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Boost-Commit : |
Subject: [Boost-commit] svn:boost r74536 - in sandbox-branches/geometry/index/boost/geometry/extensions/index: . rtree rtree/visitors
From: adam.wulkiewicz_at_[hidden]
Date: 2011-09-23 12:02:14
Author: awulkiew
Date: 2011-09-23 12:02:13 EDT (Fri, 23 Sep 2011)
New Revision: 74536
URL: http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/74536
some names changed, distance predicates implemented, specialization for nodes implemented partially - not finished
sandbox-branches/geometry/index/boost/geometry/extensions/index/distance_predicates.hpp (contents, props changed)
sandbox-branches/geometry/index/boost/geometry/extensions/index/rtree/distance_predicates.hpp (contents, props changed)
Text files modified:
sandbox-branches/geometry/index/boost/geometry/extensions/index/rtree/visitors/nearest.hpp | 2 +-
1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
Deleted: sandbox-branches/geometry/index/boost/geometry/extensions/index/distance_calc.hpp
--- sandbox-branches/geometry/index/boost/geometry/extensions/index/distance_calc.hpp 2011-09-23 12:02:13 EDT (Fri, 23 Sep 2011)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,312 +0,0 @@
-// Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
-// Boost.SpatialIndex - Spatial index distances calculators used in nearest query
-// Copyright 2011 Adam Wulkiewicz.
-// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
-// Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-namespace boost { namespace geometry { namespace index {
-namespace detail {
-//TODO: awulkiew - consider storing values instead of const references
-// it may be faster and it eliminates problems with storing of references to temporaries
-// data
-struct distance_near_tag {};
-struct distance_far_tag {};
-struct distance_centroid_tag {};
-struct distance_min_tag {};
-struct distance_max_tag {};
-template <typename Point, typename Tag>
-struct distance_unbounded
- : nonassignable
- typedef typename index::traits::coordinate_type<Point>::type coordinate_type;
- inline explicit distance_unbounded(Point const& p)
- : point(p)
- {}
- Point const& point;
-template <typename Point, typename Tag, typename LimitTag>
-struct distance_half_bounded
- : nonassignable
- typedef typename index::traits::coordinate_type<Point>::type coordinate_type;
- typedef typename geometry::default_distance_result<Point, Point>::type distance_type;
- inline explicit distance_half_bounded(Point const& p, coordinate_type const& distance_limit)
- : point(p)
- , comparable_limit(distance_limit * distance_limit)
- {}
- Point const& point;
- distance_type comparable_limit;
-template <typename Point, typename Tag>
-struct distance_bounded
- : nonassignable
- typedef typename index::traits::coordinate_type<Point>::type coordinate_type;
- typedef typename geometry::default_distance_result<Point, Point>::type distance_type;
- inline explicit distance_bounded(Point const& p, coordinate_type const& distance_min, coordinate_type const& distance_max)
- : point(p)
- , comparable_min(distance_min * distance_min)
- , comparable_max(distance_max * distance_max)
- {}
- Point const& point;
- distance_type comparable_min;
- distance_type comparable_max;
-} // namespace detail
-// generators
-template <typename Point>
-inline detail::distance_unbounded<Point, detail::distance_near_tag>
-distance_near(Point const& p)
- return detail::distance_unbounded<Point, detail::distance_near_tag>(p);
-template <typename Point>
-inline detail::distance_unbounded<Point, detail::distance_far_tag>
-distance_far(Point const& p)
- return detail::distance_unbounded<Point, detail::distance_far_tag>(p);
-template <typename Point>
-inline detail::distance_unbounded<Point, detail::distance_centroid_tag>
-distance_centroid(Point const& p)
- return detail::distance_unbounded<Point, detail::distance_centroid_tag>(p);
-template <typename Point>
-inline detail::distance_half_bounded<Point, detail::distance_near_tag, detail::distance_min_tag>
- Point const& p,
- typename index::traits::coordinate_type<Point>::type const& distance_min)
- return detail::distance_half_bounded<Point, detail::distance_near_tag, detail::distance_min_tag>(p, distance_min);
-template <typename Point>
-inline detail::distance_half_bounded<Point, detail::distance_far_tag, detail::distance_min_tag>
- Point const& p,
- typename index::traits::coordinate_type<Point>::type const& distance_min)
- return detail::distance_half_bounded<Point, detail::distance_far_tag, detail::distance_min_tag>(p, distance_min);
-template <typename Point>
-inline detail::distance_half_bounded<Point, detail::distance_centroid_tag, detail::distance_min_tag>
- Point const& p,
- typename index::traits::coordinate_type<Point>::type const& distance_min)
- return detail::distance_half_bounded<Point, detail::distance_centroid_tag, detail::distance_min_tag>(p, distance_min);
-template <typename Point>
-inline detail::distance_bounded<Point, detail::distance_near_tag>
- Point const& p,
- typename index::traits::coordinate_type<Point>::type const& distance_min,
- typename index::traits::coordinate_type<Point>::type const& distance_max)
- return detail::distance_bounded<Point, detail::distance_near_tag>(p, distance_min, distance_max);
-template <typename Point>
-inline detail::distance_bounded<Point, detail::distance_far_tag>
- Point const& p,
- typename index::traits::coordinate_type<Point>::type const& distance_min,
- typename index::traits::coordinate_type<Point>::type const& distance_max)
- return detail::distance_bounded<Point, detail::distance_far_tag>(p, distance_min, distance_max);
-template <typename Point>
-inline detail::distance_bounded<Point, detail::distance_centroid_tag>
- Point const& p,
- typename index::traits::coordinate_type<Point>::type const& distance_min,
- typename index::traits::coordinate_type<Point>::type const& distance_max)
- return detail::distance_bounded<Point, detail::distance_centroid_tag>(p, distance_min, distance_max);
-// algorithms
-namespace detail
-template <typename Point, typename Indexable, typename AlgoTag>
-struct distance_calc_impl
- (false),
- (distance_calc_impl));
-template <typename Point, typename Indexable>
-struct distance_calc_impl<Point, Indexable, detail::distance_near_tag>
- typedef typename geometry::default_distance_result<Point, Indexable>::type result_type;
- static inline result_type apply(Point const& p, Indexable const& i)
- {
- return index::comparable_distance_near(p, i);
- }
-template <typename Point, typename Indexable>
-struct distance_calc_impl<Point, Indexable, detail::distance_far_tag>
- typedef typename geometry::default_distance_result<Point, Indexable>::type result_type;
- static inline result_type apply(Point const& p, Indexable const& i)
- {
- return index::comparable_distance_far(p, i);
- }
-template <typename Point, typename Indexable>
-struct distance_calc_impl<Point, Indexable, detail::distance_centroid_tag>
- typedef typename geometry::default_distance_result<Point, Indexable>::type result_type;
- static inline result_type apply(Point const& p, Indexable const& i)
- {
- return index::comparable_distance_centroid(p, i);
- }
-// TODO:
-// to use it properly in case of rtree nodes there must be additional template parameter added: Tag
-// and typedef ... result_type - in case of bounded distance or half-bounded min maxdist must be calculated as well
-// distance_calc_result<Point, Indexable>::type or distance_calc<Point, Indexable>::result_type
-// sorting is needed only in rtree nodes so it shouldn't be here, use detail::rtree instead
-// should comp be here or only in detail::rtree?
-// in addition, maby don't use Tag, just implement different structure in detail::rtree specialized for rtree?
-// in addition, maby don't use Tag in predicates?
-// rename distance_calc -> comparable_distance_calc ? or calculate_comparable_distance or distance_data_calc?
-template <typename Point, typename Indexable, typename Tag>
-struct distance_calc
- typedef typename geometry::default_distance_result<Point, Indexable>::type result_type;
- static inline result_type apply(Point const& p, Indexable const& i)
- {
- return index::comparable_distance_near(p, i);
- }
-template <typename Point, typename AlgoTag, typename Indexable, typename Tag>
-struct distance_calc<
- detail::distance_unbounded<Point, AlgoTag>,
- Indexable,
- Tag>
- typedef typename distance_calc_impl<Point, Indexable, AlgoTag>::result_type result_type;
- static inline result_type apply(
- detail::distance_unbounded<Point, AlgoTag> const& dx,
- Indexable const& i)
- {
- return distance_calc_impl<Point, Indexable, AlgoTag>::apply(dx.point, i);
- }
-template <typename Point, typename AlgoTag, typename LimitTag, typename Indexable, typename Tag>
-struct distance_calc<
- detail::distance_half_bounded<Point, AlgoTag, LimitTag>,
- Indexable,
- Tag>
- typedef typename distance_calc_impl<Point, Indexable, AlgoTag>::result_type result_type;
- static inline result_type apply(
- detail::distance_half_bounded<Point, AlgoTag, LimitTag> const& dx,
- Indexable const& i)
- {
- return distance_calc_impl<Point, Indexable, AlgoTag>::apply(dx.point, i);
- }
-template <typename Point, typename AlgoTag, typename Indexable, typename Tag>
-struct distance_calc<
- detail::distance_bounded<Point, AlgoTag>,
- Indexable,
- Tag>
- typedef typename distance_calc_impl<Point, Indexable, AlgoTag>::result_type result_type;
- static inline result_type apply(
- detail::distance_bounded<Point, AlgoTag> const& dx,
- Indexable const& i)
- {
- return distance_calc_impl<Point, Indexable, AlgoTag>::apply(dx.point, i);
- }
-// TODO distance_comp
-// move distance_calc and distance_comp into geometry::index ?
-// TODO: awulkiew - pruning for nodes! <- inside detail::rtree so NOT HERE
-// if 0 < comp_near node is pruned if maxdist(point, node_box) < comp_near
-// if comp_far < INF node is pruned if comp_far < min_dist(point, node_box)
-// still nodes must be sorted by min_dist(point, node_box)
-// for values, proper distance values are calculated min, max or centroid
-// and tested with comp_near and/or comp_far
-// + something in case of nodes
-// additional calculation of maxdist in case of distance_between and
-// distance_xxxxx<more>
-} // namespace detail
-//template <typename PointData, typename Indexable>
-//inline typename detail::distance_calc<PointData, Indexable>::distance_type
-//distance_calc(PointData const& p, Indexable const& i)
-// return detail::distance_calc<PointData, Indexable>
-// ::apply(p, i);
-//template <typename PointData, typename DistanceType>
-//inline bool
-//distance_comp(PointData const& p, DistanceType const& d)
-// return detail::distance_comp<PointData>
-// ::apply(p, d);
-}}} // namespace boost::geometry::index
Added: sandbox-branches/geometry/index/boost/geometry/extensions/index/distance_predicates.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox-branches/geometry/index/boost/geometry/extensions/index/distance_predicates.hpp 2011-09-23 12:02:13 EDT (Fri, 23 Sep 2011)
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+// Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
+// Boost.SpatialIndex - Spatial index distance predicates, calculators and checkers used in nearest query
+// Copyright 2011 Adam Wulkiewicz.
+// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
+// Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+namespace boost { namespace geometry { namespace index {
+namespace detail {
+//TODO: awulkiew - consider storing values instead of const references
+// it may be faster and it eliminates problems with storing of references to temporaries
+// moreover user may use boost::cref
+// TODO: awulkiew - what with coordinate systems other than cartesian?
+// do comparable_distance returns distance in coordinate system of objects used?
+// what if objects are in different systems?
+// should index algorithms work exactly like comparable_distance or not?
+// data
+struct distance_near_tag {};
+struct distance_far_tag {};
+struct distance_centroid_tag {};
+struct distance_min_tag {};
+struct distance_max_tag {};
+template <typename Point, typename Tag>
+struct distance_unbounded
+ : nonassignable
+ typedef typename index::traits::coordinate_type<Point>::type coordinate_type;
+ inline explicit distance_unbounded(Point const& p)
+ : point(p)
+ {}
+ Point const& point;
+template <typename Point, typename Tag, typename LimitTag>
+struct distance_half_bounded
+ : nonassignable
+ typedef typename index::traits::coordinate_type<Point>::type coordinate_type;
+ typedef typename geometry::default_distance_result<Point, Point>::type distance_type;
+ inline explicit distance_half_bounded(Point const& p, coordinate_type const& distance_limit)
+ : point(p)
+ , comparable_limit(distance_limit * distance_limit)
+ {}
+ Point const& point;
+ distance_type comparable_limit;
+template <typename Point, typename Tag>
+struct distance_bounded
+ : nonassignable
+ typedef typename index::traits::coordinate_type<Point>::type coordinate_type;
+ typedef typename geometry::default_distance_result<Point, Point>::type distance_type;
+ inline explicit distance_bounded(Point const& p, coordinate_type const& distance_min, coordinate_type const& distance_max)
+ : point(p)
+ , comparable_min(distance_min * distance_min)
+ , comparable_max(distance_max * distance_max)
+ {}
+ Point const& point;
+ distance_type comparable_min;
+ distance_type comparable_max;
+} // namespace detail
+// generators
+template <typename Point>
+inline detail::distance_unbounded<Point, detail::distance_near_tag>
+distance_near(Point const& p)
+ return detail::distance_unbounded<Point, detail::distance_near_tag>(p);
+template <typename Point>
+inline detail::distance_unbounded<Point, detail::distance_far_tag>
+distance_far(Point const& p)
+ return detail::distance_unbounded<Point, detail::distance_far_tag>(p);
+template <typename Point>
+inline detail::distance_unbounded<Point, detail::distance_centroid_tag>
+distance_centroid(Point const& p)
+ return detail::distance_unbounded<Point, detail::distance_centroid_tag>(p);
+template <typename Point>
+inline detail::distance_half_bounded<Point, detail::distance_near_tag, detail::distance_min_tag>
+ Point const& p,
+ typename index::traits::coordinate_type<Point>::type const& distance_min)
+ return detail::distance_half_bounded<Point, detail::distance_near_tag, detail::distance_min_tag>(p, distance_min);
+template <typename Point>
+inline detail::distance_half_bounded<Point, detail::distance_far_tag, detail::distance_min_tag>
+ Point const& p,
+ typename index::traits::coordinate_type<Point>::type const& distance_min)
+ return detail::distance_half_bounded<Point, detail::distance_far_tag, detail::distance_min_tag>(p, distance_min);
+template <typename Point>
+inline detail::distance_half_bounded<Point, detail::distance_centroid_tag, detail::distance_min_tag>
+ Point const& p,
+ typename index::traits::coordinate_type<Point>::type const& distance_min)
+ return detail::distance_half_bounded<Point, detail::distance_centroid_tag, detail::distance_min_tag>(p, distance_min);
+template <typename Point>
+inline detail::distance_bounded<Point, detail::distance_near_tag>
+ Point const& p,
+ typename index::traits::coordinate_type<Point>::type const& distance_min,
+ typename index::traits::coordinate_type<Point>::type const& distance_max)
+ return detail::distance_bounded<Point, detail::distance_near_tag>(p, distance_min, distance_max);
+template <typename Point>
+inline detail::distance_bounded<Point, detail::distance_far_tag>
+ Point const& p,
+ typename index::traits::coordinate_type<Point>::type const& distance_min,
+ typename index::traits::coordinate_type<Point>::type const& distance_max)
+ return detail::distance_bounded<Point, detail::distance_far_tag>(p, distance_min, distance_max);
+template <typename Point>
+inline detail::distance_bounded<Point, detail::distance_centroid_tag>
+ Point const& p,
+ typename index::traits::coordinate_type<Point>::type const& distance_min,
+ typename index::traits::coordinate_type<Point>::type const& distance_max)
+ return detail::distance_bounded<Point, detail::distance_centroid_tag>(p, distance_min, distance_max);
+// algorithms
+namespace detail
+// distance_calc_impl
+template <typename Point, typename Indexable, typename AlgoTag>
+struct distance_calc_impl
+ (false),
+ (distance_calc_impl));
+template <typename Point, typename Indexable>
+struct distance_calc_impl<Point, Indexable, detail::distance_near_tag>
+ typedef typename geometry::default_distance_result<Point, Indexable>::type result_type;
+ static inline result_type apply(Point const& p, Indexable const& i)
+ {
+ return index::comparable_distance_near(p, i);
+ }
+template <typename Point, typename Indexable>
+struct distance_calc_impl<Point, Indexable, detail::distance_far_tag>
+ typedef typename geometry::default_distance_result<Point, Indexable>::type result_type;
+ static inline result_type apply(Point const& p, Indexable const& i)
+ {
+ return index::comparable_distance_far(p, i);
+ }
+template <typename Point, typename Indexable>
+struct distance_calc_impl<Point, Indexable, detail::distance_centroid_tag>
+ typedef typename geometry::default_distance_result<Point, Indexable>::type result_type;
+ static inline result_type apply(Point const& p, Indexable const& i)
+ {
+ return index::comparable_distance_centroid(p, i);
+ }
+// distance_calc
+template <typename Point, typename Indexable, typename Tag>
+struct distance_calc
+ typedef typename geometry::default_distance_result<Point, Indexable>::type result_type;
+ static inline result_type apply(Point const& p, Indexable const& i)
+ {
+ return index::comparable_distance_near(p, i);
+ }
+template <typename Point, typename AlgoTag, typename Indexable, typename Tag>
+struct distance_calc<
+ detail::distance_unbounded<Point, AlgoTag>,
+ Indexable,
+ Tag>
+ typedef typename distance_calc_impl<Point, Indexable, AlgoTag>::result_type result_type;
+ static inline result_type apply(
+ detail::distance_unbounded<Point, AlgoTag> const& dx,
+ Indexable const& i)
+ {
+ return distance_calc_impl<Point, Indexable, AlgoTag>::apply(dx.point, i);
+ }
+template <typename Point, typename AlgoTag, typename LimitTag, typename Indexable, typename Tag>
+struct distance_calc<
+ detail::distance_half_bounded<Point, AlgoTag, LimitTag>,
+ Indexable,
+ Tag>
+ typedef typename distance_calc_impl<Point, Indexable, AlgoTag>::result_type result_type;
+ static inline result_type apply(
+ detail::distance_half_bounded<Point, AlgoTag, LimitTag> const& dx,
+ Indexable const& i)
+ {
+ return distance_calc_impl<Point, Indexable, AlgoTag>::apply(dx.point, i);
+ }
+template <typename Point, typename AlgoTag, typename Indexable, typename Tag>
+struct distance_calc<
+ detail::distance_bounded<Point, AlgoTag>,
+ Indexable,
+ Tag>
+ typedef typename distance_calc_impl<Point, Indexable, AlgoTag>::result_type result_type;
+ static inline result_type apply(
+ detail::distance_bounded<Point, AlgoTag> const& dx,
+ Indexable const& i)
+ {
+ return distance_calc_impl<Point, Indexable, AlgoTag>::apply(dx.point, i);
+ }
+// distance_check
+template <typename Point, typename Tag>
+struct distance_check
+ template <typename DistanceType>
+ static inline bool apply(Point const&, DistanceType const&)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+template <typename Point, typename AlgoTag, typename Tag>
+struct distance_check<
+ detail::distance_unbounded<Point, AlgoTag>,
+ Tag>
+ template <typename DistanceType>
+ static inline bool apply(
+ detail::distance_unbounded<Point, AlgoTag> const&,
+ DistanceType const&)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+template <typename Point, typename AlgoTag, typename Tag>
+struct distance_check<
+ detail::distance_half_bounded<Point, AlgoTag, detail::distance_min_tag>,
+ Tag>
+ template <typename DistanceType>
+ static inline bool apply(
+ detail::distance_half_bounded<Point, AlgoTag, detail::distance_min_tag> const& dx,
+ DistanceType const& comparable_d)
+ {
+ return dx.comparable_limit <= comparable_d;
+ }
+template <typename Point, typename AlgoTag, typename Tag>
+struct distance_check<
+ detail::distance_half_bounded<Point, AlgoTag, detail::distance_max_tag>,
+ Tag>
+ template <typename DistanceType>
+ static inline bool apply(
+ detail::distance_half_bounded<Point, AlgoTag, detail::distance_max_tag> const& dx,
+ DistanceType const& comparable_d)
+ {
+ return comparable_d <= dx.comparable_limit;
+ }
+template <typename Point, typename AlgoTag, typename Tag>
+struct distance_check<
+ detail::distance_bounded<Point, AlgoTag>,
+ Tag>
+ template <typename DistanceType>
+ static inline bool apply(
+ detail::distance_bounded<Point, AlgoTag> const& dx,
+ DistanceType const& comparable_d)
+ {
+ return dx.comparable_min <= comparable_d && comparable_d <= dx.comparable_max;
+ }
+// move distance_calc and distance_comp into geometry::index ?
+// TODO: awulkiew - pruning for nodes! <- inside detail::rtree so NOT HERE
+// if 0 < comp_near node is pruned if maxdist(point, node_box) < comp_near
+// if comp_far < INF node is pruned if comp_far < min_dist(point, node_box)
+// still nodes must be sorted by min_dist(point, node_box)
+// for values, proper distance values are calculated min, max or centroid
+// and tested with comp_near and/or comp_far
+// + something in case of nodes
+// additional calculation of maxdist in case of distance_between and
+// distance_xxxxx<more>
+} // namespace detail
+//template <typename PointData, typename Indexable>
+//inline typename detail::distance_calc<PointData, Indexable>::distance_type
+//distance_calc(PointData const& p, Indexable const& i)
+// return detail::distance_calc<PointData, Indexable>
+// ::apply(p, i);
+//template <typename PointData, typename DistanceType>
+//inline bool
+//distance_comp(PointData const& p, DistanceType const& d)
+// return detail::distance_comp<PointData>
+// ::apply(p, d);
+}}} // namespace boost::geometry::index
Added: sandbox-branches/geometry/index/boost/geometry/extensions/index/rtree/distance_predicates.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox-branches/geometry/index/boost/geometry/extensions/index/rtree/distance_predicates.hpp 2011-09-23 12:02:13 EDT (Fri, 23 Sep 2011)
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+// Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
+// Boost.SpatialIndex - Spatial index distance predicates, calculators and checkers
+// used in nearest query - rtree's specializations
+// Copyright 2011 Adam Wulkiewicz.
+// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
+// Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+namespace boost { namespace geometry { namespace index {
+namespace detail {
+namespace rtree
+struct value_distance_predicate_tag {};
+struct node_distance_predicate_tag {};
+} // namespace rtree
+// distance_calc
+template <typename Point, typename Indexable>
+struct distance_calc<Point, Indexable, node_distance_predicate_tag>
+ typedef typename geometry::default_distance_result<Point, Indexable>::type result_type;
+ static inline result_type apply(Point const& p, Indexable const& i)
+ {
+ return index::comparable_distance_near(p, i);
+ }
+// TODO - finish specializations for nodes
+template <typename Point, typename AlgoTag, typename Indexable, typename Tag>
+struct distance_calc<
+ detail::distance_unbounded<Point, AlgoTag>,
+ Indexable,
+ Tag>
+ typedef typename distance_calc_impl<Point, Indexable, AlgoTag>::result_type result_type;
+ static inline result_type apply(
+ detail::distance_unbounded<Point, AlgoTag> const& dx,
+ Indexable const& i)
+ {
+ return distance_calc_impl<Point, Indexable, AlgoTag>::apply(dx.point, i);
+ }
+template <typename Point, typename AlgoTag, typename LimitTag, typename Indexable, typename Tag>
+struct distance_calc<
+ detail::distance_half_bounded<Point, AlgoTag, LimitTag>,
+ Indexable,
+ Tag>
+ typedef typename distance_calc_impl<Point, Indexable, AlgoTag>::result_type result_type;
+ static inline result_type apply(
+ detail::distance_half_bounded<Point, AlgoTag, LimitTag> const& dx,
+ Indexable const& i)
+ {
+ return distance_calc_impl<Point, Indexable, AlgoTag>::apply(dx.point, i);
+ }
+template <typename Point, typename AlgoTag, typename Indexable, typename Tag>
+struct distance_calc<
+ detail::distance_bounded<Point, AlgoTag>,
+ Indexable,
+ Tag>
+ typedef typename distance_calc_impl<Point, Indexable, AlgoTag>::result_type result_type;
+ static inline result_type apply(
+ detail::distance_bounded<Point, AlgoTag> const& dx,
+ Indexable const& i)
+ {
+ return distance_calc_impl<Point, Indexable, AlgoTag>::apply(dx.point, i);
+ }
+// distance_check
+template <typename Point, typename Tag>
+struct distance_check
+ template <typename DistanceType>
+ static inline bool apply(Point const&, DistanceType const&)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+template <typename Point, typename AlgoTag, typename Tag>
+struct distance_check<
+ detail::distance_unbounded<Point, AlgoTag>,
+ Tag>
+ template <typename DistanceType>
+ static inline bool apply(
+ detail::distance_unbounded<Point, AlgoTag> const&,
+ DistanceType const&)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+template <typename Point, typename AlgoTag, typename Tag>
+struct distance_check<
+ detail::distance_half_bounded<Point, AlgoTag, detail::distance_min_tag>,
+ Tag>
+ template <typename DistanceType>
+ static inline bool apply(
+ detail::distance_half_bounded<Point, AlgoTag, detail::distance_min_tag> const& dx,
+ DistanceType const& comparable_d)
+ {
+ return dx.comparable_limit <= comparable_d;
+ }
+template <typename Point, typename AlgoTag, typename Tag>
+struct distance_check<
+ detail::distance_half_bounded<Point, AlgoTag, detail::distance_max_tag>,
+ Tag>
+ template <typename DistanceType>
+ static inline bool apply(
+ detail::distance_half_bounded<Point, AlgoTag, detail::distance_max_tag> const& dx,
+ DistanceType const& comparable_d)
+ {
+ return comparable_d <= dx.comparable_limit;
+ }
+template <typename Point, typename AlgoTag, typename Tag>
+struct distance_check<
+ detail::distance_bounded<Point, AlgoTag>,
+ Tag>
+ template <typename DistanceType>
+ static inline bool apply(
+ detail::distance_bounded<Point, AlgoTag> const& dx,
+ DistanceType const& comparable_d)
+ {
+ return dx.comparable_min <= comparable_d && comparable_d <= dx.comparable_max;
+ }
+// move distance_calc and distance_comp into geometry::index ?
+// TODO: awulkiew - pruning for nodes! <- inside detail::rtree so NOT HERE
+// if 0 < comp_near node is pruned if maxdist(point, node_box) < comp_near
+// if comp_far < INF node is pruned if comp_far < min_dist(point, node_box)
+// still nodes must be sorted by min_dist(point, node_box)
+// for values, proper distance values are calculated min, max or centroid
+// and tested with comp_near and/or comp_far
+// + something in case of nodes
+// additional calculation of maxdist in case of distance_between and
+// distance_xxxxx<more>
+} // namespace detail
+//template <typename PointData, typename Indexable>
+//inline typename detail::distance_calc<PointData, Indexable>::distance_type
+//distance_calc(PointData const& p, Indexable const& i)
+// return detail::distance_calc<PointData, Indexable>
+// ::apply(p, i);
+//template <typename PointData, typename DistanceType>
+//inline bool
+//distance_comp(PointData const& p, DistanceType const& d)
+// return detail::distance_comp<PointData>
+// ::apply(p, d);
+}}} // namespace boost::geometry::index
Modified: sandbox-branches/geometry/index/boost/geometry/extensions/index/rtree/visitors/nearest.hpp
--- sandbox-branches/geometry/index/boost/geometry/extensions/index/rtree/visitors/nearest.hpp (original)
+++ sandbox-branches/geometry/index/boost/geometry/extensions/index/rtree/visitors/nearest.hpp 2011-09-23 12:02:13 EDT (Fri, 23 Sep 2011)
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
#include <boost/geometry/extensions/index/algorithms/comparable_distance_far.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/extensions/index/algorithms/comparable_distance_centroid.hpp>
-#include <boost/geometry/extensions/index/distance_calc.hpp>
+#include <boost/geometry/extensions/index/distance_predicates.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/extensions/index/rtree/node/node.hpp>
Boost-Commit list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk