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Subject: [Boost-commit] svn:boost r62766 - in sandbox/SOC/2010/stringalgos: . boost/algorithm/string boost/algorithm/string/string_search libs libs/algorithm libs/algorithm/string/test
From: mstefanro_at_[hidden]
Date: 2010-06-10 17:00:30
Author: mstefanro
Date: 2010-06-10 17:00:29 EDT (Thu, 10 Jun 2010)
New Revision: 62766
URL: http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/62766
[GSoC2010][StringAlgo] Finder impl, naive search algo impl
sandbox/SOC/2010/stringalgos/boost/algorithm/string/string_search/boyer_moore.hpp (contents, props changed)
sandbox/SOC/2010/stringalgos/boost/algorithm/string/string_search/boyer_moore_horspool.hpp (contents, props changed)
sandbox/SOC/2010/stringalgos/boost/algorithm/string/string_search/knuth_morris_pratt.hpp (contents, props changed)
sandbox/SOC/2010/stringalgos/boost/algorithm/string/string_search/naive_search.hpp (contents, props changed)
sandbox/SOC/2010/stringalgos/boost/algorithm/string/string_search/rabin_karp.hpp (contents, props changed)
sandbox/SOC/2010/stringalgos/boost/algorithm/string/string_search/suffix_array.hpp (contents, props changed)
- copied unchanged from r38326, /trunk/boost/libs/algorithm/string/index.html
Properties modified:
sandbox/SOC/2010/stringalgos/ (props changed)
sandbox/SOC/2010/stringalgos/libs/ (props changed)
sandbox/SOC/2010/stringalgos/libs/algorithm/ (props changed)
sandbox/SOC/2010/stringalgos/libs/algorithm/string/test/ (props changed)
Text files modified:
sandbox/SOC/2010/stringalgos/boost/algorithm/string/finder.hpp | 413 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 files changed, 410 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
Modified: sandbox/SOC/2010/stringalgos/boost/algorithm/string/finder.hpp
--- sandbox/SOC/2010/stringalgos/boost/algorithm/string/finder.hpp (original)
+++ sandbox/SOC/2010/stringalgos/boost/algorithm/string/finder.hpp 2010-06-10 17:00:29 EDT (Thu, 10 Jun 2010)
@@ -23,22 +23,424 @@
#include <boost/algorithm/string/detail/finder.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/compare.hpp>
+#include <boost/call_traits.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
+#include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <vector>
+#include <boost/concept_check.hpp>
+//!\todo modify this
/*! \file
- Defines Finder generators. Finder object is a functor which is able to
+ Defines Finder types and Finder generators. Finder object is a functor which is able to
find a substring matching a specific criteria in the input.
Finders are used as a pluggable components for replace, find
and split facilities. This header contains generator functions
for finders provided in this library.
+//! \todo Move this to an appropriate header in detail/
+namespace boost {
+ namespace detail {
+ template <class T, class U> struct is_pointer_to :
+ boost::mpl::and_<
+ typename boost::is_pointer<T>,
+ typename boost::is_same<
+ typename boost::remove_cv<typename boost::remove_pointer<T>::type>::type,
+ U>
+ > {};
+ }
namespace boost {
namespace algorithm {
+// Finder types ---------------------------------------------//
+ //! \todo copyable finder types?
+ //! A generic finder type
+ /*!
+ Allows simple use of various string searching algorithms.
+ \tparam Sequence1T The type of the substring
+ \tparam Sequence2T The type of the string
+ \tparam Algorithm An algorithm policy class
+ which will be used for performing the searches. \see string_search.hpp
+ \tparam Comparator Optional template parameter passed to the algorithm.
+ Used for comparing individual characters for equality.
+ \tparam Allocator Optional template parameter passed to the algorithm
+ in the event that additional computation on the data has to be stored.
+ */
+ template <
+ typename Sequence1T, typename Sequence2T,
+ class Algorithm,
+ typename Comparator = ::boost::algorithm::is_equal,
+ class Allocator =
+ typename Algorithm::algorithm<Sequence1T,Sequence2T,Comparator>::allocator_type
+ >
+ class finder_t : private Algorithm::algorithm<typename boost::range_const_iterator<Sequence1T>::type,
+ typename boost::range_const_iterator<Sequence2T>::type,
+ /*typename std::iterator_traits<Sequence2T>::iterator_type,*/Comparator,Allocator>
+ {
+ //! \todo: Maybe write a String concept?
+ //! \todo: Currently, there's a SGI Sequence Concept implemented by Boost.ConceptCheck,
+ //! but std::string does not obey this concept, which means that even calling these template
+ //! paramters sequences is wrong.
+ BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((boost::Container<Sequence1T>));
+ BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((boost::Container<Sequence2T>));
+ public:
+ //! The type of the substring
+ typedef Sequence1T substring_type;
+ //! The type of the string
+ typedef Sequence2T string_type;
+ //! The type of the comparator
+ typedef Comparator comparator_type;
+ //! The type of the allocator
+ typedef Allocator allocator_type;
+ //! The type of the substring's iterator
+ typedef typename boost::range_const_iterator<Sequence1T>::type substring_iterator_type;
+ //! The type of the string's iterator
+ typedef typename boost::range_const_iterator<Sequence2T>::type string_iterator_type;
+ //! The character type of the substring
+ typedef typename boost::iterator_value<substring_iterator_type>::type substring_char_type;
+ //! The character type of the string
+ typedef typename boost::iterator_value<string_iterator_type>::type string_char_type;
+ //! The type of the algorithm
+ typedef typename Algorithm::algorithm<substring_iterator_type,
+ string_iterator_type,comparator_type,allocator_type> algorithm_type;
+ typedef typename boost::iterator_range<substring_iterator_type> substring_range_type;
+ typedef typename boost::iterator_range<string_iterator_type> string_range_type;
+ //! Constructs a finder given a string and a substring
+ /*!
+ \param substring Either a range (or character array)
+ of the substring to be searched, or a pointer to a sequence of type \c substring_type.
+ \param string Either a range (or character array)
+ of the string to be searched, or a pointer to a sequence of type \c string_type.
+ \param comparator A comparator object passed on to the algorithm
+ \param allocator An allocator object passed on to the algorithm
+ \note Both the substring and string can be passed either as references of ranges,
+ or as pointers to sequences. In the former case, the substring and/or string is copied
+ inside the class. In the latter class, the pointer is used and no copy is made.
+ \warning Whereas the overloads taking pointers are faster (because no strings are copied around),
+ you have to guarantee that the lifetime of your pointee is at least as long as the lifetime
+ of the finder. If you cannot guarantee on the lifetime, use a reference instead, which will
+ force a copy.
+ \note If a rvalue reference is passed as the string or substring, and your compiler supports rvalue
+ references, then a move is performed as opposed to a copy.
+ */
+ finder_t (const Sequence1T *const substring = 0, const Sequence2T *const string = 0,
+ Comparator comparator = Comparator(), Allocator allocator = Allocator())
+ : comparator_(comparator), allocator_(allocator),
+ substring_optional_copy_(), substring_range_(substring?*substring:substring_optional_copy_),
+ string_optional_copy_(), string_range_(string?*string:string_optional_copy_),
+ algorithm_type(comparator_,allocator_,substring_range_,string_range_)
+ { on_substring_change(); on_string_change(); }
+ //! \overload
+ template <class Range2T>
+ finder_t (const Sequence1T *const substring, const Range2T &string,
+ Comparator comparator = Comparator(), Allocator allocator = Allocator(),
+ typename boost::disable_if<typename ::boost::detail::is_pointer_to<Range2T,Sequence2T> >::type* = 0)
+ : comparator_(comparator), allocator_(allocator),
+ substring_optional_copy_(), substring_range_(substring?*substring:substring_optional_copy_),
+ string_optional_copy_(), string_range_(),
+ algorithm_type(comparator_,allocator_,substring_range_,string_range_)
+ {
+ set_string(string); // automatically calls on_string_change()
+ on_substring_change();
+ }
+ //! \overload
+ template <class Range1T>
+ finder_t (const Range1T &substring, const Sequence2T *const string = 0,
+ Comparator comparator = Comparator(), Allocator allocator = Allocator(),
+ typename boost::disable_if<typename ::boost::detail::is_pointer_to<Range1T,Sequence1T> >::type* = 0)
+ : comparator_(comparator), allocator_(allocator),
+ substring_optional_copy_(), substring_range_(),
+ string_optional_copy_(), string_range_(string?boost::as_literal(*string):string_optional_copy_),
+ algorithm_type(comparator_,allocator_,substring_range_,string_range_)
+ {
+ set_substring(substring);
+ on_string_change();
+ }
+ //! \overload
+ template <class Range1T, class Range2T>
+ finder_t (const Range1T &substring, const Range2T &string,
+ Comparator comparator = Comparator(), Allocator allocator = Allocator(),
+ typename boost::disable_if<boost::mpl::or_<typename ::boost::detail::is_pointer_to<Range1T,Sequence1T>,
+ typename ::boost::detail::is_pointer_to<Range2T,Sequence2T> > >::type* = 0)
+ : comparator_(comparator), allocator_(allocator),
+ substring_optional_copy_(), substring_range_(),
+ string_optional_copy_(), string_range_(),
+ algorithm_type(comparator_,allocator_,substring_range_,string_range_)
+ {
+ set_substring(substring);
+ set_string(string);
+ }
+ //! \overload
+ template <class Range2T>
+ finder_t (
+ Sequence1T const &&substring,
+ const Sequence2T *const string = 0,
+ Comparator comparator = Comparator(), Allocator allocator = Allocator())
+ : comparator_(comparator), allocator_(allocator),
+ substring_optional_copy_(std::move(substring)), string_optional_copy_(),
+ substring_range_(substring_optional_copy_), string_range_(string?*string:string_optional_copy_),
+ algorithm_type(comparator_,allocator_,substring_range_,string_range_)
+ { on_substring_change(); on_string_change(); }
+ //! \overload
+ template <class Range2T>
+ finder_t (
+ Sequence1T const &&substring,
+ const Range2T &string,
+ Comparator comparator = Comparator(), Allocator allocator = Allocator(),
+ typename boost::disable_if<typename ::boost::detail::is_pointer_to<Range2T,Sequence2T> >::type* = 0)
+ : comparator_(comparator), allocator_(allocator),
+ substring_optional_copy_(std::move(substring)), substring_range_(substring_optional_copy_),
+ string_optional_copy_(), string_range_(),
+ algorithm_type(comparator_,allocator_,substring_range_,string_range_)
+ { set_string(string); on_substring_change(); }
+ //! \overload
+ finder_t (
+ Sequence1T const &&substring,
+ Sequence2T const &&string,
+ Comparator comparator = Comparator(), Allocator allocator = Allocator())
+ : comparator_(comparator), allocator_(allocator),
+ substring_optional_copy_(std::move(substring)), string_optional_copy_(std::move(string)),
+ substring_range_(substring_optional_copy_), string_range_(string_optional_copy_),
+ algorithm_type(comparator_,allocator_,substring_range_,string_range_)
+ { on_substring_change(); on_string_change(); }
+ //! \overload
+ finder_t (const Sequence1T *const substring,
+ Sequence2T const &&string,
+ Comparator comparator = Comparator(), Allocator allocator = Allocator())
+ : comparator_(comparator), allocator_(allocator),
+ substring_optional_copy_(), string_optional_copy_(std::move(string)),
+ substring_range_(substring?*substring:substring_optional_copy_), string_range_(string_optional_copy_),
+ algorithm_type(comparator_,allocator_,substring_range_,string_range_)
+ { on_substring_change(); on_string_change(); }
+ //! \overload
+ template <class Range1T>
+ finder_t (const Range1T &substring,
+ Sequence2T const &&string,
+ Comparator comparator = Comparator(), Allocator allocator = Allocator(),
+ typename boost::disable_if<typename ::boost::detail::is_pointer_to<Range1T,Sequence1T> >::type* = 0)
+ : comparator_(comparator), allocator_(allocator),
+ substring_optional_copy_(), substring_range_(),
+ string_optional_copy_(std::move(string)),
+ string_range_(string_optional_copy_)
+ algorithm_type(comparator_,allocator_,substring_range_,string_range_)
+ { set_substring(substring); on_string_change(); }
+# endif
+ //! Get an iterator range of the currently stored substring
+ /*!
+ \return An iterator range of the currently stored substring
+ */
+ //! \todo This may return iterators for copies of the string, properly deal with it.
+ typename substring_range_type get_substring_range() const
+ { return substring_range_; }
+ //! Get an iterator range of the currently stored string
+ /*!
+ \return An iterator range of the currently stored string
+ */
+ typename string_range_type get_string_range() const
+ { return string_range_; }
+ //! \todo: any reason why stdlib get_allocator()s return value types?
+ //! Gets a reference to the current allocator
+ typename boost::call_traits<Allocator>::reference get_allocator()
+ { return allocator_; }
+ /*!
+ \overload
+ */
+ typename boost::call_traits<Allocator>::const_reference get_allocator() const
+ { return allocator_; }
+ //! Changes the substring to be searched for.
+ /*!
+ \param substring Either a range (or character array) corresponding to the new substring,
+ or a pointer to a sequence of type \c substring_type
+ */
+ template <typename RangeT>
+ void set_substring(RangeT const &substring)
+ {
+ boost::iterator_range<typename boost::range_const_iterator<RangeT>::type> substring_range =
+ boost::as_literal(substring);
+ //substring_optional_copy_.assign(boost::begin(substring_range), boost::end(substring_range));
+ substring_optional_copy_.clear();
+ substring_optional_copy_.insert(substring_optional_copy_.end(),
+ boost::begin(substring_range), boost::end(substring_range));
+ substring_range_ = substring_optional_copy_;
+ find_reset();
+ on_substring_change();
+ }
+ void set_substring (Sequence1T const *const substring = 0)
+ {
+ substring_optional_copy_.clear();
+ if (substring)
+ substring_range_ = *substring;
+ else
+ substring_range_ = boost::iterator_range<Sequence1T>();
+ find_reset();
+ on_substring_change();
+ }
+ void set_substring (
+ Sequence1T const &&substring)
+ {
+ substring_optional_copy_ = std::move(substring);
+ substring_range_ = substring_optional_copy_;
+ find_reset();
+ on_substring_change();
+ }
+# endif
+ //! Changes the string to be searched for.
+ /*!
+ \param string Either a range (or character array) corresponding to the new substring,
+ or a pointer to a sequence of type \c string_type
+ */
+ template <typename RangeT>
+ void set_string(RangeT const &string)
+ {
+ boost::iterator_range<typename boost::range_const_iterator<RangeT>::type> string_range =
+ boost::as_literal(string);
+ //string_optional_copy_.assign(boost::begin(string_range), boost::end(string_range));
+ string_optional_copy_.clear();
+ string_optional_copy_.insert(string_optional_copy_.end(),
+ boost::begin(string_range), boost::end(string_range));
+ string_range_ = string_optional_copy_;
+ find_reset();
+ on_string_change();
+ }
+ void set_string (Sequence2T const *const string = 0)
+ {
+ string_optional_copy_.clear();
+ if (string)
+ string_range_ = *string;
+ else
+ string_range_ = boost::iterator_range<Sequence2T>();
+ find_reset();
+ on_string_change();
+ }
+ void set_string (
+ Sequence2T const &&string)
+ {
+ string_optional_copy_ = std::move(string);
+ string_range_ = string_optional_copy_;
+ find_reset();
+ on_string_change();
+ }
+# endif
+ //! \todo Change the object's substring or just use a temporary one?
+ //! Perform a search...
+ /*!
+ \deprecated Only implemented to preserve compatibility
+ with the previous Finder concept
+ \todo This should probably only exist to classes that derive from finder_t (such as first_finder_t etc.)
+ */
+ template <class IteratorT>
+ boost::iterator_range<IteratorT> operator()(IteratorT const &substring_start, IteratorT const &substring_end)
+ {
+ }
+ //! Performs a search using the chosen algorithm.
+ /*!
+ Looks for the first match of the substring in the string.
+ \return An iterator range indicating where in the string
+ a match has occured. If there is no match, an iterator range with
+ begin()==end()==string.end() is returned.
+ \pre The iterator ranges for the string and substring must be set.
+ \post The internal find offset is set immediately after the current match starts.
+ \note This is semantically equivalent to \c find_reset(); match=find_next();
+ */
+ //!\todo Must return a range of const iterators, otherwise one could modify
+ //! the range's contents, range which may actually
+ //! be data of our private member
+ string_range_type find_first()
+ {
+ //assert(substring_ && string_);
+ //return algorithm_type::find(boost::begin(string_));
+ find_reset();
+ return find_next();
+ }
+ string_range_type find_next()
+ {
+ string_range_type ret =
+ algorithm_type::find(start_offset_);
+ if (boost::begin(ret) == boost::end(string_range_))
+ {
+ start_offset_ = boost::end(string_range_);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ start_offset_ = boost::begin(ret);
+ ++start_offset_;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ void find_reset()
+ {
+ start_offset_ = boost::begin(string_range_);
+ }
+ //! \todo: Figure out whether you want to make finder iterators or not. find_iterator can be used otherwise.
+ //const_iterator begin() const { }
+ //const_iterator end() const { }
+ private:
+ //detail::make_properly_copyable<substring_range_type> substring_optional_copy_;
+ //detail::make_properly_copyable<string_range_type> string_optional_copy_;
+ /*typename std::basic_string<substring_char_type, std::char_traits<substring_char_type>, allocator_type>
+ substring_optional_copy_;*/
+ substring_type substring_optional_copy_;
+ string_type string_optional_copy_;
+ /*typename std::basic_string<string_char_type, std::char_traits<string_char_type>, allocator_type>
+ string_optional_copy_;*/
+ comparator_type comparator_;
+ allocator_type allocator_;
+ //! \todo Somehow fix this HUGE issue. This makes us able to
+ //! only store ranges of type substring_iterator_type, and not of std::basic_string.
+ substring_range_type substring_range_;
+ string_range_type string_range_;
+ string_iterator_type start_offset_;
+ };
// Finder generators ------------------------------------------//
- //! "First" finder
+ //! "First" finder generator
- Construct the \c first_finder. The finder searches for the first
+ Construct the \c first_finder_t. The finder searches for the first
occurrence of the string in a given input.
The result is given as an \c iterator_range delimiting the match.
@@ -264,6 +666,11 @@
using algorithm::token_finder;
using algorithm::range_finder;
+ //! \TODO: add all new finder types to ::boost after they have been coded
+ //! \TODO: extend from finder_t to create simpler first_finder_t etc.
+ using algorithm::finder_t;
} // namespace boost
Added: sandbox/SOC/2010/stringalgos/boost/algorithm/string/string_search/boyer_moore.hpp
Added: sandbox/SOC/2010/stringalgos/boost/algorithm/string/string_search/boyer_moore_horspool.hpp
Added: sandbox/SOC/2010/stringalgos/boost/algorithm/string/string_search/knuth_morris_pratt.hpp
Added: sandbox/SOC/2010/stringalgos/boost/algorithm/string/string_search/naive_search.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/SOC/2010/stringalgos/boost/algorithm/string/string_search/naive_search.hpp 2010-06-10 17:00:29 EDT (Thu, 10 Jun 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+#include <boost/range/iterator_range.hpp>
+#include <boost/call_traits.hpp>
+namespace boost
+ namespace algorithm
+ {
+ struct naive_search
+ {
+ template <class ForwardIterator1T,class ForwardIterator2T,class Comparator,class Allocator = std::allocator<char> >
+ struct algorithm : boost::noncopyable
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef ForwardIterator1T substring_iterator_type;
+ typedef ForwardIterator2T string_iterator_type;
+ typedef Comparator comparator_type;
+ typedef Allocator allocator_type;
+ typedef typename Allocator::value_type allocator_value_type;
+ protected:
+ //construct the algorithm given iterator ranges for the substring and the string
+ algorithm (typename boost::call_traits<Comparator>::param_type comparator,
+ typename boost::call_traits<Allocator>::param_type allocator,
+ typename boost::call_traits<typename boost::iterator_range<substring_iterator_type> >::param_type substring,
+ typename boost::call_traits<typename boost::iterator_range<string_iterator_type> >::param_type string)
+ : comparator_(comparator), allocator_(allocator), substring_(substring), string_(string) { }
+ boost::iterator_range<string_iterator_type> find(string_iterator_type start)
+ {
+ for (;
+ start != boost::end(string_); ++start)
+ {
+ string_iterator_type str_iter(start);
+ substring_iterator_type substr_iter;
+ for (substr_iter = boost::begin(substring_);
+ substr_iter != boost::end(substring_) && str_iter != boost::end(string_); ++substr_iter, ++str_iter)
+ {
+ if (!comparator_(*str_iter, *substr_iter)) break;
+ }
+ if (substr_iter == boost::end(substring_))
+ return boost::iterator_range<string_iterator_type>(start, str_iter);
+ }
+ return boost::iterator_range<string_iterator_type>(boost::end(string_),boost::end(string_));
+ }
+ //No precomputation to be done on the substring
+ inline void on_substring_change()
+ {
+ }
+ //No precomputation to be done on the string
+ inline void on_string_change()
+ {
+ }
+ private:
+ typename boost::call_traits<comparator_type>::param_type comparator_;
+ typename boost::call_traits<allocator_type>::param_type allocator_;
+ typename boost::call_traits<typename boost::iterator_range<substring_iterator_type> >::param_type substring_;
+ typename boost::call_traits<typename boost::iterator_range<string_iterator_type> >::param_type string_;
+ };
+ };
+ }
+ using algorithm::naive_search;
\ No newline at end of file
Added: sandbox/SOC/2010/stringalgos/boost/algorithm/string/string_search/rabin_karp.hpp
Added: sandbox/SOC/2010/stringalgos/boost/algorithm/string/string_search/suffix_array.hpp
Boost-Commit list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk