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Subject: [Boost-commit] svn:boost r63703 - in sandbox/SOC/2010/sweepline: boost/sweepline boost/sweepline/detail libs/sweepline/test
From: sydorchuk.andriy_at_[hidden]
Date: 2010-07-06 14:12:11
Author: asydorchuk
Date: 2010-07-06 14:12:08 EDT (Tue, 06 Jul 2010)
New Revision: 63703
URL: http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/63703
Implemented voronoi output clipping.
Added clipped output.
Updated unit tests.
sandbox/SOC/2010/sweepline/boost/sweepline/voronoi_sweepline.hpp (contents, props changed)
Text files modified:
sandbox/SOC/2010/sweepline/boost/sweepline/detail/voronoi_formation.hpp | 689 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
sandbox/SOC/2010/sweepline/boost/sweepline/voronoi_builder.hpp | 26
sandbox/SOC/2010/sweepline/boost/sweepline/voronoi_output.hpp | 525 ++++++++---------------------
sandbox/SOC/2010/sweepline/libs/sweepline/test/event_queue_test.cpp | 2
sandbox/SOC/2010/sweepline/libs/sweepline/test/event_types_test.cpp | 2
sandbox/SOC/2010/sweepline/libs/sweepline/test/node_comparer_test.cpp | 2
sandbox/SOC/2010/sweepline/libs/sweepline/test/test_type_list.hpp | 4
sandbox/SOC/2010/sweepline/libs/sweepline/test/voronoi_builder_test.cpp | 397 +++++++++++-----------
8 files changed, 1051 insertions(+), 596 deletions(-)
Modified: sandbox/SOC/2010/sweepline/boost/sweepline/detail/voronoi_formation.hpp
--- sandbox/SOC/2010/sweepline/boost/sweepline/detail/voronoi_formation.hpp (original)
+++ sandbox/SOC/2010/sweepline/boost/sweepline/detail/voronoi_formation.hpp 2010-07-06 14:12:08 EDT (Tue, 06 Jul 2010)
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
typedef typename Point2D::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
typedef beach_line_node<Point2D> Key;
- typedef beach_line_node_data<typename Point2D::Edge> Value;
+ typedef beach_line_node_data<Point2D> Value;
typedef node_comparer<Key> NodeComparer;
typedef typename std::map< Key, Value, NodeComparer >::iterator beach_line_iterator;
@@ -401,9 +401,9 @@
void operator=(const circle_events_queue&);
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // VORONOI BEACH LINE TYPES /////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // VORONOI BEACH LINE TYPES ///////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Represents bisector made by two arcs that correspond to the left and
// right sites. Arc is defined as curve with points equidistant from the
@@ -494,13 +494,16 @@
site_event_type right_site_;
+ template <typename Point2D>
+ struct half_edge;
// Represents edge data sturcture (bisector segment), which is
// associated with beach line node key in the binary search tree.
- template <typename Edge>
+ template <typename Point2D>
struct beach_line_node_data {
- Edge *edge;
+ half_edge<Point2D> *edge;
- explicit beach_line_node_data(Edge *new_edge) : edge(new_edge) {}
+ explicit beach_line_node_data(half_edge<Point2D> *new_edge) : edge(new_edge) {}
template <typename BeachLineNode>
@@ -576,6 +579,678 @@
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // VORONOI OUTPUT /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Voronoi record data structure. May represent voronoi cell or
+ // voronoi vertex. Contains pointer to any incident edge, point
+ // coordinates and number of incident edges.
+ template <typename Point2D>
+ struct voronoi_record {
+ half_edge<Point2D> *incident_edge;
+ Point2D voronoi_point;
+ int num_incident_edges;
+ typename std::list< voronoi_record<Point2D> >::iterator voronoi_record_it;
+ voronoi_record(const Point2D &point, half_edge<Point2D>* edge) :
+ incident_edge(edge),
+ voronoi_point(point),
+ num_incident_edges(0) {}
+ };
+ // Half-edge data structure. Represents voronoi edge.
+ // Contains: 1) pointer to cell records;
+ // 2) pointers to start/end vertices of half-edge;
+ // 3) pointers to previous/next half-edges(CCW);
+ // 4) pointers to previous/next half-edges rotated
+ // around start point;
+ // 5) pointer to twin half-edge;
+ // 6) pointer to clipped edge during clipping.
+ template <typename Point2D>
+ struct half_edge {
+ typedef voronoi_record<Point2D> voronoi_record_type;
+ typedef half_edge<Point2D> half_edge_type;
+ typedef half_edge_clipped<Point2D> half_edge_clipped_type;
+ voronoi_record_type *cell;
+ voronoi_record_type *start_point;
+ voronoi_record_type *end_point;
+ half_edge_type *prev;
+ half_edge_type *next;
+ half_edge_type *rot_prev;
+ half_edge_type *rot_next;
+ half_edge_type *twin;
+ half_edge_clipped_type *clipped_edge;
+ half_edge() :
+ cell(NULL),
+ start_point(NULL),
+ end_point(NULL),
+ prev(NULL),
+ next(NULL),
+ rot_prev(NULL),
+ rot_next(NULL),
+ twin(NULL),
+ clipped_edge(NULL) {}
+ };
+ // Voronoi output data structure based on the half-edges.
+ // Contains vector of voronoi cells, doubly linked list of
+ // voronoi vertices and voronoi edges.
+ template <typename Point2D>
+ class voronoi_output {
+ public:
+ typedef typename Point2D::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
+ typedef typename detail::site_event<Point2D> site_event_type;
+ typedef typename detail::circle_event<Point2D> circle_event_type;
+ typedef voronoi_record<Point2D> voronoi_record_type;
+ typedef voronoi_record_clipped<Point2D> clipped_voronoi_record_type;
+ typedef half_edge<Point2D> edge_type;
+ typedef half_edge_clipped<Point2D> clipped_edge_type;
+ typedef std::list<voronoi_record_type> voronoi_records_type;
+ typedef std::list<edge_type> voronoi_edges_type;
+ typedef typename voronoi_records_type::iterator voronoi_iterator_type;
+ typedef typename voronoi_records_type::const_iterator voronoi_const_iterator_type;
+ enum kEdgeType {
+ SEGMENT = 0,
+ RAY = 1,
+ LINE = 2,
+ };
+ voronoi_output() {
+ num_cell_records_ = 0;
+ num_edges_ = 0;
+ num_vertex_records_ = 0;
+ }
+ void init(int num_sites) {
+ cell_iterators_.reserve(num_sites);
+ num_cell_records_ = 0;
+ num_edges_ = 0;
+ num_vertex_records_ = 0;
+ }
+ void reset() {
+ cell_iterators_.clear();
+ cell_records_.clear();
+ vertex_records_.clear();
+ edges_.clear();
+ num_cell_records_ = 0;
+ num_edges_ = 0;
+ num_vertex_records_ = 0;
+ }
+ // Inserts new half-edge into the output data structure during site
+ // event processing. Takes as input left and right sites of the new
+ // beach line node and returns pointer to the new half-edge.
+ edge_type *insert_new_edge(const site_event_type &site1,
+ const site_event_type &site2) {
+ // Update counters.
+ num_cell_records_++;
+ num_edges_++;
+ // Get indices of sites.
+ int site_index1 = site1.get_site_index();
+ int site_index2 = site2.get_site_index();
+ // Create new half-edge that belongs to the first site.
+ edges_.push_back(edge_type());
+ edge_type &edge1 = edges_.back();
+ // Create new half-edge that belongs to the second site.
+ edges_.push_back(edge_type());
+ edge_type &edge2 = edges_.back();
+ // Add initial cell during first edge insertion.
+ if (cell_records_.empty()) {
+ cell_iterators_.push_back(cell_records_.insert(
+ cell_records_.end(), voronoi_record_type(site1.get_point(), &edge1)));
+ cell_records_.back().num_incident_edges++;
+ num_cell_records_++;
+ voronoi_rect_ = BRect<Point2D>(site1.get_point(), site1.get_point());
+ }
+ // Update bounding rectangle.
+ voronoi_rect_.update(site2.get_point());
+ // Second site represents new site during site event processing.
+ // Add new cell to the cell records vector.
+ cell_iterators_.push_back(cell_records_.insert(
+ cell_records_.end(), voronoi_record_type(site2.get_point(), &edge2)));
+ cell_records_.back().num_incident_edges++;
+ // Update pointers to cells.
+ edge1.cell = &(*cell_iterators_[site_index1]);
+ edge2.cell = &(*cell_iterators_[site_index2]);
+ // Update twin pointers.
+ edge1.twin = &edge2;
+ edge2.twin = &edge1;
+ return &edge1;
+ }
+ edge_type *insert_new_edge(const site_event_type &site1,
+ const site_event_type &site2,
+ const site_event_type &site3,
+ const circle_event_type &circle,
+ edge_type *edge12,
+ edge_type *edge23) {
+ // Update counters.
+ num_vertex_records_++;
+ num_edges_++;
+ // Update bounding rectangle.
+ voronoi_rect_.update(circle.get_center());
+ // Add new voronoi vertex with point at center of the circle.
+ vertex_records_.push_back(voronoi_record_type(circle.get_center(), edge12));
+ voronoi_record_type &new_vertex = vertex_records_.back();
+ new_vertex.num_incident_edges = 3;
+ new_vertex.voronoi_record_it = vertex_records_.end();
+ new_vertex.voronoi_record_it--;
+ // Update two input bisectors and their twin half-edges with
+ // new voronoi vertex.
+ edge12->start_point = &new_vertex;
+ edge12->twin->end_point = &new_vertex;
+ edge23->start_point = &new_vertex;
+ edge23->twin->end_point = &new_vertex;
+ // Add new half-edge.
+ edges_.push_back(edge_type());
+ edge_type &new_edge1 = edges_.back();
+ new_edge1.cell = &(*cell_iterators_[site1.get_site_index()]);
+ new_edge1.cell->num_incident_edges++;
+ new_edge1.end_point = &new_vertex;
+ // Add new half-edge.
+ edges_.push_back(edge_type());
+ edge_type &new_edge2 = edges_.back();
+ new_edge2.cell = &(*cell_iterators_[site3.get_site_index()]);
+ new_edge2.cell->num_incident_edges++;
+ new_edge2.start_point = &new_vertex;
+ // Update twin pointers of the new half-edges.
+ new_edge1.twin = &new_edge2;
+ new_edge2.twin = &new_edge1;
+ // Update voronoi prev/next pointers of all half-edges incident
+ // to the new voronoi vertex.
+ edge12->prev = &new_edge1;
+ new_edge1.next = edge12;
+ edge12->twin->next = edge23;
+ edge23->prev = edge12->twin;
+ edge23->twin->next = &new_edge2;
+ new_edge2.prev = edge23->twin;
+ // Update voronoi vertices incident edges pointers.
+ edge12->rot_next = &new_edge2;
+ new_edge2.rot_prev = edge12;
+ edge23->rot_next = edge12;
+ edge12->rot_prev = edge23;
+ new_edge2.rot_next = edge23;
+ edge23->rot_prev = &new_edge2;
+ return &new_edge1;
+ }
+ const voronoi_records_type &get_cell_records() const {
+ return cell_records_;
+ }
+ const voronoi_records_type &get_voronoi_vertices() const {
+ return vertex_records_;
+ }
+ const voronoi_edges_type &get_voronoi_edges() const {
+ return edges_;
+ }
+ int get_num_voronoi_cells() const {
+ return num_cell_records_;
+ }
+ int get_num_voronoi_vertices() const {
+ return num_vertex_records_;
+ }
+ int get_num_voronoi_edges() const {
+ return num_edges_;
+ }
+ const BRect<Point2D> &get_bounding_rectangle() const {
+ return voronoi_rect_;
+ }
+ void simplify() {
+ typename std::list<edge_type>::iterator edge_it1;
+ typename std::list<edge_type>::iterator edge_it = edges_.begin();
+ // Iterate over all edges and remove degeneracies.
+ while (edge_it != edges_.end()) {
+ edge_it1 = edge_it;
+ edge_it++;
+ edge_it++;
+ if (edge_it1->start_point && edge_it1->end_point &&
+ edge_it1->start_point->voronoi_point ==
+ edge_it1->end_point->voronoi_point) {
+ // Decrease number of cell incident edges.
+ edge_it1->cell->num_incident_edges--;
+ edge_it1->twin->cell->num_incident_edges--;
+ // To guarantee N*lon(N) time we merge vertex with
+ // less incident edges to the one with more.
+ if (edge_it1->start_point->num_incident_edges >=
+ edge_it1->end_point->num_incident_edges)
+ simplify_edge(&(*edge_it1));
+ else
+ simplify_edge(&(*edge_it1->twin));
+ // Remove zero length edges.
+ edges_.erase(edge_it1, edge_it);
+ // Update counters.
+ num_vertex_records_--;
+ num_edges_--;
+ }
+ }
+ // Make some post processing.
+ for (voronoi_iterator_type cell_it = cell_records_.begin();
+ cell_it != cell_records_.end(); cell_it++) {
+ // Move to the previous edge while it is possible in the CW direction.
+ edge_type *cur_edge = cell_it->incident_edge;
+ while (cur_edge->prev != NULL) {
+ cur_edge = cur_edge->prev;
+ // Terminate if this is not a boundary cell.
+ if (cur_edge == cell_it->incident_edge)
+ break;
+ }
+ // Rewind incident edge pointer to the leftmost edge for the boundary cells.
+ cell_it->incident_edge = cur_edge;
+ // Set up prev/next half-edge pointers for ray edges.
+ if (cur_edge->prev == NULL) {
+ edge_type *last_edge = cell_it->incident_edge;
+ while (last_edge->next != NULL)
+ last_edge = last_edge->next;
+ last_edge->next = cur_edge;
+ cur_edge->prev = last_edge;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void clip(voronoi_output_clipped<Point2D> &clipped_output) const {
+ coordinate_type x_len = (voronoi_rect_.x_max - voronoi_rect_.x_min);
+ coordinate_type y_len = (voronoi_rect_.y_max - voronoi_rect_.y_min);
+ coordinate_type x_mid = (voronoi_rect_.x_max + voronoi_rect_.x_min) /
+ static_cast<coordinate_type>(2);
+ coordinate_type y_mid = (voronoi_rect_.y_max + voronoi_rect_.y_min) /
+ static_cast<coordinate_type>(2);
+ coordinate_type offset = x_len;
+ if (offset < y_len)
+ offset = y_len;
+ offset *= static_cast<coordinate_type>(0.55);
+ BRect<Point2D> new_brect(x_mid - offset, y_mid - offset,
+ x_mid + offset, y_mid + offset);
+ clip(new_brect, clipped_output);
+ }
+ void clip(const BRect<Point2D> &brect,
+ voronoi_output_clipped<Point2D> &clipped_output) const {
+ if (!brect.valid())
+ return;
+ clipped_output.reset();
+ clipped_output.set_bounding_rectangle(brect);
+ // Iterate over all voronoi vertices.
+ for (voronoi_const_iterator_type vertex_it = vertex_records_.begin();
+ vertex_it != vertex_records_.end(); vertex_it++) {
+ edge_type *cur_edge = vertex_it->incident_edge;
+ const Point2D &cur_vertex_point = vertex_it->voronoi_point;
+ // Check if bounding rectangle of clipped output contains current voronoi vertex.
+ if (brect.contains(cur_vertex_point)) {
+ // Add current voronoi vertex to clipped output.
+ clipped_voronoi_record_type &new_vertex =
+ clipped_output.add_vertex(cur_vertex_point);
+ new_vertex.num_incident_edges = vertex_it->num_incident_edges;
+ clipped_edge_type *rot_prev_edge = NULL;
+ // Process all half-edges incident to the current voronoi vertex.
+ do {
+ // Add new edge to the clipped output.
+ clipped_edge_type &new_edge = clipped_output.add_edge();
+ new_edge.start_point = &new_vertex;
+ cur_edge->clipped_edge = &new_edge;
+ // Ray edges with no start point don't correspond to any voronoi vertex.
+ // That's why ray edges are processed during their twin edge processing.
+ if (cur_edge->end_point == NULL) {
+ // Add new twin edge.
+ clipped_edge_type &new_twin_edge = clipped_output.add_edge();
+ cur_edge->twin->clipped_edge = &new_twin_edge;
+ // Add boundary vertex.
+ std::vector<Point2D> intersections;
+ const Point2D &site1 = cur_edge->cell->voronoi_point;
+ const Point2D &site2 = cur_edge->twin->cell->voronoi_point;
+ Point2D direction(site1.y() - site2.y(), site2.x() - site1.x());
+ find_intersections(cur_vertex_point, direction, RAY, brect, intersections);
+ clipped_voronoi_record_type &boundary_vertex =
+ clipped_output.add_boundary_vertex(intersections[0]);
+ boundary_vertex.incident_edge = &new_twin_edge;
+ boundary_vertex.num_incident_edges = 1;
+ // Update new twin edge pointers.
+ new_twin_edge.start_point = &boundary_vertex;
+ new_twin_edge.rot_next = &new_twin_edge;
+ new_twin_edge.rot_prev = &new_twin_edge;
+ }
+ // Update twin and end point pointers.
+ clipped_edge_type *twin = cur_edge->twin->clipped_edge;
+ if (twin != NULL) {
+ new_edge.twin = twin;
+ twin->twin = &new_edge;
+ new_edge.end_point = twin->start_point;
+ twin->end_point = new_edge.start_point;
+ }
+ // Update rotation prev/next pointers.
+ if (rot_prev_edge != NULL) {
+ new_edge.rot_prev = rot_prev_edge;
+ rot_prev_edge->rot_next = &new_edge;
+ }
+ rot_prev_edge = &new_edge;
+ cur_edge = cur_edge->rot_next;
+ } while(cur_edge != vertex_it->incident_edge);
+ // Update rotation prev/next pointers.
+ cur_edge->clipped_edge->rot_prev = rot_prev_edge;
+ rot_prev_edge->rot_next = cur_edge->clipped_edge;
+ new_vertex.incident_edge = cur_edge->clipped_edge;
+ } else {
+ do {
+ std::vector<Point2D> intersections;
+ Point2D direction;
+ kEdgeType etype;
+ if (cur_edge->end_point != NULL) {
+ const Point2D &end_point = cur_edge->end_point->voronoi_point;
+ direction = make_point_2d<coordinate_type> (
+ end_point.x() - cur_vertex_point.x(),
+ end_point.y() - cur_vertex_point.y());
+ etype = SEGMENT;
+ } else {
+ const Point2D &site1 = cur_edge->cell->voronoi_point;
+ const Point2D &site2 = cur_edge->twin->cell->voronoi_point;
+ direction = make_point_2d<coordinate_type> (
+ site1.y() - site2.y(), site2.x() - site1.x());
+ etype = RAY;
+ }
+ // Find all intersections of the current
+ // edge with bounding box of the clipped output.
+ find_intersections(cur_vertex_point, direction, etype, brect, intersections);
+ // Process edge if there are any intersections.
+ if (!intersections.empty()) {
+ // Add new vertex to the clipped output.
+ clipped_voronoi_record_type &new_vertex =
+ clipped_output.add_boundary_vertex(intersections[0]);
+ new_vertex.num_incident_edges = 1;
+ // Add new edge to the clipped output.
+ clipped_edge_type &new_edge = clipped_output.add_edge();
+ new_edge.start_point = &new_vertex;
+ cur_edge->clipped_edge = &new_edge;
+ // Process twin ray edge with no start point.
+ if (cur_edge->end_point == NULL && intersections.size() == 2) {
+ clipped_edge_type &new_twin_edge = clipped_output.add_edge();
+ cur_edge->twin->clipped_edge = &new_twin_edge;
+ clipped_voronoi_record_type &boundary_vertex =
+ clipped_output.add_boundary_vertex(intersections[1]);
+ boundary_vertex.incident_edge = &new_twin_edge;
+ boundary_vertex.num_incident_edges = 1;
+ new_twin_edge.start_point = &boundary_vertex;
+ new_twin_edge.rot_next = &new_twin_edge;
+ new_twin_edge.rot_prev = &new_twin_edge;
+ }
+ // Update twin and end point pointers.
+ clipped_edge_type *twin = cur_edge->twin->clipped_edge;
+ if (twin != NULL) {
+ new_edge.twin = twin;
+ twin->twin = &new_edge;
+ new_edge.end_point = twin->start_point;
+ twin->end_point = new_edge.start_point;
+ }
+ // Update rotation prev/next pointers.
+ new_edge.rot_next = &new_edge;
+ new_edge.rot_prev = &new_edge;
+ new_vertex.incident_edge = cur_edge->clipped_edge;
+ }
+ cur_edge = cur_edge->rot_next;
+ } while (cur_edge != vertex_it->incident_edge);
+ }
+ }
+ // Iterate over all voronoi cells.
+ for (voronoi_const_iterator_type cell_it = cell_records_.begin();
+ cell_it != cell_records_.end(); cell_it++) {
+ // Add new cell to the clipped output.
+ clipped_voronoi_record_type &new_cell =
+ clipped_output.add_cell(cell_it->voronoi_point);
+ edge_type *cur_edge = cell_it->incident_edge;
+ clipped_edge_type *prev = NULL;
+ // Update cell, next/prev pointers.
+ do {
+ clipped_edge_type *new_edge = cur_edge->clipped_edge;
+ if (new_edge) {
+ if (prev) {
+ new_edge->prev = prev;
+ prev->next = new_edge;
+ }
+ new_edge->cell = &new_cell;
+ if (new_cell.incident_edge == NULL)
+ new_cell.incident_edge = cur_edge->clipped_edge;
+ new_cell.num_incident_edges++;
+ prev = new_edge;
+ cur_edge->clipped_edge = NULL;
+ }
+ cur_edge = cur_edge->next;
+ } while(cur_edge != cell_it->incident_edge);
+ if (new_cell.incident_edge == NULL)
+ clipped_output.pop_cell();
+ else {
+ // Update prev/next pointers.
+ prev->next = new_cell.incident_edge;
+ new_cell.incident_edge->prev = prev;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Find edge(segment, ray, line) rectangle intersetion points.
+ void find_intersections(const Point2D &origin, const Point2D &direction,
+ kEdgeType edge_type, const BRect<Point2D> &brect,
+ std::vector<Point2D> &intersections) const {
+ // Do intersection test.
+ if (!test_intersection(origin, direction, brect))
+ return;
+ // Intersection parameters:
+ // origin + fT[i] * direction = intersections point, i = 0 .. 1.
+ bool fT0_used = false;
+ bool fT1_used = false;
+ coordinate_type fT0 = static_cast<coordinate_type>(0);
+ coordinate_type fT1 = static_cast<coordinate_type>(0);
+ // Half lengths of sides of a bounding rectangle.
+ coordinate_type half = static_cast<coordinate_type>(0.5);
+ coordinate_type x_len = (brect.x_max - brect.x_min) * half;
+ coordinate_type y_len = (brect.y_max - brect.y_min) * half;
+ // Find intersections with lines going through sides of a bounding recntagle.
+ clip(+direction.x(), -origin.x() - x_len, fT0_used, fT1_used, fT0, fT1);
+ clip(-direction.x(), +origin.x() - x_len, fT0_used, fT1_used, fT0, fT1);
+ clip(+direction.y(), -origin.y() - y_len, fT0_used, fT1_used, fT0, fT1);
+ clip(-direction.y(), +origin.y() - y_len, fT0_used, fT1_used, fT0, fT1);
+ if (fT0_used && check_extent(fT0, edge_type))
+ intersections.push_back(make_point_2d(origin.x() + fT0_used * direction.x(),
+ origin.y() + fT0_used * direction.y()));
+ if (fT1_used && check_extent(fT1, edge_type))
+ intersections.push_back(make_point_2d(origin.x() + fT1_used * direction.x(),
+ origin.y() + fT1_used * direction.y()));
+ }
+ private:
+ // Simplify degenerate edge.
+ void simplify_edge(edge_type *edge) {
+ voronoi_record_type *vertex1 = edge->start_point;
+ voronoi_record_type *vertex2 = edge->end_point;
+ // Update number of incident edges.
+ vertex1->num_incident_edges += vertex2->num_incident_edges - 2;
+ // Update second vertex incident edges start and end points.
+ edge_type *updated_edge = edge->twin->rot_next;
+ while (updated_edge != edge->twin) {
+ updated_edge->start_point = vertex1;
+ updated_edge->twin->end_point = vertex1;
+ updated_edge = updated_edge->rot_next;
+ }
+ edge_type *edge1 = edge;
+ edge_type *edge2 = edge->twin;
+ edge_type *edge1_rot_prev = edge1->rot_prev;
+ edge_type *edge1_rot_next = edge1->rot_next;
+ edge_type *edge2_rot_prev = edge2->rot_prev;
+ edge_type *edge2_rot_next = edge2->rot_next;
+ // Update prev and next pointers of incident edges.
+ edge1_rot_next->twin->next = edge2_rot_prev;
+ edge2_rot_prev->prev = edge1_rot_next->twin;
+ edge1_rot_prev->prev = edge2_rot_next->twin;
+ edge2_rot_next->twin->next = edge1_rot_prev;
+ // Update rotation prev and next pointers of incident edges.
+ edge1_rot_prev->rot_next = edge2_rot_next;
+ edge2_rot_next->rot_prev = edge1_rot_prev;
+ edge1_rot_next->rot_prev = edge2_rot_prev;
+ edge2_rot_prev->rot_next = edge1_rot_next;
+ // Change incident edge pointer of a vertex if it correspongs to the
+ // degenerate edge.
+ if (vertex1->incident_edge == edge)
+ vertex1->incident_edge = edge->rot_prev;
+ // Remove second vertex from the vertex records list.
+ vertex_records_.erase(vertex2->voronoi_record_it);
+ }
+ bool check_extent(coordinate_type extent, kEdgeType etype) const {
+ switch (etype) {
+ case SEGMENT: return extent >= static_cast<coordinate_type>(0) &&
+ extent <= static_cast<coordinate_type>(1);
+ case RAY: return extent >= static_cast<coordinate_type>(0);
+ case LINE: return true;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ coordinate_type magnitude(coordinate_type value) const {
+ if (value >= static_cast<coordinate_type>(0))
+ return value;
+ return -value;
+ }
+ // Check line rectangle intersection.
+ bool test_intersection(const Point2D &origin, const Point2D &direction,
+ const BRect<Point2D> &brect) const {
+ coordinate_type half = static_cast<coordinate_type>(0.5);
+ // Find rectangle center.
+ coordinate_type center_x = (brect.x_min + brect.x_max) * half;
+ coordinate_type center_y = (brect.y_min + brect.y_max) * half;
+ // Find rectangle half-diagonal vector.
+ coordinate_type len_x = brect.x_max - center_x;
+ coordinate_type len_y = brect.y_max - center_y;
+ // Find distance between origin and center of rectangle.
+ coordinate_type diff_x = origin.x() - center_x;
+ coordinate_type diff_y = origin.y() - center_y;
+ // Find direction perpendicular to the current.
+ coordinate_type perp_x = direction.y();
+ coordinate_type perp_y = -direction.x();
+ // Compare projections of distances.
+ coordinate_type lexpr = magnitude(perp_x * diff_x + perp_y * diff_y);
+ coordinate_type rexpr = magnitude(perp_x * len_x) + magnitude(perp_y * len_y);
+ return lexpr <= rexpr;
+ }
+ bool clip(coordinate_type denom, coordinate_type numer, bool &fT0_used, bool &fT1_used,
+ coordinate_type &fT0, coordinate_type fT1) const {
+ if (denom > static_cast<coordinate_type>(0)) {
+ if (fT1_used && numer > denom * fT1)
+ return false;
+ if (!fT0_used || numer > denom * fT0) {
+ fT0_used = true;
+ fT0 = numer / denom;
+ }
+ return true;
+ } else if (denom < static_cast<coordinate_type>(0)) {
+ if (fT0_used && numer > denom * fT0)
+ return false;
+ if (!fT1_used || numer > denom * fT1) {
+ fT1_used = true;
+ fT1 = numer / denom;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ std::vector<voronoi_iterator_type> cell_iterators_;
+ voronoi_records_type cell_records_;
+ voronoi_records_type vertex_records_;
+ std::list<edge_type> edges_;
+ int num_cell_records_;
+ int num_vertex_records_;
+ int num_edges_;
+ BRect<Point2D> voronoi_rect_;
+ // Disallow copy constructor and operator=
+ voronoi_output(const voronoi_output&);
+ void operator=(const voronoi_output&);
+ };
} // sweepline
} // boost
Modified: sandbox/SOC/2010/sweepline/boost/sweepline/voronoi_builder.hpp
--- sandbox/SOC/2010/sweepline/boost/sweepline/voronoi_builder.hpp (original)
+++ sandbox/SOC/2010/sweepline/boost/sweepline/voronoi_builder.hpp 2010-07-06 14:12:08 EDT (Tue, 06 Jul 2010)
@@ -7,13 +7,11 @@
// See http://www.boost.org for updates, documentation, and revision history.
-#include <algorithm>
-#include "voronoi_output.hpp"
+#include <algorithm>
namespace boost {
namespace sweepline {
@@ -23,7 +21,7 @@
typedef point_2d<T> Point2D;
typedef typename Point2D::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
- typedef voronoi_output<Point2D> Output;
+ typedef detail::voronoi_output<Point2D> Output;
typedef typename Output::edge_type edge_type;
voronoi_builder() {
@@ -107,8 +105,16 @@
- const Output &get_output() const {
- return output_;
+ const BRect<Point2D> &get_bounding_rectangle() const {
+ return output_.get_bounding_rectangle();
+ }
+ void clip(voronoi_output_clipped<Point2D> &clipped_output) {
+ output_.clip(clipped_output);
+ }
+ void clip(const BRect<Point2D> &brect, voronoi_output_clipped<Point2D> &clipped_output) {
+ output_.clip(brect, clipped_output);
@@ -118,7 +124,7 @@
typedef typename detail::circle_events_queue<Point2D> CircleEventsQueue;
typedef typename detail::beach_line_node<Point2D> Key;
- typedef typename detail::beach_line_node_data<edge_type> Value;
+ typedef typename detail::beach_line_node_data<Point2D> Value;
typedef typename detail::node_comparer<Key> NodeComparer;
typedef std::map< Key, Value, NodeComparer > BeachLine;
typedef typename std::map< Key, Value, NodeComparer >::iterator beach_line_iterator;
@@ -307,9 +313,9 @@
// Check if bisectors intersect.
if (a >= static_cast<coordinate_type>(0))
return false;
- coordinate_type b1 = (site1.x() - site2.x()) * (site1.x() + site2.x())+
+ coordinate_type b1 = (site1.x() - site2.x()) * (site1.x() + site2.x()) +
(site1.y() - site2.y()) * (site1.y() + site2.y());
- coordinate_type b2 = (site2.x() - site3.x()) * (site2.x() + site3.x())+
+ coordinate_type b2 = (site2.x() - site3.x()) * (site2.x() + site3.x()) +
(site2.y() - site3.y()) * (site2.y() + site3.y());
coordinate_type c_x = (b1*(site2.y() - site3.y()) - b2*(site1.y() - site2.y())) / a *
Modified: sandbox/SOC/2010/sweepline/boost/sweepline/voronoi_output.hpp
--- sandbox/SOC/2010/sweepline/boost/sweepline/voronoi_output.hpp (original)
+++ sandbox/SOC/2010/sweepline/boost/sweepline/voronoi_output.hpp 2010-07-06 14:12:08 EDT (Tue, 06 Jul 2010)
@@ -7,25 +7,20 @@
// See http://www.boost.org for updates, documentation, and revision history.
-// Point in 2D space data structure. Comparators defined in this
- // data structure actually define sweepline movement direction.
-#include "detail/voronoi_formation.hpp"
+#include <list>
+#include <map>
+#include <vector>
namespace boost {
namespace sweepline {
- template <typename Point2D>
- struct half_edge;
template <typename T>
struct point_2d {
typedef T coordinate_type;
- typedef half_edge< point_2d<T> > Edge;
point_2d() {}
@@ -111,135 +106,95 @@
y_max = std::max(p1.y(), p2.y());
+ BRect(coordinate_type x_mn, coordinate_type y_mn,
+ coordinate_type x_mx, coordinate_type y_mx) {
+ x_min = std::min(x_mn, x_mx);
+ y_min = std::min(y_mn, y_mx);
+ x_max = std::max(x_mn, x_mx);
+ y_max = std::max(y_mn, y_mx);
+ }
void update(const Point2D &p) {
x_min = std::min(x_min, p.x());
y_min = std::min(y_min, p.y());
x_max = std::max(x_max, p.x());
y_max = std::max(y_max, p.y());
- };
- // Cell record data structure. Represents voronoi cell.
- // Contains site point pointer to any incident half-edge and number
- // of incident half-edges.
- template <typename Point2D>
- struct cell_record {
- half_edge<Point2D> *incident_edge;
- Point2D site_point;
- int num_incident_edges;
+ bool contains(const Point2D &p) const {
+ return p.x() > x_min && p.x() < x_max && p.y() > y_min && p.y() < y_max;
+ }
- cell_record(const Point2D &site, half_edge<Point2D>* edge) :
- incident_edge(edge),
- site_point(site),
- num_incident_edges(0) {}
+ bool valid() const {
+ return (x_min < x_max) && (y_min < y_max);
+ }
- // Voronoi vertex data structure. Represents voronoi vertex.
- // Contains vertex coordinates, pointers to all incident half-edges and
- // number of incident half-edges.
template <typename Point2D>
- struct vertex_record {
- typedef typename std::list< half_edge<Point2D>* >::const_iterator
- vertex_incident_edges_const_it;
+ struct half_edge_clipped;
- std::list< half_edge<Point2D>* > incident_edges;
- Point2D vertex;
+ // Voronoi record data structure. May represent voronoi cell or
+ // voronoi vertex. Contains pointer to any incident edge, point
+ // coordinates and number of incident edges.
+ template <typename Point2D>
+ struct voronoi_record_clipped {
+ half_edge_clipped<Point2D> *incident_edge;
+ Point2D voronoi_point;
int num_incident_edges;
- typename std::list< vertex_record<Point2D> >::iterator vertex_it;
- vertex_record(const Point2D &vertex) : vertex(vertex), num_incident_edges(3) {}
- bool is_boundary_point() const {
- return (num_incident_edges == 1);
- }
- vertex_incident_edges_const_it get_prev_incident_edge(
- vertex_incident_edges_const_it it) const {
- if (it != incident_edges.begin()) {
- it--;
- return it;
- }
- it = incident_edges.end();
- it--;
- return it;
- }
- vertex_incident_edges_const_it get_next_incident_edge(
- vertex_incident_edges_const_it it) const {
- it++;
- if (it != incident_edges.end())
- return it;
- return incident_edges.begin();
- }
+ voronoi_record_clipped(const Point2D &point, half_edge_clipped<Point2D>* edge) :
+ incident_edge(edge),
+ voronoi_point(point),
+ num_incident_edges(0) {}
// Half-edge data structure. Represents voronoi edge.
// Contains: 1) pointer to cell records;
// 2) pointers to start/end vertices of half-edge;
// 3) pointers to previous/next half-edges(CCW);
- // 4) pointer to twin half-edge;
- // 5) iterator in the vertex incident edges list.
+ // 4) pointers to previous/next half-edges rotated
+ // around start point;
+ // 5) pointer to twin half-edge.
template <typename Point2D>
- struct half_edge {
- typedef cell_record<Point2D> cell_record_type;
- typedef vertex_record<Point2D> vertex_record_type;
- typedef half_edge<Point2D> half_edge_type;
- cell_record_type *cell;
- vertex_record_type *start_point;
- vertex_record_type *end_point;
+ struct half_edge_clipped {
+ typedef voronoi_record_clipped<Point2D> voronoi_record_type;
+ typedef half_edge_clipped<Point2D> half_edge_type;
+ voronoi_record_type *cell;
+ voronoi_record_type *start_point;
+ voronoi_record_type *end_point;
half_edge_type *prev;
half_edge_type *next;
+ half_edge_type *rot_prev;
+ half_edge_type *rot_next;
half_edge_type *twin;
- typename std::list< half_edge<Point2D>* >::iterator incident_it;
- half_edge() :
+ half_edge_clipped() :
+ rot_prev(NULL),
+ rot_next(NULL),
twin(NULL) {}
- // Voronoi output data structure based on the half-edges.
- // Contains vector of voronoi cells, doubly linked list of
- // voronoi vertices and voronoi edges.
template <typename Point2D>
- class voronoi_output {
+ class voronoi_output_clipped {
typedef typename Point2D::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
- typedef typename detail::site_event<Point2D> site_event_type;
- typedef typename detail::circle_event<Point2D> circle_event_type;
- typedef cell_record<Point2D> cell_record_type;
- typedef vertex_record<Point2D> vertex_record_type;
- typedef half_edge<Point2D> edge_type;
- typedef std::vector<cell_record_type> cell_records_type;
- typedef std::list<vertex_record_type> voronoi_vertices_type;
- typedef typename std::list<edge_type *>::iterator edge_pointer_iterator_type;
- typedef typename std::list<edge_type *>::const_iterator edge_pointer_const_iterator_type;
- typedef typename voronoi_vertices_type::iterator voronoi_vertices_iterator_type;
- typedef typename voronoi_vertices_type::const_iterator
- voronoi_vertices_const_iterator_type;
- enum kOrientation {
- };
+ typedef voronoi_record_clipped<Point2D> voronoi_record_type;
+ typedef half_edge_clipped<Point2D> edge_type;
+ typedef std::list<voronoi_record_type> voronoi_records_type;
+ typedef std::list<edge_type> voronoi_edges_type;
+ typedef typename voronoi_records_type::iterator voronoi_iterator_type;
+ typedef typename voronoi_records_type::const_iterator voronoi_const_iterator_type;
- voronoi_output() {
+ voronoi_output_clipped() {
num_cell_records_ = 0;
- num_edges_ = 0;
num_vertex_records_ = 0;
- }
- // This preserves the validity of iterators.
- void init(int num_sites) {
- cell_records_.reserve(num_sites);
- num_cell_records_ = 0;
num_edges_ = 0;
- num_vertex_records_ = 0;
void reset() {
@@ -248,136 +203,58 @@
num_cell_records_ = 0;
- num_edges_ = 0;
num_vertex_records_ = 0;
+ num_edges_ = 0;
- // Inserts new half-edge into the output data structure during site
- // event processing. Takes as input left and right sites of the new
- // beach line node and returns reference to the new half-edge.
- // Second argument is new site. During this step we add two new
- // twin half-edges.
- edge_type *insert_new_edge(const site_event_type &site1,
- const site_event_type &site2) {
- num_cell_records_++;
- num_edges_++;
- // Get indexes of sites.
- int site_index1 = site1.get_site_index();
- int site_index2 = site2.get_site_index();
- // Create new half-edge that belongs to the cell with the first site.
- edges_.push_back(edge_type());
- edge_type &edge1 = edges_.back();
- // Create new half-edge that belongs to the cell with the second site.
- edges_.push_back(edge_type());
- edge_type &edge2 = edges_.back();
+ void set_bounding_rectangle(const BRect<Point2D> &brect) {
+ brect_ = brect;
+ }
- // Add initial cell during first edge insertion.
- if (cell_records_.empty()) {
- cell_records_.push_back(cell_record_type(site1.get_point(), &edge1));
- num_cell_records_++;
- voronoi_rect_ = BRect<Point2D>(site1.get_point(), site1.get_point());
- }
+ const BRect<Point2D> &get_bounding_rectangle() {
+ return brect_;
+ }
- // Second site represents new site during site event processing.
- // Add new cell to the cell records vector.
- cell_records_.push_back(cell_record_type(site2.get_point(), &edge2));
- voronoi_rect_.update(site2.get_point());
- // Update pointers to cells.
- edge1.cell = &cell_records_[site_index1];
- edge2.cell = &cell_records_[site_index2];
- // Update incident edges counters.
- cell_records_[site_index1].num_incident_edges++;
- cell_records_[site_index2].num_incident_edges++;
- // Update twin pointers.
- edge1.twin = &edge2;
- edge2.twin = &edge1;
- return &edge1;
- }
- edge_type *insert_new_edge(const site_event_type &site1,
- const site_event_type &site2,
- const site_event_type &site3,
- const circle_event_type &circle,
- edge_type *edge12,
- edge_type *edge23) {
+ voronoi_record_type &add_vertex(const Point2D &vertex_point) {
+ vertex_records_.push_back(voronoi_record_type(vertex_point, NULL));
- num_edges_++;
- voronoi_rect_.update(circle.get_center());
+ return vertex_records_.back();
+ }
- // Add new voronoi vertex as voronoi circle center.
- vertex_records_.push_back(vertex_record_type(circle.get_center()));
- vertex_record_type &new_vertex = vertex_records_.back();
- // Update vertex iterator.
- voronoi_vertices_iterator_type vertices_it = vertex_records_.end();
- vertices_it--;
- new_vertex.vertex_it = vertices_it;
- // Update two input bisectors and their twins half-edges with
- // new voronoi vertex.
- edge12->start_point = &new_vertex;
- edge12->twin->end_point = &new_vertex;
- edge23->start_point = &new_vertex;
- edge23->twin->end_point = &new_vertex;
+ voronoi_record_type &add_boundary_vertex(const Point2D &boundary_point) {
+ vertex_records_.push_back(voronoi_record_type(boundary_point, NULL));
+ return vertex_records_.back();
+ }
- // Add new half-edge.
+ edge_type &add_edge() {
- edge_type &new_edge1 = edges_.back();
- new_edge1.cell = &cell_records_[site1.get_site_index()];
- cell_records_[site1.get_site_index()].num_incident_edges++;
- new_edge1.end_point = &new_vertex;
+ num_edges_++;
+ return edges_.back();
+ }
- // Add new half-edge.
- edges_.push_back(edge_type());
- edge_type &new_edge2 = edges_.back();
- new_edge2.cell = &cell_records_[site3.get_site_index()];
- cell_records_[site3.get_site_index()].num_incident_edges++;
- new_edge2.start_point = &new_vertex;
- // Update twin pointers of the new half-edges.
- new_edge1.twin = &new_edge2;
- new_edge2.twin = &new_edge1;
- // Update voronoi prev/next pointers of all half-edges incident
- // to the new voronoi vertex.
- edge12->prev = &new_edge1;
- new_edge1.next = edge12;
- edge12->twin->next = edge23;
- edge23->prev = edge12->twin;
- edge23->twin->next = &new_edge2;
- new_edge2.prev = edge23->twin;
- // Update voronoi vertex incident edges pointers.
- new_vertex.incident_edges.push_back(edge12);
- edge_pointer_iterator_type temp_iter =new_vertex.incident_edges.begin();
- edge12->incident_it = temp_iter;
- new_vertex.incident_edges.push_back(edge23);
- temp_iter++;
- edge23->incident_it = temp_iter;
- new_vertex.incident_edges.push_back(&new_edge2);
- temp_iter++;
- new_edge2.incident_it = temp_iter;
+ voronoi_record_type &add_cell(const Point2D &site_point) {
+ cell_records_.push_back(voronoi_record_type(site_point, NULL));
+ num_cell_records_++;
+ return cell_records_.back();
+ }
- return &new_edge1;
+ void pop_cell() {
+ cell_records_.pop_back();
+ num_cell_records_--;
- const cell_records_type &get_cell_records() const {
+ const voronoi_records_type &get_cell_records() const {
return cell_records_;
- const voronoi_vertices_type &get_voronoi_vertices() const {
+ const voronoi_records_type &get_voronoi_vertices() const {
return vertex_records_;
+ const voronoi_edges_type &get_voronoi_edges() const {
+ return edges_;
+ }
int get_num_voronoi_cells() const {
return num_cell_records_;
@@ -387,120 +264,87 @@
int get_num_voronoi_edges() const {
- return num_edges_;
+ return num_edges_ / 2;
- const BRect<Point2D> &get_voronoi_bounding_rectangle() const {
- return voronoi_rect_;
- }
- void simplify() {
- typename std::list<edge_type>::iterator edge_it1;
- typename std::list<edge_type>::iterator edge_it = edges_.begin();
- // Iterate over all edges and remove degeneracies.
- while (edge_it != edges_.end()) {
- edge_it1 = edge_it;
- edge_it++;
- edge_it++;
- if (edge_it1->start_point && edge_it1->end_point &&
- edge_it1->start_point->vertex == edge_it1->end_point->vertex) {
- // Splice incident edges of the second voronoi vertex to the first
- // one, if it contains less or equal number of them.
- // Decrease number of cell incident edges.
- edge_it1->cell->num_incident_edges--;
- edge_it1->twin->cell->num_incident_edges--;
- // To guarantee N*lon(N) time we merge vertex with
- // less incident edges to the one with more.
- if (edge_it1->start_point->num_incident_edges >=
- edge_it1->end_point->num_incident_edges)
- simplify_edge(*edge_it1);
- else
- simplify_edge(*edge_it1->twin);
- // Remove zero length edges.
- edges_.erase(edge_it1, edge_it);
- num_vertex_records_--;
- num_edges_--;
- }
- }
- }
- bool check() const {
- // Check correct orientation of each half_edge.
+ // Check correct orientation of each half_edge.
+ bool half_edge_orientation_check() const {
typename std::list<edge_type>::const_iterator edge_it;
for (edge_it = edges_.begin(); edge_it != edges_.end(); edge_it++) {
- const Point2D &site = edge_it->cell->site_point;
if (edge_it->start_point != NULL && edge_it->end_point != NULL) {
- const Point2D &start_point = edge_it->start_point->vertex;
- const Point2D &end_point = edge_it->end_point->vertex;
+ const Point2D &site = edge_it->cell->voronoi_point;
+ const Point2D &start_point = edge_it->start_point->voronoi_point;
+ const Point2D &end_point = edge_it->end_point->voronoi_point;
if (check_orientation(start_point, end_point, site) != LEFT_ORIENTATION)
return false;
+ return true;
+ }
- // Check if each site belongs to convex cell.
- typename cell_records_type::const_iterator cell_it;
+ // Check if boundary of each cell is convex.
+ bool cell_convexity_check() const {
+ voronoi_const_iterator_type cell_it;
for (cell_it = cell_records_.begin(); cell_it != cell_records_.end(); cell_it++) {
const edge_type *edge = cell_it->incident_edge;
- if (edge->start_point != NULL)
- edge = edge->prev;
- while (edge->start_point != NULL && edge != cell_it->incident_edge)
- edge = edge->prev;
- if (edge->start_point != NULL)
- edge = edge->next;
- while (edge->end_point != NULL && edge != cell_it->incident_edge) {
+ do {
if (edge->next->prev != edge)
return false;
if (edge->cell != &(*cell_it))
return false;
- if (edge->start_point != NULL && edge->next->end_point != NULL) {
- const Point2D &vertex1 = edge->start_point->vertex;
- const Point2D &vertex2 = edge->end_point->vertex;
- const Point2D &vertex3 = edge->next->end_point->vertex;
+ if (edge->start_point != NULL &&
+ edge->end_point != NULL &&
+ edge->end_point == edge->next->start_point &&
+ edge->next->end_point != NULL) {
+ const Point2D &vertex1 = edge->start_point->voronoi_point;
+ const Point2D &vertex2 = edge->end_point->voronoi_point;
+ const Point2D &vertex3 = edge->next->end_point->voronoi_point;
if (check_orientation(vertex1, vertex2, vertex3) != LEFT_ORIENTATION)
return false;
edge = edge->next;
- }
+ } while(edge != cell_it->incident_edge);
+ return true;
+ }
- // Check voronoi vertex incident edges correct ordering.
- voronoi_vertices_const_iterator_type vertex_it;
+ // Check CCW ordering of incident edges of voronoi vertices.
+ bool incident_edges_order_check() const {
+ voronoi_const_iterator_type vertex_it;
for (vertex_it = vertex_records_.begin();
vertex_it != vertex_records_.end(); vertex_it++) {
- edge_pointer_const_iterator_type edge_it;
- for (edge_it = vertex_it->incident_edges.begin();
- edge_it != vertex_it->incident_edges.end(); edge_it++) {
- edge_pointer_const_iterator_type edge_it_next1 =
- vertex_it->get_next_incident_edge(edge_it);
- edge_pointer_const_iterator_type edge_it_next2 =
- vertex_it->get_next_incident_edge(edge_it_next1);
- const Point2D &site1 = (*edge_it)->cell->site_point;
- const Point2D &site2 = (*edge_it_next1)->cell->site_point;
- const Point2D &site3 = (*edge_it_next2)->cell->site_point;
- if (check_orientation(site3, site2, site1) != LEFT_ORIENTATION)
- return false;
- }
+ if (vertex_it->num_incident_edges < 3)
+ continue;
+ edge_type *edge = vertex_it->incident_edge;
+ do {
+ edge_type *edge_next1 = edge->rot_next;
+ edge_type *edge_next2 = edge_next1->rot_next;
+ const Point2D &site1 = edge->cell->voronoi_point;
+ const Point2D &site2 = edge_next1->cell->voronoi_point;
+ const Point2D &site3 = edge_next2->cell->voronoi_point;
+ if (check_orientation(site1, site2, site3) != LEFT_ORIENTATION)
+ return false;
+ edge = edge->rot_next;
+ } while (edge != vertex_it->incident_edge);
+ return true;
+ }
- // Check if any two half_edges intersect not at the end point.
+ // Check if any two half_edges intersect not at the end point.
+ bool half_edges_intersection_check() const {
// Create map from edges with first point less than the second one.
- // Key is the first point of the edges, value is vector of second points
+ // Key is the first point of the edge, value is a vector of second points
// with the same first point.
std::map< Point2D, std::vector<Point2D> > edge_map;
typedef typename std::map< Point2D, std::vector<Point2D> >::const_iterator
+ typename std::list<edge_type>::const_iterator edge_it;
for (edge_it = edges_.begin(); edge_it != edges_.end(); edge_it++) {
if (edge_it->start_point != NULL && edge_it->end_point != NULL) {
- const Point2D &start_point = edge_it->start_point->vertex;
- const Point2D &end_point = edge_it->end_point->vertex;
+ const Point2D &start_point = edge_it->start_point->voronoi_point;
+ const Point2D &end_point = edge_it->end_point->voronoi_point;
if (start_point < end_point)
@@ -511,25 +355,23 @@
// left to right checking for intersections between all pairs of edges
// that overlap in the x dimension.
// Complexity. Approximately N*sqrt(N). Worst case N^2.
+ typedef typename std::vector<Point2D>::size_type size_type;
edge_map_iterator edge_map_it1, edge_map_it2, edge_map_it_bound;
for (edge_map_it1 = edge_map.begin();
edge_map_it1 != edge_map.end(); edge_map_it1++) {
const Point2D &point1 = edge_map_it1->first;
- typedef typename std::vector<Point2D>::size_type size_type;
for (size_type i = 0; i < edge_map_it1->second.size(); i++) {
const Point2D &point2 = edge_map_it1->second[i];
coordinate_type min_y1 = std::min(point1.y(), point2.y());
coordinate_type max_y1 = std::max(point1.y(), point2.y());
- // Find the first edge with greate or equal first point.
+ // Find the first edge with greater or equal first point.
edge_map_it_bound = edge_map.lower_bound(point2);
edge_map_it2 = edge_map_it1;
for (; edge_map_it2 != edge_map_it_bound; edge_map_it2++) {
const Point2D &point3 = edge_map_it2->first;
for (size_type j = 0; j < edge_map_it2->second.size(); j++) {
const Point2D &point4 = edge_map_it2->second[j];
coordinate_type min_y2 = std::min(point3.y(), point4.y());
@@ -550,71 +392,27 @@
return true;
- void clip(coordinate_type x_min, coordinate_type y_min,
- coordinate_type x_max, coordinate_type y_max) {
+ // Make a few output checks.
+ bool check() const {
+ return half_edge_orientation_check() &&
+ cell_convexity_check() &&
+ incident_edges_order_check() &&
+ half_edges_intersection_check();
- void simplify_edge(edge_type &edge) {
- vertex_record_type *vertex1 = edge.start_point;
- vertex_record_type *vertex2 = edge.end_point;
- // Update number of vertex incident edges.
- vertex1->num_incident_edges += vertex2->num_incident_edges - 2;
- // Update second vertex incident edges start and end points.
- for (edge_pointer_iterator_type it = vertex2->incident_edges.begin();
- it != vertex2->incident_edges.end(); it++) {
- (*it)->start_point = vertex1;
- (*it)->twin->end_point = vertex1;
- }
- // Update prev and next pointers of incident edges that
- // belongs to different voronoi vertices.
- edge_pointer_iterator_type edge1_it = edge.incident_it;
- edge_pointer_iterator_type edge2_it = edge.twin->incident_it;
- edge_pointer_const_iterator_type edge1_it_prev =
- vertex1->get_prev_incident_edge(edge1_it);
- edge_pointer_const_iterator_type edge1_it_next =
- vertex1->get_next_incident_edge(edge1_it);
- edge_pointer_const_iterator_type edge2_it_prev =
- vertex2->get_prev_incident_edge(edge2_it);
- edge_pointer_const_iterator_type edge2_it_next =
- vertex2->get_next_incident_edge(edge2_it);
- (*edge1_it_prev)->twin->next = *edge2_it_next;
- (*edge2_it_next)->prev = (*edge1_it_prev)->twin;
- (*edge1_it_next)->prev = (*edge2_it_prev)->twin;
- (*edge2_it_prev)->twin->next = (*edge1_it_next);
- // Splice incident edges of the second voronoi vertex to the first one.
- edge2_it++;
- for (; edge2_it != vertex2->incident_edges.end(); edge2_it++)
- (*edge2_it)->incident_it = vertex1->incident_edges.insert(edge1_it, *edge2_it);
- edge2_it = vertex2->incident_edges.begin();
- for (; edge2_it != edge.twin->incident_it; edge2_it++)
- (*edge2_it)->incident_it = vertex1->incident_edges.insert(edge1_it, *edge2_it);
- // Remove zero length edge from list of incident edges.
- vertex1->incident_edges.erase(edge1_it);
- // Remove second vertex from the vertex records.
- vertex_records_.erase(vertex2->vertex_it);
- }
+ enum kOrientation {
+ };
int check_orientation(const Point2D &point1,
- const Point2D &point2,
- const Point2D &point3) const {
+ const Point2D &point2,
+ const Point2D &point3) const {
coordinate_type a = (point2.x() - point1.x()) * (point3.y() - point2.y());
coordinate_type b = (point2.y() - point1.y()) * (point3.x() - point2.x());
if (a > b)
@@ -624,33 +422,14 @@
return COLINEAR;
- std::vector<cell_record_type> cell_records_;
- std::list<vertex_record_type> vertex_records_;
- std::list<edge_type> edges_;
+ voronoi_records_type cell_records_;
+ voronoi_records_type vertex_records_;
+ voronoi_edges_type edges_;
int num_cell_records_;
int num_vertex_records_;
int num_edges_;
- BRect<Point2D> voronoi_rect_;
- // Disallow copy constructor and operator=
- voronoi_output(const voronoi_output&);
- void operator=(const voronoi_output&);
- };
- template <typename Point2D>
- class voronoi_output_clipped {
- public:
- typedef typename Point2D::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
- voronoi_output_clipped(const Point2D &p1, const Point2D &p2) : brect_(p1, p2) {}
- void clip(const voronoi_output<Point2D> &output) {
- }
- private:
BRect<Point2D> brect_;
// Disallow copy constructor and operator=
Added: sandbox/SOC/2010/sweepline/boost/sweepline/voronoi_sweepline.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/SOC/2010/sweepline/boost/sweepline/voronoi_sweepline.hpp 2010-07-06 14:12:08 EDT (Tue, 06 Jul 2010)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// Boost sweepline/voronoi_sweepline.hpp header file
+// Copyright Andrii Sydorchuk 2010.
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// See http://www.boost.org for updates, documentation, and revision history.
+#include "voronoi_output.hpp"
+#include "detail/voronoi_formation.hpp"
+#include "voronoi_builder.hpp"
\ No newline at end of file
Modified: sandbox/SOC/2010/sweepline/libs/sweepline/test/event_queue_test.cpp
--- sandbox/SOC/2010/sweepline/libs/sweepline/test/event_queue_test.cpp (original)
+++ sandbox/SOC/2010/sweepline/libs/sweepline/test/event_queue_test.cpp 2010-07-06 14:12:08 EDT (Tue, 06 Jul 2010)
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
#include <cmath>
#include "test_type_list.hpp"
-#include "boost/sweepline/voronoi_output.hpp"
+#include "boost/sweepline/voronoi_sweepline.hpp"
using namespace boost::sweepline;
#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE event_queue_test
Modified: sandbox/SOC/2010/sweepline/libs/sweepline/test/event_types_test.cpp
--- sandbox/SOC/2010/sweepline/libs/sweepline/test/event_types_test.cpp (original)
+++ sandbox/SOC/2010/sweepline/libs/sweepline/test/event_types_test.cpp 2010-07-06 14:12:08 EDT (Tue, 06 Jul 2010)
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
// See http://www.boost.org for updates, documentation, and revision history.
#include "test_type_list.hpp"
-#include "boost/sweepline/voronoi_output.hpp"
+#include "boost/sweepline/voronoi_sweepline.hpp"
using namespace boost::sweepline;
using namespace boost::sweepline::detail;
Modified: sandbox/SOC/2010/sweepline/libs/sweepline/test/node_comparer_test.cpp
--- sandbox/SOC/2010/sweepline/libs/sweepline/test/node_comparer_test.cpp (original)
+++ sandbox/SOC/2010/sweepline/libs/sweepline/test/node_comparer_test.cpp 2010-07-06 14:12:08 EDT (Tue, 06 Jul 2010)
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
// See http://www.boost.org for updates, documentation, and revision history.
#include "test_type_list.hpp"
-#include "boost/sweepline/voronoi_output.hpp"
+#include "boost/sweepline/voronoi_sweepline.hpp"
using namespace boost::sweepline;
using namespace boost::sweepline::detail;
Modified: sandbox/SOC/2010/sweepline/libs/sweepline/test/test_type_list.hpp
--- sandbox/SOC/2010/sweepline/libs/sweepline/test/test_type_list.hpp (original)
+++ sandbox/SOC/2010/sweepline/libs/sweepline/test/test_type_list.hpp 2010-07-06 14:12:08 EDT (Tue, 06 Jul 2010)
@@ -12,8 +12,6 @@
#include <boost/mpl/list.hpp>
-typedef boost::mpl::list<float,
- double,
- long double> test_types;
+typedef boost::mpl::list<double, long double> test_types;
Modified: sandbox/SOC/2010/sweepline/libs/sweepline/test/voronoi_builder_test.cpp
--- sandbox/SOC/2010/sweepline/libs/sweepline/test/voronoi_builder_test.cpp (original)
+++ sandbox/SOC/2010/sweepline/libs/sweepline/test/voronoi_builder_test.cpp 2010-07-06 14:12:08 EDT (Tue, 06 Jul 2010)
@@ -11,19 +11,17 @@
#include <time.h>
#include "test_type_list.hpp"
-#include "boost/sweepline/voronoi_builder.hpp"
+#include "boost/sweepline/voronoi_sweepline.hpp"
using namespace boost::sweepline;
#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE voronoi_builder_test
#include <boost/test/test_case_template.hpp>
// Sites: (0, 0), (0, 4), (2, 1).
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(voronoi_builder_test1, T, test_types) {
- typedef typename voronoi_output< point_2d<T> >::edge_type edge_type;
- typedef typename voronoi_output< point_2d<T> >::edge_pointer_const_iterator_type
- edge_pointer_iterator_type;
- typedef typename voronoi_output< point_2d<T> >::voronoi_vertices_const_iterator_type
- voronoi_vertices_iterator_type;
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(triangle_test1, T, test_types) {
+ typedef typename voronoi_output_clipped< point_2d<T> >::edge_type edge_type;
+ typedef typename voronoi_output_clipped< point_2d<T> >::voronoi_const_iterator_type
+ voronoi_const_iterator_type;
voronoi_builder<T> test_beach_line;
point_2d<T> point1 = make_point_2d<T>(0, 0);
@@ -37,60 +35,61 @@
- const voronoi_output< point_2d<T> > &test_output = test_beach_line.get_output();
+ voronoi_output_clipped< point_2d<T> > test_output;
+ test_beach_line.clip(test_output);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_output.check(), true);
+ BRect< point_2d<T> > bounding_rectangle = test_beach_line.get_bounding_rectangle();
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(bounding_rectangle.x_min == static_cast<T>(0) &&
+ bounding_rectangle.y_min == static_cast<T>(0) &&
+ bounding_rectangle.x_max == static_cast<T>(2) &&
+ bounding_rectangle.y_max == static_cast<T>(4), true);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<int>(test_output.get_cell_records().size()), 3);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<int>(test_output.get_voronoi_vertices().size()), 1);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<int>(test_output.get_voronoi_vertices().size()), 4);
- voronoi_vertices_iterator_type it = test_output.get_voronoi_vertices().begin();
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<int>(it->incident_edges.size()), 3);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(it->vertex.x() == static_cast<T>(0.25) &&
- it->vertex.y() == static_cast<T>(2.0), true);
+ voronoi_const_iterator_type it = test_output.get_voronoi_vertices().begin();
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(it->num_incident_edges, 3);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(it->voronoi_point.x() == static_cast<T>(0.25) &&
+ it->voronoi_point.y() == static_cast<T>(2.0), true);
- edge_pointer_iterator_type edge_it = it->incident_edges.begin();
- edge_type *edge1_1 = *edge_it;
+ edge_type *edge1_1 = it->incident_edge;
edge_type *edge1_2 = edge1_1->twin;
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge1_1->cell->site_point == point3, true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge1_2->cell->site_point == point1, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge1_1->cell->voronoi_point == point3, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge1_2->cell->voronoi_point == point1, true);
- edge_it++;
- edge_type *edge2_1 = *edge_it;
+ edge_type *edge2_1 = edge1_1->rot_prev;
edge_type *edge2_2 = edge2_1->twin;
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge2_1->cell->site_point == point1, true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge2_2->cell->site_point == point2, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge2_1->cell->voronoi_point == point1, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge2_2->cell->voronoi_point == point2, true);
- edge_it++;
- edge_type *edge3_1 = *edge_it;
+ edge_type *edge3_1 = edge2_1->rot_prev;
edge_type *edge3_2 = edge3_1->twin;
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge3_1->cell->site_point == point2, true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge3_2->cell->site_point == point3, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge3_1->cell->voronoi_point == point2, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge3_2->cell->voronoi_point == point3, true);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge1_2->twin == edge1_1, true);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge2_2->twin == edge2_1, true);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge3_2->twin == edge3_1, true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge1_1->next == NULL && edge1_2->prev == NULL, true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge2_1->next == NULL && edge2_2->prev == NULL, true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge3_1->next == NULL && edge3_2->prev == NULL, true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge1_1->prev == edge3_2, true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge2_1->prev == edge1_2, true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge3_1->prev == edge2_2, true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge1_2->next == edge2_1, true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge2_2->next == edge3_1, true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge3_2->next == edge1_1, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge1_1->prev == edge3_2 && edge1_1->next == edge3_2, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge2_1->prev == edge1_2 && edge2_1->next == edge1_2, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge3_1->prev == edge2_2 && edge3_1->next == edge2_2, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge1_2->next == edge2_1 && edge1_2->prev == edge2_1, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge2_2->next == edge3_1 && edge2_2->prev == edge3_1, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge3_2->next == edge1_1 && edge3_2->prev == edge1_1, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge1_1->rot_next == edge3_1, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge3_1->rot_next == edge2_1, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge2_1->rot_next == edge1_1, true);
// Sites: (0, 1), (2, 0), (2, 4).
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(voronoi_builder_test2, T, test_types) {
- typedef typename voronoi_output< point_2d<T> >::edge_type edge_type;
- typedef typename voronoi_output< point_2d<T> >::edge_pointer_const_iterator_type
- edge_pointer_iterator_type;
- typedef typename voronoi_output< point_2d<T> >::voronoi_vertices_const_iterator_type
- voronoi_vertices_iterator_type;
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(triangle_test2, T, test_types) {
+ typedef typename voronoi_output_clipped< point_2d<T> >::edge_type edge_type;
+ typedef typename voronoi_output_clipped< point_2d<T> >::voronoi_const_iterator_type
+ voronoi_const_iterator_type;
voronoi_builder<T> test_beach_line;
point_2d<T> point1 = make_point_2d<T>(0, 1);
@@ -104,59 +103,55 @@
- const voronoi_output< point_2d<T> > &test_output = test_beach_line.get_output();
+ voronoi_output_clipped< point_2d<T> > test_output;
+ test_beach_line.clip(test_output);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_output.check(), true);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<int>(test_output.get_cell_records().size()), 3);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<int>(test_output.get_voronoi_vertices().size()), 1);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<int>(test_output.get_voronoi_vertices().size()), 4);
- voronoi_vertices_iterator_type it = test_output.get_voronoi_vertices().begin();
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<int>(it->incident_edges.size()), 3);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(it->vertex.x() == static_cast<T>(1.75) &&
- it->vertex.y() == static_cast<T>(2.0), true);
+ voronoi_const_iterator_type it = test_output.get_voronoi_vertices().begin();
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(it->num_incident_edges, 3);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(it->voronoi_point.x() == static_cast<T>(1.75) &&
+ it->voronoi_point.y() == static_cast<T>(2.0), true);
- edge_pointer_iterator_type edge_it = it->incident_edges.begin();
- edge_type *edge1_1 = *edge_it;
+ edge_type *edge1_1 = it->incident_edge;
edge_type *edge1_2 = edge1_1->twin;
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge1_1->cell->site_point == point2, true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge1_2->cell->site_point == point1, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge1_1->cell->voronoi_point == point2, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge1_2->cell->voronoi_point == point1, true);
- edge_it++;
- edge_type *edge2_1 = *edge_it;
+ edge_type *edge2_1 = edge1_1->rot_prev;
edge_type *edge2_2 = edge2_1->twin;
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge2_1->cell->site_point == point1, true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge2_2->cell->site_point == point3, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge2_1->cell->voronoi_point == point1, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge2_2->cell->voronoi_point == point3, true);
- edge_it++;
- edge_type *edge3_1 = *edge_it;
+ edge_type *edge3_1 = edge2_1->rot_prev;
edge_type *edge3_2 = edge3_1->twin;
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge3_1->cell->site_point == point3, true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge3_2->cell->site_point == point2, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge3_1->cell->voronoi_point == point3, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge3_2->cell->voronoi_point == point2, true);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge1_2->twin == edge1_1, true);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge2_2->twin == edge2_1, true);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge3_2->twin == edge3_1, true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge1_1->next == NULL && edge1_2->prev == NULL, true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge2_1->next == NULL && edge2_2->prev == NULL, true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge3_1->next == NULL && edge3_2->prev == NULL, true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge1_1->prev == edge3_2, true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge2_1->prev == edge1_2, true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge3_1->prev == edge2_2, true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge1_2->next == edge2_1, true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge2_2->next == edge3_1, true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge3_2->next == edge1_1, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge1_1->prev == edge3_2 && edge1_1->next == edge3_2, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge2_1->prev == edge1_2 && edge2_1->next == edge1_2, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge3_1->prev == edge2_2 && edge3_1->next == edge2_2, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge1_2->next == edge2_1 && edge1_2->prev == edge2_1, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge2_2->next == edge3_1 && edge2_2->prev == edge3_1, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge3_2->next == edge1_1 && edge3_2->prev == edge1_1, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge1_1->rot_next == edge3_1, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge3_1->rot_next == edge2_1, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge2_1->rot_next == edge1_1, true);
// Sites: (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1).
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(voronoi_builder_test3, T, test_types) {
- typedef typename voronoi_output< point_2d<T> >::edge_type edge_type;
- typedef typename voronoi_output< point_2d<T> >::edge_pointer_const_iterator_type
- edge_pointer_iterator_type;
- typedef typename voronoi_output< point_2d<T> >::voronoi_vertices_const_iterator_type
- voronoi_vertices_iterator_type;
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(square_test3, T, test_types) {
+ typedef typename voronoi_output_clipped< point_2d<T> >::edge_type edge_type;
+ typedef typename voronoi_output_clipped< point_2d<T> >::voronoi_const_iterator_type
+ voronoi_const_iterator_type;
voronoi_builder<T> test_beach_line;
std::vector< point_2d<T> > points;
@@ -167,71 +162,66 @@
- const voronoi_output< point_2d<T> > &test_output = test_beach_line.get_output();
+ voronoi_output_clipped< point_2d<T> > test_output;
+ test_beach_line.clip(test_output);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_output.check(), true);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<T>(test_output.get_cell_records().size()), 4);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<T>(test_output.get_voronoi_vertices().size()), 1);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<T>(test_output.get_voronoi_vertices().size()), 5);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_output.get_num_voronoi_cells(), 4);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_output.get_num_voronoi_vertices(), 1);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_output.get_num_voronoi_edges(), 4);
// Check voronoi vertex.
- voronoi_vertices_iterator_type it = test_output.get_voronoi_vertices().begin();
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<int>(it->incident_edges.size()), 4);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<int>(it->incident_edges.size()), it->num_incident_edges);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(it->vertex.x() == static_cast<T>(0.5) &&
- it->vertex.y() == static_cast<T>(0.5), true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(it == it->vertex_it, true);
+ voronoi_const_iterator_type it = test_output.get_voronoi_vertices().begin();
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(it->num_incident_edges, 4);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(it->voronoi_point.x() == static_cast<T>(0.5) &&
+ it->voronoi_point.y() == static_cast<T>(0.5), true);
// Check voronoi edges.
- edge_pointer_iterator_type edge_it = it->incident_edges.begin();
- edge_type *edge1_1 = *edge_it;
+ edge_type *edge1_1 = it->incident_edge;
edge_type *edge1_2 = edge1_1->twin;
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge1_1->cell->site_point == points[2], true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge1_2->cell->site_point == points[0], true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge1_1->cell->voronoi_point == points[2], true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge1_2->cell->voronoi_point == points[0], true);
- edge_it++;
- edge_type *edge2_1 = *edge_it;
+ edge_type *edge2_1 = edge1_1->rot_prev;
edge_type *edge2_2 = edge2_1->twin;
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge2_1->cell->site_point == points[0], true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge2_2->cell->site_point == points[1], true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge2_1->cell->voronoi_point == points[0], true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge2_2->cell->voronoi_point == points[1], true);
- edge_it++;
- edge_type *edge3_1 = *edge_it;
+ edge_type *edge3_1 = edge2_1->rot_prev;
edge_type *edge3_2 = edge3_1->twin;
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge3_1->cell->site_point == points[1], true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge3_2->cell->site_point == points[3], true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge3_1->cell->voronoi_point == points[1], true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge3_2->cell->voronoi_point == points[3], true);
- edge_it++;
- edge_type *edge4_1 = *edge_it;
+ edge_type *edge4_1 = edge3_1->rot_prev;
edge_type *edge4_2 = edge4_1->twin;
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge4_1->cell->site_point == points[3], true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge4_2->cell->site_point == points[2], true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge4_1->cell->voronoi_point == points[3], true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge4_2->cell->voronoi_point == points[2], true);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge1_2->twin == edge1_1, true);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge2_2->twin == edge2_1, true);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge3_2->twin == edge3_1, true);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge4_2->twin == edge4_1, true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge1_1->next == NULL && edge1_2->prev == NULL, true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge2_1->next == NULL && edge2_2->prev == NULL, true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge3_1->next == NULL && edge3_2->prev == NULL, true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge4_1->next == NULL && edge4_2->prev == NULL, true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge1_1->prev == edge4_2, true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge2_1->prev == edge1_2, true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge3_1->prev == edge2_2, true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge4_1->prev == edge3_2, true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge1_2->next == edge2_1, true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge2_2->next == edge3_1, true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge3_2->next == edge4_1, true);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge4_2->next == edge1_1, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge1_1->prev == edge4_2 && edge1_1->next == edge4_2, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge2_1->prev == edge1_2 && edge2_1->next == edge1_2, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge3_1->prev == edge2_2 && edge3_1->next == edge2_2, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge4_1->prev == edge3_2 && edge4_1->next == edge3_2, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge1_2->next == edge2_1 && edge1_2->prev == edge2_1, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge2_2->next == edge3_1 && edge2_2->prev == edge3_1, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge3_2->next == edge4_1 && edge3_2->prev == edge4_1, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge4_2->next == edge1_1 && edge4_2->prev == edge1_1, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge1_1->rot_next == edge4_1, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge4_1->rot_next == edge3_1, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge3_1->rot_next == edge2_1, true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(edge2_1->rot_next == edge1_1, true);
// Sites: {(x, y) | x = 0 .. 3, y = 0 .. 3}.
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(voronoi_builder_test4, T, test_types) {
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(grid_test1, T, test_types) {
voronoi_builder<T> test_beach_line;
std::vector< point_2d<T> > points;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
@@ -241,7 +231,8 @@
- const voronoi_output< point_2d<T> > &test_output = test_beach_line.get_output();
+ voronoi_output_clipped< point_2d<T> > test_output;
+ test_beach_line.clip(test_output);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_output.check(), true);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_output.get_num_voronoi_cells(), 9);
@@ -249,28 +240,8 @@
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_output.get_num_voronoi_edges(), 12);
-// Generate 10 random sites 1000 times.
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(voronoi_builder_test4_1, T, test_types) {
- srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(NULL)));
- voronoi_builder<T> test_beach_line;
- std::vector< point_2d<T> > points;
- for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
- points.clear();
- for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
- points.push_back(make_point_2d<T>(static_cast<T>(rand() % 100),
- static_cast<T>(rand() % 100)));
- test_beach_line.init(points);
- test_beach_line.run_sweepline();
- test_beach_line.reset();
- }
- test_beach_line.init(points);
- test_beach_line.run_sweepline();
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_beach_line.get_output().check(), true);
// Sites: {(x, y) | x = 0 .. 9, y = 0 .. 9}.
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(voronoi_builder_test5, T, test_types) {
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(grid_test2, T, test_types) {
voronoi_builder<T> test_beach_line;
std::vector< point_2d<T> > points;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
@@ -280,7 +251,8 @@
- const voronoi_output< point_2d<T> > &test_output = test_beach_line.get_output();
+ voronoi_output_clipped< point_2d<T> > test_output;
+ test_beach_line.clip(test_output);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_output.check(), true);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_output.get_num_voronoi_cells(), 100);
@@ -288,28 +260,8 @@
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_output.get_num_voronoi_edges(), 180);
-// Generate 100 random sites 100 times.
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(voronoi_builder_test5_1, T, test_types) {
- srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(NULL)));
- voronoi_builder<T> test_beach_line;
- std::vector< point_2d<T> > points;
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
- points.clear();
- for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++)
- points.push_back(make_point_2d<T>(static_cast<T>(rand() % 100),
- static_cast<T>(rand() % 100)));
- test_beach_line.init(points);
- test_beach_line.run_sweepline();
- test_beach_line.reset();
- }
- test_beach_line.init(points);
- test_beach_line.run_sweepline();
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_beach_line.get_output().check(), true);
// Sites: {(x, y) | x = 0 .. 33, y = 0 .. 33}.
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(voronoi_builder_test6, T, test_types) {
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(grid_test3, T, test_types) {
voronoi_builder<T> test_beach_line;
std::vector< point_2d<T> > points;
for (int i = 0; i < 33; i++)
@@ -319,7 +271,8 @@
- const voronoi_output< point_2d<T> > &test_output = test_beach_line.get_output();
+ voronoi_output_clipped< point_2d<T> > test_output;
+ test_beach_line.clip(test_output);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_output.check(), true);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_output.get_num_voronoi_cells(), 1089);
@@ -327,28 +280,8 @@
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_output.get_num_voronoi_edges(), 2112);
-// Generate 1000 random sites 10 times.
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(voronoi_builder_test6_1, T, test_types) {
- srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(NULL)));
- voronoi_builder<T> test_beach_line;
- std::vector< point_2d<T> > points;
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- points.clear();
- for (int j = 0; j < 1000; j++)
- points.push_back(make_point_2d<T>(static_cast<T>(rand() % 100),
- static_cast<T>(rand() % 100)));
- test_beach_line.init(points);
- test_beach_line.run_sweepline();
- test_beach_line.reset();
- }
- test_beach_line.init(points);
- test_beach_line.run_sweepline();
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_beach_line.get_output().check(), true);
// Sites: {(x, y) | x = 0 .. 100, y = 0 .. 100}.
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(voronoi_builder_test7, T, test_types) {
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(grid_test4, T, test_types) {
voronoi_builder<T> test_beach_line;
std::vector< point_2d<T> > points;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
@@ -358,7 +291,8 @@
- const voronoi_output< point_2d<T> > &test_output = test_beach_line.get_output();
+ voronoi_output_clipped< point_2d<T> > test_output;
+ test_beach_line.clip(test_output);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_output.check(), true);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_output.get_num_voronoi_cells(), 10000);
@@ -366,22 +300,8 @@
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_output.get_num_voronoi_edges(), 19800);
-// Generate 10000 random sites.
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(voronoi_builder_test7_1, T, test_types) {
- srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(NULL)));
- voronoi_builder<T> test_beach_line;
- std::vector< point_2d<T> > points;
- for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
- points.push_back(make_point_2d<T>(static_cast<T>(rand() % 1000),
- static_cast<T>(rand() % 1000)));
- test_beach_line.init(points);
- test_beach_line.run_sweepline();
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_beach_line.get_output().check(), true);
// Sites: {(x, y) | x = 0 .. 333, y = 0 .. 333}.
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(voronoi_builder_test8, T, test_types) {
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(grid_test5, T, test_types) {
voronoi_builder<T> test_beach_line;
std::vector< point_2d<T> > points;
for (int i = 0; i < 333; i++)
@@ -391,10 +311,87 @@
- const voronoi_output< point_2d<T> > &test_output = test_beach_line.get_output();
+ voronoi_output_clipped< point_2d<T> > test_output;
+ test_beach_line.clip(test_output);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_output.check(), true);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_output.get_num_voronoi_cells(), 110889);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_output.get_num_voronoi_vertices(), 110224);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_output.get_num_voronoi_edges(), 221112);
+// Generate 10 random sites 10000 times.
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(random_test1, T, test_types) {
+ srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(NULL)));
+ voronoi_builder<T> test_beach_line;
+ voronoi_output_clipped< point_2d<T> > test_output;
+ std::vector< point_2d<T> > points;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
+ points.clear();
+ for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
+ points.push_back(make_point_2d<T>(static_cast<T>(rand() % 10),
+ static_cast<T>(rand() % 10)));
+ test_beach_line.init(points);
+ test_beach_line.run_sweepline();
+ test_beach_line.clip(test_output);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_output.check(), true);
+ test_beach_line.reset();
+ }
+// Generate 100 random sites 1000 times.
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(random_test2, T, test_types) {
+ srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(NULL)));
+ voronoi_builder<T> test_beach_line;
+ voronoi_output_clipped< point_2d<T> > test_output;
+ std::vector< point_2d<T> > points;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
+ points.clear();
+ for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++)
+ points.push_back(make_point_2d<T>(static_cast<T>(rand() % 100),
+ static_cast<T>(rand() % 100)));
+ test_beach_line.init(points);
+ test_beach_line.run_sweepline();
+ test_beach_line.clip(test_output);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_output.check(), true);
+ test_beach_line.reset();
+ }
+// Generate 1000 random sites 100 times.
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(random_test3, T, test_types) {
+ srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(NULL)));
+ voronoi_builder<T> test_beach_line;
+ voronoi_output_clipped< point_2d<T> > test_output;
+ std::vector< point_2d<T> > points;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
+ points.clear();
+ for (int j = 0; j < 1000; j++)
+ points.push_back(make_point_2d<T>(static_cast<T>(rand() % 100),
+ static_cast<T>(rand() % 100)));
+ test_beach_line.init(points);
+ test_beach_line.run_sweepline();
+ test_beach_line.clip(test_output);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_output.check(), true);
+ test_beach_line.reset();
+ }
+// Generate 10000 random sites 10 times.
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(random_test4, T, test_types) {
+ srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(NULL)));
+ voronoi_builder<T> test_beach_line;
+ voronoi_output_clipped< point_2d<T> > test_output;
+ std::vector< point_2d<T> > points;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ points.clear();
+ for (int j = 0; j < 10000; j++)
+ points.push_back(make_point_2d<T>(static_cast<T>(rand() % 1000),
+ static_cast<T>(rand() % 1000)));
+ test_beach_line.init(points);
+ test_beach_line.run_sweepline();
+ test_beach_line.clip(test_output);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_output.check(), true);
+ test_beach_line.reset();
+ }
Boost-Commit list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk