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Boost-Commit : |
Subject: [Boost-commit] svn:boost r68028 - in trunk: boost/random libs/random/test
From: steven_at_[hidden]
Date: 2011-01-11 23:53:09
Author: steven_watanabe
Date: 2011-01-11 23:53:08 EST (Tue, 11 Jan 2011)
New Revision: 68028
URL: http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/68028
Implement piecewise_linear_distribution.
trunk/boost/random/piecewise_linear_distribution.hpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/libs/random/test/test_piecewise_linear.cpp (contents, props changed)
trunk/libs/random/test/test_piecewise_linear_distribution.cpp (contents, props changed)
Text files modified:
trunk/libs/random/test/Jamfile.v2 | 2 ++
1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
Added: trunk/boost/random/piecewise_linear_distribution.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/random/piecewise_linear_distribution.hpp 2011-01-11 23:53:08 EST (Tue, 11 Jan 2011)
@@ -0,0 +1,535 @@
+/* boost random/piecewise_linear_distribution.hpp header file
+ *
+ * Copyright Steven Watanabe 2011
+ * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
+ * accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ * http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+ *
+ * See http://www.boost.org for most recent version including documentation.
+ *
+ * $Id$
+ */
+#include <vector>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <boost/random/uniform_real.hpp>
+#include <boost/random/discrete_distribution.hpp>
+#include <boost/random/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/random/detail/operators.hpp>
+#include <boost/random/detail/vector_io.hpp>
+#include <initializer_list>
+#include <boost/range/begin.hpp>
+#include <boost/range/end.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace random {
+ * The class @c piecewise_linear_distribution models a \random_distribution.
+ */
+template<class RealType = double, class WeightType = double>
+class piecewise_linear_distribution {
+ typedef RealType input_type;
+ typedef RealType result_type;
+ class param_type {
+ public:
+ typedef piecewise_linear_distribution distribution_type;
+ /**
+ * Constructs a @c param_type object, representing a distribution
+ * that produces values uniformly distributed in the range [0, 1).
+ */
+ param_type()
+ {
+ _weights.push_back(WeightType(1));
+ _weights.push_back(WeightType(1));
+ _intervals.push_back(RealType(0));
+ _intervals.push_back(RealType(1));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructs a @c param_type object from two iterator ranges
+ * containing the interval boundaries and weights at the boundaries.
+ * If there are fewer than two boundaries, then this is equivalent to
+ * the default constructor and the distribution will produce values
+ * uniformly distributed in the range [0, 1).
+ *
+ * The values of the interval boundaries must be strictly
+ * increasing, and the number of weights must be the same as
+ * the number of interval boundaries. If there are extra
+ * weights, they are ignored.
+ */
+ template<class IntervalIter, class WeightIter>
+ param_type(IntervalIter intervals_first, IntervalIter intervals_last,
+ WeightIter weight_first)
+ : _intervals(intervals_first, intervals_last)
+ {
+ if(_intervals.size() < 2) {
+ _intervals.clear();
+ _weights.push_back(WeightType(1));
+ _weights.push_back(WeightType(1));
+ _intervals.push_back(RealType(0));
+ _intervals.push_back(RealType(1));
+ } else {
+ _weights.reserve(_intervals.size());
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < _intervals.size(); ++i) {
+ _weights.push_back(*weight_first++);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructs a @c param_type object from an initializer_list
+ * containing the interval boundaries and a unary function
+ * specifying the weights at the boundaries. Each weight is
+ * determined by calling the function at the corresponding point.
+ *
+ * If the initializer_list contains fewer than two elements,
+ * this is equivalent to the default constructor and the
+ * distribution will produce values uniformly distributed
+ * in the range [0, 1).
+ */
+ template<class T, class F>
+ param_type(const std::initializer_list<T>& il, F f)
+ : _intervals(il.begin(), il.end())
+ {
+ if(_intervals.size() < 2) {
+ _intervals.clear();
+ _weights.push_back(WeightType(1));
+ _weights.push_back(WeightType(1));
+ _intervals.push_back(RealType(0));
+ _intervals.push_back(RealType(1));
+ } else {
+ _weights.reserve(_intervals.size());
+ for(typename std::vector<RealType>::const_iterator
+ iter = _intervals.begin(), end = _intervals.end();
+ iter != end; ++iter)
+ {
+ _weights.push_back(f(*iter));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructs a @c param_type object from Boost.Range ranges holding
+ * the interval boundaries and the weights at the boundaries. If
+ * there are fewer than two interval boundaries, this is equivalent
+ * to the default constructor and the distribution will produce
+ * values uniformly distributed in the range [0, 1). The
+ * number of weights must be equal to the number of
+ * interval boundaries.
+ */
+ template<class IntervalRange, class WeightRange>
+ param_type(const IntervalRange& intervals_arg,
+ const WeightRange& weights_arg)
+ : _intervals(boost::begin(intervals_arg), boost::end(intervals_arg)),
+ _weights(boost::begin(weights_arg), boost::end(weights_arg))
+ {
+ if(_intervals.size() < 2) {
+ _weights.clear();
+ _weights.push_back(WeightType(1));
+ _weights.push_back(WeightType(1));
+ _intervals.clear();
+ _intervals.push_back(RealType(0));
+ _intervals.push_back(RealType(1));
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructs the parameters for a distribution that approximates a
+ * function. The range of the distribution is [xmin, xmax). This
+ * range is divided into nw equally sized intervals and the weights
+ * are found by calling the unary function f on the boundaries of the
+ * intervals.
+ */
+ template<class F>
+ param_type(std::size_t nw, RealType xmin, RealType xmax, F f)
+ {
+ std::size_t n = (nw == 0) ? 1 : nw;
+ double delta = (xmax - xmin) / n;
+ assert(delta > 0);
+ for(std::size_t k = 0; k < n; ++k) {
+ _weights.push_back(f(xmin + k*delta));
+ _intervals.push_back(xmin + k*delta);
+ }
+ _weights.push_back(f(xmax));
+ _intervals.push_back(xmax);
+ }
+ /** Returns a vector containing the interval boundaries. */
+ std::vector<RealType> intervals() const { return _intervals; }
+ /**
+ * Returns a vector containing the probability densities
+ * at all the interval boundaries.
+ */
+ std::vector<WeightType> densities() const
+ {
+ WeightType sum = static_cast<WeightType>(0);
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < _intervals.size() - 1; ++i) {
+ RealType width = _intervals[i + 1] - _intervals[i];
+ sum += (_weights[i] + _weights[i + 1]) * width / 2;
+ }
+ std::vector<WeightType> result;
+ result.reserve(_weights.size());
+ for(typename std::vector<WeightType>::const_iterator
+ iter = _weights.begin(), end = _weights.end();
+ iter != end; ++iter)
+ {
+ result.push_back(*iter / sum);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ /** Writes the parameters to a @c std::ostream. */
+ {
+ detail::print_vector(os, parm._intervals);
+ detail::print_vector(os, parm._weights);
+ return os;
+ }
+ /** Reads the parameters from a @c std::istream. */
+ {
+ std::vector<RealType> new_intervals;
+ std::vector<WeightType> new_weights;
+ detail::read_vector(is, new_intervals);
+ detail::read_vector(is, new_weights);
+ if(is) {
+ parm._intervals.swap(new_intervals);
+ parm._weights.swap(new_weights);
+ }
+ return is;
+ }
+ /** Returns true if the two sets of parameters are the same. */
+ {
+ return lhs._intervals == rhs._intervals
+ && lhs._weights == rhs._weights;
+ }
+ /** Returns true if the two sets of parameters are different. */
+ private:
+ /// @cond
+ friend class piecewise_linear_distribution;
+ std::vector<RealType> _intervals;
+ std::vector<WeightType> _weights;
+ /// @endcond
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates a new @c piecewise_linear_distribution that
+ * produces values uniformly distributed in the range [0, 1).
+ */
+ piecewise_linear_distribution()
+ {
+ default_init();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructs a piecewise_linear_distribution from two iterator ranges
+ * containing the interval boundaries and the weights at the boundaries.
+ * If there are fewer than two boundaries, then this is equivalent to
+ * the default constructor and creates a distribution that
+ * produces values uniformly distributed in the range [0, 1).
+ *
+ * The values of the interval boundaries must be strictly
+ * increasing, and the number of weights must be equal to
+ * the number of interval boundaries. If there are extra
+ * weights, they are ignored.
+ *
+ * For example,
+ *
+ * @code
+ * double intervals[] = { 0.0, 1.0, 2.0 };
+ * double weights[] = { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 };
+ * piecewise_constant_distribution<> dist(
+ * &intervals[0], &intervals[0] + 3, &weights[0]);
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * produces a triangle distribution.
+ */
+ template<class IntervalIter, class WeightIter>
+ piecewise_linear_distribution(IntervalIter first_interval,
+ IntervalIter last_interval,
+ WeightIter first_weight)
+ : _intervals(first_interval, last_interval)
+ {
+ if(_intervals.size() < 2) {
+ default_init();
+ } else {
+ _weights.reserve(_intervals.size());
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < _intervals.size(); ++i) {
+ _weights.push_back(*first_weight++);
+ }
+ init();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructs a piecewise_linear_distribution from an
+ * initializer_list containing the interval boundaries
+ * and a unary function specifying the weights. Each
+ * weight is determined by calling the function at the
+ * corresponding interval boundary.
+ *
+ * If the initializer_list contains fewer than two elements,
+ * this is equivalent to the default constructor and the
+ * distribution will produce values uniformly distributed
+ * in the range [0, 1).
+ */
+ template<class T, class F>
+ piecewise_linear_distribution(std::initializer_list<T> il, F f)
+ : _intervals(il.begin(), il.end())
+ {
+ if(_intervals.size() < 2) {
+ default_init();
+ } else {
+ _weights.reserve(_intervals.size());
+ for(typename std::vector<RealType>::const_iterator
+ iter = _intervals.begin(), end = _intervals.end();
+ iter != end; ++iter)
+ {
+ _weights.push_back(f(*iter));
+ }
+ init();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructs a piecewise_linear_distribution from Boost.Range
+ * ranges holding the interval boundaries and the weights. If
+ * there are fewer than two interval boundaries, this is equivalent
+ * to the default constructor and the distribution will produce
+ * values uniformly distributed in the range [0, 1). The
+ * number of weights must be equal to the number of
+ * interval boundaries.
+ */
+ template<class IntervalsRange, class WeightsRange>
+ piecewise_linear_distribution(const IntervalsRange& intervals_arg,
+ const WeightsRange& weights_arg)
+ : _intervals(boost::begin(intervals_arg), boost::end(intervals_arg)),
+ _weights(boost::begin(weights_arg), boost::end(weights_arg))
+ {
+ if(_intervals.size() < 2) {
+ default_init();
+ } else {
+ init();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructs a piecewise_linear_distribution that approximates a
+ * function. The range of the distribution is [xmin, xmax). This
+ * range is divided into nw equally sized intervals and the weights
+ * are found by calling the unary function f on the interval boundaries.
+ */
+ template<class F>
+ piecewise_linear_distribution(std::size_t nw,
+ RealType xmin,
+ RealType xmax,
+ F f)
+ {
+ if(nw == 0) { nw = 1; }
+ RealType delta = (xmax - xmin) / nw;
+ _intervals.reserve(nw + 1);
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < nw; ++i) {
+ RealType x = xmin + i * delta;
+ _intervals.push_back(x);
+ _weights.push_back(f(x));
+ }
+ _intervals.push_back(xmax);
+ _weights.push_back(f(xmax));
+ init();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructs a piecewise_linear_distribution from its parameters.
+ */
+ explicit piecewise_linear_distribution(const param_type& parm)
+ : _intervals(parm._intervals),
+ _weights(parm._weights)
+ {
+ init();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a value distributed according to the parameters of the
+ * piecewise_linear_distribution.
+ */
+ template<class URNG>
+ RealType operator()(URNG& urng) const
+ {
+ std::size_t i = _bins(urng);
+ bool is_in_rectangle = (i % 2 == 0);
+ i = i / 2;
+ uniform_real<RealType> dist(_intervals[i], _intervals[i+1]);
+ if(is_in_rectangle) {
+ return dist(urng);
+ } else if(_weights[i] < _weights[i+1]) {
+ return std::max(dist(urng), dist(urng));
+ } else {
+ return std::min(dist(urng), dist(urng));
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a value distributed according to the parameters
+ * specified by param.
+ */
+ template<class URNG>
+ RealType operator()(URNG& urng, const param_type& parm) const
+ {
+ return piecewise_linear_distribution(parm)(urng);
+ }
+ /** Returns the smallest value that the distribution can produce. */
+ result_type min BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION () const
+ { return _intervals.front(); }
+ /** Returns the largest value that the distribution can produce. */
+ result_type max BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION () const
+ { return _intervals.back(); }
+ /**
+ * Returns a vector containing the probability densities
+ * at the interval boundaries.
+ */
+ std::vector<WeightType> densities() const
+ {
+ WeightType sum = static_cast<WeightType>(0);
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < _intervals.size() - 1; ++i) {
+ RealType width = _intervals[i + 1] - _intervals[i];
+ sum += (_weights[i] + _weights[i + 1]) * width / 2;
+ }
+ std::vector<WeightType> result;
+ result.reserve(_weights.size());
+ for(typename std::vector<WeightType>::const_iterator
+ iter = _weights.begin(), end = _weights.end();
+ iter != end; ++iter)
+ {
+ result.push_back(*iter / sum);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ /** Returns a vector containing the interval boundaries. */
+ std::vector<RealType> intervals() const { return _intervals; }
+ /** Returns the parameters of the distribution. */
+ param_type param() const
+ {
+ return param_type(_intervals, _weights);
+ }
+ /** Sets the parameters of the distribution. */
+ void param(const param_type& parm)
+ {
+ std::vector<RealType> new_intervals(parm._intervals);
+ std::vector<WeightType> new_weights(parm._weights);
+ init(new_intervals, new_weights);
+ _intervals.swap(new_intervals);
+ _weights.swap(new_weights);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Effects: Subsequent uses of the distribution do not depend
+ * on values produced by any engine prior to invoking reset.
+ */
+ void reset() { _bins.reset(); }
+ /** Writes a distribution to a @c std::ostream. */
+ os, piecewise_linear_distribution, pld)
+ {
+ os << pld.param();
+ return os;
+ }
+ /** Reads a distribution from a @c std::istream */
+ is, piecewise_linear_distribution, pld)
+ {
+ param_type parm;
+ if(is >> parm) {
+ pld.param(parm);
+ }
+ return is;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the two distributions will return the
+ * same sequence of values, when passed equal generators.
+ */
+ piecewise_linear_distribution, lhs, rhs)
+ {
+ return lhs._intervals == rhs._intervals && lhs._weights == rhs._weights;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the two distributions may return different
+ * sequences of values, when passed equal generators.
+ */
+ BOOST_RANDOM_DETAIL_INEQUALITY_OPERATOR(piecewise_linear_distribution)
+ /// @cond
+ void init(const std::vector<RealType>& intervals_arg,
+ const std::vector<WeightType>& weights_arg)
+ {
+ std::vector<WeightType> bin_weights;
+ bin_weights.reserve((intervals_arg.size() - 1) * 2);
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < intervals_arg.size() - 1; ++i) {
+ RealType width = intervals_arg[i + 1] - intervals_arg[i];
+ WeightType w1 = weights_arg[i];
+ WeightType w2 = weights_arg[i + 1];
+ bin_weights.push_back(std::min(w1, w2) * width);
+ bin_weights.push_back(std::abs(w1 - w2) * width / 2);
+ }
+ typedef discrete_distribution<std::size_t, WeightType> bins_type;
+ typename bins_type::param_type bins_param(bin_weights);
+ _bins.param(bins_param);
+ }
+ void init()
+ {
+ init(_intervals, _weights);
+ }
+ void default_init()
+ {
+ _intervals.clear();
+ _intervals.push_back(RealType(0));
+ _intervals.push_back(RealType(1));
+ _weights.clear();
+ _weights.push_back(WeightType(1));
+ _weights.push_back(WeightType(1));
+ init();
+ }
+ discrete_distribution<std::size_t, WeightType> _bins;
+ std::vector<RealType> _intervals;
+ std::vector<WeightType> _weights;
+ /// @endcond
Modified: trunk/libs/random/test/Jamfile.v2
--- trunk/libs/random/test/Jamfile.v2 (original)
+++ trunk/libs/random/test/Jamfile.v2 2011-01-11 23:53:08 EST (Tue, 11 Jan 2011)
@@ -71,6 +71,8 @@
run test_normal_distribution.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
run test_piecewise_constant.cpp ;
run test_piecewise_constant_distribution.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
+run test_piecewise_linear.cpp ;
+run test_piecewise_linear_distribution.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
# run nondet_random_speed.cpp ;
# run random_device.cpp ;
Added: trunk/libs/random/test/test_piecewise_linear.cpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/libs/random/test/test_piecewise_linear.cpp 2011-01-11 23:53:08 EST (Tue, 11 Jan 2011)
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+/* test_piecewise_linear.cpp
+ *
+ * Copyright Steven Watanabe 2011
+ * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
+ * accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ * http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+ *
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ */
+#include <boost/random/piecewise_linear_distribution.hpp>
+#include <boost/random/uniform_int.hpp>
+#include <boost/random/mersenne_twister.hpp>
+#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
+#include <boost/exception/diagnostic_information.hpp>
+#include <vector>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <numeric>
+#include "chi_squared_test.hpp"
+bool do_test(int n, long long max) {
+ std::cout << "running piecewise_linear(p0, p1, ..., p" << n-1 << ")" << " " << max << " times: " << std::flush;
+ std::vector<double> weights;
+ std::vector<double> expected;
+ {
+ boost::mt19937 egen;
+ for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ weights.push_back(egen());
+ }
+ for(int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {
+ expected.push_back((weights[i] + weights[i + 1]) / 2);
+ }
+ double sum = std::accumulate(expected.begin(), expected.end(), 0.0);
+ for(std::vector<double>::iterator iter = expected.begin(), end = expected.end(); iter != end; ++iter) {
+ *iter /= sum;
+ }
+ }
+ std::vector<double> intervals;
+ for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ intervals.push_back(i);
+ }
+ boost::random::piecewise_linear_distribution<> dist(intervals, weights);
+ boost::mt19937 gen;
+ std::vector<long long> results(expected.size());
+ for(long long i = 0; i < max; ++i) {
+ ++results[static_cast<std::size_t>(dist(gen))];
+ }
+ long long sum = std::accumulate(results.begin(), results.end(), 0ll);
+ if(sum != max) {
+ std::cout << "*** Failed: incorrect total: " << sum << " ***" << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ double chsqr = chi_squared_test(results, expected, max);
+ bool result = chsqr < 0.99;
+ const char* err = result? "" : "*";
+ std::cout << std::setprecision(17) << chsqr << err << std::endl;
+ std::cout << std::setprecision(6);
+ return result;
+bool do_tests(int repeat, int max_n, long long trials) {
+ boost::mt19937 gen;
+ boost::uniform_int<> idist(1, max_n);
+ int errors = 0;
+ for(int i = 0; i < repeat; ++i) {
+ if(!do_test(idist(gen), trials)) {
+ ++errors;
+ }
+ }
+ if(errors != 0) {
+ std::cout << "*** " << errors << " errors detected ***" << std::endl;
+ }
+ return errors == 0;
+int usage() {
+ std::cerr << "Usage: test_piecewise_linear -r <repeat> -n <max n> -t <trials>" << std::endl;
+ return 2;
+template<class T>
+bool handle_option(int& argc, char**& argv, char opt, T& value) {
+ if(argv[0][1] == opt && argc > 1) {
+ --argc;
+ ++argv;
+ value = boost::lexical_cast<T>(argv[0]);
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+int main(int argc, char** argv) {
+ int repeat = 10;
+ int max_n = 100000;
+ long long trials = 1000000ll;
+ if(argc > 0) {
+ --argc;
+ ++argv;
+ }
+ while(argc > 0) {
+ if(argv[0][0] != '-') return usage();
+ else if(!handle_option(argc, argv, 'r', repeat)
+ && !handle_option(argc, argv, 'n', max_n)
+ && !handle_option(argc, argv, 't', trials)) {
+ return usage();
+ }
+ --argc;
+ ++argv;
+ }
+ try {
+ if(do_tests(repeat, max_n, trials)) {
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ } catch(...) {
+ std::cerr << boost::current_exception_diagnostic_information() << std::endl;
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
Added: trunk/libs/random/test/test_piecewise_linear_distribution.cpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/libs/random/test/test_piecewise_linear_distribution.cpp 2011-01-11 23:53:08 EST (Tue, 11 Jan 2011)
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+/* test_piecewise_linear_distribution.cpp
+ *
+ * Copyright Steven Watanabe 2011
+ * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
+ * accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ * http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+ *
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ */
+#include <boost/random/piecewise_linear_distribution.hpp>
+#include <boost/random/linear_congruential.hpp>
+#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+struct gen {
+ double operator()(double arg) {
+ if(arg < 97) return 100;
+ else if(arg < 101) return 3;
+ else if(arg < 105) return 1;
+ else if(arg < 109) return 2;
+ else if(arg < 113) return 1;
+ else if(arg < 117) return 5;
+ else return 100;
+ }
+#define CHECK_SEQUENCE(actual, expected) \
+ do { \
+ std::vector<double> _actual = (actual); \
+ std::vector<double> _expected = (expected); \
+ _actual.begin(), _actual.end(), \
+ _expected.begin(), _expected.end()); \
+ } while(false)
+using boost::assign::list_of;
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_constructors) {
+ boost::random::piecewise_linear_distribution<> dist;
+ CHECK_SEQUENCE(dist.intervals(), list_of(0.0)(1.0));
+ CHECK_SEQUENCE(dist.densities(), list_of(1.0)(1.0));
+ boost::random::piecewise_linear_distribution<> dist_il = {
+ { 99, 103, 107, 111, 115 },
+ gen()
+ };
+ CHECK_SEQUENCE(dist_il.intervals(), list_of(99)(103)(107)(111)(115));
+ CHECK_SEQUENCE(dist_il.densities(),
+ list_of(.09375)(.03125)(0.0625)(.03125)(.15625));
+ boost::random::piecewise_linear_distribution<> dist_il2 = {
+ { 99 },
+ gen()
+ };
+ CHECK_SEQUENCE(dist_il2.intervals(), list_of(0.0)(1.0));
+ CHECK_SEQUENCE(dist_il2.densities(), list_of(1.0)(1.0));
+ std::vector<double> intervals = boost::assign::list_of(0)(1)(2)(3)(5);
+ std::vector<double> weights = boost::assign::list_of(3)(1)(2)(1)(2);
+ std::vector<double> intervals2 = boost::assign::list_of(99);
+ std::vector<double> weights2 = boost::assign::list_of(2);
+ boost::random::piecewise_linear_distribution<> dist_r(intervals, weights);
+ CHECK_SEQUENCE(dist_r.intervals(), list_of(0)(1)(2)(3)(5));
+ CHECK_SEQUENCE(dist_r.densities(), list_of(.375)(.125)(.25)(.125)(.25));
+ boost::random::piecewise_linear_distribution<>
+ dist_r2(intervals2, weights2);
+ CHECK_SEQUENCE(dist_r2.intervals(), list_of(0.0)(1.0));
+ CHECK_SEQUENCE(dist_r2.densities(), list_of(1.0)(1.0));
+ boost::random::piecewise_linear_distribution<> dist_it(
+ intervals.begin(), intervals.end(), weights.begin());
+ CHECK_SEQUENCE(dist_it.intervals(), list_of(0)(1)(2)(3)(5));
+ CHECK_SEQUENCE(dist_it.densities(), list_of(.375)(.125)(.25)(.125)(.25));
+ boost::random::piecewise_linear_distribution<> dist_it2(
+ intervals2.begin(), intervals2.end(), weights2.begin());
+ CHECK_SEQUENCE(dist_it2.intervals(), list_of(0.0)(1.0));
+ CHECK_SEQUENCE(dist_it2.densities(), list_of(1.0)(1.0));
+ boost::random::piecewise_linear_distribution<> dist_fun(4, 99,115, gen());
+ CHECK_SEQUENCE(dist_fun.intervals(), list_of(99)(103)(107)(111)(115));
+ CHECK_SEQUENCE(dist_fun.densities(),
+ list_of(.09375)(.03125)(0.0625)(.03125)(.15625));
+ boost::random::piecewise_linear_distribution<>
+ dist_fun2(1, 99, 115, gen());
+ CHECK_SEQUENCE(dist_fun2.intervals(), list_of(99)(115));
+ CHECK_SEQUENCE(dist_fun2.densities(), list_of(0.046875)(0.078125));
+ boost::random::piecewise_linear_distribution<> copy(dist);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(dist, copy);
+ boost::random::piecewise_linear_distribution<> copy_r(dist_r);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(dist_r, copy_r);
+ boost::random::piecewise_linear_distribution<> notpow2(3, 99, 111, gen());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(notpow2.densities().size(), 4u);
+ BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(notpow2.densities()[0], 0.15, 1e-12);
+ BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(notpow2.densities()[1], 0.05, 1e-12);
+ BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(notpow2.densities()[2], 0.1, 1e-12);
+ BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION(notpow2.densities()[3], 0.05, 1e-12);
+ boost::random::piecewise_linear_distribution<> copy_notpow2(notpow2);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(notpow2, copy_notpow2);
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_param) {
+ std::vector<double> intervals = boost::assign::list_of(0)(1)(2)(3)(5);
+ std::vector<double> weights = boost::assign::list_of(3)(1)(2)(1)(2);
+ std::vector<double> intervals2 = boost::assign::list_of(99);
+ std::vector<double> weights2 = boost::assign::list_of(2);
+ boost::random::piecewise_linear_distribution<> dist(intervals, weights);
+ boost::random::piecewise_linear_distribution<>::param_type
+ param = dist.param();
+ CHECK_SEQUENCE(param.intervals(), list_of(0)(1)(2)(3)(5));
+ CHECK_SEQUENCE(param.densities(), list_of(.375)(.125)(.25)(.125)(.25));
+ boost::random::piecewise_linear_distribution<> copy1(param);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(dist, copy1);
+ boost::random::piecewise_linear_distribution<> copy2;
+ copy2.param(param);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(dist, copy2);
+ boost::random::piecewise_linear_distribution<>::param_type
+ param_copy = param;
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(param, param_copy);
+ BOOST_CHECK(param == param_copy);
+ BOOST_CHECK(!(param != param_copy));
+ boost::random::piecewise_linear_distribution<>::param_type param_default;
+ CHECK_SEQUENCE(param_default.intervals(), list_of(0.0)(1.0));
+ CHECK_SEQUENCE(param_default.densities(), list_of(1.0)(1.0));
+ BOOST_CHECK(param != param_default);
+ BOOST_CHECK(!(param == param_default));
+ boost::random::piecewise_linear_distribution<>::param_type parm_il = {
+ { 99, 103, 107, 111, 115 },
+ gen()
+ };
+ CHECK_SEQUENCE(parm_il.intervals(), list_of(99)(103)(107)(111)(115));
+ CHECK_SEQUENCE(parm_il.densities(),
+ list_of(.09375)(.03125)(0.0625)(.03125)(.15625));
+ boost::random::piecewise_linear_distribution<>::param_type parm_il2 = {
+ { 99 },
+ gen()
+ };
+ CHECK_SEQUENCE(parm_il2.intervals(), list_of(0.0)(1.0));
+ CHECK_SEQUENCE(parm_il2.densities(), list_of(1.0)(1.0));
+ boost::random::piecewise_linear_distribution<>::param_type
+ parm_r(intervals, weights);
+ CHECK_SEQUENCE(parm_r.intervals(), list_of(0)(1)(2)(3)(5));
+ CHECK_SEQUENCE(parm_r.densities(), list_of(.375)(.125)(.25)(.125)(.25));
+ boost::random::piecewise_linear_distribution<>::param_type
+ parm_r2(intervals2, weights2);
+ CHECK_SEQUENCE(parm_r2.intervals(), list_of(0.0)(1.0));
+ CHECK_SEQUENCE(parm_r2.densities(), list_of(1.0)(1.0));
+ boost::random::piecewise_linear_distribution<>::param_type
+ parm_it(intervals.begin(), intervals.end(), weights.begin());
+ CHECK_SEQUENCE(parm_it.intervals(), list_of(0)(1)(2)(3)(5));
+ CHECK_SEQUENCE(parm_it.densities(), list_of(.375)(.125)(.25)(.125)(.25));
+ boost::random::piecewise_linear_distribution<>::param_type
+ parm_it2(intervals2.begin(), intervals2.end(), weights2.begin());
+ CHECK_SEQUENCE(parm_it2.intervals(), list_of(0.0)(1.0));
+ CHECK_SEQUENCE(parm_it2.densities(), list_of(1.0)(1.0));
+ boost::random::piecewise_linear_distribution<>::param_type
+ parm_fun(4, 99, 115, gen());
+ CHECK_SEQUENCE(parm_fun.intervals(), list_of(99)(103)(107)(111)(115));
+ CHECK_SEQUENCE(parm_fun.densities(),
+ list_of(.09375)(.03125)(0.0625)(.03125)(.15625));
+ boost::random::piecewise_linear_distribution<>::param_type
+ parm_fun2(1, 99, 115, gen());
+ CHECK_SEQUENCE(parm_fun2.intervals(), list_of(99)(115));
+ CHECK_SEQUENCE(parm_fun2.densities(), list_of(0.046875)(0.078125));
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_min_max) {
+ std::vector<double> intervals = boost::assign::list_of(0)(1)(2)(3)(5);
+ std::vector<double> weights = boost::assign::list_of(3)(1)(2)(1)(2);
+ boost::random::piecewise_linear_distribution<> dist;
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((dist.min)(), 0.0);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((dist.max)(), 1.0);
+ boost::random::piecewise_linear_distribution<> dist_r(intervals, weights);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((dist_r.min)(), 0.0);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((dist_r.max)(), 5.0);
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_comparison) {
+ std::vector<double> intervals = boost::assign::list_of(0)(1)(2)(3)(5);
+ std::vector<double> weights = boost::assign::list_of(3)(1)(2)(1)(2);
+ boost::random::piecewise_linear_distribution<> dist;
+ boost::random::piecewise_linear_distribution<> dist_copy(dist);
+ boost::random::piecewise_linear_distribution<> dist_r(intervals, weights);
+ boost::random::piecewise_linear_distribution<> dist_r_copy(dist_r);
+ BOOST_CHECK(dist == dist_copy);
+ BOOST_CHECK(!(dist != dist_copy));
+ BOOST_CHECK(dist_r == dist_r_copy);
+ BOOST_CHECK(!(dist_r != dist_r_copy));
+ BOOST_CHECK(dist != dist_r);
+ BOOST_CHECK(!(dist == dist_r));
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_streaming) {
+ std::vector<double> intervals = boost::assign::list_of(0)(1)(2)(3)(5);
+ std::vector<double> weights = boost::assign::list_of(3)(1)(2)(1)(2);
+ boost::random::piecewise_linear_distribution<> dist(intervals, weights);
+ std::stringstream stream;
+ stream << dist;
+ boost::random::piecewise_linear_distribution<> restored_dist;
+ stream >> restored_dist;
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(dist, restored_dist);
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_generation) {
+ std::vector<double> intervals = boost::assign::list_of(1)(2);
+ std::vector<double> weights = boost::assign::list_of(1)(1);
+ boost::minstd_rand0 gen;
+ boost::random::piecewise_linear_distribution<> dist;
+ boost::random::piecewise_linear_distribution<> dist_r(intervals, weights);
+ for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
+ double value = dist(gen);
+ BOOST_CHECK_GE(value, 0.0);
+ BOOST_CHECK_LT(value, 1.0);
+ double value_r = dist_r(gen);
+ BOOST_CHECK_GE(value_r, 1.0);
+ BOOST_CHECK_LT(value_r, 2.0);
+ double value_param = dist_r(gen, dist.param());
+ BOOST_CHECK_GE(value_param, 0.0);
+ BOOST_CHECK_LT(value_param, 1.0);
+ double value_r_param = dist(gen, dist_r.param());
+ BOOST_CHECK_GE(value_r_param, 1.0);
+ BOOST_CHECK_LT(value_r_param, 2.0);
+ }
Boost-Commit list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk