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Boost-Commit : |
Subject: [Boost-commit] svn:boost r74175 - sandbox/numpy/libs/numpy/doc/Reference
From: ankitdaf_at_[hidden]
Date: 2011-08-31 08:35:57
Author: ankitdaf
Date: 2011-08-31 08:35:56 EDT (Wed, 31 Aug 2011)
New Revision: 74175
URL: http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/74175
Added temporary directory for Reference documentation
sandbox/numpy/libs/numpy/doc/Reference/Jamfile (contents, props changed)
sandbox/numpy/libs/numpy/doc/Reference/binary_ufunc.rst (contents, props changed)
sandbox/numpy/libs/numpy/doc/Reference/dtype.rst (contents, props changed)
sandbox/numpy/libs/numpy/doc/Reference/multi_iter.rst (contents, props changed)
sandbox/numpy/libs/numpy/doc/Reference/ndarray.rst (contents, props changed)
sandbox/numpy/libs/numpy/doc/Reference/unary_ufunc.rst (contents, props changed)
Added: sandbox/numpy/libs/numpy/doc/Reference/Jamfile
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/numpy/libs/numpy/doc/Reference/Jamfile 2011-08-31 08:35:56 EDT (Wed, 31 Aug 2011)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# Copyright David Abrahams 2006. Distributed under the Boost
+# Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+# file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+project user-config : requirements <docutils-cmd>rst2html ;
+import docutils ;
+import path ;
+sources = dtype.rst ndarray.rst multi_iter.rst unary_ufunc.rst binary_ufunc.rst ;
+bases = $(sources:S=) ;
+# This is a path relative to the html/ subdirectory where the
+# generated output will eventually be moved.
+stylesheet = "--stylesheet=rst.css" ;
+for local b in $(bases)
+ html $(b) : $(b).rst :
+ <docutils-html>"-gdt --source-url="./$(b).rst" --link-stylesheet --traceback --trim-footnote-reference-space --footnote-references=superscript "$(stylesheet)
+ ;
+alias htmls : $(bases) ;
+stage . : $(bases) ;
Added: sandbox/numpy/libs/numpy/doc/Reference/binary_ufunc.rst
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/numpy/libs/numpy/doc/Reference/binary_ufunc.rst 2011-08-31 08:35:56 EDT (Wed, 31 Aug 2011)
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+.. contents ::
+A ``binary_ufunc`` is a struct used as an intermediate step to broadcast two arguments so that a C++ function can be converted to a ufunc like function
+ ``<boost/numpy/ufunc.hpp>`` contains the ``binary_ufunc`` structure definitions
+ namespace boost
+ {
+ namespace numpy
+ {
+ template <typename TBinaryFunctor,typename TArgument1=typename TBinaryFunctor::first_argument_type,typename TArgument2=typename
+ TBinaryFunctor::second_argument_type,typename TResult=typename TBinaryFunctor::result_type>
+ struct binary_ufunc
+ {
+ static python::object call(TBinaryFunctor & self, python::object const & input1, python::object const & input2,python::object const & output)
+ static python::object make();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ struct example_binary_ufunc
+ {
+ typedef any_valid first_argument_type;
+ typedef any_valid second_argument_type;
+ typedef any_valid result_type;
+ };
+:Requirements: The ``any_valid`` type must be defined using typedef as a valid C++ type in order to use the struct methods correctly
+:Note: The struct must be exposed as a Python class, and an instance of the class must be created to use the ``call`` method corresponding to the ``__call__`` attribute of the Python object
+ template <typename TBinaryFunctor,typename TArgument1=typename TBinaryFunctor::first_argument_type,typename TArgument2=typename
+ TBinaryFunctor::second_argument_type,typename TResult=typename TBinaryFunctor::result_type>
+ static python::object call(TBinaryFunctor & self, python::object const & input, python::object const & output) ;
+:Requires: Typenames ``TBinaryFunctor`` and optionally ``TArgument1`` and ``TArgument2`` for argument type and ``TResult`` for result type
+:Effects: Passes a Python object to the underlying C++ functor after broadcasting its arguments
+ template <typename TBinaryFunctor,typename TArgument1=typename TBinaryFunctor::first_argument_type,typename TArgument2=typename,
+ TBinaryFunctor::second_argument_type,typename TResult=typename TBinaryFunctor::result_type>
+ static python::object make();
+:Requires: Typenames ``TBinaryFunctor`` and optionally ``TArgument1`` and ``TArgument2`` for argument type and ``TResult`` for result type
+:Returns: A Python function object to call the overloaded () operator in the struct (in typical usage)
+ struct BinarySquare
+ {
+ typedef double first_argument_type;
+ typedef double second_argument_type;
+ typedef double result_type;
+ double operator()(double a,double b) const { return (a*a + b*b) ; }
+ };
+ p::object ud = p::class_<BinarySquare, boost::shared_ptr<BinarySquare> >("BinarySquare").def("__call__", np::binary_ufunc<BinarySquare>::make());
+ p::object inst = ud();
+ result_array = inst.attr("__call__")(demo_array,demo_array) ;
+ std::cout << "Square of list with binary ufunc is " << p::extract <char const * > (p::str(result_array)) << std::endl ;
Added: sandbox/numpy/libs/numpy/doc/Reference/dtype.rst
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/numpy/libs/numpy/doc/Reference/dtype.rst 2011-08-31 08:35:56 EDT (Wed, 31 Aug 2011)
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+.. contents ::
+A `dtype`_ is an object describing the type of the elements of an ndarray
+.. _dtype: http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/arrays.dtypes.html#data-type-objects-dtype
+ ``<boost/numpy/dtype.hpp>`` contains the method calls necessary to generate a python object equivalent to a numpy.dtype from builtin C++ objects, as well as to create custom dtypes from user defined types
+ namespace boost
+ {
+ namespace numpy
+ {
+ class dtype : public python::object
+ {
+ static python::detail::new_reference convert(python::object::object_cref arg, bool align);
+ public:
+ // Convert an arbitrary Python object to a data-type descriptor object.
+ template <typename T>
+ explicit dtype(T arg, bool align=false) : python::object(convert(arg, align)) {}
+ template <typename T> static dtype get_builtin(); // Get the built-in numpy dtype associated with the given scalar template type.
+ int get_itemsize() const; // Return the size of the data type in bytes.
+ };
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ explicit dtype(T arg, bool align=false) : python::object(convert(arg, align)) {}
+:Requirements: The typename supplied, ``T`` must be either :
+ * a built-in C++ typename convertible to object
+ * a valid python object or convertible to object
+:Effects: Constructs an object from the supplied python object / convertible
+ to object / builtin C++ data type
+:Throws: Nothing
+ template <typename T> static dtype get_builtin();
+:Requirements: The typename supplied, ``T`` must be a builtin C++ type also supported by numpy
+:Returns: Numpy dtype corresponding to builtin C++ type
+ int get_itemsize() const;
+:Returns: the size of the data type in bytes.
+ namespace np = boost::numpy ;
+ np::dtype dtype = np::dtype::get_builtin<double>();
+ p::tuple for_custom_dtype = p::make_tuple("ha",dtype) ;
+ np::dtype custom_dtype = np::dtype(list_for_dtype) ;
Added: sandbox/numpy/libs/numpy/doc/Reference/multi_iter.rst
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/numpy/libs/numpy/doc/Reference/multi_iter.rst 2011-08-31 08:35:56 EDT (Wed, 31 Aug 2011)
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+.. contents ::
+A ``multi_iter`` is a Python object, intended to be used as an iterator It should generally only be used in loops.
+ ``<boost/numpy/ufunc.hpp>`` contains the class definitions for ``multi_iter``
+ namespace boost
+ {
+ namespace numpy
+ {
+ class multi_iter : public python::object
+ {
+ public:
+ void next();
+ bool not_done() const;
+ char * get_data(int n) const;
+ int const get_nd() const;
+ Py_intptr_t const * get_shape() const;
+ Py_intptr_t const shape(int n) const;
+ };
+ multi_iter make_multi_iter(python::object const & a1);
+ multi_iter make_multi_iter(python::object const & a1, python::object const & a2);
+ multi_iter make_multi_iter(python::object const & a1, python::object const & a2, python::object const & a3);
+ }
+ } // namespace boost::numpy
+ multi_iter make_multi_iter(python::object const & a1);
+ multi_iter make_multi_iter(python::object const & a1, python::object const & a2);
+ multi_iter make_multi_iter(python::object const & a1, python::object const & a2, python::object const & a3);
+:Returns: A Python iterator object broadcasting over one, two or three sequences as supplied
+ void next();
+:Effects: Increments the iterator
+ bool not_done() const;
+:Returns: boolean value indicating whether the iterator is at its end
+ char * get_data(int n) const;
+:Returns: a pointer to the element of the nth broadcasted array.
+ int const get_nd() const;
+:Returns: the number of dimensions of the broadcasted array expression
+ Py_intptr_t const * get_shape() const;
+:Returns: the shape of the broadcasted array expression as an array of integers.
+ Py_intptr_t const shape(int n) const;
+:Returns: the shape of the broadcasted array expression in the nth dimension.
Added: sandbox/numpy/libs/numpy/doc/Reference/ndarray.rst
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/numpy/libs/numpy/doc/Reference/ndarray.rst 2011-08-31 08:35:56 EDT (Wed, 31 Aug 2011)
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+.. contents ::
+A `ndarray`_ is an N-dimensional array which contains items of the same type and size, where N is the number of dimensions and is specified in the form of a ``shape`` tuple. Optionally, the numpy ``dtype`` for the objects contained may also be specified.
+.. _ndarray: http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/arrays.ndarray.html
+.. _dtype: http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/arrays.dtypes.html#data-type-objects-dtype
+ ``<boost/numpy/ndarray.hpp>`` contains the structures and methods necessary to move raw data between C++ and Python and create ndarrays from the data
+ namespace boost
+ {
+ namespace numpy
+ {
+ class ndarray : public python::object
+ {
+ public:
+ enum bitflag
+ {
+ ALIGNED=0x4, WRITEABLE=0x8, BEHAVED=0x4|0x8,
+ CARRAY_RO=0x1|0x4, CARRAY=0x1|0x4|0x8, CARRAY_MIS=0x1|0x8,
+ FARRAY_RO=0x2|0x4, FARRAY=0x2|0x4|0x8, FARRAY_MIS=0x2|0x8,
+ UPDATE_ALL=0x1|0x2|0x4, VARRAY=0x1|0x2|0x8, ALL=0x1|0x2|0x4|0x8
+ };
+ ndarray view(dtype const & dt) const;
+ ndarray copy() const;
+ int const shape(int n) const { return get_shape()[n]; }
+ int const strides(int n) const { return get_strides()[n]; }
+ char * get_data() const { return get_struct()->data; }
+ dtype get_dtype() const;
+ python::object get_base() const;
+ void set_base(object const & base);
+ Py_intptr_t const * get_shape() const { return get_struct()->shape; }
+ Py_intptr_t const * get_strides() const { return get_struct()->strides; }
+ int const get_nd() const { return get_struct()->nd; }
+ bitflag const get_flags() const;
+ ndarray transpose() const;
+ ndarray squeeze() const;
+ ndarray reshape(python::tuple const & shape) const;
+ python::object scalarize() const;
+ };
+ ndarray zeros(python::tuple const & shape, dtype const & dt);
+ ndarray zeros(int nd, Py_intptr_t const * shape, dtype const & dt);
+ ndarray empty(python::tuple const & shape, dtype const & dt);
+ ndarray empty(int nd, Py_intptr_t const * shape, dtype const & dt);
+ ndarray array(python::object const & obj);
+ ndarray array(python::object const & obj, dtype const & dt);
+ template <typename Container>
+ inline ndarray from_data(void * data,dtype const & dt,Container shape,Container strides,python::object const & owner);
+ template <typename Container>
+ inline ndarray from_data(void const * data, dtype const & dt, Container shape, Container strides, python::object const & owner);
+ ndarray from_object(python::object const & obj, dtype const & dt,int nd_min, int nd_max, ndarray::bitflag flags=ndarray::NONE);
+ inline ndarray from_object(python::object const & obj, dtype const & dt,int nd, ndarray::bitflag flags=ndarray::NONE);
+ inline ndarray from_object(python::object const & obj, dtype const & dt, ndarray::bitflag flags=ndarray::NONE);
+ ndarray from_object(python::object const & obj, int nd_min, int nd_max,ndarray::bitflag flags=ndarray::NONE);
+ inline ndarray from_object(python::object const & obj, int nd, ndarray::bitflag flags=ndarray::NONE);
+ inline ndarray from_object(python::object const & obj, ndarray::bitflag flags=ndarray::NONE)
+ inline ndarray::bitflag operator|(ndarray::bitflag a, ndarray::bitflag b) ;
+ inline ndarray::bitflag operator&(ndarray::bitflag a, ndarray::bitflag b);
+ } // namespace boost::numpy
+ ndarray view(dtype const & dt) const;
+:Returns: new ndarray with old ndarray data cast as supplied dtype
+ ndarray copy() const;
+:Returns: Copy of calling ndarray object
+ ndarray transpose() const;
+:Returns: An ndarray with the rows and columns interchanged
+ ndarray squeeze() const;
+:Returns: An ndarray with all unit-shaped dimensions removed
+ ndarray reshape(python::tuple const & shape) const;
+:Requirements: The new ``shape`` of the ndarray must be supplied as a tuple
+:Returns: An ndarray with the same data but reshaped to the ``shape`` supplied
+ python::object scalarize() const;
+:Returns: A scalar if the ndarray has only one element, otherwise it returns the entire array
+ ndarray zeros(python::tuple const & shape, dtype const & dt);
+ ndarray zeros(int nd, Py_intptr_t const * shape, dtype const & dt);
+:Requirements: The following parameters must be supplied as required :
+ * the ``shape`` or the size of all dimensions, as a tuple
+ * the ``dtype`` of the data
+ * the ``nd`` size for a square shaped ndarray
+ * the ``shape`` Py_intptr_t
+:Returns: A new ndarray with the given shape and data type, with data initialized to zero.
+ ndarray empty(python::tuple const & shape, dtype const & dt);
+ ndarray empty(int nd, Py_intptr_t const * shape, dtype const & dt);
+:Requirements: The following parameters must be supplied :
+ * the ``shape`` or the size of all dimensions, as a tuple
+ * the ``dtype`` of the data
+ * the ``shape`` Py_intptr_t
+:Returns: A new ndarray with the given shape and data type, with data left uninitialized.
+ ndarray array(python::object const & obj);
+ ndarray array(python::object const & obj, dtype const & dt);
+:Returns: A new ndarray from an arbitrary Python sequence, with dtype of each element specified optionally
+ template <typename Container>
+ inline ndarray from_data(void * data,dtype const & dt,Container shape,Container strides,python::object const & owner)
+:Requirements: The following parameters must be supplied :
+ * the ``data`` which is a generic C++ data container
+ * the dtype ``dt`` of the data
+ * the ``shape`` of the ndarray as Python object
+ * the ``strides`` of each dimension of the array as a Python object
+ * the ``owner`` of the data, in case it is not the ndarray itself
+:Returns: ndarray with attributes and data supplied
+:Note: The ``Container`` typename must be one that is convertible to a std::vector or python object type
+ ndarray from_object(python::object const & obj, dtype const & dt,int nd_min, int nd_max, ndarray::bitflag flags=ndarray::NONE);
+:Requirements: The following parameters must be supplied :
+ * the ``obj`` Python object to convert to ndarray
+ * the dtype ``dt`` of the data
+ * minimum number of dimensions ``nd_min`` of the ndarray as Python object
+ * maximum number of dimensions ``nd_max`` of the ndarray as Python object
+ * optional ``flags`` bitflags
+:Returns: ndarray constructed with dimensions and data supplied as parameters
+ inline ndarray from_object(python::object const & obj, dtype const & dt, int nd, ndarray::bitflag flags=ndarray::NONE);
+:Requirements: The following parameters must be supplied :
+ * the ``obj`` Python object to convert to ndarray
+ * the dtype ``dt`` of the data
+ * number of dimensions ``nd`` of the ndarray as Python object
+ * optional ``flags`` bitflags
+:Returns: ndarray with dimensions ``nd`` x ``nd`` and suplied parameters
+ inline ndarray from_object(python::object const & obj, dtype const & dt, ndarray::bitflag flags=ndarray::NONE)
+:Requirements: The following parameters must be supplied :
+ * the ``obj`` Python object to convert to ndarray
+ * the dtype ``dt`` of the data
+ * optional ``flags`` bitflags
+:Returns: Supplied Python object as ndarray
+ ndarray from_object(python::object const & obj, int nd_min, int nd_max, ndarray::bitflag flags=ndarray::NONE);
+:Requirements: The following parameters must be supplied :
+ * the ``obj`` Python object to convert to ndarray
+ * minimum number of dimensions ``nd_min`` of the ndarray as Python object
+ * maximum number of dimensions ``nd_max`` of the ndarray as Python object
+ * optional ``flags`` bitflags
+:Returns: ndarray with supplied dimension limits and parameters
+:Note: dtype need not be supplied here
+ inline ndarray from_object(python::object const & obj, int nd, ndarray::bitflag flags=ndarray::NONE);
+:Requirements: The following parameters must be supplied :
+ * the ``obj`` Python object to convert to ndarray
+ * the dtype ``dt`` of the data
+ * number of dimensions ``nd`` of the ndarray as Python object
+ * optional ``flags`` bitflags
+:Returns: ndarray of ``nd`` x ``nd`` dimensions constructed from the supplied object
+ inline ndarray from_object(python::object const & obj, ndarray::bitflag flags=ndarray::NONE)
+:Requirements: The following parameters must be supplied :
+ * the ``obj`` Python object to convert to ndarray
+ * optional ``flags`` bitflags
+:Returns: ndarray of same dimensions and dtype as supplied Python object
+ int const shape(int n) const { return get_shape()[n]; }
+:Returns: The size of the n-th dimension of the ndarray
+ int const strides(int n) const { return get_strides()[n]; }
+:Returns: The stride of the nth dimension.
+ char * get_data() const { return get_struct()->data; }
+:Returns: Array's raw data pointer as a char
+:Note: This returns char so stride math works properly on it.User will have to reinterpret_cast it.
+ dtype get_dtype() const;
+:Returns: Array's data-type descriptor object (dtype)
+ python::object get_base() const;
+:Returns: Object that owns the array's data, or None if the array owns its own data.
+ void set_base(object const & base);
+:Returns: Set the object that owns the array's data. Exercise caution while using this
+ Py_intptr_t const * get_shape() const { return get_struct()->shape; }
+:Returns: Shape of the array as an array of integers
+ Py_intptr_t const * get_strides() const { return get_struct()->strides; }
+:Returns: Stride of the array as an array of integers
+ int const get_nd() const { return get_struct()->nd; }
+:Returns: Number of array dimensions
+ bitflag const get_flags() const;
+:Returns: Array flags
+ inline ndarray::bitflag operator|(ndarray::bitflag a, ndarray::bitflag b)
+:Returns: bitflag logically OR-ed as (a | b)
+ inline ndarray::bitflag operator&(ndarray::bitflag a, ndarray::bitflag b)
+:Returns: bitflag logically AND-ed as (a & b)
+ p::object tu = p::make_tuple('a','b','c') ;
+ np::ndarray example_tuple = np::array (tu) ;
+ p::list l ;
+ np::ndarray example_list = np::array (l) ;
+ np::dtype dt = np::dtype::get_builtin<int>();
+ np::ndarray example_list1 = np::array (l,dt);
+ int data[] = {1,2,3,4} ;
+ p::tuple shape = p::make_tuple(4) ;
+ p::tuple stride = p::make_tuple(4) ;
+ p::object own ;
+ np::ndarray data_ex = np::from_data(data,dt,shape,stride,own);
+ uint8_t mul_data[][4] = {{1,2,3,4},{5,6,7,8},{1,3,5,7}};
+ shape = p::make_tuple(3,2) ;
+ stride = p::make_tuple(4,2) ;
+ np::dtype dt1 = np::dtype::get_builtin<uint8_t>();
+ np::ndarray mul_data_ex = np::from_data(mul_data,dt1, p::make_tuple(3,4),p::make_tuple(4,1),p::object());
+ mul_data_ex = np::from_data(mul_data,dt1, shape,stride,p::object());
Added: sandbox/numpy/libs/numpy/doc/Reference/unary_ufunc.rst
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/numpy/libs/numpy/doc/Reference/unary_ufunc.rst 2011-08-31 08:35:56 EDT (Wed, 31 Aug 2011)
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+.. contents ::
+A ``unary_ufunc`` is a struct used as an intermediate step to broadcast a single argument so that a C++ function can be converted to a ufunc like function
+ ``<boost/numpy/ufunc.hpp>`` contains the ``unary_ufunc`` structure definitions
+ namespace boost
+ {
+ namespace numpy
+ {
+ template <typename TUnaryFunctor, typename TArgument=typename TUnaryFunctor::argument_type, typename TResult=typename TUnaryFunctor::result_type>
+ struct unary_ufunc
+ {
+ static python::object call(TUnaryFunctor & self, python::object const & input, python::object const & output) ;
+ static python::object make();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ struct example_unary_ufunc
+ {
+ typedef any_valid_type argument_type;
+ typedef any_valid_type result_type;
+ };
+:Requirements: The ``any_valid`` type must be defined using typedef as a valid C++ type in order to use the struct methods correctly
+:Note: The struct must be exposed as a Python class, and an instance of the class must be created to use the ``call`` method corresponding to the ``__call__`` attribute of the Python object
+ template <typename TUnaryFunctor, typename TArgument=typename TUnaryFunctor::argument_type,typename TResult=typename TUnaryFunctor::result_type>
+ static python::object call(TUnaryFunctor & self, python::object const & input, python::object const & output) ;
+:Requires: Typenames ``TUnaryFunctor`` and optionally ``TArgument`` for argument type and ``TResult`` for result type
+:Effects: Passes a Python object to the underlying C++ functor after broadcasting its arguments
+ template <typename TUnaryFunctor, typename TArgument=typename TUnaryFunctor::argument_type,typename TResult=typename TUnaryFunctor::result_type>
+ static python::object make();
+:Requires: Typenames ``TUnaryFunctor`` and optionally ``TArgument`` for argument type and ``TResult`` for result type
+:Returns: A Python function object to call the overloaded () operator in the struct (in typical usage)
+ struct UnarySquare
+ {
+ typedef double argument_type;
+ typedef double result_type;
+ double operator()(double r) const { return r * r;}
+ };
+ p::object ud = p::class_<UnarySquare, boost::shared_ptr<UnarySquare> >("UnarySquare").def("__call__", np::unary_ufunc<UnarySquare>::make());
+ p::object inst = ud();
+ std::cout << "Square of unary scalar 1.0 is " << p::extract <char const * > (p::str(inst.attr("__call__")(1.0))) << std::endl ;
Boost-Commit list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk