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Boost-Commit : |
Subject: [Boost-commit] svn:boost r65223 - in sandbox/chrono/boost/chrono: . detail
From: vicente.botet_at_[hidden]
Date: 2010-09-03 15:41:57
Author: viboes
Date: 2010-09-03 15:41:54 EDT (Fri, 03 Sep 2010)
New Revision: 65223
URL: http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/65223
Remove Stopwatches files
Deleted: sandbox/chrono/boost/chrono/detail/adaptive_string.hpp
--- sandbox/chrono/boost/chrono/detail/adaptive_string.hpp 2010-09-03 15:41:54 EDT (Fri, 03 Sep 2010)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-// boost/chrono/stopwatch_formatter.hpp ------------------------------------------------------------//
-// Copyright 2009-2010 Vicente J. Botet Escriba
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
-// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-// See http://www.boost.org/libs/system for documentation.
-#include <string>
-namespace boost { namespace chrono {
-namespace detail {
- /**
- * this class is a shim between std::string type and wchar_t type.
- * it accepts a std::string type and returns a std::string or
- * std::wstring according to the context(e.g. type on the left side
- * of '=' operator):
- * - in case of a string type, it forwards the passed-in std::string
- * - in case of a wstring type, it widens it passed-in std::string
- * before forwarding
- *
- * typical usage:
- * std::string s = adaptive_string("hello"); // s = "hello"
- * std::wstring ws = adaptive_string("hello"); // ws = L"hello"
- * N.B. it doe not do any code conversion like: MBCS <--> UNICODE
- */
- struct adaptive_string
- {
- adaptive_string(const std::string& s):str_(s)
- {}
- // implicit convert to any basic_string
- template <
- typename CharT,
- typename Traits,
- class Alloc
- >
- operator std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Alloc>() const
- {
- //return str_;
- std::basic_string<CharT, Traits, Alloc> s;
- s.assign(str_.begin(), str_.end());
- return s;
- }
- adaptive_string(const adaptive_string& rhs) : str_(rhs.str_)
- {}
- private:
- const std::string& str_;
- adaptive_string& operator=(const adaptive_string&); // = delete;
- };
-} // namespace detail
-} // namespace chrono
-} // namespace boost
Deleted: sandbox/chrono/boost/chrono/detail/default_out.hpp
--- sandbox/chrono/boost/chrono/detail/default_out.hpp 2010-09-03 15:41:54 EDT (Fri, 03 Sep 2010)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-// boost/chrono/stopwatch_formatter.hpp ------------------------------------------------------------//
-// Copyright 2009-2010 Vicente J. Botet Escriba
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
-// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-// See http://www.boost.org/libs/system for documentation.
-#include <boost/chrono/config.hpp>
-#include <iostream>
-namespace boost { namespace chrono {
-namespace detail {
- template <typename CharT,typename Traits>
- struct default_out;
- template <typename Traits>
- struct default_out<char,Traits> {
- static std::basic_ostream<char,Traits>& apply() {
- return std::cout;
- }
- };
- template <typename Traits>
- struct default_out<wchar_t,Traits> {
- static std::basic_ostream<wchar_t,Traits>& apply() {
- return std::wcout;
- }
- };
- } // namespace chrono
-} // namespace boost
Deleted: sandbox/chrono/boost/chrono/lightweight_stopwatch.hpp
--- sandbox/chrono/boost/chrono/lightweight_stopwatch.hpp 2010-09-03 15:41:54 EDT (Fri, 03 Sep 2010)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,278 +0,0 @@
-// boost/chrono/lightweight_stopwatch.hpp ------------------------------------------------------------//
-// Copyright 2010 Vicente J. Botet Escriba
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
-// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-// See http://www.boost.org/libs/system for documentation.
-#include <utility>
-#include <boost/chrono/chrono.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/stopwatch_scoped.hpp>
-#include <boost/system/error_code.hpp>
-#include <boost/accumulators/framework/accumulator_set.hpp>
-#include <boost/accumulators/statistics/count.hpp>
-#include <boost/accumulators/statistics/sum.hpp>
-#include <boost/accumulators/statistics/min.hpp>
-#include <boost/accumulators/statistics/max.hpp>
-#include <boost/accumulators/statistics/mean.hpp>
-#include <boost/config/abi_prefix.hpp> // must be the last #include
-namespace boost
- namespace chrono
- {
- template <typename Features, typename Weight=void>
- struct lightweight_stopwatch_accumulator_set_traits {
- template <typename D>
- struct apply {
- struct type {
- typedef accumulators::accumulator_set<typename D::rep, Features, Weight> storage_type;
- typedef D duration_type;
- static duration_type get_duration(storage_type& acc_) { return duration_type(accumulators::sum(acc_)); }
- static void set_duration(storage_type& acc_, duration_type d) { acc_(d.count()); }
- static void reset(storage_type& acc_) { acc_=storage_type(); }
- };
- };
- };
- struct lightweight_stopwatch_identity_traits {
- template <typename D>
- struct apply {
- struct type {
- typedef D duration_type;
- typedef duration_type storage_type;
- static duration_type get_duration(storage_type& acc_) { return acc_; }
- static void set_duration(storage_type& acc_, duration_type d) { acc_=d; }
- static void reset(storage_type& acc_) { acc_=storage_type(); }
- };
- };
- };
- struct dont_start_t{};
- static const dont_start_t dont_start = {};
- // forward declaration
- template <
- typename Clock=high_resolution_clock,
- typename Traits=lightweight_stopwatch_identity_traits
- >
- class lightweight_stopwatch;
- template <typename Clock, typename Traits>
- class lightweight_stopwatch
- {
- public:
- typedef typename Traits::template apply<typename Clock::duration>::type traits;
- typedef typename traits::storage_type storage_type;
- typedef Clock clock;
- typedef typename Clock::duration duration;
- typedef typename Clock::time_point time_point;
- typedef typename Clock::rep rep;
- typedef typename Clock::period period;
- explicit lightweight_stopwatch( storage_type& acc, system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : running_(false), suspended_(false),
- start_(duration::zero()), level_(0), partial_(duration::zero()), suspend_level_(0)
- , storage_(&acc), construction_(clock::now( ))
- {
- start(ec);
- }
- lightweight_stopwatch( storage_type& acc, const dont_start_t& )
- : running_(false), suspended_(false),
- start_(duration::zero()), level_(0), partial_(duration::zero()), suspend_level_(0)
- , storage_(&acc), construction_(clock::now( ))
- {
- }
- ~lightweight_stopwatch() {
- system::error_code ec;
- stop(ec);
- }
- std::pair<duration, time_point> restart( system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- {
- time_point tmp=clock::now( ec );
- if (ec) return time_point();
- if (running_&&(level_==1)) {
- partial_ += tmp - start_;
- traits::set_duration(get_storage(),partial_);
- partial_=duration::zero();
- } else {
- running_=true;
- }
- start_=tmp;
- return std::make_pair(traits::get_duration(get_storage()),start_);
- }
- time_point start( system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- {
- if (!running_) {
- time_point tmp = clock::now( ec );
- if (ec) return time_point();
- start_ = tmp;
- ++level_;
- running_ = true;
- return start_;
- } else {
- ++level_;
- ec.clear();
- return time_point();
- }
- }
- duration stop( system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- {
- if (running_ && (--level_==0)) {
- time_point tmp=clock::now( ec );
- if (ec) return duration::zero();
- partial_ += tmp - start_;
- traits::set_duration(get_storage(),partial_);
- partial_=duration::zero();
- running_=false;
- return traits::get_duration(get_storage());
- } else {
- ec.clear();
- return duration::zero();
- }
- }
- duration suspend( system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- {
- if (running_) {
- if (!suspended_) {
- time_point tmp=clock::now( ec );
- if (ec) return duration::zero();
- ++suspend_level_;
- partial_ += tmp - start_;
- suspended_=true;
- return traits::get_duration(get_storage());
- } else {
- ++suspend_level_;
- ec.clear();
- return duration::zero();
- }
- } else {
- ec.clear();
- return duration::zero();
- }
- }
- time_point resume( system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- {
- if (suspended_&&(--suspend_level_==0)) {
- time_point tmp = clock::now( ec );
- if (ec) return time_point();
- start_ = tmp;
- suspended_=false;
- return start_;
- } else {
- ec.clear();
- return time_point();
- }
- }
- duration elapsed( system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- {
- if (running_) {
- if (suspended_)
- return traits::get_duration(get_storage());
- else {
- time_point tmp = clock::now( ec );
- if (ec) return duration::zero();
- return traits::get_duration(get_storage())+tmp - start_;
- }
- } else {
- return traits::get_duration(get_storage());
- }
- }
- time_point now( system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- {
- return time_point(elapsed( ec ));
- }
- void reset( system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- {
- construction_=clock::now( ec );
- if (ec) return;
- traits::reset(get_storage());
- running_=false;
- suspended_=false;
- partial_ = duration::zero();
- start_ = time_point(duration::zero());
- level_=0;
- suspend_level_=0;
- }
- storage_type& get_storage( )
- {
- return *storage_;
- }
- duration lifetime( system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- {
- return clock::now( ec ) - construction_;
- }
- typedef stopwatch_runner<lightweight_stopwatch<Clock,Traits> > scoped_run;
- typedef stopwatch_stopper<lightweight_stopwatch<Clock,Traits> > scoped_stop;
- typedef stopwatch_suspender<lightweight_stopwatch<Clock,Traits> > scoped_suspend;
- typedef stopwatch_resumer<lightweight_stopwatch<Clock,Traits> > scoped_resume;
- private:
- bool running_;
- bool suspended_;
- time_point start_;
- std::size_t level_;
- duration partial_;
- std::size_t suspend_level_;
- storage_type* storage_;
- time_point construction_;
- };
- typedef accumulators::features<
- accumulators::tag::count,
- accumulators::tag::sum,
- accumulators::tag::min,
- accumulators::tag::max,
- accumulators::tag::mean
- > default_features;
- typedef boost::chrono::lightweight_stopwatch< boost::chrono::system_clock > system_lightweight_stopwatch;
- typedef boost::chrono::lightweight_stopwatch< boost::chrono::monotonic_clock > monotonic_lightweight_stopwatch;
- typedef boost::chrono::lightweight_stopwatch< boost::chrono::high_resolution_clock > high_resolution_lightweight_stopwatch;
- typedef boost::chrono::lightweight_stopwatch< boost::chrono::system_clock,
- lightweight_stopwatch_accumulator_set_traits<default_features> > system_lightweight_stopwatch_accumulator;
- typedef boost::chrono::lightweight_stopwatch< boost::chrono::monotonic_clock,
- lightweight_stopwatch_accumulator_set_traits<default_features> > monotonic_lightweight_stopwatch_accumulator;
- typedef boost::chrono::lightweight_stopwatch< boost::chrono::high_resolution_clock,
- lightweight_stopwatch_accumulator_set_traits<default_features> > high_resolution_lightweight_stopwatch_accumulator;
- } // namespace chrono
-} // namespace boost
-#include <boost/config/abi_suffix.hpp> // pops abi_prefix.hpp pragmas
Deleted: sandbox/chrono/boost/chrono/scoped_stopclock.hpp
--- sandbox/chrono/boost/chrono/scoped_stopclock.hpp 2010-09-03 15:41:54 EDT (Fri, 03 Sep 2010)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-// boost/chrono/stopclock.hpp ------------------------------------------------------------//
-// Copyright 2009-2010 Vicente J. Botet Escriba
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
-// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-// See http://www.boost.org/libs/system for documentation.
-#include <boost/chrono/stopwatch_reporter.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/stopwatch.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/process_cpu_clocks.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/time_formatter.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/stopwatch_accumulator_time_formatter.hpp>
-#include <boost/config/abi_prefix.hpp> // must be the last #include
-namespace boost { namespace chrono {
-//~ provides a everything a Timer provides and it adds reporting capabilities that can be invoked in a single line of code. The reporting is controleed by two parameters:
- //~ * format : The output format
- //~ * places(precission): the number of decimal placess used.
-//~ The default places is given by default_places and is 3. The default format is "\n%ts\n", where
- //~ * %t : the result of elapsed() when the reporting is done.
-//~ The time is given using the suffix "s" following the System International d'Unites Std.
-/* void f1()
- * {
- * stopclock<> _;
- * // ...
- * }
- */
- template <class Clock=process_cpu_clock, class Formatter=typename stopwatch_reporter_default_formatter<chrono::stopwatch<Clock> >::type >
- class scoped_stopclock
- : public stopwatch_reporter<chrono::stopwatch<Clock>, Formatter> {
- typedef stopwatch_reporter<chrono::stopwatch<Clock>, Formatter> base_type;
- public:
- typedef Clock clock;
- typedef chrono::stopwatch<Clock> stopwatch;
- typedef Formatter formatter;
- typedef typename Formatter::string_type string_type;
- typedef typename Formatter::char_type char_type;
- typedef typename Formatter::ostream_type ostream_type;
- explicit scoped_stopclock( const string_type& func, system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(ec), func_(func)
- { begin(); }
- scoped_stopclock( const string_type& func, ostream_type & os,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, ec), func_(func)
- { begin(); }
- scoped_stopclock( const string_type& func, const string_type & format,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(format, ec), func_(func)
- { begin(); }
- scoped_stopclock( const string_type& func, int places,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(places, ec), func_(func)
- { begin(); }
- scoped_stopclock( const string_type& func, ostream_type & os, const string_type & format,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, format, ec), func_(func)
- { begin(); }
- scoped_stopclock( const string_type& func, const string_type & format, int places,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(format, places, ec), func_(func)
- { begin(); }
- scoped_stopclock( const string_type& func, ostream_type & os, int places,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, places, ec), func_(func)
- { begin(); }
- scoped_stopclock( const string_type& func, int places, const string_type & format,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(places, format, ec), func_(func)
- { begin(); }
- scoped_stopclock( const string_type& func, ostream_type & os, const string_type & format, int places,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, format, places, ec), func_(func)
- { begin(); }
- scoped_stopclock( const string_type& func, ostream_type & os, int places, const string_type & format,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, places, format, ec), func_(func)
- { begin(); }
- ~scoped_stopclock() {
- this->m_os << "}}} " << func_ << " : ";
- }
- typedef typename base_type::scoped_run scoped_run;
- typedef typename base_type::scoped_suspend scoped_suspend;
- typedef typename base_type::scoped_resume scoped_resume;
- private:
- void begin() {
- this->m_os << "{{{ " << func_ << std::endl;
- }
- string_type func_;
- };
- } // namespace chrono
-} // namespace boost
-#include <boost/config/abi_suffix.hpp> // pops abi_prefix.hpp pragmas
Deleted: sandbox/chrono/boost/chrono/stopclock.hpp
--- sandbox/chrono/boost/chrono/stopclock.hpp 2010-09-03 15:41:54 EDT (Fri, 03 Sep 2010)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
-// boost/chrono/stopclock.hpp ------------------------------------------------------------//
-// Copyright 2009-2010 Vicente J. Botet Escriba
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
-// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-// See http://www.boost.org/libs/system for documentation.
-#include <boost/chrono/config.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/detail/static_assert.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/stopwatch_reporter.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/stopwatch_formatter.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/time_formatter.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/stopwatch.hpp>
-//#include <boost/chrono/chrono.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/process_cpu_clocks.hpp>
-#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
-#include <boost/config/abi_prefix.hpp> // must be the last #include
-namespace boost { namespace chrono {
-//~ provides a everything a Timer provides and it adds reporting capabilities that can be invoked in a single line of code. The reporting is controleed by two parameters:
- //~ * format : The output format
- //~ * places(precission): the number of decimal placess used.
-//~ The default places is given by default_places and is 3. The default format is "\n%ts\n", where
- //~ * %t : the result of elapsed() when the reporting is done.
-//~ The time is given using the suffix "s" following the System International d'Unites Std.
-/* void f1()
- * {
- * stopclock<> _;
- * // ...
- * }
- */
- template <class Clock>
- struct stopwatch_reporter_default_formatter<stopwatch<Clock> > {
- typedef stopwatch_formatter type;
- };
- template <class Clock>
- struct wstopwatch_reporter_default_formatter<stopwatch<Clock> > {
- typedef wstopwatch_formatter type;
- };
- template <>
- struct stopwatch_reporter_default_formatter<stopwatch<process_cpu_clock> > {
- typedef time_formatter type;
- };
- template <>
- struct wstopwatch_reporter_default_formatter<stopwatch<process_cpu_clock> > {
- typedef wtime_formatter type;
- };
- template <>
- struct stopwatch_reporter_default_formatter<stopwatch<suspendible_clock<process_cpu_clock> > > {
- typedef stopwatch_reporter_default_formatter<stopwatch<process_cpu_clock> >::type type;
- };
- template <>
- struct wstopwatch_reporter_default_formatter<stopwatch<suspendible_clock<process_cpu_clock> > > {
- typedef wstopwatch_reporter_default_formatter<stopwatch<process_cpu_clock> >::type type;
- };
- template <class Clock, class Formatter>
- class basic_stopclock : public basic_stopwatch_reporter<chrono::stopwatch<Clock>, Formatter> {
- typedef basic_stopwatch_reporter<chrono::stopwatch<Clock>, Formatter> base_type;
- public:
- typedef Clock clock;
- typedef chrono::stopwatch<Clock> stopwatch;
- typedef Formatter formatter;
- typedef typename Formatter::string_type string_type;
- typedef typename Formatter::char_type char_type;
- typedef typename Formatter::ostream_type ostream_type;
- explicit basic_stopclock( system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(ec) { }
- explicit basic_stopclock( ostream_type & os,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, ec) { }
- explicit basic_stopclock( const string_type & format,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(format, ec) { }
- explicit basic_stopclock( int places,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(places, ec) { }
- basic_stopclock( ostream_type & os, const string_type & format,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, format, ec) { }
- basic_stopclock( const string_type & format, int places,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(format, places, ec) { }
- basic_stopclock( ostream_type & os, int places,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, places, ec) { }
- basic_stopclock( int places, const string_type & format,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(places, format, ec) { }
- basic_stopclock( ostream_type & os, const string_type & format, int places,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, format, places, ec) { }
- basic_stopclock( ostream_type & os, int places, const string_type & format,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, places, format, ec) { }
- typedef stopwatch_runner<basic_stopclock> scoped_run;
- typedef stopwatch_stopper<basic_stopclock> scoped_stop;
- typedef stopwatch_suspender<basic_stopclock> scoped_suspend;
- typedef stopwatch_resumer<basic_stopclock> scoped_resume;
- };
- template <class Clock, class Formatter>
- struct stopwatch_reporter_default_formatter<basic_stopclock<Clock,Formatter> > {
- typedef Formatter type;
- };
- template <class Clock=process_cpu_clock, class Formatter=typename stopwatch_reporter_default_formatter<stopwatch<Clock> >::type>
- class stopclock;
- template <class Clock, class Formatter>
- struct stopwatch_reporter_default_formatter<stopclock<Clock,Formatter> > {
- typedef Formatter type;
- };
- template <class Clock, class Formatter>
- class stopclock : public basic_stopclock<Clock, Formatter> {
- typedef basic_stopclock<Clock, Formatter> base_type;
- public:
- typedef Clock clock;
- typedef chrono::stopwatch<Clock> stopwatch;
- typedef Formatter formatter;
- typedef typename Formatter::string_type string_type;
- typedef typename Formatter::char_type char_type;
- typedef typename Formatter::ostream_type ostream_type;
- explicit stopclock( system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(ec) { }
- explicit stopclock( ostream_type & os,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, ec) { }
- explicit stopclock( const string_type & format,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(format, ec) { }
- explicit stopclock( int places,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(places, ec) { }
- stopclock( ostream_type & os, const string_type & format,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, format, ec) { }
- stopclock( const string_type & format, int places,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(format, places, ec) { }
- stopclock( ostream_type & os, int places,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, places, ec) { }
- stopclock( int places, const string_type & format,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(places, format, ec) { }
- stopclock( ostream_type & os, const string_type & format, int places,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, format, places, ec) { }
- stopclock( ostream_type & os, int places, const string_type & format,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, places, format, ec) { }
- typedef stopwatch_runner<stopclock> scoped_run;
- typedef stopwatch_stopper<stopclock> scoped_stop;
- typedef stopwatch_suspender<stopclock> scoped_suspend;
- typedef stopwatch_resumer<stopclock> scoped_resume;
- };
- typedef stopclock< boost::chrono::system_clock > system_stopclock;
- typedef stopclock< boost::chrono::monotonic_clock > monotonic_stopclock;
- #endif
- typedef stopclock< boost::chrono::high_resolution_clock > high_resolution_stopclock;
- typedef stopclock< boost::chrono::process_real_cpu_clock > process_real_cpu_stopclock;
- typedef stopclock< boost::chrono::process_user_cpu_clock > process_user_cpu_stopclock;
- typedef stopclock< boost::chrono::process_system_cpu_clock > process_system_cpu_stopclock;
- typedef stopclock< boost::chrono::process_cpu_clock > process_cpu_stopclock;
- template <class Clock=process_cpu_clock, class Formatter=typename wstopwatch_reporter_default_formatter<stopwatch<Clock> >::type>
- class wstopclock;
- template <class Clock, class Formatter>
- struct stopwatch_reporter_default_formatter<wstopclock<Clock,Formatter> > {
- typedef Formatter type;
- };
- template <class Clock, class Formatter>
- class wstopclock : public basic_stopclock<Clock, Formatter> {
- typedef basic_stopclock<Clock, Formatter> base_type;
- public:
- typedef Clock clock;
- typedef chrono::stopwatch<Clock> stopwatch;
- typedef Formatter formatter;
- typedef typename Formatter::string_type string_type;
- typedef typename Formatter::char_type char_type;
- typedef typename Formatter::ostream_type ostream_type;
- explicit wstopclock( system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(ec) { }
- explicit wstopclock( ostream_type & os,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, ec) { }
- explicit wstopclock( const string_type & format,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(format, ec) { }
- explicit wstopclock( int places,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(places, ec) { }
- wstopclock( ostream_type & os, const string_type & format,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, format, ec) { }
- wstopclock( const string_type & format, int places,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(format, places, ec) { }
- wstopclock( ostream_type & os, int places,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, places, ec) { }
- wstopclock( int places, const string_type & format,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(places, format, ec) { }
- wstopclock( ostream_type & os, const string_type & format, int places,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, format, places, ec) { }
- wstopclock( ostream_type & os, int places, const string_type & format,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, places, format, ec) { }
- typedef stopwatch_runner<wstopclock> scoped_run;
- typedef stopwatch_stopper<wstopclock> scoped_stop;
- typedef stopwatch_suspender<wstopclock> scoped_suspend;
- typedef stopwatch_resumer<wstopclock> scoped_resume;
- };
- typedef wstopclock< boost::chrono::system_clock > system_wstopclock;
- typedef wstopclock< boost::chrono::monotonic_clock > monotonic_wstopclock;
- #endif
- typedef wstopclock< boost::chrono::high_resolution_clock > high_resolution_wstopclock;
- typedef wstopclock< boost::chrono::process_real_cpu_clock > process_real_cpu_wstopclock;
- typedef wstopclock< boost::chrono::process_user_cpu_clock > process_user_cpu_wstopclock;
- typedef wstopclock< boost::chrono::process_system_cpu_clock > process_system_cpu_wstopclock;
- typedef wstopclock< boost::chrono::process_cpu_clock > process_cpu_wstopclock;
- } // namespace chrono
-} // namespace boost
-#include <boost/config/abi_suffix.hpp> // pops abi_prefix.hpp pragmas
Deleted: sandbox/chrono/boost/chrono/stopclock_accumulator.hpp
--- sandbox/chrono/boost/chrono/stopclock_accumulator.hpp 2010-09-03 15:41:54 EDT (Fri, 03 Sep 2010)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,294 +0,0 @@
-// boost/chrono/stopclock.hpp ------------------------------------------------------------//
-// Copyright 2009-2010 Vicente J. Botet Escriba
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
-// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-// See http://www.boost.org/libs/system for documentation.
-#include <boost/chrono/config.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/detail/static_assert.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/stopwatch_reporter.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/stopwatch_accumulator.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/stopwatch_accumulator_formatter.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/stopwatch_accumulator_time_formatter.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/chrono.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/process_cpu_clocks.hpp>
-#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
-#include <boost/config/abi_prefix.hpp> // must be the last #include
-namespace boost { namespace chrono {
-//~ provides a everything a Timer provides and it adds reporting capabilities that can be invoked in a single line of code. The reporting is controleed by two parameters:
- //~ * format : The output format
- //~ * places(precission): the number of decimal placess used.
-//~ The default places is given by default_places and is 3. The default format is "\n%ts\n", where
- //~ * %t : the result of elapsed() when the reporting is done.
-//~ The time is given using the suffix "s" following the System International d'Unites Std.
-/* void f1()
- * {
- * stopclock<> _;
- * // ...
- * }
- */
- template <class Clock, typename Features, typename Weight>
- struct stopwatch_reporter_default_formatter<stopwatch_accumulator<Clock, Features,Weight> > {
- typedef stopwatch_accumulator_formatter type;
- };
- template <class Clock, typename Features, typename Weight>
- struct wstopwatch_reporter_default_formatter<stopwatch_accumulator<Clock, Features,Weight> > {
- typedef wstopwatch_accumulator_formatter type;
- };
- template <typename Features, typename Weight>
- struct stopwatch_reporter_default_formatter<stopwatch_accumulator<process_cpu_clock,Features,Weight> > {
- typedef stopwatch_accumulator_time_formatter type;
- };
- template <typename Features, typename Weight>
- struct wstopwatch_reporter_default_formatter<stopwatch_accumulator<process_cpu_clock, Features,Weight> > {
- typedef wstopwatch_accumulator_time_formatter type;
- };
- template <typename Features, typename Weight>
- struct stopwatch_reporter_default_formatter<stopwatch_accumulator<suspendible_clock<process_cpu_clock>, Features,Weight> > {
- typedef stopwatch_reporter_default_formatter<stopwatch_accumulator<process_cpu_clock> >::type type;
- };
- template <typename Features, typename Weight>
- struct wstopwatch_reporter_default_formatter<stopwatch_accumulator<suspendible_clock<process_cpu_clock>, Features,Weight> > {
- typedef wstopwatch_reporter_default_formatter<stopwatch_accumulator<process_cpu_clock> >::type type;
- };
- template <class Clock, class Formatter>
- class basic_stopclock_accumulator : public basic_stopwatch_reporter<stopwatch_accumulator<Clock>, Formatter> {
- typedef basic_stopwatch_reporter<stopwatch_accumulator<Clock>, Formatter> base_type;
- public:
- typedef Clock clock;
- typedef stopwatch_accumulator<Clock> stopwatch;
- typedef Formatter formatter;
- typedef typename Formatter::string_type string_type;
- typedef typename Formatter::char_type char_type;
- typedef typename Formatter::ostream_type ostream_type;
- explicit basic_stopclock_accumulator( system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(ec) { }
- explicit basic_stopclock_accumulator( ostream_type & os,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, ec) { }
- explicit basic_stopclock_accumulator( const string_type & format,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(format, ec) { }
- explicit basic_stopclock_accumulator( int places,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(places, ec) { }
- basic_stopclock_accumulator( ostream_type & os, const string_type & format,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, format, ec) { }
- basic_stopclock_accumulator( const string_type & format, int places,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(format, places, ec) { }
- basic_stopclock_accumulator( ostream_type & os, int places,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, places, ec) { }
- basic_stopclock_accumulator( int places, const string_type & format,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(places, format, ec) { }
- basic_stopclock_accumulator( ostream_type & os, const string_type & format, int places,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, format, places, ec) { }
- basic_stopclock_accumulator( ostream_type & os, int places, const string_type & format,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, places, format, ec) { }
- typedef stopwatch_runner<basic_stopclock_accumulator> scoped_run;
- typedef stopwatch_stopper<basic_stopclock_accumulator> scoped_stop;
- typedef stopwatch_suspender<basic_stopclock_accumulator> scoped_suspend;
- typedef stopwatch_resumer<basic_stopclock_accumulator> scoped_resume;
- };
- template <class Clock, class Formatter>
- struct stopwatch_reporter_default_formatter<basic_stopclock_accumulator<Clock,Formatter> > {
- typedef Formatter type;
- };
- template <class Clock=high_resolution_clock, class Formatter=typename stopwatch_reporter_default_formatter<stopwatch_accumulator<Clock> >::type>
- class stopclock_accumulator;
- template <class Clock, class Formatter>
- struct stopwatch_reporter_default_formatter<stopclock_accumulator<Clock,Formatter> > {
- typedef Formatter type;
- };
- template <class Clock, class Formatter>
- class stopclock_accumulator : public basic_stopclock_accumulator<Clock, Formatter> {
- typedef basic_stopclock_accumulator<Clock, Formatter> base_type;
- public:
- typedef Clock clock;
- typedef stopwatch_accumulator<Clock> stopwatch;
- typedef Formatter formatter;
- typedef typename Formatter::string_type string_type;
- typedef typename Formatter::char_type char_type;
- typedef typename Formatter::ostream_type ostream_type;
- explicit stopclock_accumulator( system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(ec) { }
- explicit stopclock_accumulator( ostream_type & os,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, ec) { }
- explicit stopclock_accumulator( const string_type & format,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(format, ec) { }
- explicit stopclock_accumulator( int places,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(places, ec) { }
- stopclock_accumulator( ostream_type & os, const string_type & format,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, format, ec) { }
- stopclock_accumulator( const string_type & format, int places,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(format, places, ec) { }
- stopclock_accumulator( ostream_type & os, int places,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, places, ec) { }
- stopclock_accumulator( int places, const string_type & format,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(places, format, ec) { }
- stopclock_accumulator( ostream_type & os, const string_type & format, int places,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, format, places, ec) { }
- stopclock_accumulator( ostream_type & os, int places, const string_type & format,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, places, format, ec) { }
- typedef stopwatch_runner<stopclock_accumulator> scoped_run;
- typedef stopwatch_stopper<stopclock_accumulator> scoped_stop;
- typedef stopwatch_suspender<stopclock_accumulator> scoped_suspend;
- typedef stopwatch_resumer<stopclock_accumulator> scoped_resume;
- };
- typedef stopclock_accumulator< boost::chrono::system_clock > system_stopclock_accumulator;
- typedef stopclock_accumulator< boost::chrono::monotonic_clock > monotonic_stopclock_accumulator;
- #endif
- typedef stopclock_accumulator< boost::chrono::high_resolution_clock > high_resolution_stopclock_accumulator;
- typedef stopclock_accumulator< boost::chrono::process_real_cpu_clock > process_real_cpu_stopclock_accumulator;
- typedef stopclock_accumulator< boost::chrono::process_user_cpu_clock > process_user_cpu_stopclock_accumulator;
- typedef stopclock_accumulator< boost::chrono::process_system_cpu_clock > process_system_cpu_stopclock_accumulator;
- typedef stopclock_accumulator< boost::chrono::process_cpu_clock > process_cpu_stopclock_accumulator;
- template <class Clock=high_resolution_clock, class Formatter=typename wstopwatch_reporter_default_formatter<stopwatch_accumulator<Clock> >::type>
- class wstopclock_accumulator;
- template <class Clock, class Formatter>
- struct stopwatch_reporter_default_formatter<wstopclock_accumulator<Clock,Formatter> > {
- typedef Formatter type;
- };
- template <class Clock, class Formatter>
- class wstopclock_accumulator : public basic_stopclock_accumulator<Clock, Formatter> {
- typedef basic_stopclock_accumulator<Clock, Formatter> base_type;
- public:
- typedef Clock clock;
- typedef stopwatch_accumulator<Clock> stopwatch;
- typedef Formatter formatter;
- typedef typename Formatter::string_type string_type;
- typedef typename Formatter::char_type char_type;
- typedef typename Formatter::ostream_type ostream_type;
- explicit wstopclock_accumulator( system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(ec) { }
- explicit wstopclock_accumulator( ostream_type & os,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, ec) { }
- explicit wstopclock_accumulator( const string_type & format,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(format, ec) { }
- explicit wstopclock_accumulator( int places,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(places, ec) { }
- wstopclock_accumulator( ostream_type & os, const string_type & format,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, format, ec) { }
- wstopclock_accumulator( const string_type & format, int places,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(format, places, ec) { }
- wstopclock_accumulator( ostream_type & os, int places,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, places, ec) { }
- wstopclock_accumulator( int places, const string_type & format,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(places, format, ec) { }
- wstopclock_accumulator( ostream_type & os, const string_type & format, int places,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, format, places, ec) { }
- wstopclock_accumulator( ostream_type & os, int places, const string_type & format,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, places, format, ec) { }
- typedef stopwatch_runner<wstopclock_accumulator> scoped_run;
- typedef stopwatch_stopper<wstopclock_accumulator> scoped_stop;
- typedef stopwatch_suspender<wstopclock_accumulator> scoped_suspend;
- typedef stopwatch_resumer<wstopclock_accumulator> scoped_resume;
- };
- typedef wstopclock_accumulator< boost::chrono::system_clock > system_wstopclock_accumulator;
- typedef wstopclock_accumulator< boost::chrono::monotonic_clock > monotonic_wstopclock_accumulator;
- #endif
- typedef wstopclock_accumulator< boost::chrono::high_resolution_clock > high_resolution_wstopclock_accumulator;
- typedef wstopclock_accumulator< boost::chrono::process_real_cpu_clock > process_real_cpu_wstopclock_accumulator;
- typedef wstopclock_accumulator< boost::chrono::process_user_cpu_clock > process_user_cpu_wstopclock_accumulator;
- typedef wstopclock_accumulator< boost::chrono::process_system_cpu_clock > process_system_cpu_wstopclock_accumulator;
- typedef wstopclock_accumulator< boost::chrono::process_cpu_clock > process_cpu_wstopclock_accumulator;
- } // namespace chrono
-} // namespace boost
-#include <boost/config/abi_suffix.hpp> // pops abi_prefix.hpp pragmas
Deleted: sandbox/chrono/boost/chrono/stopwatch.hpp
--- sandbox/chrono/boost/chrono/stopwatch.hpp 2010-09-03 15:41:54 EDT (Fri, 03 Sep 2010)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-// boost/chrono/stopwatch.hpp ------------------------------------------------------------//
-// Copyright 2009-2010 Vicente J. Botet Escriba
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
-// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-// See http://www.boost.org/libs/system for documentation.
-#include <utility>
-#include <boost/chrono/chrono.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/stopwatch_scoped.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/lightweight_stopwatch.hpp>
-#include <boost/system/error_code.hpp>
-#include <boost/utility/base_from_member.hpp>
-#include <boost/config/abi_prefix.hpp> // must be the last #include
-namespace boost
- namespace chrono
- {
-// stopwatch
-//~ A stopwatch is a class designed to measure the amount of time elapsed from a particular time
-//~ when activated to when it is deactivated.
-//~ Calling start starts the timer running, and calling stop stops it.
-//~ A call to reset resets the stopwatch to zero.
-//~ A stopwatch can also also used to record split times or lap times.
-//~ The elapsed time since the last start is available through the elapsed function.
- template <class Clock=high_resolution_clock>
- class stopwatch;
- //~ struct dont_start_t{};
- //~ static const dont_start_t dont_start = {};
- template <class Clock>
- class stopwatch : private base_from_member<typename Clock::duration>, public lightweight_stopwatch<Clock>
- {
- public:
- typedef base_from_member<typename Clock::duration> pbase_type;
- explicit stopwatch( system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : pbase_type(), lightweight_stopwatch<Clock>(pbase_type::member, ec)
- {
- }
- explicit stopwatch( const dont_start_t& t )
- : pbase_type(), lightweight_stopwatch<Clock>(pbase_type::member, t)
- { }
- };
- typedef boost::chrono::stopwatch< boost::chrono::system_clock > system_stopwatch;
- typedef boost::chrono::stopwatch< boost::chrono::monotonic_clock > monotonic_stopwatch;
- typedef boost::chrono::stopwatch< boost::chrono::high_resolution_clock > high_resolution_stopwatch;
- } // namespace chrono
-} // namespace boost
-#include <boost/config/abi_suffix.hpp> // pops abi_prefix.hpp pragmas
Deleted: sandbox/chrono/boost/chrono/stopwatch_accumulator.hpp
--- sandbox/chrono/boost/chrono/stopwatch_accumulator.hpp 2010-09-03 15:41:54 EDT (Fri, 03 Sep 2010)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-// boost/chrono/stopwatch_accumulator.hpp ------------------------------------------------------------//
-// Copyright 2009-2010 Vicente J. Botet Escriba
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
-// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-// See http://www.boost.org/libs/system for documentation.
-#include <utility>
-#include <boost/chrono/chrono.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/stopwatch_scoped.hpp>
-#include <boost/system/error_code.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/lightweight_stopwatch.hpp>
-#include <boost/utility/base_from_member.hpp>
-#include <boost/config/abi_prefix.hpp> // must be the last #include
-namespace boost
- namespace chrono
- {
-// stopwatch
-//~ A stopwatch accumulator is a class designed to measure the amount of time elapsed from a particular time
-//~ when activated to when it is deactivated.
-//~ Calling start starts the timer running, and calling stop stops it.
-//~ A call to reset resets the stopwatch to zero.
-//~ A stopwatch can also be used to record split times or lap times.
-//~ The elapsed time since the last start is available through the elapsed function.
- // forward declaration
- template <class Clock=high_resolution_clock,
- typename Features=accumulators::features<
- accumulators::tag::count,
- accumulators::tag::sum,
- accumulators::tag::min,
- accumulators::tag::max,
- accumulators::tag::mean >,
- typename Weight=void
- >
- class stopwatch_accumulator;
- template <class Clock, typename Features, typename Weight>
- class stopwatch_accumulator
- : private base_from_member<
- typename accumulators::accumulator_set<typename Clock::duration::rep, Features, Weight>
- //~ typename lightweight_stopwatch_accumulator_set_traits<Features,Weight>::template apply<Clock::duration>::storage_type
- >,
- public lightweight_stopwatch<Clock,lightweight_stopwatch_accumulator_set_traits<Features,Weight> >
- {
- public:
- typedef base_from_member<typename accumulators::accumulator_set<typename Clock::duration::rep, Features, Weight> > pbase_type;
- stopwatch_accumulator( )
- : pbase_type(),
- lightweight_stopwatch<Clock,lightweight_stopwatch_accumulator_set_traits<Features,Weight> >(pbase_type::member, dont_start)
- { }
- };
- typedef boost::chrono::stopwatch_accumulator< boost::chrono::system_clock > system_stopwatch_accumulator;
- typedef boost::chrono::stopwatch_accumulator< boost::chrono::monotonic_clock > monotonic_stopwatch_accumulator;
- typedef boost::chrono::stopwatch_accumulator< boost::chrono::high_resolution_clock > high_resolution_stopwatch_accumulator;
- } // namespace chrono
-} // namespace boost
-#include <boost/config/abi_suffix.hpp> // pops abi_prefix.hpp pragmas
Deleted: sandbox/chrono/boost/chrono/stopwatch_accumulator_formatter.hpp
--- sandbox/chrono/boost/chrono/stopwatch_accumulator_formatter.hpp 2010-09-03 15:41:54 EDT (Fri, 03 Sep 2010)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-// boost/chrono/stopwatch_accumulator_formatter.hpp ------------------------------------------------------------//
-// Copyright 2009-2010 Vicente J. Botet Escriba
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
-// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-// See http://www.boost.org/libs/system for documentation.
-#include <boost/chrono/chrono.hpp>
-#include <boost/system/error_code.hpp>
-#include <boost/current_function.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/detail/default_out.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/detail/adaptive_string.hpp>
-#include <boost/accumulators/accumulators.hpp>
-#include <boost/accumulators/statistics.hpp>
-#include <boost/accumulators/framework/accumulator_set.hpp>
-#include <boost/accumulators/statistics/sum.hpp>
-#include <boost/accumulators/statistics/min.hpp>
-#include <boost/accumulators/statistics/max.hpp>
-#include <boost/accumulators/statistics/mean.hpp>
-#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
-#include <string>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <boost/io/ios_state.hpp>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <cassert>
-#include <boost/config/abi_prefix.hpp> // must be the last #include
-#define BOOST_CHRONO_ACCUMULATOR_FORMAT_DEFAULT "%c times, sum=%ss, min=%ms, max=%Ms, mean=%as, frequency=%fHz, lifetime=%ls, percentage=%p%\n"
-namespace boost { namespace chrono {
- template <
- typename CharT=char,
- typename Traits=std::char_traits<CharT>,
- class Alloc=std::allocator<CharT>
- >
- class basic_stopwatch_accumulator_formatter {
- public:
- typedef std::basic_string<CharT,Traits,Alloc> string_type;
- typedef CharT char_type;
- typedef std::basic_ostream<CharT,Traits> ostream_type;
- static ostream_type & default_os();
- static const char_type* default_format();
- static string_type format(const char_type* s) {
- string_type res(s);
- res += boost::chrono::detail::adaptive_string(" : ");
- res += default_format();
- return res;
- }
- static int default_places() { return 3; }
- template <class Stopwatch >
- static void show_time( Stopwatch & stopwatch_, const char_type* format, int places, ostream_type & os, system::error_code & ec)
- // NOTE WELL: Will truncate least-significant digits to LDBL_DIG, which may
- // be as low as 10, although will be 15 for many common platforms.
- {
- if (&ec==&system::throws) ec.clear();
- typedef typename Stopwatch::storage_type accumulator;
- typedef typename Stopwatch::duration duration_t;
- accumulator& acc = stopwatch_.get_storage();
- duration_t lt= stopwatch_.lifetime(ec);
- if (ec) return;
- //if ( d < duration_t::zero() ) return;
- if ( places > 9 )
- places = 9; // sanity check
- else if ( places < 0 )
- places = 0;
- boost::io::ios_flags_saver ifs( os );
- os.setf( std::ios_base::fixed, std::ios_base::floatfield );
- boost::io::ios_precision_saver ips( os );
- os.precision( places );
- for ( ; *format; ++format ) {
- if ( (*format != '%') || (!*(format+1)) || (!std::strchr("acflmMps", *(format+1))) ) {
- os << *format;
- } else {
- ++format;
- switch ( *format ) {
- case 's':
- os << boost::chrono::duration<double>(duration_t(accumulators::sum(acc))).count();
- break;
- case 'm':
- os << boost::chrono::duration<double>(duration_t((accumulators::min)(acc))).count();
- break;
- case 'M':
- os << boost::chrono::duration<double>(duration_t((accumulators::max)(acc))).count();
- break;
- case 'a':
- os << ((accumulators::count(acc)>0)
- //? boost::chrono::duration<double>(duration_t(typename duration_t::rep(accumulators::mean(acc)))).count()
- ? boost::chrono::duration<double>(duration_t(accumulators::sum(acc))).count() / accumulators::count(acc)
- : 0);
- break;
- case 'c':
- os << accumulators::count(acc);
- break;
- case 'f':
- os << ((accumulators::count(acc)>0)
- ? accumulators::count(acc)/boost::chrono::duration<double>(lt)
- : 0);
- break;
- case 'l':
- os << boost::chrono::duration<double>(lt).count();
- break;
- case 'p':
- os << int(boost::chrono::duration<double>(duration_t(accumulators::sum(acc))).count()*100/boost::chrono::duration<double>(lt).count());
- break;
- default:
- assert(0 && "basic_stopwatch_accumulator_formatter internal logic error");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- };
-namespace detail {
- template <typename CharT>
- struct basic_stopwatch_accumulator_formatter_default_format;
- template <>
- struct basic_stopwatch_accumulator_formatter_default_format<char> {
- static const char* apply() {return BOOST_CHRONO_ACCUMULATOR_FORMAT_DEFAULT; }
- };
- template <>
- struct basic_stopwatch_accumulator_formatter_default_format<wchar_t> {
- static const wchar_t* apply() {return L"%c times, sum=%ss, min=%ms, max=%Ms, mean=%as, frequency=%fHz, lifetime=%ls, percentage=%p%\n"; }
- };
- template <typename CharT,typename Traits, class Alloc>
- const typename basic_stopwatch_accumulator_formatter<CharT,Traits,Alloc>::char_type*
- basic_stopwatch_accumulator_formatter<CharT,Traits,Alloc>::default_format() {
- return detail::basic_stopwatch_accumulator_formatter_default_format<CharT>::apply();
- }
- template <typename CharT,typename Traits, class Alloc>
- typename basic_stopwatch_accumulator_formatter<CharT,Traits,Alloc>::ostream_type &
- basic_stopwatch_accumulator_formatter<CharT,Traits,Alloc>::default_os() { return detail::default_out<CharT,Traits>::apply(); }
- typedef basic_stopwatch_accumulator_formatter<char> stopwatch_accumulator_formatter;
- typedef basic_stopwatch_accumulator_formatter<wchar_t> wstopwatch_accumulator_formatter;
-} // namespace chrono
-} // namespace boost
-#define BOOST_CHRONO_ACCUMULATOR_FORMAT(F) boost::chrono::detail::adaptive_string(F " : " BOOST_CHRONO_ACCUMULATOR_FORMAT_DEFAULT)
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-#define BOOST_CHRONO_ACCUMULATOR_FUNCTION_FORMAT boost::chrono::stopwatch_accumulator_formatter::format(BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION)
-#include <boost/config/abi_suffix.hpp> // pops abi_prefix.hpp pragmas
Deleted: sandbox/chrono/boost/chrono/stopwatch_accumulator_time_formatter.hpp
--- sandbox/chrono/boost/chrono/stopwatch_accumulator_time_formatter.hpp 2010-09-03 15:41:54 EDT (Fri, 03 Sep 2010)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-// boost/chrono/stopwatch_accumulator_time_formatter.hpp ------------------------------------------------------------//
-// Copyright 2009-2010 Vicente J. Botet Escriba
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
-// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-// See http://www.boost.org/libs/system for documentation.
-#include <boost/chrono/chrono.hpp>
-#include <boost/system/error_code.hpp>
-#include <boost/current_function.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/detail/default_out.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/detail/adaptive_string.hpp>
-#include <boost/accumulators/accumulators.hpp>
-#include <boost/accumulators/statistics.hpp>
-#include <boost/accumulators/framework/accumulator_set.hpp>
-#include <boost/accumulators/statistics/sum.hpp>
-#include <boost/accumulators/statistics/min.hpp>
-#include <boost/accumulators/statistics/max.hpp>
-#include <boost/accumulators/statistics/mean.hpp>
-#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
-#include <string>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <boost/io/ios_state.hpp>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <cassert>
-#include <boost/chrono/time_formatter.hpp>
-#include <boost/config/abi_prefix.hpp> // must be the last #include
-//~ #define BOOST_CHRONO_ACCUMULATOR_TIME_FORMAT_DEFAULT "%c times, sum=%s, min=%m, max=%M, mean=%a, frequency=%fHz, lifetime=%ls, percentage=%p%|real %rs, cpu %cs (%p%), user %us, system %ss\n"
-#define BOOST_CHRONO_ACCUMULATOR_TIME_FORMAT_DEFAULT "%c times, sum %s, min %m, max %M, mean=%a, frequency=%fHz, lifetime=%ls, percentage=%p%\n"
-namespace boost { namespace chrono {
- template <
- typename CharT=char,
- typename Traits=std::char_traits<CharT>,
- class Alloc=std::allocator<CharT>
- >
- class basic_stopwatch_accumulator_time_formatter {
- public:
- typedef std::basic_string<CharT,Traits,Alloc> string_type;
- typedef CharT char_type;
- typedef std::basic_ostream<CharT,Traits> ostream_type;
- static ostream_type & default_os();
- static const char_type* default_format();
- static string_type format(const char_type* s) {
- string_type res(s);
- res += boost::chrono::detail::adaptive_string(" : ");
- res += default_format();
- return res;
- }
- static int default_places() { return 3; }
- template <class Stopwatch >
- static void show_time( Stopwatch & stopwatch_, const char_type* format, int places, ostream_type & os, system::error_code & ec)
- // NOTE WELL: Will truncate least-significant digits to LDBL_DIG, which may
- // be as low as 10, although will be 15 for many common platforms.
- {
- if (&ec==&system::throws) ec.clear();
- typedef typename Stopwatch::storage_type accumulator;
- typedef typename Stopwatch::duration duration_t;
- accumulator& acc = stopwatch_.get_storage();
- duration_t lt= stopwatch_.lifetime();
- //if ( d < duration_t::zero() ) return;
- if ( places > 9 )
- places = 9; // sanity check
- else if ( places < 0 )
- places = 0;
- boost::io::ios_flags_saver ifs( os );
- os.setf( std::ios_base::fixed, std::ios_base::floatfield );
- boost::io::ios_precision_saver ips( os );
- os.precision( places );
- const char_type* format2=BOOST_CHRONO_TIME_FORMAT_DEFAULT;
- //~ for (format2=format ; *format2; ++format2 ) {
- //~ if (*format2=='|') {++format2; break;}
- //~ }
- for ( ; *format; ++format ) {
- if ( (*format != '%') || (!*(format+1)) || (!std::strchr("acflmMps", *(format+1))) ) {
- os << *format;
- } else {
- ++format;
- switch ( *format ) {
- case 's':
- //~ os << boost::chrono::duration<double>(duration_t(accumulators::sum(acc))).count();
- time_formatter::show_time<process_cpu_clock>(accumulators::sum(acc), format2, places, os, ec);
- if (ec) return;
- //~ os << accumulators::sum(acc);
- break;
- case 'm':
- //~ os << boost::chrono::duration<double>(duration_t((accumulators::min)(acc))).count();
- time_formatter::show_time<process_cpu_clock>((accumulators::min)(acc), format2, places, os, ec);
- if (ec) return;
- //~ os << (accumulators::min)(acc);
- break;
- case 'M':
- //~ os << boost::chrono::duration<double>(duration_t((accumulators::max)(acc))).count();
- time_formatter::show_time<process_cpu_clock>((accumulators::max)(acc), format2, places, os, ec);
- if (ec) return;
- //~ os << (accumulators::max)(acc);
- break;
- case 'a':
- if (accumulators::count(acc)>0) {
- //? os << boost::chrono::duration<double>(duration_t(typename duration_t::rep(accumulators::mean(acc)))).count()
- //~ os << boost::chrono::duration<double>(duration_t(accumulators::sum(acc))).count() / accumulators::count(acc)
- time_formatter::show_time<process_cpu_clock>(accumulators::sum(acc) / accumulators::count(acc), format2, places, os, ec);
- if (ec) return;
- } else {
- os << 0;
- }
- break;
- case 'c':
- os << accumulators::count(acc);
- break;
- case 'f':
- if (accumulators::count(acc)>0)
- //~ os << accumulators::count(acc)/boost::chrono::duration<double>(lt);
- os << accumulators::count(acc) << "/" << lt.count();
- else
- os << 0;
- break;
- case 'l':
- os << lt.count();
- break;
- case 'p':
- //~ os << int(boost::chrono::duration<double>(duration_t(accumulators::sum(acc))).count()*100/boost::chrono::duration<double>(lt).count());
- os << accumulators::sum(acc)*100 << "/" << lt.count();
- break;
- default:
- assert(0 && "basic_stopwatch_accumulator_time_formatter internal logic error");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- };
-namespace detail {
- template <typename CharT>
- struct basic_stopwatch_accumulator_time_formatter_default_format;
- template <>
- struct basic_stopwatch_accumulator_time_formatter_default_format<char> {
- static const char* apply() {return BOOST_CHRONO_ACCUMULATOR_TIME_FORMAT_DEFAULT; }
- };
- template <>
- struct basic_stopwatch_accumulator_time_formatter_default_format<wchar_t> {
- //~ static const wchar_t* apply() {return L"%c times, sum=%ss, min=%ms, max=%Ms, mean=%as, frequency=%fHz, lifetime=%ls, percentage=%p%|real %rs, cpu %cs (%p%), user %us, system %ss\n"; }
- static const wchar_t* apply() {return L"%c times, sum %s, min %m, max %M, mean %a, frequency=%fHz, lifetime=%ls, percentage=%p%\n"; }
- };
- template <typename CharT,typename Traits, class Alloc>
- const typename basic_stopwatch_accumulator_time_formatter<CharT,Traits,Alloc>::char_type*
- basic_stopwatch_accumulator_time_formatter<CharT,Traits,Alloc>::default_format() {
- return detail::basic_stopwatch_accumulator_time_formatter_default_format<CharT>::apply();
- }
- template <typename CharT,typename Traits, class Alloc>
- typename basic_stopwatch_accumulator_time_formatter<CharT,Traits,Alloc>::ostream_type &
- basic_stopwatch_accumulator_time_formatter<CharT,Traits,Alloc>::default_os() { return detail::default_out<CharT,Traits>::apply(); }
- typedef basic_stopwatch_accumulator_time_formatter<char> stopwatch_accumulator_time_formatter;
- typedef basic_stopwatch_accumulator_time_formatter<wchar_t> wstopwatch_accumulator_time_formatter;
-} // namespace chrono
-} // namespace boost
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-#define BOOST_CHRONO_ACCUMULATOR_TIME_FUNCTION_FORMAT boost::chrono::stopwatch_accumulator_time_formatter::format(BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION)
-#include <boost/config/abi_suffix.hpp> // pops abi_prefix.hpp pragmas
Deleted: sandbox/chrono/boost/chrono/stopwatch_formatter.hpp
--- sandbox/chrono/boost/chrono/stopwatch_formatter.hpp 2010-09-03 15:41:54 EDT (Fri, 03 Sep 2010)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-// boost/chrono/stopwatch_formatter.hpp ------------------------------------------------------------//
-// Copyright 2009-2010 Vicente J. Botet Escriba
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
-// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-// See http://www.boost.org/libs/system for documentation.
-#include <boost/chrono/chrono.hpp>
-#include <boost/system/error_code.hpp>
-#include <boost/current_function.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/detail/default_out.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/detail/adaptive_string.hpp>
-#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
-#include <string>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <boost/io/ios_state.hpp>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <cassert>
-#include <boost/config/abi_prefix.hpp> // must be the last #include
-namespace boost { namespace chrono {
- template <
- typename CharT=char,
- typename Traits=std::char_traits<CharT>,
- class Alloc=std::allocator<CharT>
- >
- class basic_stopwatch_formatter {
- public:
- typedef std::basic_string<CharT,Traits,Alloc> string_type;
- typedef CharT char_type;
- typedef std::basic_ostream<CharT,Traits> ostream_type;
- static ostream_type & default_os();
- static const char_type* default_format();
- static string_type format(const char_type* s) {
- string_type res(s);
- //res += boost::chrono::detail::adaptive_string(" tokes %ds\n");
- res += boost::chrono::detail::adaptive_string(" : ");
- res += default_format();
- return res;
- }
- static int default_places() { return 3; }
- template <class Stopwatch >
- static void show_time( Stopwatch & stopwatch_, const char_type* format, int places, ostream_type & os, system::error_code & ec)
- // NOTE WELL: Will truncate least-significant digits to LDBL_DIG, which may
- // be as low as 10, although will be 15 for many common platforms.
- {
- typedef typename Stopwatch::duration duration_t;
- duration_t d = stopwatch_.elapsed( ec );
- if ( d < duration_t::zero() ) return;
- if ( places > 9 )
- places = 9; // sanity check
- else if ( places < 0 )
- places = 0;
- boost::io::ios_flags_saver ifs( os );
- os.setf( std::ios_base::fixed, std::ios_base::floatfield );
- boost::io::ios_precision_saver ips( os );
- os.precision( places );
- for ( ; *format; ++format ) {
- if ( (*format != '%') || (!*(format+1)) || (!std::strchr("d", *(format+1))) ) {
- os << *format;
- } else {
- ++format;
- switch ( *format ) {
- case 'd':
- os << boost::chrono::duration<double>(d).count();
- break;
- default:
- assert(0 && "run_timer internal logic error");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- };
-namespace detail {
- template <typename CharT>
- struct basic_stopwatch_formatter_default_format;
- template <>
- struct basic_stopwatch_formatter_default_format<char> {
- static const char* apply() {return BOOST_CHRONO_STOPWATCH_FORMAT_DEFAULT; }
- };
- template <>
- struct basic_stopwatch_formatter_default_format<wchar_t> {
- static const wchar_t* apply() {return L"%ds\n"; }
- };
- template <typename CharT,typename Traits, class Alloc>
- const typename basic_stopwatch_formatter<CharT,Traits,Alloc>::char_type*
- basic_stopwatch_formatter<CharT,Traits,Alloc>::default_format() {
- return detail::basic_stopwatch_formatter_default_format<CharT>::apply();
- }
- template <typename CharT,typename Traits, class Alloc>
- typename basic_stopwatch_formatter<CharT,Traits,Alloc>::ostream_type &
- basic_stopwatch_formatter<CharT,Traits,Alloc>::default_os() {
- return detail::default_out<CharT,Traits>::apply();
- }
- typedef basic_stopwatch_formatter<char> stopwatch_formatter;
- typedef basic_stopwatch_formatter<wchar_t> wstopwatch_formatter;
- } // namespace chrono
-} // namespace boost
-#define BOOST_CHRONO_STOPWATCH_FORMAT(F) boost::chrono::detail::adaptive_string(F " : " BOOST_CHRONO_STOPWATCH_FORMAT_DEFAULT)
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-#define BOOST_CHRONO_STOPWATCH_FUNCTION_FORMAT boost::chrono::stopwatch_formatter::format(BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION)
-#include <boost/config/abi_suffix.hpp> // pops abi_prefix.hpp pragmas
Deleted: sandbox/chrono/boost/chrono/stopwatch_reporter.hpp
--- sandbox/chrono/boost/chrono/stopwatch_reporter.hpp 2010-09-03 15:41:54 EDT (Fri, 03 Sep 2010)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,349 +0,0 @@
-// boost/chrono/stopwatch_reporter.hpp ------------------------------------------------------------//
-// Copyright 2009-2010 Vicente J. Botet Escriba
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
-// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-// See http://www.boost.org/libs/system for documentation.
-#if defined __GNUC__
-#pragma GCC system_header
-#elif defined __SUNPRO_CC
-#pragma disable_warn
-#elif defined _MSC_VER
-#pragma warning(push, 1)
-#include <boost/chrono/chrono.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/stopwatch_scoped.hpp>
-#include <boost/system/error_code.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/scoped_suspend.hpp>
-#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
-#include <string>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <boost/io/ios_state.hpp>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <cassert>
-#include <boost/config/abi_prefix.hpp> // must be the last #include
-namespace boost { namespace chrono {
-//~ provides a everything a Timer provides and it adds reporting capabilities that can be invoked in a single line of code. The reporting is controleed by two parameters:
- //~ * format : The output format
- //~ * places(precission): the number of decimal placess used.
-//~ The default places is given by default_places and is 3. The default format is "\n%ts\n", where
- //~ * %t : the result of elapsed() when the reporting is done.
-//~ The time is given using the suffix "s" following the System International d'Unites Std.
-/* void f1()
- * {
- * stopwatch_reporter<stopwatch<> > _;
- * // ...
- * }
- */
-/* void f2()
- * {
- * stopwatch<>::reporter _;
- * // ...
- * }
- */
-/* void f3()
- * {
- * static stopwatch_reporter<stopwatch_accumulator<> > t;
- * stopwatch_reporter<stopwatch_accumulator<> >::scoped_run _(t);
- * // ...
- * }
- */
-/* void f4()
- * {
- * static stopwatch_accumulator<>::reporter t;
- * stopwatch_accumulator<>::reporter::scoped_run _(t);
- * // ...
- * }
- */
- template <class Stopwatch, class Formatter>
- class basic_stopwatch_reporter : public Stopwatch {
- public:
- typedef typename Stopwatch::clock clock;
- typedef Stopwatch stopwatch;
- typedef Formatter formatter;
- typedef typename Formatter::string_type string_type;
- typedef typename Formatter::char_type char_type;
- typedef typename Formatter::ostream_type ostream_type;
- explicit basic_stopwatch_reporter( system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : m_places(Formatter::default_places()), m_os(Formatter::default_os()), m_format(Formatter::default_format()), m_reported(false) {
- if (&ec==&system::throws) ec.clear();
- }
- explicit basic_stopwatch_reporter( ostream_type & os,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : m_places(Formatter::default_places()), m_os(os), m_format(Formatter::default_format()), m_reported(false) {
- if (&ec==&system::throws) ec.clear();
- }
- explicit basic_stopwatch_reporter( const string_type & format,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : m_places(Formatter::default_places()), m_os(Formatter::default_os()), m_format(format), m_reported(false) {
- if (&ec==&system::throws) ec.clear();
- }
- explicit basic_stopwatch_reporter( int places,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : m_places(places), m_os(Formatter::default_os()), m_format(Formatter::default_format()), m_reported(false) {
- if (&ec==&system::throws) ec.clear();
- }
- basic_stopwatch_reporter( ostream_type & os, const string_type & format,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : m_places(Formatter::default_places()), m_os(os), m_format(format), m_reported(false) {
- if (&ec==&system::throws) ec.clear();
- }
- basic_stopwatch_reporter( const string_type & format, int places,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : m_places(places), m_os(Formatter::default_os()), m_format(format), m_reported(false) {
- if (&ec==&system::throws) ec.clear();
- }
- basic_stopwatch_reporter( ostream_type & os, int places,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : m_places(places), m_os(os), m_format(Formatter::default_format()), m_reported(false) {
- if (&ec==&system::throws) ec.clear();
- }
- basic_stopwatch_reporter( int places, const string_type & format,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : m_places(places), m_os(Formatter::default_os()), m_format(format), m_reported(false) {
- if (&ec==&system::throws) ec.clear();
- }
- basic_stopwatch_reporter( ostream_type & os, const string_type & format, int places,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : m_places(places), m_os(os), m_format(format), m_reported(false) {
- if (&ec==&system::throws) ec.clear();
- }
- basic_stopwatch_reporter( ostream_type & os, int places, const string_type & format,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : m_places(places), m_os(os), m_format(format), m_reported(false) {
- if (&ec==&system::throws) ec.clear();
- }
- ~basic_stopwatch_reporter() {// never throws
- system::error_code ec;
- //this->stop(ec);
- if ( !reported() ) {
- this->report( ec );
- }
- }
- inline void report( system::error_code & /*ec*/ = system::throws );
- bool reported() const { return m_reported; }
- typedef stopwatch_runner<basic_stopwatch_reporter<Stopwatch,Formatter> > scoped_run;
- typedef stopwatch_stopper<basic_stopwatch_reporter<Stopwatch,Formatter> > scoped_stop;
- typedef stopwatch_suspender<basic_stopwatch_reporter<Stopwatch,Formatter> > scoped_suspend;
- typedef stopwatch_resumer<basic_stopwatch_reporter<Stopwatch,Formatter> > scoped_resume;
- protected:
- int m_places;
- ostream_type & m_os;
- string_type m_format;
- bool m_reported;
- //basic_stopwatch_reporter(); // = delete;
- basic_stopwatch_reporter(const basic_stopwatch_reporter&); // = delete;
- basic_stopwatch_reporter& operator=(const basic_stopwatch_reporter&); // = delete;
- };
- template <class Stopwatch, class Formatter>
- void basic_stopwatch_reporter<Stopwatch, Formatter>::report( system::error_code & ec ) {
- chrono::scoped_suspend<typename Stopwatch::clock> _(ec);
- if (ec) return;
- if ( m_format.empty() ) m_format = Formatter::default_format();
- m_reported = true;
- Formatter::show_time( *this, m_format.c_str(), m_places, m_os, ec);
- }
- template <class Stopwatch>
- struct stopwatch_reporter_default_formatter;
- template <class Stopwatch, class Formatter=typename stopwatch_reporter_default_formatter<Stopwatch>::type>
- class stopwatch_reporter;
- template <class Stopwatch, class Formatter>
- struct stopwatch_reporter_default_formatter<stopwatch_reporter<Stopwatch, Formatter> > {
- typedef Formatter type;
- };
- template <class Stopwatch, class Formatter>
- class stopwatch_reporter : public basic_stopwatch_reporter<Stopwatch,Formatter> {
- typedef basic_stopwatch_reporter<Stopwatch,Formatter> base_type;
- public:
- typedef typename Stopwatch::clock clock;
- typedef Stopwatch stopwatch;
- typedef Formatter formatter;
- typedef typename Formatter::string_type string_type;
- typedef typename Formatter::char_type char_type;
- typedef typename Formatter::ostream_type ostream_type;
- explicit stopwatch_reporter( system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(ec) { }
- explicit stopwatch_reporter( ostream_type & os,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, ec) { }
- explicit stopwatch_reporter( const string_type & format,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(format, ec) { }
- explicit stopwatch_reporter( int places,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(places, ec) { }
- stopwatch_reporter( ostream_type & os, const string_type & format,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, format, ec) { }
- stopwatch_reporter( const string_type & format, int places,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(format, places, ec) { }
- stopwatch_reporter( ostream_type & os, int places,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, places, ec) { }
- stopwatch_reporter( int places, const string_type & format,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(places, format, ec) { }
- stopwatch_reporter( ostream_type & os, const string_type & format, int places,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, format, places, ec) { }
- stopwatch_reporter( ostream_type & os, int places, const string_type & format,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, places, format, ec) { }
- typedef stopwatch_runner<stopwatch_reporter<Stopwatch,Formatter> > scoped_run;
- typedef stopwatch_stopper<stopwatch_reporter<Stopwatch,Formatter> > scoped_stop;
- typedef stopwatch_suspender<stopwatch_reporter<Stopwatch,Formatter> > scoped_suspend;
- typedef stopwatch_resumer<stopwatch_reporter<Stopwatch,Formatter> > scoped_resume;
- protected:
- //stopwatch_reporter(); // = delete;
- stopwatch_reporter(const stopwatch_reporter&); // = delete;
- stopwatch_reporter& operator=(const stopwatch_reporter&); // = delete;
- };
- template <class Stopwatch>
- struct wstopwatch_reporter_default_formatter;
- template <class Stopwatch, class Formatter=typename wstopwatch_reporter_default_formatter<Stopwatch>::type>
- class wstopwatch_reporter;
- template <class Stopwatch, class Formatter>
- struct wstopwatch_reporter_default_formatter<wstopwatch_reporter<Stopwatch, Formatter> > {
- typedef Formatter type;
- };
- template <class Stopwatch, class Formatter>
- class wstopwatch_reporter : public basic_stopwatch_reporter<Stopwatch,Formatter> {
- typedef basic_stopwatch_reporter<Stopwatch,Formatter> base_type;
- public:
- typedef typename Stopwatch::clock clock;
- typedef Stopwatch stopwatch;
- typedef Formatter formatter;
- typedef typename Formatter::string_type string_type;
- typedef typename Formatter::char_type char_type;
- typedef typename Formatter::ostream_type ostream_type;
- explicit wstopwatch_reporter( system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(ec) { }
- explicit wstopwatch_reporter( ostream_type & os,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, ec) { }
- explicit wstopwatch_reporter( const string_type & format,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(format, ec) { }
- explicit wstopwatch_reporter( int places,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(places, ec) { }
- wstopwatch_reporter( ostream_type & os, const string_type & format,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, format, ec) { }
- wstopwatch_reporter( const string_type & format, int places,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(format, places, ec) { }
- wstopwatch_reporter( ostream_type & os, int places,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, places, ec) { }
- wstopwatch_reporter( int places, const string_type & format,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(places, format, ec) { }
- wstopwatch_reporter( ostream_type & os, const string_type & format, int places,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, format, places, ec) { }
- wstopwatch_reporter( ostream_type & os, int places, const string_type & format,
- system::error_code & ec = system::throws )
- : base_type(os, places, format, ec) { }
- typedef stopwatch_runner<wstopwatch_reporter<Stopwatch,Formatter> > scoped_run;
- typedef stopwatch_stopper<wstopwatch_reporter<Stopwatch,Formatter> > scoped_stop;
- typedef stopwatch_suspender<wstopwatch_reporter<Stopwatch,Formatter> > scoped_suspend;
- typedef stopwatch_resumer<wstopwatch_reporter<Stopwatch,Formatter> > scoped_resume;
- protected:
- //wstopwatch_reporter(); // = delete;
- wstopwatch_reporter(const wstopwatch_reporter&); // = delete;
- wstopwatch_reporter& operator=(const wstopwatch_reporter&); // = delete;
- };
- } // namespace chrono
-} // namespace boost
-#include <boost/config/abi_suffix.hpp> // pops abi_prefix.hpp pragmas
-#if defined __SUNPRO_CC
-#pragma enable_warn
-#elif defined _MSC_VER
-#pragma warning(pop)
Deleted: sandbox/chrono/boost/chrono/stopwatch_scoped.hpp
--- sandbox/chrono/boost/chrono/stopwatch_scoped.hpp 2010-09-03 15:41:54 EDT (Fri, 03 Sep 2010)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-// boost/chrono/stopwatch_scoped.hpp ------------------------------------------------------------//
-// Copyright 2009-2010 Vicente J. Botet Escriba
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
-// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-// See http://www.boost.org/libs/system for documentation.
-#include <boost/chrono/chrono.hpp>
-#include <boost/system/error_code.hpp>
-#include <boost/config/abi_prefix.hpp> // must be the last #include
-namespace boost
- namespace chrono
- {
- template <class Stopwatch> class stopwatch_runner {
- public:
- typedef Stopwatch stopwatch;
- stopwatch_runner(stopwatch & a, system::error_code & ec = system::throws)
- : stopwatch_(a) {
- stopwatch_.start(ec);
- }
- ~stopwatch_runner() {
- system::error_code ec;
- stopwatch_.stop(ec);
- }
-#if 0
- typename Stopwatch::duration elapsed(system::error_code & ec = system::throws)
- {
- return stopwatch_.elapsed(ec)-stopwatch_.get_storage();
- }
- private:
- stopwatch& stopwatch_;
- stopwatch_runner();//= delete;
- stopwatch_runner(const stopwatch_runner&); // = delete;
- stopwatch_runner& operator=(const stopwatch_runner&); // = delete;
- };
- template <class Stopwatch> class stopwatch_stopper {
- public:
- typedef Stopwatch stopwatch;
- stopwatch_stopper(stopwatch & a, system::error_code & ec = system::throws)
- : stopwatch_(a) {
- stopwatch_.stop(ec);
- }
- ~stopwatch_stopper() {
- system::error_code ec;
- stopwatch_.start(ec);
- }
-#if 0
- typename Stopwatch::duration elapsed(system::error_code & ec = system::throws)
- {
- return stopwatch_.elapsed(ec)-stopwatch_.get_storage();
- }
- private:
- stopwatch& stopwatch_;
- stopwatch_stopper();//= delete;
- stopwatch_stopper(const stopwatch_stopper&); // = delete;
- stopwatch_stopper& operator=(const stopwatch_stopper&); // = delete;
- };
- template <class Stopwatch> class stopwatch_suspender {
- public:
- typedef Stopwatch stopwatch;
- stopwatch_suspender(stopwatch & a, system::error_code & ec = system::throws)
- : stopwatch_(a) {
- stopwatch_.suspend(ec);
- }
- ~stopwatch_suspender() {
- system::error_code ec;
- stopwatch_.resume(ec);
- }
- private:
- stopwatch& stopwatch_;
- stopwatch_suspender(); // = delete;
- stopwatch_suspender(const stopwatch_suspender&); // = delete;
- stopwatch_suspender& operator=(const stopwatch_suspender&); // = delete;
- };
- template <class Stopwatch> class stopwatch_resumer {
- public:
- typedef Stopwatch stopwatch;
- stopwatch_resumer(stopwatch & a, system::error_code & ec = system::throws)
- : stopwatch_(a) {
- stopwatch_.resume(ec);
- }
- ~stopwatch_resumer() {
- system::error_code ec;
- stopwatch_.suspend(ec);
- }
- private:
- stopwatch& stopwatch_;
- stopwatch_resumer(); // = delete;
- stopwatch_resumer(const stopwatch_resumer&); // = delete;
- stopwatch_resumer& operator=(const stopwatch_resumer&); // = delete;
- };
- } // namespace chrono
-} // namespace boost
-#include <boost/config/abi_suffix.hpp> // pops abi_prefix.hpp pragmas
Deleted: sandbox/chrono/boost/chrono/stopwatches.hpp
--- sandbox/chrono/boost/chrono/stopwatches.hpp 2010-09-03 15:41:54 EDT (Fri, 03 Sep 2010)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-// (C) Copyright Vicente J. Botet Escriba 2010.
-// Distributed under the Boost
-// Software License, Version 1.0.
-// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or
-// copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-// See http://www.boost.org/libs/stm for documentation.
-#include <boost/chrono/t24_hours.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/t24_hours_formatter.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/process_cpu_clocks.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/stopclock.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/stopclock_accumulator.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/scoped_stopclock.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/stopwatch.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/stopwatch_accumulator.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/stopwatch_accumulator_formatter.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/stopwatch_formatter.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/stopwatch_reporter.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/stopwatch_scoped.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/time_formatter.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/stopwatch_accumulator_time_formatter.hpp>
Deleted: sandbox/chrono/boost/chrono/t24_hours.hpp
--- sandbox/chrono/boost/chrono/t24_hours.hpp 2010-09-03 15:41:54 EDT (Fri, 03 Sep 2010)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-// boost/chrono/t24_hours.hpp -----------------------------------------------------------//
-// Copyright 2010 Vicente J. Botet Escriba
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-// See http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt
-// See http://www.boost.org/libs/system for documentation.
-#include <boost/chrono/chrono.hpp>
-#include <boost/config/abi_prefix.hpp> // must be the last #include
-namespace boost { namespace chrono {
-class t24_hours {
- typedef boost::chrono::duration<boost::int_least32_t, ratio<24*3600> > days;
- typedef boost::chrono::hours hours;
- typedef boost::chrono::minutes minutes;
- typedef boost::chrono::seconds seconds;
- typedef boost::chrono::nanoseconds nanoseconds;
- days days_;
- hours hours_;
- minutes minutes_;
- seconds seconds_;
- nanoseconds nanoseconds_;
- template <class Rep, class Period>
- static days get_days(const boost::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& d) {
- return boost::chrono::duration_cast<days>(d);
- }
- template <class Rep, class Period>
- static hours get_hours(const boost::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& d) {
- return boost::chrono::duration_cast<hours>(d % days(1));
- }
- template <class Rep, class Period>
- static minutes get_minutes(const boost::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& d) {
- return boost::chrono::duration_cast<minutes>(d % hours(1));
- }
- template <class Rep, class Period>
- static seconds get_seconds(const boost::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& d) {
- return boost::chrono::duration_cast<seconds>(d % minutes(1));
- }
- template <class Rep, class Period>
- static nanoseconds get_nanoseconds(const boost::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& d) {
- return boost::chrono::duration_cast<nanoseconds>(d % seconds(1));
- }
- template <class Rep, class Period>
- explicit t24_hours(const boost::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& d)
- : days_ (get_days(d))
- , hours_ (get_hours(d))
- , minutes_ (get_minutes(d))
- , seconds_ (get_seconds(d))
- , nanoseconds_ (get_nanoseconds(d))
- {}
-} // namespace chrono
-} // namespace boost
-#include <boost/config/abi_suffix.hpp> // pops abi_prefix.hpp pragmas
Deleted: sandbox/chrono/boost/chrono/t24_hours_formatter.hpp
--- sandbox/chrono/boost/chrono/t24_hours_formatter.hpp 2010-09-03 15:41:54 EDT (Fri, 03 Sep 2010)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-// boost/chrono/t24_hours_formatter.hpp ------------------------------------------------------------//
-// Copyright 2010 Vicente J. Botet Escriba
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
-// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-// See http://www.boost.org/libs/system for documentation.
-#include <boost/chrono/chrono.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/t24_hours.hpp>
-#include <boost/current_function.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/detail/default_out.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/detail/adaptive_string.hpp>
-#include <boost/system/error_code.hpp>
-#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
-#include <string>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <boost/io/ios_state.hpp>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <cassert>
-#include <boost/config/abi_prefix.hpp> // must be the last #include
-#define BOOST_CHRONO_24_HOURS_FORMAT_DEFAULT "%d day(s) %h:%m:%s.%n\n"
-namespace boost { namespace chrono {
- template <
- typename CharT=char,
- typename Traits=std::char_traits<CharT>,
- class Alloc=std::allocator<CharT>
- >
- class basic_24_hours_formatter {
- public:
- typedef std::basic_string<CharT,Traits,Alloc> string_type;
- typedef CharT char_type;
- typedef std::basic_ostream<CharT,Traits> ostream_type;
- static ostream_type & default_os();
- static const char_type* default_format();
- static string_type format(const char_type* s) {
- string_type res(s);
- res += boost::chrono::detail::adaptive_string(" : ");
- res += default_format();
- //res += boost::chrono::detail::adaptive_string(" tokes %d day(s) %h:%m:%s.%n\n");
- return res;
- }
- static int default_places() { return 3; }
- template <class Stopwatch >
- static void show_time( Stopwatch & stopwatch_
- , const char_type* format, int places, ostream_type & os
- , system::error_code & ec)
- // NOTE WELL: Will truncate least-significant digits to LDBL_DIG, which may
- // be as low as 10, although will be 15 for many common platforms.
- {
- typedef typename Stopwatch::duration duration_t;
- duration_t d = stopwatch_.elapsed( ec );
- if (ec) return;
- if ( d < duration_t::zero() ) return;
- boost::io::ios_flags_saver ifs( os );
- os.setf( std::ios_base::fixed, std::ios_base::floatfield );
- boost::io::ios_precision_saver ips( os );
- os.precision( places );
- t24_hours dt(d);
- for ( ; *format; ++format ) {
- if ( (*format != '%') || (!*(format+1)) || (!std::strchr("dhmsn", *(format+1))) ) {
- os << *format;
- } else {
- ++format;
- switch ( *format ) {
- case 'd':
- os << dt.days_.count();
- break;
- case 'h':
- {
- boost::io::ios_flags_saver ifs( os );
- os.width(2); os.fill('0');
- os << dt.hours_.count();
- break;
- }
- case 'm':
- {
- boost::io::ios_flags_saver ifs( os );
- os.width(2); os.fill('0');
- os << dt.minutes_.count();
- break;
- }
- case 's':
- {
- boost::io::ios_flags_saver ifs( os );
- os.width(2); os.fill('0');
- os << dt.seconds_.count();
- break;
- }
- case 'n':
- {
- boost::io::ios_flags_saver ifs( os );
- os.width(9); os.fill('0');
- os << dt.nanoseconds_.count();
- break;
- }
- default:
- assert(0 && "basic_24_hours_formatter internal logic error");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- };
-namespace detail {
- template <typename CharT>
- struct basic_24_hours_formatter_default_format;
- template <>
- struct basic_24_hours_formatter_default_format<char> {
- static const char* apply() {return BOOST_CHRONO_24_HOURS_FORMAT_DEFAULT; }
- };
- template <>
- struct basic_24_hours_formatter_default_format<wchar_t> {
- static const wchar_t* apply() {return L"%d day(s) %h:%m:%s.%n\n"; }
- };
- template <typename CharT,typename Traits, class Alloc>
- const typename basic_24_hours_formatter<CharT,Traits,Alloc>::char_type*
- basic_24_hours_formatter<CharT,Traits,Alloc>::default_format() {
- return detail::basic_24_hours_formatter_default_format<CharT>::apply();
- }
- template <typename CharT,typename Traits, class Alloc>
- typename basic_24_hours_formatter<CharT,Traits,Alloc>::ostream_type &
- basic_24_hours_formatter<CharT,Traits,Alloc>::default_os() {
- return detail::default_out<CharT,Traits>::apply();
- }
- typedef basic_24_hours_formatter<char> t24_hours_formatter;
- typedef basic_24_hours_formatter<wchar_t> wt24_hours_formatter;
- } // namespace chrono
-} // namespace boost
-#define BOOST_CHRONO_24_HOURS_FORMAT(F) boost::chrono::detail::adaptive_string(F " : " BOOST_CHRONO_24_HOURS_FORMAT_DEFAULT)
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-#define BOOST_CHRONO_24_HOURS_FUNCTION_FORMAT boost::chrono::t24_hours_formatter::format(BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION)
-#include <boost/config/abi_suffix.hpp> // pops abi_prefix.hpp pragmas
Deleted: sandbox/chrono/boost/chrono/time_formatter.hpp
--- sandbox/chrono/boost/chrono/time_formatter.hpp 2010-09-03 15:41:54 EDT (Fri, 03 Sep 2010)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-// boost/chrono/time_formatter.hpp ------------------------------------------------------------//
-// Copyright 2009-2010 Vicente J. Botet Escriba
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
-// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-// See http://www.boost.org/libs/system for documentation.
-#include <boost/chrono/chrono.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/process_cpu_clocks.hpp>
-#include <boost/current_function.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/detail/default_out.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/detail/adaptive_string.hpp>
-#include <boost/chrono/suspendible_clock.hpp>
-#include <boost/system/error_code.hpp>
-#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
-#include <string>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <boost/io/ios_state.hpp>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <cassert>
-#include <boost/config/abi_prefix.hpp> // must be the last #include
-#define BOOST_CHRONO_TIME_FORMAT_DEFAULT "real %rs, cpu %cs (%p%), user %us, system %ss\n"
-namespace boost { namespace chrono {
- template <
- typename CharT=char,
- typename Traits=std::char_traits<CharT>,
- class Alloc=std::allocator<CharT>
- >
- class basic_time_formatter {
- public:
- //~ typedef std::string string_type;
- //~ typedef string_type::value_type char_type;
- //~ typedef std::ostream ostream_type;
- typedef std::basic_string<CharT,Traits,Alloc> string_type;
- typedef CharT char_type;
- typedef std::basic_ostream<CharT,Traits> ostream_type;
- static ostream_type & default_os();
- static const char_type* default_format();
- static string_type format(const char_type* s) {
- string_type res(s);
- res += boost::chrono::detail::adaptive_string(" : ");
- res += default_format();
- //res += boost::chrono::detail::adaptive_string(" spent real %rs, cpu %cs (%p%), user %us, system %ss\n");
- return res;
- }
- static int default_places() { return 3; }
- template <class Stopwatch >
- static void show_time( typename Stopwatch::duration::rep const & times
- , const char_type* format, int places, ostream_type & os
- , system::error_code & ec
- )
- // NOTE WELL: Will truncate least-significant digits to LDBL_DIG, which may
- // be as low as 10, although will be 15 for many common platforms.
- {
- if (&ec != &system::throws) ec.clear();
- typedef typename Stopwatch::duration duration;
- typedef typename duration::rep rep;
- if ( times.real < 0 ) return;
- if ( places > 9 )
- places = 9; // sanity check
- else if ( places < 0 )
- places = 0;
- boost::io::ios_flags_saver ifs( os );
- os.setf( std::ios_base::fixed, std::ios_base::floatfield );
- boost::io::ios_precision_saver ips( os );
- os.precision( places );
- nanoseconds total = nanoseconds(times.system + times.user);
- for ( ; *format; ++format )
- {
- if ( (*format != '%') || (!*(format+1)) || (!std::strchr("rcpus", *(format+1))) )
- os << *format;
- else
- {
- ++format;
- switch ( *format )
- {
- case 'r':
- os << boost::chrono::duration<double>(nanoseconds(times.real)).count();
- break;
- case 'u':
- os << boost::chrono::duration<double>(nanoseconds(times.user)).count();
- break;
- case 's':
- os << boost::chrono::duration<double>(nanoseconds(times.system)).count();
- break;
- case 'c':
- os << boost::chrono::duration<double>(total).count();
- break;
- case 'p':
- {
- boost::io::ios_precision_saver ips( os );
- os.precision( 1 );
- if ( times.real && total.count() )
- os << boost::chrono::duration<double>(total).count()
- /boost::chrono::duration<double>(nanoseconds(times.real)).count() * 100.0;
- else
- os << 0.0;
- }
- break;
- default:
- assert(0 && "basic_time_formatter internal logic error");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- template <class Stopwatch >
- static void show_time( Stopwatch & stopwatch_
- , const char_type* format, int places, ostream_type & os
- , system::error_code & ec)
- // NOTE WELL: Will truncate least-significant digits to LDBL_DIG, which may
- // be as low as 10, although will be 15 for many common platforms.
- {
- typedef typename Stopwatch::duration duration;
- typedef typename duration::rep rep;
- duration d = stopwatch_.elapsed( ec );
- if (ec) return;
- rep times=d.count();
- show_time<Stopwatch>(times, format, places, os, ec);
- }
- };
-namespace detail {
- template <typename CharT>
- struct basic_time_formatter_default_format;
- template <>
- struct basic_time_formatter_default_format<char> {
- static const char* apply() {return BOOST_CHRONO_TIME_FORMAT_DEFAULT; }
- };
- template <>
- struct basic_time_formatter_default_format<wchar_t> {
- static const wchar_t* apply() {return L"real %rs, cpu %cs (%p%), user %us, system %ss\n"; }
- };
- template <typename CharT,typename Traits, class Alloc>
- const typename basic_time_formatter<CharT,Traits,Alloc>::char_type*
- basic_time_formatter<CharT,Traits,Alloc>::default_format() {
- return detail::basic_time_formatter_default_format<CharT>::apply();
- }
- template <typename CharT,typename Traits, class Alloc>
- typename basic_time_formatter<CharT,Traits,Alloc>::ostream_type &
- basic_time_formatter<CharT,Traits,Alloc>::default_os() {
- return detail::default_out<CharT,Traits>::apply();
- }
- typedef basic_time_formatter<char> time_formatter;
- typedef basic_time_formatter<wchar_t> wtime_formatter;
- } // namespace chrono
-} // namespace boost
-#define BOOST_CHRONO_TIME_FORMAT(F) boost::chrono::detail::adaptive_string(F " : " BOOST_CHRONO_TIME_FORMAT_DEFAULT)
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-#define BOOST_CHRONO_TIME_FUNCTION_FORMAT boost::chrono::time_formatter::format(BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION)
-#include <boost/config/abi_suffix.hpp> // pops abi_prefix.hpp pragmas
Boost-Commit list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk