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Boost-Commit : |
Subject: [Boost-commit] svn:boost r76429 - in sandbox/big_number: boost/multiprecision libs/multiprecision/test
From: john_at_[hidden]
Date: 2012-01-12 07:06:28
Author: johnmaddock
Date: 2012-01-12 07:06:27 EST (Thu, 12 Jan 2012)
New Revision: 76429
URL: http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/76429
Rename files.
- copied unchanged from r76428, /sandbox/big_number/boost/multiprecision/packed_cpp_int.hpp
- copied unchanged from r76428, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/test/packed_int_test.cpp
Text files modified:
sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/test/Jamfile.v2 | 2 +-
1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
Deleted: sandbox/big_number/boost/multiprecision/packed_cpp_int.hpp
--- sandbox/big_number/boost/multiprecision/packed_cpp_int.hpp 2012-01-12 07:06:27 EST (Thu, 12 Jan 2012)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,1126 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2011 John Maddock. Distributed under the Boost
-// Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
-// LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_
-#include <iostream>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
-#include <boost/multiprecision/mp_number.hpp>
-#include <boost/array.hpp>
-#include <boost/type_traits/is_integral.hpp>
-#include <boost/type_traits/is_floating_point.hpp>
-namespace boost{
-namespace multiprecision{
-template <unsigned Bits, bool Signed>
-struct fixed_int
- typedef mpl::list<boost::int32_t, boost::intmax_t> signed_types;
- typedef mpl::list<boost::uint32_t, boost::uintmax_t> unsigned_types;
- typedef mpl::list<long double> float_types;
- typedef boost::uint32_t limb_type;
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(unsigned, limb_bits = sizeof(limb_type) * CHAR_BIT);
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(unsigned, limb_count = Bits / limb_bits + (Bits % limb_bits ? 1 : 0));
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(limb_type, max_limb_value = ~static_cast<limb_type>(0u));
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(limb_type, upper_limb_mask = (Bits % limb_bits ? (1 << (Bits % limb_bits)) - 1 : max_limb_value));
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(limb_type, upper_limb_not_mask = ~upper_limb_mask);
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(limb_type, sign_bit_mask = 1 << ((Bits % limb_bits ? Bits % limb_bits : limb_bits) - 1));
- typedef boost::array<limb_type, limb_count> data_type;
- fixed_int(){}
- fixed_int(const fixed_int& o)
- {
- m_value = o.m_value;
- }
- fixed_int(fixed_int&& o) : m_value(o.m_value) {}
- fixed_int& operator = (const fixed_int& o)
- {
- m_value = o.m_value;
- return *this;
- }
- fixed_int& operator = (boost::uint32_t i)
- {
- m_value[limb_count - 1] = i;
- for(int j = limb_count - 2; j >= 0; --j)
- m_value[j] = 0;
- m_value[0] &= fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::upper_limb_mask;
- return *this;
- }
- fixed_int& operator = (boost::int32_t i)
- {
- m_value[limb_count - 1] = i;
- // sign extend:
- for(int j = limb_count - 2; j >= 0; --j)
- m_value[j] = i < 0 ? max_limb_value : 0;
- m_value[0] &= fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::upper_limb_mask;
- return *this;
- }
- fixed_int& operator = (boost::uintmax_t i)
- {
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(i) % sizeof(limb_type) == 0);
- boost::uintmax_t mask = max_limb_value;
- unsigned shift = 0;
- for(int j = limb_count - 1; j >= static_cast<int>(limb_count) - static_cast<int>(sizeof(boost::intmax_t) / sizeof(limb_type)); --j)
- {
- m_value[j] = static_cast<limb_type>((i & mask) >> shift);
- mask <<= limb_bits;
- shift += limb_bits;
- }
- for(int j = static_cast<int>(limb_count) - static_cast<int>(sizeof(boost::intmax_t) / sizeof(limb_type)) - 1; j >= 0; --j)
- m_value[j] = 0;
- m_value[0] &= fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::upper_limb_mask;
- return *this;
- }
- fixed_int& operator = (boost::intmax_t i)
- {
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(i) % sizeof(limb_type) == 0);
- boost::uintmax_t mask = max_limb_value;
- unsigned shift = 0;
- for(int j = limb_count - 1; j >= static_cast<int>(limb_count) - static_cast<int>(sizeof(boost::intmax_t) / sizeof(limb_type)); --j)
- {
- m_value[j] = static_cast<limb_type>((i & mask) >> shift);
- mask <<= limb_bits;
- shift += limb_bits;
- }
- for(int j = static_cast<int>(limb_count) - static_cast<int>(sizeof(boost::intmax_t) / sizeof(limb_type)) - 1; j >= 0; --j)
- m_value[j] = i < 0 ? max_limb_value : 0;
- m_value[0] &= fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::upper_limb_mask;
- return *this;
- }
- fixed_int& operator = (long double a)
- {
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(Bits >= (unsigned)std::numeric_limits<long double>::digits);
- using std::frexp;
- using std::ldexp;
- using std::floor;
- if (a == 0) {
- return *this = static_cast<boost::uint32_t>(0u);
- }
- if (a == 1) {
- return *this = static_cast<boost::uint32_t>(1u);
- }
- BOOST_ASSERT(!(boost::math::isinf)(a));
- BOOST_ASSERT(!(boost::math::isnan)(a));
- int e;
- long double f, term;
- *this = static_cast<boost::uint32_t>(0u);
- f = frexp(a, &e);
- static const boost::uint32_t shift = std::numeric_limits<boost::uint32_t>::digits;
- while(f)
- {
- // extract int sized bits from f:
- f = ldexp(f, shift);
- term = floor(f);
- e -= shift;
- left_shift(*this, shift);
- if(term > 0)
- add(*this, static_cast<boost::uint32_t>(term));
- else
- subtract(*this, static_cast<boost::uint32_t>(-term));
- f -= term;
- }
- if(e > 0)
- left_shift(*this, e);
- else if(e < 0)
- right_shift(*this, -e);
- data()[0] &= fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::upper_limb_mask;
- return *this;
- }
- fixed_int& operator = (const char* s)
- {
- std::size_t n = s ? std::strlen(s) : 0;
- *this = static_cast<boost::uint32_t>(0u);
- unsigned radix = 10;
- bool isneg = false;
- if(n && (*s == '-'))
- {
- --n;
- ++s;
- isneg = true;
- }
- if(n && (*s == '0'))
- {
- if((n > 1) && ((s[1] == 'x') || (s[1] == 'X')))
- {
- radix = 16;
- s +=2;
- n -= 2;
- }
- else
- {
- radix = 8;
- n -= 1;
- }
- }
- if(n)
- {
- if(radix == 8 || radix == 16)
- {
- unsigned shift = radix == 8 ? 3 : 4;
- boost::uint32_t val = max_limb_value;
- while(*s)
- {
- left_shift(*this, shift);
- if(*s >= '0' && *s <= '9')
- val = *s - '0';
- else if(*s >= 'a' && *s <= 'f')
- val = 10 + *s - 'a';
- else if(*s >= 'A' && *s <= 'F')
- val = 10 + *s - 'A';
- else
- val = max_limb_value;
- if(val > radix)
- {
- m_value[0] &= fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::upper_limb_mask;
- return *this; // TODO raise an exception here?
- }
- m_value[limb_count - 1] |= val;
- ++s;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Base 10:
- while(*s)
- {
- // TODO: this implementation is brain dead, Fix Me!
- multiply(*this, static_cast<boost::uint32_t>(10));
- boost::uint32_t val;
- if(*s >= '0' && *s <= '9')
- val = *s - '0';
- else
- return *this; // TODO raise an exception here?
- add(*this, val);
- ++s;
- }
- }
- }
- m_value[0] &= fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::upper_limb_mask;
- if(isneg)
- negate();
- return *this;
- }
- void swap(fixed_int& o)
- {
- std::swap(m_value, o.m_value);
- }
- std::string str(std::streamsize digits, std::ios_base::fmtflags f)const
- {
- int base = 10;
- if((f & std::ios_base::oct) == std::ios_base::oct)
- base = 8;
- else if((f & std::ios_base::hex) == std::ios_base::hex)
- base = 16;
- std::string result;
- if(base == 8 || base == 16)
- {
- boost::uint32_t shift = base == 8 ? 3 : 4;
- boost::uint32_t mask = static_cast<boost::uint32_t>((1u << shift) - 1);
- fixed_int t(*this);
- for(unsigned i = 0; i < Bits / shift; ++i)
- {
- char c = '0' + (t.data()[limb_count-1] & mask);
- if(c > '9')
- c += 'A' - '9' - 1;
- result.insert(0, 1, c);
- right_shift(t, shift);
- }
- if(Bits % shift)
- {
- mask = static_cast<boost::uint32_t>((1u << (Bits % shift)) - 1);
- char c = '0' + (t.data()[limb_count-1] & mask);
- if(c > '9')
- c += 'A' - '9';
- result.insert(0, 1, c);
- }
- //
- // Get rid of leading zeros:
- //
- std::string::size_type n = result.find_first_not_of('0');
- if(!result.empty() && (n == std::string::npos))
- n = result.size() - 1;
- result.erase(0, n);
- if(f & std::ios_base::showbase)
- {
- const char* pp = base == 8 ? "0" : "0x";
- result.insert(0, pp);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- fixed_int t(*this);
- fixed_int ten, r;
- ten = boost::uint32_t(1000000000);
- bool neg = false;
- if(Signed && (t.data()[0] & sign_bit_mask))
- {
- t.negate();
- neg = true;
- }
- if(limb_count == 1)
- {
- result = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(t.data()[0]);
- }
- else
- {
- while(get_sign(t) != 0)
- {
- fixed_int t2;
- divide_unsigned_helper(t2, t, ten, r);
- t = t2;
- boost::uint32_t v = r.data()[limb_count - 1];
- for(unsigned i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
- {
- char c = '0' + v % 10;
- v /= 10;
- result.insert(0, 1, c);
- }
- }
- }
- unsigned n = result.find_first_not_of('0');
- result.erase(0, n);
- if(result.empty())
- result = "0";
- if(neg)
- result.insert(0, 1, '-');
- else if(f & std::ios_base::showpos)
- result.insert(0, 1, '+');
- }
- return result;
- }
- void negate()
- {
- boost::uintmax_t carry = 1;
- for(int i = fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
- {
- carry += static_cast<boost::uintmax_t>(~m_value[i]);
- m_value[i] = static_cast<limb_type>(carry);
- carry >>= limb_bits;
- }
- m_value[0] &= fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::upper_limb_mask;
- }
- int compare(const fixed_int& o)const
- {
- int result = 0;
- if(Signed && ((m_value[0] & sign_bit_mask) != (o.data()[0] & sign_bit_mask)))
- {
- return m_value[0] & sign_bit_mask ? -1 : 1;
- }
- for(typename data_type::size_type i = 0; i < limb_count; ++i)
- {
- if(m_value[i] != o.data()[i])
- {
- result = (m_value[i] < o.data()[i]) ? -1 : 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- return Signed && (m_value[0] & sign_bit_mask) ? -result : result ;
- }
- template <class Arithmatic>
- typename enable_if<is_arithmetic<Arithmatic>, int>::type compare(Arithmatic i)const
- {
- // braindead version:
- fixed_int<Bits, Signed> t;
- t = i;
- return compare(t);
- }
- data_type& data() { return m_value; }
- const data_type& data()const { return m_value; }
- data_type m_value;
-template <unsigned Bits, bool Signed>
-inline void add(fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& result, const fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& o)
- add(result, result, o);
-template <unsigned Bits, bool Signed>
-inline void add(fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& result, const fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& a, const fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& b)
- // Addition using modular arithmatic.
- // Nothing fancy, just let uintmax_t take the strain:
- boost::uintmax_t carry = 0;
- for(int i = fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
- {
- carry += static_cast<boost::uintmax_t>(a.data()[i]) + static_cast<boost::uintmax_t>(b.data()[i]);
- result.data()[i] = static_cast<typename fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_type>(carry);
- carry >>= fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_bits;
- }
- result.data()[0] &= fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::upper_limb_mask;
-template <unsigned Bits, bool Signed>
-inline void add(fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& result, const boost::uint32_t& o)
- // Addition using modular arithmatic.
- // Nothing fancy, just let uintmax_t take the strain:
- boost::uintmax_t carry = o;
- for(int i = fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count - 1; carry && i >= 0; --i)
- {
- carry += static_cast<boost::uintmax_t>(result.data()[i]);
- result.data()[i] = static_cast<typename fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_type>(carry);
- carry >>= fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_bits;
- }
- result.data()[0] &= fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::upper_limb_mask;
-template <unsigned Bits, bool Signed>
-inline void add(fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& result, const boost::int32_t& o)
- if(o < 0)
- subtract(result, static_cast<boost::uint32_t>(-o));
- else if(o > 0)
- add(result, static_cast<boost::uint32_t>(o));
-template <unsigned Bits, bool Signed>
-inline void subtract(fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& result, const boost::uint32_t& o)
- // Subtract using modular arithmatic.
- // This is the same code as for addition, with the twist that we negate o "on the fly":
- boost::uintmax_t carry = static_cast<boost::uintmax_t>(result.data()[fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count - 1])
- + 1uLL + static_cast<boost::uintmax_t>(~o);
- result.data()[fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count - 1] = static_cast<typename fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_type>(carry);
- carry >>= fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_bits;
- for(int i = fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count - 2; i >= 0; --i)
- {
- carry += static_cast<boost::uintmax_t>(result.data()[i]) + 0xFFFFFFFF;
- result.data()[i] = static_cast<typename fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_type>(carry);
- carry >>= fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_bits;
- }
- result.data()[0] &= fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::upper_limb_mask;
-template <unsigned Bits, bool Signed>
-inline void subtract(fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& result, const boost::int32_t& o)
- if(o)
- {
- if(o < 0)
- add(result, static_cast<boost::uint32_t>(-o));
- else
- subtract(result, static_cast<boost::uint32_t>(o));
- }
-template <unsigned Bits, bool Signed>
-inline void increment(fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& result)
- static const boost::uint32_t one = 1;
- add(result, one);
-template <unsigned Bits, bool Signed>
-inline void decrement(fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& result)
- static const boost::uint32_t one = 1;
- subtract(result, one);
-template <unsigned Bits, bool Signed>
-inline void subtract(fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& result, const fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& o)
- subtract(result, result, o);
-template <unsigned Bits, bool Signed>
-inline void subtract(fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& result, const fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& a, const fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& b)
- // Subtract using modular arithmatic.
- // This is the same code as for addition, with the twist that we negate b "on the fly":
- boost::uintmax_t carry = 1;
- for(int i = fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
- {
- carry += static_cast<boost::uintmax_t>(a.data()[i]) + static_cast<boost::uintmax_t>(~b.data()[i]);
- result.data()[i] = static_cast<typename fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_type>(carry);
- carry >>= fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_bits;
- }
- result.data()[0] &= fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::upper_limb_mask;
-template <unsigned Bits, bool Signed>
-inline void multiply(fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& result, const fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& a, const fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& b)
- // Very simple long multiplication, only usable for small numbers of limb_type's
- // but that's the typical use case for this type anyway:
- if(&result == &a)
- {
- fixed_int<Bits, Signed> t(a);
- multiply(result, t, b);
- return;
- }
- if(&result == &b)
- {
- fixed_int<Bits, Signed> t(b);
- multiply(result, a, t);
- return;
- }
- boost::uintmax_t carry = 0;
- for(unsigned i = 0; i < fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count; ++i)
- result.data()[i] = 0;
- for(int i = fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
- {
- for(int j = fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count - 1; j >= static_cast<int>(fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count) - i - 1; --j)
- {
- carry += static_cast<boost::uintmax_t>(a.data()[i]) * static_cast<boost::uintmax_t>(b.data()[j]);
- carry += result.data()[i + j + 1 - fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count];
- result.data()[i + j + 1 - fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count] = static_cast<typename fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_type>(carry);
- carry >>= fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_bits;
- }
- carry = 0;
- }
- result.data()[0] &= fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::upper_limb_mask;
-template <unsigned Bits, bool Signed>
-inline void multiply(fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& result, const fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& a)
- // There is no in-place multiply:
- fixed_int<Bits, Signed> b(result);
- multiply(result, b, a);
-template <unsigned Bits, bool Signed>
-inline void multiply(fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& result, const boost::uint32_t& a)
- boost::uintmax_t carry = 0;
- for(int i = fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
- {
- carry += static_cast<boost::uintmax_t>(result.data()[i]) * static_cast<boost::uintmax_t>(a);
- result.data()[i] = static_cast<typename fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_type>(carry);
- carry >>= fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_bits;
- }
- result.data()[0] &= fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::upper_limb_mask;
-template <unsigned Bits, bool Signed>
-inline void multiply(fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& result, const boost::int32_t& a)
- if(a > 0)
- multiply(result, static_cast<boost::uint32_t>(a));
- else
- {
- multiply(result, static_cast<boost::uint32_t>(-a));
- result.negate();
- }
-template <unsigned Bits, bool Signed>
-boost::uint32_t bitcount(const fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& a)
- // returns the location of the MSB in a:
- boost::uint32_t i = 0;
- for(; (i < fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count) && (a.data()[i] == 0); ++i){}
- boost::uint32_t count = (fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count - i) * fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_bits;
- if(!count)
- return count; // no bits are set, value is zero
- boost::uint32_t mask = static_cast<boost::uint32_t>(1u) << (fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_bits - 1);
- while((a.data()[i] & mask) == 0)
- {
- --count;
- mask >>= 1;
- }
- return count;
-template <unsigned Bits, bool Signed>
-void divide_unsigned_helper(fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& result, const fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& x, const fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& y, fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& r)
- if((&result == &x) || (&r == &x))
- {
- fixed_int<Bits, Signed> t(x);
- divide_unsigned_helper(result, t, y, r);
- return;
- }
- if((&result == &y) || (&r == &y))
- {
- fixed_int<Bits, Signed> t(y);
- divide_unsigned_helper(result, x, t, r);
- return;
- }
- using default_ops::subtract;
- if (is_zero(y))
- {
- volatile int i = 0;
- i /= i;
- return;
- }
- if (is_zero(x))
- {
- r = y;
- result = x;
- return;
- }
- if(&result == &r)
- {
- fixed_int<Bits, Signed> rem;
- divide_unsigned_helper(result, x, y, rem);
- r = rem;
- return;
- }
- r = x;
- result = static_cast<boost::uint32_t>(0u);
- if(x.compare(y) < 0)
- {
- return; // We already have the answer: zero.
- }
- boost::uint32_t n = bitcount(x) - bitcount(y);
- if(n == 0)
- {
- // result is exactly 1:
- result = static_cast<boost::uint32_t>(1u);
- subtract(r, y);
- return;
- }
- // Together mask_index and mask give us the bit we may be about to set in the result:
- boost::uint32_t mask_index = fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count - 1 - n / fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_bits;
- boost::uint32_t mask = static_cast<boost::uint32_t>(1u) << n % fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_bits;
- fixed_int<Bits, Signed> t(y);
- left_shift(t, n);
- while(mask_index < fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count)
- {
- int comp = r.compare(t);
- if(comp >= 0)
- {
- result.data()[mask_index] |= mask;
- subtract(r, t);
- if(comp == 0)
- break; // no remainder left - we have an exact result!
- }
- right_shift(t, 1u);
- if(0 == (mask >>= 1))
- {
- ++mask_index;
- mask = static_cast<boost::uint32_t>(1u) << (fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_bits - 1);
- }
- }
- BOOST_ASSERT(r.compare(y) < 0); // remainder must be less than the divisor or our code has failed
-template <unsigned Bits, bool Signed>
-void divide_unsigned_helper(fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& result, const fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& x, const fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& y, fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& r)
- if((&result == &x) || (&r == &x))
- {
- fixed_int<Bits, Signed> t(x);
- divide_unsigned_helper(result, t, y, r);
- return;
- }
- if((&result == &y) || (&r == &y))
- {
- fixed_int<Bits, Signed> t(y);
- divide_unsigned_helper(result, x, t, r);
- return;
- }
- /*
- Very simple, fairly braindead long division.
- Start by setting the remainder equal to x, and the
- result equal to 0. Then in each loop we calculate our
- "best guess" for how many times y divides into r,
- add our guess to the result, and subtract guess*y
- from the remainder r. One wrinckle is that the remainder
- may go negative, in which case we subtract the current guess
- from the result rather than adding. The value of the guess
- is determined by dividing the most-significant-limb of the
- current remainder by the most-significant-limb of y.
- Note that there are more efficient algorithms than this
- available, in particular see Knuth Vol 2. However for small
- numbers of limbs this generally outperforms the alternatives
- and avoids the normalisation step which would require extra storage.
- */
- using default_ops::subtract;
- if (is_zero(y))
- {
- volatile int i = 0;
- i /= i;
- return;
- }
- if (is_zero(x))
- {
- r = y;
- result = x;
- return;
- }
- if(&result == &r)
- {
- fixed_int<Bits, Signed> rem;
- divide_unsigned_helper(result, x, y, rem);
- r = rem;
- return;
- }
- r = x;
- result = static_cast<boost::uint32_t>(0u);
- if(x.compare(y) < 0)
- {
- return; // We already have the answer: zero.
- }
- //
- // Find the most significant words of numerator and denominator.
- // Note that this code can't run past the end of the array because
- // we know already that neither are all zero:
- //
- boost::uint32_t r_order = 0;
- while(r.data()[r_order] == 0)
- ++r_order;
- boost::uint32_t y_order = 0;
- while(y.data()[y_order] == 0)
- ++y_order;
- fixed_int<Bits, Signed> t;
- bool r_neg = false;
- //
- // See if we can short-circuit long division, and use basic arithmetic instead:
- //
- if(r_order == fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count - 1)
- {
- result = r.data()[fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count - 1] / y.data()[fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count - 1];
- r = x.data()[fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count - 1] % y.data()[fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count - 1];
- return;
- }
- else if(r_order == fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count - 2)
- {
- unsigned long long a, b;
- a = (static_cast<unsigned long long>(r.data()[r_order]) << fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_bits) | r.data()[r_order + 1];
- b = y_order < fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count - 1 ?
- (static_cast<unsigned long long>(y.data()[y_order]) << fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_bits) | y.data()[y_order + 1]
- : y.data()[y_order];
- result = a / b;
- r = a % b;
- return;
- }
- do
- {
- //
- // Update r_order, this can't run past the end as r must be non-zero at this point:
- //
- while(r.data()[r_order] == 0)
- ++r_order;
- //
- // Calculate our best guess for how many times y divides into r:
- //
- boost::uint32_t guess;
- if((r.data()[r_order] <= y.data()[y_order]) && (r_order < fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count - 1))
- {
- unsigned long long a, b, v;
- a = (static_cast<unsigned long long>(r.data()[r_order]) << fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_bits) | r.data()[r_order + 1];
- b = y.data()[y_order];
- v = a / b;
- if(v > fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::max_limb_value)
- guess = 1;
- else
- {
- guess = static_cast<boost::uint32_t>(v);
- ++r_order;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- unsigned long long a, b, v;
- a = (r_order < fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count - 1) ? (static_cast<unsigned long long>(r.data()[r_order]) << fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_bits) | r.data()[r_order + 1] : r.data()[r_order];
- b = (y_order < fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count - 1) ? (static_cast<unsigned long long>(y.data()[y_order]) << fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_bits) | y.data()[y_order + 1] : (static_cast<unsigned long long>(y.data()[y_order]) << fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_bits);
- v = a / b;
- guess = static_cast<typename fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_type>(v);
- //guess = r.data()[r_order] / y.data()[y_order];
- }
- //
- // Update result:
- //
- boost::uint32_t shift = y_order - r_order;
- t = boost::uint32_t(0);
- t.data()[fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count - 1 - shift] = guess;
- if(r_neg)
- subtract(result, t);
- else
- add(result, t);
- //
- // Calculate guess * y, we use a fused mutiply-shift O(N) for this
- // rather than a full O(N^2) multiply:
- //
- boost::uintmax_t carry = 0;
- for(unsigned i = fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count - 1; i > fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count - shift - 1; --i)
- t.data()[i] = 0;
- for(int i = fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count - 1; i >= static_cast<int>(shift); --i)
- {
- carry += static_cast<boost::uintmax_t>(y.data()[i]) * static_cast<boost::uintmax_t>(guess);
- t.data()[i - shift] = static_cast<typename fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_type>(carry);
- carry >>= fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_bits;
- }
- t.data()[0] &= fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::upper_limb_mask;
- //
- // Update r:
- //
- subtract(r, t);
- if(r.data()[0] & fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::sign_bit_mask)
- {
- r.negate();
- r_neg = !r_neg;
- }
- }
- while(r.compare(y) > 0);
- //
- // We now just have to normalise the result:
- //
- if(r_neg)
- {
- // We have one too many in the result:
- decrement(result);
- r.negate();
- add(r, y);
- }
- BOOST_ASSERT(r.compare(y) < 0); // remainder must be less than the divisor or our code has failed
-template <unsigned Bits, bool Signed>
-inline void divide(fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& result, const fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& a, const fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& b)
- fixed_int<Bits, Signed> r;
- if(Signed && (a.data()[0] & fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::sign_bit_mask))
- {
- if(Signed && (b.data()[0] & fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::sign_bit_mask))
- {
- fixed_int<Bits, Signed> t1(a), t2(b);
- t1.negate();
- t2.negate();
- divide_unsigned_helper(result, t1, t2, r);
- }
- else
- {
- fixed_int<Bits, Signed> t(a);
- t.negate();
- divide_unsigned_helper(result, t, b, r);
- result.negate();
- }
- }
- else if(Signed && (b.data()[0] & fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::sign_bit_mask))
- {
- fixed_int<Bits, Signed> t(b);
- t.negate();
- divide_unsigned_helper(result, a, t, r);
- result.negate();
- }
- else
- {
- divide_unsigned_helper(result, a, b, r);
- }
-template <unsigned Bits, bool Signed>
-inline void divide(fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& result, const fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& b)
- // There is no in place divide:
- fixed_int<Bits, Signed> a(result);
- divide(result, a, b);
-template <unsigned Bits, bool Signed>
-inline void modulus(fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& result, const fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& a, const fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& b)
- fixed_int<Bits, Signed> r;
- if(Signed && (a.data()[0] & fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::sign_bit_mask))
- {
- if(Signed && (b.data()[0] & fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::sign_bit_mask))
- {
- fixed_int<Bits, Signed> t1(a), t2(b);
- t1.negate();
- t2.negate();
- divide_unsigned_helper(r, t1, t2, result);
- result.negate();
- }
- else
- {
- fixed_int<Bits, Signed> t(a);
- t.negate();
- divide_unsigned_helper(r, t, b, result);
- result.negate();
- }
- }
- else if(Signed && (b.data()[0] & fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::sign_bit_mask))
- {
- fixed_int<Bits, Signed> t(b);
- t.negate();
- divide_unsigned_helper(r, a, t, result);
- }
- else
- {
- divide_unsigned_helper(r, a, b, result);
- }
-template <unsigned Bits, bool Signed>
-inline void modulus(fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& result, const fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& b)
- // There is no in place divide:
- fixed_int<Bits, Signed> a(result);
- modulus(result, a, b);
-template <unsigned Bits, bool Signed>
-inline void bitwise_and(fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& result, const fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& o)
- for(typename fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::data_type::size_type i = 0; i < fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count; ++i)
- result.data()[i] &= o.data()[i];
-template <unsigned Bits, bool Signed>
-inline void bitwise_or(fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& result, const fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& o)
- for(typename fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::data_type::size_type i = 0; i < fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count; ++i)
- result.data()[i] |= o.data()[i];
-template <unsigned Bits, bool Signed>
-inline void bitwise_xor(fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& result, const fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& o)
- for(typename fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::data_type::size_type i = 0; i < fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count; ++i)
- result.data()[i] ^= o.data()[i];
- result.data()[0] &= fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::upper_limb_mask;
-template <unsigned Bits, bool Signed>
-inline void complement(fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& result, const fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& o)
- for(typename fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::data_type::size_type i = 0; i < fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count; ++i)
- result.data()[i] = ~o.data()[i];
- result.data()[0] &= fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::upper_limb_mask;
-template <unsigned Bits, bool Signed>
-inline void left_shift(fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& result, boost::uintmax_t s)
- if(s >= Bits)
- {
- result = static_cast<boost::uint32_t>(0);
- return;
- }
- boost::uint32_t offset = static_cast<boost::uint32_t>(s / fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_bits);
- boost::uint32_t shift = static_cast<boost::uint32_t>(s % fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_bits);
- unsigned i = 0;
- if(shift)
- {
- // This code only works when shift is non-zero, otherwise we invoke undefined behaviour!
- for(; i + offset + 1 < fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count; ++i)
- {
- result.data()[i] = result.data()[i+offset] << shift;
- result.data()[i] |= result.data()[i+offset+1] >> (fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_bits - shift);
- }
- result.data()[i] = result.data()[i+offset] << shift;
- ++i;
- for(; i < fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count; ++i)
- result.data()[i] = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- for(; i + offset < fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count; ++i)
- result.data()[i] = result.data()[i+offset];
- for(; i < fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count; ++i)
- result.data()[i] = 0;
- }
- result.data()[0] &= fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::upper_limb_mask;
-template <unsigned Bits, bool Signed>
-inline void right_shift(fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& result, boost::uintmax_t s)
- boost::uint32_t fill = (Signed && (result.data()[0] & fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::sign_bit_mask)) ? fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::max_limb_value : 0u;
- if(s >= Bits)
- {
- for(unsigned i = 0; i < fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count; ++i)
- result.data()[i] = fill;
- return;
- }
- boost::uint32_t offset = static_cast<boost::uint32_t>(s / fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_bits);
- boost::uint32_t shift = static_cast<boost::uint32_t>(s % fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_bits);
- int i = fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count - 1;
- if(shift)
- {
- // This code only works for non-zero shift, otherwise we invoke undefined behaviour!
- if(fill && (Bits % fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_bits))
- {
- // We need to sign extend the leftmost bits, otherwise we may shift zeros into the result:
- result.data()[0] |= fill << (Bits % fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_bits);
- }
- for(; i - offset > 0; --i)
- {
- result.data()[i] = result.data()[i-offset] >> shift;
- result.data()[i] |= result.data()[i-offset-1] << (fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_bits - shift);
- }
- result.data()[i] = result.data()[i+offset] >> shift;
- result.data()[i] |= fill << (fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_bits - shift);
- --i;
- for(; i >= 0; --i)
- result.data()[i] = fill;
- }
- else
- {
- for(; i - offset > 0; --i)
- result.data()[i] = result.data()[i - offset];
- for(; i >= 0; --i)
- result.data()[i] = fill;
- }
- result.data()[0] &= fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::upper_limb_mask;
-template <class R, unsigned Bits, bool Signed>
-inline typename enable_if<is_integral<R>, void>::type convert_to(R* result, const fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& backend)
- unsigned shift = (fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count - 1) * fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_bits;
- *result = 0;
- for(unsigned i = 0; i < fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count; ++i)
- {
- *result += static_cast<R>(backend.data()[i]) << shift;
- shift -= fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_bits;
- }
-template <class R, unsigned Bits, bool Signed>
-inline typename enable_if<is_floating_point<R>, void>::type convert_to(R* result, const fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& backend)
- unsigned shift = (fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count - 1) * fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_bits;
- *result = 0;
- for(unsigned i = 0; i < fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count; ++i)
- {
- *result += static_cast<R>(std::ldexp(static_cast<double>(backend.data()[i]), shift));
- shift -= fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_bits;
- }
-template <unsigned Bits, bool Signed>
-inline bool is_zero(const fixed_int<Bits, Signed>& val)
- for(typename fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::data_type::size_type i = 0; i < fixed_int<Bits, Signed>::limb_count; ++i)
- {
- if(val.data()[i])
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-template <unsigned Bits>
-inline int get_sign(const fixed_int<Bits, false>& val)
- return is_zero(val) ? 0 : 1;
-template <unsigned Bits>
-inline int get_sign(const fixed_int<Bits, true>& val)
- return is_zero(val) ? 0 : val.data()[0] & fixed_int<Bits, true>::sign_bit_mask ? -1 : 1;
-template <unsigned Bits, bool Signed>
-struct number_category<fixed_int<Bits, Signed> > : public mpl::int_<number_kind_integer>{};
-typedef mp_number<fixed_int<64, false> > mp_uint64_t;
-typedef mp_number<fixed_int<128, false> > mp_uint128_t;
-typedef mp_number<fixed_int<256, false> > mp_uint256_t;
-typedef mp_number<fixed_int<512, false> > mp_uint512_t;
-typedef mp_number<fixed_int<64, true> > mp_int64_t;
-typedef mp_number<fixed_int<128, true> > mp_int128_t;
-typedef mp_number<fixed_int<256, true> > mp_int256_t;
-typedef mp_number<fixed_int<512, true> > mp_int512_t;
-}} // namespaces
-namespace std{
-template <unsigned Bits, bool Signed>
-class numeric_limits<boost::multiprecision::mp_number<boost::multiprecision::fixed_int<Bits, Signed> > >
- typedef boost::multiprecision::mp_number<boost::multiprecision::fixed_int<Bits, Signed> > number_type;
- struct initializer
- {
- initializer()
- {
- (std::numeric_limits<boost::multiprecision::mp_number<boost::multiprecision::fixed_int<Bits, Signed> > >::min)();
- (std::numeric_limits<boost::multiprecision::mp_number<boost::multiprecision::fixed_int<Bits, Signed> > >::max)();
- }
- void do_nothing()const{}
- };
- static const initializer init;
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTEXPR bool is_specialized = true;
- //
- // Largest and smallest numbers are bounded only by available memory, set
- // to zero:
- //
- {
- static bool init = false;
- static number_type val;
- if(!init)
- {
- init = true;
- val = Signed ? number_type(1) << Bits - 1 : 0;
- }
- return val;
- }
- {
- static bool init = false;
- static number_type val;
- if(!init)
- {
- init = true;
- val = Signed ? number_type(~(number_type(1) << Bits - 1)) : number_type(~number_type(0));
- }
- return val;
- }
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTEXPR number_type lowest() BOOST_MP_NOEXCEPT { return (min)(); }
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTEXPR int digits = Bits;
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTEXPR int digits10 = (digits * 301L) / 1000;
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTEXPR int max_digits10 = digits10 + 2;
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTEXPR bool is_signed = Signed;
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTEXPR bool is_integer = true;
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTEXPR bool is_exact = true;
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTEXPR number_type epsilon() BOOST_MP_NOEXCEPT { return 0; }
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTEXPR number_type round_error() BOOST_MP_NOEXCEPT { return 0; }
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTEXPR int min_exponent = 0;
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTEXPR int min_exponent10 = 0;
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTEXPR int max_exponent = 0;
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTEXPR int max_exponent10 = 0;
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTEXPR bool has_infinity = false;
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTEXPR bool has_quiet_NaN = false;
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTEXPR bool has_signaling_NaN = false;
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTEXPR float_denorm_style has_denorm = denorm_absent;
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTEXPR bool has_denorm_loss = false;
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTEXPR number_type infinity() BOOST_MP_NOEXCEPT { return 0; }
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTEXPR number_type quiet_NaN() BOOST_MP_NOEXCEPT { return 0; }
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTEXPR number_type signaling_NaN() BOOST_MP_NOEXCEPT { return 0; }
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTEXPR number_type denorm_min() BOOST_MP_NOEXCEPT { return 0; }
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTEXPR bool is_iec559 = false;
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTEXPR bool is_bounded = true;
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTEXPR bool is_modulo = true;
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTEXPR bool traps = false;
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTEXPR bool tinyness_before = false;
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTEXPR float_round_style round_style = round_toward_zero;
-template <unsigned Bits, bool Signed>
-typename numeric_limits<boost::multiprecision::mp_number<boost::multiprecision::fixed_int<Bits, Signed> > >::initializer const
- numeric_limits<boost::multiprecision::mp_number<boost::multiprecision::fixed_int<Bits, Signed> > >::init;
Modified: sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/test/Jamfile.v2
--- sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/test/Jamfile.v2 (original)
+++ sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/test/Jamfile.v2 2012-01-12 07:06:27 EST (Thu, 12 Jan 2012)
@@ -595,7 +595,7 @@
: test_int_io_fixed_int2 ;
-run fixed_int_test.cpp gmp
+run test_fixed_int.cpp gmp
: # command line
: # input files
: # requirements
Deleted: sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/test/packed_int_test.cpp
--- sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/test/packed_int_test.cpp 2012-01-12 07:06:27 EST (Thu, 12 Jan 2012)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2012 John Maddock. Distributed under the Boost
-// Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
-// LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_
-// Compare arithmetic results using fixed_int to GMP results.
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#include <boost/multiprecision/gmp.hpp>
-#include <boost/multiprecision/fixed_int.hpp>
-#include <boost/random/mersenne_twister.hpp>
-#include <boost/random/uniform_int.hpp>
-#include "test.hpp"
-template <class T>
-T generate_random(unsigned bits_wanted)
- static boost::random::mt19937 gen;
- typedef boost::random::mt19937::result_type random_type;
- T max_val;
- unsigned digits;
- if(std::numeric_limits<T>::is_bounded && (bits_wanted == std::numeric_limits<T>::digits))
- {
- max_val = (std::numeric_limits<T>::max)();
- digits = std::numeric_limits<T>::digits;
- }
- else
- {
- max_val = T(1) << bits_wanted;
- digits = bits_wanted;
- }
- unsigned bits_per_r_val = std::numeric_limits<random_type>::digits - 1;
- while((random_type(1) << bits_per_r_val) > (gen.max)()) --bits_per_r_val;
- unsigned terms_needed = digits / bits_per_r_val + 1;
- T val = 0;
- for(unsigned i = 0; i < terms_needed; ++i)
- {
- val *= (gen.max)();
- val += gen();
- }
- val %= max_val;
- return val;
-int main()
- using namespace boost::multiprecision;
- typedef mp_number<fixed_int<1024, true> > packed_type;
- unsigned last_error_count = 0;
- for(int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
- {
- mpz_int a = generate_random<mpz_int>(1000);
- mpz_int b = generate_random<mpz_int>(512);
- mpz_int c = generate_random<mpz_int>(256);
- mpz_int d = generate_random<mpz_int>(32);
- packed_type a1 = a.str();
- packed_type b1 = b.str();
- packed_type c1 = c.str();
- packed_type d1 = d.str();
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(a.str(), a1.str());
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(b.str(), b1.str());
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(c.str(), c1.str());
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(d.str(), d1.str());
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(mpz_int(a+b).str(), packed_type(a1 + b1).str());
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(mpz_int(a-b).str(), packed_type(a1 - b1).str());
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(mpz_int(mpz_int(-a)+b).str(), packed_type(packed_type(-a1) + b1).str());
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(mpz_int(mpz_int(-a)-b).str(), packed_type(packed_type(-a1) - b1).str());
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(mpz_int(c * d).str(), packed_type(c1 * d1).str());
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(mpz_int(b * c).str(), packed_type(b1 * c1).str());
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(mpz_int(a / b).str(), packed_type(a1 / b1).str());
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(mpz_int(a / d).str(), packed_type(a1 / d1).str());
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(mpz_int(a % b).str(), packed_type(a1 % b1).str());
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(mpz_int(a % d).str(), packed_type(a1 % d1).str());
- if(last_error_count != boost::detail::test_errors())
- {
- last_error_count = boost::detail::test_errors();
- std::cout << std::hex << std::showbase;
- std::cout << "a = " << a << std::endl;
- std::cout << "a1 = " << a1 << std::endl;
- std::cout << "b = " << b << std::endl;
- std::cout << "b1 = " << b1 << std::endl;
- std::cout << "c = " << c << std::endl;
- std::cout << "c1 = " << c1 << std::endl;
- std::cout << "d = " << d << std::endl;
- std::cout << "d1 = " << d1 << std::endl;
- std::cout << "a + b = " << a+b << std::endl;
- std::cout << "a1 + b1 = " << a1+b1 << std::endl;
- std::cout << "a - b = " << a-b << std::endl;
- std::cout << "a1 - b1 = " << a1-b1 << std::endl;
- std::cout << "-a + b = " << mpz_int(-a)+b << std::endl;
- std::cout << "-a1 + b1 = " << packed_type(-a1)+b1 << std::endl;
- std::cout << "-a - b = " << mpz_int(-a)-b << std::endl;
- std::cout << "-a1 - b1 = " << packed_type(-a1)-b1 << std::endl;
- std::cout << "c*d = " << c*d << std::endl;
- std::cout << "c1*d1 = " << c1*d1 << std::endl;
- std::cout << "b*c = " << b*c << std::endl;
- std::cout << "b1*c1 = " << b1*c1 << std::endl;
- std::cout << "a/b = " << a/b << std::endl;
- std::cout << "a1/b1 = " << a1/b1 << std::endl;
- std::cout << "a/d = " << a/d << std::endl;
- std::cout << "a1/d1 = " << a1/d1 << std::endl;
- std::cout << "a%b = " << a%b << std::endl;
- std::cout << "a1%b1 = " << a1%b1 << std::endl;
- std::cout << "a%d = " << a%d << std::endl;
- std::cout << "a1%d1 = " << a1%d1 << std::endl;
- }
- }
- return boost::report_errors();
Boost-Commit list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk