![]() |
Boost-Commit : |
Subject: [Boost-commit] svn:boost r75136 - sandbox/variadic_templates/sandbox/stepper/libs/array_stepper/examples
From: cppljevans_at_[hidden]
Date: 2011-10-27 13:40:11
Author: cppljevans
Date: 2011-10-27 13:40:10 EDT (Thu, 27 Oct 2011)
New Revision: 75136
URL: http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/75136
Replacement for deleted array_dyn.ade.crtp.cpp
sandbox/variadic_templates/sandbox/stepper/libs/array_stepper/examples/array_dyn.diff_pde.cpp (contents, props changed)
Added: sandbox/variadic_templates/sandbox/stepper/libs/array_stepper/examples/array_dyn.diff_pde.cpp
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/variadic_templates/sandbox/stepper/libs/array_stepper/examples/array_dyn.diff_pde.cpp 2011-10-27 13:40:10 EDT (Thu, 27 Oct 2011)
@@ -0,0 +1,2004 @@
+// Use array_dyn and its support functions to implement
+// numerical solution of diffusion differential equation.
+// The "Alternating Directions Explicit(ADE)" method is
+// described here:
+ [DuffyAde2011]
+ http://www.datasimfinancial.com/forum/download.php?id=351
+ */
+ [DuffyFdm2006]
+ Duffy, Daniel J.
+ _Finite Difference Methods in Financial Engineering
+ A Partial Differential Equation Approach_
+ John Wiley & Sons, Ltd(2006)
+ */
+// The limits on del_t are from page 3 of:
+ [Hor05]
+ http://www.cosy.sbg.ac.at/events/parnum05/book/horak1.pdf
+ */
+#include <boost/utility/trace_scope.hpp>
+#include <boost/array_stepper/array_dyn.hpp>
+#include <boost/array_stepper/array_store_print.hpp>
+#include <boost/array_stepper/vector_print.hpp>
+#include <boost/array_stepper/index_stack_length_stride_crtp.hpp>
+#include <boost/array.hpp>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <initializer_list>
+#include <deque>
+#include <boost/array_stepper/solve_tridiag.hpp>
+ typedef
+ double
+struct estim_exact
+ value_t
+ estim
+ /**@brief
+ * Estimated or calculated value.
+ */
+ ;
+ value_t
+ exact
+ /**@brief
+ * Exact value.
+ */
+ ;
+ estim_exact
+ ( value_t a_estim=0.0
+ , value_t a_exact=0.0
+ )
+ : estim(a_estim)
+ , exact(a_exact)
+ {}
+ value_t
+ err()const
+ /**@brief
+ * percent error between estimated and exact values.
+ */
+ {
+ value_t const
+ ratio=estim/exact;
+ value_t const
+ diff1=ratio-value_t(1.0);
+ value_t const
+ percent=
+ ( std::abs(diff1)
+ < 1.1*std::numeric_limits<value_t>::epsilon()
+ )
+ ? value_t(0.0)
+ : 100.0*diff1
+ ;
+ return percent;
+ }
+ std::ostream&
+ ( std::ostream& sout
+ , estim_exact const& ee
+ )
+ {
+ unsigned const ew=9;
+ unsigned const ep=3;
+ #if 0
+ unsigned const vw=9;
+ unsigned const vp=5;
+ sout
+ <<"( x:" <<std::setw(vw)<<std::setprecision(vp)<<ee.exact
+ <<", %e:"<<std::setw(ew)<<std::setprecision(ep)<<ee.err()
+ <<")"
+ #else
+ sout
+ <<std::setw(ew)<<std::showpos<<std::left<<std::setprecision(ep)<<ee.err()
+ #endif
+ ;
+ return sout;
+ }
+using namespace boost::array_stepper;
+struct hot_spot
+ value_t
+ my_err
+ /**@brief
+ * percent error
+ */
+ ;
+ typedef
+ index_stack_length_stride_crtp_indices
+ <
+ >
+ istk_indices_t
+ ;
+ typedef
+ typename istk_indices_t::indices_t
+ indices_t
+ ;
+ indices_t
+ my_indices
+ ;
+ hot_spot
+ ( value_t a_err
+ , indices_t const& a_indices
+ )
+ : my_err(a_err)
+ , my_indices(a_indices)
+ {}
+struct hot_spots
+: std::deque<hot_spot>
+ typedef
+ std::deque<hot_spot>
+ super_t
+ ;
+ hot_spots( unsigned a_size_max)
+ : my_size_max(a_size_max)
+ {}
+ struct
+ find_spot
+ {
+ bool
+ operator()
+ ( hot_spot const& a_spot
+ )
+ {
+ return my_abs_err>std::abs(a_spot.my_err);
+ }
+ find_spot( value_t a_err)
+ : my_abs_err(std::abs(a_err))
+ {}
+ value_t
+ my_abs_err
+ ;
+ };
+ void
+ push_spot_if( value_t a_err, hot_spot::istk_indices_t const& a_istk)
+ {
+ find_spot pred(a_err);
+ super_t::iterator found=std::find_if(begin(),end(),pred);
+ hot_spot a_spot( a_err, a_istk.indices());
+ insert(found,a_spot);
+ if(size()>my_size_max)pop_back();
+ }
+ private:
+ unsigned
+ my_size_max
+ ;
+ template
+ < typename Value
+ >
+struct grid_axis_size_bounds
+ typedef
+ Value
+ value_t
+ ;
+ unsigned
+ size
+ /**@brief
+ * Number of points on the axis
+ */
+ ;
+ value_t
+ lower
+ /**@brief
+ * Minumum value on axis.
+ */
+ ;
+ value_t
+ upper
+ /**@brief
+ * Maximum value on axis.
+ */
+ ;
+ grid_axis_size_bounds
+ ( unsigned a_size=2
+ , value_t a_lower=0.1
+ , value_t a_upper=1.0
+ )
+ : size(a_size)
+ , lower(a_lower)
+ , upper(a_upper)
+ {}
+ template
+ < typename Value
+ >
+ std::ostream&
+ ( std::ostream& sout
+ , grid_axis_size_bounds<Value>const& a
+ )
+ {
+ sout
+ <<"( size="<<a.size
+ <<", lower="<<a.lower
+ <<", upper="<<a.upper
+ <<"}";
+ return sout;
+ }
+ template
+ < typename Value
+ >
+struct grid_axis_points
+ typedef
+ Value
+ value_t
+ ;
+ grid_axis_points
+ (
+ )
+ : my_size(2)
+ , my_lower(0.0)
+ , my_del(0.0)
+ {}
+ grid_axis_points
+ ( grid_axis_size_bounds<value_t>const&a_size_bounds
+ )
+ : my_size(a_size_bounds.size)
+ , my_lower(a_size_bounds.lower)
+ , my_del(mk_del(a_size_bounds.upper))
+ {}
+ grid_axis_points
+ ( grid_axis_points const&a_self
+ )
+ : my_size(a_self.my_size)
+ , my_lower(a_self.my_lower)
+ , my_del(a_self.my_del)
+ {}
+ unsigned
+ size()const
+ {
+ return my_size;
+ }
+ value_t
+ lower()const
+ {
+ return my_lower;
+ }
+ value_t
+ del()const
+ {
+ return my_del;
+ }
+ void
+ size_put(value_t a_size)
+ {
+ my_size=a_size;
+ }
+ void
+ lower_put(value_t a_lower)
+ {
+ my_lower=a_lower;
+ }
+ void
+ del_put(value_t a_del)
+ {
+ my_del=a_del;
+ }
+ grid_axis_points const&
+ operator=
+ ( grid_axis_size_bounds<value_t>const&a_size_bounds
+ )
+ {
+ my_size=a_size_bounds.size;
+ my_lower=a_size_bounds.lower;
+ my_del=mk_del(a_size_bounds.upper);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ value_t
+ operator[]( unsigned i)const
+ {
+ return my_lower+i*my_del;
+ }
+ private:
+ unsigned
+ my_size
+ /**@brief
+ * Number of points on the axis
+ */
+ ;
+ value_t
+ my_lower
+ /**@brief
+ * Minumum value on axis.
+ */
+ ;
+ value_t
+ my_del
+ /**@brief
+ * the differenced between points on the axis.
+ */
+ ;
+ value_t
+ mk_del(value_t a_upper)
+ {
+ value_t
+ result=(a_upper-my_lower)/value_t(my_size-1);
+ return result;
+ }
+ template
+ < typename Value
+ >
+ std::ostream&
+ ( std::ostream& sout
+ , grid_axis_points<Value>const& a
+ )
+ {
+ sout
+ <<"( size="<<a.size()
+ <<", lower="<<a.lower()
+ <<", del="<<a.del()
+ <<"}";
+ return sout;
+ }
+ template
+ < typename Value
+ >
+struct grid_axes_diff
+ private:
+ template
+ < typename Iter
+ >
+ void
+ init_axes
+ ( Iter a_iter
+ )
+ {
+ unsigned const
+ rank=my_axes.size();
+ value_t
+ del_s_min=std::numeric_limits<value_t>::max()
+ /**@brief
+ * Minimum value of space delta's..
+ */
+ ;
+ for
+ ( unsigned i=1//init just space axes.
+ ; i<rank
+ ; ++i
+ )
+ {
+ my_axes[i]=a_iter[i];
+ if(my_axes[i].del()<del_s_min)
+ del_s_min=my_axes[i].del();
+ }
+ value_t
+ del_t=(del_s_min*del_s_min)/(4.0*diffusivity)
+ //time increment, from page 6 of [Hor05].
+ //*except* min del_s is chosen instead
+ //of a single space delta since there's a
+ //n-1 space deltas.
+ ;
+ del_t/=10.0
+ //reduce for extra insurance.
+ ;
+ if(a_iter[0].size==0)
+ {
+ value_t const diff_t=a_iter[0].upper-a_iter[0].lower;
+ my_axes[0].size_put(diff_t/del_t);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my_axes[0].size_put(a_iter[0].size);
+ }
+ my_axes[0].lower_put(a_iter[0].lower);
+ my_axes[0].del_put(del_t);
+ }
+ public:
+ typedef
+ Value
+ value_t
+ ;
+ typedef
+ std::vector<grid_axis_size_bounds<value_t> >
+ grid_axes_size_bounds_t
+ ;
+ typedef
+ std::vector<grid_axis_points<value_t> >
+ grid_axes_points_t
+ ;
+ grid_axes_diff
+ ( grid_axes_size_bounds_t const& a_grid_axes
+ , value_t a_diffusivity=1.0
+ )
+ : diffusivity(a_diffusivity)
+ , my_axes
+ ( a_grid_axes.size()
+ )
+ {
+ init_axes(a_grid_axes.begin());
+ }
+ grid_axes_diff
+ ( std::initializer_list<grid_axis_size_bounds<value_t> >const& a_grid_axes
+ , value_t a_diffusivity=1.0
+ )
+ : diffusivity(a_diffusivity)
+ , my_axes
+ ( a_grid_axes.size()
+ )
+ {
+ init_axes(a_grid_axes.begin());
+ }
+ value_t const
+ diffusivity
+ ;
+ grid_axes_points_t const&
+ axes()const
+ {
+ return my_axes;
+ }
+ private:
+ grid_axes_points_t
+ my_axes
+ ;
+ template
+ < typename Value
+ >
+ std::ostream&
+ ( std::ostream& sout
+ , grid_axes_diff<Value>const& a
+ )
+ {
+ sout<<"grid_axes_diff=\n";
+ sout<<"{ ";
+ auto const&axes=a.axes();
+ for(unsigned i=0; i<axes.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(0<i)sout<<", ";
+ auto const&axis=axes[i];
+ sout<<"{ ";
+ for(unsigned j=0; j<axis.size(); ++j)
+ {
+ if(0<j)sout<<", ";
+ sout<<axis[j];
+ }
+ sout<<"}\n";
+ }
+ sout<<"}\n";
+ return sout;
+ }
+ template
+ < typename FunctionsDerived
+ >
+struct funcs_grid_iters
+ template
+ < template< typename V>class FunctionsDerived
+ , typename Value
+ >
+struct funcs_grid_iters
+ < FunctionsDerived
+ < Value
+ >
+ >
+: grid_axes_diff<Value>
+ typedef
+ FunctionsDerived<Value>
+ funcs_t
+ ;
+ typedef
+ Value
+ value_t
+ ;
+ typedef
+ grid_axes_diff<value_t>
+ grid_axes_t
+ ;
+ typedef
+ array_dyn<value_t>
+ array_t
+ ;
+ typedef
+ index_stack_length_stride_crtp_indices
+ <
+ >
+ istk_indices_t
+ ;
+ typedef
+ typename array_t::data_t::iterator
+ arr_data_iter_t
+ ;
+ funcs_t&
+ funcs()
+ {
+ return static_cast<funcs_t&>(*this);
+ }
+ void
+ initial_conditions( arr_data_iter_t& u_iter, istk_indices_t& s_iter)
+ {//initial conditions.
+ unsigned const n_space=s_iter.space();
+ ::boost::trace_scope ts("initial_conditions");
+ std::cout<<"n_space="<<n_space<<"\n";
+ #endif
+ for(unsigned i_space=0; i_space<n_space; ++i_space, ++s_iter)
+ {
+ value_t u_val=funcs().ic_indices(s_iter);
+ value_t&u_ref=u_iter[s_iter.offset_space_val()];
+ u_ref=u_val;
+ std::cout<<":ispace="<<ispace<<":u_val="<<u_val<<"\n";
+ #endif
+ }
+ }
+ typedef
+ value_t
+ (funcs_t::* bc_fun_t)( value_t t_val, istk_indices_t const& s_iter)
+ //Boundary condition function
+ ;
+ typedef
+ boost::array
+ < bc_fun_t
+ , index_bounds_value_size
+ >
+ bc_funs_axis_t
+ ;
+ typedef
+ std::vector
+ < bc_funs_axis_t
+ >
+ bc_funs_space_t
+ ;
+ typedef
+ typename istk_indices_t::index_t
+ index_t
+ ;
+ void
+ boundary_conditions_axis
+ ( value_t t_val
+ , arr_data_iter_t& u_iter
+ , istk_indices_t& s_iter
+ , typename istk_indices_t::axis_t axis_v
+ )
+ {
+ ::boost::trace_scope
+ ts("boundary_conditions_axis.");
+ #endif
+ typedef
+ typename istk_indices_t::index_t
+ index_t
+ ;
+ bc_funs_axis_t
+ bc_funs_axis_v=funcs().bc_funs_space_v[axis_v];
+ index_t offset_lower=0;
+ index_t offset_upper=s_iter[axis_v].length_val()-1;
+ for
+ ( unsigned index_bound_side=index_bound_lower
+ ; index_bound_side<index_value
+ ; ++index_bound_side
+ , std::swap(offset_lower,offset_upper)
+ )
+ {
+ s_iter.axis_offsets_put(axis_v,offset_lower,offset_upper);
+ ::boost::trace_scope
+ ts("for(index_bound_side=)");
+ std::cout
+ <<":index_bound_side="<<index_bound_side
+ <<":before index_bound.offset_space_axis="<<s_iter.offset_space_val()
+ <<"\n";
+ #endif
+ unsigned const n_space=s_iter.space();
+ for
+ ( unsigned i_space=0
+ ; i_space<n_space
+ ; ++i_space
+ , ++s_iter
+ )
+ {
+ auto const offset_space=s_iter.offset_space_val();
+ ::boost::trace_scope
+ ts("for(i_space=)");
+ std::cout
+ <<":i_space="<<i_space
+ <<":offset_space="<<offset_space
+ <<"\n";
+ #endif
+ value_t u_val=(funcs().*bc_funs_axis_v[index_bound_side])( t_val, s_iter);
+ value_t&u_ref=u_iter[s_iter.offset_space_val()];
+ u_ref=u_val;
+ std::cout<<"u_val["<<t_val<<","<<s_iter<<"]="<<u_val<<"\n";
+ #endif
+ }//exit for(i_space=)
+ }//exit for(index_bound_side=)
+ }
+ void
+ boundary_conditions( value_t t_val, arr_data_iter_t& u_iter, istk_indices_t& s_iter)
+ {
+ typedef
+ typename istk_indices_t::axis_t
+ axis_t
+ ;
+ axis_t const
+ rank=s_iter.rank();
+ ::boost::trace_scope
+ ts("boundary_conditions.");
+ std::cout<<"rank="<<rank<<"\n"<<"indices_v=\n"<<s_iter<<"\n";
+ #endif
+ s_iter.axes_offsets_put();
+ for
+ ( axis_t axis_v=0
+ ; axis_v<rank
+ ; ++axis_v
+ )
+ {
+ boundary_conditions_axis
+ ( t_val
+ , u_iter
+ , s_iter
+ , axis_v
+ );
+ s_iter.axis_offsets_put(axis_v,1,1)
+ //don't write to axis_v boundaries
+ //in subsequent calls to boundary_conditions_axis
+ //in this loop.
+ ;
+ std::cout<<"axis_v="<<axis_v<<"\n";
+ #endif
+ }//exit for(axis_v=)
+ }
+ funcs_grid_iters
+ ( grid_axes_t const& a_grid_axes
+ )
+ : grid_axes_t( a_grid_axes)
+ , lengths_u(mk_lengths_u())
+ , lengths_s( lengths_u.begin()+1, lengths_u.end())
+ , u(lengths_u)
+ , u_iter
+ ( u.data().begin()+u.offset()
+ )
+ , space_istk_is
+ ( u.length_strides().begin()+1
+ , u.length_strides().end()
+ )
+ , time_istk_is
+ ( u.length_strides().begin()
+ , u.length_strides().begin()+1
+ )
+ {
+ }
+ typedef
+ typename array_t::length_dir_t
+ length_dir_t
+ ;
+ typedef
+ std::vector
+ < length_dir_t
+ >
+ length_dirs_t
+ ;
+ length_dirs_t
+ lengths_u
+ /**@brief
+ * Lengths of time and space axes.
+ */
+ ;
+ length_dirs_t
+ mk_lengths_u()
+ {
+ auto const&
+ axes_l=this->axes();
+ unsigned const
+ rank=axes_l.size();
+ length_dirs_t
+ lengths_u
+ ( rank
+ );
+ lengths_u[0]=
+ #if 1
+ axes_l[0].size() //to keep history of all iterations.
+ #else
+ 2 //to save space.
+ #endif
+ ;
+ for(unsigned i=1; i<rank; ++i)
+ lengths_u[i]=axes_l[i].size();
+ std::cout<<"lengths_u="<<lengths_u<<"\n";
+ return lengths_u;
+ }
+ length_dirs_t
+ lengths_s
+ /**@brief
+ * Lengths of the space axes.
+ */
+ ;
+ array_t
+ u
+ /**@brief
+ * u(it,ix1,ix2,...ixn)=temperature
+ * at position:
+ * ( this->axes()[1][ix1]
+ * , this->axes()[2][ix2]
+ * ,...
+ * , this->axes()[n][ixn]
+ * )
+ * (where n=this->axes().size()-1)
+ * at time(this->axes()[0][it].
+ */
+ ;
+ arr_data_iter_t
+ u_iter
+ ;
+ istk_indices_t
+ space_istk_is
+ ;
+ istk_indices_t
+ time_istk_is
+ ;
+ void
+ solve_estim_err()
+ /**@brief
+ * Estimate solution to equation,
+ * then calculate error in estimated solution.
+ */
+ {
+ funcs().solve();
+ array_dyn<estim_exact>
+ estim_exact_arr(lengths_u)
+ ;
+ typename array_dyn<estim_exact>::data_t::iterator
+ estim_exact_iter=estim_exact_arr.data().begin()
+ ;
+ time_istk_is.axes_offsets_put();
+ space_istk_is.axes_offsets_put();
+ auto const
+ t_space = time_istk_is.space()
+ ;
+ auto const
+ s_space = space_istk_is.space()
+ ;
+ std::vector<hot_spots>
+ time_hot_spots
+ ;
+ for( int i_time=0; i_time<t_space; ++i_time, ++time_istk_is)
+ {
+ time_hot_spots.push_back(hot_spots(5));
+ auto const o_time=time_istk_is.offset_space_val();
+ for( int i_space=0; i_space<s_space; ++i_space, ++space_istk_is)
+ {
+ auto const o_space=space_istk_is.offset_space_val();
+ unsigned const o_all=o_time+o_space;
+ value_t estim=u_iter[o_all];
+ value_t exact=funcs().
+ exact_indices
+ ( this->axes()[0][i_time]
+ , space_istk_is
+ );
+ estim_exact_iter[o_all]=estim_exact(estim,exact);
+ time_hot_spots.back().push_spot_if
+ ( estim_exact_iter[o_all].err()
+ , space_istk_is
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ std::ios_base::fmtflags fmtflags0=std::cout.flags();
+ unsigned precision0=std::cout.precision();
+ std::cout<<"estim_exact=\n"<<estim_exact_arr<<"\n.";
+ std::cout<<"hot_spots=\n";
+ std::cout<<"{ ";
+ for( int i_time=0; i_time<t_space; ++i_time)
+ {
+ if(0<i_time)std::cout<<", ";
+ std::cout<<indent_buf_in;
+ hot_spots const& hot_spots_i=time_hot_spots[i_time];
+ int n_spot=hot_spots_i.size();
+ std::cout<<"{ ";
+ for( int i_spot=0; i_spot<n_spot; ++i_spot)
+ {
+ if(0<i_spot)std::cout<<", ";
+ hot_spot const& hot_spot_i=hot_spots_i[i_spot];
+ std::cout<<"{ ";
+ std::cout<<"err:"<<hot_spot_i.my_err;
+ std::cout<<", ";
+ std::cout<<"ndx:"<<hot_spot_i.my_indices;
+ std::cout<<"}\n";
+ }
+ std::cout<<"}\n";
+ std::cout<<indent_buf_out;
+ }
+ std::cout<<"}\n";
+ std::cout<<std::resetiosflags(std::cout.flags());
+ std::cout<<std::setiosflags(fmtflags0)<<std::setprecision(precision0);
+ }
+};//exit funcs_grid_iters
+ template
+ < typename FunctionsDerived
+ >
+struct diff_alt_dir_explicit
+ /**@brief
+ * Solves diffusion eq with method described in [DuffyAde2011].
+ */
+ template
+ < template< typename V>class FunctionsDerived
+ , typename Value
+ >
+struct diff_alt_dir_explicit
+ < FunctionsDerived
+ < Value
+ >
+ >
+: funcs_grid_iters
+ < FunctionsDerived
+ < Value
+ >
+ >
+ typedef
+ FunctionsDerived
+ < Value
+ >
+ funcs_t
+ ;
+ funcs_t&
+ funcs()
+ {
+ return static_cast<funcs_t&>(*this);
+ }
+ typedef
+ funcs_grid_iters
+ < funcs_t
+ >
+ super_t
+ ;
+ typedef
+ typename super_t::arr_data_iter_t
+ arr_data_iter_t
+ ;
+ typedef
+ typename super_t::array_t
+ array_t
+ ;
+ typedef
+ typename super_t::istk_indices_t
+ istk_indices_t
+ ;
+ using
+ super_t::
+ lengths_s
+ ;
+ using
+ super_t::
+ lengths_u
+ ;
+ using
+ super_t::
+ u
+ ;
+ using
+ super_t::
+ u_iter
+ ;
+ using
+ super_t::
+ space_istk_is
+ ;
+ using
+ super_t::
+ time_istk_is
+ ;
+ using
+ super_t::
+ initial_conditions
+ ;
+ using
+ super_t::
+ boundary_conditions
+ ;
+ diff_alt_dir_explicit
+ ( grid_axes_diff<value_t>const& a_grid_axes
+ )
+ : super_t(a_grid_axes)
+ {}
+ void solve()
+ //solve the differential equation:
+ {
+ unsigned const
+ s_rank=space_istk_is.rank();
+ initial_conditions( u_iter, space_istk_is);
+ #if 1
+ //#define TRACE_SOLN_DIFF_EQ
+ ::boost::trace_scope ts("diff_alt_dir_explicit::solve()");
+ #endif
+ std::vector<value_t>
+ t_div_s2(s_rank)
+ //These are the lambda's in equation(11) of [DuffyAde2011]
+ //*except* these take into account a diffusivity
+ //other than 1.0.
+ ;
+ value_t
+ sum_tds=0.0
+ //This is the sigma of equation(11) of [DuffyAde2011]
+ ;
+ for( unsigned s_axis=0; s_axis<s_rank; ++s_axis)
+ {
+ value_t del_s_axis=this->axes()[s_axis+1].del();
+ t_div_s2[s_axis]
+ = ( this->axes()[0].del()
+ * this->diffusivity //in [DuffyAde201], this was 1.0
+ )/
+ ( del_s_axis
+ * del_s_axis
+ );
+ sum_tds+=t_div_s2[s_axis];
+ std::cout
+ <<":s_axis="<<s_axis
+ <<":del_s_axis="<<del_s_axis
+ <<":t_div_s2="<<t_div_s2[s_axis]
+ <<"\n";
+ #endif
+ }
+ value_t const
+ one_plus_sum_tds=1.0+sum_tds
+ ;
+ value_t const
+ one_minus_sum_tds=1.0-sum_tds
+ ;
+ value_t const
+ one_minus_div_one_plus_sum_tds=one_minus_sum_tds/one_plus_sum_tds
+ ;
+ std::cout
+ <<"sum_tds="<<sum_tds<<"\n"
+ <<"one_plus_sum_tds="<<one_plus_sum_tds<<"\n"
+ <<"one_minus_sum_tds="<<one_minus_sum_tds<<"\n"
+ <<"one_minus_div_one_plus_sum_tds="<<one_minus_div_one_plus_sum_tds<<"\n"
+ ;
+ #endif
+ std::vector<value_t>
+ t_div_s2_div_one_plus_sum_tds(s_rank)
+ ;
+ for( unsigned s_axis=0; s_axis<s_rank; ++s_axis)
+ {
+ t_div_s2_div_one_plus_sum_tds[s_axis]
+ =t_div_s2[s_axis]/one_plus_sum_tds;
+ }
+ unsigned const
+ n_time=this->axes()[0].size();
+ for
+ ( unsigned i_time=0
+ ; i_time<n_time-1
+ #if 0
+ && i_time<1 //just for debugging.
+ #endif
+ ; ++i_time
+ )
+ {
+ ::boost::trace_scope ts("trace_soln_diff_eq");
+ std::cout<<"i_time.{="<<i_time<<"\n";
+ std::cout<<"u["<<i_time<<"]=\n"<<u<<".\n";
+ #endif
+ arr_data_iter_t
+ ut_now_iter=u_iter+time_istk_is.offset_space_val()
+ //u at it-th time.
+ ;
+ ++time_istk_is
+ //increment time to (i_time+1)-th time.
+ ;
+ arr_data_iter_t
+ ut_nxt_iter=u_iter+time_istk_is.offset_space_val()
+ //u at (i_time+1)-th time.
+ ;
+ //std::cout<<"ut_nxt_iter-ut_now_iter="<<(ut_nxt_iter-ut_now_iter)<<"\n";
+ boundary_conditions
+ ( this->axes()[0][i_time+1]
+ , ut_nxt_iter
+ , space_istk_is
+ )
+ //update boundary nodes in mesh
+ ;
+ auto const
+ s_space=space_istk_is.space()
+ //The number of nodes in inner mesh.
+ ;
+ #if 0
+ std::cout<<"after boundary_conditions:\n";
+ std::cout<<"space_istk_is.space()="<<s_space<<"\n";
+ std::cout<<"u["<<i_time+1<<"]=\n"<<u<<".\n";
+ #endif
+ { //update inner nodes in mesh
+ ::boost::trace_scope ts("update inner_nodes");
+ #endif
+ enum sweep_enum
+ { sweep_up
+ , sweep_down
+ , sweeps_size
+ };
+ typedef
+ typename istk_indices_t::stride_t
+ stride_t;
+ array_t
+ sweeps[sweeps_size]=
+ { array_t(lengths_s)//The U in equation( 9) of [DuffyAde2011]
+ , array_t(lengths_s)//The V in equation(10) of [DuffyAde2011]
+ };
+ ;
+ typedef
+ typename istk_indices_t::axis_depth_t
+ axis_depth_t
+ ;
+ typedef
+ axis_depth_t(istk_indices_t::*
+ incdec_t
+ )()
+ ;
+ incdec_t
+ incdecs[sweeps_size]=
+ { &istk_indices_t::operator++
+ , &istk_indices_t::operator--
+ };
+ for
+ ( unsigned i_sweep=sweep_up
+ ; i_sweep<sweeps_size
+ ; ++i_sweep
+ , (space_istk_is.*(incdecs[i_sweep%sweeps_size]))()
+ //to undo last ++ or -- space_istk_is
+ //in nested for(s_index loop)
+ )
+ {
+ ::boost::trace_scope ts("i_sweep");
+ std::cout<<"i_sweep="<<i_sweep<<"\n";
+ #endif
+ incdec_t const
+ incdec_v=incdecs[i_sweep];
+ array_t&
+ sweep_i_arr=sweeps[i_sweep];
+ std::copy_n
+ ( ut_now_iter-u.offset()
+ , sweep_i_arr.data().size()
+ , sweep_i_arr.data().begin()
+ );
+ arr_data_iter_t
+ sweep_i_iter=sweep_i_arr.data().begin()+sweep_i_arr.offset();
+ enum
+ { u_stride_index
+ , s_stride_index
+ };
+ unsigned const
+ stride_indices[sweeps_size]=
+ { i_sweep
+ , (i_sweep+1)%sweeps_size
+ }
+ // =={0,1} during i_sweep==0
+ // =={1,0} during i_sweep==1
+ ;
+ for//each node in inner mesh, calculate sweeps values.
+ ( stride_t s_node=0
+ ; s_node<s_space
+ ; ++s_node
+ , (space_istk_is.*incdec_v)()
+ )
+ {
+ ::boost::trace_scope ts("s_node");
+ std::cout<<"s_node="<<s_node<<"\n";
+ std::cout<<"space_istk_is="<<space_istk_is<<"\n";
+ #endif
+ auto const
+ space_offset=space_istk_is.offset_space_val();
+ arr_data_iter_t
+ uts_node_iter=ut_now_iter+space_offset;
+ arr_data_iter_t
+ sweep_node_iter=sweep_i_iter+space_offset;
+ value_t&
+ sweep_node0=sweep_node_iter[0]
+ //The lhs of equation(9 or 10) of [DuffyAde2011]
+ //divided by (1+lower case sigma).
+ ;
+ sweep_node0=uts_node_iter[0]*one_minus_div_one_plus_sum_tds
+ //The rhs of this assignment is
+ //1st term on rhs of equation(9 or 10)of [DuffyAde2011]
+ //divided by (1+lower case sigma)[in [DuffyAde2011]]
+ //[or one_plus_sum_tds here].
+ ;
+ { //add to sweep_node0, the rhs of equation( 9 or 10)
+ //except for 1st term.
+ for
+ ( unsigned s_axis=0
+ ; s_axis<s_rank
+ ; ++s_axis
+ )
+ {
+ ::boost::trace_scope ts("s_axis");
+ std::cout<<"s_axis="<<s_axis<<"\n";
+ #endif
+ stride_t
+ stride_v=space_istk_is[s_axis].stride_val();
+ stride_t const
+ stride_plus_minus[sweeps_size]=
+ { +stride_v
+ , -stride_v
+ };
+ stride_t const
+ stride_u=stride_plus_minus[stride_indices[u_stride_index]]
+ ;
+ value_t
+ uts_node_stride=
+ uts_node_iter
+ [ stride_u
+ // ==+stride_v if i_sweep==0
+ // ==-stride_v if i_sweep==1
+ ]
+ //this expresssion corresponds to
+ //the U(if i_sweep==0) or V(if i_sweep==1)
+ //with n superscript of rhs of equation(9 or 10)
+ //in [DuffyAde2011].
+ ;
+ stride_t const
+ stride_s=stride_plus_minus[stride_indices[s_stride_index]]
+ ;
+ value_t
+ sweep_node_stride=
+ sweep_node_iter
+ [ stride_s
+ // ==-stride_v if i_sweep==0
+ // ==+stride_v if i_sweep==1
+ ]
+ //this expresssion corresponds to
+ //the U(if i_sweep==0) or V(if i_sweep==1)
+ //with n+1 superscript of rhs of equation(9 or 10)
+ //in [DuffyAde2011].
+ ;
+ value_t
+ sum_uts_sweep_node=uts_node_stride+sweep_node_stride;
+ sweep_node0+=
+ t_div_s2_div_one_plus_sum_tds[s_axis]
+ * sum_uts_sweep_node
+ //This is one of the terms on rhs of equation(9)
+ //of [DuffyAde2011] which are multiplied
+ //by one of the lambda's(s_axis corresponds to
+ //the lambda subscript in equation(9))
+ //then divided by (1+lower case sigma)
+ ;
+ std::cout
+ <<":stride_index_s="<<stride_indices[s_stride_index]
+ <<":stride_u="<<stride_u
+ <<":stride_s="<<stride_s
+ <<":uts_node_stride="<<uts_node_stride
+ <<":sweep_node_stride="<<sweep_node_stride
+ <<":indices_s="
+ <<sweep_i_arr.indexs_at_offset
+ ( space_offset
+ + stride_s
+ )
+ <<"\n";
+ #endif
+ }//for stride_iter_v
+ } //add to sweep_node0
+ }//for(s_node, for sweeps
+ }//for(i_sweep
+ for//each node in inner mesh, calculate next u value.
+ //as average of the just calculated sweeps data.
+ //This loop implements equation(6) of [DuffyAde2011].
+ ( stride_t s_node=0
+ ; s_node<s_space
+ ; ++s_node
+ , ++space_istk_is
+ )
+ {
+ #if 0
+ ::boost::trace_scope ts("average sweeps");
+ std::cout<<"space_istk_is="<<space_istk_is<<"\n";
+ #endif
+ auto const
+ space_offset=space_istk_is.offset_space_val();
+ auto&
+ uts_nxt_node=*(ut_nxt_iter+space_offset);
+ uts_nxt_node=0.0;
+ for
+ ( unsigned i_sweep=sweep_up
+ ; i_sweep<sweeps_size
+ ; ++i_sweep
+ )
+ {
+ array_t&
+ sweep_i_arr=sweeps[i_sweep];
+ arr_data_iter_t
+ sweep_iter=sweep_i_arr.data().begin()
+ +sweep_i_arr.offset()
+ +space_offset
+ ;
+ uts_nxt_node+=*sweep_iter;//sum sweeps
+ }//for(i_sweep
+ uts_nxt_node/=value_t(sweeps_size);//average sweeps
+ #if defined(TRACE_UPDATE_INNER_MESH) || 0
+ std::cout
+ <<":exact="<<uts_nxt_node.exact
+ <<":%err="<<uts_nxt_node.err_percent()
+ <<"\n";
+ #endif
+ }//for(s_node
+ } //update inner nodes in mesh
+ }//for(i_time=...)
+ std::cout<<"u["<<n_time<<"]=\n"<<u<<".\n";
+ #endif
+ }
+};//exit diff_alt_dir_explicit
+ template
+ < typename FunctionsDerived
+ >
+struct diff_alt_dir_implicit_innocent
+ /**@brief
+ * Solves diffusion eq with "innocent-looking" implicit method
+ * described in [DuffyFdm2006] in section 19.5 on page 217
+ * in equations(19.34).
+ */
+ template
+ < template< typename V>class FunctionsDerived
+ , typename Value
+ >
+struct diff_alt_dir_implicit_innocent
+ < FunctionsDerived
+ < Value
+ >
+ >
+: funcs_grid_iters
+ < FunctionsDerived
+ < Value
+ >
+ >
+ typedef
+ FunctionsDerived
+ < Value
+ >
+ funcs_t
+ ;
+ funcs_t&
+ funcs()
+ {
+ return static_cast<funcs_t&>(*this);
+ }
+ typedef
+ funcs_grid_iters
+ < funcs_t
+ >
+ super_t
+ ;
+ typedef
+ typename super_t::arr_data_iter_t
+ arr_data_iter_t
+ ;
+ typedef
+ typename super_t::array_t
+ array_t
+ ;
+ typedef
+ typename super_t::istk_indices_t
+ istk_indices_t
+ ;
+ typedef
+ typename array_t::stride_t
+ stride_t
+ ;
+ using
+ super_t::
+ initial_conditions
+ ;
+ using
+ super_t::
+ boundary_conditions
+ ;
+ using
+ super_t::
+ boundary_conditions_axis
+ ;
+ using
+ super_t::
+ lengths_s
+ ;
+ using
+ super_t::
+ lengths_u
+ ;
+ using
+ super_t::
+ u
+ ;
+ using
+ super_t::
+ u_iter
+ ;
+ using
+ super_t::
+ space_istk_is
+ ;
+ using
+ super_t::
+ time_istk_is
+ ;
+ diff_alt_dir_implicit_innocent
+ ( grid_axes_diff<value_t>const& a_grid_axes
+ )
+ : super_t(a_grid_axes)
+ {}
+ void solve()
+ //solve the differential equation:
+ {
+ unsigned const
+ s_rank=space_istk_is.rank();
+ initial_conditions( u_iter, space_istk_is);
+ #if 1
+ //#define TRACE_SOLN_DIFF_EQ
+ ::boost::trace_scope ts("diff_alt_dir_implicit_innocent::solve()");
+ #endif
+ value_t const
+ dt_div_s_rank
+ //time delta divided by space rank.
+ //This is the k/3 (where s_rank replaces the 3)
+ //in [DuffyFdm2006] equaiton(19.34).
+ = this->axes()[0].del()/value_t(s_rank)
+ ;
+ typedef
+ std::vector<value_t>
+ del_s2_t
+ ;
+ struct
+ del_s2_mk
+ {
+ typedef
+ typename grid_axes_diff<value_t>::grid_axes_points_t
+ axes_t
+ ;
+ static
+ del_s2_t
+ _
+ ( axes_t const& a_axes
+ )
+ {
+ auto const rank=a_axes.size();
+ del_s2_t result(rank-1);
+ for(unsigned s_axis=1; s_axis<rank; ++s_axis)
+ {
+ value_t del_axis=a_axes[s_axis].del();
+ result[s_axis-1]=del_axis*del_axis;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ };
+ del_s2_t const
+ del_s2_v
+ = del_s2_mk::_( this->axes() )
+ ;
+ value_t
+ t_nxt=this->axes()[0][0];
+ std::cout
+ <<":dt_div_s_rank="<<dt_div_s_rank
+ <<"\n"
+ ;
+ #endif
+ unsigned const
+ n_time=this->axes()[0].size();
+ for
+ ( unsigned i_time=0
+ ; i_time<n_time-1
+ #if 0
+ && i_time<1 //just for debugging.
+ #endif
+ ; ++i_time
+ )
+ {
+ value_t
+ t_now=t_nxt;
+ t_nxt=this->axes()[0][i_time+1];
+ ::boost::trace_scope ts("trace_soln_diff_eq");
+ std::cout<<"i_time.{="<<i_time<<"\n";
+ std::cout<<"t_now="<<t_now<<"\n";
+ std::cout<<"u["<<i_time<<"]=\n"<<u<<".\n";
+ #endif
+ arr_data_iter_t
+ ut_now_iter=u_iter+time_istk_is.offset_space_val()
+ //u at i_time-th time.
+ ;
+ ++time_istk_is
+ //increment time to (i_time+1)-th time.
+ ;
+ arr_data_iter_t
+ ut_nxt_iter=u_iter+time_istk_is.offset_space_val()
+ //u at (i_time+1)-th time.
+ ;
+ auto const
+ s_rank=space_istk_is.rank()
+ ;
+ {//EQUATIONS_19_34
+ // This block implements equations(19.34) of
+ // [DuffyFdm2006] for time step, i_time.
+ #define TRACE_EQUATIONS_19_34
+ #ifdef TRACE_EQUATIONS_19_34
+ ::boost::trace_scope ts("EQUATIONS_19_34");
+ #endif
+ std::vector<array_t>
+ fractional_step(s_rank-1, array_t(lengths_s))
+ ;
+ std::vector<arr_data_iter_t>
+ steps
+ ( 1+s_rank
+ //= 2 (begin/end steps)
+ //+ s_rank-1 (fractional steps)
+ )
+ ;
+ steps.front()=ut_now_iter;//begin step
+ steps.back()=ut_nxt_iter;//end step
+ for
+ ( unsigned i_step=1
+ ; i_step<s_rank
+ ; ++i_step
+ )
+ {
+ steps[i_step]=fractional_step[i_step-1].data().begin();
+ }//for(i_step
+ value_t
+ t_frac=t_now;
+ istk_indices_t
+ space_istk_rotated(space_istk_is)
+ //This will have its axes rotated during each
+ //iteration of the following loop so that
+ //solve_tridiag, which solves for the
+ //last axis, will solve for each axes in
+ //in turn.
+ ;
+ for
+ ( unsigned i_step=0
+ ; i_step<s_rank
+ ; ++i_step
+ )
+ {
+ space_istk_rotated.rotate(1);
+ ::boost::trace_scope ts("fractional step");
+ std::cout
+ <<":i_step="<<i_step
+ <<":rotation="<<space_istk_rotated.rotation()
+ <<"\n";
+ #endif
+ array_t
+ rhs(lengths_s);
+ arr_data_iter_t
+ rhs_iter=rhs.data().begin()
+ //the rhs of equations(19.41).
+ //Calculated below.
+ ;
+ arr_data_iter_t&
+ old_iter=steps[i_step]
+ //the previous fractional step.
+ //IOW, the U on rhs of equations(19.41).
+ ;
+ arr_data_iter_t&
+ lhs_iter=steps[i_step+1]
+ //the current fractional step.
+ //IOW, the U on lhs of equations(19.41).
+ ;
+ t_frac+=dt_div_s_rank;
+ space_istk_is.axes_offsets_put(1,1);
+ space_istk_is.axis_offsets_put(i_step,0,0);
+ boundary_conditions_axis
+ ( t_frac
+ , rhs_iter
+ , space_istk_is
+ , i_step
+ )
+ //This stores into rhs_iter i_step axis boundaries
+ //the rhs of equations(19.44) of [DuffyFdm2006].
+ ;
+ {
+ std::cout
+ <<":t_frac="<<t_frac
+ <<":rhs["<<i_time<<","<<(i_step+1)<<"](after boundary_conditions)=\n"<<rhs
+ <<".\n";
+ }
+ #endif
+ {//interior_rhs
+ ::boost::trace_scope
+ ts("interior_rhs");
+ #endif
+ space_istk_rotated.axes_offsets_put(1,1)
+ //restrict to interior nodes.
+ ;
+ auto const
+ s_space_inner=space_istk_rotated.space();
+ for
+ ( int s_node=0
+ ; s_node<s_space_inner
+ ; ++s_node
+ , ++space_istk_rotated
+ )
+ //For all interior (i.e. not on boundaries) nodes,
+ //store into rhs_iter
+ //the rhs of equations(19.41) of [DuffyFdm2006].
+ {
+ auto const
+ offset=space_istk_rotated.offset_space_val();
+ rhs_iter[offset]=old_iter[offset]
+ //this initializes rhs_iter with
+ //the 1st summand of
+ //the rhs of equation(19.41)
+ //of [DuffyFdm2006]
+ ;
+ std::cout
+ <<":offset="<<offset
+ <<":indices="<<space_istk_rotated.indices()
+ <<":rhs_iter[offset]=old_iter[offset]="<<old_iter[offset]
+ <<"\n"
+ ;
+ #endif
+ value_t
+ d2_sum=0.0;
+ for
+ ( unsigned r_axis=0
+ ; r_axis<s_rank-1
+ ; ++r_axis
+ )
+ {//For axes whose derivatives appear on rhs of
+ //equations(19.41) of [DuffyFdm2006]
+ //sum those those derivatives into d2_sum.
+ stride_t
+ stride_v=space_istk_rotated[r_axis].stride_val();
+ value_t
+ d2_axis
+ = ( old_iter[offset-stride_v]
+ - 2*old_iter[offset]
+ + old_iter[offset+stride_v]
+ )
+ / ( del_s2_v[r_axis]
+ )
+ ; //rhs of equation(18.13) of [DuffyFdm2006]
+ //for axis, r_axis, at node, s_node.
+ d2_sum+=d2_axis;
+ }//for(r_axis)
+ rhs_iter[offset]+=dt_div_s_rank*d2_sum
+ //This adds to rhs_iter
+ //the 2nd summand of
+ //the rhs of equations(19.41)
+ //of [DuffyFdm2006].
+ ;
+ std::cout
+ <<":d2_sum="<<d2_sum
+ <<":rhs_iter[offset]="<<rhs_iter[offset]
+ <<"\n"
+ ;
+ #endif
+ }//for(s_node)
+ }//interior_rhs
+ std::cout<<"rhs(after equations(19.41))=\n"<<rhs;
+ #endif
+ {//solve tridiagonal system.
+ space_istk_rotated.axis_offsets_put(s_rank-1,0,0)
+ //allow access to borders on s_rank-1 rotated axis.
+ ;
+ auto const
+ l_last=space_istk_rotated[s_rank-1].length_val()
+ //length of last (the (s_rank-1)-th) axis.
+ ;
+ struct
+ mk_tridiag
+ {
+ typedef
+ tridiag<value_t>
+ tridiag_t
+ ;
+ static
+ tridiag_t
+ make
+ ( unsigned n
+ , value_t del_fract_t//fractional delta time
+ , value_t del_s//delta space.
+ )
+ {
+ tridiag_t
+ result=tridiag_t(std::size_t(n));
+ value_t
+ dt_div_ds2=
+ del_fract_t
+ /
+ ( del_s*del_s
+ )
+ ;
+ for
+ ( unsigned i=1
+ ; i<n-1
+ ; ++i
+ )
+ /**@brief
+ * For nodes *not* on boundary,
+ * use equations(19.41) from page 220
+ * of [DuffyFdm2006].
+ */
+ {
+ if(0<i)result.l(i)=-dt_div_ds2;
+ result.d(i)=1.0+2*dt_div_ds2;
+ if(i<n-1)result.u(i)=-dt_div_ds2;
+ }
+ for
+ ( unsigned i=0
+ ; i<n
+ ; i+=n-1
+ )
+ /**@brief
+ * For nodes on boundary,
+ * use equations(19.44) from page 220
+ * of [DuffyFdm2006].
+ */
+ {
+ if(0<i)result.l(i)=0.0;
+ result.d(i)=1.0;//copy boundary condition from rhs.
+ if(i<n-1)result.u(i)=0.0;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ };
+ tridiag<value_t>
+ a_tridiag
+ = mk_tridiag::make
+ ( l_last
+ , dt_div_s_rank
+ , this->axes()[s_rank].del()
+ )
+ ;
+ std::cout<<"a_tridiag=\n"<<a_tridiag;
+ #endif
+ solve_tridiag<value_t>
+ a_solver
+ ( space_istk_rotated
+ , a_tridiag
+ , rhs_iter
+ , lhs_iter
+ );
+ if(a_solver.upper_triangulate_trid(0.001))
+ {
+ a_solver.upper_triangulate_rhs();
+ a_solver.back_substitute();
+ istk_indices_t space_istk_border(space_istk_is);
+ space_istk_border.axes_offsets_put(0,0);
+ //std::cout<<"rhs(after solve_tridiag)=\n"<<rhs<<".\n";
+ array_iter_wrap<value_t> lhsw(lhs_iter,space_istk_border);
+ std::cout<<"lhsw["<<i_time<<","<<(i_step+1)<<"](after solve_tridiag)=\n"
+ <<lhsw<<".\n";
+ #endif
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::cerr<<"unable to solve tridiagonal system at "
+ <<i_time<<"-th time and"
+ <<i_step+1<<"-th step.\n";
+ throw std::bad_exception();
+ }
+ space_istk_rotated.axis_offsets_put(s_rank-1,1,1);
+ }//solve tridiagonal system.
+ }//for(i_step=0)
+ #ifdef TRACE_EQUATIONS_19_34
+ std::cout
+ <<":t_nxt="<<t_nxt
+ <<":t_frac="<<t_frac
+ <<":rotation="<<space_istk_rotated.rotation()//should be 0.
+ <<"\n";
+ #endif
+ #undef TRACE_EQUATIONS_19_34
+ }//EQUATIONS_19_34
+ {//boundary_conditions_lhs:
+ //Purpose:
+ // During last step in the for(i_step=0...) loop in
+ // EQUATIONS_19_34 code block, the boundary conditions
+ // for last axis were set; however, those for the
+ // other axes were not. This code block sets the
+ // boundary conditions for those other axes.
+ typedef typename istk_indices_t::axis_t axis_t;
+ axis_t n_axis=space_istk_is.rank();
+ space_istk_is.axes_offsets_put()
+ //Allow writing to all borders...
+ ;
+ for(axis_t i_axis=0; i_axis<n_axis-1; ++i_axis)
+ {
+ boundary_conditions_axis( t_nxt, ut_nxt_iter, space_istk_is, i_axis);
+ space_istk_is.axis_offsets_put(i_axis,1,1)
+ //just like boundary_conditions loop, don't
+ //overwrite already calculated border.
+ ;
+ }
+ }//boundary_conditions_lhs
+ }//for(i_time=...)
+ std::cout<<"u["<<n_time<<"]=\n"<<u<<".\n";
+ #endif
+ }
+};//exit diff_alt_dir_implicit_innocent
+ template
+ < template< typename Soln>class FdmSolver
+ >
+struct fundamental
+ template
+ < typename Value=double
+ >
+struct soln
+ : FdmSolver
+ < soln
+ < Value
+ >
+ >
+ typedef
+ FdmSolver
+ < soln
+ < Value
+ >
+ >
+ solver_super_t
+ ;
+ typedef
+ typename solver_super_t::value_t
+ value_t
+ ;
+ typedef
+ typename solver_super_t::istk_indices_t
+ istk_indices_t
+ ;
+ typedef
+ typename istk_indices_t::axis_t
+ axis_t
+ ;
+ typedef
+ typename solver_super_t::bc_funs_axis_t
+ bc_funs_axis_t
+ ;
+ typedef
+ typename solver_super_t::bc_funs_space_t
+ bc_funs_space_t
+ ;
+ typedef
+ typename solver_super_t::funcs_t
+ funcs_t
+ ;
+ value_t
+ exact_indices
+ ( value_t t_val
+ , istk_indices_t const& s_iter
+ )
+ /**@brief
+ * The fundamental solution to heat equation:
+ * References:
+ * [Churchill72]
+ * problem 8, page 150 of:
+ * _Operational Mathematics_
+ * Ruel V. Churchill
+ * McGraw-Hill, 1972.
+ * [Wiki2011]
+ * http: * en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat_equation#Fundamental_solutions
+ * However:
+ * [Wiki2011] differs from [Churchill72] slightly:
+ * [Wiki2011] has pow( 4*Pi*k*t, n/2) whereas
+ * [Churchill72] has sqrt(t).
+ * Since, in [Churchill72], the dimensionality, n=1,
+ * that's almost the same, the only difference being
+ * a constant factor, pow(4*Pi*k, n/2), both solution functions
+ * satisfy the homogeneous equation if either does.
+ **@requires
+ * WHAT:
+ * t_zero<=t_val, for some "large enough" t_zero.
+ * WHY:
+ * See ss_divisor comments below.
+ */
+ {
+ ::boost::trace_scope ts("exact_indices");
+ std::cout<<":t_val="<<t_val<<":s_iter="<<s_iter<<"\n";
+ #endif
+ value_t
+ sumsq=0.0;
+ unsigned
+ s_rank=s_iter.rank();
+ for(unsigned s_axis=0; s_axis<s_rank; ++s_axis)
+ {
+ value_t const
+ s_val
+ = this->axes()
+ [ s_axis+1]
+ [ s_iter[s_axis].template get<index_value>() ]
+ ;
+ sumsq+=s_val*s_val;
+ std::cout<<":s_val="<<s_val<<":sumsq="<<sumsq<<"\n";
+ #endif
+ }
+ value_t const
+ s_rank_div_2=value_t(s_rank)/2.0
+ //This is the n/2 in equation following sentence:
+ // The n-variable fundamental solution is the product of the
+ // fundamental solutions in each variable; i.e.,
+ //in [Wiki2011].
+ ;
+ value_t
+ ss_divisor=4.0*(this->diffusivity)*t_val
+ //sum squares divisor.
+ // t_val must be not be 0; otherwise, divide by zero occurs
+ // in next statement, in 2 places.
+ // To avoid rounding errors, it must be greater than 0.0
+ // by some unknown amount(0.1 seems to work when
+ // diffusivity==1.0).
+ ;
+ std::cout<<":ss_divisor="<<ss_divisor<<"\n";
+ #endif
+ value_t
+ u_val=exp(-sumsq/ss_divisor)/pow(t_val,s_rank_div_2);
+ std::cout<<":u_val="<<u_val<<"\n";
+ #endif
+ return u_val;
+ }
+ value_t
+ ic_indices( istk_indices_t const& s_iter)
+ {//initial conditions at indices, i_iter.
+ return exact_indices( this->axes()[0][0], s_iter);
+ }
+ value_t
+ bc_indices( value_t t_val, istk_indices_t const& s_iter)
+ {//boundary conditions at it-th time at indices i_iter
+ return exact_indices( t_val, s_iter);
+ }
+ static
+ bc_funs_axis_t
+ mk_bc_lower_upper()
+ {
+ bc_funs_axis_t const arr
+ ={{ &funcs_t::bc_indices
+ , &funcs_t::bc_indices
+ }
+ };
+ return arr;
+ }
+ static
+ bc_funs_space_t
+ mk_bc_funs_space(unsigned s_rank)
+ {
+ bc_funs_space_t
+ result
+ ( s_rank
+ , mk_bc_lower_upper()
+ );
+ return result;
+ }
+ bc_funs_space_t
+ bc_funs_space_v
+ ;
+ soln( grid_axes_diff<value_t>const&a_grid)
+ : solver_super_t(a_grid)
+ , bc_funs_space_v
+ ( mk_bc_funs_space(a_grid.axes().size()-1)
+ )
+ {}
+};//exit soln
+};//exit fundamental
+ template
+ < template<template<typename Asoln>class Asolver>class Problem
+ , template<typename Asoln>class Method
+ >
+ void
+ ( grid_axes_diff<value_t>const&grid_axes
+ )
+ typename Problem<Method>::template soln<> solver(grid_axes);
+ solver.solve_estim_err();
+int main()
+ boost::iostreams::indent_scoped_ostreambuf<char> indent_outbuf(std::cout,2);
+ typedef
+ grid_axis_size_bounds<value_t>
+ grid_bounds_t;
+ grid_axes_diff<value_t>
+ grid_axes
+ ({ grid_bounds_t( 3, 0.1, 1.0)
+ #if 1
+ , grid_bounds_t( 10, 0.0, 1.0)
+ , grid_bounds_t( 9, 0.0, 1.0)
+ #else
+ , grid_bounds_t( 3, 0.0, 1.0)
+ , grid_bounds_t( 4, 0.0, 1.0)
+ , grid_bounds_t( 5, 0.0, 1.0)
+ #endif
+ }
+ )
+ ;
+ std::cout<<grid_axes;
+ {
+ std::cout<<"***alt_dir_explicit***\n";
+ solve_problem_method<fundamental,diff_alt_dir_explicit>(grid_axes);
+ }
+ #endif
+ {
+ std::cout<<"***alt_dir_implicit_innocent***\n";
+ solve_problem_method<fundamental,diff_alt_dir_implicit_innocent>(grid_axes);
+ }
+ #endif
+ return 0;
Boost-Commit list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk