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Boost-Commit : |
Subject: [Boost-commit] svn:boost r65194 - sandbox/chrono/boost
From: vicente.botet_at_[hidden]
Date: 2010-09-02 12:16:23
Author: viboes
Date: 2010-09-02 12:16:21 EDT (Thu, 02 Sep 2010)
New Revision: 65194
URL: http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/65194
move ratio.hpp contents to ratio/ratio.hpp
Text files modified:
sandbox/chrono/boost/ratio.hpp | 603 ---------------------------------------
1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 601 deletions(-)
Modified: sandbox/chrono/boost/ratio.hpp
--- sandbox/chrono/boost/ratio.hpp (original)
+++ sandbox/chrono/boost/ratio.hpp 2010-09-02 12:16:21 EDT (Thu, 02 Sep 2010)
@@ -1,613 +1,14 @@
// ratio.hpp ---------------------------------------------------------------//
-// Copyright 2008 Howard Hinnant
-// Copyright 2008 Beman Dawes
-// Copyright 2009 Vicente J. Botet Escriba
+// Copyright 2010 Vicente J. Botet Escriba
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// See http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt
-This code was derived by Beman Dawes from Howard Hinnant's time2_demo prototype.
-Many thanks to Howard for making his code available under the Boost license.
-The original code was modified to conform to Boost conventions and to section
-20.4 Compile-time rational arithmetic [ratio], of the C++ committee working
-paper N2798.
-See http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2008/n2798.pdf.
-time2_demo contained this comment:
- Much thanks to Andrei Alexandrescu,
- Walter Brown,
- Peter Dimov,
- Jeff Garland,
- Terry Golubiewski,
- Daniel Krügler,
- Anthony Williams.
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <climits>
-#include <limits>
-#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
-#include <boost/type_traits.hpp>
-#include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
-#include <boost/integer_traits.hpp>
-#define BOOST_RATIO_OVERFLOW_IN_ADD "overflow in ratio add"
-#define BOOST_RATIO_OVERFLOW_IN_ADD "overflow in ratio add"
-#define BOOST_RATIO_OVERFLOW_IN_SUB "overflow in ratio sub"
-#define BOOST_RATIO_OVERFLOW_IN_MUL "overflow in ratio mul"
-#define BOOST_RATIO_OVERFLOW_IN_DIV "overflow in ratio div"
-#define BOOST_RATIO_RATIO_NUMERATOR_IS_OUT_OF_RANGE "ratio numerator is out of range"
-#define BOOST_RATIO_RATIO_DIVIDE_BY_0 "ratio divide by 0"
-#define BOOST_RATIO_RATIO_DENOMINATOR_IS_OUT_OF_RANGE "ratio denominator is out of range"
-#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
-#include <boost/mpl/assert.hpp>
-#include <boost/mpl/bool.hpp>
- BOOST_MPL_ASSERT_MSG(boost::mpl::bool_< (CND) >::type::value, MSG, TYPES)
-#define BOOST_RATIO_STATIC_ASSERT(CND, MSG, TYPES) static char BOOST_RATIO_NAME(__boost_ratio_test_,__LINE__)[CND]
-#ifdef INTMAX_C
-#define BOOST_INTMAX_C(a) INTMAX_C(a)
-#define BOOST_INTMAX_C(a) a##LL
-// We simply cannot include this header on gcc without getting copious warnings of the kind:
-// boost/integer.hpp:77:30: warning: use of C99 long long integer constant
-// And yet there is no other reasonable implementation, so we declare this a system header
-// to suppress these warnings.
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 4)
-#pragma GCC system_header
-namespace boost
-// //
-// 20.4 Compile-time rational arithmetic [ratio] //
-// //
-template <boost::intmax_t N, boost::intmax_t D = 1> class ratio;
-// ratio arithmetic
-template <class R1, class R2> struct ratio_add;
-template <class R1, class R2> struct ratio_subtract;
-template <class R1, class R2> struct ratio_multiply;
-template <class R1, class R2> struct ratio_divide;
-// ratio comparison
-template <class R1, class R2> struct ratio_equal;
-template <class R1, class R2> struct ratio_not_equal;
-template <class R1, class R2> struct ratio_less;
-template <class R1, class R2> struct ratio_less_equal;
-template <class R1, class R2> struct ratio_greater;
-template <class R1, class R2> struct ratio_greater_equal;
-// convenience SI typedefs
-typedef ratio<BOOST_INTMAX_C(1), BOOST_INTMAX_C(1000000000000000000)> atto;
-typedef ratio<BOOST_INTMAX_C(1), BOOST_INTMAX_C(1000000000000000)> femto;
-typedef ratio<BOOST_INTMAX_C(1), BOOST_INTMAX_C(1000000000000)> pico;
-typedef ratio<BOOST_INTMAX_C(1), BOOST_INTMAX_C(1000000000)> nano;
-typedef ratio<BOOST_INTMAX_C(1), BOOST_INTMAX_C(1000000)> micro;
-typedef ratio<BOOST_INTMAX_C(1), BOOST_INTMAX_C(1000)> milli;
-typedef ratio<BOOST_INTMAX_C(1), BOOST_INTMAX_C(100)> centi;
-typedef ratio<BOOST_INTMAX_C(1), BOOST_INTMAX_C(10)> deci;
-typedef ratio< BOOST_INTMAX_C(10), BOOST_INTMAX_C(1)> deca;
-typedef ratio< BOOST_INTMAX_C(100), BOOST_INTMAX_C(1)> hecto;
-typedef ratio< BOOST_INTMAX_C(1000), BOOST_INTMAX_C(1)> kilo;
-typedef ratio< BOOST_INTMAX_C(1000000), BOOST_INTMAX_C(1)> mega;
-typedef ratio< BOOST_INTMAX_C(1000000000), BOOST_INTMAX_C(1)> giga;
-typedef ratio< BOOST_INTMAX_C(1000000000000), BOOST_INTMAX_C(1)> tera;
-typedef ratio< BOOST_INTMAX_C(1000000000000000), BOOST_INTMAX_C(1)> peta;
-typedef ratio<BOOST_INTMAX_C(1000000000000000000), BOOST_INTMAX_C(1)> exa;
-// helpers //
-namespace detail
- // static_gcd
- template <boost::intmax_t X, boost::intmax_t Y>
- struct static_gcd
- {
- static const boost::intmax_t value = static_gcd<Y, X % Y>::value;
- };
- template <boost::intmax_t X>
- struct static_gcd<X, 0>
- {
- static const boost::intmax_t value = X;
- };
- // static_lcm
- template <boost::intmax_t X, boost::intmax_t Y>
- struct static_lcm
- {
- static const boost::intmax_t value = X / static_gcd<X, Y>::value * Y;
- };
- template <boost::intmax_t X>
- struct static_abs
- {
- static const boost::intmax_t value = X < 0 ? -X : X;
- };
- template <boost::intmax_t X>
- struct static_sign
- {
- static const boost::intmax_t value = X == 0 ? 0 : (X < 0 ? -1 : 1);
- };
- template <boost::intmax_t X, boost::intmax_t Y, boost::intmax_t = static_sign<Y>::value>
- class ll_add;
- template <boost::intmax_t X, boost::intmax_t Y>
- class ll_add<X, Y, 1>
- {
- static const boost::intmax_t min =
- (BOOST_INTMAX_C(1) << (sizeof(boost::intmax_t) * CHAR_BIT - 1)) + 1;
- static const boost::intmax_t max = -min;
- #else
- static const boost::intmax_t min = boost::integer_traits<boost::intmax_t>::const_min;
- static const boost::intmax_t max = boost::integer_traits<boost::intmax_t>::const_max;
- #endif
- public:
- static const boost::intmax_t value = X + Y;
- };
- template <boost::intmax_t X, boost::intmax_t Y>
- class ll_add<X, Y, 0>
- {
- public:
- static const boost::intmax_t value = X;
- };
- template <boost::intmax_t X, boost::intmax_t Y>
- class ll_add<X, Y, -1>
- {
- static const boost::intmax_t min =
- (BOOST_INTMAX_C(1) << (sizeof(boost::intmax_t) * CHAR_BIT - 1)) + 1;
- static const boost::intmax_t max = -min;
- #else
- static const boost::intmax_t min = boost::integer_traits<boost::intmax_t>::const_min;
- static const boost::intmax_t max = boost::integer_traits<boost::intmax_t>::const_max;
- #endif
- public:
- static const boost::intmax_t value = X + Y;
- };
- template <boost::intmax_t X, boost::intmax_t Y, boost::intmax_t = static_sign<Y>::value>
- class ll_sub;
- template <boost::intmax_t X, boost::intmax_t Y>
- class ll_sub<X, Y, 1>
- {
- static const boost::intmax_t min =
- (BOOST_INTMAX_C(1) << (sizeof(boost::intmax_t) * CHAR_BIT - 1)) + 1;
- static const boost::intmax_t max = -min;
- #else
- static const boost::intmax_t min = boost::integer_traits<boost::intmax_t>::const_min;
- static const boost::intmax_t max = boost::integer_traits<boost::intmax_t>::const_max;
- #endif
- public:
- static const boost::intmax_t value = X - Y;
- };
- template <boost::intmax_t X, boost::intmax_t Y>
- class ll_sub<X, Y, 0>
- {
- public:
- static const boost::intmax_t value = X;
- };
- template <boost::intmax_t X, boost::intmax_t Y>
- class ll_sub<X, Y, -1>
- {
- static const boost::intmax_t min =
- (BOOST_INTMAX_C(1) << (sizeof(boost::intmax_t) * CHAR_BIT - 1)) + 1;
- static const boost::intmax_t max = -min;
- #else
- static const boost::intmax_t min = boost::integer_traits<boost::intmax_t>::const_min;
- static const boost::intmax_t max = boost::integer_traits<boost::intmax_t>::const_max;
- #endif
- public:
- static const boost::intmax_t value = X - Y;
- };
- template <boost::intmax_t X, boost::intmax_t Y>
- class ll_mul
- {
- static const boost::intmax_t nan =
- (BOOST_INTMAX_C(1) << (sizeof(boost::intmax_t) * CHAR_BIT - 1));
- static const boost::intmax_t min = nan + 1;
- static const boost::intmax_t max = -min;
- #else
- static const boost::intmax_t min = boost::integer_traits<boost::intmax_t>::const_min;
- static const boost::intmax_t max = boost::integer_traits<boost::intmax_t>::const_max;
- #endif
- static const boost::intmax_t a_x = static_abs<X>::value;
- static const boost::intmax_t a_y = static_abs<Y>::value;
- public:
- static const boost::intmax_t value = X * Y;
- };
- template <boost::intmax_t Y>
- class ll_mul<0, Y>
- {
- public:
- static const boost::intmax_t value = 0;
- };
- template <boost::intmax_t X>
- class ll_mul<X, 0>
- {
- public:
- static const boost::intmax_t value = 0;
- };
- template <>
- class ll_mul<0, 0>
- {
- public:
- static const boost::intmax_t value = 0;
- };
- // Not actually used but left here in case needed in future maintenance
- template <boost::intmax_t X, boost::intmax_t Y>
- class ll_div
- {
- static const boost::intmax_t nan = (1LL << (sizeof(boost::intmax_t) * CHAR_BIT - 1));
- static const boost::intmax_t min = nan + 1;
- static const boost::intmax_t max = -min;
- #else
- static const boost::intmax_t min = boost::integer_traits<boost::intmax_t>::const_min;
- static const boost::intmax_t max = boost::integer_traits<boost::intmax_t>::const_max;
- #endif
- public:
- static const boost::intmax_t value = X / Y;
- };
- template <class T>
- struct is_ratio : public boost::false_type {};
- template <intmax_t N, intmax_t D>
- struct is_ratio<ratio<N, D> > : public boost::true_type {};
- //template <class T>
- // struct is_ratio : is_ratio<typename remove_cv<T>::type> {};
-} // namespace detail
-// //
-// 20.4.1 Class template ratio [ratio.ratio] //
-// //
-template <boost::intmax_t N, boost::intmax_t D>
-class ratio
- BOOST_RATIO_STATIC_ASSERT(boost::detail::static_abs<N>::value >= 0, BOOST_RATIO_RATIO_NUMERATOR_IS_OUT_OF_RANGE, ());
- static const boost::intmax_t m_na = boost::detail::static_abs<N>::value;
- static const boost::intmax_t m_da = boost::detail::static_abs<D>::value;
- static const boost::intmax_t m_s = boost::detail::static_sign<N>::value
- * boost::detail::static_sign<D>::value;
- static const boost::intmax_t m_gcd = boost::detail::static_gcd<m_na, m_da>::value;
- static const boost::intmax_t num = m_s * m_na / m_gcd;
- static const boost::intmax_t den = m_da / m_gcd;
- ratio() {}
- template <intmax_t _N2, intmax_t _D2>
- ratio(const ratio<_N2, _D2>&,
- typename enable_if_c
- <
- (ratio<_N2, _D2>::num == num &&
- ratio<_N2, _D2>::den == den)
- >::type* = 0) {}
- template <intmax_t _N2, intmax_t _D2>
- typename enable_if_c
- <
- (ratio<_N2, _D2>::num == num &&
- ratio<_N2, _D2>::den == den),
- ratio&
- >::type
- operator=(const ratio<_N2, _D2>&) {return *this;}
- typedef ratio<num, den> type;
-// //
-// Implementation //
-// //
-template <class R1, class R2>
-struct ratio_add
-#if 0
- //The nested typedef type shall be a synonym for ratio<T1, T2>::type where T1 has the value R1::num *
- //R2::den + R2::num * R1::den and T2 has the value R1::den * R2::den.
- typedef typename ratio<R1::num * R2::den + R2::num * R1::den,R1::den * R2::den>::type type;
- // The preceding declaration doesn't works because of overflow on intmax_t.
- static const boost::intmax_t gcd_n1_n2 = boost::detail::static_gcd<R1::num, R2::num>::value;
- static const boost::intmax_t gcd_d1_d2 = boost::detail::static_gcd<R1::den, R2::den>::value;
- // No need to normalize as ratio_multiply is already normalized
- typedef typename ratio_multiply
- <
- ratio<gcd_n1_n2, R1::den / gcd_d1_d2>,
- ratio
- <
- boost::detail::ll_add
- <
- boost::detail::ll_mul<R1::num / gcd_n1_n2, R2::den / gcd_d1_d2>::value,
- boost::detail::ll_mul<R2::num / gcd_n1_n2, R1::den / gcd_d1_d2>::value
- >::value,
- R2::den
- >
- >::type type;
-template <class R1, class R2>
-struct ratio_subtract
-#if 0
- //The nested typedef type shall be a synonym for ratio<T1, T2>::type where T1 has the value
- // R1::num *R2::den - R2::num * R1::den and T2 has the value R1::den * R2::den.
- typedef typename ratio<R1::num * R2::den - R2::num * R1::den, R1::den * R2::den>::type type;
- // The preceding declaration doesn't works because of overflow on intmax_t.
- static const boost::intmax_t gcd_n1_n2 = boost::detail::static_gcd<R1::num, R2::num>::value;
- static const boost::intmax_t gcd_d1_d2 = boost::detail::static_gcd<R1::den, R2::den>::value;
- // No need to normalize as ratio_multiply is already normalized
- typedef typename ratio_multiply
- <
- ratio<gcd_n1_n2, R1::den / gcd_d1_d2>,
- ratio
- <
- boost::detail::ll_sub
- <
- boost::detail::ll_mul<R1::num / gcd_n1_n2, R2::den / gcd_d1_d2>::value,
- boost::detail::ll_mul<R2::num / gcd_n1_n2, R1::den / gcd_d1_d2>::value
- >::value,
- R2::den
- >
- >::type type;
-template <class R1, class R2>
-struct ratio_multiply
-#if 0
- // The nested typedef type shall be a synonym for ratio<R1::num * R2::den - R2::num * R1::den, R1::den * R2::den>::type.
- typedef typename ratio<R1::num * R2::num, R1::den * R2::den>::type type;
- // The preceding declaration doesn't works because of overflow on intmax_t.
- static const boost::intmax_t gcd_n1_d2 = boost::detail::static_gcd<R1::num, R2::den>::value;
- static const boost::intmax_t gcd_d1_n2 = boost::detail::static_gcd<R1::den, R2::num>::value;
- typedef typename ratio
- <
- boost::detail::ll_mul<R1::num / gcd_n1_d2, R2::num / gcd_d1_n2>::value,
- boost::detail::ll_mul<R2::den / gcd_n1_d2, R1::den / gcd_d1_n2>::value
- >::type type;
-template <class R1, class R2>
-struct ratio_divide
-#if 0
- // The nested typedef type shall be a synonym for ratio<R1::num * R2::den, R2::num * R1::den>::type.
- typedef typename ratio<R1::num * R2::den, R1::den * R2::num>::type type;
- static const boost::intmax_t gcd_n1_n2 = boost::detail::static_gcd<R1::num, R2::num>::value;
- static const boost::intmax_t gcd_d1_d2 = boost::detail::static_gcd<R1::den, R2::den>::value;
- typedef typename ratio
- <
- boost::detail::ll_mul<R1::num / gcd_n1_n2, R2::den / gcd_d1_d2>::value,
- boost::detail::ll_mul<R2::num / gcd_n1_n2, R1::den / gcd_d1_d2>::value
- >::type type;
-// ratio_equal
-template <class R1, class R2>
-struct ratio_equal
- : public boost::integral_constant<bool,
- (R1::num == R2::num && R1::den == R2::den)> {};
-template <class R1, class R2>
-struct ratio_not_equal
- : public boost::integral_constant<bool, !ratio_equal<R1, R2>::value> {};
-// ratio_less
-// more helpers //
-namespace detail
- // Protect against overflow, and still get the right answer as much as possible.
- // This just demonstrates for fun how far you can push things without hitting
- // overflow. The obvious and simple implementation is conforming.
- template <class R1, class R2, bool ok1, bool ok2>
- struct ratio_less3 // true, true and false, false
- {
- static const bool value = ll_mul<R1::num,
- R2::den>::value < ll_mul<R2::num, R1::den>::value;
- };
- template <class R1, class R2>
- struct ratio_less3<R1, R2, true, false>
- {
- static const bool value = true;
- };
- template <class R1, class R2>
- struct ratio_less3<R1, R2, false, true>
- {
- static const bool value = false;
- };
- template <class R1, class R2, bool = (R1::num < R1::den == R2::num < R2::den) >
- struct ratio_less2 // N1 < D1 == N2 < D2
- {
- static const intmax_t max = -((1LL << (sizeof(intmax_t) * CHAR_BIT - 1)) + 1);
- static const bool ok1 = R1::num <= max / R2::den;
- static const bool ok2 = R2::num <= max / R1::den;
- static const bool value = ratio_less3<R1, R2, ok1, ok2>::value;
- };
- template <class R1, class R2>
- struct ratio_less2<R1, R2, false> // N1 < D1 != N2 < D2
- {
- static const bool value = R1::num < R1::den;
- };
- template <class R1, class R2, bool = (R1::num < R1::den == R2::num < R2::den) >
- struct ratio_less1 // N1 < D1 == N2 < D2
- {
- static const bool value = ratio_less2<ratio<R1::num, R2::num>,
- ratio<R1::den, R2::den> >::value;
- };
- template <class R1, class R2>
- struct ratio_less1<R1, R2, false> // N1 < D1 != N2 < D2
- {
- static const bool value = R1::num < R1::den;
- };
- template <class R1, class R2, intmax_t S1 = static_sign<R1::num>::value,
- intmax_t S2 = static_sign<R2::num>::value>
- struct ratio_less
- {
- static const bool value = S1 < S2;
- };
- template <class R1, class R2>
- struct ratio_less<R1, R2, 1LL, 1LL>
- {
- static const bool value = ratio_less1<R1, R2>::value;
- };
- template <class R1, class R2>
- struct ratio_less<R1, R2, -1LL, -1LL>
- {
- static const bool value = ratio_less1<ratio<-R2::num, R2::den>,
- ratio<-R1::num, R1::den> >::value;
- };
- template <class R1, class R2>
- struct ratio_gcd
- {
- typedef ratio<boost::detail::static_gcd<R1::num, R2::num>::value,
- boost::detail::static_lcm<R1::den, R2::den>::value> type;
- };
-} // namespace detail
-// //
-// more implementation //
-// //
-template <class R1, class R2>
-struct ratio_less
- : public boost::integral_constant<bool, boost::detail::ratio_less<R1, R2>::value> {};
-template <class R1, class R2>
-struct ratio_less_equal
- : public boost::integral_constant<bool, !ratio_less<R2, R1>::value> {};
-template <class R1, class R2>
-struct ratio_greater
- : public boost::integral_constant<bool, ratio_less<R2, R1>::value> {};
-template <class R1, class R2>
-struct ratio_greater_equal
- : public boost::integral_constant<bool, !ratio_less<R1, R2>::value> {};
-} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/ratio/ratio.hpp>
Boost-Commit list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk