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Boost-Commit : |
Subject: [Boost-commit] svn:boost r80598 - in sandbox/pool2: . boost boost/pool boost/pool/details
From: svart.riddare_at_[hidden]
Date: 2012-09-19 14:22:57
Author: edupuis
Date: 2012-09-19 14:22:56 EDT (Wed, 19 Sep 2012)
New Revision: 80598
URL: http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/80598
Boost::pool replacement: work in progress.
sandbox/pool2/boost/pool/details/pool.hpp (contents, props changed)
sandbox/pool2/boost/pool/pool.hpp (contents, props changed)
Added: sandbox/pool2/boost/pool/details/pool.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/pool2/boost/pool/details/pool.hpp 2012-09-19 14:22:56 EDT (Wed, 19 Sep 2012)
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* -- boost::pool::list_t -- */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+template<typename T>
+class list_t
+ public :
+ list_t() { _node.buffer = NULL; }
+ list_t(T *buffer, list_t list = list_t()) { _node.buffer = buffer; if (_node.next) *_node.next = list; }
+ public :
+ inline void push(T *buffer)
+ { *this = list_t(buffer, *this); }
+ inline T *pop()
+ { T *buffer = front(); *this = next(); return buffer; }
+ inline T *front() const
+ { return _node.buffer; }
+ inline bool empty() const
+ { return !_node.buffer; }
+ inline list_t next() const
+ { return _node.next ? *_node.next : *this; }
+ inline void next(list_t list)
+ { if (_node.next) *_node.next = list; }
+ inline bool operator<(const list_t& list) const
+ { return front() < list.front(); }
+ public :
+ bool contains(T *buffer) const
+ {
+ for (list_t list = *this; !list.empty(); list = list.next())
+ if (list.front() == buffer)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ void sort()
+ {
+ *this = sort(*this);
+ }
+ static list_t sort(list_t list)
+ {
+ if (list.empty() || list.next().empty())
+ return list;
+ list_t listA, listB;
+ split(list, &listA, &listB);
+ return merge(sort(listA), sort(listB));
+ }
+ static list_t merge(list_t listA, list_t listB)
+ {
+ if (listA.empty()) return listB;
+ if (listB.empty()) return listA;
+ if (listB < listA)
+ std::swap(listA, listB);
+ list_t list = listA; listA = listA.next();
+ list_t last = list;
+ while (!listA.empty())
+ {
+ if (listB < listA)
+ std::swap(listA, listB);
+ last.next(listA);
+ last = last.next();
+ listA = listA.next();
+ }
+ last.next(listB);
+ return list;
+ }
+ static void split(list_t list, list_t *listA, list_t *listB)
+ {
+ list_t half = list;
+ list_t full = list.next();
+ while (!full.empty())
+ {
+ full = full.next();
+ if (!full.empty())
+ {
+ half = half.next();
+ full = full.next();
+ }
+ }
+ *listA = list;
+ *listB = half.next();
+ half.next(list_t());
+ }
+ private :
+ union
+ {
+ T *buffer; // Buffer pointer.
+ list_t *next; // Linked list pointer.
+ } _node; // Linked list node
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* -- boost::pool::chunk_t -- */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+template<typename T>
+class chunk_t
+ public :
+ chunk_t() {}
+ chunk_t(char *pointer, size_t size, size_t count) : _pointer(pointer), _size(size), _count(count) {}
+ inline char *pointer() const
+ { return _pointer; }
+ inline size_t size() const
+ { return _size; }
+ inline size_t count() const
+ { return _count; }
+ inline bool operator<(const chunk_t& chunk) const
+ { return _pointer < chunk._pointer; }
+ public :
+ inline T *first() const
+ { return reinterpret_cast<T *>(_pointer); }
+ inline T *last() const
+ { return reinterpret_cast<T *>(_pointer + _size * _count); }
+ inline T *next(T *buffer) const
+ { return reinterpret_cast<T *>(reinterpret_cast<char *>(buffer) + _size); }
+ public :
+ bool contains(const T *buffer) const
+ {
+ const char *pointer = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(buffer);
+ if (pointer < _pointer)
+ return false;
+ size_t index = (pointer - _pointer) / _size;
+ if (index >= _count)
+ return false;
+ if (_pointer + _size * index != pointer)
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ private :
+ char *_pointer; // Memory chunk pointer.
+ size_t _size; // Size of a buffer, in bytes.
+ size_t _count; // Number of buffers in chunk.
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
\ No newline at end of file
Added: sandbox/pool2/boost/pool/pool.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ sandbox/pool2/boost/pool/pool.hpp 2012-09-19 14:22:56 EDT (Wed, 19 Sep 2012)
@@ -0,0 +1,574 @@
+#ifndef __BOOST_POOL_HPP
+#define __BOOST_POOL_HPP
+#include <boost/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
+#include <boost/bind.hpp>
+#include <algorithm> // std::sort, std::find_if
+#include <cassert> // assert
+#include <cstddef> // size_t
+#include <functional> // std::mem_fun
+#include <limits> // std:numeric_limits
+#include <memory> // std::allocator
+#include <vector> // std::vector
+ #include <valgrind/memcheck.h>
+namespace boost
+/** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * A pool holds memory buffers that are allocated only once.
+ *
+ * A pool provides fixed sized buffers of objects. The object type is a pool
+ * template parameter and thus set at compilation time. The buffer size is
+ * the number of objects contained in a single buffer. The pool size is the
+ * number of buffers the pool has allocated from memory.
+ *
+ * Using a pool is straightforward; once a pool has been initialized, an
+ * application requests buffers using pool::request() and releases them
+ * using pool::release(). The pool grows when necessary according to the
+ * growth policy set at initialization time.
+ *
+ * The pool class has been designed with the following contraints in mind:
+ * - The pool is designed for application that needs to reduce the
+ * number of dynamic memory allocations or to have better control on
+ * where the allocated objects are located in memory.
+ * - Buffer requests and releases should be extremely fast, unless the
+ * pool must be grown (in which case a memory allocation will occur).
+ * - Buffer requests and releases should be thread safe. To meet the
+ * performance requirement just stated above, lock free synchronization
+ * is used.
+ * - Pool buffers are fixed size and the object type contained in the
+ * buffer is known at compile time. When requesting a buffer, the objects
+ * contained in the buffer are constructed and when the buffer is released,
+ * the objects are destroyed. The objects may of course be basic types (like
+ * char), in which case no construction/destruction process takes place.
+ * - Upon destruction, all buffers that have been requested from the pool
+ * but not properly released are automatically released (and their content
+ * destroyed). This feature is slow (i.e. O(n log n), where n is the pool
+ * size) and should be used only if properly releasing all requested buffers
+ * would be slower or too complex for the calling application.
+ * - The pool is error proof; it does not fail or throw if invalid parameters
+ * are given. However, if allocation is impossible, pool::request() will
+ * simply return null. However, for performance considerations, the pool does not
+ * check the validity of the buffer released unless asserts are enabled.
+ * - When a pool runs out of buffers, it must allocate new ones. This process
+ * is managed by a user defined policy. It is thus possible to define pools
+ * that never grows or grows slower than by the traditionnal size doubling
+ * paradigm.
+ * - The pool is valgrind compatible. If BOOST_POOL_VALGRIND is defined,
+ * a requested buffer will be tagged as containing uninitialized memory,
+ * thus enabling to use valgrind's uninitialized memory checks.
+ * - The amount of memory allocated by the pool through the user supplied
+ * memory allocator will always be equal to the buffer size in bytes multiplied
+ * by the number of buffers allocated. The buffer size in bytes will be equal
+ * to the buffer size in number of objects multiplied by the object size,
+ * unless the resulting value is not a multiple of sizeof(void *), in which
+ * case the value will be rounded up. Consequently, it is very inefficient
+ * to use a pool to store buffers containing a single char or short.
+ *
+ * \tparam T
+ * Pool buffer object type. A single buffer holds 'n' of these objects,
+ * where 'n' is a constant chosen at initialization time.
+ * \tparam ThreadSafe
+ * Boolean value stating whether the pool request() and release()
+ * methods are thread safe. [Perhaps this should be always true unless
+ * BOOST_NO_THREADS is defined.]
+ * \tparam Allocator
+ * Custom allocator for memory allocation of pool buffers.
+ *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+template<typename T, bool ThreadSafe = false, class Allocator = std::allocator<char>>
+class pool;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* -- typedef boost::pools::policy -- */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace pools
+ /** --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Pool growth policy function.
+ * The pool growth policy function controls how a pool grows if it runs out
+ * of buffers.
+ * \param poolSize
+ * Current number of buffers allocated by the pool.
+ * \return
+ * Number of new buffers the pool should allocate. The returned value
+ * can be zero, in which case the pool will no longer grow.
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ typedef size_t (*policy)(size_t poolSize);
+ /** --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * No growth policy function.
+ * This pools::policy function always return 0, regardless of the pool size.
+ * Hence it describes a pool which never grows.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ static size_t policy_no_growth(size_t)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /** --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Constant growth policy function.
+ * This pools::policy function returns a constant, regardless of the pool size.
+ * Hence it describes a pool which grows linearly.
+ * \tparam N
+ * Value returned by the policy function. There is no default value
+ * for this parameter.
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ template<size_t N>
+ static size_t policy_constant_growth(size_t)
+ {
+ return N;
+ }
+ /** --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Exponential growth policy function.
+ * This pools::policy function returns a multiple of the current pool size.
+ * Hence it describes a pool which grows exponentially. An example of such
+ * an exponential growth is a pool which doubles its size when it runs out
+ * of buffers.
+ * \tparam M
+ * Numerator of the multiplicative factor applied to the pool size.
+ * Given template parameter M, the pool size after
+ * growing will be M times the actual pool size. Use M = 2 for
+ * a pool that should double its size whenever it runs out of buffers.
+ * \tparam N
+ * Denominator of the multiplicative factor applied to the pool size.
+ * Given template parameters M and N, the pool size after
+ * growing will be M/N times the actual pool size. It is required
+ * that N is greater than zero and M greater or equal than N.
+ * N has a default value, one. If M equals N, then the pool can
+ * not grow. Otherwise, this function ensures that the pool will grow by
+ * at least one buffer.
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ template<size_t M, size_t N>
+ static size_t policy_exponential_growth(size_t s)
+ {
+ /* -- Invalid parameters -- */
+ if (!N || M <= N)
+ return 0;
+ /* -- Compute M/N -- */
+ size_t Q = M / N;
+ size_t R = M % N;
+ /* -- Perform multiplication, taking care of overflows -- */
+ if (!Q || (std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() / Q < s))
+ return 0;
+ size_t size = (R && (std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() / R < s)) ? (Q * s + R * (s / N)) : (Q * s + R * s / N);
+ if (size < Q * s)
+ return 0;
+ /* -- Return result -- */
+ return size ? size : 1;
+ }
+ /** --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Exponential growth policy function with N = 1
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ template<size_t M>
+ static size_t policy_exponential_growth(size_t s)
+ {
+ return policy_exponential_growth<M, 1>(s);
+ }
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* -- class boost::pool -- */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+template<typename T, bool ThreadSafe = false, class Allocator = std::allocator<char>>
+class pool
+ private :
+ #include "details/pool.hpp"
+ public :
+ /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Creates a new pool.
+ * \param initialPoolSize
+ * Number of buffers that should be allocated upon pool creation.
+ * This value can be zero if no allocation is to be performed by the
+ * constructor. Otherwise, the pool is grown to the given value,
+ * using pool::grow(). If this allocation fails, no exception is thrown.
+ * Allocation success can be asserted by checking that pool::allocated()
+ * returns the initialPoolSize value.
+ * \param bufferSize
+ * Pool buffer size, in number of T elements. This value can be zero,
+ * in which case the pool will "allocate" null-sized buffers.
+ * \param policy
+ * Pool growth policy. See documentation of pools::policy for details
+ * on how the policy controls the pool growth.
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ pool(size_t initialPoolSize, size_t bufferSize = 1, pools::policy policy = pools::policy_no_growth);
+ /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Destroys a pool.
+ * The destructor calls pool::purge(), thereby releasing any outstanding
+ * requested buffers that were not properly released before calling the
+ * destructor.
+ *
+ * \warning The pool::purge() function runs with a complexity of O(n log n)
+ * if there are outstanding buffers to be released, where n is
+ * the number of buffers allocated by the pool. Thus better
+ * performances are obtained when the calling application properly
+ * releases all allocated buffers before destroying the pool.
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ ~pool();
+ private :
+ /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Requests a pool buffer, \b without initialing it's content.
+ * This private function is used by the various flavors of pool::request().
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ T *request_core(void);
+ public :
+ /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Requests and initializes a pool buffer.
+ * This function returns an initialized pool buffer, unless the pool is empty
+ * and can not grow. A pool may not grow if the pools::policy function states
+ * so or if the growth function failed to allocate memory.
+ * \p The request function comes in various flavors to suit up objects with
+ * constructors taking up to nine parameters.
+ * \p This function is thread safe if the ThreadSafe pool template parameter
+ * was set to true. State coherency is achieved using fast lock free atomic
+ * operations if supported by the host operating system.
+ * \p This function is fast and runs in constant time unless the pool is
+ * grown and new buffers are allocated.
+ * \p If valgrind support is enabled (by defining BOOST_POOL_VALGRIND), the
+ * buffer memory is labeled as uninitialized before calling the object
+ * constructors, thus enabling the detection of unitialized memory checks
+ * performed by valgrind.
+ * \returns A buffer containing N initialized objects of type T, where N is
+ * the pool buffer size given to the constructor. NULL if no buffer
+ * could be allocated.
+ * \see The documentation of pool::grow() gives more details about the pool
+ * growth process when there is no more available buffers in the pool.
+ * \see Function pool::release() must be called to release the allocated
+ * buffer.
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ T *request(void);
+ /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Releases and unitializes a pool buffer.
+ * This function destroys the objects in the given buffer and releases it
+ * by adding it to the pool's list of available buffers.
+ * \p This function is thread safe if the ThreadSafe pool template parameter
+ * was set to true. State coherency is achieved using fast lock free atomic
+ * operations if supported by the host operating system.
+ * \p This function runs is fast and runs in constant time.
+ * \warning If asserts are enabled (that is if NDEBUG is not defined), this
+ * function validates that the given buffer comes from this pool.
+ * This validation requires O(n) comparisons, where n is the number
+ * of buffers allocated by the pool.
+ * \param buffer
+ * Buffer previously obtained from pool::request(). It can be NULL,
+ * in which case this function does nothing.
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ void release(T *buffer);
+ template<typename T1>
+ T *request(const T1& t1);
+ template<typename T1, typename T2>
+ T *request(const T1& t1, const T2& t2);
+ template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
+ T *request(const T1& t1, const T2& t2, const T3& t3);
+ template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4>
+ T *request(const T1& t1, const T2& t2, const T3& t3, const T4& t4);
+ template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5>
+ T *request(const T1& t1, const T2& t2, const T3& t3, const T4& t4, const T5& t5); // AND SO ON...
+ /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Releases all outstanding buffers.
+ * If there is any outstanding buffers, i.e. if pool::requested() returns
+ * a non-zero value, this function releases all these buffers, calling
+ * pool::release() for each of them.
+ * \warning This function identifies which buffers must be released using
+ * a procedure of O(n log n) complexity, where n is the number
+ * of buffers allocated by the pool. Of course, this does not
+ * apply if pool::requested() returns zero.
+ * \warning This function is not thread safe.
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ void purge();
+ /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Grows a pool by allocating more buffers.
+ * \param count
+ * Number of buffers to allocate. This value can be zero, in which
+ * case the function does nothing (but succeeds).
+ * \return
+ * Returns false if allocation failed.
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ bool grow(size_t count);
+ /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Returns the number of buffers allocated by the pool.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ inline size_t allocated() const
+ { return _allocated; }
+ /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Returns the number of buffers requested from this pool.
+ * This value is increased by pool::request() and released by pool::release().
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ inline size_t requested() const
+ { return _requested; }
+ protected :
+ /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Returns the size in bytes of a pool buffer.
+ * Returns zero if the computed size would overflow size_t.
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ inline size_t bytes() const
+ { return (std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() / sizeof(T) >= _size) ? (_size ? (_size * sizeof(T) + (sizeof(T *) - 1)) & ~(sizeof(T *) - 1) : sizeof(T *)) : 0; }
+ private :
+ Allocator _allocator; // Custom allocator. Set by the constructor.
+ pools::policy _policy; // Pool growth policy. Set by the constructor.
+ typedef std::vector<chunk_t<T>> chunks_t;
+ chunks_t _chunks; // Allocated memory chunks.
+ list_t<T> _list; // List of free pool buffers.
+ mutable size_t _allocated; // Number of pool buffers that have been allocated. Mutable since it can be computed from '_chunks'.
+ mutable size_t _requested; // Number of pool buffers requested by the application and not yet released. Mutable since it can be computed from '_list'.
+ size_t _size; // Pool buffer sizes, in number of objects.
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+template<typename T, bool ThreadSafe, class Allocator>
+pool<T, ThreadSafe, Allocator>::pool(size_t initialPoolSize, size_t bufferSize, pools::policy policy)
+ : _policy(policy), _allocated(0), _requested(0), _size(bufferSize)
+ grow(initialPoolSize);
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+template<typename T, bool ThreadSafe, class Allocator>
+pool<T, ThreadSafe, Allocator>::~pool()
+ /* -- Purge pool to destroy any outstanding objects -- */
+ purge();
+ /* -- Release all pool memory -- */
+ for (chunks_t::iterator chunk = _chunks.begin(); chunk != _chunks.end(); chunk++)
+ _allocator.deallocate(chunk->pointer(), chunk->size());
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+template<typename T, bool ThreadSafe, class Allocator>
+void pool<T, ThreadSafe, Allocator>::purge()
+ /* -- If there is no outstanding buffers, there is nothing to do -- */
+ if (!_requested)
+ return;
+ /* -- Sort allocated chunks and list of free buffers -- */
+ std::sort(_chunks.begin(), _chunks.end());
+ _list.sort();
+ /* -- Release missing elements -- */
+ list_t<T> list = _list;
+ for (chunks_t::iterator chunk = _chunks.begin(); chunk != _chunks.end(); chunk++)
+ for (T *buffer = chunk->first(); buffer != chunk->last(); buffer = chunk->next(buffer))
+ if (list.front() != buffer)
+ release(buffer);
+ else
+ list.pop();
+ /* -- Coherency checks -- */
+ assert(!_requested);
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+template<typename T, bool ThreadSafe, class Allocator>
+bool pool<T, ThreadSafe, Allocator>::grow(size_t count)
+ /* -- Early exit if no growth is asked for -- */
+ if (!count)
+ return true;
+ /* -- Get buffer size in bytes -- */
+ const size_t size = bytes();
+ if (!size)
+ return false;
+ /* -- Assert that the requested number of buffers can be allocated -- */
+ if (std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() / size < count)
+ return false;
+ /* -- Perform allocation -- */
+ chunk_t<T> chunk(_allocator.allocate(size * count), size, count);
+ if (!chunk.pointer())
+ return false;
+ /* -- Keep allocated pointer for purge function -- */
+ _chunks.push_back(chunk);
+ _allocated += count;
+ /* -- Push newly allocated buffers in list of free buffers -- */
+ for (T *buffer = chunk.first(); buffer != chunk.last(); buffer = chunk.next(buffer))
+ _list.push(buffer);
+ /* -- Done -- */
+ return true;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+template<typename T, bool ThreadSafe, class Allocator>
+T *pool<T, ThreadSafe, Allocator>::request_core()
+ /* -- Try growing the pool if there is no free buffer availables -- */
+ if (_list.empty())
+ grow((*_policy)(_allocated));
+ /* -- Request a pointer from the free list -- */
+ T *buffer = _list.pop();
+ if (!buffer)
+ return buffer;
+ /* -- Valgrind management -- */
+ /* -- Return requested pool buffer -- */
+ _requested += 1;
+ return buffer;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+template<typename T, bool ThreadSafe, class Allocator>
+T *pool<T, ThreadSafe, Allocator>::request()
+ /* -- Request buffer -- */
+ T *buffer = request_core();
+ if (!buffer)
+ return buffer;
+ /* -- Construct buffer content, using default constructor -- */
+ for (size_t k = 0; k < _size; k++)
+ new (&buffer[k]) T();
+ /* -- Return requested pool buffer -- */
+ return buffer;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+template<typename T, bool ThreadSafe, class Allocator> template<typename T1>
+T *pool<T, ThreadSafe, Allocator>::request(const T1& t1)
+ /* -- Request buffer -- */
+ T *buffer = request_core();
+ if (!buffer)
+ return buffer;
+ /* -- Construct buffer content, using single argument constructor -- */
+ for (size_t k = 0; k < _size; k++)
+ new (&buffer[k]) T(t1);
+ /* -- Return requested pool buffer -- */
+ return buffer;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+template<typename T, bool ThreadSafe, class Allocator> template<typename T1, typename T2>
+T *pool<T, ThreadSafe, Allocator>::request(const T1& t1, const T2& t2)
+ /* -- Request buffer -- */
+ T *buffer = request_core();
+ if (!buffer)
+ return buffer;
+ /* -- Construct buffer content, using two arguments constructor -- */
+ for (size_t k = 0; k < _size; k++)
+ new (&buffer[k]) T(t1, t2);
+ /* -- Return requested pool buffer -- */
+ return buffer;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+template<typename T, bool ThreadSafe, class Allocator>
+void pool<T, ThreadSafe, Allocator>::release(T *buffer)
+ /* -- Early exit if given pointer is null -- */
+ if (!buffer)
+ return;
+ /* -- Safety checks -- */
+ assert(_requested > 0);
+ assert(!_list.contains(buffer));
+ assert(std::find_if(_chunks.begin(), _chunks.end(), boost::bind(&chunk_t<T>::contains, _1, buffer)) != _chunks.end()); // TODO : Remove boost::bind
+ /* -- Destroy buffer content -- */
+ for (size_t k = 0; k < _size; k++)
+ buffer[k].~T();
+ /* -- Push buffer into free list -- */
+ _list.push(buffer);
+ _requested -= 1;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Boost-Commit list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk