ); }
- template< class String, class Traits >
- inline basic_path<String, Traits> operator/(
- const typename String::value_type * lhs,
- const basic_path<String, Traits> & rhs )
- { return basic_path<String, Traits>( lhs ) /= rhs; }
- template< class String, class Traits >
- inline basic_path<String, Traits> operator/(
- const String & lhs, const basic_path<String, Traits> & rhs )
- { return basic_path<String, Traits>( lhs ) /= rhs; }
- // inserters and extractors --------------------------------------------//
-// bypass VC++ 7.0 and earlier, and broken Borland compilers
- template< class Path >
- std::basic_ostream< typename Path::string_type::value_type,
- typename Path::string_type::traits_type > &
- operator<<
- ( std::basic_ostream< typename Path::string_type::value_type,
- typename Path::string_type::traits_type >& os, const Path & ph )
- {
- os << ph.string();
- return os;
- }
- template< class Path >
- std::basic_istream< typename Path::string_type::value_type,
- typename Path::string_type::traits_type > &
- operator>>
- ( std::basic_istream< typename Path::string_type::value_type,
- typename Path::string_type::traits_type >& is, Path & ph )
- {
- typename Path::string_type str;
- is >> str;
- ph = str;
- return is;
- }
- template< class String, class Traits >
- std::basic_ostream< BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME String::value_type,
- BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME String::traits_type > &
- operator<<
- ( std::basic_ostream< BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME String::value_type,
- BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME String::traits_type >& os,
- const basic_path< String, Traits > & ph )
- {
- os << ph.string();
- return os;
- }
- template< class String, class Traits >
- std::basic_istream< BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME String::value_type,
- BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME String::traits_type > &
- operator>>
- ( std::basic_istream< BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME String::value_type,
- BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME String::traits_type> & is,
- basic_path< String, Traits > & ph )
- {
- String str;
- is >> str;
- ph = str;
- return is;
- }
-# endif
- // basic_filesystem_error helpers --------------------------------------//
- // Originally choice of implementation was done via specialization of
- // basic_filesystem_error::what(). Several compilers (GCC, aCC, etc.)
- // couldn't handle that, so the choice is now accomplished by overloading.
- namespace detail
- {
- // BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL version works for VC++ but not GCC. Go figure!
- inline
- const char * what( const char * sys_err_what,
- const path & path1_arg, const path & path2_arg, std::string & target )
- {
- try
- {
- if ( target.empty() )
- {
- target = sys_err_what;
- if ( !path1_arg.empty() )
- {
- target += ": \"";
- target += path1_arg.file_string();
- target += "\"";
- }
- if ( !path2_arg.empty() )
- {
- target += ", \"";
- target += path2_arg.file_string();
- target += "\"";
- }
- }
- return target.c_str();
- }
- catch (...)
- {
- return sys_err_what;
- }
- }
- template<class Path>
- const char * what( const char * sys_err_what,
- const Path & /*path1_arg*/, const Path & /*path2_arg*/, std::string & /*target*/ )
- {
- return sys_err_what;
- }
- }
- // basic_filesystem_error ----------------------------------------------//
- template<class Path>
- class basic_filesystem_error : public system::system_error
- {
- // see http://www.boost.org/more/error_handling.html for design rationale
- public:
- // compiler generates copy constructor and copy assignment
- typedef Path path_type;
- basic_filesystem_error( const std::string & what_arg,
- system::error_code ec );
- basic_filesystem_error( const std::string & what_arg,
- const path_type & path1_arg, system::error_code ec );
- basic_filesystem_error( const std::string & what_arg, const path_type & path1_arg,
- const path_type & path2_arg, system::error_code ec );
- ~basic_filesystem_error() throw() {}
- const path_type & path1() const
- {
- static const path_type empty_path;
- return m_imp_ptr.get() ? m_imp_ptr->m_path1 : empty_path ;
- }
- const path_type & path2() const
- {
- static const path_type empty_path;
- return m_imp_ptr.get() ? m_imp_ptr->m_path2 : empty_path ;
- }
- const char * what() const throw()
- {
- if ( !m_imp_ptr.get() )
- return system::system_error::what();
- return detail::what( system::system_error::what(), m_imp_ptr->m_path1,
- m_imp_ptr->m_path2, m_imp_ptr->m_what );
- }
- private:
- struct m_imp
- {
- path_type m_path1; // may be empty()
- path_type m_path2; // may be empty()
- std::string m_what; // not built until needed
- };
- boost::shared_ptr<m_imp> m_imp_ptr;
- };
- typedef basic_filesystem_error<path> filesystem_error;
- typedef basic_filesystem_error<wpath> wfilesystem_error;
-# endif
- // path::name_checks -----------------------------------------------------//
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL bool portable_posix_name( const std::string & name );
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL bool windows_name( const std::string & name );
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL bool portable_name( const std::string & name );
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL bool portable_directory_name( const std::string & name );
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL bool portable_file_name( const std::string & name );
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL bool native( const std::string & name );
- inline bool no_check( const std::string & )
- { return true; }
-// implementation -----------------------------------------------------------//
- namespace detail
- {
- // is_separator helper ------------------------------------------------//
- template<class Path>
- inline bool is_separator( typename Path::string_type::value_type c )
- {
- return c == slash<Path>::value
- || c == path_alt_separator<Path>::value
-# endif
- ;
- }
- // filename_pos helper ----------------------------------------------------//
- template<class String, class Traits>
- typename String::size_type filename_pos(
- const String & str, // precondition: portable generic path grammar
- typename String::size_type end_pos ) // end_pos is past-the-end position
- // return 0 if str itself is filename (or empty)
- {
- typedef typename
- boost::BOOST_FILESYSTEM_NAMESPACE::basic_path<String, Traits> path_type;
- // case: "//"
- if ( end_pos == 2
- && str[0] == slash<path_type>::value
- && str[1] == slash<path_type>::value ) return 0;
- // case: ends in "/"
- if ( end_pos && str[end_pos-1] == slash<path_type>::value )
- return end_pos-1;
- // set pos to start of last element
- typename String::size_type pos(
- str.find_last_of( slash<path_type>::value, end_pos-1 ) );
- if ( pos == String::npos )
- pos = str.find_last_of( path_alt_separator<path_type>::value, end_pos-1 );
- if ( pos == String::npos )
- pos = str.find_last_of( colon<path_type>::value, end_pos-2 );
-# endif
- return ( pos == String::npos // path itself must be a filename (or empty)
- || (pos == 1 && str[0] == slash<path_type>::value) ) // or net
- ? 0 // so filename is entire string
- : pos + 1; // or starts after delimiter
- }
- // first_element helper -----------------------------------------------//
- // sets pos and len of first element, excluding extra separators
- // if src.empty(), sets pos,len, to 0,0.
- template<class String, class Traits>
- void first_element(
- const String & src, // precondition: portable generic path grammar
- typename String::size_type & element_pos,
- typename String::size_type & element_size,
-# if !BOOST_WORKAROUND( BOOST_MSVC, <= 1310 ) // VC++ 7.1
- typename String::size_type size = String::npos
-# else
- typename String::size_type size = -1
-# endif
- )
- {
- if ( size == String::npos ) size = src.size();
- element_pos = 0;
- element_size = 0;
- if ( src.empty() ) return;
- typedef typename boost::BOOST_FILESYSTEM_NAMESPACE::basic_path<String, Traits> path_type;
- typename String::size_type cur(0);
- // deal with // [network]
- if ( size >= 2 && src[0] == slash<path_type>::value
- && src[1] == slash<path_type>::value
- && (size == 2
- || src[2] != slash<path_type>::value) )
- {
- cur += 2;
- element_size += 2;
- }
- // leading (not non-network) separator
- else if ( src[0] == slash<path_type>::value )
- {
- ++element_size;
- // bypass extra leading separators
- while ( cur+1 < size
- && src[cur+1] == slash<path_type>::value )
- {
- ++cur;
- ++element_pos;
- }
- return;
- }
- // at this point, we have either a plain name, a network name,
- // or (on Windows only) a device name
- // find the end
- while ( cur < size
- && src[cur] != colon<path_type>::value
-# endif
- && src[cur] != slash<path_type>::value )
- {
- ++cur;
- ++element_size;
- }
- if ( cur == size ) return;
- // include device delimiter
- if ( src[cur] == colon<path_type>::value )
- { ++element_size; }
-# endif
- return;
- }
- // root_directory_start helper ----------------------------------------//
- template<class String, class Traits>
- typename String::size_type root_directory_start(
- const String & s, // precondition: portable generic path grammar
- typename String::size_type size )
- // return npos if no root_directory found
- {
- typedef typename boost::BOOST_FILESYSTEM_NAMESPACE::basic_path<String, Traits> path_type;
- // case "c:/"
- if ( size > 2
- && s[1] == colon<path_type>::value
- && s[2] == slash<path_type>::value ) return 2;
-# endif
- // case "//"
- if ( size == 2
- && s[0] == slash<path_type>::value
- && s[1] == slash<path_type>::value ) return String::npos;
- // case "//net {/}"
- if ( size > 3
- && s[0] == slash<path_type>::value
- && s[1] == slash<path_type>::value
- && s[2] != slash<path_type>::value )
- {
- typename String::size_type pos(
- s.find( slash<path_type>::value, 2 ) );
- return pos < size ? pos : String::npos;
- }
- // case "/"
- if ( size > 0 && s[0] == slash<path_type>::value ) return 0;
- return String::npos;
- }
- // is_non_root_slash helper -------------------------------------------//
- template<class String, class Traits>
- bool is_non_root_slash( const String & str,
- typename String::size_type pos ) // pos is position of the slash
- {
- typedef typename
- boost::BOOST_FILESYSTEM_NAMESPACE::basic_path<String, Traits>
- path_type;
- assert( !str.empty() && str[pos] == slash<path_type>::value
- && "precondition violation" );
- // subsequent logic expects pos to be for leftmost slash of a set
- while ( pos > 0 && str[pos-1] == slash<path_type>::value )
- --pos;
- return pos != 0
- && (pos <= 2 || str[1] != slash<path_type>::value
- || str.find( slash<path_type>::value, 2 ) != pos)
- && (pos !=2 || str[1] != colon<path_type>::value)
-# endif
- ;
- }
- } // namespace detail
- // decomposition functions ----------------------------------------------//
- template<class String, class Traits>
- String basic_path<String, Traits>::filename() const
- {
- typename String::size_type end_pos(
- detail::filename_pos<String, Traits>( m_path, m_path.size() ) );
- return (m_path.size()
- && end_pos
- && m_path[end_pos] == slash<path_type>::value
- && detail::is_non_root_slash< String, Traits >(m_path, end_pos))
- ? String( 1, dot<path_type>::value )
- : m_path.substr( end_pos );
- }
- template<class String, class Traits>
- String basic_path<String, Traits>::stem() const
- {
- string_type name = filename();
- typename string_type::size_type n = name.rfind(dot<path_type>::value);
- return name.substr(0, n);
- }
- template<class String, class Traits>
- String basic_path<String, Traits>::extension() const
- {
- string_type name = filename();
- typename string_type::size_type n = name.rfind(dot<path_type>::value);
- if (n != string_type::npos)
- return name.substr(n);
- else
- return string_type();
- }
- template<class String, class Traits>
- basic_path<String, Traits> basic_path<String, Traits>::parent_path() const
- {
- typename String::size_type end_pos(
- detail::filename_pos<String, Traits>( m_path, m_path.size() ) );
- bool filename_was_separator( m_path.size()
- && m_path[end_pos] == slash<path_type>::value );
- // skip separators unless root directory
- typename string_type::size_type root_dir_pos( detail::root_directory_start
- <string_type, traits_type>( m_path, end_pos ) );
- for ( ;
- end_pos > 0
- && (end_pos-1) != root_dir_pos
- && m_path[end_pos-1] == slash<path_type>::value
- ;
- --end_pos ) {}
- return (end_pos == 1 && root_dir_pos == 0 && filename_was_separator)
- ? path_type()
- : path_type( m_path.substr( 0, end_pos ) );
- }
- template<class String, class Traits>
- basic_path<String, Traits> basic_path<String, Traits>::relative_path() const
- {
- iterator itr( begin() );
- for ( ; itr.m_pos != m_path.size()
- && (itr.m_name[0] == slash<path_type>::value
- || itr.m_name[itr.m_name.size()-1]
- == colon<path_type>::value
-# endif
- ); ++itr ) {}
- return basic_path<String, Traits>( m_path.substr( itr.m_pos ) );
- }
- template<class String, class Traits>
- String basic_path<String, Traits>::root_name() const
- {
- iterator itr( begin() );
- return ( itr.m_pos != m_path.size()
- && (
- ( itr.m_name.size() > 1
- && itr.m_name[0] == slash<path_type>::value
- && itr.m_name[1] == slash<path_type>::value
- )
- || itr.m_name[itr.m_name.size()-1]
- == colon<path_type>::value
-# endif
- ) )
- ? *itr
- : String();
- }
- template<class String, class Traits>
- String basic_path<String, Traits>::root_directory() const
- {
- typename string_type::size_type start(
- detail::root_directory_start<String, Traits>( m_path, m_path.size() ) );
- return start == string_type::npos
- ? string_type()
- : m_path.substr( start, 1 );
- }
- template<class String, class Traits>
- basic_path<String, Traits> basic_path<String, Traits>::root_path() const
- {
- // even on POSIX, root_name() is non-empty() on network paths
- return basic_path<String, Traits>( root_name() ) /= root_directory();
- }
- // path query functions -------------------------------------------------//
- template<class String, class Traits>
- inline bool basic_path<String, Traits>::is_complete() const
- {
- return has_root_name() && has_root_directory();
-# else
- return has_root_directory();
-# endif
- }
- template<class String, class Traits>
- inline bool basic_path<String, Traits>::has_root_path() const
- {
- return !root_path().empty();
- }
- template<class String, class Traits>
- inline bool basic_path<String, Traits>::has_root_name() const
- {
- return !root_name().empty();
- }
- template<class String, class Traits>
- inline bool basic_path<String, Traits>::has_root_directory() const
- {
- return !root_directory().empty();
- }
- // append ---------------------------------------------------------------//
- template<class String, class Traits>
- void basic_path<String, Traits>::m_append_separator_if_needed()
- // requires: !empty()
- {
- if (
- *(m_path.end()-1) != colon<path_type>::value &&
-# endif
- *(m_path.end()-1) != slash<path_type>::value )
- {
- m_path += slash<path_type>::value;
- }
- }
- template<class String, class Traits>
- void basic_path<String, Traits>::m_append( value_type value )
- {
- if ( m_path.empty() ) m_cygwin_root = (value == slash<path_type>::value);
-# endif
- // for BOOST_WINDOWS_PATH, convert alt_separator ('\') to separator ('/')
- m_path += ( value == path_alt_separator<path_type>::value
- ? slash<path_type>::value
- : value );
-# else
- m_path += value;
-# endif
- }
- // except that it wouldn't work for BOOST_NO_MEMBER_TEMPLATES compilers,
- // the append() member template could replace this code.
- template<class String, class Traits>
- basic_path<String, Traits> & basic_path<String, Traits>::operator /=
- ( const value_type * next_p )
- {
- // ignore escape sequence on POSIX or Windows
- if ( *next_p == slash<path_type>::value
- && *(next_p+1) == slash<path_type>::value
- && *(next_p+2) == colon<path_type>::value ) next_p += 3;
- // append slash<path_type>::value if needed
- if ( !empty() && *next_p != 0
- && !detail::is_separator<path_type>( *next_p ) )
- { m_append_separator_if_needed(); }
- for ( ; *next_p != 0; ++next_p ) m_append( *next_p );
- return *this;
- }
- template<class String, class Traits> template <class InputIterator>
- basic_path<String, Traits> & basic_path<String, Traits>::append(
- InputIterator first, InputIterator last )
- {
- // append slash<path_type>::value if needed
- if ( !empty() && first != last
- && !detail::is_separator<path_type>( *first ) )
- { m_append_separator_if_needed(); }
- // song-and-dance to avoid violating InputIterator requirements
- // (which prohibit lookahead) in detecting a possible escape sequence
- // (escape sequences are simply ignored on POSIX and Windows)
- bool was_escape_sequence(true);
- std::size_t append_count(0);
- typename String::size_type initial_pos( m_path.size() );
- for ( ; first != last && *first; ++first )
- {
- if ( append_count == 0 && *first != slash<path_type>::value )
- was_escape_sequence = false;
- if ( append_count == 1 && *first != slash<path_type>::value )
- was_escape_sequence = false;
- if ( append_count == 2 && *first != colon<path_type>::value )
- was_escape_sequence = false;
- m_append( *first );
- ++append_count;
- }
- // erase escape sequence if any
- if ( was_escape_sequence && append_count >= 3 )
- m_path.erase( initial_pos, 3 );
- return *this;
- }
-# endif
- // canonize ------------------------------------------------------------//
- template<class String, class Traits>
- basic_path<String, Traits> & basic_path<String, Traits>::canonize()
- {
- static const typename string_type::value_type dot_str[]
- = { dot<path_type>::value, 0 };
- if ( m_path.empty() ) return *this;
- path_type temp;
- for ( iterator itr( begin() ); itr != end(); ++itr )
- {
- temp /= *itr;
- };
- if ( temp.empty() ) temp /= dot_str;
- m_path = temp.m_path;
- return *this;
- }
- // normalize ------------------------------------------------------------//
- template<class String, class Traits>
- basic_path<String, Traits> & basic_path<String, Traits>::normalize()
- {
- static const typename string_type::value_type dot_str[]
- = { dot<path_type>::value, 0 };
- if ( m_path.empty() ) return *this;
- path_type temp;
- iterator start( begin() );
- iterator last( end() );
- iterator stop( last-- );
- for ( iterator itr( start ); itr != stop; ++itr )
- {
- // ignore "." except at start and last
- if ( itr->size() == 1
- && (*itr)[0] == dot<path_type>::value
- && itr != start
- && itr != last ) continue;
- // ignore a name and following ".."
- if ( !temp.empty()
- && itr->size() == 2
- && (*itr)[0] == dot<path_type>::value
- && (*itr)[1] == dot<path_type>::value ) // dot dot
- {
- string_type lf( temp.filename() );
- if ( lf.size() > 0
- && (lf.size() != 1
- || (lf[0] != dot<path_type>::value
- && lf[0] != slash<path_type>::value))
- && (lf.size() != 2
- || (lf[0] != dot<path_type>::value
- && lf[1] != dot<path_type>::value
- && lf[1] != colon<path_type>::value
-# endif
- )
- )
- )
- {
- temp.remove_filename();
- // if not root directory, must also remove "/" if any
- if ( temp.m_path.size() > 0
- && temp.m_path[temp.m_path.size()-1]
- == slash<path_type>::value )
- {
- typename string_type::size_type rds(
- detail::root_directory_start<String,Traits>( temp.m_path,
- temp.m_path.size() ) );
- if ( rds == string_type::npos
- || rds != temp.m_path.size()-1 )
- { temp.m_path.erase( temp.m_path.size()-1 ); }
- }
- iterator next( itr );
- if ( temp.empty() && ++next != stop
- && next == last && *last == dot_str ) temp /= dot_str;
- continue;
- }
- }
- temp /= *itr;
- };
- if ( temp.empty() ) temp /= dot_str;
- m_path = temp.m_path;
- return *this;
- }
-# endif
- // modifiers ------------------------------------------------------------//
- template<class String, class Traits>
- basic_path<String, Traits> & basic_path<String, Traits>::remove_filename()
- {
- m_path.erase(
- detail::filename_pos<String, Traits>( m_path, m_path.size() ) );
- return *this;
- }
- template<class String, class Traits>
- basic_path<String, Traits> &
- basic_path<String, Traits>::replace_extension( const string_type & new_ext )
- {
- // erase existing extension if any
- string_type old_ext = extension();
- if ( !old_ext.empty() )
- m_path.erase( m_path.size() - old_ext.size() );
- if ( !new_ext.empty() && new_ext[0] != dot<path_type>::value )
- m_path += dot<path_type>::value;
- m_path += new_ext;
- return *this;
- }
- // path conversion functions --------------------------------------------//
- template<class String, class Traits>
- const String
- basic_path<String, Traits>::file_string() const
- {
- // for Windows, use the alternate separator, and bypass extra
- // root separators
- typename string_type::size_type root_dir_start(
- detail::root_directory_start<String, Traits>( m_path, m_path.size() ) );
- bool in_root( root_dir_start != string_type::npos );
- String s;
- for ( typename string_type::size_type pos( 0 );
- pos != m_path.size(); ++pos )
- {
- // special case // [net]
- if ( pos == 0 && m_path.size() > 1
- && m_path[0] == slash<path_type>::value
- && m_path[1] == slash<path_type>::value
- && ( m_path.size() == 2
- || !detail::is_separator<path_type>( m_path[2] )
- ) )
- {
- ++pos;
- s += path_alt_separator<path_type>::value;
- s += path_alt_separator<path_type>::value;
- continue;
- }
- // bypass extra root separators
- if ( in_root )
- {
- if ( s.size() > 0
- && s[s.size()-1] == path_alt_separator<path_type>::value
- && m_path[pos] == slash<path_type>::value
- ) continue;
- }
- if ( m_path[pos] == slash<path_type>::value )
- s += path_alt_separator<path_type>::value;
- else
- s += m_path[pos];
- if ( pos > root_dir_start
- && m_path[pos] == slash<path_type>::value )
- { in_root = false; }
- }
- if ( m_cygwin_root ) s[0] = slash<path_type>::value;
-# endif
- return s;
-# else
- return m_path;
-# endif
- }
- // iterator functions ---------------------------------------------------//
- template<class String, class Traits>
- typename basic_path<String, Traits>::iterator basic_path<String, Traits>::begin() const
- {
- iterator itr;
- itr.m_path_ptr = this;
- typename string_type::size_type element_size;
- detail::first_element<String, Traits>( m_path, itr.m_pos, element_size );
- itr.m_name = m_path.substr( itr.m_pos, element_size );
- return itr;
- }
- template<class String, class Traits>
- typename basic_path<String, Traits>::iterator basic_path<String, Traits>::end() const
- {
- iterator itr;
- itr.m_path_ptr = this;
- itr.m_pos = m_path.size();
- return itr;
- }
- namespace detail
- {
- // do_increment ------------------------------------------------------//
- template<class Path>
- void iterator_helper<Path>::do_increment( iterator & itr )
- {
- typedef typename Path::string_type string_type;
- typedef typename Path::traits_type traits_type;
- assert( itr.m_pos < itr.m_path_ptr->m_path.size() && "basic_path::iterator increment past end()" );
- bool was_net( itr.m_name.size() > 2
- && itr.m_name[0] == slash<Path>::value
- && itr.m_name[1] == slash<Path>::value
- && itr.m_name[2] != slash<Path>::value );
- // increment to position past current element
- itr.m_pos += itr.m_name.size();
- // if end reached, create end iterator
- if ( itr.m_pos == itr.m_path_ptr->m_path.size() )
- {
- itr.m_name.erase( itr.m_name.begin(), itr.m_name.end() ); // VC++ 6.0 lib didn't supply clear()
- return;
- }
- // process separator (Windows drive spec is only case not a separator)
- if ( itr.m_path_ptr->m_path[itr.m_pos] == slash<Path>::value )
- {
- // detect root directory
- if ( was_net
- // case "c:/"
- || itr.m_name[itr.m_name.size()-1] == colon<Path>::value
- # endif
- )
- {
- itr.m_name = slash<Path>::value;
- return;
- }
- // bypass separators
- while ( itr.m_pos != itr.m_path_ptr->m_path.size()
- && itr.m_path_ptr->m_path[itr.m_pos] == slash<Path>::value )
- { ++itr.m_pos; }
- // detect trailing separator, and treat it as ".", per POSIX spec
- if ( itr.m_pos == itr.m_path_ptr->m_path.size()
- && detail::is_non_root_slash< string_type, traits_type >(
- itr.m_path_ptr->m_path, itr.m_pos-1 ) )
- {
- --itr.m_pos;
- itr.m_name = dot<Path>::value;
- return;
- }
- }
- // get next element
- typename string_type::size_type end_pos(
- itr.m_path_ptr->m_path.find( slash<Path>::value, itr.m_pos ) );
- itr.m_name = itr.m_path_ptr->m_path.substr( itr.m_pos, end_pos - itr.m_pos );
- }
- // do_decrement ------------------------------------------------------//
- template<class Path>
- void iterator_helper<Path>::do_decrement( iterator & itr )
- {
- assert( itr.m_pos && "basic_path::iterator decrement past begin()" );
- typedef typename Path::string_type string_type;
- typedef typename Path::traits_type traits_type;
- typename string_type::size_type end_pos( itr.m_pos );
- typename string_type::size_type root_dir_pos(
- detail::root_directory_start<string_type, traits_type>(
- itr.m_path_ptr->m_path, end_pos ) );
- // if at end and there was a trailing non-root '/', return "."
- if ( itr.m_pos == itr.m_path_ptr->m_path.size()
- && itr.m_path_ptr->m_path.size() > 1
- && itr.m_path_ptr->m_path[itr.m_pos-1] == slash<Path>::value
- && detail::is_non_root_slash< string_type, traits_type >(
- itr.m_path_ptr->m_path, itr.m_pos-1 )
- )
- {
- --itr.m_pos;
- itr.m_name = dot<Path>::value;
- return;
- }
- // skip separators unless root directory
- for (
- ;
- end_pos > 0
- && (end_pos-1) != root_dir_pos
- && itr.m_path_ptr->m_path[end_pos-1] == slash<Path>::value
- ;
- --end_pos ) {}
- itr.m_pos = detail::filename_pos<string_type, traits_type>
- ( itr.m_path_ptr->m_path, end_pos );
- itr.m_name = itr.m_path_ptr->m_path.substr( itr.m_pos, end_pos - itr.m_pos );
- }
- } // namespace detail
- // basic_filesystem_error implementation --------------------------------//
- template<class Path>
- basic_filesystem_error<Path>::basic_filesystem_error(
- const std::string & what_arg, system::error_code ec )
- : system::system_error(ec, what_arg)
- {
- try
- {
- m_imp_ptr.reset( new m_imp );
- }
- catch (...) { m_imp_ptr.reset(); }
- }
- template<class Path>
- basic_filesystem_error<Path>::basic_filesystem_error(
- const std::string & what_arg, const path_type & path1_arg,
- system::error_code ec )
- : system::system_error(ec, what_arg)
- {
- try
- {
- m_imp_ptr.reset( new m_imp );
- m_imp_ptr->m_path1 = path1_arg;
- }
- catch (...) { m_imp_ptr.reset(); }
- }
- template<class Path>
- basic_filesystem_error<Path>::basic_filesystem_error(
- const std::string & what_arg, const path_type & path1_arg,
- const path_type & path2_arg, system::error_code ec )
- : system::system_error(ec, what_arg)
- {
- try
- {
- m_imp_ptr.reset( new m_imp );
- m_imp_ptr->m_path1 = path1_arg;
- m_imp_ptr->m_path2 = path2_arg;
- }
- catch (...) { m_imp_ptr.reset(); }
- }
-} // namespace boost
-#include <boost/config/abi_suffix.hpp> // pops abi_prefix.hpp pragmas
Deleted: branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/change_to_v2.bat
--- branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/change_to_v2.bat 2010-06-09 09:00:15 EDT (Wed, 09 Jun 2010)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-_at_echo off
-rem Change to version 2
-rem Copyright Beman Dawes 2010
-rem Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-rem See http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt
-echo Change to version 2
-if exist src\unique_path.cpp goto versionok
-echo Error: version 2 already in use
-goto done
-echo Deleting v3 files...
-del ..\..\boost\filesystem.hpp index.html
-del /q ..\..\boost\filesystem
-del /q /s build doc example src test
-echo Copying v2 files...
-xcopy v2\boost\filesystem.hpp ..\..\boost
-xcopy /i v2\boost\filesystem ..\..\boost\filesystem
-xcopy v2\libs\index.html .
-xcopy /i /s v2\libs\build build
-xcopy /i /s v2\libs\doc doc
-xcopy /i /s v2\libs\example example
-xcopy /i /s v2\libs\src src
-xcopy /i /s v2\libs\test test
-echo Copying complete. Version 2 files now ready to use.
-echo You must now rebuild Boost.Filesystem object libraries.
Deleted: branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/change_to_v2.sh
--- branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/change_to_v2.sh 2010-06-09 09:00:15 EDT (Wed, 09 Jun 2010)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-_at_echo off
-# Change to version 2
-# Copyright Beman Dawes 2010
-# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-# See http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt
-echo Change to version 2
-if [ ! -f "src/unique_path.cpp" ]; then
- echo Error: version 2 already in use
- exit 1
-echo Deleting v3 files...
-rm ../../boost/filesystem.hpp index.html
-rm -r ../../boost/filesystem
-rm -r build doc example src test
-echo Copying v2 files...
-cp v2/boost/filesystem.hpp ../../boost
-cp -r v2/boost/filesystem ../../boost/filesystem
-cp v2/libs/index.html .
-cp -r v2/libs/build .
-cp -r v2/libs/doc .
-cp -r v2/libs/example .
-cp -r v2/libs/src .
-cp -r v2/libs/test .
-echo Copying complete. Version 2 files now ready to use.
-echo You must now rebuild Boost.Filesystem object libraries.
Deleted: branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/change_to_v3.bat
--- branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/change_to_v3.bat 2010-06-09 09:00:15 EDT (Wed, 09 Jun 2010)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-_at_echo off
-rem Change to version 3
-rem Copyright Beman Dawes 2010
-rem Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-rem See http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt
-echo Change to version 3
-if not exist src\unique_path.cpp goto versionok
-echo Error: version 3 already in use
-goto done
-if exist v2 goto v2copydone
-echo Making a copy of version 2 files...
-md v2
-pushd v2
-md boost
-md libs
-xcopy ..\..\boost\filesystem.hpp v2\boost
-xcopy /i ..\..\boost\filesystem v2\boost\filesystem
-xcopy index.html v2\libs
-xcopy /i /s build v2\libs\build
-xcopy /i /s doc v2\libs\doc
-xcopy /i /s example v2\libs\example
-xcopy /i /s src v2\libs\src
-xcopy /i /s test v2\libs\test
-echo Deleting v2 files...
-del ..\..\boost\filesystem.hpp index.html
-del /q ..\..\boost\filesystem
-del /q /s build doc example src test
-echo Copying v3 files...
-xcopy v3\boost\filesystem.hpp ..\..\boost
-xcopy /i v3\boost\filesystem ..\..\boost\filesystem
-xcopy v3\libs\index.html .
-xcopy /i /s v3\libs\filesystem\build build
-xcopy /i /s v3\libs\filesystem\doc doc
-xcopy /i /s v3\libs\filesystem\example example
-xcopy /i /s v3\libs\filesystem\src src
-xcopy /i /s v3\libs\filesystem\test test
-echo Copying complete. Version 3 files now ready to use.
-echo You must now rebuild Boost.Filesystem object libraries.
\ No newline at end of file
Deleted: branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/change_to_v3.sh
--- branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/change_to_v3.sh 2010-06-09 09:00:15 EDT (Wed, 09 Jun 2010)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Change to version 3
-# Copyright Beman Dawes 2010
-# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-# See http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt
-echo Change to version 3
-if [ -f "src/unique_path.cpp" ]; then
- echo Error: version 3 already in use
- exit 1
-if [ ! -d "v2" ];then
- echo Making a copy of version 2 files...
- mkdir v2
- pushd v2
- mkdir boost
- mkdir libs
- popd
- cp ../../boost/filesystem.hpp v2/boost
- cp -r ../../boost/filesystem v2/boost
- cp index.html v2/libs
- cp -r build v2/libs
- cp -r doc v2/libs
- cp -r example v2/libs
- cp -r src v2/libs
- cp -r test v2/libs
-echo Deleting v2 files...
-rm ../../boost/filesystem.hpp index.html
-rm -r ../../boost/filesystem
-rm -r build doc example src test
-echo Copying v3 files...
-cp v3/boost/filesystem.hpp ../../boost
-cp -r v3/boost/filesystem ../../boost
-cp v3/libs/filesystem/index.html .
-cp -r v3/libs/filesystem/build .
-cp -r v3/libs/filesystem/doc .
-cp -r v3/libs/filesystem/example .
-cp -r v3/libs/filesystem/src .
-cp -r v3/libs/filesystem/test .
-echo Copying complete. Version 3 files now ready to use.
-echo You must now rebuild Boost.Filesystem object libraries.
Deleted: branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/dual_versions.html
--- branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/dual_versions.html 2010-06-09 09:00:15 EDT (Wed, 09 Jun 2010)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 5.0">
-<meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
-<title>Dual Version Support</title>
-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../doc/html/minimal.css">
-<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111">
- <tr>
- <td width="277">
-<a href="../../index.htm">
-<img src="../../boost.png" alt="boost.png (6897 bytes)" align="middle" width="300" height="86" border="0"></a></td>
- <td align="middle">
- <font size="7">Filesystem<br>
- Dual Version Support</font>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<h2>Version 2 and 3 Dual Support</h2>
-<p>Boost.Filesystem Version 3 is
-major revision with many new and improved features, but has breaking changes
-from Version 2. Most of the breaking changes are in the area of
-<p>During a transition period covering several Boost releases, both version 2 and version 3 will be supported:</p>
- <li>Both versions 2 and 3 will be included in the Boost distribution.</li>
- <li>For the Boost 1.44, and longer if necessary, version 2 will be the
- default.</li>
- <li>Going forward, version 3 will then become the default.</li>
- <li>Scripts are provided to determine the version currently in use, and change
- between versions.</li>
-<p>The scripts for both Windows and Unix-like systems are provided in <code><i>
-boost-root</i>/libs/filesystem</code>. They must be run from that directory.</p>
-<p><b>Caution:</b> The scripts do not switch object libraries. After switching
-to a different version, the Filesystem object libraries must be rebuilt.</p>
- <li><code>version.bat</code> - Displays the version
- number currently in use.</li>
- <li><code>change_to_v2.bat</code> - Changes
- version currently in use to version 2.</li>
- <li><code>change_to_v3.bat</code> - Changes
- version currently in use to version 3.</li>
-<h3>Unix-like operating systems</h3>
- <li><code>version.sh</code> - Displays the version
- number currently in use.</li>
- <li><code>change_to_v2.sh</code> - Changes
- version currently in use to version 2.</li>
- <li><code>change_to_v3.sh</code> - Changes
- version currently in use to version 3.</li>
-<!--webbot bot="Timestamp" S-Type="EDITED" S-Format="%d %B, %Y" startspan -->02 June, 2010<!--webbot bot="Timestamp" endspan i-checksum="19840" --></p>
-<p>© Copyright Beman Dawes, 2010</p>
-<p> Use, modification, and distribution are subject to the Boost Software
-License, Version 1.0. See <a href="http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt">
-<p> </p>
\ No newline at end of file
Deleted: branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/index.html
--- branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/index.html 2010-06-09 09:00:15 EDT (Wed, 09 Jun 2010)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=doc/index.htm">
-Automatic redirection failed, please go to
-<p>© Copyright Beman Dawes, 2003</p>
-<p> Distributed under the Boost Software
-License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at <a href="http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt">
Deleted: branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/v3/boost/filesystem/config.hpp
--- branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/v3/boost/filesystem/config.hpp 2010-06-09 09:00:15 EDT (Wed, 09 Jun 2010)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-// boost/filesystem/config.hpp -------------------------------------------------------//
-// Copyright Beman Dawes 2003
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-// See http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt
-// Library home page: http://www.boost.org/libs/filesystem
-#define BOOST_FILESYSTEM_I18N // aid users wishing to compile several versions
-// ability to change namespace aids path_table.cpp ----------------------------------//
-// This header implements separate compilation features as described in
-// http://www.boost.org/more/separate_compilation.html
-#include <boost/config.hpp>
-#include <boost/system/api_config.hpp> // for BOOST_POSIX_API or BOOST_WINDOWS_API
-#include <boost/detail/workaround.hpp>
-// BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DEPRECATED needed for source compiles -----------------------------//
-# endif
-// throw an exception ----------------------------------------------------------------//
-// Exceptions were originally thrown via boost::throw_exception().
-// As throw_exception() became more complex, it caused user error reporting
-// to be harder to interpret, since the exception reported became much more complex.
-// The immediate fix was to throw directly, wrapped in a macro to make any later change
-// easier.
-# if defined( BOOST_NO_STD_WSTRING )
-# error Configuration not supported: Boost.Filesystem V3 and later requires std::wstring support
-# endif
-// enable dynamic linking -------------------------------------------------------------//
-# else
-# endif
-// enable automatic library variant selection ----------------------------------------//
-#if !defined(BOOST_FILESYSTEM_SOURCE) && !defined(BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB) \
-// Set the name of our library, this will get undef'ed by auto_link.hpp
-// once it's done with it:
-#define BOOST_LIB_NAME boost_filesystem
-// If we're importing code from a dll, then tell auto_link.hpp about it:
-# define BOOST_DYN_LINK
-// And include the header that does the work:
-#include <boost/config/auto_link.hpp>
-#endif // auto-linking disabled
Deleted: branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/v3/boost/filesystem/convenience.hpp
--- branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/v3/boost/filesystem/convenience.hpp 2010-06-09 09:00:15 EDT (Wed, 09 Jun 2010)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-// boost/filesystem/convenience.hpp ----------------------------------------//
-// Copyright Beman Dawes, 2002-2005
-// Copyright Vladimir Prus, 2002
-// Use, modification, and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
-// License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-// See library home page at http://www.boost.org/libs/filesystem
-#include <boost/filesystem/operations.hpp>
-#include <boost/system/error_code.hpp>
-#include <boost/config/abi_prefix.hpp> // must be the last #include
-namespace boost
- namespace filesystem
- {
- std::string extension(const path & p)
- {
- return p.extension().string();
- }
- std::string basename(const path & p)
- {
- return p.stem().string();
- }
- path change_extension( const path & p, const path & new_extension )
- {
- path new_p( p );
- new_p.replace_extension( new_extension );
- return new_p;
- }
-# endif
- } // namespace filesystem
-} // namespace boost
-#include <boost/config/abi_suffix.hpp> // pops abi_prefix.hpp pragmas
Deleted: branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/v3/boost/filesystem/exception.hpp
--- branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/v3/boost/filesystem/exception.hpp 2010-06-09 09:00:15 EDT (Wed, 09 Jun 2010)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-// boost/filesystem/exception.hpp -----------------------------------------------------//
-// Copyright Beman Dawes 2003
-// Use, modification, and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
-// License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-// This header is no longer used. The contents have been moved to path.hpp.
-// It is provided so that user code #includes do not have to be changed.
Deleted: branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/v3/boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp
--- branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/v3/boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp 2010-06-09 09:00:15 EDT (Wed, 09 Jun 2010)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-// boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp ------------------------------------------------------//
-// Copyright Beman Dawes 2002
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-// See http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt
-// Library home page: http://www.boost.org/libs/filesystem
-#include <boost/filesystem/path.hpp>
-#include <boost/config.hpp>
-#include <iosfwd>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <boost/config/abi_prefix.hpp> // must be the last #include
-// glibc++ doesn't have wchar_t overloads for file stream paths, so on Windows use
-// path::string() to get a narrow character c_str()
-#if defined(BOOST_WINDOWS_API) && defined(__GLIBCXX__)
-# define BOOST_FILESYSTEM_C_STR string().c_str()
-# define BOOST_FILESYSTEM_C_STR c_str()
-namespace boost
-namespace filesystem
-// basic_filebuf //
- template < class charT, class traits = std::char_traits<charT> >
- class basic_filebuf : public std::basic_filebuf<charT,traits>
- {
- private: // disallow copying
- basic_filebuf(const basic_filebuf&);
- const basic_filebuf& operator=(const basic_filebuf&);
- public:
- basic_filebuf() {}
- virtual ~basic_filebuf() {}
- basic_filebuf<charT,traits>*
- open(const path& p, std::ios_base::openmode mode)
- {
- return std::basic_filebuf<charT,traits>::open(p.BOOST_FILESYSTEM_C_STR, mode)
- ? this : 0;
- }
- };
-// basic_ifstream //
- template < class charT, class traits = std::char_traits<charT> >
- class basic_ifstream : public std::basic_ifstream<charT,traits>
- {
- private: // disallow copying
- basic_ifstream(const basic_ifstream&);
- const basic_ifstream& operator=(const basic_ifstream&);
- public:
- basic_ifstream() {}
- // use two signatures, rather than one signature with default second
- // argument, to workaround VC++ 7.1 bug (ID VSWhidbey 38416)
- explicit basic_ifstream(const path& p)
- : std::basic_ifstream<charT,traits>(p.BOOST_FILESYSTEM_C_STR, std::ios_base::in) {}
- basic_ifstream(const path& p, std::ios_base::openmode mode)
- : std::basic_ifstream<charT,traits>(p.BOOST_FILESYSTEM_C_STR, mode) {}
- void open(const path& p)
- { std::basic_ifstream<charT,traits>::open(p.BOOST_FILESYSTEM_C_STR, std::ios_base::in); }
- void open(const path& p, std::ios_base::openmode mode)
- { std::basic_ifstream<charT,traits>::open(p.BOOST_FILESYSTEM_C_STR, mode); }
- virtual ~basic_ifstream() {}
- };
-// basic_ofstream //
- template < class charT, class traits = std::char_traits<charT> >
- class basic_ofstream : public std::basic_ofstream<charT,traits>
- {
- private: // disallow copying
- basic_ofstream(const basic_ofstream&);
- const basic_ofstream& operator=(const basic_ofstream&);
- public:
- basic_ofstream() {}
- // use two signatures, rather than one signature with default second
- // argument, to workaround VC++ 7.1 bug (ID VSWhidbey 38416)
- explicit basic_ofstream(const path& p)
- : std::basic_ofstream<charT,traits>(p.BOOST_FILESYSTEM_C_STR, std::ios_base::out) {}
- basic_ofstream(const path& p, std::ios_base::openmode mode)
- : std::basic_ofstream<charT,traits>(p.BOOST_FILESYSTEM_C_STR, mode) {}
- void open(const path& p)
- { std::basic_ofstream<charT,traits>::open(p.BOOST_FILESYSTEM_C_STR, std::ios_base::out); }
- void open(const path& p, std::ios_base::openmode mode)
- { std::basic_ofstream<charT,traits>::open(p.BOOST_FILESYSTEM_C_STR, mode); }
- virtual ~basic_ofstream() {}
- };
-// basic_fstream //
- template < class charT, class traits = std::char_traits<charT> >
- class basic_fstream : public std::basic_fstream<charT,traits>
- {
- private: // disallow copying
- basic_fstream(const basic_fstream&);
- const basic_fstream & operator=(const basic_fstream&);
- public:
- basic_fstream() {}
- // use two signatures, rather than one signature with default second
- // argument, to workaround VC++ 7.1 bug (ID VSWhidbey 38416)
- explicit basic_fstream(const path& p)
- : std::basic_fstream<charT,traits>(p.BOOST_FILESYSTEM_C_STR,
- std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::out) {}
- basic_fstream(const path& p, std::ios_base::openmode mode)
- : std::basic_fstream<charT,traits>(p.BOOST_FILESYSTEM_C_STR, mode) {}
- void open(const path& p)
- { std::basic_fstream<charT,traits>::open(p.BOOST_FILESYSTEM_C_STR,
- std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::out); }
- void open(const path& p, std::ios_base::openmode mode)
- { std::basic_fstream<charT,traits>::open(p.BOOST_FILESYSTEM_C_STR, mode); }
- virtual ~basic_fstream() {}
- };
-// typedefs //
- typedef basic_filebuf<char> filebuf;
- typedef basic_ifstream<char> ifstream;
- typedef basic_ofstream<char> ofstream;
- typedef basic_fstream<char> fstream;
- typedef basic_filebuf<wchar_t> wfilebuf;
- typedef basic_ifstream<wchar_t> wifstream;
- typedef basic_fstream<wchar_t> wfstream;
- typedef basic_ofstream<wchar_t> wofstream;
-} // namespace filesystem
-} // namespace boost
-#include <boost/config/abi_suffix.hpp> // pops abi_prefix.hpp pragmas
Deleted: branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/v3/boost/filesystem/operations.hpp
--- branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/v3/boost/filesystem/operations.hpp 2010-06-09 09:00:15 EDT (Wed, 09 Jun 2010)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,921 +0,0 @@
-// boost/filesystem/operations.hpp ---------------------------------------------------//
-// Copyright Beman Dawes 2002-2009
-// Copyright Jan Langer 2002
-// Copyright Dietmar Kuehl 2001
-// Copyright Vladimir Prus 2002
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-// See http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt
-// Library home page: http://www.boost.org/libs/filesystem
-#include <boost/filesystem/path.hpp>
-#include <boost/detail/scoped_enum_emulation.hpp>
-#include <boost/system/error_code.hpp>
-#include <boost/system/system_error.hpp>
-#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
-#include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
-#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
-#include <boost/iterator.hpp>
-#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
-#include <boost/assert.hpp>
-#include <string>
-#include <utility> // for pair
-#include <ctime>
-#include <vector>
-#include <stack>
-# include <fstream>
-#include <boost/config/abi_prefix.hpp> // must be the last #include
-namespace boost
- namespace filesystem
- {
-// //
-// support classes and enums //
-// //
- enum file_type
- {
- status_error,
- status_unknown = status_error,
-# endif
- file_not_found,
- regular_file,
- directory_file,
- // the following will never be reported by some operating or file systems
- symlink_file,
- block_file,
- character_file,
- fifo_file,
- socket_file,
- type_unknown // file does exist, but isn't one of the above types or
- // we don't have strong enough permission to find its type
- };
- class BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL file_status
- {
- public:
- explicit file_status(file_type v = status_error) : m_value(v) {}
- void type(file_type v) { m_value = v; }
- file_type type() const { return m_value; }
- bool operator==(const file_status& rhs) const { return type() == rhs.type(); }
- bool operator!=(const file_status& rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); }
- private:
- // the internal representation is unspecified so that additional state
- // information such as permissions can be added in the future; this
- // implementation just uses file_type as the internal representation
- file_type m_value;
- };
- inline bool status_known(file_status f) { return f.type() != status_error; }
- inline bool exists(file_status f) { return f.type() != status_error
- && f.type() != file_not_found; }
- inline bool is_regular_file(file_status f){ return f.type() == regular_file; }
- inline bool is_directory(file_status f) { return f.type() == directory_file; }
- inline bool is_symlink(file_status f) { return f.type() == symlink_file; }
- inline bool is_other(file_status f) { return exists(f) && !is_regular_file(f)
- && !is_directory(f) && !is_symlink(f); }
- inline bool is_regular(file_status f) { return f.type() == regular_file; }
-# endif
- struct space_info
- {
- // all values are byte counts
- boost::uintmax_t capacity;
- boost::uintmax_t free; // <= capacity
- boost::uintmax_t available; // <= free
- };
- {fail_if_exists, overwrite_if_exists};
-// implementation details //
- namespace detail
- {
- file_status status(const path&p, system::error_code* ec=0);
- file_status symlink_status(const path& p, system::error_code* ec=0);
- bool is_empty(const path& p, system::error_code* ec=0);
- path initial_path(system::error_code* ec=0);
- void copy(const path& from, const path& to, system::error_code* ec=0);
- void copy_directory(const path& from, const path& to, system::error_code* ec=0);
- void copy_file(const path& from, const path& to,
- BOOST_SCOPED_ENUM(copy_option) option, // See ticket #2925
- system::error_code* ec=0);
- void copy_symlink(const path& from, const path& to, system::error_code* ec=0);
- bool create_directories(const path& p, system::error_code* ec=0);
- bool create_directory(const path& p, system::error_code* ec=0);
- void create_directory_symlink(const path& to, const path& from,
- system::error_code* ec=0);
- void create_hard_link(const path& to, const path& from, system::error_code* ec=0);
- void create_symlink(const path& to, const path& from, system::error_code* ec=0);
- path current_path(system::error_code* ec=0);
- void current_path(const path& p, system::error_code* ec=0);
- bool equivalent(const path& p1, const path& p2, system::error_code* ec=0);
- boost::uintmax_t file_size(const path& p, system::error_code* ec=0);
- boost::uintmax_t hard_link_count(const path& p, system::error_code* ec=0);
- std::time_t last_write_time(const path& p, system::error_code* ec=0);
- void last_write_time(const path& p, const std::time_t new_time,
- system::error_code* ec=0);
- path read_symlink(const path& p, system::error_code* ec=0);
- // For standardization, if the committee doesn't like "remove", consider "eliminate"
- bool remove(const path& p, system::error_code* ec=0);
- boost::uintmax_t remove_all(const path& p, system::error_code* ec=0);
- void rename(const path& old_p, const path& new_p, system::error_code* ec=0);
- void resize_file(const path& p, uintmax_t size, system::error_code* ec=0);
- space_info space(const path& p, system::error_code* ec=0);
- path system_complete(const path& p, system::error_code* ec=0);
- path unique_path(const path& p, system::error_code* ec=0);
- } // namespace detail
-// //
-// status query functions //
-// //
- inline
- file_status status(const path& p) {return detail::status(p);}
- inline
- file_status status(const path& p, system::error_code& ec)
- {return detail::status(p, &ec);}
- inline
- file_status symlink_status(const path& p) {return detail::symlink_status(p);}
- inline
- file_status symlink_status(const path& p, system::error_code& ec)
- {return detail::symlink_status(p, &ec);}
- inline
- bool exists(const path& p) {return exists(detail::status(p));}
- inline
- bool exists(const path& p, system::error_code& ec)
- {return exists(detail::status(p, &ec));}
- inline
- bool is_directory(const path& p) {return is_directory(detail::status(p));}
- inline
- bool is_directory(const path& p, system::error_code& ec)
- {return is_directory(detail::status(p, &ec));}
- inline
- bool is_regular_file(const path& p) {return is_regular_file(detail::status(p));}
- inline
- bool is_regular_file(const path& p, system::error_code& ec)
- {return is_regular_file(detail::status(p, &ec));}
- inline
- bool is_other(const path& p) {return is_other(detail::status(p));}
- inline
- bool is_other(const path& p, system::error_code& ec)
- {return is_other(detail::status(p, &ec));}
- inline
- bool is_symlink(const path& p) {return is_symlink(detail::symlink_status(p));}
- inline
- bool is_symlink(const path& p, system::error_code& ec)
- {return is_symlink(detail::symlink_status(p, &ec));}
- inline
- bool is_regular(const path& p) {return is_regular(detail::status(p));}
- inline
- bool is_regular(const path& p, system::error_code& ec)
- {return is_regular(detail::status(p, &ec));}
-# endif
- inline
- bool is_empty(const path& p) {return detail::is_empty(p);}
- inline
- bool is_empty(const path& p, system::error_code& ec)
- {return detail::is_empty(p, &ec);}
-// //
-// operational functions //
-// in alphabetical order, unless otherwise noted //
-// //
- inline
- path complete(const path& p)
- {
- return path(p).make_absolute(detail::initial_path(0));
- }
- inline
- path complete(const path& p, const path& base)
- {
- return path(p).make_absolute(base);
- }
-# endif
- inline
- void copy(const path& from, const path& to) {detail::copy(from, to);}
- inline
- void copy(const path& from, const path& to, system::error_code& ec)
- {detail::copy(from, to, &ec);}
- inline
- void copy_directory(const path& from, const path& to)
- {detail::copy_directory(from, to);}
- inline
- void copy_directory(const path& from, const path& to, system::error_code& ec)
- {detail::copy_directory(from, to, &ec);}
- inline
- void copy_file(const path& from, const path& to, // See ticket #2925
- BOOST_SCOPED_ENUM(copy_option) option)
- {detail::copy_file(from, to, option);}
- inline
- void copy_file(const path& from, const path& to)
- {detail::copy_file(from, to, copy_option::fail_if_exists);}
- inline
- void copy_file(const path& from, const path& to, // See ticket #2925
- BOOST_SCOPED_ENUM(copy_option) option, system::error_code& ec)
- {detail::copy_file(from, to, option, &ec);}
- inline
- void copy_file(const path& from, const path& to, system::error_code& ec)
- {detail::copy_file(from, to, copy_option::fail_if_exists, &ec);}
- inline
- void copy_symlink(const path& from, const path& to) {detail::copy_symlink(from, to);}
- inline
- void copy_symlink(const path& from, const path& to, system::error_code& ec)
- {detail::copy_symlink(from, to, &ec);}
- inline
- bool create_directories(const path& p) {return detail::create_directories(p);}
- inline
- bool create_directories(const path& p, system::error_code& ec)
- {return detail::create_directories(p, &ec);}
- inline
- bool create_directory(const path& p) {return detail::create_directory(p);}
- inline
- bool create_directory(const path& p, system::error_code& ec)
- {return detail::create_directory(p, &ec);}
- inline
- void create_directory_symlink(const path& to, const path& from)
- {detail::create_directory_symlink(to, from);}
- inline
- void create_directory_symlink(const path& to, const path& from, system::error_code& ec)
- {detail::create_directory_symlink(to, from, &ec);}
- inline
- void create_hard_link(const path& to, const path& from) {detail::create_hard_link(to, from);}
- inline
- void create_hard_link(const path& to, const path& from, system::error_code& ec)
- {detail::create_hard_link(to, from, &ec);}
- inline
- void create_symlink(const path& to, const path& from) {detail::create_symlink(to, from);}
- inline
- void create_symlink(const path& to, const path& from, system::error_code& ec)
- {detail::create_symlink(to, from, &ec);}
- inline
- path current_path() {return detail::current_path();}
- inline
- path current_path(system::error_code& ec) {return detail::current_path(&ec);}
- inline
- void current_path(const path& p) {detail::current_path(p);}
- inline
- void current_path(const path& p, system::error_code& ec) {detail::current_path(p, &ec);}
- inline
- bool equivalent(const path& p1, const path& p2) {return detail::equivalent(p1, p2);}
- inline
- bool equivalent(const path& p1, const path& p2, system::error_code& ec)
- {return detail::equivalent(p1, p2, &ec);}
- inline
- boost::uintmax_t file_size(const path& p) {return detail::file_size(p);}
- inline
- boost::uintmax_t file_size(const path& p, system::error_code& ec)
- {return detail::file_size(p, &ec);}
- inline
- boost::uintmax_t hard_link_count(const path& p) {return detail::hard_link_count(p);}
- inline
- boost::uintmax_t hard_link_count(const path& p, system::error_code& ec)
- {return detail::hard_link_count(p, &ec);}
- inline
- path initial_path() {return detail::initial_path();}
- inline
- path initial_path(system::error_code& ec) {return detail::initial_path(&ec);}
- // support legacy initial_path<...>()
- template <class Path>
- path initial_path() {return initial_path();}
- template <class Path>
- path initial_path(system::error_code& ec) {return detail::initial_path(&ec);}
-# endif
- inline
- std::time_t last_write_time(const path& p) {return detail::last_write_time(p);}
- inline
- std::time_t last_write_time(const path& p, system::error_code& ec)
- {return detail::last_write_time(p, &ec);}
- inline
- void last_write_time(const path& p, const std::time_t new_time)
- {detail::last_write_time(p, new_time);}
- inline
- void last_write_time(const path& p, const std::time_t new_time, system::error_code& ec)
- {detail::last_write_time(p, new_time, &ec);}
- inline
- path read_symlink(const path& p) {return detail::read_symlink(p);}
- inline
- path read_symlink(const path& p, system::error_code& ec)
- {return detail::read_symlink(p, &ec);}
- inline
- // For standardization, if the committee doesn't like "remove", consider "eliminate"
- bool remove(const path& p) {return detail::remove(p);}
- inline
- bool remove(const path& p, system::error_code& ec) {return detail::remove(p, &ec);}
- inline
- boost::uintmax_t remove_all(const path& p) {return detail::remove_all(p);}
- inline
- boost::uintmax_t remove_all(const path& p, system::error_code& ec)
- {return detail::remove_all(p, &ec);}
- inline
- void rename(const path& old_p, const path& new_p) {detail::rename(old_p, new_p);}
- inline
- void rename(const path& old_p, const path& new_p, system::error_code& ec)
- {detail::rename(old_p, new_p, &ec);}
- inline // name suggested by Scott McMurray
- void resize_file(const path& p, uintmax_t size) {detail::resize_file(p, size);}
- inline
- void resize_file(const path& p, uintmax_t size, system::error_code& ec)
- {detail::resize_file(p, size, &ec);}
- inline
- space_info space(const path& p) {return detail::space(p);}
- inline
- space_info space(const path& p, system::error_code& ec) {return detail::space(p, &ec);}
- inline bool symbolic_link_exists(const path& p)
- { return is_symlink(symlink_status(p)); }
-# endif
- inline
- path system_complete(const path& p) {return detail::system_complete(p);}
- inline
- path system_complete(const path& p, system::error_code& ec)
- {return detail::system_complete(p, &ec);}
- inline
- path unique_path(const path& p="%%%%-%%%%-%%%%-%%%%")
- { return detail::unique_path(p); }
- inline
- path unique_path(const path& p, system::error_code& ec)
- { return detail::unique_path(p, &ec); }
-// //
-// directory_entry //
-// //
-// GCC has a problem with a member function named path within a namespace or
-// sub-namespace that also has a class named path. The workaround is to always
-// fully qualify the name path when it refers to the class name.
-class BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL directory_entry
- // compiler generated copy constructor, copy assignment, and destructor apply
- directory_entry() {}
- explicit directory_entry(const boost::filesystem::path& p,
- file_status st = file_status(), file_status symlink_st=file_status())
- : m_path(p), m_status(st), m_symlink_status(symlink_st)
- {}
- void assign(const boost::filesystem::path& p,
- file_status st = file_status(), file_status symlink_st = file_status())
- { m_path = p; m_status = st; m_symlink_status = symlink_st; }
- void replace_filename(const boost::filesystem::path& p,
- file_status st = file_status(), file_status symlink_st = file_status())
- {
- m_path.remove_filename();
- m_path /= p;
- m_status = st;
- m_symlink_status = symlink_st;
- }
- void replace_leaf(const boost::filesystem::path& p,
- file_status st, file_status symlink_st)
- { replace_filename(p, st, symlink_st); }
- std::string filename() const { return path().filename().string(); }
- std::string leaf() const { return path().filename().string(); }
- std::string string() const { return path().string(); }
-# endif
- const boost::filesystem::path& path() const {return m_path;}
- file_status status() const {return m_get_status();}
- file_status status(system::error_code& ec) const {return m_get_status(&ec);}
- file_status symlink_status() const {return m_get_symlink_status();}
- file_status symlink_status(system::error_code& ec) const {return m_get_symlink_status(&ec);}
- bool operator==(const directory_entry& rhs) {return m_path == rhs.m_path;}
- bool operator!=(const directory_entry& rhs) {return m_path != rhs.m_path;}
- bool operator< (const directory_entry& rhs) {return m_path < rhs.m_path;}
- bool operator<=(const directory_entry& rhs) {return m_path <= rhs.m_path;}
- bool operator> (const directory_entry& rhs) {return m_path > rhs.m_path;}
- bool operator>=(const directory_entry& rhs) {return m_path >= rhs.m_path;}
- boost::filesystem::path m_path;
- mutable file_status m_status; // stat()-like
- mutable file_status m_symlink_status; // lstat()-like
- file_status m_get_status(system::error_code* ec=0) const;
- file_status m_get_symlink_status(system::error_code* ec=0) const;
-}; // directory_entry
-// //
-// directory_iterator helpers //
-// //
-class directory_iterator;
-namespace detail
- system::error_code dir_itr_close(// never throws()
- void *& handle
-# if defined(BOOST_POSIX_API)
- , void *& buffer
-# endif
- );
- struct dir_itr_imp
- {
- directory_entry dir_entry;
- void* handle;
- void* buffer; // see dir_itr_increment implementation
-# endif
- dir_itr_imp() : handle(0)
- , buffer(0)
-# endif
- {}
- ~dir_itr_imp() // never throws
- {
- dir_itr_close(handle
-# if defined(BOOST_POSIX_API)
- , buffer
-# endif
- );
- }
- };
- // see path::iterator: comment below
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL void directory_iterator_construct(directory_iterator& it,
- const path& p, system::error_code* ec);
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL void directory_iterator_increment(directory_iterator& it,
- system::error_code* ec);
-} // namespace detail
-// //
-// directory_iterator //
-// //
- class directory_iterator
- : public boost::iterator_facade< directory_iterator,
- directory_entry,
- boost::single_pass_traversal_tag >
- {
- public:
- directory_iterator(){} // creates the "end" iterator
- // iterator_facade derived classes don't seem to like implementations in
- // separate translation unit dll's, so forward to detail functions
- explicit directory_iterator(const path& p)
- : m_imp(new detail::dir_itr_imp)
- { detail::directory_iterator_construct(*this, p, 0); }
- directory_iterator(const path& p, system::error_code& ec)
- : m_imp(new detail::dir_itr_imp)
- { detail::directory_iterator_construct(*this, p, &ec); }
- ~directory_iterator() {} // never throws
- directory_iterator& increment(system::error_code& ec)
- {
- detail::directory_iterator_increment(*this, &ec);
- return *this;
- }
- private:
- friend struct detail::dir_itr_imp;
- friend BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL void detail::directory_iterator_construct(directory_iterator& it,
- const path& p, system::error_code* ec);
- friend BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL void detail::directory_iterator_increment(directory_iterator& it,
- system::error_code* ec);
- // shared_ptr provides shallow-copy semantics required for InputIterators.
- // m_imp.get()==0 indicates the end iterator.
- boost::shared_ptr< detail::dir_itr_imp > m_imp;
- friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
- boost::iterator_facade<
- directory_iterator,
- directory_entry,
- boost::single_pass_traversal_tag >::reference dereference() const
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT(m_imp.get() && "attempt to dereference end iterator");
- return m_imp->dir_entry;
- }
- void increment() { detail::directory_iterator_increment(*this, 0); }
- bool equal(const directory_iterator& rhs) const
- { return m_imp == rhs.m_imp; }
- };
-// //
-// recursive_directory_iterator helpers //
-// //
- namespace detail
- {
- struct recur_dir_itr_imp
- {
- typedef directory_iterator element_type;
- std::stack< element_type, std::vector< element_type > > m_stack;
- int m_level;
- bool m_no_push_request;
- recur_dir_itr_imp() : m_level(0), m_no_push_request(false) {}
- void increment(system::error_code* ec); // ec == 0 means throw on error
- void pop();
- };
- // Implementation is inline to avoid dynamic linking difficulties with m_stack:
- // Microsoft warning C4251, m_stack needs to have dll-interface to be used by
- // clients of struct 'boost::filesystem::detail::recur_dir_itr_imp'
- inline
- void recur_dir_itr_imp::increment(system::error_code* ec)
- // ec == 0 means throw on error
- {
- if (m_no_push_request)
- { m_no_push_request = false; }
- else if (is_directory(m_stack.top()->status()))
- {
- if (ec == 0)
- m_stack.push(directory_iterator(m_stack.top()->path()));
- else
- {
- m_stack.push(directory_iterator(m_stack.top()->path(), *ec));
- if (*ec) return;
- }
- if (m_stack.top() != directory_iterator())
- {
- ++m_level;
- return;
- }
- m_stack.pop();
- }
- while (!m_stack.empty() && ++m_stack.top() == directory_iterator())
- {
- m_stack.pop();
- --m_level;
- }
- }
- inline
- void recur_dir_itr_imp::pop()
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT(m_level > 0 && "pop() on recursive_directory_iterator with level < 1");
- do
- {
- m_stack.pop();
- --m_level;
- }
- while (!m_stack.empty() && ++m_stack.top() == directory_iterator());
- }
- } // namespace detail
-// //
-// recursive_directory_iterator //
-// //
- class recursive_directory_iterator
- : public boost::iterator_facade<
- recursive_directory_iterator,
- directory_entry,
- boost::single_pass_traversal_tag >
- {
- public:
- recursive_directory_iterator(){} // creates the "end" iterator
- explicit recursive_directory_iterator(const path& dir_path)
- : m_imp(new detail::recur_dir_itr_imp)
- {
- m_imp->m_stack.push(directory_iterator(dir_path));
- if (m_imp->m_stack.top() == directory_iterator())
- { m_imp.reset (); }
- }
- recursive_directory_iterator(const path& dir_path,
- system::error_code & ec)
- : m_imp(new detail::recur_dir_itr_imp)
- {
- m_imp->m_stack.push(directory_iterator(dir_path, ec));
- if (m_imp->m_stack.top() == directory_iterator())
- { m_imp.reset (); }
- }
- recursive_directory_iterator& increment(system::error_code* ec)
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT(m_imp.get() && "increment() on end recursive_directory_iterator");
- m_imp->increment(ec);
- return *this;
- }
- int level() const
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT(m_imp.get() && "level() on end recursive_directory_iterator");
- return m_imp->m_level;
- }
- bool no_push_request() const
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT(m_imp.get() && "no_push_request() on end recursive_directory_iterator");
- return m_imp->m_no_push_request;
- }
- void pop()
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT(m_imp.get() && "pop() on end recursive_directory_iterator");
- m_imp->pop();
- if (m_imp->m_stack.empty()) m_imp.reset(); // done, so make end iterator
- }
- void no_push()
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT(m_imp.get() && "no_push() on end recursive_directory_iterator");
- m_imp->m_no_push_request = true;
- }
- file_status status() const
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT(m_imp.get()
- && "status() on end recursive_directory_iterator");
- return m_imp->m_stack.top()->status();
- }
- file_status symlink_status() const
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT(m_imp.get()
- && "symlink_status() on end recursive_directory_iterator");
- return m_imp->m_stack.top()->symlink_status();
- }
- private:
- // shared_ptr provides shallow-copy semantics required for InputIterators.
- // m_imp.get()==0 indicates the end iterator.
- boost::shared_ptr< detail::recur_dir_itr_imp > m_imp;
- friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
- boost::iterator_facade<
- recursive_directory_iterator,
- directory_entry,
- boost::single_pass_traversal_tag >::reference
- dereference() const
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT(m_imp.get() && "dereference of end recursive_directory_iterator");
- return *m_imp->m_stack.top();
- }
- void increment()
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT(m_imp.get() && "increment of end recursive_directory_iterator");
- m_imp->increment(0);
- if (m_imp->m_stack.empty()) m_imp.reset(); // done, so make end iterator
- }
- bool equal(const recursive_directory_iterator& rhs) const
- { return m_imp == rhs.m_imp; }
- };
- typedef recursive_directory_iterator wrecursive_directory_iterator;
-# endif
-// //
-// class filesystem_error //
-// //
- class filesystem_error : public system::system_error
- {
- // see http://www.boost.org/more/error_handling.html for design rationale
- // all functions are inline to avoid issues with crossing dll boundaries
- public:
- // compiler generates copy constructor and copy assignment
- filesystem_error(
- const std::string & what_arg, system::error_code ec)
- : system::system_error(ec, what_arg)
- {
- try
- {
- m_imp_ptr.reset(new m_imp);
- }
- catch (...) { m_imp_ptr.reset(); }
- }
- filesystem_error(
- const std::string & what_arg, const path& path1_arg,
- system::error_code ec)
- : system::system_error(ec, what_arg)
- {
- try
- {
- m_imp_ptr.reset(new m_imp);
- m_imp_ptr->m_path1 = path1_arg;
- }
- catch (...) { m_imp_ptr.reset(); }
- }
- filesystem_error(
- const std::string & what_arg, const path& path1_arg,
- const path& path2_arg, system::error_code ec)
- : system::system_error(ec, what_arg)
- {
- try
- {
- m_imp_ptr.reset(new m_imp);
- m_imp_ptr->m_path1 = path1_arg;
- m_imp_ptr->m_path2 = path2_arg;
- }
- catch (...) { m_imp_ptr.reset(); }
- }
- ~filesystem_error() throw() {}
- const path& path1() const
- {
- static const path empty_path;
- return m_imp_ptr.get() ? m_imp_ptr->m_path1 : empty_path ;
- }
- const path& path2() const
- {
- static const path empty_path;
- return m_imp_ptr.get() ? m_imp_ptr->m_path2 : empty_path ;
- }
- const char* what() const throw()
- {
- if (!m_imp_ptr.get())
- return system::system_error::what();
- try
- {
- if (m_imp_ptr->m_what.empty())
- {
- m_imp_ptr->m_what = system::system_error::what();
- if (!m_imp_ptr->m_path1.empty())
- {
- m_imp_ptr->m_what += ": \"";
- m_imp_ptr->m_what += m_imp_ptr->m_path1.string();
- m_imp_ptr->m_what += "\"";
- }
- if (!m_imp_ptr->m_path2.empty())
- {
- m_imp_ptr->m_what += ", \"";
- m_imp_ptr->m_what += m_imp_ptr->m_path2.string();
- m_imp_ptr->m_what += "\"";
- }
- }
- return m_imp_ptr->m_what.c_str();
- }
- catch (...)
- {
- return system::system_error::what();
- }
- }
- private:
- struct m_imp
- {
- path m_path1; // may be empty()
- path m_path2; // may be empty()
- std::string m_what; // not built until needed
- };
- boost::shared_ptr<m_imp> m_imp_ptr;
- };
-// test helper -----------------------------------------------------------------------//
-// Not part of the documented interface since false positives are possible;
-// there is no law that says that an OS that has large stat.st_size
-// actually supports large file sizes.
- namespace detail
- {
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL bool possible_large_file_size_support();
- }
- } // namespace filesystem
-} // namespace boost
-#include <boost/config/abi_suffix.hpp> // pops abi_prefix.hpp pragmas
Deleted: branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/v3/boost/filesystem/path.hpp
--- branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/v3/boost/filesystem/path.hpp 2010-06-09 09:00:15 EDT (Wed, 09 Jun 2010)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,637 +0,0 @@
-// filesystem path.hpp ---------------------------------------------------------------//
-// Copyright Beman Dawes 2002-2005, 2009
-// Copyright Vladimir Prus 2002
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-// See http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt
-// Library home page: http://www.boost.org/libs/filesystem
-// path::stem(), extension(), and replace_extension() are based on
-// basename(), extension(), and change_extension() from the original
-// filesystem/convenience.hpp header by Vladimir Prus.
-#include <boost/filesystem/config.hpp>
-#include <boost/filesystem/path_traits.hpp>
-#include <boost/system/error_code.hpp>
-#include <boost/system/system_error.hpp>
-#include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp>
-#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
-#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
-#include <string>
-#include <iterator>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <iosfwd> // needed by basic_path inserter and extractor
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include <cassert>
-#include <locale>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <boost/config/abi_prefix.hpp> // must be the last #include
-namespace boost
-namespace filesystem
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
- // //
- // class path //
- // //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
- Why are there no const codecvt_type& arguments?
- ------------------------------------------------
- To hold down the size of the class path interface. Per function codecvt facets
- just aren't needed very often in practice.
- An RAII idiom can be used to ensure push/pop behavior as an alternative.
- Note that codecvt() is passed to the path_traits::convert functions, since that
- decouples the convert functions from class path.
- const codecvt_type & can be added later, but once added, they can never be removed
- since that would break user code.
- {
- public:
- // value_type is the character type used by the operating system API to
- // represent paths.
- typedef wchar_t value_type;
-# else
- typedef char value_type;
-# endif
- typedef std::basic_string<value_type> string_type;
- typedef path_traits::codecvt_type codecvt_type;
- // ----- character encoding conversions -----
- // Following the principle of least astonishment, path input arguments
- // passed to or obtained from the operating system via objects of
- // class path behave as if they were directly passed to or
- // obtained from the O/S API, unless conversion is explicitly requested.
- //
- // POSIX specfies that path strings are passed unchanged to and from the
- // API. Note that this is different from the POSIX command line utilities,
- // which convert according to a locale.
- //
- // Thus for POSIX, char strings do not undergo conversion. wchar_t strings
- // are converted to/from char using the path locale or, if a conversion
- // argument is given, using a conversion object modeled on
- // std::wstring_convert.
- //
- // The path locale, which is global to the thread, can be changed by the
- // imbue() function. It is initialized to an implementation defined locale.
- //
- // For Windows, wchar_t strings do not undergo conversion. char strings
- // are converted using the "ANSI" or "OEM" code pages, as determined by
- // the AreFileApisANSI() function, or, if a conversion argument is given,
- // using a conversion object modeled on std::wstring_convert.
- //
- // See m_pathname comments for further important rationale.
- // Design alternative; each function can have an additional overload that
- // supplies a conversion locale. For example:
- //
- // template< class ForwardIterator, class WStringConvert >
- // path(ForwardIterator begin, ForwardIterator end,
- // const std::locale & loc,
- // system::error_code & ec = boost::throws());
- //
- // This alternative was rejected as too complex for the limited benefits;
- // it nearly doubles the size of the interface, and adds a lot of
- // implementation and test code, yet would likely be rarely used. The same
- // effect can be achieved via the much simpler imbue() mechanism.
- // TODO: rules needed for operating systems that use / or .
- // differently, or format directory paths differently from file paths.
- //
- // ************************************************************************
- //
- // More work needed: How to handle an operating system that may have
- // slash characters or dot characters in valid filenames, either because
- // it doesn't follow the POSIX standard, or because it allows MBCS
- // filename encodings that may contain slash or dot characters. For
- // example, ISO/IEC 2022 (JIS) encoding which allows switching to
- // JIS x0208-1983 encoding. A valid filename in this set of encodings is
- // 0x1B 0x24 0x42 [switch to X0208-1983] 0x24 0x2F [U+304F Kiragana letter KU]
- // ^^^^
- // Note that 0x2F is the ASCII slash character
- //
- // ************************************************************************
- // Supported source arguments: half-open iterator range, container, c-array,
- // and single pointer to null terminated string.
- // All source arguments except pointers to null terminated byte strings support
- // multi-byte character strings which may have embedded nulls. Embedded null
- // support is required for some Asian languages on Windows.
- // ----- constructors -----
- path(){}
- path(const path& p) : m_pathname(p.m_pathname) {}
- template <class InputIterator>
- path(InputIterator begin, InputIterator end)
- {
- if (begin != end)
- {
- std::basic_string<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type>
- s(begin, end);
- path_traits::convert(s.c_str(), s.c_str()+s.size(), m_pathname, codecvt());
- }
- }
- template <class Source>
- path(Source const& source)
- {
- path_traits::dispatch(source, m_pathname, codecvt());
- }
- // ----- assignments -----
- path& operator=(const path& p)
- {
- m_pathname = p.m_pathname;
- return *this;
- }
- template <class InputIterator>
- path& assign(InputIterator begin, InputIterator end)
- {
- m_pathname.clear();
- if (begin != end)
- {
- std::basic_string<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type>
- s(begin, end);
- path_traits::convert(s.c_str(), s.c_str()+s.size(), m_pathname, codecvt());
- }
- return *this;
- }
- template <class Source>
- path& operator=(Source const& source)
- {
- m_pathname.clear();
- path_traits::dispatch(source, m_pathname, codecvt());
- return *this;
- }
- // ----- appends -----
- // if a separator is added, it is the preferred separator for the platform;
- // slash for POSIX, backslash for Windows
- path& operator/=(const path& p);
- template <class InputIterator>
- path& append(InputIterator begin, InputIterator end);
- template <class Source>
- path& operator/=(Source const& source);
- // ----- modifiers -----
- void clear() { m_pathname.clear(); }
- path& make_absolute(const path& base);
- path& make_preferred()
- { return *this; } // POSIX no effect
- ; // change slashes to backslashes
-# endif
- path& remove_filename();
- path& replace_extension(const path& new_extension = path());
- void swap(path& rhs) { m_pathname.swap(rhs.m_pathname); }
- // ----- observers -----
- // For operating systems that format file paths differently than directory
- // paths, return values from observers are formatted as file names unless there
- // is a trailing separator, in which case returns are formatted as directory
- // paths. POSIX and Windows make no such distinction.
- // Implementations are permitted to return const values or const references.
- // The string or path returned by an observer are specified as being formatted
- // as "native" or "generic".
- //
- // For POSIX, these are all the same format; slashes and backslashes are as input and
- // are not modified.
- //
- // For Windows, native: as input; slashes and backslashes are not modified;
- // this is the format of the internally stored string.
- // generic: backslashes are converted to slashes
- // ----- native format observers -----
- const string_type& native() const { return m_pathname; } // Throws: nothing
- const value_type* c_str() const { return m_pathname.c_str(); } // Throws: nothing
- template <class String>
- String string() const;
- const std::string string() const;
- const std::wstring& wstring() const { return m_pathname; }
-# else // BOOST_POSIX_API
- const std::string& string() const { return m_pathname; }
- const std::wstring wstring() const
- {
- std::wstring tmp;
- if (!m_pathname.empty())
- path_traits::convert(&*m_pathname.begin(), &*m_pathname.begin()+m_pathname.size(),
- tmp, codecvt());
- return tmp;
- }
-# endif
- // ----- generic format observers -----
- template <class String>
- String generic_string() const;
- const std::string generic_string() const;
- const std::wstring generic_wstring() const;
-# else // BOOST_POSIX_API
- const std::string& generic_string() const { return m_pathname; }
- const std::wstring generic_wstring() const { return wstring(); }
-# endif
- // ----- decomposition -----
- path root_path() const;
- path root_name() const; // returns 0 or 1 element path
- // even on POSIX, root_name() is non-empty() for network paths
- path root_directory() const; // returns 0 or 1 element path
- path relative_path() const;
- path parent_path() const;
- path filename() const; // returns 0 or 1 element path
- path stem() const; // returns 0 or 1 element path
- path extension() const; // returns 0 or 1 element path
- // ----- query -----
- bool empty() const { return m_pathname.empty(); } // name consistent with std containers
- bool has_root_path() const { return has_root_directory() || has_root_name(); }
- bool has_root_name() const { return !root_name().empty(); }
- bool has_root_directory() const { return !root_directory().empty(); }
- bool has_relative_path() const { return !relative_path().empty(); }
- bool has_parent_path() const { return !parent_path().empty(); }
- bool has_filename() const { return !m_pathname.empty(); }
- bool has_stem() const { return !stem().empty(); }
- bool has_extension() const { return !extension().empty(); }
- bool is_absolute() const
- {
- return has_root_name() && has_root_directory();
-# else
- return has_root_directory();
-# endif
- }
- bool is_relative() const { return !is_absolute(); }
- // ----- imbue -----
- static std::locale imbue(const std::locale & loc);
- // ----- codecvt -----
- static const codecvt_type & codecvt()
- {
- return *wchar_t_codecvt_facet();
- }
- // ----- iterators -----
- class iterator;
- typedef iterator const_iterator;
- iterator begin() const;
- iterator end() const;
- // ----- deprecated functions -----
- // Deprecated features ease transition for existing code. Don't use these
- // in new code.
- path& normalize() { return m_normalize(); }
- path& remove_leaf() { return remove_filename(); }
- typedef bool (*name_check)(const std::string & name);
- path(const std::string& str, name_check) { operator/=(str); }
- path(const std::wstring& str, name_check) { operator/=(str); }
- path(const char* s, name_check) { operator/=(s);}
- path(const wchar_t* s, name_check) { operator/=(s);}
- static bool default_name_check_writable() { return false; }
- static void default_name_check(name_check){}
- static name_check default_name_check() { return 0; }
- const std::string file_string() const { return string(); }
- const std::string directory_string() const { return string(); }
- const std::string native_file_string() const { return string(); }
- const std::string native_directory_string() const { return string(); }
- // for functions that returned string_type, return std::string since we are
- // emulating the old path rather than the old wpath.
- const std::string external_file_string() const { return string(); }
- const std::string external_directory_string() const { return string(); }
- std::string leaf() const { return filename().string(); }
- path branch_path() const { return parent_path(); }
- bool has_leaf() const { return !m_pathname.empty(); }
- bool has_branch_path() const { return !parent_path().empty(); }
- bool is_complete() const { return is_absolute(); }
-# endif
- // older functions no longer supported
- //basic_path& canonize();
-// class path private members //
- private:
-# if defined(_MSC_VER)
-# pragma warning(push) // Save warning settings
-# pragma warning(disable : 4251) // disable warning: class 'std::basic_string<_Elem,_Traits,_Ax>'
-# endif // needs to have dll-interface...
- m_pathname has the type, encoding, and format required by the native
- operating system. Thus for POSIX and Windows there is no conversion for
- passing m_pathname.c_str() to the O/S API or when obtaining a path from the
- O/S API. POSIX encoding is unspecified other than for dot and slash
- characters; POSIX just treats paths as a sequence of bytes. Windows
- encoding is UCS-2 or UTF-16 depending on the version.
- string_type m_pathname; // Windows: as input; backslashes NOT converted to slashes,
- // slashes NOT converted to backslashes
-# if defined(_MSC_VER)
-# pragma warning(pop) // restore warning settings.
-# endif
- string_type::size_type m_append_separator_if_needed();
- // Returns: If separator is to be appended, m_pathname.size() before append. Otherwise 0.
- // Note: An append is never performed if size()==0, so a returned 0 is unambiguous.
- void m_erase_redundant_separator(string_type::size_type sep_pos);
- string_type::size_type m_parent_path_end() const;
- void m_portable();
- path& m_normalize();
- // Was qualified; como433beta8 reports:
- // warning #427-D: qualified name is not allowed in member declaration
- friend class iterator;
- friend bool operator<(const path& lhs, const path& rhs);
- // see path::iterator::increment/decrement comment below
- static void m_path_iterator_increment(path::iterator & it);
- static void m_path_iterator_decrement(path::iterator & it);
- static const codecvt_type *& wchar_t_codecvt_facet();
- }; // class path
- typedef path wpath;
-# endif
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
- // class path::iterator //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
- class path::iterator
- : public boost::iterator_facade<
- iterator,
- path const,
- boost::bidirectional_traversal_tag >
- {
- private:
- friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
- friend class boost::filesystem::path;
- friend void m_path_iterator_increment(path::iterator & it);
- friend void m_path_iterator_decrement(path::iterator & it);
- const path& dereference() const { return m_element; }
- bool equal(const iterator & rhs) const
- {
- return m_path_ptr == rhs.m_path_ptr && m_pos == rhs.m_pos;
- }
- // iterator_facade derived classes don't seem to like implementations in
- // separate translation unit dll's, so forward to class path static members
- void increment() { m_path_iterator_increment(*this); }
- void decrement() { m_path_iterator_decrement(*this); }
- path m_element; // current element
- const path * m_path_ptr; // path being iterated over
- string_type::size_type m_pos; // position of name in
- // m_path_ptr->m_pathname. The
- // end() iterator is indicated by
- // m_pos == m_path_ptr->m_pathname.size()
- }; // path::iterator
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
- // //
- // class scoped_path_locale //
- // //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
- class scoped_path_locale
- {
- public:
- scoped_path_locale(const std::locale & loc)
- : m_saved_locale(loc)
- {
- path::imbue(loc);
- }
- ~scoped_path_locale() // never throws()
- {
- try { path::imbue(m_saved_locale); }
- catch (...) {}
- };
- private:
- std::locale m_saved_locale;
- };
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
- // //
- // non-member functions //
- // //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
- // std::lexicographical_compare would infinately recurse because path iterators
- // yield paths, so provide a path aware version
- inline bool lexicographical_compare(path::iterator first1, path::iterator last1,
- path::iterator first2, path::iterator last2)
- {
- for (; first1 != last1 && first2 != last2 ; ++first1, ++first2)
- {
- if (first1->native() < first2->native()) return true;
- if (first2->native() < first1->native()) return false;
- }
- return first1 == last1 && first2 != last2;
- }
- inline bool operator<(const path& lhs, const path& rhs)
- {
- return lexicographical_compare(lhs.begin(), lhs.end(), rhs.begin(), rhs.end());
- }
- inline bool operator<=(const path& lhs, const path& rhs) { return !(rhs < lhs); }
- inline bool operator> (const path& lhs, const path& rhs) { return rhs < lhs; }
- inline bool operator>=(const path& lhs, const path& rhs) { return !(lhs < rhs); }
- // equality operators act as if comparing generic format strings, to achieve the
- // effect of lexicographical_compare element by element compare.
- // operator==() efficiency is a concern; a user reported the original version 2
- // !(lhs < rhs) && !(rhs < lhs) implementation caused a serious performance problem
- // for a map of 10,000 paths.
- inline bool operator==(const path& lhs, const path::value_type* rhs)
- {
- const path::value_type* l(lhs.c_str());
- while ((*l == *rhs || (*l == L'\\' && *rhs == L'/') || (*l == L'/' && *rhs == L'\\'))
- && *l) { ++l; ++rhs; }
- return *l == *rhs || (*l == L'\\' && *rhs == L'/') || (*l == L'/' && *rhs == L'\\');
- }
- inline bool operator==(const path& lhs, const path& rhs) { return lhs == rhs.c_str(); }
- inline bool operator==(const path& lhs, const path::string_type& rhs) { return lhs == rhs.c_str(); }
- inline bool operator==(const path::string_type& lhs, const path& rhs) { return rhs == lhs.c_str(); }
- inline bool operator==(const path::value_type* lhs, const path& rhs) { return rhs == lhs; }
-# else // BOOST_POSIX_API
- inline bool operator==(const path& lhs, const path& rhs) { return lhs.native() == rhs.native(); }
- inline bool operator==(const path& lhs, const path::string_type& rhs) { return lhs.native() == rhs; }
- inline bool operator==(const path& lhs, const path::value_type* rhs) { return lhs.native() == rhs; }
- inline bool operator==(const path::string_type& lhs, const path& rhs) { return lhs == rhs.native(); }
- inline bool operator==(const path::value_type* lhs, const path& rhs) { return lhs == rhs.native(); }
-# endif
- inline bool operator!=(const path& lhs, const path& rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); }
- inline bool operator!=(const path& lhs, const path::string_type& rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); }
- inline bool operator!=(const path& lhs, const path::value_type* rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); }
- inline bool operator!=(const path::string_type& lhs, const path& rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); }
- inline bool operator!=(const path::value_type* lhs, const path& rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); }
- inline void swap(path& lhs, path& rhs) { lhs.swap(rhs); }
- inline path operator/(const path& lhs, const path& rhs) { return path(lhs) /= rhs; }
- // inserters and extractors
- inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream & os, const path& p)
- {
- os << p.string();
- return os;
- }
- inline std::wostream& operator<<(std::wostream & os, const path& p)
- {
- os << p.wstring();
- return os;
- }
- inline std::istream& operator>>(std::istream & is, path& p)
- {
- std::string str;
- is >> str;
- p = str;
- return is;
- }
- inline std::wistream& operator>>(std::wistream & is, path& p)
- {
- std::wstring str;
- is >> str;
- p = str;
- return is;
- }
- // name_checks
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL bool portable_posix_name(const std::string& name);
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL bool windows_name(const std::string& name);
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL bool portable_name(const std::string& name);
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL bool portable_directory_name(const std::string& name);
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL bool portable_file_name(const std::string& name);
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL bool native(const std::string& name);
- inline bool no_check( const std::string & ) { return true; }
-# endif
-// class path member template implementation //
- template <class InputIterator>
- path& path::append(InputIterator begin, InputIterator end)
- {
- if (begin == end)
- return *this;
- string_type::size_type sep_pos(m_append_separator_if_needed());
- std::basic_string<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type>
- s(begin, end);
- path_traits::convert(s.c_str(), s.c_str()+s.size(), m_pathname, codecvt());
- if (sep_pos)
- m_erase_redundant_separator(sep_pos);
- return *this;
- }
- template <class Source>
- path& path::operator/=(Source const & source)
- {
- if (path_traits::empty(source))
- return *this;
- string_type::size_type sep_pos(m_append_separator_if_needed());
- path_traits::dispatch(source, m_pathname, codecvt());
- if (sep_pos)
- m_erase_redundant_separator(sep_pos);
- return *this;
- }
-// class path member template specializations //
- template <> inline
- std::string path::string<std::string>() const { return string(); }
- template <> inline
- std::wstring path::string<std::wstring>() const { return wstring(); }
- template <> inline
- std::string path::generic_string<std::string>() const { return generic_string(); }
- template <> inline
- std::wstring path::generic_string<std::wstring>() const { return generic_wstring(); }
-} // namespace filesystem
-} // namespace boost
-#include <boost/config/abi_suffix.hpp> // pops abi_prefix.hpp pragmas
Deleted: branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/v3/boost/filesystem/path_traits.hpp
--- branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/v3/boost/filesystem/path_traits.hpp 2010-06-09 09:00:15 EDT (Wed, 09 Jun 2010)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-// filesystem path_traits.hpp --------------------------------------------------------//
-// Copyright Beman Dawes 2009
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-// See http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt
-// Library home page: http://www.boost.org/libs/filesystem
-#include <boost/filesystem/config.hpp>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <iterator>
-#include <boost/assert.hpp>
-#include <boost/system/error_code.hpp>
-// #include <iostream> //**** comment me out ****
-#include <boost/config/abi_prefix.hpp> // must be the last #include
-namespace boost { namespace filesystem {
- BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL const system::error_category& codecvt_error_category();
- // uses std::codecvt_base::result used for error codes:
- //
- // ok: Conversion successful.
- // partial: Not all source characters converted; one or more additional source
- // characters are needed to produce the final target character, or the
- // size of the target intermediate buffer was too small to hold the result.
- // error: A character in the source could not be converted to the target encoding.
- // noconv: The source and target characters have the same type and encoding, so no
- // conversion was necessary.
- class directory_entry;
-namespace path_traits {
- typedef std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, std::mbstate_t> codecvt_type;
- // Pathable empty
- template <class Container> inline
- bool empty(const Container & c)
- { return c.begin() == c.end(); }
- template <class T> inline
- bool empty(T * const & c_str)
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT(c_str);
- return !*c_str;
- }
- template <typename T, size_t N> inline
- bool empty(T (&)[N])
- { return N <= 1; }
- // Source dispatch
- // contiguous containers
- template <class U> inline
- void dispatch(const std::string& c, U& to, const codecvt_type& cvt)
- {
- if (c.size())
- convert(&*c.begin(), &*c.begin() + c.size(), to, cvt);
- }
- template <class U> inline
- void dispatch(const std::wstring& c, U& to, const codecvt_type& cvt)
- {
- if (c.size())
- convert(&*c.begin(), &*c.begin() + c.size(), to, cvt);
- }
- template <class U> inline
- void dispatch(const std::vector<char>& c, U& to, const codecvt_type& cvt)
- {
- if (c.size())
- convert(&*c.begin(), &*c.begin() + c.size(), to, cvt);
- }
- template <class U> inline
- void dispatch(const std::vector<wchar_t>& c, U& to, const codecvt_type& cvt)
- {
- if (c.size())
- convert(&*c.begin(), &*c.begin() + c.size(), to, cvt);
- }
- // non-contiguous containers
- template <class Container, class U> inline
- void dispatch(const Container & c, U& to, const codecvt_type& cvt)
- {
- if (c.size())
- {
- std::basic_string<typename Container::value_type> s(c.begin(), c.end());
- convert(s.c_str(), s.c_str()+s.size(), to, cvt);
- }
- }
- // c_str
- template <class T, class U> inline
- void dispatch(T * const & c_str, U& to, const codecvt_type& cvt)
- {
-// std::cout << "dispatch() const T *\n";
- BOOST_ASSERT(c_str);
- convert(c_str, to, cvt);
- }
- // C-style array
- template <typename T, size_t N, class U> inline
- void dispatch(T (&array)[N], U& to, const codecvt_type& cvt) // T, N, U deduced
- {
-// std::cout << "dispatch() array, N=" << N << "\n";
- convert(array, array + N - 1, to, cvt);
- }
- void dispatch(const directory_entry & de,
- std::wstring & to,
-# else
- std::string & to,
-# endif
- const codecvt_type&);
- // value types differ ---------------------------------------------------------------//
- //
- // A from_end argument of 0 is less efficient than a known end, so use only if needed
- void convert(const char* from,
- const char* from_end, // 0 for null terminated MBCS
- std::wstring & to,
- const codecvt_type& cvt);
- void convert(const wchar_t* from,
- const wchar_t* from_end, // 0 for null terminated MBCS
- std::string & to,
- const codecvt_type& cvt);
- inline
- void convert(const char* from,
- std::wstring & to,
- const codecvt_type& cvt)
- {
- convert(from, 0, to, cvt);
- }
- inline
- void convert(const wchar_t* from,
- std::string & to,
- const codecvt_type& cvt)
- {
- convert(from, 0, to, cvt);
- }
- // value types same -----------------------------------------------------------------//
- // char
- inline
- void convert(const char* from, const char* from_end, std::string & to,
- const codecvt_type&)
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT(from_end);
- to.append(from, from_end);
- }
- inline
- void convert(const char* from,
- std::string & to,
- const codecvt_type&)
- {
- to += from;
- }
- // wchar_t
- inline
- void convert(const wchar_t* from, const wchar_t* from_end, std::wstring & to,
- const codecvt_type&)
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT(from_end);
- to.append(from, from_end);
- }
- inline
- void convert(const wchar_t* from,
- std::wstring & to,
- const codecvt_type&)
- {
- to += from;
- }
-}}} // namespace boost::filesystem::path_traits
-#include <boost/config/abi_suffix.hpp> // pops abi_prefix.hpp pragmas
Deleted: branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/v3/libs/filesystem/index.html
--- branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/v3/libs/filesystem/index.html 2010-06-09 09:00:15 EDT (Wed, 09 Jun 2010)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=doc/index.htm">
-Automatic redirection failed, please go to
-<p>© Copyright Beman Dawes, 2003</p>
-<p> Distributed under the Boost Software
-License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at <a href="http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt">
Deleted: branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/version.bat
--- branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/version.bat 2010-06-09 09:00:15 EDT (Wed, 09 Jun 2010)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-_at_echo off
-rem Display version number
-rem Copyright Beman Dawes 2010
-rem Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-rem See http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt
-if exist src\unique_path.cpp (
- echo Version 3
-) else (
- echo Version 2
Deleted: branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/version.sh
--- branches/filesystem3/libs/filesystem/version.sh 2010-06-09 09:00:15 EDT (Wed, 09 Jun 2010)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Display version number
-# Copyright Beman Dawes 2010
-# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-# See http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt
-if [ -f "src/unique_path.cpp" ]; then
- echo Version 3
- echo Version 2
Boost-Commit list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk