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Boost-Commit : |
Subject: [Boost-commit] svn:boost r69974 - sandbox/variadic_templates/sandbox/bind
From: cppljevans_at_[hidden]
Date: 2011-03-14 09:26:16
Author: cppljevans
Date: 2011-03-14 09:26:15 EDT (Mon, 14 Mar 2011)
New Revision: 69974
URL: http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/69974
prototype variadic bind
sandbox/variadic_templates/sandbox/bind/Makefile (contents, props changed)
sandbox/variadic_templates/sandbox/bind/bindv.cpp (contents, props changed)
sandbox/variadic_templates/sandbox/bind/bindv.out (contents, props changed)
Added: sandbox/variadic_templates/sandbox/bind/Makefile
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/variadic_templates/sandbox/bind/Makefile 2011-03-14 09:26:15 EDT (Mon, 14 Mar 2011)
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# compile/run $(MAIN).cpp with one_of:
+# 1) variadic bind, when YES_NOT=yes
+# 2) phoenix3 bind, when YES_NOT=not
+DIR.root := $(shell dirup_dir_file.pl $(PWD) root.imk)
+BINDV.yes=-I$(vartmpl.root) $(COMPILER.gcc.opts.variadic) -DUSE_VARIADIC_BIND
+BINDV.not=-I$(phoenix3.root) $(COMPILER.gcc.opts.all) -std=gnu++0x
+COMPILE.$(HOW.base).yes=$(COMPILER.$(HOW.base)) -c $(BINDV.yes) $(INCS)
+COMPILE.$(HOW.base).not=$(COMPILER.$(HOW.base)) -c $(BINDV.not) $(INCS)
+include $(DIR.root)/root.imk
+ for YES_NOT in yes not ; do \
+ make -W$(MAIN).cpp YES_NOT=$$YES_NOT cmp_run ; \
+ done ; \
+ #
+ $(COMPILE.$(HOW)) $(MAIN).cpp -o $(MAIN).$(YES_NOT).o
+ $(LINK.$(HOW)) $(MAIN).$(YES_NOT).o -o $(MAIN).$(YES_NOT).x
+ ./$(MAIN).$(YES_NOT).x
+ @echo "COMPILE.HOW.base.yes=" $(COMPILE.$(HOW.base).yes)
+ @echo "COMPILE.HOW.base.not=" $(COMPILE.$(HOW.base).not)
Added: sandbox/variadic_templates/sandbox/bind/bindv.cpp
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/variadic_templates/sandbox/bind/bindv.cpp 2011-03-14 09:26:15 EDT (Mon, 14 Mar 2011)
@@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
+//Prototype varadic template bind, bindv.
+// (C) Copyright Larry Evans 2011.
+// Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this software
+// is granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies.
+// This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
+// warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.
+ #include <boost/mpl/package_c.hpp>
+ #include <boost/type_traits/remove_cv.hpp>
+ #include <boost/bind/placeholders.hpp>
+ #include <boost/composite_storage/pack/multiple_dispatch/apply_unpack.hpp>
+ #include <boost/phoenix/bind.hpp>
+ #include <boost/phoenix/core/argument.hpp>
+#include <iostream>
+namespace boost
+namespace sandbox
+ template
+ < unsigned Size
+ >
+ struct
+ {
+ static
+ unsigned const
+ size
+ =Size
+ ;
+ typedef
+ void*
+ ptr_type
+ ;
+ ptr_type
+ my_ptrs[size]
+ ;
+ void*
+ ptr_at(unsigned index)const
+ {
+ return my_ptrs[index];
+ }
+ void*&
+ ptr_at(unsigned index)
+ {
+ return my_ptrs[index];
+ }
+ //XTORS:
+ void_ptr_size_array
+ ( void
+ )
+ {
+ //This is not needed for a correct program.
+ //However, if, somehow, the my_ptr's are
+ //not initialized somewhere else (for example
+ //by replace_source_with_target_ptr), then
+ //detecting whether they are properly intialized
+ //becomes difficult because, without the
+ //following initialization loop, the values
+ //stored in my_ptrs, maybe non-zero and therefore
+ //difficult to check for correctness.
+ for(unsigned i=0; i<size; ++i) my_ptrs[i]=0;
+ #endif
+ }
+ template
+ < typename... Types
+ >
+ void_ptr_size_array
+ ( Types*... ptrs
+ )
+ : my_ptrs({ptrs...})
+ {}
+ };
+ template
+ < typename Types
+ >
+ struct
+ ;
+ template
+ < typename Type
+ >
+ typename remove_cv<Type>::type*
+ ( Type&
+ value
+ )
+ /**@brief
+ * Removes 'const and volatile' from Type and returns
+ * pointer to value with that type.
+ */
+ {
+ typedef typename remove_cv<Type>::type remove_cv_type;
+ remove_cv_type*rm_cv_ptr=const_cast<remove_cv_type*>(&value);
+ return rm_cv_ptr;
+ }
+ template
+ < typename... Types
+ >
+ struct
+ < mpl::package
+ < Types...
+ >
+ >
+ /**@brief
+ * 1) An array of void* to Types...*
+ * 2) A CTOR which takes Types&.. to create these pointers.
+ * 3) A project<I>() function to convert
+ * these pointers back to the Types&... passed to CTOR.
+ */
+ : void_ptr_size_array
+ < sizeof...(Types)
+ >
+ {
+ typedef
+ void_ptr_size_array
+ < sizeof...(Types)
+ >
+ super_type
+ ;
+ typedef typename
+ super_type::ptr_type
+ ptr_type
+ ;
+ using
+ super_type::
+ ptr_at
+ ;
+ template
+ < unsigned Index
+ >
+ struct
+ result_type
+ : mpl::at_c
+ < mpl::package<Types...>
+ , Index
+ >
+ {
+ };
+ template
+ < unsigned Index
+ >
+ typename result_type<Index>::type&
+ project(void)const
+ {
+ ptr_type
+ vp=ptr_at(Index);
+ assert(vp != 0);
+ #endif
+ typedef
+ typename result_type<Index>::type
+ arg_type;
+ arg_type*ap=static_cast<arg_type*>(vp);
+ return *ap;
+ }
+ //XTORS:
+ void_ptr_array()
+ {}
+ void_ptr_array(Types&... args)
+ : super_type
+ ( remove_cv_ptr(args)...
+ )
+ {}
+ };
+ template
+ < typename TargetFront
+ , typename TargetBack
+ , typename Source
+ >
+ struct
+ /**@brief
+ * Subsittute values in TargetBack
+ * with values in Source.
+ */
+ template
+ < typename... Front
+ , int Index
+ , typename... Back
+ , typename Source
+ >
+ struct
+ < mpl::package<Front...>
+ , mpl::package<arg<Index>,Back...>
+ , Source
+ >
+ static
+ unsigned const
+ arg_i=Index-1
+ ;
+ typedef typename
+ Source::template result_type<arg_i>::type
+ arg_t
+ ;
+ typedef
+ substitute
+ < mpl::package<Front...,arg_t>
+ , mpl::package<Back...>
+ , Source
+ >
+ next_t
+ /**@brief
+ * Substitute arg<Index> with the Index-th value in Source.
+ */
+ ;
+ static
+ auto
+ _( void_ptr_size_array<sizeof...(Front)+1+sizeof...(Back)>& target
+ , Source const& source
+ )-> decltype(next_t::_(target,source))
+ {
+ unsigned const tar_index=sizeof...(Front);
+ target.ptr_at(tar_index) = source.ptr_at(arg_i);
+ return next_t::_(target,source);
+ }
+ template
+ < typename... Front
+ , typename Middle
+ , typename... Back
+ , typename Source
+ >
+ struct
+ < mpl::package<Front...>
+ , mpl::package<Middle,Back...>
+ , Source
+ >
+ typedef
+ substitute
+ < mpl::package<Front...,Middle>
+ , mpl::package<Back...>
+ , Source
+ >
+ next_t
+ /**@brief
+ * Since Middle is not a placeholder, just move
+ * it to Front.
+ */
+ ;
+ static
+ auto
+ _( void_ptr_size_array<sizeof...(Front)+1+sizeof...(Back)>& target
+ , Source const& source
+ )->decltype(next_t::_(target,source))
+ {
+ return next_t::_(target,source);
+ }
+ template
+ < typename... Front
+ , typename Source
+ >
+ struct
+ < mpl::package<Front...>
+ , mpl::package<>
+ , Source
+ >
+ typedef
+ void_ptr_array
+ < mpl::package<Front...>
+ >
+ next_t
+ ;
+ static
+ next_t&
+ _( void_ptr_size_array<sizeof...(Front)>& target
+ , Source const&
+ )
+ /**@brief
+ * Since no more arguments to be sustituted,
+ * just cast target to the actual type.
+ */
+ {
+ return static_cast<next_t&>(target);
+ }
+ template
+ < typename Functor
+ , typename... ArgsPart
+ >
+ struct
+ : void_ptr_array
+ < mpl::package<ArgsPart...>
+ >
+ {
+ typedef
+ void_ptr_array
+ < mpl::package<ArgsPart...>
+ >
+ super_t;
+ Functor
+ my_ftor;
+ bind_result
+ ( Functor a_ftor
+ , ArgsPart&... a_args
+ )
+ : super_t
+ ( a_args...
+ )
+ , my_ftor(a_ftor)
+ {}
+ template
+ < typename... ArgsComplete
+ >
+ typename Functor::result_type
+ operator()
+ ( ArgsComplete&... a_args
+ )
+ {
+ typedef mpl::package<ArgsComplete...> pkg_args;
+ typedef void_ptr_array<pkg_args> source_t;
+ source_t source_v(a_args...);
+ super_t target_part(*this);
+ auto
+ target_complete
+ =substitute
+ < mpl::package<>
+ , mpl::package<ArgsPart...>
+ , source_t
+ >::_
+ ( target_part
+ , source_v
+ );
+ composite_storage::pack::multiple_dispatch::
+ apply_unpack
+ < typename mpl::package_range_c
+ < unsigned
+ , 0
+ , sizeof...(ArgsPart)
+ >::type
+ >
+ uapp;
+ return uapp(my_ftor,target_complete);
+ }
+ };
+ template
+ < typename Functor
+ , typename... Args
+ >
+ bind_result
+ < Functor
+ , Args...
+ >
+ ( Functor a_ftor
+ , Args&... a_args
+ )
+ {
+ bind_result<Functor,Args...> bres(a_ftor,a_args...);
+ return bres;
+ }
+ void
+ (
+ )
+ {}
+ template
+ < typename Head
+ , typename... Tail
+ >
+ void
+ ( Head head
+ , Tail... tail
+ )
+ {
+ std::cout<<":"<<head;
+ pkg_print(tail...);
+ }
+ struct
+ {
+ typedef
+ void
+ result_type;
+ template
+ < typename... Args
+ >
+ result_type
+ operator()
+ ( Args&... a_args
+ )
+ {
+ std::cout<<"functor_any(";
+ pkg_print(a_args...);
+ std::cout<<")\n";
+ }
+ };
+using namespace phoenix;
+using namespace phoenix::placeholders;
+ struct
+ {
+ typedef
+ void
+ result_type;
+ template
+ < typename Arg1
+ , typename Arg2
+ >
+ result_type
+ operator()
+ ( Arg1& a_arg1
+ , Arg2& a_arg2
+ )
+ {
+ std::cout<<"functor_any(";
+ std::cout<<":"<<a_arg1;
+ std::cout<<":"<<a_arg2;
+ std::cout<<")\n";
+ }
+ };
+ void
+ {
+ int act1=1;
+ int act2=2;
+ functor_any f_any;
+ {
+ std::cout<<"(_1,_2)("<<act1<<","<<act2<<")\n";
+ auto bnd_any=bind(f_any,_1,_2);
+ bnd_any(act1,act2);
+ }
+ {
+ std::cout<<"("<<act2<<",_1)("<<act1<<")\n";
+ auto bnd_any=bind(f_any,act2,_1);
+ bnd_any(act1);
+ std::cout<<"("<<act2<<",_1)("<<act2<<")\n";
+ bnd_any(act2);
+ }
+ {
+ std::cout<<"("<<act2<<","<<act1<<")("<<act1<<")\n";
+ auto bnd_any=bind(f_any,act2,act1);
+ bnd_any(act1);
+ }
+ }
+}//exit sandbox namespace
+}//exit boost namespace
+int main()
+ std::cout<<"YES_VARIADIC_BIND\n";
+ #else
+ std::cout<<"NOT_VARIADIC_BIND\n";
+ #endif
+ boost::sandbox::test();
+ return 0;
Added: sandbox/variadic_templates/sandbox/bind/bindv.out
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/variadic_templates/sandbox/bind/bindv.out 2011-03-14 09:26:15 EDT (Mon, 14 Mar 2011)
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+directory: "~/prog_dev/boost-svn/ro/boost_1_46_0/sandbox/rw/variadic_templates/sandbox/bind/" -*-
+Compilation started at Mon Mar 14 08:12:30
+make all
+for YES_NOT in yes not ; do \
+ make -Wbindv.cpp YES_NOT=$YES_NOT cmp_run ; \
+ done ; \
+ #
+make[1]: Entering directory `/home/evansl/prog_dev/boost-svn/ro/boost_1_46_0/sandbox/rw/variadic_templates/sandbox/bind'
+/home/evansl/download/gcc/4.6-20110126/install/bin/g++ -c -I/home/evansl/prog_dev/boost-svn/ro/boost_1_46_0/sandbox/rw/variadic_templates -Wall -ftemplate-depth-300 -O0 -fpermissive -std=gnu++0x -DCXX0X_VARIADIC_TEMPLATES -DBOOST_USE_MPL_VARIADIC_TEMPLATES -DBOOST_MPL_CFG_NO_PREPROCESSED_HEADERS -DUSE_VARIADIC_BIND -I/home/evansl/prog_dev/boost-svn/ro/boost_1_46_0 bindv.cpp -o bindv.yes.o
+/home/evansl/download/gcc/4.6-20110126/install/bin/g++ -Wl,-rpath /home/evansl/download/gcc/4.6-20110126/install/lib64 bindv.yes.o -o bindv.yes.x
+make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/evansl/prog_dev/boost-svn/ro/boost_1_46_0/sandbox/rw/variadic_templates/sandbox/bind'
+make[1]: Entering directory `/home/evansl/prog_dev/boost-svn/ro/boost_1_46_0/sandbox/rw/variadic_templates/sandbox/bind'
+/home/evansl/download/gcc/4.6-20110126/install/bin/g++ -c -I/home/evansl/prog_dev/boost-svn/ro/boost_1_46_0/sandbox/ro/SOC/2010/phoenix3 -Wall -ftemplate-depth-300 -O0 -fpermissive -std=gnu++0x -I/home/evansl/prog_dev/boost-svn/ro/boost_1_46_0 bindv.cpp -o bindv.not.o
+/home/evansl/download/gcc/4.6-20110126/install/bin/g++ -Wl,-rpath /home/evansl/download/gcc/4.6-20110126/install/lib64 bindv.not.o -o bindv.not.x
+make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/evansl/prog_dev/boost-svn/ro/boost_1_46_0/sandbox/rw/variadic_templates/sandbox/bind'
+Compilation finished at Mon Mar 14 08:12:42
Boost-Commit list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk