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Boost-Commit : |
Subject: [Boost-commit] svn:boost r69985 - trunk/libs/geometry/doc/generated
From: bruno.lalande_at_[hidden]
Date: 2011-03-14 18:02:20
Author: bruno.lalande
Date: 2011-03-14 18:02:12 EDT (Mon, 14 Mar 2011)
New Revision: 69985
URL: http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/69985
Deleted all files in generated, except area_status.qbk
Deleted: trunk/libs/geometry/doc/generated/append.qbk
--- trunk/libs/geometry/doc/generated/append.qbk 2011-03-14 18:02:12 EDT (Mon, 14 Mar 2011)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/group__append.xml]
-[section:append append]
-Appends one or more points to a linestring, ring, polygon, multi-geometry.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry, typename RangeOrPoint>
-void append(Geometry & geometry, RangeOrPoint const & range_or_point, int ring_index = -1, int multi_index = 0)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[RangeOrPoint const &] [Either a range or a point, fullfilling Boost.Range concept or Boost.Geometry Point Concept ] [range_or_point] [The point or range to add ]]
-[[int] [] [ring_index] [The index of the ring in case of a polygon: exterior ring (-1, the default) or interior ring index ]]
-[[int] [] [multi_index] [Reserved for multi polygons or multi linestrings]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/append.hpp>`
-[include reference/algorithms/append.qbk]
Deleted: trunk/libs/geometry/doc/generated/area.qbk
--- trunk/libs/geometry/doc/generated/area.qbk 2011-03-14 18:02:12 EDT (Mon, 14 Mar 2011)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/group__area.xml]
-[section:area_2_with_strategy area (with strategy)]
-Calculates the area of a geometry using the specified strategy.
-[heading Description]
-The free function area calculates the area of a geometry using the specified strategy. Reasons to specify a strategy include: use another coordinate system for calculations; construct the strategy beforehand (e.g. with the radius of the Earth); select a strategy when there are more than one available for a calculation.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry, typename Strategy>
-Strategy::return_type area(Geometry const & geometry, Strategy const & strategy)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[Strategy const &] [Any type fulfilling a Area Strategy Concept ] [strategy] [The strategy which will be used for area calculations ]]
-[heading Returns]
-The calculated area
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/area.hpp>`
-[include reference/algorithms/area.qbk]
-[heading Example]
-[heading Available Strategies]
-* [link geometry.reference.strategies.strategy_area_surveyor Surveyor (cartesian)]
-* [link geometry.reference.strategies.strategy_area_huiller Huiller (spherical)]
-[section:area_1 area]
-Calculates the area of a geometry.
-[heading Description]
-The free function area calculates the area of a geometry. It uses the default strategy, based on the coordinate system of the geometry.
-The area algorithm calculates the surface area of all geometries having a surface, namely box, polygon, ring, multipolygon. The units are the square of the units used for the points defining the surface. If subject geometry is defined in meters, then area is calculated in square meters.
-The area calculation can be done in all three common coordinate systems, Cartesian, Spherical and Geographic as well.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry>
-area_result<Geometry>::type area(Geometry const & geometry)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[heading Returns]
-The calculated area
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/area.hpp>`
-[include reference/algorithms/area.qbk]
-[heading Examples]
-[area] [area_output]
Deleted: trunk/libs/geometry/doc/generated/area_huiller.qbk
--- trunk/libs/geometry/doc/generated/area_huiller.qbk 2011-03-14 18:02:12 EDT (Mon, 14 Mar 2011)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/classboost_1_1geometry_1_1strategy_1_1area_1_1huiller.xml]
-[section:strategy_area_huiller strategy::area::huiller]
-Area calculation by spherical excess / Huiller's formula.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename PointOfSegment, typename CalculationType>
-class strategy::area::huiller
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Default] [Description]]
-[[typename PointOfSegment] [] [point type of segments of rings/polygons ]]
-[[typename CalculationType] [void] [numeric type for calculation (e.g. high precision); if [*void] then it is extracted automatically from the coordinate type and (if necessary) promoted to floating point ]]
-[heading Constructor(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] ]
-[[``huiller(double radius = 1.0)``
-] [] [[* double]: ['radius]:
-[heading Member Function(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] [Returns]]
-[[``void apply(PointOfSegment const & p1, PointOfSegment const & p2, & state)``
-] [] [[* PointOfSegment const &]: ['p1]:
-[* PointOfSegment const &]: ['p2]:
-[* &]: ['state]:
-[[``return_type result( const & state)``
-] [] [[* const &]: ['state]:
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/strategies/spherical/area_huiller.hpp>`
-[heading Example]
-[heading See also]
-[link geometry.reference.algorithms.area.area_2_with_strategy area (with strategy)]
Deleted: trunk/libs/geometry/doc/generated/area_surveyor.qbk
--- trunk/libs/geometry/doc/generated/area_surveyor.qbk 2011-03-14 18:02:12 EDT (Mon, 14 Mar 2011)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/classboost_1_1geometry_1_1strategy_1_1area_1_1surveyor.xml]
-[section:strategy_area_surveyor strategy::area::surveyor]
-Area calculation for cartesian points.
-[heading Description]
-Calculates area using the Surveyor's formula, a well-known triangulation algorithm
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename PointOfSegment, typename CalculationType>
-class strategy::area::surveyor
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Default] [Description]]
-[[typename PointOfSegment] [] [segment point type ]]
-[[typename CalculationType] [void] [numeric type for calculation (e.g. high precision); if [*void] then it is extracted automatically from the coordinate type and (if necessary) promoted to floating point]]
-[heading Member Function(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] [Returns]]
-[[``void apply(PointOfSegment const & p1, PointOfSegment const & p2, summation & state)``
-] [] [[* PointOfSegment const &]: ['p1]:
-[* PointOfSegment const &]: ['p2]:
-[* summation &]: ['state]:
-[[``return_type result(summation const & state)``
-] [] [[* summation const &]: ['state]:
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/strategies/cartesian/area_surveyor.hpp>`
-[heading See also]
-[link geometry.reference.algorithms.area.area_2_with_strategy area (with strategy)]
Deleted: trunk/libs/geometry/doc/generated/arithmetic.qbk
--- trunk/libs/geometry/doc/generated/arithmetic.qbk 2011-03-14 18:02:12 EDT (Mon, 14 Mar 2011)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/group__arithmetic.xml]
-[section:add_point add_point]
-Adds a point to another.
-[heading Description]
-The coordinates of the second point will be added to those of the first point. The second point is not modified.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Point1, typename Point2>
-void add_point(Point1 & p1, Point2 const & p2)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Point1 &] [] [p1] [first point ]]
-[[Point2 const &] [] [p2] [second point ]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/arithmetic/arithmetic.hpp>`
-[section:add_value add_value]
-Adds a value to each coordinate of a point.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Point>
-void add_value(Point & p, typename detail::param< Point >::type value)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Point &] [] [p] [point ]]
-[[typename detail::param< Point >::type] [] [value] [value to add ]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/arithmetic/arithmetic.hpp>`
-[section:cross_product cross_product]
-Computes the cross product of two vector.
-[heading Description]
-Both vectors shall be of the same type. This type also determines type of result vector.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename P1, typename P2>
-P1 cross_product(P1 const & p1, P2 const & p2)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[P1 const &] [] [p1] [first vector ]]
-[[P2 const &] [] [p2] [second vector ]]
-[heading Returns]
-the cross product vector
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/arithmetic/cross_product.hpp>`
-[section:divide_point divide_point]
-Divides a point by another.
-[heading Description]
-The coordinates of the second point will be divided by those of the first point. The second point is not modified.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Point1, typename Point2>
-void divide_point(Point1 & p1, Point2 const & p2)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Point1 &] [] [p1] [first point ]]
-[[Point2 const &] [] [p2] [second point ]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/arithmetic/arithmetic.hpp>`
-[section:divide_value divide_value]
-Divides each coordinate of a point by a value.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Point>
-void divide_value(Point & p, typename detail::param< Point >::type value)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Point &] [] [p] [point ]]
-[[typename detail::param< Point >::type] [] [value] [value to divide by ]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/arithmetic/arithmetic.hpp>`
-[section:dot_product dot_product]
-Computes the dot product (or scalar product) of 2 vectors (points).
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename P1, typename P2>
-select_coordinate_type<P1, P2>::type dot_product(P1 const & p1, P2 const & p2)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[P1 const &] [] [p1] [first point ]]
-[[P2 const &] [] [p2] [second point ]]
-[heading Returns]
-the dot product
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/arithmetic/dot_product.hpp>`
-[section:multiply_point multiply_point]
-Multiplies a point by another.
-[heading Description]
-The coordinates of the second point will be multiplied by those of the first point. The second point is not modified.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Point1, typename Point2>
-void multiply_point(Point1 & p1, Point2 const & p2)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Point1 &] [] [p1] [first point ]]
-[[Point2 const &] [] [p2] [second point ]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/arithmetic/arithmetic.hpp>`
-[section:multiply_value multiply_value]
-Multiplies each coordinate of a point by a value.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Point>
-void multiply_value(Point & p, typename detail::param< Point >::type value)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Point &] [] [p] [point ]]
-[[typename detail::param< Point >::type] [] [value] [value to multiply by ]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/arithmetic/arithmetic.hpp>`
-[section:subtract_point subtract_point]
-Subtracts a point to another.
-[heading Description]
-The coordinates of the second point will be subtracted to those of the first point. The second point is not modified.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Point1, typename Point2>
-void subtract_point(Point1 & p1, Point2 const & p2)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Point1 &] [] [p1] [first point ]]
-[[Point2 const &] [] [p2] [second point ]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/arithmetic/arithmetic.hpp>`
-[section:subtract_value subtract_value]
-Subtracts a value to each coordinate of a point.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Point>
-void subtract_value(Point & p, typename detail::param< Point >::type value)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Point &] [] [p] [point ]]
-[[typename detail::param< Point >::type] [] [value] [value to subtract ]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/arithmetic/arithmetic.hpp>`
Deleted: trunk/libs/geometry/doc/generated/assign.qbk
--- trunk/libs/geometry/doc/generated/assign.qbk 2011-03-14 18:02:12 EDT (Mon, 14 Mar 2011)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,327 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/group__assign.xml]
-[section:assign_2_with_a_range assign (with a range)]
-Assign a range of points to a linestring, ring or polygon.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry, typename Range>
-void assign(Geometry & geometry, Range const & range)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[Range const &] [Any type fulfilling a Range Concept where it range_value type fulfills the Point Concept ] [range] [A range containg points fulfilling range and point concepts]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/assign.hpp>`
-[heading Notes]
-[note Assign automatically clears the geometry before assigning (use append if you don't want that)]
-[heading Example]
-[assign_with_range] [assign_with_range_output]
-[heading See also]
-* [link geometry.reference.algorithms.make.make_1_with_a_range make]
-* [link geometry.reference.algorithms.append.append append]
-[section:assign_5_4_coordinate_values assign (4 coordinate values)]
-Assign four values to a geometry (usually a box or segment).
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry, typename Type>
-void assign(Geometry & geometry, Type const & c1, Type const & c2, Type const & c3, Type const & c4)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[Type const &] [numerical type (int, double, ttmath, ...) to specify the coordinates ] [c1] [First coordinate (usually x1) ]]
-[[Type const &] [numerical type (int, double, ttmath, ...) to specify the coordinates ] [c2] [Second coordinate (usually y1) ]]
-[[Type const &] [numerical type (int, double, ttmath, ...) to specify the coordinates ] [c3] [Third coordinate (usually x2) ]]
-[[Type const &] [numerical type (int, double, ttmath, ...) to specify the coordinates ] [c4] [Fourth coordinate (usually y2)]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/assign.hpp>`
-[section:assign_4_3_coordinate_values assign (3 coordinate values)]
-Assign three values to a geometry (usually a 3D point).
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry, typename Type>
-void assign(Geometry & geometry, Type const & c1, Type const & c2, Type const & c3)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[Type const &] [numerical type (int, double, ttmath, ...) to specify the coordinates ] [c1] [First coordinate (usually x-coordinate) ]]
-[[Type const &] [numerical type (int, double, ttmath, ...) to specify the coordinates ] [c2] [Second coordinate (usually y-coordinate) ]]
-[[Type const &] [numerical type (int, double, ttmath, ...) to specify the coordinates ] [c3] [Third coordinate (usually z-coordinate)]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/assign.hpp>`
-[heading Example]
-[assign_3d_point] [assign_3d_point_output]
-[heading See also]
-* [link geometry.reference.algorithms.make.make_3_3_coordinate_values make]
-[section:assign_3_2_coordinate_values assign (2 coordinate values)]
-Assign two coordinates to a geometry (usually a 2D point).
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry, typename Type>
-void assign(Geometry & geometry, Type const & c1, Type const & c2)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[Type const &] [numerical type (int, double, ttmath, ...) to specify the coordinates ] [c1] [First coordinate (usually x-coordinate) ]]
-[[Type const &] [numerical type (int, double, ttmath, ...) to specify the coordinates ] [c2] [Second coordinate (usually y-coordinate)]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/assign.hpp>`
-[heading Example]
-[assign_2d_point] [assign_2d_point_output]
-[heading See also]
-* [link geometry.reference.algorithms.make.make_2_2_coordinate_values make]
-[section:assign_box_corners assign_box_corners]
-Assign the four points of a 2D box.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Box, typename Point>
-void assign_box_corners(Box const & box, Point & lower_left, Point & lower_right, Point & upper_left, Point & upper_right)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Box const &] [Any type fulfilling a Box Concept ] [box] [A model of the specified Box Concept ]]
-[[Point &] [Any type fulfilling a Point Concept ] [lower_left] [point being assigned to lower left coordinates of the box ]]
-[[Point &] [Any type fulfilling a Point Concept ] [lower_right] [point being assigned to lower right coordinates of the box ]]
-[[Point &] [Any type fulfilling a Point Concept ] [upper_left] [point being assigned to upper left coordinates of the box ]]
-[[Point &] [Any type fulfilling a Point Concept ] [upper_right] [point being assigned to upper right coordinates of the box]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/assign.hpp>`
-[heading Example]
-[assign_box_corners] [assign_box_corners_output]
-[section:assign_inverse assign_inverse]
-assign to a box inverse infinite
-[heading Description]
-The assign\u005finverse function initialize a 2D or 3D box with large coordinates, the min corner is very large, the max corner is very small. This is a convenient starting point to collect the minimum bounding box of a geometry.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry>
-void assign_inverse(Geometry & geometry)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry] [A model of the specified concept]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/assign.hpp>`
-[heading Example]
-[assign_inverse] [assign_inverse_output]
-[heading See also]
-* [link geometry.reference.algorithms.make.make_inverse make_inverse]
-[section:assign_point_from_index assign_point_from_index]
-Assign a point with a point of a box or segment.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<std::size_t Index, typename Point, typename Geometry>
-void assign_point_from_index(Geometry const & geometry, Point & point)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Index] [indicates which box-corner, min_corner (0) or max_corner (1) or which point of segment (0/1) ] [ - ] [Must be specified]]
-[[Geometry const &] [Any type fulfilling a Box Concept or a Segment Concept ] [geometry] [A box modelling the specified Box Concept or segment modelling the specified Segment Concept ]]
-[[Point &] [Any type fulfilling a Point Concept ] [point] [A model of the specified Point Concept]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/assign.hpp>`
-[heading Example]
-[assign_point_from_index] [assign_point_from_index_output]
-[section:assign_point_to_index assign_point_to_index]
-Assign a box or segment with the value of a point.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<std::size_t Index, typename Geometry, typename Point>
-void assign_point_to_index(Point const & point, Geometry & geometry)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Index] [indicates which box-corner, min_corner (0) or max_corner (1) or which point of segment (0/1) ] [ - ] [Must be specified]]
-[[Point const &] [Any type fulfilling a Point Concept ] [point] [A model of the specified Point Concept ]]
-[[Geometry &] [Any type fulfilling a Box Concept or a Segment Concept ] [geometry] [A box modelling the specified Box Concept or segment modelling the specified Segment Concept]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/assign.hpp>`
-[heading Example]
-[assign_point_to_index] [assign_point_to_index_output]
-[section:assign_zero assign_zero]
-assign zero values to a box, point
-[heading Description]
-The assign\u005fzero function initializes a 2D or 3D point or box with coordinates of zero
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry>
-void assign_zero(Geometry & geometry)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/assign.hpp>`
Deleted: trunk/libs/geometry/doc/generated/box.qbk
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+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/classboost_1_1geometry_1_1model_1_1box.xml]
-[section:model_box model::box]
-Class box: defines a box made of two describing points.
-[heading Description]
-Box is always described by a min\u005fcorner() and a max\u005fcorner() point. If another rectangle is used, use linear\u005fring or polygon.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Point>
-class model::box
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Description]]
-[[typename Point] [point type. The box takes a point type as template parameter. The point type can be any point type. It can be 2D but can also be 3D or more dimensional. The box can also take a latlong point type as template parameter. ]]
-[heading Constructor(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] ]
-] [] [
-[[``box(Point const & min_corner, Point const & max_corner)``
-] [Constructor taking the minimum corner point and the maximum corner point. ] [[* Point const &]: ['min_corner]:
-[* Point const &]: ['max_corner]:
-[heading Member Function(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] [Returns]]
-[[``Point const & min_corner``
-] [] [
-[[``Point const & max_corner``
-] [] [
-[[``Point & min_corner``
-] [] [
-[[``Point & max_corner``
-] [] [
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometries/geometries.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometries/box.hpp>`
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- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/structboost_1_1geometry_1_1box__iterator.xml]
-[section:box_iterator box_iterator]
-Iterator which adapts a box (four points + closing) as iterator.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Box>
-class box_iterator
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Description]]
-[[typename Box] [box type on which this iterator is based on ]]
-[heading Constructor(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] ]
-[[``box_iterator(Box const & box)``
-] [] [[* Box const &]: ['box]:
-[[``box_iterator(Box const & box, bool )``
-] [] [[* Box const &]: ['box]:
-[* bool]: [']:
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/iterators/box_iterator.hpp>`
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- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/classboost_1_1geometry_1_1box__range.xml]
-[section:box_range box_range]
-Range, walking over the four points of a box.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Box>
-class box_range
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Description]]
-[[typename Box] [box type ]]
-[heading Constructor(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] ]
-[[``box_range(Box const & box)``
-] [] [[* Box const &]: ['box]:
-[heading Member Function(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] [Returns]]
-[[``const_iterator begin``
-] [] [
-[[``const_iterator end``
-] [] [
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/ranges/box_range.hpp>`
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- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/group__buffer.xml]
-[section:buffer buffer]
-Calculates the buffer of a geometry.
-[heading Description]
-The free function buffer calculates the buffer (a polygon being the spatial point set collection within a specified maximum distance from a geometry) of a geometry.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Input, typename Output, typename Distance>
-void buffer(Input const & geometry_in, Output & geometry_out, Distance const & distance, Distance const & chord_length = -1)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Input const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry_in] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[Output &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry_out] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[Distance const &] [numerical type (int, double, ttmath, ...) ] [distance] [The distance to be used for the buffer ]]
-[[Distance const &] [numerical type (int, double, ttmath, ...) ] [chord_length] [(optional) The length of the chord's in the generated arcs around points or bends ]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/buffer.hpp>`
-[include reference/algorithms/buffer.qbk]
-[section:make_buffer make_buffer]
-Calculates the buffer of a geometry.
-[heading Description]
-The free function make\u005fbuffer calculates the buffer (a polygon being the spatial point set collection within a specified maximum distance from a geometry) of a geometry. This version with the make\u005f prefix returns the buffer, and a template parameter must therefore be specified in the call..
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Output, typename Input, typename T, >
-Output make_buffer(Input const & geometry, T const & distance, T const & chord_length = -1)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Output] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [ - ] [Must be specified]]
-[[Distance] [numerical type (int, double, ttmath, ...) ] [ - ] [Must be specified]]
-[[Input const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[T const &] [] [distance] [The distance to be used for the buffer ]]
-[[T const &] [] [chord_length] [(optional) The length of the chord's in the generated arcs around points or bends ]]
-[heading Returns]
-The calculated buffer
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/buffer.hpp>`
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- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/structboost_1_1geometry_1_1cs_1_1cartesian.xml]
-[section:cs_cartesian cs::cartesian]
-Cartesian coordinate system.
-[heading Description]
-Defines the Cartesian or rectangular coordinate system where points are defined in 2 or 3 (or more) dimensions and usually (but not always) known as x,y,z
-[heading Synopsis]
-``class cs::cartesian
- // ...
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/core/cs.hpp>`
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@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/group__centroid.xml]
-[section:centroid_2 centroid]
-Calculates the centroid of a geometry.
-[heading Description]
-The free function centroid calculates the geometric center (or: center of mass) of a geometry
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry, typename Point>
-void centroid(Geometry const & geometry, Point & c)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[Point &] [Any type fulfilling a Point Concept ] [c] [the calculated centroid will be assigned to this point reference]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/centroid.hpp>`
-[include reference/algorithms/centroid.qbk]
-[section:centroid_3_with_strategy centroid (with strategy)]
-Calculates the centroid of a geometry using the specified strategy.
-[heading Description]
-The free function centroid calculates the geometric center (or: center of mass) of a geometry. Reasons to specify a strategy include: use another coordinate system for calculations; construct the strategy beforehand (e.g. with the radius of the Earth); select a strategy when there are more than one available for a calculation.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry, typename Point, typename Strategy>
-void centroid(Geometry const & geometry, Point & c, Strategy const & strategy)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[Point &] [Any type fulfilling a Point Concept ] [c] [A model of the specified Point Concept which is set to the centroid ]]
-[[Strategy const &] [Any type fulfilling a Centroid Strategy Concept ] [strategy] [The strategy which will be used for centroid calculations]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/centroid.hpp>`
-[include reference/algorithms/centroid.qbk]
-[heading Available Strategies]
-* [link geometry.reference.strategies.strategy_centroid_bashein_detmer Bashein Detmer (cartesian)]
-[section:make_centroid_2_with_strategy make_centroid (with strategy)]
-Calculates the centroid of a geometry using the specified strategy.
-[heading Description]
-The free function centroid calculates the geometric center (or: center of mass) of a geometry. This version with the make\u005f prefix returns the centroid, and a template parameter must therefore be specified in the call.. Reasons to specify a strategy include: use another coordinate system for calculations; construct the strategy beforehand (e.g. with the radius of the Earth); select a strategy when there are more than one available for a calculation.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Point, typename Geometry, typename Strategy>
-Point make_centroid(Geometry const & geometry, Strategy const & strategy)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Point] [Any type fulfilling a Point Concept ] [ - ] [Must be specified]]
-[[Geometry const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[Strategy const &] [Any type fulfilling a centroid Strategy Concept ] [strategy] [The strategy which will be used for centroid calculations ]]
-[heading Returns]
-The calculated centroid
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/centroid.hpp>`
-[include reference/algorithms/centroid.qbk]
-[heading Available Strategies]
-* [link geometry.reference.strategies.strategy_centroid_bashein_detmer Bashein Detmer (cartesian)]
-[section:make_centroid_1 make_centroid]
-Calculates the centroid of a geometry.
-[heading Description]
-The free function centroid calculates the geometric center (or: center of mass) of a geometry. This version with the make\u005f prefix returns the centroid, and a template parameter must therefore be specified in the call..
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Point, typename Geometry>
-Point make_centroid(Geometry const & geometry)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Point] [Any type fulfilling a Point Concept ] [ - ] [Must be specified]]
-[[Geometry const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[heading Returns]
-The calculated centroid [include reference/algorithms/centroid.qbk]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/centroid.hpp>`
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@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/classboost_1_1geometry_1_1strategy_1_1centroid_1_1average.xml]
-[section:strategy_centroid_average strategy::centroid::average]
-Centroid calculation taking average of points.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename PointCentroid, typename Point>
-class strategy::centroid::average
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Default] [Description]]
-[[typename PointCentroid] [] []]
-[[typename Point] [PointCentroid] []]
-[heading Member Function(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] [Returns]]
-[[``void apply(Point const & p, sum & state)``
-] [] [[* Point const &]: ['p]:
-[* sum &]: ['state]:
-[[``void result(sum const & state, PointCentroid & centroid)``
-] [] [[* sum const &]: ['state]:
-[* PointCentroid &]: ['centroid]:
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/multi/multi.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/multi/strategies/cartesian/centroid_average.hpp>`
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@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/classboost_1_1geometry_1_1strategy_1_1centroid_1_1bashein__detmer.xml]
-[section:strategy_centroid_bashein_detmer strategy::centroid::bashein_detmer]
-Centroid calculation using algorith Bashein / Detmer.
-[heading Description]
-Calculates centroid using triangulation method published by Bashein / Detmer
-With holes:
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Point, typename PointOfSegment, typename CalculationType>
-class strategy::centroid::bashein_detmer
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Default] [Description]]
-[[typename Point] [] [point type of centroid to calculate ]]
-[[typename PointOfSegment] [Point] [point type of segments, defaults to Point ]]
-[[typename CalculationType] [void] []]
-[heading Member Function(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] [Returns]]
-[[``void apply(PointOfSegment const & p1, PointOfSegment const & p2, sums & state)``
-] [] [[* PointOfSegment const &]: ['p1]:
-[* PointOfSegment const &]: ['p2]:
-[* sums &]: ['state]:
-[[``bool result(sums const & state, Point & centroid)``
-] [] [[* sums const &]: ['state]:
-[* Point &]: ['centroid]:
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/strategies/cartesian/centroid_bashein_detmer.hpp>`
-[heading See also]
-[link geometry.reference.algorithms.centroid.centroid_3_with_strategy centroid (with strategy)]
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@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/classboost_1_1geometry_1_1centroid__exception.xml]
-[section:centroid_exception centroid_exception]
-Centroid Exception.
-[heading Description]
-The centroid\u005fexception is thrown if the free centroid function is called with geometries for which the centroid cannot be calculated. For example: a linestring without points, a polygon without points, an empty multi-geometry.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``class centroid_exception
- : public exception
- // ...
-[heading Constructor(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] ]
-] [] [
-[heading Member Function(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] [Returns]]
-[[``char const * what``
-] [] [
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/centroid.hpp>`
-[heading See also]
-* [link geometry.reference.algorithms.centroid the centroid function]
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@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/structboost_1_1geometry_1_1circular__iterator.xml]
-[section:circular_iterator circular_iterator]
-Iterator which goes circular through a range, starting at a point, ending at that point.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Iterator>
-class circular_iterator
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Description]]
-[[typename Iterator] [iterator on which this class is based on ]]
-[heading Constructor(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] ]
-[[``circular_iterator(Iterator begin, Iterator end, Iterator start)``
-] [] [[* Iterator]: ['begin]:
-[* Iterator]: ['end]:
-[* Iterator]: ['start]:
-[[``circular_iterator(Iterator end)``
-] [] [[* Iterator]: ['end]:
-[heading Member Function(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] [Returns]]
-[[``void moveto(Iterator it)``
-] [] [[* Iterator]: ['it]:
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/iterators/circular_iterator.hpp>`
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@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/group__clear.xml]
-[section:clear clear]
-Clears a linestring, linear ring or polygon (exterior+interiors) or multi*.
-[heading Description]
-Generic function to clear a geometry
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry>
-void clear(Geometry & geometry)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry &] [] [geometry] []]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/clear.hpp>`
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@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/structboost_1_1geometry_1_1closeable__view.xml]
-[section:closeable_view closeable_view]
-View on a range, either closing or not closing.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Range, Close>
-class closeable_view
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Description]]
-[[typename Range] [original range ]]
-[[ Close] [specifying if it should be closed or not ]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/views/closeable_view.hpp>`
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@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/structboost_1_1geometry_1_1closing__iterator.xml]
-[section:closing_iterator closing_iterator]
-Iterator which iterates through a range, but adds first element at end of the range.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Range>
-class closing_iterator
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Description]]
-[[typename Range] [range on which this class is based on]]
-[heading Constructor(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] ]
-[[``closing_iterator(Range & range)``
-] [Constructor including the range it is based on. ] [[* Range &]: ['range]:
-[[``closing_iterator(Range & range, bool )``
-] [Constructor to indicate the end of a range. ] [[* Range &]: ['range]:
-[* bool]: [']:
-] [Default constructor. ] [
-[heading Member Function(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] [Returns]]
-[[``closing_iterator< Range > & operator=(< Range > const & source)``
-] [] [[* < Range > const &]: ['source]:
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/iterators/closing_iterator.hpp>`
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- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/structboost_1_1geometry_1_1closure.xml]
-[section:closure closure]
-Meta-function which defines closure of a geometry type.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry>
-class closure
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Description]]
-[[typename Geometry] []]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/core/closure.hpp>`
-[heading See also]
-[link geometry.reference.enumerations.order_selector The order_selector enumeration]
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- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/group__combine.xml]
-[section:combine combine]
-Combines a box with another geometry (box, point).
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Box, typename Geometry>
-void combine(Box & box, Geometry const & geometry)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Box &] [type of the box ] [box] [box to combine another geometry with, might be changed ]]
-[[Geometry const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/combine.hpp>`
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- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/group__convert.xml]
-[section:convert convert]
-Converts one geometry to another geometry.
-[heading Description]
-The convert algorithm converts one geometry, e.g. a BOX, to another geometry, e.g. a RING. This only if it is possible and applicable.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry1, typename Geometry2>
-void convert(Geometry1 const & geometry1, Geometry2 & geometry2)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry1 const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry1] [A model of the specified concept (source) ]]
-[[Geometry2 &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry2] [A model of the specified concept (target) ]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/convert.hpp>`
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@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/group__convex__hull.xml]
-[section:convex_hull convex_hull]
-Calculates the convex hull of a geometry.
-[heading Description]
-The free function convex\u005fhull calculates the convex hull of a geometry.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry1, typename Geometry2>
-void convex_hull(Geometry1 const & geometry, Geometry2 & hull)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry1 const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry] [A model of the specified concept, used for input ]]
-[[Geometry2 &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [hull] [A model of the specified concept which is set to the convex hull ]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/convex_hull.hpp>`
-[section:convex_hull_inserter convex_hull_inserter]
-Calculate the convex hull of a geometry, output-iterator version.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry, typename OutputIterator, >
-OutputIterator convex_hull_inserter(Geometry const & geometry, OutputIterator out)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[:] [an output-iterator ] [ - ] [Must be specified]]
-[[Geometry const &] [the input geometry type ] [geometry] [the geometry to calculate convex hull from ]]
-[[OutputIterator] [] [out] [an output iterator outputing points of the convex hull ]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/convex_hull.hpp>`
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@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/classboost_1_1geometry_1_1strategy_1_1convex__hull_1_1graham__andrew.xml]
-[section:strategy_convex_hull_graham_andrew strategy::convex_hull::graham_andrew]
-Graham scan strategy to calculate convex hull.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename InputGeometry, typename OutputPoint>
-class strategy::convex_hull::graham_andrew
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Description]]
-[[typename InputGeometry] []]
-[[typename OutputPoint] []]
-[heading Member Function(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] [Returns]]
-[[``void apply(InputGeometry const & geometry, partitions & state)``
-] [] [[* InputGeometry const &]: ['geometry]:
-[* partitions &]: ['state]:
-[[``template<typename OutputIterator>
-void result(partitions const & state, OutputIterator out, bool clockwise)``
-] [] [[* partitions const &]: ['state]:
-[* OutputIterator]: ['out]:
-[* bool]: ['clockwise]:
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/strategies/agnostic/hull_graham_andrew.hpp>`
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@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/structboost_1_1geometry_1_1coordinate__system.xml]
-[section:coordinate_system coordinate_system]
-Meta-function which defines coordinate system for any geometry.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename G>
-class coordinate_system
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Description]]
-[[typename G] []]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/core/coordinate_system.hpp>`
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- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/structboost_1_1geometry_1_1coordinate__type.xml]
-[section:coordinate_type coordinate_type]
-Meta-function which defines coordinate type (int, float, double, etc) of any geometry.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry>
-class coordinate_type
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Description]]
-[[typename Geometry] []]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/core/coordinate_type.hpp>`
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- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/group__correct.xml]
-[section:correct correct]
-Corrects a geometry.
-[heading Description]
-Corrects a geometry
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry>
-void correct(Geometry & geometry)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/correct.hpp>`
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@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/structboost_1_1geometry_1_1cs__tag.xml]
-[section:cs_tag cs_tag]
-Meta-function returning coordinate system tag (cs family) of any geometry.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename G>
-class cs_tag
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Description]]
-[[typename G] []]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/core/cs.hpp>`
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@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/group__difference.xml]
-[section:difference difference]
-[heading Description]
-Calculate the difference of two geometries
-The free function difference calculates the spatial set theoretic difference of two geometries.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry1, typename Geometry2, typename Collection>
-void difference(Geometry1 const & geometry1, Geometry2 const & geometry2, Collection & output_collection)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry1 const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry1] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[Geometry2 const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry2] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[Collection &] [output collection, either a multi-geometry, or a std::vector<Geometry> / std::deque<Geometry> etc ] [output_collection] [the output collection]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/difference.hpp>`
-[include reference/algorithms/difference.qbk]
-[section:difference_inserter_3 difference_inserter]
-[heading Description]
-Calculate the difference of two geometries
-The free function difference\u005finserter calculates the spatial set theoretic difference of two geometries. This version with the \u005finserter suffix outputs the difference to an output iterator, and a template parameter must therefore be specified in the call.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename GeometryOut, typename Geometry1, typename Geometry2, typename OutputIterator>
-OutputIterator difference_inserter(Geometry1 const & geometry1, Geometry2 const & geometry2, OutputIterator out)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[GeometryOut] [output geometry type, must be specified ] [ - ] [Must be specified]]
-[[Geometry1 const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry1] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[Geometry2 const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry2] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[OutputIterator] [output iterator ] [out] [The output iterator, to which difference geometries are feeded ]]
-[heading Returns]
-The output iterator
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/difference.hpp>`
-[include reference/algorithms/difference_inserter.qbk]
-[section:difference_inserter_4_with_strategy difference_inserter (with strategy)]
-[heading Description]
-Calculate the difference of two geometries using the specified strategy
-The free function difference\u005finserter calculates the spatial set theoretic difference of two geometries using the specified strategy. This version with the \u005finserter suffix outputs the difference to an output iterator, and a template parameter must therefore be specified in the call.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename GeometryOut, typename Geometry1, typename Geometry2, typename OutputIterator, typename Strategy>
-OutputIterator difference_inserter(Geometry1 const & geometry1, Geometry2 const & geometry2, OutputIterator out, Strategy const & strategy)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[GeometryOut] [output geometry type, must be specified ] [ - ] [Must be specified]]
-[[Geometry1 const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry1] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[Geometry2 const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry2] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[OutputIterator] [output iterator ] [out] [The output iterator, to which difference geometries are feeded ]]
-[[Strategy const &] [Compound strategy for segment intersection ] [strategy] [The strategy which will be used for difference calculations ]]
-[heading Returns]
-The output iterator
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/difference.hpp>`
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- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/structboost_1_1geometry_1_1dimension.xml]
-[section:dimension dimension]
-Meta-function which defines coordinate dimensions, i.e. the number of axes of any geometry.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename G>
-class dimension
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Description]]
-[[typename G] []]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/core/coordinate_dimension.hpp>`
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@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/group__disjoint.xml]
-[section:disjoint disjoint]
-Checks if two geometries are disjoint.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry1, typename Geometry2>
-bool disjoint(Geometry1 const & geometry1, Geometry2 const & geometry2)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry1 const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry1] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[Geometry2 const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry2] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[heading Returns]
-Returns true if two geometries are disjoint
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/disjoint.hpp>`
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@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/group__distance.xml]
-[section:comparable_distance comparable_distance]
-Calculate the comparable distance measurement of two geometries.
-[heading Description]
-The default strategy is used, belonging to the corresponding coordinate system of the geometries and the comparable strategy is used
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry1, typename Geometry2>
-distance_result<Geometry1, Geometry2>::type comparable_distance(Geometry1 const & geometry1, Geometry2 const & geometry2)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry1 const &] [first geometry type ] [geometry1] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[Geometry2 const &] [second geometry type ] [geometry2] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[heading Returns]
-The calculated comparable distance
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/comparable_distance.hpp>`
-[section:distance_2 distance]
-Calculate the distance of two geometries.
-[heading Description]
-The default strategy is used, belonging to the corresponding coordinate system of the geometries
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry1, typename Geometry2>
-distance_result<Geometry1, Geometry2>::type distance(Geometry1 const & geometry1, Geometry2 const & geometry2)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry1 const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry1] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[Geometry2 const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry2] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[heading Returns]
-The calculated distance
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/distance.hpp>`
-[section:distance_3_with_strategy distance (with strategy)]
-Calculate the distance of two geometries using the specified strategy.
-[heading Description]
-The free function area calculates the area of a geometry. using the specified strategy. Reasons to specify a strategy include: use another coordinate system for calculations; construct the strategy beforehand (e.g. with the radius of the Earth); select a strategy when there are more than one available for a calculation.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry1, typename Geometry2, typename Strategy>
-strategy::distance::services::return_type<Strategy>::type distance(Geometry1 const & geometry1, Geometry2 const & geometry2, Strategy const & strategy)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry1 const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry1] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[Geometry2 const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry2] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[Strategy const &] [Any type fulfilling a Distance Strategy Concept ] [strategy] [The strategy which will be used for distance calculations ]]
-[heading Returns]
-The calculated distance
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/distance.hpp>`
-[heading Available Strategies]
-* [link geometry.reference.strategies.strategy_distance_pythagoras Pythagoras (cartesian)]
-* [link geometry.reference.strategies.strategy_distance_haversine Haversine (spherical)]
-* [link geometry.reference.strategies.strategy_distance_cross_track Cross track (spherical, point-to-segment)]
-* [link geometry.reference.strategies.strategy_distance_projected_point Projected point (cartesian, point-to-segment)]
-* more (currently extensions): Vincenty, Andoyer (geographic)
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@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/classboost_1_1geometry_1_1strategy_1_1distance_1_1cross__track.xml]
-[section:strategy_distance_cross_track strategy::distance::cross_track]
-Strategy functor for distance point to segment calculation.
-[heading Description]
-Class which calculates the distance of a point to a segment, using latlong points
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Point, typename PointOfSegment, typename CalculationType, typename Strategy>
-class strategy::distance::cross_track
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Default] [Description]]
-[[typename Point] [] [point type ]]
-[[typename PointOfSegment] [Point] [segment point type ]]
-[[typename CalculationType] [void] [numeric type for calculation (e.g. high precision); if [*void] then it is extracted automatically from the coordinate type and (if necessary) promoted to floating point ]]
-[[typename Strategy] [typename services::default_strategy<point_tag, Point>::type] [underlying point-point distance strategy, defaults to haversine]]
-[heading Constructor(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] ]
-] [] [
-[[``cross_track( const & r)``
-] [] [[* const &]: ['r]:
-[[``cross_track(Strategy const & s)``
-] [] [[* Strategy const &]: ['s]:
-[heading Member Function(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] [Returns]]
-[[``return_type apply(Point const & p, PointOfSegment const & sp1, PointOfSegment const & sp2)``
-] [] [[* Point const &]: ['p]:
-[* PointOfSegment const &]: ['sp1]:
-[* PointOfSegment const &]: ['sp2]:
-[[``return_type radius``
-] [] [
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/strategies/spherical/distance_cross_track.hpp>`
-[heading See also]
-[link geometry.reference.algorithms.distance.distance_3_with_strategy distance (with strategy)]
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- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/classboost_1_1geometry_1_1strategy_1_1distance_1_1haversine.xml]
-[section:strategy_distance_haversine strategy::distance::haversine]
-Distance calculation for spherical coordinates on a perfect sphere using haversine.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Point1, typename Point2, typename CalculationType>
-class strategy::distance::haversine
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Default] [Description]]
-[[typename Point1] [] [point type ]]
-[[typename Point2] [Point1] [second point type ]]
-[[typename CalculationType] [void] [numeric type for calculation (e.g. high precision); if [*void] then it is extracted automatically from the coordinate type and (if necessary) promoted to floating point ]]
-[heading Constructor(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] ]
-[[``haversine( const & radius = 1.0)``
-] [Constructor. ] [[* const &]: ['radius]: radius of the sphere, defaults to 1.0 for the unit sphere
-[heading Member Function(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] [Returns]]
-[[``calculation_type apply(Point1 const & p1, Point2 const & p2)``
-] [applies the distance calculation ] [[* Point1 const &]: ['p1]: first point
-[* Point2 const &]: ['p2]: second point
-the calculated distance (including multiplying with radius)
-[[``calculation_type radius``
-] [access to radius value ] [
-the radius
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/strategies/spherical/distance_haversine.hpp>`
-[heading See also]
-[link geometry.reference.algorithms.distance.distance_3_with_strategy distance (with strategy)]
Deleted: trunk/libs/geometry/doc/generated/distance_projected_point.qbk
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- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/classboost_1_1geometry_1_1strategy_1_1distance_1_1projected__point.xml]
-[section:strategy_distance_projected_point strategy::distance::projected_point]
-Strategy for distance point to segment.
-[heading Description]
-Calculates distance using projected-point method, and (optionally) Pythagoras
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Point, typename PointOfSegment, typename CalculationType, typename Strategy>
-class strategy::distance::projected_point
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Default] [Description]]
-[[typename Point] [] [Any type fulfilling a Point Concept ]]
-[[typename PointOfSegment] [Point] [segment point type ]]
-[[typename CalculationType] [void] [numeric type for calculation (e.g. high precision); if [*void] then it is extracted automatically from the coordinate type and (if necessary) promoted to floating point ]]
-[[typename Strategy] [pythagoras<Point, PointOfSegment, CalculationType>] [underlying point-point distance strategy ]]
-[heading Member Function(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] [Returns]]
-[[``calculation_type apply(Point const & p, PointOfSegment const & p1, PointOfSegment const & p2)``
-] [] [[* Point const &]: ['p]:
-[* PointOfSegment const &]: ['p1]:
-[* PointOfSegment const &]: ['p2]:
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/strategies/cartesian/distance_projected_point.hpp>`
-[heading See also]
-[link geometry.reference.algorithms.distance.distance_3_with_strategy distance (with strategy)]
Deleted: trunk/libs/geometry/doc/generated/distance_pythagoras.qbk
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- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/classboost_1_1geometry_1_1strategy_1_1distance_1_1pythagoras.xml]
-[section:strategy_distance_pythagoras strategy::distance::pythagoras]
-Strategy to calculate the distance between two points.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Point1, typename Point2, typename CalculationType>
-class strategy::distance::pythagoras
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Default] [Description]]
-[[typename Point1] [] [point type ]]
-[[typename Point2] [Point1] [second point type ]]
-[[typename CalculationType] [void] [numeric type for calculation (e.g. high precision); if [*void] then it is extracted automatically from the coordinate type and (if necessary) promoted to floating point]]
-[heading Member Function(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] [Returns]]
-[[``calculation_type apply(Point1 const & p1, Point2 const & p2)``
-] [applies the distance calculation using pythagoras ] [[* Point1 const &]: ['p1]: first point
-[* Point2 const &]: ['p2]: second point
-the calculated distance (including taking the square root)
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/strategies/cartesian/distance_pythagoras.hpp>`
-[heading Notes]
-[note Can be used for points with two, three or more dimensions]
-[heading See also]
-[link geometry.reference.algorithms.distance.distance_3_with_strategy distance (with strategy)]
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-[heading Supported geometries]
-[[ ][Point][Segment][Box][Linestring][Ring][Polygon][MultiPoint][MultiLinestring][MultiPolygon]]
-[[Point][ [$img/ok.png ] ][ [$img/ok.png ] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/ok.png ] ][ [$img/ok.png ] ][ [$img/ok.png ] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ]]
-[[Segment][ [$img/ok.png ] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ]]
-[[Box][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ]]
-[[Linestring][ [$img/ok.png ] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ]]
-[[Ring][ [$img/ok.png ] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ]]
-[[Polygon][ [$img/ok.png ] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ]]
-[[MultiPoint][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ]]
-[[MultiLinestring][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ]]
-[[MultiPolygon][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ][ [$img/nyi.png] ]]
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- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/group__enum.xml]
-[section:closure_selector closure_selector]
-Enumerates options for defining if polygons are open or closed.
-[heading Description]
-The enumeration closure\u005fselector describes options for if a polygon is open or closed. In a closed polygon the very first point (per ring) should be equal to the very last point. The specific closing property of a polygon type is defined by the closure metafunction. The closure metafunction defines a value, which is one of the values enumerated in the closure\u005fselector
-[heading Synopsis]
-``enum closure_selector {open = 0, closed = 1, closure_undertermined = -1};``
-[heading Values]
-[[Value] [Description] ]
-[[open] []]
-[[closed] []]
-[[closure_undertermined] []]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/core/closure.hpp>`
-[heading See also]
-[link geometry.reference.core.closure The closure metafunction]
-[section:order_selector order_selector]
-Enumerates options for the order of points within polygons.
-[heading Description]
-The enumeration order\u005fselector describes options for the order of points within a polygon. Polygons can be ordered either clockwise or counterclockwise. The specific order of a polygon type is defined by the point\u005forder metafunction. The point\u005forder metafunction defines a value, which is one of the values enumerated in the order\u005fselector
-[heading Synopsis]
-``enum order_selector {clockwise = 1, counterclockwise = 2, order_undetermined = 0};``
-[heading Values]
-[[Value] [Description] ]
-[[clockwise] [Points are ordered clockwise. ]]
-[[counterclockwise] [Points are ordered counter clockwise. ]]
-[[order_undetermined] [Points might be stored in any order, the algorithm will find out (not yet supported). ]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/core/point_order.hpp>`
-[heading See also]
-[link geometry.reference.core.point_order The point_order metafunction]
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- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/group__envelope.xml]
-[section:envelope envelope]
-Calculates the envelope of a geometry.
-[heading Description]
-The free function envelope calculates the envelope (also known as axis aligned bounding box, aabb, or minimum bounding rectangle, mbr) of a geometry.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry, typename Box>
-void envelope(Geometry const & geometry, Box & mbr)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[Box &] [Any type fulfilling a Box Concept ] [mbr] [A model of the specified Box Concept which is set to the envelope]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/envelope.hpp>`
-[heading Example]
-[envelope] [envelope_output]
-[section:make_envelope make_envelope]
-Calculates the envelope of a geometry.
-[heading Description]
-The free function make\u005fenvelope calculates the envelope (also known as axis aligned bounding box, aabb, or minimum bounding rectangle, mbr) of a geometry. This version with the make\u005f prefix returns the envelope, and a template parameter must therefore be specified in the call.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Box, typename Geometry>
-Box make_envelope(Geometry const & geometry)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Box] [Any type fulfilling a Box Concept ] [ - ] [Must be specified]]
-[[Geometry const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[heading Returns]
-The calculated envelope
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/envelope.hpp>`
-[heading Example]
-[make_envelope] [make_envelope_output]
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- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/group__equals.xml]
-[section:equals equals]
-Checks if a geometry are spatially equal.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry1, typename Geometry2>
-bool equals(Geometry1 const & geometry1, Geometry2 const & geometry2)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry1 const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry1] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[Geometry2 const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry2] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[heading Returns]
-Returns true if two geometries are spatially disjoint
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/equals.hpp>`
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- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/structboost_1_1geometry_1_1ever__circling__iterator.xml]
-[section:ever_circling_iterator ever_circling_iterator]
-Iterator which ever circles through a range.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Iterator>
-class ever_circling_iterator
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Description]]
-[[typename Iterator] [iterator on which this class is based on]]
-[heading Constructor(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] ]
-[[``ever_circling_iterator(Iterator begin, Iterator end, bool skip_first = false)``
-] [] [[* Iterator]: ['begin]:
-[* Iterator]: ['end]:
-[* bool]: ['skip_first]:
-[[``ever_circling_iterator(Iterator begin, Iterator end, Iterator start, bool skip_first = false)``
-] [] [[* Iterator]: ['begin]:
-[* Iterator]: ['end]:
-[* Iterator]: ['start]:
-[* bool]: ['skip_first]:
-[heading Member Function(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] [Returns]]
-[[``void moveto(Iterator it)``
-] [] [[* Iterator]: ['it]:
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/iterators/ever_circling_iterator.hpp>`
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@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/classboost_1_1geometry_1_1exception.xml]
-[section:exception exception]
-Base exception class for Boost.Geometry algorithms.
-[heading Description]
-This class is never thrown. All exceptions thrown in Boost.Geometry are derived from exception, so it might be convenient to catch it.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``class exception
- : public std::exception
- // ...
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/core/exception.hpp>`
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- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/group__exterior__ring.xml]
-[section:exterior_ring_1_const_version exterior_ring (const version)]
-Function to get the exterior ring of a polygon (const version).
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Polygon>
-ring_return_type<Polygon const>::type exterior_ring(Polygon const & polygon)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Polygon const &] [polygon type ] [polygon] [the polygon to get the exterior ring from ]]
-[heading Returns]
-a const reference to the exterior ring
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/core/exterior_ring.hpp>`
-[section:exterior_ring_1 exterior_ring]
-Function to get the exterior\u005fring ring of a polygon.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Polygon, >
-ring_return_type<Polygon>::type exterior_ring(Polygon & polygon)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[P] [polygon type ] [ - ] [Must be specified]]
-[[Polygon &] [] [polygon] [the polygon to get the exterior ring from ]]
-[heading Returns]
-a reference to the exterior ring
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/core/exterior_ring.hpp>`
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@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/group__for__each.xml]
-[section:for_each_point_2 for_each_point]
-Applies function [*f] to each point.
-[heading Description]
-Applies a function [*f] (functor, having operator() defined) to each point making up the geometry
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry, typename Functor>
-Functor for_each_point(Geometry & geometry, Functor f)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[Functor] [Function or class with operator()] [f] [Unary function, taking a point as argument ]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/for_each.hpp>`
-[heading Example]
-[for_each_point] [for_each_point_output]
-[section:for_each_point_2_const_version for_each_point (const version)]
-Applies function [*f] to each point.
-[heading Description]
-Applies a function [*f] (functor, having operator() defined) to each point making up the geometry
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry, typename Functor>
-Functor for_each_point(Geometry const & geometry, Functor f)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[Functor] [Function or class with operator()] [f] [Unary function, taking a const point as argument ]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/for_each.hpp>`
-[heading Example]
-[for_each_point_const] [for_each_point_const_output]
-[section:for_each_segment_2 for_each_segment]
-Applies function [*f] to each segment.
-[heading Description]
-Applies a function [*f] (functor, having operator() defined) to each segment making up the geometry
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry, typename Functor>
-Functor for_each_segment(Geometry & geometry, Functor f)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[Functor] [Function or class with operator() ] [f] [Unary function, taking a segment as argument ]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/for_each.hpp>`
-[section:for_each_segment_2_const_version for_each_segment (const version)]
-Applies function [*f] to each segment.
-[heading Description]
-Applies a function [*f] (functor, having operator() defined) to each segment making up the geometry
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry, typename Functor>
-Functor for_each_segment(Geometry const & geometry, Functor f)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[Functor] [Function or class with operator()] [f] [Unary function, taking a const segment as argument ]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/for_each.hpp>`
-[heading Example]
-[for_each_segment_const] [for_each_segment_const_output]
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- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/structboost_1_1geometry_1_1cs_1_1geographic.xml]
-[section:cs_geographic cs::geographic]
-Geographic coordinate system, in degree or in radian.
-[heading Description]
-Defines the geographic coordinate system where points are defined in two angles and usually known as lat,long or lo,la or phi,lambda
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename DegreeOrRadian>
-class cs::geographic
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Description]]
-[[typename DegreeOrRadian] []]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/core/cs.hpp>`
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- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/structboost_1_1geometry_1_1geometry__id.xml]
-[section:geometry_id geometry_id]
-Meta-function the id for a geometry type.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry>
-class geometry_id
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Description]]
-[[typename Geometry] []]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/core/geometry_id.hpp>`
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- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/group__get.xml]
-[section:get_2_with_index get (with index)]
-get coordinate value of a Box or Segment
-[heading Description]
-The free functions [*get] and [*set] are two of the most important functions of Boost.Geometry, both within the library, as also for the library user. With these two functions you normally get and set coordinate values from and for a point, box, segment or sphere.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<std::size_t Index, std::size_t Dimension, typename Geometry>
-coordinate_type<Geometry>::type get(Geometry const & geometry)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Index] [Index, this template parameter is required. For a Box: either min_corner or max_corner. For a Segment: either 0 or 1 for first or last point. ] [ - ] [Must be specified]]
-[[Dimension] [Dimension, this template parameter is required. Should contain \[0 .. n-1\] for an n-dimensional geometry ] [ - ] [Must be specified]]
-[[Geometry const &] [Any type fulfilling a Box Concept or a Segment Concept ] [geometry] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[heading Returns]
-coordinate value
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/core/access.hpp>`
-[include reference/core/get_box.qbk]
-[section:get_2 get]
-Get coordinate value of a geometry (usually a point).
-[heading Description]
-The free functions [*get] and [*set] are two of the most important functions of Boost.Geometry, both within the library, as also for the library user. With these two functions you normally get and set coordinate values from and for a point, box, segment or sphere.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<std::size_t Dimension, typename Geometry>
-coordinate_type<Geometry>::type get(Geometry const & geometry)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Dimension] [Dimension, this template parameter is required. Should contain \[0 .. n-1\] for an n-dimensional geometry ] [ - ] [Must be specified]]
-[[Geometry const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept (usually a Point Concept) ] [geometry] [A model of the specified concept (usually a point) ]]
-[heading Returns]
-The coordinate value of specified dimension of specified geometry [include reference/core/get_point.qbk]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/core/access.hpp>`
-[section:get_as_radian get_as_radian]
-get coordinate value of a point, result is in Radian
-[heading Description]
-Result is in Radian, even if source coordinate system is in Degrees
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<std::size_t Dimension, typename Geometry>
-fp_coordinate_type<Geometry>::type get_as_radian(Geometry const & geometry)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Dimension] [dimension ] [ - ] [Must be specified]]
-[[Geometry const &] [geometry ] [geometry] [geometry to get coordinate value from ]]
-[heading Returns]
-coordinate value
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/core/radian_access.hpp>`
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@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/structboost_1_1geometry_1_1identity__view.xml]
-[section:identity_view identity_view]
-View on a range, not modifying anything.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Range>
-class identity_view
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Description]]
-[[typename Range] [original range ]]
-[heading Constructor(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] ]
-[[``identity_view(Range & r)``
-] [] [[* Range &]: ['r]:
-[heading Member Function(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] [Returns]]
-[[``const_iterator begin``
-] [] [
-[[``const_iterator end``
-] [] [
-[[``iterator begin``
-] [] [
-[[``iterator end``
-] [] [
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/views/identity_view.hpp>`
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- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/group__interior__rings.xml]
-[section:interior_rings_1_const_version interior_rings (const version)]
-Function to get the interior rings of a polygon (const version).
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Polygon>
-interior_return_type<Polygon const>::type interior_rings(Polygon const & polygon)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Polygon const &] [polygon type ] [polygon] [the polygon to get the interior rings from ]]
-[heading Returns]
-the interior rings (possibly a const reference)
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/core/interior_rings.hpp>`
-[section:interior_rings_1 interior_rings]
-Function to get the interior rings of a polygon (non const version).
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Polygon>
-interior_return_type<Polygon>::type interior_rings(Polygon & polygon)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Polygon &] [polygon type ] [polygon] [the polygon to get the interior rings from ]]
-[heading Returns]
-the interior rings (possibly a reference)
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/core/interior_rings.hpp>`
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@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/structboost_1_1geometry_1_1interior__type.xml]
-[section:interior_type interior_type]
-Meta-function defining container type of inner rings of (multi)polygon geometriy.
-[heading Description]
-the interior rings should be organized as a container (std::vector, std::deque, boost::array) with boost range support. This meta function defines the type of that container.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry>
-class interior_type
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Description]]
-[[typename Geometry] []]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/core/interior_type.hpp>`
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@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/group__intersection.xml]
-[section:intersection intersection]
-Calculate the intersection of two geometries.
-[heading Description]
-The free function intersection calculates the spatial set theoretic intersection of two geometries.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry1, typename Geometry2, typename GeometryOut>
-bool intersection(Geometry1 const & geometry1, Geometry2 const & geometry2, GeometryOut & geometry_out)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry1 const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry1] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[Geometry2 const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry2] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[GeometryOut &] [Collection of geometries (e.g. std::vector, std::deque, boost::geometry::multi*) of which the value_type fulfills a Point, LineString or Polygon concept, or it is the output geometry (e.g. for a box) ] [geometry_out] [The output geometry, either a multi_point, multi_polygon, multi_linestring, or a box (for intersection of two boxes)]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/intersection.hpp>`
-[include reference/algorithms/intersection.qbk]
-[section:intersection_inserter_3 intersection_inserter]
-Calculate the intersection of two geometries.
-[heading Description]
-The free function intersection\u005finserter calculates the spatial set theoretic intersection of two geometries. This version with the \u005finserter suffix outputs the intersection to an output iterator, and a template parameter must therefore be specified in the call.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename GeometryOut, typename Geometry1, typename Geometry2, typename OutputIterator>
-OutputIterator intersection_inserter(Geometry1 const & geometry1, Geometry2 const & geometry2, OutputIterator out)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[GeometryOut] [A type fulfilling a Point, LineString or Polygon Concept ] [ - ] [Must be specified]]
-[[Geometry1 const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry1] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[Geometry2 const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry2] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[OutputIterator] [A valid output iterator type, accepting geometries of Point, LineString or Polygon Concept ] [out] [The output iterator, to which intersection geometries are feeded ]]
-[heading Returns]
-The output iterator
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/intersection_inserter.hpp>`
-[include reference/algorithms/intersection.qbk]
-[section:intersection_inserter_4_with_strategy intersection_inserter (with strategy)]
-Calculate the intersection of two geometries using the specified strategy.
-[heading Description]
-The free function intersection\u005finserter calculates the spatial set theoretic intersection of two geometries using the specified strategy. This version with the \u005finserter suffix outputs the intersection to an output iterator, and a template parameter must therefore be specified in the call.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename GeometryOut, typename Geometry1, typename Geometry2, typename OutputIterator, typename Strategy>
-OutputIterator intersection_inserter(Geometry1 const & geometry1, Geometry2 const & geometry2, OutputIterator out, Strategy const & strategy)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[GeometryOut] [A type fulfilling a Point, LineString or Polygon Concept ] [ - ] [Must be specified]]
-[[Geometry1 const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry1] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[Geometry2 const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry2] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[OutputIterator] [A valid output iterator type, accepting geometries of Point, LineString or Polygon Concept ] [out] [The output iterator, to which intersection geometries are feeded ]]
-[[Strategy const &] [Compound strategy for segment intersection ] [strategy] [The strategy which will be used for intersection calculations ]]
-[heading Returns]
-The output iterator
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/intersection_inserter.hpp>`
-[include reference/algorithms/intersection.qbk]
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- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/group__intersects.xml]
-[section:intersects_2_two_geometries intersects (two geometries)]
-Checks if two geometries have at least one intersection.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry1, typename Geometry2>
-bool intersects(Geometry1 const & geometry1, Geometry2 const & geometry2)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry1 const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry1] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[Geometry2 const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry2] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[heading Returns]
-Returns true if two geometries intersect each other
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/intersects.hpp>`
-[include reference/algorithms/intersects.qbk]
-[section:intersects_1_one_geometry intersects (one geometry)]
-Checks if a geometry has at least one intersection (crossing or self-tangency).
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry>
-bool intersects(Geometry const & geometry)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[heading Returns]
-Returns true if the geometry is self-intersecting
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/intersects.hpp>`
-[include reference/algorithms/intersects.qbk]
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- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/structboost_1_1geometry_1_1is__radian.xml]
-[section:is_radian is_radian]
-Meta-function to verify if a coordinate system is radian.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename CoordinateSystem>
-class is_radian
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Description]]
-[[typename CoordinateSystem] []]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/core/cs.hpp>`
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@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/group__length.xml]
-[section:length_2_with_strategy length (with strategy)]
-Calculates the length of a geometry using the specified strategy.
-[heading Description]
-The free function length calculates the length (the sum of distances between consecutive points) of a geometry using the specified strategy. Reasons to specify a strategy include: use another coordinate system for calculations; construct the strategy beforehand (e.g. with the radius of the Earth); select a strategy when there are more than one available for a calculation.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry, typename Strategy>
-length_result<Geometry>::type length(Geometry const & geometry, Strategy const & strategy)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[Strategy const &] [Any type fulfilling a distance Strategy Concept ] [strategy] [The strategy which will be used for distance calculations ]]
-[heading Returns]
-The calculated length
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/length.hpp>`
-[include reference/algorithms/length.qbk]
-[length_with_strategy] [length_with_strategy_output]
-[section:length_1 length]
-Calculates the length of a geometry.
-[heading Description]
-The free function length calculates the length (the sum of distances between consecutive points) of a geometry. It uses the default strategy, based on the coordinate system of the geometry.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry>
-length_result<Geometry>::type length(Geometry const & geometry)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[heading Returns]
-The calculated length
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/length.hpp>`
-[include reference/algorithms/length.qbk]
-[length] [length_output]
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-[heading Supported geometries]
-[[Point][ [$img/ok.png ] ]]
-[[Segment][ [$img/ok.png ] ]]
-[[Box][ [$img/ok.png ] ]]
-[[Linestring][ [$img/ok.png ] ]]
-[[Ring][ [$img/ok.png ] ]]
-[[Polygon][ [$img/ok.png ] ]]
-[[MultiPoint][ [$img/ok.png ] ]]
-[[MultiLinestring][ [$img/ok.png ] ]]
-[[MultiPolygon][ [$img/ok.png ] ]]
Deleted: trunk/libs/geometry/doc/generated/linestring.qbk
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@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/classboost_1_1geometry_1_1model_1_1linestring.xml]
-[section:model_linestring model::linestring]
-A linestring (named so by OGC) is a collection (default a vector) of points.
-[heading Model of]
-[link geometry.reference.concepts.concept_linestring Linestring Concept]
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Point, template< typename, typename > class Container, template< typename > class Allocator>
-class model::linestring
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Default] [Description]]
-[[typename Point] [] [Any type fulfilling a Point Concept ]]
-[[template< typename, typename > class Container] [std::vector] [container type, for example std::vector, std::deque ]]
-[[template< typename > class Allocator] [std::allocator] [container-allocator-type]]
-[heading Constructor(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] ]
-] [Default constructor, creating an empty linestring. ] [
-[[``template<typename Iterator>
-linestring(Iterator begin, Iterator end)``
-] [Constructor with begin and end, filling the linestring. ] [[* Iterator]: ['begin]:
-[* Iterator]: ['end]:
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometries/geometries.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometries/linestring.hpp>`
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@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/group__make.xml]
-[section:make_1_with_a_range make (with a range)]
-Construct a geometry.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry, typename Range>
-Geometry make(Range const & range)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [ - ] [Must be specified]]
-[[Range const &] [Any type fulfilling a Range Concept where it range_value type fulfills the Point Concept ] [range] [A range containg points fulfilling range and point concepts ]]
-[heading Returns]
-The constructed geometry, here: a linestring or a linear ring
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/make.hpp>`
-[heading Example]
-[make_with_range] [make_with_range_output]
-[heading See also]
-* [link geometry.reference.algorithms.assign.assign_2_with_a_range assign]
-[section:make_3_3_coordinate_values make (3 coordinate values)]
-Construct a geometry.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry, typename Type>
-Geometry make(Type const & c1, Type const & c2, Type const & c3)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [ - ] [Must be specified]]
-[[Type const &] [numerical type (int, double, ttmath, ...) to specify the coordinates ] [c1] [First coordinate (usually x-coordinate) ]]
-[[Type const &] [numerical type (int, double, ttmath, ...) to specify the coordinates ] [c2] [Second coordinate (usually y-coordinate) ]]
-[[Type const &] [numerical type (int, double, ttmath, ...) to specify the coordinates ] [c3] [Third coordinate (usually z-coordinate) ]]
-[heading Returns]
-The constructed geometry, here: a 3D point
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/make.hpp>`
-[heading Example]
-[make_3d_point] [make_3d_point_output]
-[heading See also]
-* [link geometry.reference.algorithms.assign.assign_4_3_coordinate_values assign]
-[section:make_2_2_coordinate_values make (2 coordinate values)]
-Construct a geometry.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry, typename Type>
-Geometry make(Type const & c1, Type const & c2)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [ - ] [Must be specified]]
-[[Type const &] [numerical type (int, double, ttmath, ...) to specify the coordinates ] [c1] [First coordinate (usually x-coordinate) ]]
-[[Type const &] [numerical type (int, double, ttmath, ...) to specify the coordinates ] [c2] [Second coordinate (usually y-coordinate) ]]
-[heading Returns]
-The constructed geometry, here: a 2D point
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/make.hpp>`
-[heading Example]
-[make_2d_point] [make_2d_point_output]
-[heading See also]
-* [link geometry.reference.algorithms.assign.assign_3_2_coordinate_values assign]
-[section:make_inverse make_inverse]
-Construct a box with inverse infinite coordinates.
-[heading Description]
-The make\u005finverse function initializes a 2D or 3D box with large coordinates, the min corner is very large, the max corner is very small. This is useful e.g. in combination with the combine function, to determine the bounding box of a series of geometries.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry>
-Geometry make_inverse``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [ - ] [Must be specified]]
-[heading Returns]
-The constructed geometry, here: a box
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/make.hpp>`
-[heading Example]
-[make_inverse] [make_inverse_output]
-[heading See also]
-* [link geometry.reference.algorithms.assign.assign_inverse assign_inverse]
-[section:make_zero make_zero]
-Construct a geometry with its coordinates initialized to zero.
-[heading Description]
-The make\u005fzero function initializes a 2D or 3D point or box with coordinates of zero
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry>
-Geometry make_zero``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [ - ] [Must be specified]]
-[heading Returns]
-The constructed and zero-initialized geometry
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/make.hpp>`
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- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/classboost_1_1geometry_1_1model_1_1multi__linestring.xml]
-[section:model_multi_linestring model::multi_linestring]
-multi_line, a collection of linestring
-[heading Description]
-Multi-linestring can be used to group lines belonging to each other, e.g. a highway (with interruptions)
-[heading Model of]
-[link geometry.reference.concepts.concept_multi_linestring MultiLineString Concept]
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename LineString, template< typename, typename > class Container, template< typename > class Allocator>
-class model::multi_linestring
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Default] [Description]]
-[[typename LineString] [] []]
-[[template< typename, typename > class Container] [std::vector] []]
-[[template< typename > class Allocator] [std::allocator] []]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/multi/multi.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/multi/geometries/multi_linestring.hpp>`
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@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/classboost_1_1geometry_1_1model_1_1multi__point.xml]
-[section:model_multi_point model::multi_point]
-multi_point, a collection of points
-[heading Model of]
-[link geometry.reference.concepts.concept_multi_point MultiPoint Concept]
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Point, template< typename, typename > class Container, template< typename > class Allocator>
-class model::multi_point
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Default] [Description]]
-[[typename Point] [] [Any type fulfilling a Point Concept ]]
-[[template< typename, typename > class Container] [std::vector] [container type, for example std::vector, std::deque ]]
-[[template< typename > class Allocator] [std::allocator] [container-allocator-type]]
-[heading Constructor(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] ]
-] [Default constructor, creating an empty multi_point. ] [
-[[``template<typename Iterator>
-multi_point(Iterator begin, Iterator end)``
-] [Constructor with begin and end, filling the multi_point. ] [[* Iterator]: ['begin]:
-[* Iterator]: ['end]:
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/multi/multi.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/multi/geometries/multi_point.hpp>`
Deleted: trunk/libs/geometry/doc/generated/multi_polygon.qbk
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@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/classboost_1_1geometry_1_1model_1_1multi__polygon.xml]
-[section:model_multi_polygon model::multi_polygon]
-multi_polygon, a collection of polygons
-[heading Description]
-Multi-polygon can be used to group polygons belonging to each other, e.g. Hawaii
-[heading Model of]
-[link geometry.reference.concepts.concept_multi_polygon MultiPolygon Concept]
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Polygon, template< typename, typename > class Container, template< typename > class Allocator>
-class model::multi_polygon
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Default] [Description]]
-[[typename Polygon] [] []]
-[[template< typename, typename > class Container] [std::vector] []]
-[[template< typename > class Allocator] [std::allocator] []]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/multi/multi.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/multi/geometries/multi_polygon.hpp>`
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@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/group__num__geometries.xml]
-[section:num_geometries num_geometries]
-Calculates the number of geometries of a geometry.
-[heading Description]
-The free function num\u005fgeometries calculates the number of geometries of a geometry.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry>
-std::size_t num_geometries(Geometry const & geometry)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[heading Returns]
-The calculated number of geometries
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/num_geometries.hpp>`
-[include reference/algorithms/num_geometries.qbk]
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@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/group__num__interior__rings.xml]
-[section:num_interior_rings num_interior_rings]
-Calculates the number of interior rings of a geometry.
-[heading Description]
-The free function num\u005finterior\u005frings calculates the number of interior rings of a geometry.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry>
-std::size_t num_interior_rings(Geometry const & geometry)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[heading Returns]
-The calculated number of interior rings
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/num_interior_rings.hpp>`
-[include reference/algorithms/num_interior_rings.qbk]
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@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/group__num__points.xml]
-[section:num_points num_points]
-Calculates the number of points of a geometry.
-[heading Description]
-The free function num\u005fpoints calculates the number of points of a geometry.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry>
-std::size_t num_points(Geometry const & geometry, bool add_for_open = false)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[bool] [] [add_for_open] [add one for open geometries (i.e. polygon types which are not closed) ]]
-[heading Returns]
-The calculated number of points
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/num_points.hpp>`
-[include reference/algorithms/num_points.qbk]
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@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/group__overlaps.xml]
-[section:overlaps overlaps]
-Checks if two geometries overlap.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry1, typename Geometry2>
-bool overlaps(Geometry1 const & geometry1, Geometry2 const & geometry2)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry1 const &] [] [geometry1] []]
-[[Geometry2 const &] [] [geometry2] []]
-[heading Returns]
-Returns true if two geometries overlap
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/overlaps.hpp>`
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@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/group__perimeter.xml]
-[section:perimeter_2_with_strategy perimeter (with strategy)]
-Calculates the perimeter of a geometry using the specified strategy.
-[heading Description]
-The function perimeter returns the perimeter of a geometry, using specified strategy
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry, typename Strategy>
-length_result<Geometry>::type perimeter(Geometry const & geometry, Strategy const & strategy)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[Strategy const &] [Any type fulfilling a distance Strategy Concept ] [strategy] [strategy to be used for distance calculations. ]]
-[heading Returns]
-The calculated perimeter
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/perimeter.hpp>`
-[include reference/algorithms/perimeter.qbk]
-[section:perimeter_1 perimeter]
-Calculates the perimeter of a geometry.
-[heading Description]
-The function perimeter returns the perimeter of a geometry, using the default distance-calculation-strategy
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry>
-length_result<Geometry>::type perimeter(Geometry const & geometry)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[heading Returns]
-The calculated perimeter
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/perimeter.hpp>`
-[include reference/algorithms/perimeter.qbk]
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@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/classboost_1_1geometry_1_1model_1_1point.xml]
-[section:model_point model::point]
-Basic point class, having coordinates defined in a neutral way.
-[heading Description]
-Defines a neutral point class, fulfilling the Point Concept. Library users can use this point class, or use their own point classes. This point class is used in most of the samples and tests of Boost.Geometry This point class is used occasionally within the library, where a temporary point class is necessary.
-[heading Model of]
-[link geometry.reference.concepts.concept_point Point Concept]
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename CoordinateType, std::size_t DimensionCount, typename CoordinateSystem>
-class model::point
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Description]]
-[[typename CoordinateType] [numerical type (int, double, ttmath, ...) ]]
-[[std::size_t DimensionCount] [number of coordinates, usually 2 or 3 ]]
-[[typename CoordinateSystem] [coordinate system, for example cs::cartesian]]
-[heading Constructor(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] ]
-] [Default constructor, no initialization. ] [
-[[``point(CoordinateType const & v0, CoordinateType const & v1 = 0, CoordinateType const & v2 = 0)``
-] [Constructor to set one, two or three values. ] [[* CoordinateType const &]: ['v0]:
-[* CoordinateType const &]: ['v1]:
-[* CoordinateType const &]: ['v2]:
-[heading Member Function(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] [Returns]]
-[[``template<std::size_t K>
-CoordinateType const & get``
-] [Get a coordinate. ] [
-the coordinate
-[[``template<std::size_t K>
-void set(CoordinateType const & value)``
-] [Set a coordinate. ] [[* CoordinateType const &]: ['value]: value to set
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometries/geometries.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometries/point.hpp>`
-[include reference/geometries/point.qbk]
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@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/structboost_1_1geometry_1_1point__order.xml]
-[section:point_order point_order]
-Metafunction which defines point order of a geometry type.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry>
-class point_order
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Description]]
-[[typename Geometry] []]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/core/point_order.hpp>`
-[heading See also]
-[link geometry.reference.enumerations.closure_selector The closure_selector enumeration]
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+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/structboost_1_1geometry_1_1point__type.xml]
-[section:point_type point_type]
-Meta-function which defines point type of any geometry.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry>
-class point_type
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Description]]
-[[typename Geometry] []]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/core/point_type.hpp>`
Deleted: trunk/libs/geometry/doc/generated/point_xy.qbk
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+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/classboost_1_1geometry_1_1model_1_1d2_1_1point__xy.xml]
-[section:model_d2_point_xy model::d2::point_xy]
-2D point in Cartesian coordinate system
-[heading Model of]
-[link geometry.reference.concepts.concept_point Point Concept]
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename CoordinateType, typename CoordinateSystem>
-class model::d2::point_xy
- : public model::point< CoordinateType, 2, CoordinateSystem >
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Default] [Description]]
-[[typename CoordinateType] [] [numeric type, for example, double, float, int ]]
-[[typename CoordinateSystem] [cs::cartesian] [coordinate system, defaults to cs::cartesian]]
-[heading Constructor(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] ]
-] [Default constructor, does not initialize anything. ] [
-[[``point_xy(CoordinateType const & x, CoordinateType const & y)``
-] [Constructor with x/y values. ] [[* CoordinateType const &]: ['x]:
-[* CoordinateType const &]: ['y]:
-[heading Member Function(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] [Returns]]
-[[``CoordinateType const & x``
-] [Get x-value. ] [
-[[``CoordinateType const & y``
-] [Get y-value. ] [
-[[``void x(CoordinateType const & v)``
-] [Set x-value. ] [[* CoordinateType const &]: ['v]:
-[[``void y(CoordinateType const & v)``
-] [Set y-value. ] [[* CoordinateType const &]: ['v]:
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometries/geometries.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometries/point_xy.hpp>`
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+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/structboost_1_1geometry_1_1cs_1_1polar.xml]
-[section:cs_polar cs::polar]
-Polar coordinate system.
-[heading Description]
-Defines the polar coordinate system "in which each point
- on a plane is determined by an angle and a distance"
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename DegreeOrRadian>
-class cs::polar
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Description]]
-[[typename DegreeOrRadian] []]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/core/cs.hpp>`
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- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/classboost_1_1geometry_1_1model_1_1polygon.xml]
-[section:model_polygon model::polygon]
-The polygon contains an outer ring and zero or more inner rings.
-[heading Model of]
-[link geometry.reference.concepts.concept_polygon Polygon Concept]
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Point, bool ClockWise, bool Closed, template< typename, typename > class PointList, template< typename, typename > class RingList, template< typename > class PointAlloc, template< typename > class RingAlloc>
-class model::polygon
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Default] [Description]]
-[[typename Point] [] [point type ]]
-[[bool ClockWise] [true] [true for clockwise direction, false for CounterClockWise direction ]]
-[[bool Closed] [true] [true for closed polygons (last point == first point), false open points ]]
-[[template< typename, typename > class PointList] [std::vector] [container type for points, for example std::vector, std::list, std::deque ]]
-[[template< typename, typename > class RingList] [std::vector] [container type for inner rings, for example std::vector, std::list, std::deque ]]
-[[template< typename > class PointAlloc] [std::allocator] [container-allocator-type, for the points ]]
-[[template< typename > class RingAlloc] [std::allocator] [container-allocator-type, for the rings ]]
-[heading Member Function(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] [Returns]]
-[[``ring_type const & outer``
-] [] [
-[[``inner_container_type const & inners``
-] [] [
-[[``ring_type & outer``
-] [] [
-[[``inner_container_type & inners``
-] [] [
-[[``void clear``
-] [Utility method, clears outer and inner rings. ] [
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometries/geometries.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometries/polygon.hpp>`
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- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/classboost_1_1geometry_1_1model_1_1referring__segment.xml]
-[section:model_referring_segment model::referring_segment]
-Class segment: small class containing two (templatized) point references.
-[heading Description]
-From Wikipedia: In geometry, a line segment is a part of a line that is bounded by two distinct end points, and contains every point on the line between its end points.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename ConstOrNonConstPoint>
-class model::referring_segment
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Description]]
-[[typename ConstOrNonConstPoint] [point type of the segment, maybe a point or a const point ]]
-[heading Constructor(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] ]
-[[``referring_segment( & p1, & p2)``
-] [] [[* &]: ['p1]:
-[* &]: ['p2]:
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometries/geometries.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometries/segment.hpp>`
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@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/group__register.xml]
-[section:boost_geometry_register_point_2d BOOST_GEOMETRY_REGISTER_POINT_2D]
-Macro to register a 2D point type.
-[heading Description]
-The macro BOOST\u005fGEOMETRY\u005fREGISTER\u005fPOINT\u005f2D registers a two-dimensional point type such that it is recognized by Boost.Geometry and that Boost.Geometry functionality can used with the specified point type
-[heading Synopsis]
-``#define BOOST_GEOMETRY_REGISTER_POINT_2D(Point, CoordinateType, CoordinateSystem, Field0, Field1)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Name] [Description] ]
-[[Point] [Point type to be registered ]]
-[[CoordinateType] [Type of the coordinates of the point (e.g. double) ]]
-[[CoordinateSystem] [Coordinate system (e.g. cs::cartesian) ]]
-[[Field0] [Member containing first (usually x) coordinate ]]
-[[Field1] [Member containing second (usually y) coordinate]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometries/register/point.hpp>`
-[include reference/geometries/register/point.qbk]
-[section:boost_geometry_register_point_2d_const BOOST_GEOMETRY_REGISTER_POINT_2D_CONST]
-Macro to register a 2D point type (const version).
-[heading Description]
-The macro BOOST\u005fGEOMETRY\u005fREGISTER\u005fPOINT\u005f2D\u005fCONST registers a two-dimensional point type such that it is recognized by Boost.Geometry and that Boost.Geometry functionality can used with the specified point type. The const version registers only read access to the fields, the point type is therefore read-only
-[heading Synopsis]
-``#define BOOST_GEOMETRY_REGISTER_POINT_2D_CONST(Point, CoordinateType, CoordinateSystem, Field0, Field1)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Name] [Description] ]
-[[Point] [Point type to be registered ]]
-[[CoordinateType] [Type of the coordinates of the point (e.g. double) ]]
-[[CoordinateSystem] [Coordinate system (e.g. cs::cartesian) ]]
-[[Field0] [Member containing first (usually x) coordinate ]]
-[[Field1] [Member containing second (usually y) coordinate ]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometries/register/point.hpp>`
-[section:boost_geometry_register_point_2d_get_set BOOST_GEOMETRY_REGISTER_POINT_2D_GET_SET]
-Macro to register a 2D point type (having separate get/set methods).
-[heading Description]
-The macro BOOST\u005fGEOMETRY\u005fREGISTER\u005fPOINT\u005f2D\u005fGET\u005fSET registers a two-dimensional point type such that it is recognized by Boost.Geometry and that Boost.Geometry functionality can used with the specified point type. The get/set version registers get and set methods separately and can be used for classes with protected member variables and get/set methods to change coordinates
-[heading Synopsis]
-``#define BOOST_GEOMETRY_REGISTER_POINT_2D_GET_SET(Point, CoordinateType, CoordinateSystem, Get0, Get1, Set0, Set1)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Name] [Description] ]
-[[Point] [Point type to be registered ]]
-[[CoordinateType] [Type of the coordinates of the point (e.g. double) ]]
-[[CoordinateSystem] [Coordinate system (e.g. cs::cartesian) ]]
-[[Get0] [Method to get the first (usually x) coordinate ]]
-[[Get1] [Method to get the second (usually y) coordinate ]]
-[[Set0] [Method to set the first (usually x) coordinate ]]
-[[Set1] [Method to set the second (usually y) coordinate ]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometries/register/point.hpp>`
-[section:boost_geometry_register_point_3d BOOST_GEOMETRY_REGISTER_POINT_3D]
-Macro to register a 3D point type.
-[heading Description]
-The macro BOOST\u005fGEOMETRY\u005fREGISTER\u005fPOINT\u005f3D registers a three-dimensional point type such that it is recognized by Boost.Geometry and that Boost.Geometry functionality can used with the specified point type
-[heading Synopsis]
-``#define BOOST_GEOMETRY_REGISTER_POINT_3D(Point, CoordinateType, CoordinateSystem, Field0, Field1, Field2)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Name] [Description] ]
-[[Point] [Point type to be registered ]]
-[[CoordinateType] [Type of the coordinates of the point (e.g. double) ]]
-[[CoordinateSystem] [Coordinate system (e.g. cs::cartesian) ]]
-[[Field0] [Member containing first (usually x) coordinate ]]
-[[Field1] [Member containing second (usually y) coordinate ]]
-[[Field2] [Member containing third (usually z) coordinate ]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometries/register/point.hpp>`
-[section:boost_geometry_register_point_3d_const BOOST_GEOMETRY_REGISTER_POINT_3D_CONST]
-Macro to register a 3D point type (const version).
-[heading Description]
-The macro BOOST\u005fGEOMETRY\u005fREGISTER\u005fPOINT\u005f3D\u005fCONST registers a three-dimensional point type such that it is recognized by Boost.Geometry and that Boost.Geometry functionality can used with the specified point type. The const version registers only read access to the fields, the point type is therefore read-only
-[heading Synopsis]
-``#define BOOST_GEOMETRY_REGISTER_POINT_3D_CONST(Point, CoordinateType, CoordinateSystem, Field0, Field1, Field2)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Name] [Description] ]
-[[Point] [Point type to be registered ]]
-[[CoordinateType] [Type of the coordinates of the point (e.g. double) ]]
-[[CoordinateSystem] [Coordinate system (e.g. cs::cartesian) ]]
-[[Field0] [Member containing first (usually x) coordinate ]]
-[[Field1] [Member containing second (usually y) coordinate ]]
-[[Field2] [Member containing third (usually z) coordinate ]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometries/register/point.hpp>`
-[section:boost_geometry_register_point_3d_get_set BOOST_GEOMETRY_REGISTER_POINT_3D_GET_SET]
-Macro to register a 3D point type (having separate get/set methods).
-[heading Description]
-The macro BOOST\u005fGEOMETRY\u005fREGISTER\u005fPOINT\u005f3D\u005fGET\u005fSET registers a three-dimensional point type such that it is recognized by Boost.Geometry and that Boost.Geometry functionality can used with the specified point type. The get/set version registers get and set methods separately and can be used for classes with protected member variables and get/set methods to change coordinates
-[heading Synopsis]
-``#define BOOST_GEOMETRY_REGISTER_POINT_3D_GET_SET(Point, CoordinateType, CoordinateSystem, Get0, Get1, Get2, Set0, Set1, Set2)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Name] [Description] ]
-[[Point] [Point type to be registered ]]
-[[CoordinateType] [Type of the coordinates of the point (e.g. double) ]]
-[[CoordinateSystem] [Coordinate system (e.g. cs::cartesian) ]]
-[[Get0] [Method to get the first (usually x) coordinate ]]
-[[Get1] [Method to get the second (usually y) coordinate ]]
-[[Get2] [Method to get the third (usually z) coordinate ]]
-[[Set0] [Method to set the first (usually x) coordinate ]]
-[[Set1] [Method to set the second (usually y) coordinate ]]
-[[Set2] [Method to set the third (usually z) coordinate ]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometries/register/point.hpp>`
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- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/group__reverse.xml]
-[section:reverse reverse]
-Reverses a geometry.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry>
-void reverse(Geometry & geometry)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry] [A model of the specified concept which will be reversed ]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/reverse.hpp>`
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@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/structboost_1_1geometry_1_1reversible__view.xml]
-[section:reversible_view reversible_view]
-View on a range, reversing direction if necessary.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Range, Direction>
-class reversible_view
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Description]]
-[[typename Range] [original range ]]
-[[ Direction] [direction of iteration ]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/views/reversible_view.hpp>`
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- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/classboost_1_1geometry_1_1model_1_1ring.xml]
-[section:model_ring model::ring]
-A ring (aka linear ring) is a closed line which should not be selfintersecting.
-[heading Model of]
-[link geometry.reference.concepts.concept_ring Ring Concept]
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Point, bool ClockWise, bool Closed, template< typename, typename > class Container, template< typename > class Allocator>
-class model::ring
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Default] [Description]]
-[[typename Point] [] [point type ]]
-[[bool ClockWise] [true] [true for clockwise direction, false for CounterClockWise direction ]]
-[[bool Closed] [true] [true for closed polygons (last point == first point), false open points ]]
-[[template< typename, typename > class Container] [std::vector] [container type, for example std::vector, std::deque ]]
-[[template< typename > class Allocator] [std::allocator] [container-allocator-type]]
-[heading Constructor(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] ]
-] [Default constructor, creating an empty ring. ] [
-[[``template<typename Iterator>
-ring(Iterator begin, Iterator end)``
-] [Constructor with begin and end, filling the ring. ] [[* Iterator]: ['begin]:
-[* Iterator]: ['end]:
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometries/geometries.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometries/ring.hpp>`
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@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/structboost_1_1geometry_1_1ring__type.xml]
-[section:ring_type ring_type]
-Meta-function which defines ring type of (multi)polygon geometry.
-[heading Description]
-a polygon contains one exterior ring and zero or more interior rings (holes). This meta function retrieves the type of the rings
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry>
-class ring_type
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Description]]
-[[typename Geometry] []]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/core/ring_type.hpp>`
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@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/classboost_1_1geometry_1_1model_1_1segment.xml]
-[section:model_segment model::segment]
-Class segment: small class containing two points.
-[heading Description]
-From Wikipedia: In geometry, a line segment is a part of a line that is bounded by two distinct end points, and contains every point on the line between its end points.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Point>
-class model::segment
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Description]]
-[[typename Point] []]
-[heading Constructor(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] ]
-] [] [
-[[``segment(Point const & p1, Point const & p2)``
-] [] [[* Point const &]: ['p1]:
-[* Point const &]: ['p2]:
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometries/geometries.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometries/segment.hpp>`
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- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/classboost_1_1geometry_1_1segment__range.xml]
-[section:segment_range segment_range]
-Range, walking over the two points of a segment.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Segment>
-class segment_range
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Description]]
-[[typename Segment] [segment type ]]
-[heading Constructor(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] ]
-[[``segment_range(Segment const & segment)``
-] [] [[* Segment const &]: ['segment]:
-[heading Member Function(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] [Returns]]
-[[``const_iterator begin``
-] [] [
-[[``const_iterator end``
-] [] [
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/ranges/segment_range.hpp>`
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@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/structboost_1_1geometry_1_1segment__range__iterator.xml]
-[section:segment_range_iterator segment_range_iterator]
-Iterator which adapts a segment (two points) as iterator.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Segment>
-class segment_range_iterator
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Description]]
-[[typename Segment] [segment type on which this iterator is based on ]]
-[heading Constructor(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] ]
-] [] [
-[[``segment_range_iterator(Segment const & segment)``
-] [] [[* Segment const &]: ['segment]:
-[[``segment_range_iterator(Segment const & segment, bool )``
-] [] [[* Segment const &]: ['segment]:
-[* bool]: [']:
-[heading Member Function(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] [Returns]]
-[[``segment_range_iterator< Segment > & operator=(< Segment > const & source)``
-] [] [[* < Segment > const &]: ['source]:
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/iterators/segment_range_iterator.hpp>`
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@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/group__set.xml]
-[section:set_3_with_index set (with index)]
-set coordinate value of a Box / Segment
-[heading Description]
-The free functions [*get] and [*set] are two of the most important functions of Boost.Geometry, both within the library, as also for the library user. With these two functions you normally get and set coordinate values from and for a point, box, segment or sphere.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<std::size_t Index, std::size_t Dimension, typename Geometry>
-void set(Geometry & geometry, typename coordinate_type< Geometry >::type const & value)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Index] [Index, this template parameter is required. For a Box: either min_corner or max_corner. For a Segment: either 0 or 1 for first or last point. ] [ - ] [Must be specified]]
-[[Dimension] [Dimension, this template parameter is required. Should contain \[0 .. n-1\] for an n-dimensional geometry ] [ - ] [Must be specified]]
-[[Geometry &] [Any type fulfilling a Box Concept or a Segment Concept ] [geometry] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[typename coordinate_type< Geometry >::type const &] [] [value] [The coordinate value to set ]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/core/access.hpp>`
-[include reference/core/set_box.qbk]
-[section:set_3 set]
-Set coordinate value of a geometry (usually a point).
-[heading Description]
-The free functions [*get] and [*set] are two of the most important functions of Boost.Geometry, both within the library, as also for the library user. With these two functions you normally get and set coordinate values from and for a point, box, segment or sphere.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<std::size_t Dimension, typename Geometry>
-void set(Geometry & geometry, typename coordinate_type< Geometry >::type const & value)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Dimension] [Dimension, this template parameter is required. Should contain \[0 .. n-1\] for an n-dimensional geometry ] [ - ] [Must be specified]]
-[[Geometry &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept (usually a Point Concept) ] [geometry] [A model of the specified concept (usually a point) ]]
-[[typename coordinate_type< Geometry >::type const &] [] [value] [The coordinate value to set ]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/core/access.hpp>`
-[include reference/core/set_point.qbk]
-[section:set_from_radian set_from_radian]
-set coordinate value (in radian) to a point
-[heading Description]
-Coordinate value will be set correctly, if coordinate system of point is in Degree, Radian value will be converted to Degree
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<std::size_t Dimension, typename Geometry>
-void set_from_radian(Geometry & geometry, typename fp_coordinate_type< Geometry >::type const & radians)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Dimension] [dimension ] [ - ] [Must be specified]]
-[[Geometry &] [geometry ] [geometry] [geometry to assign coordinate to ]]
-[[typename fp_coordinate_type< Geometry >::type const &] [] [radians] [coordinate value to assign ]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/core/radian_access.hpp>`
Deleted: trunk/libs/geometry/doc/generated/side_side_by_cross_track.qbk
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- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/classboost_1_1geometry_1_1strategy_1_1side_1_1side__by__cross__track.xml]
-[section:strategy_side_side_by_cross_track strategy::side::side_by_cross_track]
-Check at which side of a segment a point lies:
-[heading Description]
-from a Great Circle segment between two points: left of segment (> 0), right of segment (< 0), on segment (0)
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename CalculationType>
-class strategy::side::side_by_cross_track
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Default] [Description]]
-[[typename CalculationType] [void] [numeric type for calculation (e.g. high precision); if [*void] then it is extracted automatically from the coordinate type and (if necessary) promoted to floating point ]]
-[heading Member Function(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] [Returns]]
-[[``template<typename P1, typename P2, typename P>
-int apply(P1 const & p1, P2 const & p2, P const & p)``
-] [] [[* P1 const &]: ['p1]:
-[* P2 const &]: ['p2]:
-[* P const &]: ['p]:
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/strategies/spherical/side_by_cross_track.hpp>`
Deleted: trunk/libs/geometry/doc/generated/side_side_by_triangle.qbk
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+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/classboost_1_1geometry_1_1strategy_1_1side_1_1side__by__triangle.xml]
-[section:strategy_side_side_by_triangle strategy::side::side_by_triangle]
-Check at which side of a segment a point lies:
-[heading Description]
-left of segment (> 0), right of segment (< 0), on segment (0) In fact this is twice the area of a triangle
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename CalculationType>
-class strategy::side::side_by_triangle
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Default] [Description]]
-[[typename CalculationType] [void] [numeric type for calculation (e.g. high precision); if [*void] then it is extracted automatically from the coordinate type and (if necessary) promoted to floating point ]]
-[heading Member Function(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] [Returns]]
-[[``template<typename P1, typename P2, typename P>
-int apply(P1 const & p1, P2 const & p2, P const & p)``
-] [] [[* P1 const &]: ['p1]:
-[* P2 const &]: ['p2]:
-[* P const &]: ['p]:
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/strategies/cartesian/side_by_triangle.hpp>`
Deleted: trunk/libs/geometry/doc/generated/simplify.qbk
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@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/group__simplify.xml]
-[section:simplify_3 simplify]
-Simplify a geometry.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry, typename Distance>
-void simplify(Geometry const & geometry, Geometry & out, Distance const & max_distance)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry] [input geometry, to be simplified ]]
-[[Geometry &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [out] [output geometry, simplified version of the input geometry ]]
-[[Distance const &] [numerical type (int, double, ttmath, ...) ] [max_distance] [distance (in units of input coordinates) of a vertex to other segments to be removed]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/simplify.hpp>`
-[include reference/algorithms/simplify.qbk]
-[section:simplify_4_with_strategy simplify (with strategy)]
-Simplify a geometry using a specified strategy.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry, typename Distance, typename Strategy>
-void simplify(Strategy const & strategy, Geometry const & geometry, Geometry & out, Distance const & max_distance)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Strategy const &] [A type fulfilling a SimplifyStrategy concept ] [strategy] [simplify strategy to be used for simplification, might include point-distance strategy]]
-[[Geometry const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry] [input geometry, to be simplified ]]
-[[Geometry &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [out] [output geometry, simplified version of the input geometry ]]
-[[Distance const &] [A numerical distance measure ] [max_distance] [distance (in units of input coordinates) of a vertex to other segments to be removed ]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/simplify.hpp>`
-[section:simplify_inserter_3 simplify_inserter]
-Simplify a geometry, using an output iterator.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry, typename OutputIterator, typename Distance>
-void simplify_inserter(Geometry const & geometry, OutputIterator out, Distance const & max_distance)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry] [input geometry, to be simplified ]]
-[[OutputIterator] [] [out] [output iterator, outputs all simplified points ]]
-[[Distance const &] [] [max_distance] [distance (in units of input coordinates) of a vertex to other segments to be removed]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/simplify.hpp>`
-[include reference/algorithms/simplify_inserter.qbk]
-[section:simplify_inserter_4_with_strategy simplify_inserter (with strategy)]
-Simplify a geometry, using an output iterator and a specified strategy.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry, typename OutputIterator, typename Distance, typename Strategy>
-void simplify_inserter(Geometry const & geometry, OutputIterator out, Distance const & max_distance, Strategy const & strategy)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry] [input geometry, to be simplified ]]
-[[OutputIterator] [] [out] [output iterator, outputs all simplified points ]]
-[[Distance const &] [] [max_distance] [distance (in units of input coordinates) of a vertex to other segments to be removed ]]
-[[Strategy const &] [] [strategy] [simplify strategy to be used for simplification, might include point-distance strategy]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/simplify.hpp>`
-[include reference/algorithms/simplify.qbk]
Deleted: trunk/libs/geometry/doc/generated/simplify_douglas_peucker.qbk
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@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/classboost_1_1geometry_1_1strategy_1_1simplify_1_1douglas__peucker.xml]
-[section:strategy_simplify_douglas_peucker strategy::simplify::douglas_peucker]
-Implements the simplify algorithm.
-[heading Description]
-The douglas\u005fpeucker strategy simplifies a linestring, ring or vector of points using the well-known Douglas-Peucker algorithm. For the algorithm, see for example:
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Point, typename PointDistanceStrategy>
-class strategy::simplify::douglas_peucker
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Description]]
-[[typename Point] [the point type ]]
-[[typename PointDistanceStrategy] [point-segment distance strategy to be used ]]
-[heading Member Function(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] [Returns]]
-[[``template<typename Range, typename OutputIterator>
-OutputIterator apply(Range const & range, OutputIterator out, double max_distance)``
-] [] [[* Range const &]: ['range]:
-[* OutputIterator]: ['out]:
-[* double]: ['max_distance]:
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/strategies/agnostic/simplify_douglas_peucker.hpp>`
Deleted: trunk/libs/geometry/doc/generated/spherical.qbk
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@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/structboost_1_1geometry_1_1cs_1_1spherical.xml]
-[section:cs_spherical cs::spherical]
-Spherical coordinate system, in degree or in radian.
-[heading Description]
-Defines the spherical coordinate system where points are defined in two angles and an optional radius usually known as r, theta, phi
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename DegreeOrRadian>
-class cs::spherical
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Description]]
-[[typename DegreeOrRadian] []]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/core/cs.hpp>`
Deleted: trunk/libs/geometry/doc/generated/sym_difference.qbk
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@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/group__sym__difference.xml]
-[section:sym_difference sym_difference]
-Calculate the symmetric difference of two geometries.
-[heading Description]
-The free function symmetric difference calculates the spatial set theoretic symmetric difference (XOR) of two geometries.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry1, typename Geometry2, typename Collection>
-void sym_difference(Geometry1 const & geometry1, Geometry2 const & geometry2, Collection & output_collection)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry1 const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry1] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[Geometry2 const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry2] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[Collection &] [output collection, either a multi-geometry, or a std::vector<Geometry> / std::deque<Geometry> etc ] [output_collection] [the output collection]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/sym_difference.hpp>`
-[include reference/algorithms/sym_difference.qbk]
-[section:sym_difference_inserter_3 sym_difference_inserter]
-Calculate the symmetric difference of two geometries.
-[heading Description]
-The free function symmetric difference calculates the spatial set theoretic symmetric difference (XOR) of two geometries This version with the \u005finserter suffix outputs the sym\u005fdifference to an output iterator, and a template parameter must therefore be specified in the call.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename GeometryOut, typename Geometry1, typename Geometry2, typename OutputIterator>
-OutputIterator sym_difference_inserter(Geometry1 const & geometry1, Geometry2 const & geometry2, OutputIterator out)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[GeometryOut] [output geometry type, must be specified ] [ - ] [Must be specified]]
-[[Geometry1 const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry1] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[Geometry2 const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry2] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[OutputIterator] [] [out] [The output iterator, to which difference geometries are feeded ]]
-[heading Returns]
-The output iterator
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/sym_difference.hpp>`
-[section:sym_difference_inserter_4_with_strategy sym_difference_inserter (with strategy)]
-Calculate the symmetric difference of two geometries using the specified strategy.
-[heading Description]
-The free function symmetric difference calculates the spatial set theoretic symmetric difference (XOR) of two geometries using the specified strategy. This version with the \u005finserter suffix outputs the sym\u005fdifference to an output iterator, and a template parameter must therefore be specified in the call.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename GeometryOut, typename Geometry1, typename Geometry2, typename OutputIterator, typename Strategy>
-OutputIterator sym_difference_inserter(Geometry1 const & geometry1, Geometry2 const & geometry2, OutputIterator out, Strategy const & strategy)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[GeometryOut] [output geometry type, must be specified ] [ - ] [Must be specified]]
-[[Geometry1 const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry1] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[Geometry2 const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry2] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[OutputIterator] [] [out] [The output iterator, to which difference geometries are feeded ]]
-[[Strategy const &] [Compound strategy for segment intersection ] [strategy] [The strategy which will be used for difference calculations ]]
-[heading Returns]
-The output iterator
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/sym_difference.hpp>`
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- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/structboost_1_1geometry_1_1tag.xml]
-[section:tag tag]
-Meta-function to get the tag of any geometry type.
-[heading Description]
-All geometries tell their geometry type (point, linestring, polygon, etc) by implementing a tag traits class. This meta-function uses that traits class to retrieve the tag.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry>
-class tag
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Description]]
-[[typename Geometry] [geometry ]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/core/tag.hpp>`
Deleted: trunk/libs/geometry/doc/generated/topological_dimension.qbk
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@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/structboost_1_1geometry_1_1topological__dimension.xml]
-[section:topological_dimension topological_dimension]
-Meta-function returning the topological dimension of a geometry.
-[heading Description]
-The topological dimension defines a point as 0-dimensional, a linestring as 1-dimensional, and a ring or polygon as 2-dimensional.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry>
-class topological_dimension
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Description]]
-[[typename Geometry] []]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/core/topological_dimension.hpp>`
Deleted: trunk/libs/geometry/doc/generated/transform.qbk
--- trunk/libs/geometry/doc/generated/transform.qbk 2011-03-14 18:02:12 EDT (Mon, 14 Mar 2011)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/group__transform.xml]
-[section:transform_2 transform]
-Transforms from one geometry to another geometry using a strategy.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry1, typename Geometry2>
-bool transform(Geometry1 const & geometry1, Geometry2 & geometry2)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry1 const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry1] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[Geometry2 &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry2] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[heading Returns]
-true if the transformation could be done
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/transform.hpp>`
-[section:transform_3 transform]
-Transforms from one geometry to another geometry using a strategy.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry1, typename Geometry2, typename Strategy>
-bool transform(Geometry1 const & geometry1, Geometry2 & geometry2, Strategy const & strategy)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry1 const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry1] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[Geometry2 &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry2] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[Strategy const &] [strategy ] [strategy] [the strategy to be used for transformation ]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/transform.hpp>`
Deleted: trunk/libs/geometry/doc/generated/transform_inverse_transformer.qbk
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+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/classboost_1_1geometry_1_1strategy_1_1transform_1_1inverse__transformer.xml]
-[section:strategy_transform_inverse_transformer strategy::transform::inverse_transformer]
-Transformation strategy to do an inverse ransformation in Cartesian system.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename P1, typename P2>
-class strategy::transform::inverse_transformer
- : public strategy::transform::ublas_transformer< P1, P2, dimension< P1 >::type::value, dimension< P2 >::type::value >
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Description]]
-[[typename P1] [first point type ]]
-[[typename P2] [second point type ]]
-[heading Constructor(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] ]
-[[``template<typename Transformer>
-inverse_transformer(Transformer const & input)``
-] [] [[* Transformer const &]: ['input]:
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/strategies/transform/inverse_transformer.hpp>`
Deleted: trunk/libs/geometry/doc/generated/transform_map_transformer.qbk
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+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/classboost_1_1geometry_1_1strategy_1_1transform_1_1map__transformer.xml]
-[section:strategy_transform_map_transformer strategy::transform::map_transformer]
-Transformation strategy to do map from one to another Cartesian system.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename P1, typename P2, bool Mirror, bool SameScale, std::size_t Dimension1, std::size_t Dimension2>
-class strategy::transform::map_transformer
- : public strategy::transform::ublas_transformer< P1, P2, Dimension1, Dimension2 >
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Default] [Description]]
-[[typename P1] [] [first point type ]]
-[[typename P2] [] [second point type ]]
-[[bool Mirror] [false] [if true map is mirrored upside-down (in most cases pixels are from top to bottom, while map is from bottom to top) ]]
-[[bool SameScale] [true] []]
-[[std::size_t Dimension1] [dimension<P1>::type::value] []]
-[[std::size_t Dimension2] [dimension<P2>::type::value] []]
-[heading Constructor(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] ]
-[[``template<typename B, typename D>
-map_transformer(B const & box, D const & width, D const & height)``
-] [] [[* B const &]: ['box]:
-[* D const &]: ['width]:
-[* D const &]: ['height]:
-[[``template<typename W, typename D>
-map_transformer(W const & wx1, W const & wy1, W const & wx2, W const & wy2, D const & width, D const & height)``
-] [] [[* W const &]: ['wx1]:
-[* W const &]: ['wy1]:
-[* W const &]: ['wx2]:
-[* W const &]: ['wy2]:
-[* D const &]: ['width]:
-[* D const &]: ['height]:
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/strategies/transform/map_transformer.hpp>`
Deleted: trunk/libs/geometry/doc/generated/transform_rotate_transformer.qbk
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+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/classboost_1_1geometry_1_1strategy_1_1transform_1_1rotate__transformer.xml]
-[section:strategy_transform_rotate_transformer strategy::transform::rotate_transformer]
-Strategy of rotate transformation in Cartesian system.
-[heading Description]
-Rotate rotates a geometry of specified angle about a fixed point (e.g. origin).
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename P1, typename P2, typename DegreeOrRadian>
-class strategy::transform::rotate_transformer
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Description]]
-[[typename P1] [first point type ]]
-[[typename P2] [second point type ]]
-[[typename DegreeOrRadian] [degree/or/radian, type of rotation angle specification ]]
-[heading Constructor(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] ]
-[[``rotate_transformer(angle_type const & angle)``
-] [] [[* angle_type const &]: ['angle]:
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/strategies/transform/matrix_transformers.hpp>`
Deleted: trunk/libs/geometry/doc/generated/transform_scale_transformer.qbk
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+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/classboost_1_1geometry_1_1strategy_1_1transform_1_1scale__transformer.xml]
-[section:strategy_transform_scale_transformer strategy::transform::scale_transformer]
-Strategy of scale transformation in Cartesian system.
-[heading Description]
-Scale scales a geometry up or down in all its dimensions.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename P1, typename P2, std::size_t Dimension1, std::size_t Dimension2>
-class strategy::transform::scale_transformer
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Default] [Description]]
-[[typename P1] [] [first point type ]]
-[[typename P2] [P1] [second point type ]]
-[[std::size_t Dimension1] [geometry::dimension<P1>::type::value] [number of dimensions to transform to second point ]]
-[[std::size_t Dimension2] [geometry::dimension<P2>::type::value] []]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/strategies/transform/matrix_transformers.hpp>`
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+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/classboost_1_1geometry_1_1strategy_1_1transform_1_1translate__transformer.xml]
-[section:strategy_transform_translate_transformer strategy::transform::translate_transformer]
-Strategy of translate transformation in Cartesian system.
-[heading Description]
-Translate moves a geometry a fixed distance in 2 or 3 dimensions.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename P1, typename P2, std::size_t Dimension1, std::size_t Dimension2>
-class strategy::transform::translate_transformer
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Default] [Description]]
-[[typename P1] [] [first point type ]]
-[[typename P2] [] [second point type ]]
-[[std::size_t Dimension1] [geometry::dimension<P1>::type::value] [number of dimensions to transform to second point ]]
-[[std::size_t Dimension2] [geometry::dimension<P2>::type::value] []]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/strategies/transform/matrix_transformers.hpp>`
Deleted: trunk/libs/geometry/doc/generated/transform_ublas_transformer.qbk
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+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/classboost_1_1geometry_1_1strategy_1_1transform_1_1ublas__transformer.xml]
-[section:strategy_transform_ublas_transformer strategy::transform::ublas_transformer]
-Affine transformation strategy in Cartesian system.
-[heading Description]
-The strategy serves as a generic definition of affine transformation matrix and procedure of application it to given point.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename P1, typename P2, std::size_t Dimension1, std::size_t Dimension2>
-class strategy::transform::ublas_transformer
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Description]]
-[[typename P1] [first point type (source) ]]
-[[typename P2] [second point type (target) ]]
-[[std::size_t Dimension1] [number of dimensions to transform to second point ]]
-[[std::size_t Dimension2] []]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/strategies/transform/matrix_transformers.hpp>`
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+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/group__union.xml]
-[section:union_ union_]
-Combines two geometries which each other.
-[heading Description]
-The free function union calculates the spatial set theoretic union of two geometries.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry1, typename Geometry2, typename Collection>
-void union_(Geometry1 const & geometry1, Geometry2 const & geometry2, Collection & output_collection)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry1 const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry1] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[Geometry2 const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry2] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[Collection &] [output collection, either a multi-geometry, or a std::vector<Geometry> / std::deque<Geometry> etc ] [output_collection] [the output collection ]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/union.hpp>`
-[include reference/algorithms/union.qbk]
-[section:union_inserter_3 union_inserter]
-[heading Description]
-Calculate the union of two geometries
-The free function union\u005finserter calculates the spatial set theoretic union of two geometries. This version with the \u005finserter suffix outputs the union to an output iterator, and a template parameter must therefore be specified in the call.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename GeometryOut, typename Geometry1, typename Geometry2, typename OutputIterator>
-OutputIterator union_inserter(Geometry1 const & geometry1, Geometry2 const & geometry2, OutputIterator out)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[GeometryOut] [output geometry type, must be specified ] [ - ] [Must be specified]]
-[[Geometry1 const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry1] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[Geometry2 const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry2] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[OutputIterator] [output iterator ] [out] [The output iterator, to which union geometries are feeded ]]
-[heading Returns]
-The output iterator
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/union.hpp>`
-[section:union_inserter_4_with_strategy union_inserter (with strategy)]
-[heading Description]
-Calculate the union of two geometries using the specified strategy
-The free function union\u005finserter calculates the spatial set theoretic union of two geometries using the specified strategy. details\u005finserter{union}
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename GeometryOut, typename Geometry1, typename Geometry2, typename OutputIterator, typename Strategy>
-OutputIterator union_inserter(Geometry1 const & geometry1, Geometry2 const & geometry2, OutputIterator out, Strategy const & strategy)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[GeometryOut] [output geometry type, must be specified ] [ - ] [Must be specified]]
-[[Geometry1 const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry1] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[Geometry2 const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry2] [A model of the specified concept ]]
-[[OutputIterator] [output iterator ] [out] [The output iterator, to which union geometries are feeded ]]
-[[Strategy const &] [Compound strategy for segment intersection ] [strategy] [The strategy which will be used for union calculations ]]
-[heading Returns]
-The output iterator
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/union.hpp>`
Deleted: trunk/libs/geometry/doc/generated/unique.qbk
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+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/group__unique.xml]
-[section:unique unique]
-Calculates the minimal set of a geometry.
-[heading Description]
-The free function unique calculates the minimal set (where duplicate consecutive points are removed) of a geometry.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry>
-void unique(Geometry & geometry)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry] [A model of the specified concept which will be made unique ]]
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/unique.hpp>`
Deleted: trunk/libs/geometry/doc/generated/within.qbk
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+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/group__within.xml]
-[section:within_3_with_strategy within (with strategy)]
-Checks if the first geometry is completely inside the second geometry using the specified strategy.
-[heading Description]
-The free function within checks if the first geometry is completely inside the second geometry, using the specified strategy. Reasons to specify a strategy include: use another coordinate system for calculations; construct the strategy beforehand (e.g. with the radius of the Earth); select a strategy when there are more than one available for a calculation.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry1, typename Geometry2, typename Strategy>
-bool within(Geometry1 const & geometry1, Geometry2 const & geometry2, Strategy const & strategy)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry1 const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry1] [A model of the specified concept geometry which might be within the second geometry ]]
-[[Geometry2 const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry2] [A model of the specified concept which might contain the first geometry ]]
-[[Strategy const &] [] [strategy] [strategy to be used ]]
-[heading Returns]
-true if geometry1 is completely contained within geometry2, else false
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/within.hpp>`
-[heading Available Strategies]
-* [link geometry.reference.strategies.strategy_within_winding Winding (coordinate system agnostic)]
-* [link geometry.reference.strategies.strategy_within_franklin Franklin (cartesian)]
-* [link geometry.reference.strategies.strategy_within_crossings_multiply Crossings Multiply (cartesian)]
-[section:within_2 within]
-Checks if the first geometry is completely inside the second geometry.
-[heading Description]
-The free function within checks if the first geometry is completely inside the second geometry.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Geometry1, typename Geometry2>
-bool within(Geometry1 const & geometry1, Geometry2 const & geometry2)``
-[heading Parameters]
-[[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
-[[Geometry1 const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry1] [geometry which might be within the second geometry ]]
-[[Geometry2 const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry2] [geometry which might contain the first geometry ]]
-[heading Returns]
-true if geometry1 is completely contained within geometry2, else false
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>`
-`#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/within.hpp>`
Deleted: trunk/libs/geometry/doc/generated/within_crossings_multiply.qbk
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+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/classboost_1_1geometry_1_1strategy_1_1within_1_1crossings__multiply.xml]
-[section:strategy_within_crossings_multiply strategy::within::crossings_multiply]
-Within detection using cross counting,.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Point, typename PointOfSegment, typename CalculationType>
-class strategy::within::crossings_multiply
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Default] [Description]]
-[[typename Point] [] [Any type fulfilling a Point Concept ]]
-[[typename PointOfSegment] [Point] [segment point type ]]
-[[typename CalculationType] [void] [numeric type for calculation (e.g. high precision); if [*void] then it is extracted automatically from the coordinate type and (if necessary) promoted to floating point ]]
-[heading Member Function(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] [Returns]]
-[[``bool apply(Point const & point, PointOfSegment const & seg1, PointOfSegment const & seg2, flags & state)``
-] [] [[* Point const &]: ['point]:
-[* PointOfSegment const &]: ['seg1]:
-[* PointOfSegment const &]: ['seg2]:
-[* flags &]: ['state]:
-[[``int result(flags const & state)``
-] [] [[* flags const &]: ['state]:
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/strategies/cartesian/point_in_poly_crossings_multiply.hpp>`
Deleted: trunk/libs/geometry/doc/generated/within_franklin.qbk
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+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/classboost_1_1geometry_1_1strategy_1_1within_1_1franklin.xml]
-[section:strategy_within_franklin strategy::within::franklin]
-Within detection using cross counting.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Point, typename PointOfSegment, typename CalculationType>
-class strategy::within::franklin
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Default] [Description]]
-[[typename Point] [] [Any type fulfilling a Point Concept ]]
-[[typename PointOfSegment] [Point] [segment point type ]]
-[[typename CalculationType] [void] [numeric type for calculation (e.g. high precision); if [*void] then it is extracted automatically from the coordinate type and (if necessary) promoted to floating point ]]
-[heading Member Function(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] [Returns]]
-[[``bool apply(Point const & point, PointOfSegment const & seg1, PointOfSegment const & seg2, crossings & state)``
-] [] [[* Point const &]: ['point]:
-[* PointOfSegment const &]: ['seg1]:
-[* PointOfSegment const &]: ['seg2]:
-[* crossings &]: ['state]:
-[[``int result(crossings const & state)``
-] [] [[* crossings const &]: ['state]:
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/strategies/cartesian/point_in_poly_franklin.hpp>`
-[heading See also]
-[link geometry.reference.algorithms.within.within_3_with_strategy within (with strategy)]
Deleted: trunk/libs/geometry/doc/generated/within_winding.qbk
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+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
- Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Barend Gehrels, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
- Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
- Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
- Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-[/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
-[/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/classboost_1_1geometry_1_1strategy_1_1within_1_1winding.xml]
-[section:strategy_within_winding strategy::within::winding]
-Within detection using winding rule.
-[heading Synopsis]
-``template<typename Point, typename PointOfSegment, typename CalculationType>
-class strategy::within::winding
- // ...
-[heading Template parameter(s)]
-[[Parameter] [Default] [Description]]
-[[typename Point] [] [Any type fulfilling a Point Concept ]]
-[[typename PointOfSegment] [Point] [segment point type ]]
-[[typename CalculationType] [void] [numeric type for calculation (e.g. high precision); if [*void] then it is extracted automatically from the coordinate type and (if necessary) promoted to floating point ]]
-[heading Member Function(s)]
-[[Function] [Description] [Parameters] [Returns]]
-[[``bool apply(Point const & point, PointOfSegment const & s1, PointOfSegment const & s2, counter & state)``
-] [] [[* Point const &]: ['point]:
-[* PointOfSegment const &]: ['s1]:
-[* PointOfSegment const &]: ['s2]:
-[* counter &]: ['state]:
-[[``int result(counter const & state)``
-] [] [[* counter const &]: ['state]:
-[heading Header]
-`#include <boost/geometry/strategies/agnostic/point_in_poly_winding.hpp>`
-[heading See also]
-[link geometry.reference.algorithms.within.within_3_with_strategy within (with strategy)]
Boost-Commit list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk