![]() |
Boost-Commit : |
Subject: [Boost-commit] svn:boost r68620 - sandbox/guild/mylibrary/libs/mylibrary/doc
From: pbristow_at_[hidden]
Date: 2011-02-03 07:14:26
Author: pbristow
Date: 2011-02-03 07:14:21 EST (Thu, 03 Feb 2011)
New Revision: 68620
URL: http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/68620
my template template draft
sandbox/guild/mylibrary/libs/mylibrary/doc/html4_symbols.qbk (contents, props changed)
sandbox/guild/mylibrary/libs/mylibrary/doc/jamfile.v2 (contents, props changed)
sandbox/guild/mylibrary/libs/mylibrary/doc/latin1_symbols.qbk (contents, props changed)
sandbox/guild/mylibrary/libs/mylibrary/doc/math_symbols.qbk (contents, props changed)
sandbox/guild/mylibrary/libs/mylibrary/doc/mylibrary.css (contents, props changed)
sandbox/guild/mylibrary/libs/mylibrary/doc/mylibrary.idx (contents, props changed)
sandbox/guild/mylibrary/libs/mylibrary/doc/mylibrary.qbk (contents, props changed)
sandbox/guild/mylibrary/libs/mylibrary/doc/mylibrary_html_index.bat (contents, props changed)
sandbox/guild/mylibrary/libs/mylibrary/doc/mylibrary_html_index_03-Feb-2011_1137.log (contents, props changed)
sandbox/guild/mylibrary/libs/mylibrary/doc/mylibrary_pdf_index.bat (contents, props changed)
sandbox/guild/mylibrary/libs/mylibrary/doc/mylibrary_pdf_index_03-Feb-2011_1029.log (contents, props changed)
sandbox/guild/mylibrary/libs/mylibrary/doc/test_html4_symbols.qbk (contents, props changed)
Added: sandbox/guild/mylibrary/libs/mylibrary/doc/html4_symbols.qbk
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/guild/mylibrary/libs/mylibrary/doc/html4_symbols.qbk 2011-02-03 07:14:21 EST (Thu, 03 Feb 2011)
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+[/ Symbols and Greek letters (about 120) from HTML4 ]
+[/ File HTML4_symbols.qbk]
+[/ See http://www.htmlhelp.com/reference/html40/entities/symbols.html]
+[/ http://www.alanwood.net/demos/ent4_frame.html]
+[/ All (except 2 angle brackets) show OK on Firefox 2.0]
+[/ See also Latin-1 aka Western (ISO-8859-1) in latin1_symbols.qbk]
+[/ http://www.htmlhelp.com/reference/html40/entities/latin1.html]
+[/ Also some miscellaneous math charaters added to this list - see the end.]
+[/ To use, enclose the template name in square brackets.]
+[template fnof[]'''ƒ'''] [/ Latin small f with hook = function = florin]
+[template Alpha[]'''Α'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter alpha]
+[template Beta[]'''Β'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter beta]
+[template Gamma[]'''Γ'''] [/ G Greek capital letter gamma]
+[template Delta[]'''Δ'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter delta]
+[template Epsilon[]'''Ε'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter epsilon]
+[template Zeta[]'''Ζ'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter zeta]
+[template Eta[]'''Η'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter eta]
+[template Theta[]'''Θ'''] [/ T Greek capital letter theta]
+[template Iota[]'''Ι'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter iota]
+[template Kappa[]'''Κ'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter kappa]
+[template Lambda[]'''Λ'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter lambda]
+[template Mu[]'''Μ'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter mu]
+[template Nu[]'''Ν'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter nu]
+[template Xi[]'''Ξ'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter xi]
+[template Omicron[]'''Ο'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter omicron]
+[template Pi[]'''Π'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter pi]
+[template Rho[]'''Ρ'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter rho]
+[template Sigma[]'''Σ'''] [/ S Greek capital letter sigma]
+[template Tau[]'''Τ'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter tau]
+[template Upsilon[]'''Υ'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter upsilon]
+[template Phi[]'''Φ'''] [/ F Greek capital letter phi]
+[template Chi[]'''Χ'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter chi]
+[template Psi[]'''Ψ'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter psi]
+[template Omega[]'''Ω'''] [/ O Greek capital letter omega]
+[template alpha[]'''α'''] [/ a Greek small letter alpha]
+[template beta[]'''β'''] [/ ß Greek small letter beta]
+[template gamma[]'''γ'''] [/ ? Greek small letter gamma]
+[template delta[]'''δ'''] [/ d Greek small letter delta]
+[template epsilon[]'''ε'''] [/ e Greek small letter epsilon]
+[template zeta[]'''ζ'''] [/ ? Greek small letter zeta]
+[template eta[]'''η'''] [/ ? Greek small letter eta]
+[template theta[]'''θ'''] [/ ? Greek small letter theta]
+[template iota[]'''ι'''] [/ ? Greek small letter iota]
+[template kappa[]'''κ'''] [/ ? Greek small letter kappa]
+[template lambda[]'''λ'''] [/ ? Greek small letter lambda]
+[template mu[]'''μ'''] [/ µ Greek small letter mu]
+[template nu[]'''ν'''] [/ ? Greek small letter nu]
+[template xi[]'''ξ'''] [/ ? Greek small letter xi]
+[template omicron[]'''ο'''] [/ ? Greek small letter omicron]
+[template pi[]'''π'''] [/ p Greek small letter pi]
+[template rho[]'''ρ'''] [/ ? Greek small letter rho]
+[template sigmaf[]'''ς'''] [/ ? Greek small letter final sigma]
+[template sigma[]'''σ'''] [/ s Greek small letter sigma]
+[template tau[]'''τ'''] [/ t Greek small letter tau]
+[template upsilon[]'''υ'''] [/ ? Greek small letter upsilon]
+[template phi[]'''φ'''] [/ f Greek small letter phi]
+[template chi[]'''χ'''] [/ ? Greek small letter chi]
+[template psi[]'''ψ'''] [/ ? Greek small letter psi]
+[template omega[]'''ω'''] [/ ? Greek small letter omega]
+[template thetasym[]'''ϑ'''] [/ ? Greek small letter theta symbol]
+[template upsih[]'''ϒ'''] [/ ? Greek upsilon with hook symbol]
+[template piv[]'''ϖ'''] [/ ? Greek pi symbol]
+[template bull[]'''•'''] [/ bullet = black small circle]
+[template hellip[]'''…'''] [/
horizontal ellipsis = three dot leader]
+[template prime[]'''′'''] [/ ' prime = minutes = feet]
+[template Prime[]'''″'''] [/ ? double prime = seconds = inches]
+[template oline[]'''‾'''] [/ ? overline = spacing overscore]
+[template frasl[]'''⁄'''] [/ / fraction slash]
+[template weierp[]'''℘'''] [/ P script capital P = power set = Weierstrass p]
+[template image[]'''ℑ'''] [/ I blackletter capital I = imaginary part]
+[template real[]'''ℜ'''] [/ R blackletter capital R = real part symbol]
+[template trade[]'''™'''] [/ trade mark sign]
+[template alefsym[]'''ℵ'''] [/ ? alef symbol = first transfinite cardinal]
+[template larr[]'''←'''] [/ ? leftwards arrow]
+[template uarr[]'''↑'''] [/ ? upwards arrow]
+[template rarr[]'''→'''] [/ ? rightwards arrow]
+[template darr[]'''↓'''] [/ ? downwards arrow]
+[template harr[]'''↔'''] [/ ? left right arrow]
+[template crarr[]'''↵'''] [/ ? downwards arrow with corner leftwards = CR]
+[template lArr[]'''⇐'''] [/ ? leftwards double arrow]
+[template uArr[]'''⇑'''] [/ ? upwards double arrow]
+[template rArr[]'''⇒'''] [/ ? rightwards double arrow]
+[template dArr[]'''⇓'''] [/ ? downwards double arrow]
+[template hArr[]'''⇔'''] [/ ? left right double arrow]
+[template forall[]'''∀'''] [/ ? for all]
+[template part[]'''∂'''] [/ ? partial differential]
+[template exist[]'''∃'''] [/ ? there exists]
+[template empty[]'''∅'''] [/ Ø empty set = null set = diameter]
+[template nabla[]'''∇'''] [/ ? nabla = backward difference]
+[template isin[]'''∈'''] [/ ? element of]
+[template notin[]'''∉'''] [/ ? not an element of]
+[template ni[]'''∋'''] [/ ? contains as member]
+[template prod[]'''∏'''] [/ ? n-ary product = product sign]
+[template sum[]'''∑'''] [/ ? n-ary sumation]
+[template minus[]'''−'''] [/ - minus sign]
+[template lowast[]'''∗'''] [/ * asterisk operator]
+[template radic[]'''√'''] [/ v square root = radical sign]
+[template prop[]'''∝'''] [/ ? proportional to]
+[template infin[]'''∞'''] [/ 8 infinity]
+[template ang[]'''∠'''] [/ ? angle]
+[template and[]'''∧'''] [/ ? logical and = wedge]
+[template or[]'''∨'''] [/ ? logical or = vee]
+[template cap[]'''∩'''] [/ n intersection = cap]
+[template cup[]'''∪'''] [/ ? union = cup]
+[template int[]'''∫'''] [/ ? integral]
+[template there4[]'''∴'''] [/ ? therefore]
+[template sim[]'''∼'''] [/ ~ tilde operator = varies with = similar to]
+[template cong[]'''≅'''] [/ ? approximately equal to]
+[template asymp[]'''≈'''] [/ almost equal to = asymptotic to]
+[template ne[]'''≠'''] [/ ? not equal to]
+[template equiv[]'''≡'''] [/ = identical to]
+[template le[]'''≤'''] [/ = less-than or equal to]
+[template ge[]'''≥'''] [/ = greater-than or equal to]
+[template subset[]'''⊂'''] [/ ? subset of]
+[template superset[]'''⊃'''] [/ ? superset of]
+[template nsubset[]'''⊄'''] [/ ? not a subset of]
+[template sube[]'''⊆'''] [/ ? subset of or equal to]
+[template supe[]'''⊇'''] [/ ? superset of or equal to]
+[template oplus[]'''⊕'''] [/ ? circled plus = direct sum]
+[template otimes[]'''⊗'''] [/ ? circled times = vector product]
+[template perp[]'''⊥'''] [/ ? up tack = orthogonal to = perpendicular]
+[template sdot[]'''⋅'''] [/ · dot operator]
+[template lceil[]'''⌈'''] [/ ? left ceiling = APL upstile]
+[template rceil[]'''⌉'''] [/ ? right ceiling]
+[template lfloor[]'''⌊'''] [/ ? left floor = APL downstile]
+[template rfloor[]'''⌋'''] [/ ? right floor]
+[template lang[]'''〈'''] [/ < left-pointing angle bracket = bra (Firefox shows ?)]
+[template rang[]'''〉'''] [/ > right-pointing angle bracket = ket (Firefox shows ?)]
+[template loz[]'''◊'''] [/ ? lozenge]
+[template spades[]'''♠'''] [/ ? black spade suit]
+[template clubs[]'''♣'''] [/ ? black club suit = shamrock]
+[template hearts[]'''♥'''] [/ ? black heart suit = valentine]
+[template diams[]'''♦'''] [/ ? black diamond suit]
+[/ Other symbols, not in the HTML4 list:]
+[template space[]''' ''']
+[template plusminus[]'''±'''] [/ ? plus or minus sign]
+Copyright 2007 Paul A. Bristow.
+Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+(See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
Added: sandbox/guild/mylibrary/libs/mylibrary/doc/jamfile.v2
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/guild/mylibrary/libs/mylibrary/doc/jamfile.v2 2011-02-03 07:14:21 EST (Thu, 03 Feb 2011)
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+# Boost.mylibrary library documentation template Jamfile.v2
+# Copyright Paul A. Bristow 2011. Use, modification and
+# distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, Version
+# 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+# http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+path-constant nav_images : html/images/ ; # png and svg images for home, next, note, tip...
+path-constant images_location : html ; # location of SVG and PNG images referenced by Quickbook.
+echo "images_location" $(images_location) ; # \guild\my_library\libs\mylibrary\doc\html
+echo "nav_images" $(nav_images) ; # \guild\mylibrary\libs\my_library\doc\html\images
+import modules ;
+if --enable-index in [ modules.peek : ARGV ]
+ ECHO "Building the docs with automatic index generation enabled." ;
+ using auto-index ;
+ project : requirements
+ <auto-index>on # Turns on index (or off).
+ # Turns on (or off) index-verbose for diagnostic info (using /bin auto-index-verbose folders).
+ <auto-index-verbose>on
+ # Choose indexing method (separately for html and pdf):
+ <format>html:<auto-index-internal>on # on (or off) to use internally generated indexes.
+ # <format>html:<xsl:param>generate.index=0 # Don't let the XSL stylesheets generate indexes.
+ <format>pdf:<auto-index-internal>off # on (or off) to use internally generated indexes.
+ # <auto-index-type>index # Use <index>...</index> as the XML wrapper.
+ <format>html:<xsl:param>index.on.type=1 # = 1 For the native stylesheets to generate multiple different indexes.
+ <format>pdf:<xsl:param>index.on.type=1 # For the native stylesheets to generate multiple different indexes.
+ # PDF native index support is probably better for PDFs as then you actually get page numbers.
+ <auto-index-script>mylibrary.idx # Specifies the name of the script to load for mylibrary.
+ <auto-index-prefix>../../.. # Will get you back up to /mylibrary, so !scan-path "boost/mylibrary/" is where *.hpp will be,
+ # and /libs/mylibrary for other files.
+ # Without this would need !scan-path "../../../boost/mylibrary"
+ <quickbook-define>enable_index ;
+ ECHO "Building the my_library docs with automatic index generation disabled. To get an auto-index, try building with --enable-index." ;
+using doxygen ; # Required if you want to use Doxygen.
+using quickbook ;
+doxygen autodoc
+ :
+ [ glob ../../../boost/mylibrary/*.hpp ]
+ [ glob ../../../boost/mylibrary/detail/*.hpp ] # More include files, if necessary to include headers in /details.
+ :
+ <doxygen:param>WARNINGS=YES # Default NO, but useful to see warnings, especially in a logfile.
+ # It is also wise to to set a warnings logfile like this:
+ <doxygen:param>WARN_LOGFILE=AutoDoxywarnings.log # This may not be empty (usually not a good sign!), depending on options chosen.
+ # Much better to send message to a logfile than the default stderr.
+ # and make sure that there are no Doxygen errors or significant warnings in the log file.
+ <doxygen:param>RECURSIVE=NO # Search recursively down subdirectories.
+ <doxygen:param>EXTRACT_ALL=NO
+ <doxygen:param>HIDE_UNDOC_MEMBERS=YES
+ <doxygen:param>EXTRACT_PRIVATE=NO
+ <doxygen:param>EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF=YES
+ <xsl:param>"boost.doxygen.reftitle=Boost.mylibrary C++ Reference"
+ ;
+xml mylibrary : mylibrary.qbk ;
+using boostbook ;
+boostbook standalone
+ :
+ mylibrary
+ :
+ # General settings
+ # =================
+ # Path for links to Boost.
+ <xsl:param>boost.root=../../../../..
+ # Path for libraries index:
+ <xsl:param>boost.libraries=../../../../../libs/libraries.htm
+ # Use the main Boost stylesheet:
+ #<xsl:param>html.stylesheet=../../doc/html/boostbook.css
+ <xsl:param>html.stylesheet=./boostbook.css
+ #<xsl:param>nav.layout=none # No navigation bar (home, prev, next).
+ # defining creates a runtime error: Global parameter nav.layout already defined
+ <xsl:param>nav.layout=horizontal # to get a horizontal navigation bar (you probably DO want this).
+ # Path for links to Boost logo.
+ #<xsl:param>boost.root=.. # already defined
+ <xsl:param>boost.image=Boost # options are: none (no logo), Boost (for boost.png), or your own logo, for example, inspired_by_boost.png
+ <xsl:param>boost.image.src=./images/boost.png #
+ <xsl:param>boost.image.w=180 # Width of logo in pixels. (JM has W = 162, h = 46)
+ <xsl:param>boost.image.h=90 # Height of logo in pixels.
+ # Options for html and pdf
+ # ========================
+ # No indent on body text:
+ <xsl:param>body.start.indent=0pt
+ # Margin size:
+ <xsl:param>page.margin.inner=0.5in
+ # Margin size:
+ <xsl:param>page.margin.outer=0.5in
+ # Yes, we want graphics for admonishments:
+ <xsl:param>admon.graphics=1
+ # HTML options:
+ # =============
+ # Use graphics icons not text for navigation:
+ <xsl:param>navig.graphics=1
+ # How far down we chunk nested sections, basically all of them:
+ <xsl:param>chunk.section.depth=2
+ # Don't put the first section on the same page as the TOC itself:
+ <xsl:param>chunk.first.sections=1
+ # How far down sections get TOC's
+ <xsl:param>toc.section.depth=4
+ # Max depth in each TOC:
+ <xsl:param>toc.max.depth=2
+ # How far down we go with TOC's
+ <xsl:param>generate.section.toc.level=10
+ # Horizontal ? spacing in table cells.
+ <format>html:<xsl:param>html.cellspacing=3 # pixels
+ # Vertical spacing in table cells.
+ <format>html:<xsl:param>html.cellpadding=5 # pixels
+ # Not sure if these are right way round?
+ # PDF Options:
+ # ============
+ # TOC Generation: this is needed for FOP-0.9 and later:
+ <format>pdf:<xsl:param>fop1.extensions=0
+ # Or enable this if you're using XEP:
+ <format>pdf:<xsl:param>xep.extensions=1
+ # TOC generation: this is needed for FOP 0.2, but must not be set to zero for FOP-0.9!
+ <format>pdf:<xsl:param>fop.extensions=0
+ # No indent on body text:
+ <xsl:param>body.start.indent=0pt
+ # Margin size:
+ <xsl:param>page.margin.inner=0.5in
+ # Margin size:
+ <xsl:param>page.margin.outer=0.5in
+ # Yes, we want graphics for admonishments:
+ <xsl:param>admon.graphics=1
+ # Set these one for PDF generation *only*:
+ # default png graphics are awful in PDF form,
+ # better use SVG instead:
+ #<format>pdf:<xsl:param>admon.graphics.extension=".svg"
+ <format>pdf:<xsl:param>admon.graphics.extension=".png" # Only png images are available.
+ <format>pdf:<xsl:param>admon.graphics.path=$(nav_images)/ # next, prev, note, tip ... for pdf.
+ <format>pdf:<xsl:param>use.role.for.mediaobject=1
+ <format>pdf:<xsl:param>preferred.mediaobject.role=print
+ <format>pdf:<xsl:param>img.src.path=$(images_location)/ # graphics (diagrams) for pdf.
+ <format>pdf:<xsl:param>draft.mode="no"
+ <format>pdf:<xsl:param>boost.url.prefix=I:/boost-sandbox/guild/mylibrary/libs/mylibrary/doc/html
+ <dependency>autodoc #
+ ;
Added: sandbox/guild/mylibrary/libs/mylibrary/doc/latin1_symbols.qbk
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/guild/mylibrary/libs/mylibrary/doc/latin1_symbols.qbk 2011-02-03 07:14:21 EST (Thu, 03 Feb 2011)
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+[/ Symbols and accented letters from Latin-1]
+[/ File Latin1_symbols.qbk]
+[/ http://www.htmlhelp.com/reference/html40/entities/latin1.html ]
+[/ based on table Copyright </copyright.html> 1998-2006 Liam Quinn.]
+[/ Glyphs <http://www.unicode.org/charts/> of the characters ]
+[/ are available at the Unicode Consortium <http://www.unicode.org/>. ]
+[template nbsp[]''' '''] [/ no-break space = non-breaking space]
+[template iexcl[]'''¡'''] [/ inverted exclamation mark ]
+[template cent[]'''¢'''] [/ cent sign ]
+[template pound[]'''£'''] [/ pound sign ]
+[template curren[]'''¤'''] [/ currency sign ]
+[template yen[]'''¥'''] [/ yen sign = yuan sign ]
+[template brvbar[]'''¦'''] [/ broken vertical bar ]
+[template sectsign[]'''§'''] [/ section sign ]
+[template uml[]'''¨'''] [/ diaeresis ]
+[template copy[]'''©'''] [/ copyright ]
+[template ordf[]'''ª'''] [/ feminine ordinal indicator ]
+[template laquo[]'''«'''] [/ left-pointing double angle quotation mark = left pointing guillemet ]
+[template not[]'''¬'''] [/ not sign ]
+[template shy[]'''­'''] [/ soft hyphen = discretionary hyphen ]
+[template reg[]'''®'''] [/ registered sign = registered trade mark sign ]
+[template macron[]'''¯'''] [/ macron = spacing macron = overline = APL overbar ]
+[template deg[]'''°'''] [/ degree sign ]
+[template plusmn[]'''±'''] [/ plus-minus sign = plus-or-minus sign ]
+[template sup2[]'''²'''] [/ superscript two = superscript digit two = squared ]
+[template cubed[]'''³'''] [/ superscript three = superscript digit three = cubed ]
+[template acute[]'''´'''] [/ acute accent = spacing acute ]
+[template micro[]'''µ'''] [/ micro sign ]
+[template para[]'''¶'''] [/ pilcrow sign = paragraph sign ]
+[template middot[]'''·'''] [/ middle dot = Georgian comma = Greek middle dot ]
+[template cedil[]'''¸'''] [/ cedilla = spacing cedilla ]
+[template sup1[]'''¹'''] [/ superscript one = superscript digit one ]
+[template ordm[]'''º'''] [/ masculine ordinal indicator ]
+[template raquo[]'''»'''] [/ right-pointing double angle quotation mark = right pointing guillemet ]
+[template frac14[]'''¼'''] [/ vulgar fraction one quarter = fraction one quarter ]
+[template frac12[]'''½'''] [/ vulgar fraction one half = fraction one half ]
+[template frac34[]'''¾'''] [/vulgar fraction three quarters = fraction three quarters ]
+[template iquest[]'''¿'''] [/ inverted question mark = turned question mark ]
+[template Agrave[]'''À'''] [/ Latin capital letter A with grave = Latin capital letter A grave ]
+[template Aacute[]'''Á'''] [/ Latin capital letter A with acute = Latin capital letter A acute ]
+[template Acirc[]'''Â'''] [/ Latin capital letter A with circumflex ]
+[template Atilde[]'''Ã'''] [/Latin capital letter A with tilde ]
+[template Auml[]'''Ä'''] [/ Latin capital letter A with diaeresis ]
+[template Aring[]'''Å'''] [/ Latin capital letter A with ring above = Latin capital letter A ring ]
+[template AElig[]'''Æ'''] [/ Latin capital letter AE = Latin capital ligature AE ]
+[template Ccedil[]'''Ç'''] [/ Latin capital letter C with cedilla ]
+[template Egrave[]'''È'''] [/ Latin capital letter E with grave ]
+[template Eacute[]'''É'''] [/ Latin capital letter E with acute ]
+[template Ecirc[]'''Ê'''] [/ Latin capital letter E with circumflex ]
+[template Euml[]'''Ë'''] [/ Latin capital letter E with diaeresis ]
+[template Igrave[]'''Ì'''] [/ Latin capital letter I with grave ]
+[template Iacute[]'''Í'''] [/ Latin capital letter I with acute ]
+[template Icirc[]'''Î'''] [/ Latin capital letter I with circumflex ]
+[template Iuml[]'''Ï'''] [/ Latin capital letter I with diaeresis ]
+[template ETH[]'''Ð'''] [/ Latin capital letter ETH ]
+[template Ntilde[]'''Ñ'''] [/ Latin capital letter N with tilde ]
+[template Ograve[]'''Ò'''] [/ Latin capital letter O with grave]
+[template Oacute[]'''Ó'''] [/ Latin capital letter O with acute ]
+[template Ocirc[]'''Ô'''] [/ Latin capital letter O with circumflex ]
+[template Otilde[]'''Õ'''] [/ Latin capital letter O with tilde ]
+[template Ouml[]'''Ö'''] [/ Latin capital letter O with diaeresis ]
+[template times[]'''×'''] [/ multiplication sign ]
+[template Oslash[]'''Ø'''] [/ Latin capital letter O with stroke = Latin capital letter O slash ]
+[template Ugrave[]'''Ù'''] [/ Latin capital letter U with grave ]
+[template Uacute[]'''Ú'''] [/ Latin capital letter U with acute ]
+[template Ucirc[]'''Û'''] [/ Latin capital letter U with circumflex ]
+[template Uuml[]'''Ü'''] [/ Latin capital letter U with diaeresis ]
+[template Yacute[]'''Ý'''] [/ Latin capital letter Y with acute ]
+[template THORN[]'''Þ'''] [/ Latin capital letter THORN ]
+[template szlig[]'''ß'''] [/ Latin small letter sharp s = ess-zed ]
+[template agrave[]'''à'''] [/ Latin small letter a with grave = Latin small letter a grave ]
+[template aacute[]'''á'''] [/ Latin small letter a with acute ]
+[template acirc[]'''â'''] [/ Latin small letter a with circumflex ]
+[template atilde[]'''ã'''] [/ Latin small letter a with tilde ]
+[template auml[]'''ä'''] [/ Latin small letter a with diaeresis ]
+[template aring[]'''å'''] [/ Latin small letter a with ring above = Latin small letter a ring ]
+[template aelig[]'''æ'''] [/ Latin small letter ae = Latin small ligature ae ]
+[template ccedil[]'''ç'''] [/ Latin small letter c with cedilla ]
+[template egrave[]'''è'''] [/ Latin small letter e with grave ]
+[template eacute[]'''é'''] [/ Latin small letter e with acute ]
+[template ecirc[]'''ê'''] [/ Latin small letter e with circumflex ]
+[template euml[]'''ë'''] [/ Latin small letter e with diaeresis ]
+[template igrave[]'''ì'''] [/ Latin small letter i with grave ]
+[template iacute[]'''í'''] [/ Latin small letter i with acute ]
+[template icirc[]'''î'''] [/ Latin small letter i with circumflex ]
+[template iuml[]'''ï'''] [/ Latin small letter i with diaeresis ]
+[template eth[]'''ð'''] [/ Latin small letter eth ]
+[template ntilde[]'''ñ'''] [/ Latin small letter n with tilde ]
+[template ograve[]'''ò'''] [/Latin small letter o with grave ]
+[template oacute[]'''ó'''] [/ Latin small letter o with acute ]
+[template ocirc[]'''ô'''] [/ Latin small letter o with circumflex ]
+[template otilde[]'''õ'''] [/ Latin small letter o with tilde ]
+[template ouml[]'''ö'''] [/ Latin small letter o with diaeresis ]
+[template divide[]'''÷'''] [/ division sign ]
+[template oslash[]'''ø'''] [/ Latin small letter o with stroke = Latin small letter o slash ]
+[template ugrave[]'''ù'''] [/ Latin small letter u with grave ]
+[template uacute[]'''ú'''] [/ Latin small letter u with acute ]
+[template ucirc[]'''û'''] [/ Latin small letter u with circumflex ]
+[template uuml[]'''ü'''] [/ Latin small letter u with diaeresis ]
+[template yacute[]'''ý'''] [/ Latin small letter y with acute ]
+[template thorn[]'''þ'''] [/ Latin small letter thorn ]
+[template yuml[]'''ÿ'''] [/ Latin small letter y with diaeresis ]
+[/ File Latin1_symbols.qbk
+Copyright 2007 Paul A. Bristow.
+Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+(See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
Added: sandbox/guild/mylibrary/libs/mylibrary/doc/math_symbols.qbk
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/guild/mylibrary/libs/mylibrary/doc/math_symbols.qbk 2011-02-03 07:14:21 EST (Thu, 03 Feb 2011)
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+[/ Symbols and accented letters from Latin-1]
+[/ File math_symbols.qbk]
+[/ http://www.htmlhelp.com/reference/html40/entities/latin1.html ]
+[/ based on table Copyright </copyright.html> 1998-2006 Liam Quinn.]
+[/ Glyphs <http://www.unicode.org/charts/> of the characters ]
+[/ are available at the Unicode Consortium <http://www.unicode.org/>. ]
+[/ Mathematical operators at http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U2200.pdf]
+[/ To use these symbols in Quickbook: enclose template name in square brackets.]
+[/ See also Greek and math symbols in math_symbols.qbk]
+[template sqrt[]'''√'''] [/ sqrt sign]
+[template cbrt[]'''∛'''] [/ cube root sign]
+[template fourthroot[]'''∜'''] [/ fourth root sign]
+[template propto[]'''∝'''] [/ fourth root sign]
+[template sqrt[]'''√'''] [/ sqrt sign]
+[template block[]'''∎'''] [/ vertical black block]
+[template ceilR[]'''⌉'''] [/ ceiling right]
+[template ceilL[] '''ऄ'''] [/ ceiling left]
+[template floorR[] '''⌋'''] [/ floor right]
+[template floorL[] '''⌊'''] [/ floor left]
+[template infin[] '''∞'''] [/ infinity sign]
+[template integral[] '''∫'''] [/integral sign]
+[template aacute[] '''á'''] [/ a acute accent]
+[template eacute[] '''é'''] [/ e acute accent]
+[template quarter[] '''¼'''] [/ 1/4 quarter]
+[template nearequal[] '''≊'''] [/ nearly equal sign]
+[template Nary_product[] '''∏'''] [/ N-ary product sign (greek capital pi)]
+[/ Some composite templates]
+[/ To use composite templates write /[super 3/] ]
+[template super[x]'''<superscript>'''[x]'''</superscript>'''] [/ a^3 ]
+[template sub[x]'''<subscript>'''[x]'''</subscript>'''] [/ H2O ]
+[template floor[x]'''⌊'''[x]'''⌋'''] [/ floor x ]
+[template floorlr[x][lfloor][x][rfloor]]
+[template ceil[x] '''⌈'''[x]'''⌉'''] [/ ceil x]
+[/template pow2[]'''⁳'''] [/ 2073 is NOT superscript 2 character]
+[template pow2[]'''²'''] [/ superscript 2 character]
+[template pow3[]'''³'''] [/ superscript 3 character]
+[template pow4[]'''⁴'''] [/ superscript 4 character]
+[/template pown[]'''ⁿ'''] [/ superscript n character - HTML ok BUT not on pdf!]
+[template pown[]'''ⁿ'''] [/ superscript n character - HTML ok BUT not on pdf!]
+[template sub0]'''₀'''] [/ subscript 0 character]
+[template sub1]'''₁'''] [/ subscript 1 character]
+[template sub2]'''₂'''] [/ subscript 2 character]
+[template sub3]'''₃'''] [/ subscript 3 character]
+[template sub4]'''₄'''] [/ subscript 4 character]
+[template sub5]'''₅'''] [/ subscript 5 character]
+[template sub6]'''₆'''] [/ subscript 6 character]
+[template sub7]'''₇'''] [/ subscript 7 character]
+[template sub8]'''₈'''] [/ subscript 8 character]
+[template sub9]'''₉'''] [/ subscript 9 character]
+[template frac12[]'''½'''] [/ fraction half]
+[template frac14[]'''¼'''] [/ fraction quarter]
+[template frac3/4[]'''எ'''] [/ fraction three quarter]
+Copyright 2010 Paul A. Bristow.
+Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+(See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
Added: sandbox/guild/mylibrary/libs/mylibrary/doc/mylibrary.css
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/guild/mylibrary/libs/mylibrary/doc/mylibrary.css 2011-02-03 07:14:21 EST (Thu, 03 Feb 2011)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2000 Stephen Cleary
+ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompany-
+ ing file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+*.code { font-family: monospace; }
+*.m4 { white-space: pre; font-family: monospace; font-size: 75% }
\ No newline at end of file
Added: sandbox/guild/mylibrary/libs/mylibrary/doc/mylibrary.idx
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/guild/mylibrary/libs/mylibrary/doc/mylibrary.idx 2011-02-03 07:14:21 EST (Thu, 03 Feb 2011)
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# mylibrary.idx index script file
+# for Boost.mylibrary Quickbook Doxygen documentation Auto-indexing.
+# Copyright (c) 2011 Paul A. Bristow
+# Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
+# License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+# http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+# Diagnostic output - useful during refinement of the index.
+!debug regular-expression
+# All header files, recursing down to include sub-folders.
+!scan-path "boost/mylibrary" ".*\.hpp" true
+# All example source files, assuming no sub-folders.
+!scan-path "libs/mylibrary/example" ".*\.cpp"
+# Terms that you want to appear in the Index.
+# Term to display in index, and word(s) that are to be matched (as a regular expression).
+# Plural, indexing and indexation.
+index \<index\w*\>
+#Index C++, (but not C).
+# Allow alternative spellings colour | color, and plurals etc.
+color \<\w*(colour|color)\w*\>
+CSS \w*\<CSS>
+# A two word index term (eclosed in quotes, of course)
+"example program"
+# Allow plural.
+image \<image\w*\>
+# To allow plural and italicization or italicisation:
+italic \<italic\w*\>
+# Allow hyperlink and hyperlinking:
+hyperlink \<hyperlink\w*\>
+Kelvin "" ".*idols.*"
+Voltaire "" ".*indexing.*"
+# Two word index term, allowing plurals.
+"side effect" \<side effect\w*\>
+!exclude junk
+# Exclude the index term junk from the index,
+# so that "junk" anywhere does not have an index entry.
+# Remove leading "A" or "The" prefixes from section titles.
+!rewrite-name "(?i)(?:A|The)\s+(.*)" "\1"
+!rewrite-name "Additional Implementation Notes" "Implementation Notes"
Added: sandbox/guild/mylibrary/libs/mylibrary/doc/mylibrary.qbk
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/guild/mylibrary/libs/mylibrary/doc/mylibrary.qbk 2011-02-03 07:14:21 EST (Thu, 03 Feb 2011)
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+[article Creating Boost HTML and PDF documentation using Quickbook, Doxygen and Auto-Indexing.
+ [quickbook 1.5]
+ [id my_library_template]
+ [copyright 2011 Paul A. Bristow]
+ [license
+ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+ (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ [@http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt])
+ ]
+ [authors [Bristow, Paul A.]]
+ [source-mode c++]
+[/purpose Template to prepare HTML and PDF documentation for Boost using Quickbook.]
+[/ Links - by (most common) convention, prefixed with double underscore so not confused with other names.]
+[def __alert [$./images/alert.png]] [/ Examples of your own images (in doc/html/images/ .]
+[def __tip [$./images/tip.png]]
+[/def :-) [graphic smiley]]
+[/ If you provide a file type like .png, you will probably find that the file is missing in the pdf version.]
+[/ This is because the default file type specified is .png in html, but .svg for pdf version.]
+[/ Some links to external sources.]
+[/ You often want to link more than once, so using a def ensures you always refer to the same location.]
+[def __boost [@http://www.boost.org/ Boost]] [/Boost.org]
+[def __boostroot [@boost: Boost root]] [/ Your boost root]
+[/Note the custom boost root url schema for linking to files within the Boost distribution.]
+[/Note It can't be used for images.]
+[/def __boostlicense [@http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt Boost License]]
+[/ Or refer to your most recent version of Boost.]
+[def __boostlicense [@boost:/LICENSE_1_0.txt Boost License]]
+[def __boostbook [@http://www.boost.org/doc/html/boostbook.html BoostBook]]
+[def __boostbook_docs [@http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_41_0/doc/html/boostbook.html BoostBook documentation]]
+[def __quickbook [@http://www.boost.org/doc/tools/quickbook/index.html Quickbook]]
+[def __quickbook_syntax [@http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_41_0/doc/html/quickbook/ref.html Quickbook Syntax Compendium]]
+[def __docbook [@http://www.docbook.org/ DocBook]]
+[def __doxygen [@http://www.doxygen.org/ Doxygen]]
+[def __autoindex [@boost:\tools\auto_index\doc\html\index.html AutoIndex]]
+[def __pdf [@http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/adobepdf.html PDF]]
+[def __textpad [@http://www.textpad.com Textpad]]
+[def __emacs [@http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/ GNU emacs]]
+[def __css [@http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cascading_Style_Sheets Cascading Style Sheet]]
+[def __intro [link mylibrary.intro Introduction]] [/Link to a Quickbook section (see below).]
+[def __todo [link mylibrary.todo TODO]]
+[important This is a template, NOT an official Boost library.]
+[/ Examples of links to classes in own files.]
+[note Comments and suggestions (even bugs!) to Paul.A.Bristow (at) hetp (dot) u-net (dot) com]
+A printer-friendly PDF version of this manual is also available.
+[section:intro Introduction]
+[/ It is a good idea to give *all* sections an id - which must follow section: with *no* space(s).]
+[/ Perhaps also useful to use this text for the Doxygen standalone documentation.]
+There are many ways of generating documentation, but this combination of tools,
+(while absurdly complex and troublesome to set up, and a bit slow to build),
+produces some of the nicest and most comprehensive C++ documentation.
+Some features are:
+* Documentation is written in __quickbook,
+a [@http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikiwiki Wiki-Wiki-style language].
+* Output in both html and/or [@http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adobe_PDF Adobe PDF] formats.
+ PDF format is useful to readers in a complementary way
+ because it is a convenient single readonly file,
+ and because it can be *globally* searched for any text string,
+ providing a tool complementary to an index
+ (where the index terms are chosen by the author).
+* __quickbook files (.qbk like this file `mylibrary.qbk`)
+ are text files that can be edited with your favorite text editor.
+ (Syntax coloring of the Quickbook files can usually be selected
+ for many text editors like __emacs, __textpad, and is [*very] helpful).
+* Portable to nearly all platforms.
+* __boostlicense (so OK for commercial applications as well as non-profit commercial).
+* C++ specific, with C++ syntax colored code __quickbook blocks.
+* Automatic syntax coloring of C++ code samples (in both html and pdf).
+* __css support.
+ Deriving from Boostbook.css allows the user to chose his own syntax coloring.
+* __quickbook documentation can be embedded into C++ code
+ (as comments) to document the code itself
+ and also provide separate html and pdf documentation.
+ This ensures that the code snippets shown in the documentation
+ have been compiled, and are updated
+ automatically as the source C++ is changed.
+* Simple markup to link to __doxygen generated entities
+ (namespaces, classes, functions, typedefs).
+* __doxygen commands (as C++ comments) provide additional information
+ both in __quickbook automatically added reference section,
+ and also in __doxygen standalone documentation.
+* Automatic indexing to __doxygen-generated entities
+ (namespaces, classes, functions, typedefs).
+ and author chosen indexing of text
+ see __autoindex.
+* Macro system for simple text substitution.
+* Simple markup for italics, bold, preformatted, blurbs,
+ code samples, tables, URLs, anchors, images, etc.
+* Images (png, svg, jpg) of diagrams, graphs, equations, pictures...
+ are embedded into pdf and linked from html.
+But to allow a standalone zipped version of html,
+ all images must be copied (installed) into the doc\html\images sub-directory.
+This document is intended to provide a sort of template to help new writers get started,
+with many handy hints and tips (based on the many pitfalls discovered en route).
+It is written in __quickbook to demonstrate some features
+(but for much more see __quickbook (itself written in __quickbook)
+especially the __quickbook_syntax.
+This documentation can be rebuilt to confirm that the
+ whole complex toolchain is working correctly.
+If all works OK, copy the whole `mylibrary directory` structure to you own workspace.
+Check that it works and then use each file as a starting point to add you own files.
+__tip I'm sure you will find it useful to do this before you start to write your own stuff! :-)
+[endsect] [/section:intro Introduction]
+[/ Now follow the main sections of your documentation.
+These .qbk files can of course many sections, and may include other .qbk files,
+links to other files of any type and location,
+and import C++ file snippets that may turn one or more sections into templates that can be included.]
+[/include todo.qbk]
+[/include acknowledgements.qbk] [/ Who deserves credit for what.]
+[/references references.qbk] [/ references to academic papers, patents, prior art...]
+[/include credits.qbk]
+[/ If you need some greek, squiggles or math symbols.]
+[/include test_html4_symbols.qbk]
+[section:indexing How to get Index(es) of your documentation]
+Users get great benefit from an *index* of nearly all documentation, however short.
+The only downside is that total size of documentation can be much increased by the index.
+Since space is not usually an issue, hyperlinking (in both html and pdf)
+makes the size increase not a significant disadvantage.
+A C++ Reference section, using __doxygen
+(and __doxygen comments in the C++ code
+provided you can put in the considerable work to provide them)
+will allow users to get an overview of the program,
+ see what classes and function do, and where used,
+and to get to read individual files easily.
+AutoIndexing - see __autoindex for guidance.
+The "Getting Started and Tutorial " section tells what you [*really] need to know.
+Step 1 is not really optional - the indexing process is slow, even with explicit
+specification of the auto-index.exe. So follow these instructions carefully,
+including changes to your user-config.jam.
+[xinclude autodoc.xml] [/ Using Doxygen reference documentation.]
+[/ The position of this in the Quickbook determines the location of the Doxygen references section.]
+[/Include the class, function, typedef, and macro indexes, and also a full index with <index/>]
+ <index type="class_name">
+ <title>Class Index</title>
+ </index>
+ <index type="function_name">
+ <title>Function Index</title>
+ </index>
+ <index type="typedef_name">
+ <title>Typedef Index</title>
+ </index>
+ <index type="macro_name">
+ <title>Macro Index</title>
+ </index>
+ <index/>
+This is some junk that should [*never] be indexed!
+(because it is excluded in the script file index.idx).
+Here is a mention of degrees kelvin which should not
+put the great man's name in the index to here.
+Voltaire should get an (silly) entry only in the indexing section here.
+Twain should be indexed in both.
+[endsect] [/section:indexing How to get Index(es) of your documentation]
+[section:idols Idols]
+You can restrict which sections are indexed for a particular term.
+So assuming that the docbook document has the usual hierarchical names for section ID's
+hierarchical names for section IDs(as Quickbook generates, for example),
+you can easily place a constraint on which sections are examined for a particular term.
+For example, if you want to index occurrences of Lord Kelvin's name,
+but only in the idols section, and Voltaire only in the indexing section,
+but Twain in both, you might then add:
+Kelvin "" ".*idols.*"
+Voltaire "" ".*indexing.*"
+] [/pre]
+to the script file,
+assuming that the section ID of the intro is "some_library_or_chapter_name.idols",
+here "mylibrary.idols".
+This section contains quotes from some scientist idols
+whose name should only be indexed in this section.
+"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble.
+It's what you know for sure that just ain't so."
+['Mark Twain ]
+"No problem can stand the assault of sustained thinking."
+['Voltaire 1694-1778]
+"When you measure
+what you are speaking about and express it in numbers, you know
+something about it, but when you cannot (or do not) measure it, when
+you cannot (or do not) express it in numbers, then your knowledge is
+of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind."
+['Lord Kelvin ]
+Lord Kelvin was a famous scientist,
+but we should [*only] want an index to him in the idols section:
+we don't want a index entry every time we state a temperature in degrees kelvin!
+Mark Twain [*should] get an index entry both here and in the idols section.
+Voltaire should only get an index entry here, and [*not] in idols section.
+[endsect] [/section:idols Idols]
+[section:version_id Version Info]
+Last edit to Quickbook file __FILENAME__ was at __TIME__ on __DATE__.
+[tip This should appear on the pdf version
+(but may be redundant on html where the last edit date is on the first page).]
+[/See also Adobe Reader pdf File Properties for creation date, and PDF producer, version and page count.]
+[endsect] [/section:version_id Version Info]
+[/ All your .qbk documentation files should append a copyright claim and license like this (with your name of course).]
+[/ mylibrary.qbk
+ Copyright 2011 Paul A. Bristow.
+ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+ (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
Added: sandbox/guild/mylibrary/libs/mylibrary/doc/mylibrary_html_index.bat
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/guild/mylibrary/libs/mylibrary/doc/mylibrary_html_index.bat 2011-02-03 07:14:21 EST (Thu, 03 Feb 2011)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+echo off
+rem quickbook doxgen auto-index docs template mylibrary_html_index.bat
+rem echo mylibrary_html_index_%date%_%time:~0,2%_%time:~3,2%.log
+cd \boost-sandbox\guild\mylibrary\libs\mylibrary\doc
+bjam -a html --enable-index > mylibrary_html_index_%date%_%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%.log
+if not ERRORLEVEL 0 (echo Errorlevel is %ERRORLEVEL%) else (echo OK)
Added: sandbox/guild/mylibrary/libs/mylibrary/doc/mylibrary_html_index_03-Feb-2011_1137.log
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/guild/mylibrary/libs/mylibrary/doc/mylibrary_html_index_03-Feb-2011_1137.log 2011-02-03 07:14:21 EST (Thu, 03 Feb 2011)
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+images_location I:\boost-sandbox\guild\mylibrary\libs\mylibrary\doc\html
+nav_images I:\boost-sandbox\guild\mylibrary\libs\mylibrary\doc\html\images
+Building the docs with automatic index generation enabled.
+...found 50 targets...
+...updating 10 targets...
+quickbook.quickbook-to-boostbook bin\msvc-10.0\debug\auto-index-internal-on\auto-index-verbose-on\auto-index-on\threading-multi\mylibrary.xml
+Generating Output File: bin\msvc-10.0\debug\auto-index-internal-on\auto-index-verbose-on\auto-index-on\threading-multi\mylibrary.xml
+doxygen-action bin\msvc-10.0\debug\auto-index-internal-on\auto-index-verbose-on\auto-index-on\threading-multi\autodoc-xml.xml-dir
+Searching for include files...
+Searching for example files...
+Searching for images...
+Searching for dot files...
+Searching for msc files...
+Searching for files to exclude
+Searching for files to process...
+Reading and parsing tag files
+Preprocessing I:/boost-sandbox/guild/mylibrary/boost/mylibrary/mylibrary.hpp...
+Parsing file I:/boost-sandbox/guild/mylibrary/boost/mylibrary/mylibrary.hpp...
+Building group list...
+Building directory list...
+Building namespace list...
+Building file list...
+Building class list...
+Associating documentation with classes...
+Computing nesting relations for classes...
+Building example list...
+Searching for enumerations...
+Searching for documented typedefs...
+Searching for members imported via using declarations...
+Searching for included using directives...
+Searching for documented variables...
+Building member list...
+Searching for friends...
+Searching for documented defines...
+Computing class inheritance relations...
+Computing class usage relations...
+Flushing cached template relations that have become invalid...
+Creating members for template instances...
+Computing class relations...
+Add enum values to enums...
+Searching for member function documentation...
+Building page list...
+Search for main page...
+Computing page relations...
+Determining the scope of groups...
+Sorting lists...
+Freeing entry tree
+Determining which enums are documented
+Computing member relations...
+Building full member lists recursively...
+Adding members to member groups.
+Computing member references...
+Inheriting documentation...
+Generating disk names...
+Adding source references...
+Adding xrefitems...
+Sorting member lists...
+Counting data structures...
+Resolving user defined references...
+Finding anchors and sections in the documentation...
+Combining using relations...
+Adding members to index pages...
+Generating style sheet...
+Generating index page...
+Generating page index...
+Generating example documentation...
+Generating file sources...
+Generating code for file I:/boost-sandbox/guild/mylibrary/boost/mylibrary/mylibrary.hpp...
+Generating file documentation...
+Generating docs for file I:/boost-sandbox/guild/mylibrary/boost/mylibrary/mylibrary.hpp...
+Generating page documentation...
+Generating group documentation...
+Generating group index...
+Generating class documentation...
+Generating annotated compound index...
+Generating alphabetical compound index...
+Generating hierarchical class index...
+Generating member index...
+Generating namespace index...
+Generating docs for compound boost::mylibrary::myclass...
+Generating namespace member index...
+Generating graph info page...
+Generating file index...
+Generating example index...
+Generating file member index...
+finalizing index lists...
+Generating XML output...
+Generating XML output for class boost::mylibrary::myclass
+Generating XML output for class myclass
+Generating XML output for namespace boost
+Generating XML output for namespace boost::mylibrary
+Generating XML output for file mylibrary.hpp
+Generate XML output for dir I:/boost-sandbox/guild/mylibrary/boost/
+Generate XML output for dir I:/boost-sandbox/guild/mylibrary/boost/mylibrary/
+Generating XML output for the main page
+xslt-xsltproc.windows bin\msvc-10.0\debug\auto-index-internal-on\auto-index-verbose-on\auto-index-on\threading-multi\autodoc-xml.doxygen
+xslt-xsltproc.windows bin\msvc-10.0\debug\auto-index-internal-on\auto-index-verbose-on\auto-index-on\threading-multi\autodoc-xml.boostbook
+common.copy autodoc.xml
+ 1 file(s) copied.
+xslt-xsltproc.windows bin\msvc-10.0\debug\auto-index-internal-on\auto-index-verbose-on\auto-index-on\threading-multi\mylibrary.docbook
+auto-index.auto-index bin\msvc-10.0\debug\auto-index-internal-on\auto-index-verbose-on\auto-index-on\threading-multi\mylibrary.modified.docbook
+Processing script mylibrary.idx
+Scanning directory ../../..\boost/mylibrary
+Scanning file... ../../..\boost/mylibrary\mylibrary.hpp
+Scanning for type "class_name" ...
+Indexing myclass as type class_name
+Scanning for type "function_name" ...
+Indexing test_me as type function_name
+Indexing donowt as type function_name
+Scanning for type "macro_name" ...
+Indexing BOOST_MYLIBRARY_HPP as type macro_name
+Scanning for type "typedef_name" ...
+Scanning directory ../../..\libs/mylibrary/example
+Scanning file... ../../..\libs/mylibrary/example\mylibrary_example.cpp
+Scanning for type "class_name" ...
+Scanning for type "function_name" ...
+Indexing main as type function_name
+Scanning for type "macro_name" ...
+Scanning for type "typedef_name" ...
+Indexing 25 terms...
+Indexing section: Creating Boost HTML and PDF documentation using Quickbook, Doxygen and Auto-Indexing.
+Indexing section: Introduction
+Indexing section: How to get Index(es) of your documentation
+Indexing section: Boost.mylibrary C++ Reference
+Indexing section: Header < boost/mylibrary/mylibrary.hpp >
+Indexing section: Idols
+Indexing section: Version Info
+xslt-xsltproc-dir.windows html\standalone_HTML.manifest
+Computing chunks...
+Writing standalone_HTML.manifest
+...updated 10 targets...
Added: sandbox/guild/mylibrary/libs/mylibrary/doc/mylibrary_pdf_index.bat
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/guild/mylibrary/libs/mylibrary/doc/mylibrary_pdf_index.bat 2011-02-03 07:14:21 EST (Thu, 03 Feb 2011)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+echo off
+rem quickbook doxgen auto-index docs template mylibrary_pdf_index.bat
+rem echo mylibrary_pdf_index_%date%_%time:~0,2%_%time:~3,2%.log
+cd \boost-sandbox\guild\mylibrary\libs\mylibrary\doc
+bjam -a pdf --enable-index > mylibrary_pdf_index_%date%_%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%.log
+if not ERRORLEVEL 0 (echo Errorlevel is %ERRORLEVEL%) else (echo OK)
Added: sandbox/guild/mylibrary/libs/mylibrary/doc/mylibrary_pdf_index_03-Feb-2011_1029.log
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/guild/mylibrary/libs/mylibrary/doc/mylibrary_pdf_index_03-Feb-2011_1029.log 2011-02-03 07:14:21 EST (Thu, 03 Feb 2011)
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+images_location I:\boost-sandbox\guild\mylibrary\libs\mylibrary\doc\html
+nav_images I:\boost-sandbox\guild\mylibrary\libs\mylibrary\doc\html\images
+Building the docs with automatic index generation enabled.
+...found 48 targets...
+...updating 14 targets...
+common.mkdir bin\msvc-10.0\debug\auto-index-verbose-on
+common.mkdir bin\msvc-10.0\debug\auto-index-verbose-on\auto-index-on
+common.mkdir bin\msvc-10.0\debug\auto-index-verbose-on\auto-index-on\threading-multi
+quickbook.quickbook-to-boostbook bin\msvc-10.0\debug\auto-index-verbose-on\auto-index-on\threading-multi\mylibrary.xml
+Generating Output File: bin\msvc-10.0\debug\auto-index-verbose-on\auto-index-on\threading-multi\mylibrary.xml
+doxygen-action bin\msvc-10.0\debug\auto-index-verbose-on\auto-index-on\threading-multi\autodoc-xml.xml-dir
+The system cannot find the file specified.
+Searching for include files...
+Searching for example files...
+Searching for images...
+Searching for dot files...
+Searching for msc files...
+Searching for files to exclude
+Searching for files to process...
+Reading and parsing tag files
+Preprocessing I:/boost-sandbox/guild/mylibrary/boost/mylibrary/mylibrary.hpp...
+Parsing file I:/boost-sandbox/guild/mylibrary/boost/mylibrary/mylibrary.hpp...
+Building group list...
+Building directory list...
+Building namespace list...
+Building file list...
+Building class list...
+Associating documentation with classes...
+Computing nesting relations for classes...
+Building example list...
+Searching for enumerations...
+Searching for documented typedefs...
+Searching for members imported via using declarations...
+Searching for included using directives...
+Searching for documented variables...
+Building member list...
+Searching for friends...
+Searching for documented defines...
+Computing class inheritance relations...
+Computing class usage relations...
+Flushing cached template relations that have become invalid...
+Creating members for template instances...
+Computing class relations...
+Add enum values to enums...
+Searching for member function documentation...
+Building page list...
+Search for main page...
+Computing page relations...
+Determining the scope of groups...
+Sorting lists...
+Freeing entry tree
+Determining which enums are documented
+Computing member relations...
+Building full member lists recursively...
+Adding members to member groups.
+Computing member references...
+Inheriting documentation...
+Generating disk names...
+Adding source references...
+Adding xrefitems...
+Sorting member lists...
+Counting data structures...
+Resolving user defined references...
+Finding anchors and sections in the documentation...
+Combining using relations...
+Adding members to index pages...
+Generating style sheet...
+Generating index page...
+Generating page index...
+Generating example documentation...
+Generating file sources...
+Generating code for file I:/boost-sandbox/guild/mylibrary/boost/mylibrary/mylibrary.hpp...
+Generating file documentation...
+Generating docs for file I:/boost-sandbox/guild/mylibrary/boost/mylibrary/mylibrary.hpp...
+Generating page documentation...
+Generating group documentation...
+Generating group index...
+Generating class documentation...
+Generating annotated compound index...
+Generating alphabetical compound index...
+Generating hierarchical class index...
+Generating member index...
+Generating namespace index...
+Generating docs for compound boost::mylibrary::myclass...
+Generating namespace member index...
+Generating graph info page...
+Generating file index...
+Generating example index...
+Generating file member index...
+finalizing index lists...
+Generating XML output...
+Generating XML output for class boost::mylibrary::myclass
+Generating XML output for class myclass
+Generating XML output for namespace boost
+Generating XML output for namespace boost::mylibrary
+Generating XML output for file mylibrary.hpp
+Generate XML output for dir I:/boost-sandbox/guild/mylibrary/boost/
+Generate XML output for dir I:/boost-sandbox/guild/mylibrary/boost/mylibrary/
+Generating XML output for the main page
+xslt-xsltproc.windows bin\msvc-10.0\debug\auto-index-verbose-on\auto-index-on\threading-multi\autodoc-xml.doxygen
+xslt-xsltproc.windows bin\msvc-10.0\debug\auto-index-verbose-on\auto-index-on\threading-multi\autodoc-xml.boostbook
+common.copy autodoc.xml
+ 1 file(s) copied.
+xslt-xsltproc.windows bin\msvc-10.0\debug\auto-index-verbose-on\auto-index-on\threading-multi\mylibrary.docbook
+auto-index.auto-index bin\msvc-10.0\debug\auto-index-verbose-on\auto-index-on\threading-multi\mylibrary.modified.docbook
+Processing script mylibrary.idx
+Scanning directory ../../..\boost/mylibrary
+Scanning file... ../../..\boost/mylibrary\mylibrary.hpp
+Scanning for type "class_name" ...
+Indexing myclass as type class_name
+Scanning for type "function_name" ...
+Indexing test_me as type function_name
+Indexing donowt as type function_name
+Scanning for type "macro_name" ...
+Indexing BOOST_MYLIBRARY_HPP as type macro_name
+Scanning for type "typedef_name" ...
+Scanning directory ../../..\libs/mylibrary/example
+Scanning file... ../../..\libs/mylibrary/example\mylibrary_example.cpp
+Scanning for type "class_name" ...
+Scanning for type "function_name" ...
+Indexing main as type function_name
+Scanning for type "macro_name" ...
+Scanning for type "typedef_name" ...
+Indexing 25 terms...
+Indexing section: Creating Boost HTML and PDF documentation using Quickbook, Doxygen and Auto-Indexing.
+Indexing section: Introduction
+Indexing section: How to get Index(es) of your documentation
+Indexing section: Boost.mylibrary C++ Reference
+Indexing section: Header < boost/mylibrary/mylibrary.hpp >
+Indexing section: Idols
+Indexing section: Version Info
+xslt-xsltproc.windows bin\msvc-10.0\debug\auto-index-verbose-on\auto-index-on\threading-multi\mylibrary.modified.fo
+Making portrait pages on A4 paper (210mmx297mm)
+fop.render.pdf bin\msvc-10.0\debug\auto-index-verbose-on\auto-index-on\threading-multi\mylibrary.modified.pdf
+(document [system-id file:/I:/boost-sandbox/guild/mylibrary/libs/mylibrary/doc/bin/msvc-10.0/debug/auto-index-verbose-on/auto-index-on/threading-multi/mylibrary.modified.fo]
+ (validate [validation OK])
+ (compile
+ (meta-info )
+ (masters
+ (sequence-master [master-name blank])
+ (sequence-master [master-name titlepage-first])
+ (sequence-master [master-name titlepage-odd])
+ (sequence-master [master-name titlepage-even])
+ (sequence-master [master-name lot-first])
+ (sequence-master [master-name lot-odd])
+ (sequence-master [master-name lot-even])
+ (sequence-master [master-name front-first])
+ (sequence-master [master-name front-odd])
+ (sequence-master [master-name front-even])
+ (sequence-master [master-name body-first])
+ (sequence-master [master-name body-odd])
+ (sequence-master [master-name body-even])
+ (sequence-master [master-name back-first])
+ (sequence-master [master-name back-odd])
+ (sequence-master [master-name back-even])
+ (sequence-master [master-name index-first])
+ (sequence-master [master-name index-odd])
+ (sequence-master [master-name index-even])
+ (sequence-master [master-name titlepage])
+ (sequence-master [master-name lot])
+ (sequence-master [master-name front])
+ (sequence-master [master-name body])
+ (sequence-master [master-name back])
+ (sequence-master [master-name index]))
+ (outline )
+ (sequence [master-reference body]
+ (static-content [flow-name xsl-region-before-first])
+ (static-content [flow-name xsl-region-before-odd])
+ (static-content [flow-name xsl-region-before-even])
+ (static-content [flow-name xsl-region-before-blank])
+ (static-content [flow-name xsl-footnote-separator])
+ (static-content [flow-name blank-body])
+ (static-content [flow-name xsl-region-after-first])
+ (static-content [flow-name xsl-region-after-odd])
+ (static-content [flow-name xsl-region-after-even])
+ (static-content [flow-name xsl-region-after-blank])
+ (flow [flow-name xsl-region-body])))
+ (format
+ (sequence [master-reference body]
+ (flow [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]
+ [error] no entries for index key 'example, Idols'
+ [error] no entries for index key 'Header < boost/mylibrary/mylibrary.hpp >, macro'
+ [error] no entries for index key 'Idols, example'
+ [error] no entries for index key 'Idols, index'
+ [error] no entries for index key 'Idols, Kelvin'
+ [error] no entries for index key 'Idols, Quickbook'
+ [error] no entries for index key 'Idols, Twain'
+ [error] no entries for index key 'index, Idols'
+ [10]
+ [error] no entries for index key 'Kelvin, Idols'
+ [error] no entries for index key 'macro, Header < boost/mylibrary/mylibrary.hpp >'
+ [error] no entries for index key 'Quickbook, Idols'
+ [error] no entries for index key 'Quickbook, Version Info'
+ [error] no entries for index key 'Twain, Idols'
+ [error] no entries for index key 'Version Info, Quickbook'
+ [11])
+ (static-content [1]|xsl-region-after-first||xsl-region-before-first|[2]|xsl-region-after-odd||xsl-region-before-odd|[3]|xsl-region-after-odd||xsl-region-before-odd|[4]|xsl-region-after-odd||xsl-region-before-odd|[5]|xsl-region-after-odd||xsl-region-before-odd|[6]|xsl-region-after-odd||xsl-region-before-odd|[7]|xsl-region-after-odd||xsl-region-before-odd|[8]|xsl-region-after-odd||xsl-region-before-odd|[9]|xsl-region-after-odd||xsl-region-before-odd|[10]|xsl-region-after-odd||xsl-region-before-odd|[11]|xsl-region-after-odd||xsl-region-before-odd|)))
+ (generate [output-format pdf][1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11]))
+...updated 14 targets...
Added: sandbox/guild/mylibrary/libs/mylibrary/doc/test_html4_symbols.qbk
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/guild/mylibrary/libs/mylibrary/doc/test_html4_symbols.qbk 2011-02-03 07:14:21 EST (Thu, 03 Feb 2011)
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+[section:test_HTML_4_Symbols test HTML4 symbols]
+[/ Examples of using all the Greek and Math symbols defined in HTML4_symbols.qbk]
+[/ See http://www.htmlhelp.com/reference/html40/entities/symbols.html]
+[/ Also some miscellaneous math charaters added to this list - see the end.]
+[/ To use, enclose the template name in square brackets.]
+[/ test_MTML4_symbols.qbk
+ Copyright 2006 John Maddock and Paul A. Bristow.
+ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+ (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
Boost-Commit list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk