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Subject: [Boost-commit] svn:boost r68062 - sandbox/guild/pool/libs/pool/doc
From: pbristow_at_[hidden]
Date: 2011-01-12 12:59:28
Author: pbristow
Date: 2011-01-12 12:59:26 EST (Wed, 12 Jan 2011)
New Revision: 68062
URL: http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/68062
Doxygen generated docs, but no auto-index yet. Only a few prts of pool are annotated.
Binary files modified:
Text files modified:
sandbox/guild/pool/libs/pool/doc/pool.qbk | 299 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
1 files changed, 280 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)
Modified: sandbox/guild/pool/libs/pool/doc/pool.pdf
Binary files. No diff available.
Modified: sandbox/guild/pool/libs/pool/doc/pool.qbk
--- sandbox/guild/pool/libs/pool/doc/pool.qbk (original)
+++ sandbox/guild/pool/libs/pool/doc/pool.qbk 2011-01-12 12:59:26 EST (Wed, 12 Jan 2011)
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
[section:overview Overview]
-[heading How to Use This Documentation]
+[heading Documentation Naming and Formatting Conventions]
This documentation makes use of the following naming and formatting conventions.
@@ -91,7 +91,8 @@
which covers the different Pool interfaces supplied by this library.
[h5 Library Structure and Dependencies]
-Forward declarations of all the exposed symbols for this library are in the header <boost/pool/poolfwd.hpp>.
+Forward declarations of all the exposed symbols for this library
+are in the header made inscope by `#include <boost/pool/poolfwd.hpp>`.
The library may use macros, which will be prefixed with `BOOST_POOL_`.
The exception to this rule are the include file guards,
@@ -131,8 +132,6 @@
[endsect] [/section:testing Building the Test Programs]
-[section:docmap Documentation Map]
[h5 Overview of Pooling ]
[section:pooling Pool Concepts - Basic ideas behind pooling]
@@ -140,7 +139,7 @@
Everyone uses dynamic memory allocation.
If you have ever called malloc or new, then you have used dynamic memory allocation.
-Most programmers have a tendency to treat the heap as a "magic bag":
+Most programmers have a tendency to treat the heap as a ["magic bag"]:
we ask it for memory, and it magically creates some for us.
Sometimes we run into problems because the heap is not magic.
@@ -165,13 +164,17 @@
Even when a chunk is malloc'ed out to a program, the memory manager
must ['save] some information in it - usually just its size.
Then, when the block is free'd, the memory manager can easily tell how large it is.
+[section:mbna Memory block, allocated (not by process)]
+[/<caption> <span class="emphasis"><em>Memory block, not allocated</em></span> </caption>]
-<table cellspacing="0" border="3" rules="none" style="float: left; clear: both;" summary="">
- <caption>
- <span class="emphasis"><em>Memory block, not allocated</em></span>
- </caption>
+<table cellspacing="0" border="3" rules="none" style="float: left; clear: both;" summary="Memory not used by process">
+ <tr>
+ <td style="background-color: white; text-align: center;">Memory block, not allocated</td>
+ </tr>
<td style="background-color: red; text-align: center;">Memory not belonging to process</td>
@@ -193,15 +196,19 @@
+[/h4 Memory block, allocated (used by process)]
+[section:mba Memory block, allocated (in use by process)]
- <table cellspacing="0" border="3" rules="none" style=
- "float: right; clear: both;" summary="">
- <caption>
- <span class="emphasis"><em>Memory block, allocated (used by program)</em></span>
+[/<caption> <span class="emphasis"><em>Memory block, allocated (used by program)</em></span> </caption>]
- </caption>
+ <table cellspacing="0" border="3" rules="none" style= "float: right; clear: both;" summary="Memory used by program">
+ <tr>
+ <td style="background-color: white; text-align: center;">Memory block, allocated (used by process)</td>
+ </tr>
<td style="background-color: red; text-align: center;">Memory not belonging to process</td>
@@ -222,6 +229,10 @@
+[h5 Dynamic memory allocation is often inefficient]
Because of the complication of dynamic memory allocation,
it is often inefficient in terms of time and/or space.
@@ -643,14 +654,264 @@
[endsect] [/section:alignment Guaranteeing Alignment - How we guarantee alignment portably.]
-* [@interfaces.html interfaces.html] - What interfaces are provided and when to use each one.
-* Pool Exposed Interfaces
+[section:interfaces Boost Pool Interfaces - What interfaces are provided and when to use each one.]
+[h4 Introduction]
+There are several interfaces provided which allow users great flexibility
+in how they want to use Pools.
+Review the concepts document to get the basic understanding of how Pools work.
+[h3 Terminology and Tradeoffs]
+[h5 Object Usage vs. Singleton Usage]
+Object Usage is the method where each Pool is an object that may be created and destroyed.
+Destroying a Pool implicitly frees all chunks that have been allocated from it.
+Singleton Usage is the method where each Pool is an object with static duration;
+that is, it will not be destroyed until program exit.
+Pool objects with Singleton Usage may be shared;
+thus, Singleton Usage implies thread-safety as well.
+System memory allocated by Pool objects with Singleton Usage
+may be freed through release_memory or purge_memory.
+[h5 Out-of-Memory Conditions: Exceptions vs. Null Return]
+Some Pool interfaces throw exceptions when out-of-memory;
+others will return 0. In general, unless mandated by the Standard,
+Pool interfaces will always prefer to return 0 instead of throw an exception.
+[section:interfaces Pool Interfaces]
+[section:pool pool]
+The [@interfaces/pool.html pool interface]
+is a simple Object Usage interface with Null Return.
+void func()
+ boost::pool<> p(sizeof(int));
+ for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
+ {
+ int * const t = p.malloc();
+ ... // Do something with t; don't take the time to free() it
+ }
+} // on function exit, p is destroyed, and all malloc()'ed ints are implicitly freed
+[endsect] [/section pool]
+[section:object_pool object_pool]
+The [@interfaces/object_pool.html object_pool interface]
+is an Object Usage interface with Null Return,
+but is aware of the type of the object for which it is allocating chunks.
+On destruction, any chunks that have been allocated
+from that object_pool will have their destructors called.
+struct X { ... }; // has destructor with side-effects
+void func()
+ boost::object_pool<X> p;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
+ {
+ X * const t = p.malloc();
+ ... // Do something with t; don't take the time to free() it
+ }
+} // on function exit, p is destroyed, and all destructors for the X objects are called
+[endsect] [/section object_pool]
+[section:singleton_pool singleton_pool]
+The [@interfaces/singleton_pool.html singleton_pool interface]
+is a Singleton Usage interface with Null Return.
+It's just the same as the pool interface but with Singleton Usage instead.
+struct MyPoolTag { };
+typedef boost::singleton_pool<MyPoolTag, sizeof(int)> my_pool;
+void func()
+ for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
+ {
+ int * const t = my_pool::malloc();
+ ... // Do something with t; don't take the time to free() it
+ }
+ // Explicitly free all malloc()'ed int's
+ my_pool::purge_memory();
+[endsect] [/section singleton_pool]
+[section:pool_alloc pool_alloc]
+The [@interfaces/pool_alloc.html pool_alloc interface] is a Singleton Usage interface with Exceptions.
+It is built on the singleton_pool interface,
+and provides a Standard Allocator-compliant class (for use in containers, etc.).
+void func()
+ std::vector<int, boost::pool_allocator<int> > v;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
+ v.push_back(13);
+} // Exiting the function does NOT free the system memory allocated by the pool allocator
+ // You must call
+ // boost::singleton_pool<boost::pool_allocator_tag, sizeof(int)>::release_memory()
+ // in order to force that
+[endsect] [/section pool_alloc]
+[endsect] [/section:interfaces The Interfaces - pool, object_pool and singleton_pool]
+[h4 Future Directions]
+Another pool interface will be written: a base class for per-class pool allocation.
+This "pool_base" interface will be Singleton Usage with Exceptions,
+and built on the singleton_pool interface.
+[endsect] [/section:interfaces- What interfaces are provided and when to use each one.]
+[section:exposed Pool Exposed Interfaces ]
+[section:simple_segregated Simple_segregated_storage - Not for the faint of heart; embedded programmers only!]
+[h4 Introduction]
+simple_segregated_storage.hpp provides a template class simple_segregated_storage
+that controls access to a free list of memory chunks.
+Please note that this is a very simple class, with preconditions on almost all its functions.
+It is intended to be the fastest and smallest possible quick memory allocator
+for example, something to use in embedded systems.
+This class delegates many difficult preconditions to the user (especially alignment issues).
+For more general usage, see [@../interfaces.html the other pool interfaces].
+[h4 Synopsis]
+template <typename SizeType = std::size_t>
+class simple_segregated_storage
+ private:
+ simple_segregated_storage(const simple_segregated_storage &);
+ void operator=(const simple_segregated_storage &);
+ public:
+ typedef SizeType size_type;
+ simple_segregated_storage();
+ ~simple_segregated_storage();
+ static void * segregate(void * block,
+ size_type nsz, size_type npartition_sz,
+ void * end = 0);
+ void add_block(void * block,
+ size_type nsz, size_type npartition_sz);
+ void add_ordered_block(void * block,
+ size_type nsz, size_type npartition_sz);
+ bool empty() const;
+ void * malloc();
+ void free(void * chunk);
+ void ordered_free(void * chunk);
+ void * malloc_n(size_type n, size_type partition_sz);
+ void free_n(void * chunks, size_type n,
+ size_type partition_sz);
+ void ordered_free_n(void * chunks, size_type n,
+ size_type partition_sz);
+[h4 Semantics]
+An object of type `simple_segregated_storage<SizeType>`
+is empty if its free list is empty.
+If it is not empty, then it is ordered if its free list is ordered.
+A free list is ordered if repeated calls to` malloc()` will result in
+a constantly-increasing sequence of values, as determined by `std::less<void *>`.
+A member function is order-preserving if the free list maintains its order orientation
+(that is, an ordered free list is still ordered after the member function call).
+[table:ss_symbols Symbol Table
+[ [Symbol] [Meaning] ]
+[ [Store] [simple_segregated_storage<SizeType>] ]
+[ [t] [value of type Store] ]
+[ [u] [value of type const Store] ]
+[ [block, chunk, end] [values of type void *] ]
+[ [partition_sz, sz, n] [values of type Store::size_type] ]
+[table:templates Template Parameters
+[ [Parameter] [Default] [Requirements] ]
+[ [SizeType] [std::size_t] [An unsigned integral type] ]
+[table:Typedefs Typedefs [ [Symbol] [Type] ]
+[ [size_type] [SizeType] ]
+[table:Constructors Constructors, Destructors, and State
+[ [Expression] [Return Type] [Post-Condition] [Notes] ]
+[ [Store()] [not used] [empty()] [Constructs a new Store] ]
+[ [(&t)->~Store()] [not used] [] [Destructs the Store] ]
+[ [u.empty()] [bool] [] [Returns true if u is empty. Order-preserving.] ]
+[table:Segregation Segregation
+[ [Expression] [Return Type] [Pre-Condition] [Post-Condition] [Semantic Equivalence] [Notes] ]
+[ [Store::segregate(block, sz, partition_sz, end)] [void *] [partition_sz >= sizeof(void *)
+partition_sz = sizeof(void *) * i, for some integer i
+sz >= partition_sz
+block is properly aligned for an array of objects of size partition_sz
+block is properly aligned for an array of void *] [] [] [Interleaves a free list through the memory block specified by block of size sz bytes, partitioning it into as many partition_sz-sized chunks as possible. The last chunk is set to point to end, and a pointer to the first chunck is returned (this is always equal to block). This interleaved free list is ordered. O(sz).] ]
+[ [Store::segregate(block, sz, partition_sz)] [void *] [Same as above] [] [Store::segregate(block, sz, partition_sz, 0)] [] ]
+[ [t.add_block(block, sz, partition_sz)] [void] [Same as above] [!t.empty()] [] [Segregates the memory block specified by block of size sz bytes into partition_sz-sized chunks, and adds that free list to its own. If t was empty before this call, then it is ordered after this call. O(sz).] ]
+[ [t.add_ordered_block(block, sz, partition_sz)] [void] [Same as above] [!t.empty()] [] [Segregates the memory block specified by block of size sz bytes into partition_sz-sized chunks, and merges that free list into its own. Order-preserving. O(sz).] ]
+[table:alloc Allocation and Deallocation
+[ [Expression] [Return Type] [Pre-Condition] [Post-Condition] [Semantic Equivalence] [Notes] ]
+[ [t.malloc()] [void *] [!t.empty()] [] [] [Takes the first available chunk from the free list and returns it. Order-preserving. O(1).] ]
+[ [t.free(chunk)] [void] [chunk was previously returned from a call to t.malloc()] [!t.empty()] [] [Places chunk back on the free list. Note that chunk may not be 0. O(1).] ]
+[ [t.ordered_free(chunk)] [void] [Same as above] [!t.empty()] [] [Places chunk back on the free list. Note that chunk may not be 0. Order-preserving. O(N) with respect to the size of the free list.] ]
+[ [t.malloc_n(n, partition_sz)] [void *] [] [] [] [Attempts to find a contiguous sequence of n partition_sz-sized chunks. If found, removes them all from the free list and returns a pointer to the first. If not found, returns 0. It is strongly recommended (but not required) that the free list be ordered, as this algorithm will fail to find a contiguous sequence unless it is contiguous in the free list as well. Order-preserving. O(N) with respect to the size of the free list.] ]
+[ [t.free_n(chunk, n, partition_sz)] [void] [chunk was previously returned from a call to t.malloc_n(n, partition_sz)] [!t.empty()] [t.add_block(chunk, n * partition_sz, partition_sz)] [Assumes that chunk actually refers to a block of chunks spanning n * partition_sz bytes; segregates and adds in that block. Note that chunk may not be 0. O(n).] ]
+[ [t.ordered_free_n(chunk, n, partition_sz)] [void] [same as above] [same as above] [t.add_ordered_block(chunk, n * partition_sz, partition_sz)] [Same as above, except it merges in the free list. Order-preserving. O(N + n) where N is the size of the free list.] ]
+[h4 Symbols]
+* boost::simple_segregated_storage
+[endsect] [/section:simple_segregated_storage]
+[endsect] [/section:exposed Pool Exposed Interfaces ]
* [@interfaces/simple_segregated_storage.html interfaces/simple_segregated_storage.html] - Not for the faint of heart; embedded programmers only.
* [@interfaces/pool.html interfaces/pool.html] - The basic pool interface.
* [@interfaces/singleton_pool.html interfaces/singleton_pool.html] - The basic pool interface as a thread-safe singleton.
* [@interfaces/object_pool.html interfaces/object_pool.html] - A type-oriented (instead of size-oriented) pool interface.
* [@interfaces/pool_alloc.html interfaces/pool_alloc.html] - A Standard Allocator pool interface based on singleton_pool.
* [@interfaces/user_allocator.html interfaces/user_allocator.html] - OK, not a pool interface, but it describes how the user can control how Pools allocate system memory.
* Pool Implementation Details and Extensions
* Interface Implementations and Extensions
* [@implementation/simple_segregated_storage.html implementation/simple_segregated_storage.html]
@@ -667,7 +928,7 @@
* [@implementation/pool_construct.html implementation/pool_construct.html] - The system for supporting more constructor arguments in object_pool.
* [@implementation/singleton.html implementation/singleton.html] - Singleton that avoids static initialization problem.
-[endsect] [/section:docmap Documentation Map]
+[xinclude autodoc.xml] [/ Using Doxygen reference documentation.]
[endsect] [/section:pool Boost Pool Library]
Boost-Commit list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk