![]() |
Boost-Commit : |
Subject: [Boost-commit] svn:boost r80385 - trunk/boost/unordered/detail
From: dnljms_at_[hidden]
Date: 2012-09-03 16:04:16
Author: danieljames
Date: 2012-09-03 16:04:15 EDT (Mon, 03 Sep 2012)
New Revision: 80385
URL: http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/80385
Unordered: Get rid of `buckets`.
Text files modified:
trunk/boost/unordered/detail/buckets.hpp | 423 ---------------------------------------
trunk/boost/unordered/detail/equivalent.hpp | 5
trunk/boost/unordered/detail/table.hpp | 417 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
trunk/boost/unordered/detail/unique.hpp | 7
4 files changed, 398 insertions(+), 454 deletions(-)
Modified: trunk/boost/unordered/detail/buckets.hpp
--- trunk/boost/unordered/detail/buckets.hpp (original)
+++ trunk/boost/unordered/detail/buckets.hpp 2012-09-03 16:04:15 EDT (Mon, 03 Sep 2012)
@@ -30,8 +30,6 @@
template <typename Types> struct table;
template <typename NodePointer> struct bucket;
struct ptr_bucket;
- template <typename A, typename Bucket, typename Node, typename Policy>
- struct buckets;
template <typename Types> struct table_impl;
template <typename Types> struct grouped_table_impl;
@@ -190,8 +188,6 @@
friend struct boost::unordered::iterator_detail::cl_iterator;
template <typename>
friend struct boost::unordered::detail::table;
- template <typename, typename, typename, typename>
- friend struct boost::unordered::detail::buckets;
template <typename>
friend struct boost::unordered::detail::table_impl;
template <typename>
@@ -247,8 +243,6 @@
template <typename>
friend struct boost::unordered::detail::table;
- template <typename, typename, typename, typename>
- friend struct boost::unordered::detail::buckets;
template <typename>
friend struct boost::unordered::detail::table_impl;
template <typename>
@@ -450,12 +444,12 @@
- template <typename Buckets>
- explicit node_holder(Buckets& b) :
+ template <typename Table>
+ explicit node_holder(Table& b) :
- typename Buckets::previous_pointer prev = b.get_previous_start();
+ typename Table::previous_pointer prev = b.get_previous_start();
nodes_ = static_cast<node_pointer>(prev->next_);
prev->next_ = link_pointer();
b.size_ = 0;
@@ -576,7 +570,7 @@
// Hash Policy
- // Don't really want buckets to derive from this, but will for now.
+ // Don't really want table to derive from this, but will for now.
template <typename SizeT>
struct prime_policy
@@ -657,415 +651,6 @@
std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::radix> {};
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Buckets
- template <typename A, typename Bucket, typename Node, typename Policy>
- struct buckets : Policy
- {
- private:
- buckets(buckets const&);
- buckets& operator=(buckets const&);
- public:
- typedef boost::unordered::detail::allocator_traits<A> traits;
- typedef typename traits::value_type value_type;
- typedef Policy policy;
- typedef Node node;
- typedef Bucket bucket;
- typedef typename boost::unordered::detail::rebind_wrap<A, node>::type
- node_allocator;
- typedef typename boost::unordered::detail::rebind_wrap<A, bucket>::type
- bucket_allocator;
- typedef boost::unordered::detail::allocator_traits<node_allocator>
- node_allocator_traits;
- typedef boost::unordered::detail::allocator_traits<bucket_allocator>
- bucket_allocator_traits;
- typedef typename node_allocator_traits::pointer
- node_pointer;
- typedef typename node_allocator_traits::const_pointer
- const_node_pointer;
- typedef typename bucket_allocator_traits::pointer
- bucket_pointer;
- typedef typename bucket::previous_pointer
- previous_pointer;
- typedef boost::unordered::detail::node_constructor<node_allocator>
- node_constructor;
- typedef boost::unordered::iterator_detail::
- iterator<node_pointer, value_type> iterator;
- typedef boost::unordered::iterator_detail::
- c_iterator<const_node_pointer, node_pointer, value_type> c_iterator;
- typedef boost::unordered::iterator_detail::
- l_iterator<node_pointer, value_type, policy> l_iterator;
- typedef boost::unordered::iterator_detail::
- cl_iterator<const_node_pointer, node_pointer, value_type, policy>
- cl_iterator;
- // Members
- bucket_pointer buckets_;
- std::size_t bucket_count_;
- std::size_t size_;
- boost::unordered::detail::compressed<bucket_allocator, node_allocator>
- allocators_;
- // Data access
- bucket_allocator const& bucket_alloc() const
- {
- return allocators_.first();
- }
- node_allocator const& node_alloc() const
- {
- return allocators_.second();
- }
- bucket_allocator& bucket_alloc()
- {
- return allocators_.first();
- }
- node_allocator& node_alloc()
- {
- return allocators_.second();
- }
- std::size_t max_bucket_count() const
- {
- // -1 to account for the start bucket.
- return policy::prev_bucket_count(
- bucket_allocator_traits::max_size(bucket_alloc()) - 1);
- }
- bucket_pointer get_bucket(std::size_t bucket_index) const
- {
- return buckets_ + static_cast<std::ptrdiff_t>(bucket_index);
- }
- previous_pointer get_previous_start() const
- {
- return this->get_bucket(this->bucket_count_)->first_from_start();
- }
- previous_pointer get_previous_start(std::size_t bucket_index) const
- {
- return this->get_bucket(bucket_index)->next_;
- }
- iterator get_start() const
- {
- return iterator(static_cast<node_pointer>(
- this->get_previous_start()->next_));
- }
- iterator get_start(std::size_t bucket_index) const
- {
- previous_pointer prev = this->get_previous_start(bucket_index);
- return prev ? iterator(static_cast<node_pointer>(prev->next_)) :
- iterator();
- }
- float load_factor() const
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT(this->bucket_count_ != 0);
- return static_cast<float>(this->size_)
- / static_cast<float>(this->bucket_count_);
- }
- std::size_t bucket_size(std::size_t index) const
- {
- if (!this->size_) return 0;
- iterator it = this->get_start(index);
- if (!it.node_) return 0;
- std::size_t count = 0;
- while(it.node_ && policy::to_bucket(
- this->bucket_count_, it.node_->hash_) == index)
- {
- ++count;
- ++it;
- }
- return count;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Constructors
- buckets(node_allocator const& a, std::size_t bucket_count) :
- buckets_(),
- bucket_count_(bucket_count),
- size_(),
- allocators_(a,a)
- {
- }
- buckets(buckets& b, boost::unordered::detail::move_tag m) :
- buckets_(b.buckets_),
- bucket_count_(b.bucket_count_),
- size_(b.size_),
- allocators_(b.allocators_, m)
- {
- b.buckets_ = bucket_pointer();
- b.size_ = 0;
- }
- template <typename Types>
- buckets(boost::unordered::detail::table<Types>& x,
- boost::unordered::detail::move_tag m) :
- buckets_(x.buckets_),
- bucket_count_(x.bucket_count_),
- size_(x.size_),
- allocators_(x.allocators_, m)
- {
- x.buckets_ = bucket_pointer();
- x.size_ = 0;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Create buckets
- // (never called in constructor to avoid exception issues)
- void create_buckets(std::size_t new_count)
- {
- boost::unordered::detail::array_constructor<bucket_allocator>
- constructor(bucket_alloc());
- // Creates an extra bucket to act as the start node.
- constructor.construct(bucket(), new_count + 1);
- if (buckets_)
- {
- // Copy the nodes to the new buckets, including the dummy
- // node if there is one.
- (constructor.get() +
- static_cast<std::ptrdiff_t>(new_count))->next_ =
- (buckets_ + static_cast<std::ptrdiff_t>(
- bucket_count_))->next_;
- bucket_pointer end = this->get_bucket(this->bucket_count_ + 1);
- for(bucket_pointer it = this->buckets_; it != end; ++it)
- {
- bucket_allocator_traits::destroy(bucket_alloc(),
- boost::addressof(*it));
- }
- bucket_allocator_traits::deallocate(bucket_alloc(),
- this->buckets_, this->bucket_count_ + 1);
- }
- else if (bucket::extra_node)
- {
- node_constructor a(this->node_alloc());
- a.construct();
- (constructor.get() +
- static_cast<std::ptrdiff_t>(this->bucket_count_))->next_ =
- a.release();
- }
- this->bucket_count_ = new_count;
- this->buckets_ = constructor.release();
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Swap and Move
- void swap(buckets& other, false_type = false_type())
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT(node_alloc() == other.node_alloc());
- boost::swap(buckets_, other.buckets_);
- boost::swap(bucket_count_, other.bucket_count_);
- boost::swap(size_, other.size_);
- }
- void swap(buckets& other, true_type)
- {
- allocators_.swap(other.allocators_);
- boost::swap(buckets_, other.buckets_);
- boost::swap(bucket_count_, other.bucket_count_);
- boost::swap(size_, other.size_);
- }
- void move_buckets_from(buckets& other)
- {
- BOOST_ASSERT(node_alloc() == other.node_alloc());
- BOOST_ASSERT(!this->buckets_);
- this->buckets_ = other.buckets_;
- this->bucket_count_ = other.bucket_count_;
- this->size_ = other.size_;
- other.buckets_ = bucket_pointer();
- other.size_ = 0;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Delete/destruct
- inline void delete_node(c_iterator n)
- {
- boost::unordered::detail::destroy_value_impl(node_alloc(),
- n.node_->value_ptr());
- node_allocator_traits::destroy(node_alloc(),
- boost::addressof(*n.node_));
- node_allocator_traits::deallocate(node_alloc(), n.node_, 1);
- --size_;
- }
- std::size_t delete_nodes(c_iterator begin, c_iterator end)
- {
- std::size_t count = 0;
- while(begin != end) {
- c_iterator n = begin;
- ++begin;
- delete_node(n);
- ++count;
- }
- return count;
- }
- inline void delete_extra_node(bucket_pointer) {}
- inline void delete_extra_node(node_pointer n) {
- node_allocator_traits::destroy(node_alloc(), boost::addressof(*n));
- node_allocator_traits::deallocate(node_alloc(), n, 1);
- }
- inline ~buckets()
- {
- this->delete_buckets();
- }
- void delete_buckets()
- {
- if(this->buckets_) {
- previous_pointer prev = this->get_previous_start();
- while(prev->next_) {
- node_pointer n = static_cast<node_pointer>(prev->next_);
- prev->next_ = n->next_;
- delete_node(iterator(n));
- }
- delete_extra_node(prev);
- bucket_pointer end = this->get_bucket(this->bucket_count_ + 1);
- for(bucket_pointer it = this->buckets_; it != end; ++it)
- {
- bucket_allocator_traits::destroy(bucket_alloc(),
- boost::addressof(*it));
- }
- bucket_allocator_traits::deallocate(bucket_alloc(),
- this->buckets_, this->bucket_count_ + 1);
- this->buckets_ = bucket_pointer();
- }
- BOOST_ASSERT(!this->size_);
- }
- void clear()
- {
- if(!this->size_) return;
- previous_pointer prev = this->get_previous_start();
- while(prev->next_) {
- node_pointer n = static_cast<node_pointer>(prev->next_);
- prev->next_ = n->next_;
- delete_node(iterator(n));
- }
- clear_buckets();
- BOOST_ASSERT(!this->size_);
- }
- void clear_buckets()
- {
- bucket_pointer end = this->get_bucket(this->bucket_count_);
- for(bucket_pointer it = this->buckets_; it != end; ++it)
- {
- it->next_ = node_pointer();
- }
- }
- // This is called after erasing a node or group of nodes to fix up
- // the bucket pointers.
- void fix_buckets(bucket_pointer this_bucket,
- previous_pointer prev, node_pointer next)
- {
- if (!next)
- {
- if (this_bucket->next_ == prev)
- this_bucket->next_ = node_pointer();
- }
- else
- {
- bucket_pointer next_bucket = this->get_bucket(
- policy::to_bucket(this->bucket_count_, next->hash_));
- if (next_bucket != this_bucket)
- {
- next_bucket->next_ = prev;
- if (this_bucket->next_ == prev)
- this_bucket->next_ = node_pointer();
- }
- }
- }
- // This is called after erasing a range of nodes to fix any bucket
- // pointers into that range.
- void fix_buckets_range(std::size_t bucket_index,
- previous_pointer prev, node_pointer begin, node_pointer end)
- {
- node_pointer n = begin;
- // If we're not at the start of the current bucket, then
- // go to the start of the next bucket.
- if (this->get_bucket(bucket_index)->next_ != prev)
- {
- for(;;) {
- n = static_cast<node_pointer>(n->next_);
- if (n == end) return;
- std::size_t new_bucket_index =
- policy::to_bucket(this->bucket_count_, n->hash_);
- if (bucket_index != new_bucket_index) {
- bucket_index = new_bucket_index;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // Iterate through the remaining nodes, clearing out the bucket
- // pointers.
- this->get_bucket(bucket_index)->next_ = previous_pointer();
- for(;;) {
- n = static_cast<node_pointer>(n->next_);
- if (n == end) break;
- std::size_t new_bucket_index =
- policy::to_bucket(this->bucket_count_, n->hash_);
- if (bucket_index != new_bucket_index) {
- bucket_index = new_bucket_index;
- this->get_bucket(bucket_index)->next_ = previous_pointer();
- }
- };
- // Finally fix the bucket containing the trailing node.
- if (n) {
- this->get_bucket(
- policy::to_bucket(this->bucket_count_, n->hash_))->next_
- = prev;
- }
- }
- };
// Functions
Modified: trunk/boost/unordered/detail/equivalent.hpp
--- trunk/boost/unordered/detail/equivalent.hpp (original)
+++ trunk/boost/unordered/detail/equivalent.hpp 2012-09-03 16:04:15 EDT (Mon, 03 Sep 2012)
@@ -177,7 +177,6 @@
typedef boost::unordered::detail::table<Types> table;
typedef typename table::value_type value_type;
typedef typename table::bucket bucket;
- typedef typename table::buckets buckets;
typedef typename table::policy policy;
typedef typename table::node_pointer node_pointer;
typedef typename table::node_allocator node_allocator;
@@ -716,7 +715,7 @@
// fill_buckets
template <class NodeCreator>
- static void fill_buckets(iterator n, buckets& dst,
+ static void fill_buckets(iterator n, table& dst,
NodeCreator& creator)
previous_pointer prev = dst.get_previous_start();
@@ -761,7 +760,7 @@
// Iterate through the nodes placing them in the correct buckets.
// pre: prev->next_ is not null.
- static previous_pointer place_in_bucket(buckets& dst,
+ static previous_pointer place_in_bucket(table& dst,
previous_pointer prev, node_pointer end)
bucket_pointer b = dst.get_bucket(policy::to_bucket(
Modified: trunk/boost/unordered/detail/table.hpp
--- trunk/boost/unordered/detail/table.hpp (original)
+++ trunk/boost/unordered/detail/table.hpp 2012-09-03 16:04:15 EDT (Mon, 03 Sep 2012)
@@ -120,11 +120,7 @@
template <typename Types>
struct table :
- boost::unordered::detail::buckets<
- typename Types::allocator,
- typename Types::bucket,
- typename Types::node,
- typename Types::policy>,
+ Types::policy,
typename Types::hasher,
typename Types::key_equal>
@@ -133,6 +129,8 @@
table(table const&);
table& operator=(table const&);
+ typedef typename Types::node node;
+ typedef typename Types::bucket bucket;
typedef typename Types::hasher hasher;
typedef typename Types::key_equal key_equal;
typedef typename Types::key_type key_type;
@@ -146,23 +144,129 @@
typename Types::hasher,
typename Types::key_equal> functions;
- typedef boost::unordered::detail::buckets<
- typename Types::allocator,
- typename Types::bucket,
- typename Types::node,
- typename Types::policy> buckets;
- typedef typename buckets::node_allocator node_allocator;
- typedef typename buckets::node_allocator_traits node_allocator_traits;
- typedef typename buckets::node_pointer node_pointer;
- typedef typename buckets::const_node_pointer const_node_pointer;
- typedef typename table::iterator iterator;
+ // TODO: Better to use the original allocator here.
+ typedef typename Types::allocator value_allocator;
+ typedef typename boost::unordered::detail::
+ rebind_wrap<value_allocator, node>::type node_allocator;
+ typedef typename boost::unordered::detail::
+ rebind_wrap<value_allocator, bucket>::type bucket_allocator;
+ typedef boost::unordered::detail::allocator_traits<node_allocator>
+ node_allocator_traits;
+ typedef boost::unordered::detail::allocator_traits<bucket_allocator>
+ bucket_allocator_traits;
+ typedef typename node_allocator_traits::pointer
+ node_pointer;
+ typedef typename node_allocator_traits::const_pointer
+ const_node_pointer;
+ typedef typename bucket_allocator_traits::pointer
+ bucket_pointer;
+ typedef typename bucket::previous_pointer
+ previous_pointer;
+ typedef boost::unordered::detail::node_constructor<node_allocator>
+ node_constructor;
+ typedef boost::unordered::iterator_detail::
+ iterator<node_pointer, value_type> iterator;
+ typedef boost::unordered::iterator_detail::
+ c_iterator<const_node_pointer, node_pointer, value_type> c_iterator;
+ typedef boost::unordered::iterator_detail::
+ l_iterator<node_pointer, value_type, policy> l_iterator;
+ typedef boost::unordered::iterator_detail::
+ cl_iterator<const_node_pointer, node_pointer, value_type, policy>
+ cl_iterator;
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Members
+ boost::unordered::detail::compressed<bucket_allocator, node_allocator>
+ allocators_;
+ std::size_t bucket_count_;
+ std::size_t size_;
float mlf_;
std::size_t max_load_; // Only use if this->buckets_.
+ bucket_pointer buckets_;
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Data access
+ bucket_allocator const& bucket_alloc() const
+ {
+ return allocators_.first();
+ }
+ node_allocator const& node_alloc() const
+ {
+ return allocators_.second();
+ }
+ bucket_allocator& bucket_alloc()
+ {
+ return allocators_.first();
+ }
+ node_allocator& node_alloc()
+ {
+ return allocators_.second();
+ }
+ std::size_t max_bucket_count() const
+ {
+ // -1 to account for the start bucket.
+ return policy::prev_bucket_count(
+ bucket_allocator_traits::max_size(bucket_alloc()) - 1);
+ }
+ bucket_pointer get_bucket(std::size_t bucket_index) const
+ {
+ return buckets_ + static_cast<std::ptrdiff_t>(bucket_index);
+ }
+ previous_pointer get_previous_start() const
+ {
+ return this->get_bucket(this->bucket_count_)->first_from_start();
+ }
+ previous_pointer get_previous_start(std::size_t bucket_index) const
+ {
+ return this->get_bucket(bucket_index)->next_;
+ }
+ iterator get_start() const
+ {
+ return iterator(static_cast<node_pointer>(
+ this->get_previous_start()->next_));
+ }
+ iterator get_start(std::size_t bucket_index) const
+ {
+ previous_pointer prev = this->get_previous_start(bucket_index);
+ return prev ? iterator(static_cast<node_pointer>(prev->next_)) :
+ iterator();
+ }
+ float load_factor() const
+ {
+ BOOST_ASSERT(this->bucket_count_ != 0);
+ return static_cast<float>(this->size_)
+ / static_cast<float>(this->bucket_count_);
+ }
+ std::size_t bucket_size(std::size_t index) const
+ {
+ if (!this->size_) return 0;
+ iterator it = this->get_start(index);
+ if (!it.node_) return 0;
+ std::size_t count = 0;
+ while(it.node_ && policy::to_bucket(
+ this->bucket_count_, it.node_->hash_) == index)
+ {
+ ++count;
+ ++it;
+ }
+ return count;
+ }
// Load methods
@@ -224,37 +328,53 @@
hasher const& hf,
key_equal const& eq,
node_allocator const& a) :
- buckets(a, policy::new_bucket_count(num_buckets)),
functions(hf, eq),
+ allocators_(a,a),
+ bucket_count_(policy::new_bucket_count(num_buckets)),
+ size_(0),
- max_load_(0)
+ max_load_(0),
+ buckets_()
table(table const& x, node_allocator const& a) :
- buckets(a, x.min_buckets_for_size(x.size_)),
+ allocators_(a,a),
+ bucket_count_(x.min_buckets_for_size(x.size_)),
+ size_(0),
- max_load_(0)
+ max_load_(0),
+ buckets_()
// TODO: Why calculate_max_load?
table(table& x, boost::unordered::detail::move_tag m) :
- buckets(x, m),
+ allocators_(x.allocators_, m),
+ bucket_count_(x.bucket_count_),
+ size_(x.size_),
- max_load_(calculate_max_load())
- {}
+ max_load_(calculate_max_load()),
+ buckets_(x.buckets_)
+ {
+ x.buckets_ = bucket_pointer();
+ x.size_ = 0;
+ }
// TODO: Why not calculate_max_load?
// TODO: Why do I use x's bucket count?
table(table& x, node_allocator const& a,
boost::unordered::detail::move_tag) :
- buckets(a, x.bucket_count_),
+ allocators_(a, a),
+ bucket_count_(x.bucket_count_),
+ size_(0),
- max_load_(x.max_load_)
+ max_load_(x.max_load_),
+ buckets_()
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Initialisation.
void init(table const& x)
@@ -283,6 +403,246 @@
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Create buckets
+ void create_buckets(std::size_t new_count)
+ {
+ boost::unordered::detail::array_constructor<bucket_allocator>
+ constructor(bucket_alloc());
+ // Creates an extra bucket to act as the start node.
+ constructor.construct(bucket(), new_count + 1);
+ if (buckets_)
+ {
+ // Copy the nodes to the new buckets, including the dummy
+ // node if there is one.
+ (constructor.get() +
+ static_cast<std::ptrdiff_t>(new_count))->next_ =
+ (buckets_ + static_cast<std::ptrdiff_t>(
+ bucket_count_))->next_;
+ bucket_pointer end = this->get_bucket(this->bucket_count_ + 1);
+ for(bucket_pointer it = this->buckets_; it != end; ++it)
+ {
+ bucket_allocator_traits::destroy(bucket_alloc(),
+ boost::addressof(*it));
+ }
+ bucket_allocator_traits::deallocate(bucket_alloc(),
+ this->buckets_, this->bucket_count_ + 1);
+ }
+ else if (bucket::extra_node)
+ {
+ node_constructor a(this->node_alloc());
+ a.construct();
+ (constructor.get() +
+ static_cast<std::ptrdiff_t>(this->bucket_count_))->next_ =
+ a.release();
+ }
+ this->bucket_count_ = new_count;
+ this->buckets_ = constructor.release();
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Swap and Move
+ void swap_buckets(table& other, false_type = false_type())
+ {
+ BOOST_ASSERT(node_alloc() == other.node_alloc());
+ boost::swap(buckets_, other.buckets_);
+ boost::swap(bucket_count_, other.bucket_count_);
+ boost::swap(size_, other.size_);
+ }
+ void swap_buckets(table& other, true_type)
+ {
+ allocators_.swap(other.allocators_);
+ boost::swap(buckets_, other.buckets_);
+ boost::swap(bucket_count_, other.bucket_count_);
+ boost::swap(size_, other.size_);
+ }
+ void move_buckets_from(table& other)
+ {
+ BOOST_ASSERT(node_alloc() == other.node_alloc());
+ BOOST_ASSERT(!this->buckets_);
+ this->buckets_ = other.buckets_;
+ this->bucket_count_ = other.bucket_count_;
+ this->size_ = other.size_;
+ other.buckets_ = bucket_pointer();
+ other.size_ = 0;
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Delete/destruct
+ ~table()
+ {
+ this->delete_buckets();
+ }
+ void delete_node(c_iterator n)
+ {
+ boost::unordered::detail::destroy_value_impl(node_alloc(),
+ n.node_->value_ptr());
+ node_allocator_traits::destroy(node_alloc(),
+ boost::addressof(*n.node_));
+ node_allocator_traits::deallocate(node_alloc(), n.node_, 1);
+ --size_;
+ }
+ std::size_t delete_nodes(c_iterator begin, c_iterator end)
+ {
+ std::size_t count = 0;
+ while(begin != end) {
+ c_iterator n = begin;
+ ++begin;
+ delete_node(n);
+ ++count;
+ }
+ return count;
+ }
+ void delete_extra_node(bucket_pointer) {}
+ void delete_extra_node(node_pointer n) {
+ node_allocator_traits::destroy(node_alloc(), boost::addressof(*n));
+ node_allocator_traits::deallocate(node_alloc(), n, 1);
+ }
+ void delete_buckets()
+ {
+ if(this->buckets_) {
+ previous_pointer prev = this->get_previous_start();
+ while(prev->next_) {
+ node_pointer n = static_cast<node_pointer>(prev->next_);
+ prev->next_ = n->next_;
+ delete_node(iterator(n));
+ }
+ delete_extra_node(prev);
+ bucket_pointer end = this->get_bucket(this->bucket_count_ + 1);
+ for(bucket_pointer it = this->buckets_; it != end; ++it)
+ {
+ bucket_allocator_traits::destroy(bucket_alloc(),
+ boost::addressof(*it));
+ }
+ bucket_allocator_traits::deallocate(bucket_alloc(),
+ this->buckets_, this->bucket_count_ + 1);
+ this->buckets_ = bucket_pointer();
+ }
+ BOOST_ASSERT(!this->size_);
+ }
+ void clear()
+ {
+ if(!this->size_) return;
+ previous_pointer prev = this->get_previous_start();
+ while(prev->next_) {
+ node_pointer n = static_cast<node_pointer>(prev->next_);
+ prev->next_ = n->next_;
+ delete_node(iterator(n));
+ }
+ clear_buckets();
+ BOOST_ASSERT(!this->size_);
+ }
+ void clear_buckets()
+ {
+ bucket_pointer end = this->get_bucket(this->bucket_count_);
+ for(bucket_pointer it = this->buckets_; it != end; ++it)
+ {
+ it->next_ = node_pointer();
+ }
+ }
+ // This is called after erasing a node or group of nodes to fix up
+ // the bucket pointers.
+ void fix_buckets(bucket_pointer this_bucket,
+ previous_pointer prev, node_pointer next)
+ {
+ if (!next)
+ {
+ if (this_bucket->next_ == prev)
+ this_bucket->next_ = node_pointer();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bucket_pointer next_bucket = this->get_bucket(
+ policy::to_bucket(this->bucket_count_, next->hash_));
+ if (next_bucket != this_bucket)
+ {
+ next_bucket->next_ = prev;
+ if (this_bucket->next_ == prev)
+ this_bucket->next_ = node_pointer();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // This is called after erasing a range of nodes to fix any bucket
+ // pointers into that range.
+ void fix_buckets_range(std::size_t bucket_index,
+ previous_pointer prev, node_pointer begin, node_pointer end)
+ {
+ node_pointer n = begin;
+ // If we're not at the start of the current bucket, then
+ // go to the start of the next bucket.
+ if (this->get_bucket(bucket_index)->next_ != prev)
+ {
+ for(;;) {
+ n = static_cast<node_pointer>(n->next_);
+ if (n == end) return;
+ std::size_t new_bucket_index =
+ policy::to_bucket(this->bucket_count_, n->hash_);
+ if (bucket_index != new_bucket_index) {
+ bucket_index = new_bucket_index;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Iterate through the remaining nodes, clearing out the bucket
+ // pointers.
+ this->get_bucket(bucket_index)->next_ = previous_pointer();
+ for(;;) {
+ n = static_cast<node_pointer>(n->next_);
+ if (n == end) break;
+ std::size_t new_bucket_index =
+ policy::to_bucket(this->bucket_count_, n->hash_);
+ if (bucket_index != new_bucket_index) {
+ bucket_index = new_bucket_index;
+ this->get_bucket(bucket_index)->next_ = previous_pointer();
+ }
+ };
+ // Finally fix the bucket containing the trailing node.
+ if (n) {
+ this->get_bucket(
+ policy::to_bucket(this->bucket_count_, n->hash_))->next_
+ = prev;
+ }
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Iterators
iterator begin() const {
@@ -290,6 +650,7 @@
iterator() : this->get_start();
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Assignment
void assign(table const& x)
@@ -453,7 +814,7 @@
op2(x, *this);
// I think swap can throw if Propagate::value,
// since the allocators' swap can throw. Not sure though.
- this->buckets::swap(x, p);
+ swap_buckets(x, p);
std::swap(this->mlf_, x.mlf_);
std::swap(this->max_load_, x.max_load_);
@@ -463,7 +824,7 @@
// Swap everything but the allocators, and the functions objects.
void swap_contents(table& x)
- this->buckets::swap(x, false_type());
+ swap_buckets(x, false_type());
std::swap(this->mlf_, x.mlf_);
std::swap(this->max_load_, x.max_load_);
Modified: trunk/boost/unordered/detail/unique.hpp
--- trunk/boost/unordered/detail/unique.hpp (original)
+++ trunk/boost/unordered/detail/unique.hpp 2012-09-03 16:04:15 EDT (Mon, 03 Sep 2012)
@@ -173,7 +173,6 @@
typedef boost::unordered::detail::table<Types> table;
typedef typename table::value_type value_type;
typedef typename table::bucket bucket;
- typedef typename table::buckets buckets;
typedef typename table::policy policy;
typedef typename table::node_pointer node_pointer;
typedef typename table::node_allocator node_allocator;
@@ -619,7 +618,7 @@
// fill_buckets
template <class NodeCreator>
- static void fill_buckets(iterator n, buckets& dst,
+ static void fill_buckets(iterator n, table& dst,
NodeCreator& creator)
previous_pointer prev = dst.get_previous_start();
@@ -648,12 +647,12 @@
// Iterate through the nodes placing them in the correct buckets.
// pre: prev->next_ is not null.
- static previous_pointer place_in_bucket(buckets& dst,
+ static previous_pointer place_in_bucket(table& dst,
previous_pointer prev)
node_pointer n = static_cast<node_pointer>(prev->next_);
bucket_pointer b = dst.get_bucket(
- buckets::to_bucket(dst.bucket_count_, n->hash_));
+ table::to_bucket(dst.bucket_count_, n->hash_));
if (!b->next_) {
b->next_ = prev;
Boost-Commit list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk