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Boost-Commit : |
Subject: [Boost-commit] svn:boost r75829 - sandbox/math_constants/libs/math/doc
From: pbristow_at_[hidden]
Date: 2011-12-06 12:51:47
Author: pbristow
Date: 2011-12-06 12:51:46 EST (Tue, 06 Dec 2011)
New Revision: 75829
URL: http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/75829
Convenience copy for constants.qbk
sandbox/math_constants/libs/math/doc/html4_symbols.qbk (contents, props changed)
Added: sandbox/math_constants/libs/math/doc/html4_symbols.qbk
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/math_constants/libs/math/doc/html4_symbols.qbk 2011-12-06 12:51:46 EST (Tue, 06 Dec 2011)
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+[/ Symbols and Greek letters (about 120) from HTML4.]
+[/ File HTML4_symbols.qbk]
+[/ See http://www.htmlhelp.com/reference/html40/entities/symbols.html]
+[/ See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_XML_and_HTML_character_entity_references]
+[/ http://www.alanwood.net/demos/ent4_frame.html]
+[/ http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U2200.pdf and others]
+[/ All (except 2 angle brackets) show OK on Firefox 2.0]
+[/ See also Latin-1 aka Western (ISO-8859-1) in latin1_symbols.qbk]
+[/ http://www.htmlhelp.com/reference/html40/entities/latin1.html]
+[/Unicode Latin extended http://www.unicode.org/charts/U0080.pdf]
+[/ Also some miscellaneous math characters added to this list - see the end.]
+[/ For others see also math_symbols.qbk]
+[/ To use, enclose the template name in square brackets, for example: [pi]]
+[template fnof[]'''ƒ'''] [/ Latin small f with hook = function = florin]
+[/ Capital Greek start with capital letter, lower case all small.]
+[template Alpha[]'''Α'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter alpha]
+[template Beta[]'''Β'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter beta]
+[template Gamma[]'''Γ'''] [/ G Greek capital letter gamma]
+[template Delta[]'''Δ'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter delta]
+[template Epsilon[]'''Ε'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter epsilon]
+[template Zeta[]'''Ζ'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter zeta]
+[template Eta[]'''Η'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter eta]
+[template Theta[]'''Θ'''] [/ T Greek capital letter theta]
+[template Iota[]'''Ι'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter iota]
+[template Kappa[]'''Κ'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter kappa]
+[template Lambda[]'''Λ'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter lambda]
+[template Mu[]'''Μ'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter mu]
+[template Nu[]'''Ν'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter nu]
+[template Xi[]'''Ξ'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter xi]
+[template Omicron[]'''Ο'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter omicron]
+[template Pi[]'''Π'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter pi]
+[template Rho[]'''Ρ'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter rho]
+[template Sigma[]'''Σ'''] [/ S Greek capital letter sigma]
+[template Tau[]'''Τ'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter tau]
+[template Upsilon[]'''Υ'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter upsilon]
+[template Phi[]'''Φ'''] [/ F Greek capital letter phi]
+[template Chi[]'''Χ'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter chi]
+[template Psi[]'''Ψ'''] [/ ? Greek capital letter psi]
+[template Omega[]'''Ω'''] [/ O Greek capital letter omega]
+[template alpha[]'''α'''] [/ a Greek small letter alpha]
+[template beta[]'''β'''] [/ ß Greek small letter beta]
+[template gamma[]'''γ'''] [/ ? Greek small letter gamma]
+[template delta[]'''δ'''] [/ d Greek small letter delta]
+[template epsilon[]'''ε'''] [/ e Greek small letter epsilon]
+[template zeta[]'''ζ'''] [/ ? Greek small letter zeta]
+[template eta[]'''η'''] [/ ? Greek small letter eta]
+[template theta[]'''θ'''] [/ ? Greek small letter theta]
+[template iota[]'''ι'''] [/ ? Greek small letter iota]
+[template kappa[]'''κ'''] [/ ? Greek small letter kappa]
+[template lambda[]'''λ'''] [/ ? Greek small letter lambda]
+[template mu[]'''μ'''] [/ µ Greek small letter mu]
+[template nu[]'''ν'''] [/ ? Greek small letter nu]
+[template xi[]'''ξ'''] [/ ? Greek small letter xi]
+[template omicron[]'''ο'''] [/ ? Greek small letter omicron]
+[template pi[]'''π'''] [/ p Greek small letter pi]
+[template rho[]'''ρ'''] [/ ? Greek small letter rho]
+[template sigmaf[]'''ς'''] [/ ? Greek small letter final sigma]
+[template sigma[]'''σ'''] [/ s Greek small letter sigma]
+[template tau[]'''τ'''] [/ t Greek small letter tau]
+[template upsilon[]'''υ'''] [/ ? Greek small letter upsilon]
+[template phi[]'''φ'''] [/ f Greek small letter phi]
+[template chi[]'''χ'''] [/ ? Greek small letter chi]
+[template psi[]'''ψ'''] [/ ? Greek small letter psi]
+[template omega[]'''ω'''] [/ ? Greek small letter omega]
+[template thetasym[]'''ϑ'''] [/ ? Greek small letter theta symbol]
+[template upsih[]'''ϒ'''] [/ ? Greek upsilon with hook symbol]
+[template piv[]'''ϖ'''] [/ ? Greek pi symbol]
+[template bull[]'''•'''] [/ bullet = black small circle]
+[template hellip[]'''…'''] [/
horizontal ellipsis = three dot leader]
+[template prime[]'''′'''] [/ ' prime = minutes = feet]
+[template Prime[]'''″'''] [/ ? double prime = seconds = inches]
+[template oline[]'''‾'''] [/ ? overline = spacing overscore]
+[template frasl[]'''⁄'''] [/ / fraction slash]
+[template weierp[]'''℘'''] [/ P script capital P = power set = Weierstrass p]
+[template image[]'''ℑ'''] [/ I blackletter capital I = imaginary part]
+[template real[]'''ℜ'''] [/ R blackletter capital R = real part symbol]
+[template trade[]'''™'''] [/ trade mark sign]
+[template alefsym[]'''ℵ'''] [/ ? alef symbol = first transfinite cardinal]
+[template larr[]'''←'''] [/ ? leftwards arrow]
+[template uarr[]'''↑'''] [/ ? upwards arrow]
+[template rarr[]'''→'''] [/ ? rightwards arrow]
+[template darr[]'''↓'''] [/ ? downwards arrow]
+[template harr[]'''↔'''] [/ ? left right arrow]
+[template crarr[]'''↵'''] [/ ? downwards arrow with corner leftwards = CR]
+[template lArr[]'''⇐'''] [/ ? leftwards double arrow]
+[template uArr[]'''⇑'''] [/ ? upwards double arrow]
+[template rArr[]'''⇒'''] [/ ? rightwards double arrow]
+[template dArr[]'''⇓'''] [/ ? downwards double arrow]
+[template hArr[]'''⇔'''] [/ ? left right double arrow]
+[template forall[]'''∀'''] [/ ? for all]
+[template part[]'''∂'''] [/ ? partial differential]
+[template exist[]'''∃'''] [/ ? there exists]
+[template empty[]'''∅'''] [/ Ø empty set = null set = diameter]
+[template nabla[]'''∇'''] [/ ? nabla = backward difference]
+[template isin[]'''∈'''] [/ ? element of]
+[template notin[]'''∉'''] [/ ? not an element of]
+[template ni[]'''∋'''] [/ ? contains as member]
+[template prod[]'''∏'''] [/ ? n-ary product = product sign]
+[template sum[]'''∑'''] [/ ? n-ary sumation]
+[template minus[]'''−'''] [/ - minus sign]
+[template lowast[]'''∗'''] [/ * asterisk operator]
+[template radic[]'''√'''] [/ v square root = radical sign]
+[template prop[]'''∝'''] [/ ? proportional to]
+[template infin[]'''∞'''] [/ 8 infinity]
+[template ang[]'''∠'''] [/ ? angle]
+[template and[]'''∧'''] [/ ? logical and = wedge]
+[template or[]'''∨'''] [/ ? logical or = vee]
+[template cap[]'''∩'''] [/ n intersection = cap]
+[template cup[]'''∪'''] [/ ? union = cup]
+[template int[]'''∫'''] [/ ? integral]
+[template there4[]'''∴'''] [/ ? therefore]
+[template sim[]'''∼'''] [/ ~ tilde operator = varies with = similar to]
+[template cong[]'''≅'''] [/ ? approximately equal to]
+[template asymp[]'''≈'''] [/ almost equal to = asymptotic to]
+[template ne[]'''≠'''] [/ ? not equal to]
+[template equiv[]'''≡'''] [/ = identical to]
+[template le[]'''≤'''] [/ = less-than or equal to]
+[template ge[]'''≥'''] [/ = greater-than or equal to]
+[template subset[]'''⊂'''] [/ ? subset of]
+[template superset[]'''⊃'''] [/ ? superset of]
+[template nsubset[]'''⊄'''] [/ ? not a subset of]
+[template sube[]'''⊆'''] [/ ? subset of or equal to]
+[template supe[]'''⊇'''] [/ ? superset of or equal to]
+[template oplus[]'''⊕'''] [/ ? circled plus = direct sum]
+[template otimes[]'''⊗'''] [/ ? circled times = vector product]
+[template perp[]'''⊥'''] [/ ? up tack = orthogonal to = perpendicular]
+[template sdot[]'''⋅'''] [/ · dot operator]
+[template lceil[]'''⌈'''] [/ ? left ceiling = APL upstile]
+[template rceil[]'''⌉'''] [/ ? right ceiling]
+[template lfloor[]'''⌊'''] [/ ? left floor = APL downstile]
+[template rfloor[]'''⌋'''] [/ ? right floor]
+[template lang[]'''〈'''] [/ < left-pointing angle bracket = bra (Firefox shows ?)]
+[template rang[]'''〉'''] [/ > right-pointing angle bracket = ket (Firefox shows ?)]
+[template loz[]'''◊'''] [/ ? lozenge]
+[template spades[]'''♠'''] [/ ? black spade suit]
+[template clubs[]'''♣'''] [/ ? black club suit = shamrock]
+[template hearts[]'''♥'''] [/ ? black heart suit = valentine]
+[template diams[]'''♦'''] [/ ? black diamond suit]
+[template euro[]'''€'''] [/ ? Euro currency symbol]
+[template lchev[]'''⟨'''] [/ ? left chevron]
+[template rchev[]'''⟩'''] [/ right chevron]
+[template rflat[]'''⟮'''] [/ right flat bracket Misc Math Symbol A]
+[template lflat[]'''⟮'''] [/ left flat bracket]
+[/ U2000.pdf punctuation]
+[template endash[]'''–'''] [/ em width dash]
+[template emdash[]'''—'''] [/ en width dash]
+[template hbar[]'''―'''] [/ ? horizontal bar - introducing quoted text]
+[template vert2bar[]'''‖'''] [/ ? double vertical bar]
+[template line2[]'''‖'''] [/ ? double low line bar]
+[template dagger[]'''†'''] [/ ? dagger]
+[template dagger2[]'''‡'''] [/ ? double dagger]
+[template dot[]'''․'''] [/ dot leader]
+[template dot2[]'''‥'''] [/ ? dots leader]
+[template ellipsis[]'''…'''] [/ horizontal ellipsis]
+[template dotover[]'''̇'''] [/ dot over symbol]
+[template recur[]''' ̇'''] [/ math recurring symbol, eg after 0.333]
+[/ Note use of a thin space before digit, so that dot isn't placed directly over the digit.]
+[/ Use:1[recur]]
+[/ Other symbols, not in the HTML4 list:]
+[template enquad[] ''' '''] [/ en quad space]
+[template emquad[] ''' '''] [/ em quad space]
+[template enspace[] ''' '''] [/ em half en space]
+[template emspace[] ''' '''] [/ em space type size in points]
+[template thickspace[] ''' '''] [/ 3 per em space]
+[template midspace[] ''' '''] [/ 4 per em space]
+[template sixemspace[] ''' '''] [/ 6 em space]
+[template figspace[] ''' '''] [/ space = width fixed font digit]
+[template punctspace[] ''' '''] [/ space = width punctuation]
+[template thin[] ''' '''] [/ thin space ]
+[template hair[] ''' '''] [/ hair space]
+[template nbsp[] ''' '''] [/ non-breaking space]
+[template space[] ''' '''] [/ plain non-breaking space]
+[template nospace[] '''​'''] [/ zero width space]
+[template wordjoin[] '''⁠'''] [/ word joiner - no line break either side]
+[template narrownbsp[] ''' '''] [/ narrow non-breaking space]
+[template hyphen[] '''‐'''] [/ soft hyphen]
+[template nbhyphen[] '''‑'''] [/ non-breaking hyphen]
+[template plusminus[]'''±'''] [/ ? plus or minus sign]
+[template sqrt[]'''√'''] [/ ? square root sqrt symbol]
+[/template pow2[]'''⁳'''] [/ 2073 is NOT superscript 2 character]
+[template pow2[]'''²'''] [/ superscript 2 character]
+[template pow3[]'''³'''] [/ superscript 3 character]
+[template pown[]'''ⁿ'''] [/ superscript n character]
+[template frac12[]'''½'''] [/ fraction half]
+[template frac14[]'''¼'''] [/ fraction quarter]
+[template frac34[]'''¾'''] [/ fraction three quarter]
+[template sup1[]'''¹'''] [/ superscript one = superscript digit one ]
+[template sup2[]'''²'''] [/ superscript two = superscript digit two = squared ]
+[template cubed[]'''³'''] [/ superscript three = superscript digit three = cubed ]
+[template macron[]'''¯'''] [/ macron = spacing macron = overline = APL overbar ]
+[template deg[]'''°'''] [/ degree sign ]
+[template plusmn[]'''±'''] [/ plus-minus sign = plus-or-minus sign ]
+[template micro[]'''µ'''] [/ micro sign ]
+[template cedil[]'''¸'''] [/ cedilla = spacing cedilla ]
+[template ordm[]'''º'''] [/ masculine ordinal indicator ]
+[template ordf[]'''ª'''] [/ feminine ordinal indicator ]
+[template laquo[]'''«'''] [/ left-pointing double angle quotation mark = left pointing guillemet ]
+[template raquo[]'''»'''] [/ right-pointing double angle quotation mark = right pointing guillemet ]
+Copyright 2007, 2010 Paul A. Bristow.
+Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+(See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
Boost-Commit list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk