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Boost-Commit : |
Subject: [Boost-commit] svn:boost r80596 - trunk/boost/polygon/detail
From: lucanus.j.simonson_at_[hidden]
Date: 2012-09-18 23:20:20
Author: ljsimons
Date: 2012-09-18 23:20:19 EDT (Tue, 18 Sep 2012)
New Revision: 80596
URL: http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/80596
initial checkin of skeleton algorithm
trunk/boost/polygon/detail/skeleton_detail.hpp (contents, props changed)
Text files modified:
trunk/boost/polygon/detail/skeleton_predicates.hpp | 2 ++
trunk/boost/polygon/detail/voronoi_ctypes.hpp | 9 +++++++++
2 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
Added: trunk/boost/polygon/detail/skeleton_detail.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/detail/skeleton_detail.hpp 2012-09-18 23:20:19 EDT (Tue, 18 Sep 2012)
@@ -0,0 +1,943 @@
+ Copyright 2012 Lucanus Simonson
+ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+ Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
+#include <boost/polygon/point_concept.hpp>
+#include <boost/polygon/segment_concept.hpp>
+#include <boost/polygon/polygon_set_concept.hpp>
+#include <boost/polygon/segment_utils.hpp>
+#include <queue>
+#include "skeleton_predicates.hpp"
+namespace boost { namespace polygon {
+ inline void debug1(const char* msg) {std::cout << std::string(msg) << std::endl;}
+ inline void debug1(const char* msg) {}
+ template <typename PointType, typename Segment2, typename Segment3>
+ bool
+ //computes in point the intersection of the lines of Segment2 and Segment3
+ //if Segment2 and Segment3 are parallel and non-colinear it returns false
+ //if segment2 and segment3 are parallel and colinear it returns the least low point in the direction
+ //both segments are directed, or if opposite directions it returns the midpoint between their two low points
+ generalized_intersection(PointType& point, const Segment2& segment2, const Segment3& segment3) {
+ typedef typename point_traits<PointType>::coordinate_type UnitOut;
+ UnitOut x11, x21, x12, x22, y12, y22, y11, y21, x_num, x_den, y_num, y_den, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2;
+ x11 = UnitOut(segment2.low().get(HORIZONTAL));
+ x21 = UnitOut(segment3.low().get(HORIZONTAL));
+ y11 = UnitOut(segment2.low().get(VERTICAL));
+ y21 = UnitOut(segment3.low().get(VERTICAL));
+ x12 = UnitOut(segment2.high().get(HORIZONTAL));
+ x22 = UnitOut(segment3.high().get(HORIZONTAL));
+ y12 = UnitOut(segment2.high().get(VERTICAL));
+ y22 = UnitOut(segment3.high().get(VERTICAL));
+ dx1 = x12 - x11;
+ dy1 = y12 - y11;
+ dx2 = x22 - x21;
+ dy2 = y22 - y21;
+ if(dx1 * dy2 - dx2 * dy1 == 0) {
+ if((x22 - x11) * dx2 == (y22 - y11) * dy2)
+ return false; //lines have same slope but not colinear
+ UnitOut dll = (x11 - x21) * (x11 - x21) + (y11 - y21) * (y11 - y21);
+ UnitOut dlh = (x11 - x22) * (x11 - x22) + (y11 - y22) * (y11 - y22);
+ UnitOut dhl = (x12 - x21) * (x12 - x21) + (y12 - y21) * (y12 - y21);
+ UnitOut dhh = (x12 - x22) * (x12 - x22) + (y12 - y22) * (y12 - y22);
+ if(dhh < dhl && dhh < dlh && dhh < dll) {
+ //segments are directed toward eachother
+ point = PointType((x12+x22)/2,(y12+y22)/2); //average of high points
+ } else {
+ //away or in the same direction
+ point = PointType((x11+x21)/2,(y11+y21)/2); //average of low points
+ }
+ }
+ x_num = (x11 * dy1 * dx2 - x21 * dy2 * dx1 + y21 * dx1 * dx2 - y11 * dx1 * dx2);
+ x_den = (dy1 * dx2 - dy2 * dx1);
+ y_num = (y11 * dx1 * dy2 - y21 * dx2 * dy1 + x21 * dy1 * dy2 - x11 * dy1 * dy2);
+ y_den = (dx1 * dy2 - dx2 * dy1);
+ UnitOut x = x_num / x_den;
+ UnitOut y = y_num / y_den;
+ point = PointType(x, y);
+ std::cout << x11 << "," << y11 << "->" << x12 << "," << y12 << " " << x21 << "," << y21 << "->" << x22 << "," << y22 << "\n";
+ std::cout << "Intersection Point " << x << " " << y << std::endl;
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename Segment1, typename Segment2, typename Segment3>
+ bool
+ //computes in segment1 a segment with low point at the intersection of the lines
+ //of segment2 and segment3 oriented in the direction of the angle bisector of segment2
+ // and segment3
+ //degenerate case where segments are parallel and colinear
+ bisector(Segment1& segment1, const Segment2& segment2, const Segment3& segment3) {
+ typedef typename segment_traits<Segment1>::coordinate_type UnitOut;
+ point_data<UnitOut> gint;
+ if(generalized_intersection(gint, segment2, segment3)) {
+ UnitOut x11, x21, x12, x22, y12, y22, y11, y21, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2;
+ segment1.low(gint);
+ x11 = UnitOut(segment2.low().get(HORIZONTAL));
+ x21 = UnitOut(segment3.low().get(HORIZONTAL));
+ y11 = UnitOut(segment2.low().get(VERTICAL));
+ y21 = UnitOut(segment3.low().get(VERTICAL));
+ x12 = UnitOut(segment2.high().get(HORIZONTAL));
+ x22 = UnitOut(segment3.high().get(HORIZONTAL));
+ y12 = UnitOut(segment2.high().get(VERTICAL));
+ y22 = UnitOut(segment3.high().get(VERTICAL));
+ dx1 = x12 - x11;
+ dy1 = y12 - y11;
+ dx2 = x22 - x21;
+ dy2 = y22 - y21;
+ point_data<UnitOut> p1(x11, y11);
+ point_data<UnitOut> p2(x21, y21);
+ if(p1 == gint)
+ p1 = point_data<UnitOut>(x12, y12);
+ if(p2 == gint)
+ p2 = point_data<UnitOut>(x22, y22);
+ UnitOut dist1 = euclidean_distance(gint, p1);
+ UnitOut dist2 = euclidean_distance(gint, p2);
+ std::cout << dist1 << " " << dist2 << "\n";
+ UnitOut x_out = gint.x() + ((p1.x() - gint.x())*dist2/dist1 + (p2.x()-gint.x()))/2;
+ UnitOut y_out = gint.y() + ((p1.y() - gint.y())*dist2/dist1 + (p2.y()-gint.y()))/2;
+ point_data<UnitOut> end_point(x_out, y_out);
+ if(orientation(segment2, end_point) != orientation(segment3, end_point)) {
+ std::cout << "we want the other bisector in this case\n";
+ y_out = gint.y() + ((p1.x() - gint.x())*dist2/dist1 + (p2.x()-gint.x()))/2;
+ x_out = gint.x() - ((p1.y() - gint.y())*dist2/dist1 + (p2.y()-gint.y()))/2;
+ }
+ end_point = point_data<UnitOut>(x_out, y_out);
+ segment1.high(end_point);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ template <typename coordinate_type, typename output_coordinate_type>
+ struct skeleton_detail {
+ typedef segment_data<output_coordinate_type> edge_type;
+ typedef point_data<output_coordinate_type> vertex_type;
+ typedef segment_data<output_coordinate_type> segment_type;
+ //forward declare
+ struct future_intersection;
+ struct skeleton_node;
+ //EVENT OBJECT can represent either split event or edge event with same type
+ struct event {
+ point_data<output_coordinate_type> point;
+ output_coordinate_type distance; //use for lazy compare, exact compare can be done with original coordinates in *parent
+ //event consists of intersection between angle bisectors of parent and parent->next or parent and split_on_next
+ future_intersection* parent;
+ future_intersection* parent2;
+ //refer back to the edge between the target and its next
+ future_intersection* split_on_next; //if null is an edge event
+ bool operator<(const event& that) const {
+ debug1("event::operator<");
+ return distance < that.distance;
+ }
+ bool operator>(const event& that) const {
+ debug1("event::operator>");
+ return distance > that.distance;
+ }
+ output_coordinate_type x() const { return point.x(); }
+ void x(const output_coordinate_type& val) { point.x(val); }
+ output_coordinate_type y() const { return point.y(); }
+ void y(const output_coordinate_type& val) { point.y(val); }
+ output_coordinate_type r() const { return distance; }
+ void r(const output_coordinate_type& val) { distance = val; }
+ };
+ typedef typename boost::polygon::detail::skeleton_predicates
+ <typename boost::polygon::detail::skeleton_ctype_traits<coordinate_type> >::template event_formation_predicate<
+ segment_data<coordinate_type>, event> create_event;
+ // each future intersection is associated with a pair of edges of the polygon
+ // originally coming from edges incident on each polygon vertex
+ // polygon holes are circular sub lists of each list such that split events can be found
+ struct future_intersection {
+ edge_type edge; //the edge that is next between this future intersection and the one stored in *next
+ future_intersection* prev;
+ future_intersection* next;
+ skeleton_node* parent_node;
+ output_coordinate_type active_distance;
+ //split events that refer to the edge between this and next
+ std::vector<typename std::set<event>::iterator> active_splits_on_next;
+ std::string label;
+ bool is_dead;
+ future_intersection() : prev(0x0), next(0x0), parent_node(0x0), is_dead(false), active_distance(-1.0) {
+ static char local_label = 'a';
+ label = local_label;
+ if(local_label == 'z')
+ local_label = 'a';
+ else
+ ++local_label;
+ }
+ ~future_intersection() {
+ debug1("~future_intersection()");
+ prev = 0x0;
+ next = 0x0;
+ parent_node = 0x0;
+ }
+ };
+ static void delete_future_intersection_ring(future_intersection* head) {
+ debug1("delete_future_intersection_ring()");
+ future_intersection* current = head;
+ if(head != 0x0)
+ if(head->prev != 0x0)
+ head->prev->next = 0x0; //give us a stopping point
+ while(current != 0x0) {
+ if(current->prev != 0x0)
+ current->prev->next = 0x0;
+ future_intersection* dead_node = current;
+ current = current->next;
+ delete dead_node;
+ }
+ }
+ //EVENT QUEUE of event objects by minimum weighted distance from edges
+ struct event_priority {
+ bool operator()(const event& e1, const event& e2) {
+ return e1 > e2;
+ }
+ };
+ typedef std::priority_queue<event, std::vector<event>, event_priority> event_queue_type;
+ //provide floating point representation of skeleton nodes and also references to all the input polygon edges from which
+ //the node is weighted equidistant, that way original coordinates can be used by algorithms consuming skeleton data
+ //handle the case where there are more than three edges that are weighted cocirular by a zero length skeleton segment
+ //that can be collapsed in post processing
+ struct skeleton_node {
+ skeleton_node(const point_data<output_coordinate_type>& pt) {
+ debug1("skeleton_node()");
+ static char local_label = 'A';
+ label = local_label;
+ if(local_label == 'Z')
+ local_label = 'A';
+ else
+ ++local_label;
+ vertex = pt;
+ linked_nodes[0] = linked_nodes[1] = linked_nodes[2] = 0x0;
+ }
+ void add_edge(skeleton_node* link) {
+ for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+ if(!linked_nodes[i]) {
+ linked_nodes[i] = link;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ std::string label;
+ point_data<output_coordinate_type> vertex;
+ skeleton_node* linked_nodes[3]; //three is the common case
+ //for higher order nodes insert artificial zero length skeleton edges and duplicate node coordinates
+ //to create a 3-ary tree
+ };
+ //static member functions
+ //simply copy the original polygon edges into the future intersection edge pair data structure
+ static void initialize_skeleton_edges(std::vector<skeleton_node*>& skeleton,
+ std::vector<future_intersection*>& all_faces,
+ event_queue_type& event_queue,
+ const std::vector<edge_type>& edges) {
+ debug1("initialize_skeleton_edges");
+ if(edges.empty()) return;
+ rectangle_data<output_coordinate_type> domain;
+ envelope_segments(domain, edges.begin(), edges.end());
+ future_intersection* head = 0x0, *current = 0x0, *prev = 0x0;
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < edges.size(); ++i) {
+ skeleton.push_back(new skeleton_node(point_data<output_coordinate_type>
+ (output_coordinate_type(edges[i].low().get(HORIZONTAL)),
+ output_coordinate_type(edges[i].low().get(VERTICAL)))));
+ current = new future_intersection();
+ all_faces.push_back(current);
+ if(i == 0) head = current;
+ current->edge = edges[i];
+ current->parent_node = (skeleton.back());
+ current->prev = prev;
+ current->is_dead = false;
+ if(prev) {
+ prev->next = current;
+ }
+ prev = current;
+ }
+ current->next = head;
+ head->prev = current;
+ current = head;
+ do {
+ debug1("loop");
+ if(orientation(current->prev->edge, current->edge) < 1) {
+ std::cout << "initialize reflex vertex\n";
+ future_intersection* inner = current->next->next;
+ while(inner != current) {
+ event e2;
+ if(compute_split_event(e2, current, inner)) {
+ if(e2.distance <= e2.parent->active_distance || e2.parent->active_distance < 0) {
+ //split event has no parent2
+ std::cout << "inserting split event\n";
+ event_queue.push(e2);
+ e2.parent->active_distance = e2.distance;
+ }
+ }
+ inner = inner->next;
+ }
+ }
+ event e;
+ if(compute_edge_event(e, current, current->next, domain)) {
+ if((e.distance <= e.parent->active_distance || e.parent->active_distance < 0) &&
+ (e.distance <= e.parent2->active_distance || e.parent2->active_distance < 0)) {
+ event_queue.push(e);
+ e.parent->active_distance = e.distance;
+ e.parent2->active_distance = e.distance;
+ }
+ }
+ current = current->next;
+ } while(current != head);
+ }
+ template<typename polygon_data_type>
+ static void initialize_skeleton_single_polygon(std::vector<skeleton_node*>& skeleton,
+ std::vector<future_intersection*>& all_faces,
+ event_queue_type& event_queue,
+ const polygon_data_type& polygon,
+ bool reverse_winding = false) {
+ debug1("initialize_skeleton_single_polygon");
+ //polygons may be open or closed
+ if(polygon.size() == 0) return;
+ std::vector<edge_type> edges;
+ typename polygon_data_type::iterator_type itr = polygon.begin(), first, prev;
+ first = itr;
+ prev = itr;
+ for(++itr; itr != polygon.end(); ++itr) {
+ //ignore duplicate points
+ if(*prev != *itr) {
+ if(reverse_winding)
+ edges.push_back(edge_type(*itr, *prev));
+ else
+ edges.push_back(edge_type(*prev, *itr));
+ prev = itr;
+ }
+ }
+ if(*prev != *first){
+ if(reverse_winding)
+ edges.push_back(edge_type(*first, *prev));
+ else
+ edges.push_back(edge_type(*prev, *first));
+ }
+ if(reverse_winding) {
+ std::reverse(edges.begin(), edges.end());
+ }
+ initialize_skeleton_edges(skeleton, all_faces, event_queue, edges);
+ }
+ template<typename geometry_type>
+ static void initialize_skeleton(std::vector<skeleton_node*>& skeleton, std::vector<future_intersection*>& all_faces,
+ event_queue_type& event_queue,
+ const geometry_type& polygon_set) {
+ debug1("initialize_skeleton");
+ std::vector<polygon_with_holes_data<coordinate_type> > polys;
+ assign(polys, polygon_set); //this makes winding correct for polygons and holes
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++i) {
+ initialize_skeleton_single_polygon(skeleton, all_faces, event_queue, polys[i]);
+ for(typename polygon_with_holes_data<coordinate_type>::iterator_holes_type itrh = polys[i].begin_holes();
+ itrh != polys[i].end_holes(); ++itrh) {
+ initialize_skeleton_single_polygon(skeleton, all_faces, event_queue, *itrh);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //given four general line segments find the intersection between their angle bisectors or return false if it does not exist
+ //robustness concern: if two line segments don't share a vertex the bisector line will be anchored on their
+ //projected intersection, which is a rational quantity, use the original coordinates of the line segments in the formula
+ //to compute the angle bisectors intersection rather than the anchor point of the bisector for computation
+ //perform quick predicates to check if the two bisectors should ever intersect
+ //include weight on each edge to bias the angle bisector
+ //include bound on intersection weighted distance
+ //required degenerate case, if they are colinear then the bisector is perpendicular at their mid point between them on the line
+ //(shared coordinate if abutting) if they are at 180 degrees
+ //optional degenerate case, if they are colinear but at zero degrees (spike) then the bisector is at the lesser of their
+ //two start points and parallel to the segments
+ template <typename Segment>
+ static void print_segment(const Segment& s) {
+ std::cout << s.low().x() << "," << s.low().y() << "->" << s.high().x() << "," << s.high().y() << "\n";
+ }
+ static bool compute_split_event_point(point_data<output_coordinate_type>& point,
+ edge_type e1, edge_type e2, edge_type e3, edge_type e4, edge_type e5) {
+ debug1("compute_split_event_point");
+ segment_type segment1, segment2, segment3, segment4, segment5;
+ print_segment(e1);
+ print_segment(e2);
+ print_segment(e4);
+ point_data<output_coordinate_type> v;
+ //compute that the intersection of the lines of e1 and e2 are on the correct side of the "opposite" segment e4
+ if(!generalized_intersection(v, e1, e2)) {
+ debug1("no intersection");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(orientation(e4, v) <= 0) { //check that reflex vertex ray originates on the correct side of "opposite" edge e4
+ debug1("wrong side opposite");
+ return false;
+ }
+ //compute the bisector of e1 and e2, this is the reflex vertex bisector
+ if(bisector(segment1, e1, e2)) {
+ debug1("has bisector1");
+ if(bisector(segment2, e3, e4)) {
+ debug1("has bisector2");
+ if(bisector(segment3, e4, e5)) {
+ debug1("has bisector3");
+ //compute the edge event point using e1, e2, e2, e4 or e1, e2, e1, e4 if e4 is parallel to e2
+ if(bisector(segment4, e1, e4)) {
+ if(!generalized_intersection(point, segment1, segment4)) {
+ debug1("no intersection 2");
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if(bisector(segment5, e2, e4)) {
+ if(!generalized_intersection(point, segment1, segment5)) {
+ debug1("no intersection 2");
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ debug1("no bisector4");
+ return false;
+ }
+ std::cout << point.x() << " " << point.y() << std::endl;
+ //test that point is on the coorect side of e1 and e2 and e4
+ if(orientation(e1, point) <= 0)
+ return false;
+ if(orientation(e2, point) <= 0)
+ return false;
+ if(orientation(e4, point) <= 0)
+ return false;
+ debug1("passed simple orientation tests");
+ //test that the point is on the correct side of the besector of e3,e4 and e4,e5
+ //it should be clockwise the bisector of e3,e4 and counterclockwise the bisector of e4,e5
+ //if e3,e4/e4e5 are concave then the correct sides will be reversed
+ if(orientation(e3, e4) == orientation(segment2, point))
+ return false;
+ debug1("passed complex orientation test1");
+ if(orientation(e4, e5) != orientation(segment3, point))
+ return false;
+ debug1("passed complex orientation test2");
+ //we seem to have a good split event point
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ template <typename SegmentType>
+ static output_coordinate_type distance_squared_to_line(const point_data<output_coordinate_type>& pt, const SegmentType& segment) {
+ //(ax+by+c)/sqrt(a^2+b^2)
+ //(ax+by+c)(ax+by+c)/(a^2+b^2)
+ output_coordinate_type x11, x12, y12, y11, dx1, dy1, slope;
+ x11 = output_coordinate_type(segment.low().get(HORIZONTAL));
+ y11 = output_coordinate_type(segment.low().get(VERTICAL));
+ x12 = output_coordinate_type(segment.high().get(HORIZONTAL));
+ y12 = output_coordinate_type(segment.high().get(VERTICAL));
+ dx1 = x12 - x11;
+ dy1 = y12 - y11;
+ if(dx1 == 0.0)
+ return (pt.x() - x11)*(pt.x() - x11);
+ slope = dy1/dx1;
+ //0 = -slope * x + y + slope * x11 - y11
+ output_coordinate_type a = -slope;
+ // b = 1;
+ output_coordinate_type c = slope * x11 - y11;
+ output_coordinate_type numf = a*pt.x() + pt.y() + c;
+ return numf*numf/(a*a + 1);
+ }
+ static bool compute_split_event(event& e, future_intersection* first, future_intersection* opposite) {
+ debug1("compute_split_event");
+ point_data<output_coordinate_type> pt;
+ if(compute_split_event_point(e, first->prev->edge, first->edge, opposite->prev->edge, opposite->edge, opposite->next->edge)) {
+ std::cout << "found split event point\n";
+ segment_type s1;
+ assign(s1, opposite->edge);
+ print_segment(opposite->edge);
+ std::cout << pt.x() << " " << pt.y() << std::endl;
+ output_coordinate_type dist = distance_squared_to_line(pt, s1);
+ std::cout << "distance to split " << sqrt(dist) << std::endl;
+ segment_data<coordinate_type> segment1, segment2, segment3;
+ assign(segment1, first->prev->edge);
+ assign(segment2, first->edge);
+ assign(segment3, opposite->edge);
+ event e2;
+ create_event()(segment1, segment2, segment3, &e);
+ std::cout << "Andrii's point " << e.x() << " " << e.y() << " " << e.r() << std::endl;
+ e.point = pt;
+ e.distance = dist;
+ e.parent = first;
+ e.split_on_next = opposite;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ static bool compute_edge_event_point(point_data<output_coordinate_type>& point,
+ edge_type e1, edge_type e2, edge_type e3, edge_type e4) {
+ segment_type segment1, segment2;
+ if(bisector(segment1, e1, e2)) {
+ if(bisector(segment2, e3, e4)) {
+ return (generalized_intersection(point, segment1, segment2));
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ static bool compute_edge_event(event& e, future_intersection* first, future_intersection* second,
+ const rectangle_data<output_coordinate_type>& domain) {
+ point_data<output_coordinate_type> pt;
+ if(compute_edge_event_point(pt, first->prev->edge, first->edge, second->prev->edge, second->edge)) {
+ debug1("domain");
+ std::cout << pt.x() << " " << pt.y() << std::endl;
+ //edge event points outside (or on the boundary of) the polygon bounding box are useless and not worth processing
+ //they would never be reached by the forward progress of the algorithm through the event queue
+ //and would just slow it down and waste space
+ if(contains(domain, pt, false)) {
+ //compute distance from point to edge
+ segment_type s1;
+ assign(s1, first->edge);
+ output_coordinate_type dist = distance_squared_to_line(pt, s1);
+ output_coordinate_type dist2 = euclidean_distance(s1, pt);
+ std::cout << "distance " << dist2 << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "distance^2 " << dist << std::endl;
+ segment_data<coordinate_type> segment1, segment2, segment3;
+ assign(segment1, first->prev->edge);
+ assign(segment2, first->edge);
+ assign(segment3, second->edge);
+ event e2;
+ create_event()(segment1, segment2, segment3, &e);
+ std::cout << "Andrii's point " << e.x() << " " << e.y() << " " << e.r() << std::endl;
+ e.point = pt;
+ e.distance = dist;
+ e.parent = first;
+ e.parent2 = second;
+ e.split_on_next = 0x0;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ //given three general line segments find the intersection between any two angle bisectors of the three segments
+ //if two of the three segments are parallel choose the other angle bisector
+ //if all three are parallel (two should be colinear) find the point half way between the bisector of the colinear points
+ //the line of the third segment
+ //TODO
+ static void find_edge_event(future_intersection* i1, future_intersection* i2,
+ event_queue_type& event_queue, const rectangle_data<output_coordinate_type>& domain)
+ {
+ event new_event;
+ if(compute_edge_event(new_event, i1, i2, domain)) {
+ std::cout << "new event " << new_event.point.x() << " " << new_event.point.y() << std::endl;
+ if(orientation(i1->prev->edge, new_event.point) > 0 &&
+ orientation(i1->edge, new_event.point) > 0 &&
+ orientation(i2->edge, new_event.point) > 0) {
+ if((new_event.distance <= new_event.parent->active_distance || new_event.parent->active_distance < 0) &&
+ (new_event.distance <= new_event.parent->next->active_distance || new_event.parent->next->active_distance < 0)) {
+ event_queue.push(new_event);
+ new_event.parent->active_distance = new_event.distance;
+ new_event.parent->next->active_distance = new_event.distance;
+ } else {
+ std::cout << "distance test rejection " << new_event.parent->active_distance << "\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ std::cout << "orientation test rejection\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ static void print_ring(future_intersection* fi) {
+ future_intersection* current = fi;
+ do {
+ std::cout << current->label << "->";
+ current = current->next;
+ } while(current != fi);
+ std::cout << fi->label << std::endl;
+ do {
+ std::cout << current->label << "->";
+ current = current->prev;
+ } while(current != fi);
+ std::cout << fi->label << std::endl;
+ }
+ static void process_event(event current_event, std::vector<skeleton_node*>& skeleton, std::vector<future_intersection*>& all_faces,
+ event_queue_type& event_queue, const rectangle_data<output_coordinate_type>& domain) {
+ if(current_event.split_on_next) {
+ //split_event
+ std::cout << "split event " << current_event.point.x() << " " << current_event.point.y() << std::endl;
+ print_ring(current_event.parent);
+ //create one new skeleton node with the event parent future intersection's parent-node connected to it
+ skeleton.push_back(new skeleton_node(current_event.point));
+ current_event.parent->parent_node->add_edge(skeleton.back());
+ std::cout << current_event.parent->parent_node->label << "->" << skeleton.back()->label << std::endl;
+ skeleton.back()->add_edge(current_event.parent->parent_node);
+ current_event.parent->parent_node = skeleton.back();
+ //event parent node is not dead
+ //create one new future intersection associated with the with a copy of the "opposite" edge as its edge
+ //that split edge will appear in both rings
+ //the future intersection of the opposite edge gets linked to the parent of the split event as its new prev
+ //the newly created future intersection gets linked to the old prev of the parent of the split even as its new next
+ future_intersection* new_active = new future_intersection();
+ all_faces.push_back(new_active);
+ new_active->edge = current_event.split_on_next->edge;
+ new_active->prev = current_event.parent->prev;
+ new_active->next = current_event.split_on_next->next;
+ new_active->parent_node = skeleton.back();
+ new_active->active_distance = -1;
+ new_active->next->prev = new_active;
+ current_event.parent->prev->next = new_active;
+ current_event.parent->prev = current_event.split_on_next;
+ current_event.parent->prev = current_event.split_on_next;
+ current_event.parent->active_distance = -1;
+ current_event.split_on_next->next = current_event.parent;
+ find_edge_event(new_active, new_active->next, event_queue, domain);
+ find_edge_event(new_active->prev, new_active, event_queue, domain);
+ find_edge_event(current_event.split_on_next, current_event.split_on_next->next, event_queue, domain);
+ find_edge_event(current_event.split_on_next->next, current_event.split_on_next->next->next, event_queue, domain);
+ print_ring(current_event.split_on_next);
+ print_ring(new_active);
+ } else {
+ //edge event
+ std::cout << "event " << current_event.point.x() << " " << current_event.point.y() << std::endl;
+ std::cout << current_event.parent->parent_node->label << " " << current_event.parent2->parent_node->label << std::endl;
+ skeleton.push_back(new skeleton_node(current_event.point));
+ //this should implrement couter clockwise order
+ current_event.parent->parent_node->add_edge(skeleton.back());
+ std::cout << current_event.parent->parent_node->label << "->" << skeleton.back()->label << std::endl;
+ current_event.parent->next->parent_node->add_edge(skeleton.back());
+ std::cout << current_event.parent->next->parent_node->label << "->" << skeleton.back()->label << std::endl;
+ skeleton.back()->add_edge(current_event.parent->next->parent_node);
+ std::cout << skeleton.back()->label << "->" << current_event.parent->next->parent_node->label << std::endl;
+ skeleton.back()->add_edge(current_event.parent->parent_node);
+ std::cout << skeleton.back()->label << "->" << current_event.parent->parent_node->label << std::endl;
+ //parent needs to be removed from the ring because it's face has collapsed at this event
+ current_event.parent->prev->next = current_event.parent->next;
+ current_event.parent->next->prev = current_event.parent->prev;
+ current_event.parent->is_dead = true;
+ current_event.parent->next->parent_node = skeleton.back();
+ if(current_event.parent->prev->next == current_event.parent->prev->prev) {
+ debug1("closed ring");
+ //we are done with this ring
+ current_event.parent->next->parent_node->add_edge(current_event.parent->prev->parent_node);
+ std::cout << current_event.parent->next->parent_node->label << "->" << current_event.parent->prev->parent_node->label << std::endl;
+ current_event.parent->prev->is_dead = true;
+ current_event.parent->prev->parent_node->linked_nodes[0] = current_event.parent->next->parent_node;
+ std::cout << current_event.parent->prev->parent_node->label << "->" << current_event.parent->next->parent_node->label << std::endl;
+ current_event.parent->next->is_dead = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ current_event.parent->active_distance = -1;
+ current_event.parent2->active_distance = -1;
+ //the following two blocks should be refactored
+ find_edge_event(current_event.parent->prev, current_event.parent->next, event_queue, domain);
+ find_edge_event(current_event.parent->next, current_event.parent->next->next, event_queue, domain);
+ //TODO, find split event here to handle ties between reflex vertices that generate a new reflect vertex
+ }
+ }
+ //main loop
+ static void execute_skeleton(std::vector<skeleton_node*>& skeleton, std::vector<future_intersection*>& all_faces,
+ event_queue_type& event_queue, const rectangle_data<output_coordinate_type>& domain,
+ output_coordinate_type bound, bool handle_reflex_vertices = true) {
+ while(!event_queue.empty()) {
+ event current_event = event_queue.top();
+ event_queue.pop();
+ if(bound >=0 && current_event.distance > bound*bound)
+ break;
+ if(!current_event.parent->is_dead &&
+ (current_event.parent2 == 0x0 || !current_event.parent2->is_dead))
+ process_event(current_event, skeleton, all_faces, event_queue, domain);
+ }
+ }
+ //it would be desirable when a split event occurs to recurse the algorithm into each sub-polygon to eagerly process it
+ //holes would need to be split between each sub-polygon and the event queue would need to be split as well
+ //the cost of splitting may more than offset the advantages
+ //if each future intersection of the sub polygon can be inserted into a new sub event queue they will be invalidated
+ //in the main event queue
+ //hole discovery could be costly
+ //for skeleton based resizing all that is needed is to discard edges of the original polygon that collapse
+ //with bounded edge events and handle reflex vertices of the orignal polygon that participate in bounded split events
+ //by associating their edges with the "opposite" split edge for computing bounded angle bisector output polygon vertex
+ //Simply terminate skeleton algorithm early and process the set of lists of active
+ template <typename stream_type>
+ static bool test_initialize_skeleton(stream_type& stdcout) {
+ debug1("test_initialize_skeleton");
+ std::string stdendl = "\n";
+ rectangle_data<coordinate_type> rect(100, 200, 300, 500);
+ rectangle_data<output_coordinate_type> domain(100, 200, 300, 500);
+ std::vector<skeleton_node*> skeleton;
+ std::vector<future_intersection*> all_faces;
+ event_queue_type event_queue;
+ // initialize_skeleton(skeleton, all_faces, event_queue, rect);
+ // if(skeleton.size() == 4 && all_faces.size() == 4) {
+ // stdcout << event_queue.size() << stdendl;
+ // for(typename std::vector<skeleton_node*>::iterator itr = skeleton.begin();
+ // itr != skeleton.end(); ++itr) {
+ // std::cout << (*itr) << " " << (*itr)->vertex.x() << " " << (*itr)->vertex.y() << " " <<
+ // ((*itr)->linked_nodes[0]) << " " <<
+ // ((*itr)->linked_nodes[1]) << " " <<
+ // ((*itr)->linked_nodes[2]) << "\n";
+ // }
+ // execute_skeleton(skeleton, all_faces, event_queue, domain, 1000);
+ // for(typename std::vector<future_intersection*>::iterator itr = all_faces.begin();
+ // itr != all_faces.end(); ++itr)
+ // delete *itr;
+ // all_faces.clear();
+ // for(typename std::vector<skeleton_node*>::iterator itr = skeleton.begin();
+ // itr != skeleton.end(); ++itr) {
+ // std::cout << (*itr)->label << " " << (*itr)->vertex.x() << " " << (*itr)->vertex.y() << " " <<
+ // ( ((*itr)->linked_nodes[0]) ? (*itr)->linked_nodes[0]->label : std::string("0")) << " " <<
+ // ( ((*itr)->linked_nodes[1]) ? (*itr)->linked_nodes[1]->label : std::string("0")) << " " <<
+ // ( ((*itr)->linked_nodes[2]) ? (*itr)->linked_nodes[2]->label : std::string("0")) << "\n";
+ // }
+ // for(typename std::vector<skeleton_node*>::iterator itr = skeleton.begin();
+ // itr != skeleton.end(); ++itr)
+ // delete *itr;
+ // skeleton.clear();
+ // {
+ // point_data<coordinate_type> pts[] = {point_data<coordinate_type>(120, 200),
+ // point_data<coordinate_type>(300, 200),
+ // point_data<coordinate_type>(300, 500),
+ // point_data<coordinate_type>(100, 500),
+ // point_data<coordinate_type>(100, 220),
+ // };
+ // polygon_data<coordinate_type> poly(pts, pts+5);
+ // stdcout << "five point case\n";
+ // initialize_skeleton(skeleton, all_faces, event_queue, poly);
+ // execute_skeleton(skeleton, all_faces, event_queue, domain, 1000);
+ // for(typename std::vector<skeleton_node*>::iterator itr = skeleton.begin();
+ // itr != skeleton.end(); ++itr) {
+ // std::cout << (*itr)->label << " " << (*itr)->vertex.x() << " " << (*itr)->vertex.y() << " " <<
+ // ( ((*itr)->linked_nodes[0]) ? (*itr)->linked_nodes[0]->label : std::string("0")) << " " <<
+ // ( ((*itr)->linked_nodes[1]) ? (*itr)->linked_nodes[1]->label : std::string("0")) << " " <<
+ // ( ((*itr)->linked_nodes[2]) ? (*itr)->linked_nodes[2]->label : std::string("0")) << "\n";
+ // }
+ // }
+ // for(typename std::vector<future_intersection*>::iterator itr = all_faces.begin();
+ // itr != all_faces.end(); ++itr)
+ // delete *itr;
+ // all_faces.clear();
+ // for(typename std::vector<skeleton_node*>::iterator itr = skeleton.begin();
+ // itr != skeleton.end(); ++itr)
+ // delete *itr;
+ // skeleton.clear();
+ // {
+ // point_data<coordinate_type> pts[] = {point_data<coordinate_type>(120, 200),
+ // point_data<coordinate_type>(280, 200),
+ // point_data<coordinate_type>(300, 220),
+ // point_data<coordinate_type>(300, 480),
+ // point_data<coordinate_type>(280, 500),
+ // point_data<coordinate_type>(120, 500),
+ // point_data<coordinate_type>(100, 480),
+ // point_data<coordinate_type>(100, 220),
+ // };
+ // polygon_data<coordinate_type> poly(pts, pts+8);
+ // stdcout << "eight point case\n";
+ // initialize_skeleton(skeleton, all_faces, event_queue, poly);
+ // execute_skeleton(skeleton, all_faces, event_queue, domain, 1000);
+ // for(typename std::vector<skeleton_node*>::iterator itr = skeleton.begin();
+ // itr != skeleton.end(); ++itr) {
+ // std::cout << (*itr)->label << " " << (*itr)->vertex.x() << " " << (*itr)->vertex.y() << " " <<
+ // ( ((*itr)->linked_nodes[0]) ? (*itr)->linked_nodes[0]->label : std::string("0")) << " " <<
+ // ( ((*itr)->linked_nodes[1]) ? (*itr)->linked_nodes[1]->label : std::string("0")) << " " <<
+ // ( ((*itr)->linked_nodes[2]) ? (*itr)->linked_nodes[2]->label : std::string("0")) << "\n";
+ // }
+ // }
+ // for(typename std::vector<future_intersection*>::iterator itr = all_faces.begin();
+ // itr != all_faces.end(); ++itr)
+ // delete *itr;
+ // all_faces.clear();
+ // for(typename std::vector<skeleton_node*>::iterator itr = skeleton.begin();
+ // itr != skeleton.end(); ++itr)
+ // delete *itr;
+ // skeleton.clear();
+ // {
+ // point_data<coordinate_type> pts[] = {point_data<coordinate_type>(120, 200),
+ // point_data<coordinate_type>(280, 200),
+ // point_data<coordinate_type>(300, 220),
+ // point_data<coordinate_type>(300, 480-100),
+ // point_data<coordinate_type>(280, 500-100),
+ // point_data<coordinate_type>(120, 500-100),
+ // point_data<coordinate_type>(100, 480-100),
+ // point_data<coordinate_type>(100, 220),
+ // };
+ // polygon_data<coordinate_type> poly(pts, pts+8);
+ // stdcout << "co-circular eight point case\n";
+ // initialize_skeleton(skeleton, all_faces, event_queue, poly);
+ // execute_skeleton(skeleton, all_faces, event_queue, domain, 1000);
+ // for(typename std::vector<skeleton_node*>::iterator itr = skeleton.begin();
+ // itr != skeleton.end(); ++itr) {
+ // std::cout << (*itr)->label << " " << (*itr)->vertex.x() << " " << (*itr)->vertex.y() << " " <<
+ // ( ((*itr)->linked_nodes[0]) ? (*itr)->linked_nodes[0]->label : std::string("0")) << " " <<
+ // ( ((*itr)->linked_nodes[1]) ? (*itr)->linked_nodes[1]->label : std::string("0")) << " " <<
+ // ( ((*itr)->linked_nodes[2]) ? (*itr)->linked_nodes[2]->label : std::string("0")) << "\n";
+ // }
+ // }
+ // for(typename std::vector<future_intersection*>::iterator itr = all_faces.begin();
+ // itr != all_faces.end(); ++itr)
+ // delete *itr;
+ // all_faces.clear();
+ // for(typename std::vector<skeleton_node*>::iterator itr = skeleton.begin();
+ // itr != skeleton.end(); ++itr)
+ // delete *itr;
+ // skeleton.clear();
+ // {
+ // point_data<coordinate_type> pts[] = {point_data<coordinate_type>(100, 200),
+ // point_data<coordinate_type>(150, 220),
+ // point_data<coordinate_type>(200, 200),
+ // point_data<coordinate_type>(180, 250),
+ // point_data<coordinate_type>(200, 300),
+ // point_data<coordinate_type>(150, 280),
+ // point_data<coordinate_type>(100, 300),
+ // point_data<coordinate_type>(120, 250),
+ // };
+ // polygon_data<coordinate_type> poly(pts, pts+8);
+ // stdcout << "ninja star\n";
+ // initialize_skeleton(skeleton, all_faces, event_queue, poly);
+ // execute_skeleton(skeleton, all_faces, event_queue, domain, 1000);
+ // for(typename std::vector<skeleton_node*>::iterator itr = skeleton.begin();
+ // itr != skeleton.end(); ++itr) {
+ // std::cout << (*itr)->label << " " << (*itr)->vertex.x() << " " << (*itr)->vertex.y() << " " <<
+ // ( ((*itr)->linked_nodes[0]) ? (*itr)->linked_nodes[0]->label : std::string("0")) << " " <<
+ // ( ((*itr)->linked_nodes[1]) ? (*itr)->linked_nodes[1]->label : std::string("0")) << " " <<
+ // ( ((*itr)->linked_nodes[2]) ? (*itr)->linked_nodes[2]->label : std::string("0")) << "\n";
+ // }
+ // }
+ // for(typename std::vector<future_intersection*>::iterator itr = all_faces.begin();
+ // itr != all_faces.end(); ++itr)
+ // delete *itr;
+ // all_faces.clear();
+ // for(typename std::vector<skeleton_node*>::iterator itr = skeleton.begin();
+ // itr != skeleton.end(); ++itr)
+ // delete *itr;
+ // skeleton.clear();
+ // {
+ // point_data<coordinate_type> pts[] = {point_data<coordinate_type>(100, 200),
+ // point_data<coordinate_type>(140, 240),
+ // point_data<coordinate_type>(200, 200),
+ // point_data<coordinate_type>(160, 240),
+ // point_data<coordinate_type>(200, 300),
+ // point_data<coordinate_type>(160, 260),
+ // point_data<coordinate_type>(100, 300),
+ // point_data<coordinate_type>(140, 260),
+ // };
+ // polygon_data<coordinate_type> poly(pts, pts+8);
+ // stdcout << "evil ninja star\n";
+ // initialize_skeleton(skeleton, all_faces, event_queue, poly);
+ // std::cout << event_queue.size() << " GREP\n";
+ // execute_skeleton(skeleton, all_faces, event_queue, domain, 1000);
+ // for(typename std::vector<skeleton_node*>::iterator itr = skeleton.begin();
+ // itr != skeleton.end(); ++itr) {
+ // std::cout << (*itr)->label << " " << (*itr)->vertex.x() << " " << (*itr)->vertex.y() << " " <<
+ // ( ((*itr)->linked_nodes[0]) ? (*itr)->linked_nodes[0]->label : std::string("0")) << " " <<
+ // ( ((*itr)->linked_nodes[1]) ? (*itr)->linked_nodes[1]->label : std::string("0")) << " " <<
+ // ( ((*itr)->linked_nodes[2]) ? (*itr)->linked_nodes[2]->label : std::string("0")) << "\n";
+ // }
+ // }
+ for(typename std::vector<future_intersection*>::iterator itr = all_faces.begin();
+ itr != all_faces.end(); ++itr)
+ delete *itr;
+ all_faces.clear();
+ for(typename std::vector<skeleton_node*>::iterator itr = skeleton.begin();
+ itr != skeleton.end(); ++itr)
+ delete *itr;
+ skeleton.clear();
+ {
+ {
+ point_data<coordinate_type> pts[] = {point_data<coordinate_type>(100, 200),
+ point_data<coordinate_type>(300, 200),
+ point_data<coordinate_type>(300, 500),
+ point_data<coordinate_type>(100, 500),
+ point_data<coordinate_type>(290, 350),
+ };
+ polygon_data<coordinate_type> poly(pts, pts+5);
+ stdcout << "concave polygon\n";
+ initialize_skeleton(skeleton, all_faces, event_queue, poly);
+ execute_skeleton(skeleton, all_faces, event_queue, domain, 1000);
+ for(typename std::vector<skeleton_node*>::iterator itr = skeleton.begin();
+ itr != skeleton.end(); ++itr) {
+ std::cout << (*itr)->label << " " << (*itr)->vertex.x() << " " << (*itr)->vertex.y() << " " <<
+ ( ((*itr)->linked_nodes[0]) ? (*itr)->linked_nodes[0]->label : std::string("0")) << " " <<
+ ( ((*itr)->linked_nodes[1]) ? (*itr)->linked_nodes[1]->label : std::string("0")) << " " <<
+ ( ((*itr)->linked_nodes[2]) ? (*itr)->linked_nodes[2]->label : std::string("0")) << "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ for(typename std::vector<future_intersection*>::iterator itr = all_faces.begin();
+ itr != all_faces.end(); ++itr)
+ delete *itr;
+ all_faces.clear();
+ for(typename std::vector<skeleton_node*>::iterator itr = skeleton.begin();
+ itr != skeleton.end(); ++itr)
+ delete *itr;
+ skeleton.clear();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ }
Modified: trunk/boost/polygon/detail/skeleton_predicates.hpp
--- trunk/boost/polygon/detail/skeleton_predicates.hpp (original)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/detail/skeleton_predicates.hpp 2012-09-18 23:20:19 EDT (Tue, 18 Sep 2012)
@@ -11,7 +11,9 @@
#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
#include <cmath>
Modified: trunk/boost/polygon/detail/voronoi_ctypes.hpp
--- trunk/boost/polygon/detail/voronoi_ctypes.hpp (original)
+++ trunk/boost/polygon/detail/voronoi_ctypes.hpp 2012-09-18 23:20:19 EDT (Tue, 18 Sep 2012)
@@ -10,7 +10,16 @@
#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+ typedef int int32_t;
+ typedef long long int64_t;
+ typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
+ typedef unsigned long long uint64_t;
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
Boost-Commit list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk