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Subject: [Boost-commit] svn:boost r63839 - in sandbox/geometry/boost/geometry: extensions/contrib extensions/gis/geographic/strategies util
From: barend.gehrels_at_[hidden]
Date: 2010-07-11 05:40:33
Author: barendgehrels
Date: 2010-07-11 05:40:32 EDT (Sun, 11 Jul 2010)
New Revision: 63839
URL: http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/63839
Updated definition of PI to support templated UDT
Updated Andoyer for high precision
Text files modified:
sandbox/geometry/boost/geometry/extensions/contrib/ttmath_stub.hpp | 45 ++++++------
sandbox/geometry/boost/geometry/extensions/gis/geographic/strategies/andoyer.hpp | 63 ++++++++++++------
sandbox/geometry/boost/geometry/extensions/gis/geographic/strategies/vincenty.hpp | 133 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------
sandbox/geometry/boost/geometry/util/math.hpp | 30 +++++++-
4 files changed, 151 insertions(+), 120 deletions(-)
Modified: sandbox/geometry/boost/geometry/extensions/contrib/ttmath_stub.hpp
--- sandbox/geometry/boost/geometry/extensions/contrib/ttmath_stub.hpp (original)
+++ sandbox/geometry/boost/geometry/extensions/contrib/ttmath_stub.hpp 2010-07-11 05:40:32 EDT (Sun, 11 Jul 2010)
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#include <boost/math/constants/constants.hpp>
+#include <boost/geometry/util/math.hpp>
#include <ttmath/ttmath.h>
@@ -107,39 +108,39 @@
-namespace boost{ namespace math { namespace constants
+namespace boost{ namespace geometry { namespace math
+namespace detail
// Workaround for boost::math::constants::pi:
// 1) lexical cast -> stack overflow and
// 2) because it is implemented as a function, generic implementation not possible
+ // Partial specialization for ttmath
template <ttmath::uint Exponent, ttmath::uint Mantissa>
- inline ttmath::Big<Exponent, Mantissa> ttmath_pi()
+ struct define_pi<ttmath::Big<Exponent, Mantissa> >
- static ttmath::Big<Exponent, Mantissa> const the_pi("3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196");
- return the_pi;
- }
+ static inline ttmath::Big<Exponent, Mantissa> apply()
+ {
+ static ttmath::Big<Exponent, Mantissa> const the_pi(
+ "3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196");
+ return the_pi;
+ }
+ };
- template <> inline ttmath::Big<1,4> pi<ttmath::Big<1,4> >(BOOST_MATH_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_TYPE_SPEC( (ttmath::Big<1,4>) ))
- {
- return ttmath_pi<1,4>();
- }
- template <> inline ttmath::Big<1,8> pi<ttmath::Big<1,8> >(BOOST_MATH_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_TYPE_SPEC( (ttmath::Big<1,8>) ))
+ template <>
+ struct define_pi<ttmath_big>
- return ttmath_pi<1,8>();
- }
- // and so on...
- // or fix lexical_cast but probably has the same problem
+ static inline ttmath_big apply()
+ {
+ return define_pi<ttmath::Big<1,4> >::apply();
+ }
+ };
- template <> inline ttmath_big pi<ttmath_big >(BOOST_MATH_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_TYPE_SPEC(ttmath_big))
- {
- return ttmath_pi<1,4>();
- }
+}}} // boost::geometry::math
Modified: sandbox/geometry/boost/geometry/extensions/gis/geographic/strategies/andoyer.hpp
--- sandbox/geometry/boost/geometry/extensions/gis/geographic/strategies/andoyer.hpp (original)
+++ sandbox/geometry/boost/geometry/extensions/gis/geographic/strategies/andoyer.hpp 2010-07-11 05:40:32 EDT (Sun, 11 Jul 2010)
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@
#include <boost/geometry/strategies/distance.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/core/radian_access.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/core/coordinate_type.hpp>
+#include <boost/geometry/util/select_calculation_type.hpp>
+#include <boost/geometry/util/promote_floating_point.hpp>
+#include <boost/geometry/util/math.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/extensions/gis/geographic/detail/ellipsoid.hpp>
@@ -27,8 +30,8 @@
\brief Point-point distance approximation taking flattening into account
\ingroup distance
- \tparam P1 first point type
- \tparam P2 optional second point type
+ \tparam Point1 first point type
+ \tparam Point2 optional second point type
\author After Andoyer, 19xx, republished 1950, republished by Meeus, 1999
\note Although not so well-known, the approximation is very good: in all cases the results
are about the same as Vincenty. In my (Barend's) testcases the results didn't differ more than 6 m
@@ -41,20 +44,28 @@
- typename P1,
- typename P2 = P1
- // calculation_type
+ typename Point1,
+ typename Point2 = Point1,
+ typename CalculationType = void
class andoyer
public :
- typedef double return_type;
+ typedef typename promote_floating_point
+ <
+ typename select_calculation_type
+ <
+ Point1,
+ Point2,
+ CalculationType
+ >::type
+ >::type calculation_type;
- andoyer()
+ inline andoyer()
: m_ellipsoid()
- explicit inline andoyer(double f)
+ explicit inline andoyer(calculation_type f)
: m_ellipsoid(f)
@@ -63,10 +74,10 @@
- inline return_type apply(P1 const& p1, P2 const& p2) const
+ inline calculation_type apply(Point1 const& point1, Point2 const& point2) const
- return calc(get_as_radian<0>(p1), get_as_radian<1>(p1),
- get_as_radian<0>(p2), get_as_radian<1>(p2));
+ return calc(get_as_radian<0>(point1), get_as_radian<1>(point1),
+ get_as_radian<0>(point2), get_as_radian<1>(point2));
inline geometry::detail::ellipsoid ellipsoid() const
@@ -76,13 +87,15 @@
private :
- typedef typename coordinate_type<P1>::type T1;
- typedef typename coordinate_type<P2>::type T2;
+ typedef typename coordinate_type<Point1>::type T1;
+ typedef typename coordinate_type<Point2>::type T2;
geometry::detail::ellipsoid m_ellipsoid;
- inline return_type calc(T1 const& lon1, T1 const& lat1, T2 const& lon2, T2 const& lat2) const
+ inline calculation_type calc(calculation_type const& lon1,
+ calculation_type const& lat1,
+ calculation_type const& lon2,
+ calculation_type const& lat2) const
- typedef double calculation_type;
calculation_type G = (lat1 - lat2) / 2.0;
calculation_type lambda = (lon1 - lon2) / 2.0;
@@ -109,16 +122,20 @@
return 0.0;
+ calculation_type const c1 = 1;
+ calculation_type const c2 = 2;
+ calculation_type const c3 = 3;
calculation_type omega = atan(sqrt(S / C));
calculation_type r = sqrt(S * C) / omega; // not sure if this is r or greek nu
- calculation_type D = 2.0 * omega * m_ellipsoid.a();
- calculation_type H1 = (3 * r - 1.0) / (2.0 * C);
- calculation_type H2 = (3 * r + 1.0) / (2.0 * S);
- return return_type(D
- * (1.0 + m_ellipsoid.f() * H1 * sinF2 * cosG2
- - m_ellipsoid.f() * H2 * cosF2 * sinG2));
+ calculation_type D = c2 * omega * m_ellipsoid.a();
+ calculation_type H1 = (c3 * r - c1) / (c2 * C);
+ calculation_type H2 = (c3 * r + c1) / (c2 * S);
+ calculation_type f = m_ellipsoid.f();
+ return D * (c1 + f * H1 * sinF2 * cosG2 - f * H2 * cosF2 * sinG2);
@@ -137,7 +154,7 @@
template <typename Point1, typename Point2>
struct return_type<strategy::distance::andoyer<Point1, Point2> >
- typedef typename strategy::distance::andoyer<Point1, Point2>::return_type type;
+ typedef typename strategy::distance::andoyer<Point1, Point2>::calculation_type type;
Modified: sandbox/geometry/boost/geometry/extensions/gis/geographic/strategies/vincenty.hpp
--- sandbox/geometry/boost/geometry/extensions/gis/geographic/strategies/vincenty.hpp (original)
+++ sandbox/geometry/boost/geometry/extensions/gis/geographic/strategies/vincenty.hpp 2010-07-11 05:40:32 EDT (Sun, 11 Jul 2010)
@@ -61,9 +61,9 @@
- double // it should be at least double otherwise Vincenty does not run
+ double // to avoid bad results in float
- >::type return_type;
+ >::type calculation_type;
inline vincenty()
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
: m_ellipsoid(e)
- inline return_type apply(Point1 const& p1, Point2 const& p2) const
+ inline calculation_type apply(Point1 const& p1, Point2 const& p2) const
return calculate(get_as_radian<0>(p1), get_as_radian<1>(p1),
get_as_radian<0>(p2), get_as_radian<1>(p2));
@@ -85,111 +85,106 @@
private :
- typedef return_type promoted_type;
geometry::detail::ellipsoid m_ellipsoid;
- inline return_type calculate(promoted_type const& lon1,
- promoted_type const& lat1,
- promoted_type const& lon2,
- promoted_type const& lat2) const
- {
- namespace mc = boost::math::constants;
- promoted_type const c2 = 2;
- promoted_type const two_pi = c2 * mc::pi<promoted_type>();
+ inline calculation_type calculate(calculation_type const& lon1,
+ calculation_type const& lat1,
+ calculation_type const& lon2,
+ calculation_type const& lat2) const
+ {
+ calculation_type const c2 = 2;
+ calculation_type const pi = geometry::math::pi<calculation_type>();
+ calculation_type const two_pi = c2 * pi;
// lambda: difference in longitude on an auxiliary sphere
- promoted_type L = lon2 - lon1;
- promoted_type lambda = L;
+ calculation_type L = lon2 - lon1;
+ calculation_type lambda = L;
- if (L < -mc::pi<promoted_type>()) L += two_pi;
- if (L > mc::pi<promoted_type>()) L -= two_pi;
+ if (L < -pi) L += two_pi;
+ if (L > pi) L -= two_pi;
if (math::equals(lat1, lat2) && math::equals(lon1, lon2))
- return return_type(0);
+ return calculation_type(0);
// TODO: give ellipsoid a template-parameter
- promoted_type const ellipsoid_f = m_ellipsoid.f();
- promoted_type const ellipsoid_a = m_ellipsoid.a();
- promoted_type const ellipsoid_b = m_ellipsoid.b();
+ calculation_type const ellipsoid_f = m_ellipsoid.f();
+ calculation_type const ellipsoid_a = m_ellipsoid.a();
+ calculation_type const ellipsoid_b = m_ellipsoid.b();
// U: reduced latitude, defined by tan U = (1-f) tan phi
- promoted_type const c1 = 1;
- promoted_type const one_min_f = c1 - ellipsoid_f;
+ calculation_type const c1 = 1;
+ calculation_type const one_min_f = c1 - ellipsoid_f;
- promoted_type const U1 = atan(one_min_f * tan(lat1)); // above (1)
- promoted_type const U2 = atan(one_min_f * tan(lat2)); // above (1)
+ calculation_type const U1 = atan(one_min_f * tan(lat1)); // above (1)
+ calculation_type const U2 = atan(one_min_f * tan(lat2)); // above (1)
- promoted_type const cos_U1 = cos(U1);
- promoted_type const cos_U2 = cos(U2);
- promoted_type const sin_U1 = sin(U1);
- promoted_type const sin_U2 = sin(U2);
+ calculation_type const cos_U1 = cos(U1);
+ calculation_type const cos_U2 = cos(U2);
+ calculation_type const sin_U1 = sin(U1);
+ calculation_type const sin_U2 = sin(U2);
// alpha: azimuth of the geodesic at the equator
- promoted_type cos2_alpha;
- promoted_type sin_alpha;
+ calculation_type cos2_alpha;
+ calculation_type sin_alpha;
// sigma: angular distance p1,p2 on the sphere
// sigma1: angular distance on the sphere from the equator to p1
// sigma_m: angular distance on the sphere from the equator to the midpoint of the line
- promoted_type sigma;
- promoted_type sin_sigma;
- promoted_type cos2_sigma_m;
- promoted_type previous_lambda;
- promoted_type const c3 = 3;
- promoted_type const c4 = 4;
- promoted_type const c6 = 6;
- promoted_type const c16 = 16;
+ calculation_type sigma;
+ calculation_type sin_sigma;
+ calculation_type cos2_sigma_m;
+ calculation_type previous_lambda;
+ calculation_type const c3 = 3;
+ calculation_type const c4 = 4;
+ calculation_type const c6 = 6;
+ calculation_type const c16 = 16;
- promoted_type const c_e_12 = 1e-12;
+ calculation_type const c_e_12 = 1e-12;
previous_lambda = lambda; // (13)
- promoted_type sin_lambda = sin(lambda);
- promoted_type cos_lambda = cos(lambda);
+ calculation_type sin_lambda = sin(lambda);
+ calculation_type cos_lambda = cos(lambda);
sin_sigma = sqrt(math::sqr(cos_U2 * sin_lambda) + math::sqr(cos_U1 * sin_U2 - sin_U1 * cos_U2 * cos_lambda)); // (14)
- promoted_type cos_sigma = sin_U1 * sin_U2 + cos_U1 * cos_U2 * cos_lambda; // (15)
+ calculation_type cos_sigma = sin_U1 * sin_U2 + cos_U1 * cos_U2 * cos_lambda; // (15)
sin_alpha = cos_U1 * cos_U2 * sin_lambda / sin_sigma; // (17)
cos2_alpha = c1 - math::sqr(sin_alpha);
- cos2_sigma_m = cos2_alpha == 0 ? 0 : cos_sigma - c2 * sin_U1 * sin_U2 / cos2_alpha; // (18)
+ cos2_sigma_m = math::equals(cos2_alpha, 0) ? 0 : cos_sigma - c2 * sin_U1 * sin_U2 / cos2_alpha; // (18)
- promoted_type C = ellipsoid_f/c16 * cos2_alpha * (c4 + ellipsoid_f * (c4 - c3 * cos2_alpha)); // (10)
+ calculation_type C = ellipsoid_f/c16 * cos2_alpha * (c4 + ellipsoid_f * (c4 - c3 * cos2_alpha)); // (10)
sigma = atan2(sin_sigma, cos_sigma); // (16)
lambda = L + (c1 - C) * ellipsoid_f * sin_alpha *
(sigma + C * sin_sigma * ( cos2_sigma_m + C * cos_sigma * (-c1 + c2 * math::sqr(cos2_sigma_m)))); // (11)
} while (geometry::math::abs(previous_lambda - lambda) > c_e_12
- && geometry::math::abs(lambda) < mc::pi<promoted_type>());
+ && geometry::math::abs(lambda) < pi);
- promoted_type sqr_u = cos2_alpha * (math::sqr(ellipsoid_a) - math::sqr(ellipsoid_b)) / math::sqr(ellipsoid_b); // above (1)
+ calculation_type sqr_u = cos2_alpha * (math::sqr(ellipsoid_a) - math::sqr(ellipsoid_b)) / math::sqr(ellipsoid_b); // above (1)
// Oops getting hard here
// (again, problem is that ttmath cannot divide by doubles, which is OK)
- promoted_type const c47 = 47;
- promoted_type const c74 = 74;
- promoted_type const c128 = 128;
- promoted_type const c256 = 256;
- promoted_type const c175 = 175;
- promoted_type const c320 = 320;
- promoted_type const c768 = 768;
- promoted_type const c1024 = 1024;
- promoted_type const c4096 = 4096;
- promoted_type const c16384 = 16384;
- promoted_type A = c1 + sqr_u/c16384 * (c4096 + sqr_u * (-c768 + sqr_u * (c320 - c175 * sqr_u))); // (3)
- promoted_type B = sqr_u/c1024 * (c256 + sqr_u * ( -c128 + sqr_u * (c74 - c47 * sqr_u))); // (4)
- promoted_type delta_sigma = B * sin_sigma * ( cos2_sigma_m + (B/c4) * (cos(sigma)* (-c1 + c2 * cos2_sigma_m)
+ calculation_type const c47 = 47;
+ calculation_type const c74 = 74;
+ calculation_type const c128 = 128;
+ calculation_type const c256 = 256;
+ calculation_type const c175 = 175;
+ calculation_type const c320 = 320;
+ calculation_type const c768 = 768;
+ calculation_type const c1024 = 1024;
+ calculation_type const c4096 = 4096;
+ calculation_type const c16384 = 16384;
+ calculation_type A = c1 + sqr_u/c16384 * (c4096 + sqr_u * (-c768 + sqr_u * (c320 - c175 * sqr_u))); // (3)
+ calculation_type B = sqr_u/c1024 * (c256 + sqr_u * ( -c128 + sqr_u * (c74 - c47 * sqr_u))); // (4)
+ calculation_type delta_sigma = B * sin_sigma * ( cos2_sigma_m + (B/c4) * (cos(sigma)* (-c1 + c2 * cos2_sigma_m)
- (B/c6) * cos2_sigma_m * (-c3 + c4 * math::sqr(sin_sigma)) * (-c3 + c4 * cos2_sigma_m))); // (6)
- promoted_type dist = ellipsoid_b * A * (sigma - delta_sigma); // (19)
- return return_type(dist);
+ return ellipsoid_b * A * (sigma - delta_sigma); // (19)
@@ -207,7 +202,7 @@
template <typename Point1, typename Point2>
struct return_type<strategy::distance::vincenty<Point1, Point2> >
- typedef typename strategy::distance::vincenty<Point1, Point2>::return_type type;
+ typedef typename strategy::distance::vincenty<Point1, Point2>::calculation_type type;
@@ -247,7 +242,7 @@
struct result_from_distance<vincenty<Point1, Point2> >
template <typename T>
- static inline typename vincenty<Point1, Point2>::return_type apply(vincenty<Point1, Point2> const& , T const& value)
+ static inline typename return_type<vincenty<Point1, Point2> >::type apply(vincenty<Point1, Point2> const& , T const& value)
return value;
Modified: sandbox/geometry/boost/geometry/util/math.hpp
--- sandbox/geometry/boost/geometry/util/math.hpp (original)
+++ sandbox/geometry/boost/geometry/util/math.hpp 2010-07-11 05:40:32 EDT (Sun, 11 Jul 2010)
@@ -19,9 +19,11 @@
namespace boost { namespace geometry
+namespace math
-namespace detail { namespace math
+namespace detail
@@ -46,11 +48,26 @@
-}} // namespace detail::math
+\brief Short construct to enable partial specialization for PI, currently not possible in Math.
+template <typename T>
+struct define_pi
+ static inline T apply()
+ {
+ // Default calls Boost.Math
+ return boost::math::constants::pi<T>();
+ }
+} // namespace detail
-namespace math
+template <typename T>
+inline T pi() { return detail::define_pi<T>::apply(); }
// Maybe replace this by boost equals or boost ublas numeric equals or so
@@ -72,7 +89,7 @@
inline bool equals(T1 const& a, T2 const& b)
typedef typename select_most_precise<T1, T2>::type select_type;
- return detail::math::equals
+ return detail::equals
@@ -80,7 +97,7 @@
-double const d2r = boost::math::constants::pi<double>() / 180.0;
+double const d2r = geometry::math::pi<double>() / 180.0;
double const r2d = 1.0 / d2r;
@@ -121,6 +138,7 @@
return abs(t);
} // namespace math
Boost-Commit list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk