![]() |
Boost-Commit : |
Subject: [Boost-commit] svn:boost r81417 - in trunk: boost/multiprecision boost/multiprecision/backends boost/multiprecision/cpp_int boost/multiprecision/depricated boost/multiprecision/detail boost/multiprecision/traits libs/multiprecision libs/multiprecision/doc libs/multiprecision/doc/html libs/multiprecision/doc/html/boost_multiprecision libs/multiprecision/doc/html/boost_multiprecision/indexes libs/multiprecision/doc/html/boost_multiprecision/perf libs/multiprecision/example/generic_numerics_examples libs/multiprecision/performance libs/multiprecision/test status
From: john_at_[hidden]
Date: 2012-11-18 13:57:06
Author: johnmaddock
Date: 2012-11-18 13:56:59 EST (Sun, 18 Nov 2012)
New Revision: 81417
URL: http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/81417
Merge multiprecision from sandbox.
- copied from r81212, /sandbox/big_number/boost/multiprecision/
- copied unchanged from r81324, /sandbox/big_number/boost/multiprecision/cpp_int.hpp
- copied unchanged from r81269, /sandbox/big_number/boost/multiprecision/cpp_int/comparison.hpp
- copied unchanged from r81269, /sandbox/big_number/boost/multiprecision/cpp_int/divide.hpp
- copied unchanged from r81324, /sandbox/big_number/boost/multiprecision/cpp_int/misc.hpp
- copied unchanged from r81324, /sandbox/big_number/boost/multiprecision/detail/generic_interconvert.hpp
- copied unchanged from r81269, /sandbox/big_number/boost/multiprecision/detail/integer_ops.hpp
- copied unchanged from r81416, /sandbox/big_number/boost/multiprecision/detail/no_et_ops.hpp
- copied unchanged from r81269, /sandbox/big_number/boost/multiprecision/gmp.hpp
- copied unchanged from r81269, /sandbox/big_number/boost/multiprecision/integer.hpp
- copied unchanged from r81416, /sandbox/big_number/boost/multiprecision/miller_rabin.hpp
- copied unchanged from r81324, /sandbox/big_number/boost/multiprecision/number.hpp
- copied unchanged from r81269, /sandbox/big_number/boost/multiprecision/random.hpp
- copied unchanged from r81324, /sandbox/big_number/boost/multiprecision/rational_adapter.hpp
- copied unchanged from r81416, /sandbox/big_number/boost/multiprecision/tommath.hpp
- copied unchanged from r81324, /sandbox/big_number/boost/multiprecision/traits/explicit_conversion.hpp
- copied from r81212, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/
- copied from r81415, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/doc/
- copied unchanged from r81416, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/doc/html/boost_multiprecision/indexes/s01.html
- copied unchanged from r81416, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/doc/html/boost_multiprecision/indexes/s02.html
- copied unchanged from r81416, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/doc/html/boost_multiprecision/indexes/s03.html
- copied unchanged from r81416, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/doc/html/boost_multiprecision/indexes/s04.html
- copied unchanged from r81416, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/doc/html/boost_multiprecision/intro.html
- copied unchanged from r81416, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/doc/html/boost_multiprecision/perf.html
- copied unchanged from r81416, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/doc/html/boost_multiprecision/perf/float_performance.html
- copied unchanged from r81416, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/doc/html/boost_multiprecision/perf/int_real_world.html
- copied unchanged from r81416, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/doc/html/boost_multiprecision/perf/integer_performance.html
- copied unchanged from r81416, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/doc/html/boost_multiprecision/perf/overhead.html
- copied unchanged from r81416, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/doc/html/boost_multiprecision/perf/rational_performance.html
- copied unchanged from r81416, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/doc/html/boost_multiprecision/perf/realworld.html
- copied unchanged from r81416, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/doc/html/index.html
- copied unchanged from r81416, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/doc/multiprecision.qbk
- copied unchanged from r81324, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/performance/Jamfile.v2
- copied unchanged from r81416, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/performance/arithmetic_backend.hpp
- copied unchanged from r81416, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/performance/miller_rabin_performance.cpp
- copied unchanged from r81416, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/performance/performance_test-msvc-10.log
- copied unchanged from r81416, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/performance/performance_test.cpp
- copied unchanged from r81324, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/performance/sf_performance.cpp
- copied unchanged from r81416, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/performance/sf_performance.hpp
- copied unchanged from r81416, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/performance/sf_performance_basic.cpp
- copied unchanged from r81324, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/performance/sf_performance_bessel.cpp
- copied unchanged from r81324, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/performance/sf_performance_bessel1.cpp
- copied unchanged from r81324, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/performance/sf_performance_bessel2.cpp
- copied unchanged from r81324, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/performance/sf_performance_bessel3.cpp
- copied unchanged from r81324, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/performance/sf_performance_bessel4.cpp
- copied unchanged from r81324, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/performance/sf_performance_bessel5.cpp
- copied unchanged from r81324, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/performance/sf_performance_bessel6.cpp
- copied unchanged from r81324, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/performance/sf_performance_nct.cpp
- copied unchanged from r81324, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/performance/sf_performance_nct1.cpp
- copied unchanged from r81324, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/performance/sf_performance_nct2.cpp
- copied unchanged from r81324, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/performance/sf_performance_nct3.cpp
- copied unchanged from r81324, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/performance/sf_performance_nct4.cpp
- copied unchanged from r81324, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/performance/sf_performance_nct5.cpp
- copied unchanged from r81324, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/performance/sf_performance_nct6.cpp
- copied unchanged from r81324, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/performance/sf_performance_poly.cpp
- copied unchanged from r81416, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/performance/voronoi_performance.cpp
- copied, changed from r81269, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/test/Jamfile.v2
- copied unchanged from r81324, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/test/test_atan.cpp
- copied unchanged from r81324, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/test/test_float_io.cpp
- copied unchanged from r81324, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/test/test_int_io.cpp
- copied unchanged from r81269, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/test/test_miller_rabin.cpp
- copied unchanged from r81324, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/test/test_native_integer.cpp
- copied unchanged from r81324, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/test/test_numeric_limits.cpp
- copied unchanged from r81324, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/test/test_rational_io.cpp
- copied unchanged from r81324, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/test/test_round.cpp
Text files modified:
trunk/libs/multiprecision/test/Jamfile.v2 | 3 +++
trunk/status/Jamfile.v2 | 2 ++
2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
Deleted: /sandbox/big_number/boost/multiprecision/detail/cpp_int_core.hpp
--- /sandbox/big_number/boost/multiprecision/detail/cpp_int_core.hpp 2012-11-18 13:56:59 EST (Sun, 18 Nov 2012)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2012 John Maddock. Distributed under the Boost
-// Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
-// LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_
-#include <boost/integer.hpp>
-namespace boost{ namespace multiprecision{
-namespace detail{
-// These traits calculate the largest type in the list
-// [unsigned] ong long, long, int, which has the specified number
-// of bits. Note that intN_t and boost::int_t<N> find the first
-// member of the above list, not the last. We want the last in the
-// list to ensure that mixed arithmetic operations are as efficient
-// as possible.
-template <unsigned N>
-struct largest_signed_type
- typedef typename mpl::if_c<
- 1 + std::numeric_limits<long long>::digits == N,
- long long,
- typename mpl::if_c<
- 1 + std::numeric_limits<long>::digits == N,
- long,
- typename mpl::if_c<
- 1 + std::numeric_limits<int>::digits == N,
- int,
- typename boost::int_t<N>::exact
- >::type
- >::type
- >::type type;
-template <unsigned N>
-struct largest_unsigned_type
- typedef typename mpl::if_c<
- std::numeric_limits<unsigned long long>::digits == N,
- unsigned long long,
- typename mpl::if_c<
- std::numeric_limits<unsigned long>::digits == N,
- unsigned long,
- typename mpl::if_c<
- std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::digits == N,
- unsigned int,
- typename boost::uint_t<N>::exact
- >::type
- >::type
- >::type type;
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && ((__GNUC__ > 4) || ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6))) \
- && !defined(BOOST_INTEL) && defined(__WORDSIZE) && (__WORDSIZE == 64)
-typedef detail::largest_unsigned_type<64>::type limb_type;
-typedef detail::largest_signed_type<64>::type signed_limb_type;
-typedef unsigned __int128 double_limb_type;
-typedef __int128 signed_double_limb_type;
-static const limb_type max_block_10 = 1000000000000000000uLL;
-static const limb_type digits_per_block_10 = 18;
-inline limb_type block_multiplier(unsigned count)
- static const limb_type values[digits_per_block_10]
- = { 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000, 10000000000, 100000000000, 1000000000000, 10000000000000, 100000000000000, 1000000000000000, 10000000000000000, 100000000000000000, 1000000000000000000 };
- BOOST_ASSERT(count < digits_per_block_10);
- return values[count];
-// Can't do formatted IO on an __int128
-typedef detail::largest_unsigned_type<32>::type limb_type;
-typedef detail::largest_signed_type<32>::type signed_limb_type;
-typedef boost::uint64_t double_limb_type;
-typedef boost::int64_t signed_double_limb_type;
-static const limb_type max_block_10 = 1000000000;
-static const limb_type digits_per_block_10 = 9;
-inline limb_type block_multiplier(unsigned count)
- static const limb_type values[digits_per_block_10]
- = { 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000 };
- BOOST_ASSERT(count < digits_per_block_10);
- return values[count];
-static const unsigned bits_per_limb = sizeof(limb_type) * CHAR_BIT;
-template <class T>
-inline void minmax(const T& a, const T& b, T& aa, T& bb)
- if(a < b)
- {
- aa = a;
- bb = b;
- }
- else
- {
- aa = b;
- bb = a;
- }
Deleted: /sandbox/big_number/boost/multiprecision/detail/cpp_int_trivial_ops.hpp
--- /sandbox/big_number/boost/multiprecision/detail/cpp_int_trivial_ops.hpp 2012-11-18 13:56:59 EST (Sun, 18 Nov 2012)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,393 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2012 John Maddock. Distributed under the Boost
-// Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
-// LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_
-#include <boost/math/common_factor_rt.hpp>
-namespace boost{ namespace multiprecision{ namespace backends{
-#ifdef BOOST_MSVC
-#pragma warning(push)
- // C4389: signed/unsigned mismatch
- // C4127: conditional expression is constant
- // C4018: signed/unsigned mismatch
-#pragma warning(disable:4127 4018 4389)
-template <unsigned MinBits>
-BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool eval_eq(const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>& a, const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>& b) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- return (a.sign() == b.sign()) && (*a.limbs() == *b.limbs());
-template <unsigned MinBits>
-BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool eval_eq(const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, false, void, true>& a, const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, false, void, true>& b) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- return *a.limbs() == *b.limbs();
-template <unsigned MinBits, class U>
-BOOST_FORCEINLINE typename enable_if<is_unsigned<U>, bool>::type eval_eq(const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>& a, U b) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- return !a.sign() && (*a.limbs() == b);
-template <unsigned MinBits, class S>
-BOOST_FORCEINLINE typename enable_if<is_signed<S>, bool>::type eval_eq(const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>& a, S b) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- return (a.sign() == (b < 0)) && (*a.limbs() == std::abs(b));
-template <unsigned MinBits, class U>
-BOOST_FORCEINLINE typename enable_if<is_unsigned<U>, bool>::type eval_eq(const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, false, void, true>& a, U b) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- return *a.limbs() == b;
-template <unsigned MinBits, class S>
-BOOST_FORCEINLINE typename enable_if<is_signed<S>, bool>::type eval_eq(const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, false, void, true>& a, S b) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- return *a.limbs() == b;
-template <unsigned MinBits>
-BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool eval_lt(const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>& a, const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>& b) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- if(a.sign() != b.sign())
- return a.sign();
- return a.sign() ? *a.limbs() > *b.limbs() : *a.limbs() < *b.limbs();
-template <unsigned MinBits>
-BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool eval_lt(const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, false, void, true>& a, const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, false, void, true>& b) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- return *a.limbs() < *b.limbs();
-template <unsigned MinBits, class U>
-BOOST_FORCEINLINE typename enable_if<is_unsigned<U>, bool>::type eval_lt(const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>& a, U b) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- if(a.sign())
- return true;
- return *a.limbs() < b;
-template <unsigned MinBits, class S>
-BOOST_FORCEINLINE typename enable_if<is_signed<S>, bool>::type eval_lt(const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>& a, S b) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- if(a.sign() != (b < 0))
- return a.sign();
- return a.sign() ? (*a.limbs() > std::abs(b)) : (*a.limbs() < std::abs(b));
-template <unsigned MinBits, class U>
-BOOST_FORCEINLINE typename enable_if<is_unsigned<U>, bool>::type eval_lt(const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, false, void, true>& a, U b) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- return *a.limbs() < b;
-template <unsigned MinBits, class S>
-BOOST_FORCEINLINE typename enable_if<is_signed<S>, bool>::type eval_lt(const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, false, void, true>& a, S b) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- return *a.limbs() < b;
-template <unsigned MinBits>
-BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool eval_gt(const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>& a, const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>& b) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- if(a.sign() != b.sign())
- return !a.sign();
- return a.sign() ? *a.limbs() < *b.limbs() : *a.limbs() > *b.limbs();
-template <unsigned MinBits>
-BOOST_FORCEINLINE bool eval_gt(const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, false, void, true>& a, const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, false, void, true>& b) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- return *a.limbs() > *b.limbs();
-template <unsigned MinBits, class U>
-BOOST_FORCEINLINE typename enable_if<is_unsigned<U>, bool>::type eval_gt(const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>& a, U b) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- if(a.sign())
- return false;
- return *a.limbs() > b;
-template <unsigned MinBits, class S>
-BOOST_FORCEINLINE typename enable_if<is_signed<S>, bool>::type eval_gt(const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>& a, S b) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- if(a.sign() != (b < 0))
- return !a.sign();
- return a.sign() ? (*a.limbs() < std::abs(b)) : (*a.limbs() > std::abs(b));
-template <unsigned MinBits, class U>
-BOOST_FORCEINLINE typename enable_if<is_unsigned<U>, bool>::type eval_gt(const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, false, void, true>& a, U b) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- return *a.limbs() > b;
-template <unsigned MinBits, class S>
-BOOST_FORCEINLINE typename enable_if<is_signed<S>, bool>::type eval_gt(const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, false, void, true>& a, S b) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- return *a.limbs() > b;
-template <unsigned MinBits>
-inline void eval_add(old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>& result, const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>& o) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- if(result.sign() != o.sign())
- {
- if(*o.limbs() > *result.limbs())
- {
- *result.limbs() = *o.limbs() - *result.limbs();
- result.negate();
- }
- else
- *result.limbs() -= *o.limbs();
- }
- else
- *result.limbs() += *o.limbs();
-template <unsigned MinBits>
-BOOST_FORCEINLINE void eval_add(old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, false, void, true>& result, const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, false, void, true>& o) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- *result.limbs() += *o.limbs();
-template <unsigned MinBits>
-inline void eval_subtract(old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>& result, const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>& o) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- if(result.sign() != o.sign())
- {
- *result.limbs() += *o.limbs();
- }
- else if(*result.limbs() < *o.limbs())
- {
- *result.limbs() = *o.limbs() - *result.limbs();
- result.negate();
- }
- else
- *result.limbs() -= *o.limbs();
-template <unsigned MinBits>
-BOOST_FORCEINLINE void eval_subtract(old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, false, void, true>& result, const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, false, void, true>& o) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- *result.limbs() -= *o.limbs();
-template <unsigned MinBits>
-BOOST_FORCEINLINE void eval_multiply(old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>& result, const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>& o) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- *result.limbs() *= *o.limbs();
- result.sign(result.sign() != o.sign());
-template <unsigned MinBits>
-BOOST_FORCEINLINE void eval_multiply(old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, false, void, true>& result, const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, false, void, true>& o) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- *result.limbs() *= *o.limbs();
-template <unsigned MinBits>
-BOOST_FORCEINLINE void eval_divide(old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>& result, const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>& o)
- if(!*o.limbs())
- BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::overflow_error("Division by zero."));
- *result.limbs() /= *o.limbs();
- result.sign(result.sign() != o.sign());
-template <unsigned MinBits>
-BOOST_FORCEINLINE void eval_divide(old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, false, void, true>& result, const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, false, void, true>& o)
- if(!*o.limbs())
- BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::overflow_error("Division by zero."));
- *result.limbs() /= *o.limbs();
-template <unsigned MinBits, bool Signed>
-BOOST_FORCEINLINE void eval_modulus(old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, Signed, void, true>& result, const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, Signed, void, true>& o)
- if(!*o.limbs())
- BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::overflow_error("Division by zero."));
- *result.limbs() %= *o.limbs();
- result.sign(result.sign());
-template <unsigned MinBits, bool Signed, class T>
-BOOST_FORCEINLINE void eval_left_shift(old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, Signed, void, true>& result, T s) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- *result.limbs() <<= s;
-template <unsigned MinBits, bool Signed, class T>
-BOOST_FORCEINLINE void eval_right_shift(old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, Signed, void, true>& result, T s) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- *result.limbs() >>= s;
-template <unsigned MinBits>
-inline void eval_bitwise_and(old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>& result, const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>& o) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- typename old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>::local_limb_type a, b;
- a = *result.limbs();
- if(result.isneg())
- {
- a = ~a;
- ++a;
- }
- b = *o.limbs();
- if(o.isneg())
- {
- b = ~b;
- ++b;
- }
- a &= b;
- bool isneg = false;
- static const typename old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>::local_limb_type mask = static_cast<typename old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>::local_limb_type>(1) << (std::numeric_limits<typename old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>::local_limb_type>::digits - 1);
- if(a & mask)
- {
- a = ~a;
- ++a;
- isneg = true;
- }
- *result.limbs() = a;
- result.sign(isneg);
-template <unsigned MinBits>
-BOOST_FORCEINLINE void eval_bitwise_and(old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, false, void, true>& result, const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, false, void, true>& o) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- *result.limbs() &= *o.limbs();
-template <unsigned MinBits>
-inline void eval_bitwise_or(old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>& result, const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>& o) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- typename old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>::local_limb_type a, b;
- a = *result.limbs();
- if(result.isneg())
- {
- a = ~a;
- ++a;
- }
- b = *o.limbs();
- if(o.isneg())
- {
- b = ~b;
- ++b;
- }
- a |= b;
- bool isneg = false;
- static const typename old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>::local_limb_type mask = static_cast<typename old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>::local_limb_type>(1) << (sizeof(typename old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>::local_limb_type) * CHAR_BIT - 1);
- if(a & mask)
- {
- a = ~a;
- ++a;
- isneg = true;
- }
- *result.limbs() = a;
- result.sign(isneg);
-template <unsigned MinBits>
-BOOST_FORCEINLINE void eval_bitwise_or(old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, false, void, true>& result, const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, false, void, true>& o) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- *result.limbs() |= *o.limbs();
-template <unsigned MinBits>
-inline void eval_bitwise_xor(old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>& result, const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>& o) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- typename old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>::local_limb_type a, b;
- a = *result.limbs();
- if(result.isneg())
- {
- a = ~a;
- ++a;
- }
- b = *o.limbs();
- if(o.isneg())
- {
- b = ~b;
- ++b;
- }
- a ^= b;
- bool isneg = false;
- static const typename old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>::local_limb_type mask = static_cast<typename old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>::local_limb_type>(1) << (std::numeric_limits<typename old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>::local_limb_type>::digits - 1);
- if(a & mask)
- {
- a = ~a;
- ++a;
- isneg = true;
- }
- *result.limbs() = a;
- result.sign(isneg);
-template <unsigned MinBits>
-BOOST_FORCEINLINE void eval_bitwise_xor(old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, false, void, true>& result, const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, false, void, true>& o) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- *result.limbs() ^= *o.limbs();
-template <unsigned MinBits>
-inline void eval_complement(old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>& result, const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>& o) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- typename old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>::local_limb_type a;
- a = *o.limbs();
- if(o.isneg())
- {
- a = ~a;
- ++a;
- }
- a = ~a;
- bool isneg = false;
- static const typename old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>::local_limb_type mask = static_cast<typename old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>::local_limb_type>(1) << (std::numeric_limits<typename old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>::local_limb_type>::digits - 1);
- if(a & mask)
- {
- a = ~a;
- ++a;
- isneg = true;
- }
- *result.limbs() = a;
- result.sign(isneg);
-template <unsigned MinBits>
-BOOST_FORCEINLINE void eval_complement(old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, false, void, true>& result, const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, false, void, true>& o) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- *result.limbs() = ~*o.limbs();
-template <unsigned MinBits, bool Signed>
-BOOST_FORCEINLINE void eval_gcd(old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, Signed, void, true>& result, const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, Signed, void, true>& a, const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, Signed, void, true>& b) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- *result.limbs() = boost::math::gcd(*a.limbs(), *b.limbs());
-template <unsigned MinBits, bool Signed>
-BOOST_FORCEINLINE void eval_lcm(old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, Signed, void, true>& result, const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, Signed, void, true>& a, const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, Signed, void, true>& b) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
- *result.limbs() = boost::math::lcm(*a.limbs(), *b.limbs());
-template <class R, unsigned MinBits>
-inline void eval_convert_to(R* result, const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, true, void, true>& val)
- if(std::numeric_limits<R>::is_specialized && (*val.limbs() > (std::numeric_limits<R>::max)()))
- *result = (std::numeric_limits<R>::max)();
- else
- *result = static_cast<R>(*val.limbs());
- if(val.isneg())
- *result = negate_integer(*result, mpl::bool_<boost::is_signed<R>::value || boost::is_floating_point<R>::value>());
-template <class R, unsigned MinBits>
-inline void eval_convert_to(R* result, const old_cpp_int_backend<MinBits, false, void, true>& val)
- if(std::numeric_limits<R>::is_specialized && (*val.limbs() > (std::numeric_limits<R>::max)()))
- *result = (std::numeric_limits<R>::max)();
- else
- *result = static_cast<R>(*val.limbs());
-#ifdef BOOST_MSVC
-#pragma warning(pop)
-}}} // namespaces
Deleted: /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/Jamroot.jam
--- /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/Jamroot.jam 2012-11-18 13:56:59 EST (Sun, 18 Nov 2012)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-import modules ;
-local boost = [ modules.peek : BOOST ] ;
-project sandbox : requirements <include>$(boost) ;
-# This seems to prevent some Boost.Build errors that otherwise occur :-(
-use-project /boost : $(boost) ;
Deleted: /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/boost-build.jam
--- /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/boost-build.jam 2012-11-18 13:56:59 EST (Sun, 18 Nov 2012)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright Rene Rivera 2007.
-# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-# http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-# For instructions see Jamfile.v2, or "bjam --help".
-local rule if-has-file ( file + : dir * )
- local result ;
- if $(dir)
- {
- result = [ GLOB $(dir) : $(file) ] ;
- }
- return $(result[1]:P) ;
-#~ Attempts to find the Boost source tree...
-local boost-src = [ if-has-file LICENSE_1_0.txt :
- [ MATCH --boost=(.*) : $(ARGV) ]
- $(BOOST)
- $(.boost-build-file:D)/../boost
- $(.boost-build-file:D)/../Trunk
- ] ;
-# error handling:
-if ! $(boost-src)
- ECHO Unable to find the Boost source tree in the locations searched. ;
- ECHO Try setting the environment variable BOOST to point to your ;
- ECHO Boost tree, or else invoke bjam with the --boost=path option. ;
- ECHO The Boost include path will not be automatically set. ;
- ECHO The paths searched were [ MATCH --boost=(.*) : $(ARGV) ] $(BOOST) $(.boost-build-file:D)/../boost $(.boost-build-file:D)/../Trunk ;
- ECHO But the file LICENSE_1_0.txt was not found in any of them ;
-#~ Attempts to find the Boost.Build files...
-local boost-build-src = [ if-has-file bootstrap.jam :
- [ MATCH --boost-build=(.*) : $(ARGV) ]
- $(boost-src)/tools/build/v2
- ] ;
-# error handling:
-if ! $(boost-build-src)
- ECHO Unable to find the Boost.Build source tree in the locations searched. ;
- ECHO Try setting the environment variable BOOST_BUILD to point to your ;
- ECHO Boost.Build tree, or else invoke bjam with the --boost-build=path option. ;
- ECHO The paths searched were [ MATCH --boost-build=(.*) : $(ARGV) ] $(BOOST_BUILD_PATH) $(BOOST_BUILD) $(boost-src)/tools/build/v2 ;
- ECHO But bootstrap.jam was not found in any of these ;
- ECHO More failures will very likely follow... ;
-#~ Set some common vars to refer to the Boost sources...
-BOOST ?= $(boost-src) ;
-BOOST_ROOT ?= $(boost-src) ;
-#~ And load up Boost.Build...
-boost-build $(boost-build-src) ;
Copied: trunk/libs/multiprecision/test/Jamfile.v2 (from r81269, /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/test/Jamfile.v2)
--- /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/test/Jamfile.v2 (original)
+++ trunk/libs/multiprecision/test/Jamfile.v2 2012-11-18 13:56:59 EST (Sun, 18 Nov 2012)
@@ -22,7 +22,9 @@
+ # We set these to make it easier to set up and test GMP and MPFR under Win32:
+ <toolset>msvc:<link>static
@@ -969,3 +971,4 @@
: $(source:B)_backend_concept ;
Deleted: /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/test/error.txt
--- /sandbox/big_number/libs/multiprecision/test/error.txt 2012-11-18 13:56:59 EST (Sun, 18 Nov 2012)
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,93662 +0,0 @@
-warning: mismatched versions of Boost.Build engine and core
-warning: Boost.Build engine (bjam) is 2011.04.00
-warning: Boost.Build core (at /Users/viboes/boost/trunk/tools/build/v2) is 2011.12-svn
-...found 905 targets...
-...updating 4 targets...
-testing.capture-output bin/test_float_io_cpp_dec_float.test/clang-darwin-2.9/release/test_float_io_cpp_dec_float.run
-====== BEGIN OUTPUT ======
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 1e+09
-Expected: 1e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 1.e+09
-Expected: 1.e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: +1e+09
-Expected: +1e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 1.2e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: +9.9e+08
-Expected: +1.2e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 1.2e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 987654312.0
-Expected: 123456789.0
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 987654312.0
-Expected: 123456789.0
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: +987654312.0
-Expected: +123456789.0
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 1.2e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 1.2e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: +9.9e+08
-Expected: +1.2e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 1.23e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: +9.88e+08
-Expected: +1.23e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 1.23e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 987654312.00
-Expected: 123456789.00
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 987654312.00
-Expected: 123456789.00
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: +987654312.00
-Expected: +123456789.00
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 1.23e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 1.23e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: +9.88e+08
-Expected: +1.23e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 1.235e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: +9.877e+08
-Expected: +1.235e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 1.235e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 987654312.000
-Expected: 123456789.000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 987654312.000
-Expected: 123456789.000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: +987654312.000
-Expected: +123456789.000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 1.235e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 1.235e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: +9.877e+08
-Expected: +1.235e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 1.2346e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: +9.8765e+08
-Expected: +1.2346e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 1.2346e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 987654312.0000
-Expected: 123456789.0000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 987654312.0000
-Expected: 123456789.0000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: +987654312.0000
-Expected: +123456789.0000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 1.2346e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 1.2346e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: +9.8765e+08
-Expected: +1.2346e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 1.23457e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: +9.87654e+08
-Expected: +1.23457e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 1.23457e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 987654312.00000
-Expected: 123456789.00000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 987654312.00000
-Expected: 123456789.00000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: +987654312.00000
-Expected: +123456789.00000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 1.23457e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 1.23457e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 6
-Got: +9.87654e+08
-Expected: +1.23457e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 1.234568e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 6
-Got: +9.876543e+08
-Expected: +1.234568e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 1.234568e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 6
-Got: 987654312.000000
-Expected: 123456789.000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 6
-Got: 987654312.000000
-Expected: 123456789.000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 6
-Got: +987654312.000000
-Expected: +123456789.000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 1.234568e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 1.234568e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 7
-Got: +9.876543e+08
-Expected: +1.234568e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 1.2345679e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 7
-Got: +9.8765431e+08
-Expected: +1.2345679e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 1.2345679e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 7
-Got: 987654312.0000000
-Expected: 123456789.0000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 7
-Got: 987654312.0000000
-Expected: 123456789.0000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 7
-Got: +987654312.0000000
-Expected: +123456789.0000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 8
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 1.2345679e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 8
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 1.2345679e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 8
-Got: +9.8765431e+08
-Expected: +1.2345679e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 8
-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 1.23456789e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 8
-Got: +9.87654312e+08
-Expected: +1.23456789e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 8
-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 1.23456789e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 8
-Got: 987654312.00000000
-Expected: 123456789.00000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 8
-Got: 987654312.00000000
-Expected: 123456789.00000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 8
-Got: +987654312.00000000
-Expected: +123456789.00000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 123456789
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.
-Expected: 123456789.
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 9
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +123456789
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 9
-Got: 9.876543120e+08
-Expected: 1.234567890e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 9
-Got: +9.876543120e+08
-Expected: +1.234567890e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 9
-Got: 9.876543120e+08
-Expected: 1.234567890e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.000000000
-Expected: 123456789.000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.000000000
-Expected: 123456789.000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 9
-Got: +987654312.000000000
-Expected: +123456789.000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 10
-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 123456789
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 10
-Got: 987654312.0
-Expected: 123456789.0
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 10
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +123456789
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 10
-Got: 9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: 1.2345678900e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 10
-Got: +9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: +1.2345678900e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 10
-Got: 9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: 1.2345678900e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 10
-Got: 987654312.0000000000
-Expected: 123456789.0000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 10
-Got: 987654312.0000000000
-Expected: 123456789.0000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 10
-Got: +987654312.0000000000
-Expected: +123456789.0000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 11
-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 123456789
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 11
-Got: 987654312.00
-Expected: 123456789.00
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 11
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +123456789
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 11
-Got: 9.87654312000e+08
-Expected: 1.23456789000e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 11
-Got: +9.87654312000e+08
-Expected: +1.23456789000e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 11
-Got: 9.87654312000e+08
-Expected: 1.23456789000e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 11
-Got: 987654312.00000000000
-Expected: 123456789.00000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 11
-Got: 987654312.00000000000
-Expected: 123456789.00000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 11
-Got: +987654312.00000000000
-Expected: +123456789.00000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 12
-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 123456789
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 12
-Got: 987654312.000
-Expected: 123456789.000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 12
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +123456789
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 12
-Got: 9.876543120000e+08
-Expected: 1.234567890000e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 12
-Got: +9.876543120000e+08
-Expected: +1.234567890000e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 12
-Got: 9.876543120000e+08
-Expected: 1.234567890000e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 12
-Got: 987654312.000000000000
-Expected: 123456789.000000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 12
-Got: 987654312.000000000000
-Expected: 123456789.000000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 12
-Got: +987654312.000000000000
-Expected: +123456789.000000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 13
-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 123456789
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 13
-Got: 987654312.0000
-Expected: 123456789.0000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 13
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +123456789
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 13
-Got: 9.8765431200000e+08
-Expected: 1.2345678900000e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 13
-Got: +9.8765431200000e+08
-Expected: +1.2345678900000e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 13
-Got: 9.8765431200000e+08
-Expected: 1.2345678900000e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 13
-Got: 987654312.0000000000000
-Expected: 123456789.0000000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 13
-Got: 987654312.0000000000000
-Expected: 123456789.0000000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 13
-Got: +987654312.0000000000000
-Expected: +123456789.0000000000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1e+09
-Expected: -1e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1.e+09
-Expected: -1.e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1e+09
-Expected: -1e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -1.2e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -1.2e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -1.2e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -987654312.0
-Expected: -123456789.0
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -987654312.0
-Expected: -123456789.0
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -987654312.0
-Expected: -123456789.0
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -1.2e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -1.2e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -1.2e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -1.23e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -1.23e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -1.23e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -987654312.00
-Expected: -123456789.00
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -987654312.00
-Expected: -123456789.00
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -987654312.00
-Expected: -123456789.00
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -1.23e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -1.23e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -1.23e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -1.235e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -1.235e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -1.235e+08
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-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -987654312.000
-Expected: -123456789.000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -987654312.000
-Expected: -123456789.000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -987654312.000
-Expected: -123456789.000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: -1.235e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -1.235e+08
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-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -1.235e+08
-Testing value -123456789
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-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: -1.2346e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -1.2346e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -1.2346e+08
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-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: -123456789.0000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: -987654312.0000
-Expected: -123456789.0000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: -987654312.0000
-Expected: -123456789.0000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: -1.2346e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -1.2346e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -1.2346e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: -1.23457e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -1.23457e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -1.23457e+08
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-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: -123456789.00000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: -987654312.00000
-Expected: -123456789.00000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: -987654312.00000
-Expected: -123456789.00000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: -1.23457e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 6
-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -1.23457e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 6
-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -1.23457e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
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-Expected: -1.234568e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 6
-Got: -9.876543e+08
-Expected: -1.234568e+08
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-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 6
-Got: -9.876543e+08
-Expected: -1.234568e+08
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-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: -123456789.000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 6
-Got: -987654312.000000
-Expected: -123456789.000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 6
-Got: -987654312.000000
-Expected: -123456789.000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: -1.234568e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -9.876543e+08
-Expected: -1.234568e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -9.876543e+08
-Expected: -1.234568e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: -1.2345679e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -9.8765431e+08
-Expected: -1.2345679e+08
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-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -9.8765431e+08
-Expected: -1.2345679e+08
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: -123456789.0000000
-Testing value -123456789
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: -987654312.0000000
-Expected: -123456789.0000000
-Testing value -123456789
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: -987654312.0000000
-Expected: -123456789.0000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: -1.2345679e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 8
-Got: -9.8765431e+08
-Expected: -1.2345679e+08
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-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 8
-Got: -9.8765431e+08
-Expected: -1.2345679e+08
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-Formatting flags were: scientific
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-Expected: -1.23456789e+08
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-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 8
-Got: -9.87654312e+08
-Expected: -1.23456789e+08
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-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 8
-Got: -9.87654312e+08
-Expected: -1.23456789e+08
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: -123456789.00000000
-Testing value -123456789
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-Got: -987654312.00000000
-Expected: -123456789.00000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 8
-Got: -987654312.00000000
-Expected: -123456789.00000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -123456789
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312.
-Expected: -123456789.
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -123456789
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: -1.234567890e+08
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-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
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-Got: -9.876543120e+08
-Expected: -1.234567890e+08
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-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 9
-Got: -9.876543120e+08
-Expected: -1.234567890e+08
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-Expected: -123456789.000000000
-Testing value -123456789
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: -123456789.000000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312.000000000
-Expected: -123456789.000000000
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-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -123456789
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 10
-Got: -987654312.0
-Expected: -123456789.0
-Testing value -123456789
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -123456789
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: -1.2345678900e+08
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-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 10
-Got: -9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: -1.2345678900e+08
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-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 10
-Got: -9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: -1.2345678900e+08
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-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: -123456789.0000000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 10
-Got: -987654312.0000000000
-Expected: -123456789.0000000000
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: -987654312.0000000000
-Expected: -123456789.0000000000
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-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -123456789
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: -123456789.00
-Testing value -123456789
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-Precision is: 11
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -123456789
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: -1.23456789000e+08
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-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 11
-Got: -9.87654312000e+08
-Expected: -1.23456789000e+08
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-Precision is: 11
-Got: -9.87654312000e+08
-Expected: -1.23456789000e+08
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-Expected: -123456789.00000000000
-Testing value -123456789
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: -123456789.00000000000
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-Expected: -123456789.00000000000
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-Expected: -123456789
-Testing value -123456789
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-Precision is: 12
-Got: -987654312.000
-Expected: -123456789.000
-Testing value -123456789
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-Precision is: 12
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -123456789
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: -1.234567890000e+08
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-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 12
-Got: -9.876543120000e+08
-Expected: -1.234567890000e+08
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-Precision is: 12
-Got: -9.876543120000e+08
-Expected: -1.234567890000e+08
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-Expected: -123456789.000000000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: -123456789.000000000000
-Testing value -123456789
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-Got: -987654312.000000000000
-Expected: -123456789.000000000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were:
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-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -123456789
-Testing value -123456789
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: -123456789.0000
-Testing value -123456789
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-Precision is: 13
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -123456789
-Testing value -123456789
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-Precision is: 13
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-Precision is: 13
-Got: -9.8765431200000e+08
-Expected: -1.2345678900000e+08
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-Precision is: 13
-Got: -9.8765431200000e+08
-Expected: -1.2345678900000e+08
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-Expected: -123456789.0000000000000
-Testing value -123456789
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-Precision is: 13
-Got: -987654312.0000000000000
-Expected: -123456789.0000000000000
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-Precision is: 13
-Got: -987654312.0000000000000
-Expected: -123456789.0000000000000
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Got: 1e+09
-Expected: 2e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 1.e+09
-Expected: 2.e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: +1e+09
-Expected: +2e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
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-Expected: 1.5e+07
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: +9.9e+08
-Expected: +1.5e+07
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 1.5e+07
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-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: 15432098.6
-Testing value 15432098.625
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: 987654312.0
-Expected: 15432098.6
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-Got: +987654312.0
-Expected: +15432098.6
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-Expected: 1.5e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 1.5e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
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-Got: +9.9e+08
-Expected: +1.5e+07
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-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 1.54e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: +9.88e+08
-Expected: +1.54e+07
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 1.54e+07
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-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: 15432098.62
-Testing value 15432098.625
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: 987654312.00
-Expected: 15432098.62
-Testing value 15432098.625
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-Got: +987654312.00
-Expected: +15432098.62
-Testing value 15432098.625
-Formatting flags were:
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-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 1.54e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 1.54e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: +9.88e+08
-Expected: +1.54e+07
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-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 1.543e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
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-Got: +9.877e+08
-Expected: +1.543e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 1.543e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
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-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: 15432098.625
-Testing value 15432098.625
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: 987654312.000
-Expected: 15432098.625
-Testing value 15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: +987654312.000
-Expected: +15432098.625
-Testing value 15432098.625
-Formatting flags were:
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-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 1.543e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 1.543e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
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-Got: +9.877e+08
-Expected: +1.543e+07
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-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 1.5432e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: +9.8765e+08
-Expected: +1.5432e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 1.5432e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 987654312.0000
-Expected: 15432098.6250
-Testing value 15432098.625
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: 987654312.0000
-Expected: 15432098.6250
-Testing value 15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
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-Got: +987654312.0000
-Expected: +15432098.6250
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 1.5432e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 1.5432e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: +9.8765e+08
-Expected: +1.5432e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 1.54321e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: +9.87654e+08
-Expected: +1.54321e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: 1.54321e+07
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-Expected: 15432098.62500
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-Expected: 1.543210e+07
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-Expected: 15432099.
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312.
-Expected: -15432098.6
-Testing value -15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -15432098.6
-Testing value -15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: -1.543209862e+07
-Testing value -15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 9
-Got: -9.876543120e+08
-Expected: -1.543209862e+07
-Testing value -15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 9
-Got: -9.876543120e+08
-Expected: -1.543209862e+07
-Testing value -15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: -15432098.625000000
-Testing value -15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312.000000000
-Expected: -15432098.625000000
-Testing value -15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312.000000000
-Expected: -15432098.625000000
-Testing value -15432098.625
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-Expected: -15432098.62
-Testing value -15432098.625
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: -987654312.0
-Expected: -15432098.62
-Testing value -15432098.625
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -15432098.62
-Testing value -15432098.625
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: -1.5432098625e+07
-Testing value -15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 10
-Got: -9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: -1.5432098625e+07
-Testing value -15432098.625
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: -9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: -1.5432098625e+07
-Testing value -15432098.625
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: -15432098.6250000000
-Testing value -15432098.625
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: -15432098.6250000000
-Testing value -15432098.625
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-Expected: -15432098.6250000000
-Testing value -15432098.625
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-Expected: -15432098.625
-Testing value -15432098.625
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-Expected: -15432098.625
-Testing value -15432098.625
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-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -15432098.625
-Testing value -15432098.625
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-Expected: -1.54320986250e+07
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-Got: -9.87654312000e+08
-Expected: -1.54320986250e+07
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-Got: -9.87654312000e+08
-Expected: -1.54320986250e+07
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-Expected: -15432098.62500000000
-Testing value -15432098.625
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-Expected: -15432098.62500000000
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-Expected: -15432098.62500000000
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-Expected: -15432098.625
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-Expected: -15432098.6250
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-Expected: -15432098.625
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-Expected: -1.543209862500e+07
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-Expected: -1.543209862500e+07
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-Expected: -1.543209862500e+07
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-Expected: -15432098.625000000000
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-Expected: -15432098.625000000000
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-Expected: -15432098.625000000000
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-Expected: -15432098.625
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-Expected: -15432098.62500
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-Expected: -15432098.625
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-Expected: -1.5432098625000e+07
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-Expected: -1.5432098625000e+07
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-Expected: -1.5432098625000e+07
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-Expected: -15432098.6250000000000
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-Expected: -15432098.6250000000000
-Testing value -15432098.625
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-Expected: -15432098.6250000000000
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-Expected: 2e+06
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-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: 2.e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: +2e+06
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-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: 1.9e+06
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-Expected: +1.9e+06
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-Expected: 1.9e+06
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-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: 1929012.3
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: 1929012.3
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: 1.9e+06
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-Expected: 1.93e+06
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-Expected: +1.93e+06
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-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 1.93e+06
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-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: 1929012.33
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: 1929012.33
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: +1929012.33
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-Expected: 1.93e+06
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-Expected: 1.93e+06
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-Expected: +1.93e+06
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-Expected: 1.929e+06
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-Expected: +1.929e+06
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-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 1.929e+06
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-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: 1929012.328
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Got: 987654312.000
-Expected: 1929012.328
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: +1929012.328
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-Expected: 1.929e+06
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-Expected: 1.929e+06
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-Expected: +1.929e+06
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-Expected: 1.9290e+06
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-Expected: +1.9290e+06
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-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 1.9290e+06
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-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: 1929012.3281
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Got: 987654312.0000
-Expected: 1929012.3281
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: +1929012.3281
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-Expected: 1.929e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: 1.9290e+06
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-Got: +9.8765e+08
-Expected: +1.929e+06
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-Expected: 1.92901e+06
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-Expected: +1.92901e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 1.92901e+06
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-Expected: 1929012.32812
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Got: 987654312.00000
-Expected: 1929012.32812
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: +1929012.32812
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-Expected: 1.92901e+06
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-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 1.92901e+06
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-Expected: +1.92901e+06
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-Expected: 1.929012e+06
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-Expected: +1.929012e+06
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-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 1.929012e+06
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-Expected: 1929012.328125
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: 1929012.328125
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: 1929012
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 1929012.
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 7
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-Formatting flags were: scientific
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-Expected: 1.9290123e+06
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-Expected: +1.9290123e+06
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-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 1.9290123e+06
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-Expected: 1929012.3281250
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-Expected: 1929012.3281250
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-Expected: +1929012.3281250
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-Expected: 1929012.3
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: 1929012.3
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: +1929012.3
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-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 1.92901233e+06
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-Expected: +1.92901233e+06
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-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 1.92901233e+06
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-Expected: 1929012.32812500
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-Expected: 1929012.32812500
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-Expected: +1929012.32812500
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-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 1929012.33
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.
-Expected: 1929012.33
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: +1929012.33
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: 1.929012328e+06
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-Expected: +1.929012328e+06
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-Expected: 1.929012328e+06
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-Expected: 1929012.328125000
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-Expected: 1929012.328125000
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-Expected: +1929012.328125000
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 1929012.328
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: 1929012.328
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-Expected: +1929012.328
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-Expected: 1.9290123281e+06
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-Expected: +1.9290123281e+06
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-Got: 9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: 1.9290123281e+06
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-Expected: 1929012.3281250000
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-Expected: 1929012.3281250000
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-Expected: +1929012.3281250000
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 1929012.3281
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: 1929012.3281
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: +1929012.3281
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: 1.92901232812e+06
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-Expected: +1.92901232812e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Got: 9.87654312000e+08
-Expected: 1.92901232812e+06
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-Expected: 1929012.32812500000
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: 1929012.32812500000
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: +1929012.32812500000
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 1929012.32812
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: 1929012.32812
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: +1929012.32812
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: 1.929012328125e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Got: +9.876543120000e+08
-Expected: +1.929012328125e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Got: 9.876543120000e+08
-Expected: 1.929012328125e+06
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: 1929012.328125000000
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 12
-Got: 987654312.000000000000
-Expected: 1929012.328125000000
-Testing value 1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
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-Expected: +1929012.328125000000
-Testing value 1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 13
-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 1929012.328125
-Testing value 1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 1929012.328125
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: +1929012.328125
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: 1.9290123281250e+06
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-Expected: +1.9290123281250e+06
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-Got: 9.8765431200000e+08
-Expected: 1.9290123281250e+06
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-Expected: 1929012.3281250000000
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: 1929012.3281250000000
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-Expected: +1929012.3281250000000
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-Expected: -2.e+06
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-Got: -1e+09
-Expected: -2e+06
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-Expected: -1929012.3
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-Expected: -1.9e+06
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-Expected: -1.9e+06
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-Expected: +2.411e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 2.411e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: 241126.541
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: 987654312.000
-Expected: 241126.541
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: +987654312.000
-Expected: +241126.541
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 2.411e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 2.411e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: +9.877e+08
-Expected: +2.411e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: scientific
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-Expected: 2.4113e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: +9.8765e+08
-Expected: +2.4113e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 2.4113e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: 241126.5410
-Testing value 241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: 241126.5410
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Expected: +241126.5410
-Testing value 241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: 2.4113e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 2.4113e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: +9.8765e+08
-Expected: +2.4113e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 2.41127e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: +2.41127e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 2.41127e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: 241126.54102
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: 241126.54102
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Expected: +241126.54102
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-Expected: 241127
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 241127.
-Testing value 241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 6
-Got: +9.87654e+08
-Expected: +241127
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: 2.411265e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Expected: +2.411265e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 2.411265e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: 241126.541016
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Expected: 241126.541016
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Expected: 241126.5
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-Expected: 241126.5
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: +241126.5
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: 2.4112654e+05
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: +2.4112654e+05
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 2.4112654e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: 241126.5410156
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Expected: 241126.5410156
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Expected: 241126.54
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-Expected: 241126.54
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-Expected: +241126.54
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: 2.41126541e+05
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: +2.41126541e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 8
-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 2.41126541e+05
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-Expected: 241126.54101562
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Expected: 241126.541
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: 241126.541
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-Expected: +241126.541
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-Expected: 2.411265410e+05
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-Expected: +2.411265410e+05
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: 2.411265410e+05
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-Expected: 241126.541015625
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: 241126.541015625
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-Expected: 241126.541
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-Expected: +241126.541
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-Expected: 2.4112654102e+05
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-Expected: +2.4112654102e+05
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-Got: 9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: 2.4112654102e+05
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-Expected: 241126.5410156250
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-Expected: 241126.5410156250
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: +241126.5410156250
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-Expected: 2.41126541016e+05
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-Expected: +2.41126541016e+05
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-Precision is: 11
-Got: 9.87654312000e+08
-Expected: 2.41126541016e+05
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-Expected: 241126.54101562500
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-Expected: 241126.54101562500
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Expected: 241126.541016
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-Expected: +241126.541016
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-Expected: 2.411265410156e+05
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: +2.411265410156e+05
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: 2.411265410156e+05
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-Expected: 241126.541015625000
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Expected: 241126.541015625000
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Expected: +241126.541015625000
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-Expected: 241126.5410156
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-Expected: 2.4112654101562e+05
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: +2.4112654101562e+05
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 2.4112654101562e+05
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-Expected: 241126.5410156250000
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-Expected: 241126.5410156250000
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: +241126.5410156250000
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-Expected: -2.4e+05
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-Expected: -241126.5
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-Expected: -241126.5
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-Expected: -241126.5
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-Expected: -2.4e+05
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-Expected: -2.4e+05
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-Expected: -2.4e+05
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-Expected: -2.41e+05
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-Expected: -2.41e+05
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Expected: -2.41e+05
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-Expected: -241126.54
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-Expected: -241126.54
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-Expected: -2.41e+05
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-Expected: -2.41e+05
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-Expected: -2.41e+05
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-Expected: -2.411e+05
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -2.411e+05
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Expected: -2.411e+05
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-Expected: -241126.541
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-Expected: -241126.541
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Expected: -241126.541
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Expected: -2.411e+05
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-Expected: -2.411e+05
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-Expected: -2.411e+05
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-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -2.4113e+05
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -2.4113e+05
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -2.4113e+05
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-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: -241126.5410
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-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: -241126.5410
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: -987654312.0000
-Expected: -241126.5410
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Expected: -2.4113e+05
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -2.4113e+05
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-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -2.4113e+05
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-Expected: -2.41127e+05
-Testing value -241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -2.41127e+05
-Testing value -241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -2.41127e+05
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Expected: -241126.54102
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-Got: -987654312.00000
-Expected: -241126.54102
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Got: -987654312.00000
-Expected: -241126.54102
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Expected: -241127
-Testing value -241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 6
-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -241127.
-Testing value -241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 6
-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -241127
-Testing value -241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: -2.411265e+05
-Testing value -241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: -2.411265e+05
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: -2.411265e+05
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-Expected: -241126.541016
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: -241126.541016
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Expected: -241126.541016
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-Expected: -241126.5
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-Expected: -241126.5
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-Expected: -241126.5
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-Expected: -2.4112654e+05
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: -2.4112654e+05
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: -2.4112654e+05
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-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Expected: -241126.5410156
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-Expected: -241126.54
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-Expected: -241126.54
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-Expected: -241126.54
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-Expected: -2.41126541e+05
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-Expected: -241126.541
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-Expected: -241126.541
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-Expected: 30141.
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-Expected: 3.01408176e+04
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-Got: 987654312.
-Expected: 30140.8176
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: 3.014081763e+04
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-Expected: +3.014081763e+04
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-Expected: 3.014081763e+04
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-Expected: 30140.817626953
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-Expected: 30140.817626953
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-Expected: +3.0140817627e+04
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-Expected: 3.0140817627e+04
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-Expected: 30140.8176269531
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-Expected: 30140.8176269531250
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-Expected: -30141.
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: -30140.817627
-Testing value -30140.817626953125
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: -3.014081762695e+04
-Testing value -30140.817626953125
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: -3.014081762695e+04
-Testing value -30140.817626953125
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 12
-Got: -9.876543120000e+08
-Expected: -3.014081762695e+04
-Testing value -30140.817626953125
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: -30140.817626953125
-Testing value -30140.817626953125
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 12
-Got: -987654312.000000000000
-Expected: -30140.817626953125
-Testing value -30140.817626953125
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: -30140.817626953125
-Testing value -30140.817626953125
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-Expected: -30140.81762695
-Testing value -30140.817626953125
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: -30140.81762695
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-Expected: -30140.81762695
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-Expected: -3.0140817626953e+04
-Testing value -30140.817626953125
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 13
-Got: -9.8765431200000e+08
-Expected: -3.0140817626953e+04
-Testing value -30140.817626953125
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-Precision is: 13
-Got: -9.8765431200000e+08
-Expected: -3.0140817626953e+04
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-Expected: -30140.8176269531250
-Testing value -30140.817626953125
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: -30140.8176269531250
-Testing value -30140.817626953125
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: -30140.8176269531250
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
-Formatting flags were:
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-Got: 1e+09
-Expected: 4e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 1.e+09
-Expected: 4.e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Got: +1e+09
-Expected: +4e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: 3.8e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: +9.9e+08
-Expected: +3.8e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: 3.8e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: 3767.6
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-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: 3767.6
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: +987654312.0
-Expected: +3767.6
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-Expected: 3.8e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 3.8e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: +9.9e+08
-Expected: +3.8e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 3.77e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: +9.88e+08
-Expected: +3.77e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 3.77e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: 3767.60
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Expected: 3767.60
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Expected: 3.77e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 3.77e+03
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-Got: +9.88e+08
-Expected: +3.77e+03
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-Expected: 3.768e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: +3.768e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 3.768e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: 3767.602
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-Expected: 3767.602
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-Expected: +3767.602
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-Expected: 3768
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 3768.
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: +9.877e+08
-Expected: +3768
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-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: 3.7676e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: +3.7676e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 3.7676e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: 3767.6022
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Expected: 3767.6022
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Expected: 3767.6
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-Expected: 3767.6
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-Expected: +3767.6
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-Expected: 3.76760e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Expected: +3.76760e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 3.76760e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
-Formatting flags were: fixed
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-Expected: 3767.60220
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-Expected: 3767.60220
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Expected: 3767.6
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-Expected: 3767.60
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-Expected: +3767.6
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-Expected: 3.767602e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Expected: +3.767602e+03
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 3.767602e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Expected: 3767.602203
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Expected: 3767.602
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-Expected: +3767.602
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-Expected: +3.7676022e+03
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-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 3.7676022e+03
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-Expected: 3767.6022034
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-Expected: 3767.6022034
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Expected: 3767.6022
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-Expected: 3767.6022
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-Expected: +3767.6022
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-Got: 9.87654312e+08
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-Expected: +3.76760220e+03
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-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 3.76760220e+03
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-Expected: 3767.60220337
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-Expected: 3767.6022
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.
-Expected: 3767.60220
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Expected: +3767.6022
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-Expected: 3.767602203e+03
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-Expected: 3767.602203369
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-Expected: 3767.602203
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-Expected: 3767.602203
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-Expected: +3767.602203
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-Got: 9.87654312000e+08
-Expected: 3.76760220337e+03
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-Precision is: 12
-Got: 9.876543120000e+08
-Expected: 3.767602203369e+03
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-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Expected: 3767.602203369141
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-Expected: 3767.602203369
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-Expected: +3767.602203369
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-Precision is: 13
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-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 13
-Got: 9.8765431200000e+08
-Expected: 3.7676022033691e+03
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-Expected: 3767.6022033691406
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-Precision is: 13
-Got: 987654312.0000000000000
-Expected: 3767.6022033691406
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1.e+09
-Expected: -4.e+03
-Testing value -3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1e+09
-Expected: -4e+03
-Testing value -3767.602203369140625
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: -3.8e+03
-Testing value -3767.602203369140625
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -3.8e+03
-Testing value -3767.602203369140625
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -3.8e+03
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-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: -3767.6
-Testing value -3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: -987654312.0
-Expected: -3767.6
-Testing value -3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: -987654312.0
-Expected: -3767.6
-Testing value -3767.602203369140625
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -3.8e+03
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-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -3.8e+03
-Testing value -3767.602203369140625
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -3.8e+03
-Testing value -3767.602203369140625
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: -3.77e+03
-Testing value -3767.602203369140625
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -3.77e+03
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-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -3.77e+03
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-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: -3767.60
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-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: -3767.60
-Testing value -3767.602203369140625
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-Expected: -3767.60
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-Expected: -3.77e+03
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-Expected: -3.77e+03
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -3.77e+03
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-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: -3.768e+03
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-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -3.768e+03
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-Expected: -3.768e+03
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-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: -3767.602
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-Expected: -3767.602
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-Got: -987654312.000
-Expected: -3767.602
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-Expected: -3768
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-Expected: -3768.
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-Expected: -3768
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-Expected: -3.7676e+03
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-Expected: -3.7676e+03
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-Expected: -3.7676e+03
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-Expected: -3767.6022
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-Expected: -3767.6022
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-Expected: -3767.6022
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-Expected: -3767.6
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-Expected: -3767.6
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-Expected: -3767.6
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-Expected: -3.76760e+03
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-Expected: -3.76760e+03
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-Expected: -3767.60220
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-Expected: -3767.6
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-Expected: -3.767602e+03
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-Expected: -3767.602
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-Expected: 4.71e+02
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-Expected: 471
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-Expected: 471.
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-Expected: 4.710e+02
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-Expected: +4.710e+02
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-Expected: 471.0
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-Expected: +4.7095e+02
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 4.7095e+02
-Testing value 470.95027542114257812
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: 470.9503
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-Expected: 470.9503
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-Expected: 4.70950e+02
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-Expected: +4.70950e+02
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-Expected: 4.70950275e+02
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-Expected: -471.
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-Expected: -470.9502754
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-Expected: -470.95028
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: 5.8868784428e+01
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-Expected: 58.8687844276
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-Expected: 58.8687844276
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-Expected: +58.8687844276
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-Expected: +5.88687844276e+01
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-Expected: 5.88687844276e+01
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-Expected: 58.86878442764
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-Expected: 5.886878442764e+01
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-Expected: 58.8687844276428
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-Expected: -59.
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-Expected: -58.868784427643
-Testing value -58.868784427642822266
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: -58.868784427643
-Testing value -58.868784427642822266
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-Expected: -58.868784427643
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-Expected: -58.86878442764
-Testing value -58.868784427642822266
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: -58.86878442764
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-Expected: -58.86878442764
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-Expected: -5.8868784427643e+01
-Testing value -58.868784427642822266
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: -5.8868784427643e+01
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: -5.8868784427643e+01
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-Expected: -58.8687844276428
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-Expected: -58.8687844276428
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-Expected: -58.8687844276428
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-Got: 1e+09
-Expected: 7
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-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: 7.
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: +1e+09
-Expected: +7
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-Expected: 7.4e+00
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-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: +7.4e+00
-Testing value 7.3585980534553527832
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-Expected: 7.4e+00
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-Expected: 7.4
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-Expected: 7.36e+00
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-Expected: +7.36e+00
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-Expected: 7.36e+00
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-Expected: 7.36
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-Expected: 7.36
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-Expected: 7.359e+00
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-Got: +9.877e+08
-Expected: +7.359e+00
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 7.359e+00
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-Expected: 7.359
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-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 7.359
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-Expected: 7.3586e+00
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-Expected: +7.3586e+00
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-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 7.3586e+00
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-Expected: 7.3586
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-Expected: 7.3586
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-Expected: 7.35860e+00
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-Expected: 7.35860e+00
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-Expected: 7.35860
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-Expected: 7.35860
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-Expected: +7.358598e+00
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-Expected: 7.358598e+00
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-Expected: 7.358598
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-Expected: 7.3585981
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-Got: -1.e+09
-Expected: -7.
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-Got: -1e+09
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-Expected: -7.4e+00
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-Expected: -7.36e+00
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-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -7.36e+00
-Testing value -7.3585980534553527832
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: -7.36e+00
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-Expected: -7.359e+00
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-Expected: -7.359e+00
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-Expected: -7.359
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-Expected: 0.91982
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-Expected: 9.19825e-01
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-Expected: +9.19825e-01
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-Expected: 9.198248e-01
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-Expected: +9.198248e-01
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-Expected: -9.1982476e-01
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-Expected: -0.9198248
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-Expected: -0.91982476
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-Expected: -0.114978094585
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-Expected: -1.1497809458524e-01
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: -1.1497809458524e-01
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-Expected: -0.1149780945852
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-Expected: -0.1149780945852
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-Expected: -0.1149780945852
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-Expected: 0.01
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-Expected: 0.01
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-Expected: 1.4e-02
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-Expected: 1.4e-02
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-Expected: 0.0
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-Expected: 1.44e-02
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-Expected: 1.44e-02
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-Expected: 0.01
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-Expected: 1.437e-02
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-Expected: +1.437e-02
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-Expected: 1.437e-02
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-Expected: 1.43723e-02
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: -0.01
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-Expected: -1.4e-02
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-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -1.4e-02
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-Expected: -0.0
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: -1.44e-02
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-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
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-Expected: -1.44e-02
-Testing value -0.014372261823154985905
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-Expected: -1.44e-02
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-Expected: -0.0144
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-Expected: -1.437e-02
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-Expected: -1.437e-02
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-Expected: -1.437e-02
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-Expected: -0.01437
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-Expected: -0.01437
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-Expected: -0.01437
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-Expected: 1.797e-03
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-Got: 987654312.0000
-Expected: 0.0018
-Testing value 0.0017965327278943732381
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: +987654312.0000
-Expected: +0.0018
-Testing value 0.0017965327278943732381
-Formatting flags were:
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-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 0.0017965
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-Expected: 0.0017965
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-Formatting flags were: showpos
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-Expected: +0.0017965
-Testing value 0.0017965327278943732381
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 1.79653e-03
-Testing value 0.0017965327278943732381
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: +9.87654e+08
-Expected: +1.79653e-03
-Testing value 0.0017965327278943732381
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 1.79653e-03
-Testing value 0.0017965327278943732381
-Formatting flags were: fixed
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-Expected: 0.00180
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-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 987654312.00000
-Expected: 0.00180
-Testing value 0.0017965327278943732381
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: +987654312.00000
-Expected: +0.00180
-Testing value 0.0017965327278943732381
-Formatting flags were:
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-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 0.00179653
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-Expected: 0.00179653
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-Expected: +0.00179653
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-Expected: 1.796533e-03
-Testing value 0.0017965327278943732381
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: +1.796533e-03
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-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 1.796533e-03
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-Expected: 0.001797
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-Expected: 0.001797
-Testing value 0.0017965327278943732381
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-Got: +987654312.000000
-Expected: +0.001797
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-Expected: 0.001796533
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-Expected: 0.001796533
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-Expected: +0.001796533
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-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 1.7965327e-03
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-Expected: +1.7965327e-03
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-Expected: 1.7965327e-03
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-Expected: 0.0017965
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-Expected: +0.0017965
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-Expected: 0.0017965327
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-Expected: 0.0017965327
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-Expected: +0.0017965327
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-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 1.79653273e-03
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-Expected: +1.79653273e-03
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-Precision is: 8
-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 1.79653273e-03
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-Expected: 0.00179653
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-Expected: 0.00179653
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-Expected: +0.00179653
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-Expected: 0.00179653273
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-Got: 987654312.
-Expected: 0.00179653273
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-Expected: +0.00179653273
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-Expected: 1.796532728e-03
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-Expected: +1.796532728e-03
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-Got: 9.876543120e+08
-Expected: 1.796532728e-03
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-Expected: 0.001796533
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-Expected: 0.001796533
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-Expected: +0.001796533
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-Expected: 0.001796532728
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-Got: 9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: 1.7965327279e-03
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-Expected: +1.7965327279e-03
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-Got: 9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: 1.7965327279e-03
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-Expected: 0.0017965327
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-Expected: 0.0017965327
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-Expected: +0.0017965327
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-Expected: +0.0017965327279
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-Expected: 1.79653272789e-03
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: +1.79653272789e-03
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-Expected: 1.79653272789e-03
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-Expected: 0.00179653273
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-Got: 987654312.00000000000
-Expected: 0.00179653273
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-Expected: +0.00179653273
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-Expected: 1.796532727894e-03
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: +1.796532727894e-03
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-Expected: 1.796532727894e-03
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-Expected: 0.001796532728
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-Expected: 0.001796532728
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-Expected: +0.001796532728
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-Expected: 0.001796532727894
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-Expected: 1.7965327278944e-03
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-Precision is: 13
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 1.7965327278944e-03
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-Expected: 0.0017965327279
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-Expected: 0.0017965327279
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-Expected: -0.002
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-Formatting flags were: scientific
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-Expected: -1.8e-03
-Testing value -0.0017965327278943732381
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-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -1.8e-03
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-Expected: -1.8e-03
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-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
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-Expected: -0.0
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-Expected: -0.0
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-Expected: -0.0018
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-Expected: -0.0018
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-Formatting flags were: scientific
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-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -1.80e-03
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-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -1.80e-03
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-Expected: -1.80e-03
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-Expected: -0.00
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-Expected: -0.00
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-Expected: -0.0018
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-Formatting flags were: scientific
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-Expected: -1.797e-03
-Testing value -0.0017965327278943732381
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-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -1.797e-03
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-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -1.797e-03
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-Expected: -0.002
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-Expected: -0.002
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-Expected: -0.002
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-Expected: -0.001797
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-Formatting flags were: scientific
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-Expected: -1.7965e-03
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-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -1.7965e-03
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-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -1.7965e-03
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-Expected: -0.0018
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-Expected: -0.0018
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-Expected: -0.0017965
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-Expected: -0.0017965
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-Expected: -0.0017965
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-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -1.79653e-03
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-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -1.79653e-03
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-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -1.79653e-03
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-Expected: -0.00180
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-Got: -987654312.00000
-Expected: -0.00180
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-Got: -987654312.00000
-Expected: -0.00180
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: -0.00179653
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-Expected: -0.00179653
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-Expected: -0.00179653
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-Formatting flags were: scientific
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-Got: -9.876543e+08
-Expected: -1.796533e-03
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-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 6
-Got: -9.876543e+08
-Expected: -1.796533e-03
-Testing value -0.0017965327278943732381
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-Got: -9.876543e+08
-Expected: -1.796533e-03
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-Formatting flags were: fixed
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-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 6
-Got: -987654312.000000
-Expected: -0.001797
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-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
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-Got: -987654312.000000
-Expected: -0.001797
-Testing value -0.0017965327278943732381
-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: -0.001796533
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-Got: -9.876543e+08
-Expected: -0.001796533
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-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: -0.001796533
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-Expected: -1.7965327e-03
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-Expected: -1.7965327e-03
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-Expected: -1.7965327e-03
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-Expected: -0.0017965
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-Expected: -0.0017965327
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-Expected: -0.0017965327
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-Expected: -0.00179653273
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-Expected: -1.796532728e-03
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-Expected: -1.7965327279e-03
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-Expected: -1.7965327279e-03
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-Expected: 2.25e-04
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-Expected: 2.246e-04
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-Expected: 0.000
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-Expected: 2.2457e-04
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-Expected: +2.2457e-04
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-Expected: 2.2457e-04
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-Expected: 2.24567e-04
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-Expected: +2.245666e-04
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-Expected: 2.245666e-04
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-Expected: +2.2456659e-04
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-Expected: 2.2456659e-04
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-Expected: 2.24566591e-04
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-Expected: +2.24566591e-04
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-Expected: 2.24566591e-04
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-Expected: 0.00022457
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: 0.000224566591
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-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: +2.245665910e-04
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-Expected: 2.245665910e-04
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-Expected: +2.2456659099e-04
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-Expected: 2.2456659099e-04
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-Expected: 2.24566590987e-04
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: -2.24566590987e-04
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-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: -2.24566590987e-04
-Testing value -0.00022456659098679665476
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: -0.00022456659
-Testing value -0.00022456659098679665476
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-Expected: -0.00022456659
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-Expected: -0.00022456659
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-Expected: -0.000224566590987
-Testing value -0.00022456659098679665476
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-Expected: -0.000224566590987
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-Expected: -2.245665909868e-04
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-Expected: -2.245665909868e-04
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-Expected: -0.000224566591
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-Expected: -0.000224566591
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-Expected: -0.000224566591
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-Expected: -0.0002245665910
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-Expected: 3e-05
-Testing value 2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Expected: 3.e-05
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-Expected: 0.0
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-Expected: 2.8e-05
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-Expected: 0.00
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-Expected: 2.81e-05
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-Expected: 2.81e-05
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-Expected: +2.81e-05
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-Testing value 2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Expected: 0.000
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-Expected: 0.000
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-Expected: +0.000
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-Expected: 2.807e-05
-Testing value 2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Expected: 2.807e-05
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-Expected: +2.807e-05
-Testing value 2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Expected: 2.8071e-05
-Testing value 2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Expected: 2.8071e-05
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-Expected: 0.0000
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-Expected: +0.0000
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-Expected: 2.8071e-05
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-Expected: 2.8071e-05
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-Expected: 2.80708e-05
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-Expected: 0.00003
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-Expected: 2.80708e-05
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-Expected: 2.807082e-05
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-Expected: 2.807082e-05
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-Expected: 0.0000281
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-Expected: 0.00002807
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-Testing value 2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Testing value 2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Expected: 0.000028071
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-Expected: 0.0000280708
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-Testing value 2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Expected: 0.00002807082
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-Expected: 2.80708238733e-05
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: 2.807082387335e-05
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-Testing value 2.8070823873349581845e-05
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 2.8070823873350e-05
-Testing value 2.8070823873349581845e-05
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: +2.8070823873350e-05
-Testing value 2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 2.8070823873350e-05
-Testing value 2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 0.0000280708239
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 0.0000280708239
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: +0.0000280708239
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Got: -1e+09
-Expected: -3e-05
-Testing value -2.8070823873349581845e-05
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1.e+09
-Expected: -3.e-05
-Testing value -2.8070823873349581845e-05
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1e+09
-Expected: -3e-05
-Testing value -2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -2.8e-05
-Testing value -2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Expected: -2.8e-05
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-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: -2.8e-05
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-Expected: -0.0
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-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: -0.0
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-Expected: -2.8e-05
-Testing value -2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -2.8e-05
-Testing value -2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: -2.8e-05
-Testing value -2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -2.81e-05
-Testing value -2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Expected: -2.81e-05
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-Expected: -2.81e-05
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-Expected: -0.00
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-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: -2.81e-05
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-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -2.81e-05
-Testing value -2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -2.807e-05
-Testing value -2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Expected: -2.807e-05
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-Expected: -0.000
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-Testing value -2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Expected: -2.807e-05
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-Expected: -2.807e-05
-Testing value -2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Expected: -2.8071e-05
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-Expected: -2.8071e-05
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-Expected: -2.80708e-05
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-Expected: -0.00003
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-Testing value -2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Got: -987654312.
-Expected: -2.80708239e-05
-Testing value -2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Expected: -2.80708239e-05
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-Expected: -2.80708238733e-05
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: 4e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
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-Expected: 4.e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: +4e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 3.5e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: +3.5e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 3.5e-06
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-Expected: 0.0
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: +987654312.0
-Expected: +0.0
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 3.5e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 3.5e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: +9.9e+08
-Expected: +3.5e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 3.51e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: +9.88e+08
-Expected: +3.51e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 3.51e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 987654312.00
-Expected: 0.00
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 987654312.00
-Expected: 0.00
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: +987654312.00
-Expected: +0.00
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 3.51e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 3.51e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: +9.88e+08
-Expected: +3.51e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 3.509e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: +9.877e+08
-Expected: +3.509e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 3.509e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: 0.000
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: 987654312.000
-Expected: 0.000
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: +987654312.000
-Expected: +0.000
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 3.509e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 3.509e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: +9.877e+08
-Expected: +3.509e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 3.5089e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: +9.8765e+08
-Expected: +3.5089e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 3.5089e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: 0.0000
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: 987654312.0000
-Expected: 0.0000
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: +0.0000
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: 3.5089e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 3.5089e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: +9.8765e+08
-Expected: +3.5089e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 3.50885e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: +9.87654e+08
-Expected: +3.50885e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 3.50885e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: 0.00000
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: 987654312.00000
-Expected: 0.00000
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: +0.00000
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: 3.50885e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 3.50885e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: +9.87654e+08
-Expected: +3.50885e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 3.508853e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: +3.508853e-06
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 3.508853e-06
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-Expected: 0.000004
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: 0.000004
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: +0.000004
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-Expected: 3.508853e-06
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 3.508853e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: +9.876543e+08
-Expected: +3.508853e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 3.5088530e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: +3.5088530e-06
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 3.5088530e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: fixed
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-Expected: 0.0000035
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 0.0000035
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: +0.0000035
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 3.508853e-06
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-Expected: 3.5088530e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: +3.508853e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 3.50885298e-06
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-Expected: +3.50885298e-06
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-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 3.50885298e-06
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-Formatting flags were: fixed
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-Expected: 0.00000351
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-Got: 987654312.00000000
-Expected: 0.00000351
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: +0.00000351
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-Expected: 3.50885298e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.
-Expected: 3.50885298e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 9
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +3.50885298e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Got: 9.876543120e+08
-Expected: 3.508852984e-06
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-Expected: +3.508852984e-06
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: 9.876543120e+08
-Expected: 3.508852984e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: 0.000003509
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.000000000
-Expected: 0.000003509
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: +0.000003509
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-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 3.508852984e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: 987654312.0
-Expected: 3.508852984e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +3.508852984e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: 9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: 3.5088529842e-06
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: 9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: 3.5088529842e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 0.0000035089
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Got: 987654312.0000000000
-Expected: 0.0000035089
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: +0.0000035089
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-Got: 987654312.00
-Expected: 3.5088529842e-06
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-Expected: +3.5088529842e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 3.50885298417e-06
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-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 3.50885298417e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: 0.00000350885
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 0.00000350885
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: +0.00000350885
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-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: 3.50885298417e-06
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-Expected: +3.50885298417e-06
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-Expected: 3.508852984169e-06
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: 3.508852984169e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 0.000003508853
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 3.508852984169e-06
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-Expected: +3.508852984169e-06
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-Expected: 3.5088529841687e-06
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-Precision is: 13
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 3.5088529841687e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 0.0000035088530
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-Expected: 0.0000035088530
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-Expected: +0.0000035088530
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Got: -1e+09
-Expected: -4e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1.e+09
-Expected: -4.e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1e+09
-Expected: -4e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: -3.5e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -3.5e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -3.5e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: -987654312.0
-Expected: -0.0
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: -0.0
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-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: -0.0
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-Expected: -3.5e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -3.5e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -3.5e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -3.51e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -3.51e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -3.51e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: -987654312.00
-Expected: -0.00
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: -0.00
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: -0.00
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-Expected: -3.51e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -3.51e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -3.51e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -3.509e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -3.509e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -3.509e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: -0.000
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -987654312.000
-Expected: -0.000
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: -0.000
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: -3.509e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -3.509e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -3.509e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -3.5089e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -3.5089e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -3.5089e-06
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-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: -0.0000
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-Expected: -0.0000
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-Expected: -0.0000
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-Expected: -3.5089e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: -3.5089e-06
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-Expected: -3.5089e-06
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-Expected: -3.50885e-06
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-Expected: -3.50885e-06
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-Expected: -3.50885e-06
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-Expected: -0.00000
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-Expected: -3.508853e-06
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-Expected: -3.5088530e-06
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-Expected: -0.0000035
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-Expected: -3.50885298e-06
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-Expected: -3.50885298417e-06
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-Expected: -0.0000035088530
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-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: 4.e-07
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-Expected: 4.4e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: 4.4e-07
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-Expected: 4.4e-07
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-Expected: +4.4e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 4.39e-07
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-Expected: 0.00
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-Expected: 4.39e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: +4.39e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 4.386e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: +4.386e-07
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-Expected: 4.386e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: 0.000
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-Expected: 0.000
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-Expected: +0.000
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-Expected: 4.386e-07
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-Expected: 4.386e-07
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-Expected: +4.386e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: 4.3861e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: 4.3861e-07
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-Expected: 0.0000
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-Expected: +0.0000
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-Expected: 4.3861e-07
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-Expected: 4.3861e-07
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-Expected: +4.3861e-07
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-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 4.38607e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: +4.38607e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 4.38607e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: 0.00000
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 987654312.00000
-Expected: 0.00000
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: +987654312.00000
-Expected: +0.00000
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-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: 4.38607e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 4.38607e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: +9.87654e+08
-Expected: +4.38607e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 4.386066e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: +4.386066e-07
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: 4.386066e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: 0.000000
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-Expected: 0.000000
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: +0.000000
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-Expected: 4.386066e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: 4.386066e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: +9.876543e+08
-Expected: +4.386066e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 4.3860662e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: +4.3860662e-07
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: 4.3860662e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: 0.0000004
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-Expected: 0.0000004
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: +0.0000004
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-Expected: 4.3860662e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: 4.3860662e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: +4.3860662e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
-Formatting flags were: scientific
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-Expected: 4.38606623e-07
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-Expected: 4.38606623e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: 0.00000044
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-Expected: 0.00000044
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-Expected: +0.00000044
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-Expected: 4.38606623e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.
-Expected: 4.38606623e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +4.38606623e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Got: 9.876543120e+08
-Expected: 4.386066230e-07
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-Expected: 4.386066230e-07
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-Expected: 0.000000439
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-Expected: 0.000000439
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-Expected: +0.000000439
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-Expected: 4.386066230e-07
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-Precision is: 10
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: 4.3860662302e-07
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-Expected: 4.3860662302e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: 0.0000004386
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: 0.0000004386
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-Expected: +0.0000004386
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-Expected: 4.3860662302e-07
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-Expected: 4.38606623021e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: 0.00000043861
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-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: 4.38606623021e-07
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-Expected: 4.386066230211e-07
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-Expected: 4.386066230211e-07
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-Expected: 0.000000438607
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-Expected: 4.386066230211e-07
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-Expected: 4.3860662302109e-07
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-Expected: 0.0000004386066
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-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
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-Expected: -4.4e-07
-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -4.39e-07
-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: -4.386e-07
-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: -0.0000
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-Expected: -4.386066e-07
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-Expected: -4.386066e-07
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: -4.3860662e-07
-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -9.8765431e+08
-Expected: -4.3860662e-07
-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: -0.0000004
-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -987654312.0000000
-Expected: -0.0000004
-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -987654312.0000000
-Expected: -0.0000004
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-Expected: -4.3860662e-07
-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: -4.3860662e-07
-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: -4.3860662e-07
-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: -4.38606623e-07
-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: -4.38606623e-07
-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: -4.38606623e-07
-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: -0.00000044
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-Precision is: 8
-Got: -987654312.00000000
-Expected: -0.00000044
-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: -0.00000044
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-Expected: -4.38606623e-07
-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312.
-Expected: -4.38606623e-07
-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -4.38606623e-07
-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: -4.386066230e-07
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-Expected: -0.000000439
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: -0.000000439
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-Expected: -0.000000439
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-Expected: -4.386066230e-07
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-Expected: -4.38606623e-07
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-Expected: -4.3860662302e-07
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-Expected: -4.3860662302e-07
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-Expected: -0.0000004386
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-Expected: -0.0000004386
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-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: -4.38606623021e-07
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-Expected: -4.38606623021e-07
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-Expected: -0.00000043861
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-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: -4.386066230211e-07
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-Expected: -0.000000438607
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-Expected: -4.3860662302109e-07
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-Expected: -0.0000004386066
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-Expected: -0.0000004386066
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-Expected: 5e-08
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-Expected: 5.e-08
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-Got: +1e+09
-Expected: +5e-08
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-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 5.5e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Expected: +5.5e-08
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-Expected: 5.5e-08
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-Expected: 0.0
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-Expected: 0.0
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-Expected: +0.0
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-Expected: 5.5e-08
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-Expected: 5.5e-08
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-Expected: +5.5e-08
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-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 5.48e-08
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-Expected: +5.48e-08
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-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 5.48e-08
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-Expected: 0.00
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-Expected: 0.00
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-Expected: +0.00
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-Expected: 5.48e-08
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-Expected: 5.48e-08
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-Expected: +5.48e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 5.483e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: +5.483e-08
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-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 5.483e-08
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-Expected: 0.000
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-Expected: 0.000
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-Expected: +0.000
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-Expected: 5.483e-08
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-Expected: 5.483e-08
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-Expected: +5.483e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 5.4826e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Expected: +5.4826e-08
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-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 5.4826e-08
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-Expected: 0.0000
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-Expected: +0.0000
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-Expected: 5.4826e-08
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-Expected: 5.4826e-08
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-Expected: +5.4826e-08
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-Expected: 5.48258e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Expected: +5.48258e-08
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-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 5.48258e-08
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-Expected: 0.00000
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-Expected: 0.00000
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-Expected: +0.00000
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-Expected: 5.48258e-08
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-Expected: 5.48258e-08
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-Expected: 5.482583e-08
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-Expected: +5.482583e-08
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-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 5.482583e-08
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-Expected: 0.000000
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-Expected: 5.4825828e-08
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-Expected: 5.4825828e-08
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-Expected: 0.0000001
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-Expected: 5.4825828e-08
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-Expected: 5.48258279e-08
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-Expected: 0.00000005
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-Expected: 0.00000005
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Expected: +0.00000005
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-Expected: 5.48258279e-08
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-Got: 987654312.
-Expected: 5.48258279e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +5.48258279e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: 5.482582788e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Expected: +5.482582788e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: 5.482582788e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: 0.000000055
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-Expected: 0.000000055
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-Expected: +0.000000055
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-Expected: 5.482582788e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: 987654312.0
-Expected: 5.482582788e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +5.482582788e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Expected: 5.4825827878e-08
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-Expected: +5.4825827878e-08
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-Expected: 5.4825827878e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Expected: 0.0000000548
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-Got: 987654312.0000000000
-Expected: 0.0000000548
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-Expected: +0.0000000548
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-Expected: 5.4825827878e-08
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-Expected: 5.4825827878e-08
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-Expected: +5.4825827878e-08
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-Expected: 5.48258278776e-08
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-Expected: 0.00000005483
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-Expected: 0.00000005483
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-Expected: +0.00000005483
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-Expected: 5.48258278776e-08
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-Expected: 0.000000054826
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-Expected: 0.000000054826
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-Expected: +0.000000054826
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-Expected: 5.482582787764e-08
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-Expected: +0.0000000548258
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-Expected: -5.48e-08
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-Expected: -5.48e-08
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-Expected: -5.483e-08
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-Expected: -5.483e-08
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-Expected: -5.483e-08
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-Expected: -0.0000000548
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-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: -5.4825827878e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 11
-Got: -987654312.00
-Expected: -5.4825827878e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 11
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -5.4825827878e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Expected: -5.48258278776e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: -5.48258278776e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: -0.00000005483
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: -0.00000005483
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-Got: -987654312.00000000000
-Expected: -0.00000005483
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-Expected: -5.48258278776e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: -5.48258278776e-08
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-Expected: -5.482582787764e-08
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-Expected: -5.482582787764e-08
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-Expected: -0.000000054826
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-Expected: -0.000000054826
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-Expected: -0.000000054826
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-Expected: -5.482582787764e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Expected: -5.482582787764e-08
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-Expected: -5.4825827877636e-08
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-Expected: -5.4825827877636e-08
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-Expected: -0.0000000548258
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-Expected: -0.0000000548258
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-Expected: 7e-09
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-Expected: 7.e-09
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-Got: +1e+09
-Expected: +7e-09
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-Expected: +6.9e-09
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-Expected: 6.9e-09
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-Expected: 0.0
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-Expected: 0.0
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-Expected: 6.9e-09
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-Expected: 6.9e-09
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-Expected: +6.9e-09
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-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 6.85e-09
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-Expected: +6.85e-09
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-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: 6.85e-09
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-Expected: 0.00
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-Expected: 0.00
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-Expected: 6.85e-09
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-Expected: +6.85e-09
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-Expected: 6.853e-09
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-Expected: 6.853e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: 0.000
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-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: 0.000
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-Expected: +0.000
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-Expected: 6.853e-09
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-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 6.853e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: +6.853e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 6.8532e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: +6.8532e-09
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 6.8532e-09
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-Expected: 0.0000
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-Expected: 0.0000
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-Expected: +0.0000
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-Expected: 6.8532e-09
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-Expected: 6.8532e-09
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-Expected: +6.8532e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 6.85323e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: +6.85323e-09
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-Expected: 6.85323e-09
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-Expected: 0.00000
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-Expected: 0.00000
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-Expected: +0.00000
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: 6.85323e-09
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-Expected: +6.85323e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: 6.853228e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 6.853228e-09
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-Expected: 0.000000
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-Expected: 0.000000
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-Expected: +0.000000
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-Expected: 6.853228e-09
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-Expected: +6.853228e-09
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-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 6.8532285e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 6.8532285e-09
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-Expected: 0.0000000
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-Expected: 0.0000000
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-Expected: +0.0000000
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-Expected: 6.8532285e-09
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-Expected: 6.8532285e-09
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-Expected: 6.85322848e-09
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-Expected: 0.00000001
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-Expected: 0.00000001
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: 6.85322848e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.
-Expected: 6.85322848e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: +6.85322848e-09
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-Expected: 6.853228485e-09
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-Expected: 6.853228485e-09
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-Expected: 0.000000007
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-Expected: 6.853228485e-09
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-Expected: +6.853228485e-09
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-Expected: 6.8532284847e-09
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: 6.8532284847e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Got: 987654312.0000000000
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-Got: 987654312
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: 6.85322848470e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 11
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-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: 0.00000000685
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-Expected: +0.00000000685
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-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 6.8532284847e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: 6.85322848470e-09
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-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +6.8532284847e-09
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-Expected: 6.853228484704e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: +6.853228484704e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 12
-Got: 9.876543120000e+08
-Expected: 6.853228484704e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: 0.000000006853
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: 0.000000006853
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-Expected: +0.000000006853
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-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 6.853228484704e-09
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: +6.853228484704e-09
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-Expected: 6.8532284847045e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 6.8532284847045e-09
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 0.0000000068532
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 0.0000000068532
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-Expected: +0.0000000068532
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-Got: -1e+09
-Expected: -7e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -7.e-09
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1e+09
-Expected: -7e-09
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-Expected: -6.9e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: -6.9e-09
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-Expected: -6.9e-09
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-Expected: -6.9e-09
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-Expected: -6.9e-09
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-Expected: -6.9e-09
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-Expected: -6.85e-09
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-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -6.853e-09
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-Expected: -6.853e-09
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-Expected: -6.853e-09
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-Expected: -0.000
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-Expected: -6.853228e-09
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-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -6.85322848e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -6.85322848e-09
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-Expected: -0.0000000068532
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-Precision is: 13
-Got: -987654312.0000000000000
-Expected: -0.0000000068532
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 1e+09
-Expected: 9e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 1.e+09
-Expected: 9.e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: +1e+09
-Expected: +9e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 8.6e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: +9.9e+08
-Expected: +8.6e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 8.6e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 987654312.0
-Expected: 0.0
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 987654312.0
-Expected: 0.0
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: +987654312.0
-Expected: +0.0
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 8.6e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 8.6e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: +9.9e+08
-Expected: +8.6e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 8.57e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: +9.88e+08
-Expected: +8.57e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 8.57e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 987654312.00
-Expected: 0.00
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 987654312.00
-Expected: 0.00
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: +987654312.00
-Expected: +0.00
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 8.57e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 8.57e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: +9.88e+08
-Expected: +8.57e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 8.567e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: +9.877e+08
-Expected: +8.567e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 8.567e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 987654312.000
-Expected: 0.000
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: 987654312.000
-Expected: 0.000
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: +987654312.000
-Expected: +0.000
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 8.567e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 8.567e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: +9.877e+08
-Expected: +8.567e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 8.5665e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: +9.8765e+08
-Expected: +8.5665e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 8.5665e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 987654312.0000
-Expected: 0.0000
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: 987654312.0000
-Expected: 0.0000
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: +987654312.0000
-Expected: +0.0000
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-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 8.5665e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 8.5665e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: +9.8765e+08
-Expected: +8.5665e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 8.56654e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: +9.87654e+08
-Expected: +8.56654e-10
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-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 8.56654e-10
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-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: 0.00000
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-Got: 987654312.00000
-Expected: 0.00000
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: +987654312.00000
-Expected: +0.00000
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were:
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-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 8.56654e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 8.56654e-10
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: +9.87654e+08
-Expected: +8.56654e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 8.566536e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 6
-Got: +9.876543e+08
-Expected: +8.566536e-10
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 8.566536e-10
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-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: 0.000000
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: 987654312.000000
-Expected: 0.000000
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-Expected: +0.000000
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Expected: 8.566536e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 8.566536e-10
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: +9.876543e+08
-Expected: +8.566536e-10
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-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 8.5665356e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 7
-Got: +9.8765431e+08
-Expected: +8.5665356e-10
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 8.5665356e-10
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: 987654312.0000000
-Expected: 0.0000000
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: 987654312.0000000
-Expected: 0.0000000
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: +0.0000000
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-Expected: 8.5665356e-10
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-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 8.5665356e-10
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-Precision is: 8
-Got: +9.8765431e+08
-Expected: +8.5665356e-10
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-Precision is: 8
-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 8.56653561e-10
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: +8.56653561e-10
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-Precision is: 8
-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 8.56653561e-10
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: 0.00000000
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-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
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-Got: 987654312.00000000
-Expected: 0.00000000
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Expected: +0.00000000
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-Expected: 8.56653561e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.
-Expected: 8.56653561e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 9
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +8.56653561e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: 9.876543120e+08
-Expected: 8.566535606e-10
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: +8.566535606e-10
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: 9.876543120e+08
-Expected: 8.566535606e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: 0.000000001
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Got: 987654312.000000000
-Expected: 0.000000001
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Expected: +0.000000001
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-Expected: 8.566535606e-10
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-Got: 987654312.0
-Expected: 8.566535606e-10
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +8.566535606e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Got: 9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: 8.5665356059e-10
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-Expected: +8.5665356059e-10
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: 9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: 8.5665356059e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 10
-Got: 987654312.0000000000
-Expected: 0.0000000009
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: 987654312.0000000000
-Expected: 0.0000000009
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: +0.0000000009
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-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 8.5665356059e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 11
-Got: 987654312.00
-Expected: 8.5665356059e-10
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-Precision is: 11
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +8.5665356059e-10
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-Expected: 8.56653560588e-10
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-Expected: +8.56653560588e-10
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-Precision is: 11
-Got: 9.87654312000e+08
-Expected: 8.56653560588e-10
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: 0.00000000086
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-Expected: 0.00000000086
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: +0.00000000086
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-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 8.56653560588e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 12
-Got: 987654312.000
-Expected: 8.56653560588e-10
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-Precision is: 12
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +8.56653560588e-10
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-Expected: 8.566535605881e-10
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-Expected: +8.566535605881e-10
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: 8.566535605881e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Expected: 0.000000000857
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-Expected: +0.000000000857
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-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 8.566535605881e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Got: 987654312.0000
-Expected: 8.566535605881e-10
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-Expected: +8.566535605881e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Expected: 8.5665356058806e-10
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: +8.5665356058806e-10
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-Precision is: 13
-Got: 9.8765431200000e+08
-Expected: 8.5665356058806e-10
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 0.0000000008567
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-Got: 987654312.0000000000000
-Expected: 0.0000000008567
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: +0.0000000008567
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-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1e+09
-Expected: -9e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1.e+09
-Expected: -9.e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1e+09
-Expected: -9e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -8.6e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -8.6e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -8.6e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -987654312.0
-Expected: -0.0
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: -987654312.0
-Expected: -0.0
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: -987654312.0
-Expected: -0.0
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were:
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-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -8.6e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -8.6e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -8.6e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -8.57e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -8.57e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -8.57e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -987654312.00
-Expected: -0.00
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: -0.00
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -987654312.00
-Expected: -0.00
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -8.57e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -8.57e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -8.57e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -8.567e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -8.567e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -8.567e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -987654312.000
-Expected: -0.000
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: -987654312.000
-Expected: -0.000
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: -987654312.000
-Expected: -0.000
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-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: -8.567e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: -8.567e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -8.567e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -8.5665e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -8.5665e-10
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -8.5665e-10
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-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: -0.0000
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: -987654312.0000
-Expected: -0.0000
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: -987654312.0000
-Expected: -0.0000
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-Expected: -8.5665e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -8.5665e-10
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -8.5665e-10
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -8.56654e-10
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -8.56654e-10
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -8.56654e-10
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-Expected: -0.00000
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-Got: -987654312.00000
-Expected: -0.00000
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: -987654312.00000
-Expected: -0.00000
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-Expected: -8.56654e-10
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-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -8.56654e-10
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-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -8.56654e-10
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-Expected: -8.566536e-10
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: -8.566536e-10
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-Expected: -8.566536e-10
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-Expected: -0.000000
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-Expected: -0.000000
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-Expected: -0.000000
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-Expected: -8.566536e-10
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-Expected: -8.5665356e-10
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-Precision is: 7
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-Got: -9.8765431e+08
-Expected: -8.5665356e-10
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-Expected: -0.0000000
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-Got: -987654312.0000000
-Expected: -0.0000000
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-Expected: -0.0000000
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-Expected: -8.5665356e-10
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: -8.5665356e-10
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: -8.56653561e-10
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-Expected: -8.56653561e-10
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-Expected: -0.00000000
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-Expected: -0.00000000
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-Expected: -8.56653561e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312.
-Expected: -8.56653561e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -8.56653561e-10
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-Expected: -8.566535606e-10
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-Got: -9.876543120e+08
-Expected: -8.566535606e-10
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: -9.876543120e+08
-Expected: -8.566535606e-10
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-Expected: -0.000000001
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-Got: -987654312.000000000
-Expected: -0.000000001
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-Expected: -0.000000001
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-Expected: -8.566535606e-10
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-Got: -987654312.0
-Expected: -8.566535606e-10
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -8.566535606e-10
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-Got: -9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: -8.5665356059e-10
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: -9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: -8.5665356059e-10
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: -9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: -8.5665356059e-10
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-Expected: -0.0000000009
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-Got: -987654312.0000000000
-Expected: -0.0000000009
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-Got: -987654312.0000000000
-Expected: -0.0000000009
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-Expected: -8.5665356059e-10
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-Got: -987654312.00
-Expected: -8.5665356059e-10
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-Precision is: 11
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -8.5665356059e-10
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-Expected: -8.56653560588e-10
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-Expected: -8.56653560588e-10
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-Expected: -8.56653560588e-10
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-Got: -987654312.00000000000
-Expected: -0.00000000086
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-Got: -987654312.00000000000
-Expected: -0.00000000086
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-Expected: -8.56653560588e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Expected: -8.56653560588e-10
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-Precision is: 12
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -8.56653560588e-10
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-Expected: -8.566535605881e-10
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: -8.566535605881e-10
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-Expected: -8.566535605881e-10
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-Expected: -0.000000000857
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-Expected: -0.000000000857
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-Expected: -8.566535605881e-10
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-Expected: -8.566535605881e-10
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-Got: -987654312
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: -0.0000000008567
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-Got: -987654312.0000000000000
-Expected: -0.0000000008567
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: 1e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 1.e+09
-Expected: 1.e+08
-Testing value 123456789
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-Expected: +1e+08
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-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 1.2e+08
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-Expected: +1.2e+08
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-Expected: 1.2e+08
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-Expected: 123456789.0
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-Expected: 123456789.0
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-Expected: +123456789.0
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-Expected: 1.2e+08
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-Expected: 1.2e+08
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-Expected: +1.2e+08
-Testing value 123456789
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-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: 1.23e+08
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-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: +1.23e+08
-Testing value 123456789
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 1.23e+08
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-Expected: 123456789.00
-Testing value 123456789
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-Expected: 123456789.00
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-Expected: 1.23e+08
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-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 1.23e+08
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-Expected: +1.23e+08
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-Expected: 1.235e+08
-Testing value 123456789
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-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: +1.235e+08
-Testing value 123456789
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 1.235e+08
-Testing value 123456789
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-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: 123456789.000
-Testing value 123456789
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: 987654312.000
-Expected: 123456789.000
-Testing value 123456789
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-Expected: +123456789.000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: 1.235e+08
-Testing value 123456789
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-Expected: 1.235e+08
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-Expected: +1.235e+08
-Testing value 123456789
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-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: 1.2346e+08
-Testing value 123456789
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-Expected: +1.2346e+08
-Testing value 123456789
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-Expected: 1.2346e+08
-Testing value 123456789
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-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: 123456789.0000
-Testing value 123456789
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: 987654312.0000
-Expected: 123456789.0000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: +987654312.0000
-Expected: +123456789.0000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 1.2346e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 1.2346e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: +9.8765e+08
-Expected: +1.2346e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 1.23457e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: +9.87654e+08
-Expected: +1.23457e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 1.23457e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 987654312.00000
-Expected: 123456789.00000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 987654312.00000
-Expected: 123456789.00000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: +987654312.00000
-Expected: +123456789.00000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 1.23457e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 1.23457e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 6
-Got: +9.87654e+08
-Expected: +1.23457e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 1.234568e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 6
-Got: +9.876543e+08
-Expected: +1.234568e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 1.234568e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 6
-Got: 987654312.000000
-Expected: 123456789.000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 6
-Got: 987654312.000000
-Expected: 123456789.000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 6
-Got: +987654312.000000
-Expected: +123456789.000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 1.234568e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 1.234568e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 7
-Got: +9.876543e+08
-Expected: +1.234568e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 1.2345679e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 7
-Got: +9.8765431e+08
-Expected: +1.2345679e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 1.2345679e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 7
-Got: 987654312.0000000
-Expected: 123456789.0000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 7
-Got: 987654312.0000000
-Expected: 123456789.0000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 7
-Got: +987654312.0000000
-Expected: +123456789.0000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 8
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 1.2345679e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 8
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 1.2345679e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 8
-Got: +9.8765431e+08
-Expected: +1.2345679e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 8
-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 1.23456789e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 8
-Got: +9.87654312e+08
-Expected: +1.23456789e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 8
-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 1.23456789e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 8
-Got: 987654312.00000000
-Expected: 123456789.00000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 8
-Got: 987654312.00000000
-Expected: 123456789.00000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 8
-Got: +987654312.00000000
-Expected: +123456789.00000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 123456789
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.
-Expected: 123456789.
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 9
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +123456789
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 9
-Got: 9.876543120e+08
-Expected: 1.234567890e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 9
-Got: +9.876543120e+08
-Expected: +1.234567890e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 9
-Got: 9.876543120e+08
-Expected: 1.234567890e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.000000000
-Expected: 123456789.000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.000000000
-Expected: 123456789.000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 9
-Got: +987654312.000000000
-Expected: +123456789.000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 10
-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 123456789
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 10
-Got: 987654312.0
-Expected: 123456789.0
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 10
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +123456789
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 10
-Got: 9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: 1.2345678900e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 10
-Got: +9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: +1.2345678900e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 10
-Got: 9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: 1.2345678900e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 10
-Got: 987654312.0000000000
-Expected: 123456789.0000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 10
-Got: 987654312.0000000000
-Expected: 123456789.0000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 10
-Got: +987654312.0000000000
-Expected: +123456789.0000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 11
-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 123456789
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 11
-Got: 987654312.00
-Expected: 123456789.00
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 11
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +123456789
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 11
-Got: 9.87654312000e+08
-Expected: 1.23456789000e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 11
-Got: +9.87654312000e+08
-Expected: +1.23456789000e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 11
-Got: 9.87654312000e+08
-Expected: 1.23456789000e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 11
-Got: 987654312.00000000000
-Expected: 123456789.00000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 11
-Got: 987654312.00000000000
-Expected: 123456789.00000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 11
-Got: +987654312.00000000000
-Expected: +123456789.00000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 12
-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 123456789
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 12
-Got: 987654312.000
-Expected: 123456789.000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 12
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +123456789
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 12
-Got: 9.876543120000e+08
-Expected: 1.234567890000e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 12
-Got: +9.876543120000e+08
-Expected: +1.234567890000e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 12
-Got: 9.876543120000e+08
-Expected: 1.234567890000e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 12
-Got: 987654312.000000000000
-Expected: 123456789.000000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 12
-Got: 987654312.000000000000
-Expected: 123456789.000000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 12
-Got: +987654312.000000000000
-Expected: +123456789.000000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 13
-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 123456789
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 13
-Got: 987654312.0000
-Expected: 123456789.0000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 13
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +123456789
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 13
-Got: 9.8765431200000e+08
-Expected: 1.2345678900000e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 13
-Got: +9.8765431200000e+08
-Expected: +1.2345678900000e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 13
-Got: 9.8765431200000e+08
-Expected: 1.2345678900000e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 13
-Got: 987654312.0000000000000
-Expected: 123456789.0000000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 13
-Got: 987654312.0000000000000
-Expected: 123456789.0000000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 13
-Got: +987654312.0000000000000
-Expected: +123456789.0000000000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1e+09
-Expected: -1e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1.e+09
-Expected: -1.e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1e+09
-Expected: -1e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -1.2e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -1.2e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -1.2e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -987654312.0
-Expected: -123456789.0
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -987654312.0
-Expected: -123456789.0
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -987654312.0
-Expected: -123456789.0
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -1.2e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -1.2e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -1.2e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -1.23e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -1.23e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -1.23e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -987654312.00
-Expected: -123456789.00
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -987654312.00
-Expected: -123456789.00
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -987654312.00
-Expected: -123456789.00
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -1.23e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -1.23e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -1.23e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -1.235e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -1.235e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -1.235e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -987654312.000
-Expected: -123456789.000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -987654312.000
-Expected: -123456789.000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -987654312.000
-Expected: -123456789.000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -1.235e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -1.235e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -1.235e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -1.2346e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -1.2346e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -1.2346e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 4
-Got: -987654312.0000
-Expected: -123456789.0000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: -987654312.0000
-Expected: -123456789.0000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: -987654312.0000
-Expected: -123456789.0000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -1.2346e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -1.2346e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -1.2346e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -1.23457e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -1.23457e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -1.23457e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 5
-Got: -987654312.00000
-Expected: -123456789.00000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: -987654312.00000
-Expected: -123456789.00000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: -987654312.00000
-Expected: -123456789.00000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 6
-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -1.23457e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 6
-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -1.23457e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 6
-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -1.23457e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 6
-Got: -9.876543e+08
-Expected: -1.234568e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 6
-Got: -9.876543e+08
-Expected: -1.234568e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 6
-Got: -9.876543e+08
-Expected: -1.234568e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 6
-Got: -987654312.000000
-Expected: -123456789.000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 6
-Got: -987654312.000000
-Expected: -123456789.000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 6
-Got: -987654312.000000
-Expected: -123456789.000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -9.876543e+08
-Expected: -1.234568e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -9.876543e+08
-Expected: -1.234568e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -9.876543e+08
-Expected: -1.234568e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -9.8765431e+08
-Expected: -1.2345679e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -9.8765431e+08
-Expected: -1.2345679e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -9.8765431e+08
-Expected: -1.2345679e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -987654312.0000000
-Expected: -123456789.0000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -987654312.0000000
-Expected: -123456789.0000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -987654312.0000000
-Expected: -123456789.0000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 8
-Got: -9.8765431e+08
-Expected: -1.2345679e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 8
-Got: -9.8765431e+08
-Expected: -1.2345679e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 8
-Got: -9.8765431e+08
-Expected: -1.2345679e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 8
-Got: -9.87654312e+08
-Expected: -1.23456789e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 8
-Got: -9.87654312e+08
-Expected: -1.23456789e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 8
-Got: -9.87654312e+08
-Expected: -1.23456789e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 8
-Got: -987654312.00000000
-Expected: -123456789.00000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 8
-Got: -987654312.00000000
-Expected: -123456789.00000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 8
-Got: -987654312.00000000
-Expected: -123456789.00000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -123456789
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312.
-Expected: -123456789.
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -123456789
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 9
-Got: -9.876543120e+08
-Expected: -1.234567890e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 9
-Got: -9.876543120e+08
-Expected: -1.234567890e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 9
-Got: -9.876543120e+08
-Expected: -1.234567890e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312.000000000
-Expected: -123456789.000000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312.000000000
-Expected: -123456789.000000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312.000000000
-Expected: -123456789.000000000
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-Expected: -123456789.0000000000000
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-Expected: 1.54e+07
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-Expected: 15432098.6250
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-Expected: 1.54321e+07
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-Expected: 15432098.62500
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-Expected: 15432098.6250000000000
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-Expected: 15432098.6250000000000
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: 1929012.3281
-Testing value 1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 987654312.0000
-Expected: 1929012.3281
-Testing value 1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
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-Got: +987654312.0000
-Expected: +1929012.3281
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 1.929e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 1.9290e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: +9.8765e+08
-Expected: +1.929e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 1.92901e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: +9.87654e+08
-Expected: +1.92901e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 1.92901e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: 1929012.32812
-Testing value 1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 987654312.00000
-Expected: 1929012.32812
-Testing value 1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
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-Got: +987654312.00000
-Expected: +1929012.32812
-Testing value 1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 1.92901e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 1.92901e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: +9.87654e+08
-Expected: +1.92901e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 1.929012e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: +9.876543e+08
-Expected: +1.929012e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 1.929012e+06
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: 1929012.328125
-Testing value 1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 6
-Got: 987654312.000000
-Expected: 1929012.328125
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: +1929012.328125
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-Expected: 1929012
-Testing value 1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 1929012.
-Testing value 1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 7
-Got: +9.876543e+08
-Expected: +1929012
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-Formatting flags were: scientific
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-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 1.9290123e+06
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-Expected: +1.9290123e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 1.9290123e+06
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: 1929012.3281250
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-Expected: 1929012.3281250
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-Expected: +1929012.3281250
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-Expected: 1929012.3
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 1929012.3
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: +1929012.3
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-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 1.92901233e+06
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-Expected: +1.92901233e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 1.92901233e+06
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-Expected: 1929012.32812500
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 8
-Got: 987654312.00000000
-Expected: 1929012.32812500
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: +1929012.32812500
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 1929012.33
-Testing value 1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.
-Expected: 1929012.33
-Testing value 1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 9
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +1929012.33
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: 1.929012328e+06
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-Expected: +1.929012328e+06
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-Got: 9.876543120e+08
-Expected: 1.929012328e+06
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-Expected: 1929012.328125000
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: 1929012.328125000
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: +1929012.328125000
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 1929012.328
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: 1929012.328
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: +1929012.328
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-Expected: 1.9290123281e+06
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-Expected: +1.9290123281e+06
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-Got: 9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: 1.9290123281e+06
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: 1929012.3281250000
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: 1929012.3281250000
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: +1929012.3281250000
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: 1929012.3281
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: 1929012.3281
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-Expected: 1.92901232812e+06
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-Expected: +1.92901232812e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Got: 9.87654312000e+08
-Expected: 1.92901232812e+06
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-Expected: 1929012.32812500000
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: 1929012.32812500000
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: +1929012.32812500000
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: 1929012.32812
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: 1929012.32812
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: +1929012.32812
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: 1.929012328125e+06
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-Expected: +1.929012328125e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Got: 9.876543120000e+08
-Expected: 1.929012328125e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: 1929012.328125000000
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: 1929012.328125000000
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: +1929012.328125000000
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-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 1929012.328125
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: 1929012.328125
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: +1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 1.9290123281250e+06
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-Expected: +1.9290123281250e+06
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-Got: 9.8765431200000e+08
-Expected: 1.9290123281250e+06
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-Expected: 1929012.3281250000000
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 1929012.3281250000000
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: +1929012.3281250000000
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-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1.e+09
-Expected: -2.e+06
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1e+09
-Expected: -2e+06
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-Formatting flags were: scientific
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-Expected: -1.9e+06
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-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -1.9e+06
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-Expected: -1.9e+06
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-Expected: -1929012.3
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-Expected: -1929012.3
-Testing value -1929012.328125
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-Expected: -1929012.3
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-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -1.9e+06
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-Expected: -1.9e+06
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-Expected: -1.93e+06
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-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -1.93e+06
-Testing value -1929012.328125
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-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -1.93e+06
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-Expected: -1929012.33
-Testing value -1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: -1929012.33
-Testing value -1929012.328125
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-Expected: -1929012.33
-Testing value -1929012.328125
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-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -1.93e+06
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-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -1.93e+06
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-Expected: -1.929e+06
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-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -1.929e+06
-Testing value -1929012.328125
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-Expected: -1.929e+06
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-Expected: -1929012.328
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-Expected: -1929012.328
-Testing value -1929012.328125
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-Expected: -1929012.328
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-Expected: -1.929e+06
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-Expected: -1.929e+06
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-Expected: -1.9290e+06
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-Expected: -1.9290e+06
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-Expected: -1.9290e+06
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-Expected: -1929012.3281
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-Expected: -1929012.3281
-Testing value -1929012.328125
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-Expected: -1929012.3281
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-Expected: -1.9290e+06
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-Expected: -1.929e+06
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-Expected: -1.92901e+06
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-Expected: -1.92901e+06
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-Expected: -1.92901e+06
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-Expected: -1929012.32812
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-Expected: -1929012.32812
-Testing value -1929012.328125
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-Expected: -1929012.32812
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-Expected: -1.92901e+06
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-Expected: -1.92901e+06
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-Expected: -1.92901e+06
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-Expected: -1.929012e+06
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-Expected: -1.929012e+06
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-Expected: -1.929012e+06
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-Expected: -1929012.328125
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-Expected: -1929012.328125
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-Expected: -1929012
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-Expected: -1929012.
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-Expected: -1.9290123e+06
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-Expected: -1.9290123e+06
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-Expected: -1929012.3281250
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-Expected: -1929012.3281250
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-Expected: -1929012.3
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-Expected: -1929012.3
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-Got: -9.87654312e+08
-Expected: -1.92901233e+06
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-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: -1.92901233e+06
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-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: -1929012.32812500
-Testing value -1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: -1929012.32812500
-Testing value -1929012.328125
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-Expected: -1929012.32812500
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-Expected: -1929012.33
-Testing value -1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312.
-Expected: -1929012.33
-Testing value -1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: -1929012.33
-Testing value -1929012.328125
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-Expected: -1.929012328e+06
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-Expected: -1.929012328e+06
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-Expected: -1.929012328e+06
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-Expected: -1929012.328125000
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: -1929012.328125000
-Testing value -1929012.328125
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-Expected: -1929012.328125000
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-Expected: -1.9290123281e+06
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-Expected: -1.9290123281e+06
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-Expected: -1.9290123281e+06
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-Expected: -1929012.3281250000
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-Expected: -1929012.3281250000
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-Expected: -1.92901232812e+06
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-Expected: -1.92901232812e+06
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-Expected: -1929012.3281250000000
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-Expected: 2.41e+05
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-Expected: 241126.54
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-Expected: 2.41e+05
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-Expected: 2.411e+05
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-Expected: 241126.541
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-Expected: 241126.541
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-Expected: 2.411e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Expected: +2.411e+05
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-Expected: 2.4113e+05
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-Expected: +2.4113e+05
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-Expected: 2.4113e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Expected: 241126.5410
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-Expected: 241126.5410
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-Expected: 2.4113e+05
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-Expected: 2.4113e+05
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-Expected: +2.4113e+05
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-Expected: 2.41127e+05
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-Expected: +2.41127e+05
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-Expected: 2.41127e+05
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-Expected: 241126.54102
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-Expected: 241126.54102
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-Expected: 241127
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 241127.
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-Expected: +241127
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Expected: +2.411265e+05
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-Expected: 2.411265e+05
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-Expected: 241126.5
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-Expected: +2.4112654e+05
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-Expected: 2.4112654e+05
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-Expected: 241126.5410156
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-Expected: 241126.5410156
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-Expected: 241126.54
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-Expected: +241126.54
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-Expected: +2.41126541e+05
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-Expected: 2.41126541e+05
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-Expected: 241126.54101562
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Expected: 241126.541
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Expected: 241126.541
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-Expected: +241126.541
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-Expected: 2.411265410e+05
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-Expected: +2.411265410e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Expected: 2.411265410e+05
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-Expected: 241126.541015625
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Expected: 241126.541015625
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-Expected: +241126.541015625
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-Expected: 241126.541
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-Expected: +241126.541
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-Expected: 2.4112654102e+05
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-Expected: +2.4112654102e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Got: 9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: 2.4112654102e+05
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-Expected: 241126.5410156250
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Expected: 241126.5410156250
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Expected: +241126.5410156250
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-Expected: 241126.54102
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-Expected: +241126.54102
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-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: +2.41126541016e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 11
-Got: 9.87654312000e+08
-Expected: 2.41126541016e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Expected: 241126.54101562500
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: 241126.54101562500
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-Expected: +241126.54101562500
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-Expected: 241126.541016
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-Expected: +241126.541016
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-Expected: 2.411265410156e+05
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-Expected: +2.411265410156e+05
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: 2.411265410156e+05
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: 241126.541015625000
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: 241126.541015625000
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-Expected: +241126.541015625000
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-Expected: 241126.5410156
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-Expected: +241126.5410156
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-Expected: 2.4112654101562e+05
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-Expected: +2.4112654101562e+05
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-Expected: 2.4112654101562e+05
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-Expected: 241126.5410156250000
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-Expected: 241126.5410156250000
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-Expected: -241126.5
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-Expected: -241126.5
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-Expected: -2.4e+05
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-Expected: -2.41e+05
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-Expected: -2.41e+05
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-Expected: -241126.5410
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-Expected: -241126.5410
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-Expected: -2.4113e+05
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-Expected: -2.41127e+05
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-Expected: -241126.54102
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-Expected: -241127.
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-Expected: -241126.541
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: 1e+09
-Expected: 3e+04
-Testing value 30140.817626953125
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 1.e+09
-Expected: 3.e+04
-Testing value 30140.817626953125
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: +1e+09
-Expected: +3e+04
-Testing value 30140.817626953125
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 3.0e+04
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-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: +3.0e+04
-Testing value 30140.817626953125
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 3.0e+04
-Testing value 30140.817626953125
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: 30140.8
-Testing value 30140.817626953125
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-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: 30140.8
-Testing value 30140.817626953125
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-Expected: +30140.8
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-Expected: 3e+04
-Testing value 30140.817626953125
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: 3.0e+04
-Testing value 30140.817626953125
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: +9.9e+08
-Expected: +3e+04
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-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: 3.01e+04
-Testing value 30140.817626953125
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-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: +3.01e+04
-Testing value 30140.817626953125
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 3.01e+04
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-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: 30140.82
-Testing value 30140.817626953125
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-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: 30140.82
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-Expected: +30140.82
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-Expected: 3.01e+04
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-Expected: 3.01e+04
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: +9.88e+08
-Expected: +3.01e+04
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-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: 3.014e+04
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-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: +3.014e+04
-Testing value 30140.817626953125
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 3.014e+04
-Testing value 30140.817626953125
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-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: 30140.818
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: 987654312.000
-Expected: 30140.818
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-Expected: +30140.818
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-Expected: 3.014e+04
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-Expected: 3.014e+04
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-Expected: +3.014e+04
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-Expected: 3.0141e+04
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-Expected: +3.0141e+04
-Testing value 30140.817626953125
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 3.0141e+04
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-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: 30140.8176
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-Expected: 30140.8176
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-Expected: 30141
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-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 30141.
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-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: +9.8765e+08
-Expected: +30141
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-Formatting flags were: scientific
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-Expected: 3.01408e+04
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-Expected: +3.01408e+04
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 3.01408e+04
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-Expected: 30140.81763
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-Expected: 30140.81763
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-Expected: 30140.8
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-Expected: 30140.8
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-Expected: +30140.8
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-Expected: 3.014082e+04
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-Expected: +3.014082e+04
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-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 3.014082e+04
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-Expected: 30140.82
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-Expected: 30140.82
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-Expected: +30140.82
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-Expected: +3.0140818e+04
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-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 3.0140818e+04
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-Expected: +3.01408176e+04
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-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 3.01408176e+04
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-Expected: 30140.81762695
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-Expected: +3.014081763e+04
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-Expected: 3.014081763e+04
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-Expected: 30140.817626953
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-Expected: +3.0140817627e+04
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-Expected: 3.0140817627e+04
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-Expected: 30140.8176269531
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-Expected: 30140.8176269531
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-Expected: 3.01408176270e+04
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-Expected: 30140.81762695312
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-Expected: 30140.8176269531250
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-Expected: -3.014e+04
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-Expected: -3.014e+04
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-Expected: -3.014e+04
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-Expected: -3.014e+04
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-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: -3.0141e+04
-Testing value -30140.817626953125
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -3.0141e+04
-Testing value -30140.817626953125
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: -30140.8176
-Testing value -30140.817626953125
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
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-Expected: -30140.8176
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-Expected: -30140.8176
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: -30141
-Testing value -30140.817626953125
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -30141.
-Testing value -30140.817626953125
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -30141
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-Expected: -3.01408e+04
-Testing value -30140.817626953125
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-Expected: -3.01408e+04
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -3.01408e+04
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-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: -30140.81763
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-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
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-Expected: -30140.81763
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-Expected: -30140.8
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-Expected: -30140.8
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-Expected: -30140.8
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-Expected: -3.014082e+04
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-Expected: -3.014082e+04
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-Expected: -3.014082e+04
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-Expected: -30140.82
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-Expected: -30140.82
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-Expected: -30140.82
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-Expected: -3.0140818e+04
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-Expected: -3.0140818e+04
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-Expected: -30140.818
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-Expected: -3.01408176e+04
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-Expected: -3.01408176e+04
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-Expected: -3.014081763e+04
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-Expected: -3.0140817627e+04
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-Expected: -30140.817626953125
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-Expected: -30140.8176269531250
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-Expected: 3.77e+03
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-Expected: 3.77e+03
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-Expected: +3.77e+03
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-Expected: 3.768e+03
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-Expected: +3.768e+03
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-Expected: 3.768e+03
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-Expected: 3768
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-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 3768.
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-Expected: +3.7676e+03
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-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 3.7676e+03
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-Expected: 3767.6
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-Expected: 3.76760e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Expected: +3.76760e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 3.76760e+03
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-Expected: 3767.60
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-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Expected: +3.767602e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 3.767602e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Expected: 3767.602203
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-Expected: 3767.602
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-Expected: 3767.602
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: +3767.602
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 3.7676022e+03
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: +3.7676022e+03
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 3.7676022e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Expected: 3767.6022034
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: 3767.6022034
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-Expected: 3767.6022
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-Expected: +3767.6022
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-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 3.76760220e+03
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-Expected: 3.76760220e+03
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-Expected: 3767.60220337
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Expected: 3767.60220337
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-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Got: 987654312.
-Expected: 3767.60220
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Expected: +3767.6022
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-Expected: 3.767602203e+03
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-Expected: 3767.602203369
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-Expected: 3767.602203369
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-Expected: 3767.602203
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-Expected: +3767.602203
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-Expected: 3.7676022034e+03
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-Expected: 3767.6022033691
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-Expected: 3767.6022033691
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-Expected: 3.76760220337e+03
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-Expected: 3767.60220336914
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-Expected: 3767.60220336914
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-Expected: 3767.602203369141
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-Expected: 3767.6022033691406
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-Expected: -3.8e+03
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-Expected: -3767.60
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-Expected: -3.77e+03
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-Expected: -3.768e+03
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-Expected: -3.768e+03
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-Expected: -3768.
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-Expected: -3767.602203369
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-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: -3767.602203369
-Testing value -3767.602203369140625
-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: -3767.602203
-Testing value -3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: -3767.602203
-Testing value -3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: -3767.602203
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: -3.7676022034e+03
-Testing value -3767.602203369140625
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: -3.7676022034e+03
-Testing value -3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: -9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: -3.7676022034e+03
-Testing value -3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: -3767.6022033691
-Testing value -3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: -3767.6022033691
-Testing value -3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: -3767.6022033691
-Testing value -3767.602203369140625
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-Expected: -3767.6022034
-Testing value -3767.602203369140625
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-Expected: -3767.6022034
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-Expected: -3767.6022034
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-Expected: -3.76760220337e+03
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-Expected: -3.76760220337e+03
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-Expected: -3.76760220337e+03
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-Expected: -3767.60220336914
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: -3767.60220336914
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-Expected: -3.767602203369e+03
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-Expected: -3.767602203369e+03
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-Expected: -3.767602203369e+03
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-Expected: -3767.602203369141
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-Expected: -3.7676022033691e+03
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-Expected: -3.7676022033691e+03
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-Expected: -3.7676022033691e+03
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-Expected: -3767.6022033691406
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-Expected: 5.e+02
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-Testing value 470.95027542114257812
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-Expected: 4.7e+02
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-Expected: 471.0
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-Expected: 4.7e+02
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-Expected: +4.7e+02
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-Expected: 4.71e+02
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-Expected: 470.95
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-Expected: 470.95
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-Expected: 471
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-Expected: 471.
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-Expected: 4.710e+02
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-Expected: +4.710e+02
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-Expected: 4.710e+02
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-Expected: 471
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-Expected: 471.0
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-Expected: 4.7095e+02
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-Expected: +4.7095e+02
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-Expected: 4.7095e+02
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-Expected: 470.9503
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-Expected: +4.70950e+02
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-Expected: 4.70950e+02
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-Expected: 470.95028
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-Expected: 470.95028
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-Expected: 4.709503e+02
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-Expected: +4.7095028e+02
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-Expected: 4.7095028e+02
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-Expected: 470.9502754
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-Expected: 4.70950275e+02
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-Expected: 470.950275
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-Expected: 4.709502754e+02
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-Expected: 470.950275421
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-Expected: 470.950275421
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-Expected: 4.7095027542e+02
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-Expected: 470.9502754211
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-Expected: 470.9502754211
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-Got: 9.87654312000e+08
-Expected: 4.70950275421e+02
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-Expected: +4.709502754211e+02
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-Expected: 4.709502754211e+02
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-Expected: 470.950275421143
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-Expected: 470.950275421143
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-Expected: 4.7095027542114e+02
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-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: 58.87
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-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: +58.87
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-Expected: 58.9
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-Expected: 58.9
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-Got: +9.88e+08
-Expected: +58.9
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-Expected: 5.887e+01
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-Expected: +5.887e+01
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-Expected: 5.887e+01
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-Expected: 58.869
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-Expected: 58.869
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-Expected: +58.869
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-Expected: 58.87
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-Expected: +58.87
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-Expected: 5.8869e+01
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-Expected: +5.8869e+01
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-Expected: 5.8869e+01
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-Expected: 58.8688
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-Expected: 58.8688
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-Expected: +58.8688
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-Expected: 5.88688e+01
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-Expected: +5.88688e+01
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-Expected: 5.88688e+01
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-Expected: 58.86878
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-Expected: 58.868784
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-Expected: -59.
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-Expected: -5.8869e+01
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-Expected: -5.8869e+01
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-Expected: -58.8688
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-Expected: -58.869
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-Expected: -58.869
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-Expected: -5.88688e+01
-Testing value -58.868784427642822266
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-Expected: -5.88688e+01
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-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -5.88688e+01
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-Expected: -58.86878
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-Expected: -58.86878
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-Expected: -58.86878
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-Expected: -58.8688
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-Expected: -58.8688
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-Expected: -58.8688
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-Expected: -5.886878e+01
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-Expected: -58.868784
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-Expected: -58.868784
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-Expected: -58.86878
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-Expected: 7.358598e+00
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-Expected: 7.3585981e+00
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-Expected: 7.3585981
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-Expected: -7.3585980535
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-Expected: -7.3585980535
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-Expected: 9.19825e-01
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-Expected: 1.15e-01
-Testing value 0.11497809458523988724
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-Expected: +1.15e-01
-Testing value 0.11497809458523988724
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-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: 1.15e-01
-Testing value 0.11497809458523988724
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-Expected: 0.115
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-Expected: 0.115
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-Expected: 1.150e-01
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-Expected: +1.150e-01
-Testing value 0.11497809458523988724
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-Expected: 1.150e-01
-Testing value 0.11497809458523988724
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-Expected: 0.115
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-Expected: +1.1498e-01
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-Expected: 1.1498e-01
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-Expected: -1.150e-01
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-Expected: -1.1498e-01
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-Expected: -1.1498e-01
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-Expected: -0.11498
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-Formatting flags were: showpos
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-Expected: -1.14978e-01
-Testing value -0.11497809458523988724
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
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-Expected: -1.14978e-01
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-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
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-Expected: -1.14978e-01
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-Expected: -0.114978
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-Expected: -1.149781e-01
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-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 1.437226e-02
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-Expected: 1.4372262e-02
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-Expected: 0.0143723
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-Expected: 1.43722618e-02
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-Expected: -0.01437226182
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: -0.0143722618
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-Expected: -1.43722618232e-02
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-Expected: -0.01437226182
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-Expected: -0.01437226182
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-Expected: -0.0143722618232
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-Expected: 1.797e-03
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-Expected: 1.79653e-03
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-Expected: 1.796533e-03
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-Expected: 0.00179653273
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: 1.79653272789e-03
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: +1.796532727894e-03
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-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: 1.796532727894e-03
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-Expected: 0.001796532728
-Testing value 0.0017965327278943732381
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-Precision is: 12
-Got: 987654312.000000000000
-Expected: 0.001796532728
-Testing value 0.0017965327278943732381
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
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-Expected: +0.001796532728
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-Expected: 1.7965327278944e-03
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: +1.7965327278944e-03
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-Expected: 1.7965327278944e-03
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-Expected: 0.0017965327279
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 0.0017965327279
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-Expected: +0.0017965327279
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-Expected: -0.002
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-Expected: -1.8e-03
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-Expected: -1.8e-03
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-Expected: -0.0018
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-Expected: -0.0018
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-Expected: -1.80e-03
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-Expected: -1.80e-03
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-Expected: -1.80e-03
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-Expected: -0.00
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-Expected: -0.00180
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-Expected: -0.0018
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-Expected: -1.797e-03
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-Expected: -1.797e-03
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-Expected: 0.0002
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-Expected: 2.2e-04
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-Expected: 0.0
-Testing value 0.00022456659098679665476
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 987654312.0
-Expected: 0.0
-Testing value 0.00022456659098679665476
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
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-Expected: +0.0
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-Expected: 0.00022
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-Expected: 0.00022
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-Expected: +0.00022
-Testing value 0.00022456659098679665476
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 2.25e-04
-Testing value 0.00022456659098679665476
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: +2.25e-04
-Testing value 0.00022456659098679665476
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-Expected: 2.25e-04
-Testing value 0.00022456659098679665476
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-Expected: 0.00
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-Expected: 0.00
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-Expected: +0.00
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-Expected: 0.000225
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-Expected: 0.000225
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-Expected: +0.000225
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-Expected: 2.246e-04
-Testing value 0.00022456659098679665476
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-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: +2.246e-04
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-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: 2.246e-04
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-Expected: 0.000
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-Expected: 0.000
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-Expected: +0.000
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-Expected: 0.0002246
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-Expected: 0.0002246
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-Expected: +0.0002246
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-Expected: 2.2457e-04
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-Expected: +2.2457e-04
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-Expected: 2.2457e-04
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-Expected: 0.00022457
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-Expected: 0.00022457
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-Expected: 2.24567e-04
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-Expected: +2.24567e-04
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-Expected: 2.24567e-04
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-Expected: 0.000224567
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-Expected: 0.000224567
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-Expected: +2.245666e-04
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-Expected: 2.245666e-04
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-Expected: +2.2456659e-04
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-Expected: 2.2456659e-04
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-Expected: 2.24566591e-04
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-Expected: +2.245665910e-04
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-Expected: 2.245665910e-04
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-Expected: +2.2456659099e-04
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-Expected: 2.24566590987e-04
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-Expected: 0.00022456659
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-Expected: -0.00
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-Expected: -0.00
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-Expected: -0.000225
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-Expected: -2.246e-04
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-Expected: -2.246e-04
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-Expected: -2.246e-04
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-Expected: -0.000
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-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: -0.000
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-Expected: -0.000
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: -0.0002246
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-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: -0.0002246
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-Formatting flags were: scientific
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-Expected: -2.2457e-04
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-Expected: -2.2457e-04
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-Expected: -0.0002
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-Expected: -0.0002
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-Expected: -0.00022457
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-Expected: -0.00022457
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-Expected: -0.00022457
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-Expected: -2.24567e-04
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-Expected: -2.24567e-04
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-Expected: -2.24567e-04
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-Expected: -0.00022
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-Expected: -0.00022
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-Expected: -0.000224567
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-Expected: -0.000224567
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-Expected: -2.245666e-04
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-Expected: -0.000225
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-Expected: -0.0002245666
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-Expected: 3.e-05
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-Expected: 2.81e-05
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-Testing value 2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Expected: 2.807e-05
-Testing value 2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Expected: 2.807e-05
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-Expected: 0.000
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-Expected: 2.807e-05
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-Expected: 2.8071e-05
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-Expected: 2.8071e-05
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-Expected: 0.0000
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-Expected: +0.0000
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-Expected: 2.8071e-05
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-Testing value 2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Expected: 2.80708e-05
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-Expected: 0.00003
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-Expected: +0.00003
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-Expected: 2.80708e-05
-Testing value 2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: 2.80708e-05
-Testing value 2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: +2.80708e-05
-Testing value 2.8070823873349581845e-05
-Formatting flags were: scientific
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-Expected: 2.807082e-05
-Testing value 2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: 2.807082e-05
-Testing value 2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Expected: 0.000028
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-Expected: 0.000028
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-Expected: 2.807082e-05
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-Expected: +2.807082e-05
-Testing value 2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Expected: 2.8070824e-05
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-Expected: 0.0000281
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-Expected: +0.0000281
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-Expected: 2.8070824e-05
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-Expected: +2.8070824e-05
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-Expected: 0.00002807
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-Expected: 2.80708239e-05
-Testing value 2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Got: 987654312.
-Expected: 2.80708239e-05
-Testing value 2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: +2.80708239e-05
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-Expected: 0.000028071
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-Expected: 2.80708238733e-05
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-Expected: -2.81e-05
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-Expected: -0.000
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-Expected: -0.0000281
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: -0.0000281
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: -2.8070824e-05
-Testing value -2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Expected: -2.8070824e-05
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: -2.8070824e-05
-Testing value -2.8070823873349581845e-05
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: -2.80708239e-05
-Testing value -2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: -2.80708239e-05
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-Expected: -2.80708239e-05
-Testing value -2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: -0.00002807
-Testing value -2.8070823873349581845e-05
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 8
-Got: -987654312.00000000
-Expected: -0.00002807
-Testing value -2.8070823873349581845e-05
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: -0.00002807
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-Expected: -2.80708239e-05
-Testing value -2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312.
-Expected: -2.80708239e-05
-Testing value -2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -2.80708239e-05
-Testing value -2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Expected: -2.807082387e-05
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-Expected: -2.807082387e-05
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-Expected: -2.807082387e-05
-Testing value -2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: -0.000028071
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: -0.000028071
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-Expected: -0.000028071
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-Expected: -2.807082387e-05
-Testing value -2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Expected: -2.807082387e-05
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -2.807082387e-05
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-Expected: -2.8070823873e-05
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-Expected: -2.8070823873e-05
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-Expected: -2.8070823873e-05
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-Expected: -0.0000280708
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-Expected: -0.0000280708
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-Expected: -0.0000280708
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-Expected: -2.8070823873e-05
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-Expected: -2.8070823873e-05
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-Expected: -2.80708238733e-05
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-Expected: -2.80708238733e-05
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-Expected: -0.00002807082
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-Expected: -2.807082387335e-05
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-Expected: -0.000028070824
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-Expected: -0.000028070824
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-Expected: -2.8070823873350e-05
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-Expected: -0.0000280708239
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: -0.0000280708239
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-Expected: 4e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 4.e-06
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-Got: +1e+09
-Expected: +4e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 3.5e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: +3.5e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 3.5e-06
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-Expected: 0.0
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-Expected: 0.0
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-Expected: 3.5e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 3.5e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: +3.5e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific
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-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 3.51e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: +3.51e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 3.51e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: fixed
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-Expected: 0.00
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-Expected: 0.00
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-Expected: +0.00
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-Expected: 3.51e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 3.51e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: +3.51e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 3.509e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: +9.877e+08
-Expected: +3.509e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 3.509e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 0.000
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-Expected: 0.000
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-Expected: +0.000
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-Expected: 3.509e-06
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-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 3.509e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: +3.509e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 3.5089e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: +3.5089e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 3.5089e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 0.0000
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-Expected: 0.0000
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: +0.0000
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 3.5089e-06
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-Expected: 3.5089e-06
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-Expected: +3.5089e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 3.50885e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: +3.50885e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 3.50885e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 0.00000
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-Expected: 0.00000
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-Expected: +0.00000
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-Expected: 3.50885e-06
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-Expected: 3.50885e-06
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-Expected: +3.50885e-06
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-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 3.508853e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: +9.876543e+08
-Expected: +3.508853e-06
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 3.508853e-06
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-Expected: 0.000004
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: +0.000004
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-Expected: 3.508853e-06
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-Expected: 3.508853e-06
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-Expected: +3.508853e-06
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-Expected: 3.5088530e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 3.5088530e-06
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-Expected: 0.0000035
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: +0.0000035
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-Expected: 3.508853e-06
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-Expected: 3.5088530e-06
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-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 3.50885298e-06
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-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 3.50885298e-06
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-Expected: 0.00000351
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-Got: 987654312.00000000
-Expected: 0.00000351
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: +0.00000351
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 3.50885298e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.
-Expected: 3.50885298e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +3.50885298e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Got: 9.876543120e+08
-Expected: 3.508852984e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: +3.508852984e-06
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: 9.876543120e+08
-Expected: 3.508852984e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.000000000
-Expected: 0.000003509
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: 0.000003509
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: +0.000003509
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-Expected: 3.508852984e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: 3.508852984e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +3.508852984e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: 3.5088529842e-06
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-Expected: 3.5088529842e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 0.0000035089
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 0.0000035089
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-Expected: +0.0000035089
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-Expected: 3.5088529842e-06
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-Expected: 3.5088529842e-06
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-Expected: +3.5088529842e-06
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-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 0.00000350885
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-Expected: +0.00000350885
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-Expected: 3.50885298417e-06
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-Expected: +3.50885298417e-06
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-Expected: 3.508852984169e-06
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-Expected: 0.000003508853
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-Expected: 3.508852984169e-06
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-Expected: +3.508852984169e-06
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-Expected: 3.5088529841687e-06
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-Expected: 0.0000035088530
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-Expected: +0.0000035088530
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-Expected: -3.5e-06
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-Expected: -3.51e-06
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-Expected: -3.51e-06
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-Expected: -3.51e-06
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-Expected: -3.509e-06
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-Expected: -3.509e-06
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-Expected: -3.509e-06
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-Expected: -3.5089e-06
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-Expected: -0.0000
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-Expected: -3.5089e-06
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-Expected: -3.5089e-06
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-Expected: -3.50885e-06
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-Expected: -3.50885298e-06
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-Expected: -3.5088529842e-06
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: -3.50885298417e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: -3.50885298417e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: -3.50885298417e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: -0.00000350885
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: -0.00000350885
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: -0.00000350885
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-Expected: -3.50885298417e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: -3.50885298417e-06
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-Expected: -3.508852984169e-06
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: -3.508852984169e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: -3.508852984169e-06
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-Expected: -0.000003508853
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-Expected: -0.000003508853
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-Expected: -3.5088529841687e-06
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-Expected: -0.0000035088530
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: -0.0000035088530
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-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: 4.e-07
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-Expected: 4.4e-07
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-Expected: 4.4e-07
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-Expected: 0.0
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-Expected: 0.0
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-Expected: 4.4e-07
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-Expected: 4.4e-07
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-Expected: 4.39e-07
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-Expected: 0.00
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-Expected: 0.00
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-Expected: 4.39e-07
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-Expected: 4.386e-07
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-Expected: +4.386e-07
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-Expected: 4.386e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: 0.000
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-Expected: 0.000
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-Expected: +0.000
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-Expected: 4.386e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: 4.386e-07
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-Expected: +4.386e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: 4.3861e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: 4.3861e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: 0.0000
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-Expected: 0.0000
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-Expected: +0.0000
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-Expected: 4.3861e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: 4.3861e-07
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-Expected: +4.3861e-07
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-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 4.38607e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: 4.38607e-07
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-Expected: 0.00000
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-Expected: 0.00000
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-Expected: +0.00000
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-Expected: 4.38607e-07
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-Expected: 4.386066e-07
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: 4.386066e-07
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-Expected: 0.000000
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-Expected: +0.000000
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-Expected: 4.38606623e-07
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-Expected: 0.00000044
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-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: 0.000000439
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-Expected: 0.0000004386
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-Expected: 0.00000043861
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-Expected: 4.38606623021e-07
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-Expected: 4.386066230211e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Got: 987654312.0000
-Expected: 4.386066230211e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: +4.386066230211e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
-Formatting flags were: scientific
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-Expected: 4.3860662302109e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: +4.3860662302109e-07
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-Expected: 4.3860662302109e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 0.0000004386066
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 0.0000004386066
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: +0.0000004386066
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-Got: -1e+09
-Expected: -4e-07
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-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1.e+09
-Expected: -4.e-07
-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1e+09
-Expected: -4e-07
-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: -4.4e-07
-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: -4.4e-07
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-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: -0.0
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-Expected: -0.0
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-Expected: -4.4e-07
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-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: -4.4e-07
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-Expected: -4.4e-07
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-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -4.39e-07
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-Expected: -4.39e-07
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-Expected: -4.39e-07
-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -4.386e-07
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-Expected: -4.3861e-07
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-Expected: -4.38607e-07
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-Expected: -4.38606623e-07
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-Expected: -0.0000004386066
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: 5e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Expected: 5.e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Got: +1e+09
-Expected: +5e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: scientific
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-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 5.5e-08
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-Expected: +5.5e-08
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-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 5.5e-08
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-Formatting flags were: fixed
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-Expected: 0.0
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: 0.0
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: +987654312.0
-Expected: +0.0
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 5.5e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 5.5e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: +9.9e+08
-Expected: +5.5e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 5.48e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: +9.88e+08
-Expected: +5.48e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 5.48e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: 0.00
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 987654312.00
-Expected: 0.00
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: +987654312.00
-Expected: +0.00
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 5.48e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 5.48e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: +9.88e+08
-Expected: +5.48e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 5.483e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: +9.877e+08
-Expected: +5.483e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 5.483e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: 0.000
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 987654312.000
-Expected: 0.000
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: +987654312.000
-Expected: +0.000
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were:
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-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 5.483e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 5.483e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: +9.877e+08
-Expected: +5.483e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 5.4826e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: +9.8765e+08
-Expected: +5.4826e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 5.4826e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: 0.0000
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-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 987654312.0000
-Expected: 0.0000
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: +0.0000
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: 5.4826e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 5.4826e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: +9.8765e+08
-Expected: +5.4826e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: scientific
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-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 5.48258e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: +9.87654e+08
-Expected: +5.48258e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 5.48258e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: 0.00000
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: 987654312.00000
-Expected: 0.00000
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-Expected: +0.00000
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-Expected: 5.48258e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 5.48258e-08
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: +9.87654e+08
-Expected: +5.48258e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: scientific
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-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 5.482583e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Expected: +5.482583e-08
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 5.482583e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Expected: 0.000000
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-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
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-Expected: 0.000000
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-Expected: +0.000000
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-Expected: 5.482583e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 5.482583e-08
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-Got: +9.876543e+08
-Expected: +5.482583e-08
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-Expected: 5.4825828e-08
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-Expected: +5.4825828e-08
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 5.4825828e-08
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-Expected: 0.0000001
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-Expected: 0.0000001
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-Expected: +0.0000001
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-Expected: 5.4825828e-08
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-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 5.4825828e-08
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-Expected: +5.4825828e-08
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-Expected: 5.48258279e-08
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-Expected: +5.48258279e-08
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: 5.48258279e-08
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-Expected: 0.00000005
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-Expected: 0.00000005
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: +0.00000005
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-Expected: 5.48258279e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.
-Expected: 5.48258279e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +5.48258279e-08
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-Expected: 5.482582788e-08
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: 9.876543120e+08
-Expected: 5.482582788e-08
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-Expected: 0.000000055
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-Expected: 0.000000055
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-Expected: +0.000000055
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-Expected: 5.482582788e-08
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-Got: 987654312.0
-Expected: 5.482582788e-08
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-Expected: +5.482582788e-08
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-Got: 9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: 5.4825827878e-08
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-Got: 9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: 5.4825827878e-08
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-Expected: 0.0000000548
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-Expected: 0.0000000548
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-Expected: +0.0000000548
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-Got: 987654312.00
-Expected: 5.4825827878e-08
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-Expected: +5.4825827878e-08
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-Expected: 5.48258278776e-08
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-Expected: 0.00000005483
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-Expected: 0.00000005483
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-Expected: +0.00000005483
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-Expected: 5.48258278776e-08
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-Expected: 5.482582787764e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Expected: 0.000000054826
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-Expected: 0.000000054826
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-Expected: +0.000000054826
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-Expected: 5.482582787764e-08
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 5.4825827877636e-08
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-Expected: 0.0000000548258
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-Expected: +0.0000000548258
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Got: -1e+09
-Expected: -5e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
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-Got: -1.e+09
-Expected: -5.e-08
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-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: -5e-08
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-Expected: -5.5e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -5.5e-08
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -5.5e-08
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: -987654312.0
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-Got: -987654312.0
-Expected: -0.0
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: -5.5e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: -5.5e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Expected: -5.5e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -5.48e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -5.48e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -5.48e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: -0.00
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Expected: -0.00
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-Got: -987654312.00
-Expected: -0.00
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Expected: -5.48e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -5.48e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -5.48e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -5.483e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -5.483e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -5.483e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -987654312.000
-Expected: -0.000
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -987654312.000
-Expected: -0.000
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: -987654312.000
-Expected: -0.000
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: -5.483e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -5.483e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -5.483e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -5.4826e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -5.4826e-08
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-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: -5.4826e-08
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-Expected: -0.0000
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-Expected: -0.0000
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-Expected: -0.0000
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-Expected: -5.4826e-08
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-Expected: -5.4826e-08
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-Expected: -5.4826e-08
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-Expected: -5.48258e-08
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-Expected: -5.48258e-08
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-Expected: -5.48258e-08
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-Expected: -0.00000
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-Expected: -0.00000
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-Expected: -5.48258e-08
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-Expected: -5.48258e-08
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-Expected: -5.482583e-08
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-Expected: -0.000000
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-Expected: -0.0000001
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-Expected: -0.00000005
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-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -5.48258279e-08
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-Expected: -5.482582788e-08
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-Expected: -0.000000054826
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-Expected: -0.0000000548258
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-Expected: 7.e-09
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-Expected: +7e-09
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-Expected: 6.9e-09
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-Expected: 6.9e-09
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-Expected: +6.9e-09
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-Expected: 6.85e-09
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-Expected: 0.00
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-Expected: 6.85e-09
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-Expected: +6.85e-09
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-Expected: 6.853e-09
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-Expected: 6.853e-09
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-Expected: +6.853e-09
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-Expected: 6.8532e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: 0.0000
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-Expected: 6.8532e-09
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-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 6.8532e-09
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-Expected: +6.8532e-09
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-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 6.85323e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: +9.87654e+08
-Expected: +6.85323e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 6.85323e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 987654312.00000
-Expected: 0.00000
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 987654312.00000
-Expected: 0.00000
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: +987654312.00000
-Expected: +0.00000
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 6.85323e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 6.85323e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: +9.87654e+08
-Expected: +6.85323e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 6.853228e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: +9.876543e+08
-Expected: +6.853228e-09
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 6.853228e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: 0.000000
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: 0.000000
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-Expected: +0.000000
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-Expected: 6.853228e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 6.853228e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: +6.853228e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 6.8532285e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Got: +9.8765431e+08
-Expected: +6.8532285e-09
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 6.8532285e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: 0.0000000
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-Expected: 0.0000000
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: +987654312.0000000
-Expected: +0.0000000
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: 6.8532285e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: 6.8532285e-09
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-Got: +9.8765431e+08
-Expected: +6.8532285e-09
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-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 6.85322848e-09
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-Expected: +6.85322848e-09
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-Expected: 6.85322848e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: 0.00000001
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: 0.00000001
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: +0.00000001
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-Expected: 6.85322848e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.
-Expected: 6.85322848e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +6.85322848e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Got: 9.876543120e+08
-Expected: 6.853228485e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: +6.853228485e-09
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: 6.853228485e-09
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-Expected: 0.000000007
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: +0.000000007
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-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Got: 987654312.0
-Expected: 6.853228485e-09
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-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +6.853228485e-09
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-Got: 9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: 6.8532284847e-09
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-Got: +9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: +6.8532284847e-09
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: 6.8532284847e-09
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-Expected: 0.0000000069
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-Got: 987654312.0000000000
-Expected: 0.0000000069
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-Expected: +0.0000000069
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-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: 6.8532284847e-09
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-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +6.8532284847e-09
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-Expected: 6.85322848470e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: +6.85322848470e-09
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: 6.85322848470e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: 0.00000000685
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-Expected: +0.00000000685
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-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 6.8532284847e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 12
-Got: 987654312.000
-Expected: 6.85322848470e-09
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-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +6.8532284847e-09
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-Expected: 6.853228484704e-09
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-Expected: +6.853228484704e-09
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: 6.853228484704e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: 0.000000006853
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-Expected: +0.000000006853
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-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 13
-Got: 987654312.0000
-Expected: 6.853228484704e-09
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: +6.853228484704e-09
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-Expected: 6.8532284847045e-09
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: +6.8532284847045e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 6.8532284847045e-09
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-Expected: 0.0000000068532
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 0.0000000068532
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: +0.0000000068532
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-Got: -1e+09
-Expected: -7e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1.e+09
-Expected: -7.e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1e+09
-Expected: -7e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -6.9e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: -6.9e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -6.9e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: -6.9e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -6.9e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -6.9e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -6.85e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: -6.85e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -0.00
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -0.00
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -6.85e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -6.85e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -6.853e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -6.853e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -6.853e-09
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-Expected: -0.000
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -0.000
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-Expected: -6.853e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -6.853e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -6.853e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -6.8532e-09
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-Expected: -6.8532e-09
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-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -0.0000
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-Expected: -6.8532e-09
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-Expected: -6.8532e-09
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-Expected: -6.85323e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -6.85323e-09
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-Expected: -0.00000
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-Expected: -0.00000
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-Expected: -6.85323e-09
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-Expected: -6.85323e-09
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-Expected: -6.85323e-09
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-Expected: -6.853228e-09
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-Expected: -6.853228e-09
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-Expected: -6.853228e-09
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: -6.853228e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: -6.853228e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -9.876543e+08
-Expected: -6.853228e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: -9.8765431e+08
-Expected: -6.8532285e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -9.8765431e+08
-Expected: -6.8532285e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: -9.8765431e+08
-Expected: -6.8532285e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: -0.0000000
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -987654312.0000000
-Expected: -0.0000000
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -987654312.0000000
-Expected: -0.0000000
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -6.8532285e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: -6.8532285e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: -6.8532285e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: -6.85322848e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 8
-Got: -9.87654312e+08
-Expected: -6.85322848e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 8
-Got: -9.87654312e+08
-Expected: -6.85322848e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 8
-Got: -987654312.00000000
-Expected: -0.00000001
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 8
-Got: -987654312.00000000
-Expected: -0.00000001
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 8
-Got: -987654312.00000000
-Expected: -0.00000001
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-Expected: -6.85322848e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312.
-Expected: -6.85322848e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -6.85322848e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 9
-Got: -9.876543120e+08
-Expected: -6.853228485e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: -6.853228485e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: -6.853228485e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: -0.000000007
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312.000000000
-Expected: -0.000000007
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: -0.000000007
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-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -6.853228485e-09
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -6.853228485e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: -9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: -6.8532284847e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: -9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: -6.8532284847e-09
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: -6.8532284847e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: -0.0000000069
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: -987654312.0000000000
-Expected: -0.0000000069
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-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -6.8532284847e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 11
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -6.8532284847e-09
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-Expected: -6.85322848470e-09
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-Expected: -6.85322848470e-09
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: -6.85322848470e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -0.00000000685
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-Expected: -0.00000000685
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-Expected: -0.00000000685
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-Expected: -6.8532284847e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -6.85322848470e-09
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-Precision is: 12
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -6.8532284847e-09
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-Expected: -6.853228484704e-09
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: -6.853228484704e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: -6.853228484704e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -0.000000006853
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: -0.000000006853
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-Expected: -6.853228484704e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -6.853228484704e-09
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-Got: -987654312
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-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -6.8532284847045e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 13
-Got: -9.8765431200000e+08
-Expected: -6.8532284847045e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: -6.8532284847045e-09
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-Expected: -0.0000000068532
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-Expected: -0.0000000068532
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-Precision is: 13
-Got: -987654312.0000000000000
-Expected: -0.0000000068532
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Got: 1e+09
-Expected: 9e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 1.e+09
-Expected: 9.e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: +1e+09
-Expected: +9e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 8.6e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: +9.9e+08
-Expected: +8.6e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 8.6e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Expected: 0.0
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-Got: 987654312.0
-Expected: 0.0
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: +987654312.0
-Expected: +0.0
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Expected: 8.6e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 8.6e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: +9.9e+08
-Expected: +8.6e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 8.57e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: +9.88e+08
-Expected: +8.57e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 8.57e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Expected: 0.00
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-Expected: 0.00
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-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: +0.00
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-Expected: 8.57e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 8.57e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: +9.88e+08
-Expected: +8.57e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 8.567e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: +9.877e+08
-Expected: +8.567e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 8.567e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: 0.000
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-Expected: 0.000
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-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: +0.000
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: 8.567e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 8.567e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: +9.877e+08
-Expected: +8.567e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 8.5665e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: +9.8765e+08
-Expected: +8.5665e-10
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 8.5665e-10
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-Expected: 0.0000
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: 987654312.0000
-Expected: 0.0000
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Expected: +0.0000
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Expected: 8.5665e-10
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-Expected: 8.5665e-10
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: +9.8765e+08
-Expected: +8.5665e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 8.56654e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: +9.87654e+08
-Expected: +8.56654e-10
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 8.56654e-10
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-Expected: 0.00000
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-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: 0.00000
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Got: +987654312.00000
-Expected: +0.00000
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-Expected: 8.56654e-10
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 8.56654e-10
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: +8.56654e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 8.566536e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: +9.876543e+08
-Expected: +8.566536e-10
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 8.566536e-10
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-Expected: 0.000000
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: 987654312.000000
-Expected: 0.000000
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: +0.000000
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-Expected: 8.566536e-10
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-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 8.566536e-10
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-Got: +9.876543e+08
-Expected: +8.566536e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 8.5665356e-10
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: +9.8765431e+08
-Expected: +8.5665356e-10
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 8.5665356e-10
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: 0.0000000
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: 987654312.0000000
-Expected: 0.0000000
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Expected: +0.0000000
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-Expected: 8.5665356e-10
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-Precision is: 8
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 8.5665356e-10
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-Precision is: 8
-Got: +9.8765431e+08
-Expected: +8.5665356e-10
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-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 8
-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 8.56653561e-10
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: +8.56653561e-10
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-Precision is: 8
-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 8.56653561e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: 0.00000000
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 8
-Got: 987654312.00000000
-Expected: 0.00000000
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 8
-Got: +987654312.00000000
-Expected: +0.00000000
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-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 8.56653561e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.
-Expected: 8.56653561e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 9
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +8.56653561e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 9
-Got: 9.876543120e+08
-Expected: 8.566535606e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 9
-Got: +9.876543120e+08
-Expected: +8.566535606e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: 9.876543120e+08
-Expected: 8.566535606e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: 0.000000001
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.000000000
-Expected: 0.000000001
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: +0.000000001
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-Expected: 8.566535606e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: 987654312.0
-Expected: 8.566535606e-10
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +8.566535606e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: 9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: 8.5665356059e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: +9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: +8.5665356059e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: 8.5665356059e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: 0.0000000009
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: 987654312.0000000000
-Expected: 0.0000000009
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: +987654312.0000000000
-Expected: +0.0000000009
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 8.5665356059e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 11
-Got: 987654312.00
-Expected: 8.5665356059e-10
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-Precision is: 11
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +8.5665356059e-10
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-Expected: 8.56653560588e-10
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-Expected: +8.56653560588e-10
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: 8.56653560588e-10
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-Expected: 0.00000000086
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-Expected: 0.00000000086
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: +0.00000000086
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-Expected: 8.56653560588e-10
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: 8.56653560588e-10
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-Precision is: 12
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +8.56653560588e-10
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-Expected: 8.566535605881e-10
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: +8.566535605881e-10
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-Expected: 0.000000000857
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-Expected: 0.000000000857
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-Expected: +0.000000000857
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-Expected: 8.566535605881e-10
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-Precision is: 13
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +8.566535605881e-10
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-Expected: 8.5665356058806e-10
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 8.5665356058806e-10
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 0.0000000008567
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-Precision is: 13
-Got: 987654312.0000000000000
-Expected: 0.0000000008567
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: +0.0000000008567
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-Got: -1e+09
-Expected: -9e-10
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1.e+09
-Expected: -9.e-10
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1e+09
-Expected: -9e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: -8.6e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: -9.9e+08
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-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -8.6e-10
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-Precision is: 1
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: -987654312.0
-Expected: -0.0
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-Expected: -8.6e-10
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-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: -8.6e-10
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-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -8.6e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -8.57e-10
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -8.57e-10
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -8.57e-10
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-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: -0.00
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-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: -0.00
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-Expected: -0.00
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-Expected: -8.57e-10
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -8.57e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -8.57e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -8.567e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -8.567e-10
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -8.567e-10
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-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: -0.000
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-Got: -987654312.000
-Expected: -0.000
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-Expected: -0.000
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-Expected: -8.567e-10
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-Expected: -8.567e-10
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-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -8.567e-10
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-Expected: -8.5665e-10
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-Expected: -8.5665e-10
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-Expected: -0.0000
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-Expected: -0.0000
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Expected: -0.0000
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-Expected: -8.5665e-10
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-Expected: -8.5665e-10
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-Expected: -8.56654e-10
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-Got: -9.87654e+08
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-Expected: -8.56654e-10
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-Expected: -0.00000
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-Expected: -0.00000
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-Expected: -0.00000
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-Expected: -8.56654e-10
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-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -8.56654e-10
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-Expected: -8.566536e-10
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-Expected: -8.5665356e-10
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-Got: -987654312.0000000
-Expected: -0.0000000
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-Expected: -8.5665356e-10
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-Expected: -8.5665356e-10
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-Expected: -8.56653561e-10
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-Expected: -8.56653561e-10
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-Expected: -8.56653561e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312.
-Expected: -8.56653561e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -8.56653561e-10
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-Expected: -8.566535606e-10
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: -8.566535606e-10
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-Expected: -0.000000001
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-Expected: -0.000000001
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-Expected: -8.566535606e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: -987654312.0
-Expected: -8.566535606e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 10
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -8.566535606e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 10
-Got: -9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: -8.5665356059e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 10
-Got: -9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: -8.5665356059e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 10
-Got: -9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: -8.5665356059e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 10
-Got: -987654312.0000000000
-Expected: -0.0000000009
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 10
-Got: -987654312.0000000000
-Expected: -0.0000000009
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 10
-Got: -987654312.0000000000
-Expected: -0.0000000009
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 11
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -8.5665356059e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 11
-Got: -987654312.00
-Expected: -8.5665356059e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 11
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -8.5665356059e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 11
-Got: -9.87654312000e+08
-Expected: -8.56653560588e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 11
-Got: -9.87654312000e+08
-Expected: -8.56653560588e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 11
-Got: -9.87654312000e+08
-Expected: -8.56653560588e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 11
-Got: -987654312.00000000000
-Expected: -0.00000000086
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 11
-Got: -987654312.00000000000
-Expected: -0.00000000086
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 11
-Got: -987654312.00000000000
-Expected: -0.00000000086
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 12
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -8.56653560588e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 12
-Got: -987654312.000
-Expected: -8.56653560588e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 12
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -8.56653560588e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 12
-Got: -9.876543120000e+08
-Expected: -8.566535605881e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 12
-Got: -9.876543120000e+08
-Expected: -8.566535605881e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 12
-Got: -9.876543120000e+08
-Expected: -8.566535605881e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 12
-Got: -987654312.000000000000
-Expected: -0.000000000857
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 12
-Got: -987654312.000000000000
-Expected: -0.000000000857
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 12
-Got: -987654312.000000000000
-Expected: -0.000000000857
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 13
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -8.566535605881e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 13
-Got: -987654312.0000
-Expected: -8.566535605881e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 13
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -8.566535605881e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 13
-Got: -9.8765431200000e+08
-Expected: -8.5665356058806e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 13
-Got: -9.8765431200000e+08
-Expected: -8.5665356058806e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 13
-Got: -9.8765431200000e+08
-Expected: -8.5665356058806e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 13
-Got: -987654312.0000000000000
-Expected: -0.0000000008567
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 13
-Got: -987654312.0000000000000
-Expected: -0.0000000008567
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 13
-Got: -987654312.0000000000000
-Expected: -0.0000000008567
-9360 errors detected.
-====== END OUTPUT ======
- "bin/test_float_io_cpp_dec_float.test/clang-darwin-2.9/release/test_float_io_cpp_dec_float" > "bin/test_float_io_cpp_dec_float.test/clang-darwin-2.9/release/test_float_io_cpp_dec_float.output" 2>&1
- status=$?
- echo >> "bin/test_float_io_cpp_dec_float.test/clang-darwin-2.9/release/test_float_io_cpp_dec_float.output"
- echo EXIT STATUS: $status >> "bin/test_float_io_cpp_dec_float.test/clang-darwin-2.9/release/test_float_io_cpp_dec_float.output"
- if test $status -eq 0 ; then
- cp "bin/test_float_io_cpp_dec_float.test/clang-darwin-2.9/release/test_float_io_cpp_dec_float.output" "bin/test_float_io_cpp_dec_float.test/clang-darwin-2.9/release/test_float_io_cpp_dec_float.run"
- fi
- verbose=0
- if test $status -ne 0 ; then
- verbose=1
- fi
- if test $verbose -eq 1 ; then
- echo ====== BEGIN OUTPUT ======
- cat "bin/test_float_io_cpp_dec_float.test/clang-darwin-2.9/release/test_float_io_cpp_dec_float.output"
- echo ====== END OUTPUT ======
- fi
- exit $status
-...failed testing.capture-output bin/test_float_io_cpp_dec_float.test/clang-darwin-2.9/release/test_float_io_cpp_dec_float.run...
-testing.capture-output bin/test_float_io_cpp_dec_float.test/clang-darwin-2.9x/release/test_float_io_cpp_dec_float.run
-====== BEGIN OUTPUT ======
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 1e+09
-Expected: 1e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 1.e+09
-Expected: 1.e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: +1e+09
-Expected: +1e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 1.2e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: +9.9e+08
-Expected: +1.2e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 1.2e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 987654312.0
-Expected: 123456789.0
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 987654312.0
-Expected: 123456789.0
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: +987654312.0
-Expected: +123456789.0
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 1.2e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 1.2e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: +9.9e+08
-Expected: +1.2e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 1.23e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: +9.88e+08
-Expected: +1.23e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 1.23e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 987654312.00
-Expected: 123456789.00
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 987654312.00
-Expected: 123456789.00
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: +987654312.00
-Expected: +123456789.00
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 1.23e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 1.23e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: +9.88e+08
-Expected: +1.23e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 1.235e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: +9.877e+08
-Expected: +1.235e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 1.235e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 987654312.000
-Expected: 123456789.000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 987654312.000
-Expected: 123456789.000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: +987654312.000
-Expected: +123456789.000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 1.235e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 1.235e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: +9.877e+08
-Expected: +1.235e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 1.2346e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: +9.8765e+08
-Expected: +1.2346e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 1.2346e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 987654312.0000
-Expected: 123456789.0000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 987654312.0000
-Expected: 123456789.0000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: +987654312.0000
-Expected: +123456789.0000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 1.2346e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 1.2346e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: +9.8765e+08
-Expected: +1.2346e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 1.23457e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: +9.87654e+08
-Expected: +1.23457e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 1.23457e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 987654312.00000
-Expected: 123456789.00000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 987654312.00000
-Expected: 123456789.00000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: +987654312.00000
-Expected: +123456789.00000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 1.23457e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 1.23457e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 6
-Got: +9.87654e+08
-Expected: +1.23457e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 1.234568e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 6
-Got: +9.876543e+08
-Expected: +1.234568e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 1.234568e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 6
-Got: 987654312.000000
-Expected: 123456789.000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 6
-Got: 987654312.000000
-Expected: 123456789.000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 6
-Got: +987654312.000000
-Expected: +123456789.000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 1.234568e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 1.234568e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 7
-Got: +9.876543e+08
-Expected: +1.234568e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 1.2345679e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 7
-Got: +9.8765431e+08
-Expected: +1.2345679e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 1.2345679e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 7
-Got: 987654312.0000000
-Expected: 123456789.0000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 7
-Got: 987654312.0000000
-Expected: 123456789.0000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 7
-Got: +987654312.0000000
-Expected: +123456789.0000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 8
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 1.2345679e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 8
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 1.2345679e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 8
-Got: +9.8765431e+08
-Expected: +1.2345679e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 8
-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 1.23456789e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 8
-Got: +9.87654312e+08
-Expected: +1.23456789e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 8
-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 1.23456789e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 8
-Got: 987654312.00000000
-Expected: 123456789.00000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 8
-Got: 987654312.00000000
-Expected: 123456789.00000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 8
-Got: +987654312.00000000
-Expected: +123456789.00000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 123456789
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.
-Expected: 123456789.
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 9
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +123456789
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 9
-Got: 9.876543120e+08
-Expected: 1.234567890e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 9
-Got: +9.876543120e+08
-Expected: +1.234567890e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 9
-Got: 9.876543120e+08
-Expected: 1.234567890e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.000000000
-Expected: 123456789.000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.000000000
-Expected: 123456789.000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 9
-Got: +987654312.000000000
-Expected: +123456789.000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 10
-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 123456789
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 10
-Got: 987654312.0
-Expected: 123456789.0
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 10
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +123456789
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 10
-Got: 9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: 1.2345678900e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 10
-Got: +9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: +1.2345678900e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 10
-Got: 9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: 1.2345678900e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 10
-Got: 987654312.0000000000
-Expected: 123456789.0000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 10
-Got: 987654312.0000000000
-Expected: 123456789.0000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 10
-Got: +987654312.0000000000
-Expected: +123456789.0000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 11
-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 123456789
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 11
-Got: 987654312.00
-Expected: 123456789.00
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 11
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +123456789
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 11
-Got: 9.87654312000e+08
-Expected: 1.23456789000e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 11
-Got: +9.87654312000e+08
-Expected: +1.23456789000e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 11
-Got: 9.87654312000e+08
-Expected: 1.23456789000e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 11
-Got: 987654312.00000000000
-Expected: 123456789.00000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 11
-Got: 987654312.00000000000
-Expected: 123456789.00000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 11
-Got: +987654312.00000000000
-Expected: +123456789.00000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 12
-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 123456789
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 12
-Got: 987654312.000
-Expected: 123456789.000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 12
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +123456789
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 12
-Got: 9.876543120000e+08
-Expected: 1.234567890000e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 12
-Got: +9.876543120000e+08
-Expected: +1.234567890000e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 12
-Got: 9.876543120000e+08
-Expected: 1.234567890000e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 12
-Got: 987654312.000000000000
-Expected: 123456789.000000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 12
-Got: 987654312.000000000000
-Expected: 123456789.000000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 12
-Got: +987654312.000000000000
-Expected: +123456789.000000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 13
-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 123456789
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 13
-Got: 987654312.0000
-Expected: 123456789.0000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 13
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +123456789
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 13
-Got: 9.8765431200000e+08
-Expected: 1.2345678900000e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 13
-Got: +9.8765431200000e+08
-Expected: +1.2345678900000e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 13
-Got: 9.8765431200000e+08
-Expected: 1.2345678900000e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 13
-Got: 987654312.0000000000000
-Expected: 123456789.0000000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 13
-Got: 987654312.0000000000000
-Expected: 123456789.0000000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 13
-Got: +987654312.0000000000000
-Expected: +123456789.0000000000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1e+09
-Expected: -1e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1.e+09
-Expected: -1.e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1e+09
-Expected: -1e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -1.2e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -1.2e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -1.2e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -987654312.0
-Expected: -123456789.0
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -987654312.0
-Expected: -123456789.0
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -987654312.0
-Expected: -123456789.0
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -1.2e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -1.2e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -1.2e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -1.23e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -1.23e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -1.23e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -987654312.00
-Expected: -123456789.00
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -987654312.00
-Expected: -123456789.00
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -987654312.00
-Expected: -123456789.00
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -1.23e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -1.23e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -1.23e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -1.235e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -1.235e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -1.235e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -987654312.000
-Expected: -123456789.000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -987654312.000
-Expected: -123456789.000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -987654312.000
-Expected: -123456789.000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: -1.235e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -1.235e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -1.235e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -1.2346e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -1.2346e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -1.2346e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: -123456789.0000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: -987654312.0000
-Expected: -123456789.0000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: -987654312.0000
-Expected: -123456789.0000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -1.2346e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -1.2346e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -1.2346e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: -1.23457e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -1.23457e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -1.23457e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: -123456789.00000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: -987654312.00000
-Expected: -123456789.00000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: -987654312.00000
-Expected: -123456789.00000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 6
-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -1.23457e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 6
-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -1.23457e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 6
-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -1.23457e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 6
-Got: -9.876543e+08
-Expected: -1.234568e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 6
-Got: -9.876543e+08
-Expected: -1.234568e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 6
-Got: -9.876543e+08
-Expected: -1.234568e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: -123456789.000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 6
-Got: -987654312.000000
-Expected: -123456789.000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 6
-Got: -987654312.000000
-Expected: -123456789.000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -9.876543e+08
-Expected: -1.234568e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -9.876543e+08
-Expected: -1.234568e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -9.876543e+08
-Expected: -1.234568e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -9.8765431e+08
-Expected: -1.2345679e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -9.8765431e+08
-Expected: -1.2345679e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -9.8765431e+08
-Expected: -1.2345679e+08
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-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -987654312.0000000
-Expected: -123456789.0000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -987654312.0000000
-Expected: -123456789.0000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -987654312.0000000
-Expected: -123456789.0000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 8
-Got: -9.8765431e+08
-Expected: -1.2345679e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 8
-Got: -9.8765431e+08
-Expected: -1.2345679e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 8
-Got: -9.8765431e+08
-Expected: -1.2345679e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 8
-Got: -9.87654312e+08
-Expected: -1.23456789e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 8
-Got: -9.87654312e+08
-Expected: -1.23456789e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 8
-Got: -9.87654312e+08
-Expected: -1.23456789e+08
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-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 8
-Got: -987654312.00000000
-Expected: -123456789.00000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 8
-Got: -987654312.00000000
-Expected: -123456789.00000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 8
-Got: -987654312.00000000
-Expected: -123456789.00000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -123456789
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312.
-Expected: -123456789.
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -123456789
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 9
-Got: -9.876543120e+08
-Expected: -1.234567890e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 9
-Got: -9.876543120e+08
-Expected: -1.234567890e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 9
-Got: -9.876543120e+08
-Expected: -1.234567890e+08
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-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: -123456789.000000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312.000000000
-Expected: -123456789.000000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312.000000000
-Expected: -123456789.000000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 10
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -123456789
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 10
-Got: -987654312.0
-Expected: -123456789.0
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 10
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -123456789
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 10
-Got: -9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: -1.2345678900e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 10
-Got: -9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: -1.2345678900e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 10
-Got: -9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: -1.2345678900e+08
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-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: -123456789.0000000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 10
-Got: -987654312.0000000000
-Expected: -123456789.0000000000
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: -987654312.0000000000
-Expected: -123456789.0000000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were:
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-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -123456789
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 11
-Got: -987654312.00
-Expected: -123456789.00
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 11
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -123456789
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 11
-Got: -9.87654312000e+08
-Expected: -1.23456789000e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 11
-Got: -9.87654312000e+08
-Expected: -1.23456789000e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 11
-Got: -9.87654312000e+08
-Expected: -1.23456789000e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: -123456789.00000000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 11
-Got: -987654312.00000000000
-Expected: -123456789.00000000000
-Testing value -123456789
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-Precision is: 11
-Got: -987654312.00000000000
-Expected: -123456789.00000000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were:
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-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -123456789
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 12
-Got: -987654312.000
-Expected: -123456789.000
-Testing value -123456789
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-Precision is: 12
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -123456789
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: -1.234567890000e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 12
-Got: -9.876543120000e+08
-Expected: -1.234567890000e+08
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-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 12
-Got: -9.876543120000e+08
-Expected: -1.234567890000e+08
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: -123456789.000000000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 12
-Got: -987654312.000000000000
-Expected: -123456789.000000000000
-Testing value -123456789
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-Precision is: 12
-Got: -987654312.000000000000
-Expected: -123456789.000000000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were:
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-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -123456789
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 13
-Got: -987654312.0000
-Expected: -123456789.0000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 13
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -123456789
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: -1.2345678900000e+08
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-Precision is: 13
-Got: -9.8765431200000e+08
-Expected: -1.2345678900000e+08
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-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 13
-Got: -9.8765431200000e+08
-Expected: -1.2345678900000e+08
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-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: -123456789.0000000000000
-Testing value -123456789
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-Precision is: 13
-Got: -987654312.0000000000000
-Expected: -123456789.0000000000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 13
-Got: -987654312.0000000000000
-Expected: -123456789.0000000000000
-Testing value 15432098.625
-Formatting flags were:
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-Got: 1e+09
-Expected: 2e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 1.e+09
-Expected: 2.e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: +1e+09
-Expected: +2e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 1.5e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: +9.9e+08
-Expected: +1.5e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 1.5e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 987654312.0
-Expected: 15432098.6
-Testing value 15432098.625
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: 987654312.0
-Expected: 15432098.6
-Testing value 15432098.625
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: +987654312.0
-Expected: +15432098.6
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 1.5e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 1.5e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: +9.9e+08
-Expected: +1.5e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 1.54e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: +9.88e+08
-Expected: +1.54e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 1.54e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 987654312.00
-Expected: 15432098.62
-Testing value 15432098.625
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: 987654312.00
-Expected: 15432098.62
-Testing value 15432098.625
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: +987654312.00
-Expected: +15432098.62
-Testing value 15432098.625
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 1.54e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 1.54e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: +9.88e+08
-Expected: +1.54e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 1.543e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: +9.877e+08
-Expected: +1.543e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 1.543e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 987654312.000
-Expected: 15432098.625
-Testing value 15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 987654312.000
-Expected: 15432098.625
-Testing value 15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: +987654312.000
-Expected: +15432098.625
-Testing value 15432098.625
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 1.543e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 1.543e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: +9.877e+08
-Expected: +1.543e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 1.5432e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: +9.8765e+08
-Expected: +1.5432e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 1.5432e+07
-Testing value 15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 987654312.0000
-Expected: 15432098.6250
-Testing value 15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 987654312.0000
-Expected: 15432098.6250
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: -1.54320986e+07
-Testing value -15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 8
-Got: -9.87654312e+08
-Expected: -1.54320986e+07
-Testing value -15432098.625
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: -15432098.62500000
-Testing value -15432098.625
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: -15432098.62500000
-Testing value -15432098.625
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-Expected: -15432098.62500000
-Testing value -15432098.625
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-Expected: -15432098.6
-Testing value -15432098.625
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312.
-Expected: -15432098.6
-Testing value -15432098.625
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: -15432098.6
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-Expected: -1.543209862e+07
-Testing value -15432098.625
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-Got: -9.876543120e+08
-Expected: -1.543209862e+07
-Testing value -15432098.625
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: -9.876543120e+08
-Expected: -1.543209862e+07
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: -15432098.625000000
-Testing value -15432098.625
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-Expected: -15432098.625000000
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-Expected: -15432098.625000000
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-Expected: -15432098.62
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-Expected: -15432098.62
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-Expected: -1.5432098625e+07
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-Got: -9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: -1.5432098625e+07
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-Expected: -1.5432098625e+07
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-Expected: -15432098.6250000000
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-Expected: -15432098.6250000000
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-Expected: -15432098.6250000000
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-Expected: -1.54320986250e+07
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-Expected: -15432098.62500000000
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-Expected: -15432098.62500000000
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-Expected: -1.543209862500e+07
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-Expected: -15432098.625000000000
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-Expected: -15432098.6250000000000
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-Expected: 2.e+06
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-Expected: +2e+06
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-Expected: 1.9e+06
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-Expected: 1.9e+06
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-Expected: 1929012.3
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-Expected: 1.9e+06
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-Expected: 1.93e+06
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-Expected: 1929012.33
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-Expected: 1929012.33
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-Expected: 1.93e+06
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-Expected: 1.929e+06
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-Expected: 1.929e+06
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-Expected: 1929012.328
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-Expected: 1929012.328
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-Expected: 1.929e+06
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-Expected: 1.9290e+06
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-Expected: +1.9290e+06
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-Expected: 1.9290e+06
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-Expected: 1929012.3281
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: 1929012.3281
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-Expected: +1929012.3281
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-Expected: 1.9290e+06
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-Expected: +1.929e+06
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-Expected: 1.92901e+06
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-Expected: +1.92901e+06
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-Expected: 1.92901e+06
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-Expected: 1929012.32812
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-Expected: 1929012.32812
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-Expected: +1929012.32812
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-Expected: 1.92901e+06
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-Expected: 1.92901e+06
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-Expected: +1.92901e+06
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-Expected: 1.929012e+06
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-Expected: +1.929012e+06
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-Expected: 1.929012e+06
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-Expected: 1929012.328125
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-Expected: 1929012.328125
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-Expected: 1929012
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 1929012.
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-Expected: 1.9290123e+06
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-Expected: 1929012.3281250
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-Expected: 1929012.3281250
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-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: 1929012.3
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-Expected: +1.92901233e+06
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-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 1.92901233e+06
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-Expected: 1929012.32812500
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-Expected: 1929012.32812500
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-Expected: 1929012.33
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Got: 987654312.
-Expected: 1929012.33
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-Expected: +1929012.33
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-Expected: +1.929012328e+06
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-Expected: 1.929012328e+06
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-Expected: 1929012.328125000
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-Expected: 1929012.328125000
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-Expected: +1929012.328125000
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-Expected: 1929012.328
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-Expected: 1929012.328
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-Expected: +1929012.328
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-Expected: 1.9290123281e+06
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-Expected: +1.9290123281e+06
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-Got: 9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: 1.9290123281e+06
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-Expected: 1929012.3281250000
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-Expected: 1929012.3281250000
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-Expected: +1929012.3281250000
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-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 1929012.3281
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: 1929012.3281
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-Expected: +1929012.3281
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: 1.92901232812e+06
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-Expected: +1.92901232812e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Got: 9.87654312000e+08
-Expected: 1.92901232812e+06
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-Expected: 1929012.32812500000
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-Expected: 1929012.32812500000
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: +1929012.32812500000
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-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 1929012.32812
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: 1929012.32812
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: +1929012.32812
-Testing value 1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: 1.929012328125e+06
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-Expected: +1.929012328125e+06
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-Expected: 1.929012328125e+06
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-Expected: 1929012.328125000000
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-Expected: 1929012.328125000000
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-Expected: 1929012.328125
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-Expected: 1.9290123281250e+06
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-Expected: +1.9290123281250e+06
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-Expected: 1.9290123281250e+06
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-Expected: 1929012.3281250000000
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-Expected: 1929012.3281250000000
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-Expected: -2.e+06
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-Got: -1e+09
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-Expected: -1.9e+06
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-Expected: 241126.54
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-Expected: 241126.54
-Testing value 241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: +987654312.00
-Expected: +241126.54
-Testing value 241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 2.41e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 2.41e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: +9.88e+08
-Expected: +2.41e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 2.411e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: +9.877e+08
-Expected: +2.411e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 2.411e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 987654312.000
-Expected: 241126.541
-Testing value 241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 987654312.000
-Expected: 241126.541
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: +987654312.000
-Expected: +241126.541
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 2.411e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 2.411e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: +9.877e+08
-Expected: +2.411e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: scientific
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-Expected: 2.4113e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: +9.8765e+08
-Expected: +2.4113e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 2.4113e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: 241126.5410
-Testing value 241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: 241126.5410
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Expected: +241126.5410
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: 2.4113e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 2.4113e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: +9.8765e+08
-Expected: +2.4113e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: 2.41127e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: +9.87654e+08
-Expected: +2.41127e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 2.41127e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: 241126.54102
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: 241126.54102
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: +241126.54102
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-Expected: 241127
-Testing value 241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 241127.
-Testing value 241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 6
-Got: +9.87654e+08
-Expected: +241127
-Testing value 241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: 2.411265e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: +2.411265e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 2.411265e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: 241126.541016
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: 241126.541016
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: 241126.5
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: 241126.5
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: +241126.5
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: 2.4112654e+05
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: +2.4112654e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 2.4112654e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: 241126.5410156
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: 987654312.0000000
-Expected: 241126.5410156
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Expected: 241126.54
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Expected: 241126.54
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-Expected: +241126.54
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: 2.41126541e+05
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: +2.41126541e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 8
-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 2.41126541e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Expected: 241126.54101562
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Expected: 241126.54101562
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: 241126.541
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.
-Expected: 241126.541
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +241126.541
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-Expected: 2.411265410e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Expected: +2.411265410e+05
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: 2.411265410e+05
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-Expected: 241126.541015625
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: 241126.541015625
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: +241126.541015625
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-Expected: 241126.541
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Expected: 241126.5410
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-Expected: +241126.541
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-Expected: 2.4112654102e+05
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-Expected: +2.4112654102e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: 9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: 2.4112654102e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Expected: 241126.5410156250
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: 241126.5410156250
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: +241126.5410156250
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-Expected: 241126.54102
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: +241126.54102
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-Expected: 2.41126541016e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: +2.41126541016e+05
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-Precision is: 11
-Got: 9.87654312000e+08
-Expected: 2.41126541016e+05
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-Expected: 241126.54101562500
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Expected: 241126.54101562500
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: +241126.54101562500
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-Expected: 241126.541016
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-Expected: +241126.541016
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-Expected: 2.411265410156e+05
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: +2.411265410156e+05
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-Precision is: 12
-Got: 9.876543120000e+08
-Expected: 2.411265410156e+05
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-Expected: 241126.541015625000
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: 241126.541015625000
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Expected: +241126.541015625000
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Expected: 241126.5410156
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-Expected: +241126.5410156
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Expected: 2.4112654101562e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: +2.4112654101562e+05
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 2.4112654101562e+05
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 241126.5410156250000
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: +241126.5410156250000
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-Precision is: 1
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-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: -2.4e+05
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: -2.4e+05
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-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: -2.4e+05
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-Expected: -241126.5
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Expected: -241126.5
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-Expected: -241126.5
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Expected: -2.4e+05
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-Expected: -2.4e+05
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-Expected: -2.4e+05
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Expected: -2.41e+05
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -2.41e+05
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: -2.41e+05
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-Expected: -241126.54
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-Expected: -241126.54
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Expected: -241126.54
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Expected: -2.41e+05
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-Expected: -2.41e+05
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-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -2.41e+05
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Expected: -2.411e+05
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -2.411e+05
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -2.411e+05
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-Expected: -241126.541
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Expected: -241126.541
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Got: -987654312.000
-Expected: -241126.541
-Testing value -241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: -2.411e+05
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -2.411e+05
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-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -2.411e+05
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -2.4113e+05
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -2.4113e+05
-Testing value -241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -2.4113e+05
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: -241126.5410
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: -241126.5410
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: -987654312.0000
-Expected: -241126.5410
-Testing value -241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: -2.4113e+05
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -2.4113e+05
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -2.4113e+05
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -2.41127e+05
-Testing value -241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -2.41127e+05
-Testing value -241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: -2.41127e+05
-Testing value -241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: -241126.54102
-Testing value -241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: -987654312.00000
-Expected: -241126.54102
-Testing value -241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: -241126.54102
-Testing value -241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: -241127
-Testing value -241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 6
-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -241127.
-Testing value -241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 6
-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -241127
-Testing value -241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: -2.411265e+05
-Testing value -241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: -2.411265e+05
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: -2.411265e+05
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: -241126.541016
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: -987654312.000000
-Expected: -241126.541016
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: -241126.541016
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Expected: -241126.5
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: -241126.5
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-Expected: -241126.5
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: -2.4112654e+05
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: -9.8765431e+08
-Expected: -2.4112654e+05
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: -9.8765431e+08
-Expected: -2.4112654e+05
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-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: -241126.5410156
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-Expected: -241126.5410156
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-Expected: -241126.54
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-Expected: -241126.54
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-Expected: -241126.54
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-Expected: -2.41126541e+05
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-Expected: -2.41126541e+05
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-Expected: -241126.54101562
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-Expected: -241126.541
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-Expected: -241126.541
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-Expected: -241126.541
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-Expected: -2.411265410e+05
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-Expected: -2.411265410e+05
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-Expected: -241126.541015625
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-Expected: -241126.541015625
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-Expected: -241126.541
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-Expected: -2.4112654102e+05
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-Expected: -2.4112654102e+05
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-Expected: -241126.5410156250
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-Expected: -241126.54102
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-Expected: -2.41126541016e+05
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-Expected: -241126.54101562500
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-Expected: -241126.541016
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-Expected: -2.411265410156e+05
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-Expected: -2.411265410156e+05
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-Expected: -241126.541015625000
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-Expected: -241126.541015625000
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-Expected: 3.e+04
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-Expected: 3.014e+04
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-Expected: 30141
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-Expected: 30141.
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-Expected: 3.014082e+04
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-Expected: 30140.82
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-Expected: +3.0140818e+04
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-Expected: 3.01408176e+04
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-Expected: 30140.81762695
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-Expected: 30140.81762695
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-Expected: +3.014081763e+04
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-Expected: 3.014081763e+04
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-Expected: +3.0140817627e+04
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-Expected: 3.0140817627e+04
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: -3.01408176270e+04
-Testing value -30140.817626953125
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 11
-Got: -9.87654312000e+08
-Expected: -3.01408176270e+04
-Testing value -30140.817626953125
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 11
-Got: -987654312.00000000000
-Expected: -30140.81762695312
-Testing value -30140.817626953125
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 11
-Got: -987654312.00000000000
-Expected: -30140.81762695312
-Testing value -30140.817626953125
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: -30140.81762695312
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-Expected: -30140.817627
-Testing value -30140.817626953125
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-Expected: -30140.8176270
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-Expected: -30140.817627
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-Expected: -3.014081762695e+04
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-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: -3.014081762695e+04
-Testing value -30140.817626953125
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-Precision is: 12
-Got: -9.876543120000e+08
-Expected: -3.014081762695e+04
-Testing value -30140.817626953125
-Formatting flags were: fixed
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-Expected: -30140.817626953125
-Testing value -30140.817626953125
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-Expected: -30140.817626953125
-Testing value -30140.817626953125
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-Expected: -30140.817626953125
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-Expected: -30140.81762695
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-Expected: -30140.81762695
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-Expected: -30140.81762695
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-Expected: -3.0140817626953e+04
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-Expected: -3.0140817626953e+04
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-Expected: -3.0140817626953e+04
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-Expected: -30140.8176269531250
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-Expected: -30140.8176269531250
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-Expected: -30140.8176269531250
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-Expected: 4e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Expected: 4.e+03
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-Expected: 3.8e+03
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-Expected: +3.8e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Expected: 3.8e+03
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-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: 3767.6
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-Expected: 3767.6
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-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: 3.8e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 3.8e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Expected: +3.8e+03
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-Expected: 3.77e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: +9.88e+08
-Expected: +3.77e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 3.77e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Expected: 3767.60
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-Expected: 3767.60
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Expected: 3.77e+03
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-Expected: 3.77e+03
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-Expected: +3.77e+03
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-Expected: 3.768e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Expected: +3.768e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 3.768e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: 3767.602
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-Expected: 3767.602
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-Expected: 3768
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-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 3768.
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: +9.877e+08
-Expected: +3768
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-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Expected: +3.7676e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 3.7676e+03
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-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: 3767.6022
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-Expected: 3767.6022
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Expected: 3767.6
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-Expected: 3767.6
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-Expected: +3767.6
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-Expected: 3.76760e+03
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-Got: +9.87654e+08
-Expected: +3.76760e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 3.76760e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Expected: 3767.60220
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-Expected: 3767.60220
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-Expected: 3767.60
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-Expected: +3.767602e+03
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: 3.767602e+03
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-Expected: 3767.602
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-Expected: 3767.602
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-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 3.7676022e+03
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-Expected: 3767.6022034
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-Expected: 3767.6022034
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-Expected: 3.76760220e+03
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-Expected: 3767.6022
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.
-Expected: 3767.60220
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-Expected: 3.767602203e+03
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-Expected: +3767.602203
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-Expected: 3.767602203369e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Expected: 3767.602203369141
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Expected: +3767.602203369
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-Expected: +3.7676022033691e+03
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-Precision is: 13
-Got: 9.8765431200000e+08
-Expected: 3.7676022033691e+03
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-Expected: 3767.6022033691406
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 3767.6022033691406
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 13
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Got: -1e+09
-Expected: -4e+03
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-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1.e+09
-Expected: -4.e+03
-Testing value -3767.602203369140625
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1e+09
-Expected: -4e+03
-Testing value -3767.602203369140625
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -3.8e+03
-Testing value -3767.602203369140625
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
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-Expected: -3.8e+03
-Testing value -3767.602203369140625
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: -3.8e+03
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-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: -3767.6
-Testing value -3767.602203369140625
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
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-Got: -987654312.0
-Expected: -3767.6
-Testing value -3767.602203369140625
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-Expected: -3767.6
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-Expected: -3.8e+03
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -3.8e+03
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -3.77e+03
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-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -3.77e+03
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-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -3.77e+03
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-Expected: -3767.60
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-Expected: -3767.60
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-Got: -987654312.00
-Expected: -3767.60
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-Expected: -3.77e+03
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-Expected: -3.77e+03
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-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -3.77e+03
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-Expected: -3.768e+03
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-Expected: -3.768e+03
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-Expected: -3.768e+03
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-Expected: -3767.602
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-Expected: -3767.602
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-Expected: -3767.602
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-Expected: -3768
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-Expected: -3768.
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-Formatting flags were: showpos
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-Expected: -3768
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-Expected: -3.7676e+03
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-Expected: -3.7676e+03
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-Expected: -3.7676e+03
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-Expected: -3767.6022
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-Expected: -3767.6022
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-Expected: -3767.6
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-Expected: -3767.6
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-Expected: -3.76760e+03
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-Expected: -3767.6
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-Expected: -3.767602e+03
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-Expected: 5.e+02
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-Expected: 4.71e+02
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-Expected: +4.71e+02
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-Expected: 4.71e+02
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-Expected: 470.95
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-Expected: 471
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-Expected: 471.
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-Expected: 4.710e+02
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-Expected: +4.710e+02
-Testing value 470.95027542114257812
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-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 4.710e+02
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-Expected: 470.950
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-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 3
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: 471
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-Expected: 471.0
-Testing value 470.95027542114257812
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-Expected: +471
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-Formatting flags were: scientific
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-Expected: 4.7095e+02
-Testing value 470.95027542114257812
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-Got: +9.8765e+08
-Expected: +4.7095e+02
-Testing value 470.95027542114257812
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 4.7095e+02
-Testing value 470.95027542114257812
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-Expected: 470.9503
-Testing value 470.95027542114257812
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-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: 470.9503
-Testing value 470.95027542114257812
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-Expected: +470.9503
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-Expected: 470.95
-Testing value 470.95027542114257812
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-Expected: 470.95
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-Expected: +470.95
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-Expected: 4.70950e+02
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-Expected: +4.70950e+02
-Testing value 470.95027542114257812
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-Expected: 4.70950e+02
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-Expected: 470.95028
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-Expected: 470.95028
-Testing value 470.95027542114257812
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-Expected: +470.95028
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-Expected: 4.709503e+02
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-Expected: +4.709503e+02
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-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 4.709503e+02
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-Expected: +4.7095028e+02
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-Expected: 4.7095028e+02
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-Expected: 470.9502754
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-Expected: 470.9502754
-Testing value 470.95027542114257812
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-Expected: 4.70950275e+02
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-Expected: +4.70950275e+02
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-Expected: 4.70950275e+02
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-Expected: 470.95027542
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-Expected: 470.950275
-Testing value 470.95027542114257812
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-Testing value 470.95027542114257812
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-Expected: +4.709502754e+02
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-Expected: 4.709502754e+02
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-Expected: 470.950275421
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-Expected: 4.7095027542e+02
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-Expected: 470.9502754211
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-Expected: 470.9502754211
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-Expected: 4.70950275421e+02
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-Expected: +4.709502754211e+02
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-Expected: 4.709502754211e+02
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-Expected: 470.950275421143
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-Expected: 470.950275421143
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-Expected: 4.7095027542114e+02
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-Expected: 470.9502754211426
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-Expected: 470.9502754211426
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-Expected: -5.e+02
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-Expected: -4.7e+02
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-Expected: -4.7e+02
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-Expected: -4.7e+02
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-Expected: -4.71e+02
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-Expected: -4.71e+02
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-Expected: -4.71e+02
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-Expected: -471.
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-Expected: -4.710e+02
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-Expected: -4.710e+02
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-Expected: -4.7095e+02
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-Expected: -4.70950e+02
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-Expected: -470.95
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-Expected: -4.709503e+02
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-Expected: -4.709503e+02
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-Expected: -470.9503
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-Expected: -470.9503
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-Expected: -470.9503
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-Expected: -4.7095028e+02
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-Expected: -4.7095028e+02
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-Expected: -470.9502754
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-Expected: -470.9502754
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-Expected: -470.95028
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-Expected: -470.95028
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-Expected: 5.88688e+01
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-Expected: 5.88687844e+01
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-Expected: 5.886878443e+01
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-Expected: 58.868784428
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-Expected: 58.8687844276
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-Expected: +58.8687844276
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: -58.8687844276
-Testing value -58.868784427642822266
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: -58.8687844276
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-Expected: -5.886878442764e+01
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-Expected: -5.886878442764e+01
-Testing value -58.868784427642822266
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: -5.886878442764e+01
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-Expected: -58.868784427643
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-Expected: -58.868784427643
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-Expected: -58.868784427643
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-Expected: -58.86878442764
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-Expected: -58.86878442764
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-Expected: -5.8868784427643e+01
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-Expected: -58.8687844276428
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-Expected: -58.8687844276428
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-Expected: -58.8687844276428
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-Expected: 7
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-Expected: 7.
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-Got: +1e+09
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-Expected: 7.4e+00
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-Expected: 7.36e+00
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-Expected: 7.36e+00
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-Expected: 7.36
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-Expected: 7.359e+00
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-Expected: 7.359
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-Expected: 7.35860
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-Expected: -7.
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-Got: -1e+09
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-Expected: -7.4e+00
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-Expected: -7.4e+00
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-Expected: -7.4
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-Expected: -7.4
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-Expected: -7.4
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-Expected: -7.36e+00
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-Expected: -7.36e+00
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-Expected: -7.36e+00
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-Expected: -7.359e+00
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-Expected: +9.1982e-01
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-Expected: 9.1982e-01
-Testing value 0.9198247566819190979
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-Expected: 0.9198
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-Expected: 0.9198
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-Expected: 9.19825e-01
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-Expected: +9.19825e-01
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-Expected: 0.91982
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-Expected: +0.91982
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-Expected: 9.198248e-01
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-Expected: -0.9198248
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-Expected: 1.14978095e-01
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-Expected: 1.149780946e-01
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-Expected: -0.114978094585
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-Expected: -0.114978094585
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-Expected: -1.149780945852e-01
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-Expected: -1.149780945852e-01
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-Expected: -0.114978094585
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-Expected: -0.114978094585
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-Expected: -1.1497809458524e-01
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-Expected: -1.1497809458524e-01
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-Expected: -0.1149780945852
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-Expected: 0.01
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-Expected: 0.01
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-Expected: 1.44e-02
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-Expected: 0.01
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-Expected: 1.437e-02
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-Expected: 1.437e-02
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-Expected: 1.43723e-02
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-Expected: 1.437226e-02
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-Expected: +1.4372261823155e-02
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-Formatting flags were: scientific
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-Testing value -0.014372261823154985905
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
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-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -1.4e-02
-Testing value -0.014372261823154985905
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
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-Expected: -1.44e-02
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-Expected: -1.44e-02
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: 0.001797
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-Expected: 0.001797
-Testing value 0.0017965327278943732381
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: +9.877e+08
-Expected: +0.001797
-Testing value 0.0017965327278943732381
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 1.7965e-03
-Testing value 0.0017965327278943732381
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: +9.8765e+08
-Expected: +1.7965e-03
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-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 1.7965e-03
-Testing value 0.0017965327278943732381
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: 0.0018
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-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 987654312.0000
-Expected: 0.0018
-Testing value 0.0017965327278943732381
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: +987654312.0000
-Expected: +0.0018
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: 0.0017965
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-Expected: 0.0017965
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-Expected: +0.0017965
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-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: 1.79653e-03
-Testing value 0.0017965327278943732381
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
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-Got: +9.87654e+08
-Expected: +1.79653e-03
-Testing value 0.0017965327278943732381
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 1.79653e-03
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-Expected: 0.00180
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-Expected: 0.00180
-Testing value 0.0017965327278943732381
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-Expected: +0.00180
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: 0.00179653
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-Expected: 0.00179653
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-Expected: +0.00179653
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-Expected: 1.796533e-03
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-Expected: +1.796533e-03
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-Expected: 1.796533e-03
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-Expected: 0.001797
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-Expected: +0.001797
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-Expected: 0.001796533
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-Expected: 0.001796533
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-Expected: +0.001796533
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-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 1.7965327e-03
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-Expected: +1.7965327e-03
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-Expected: 1.7965327e-03
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-Expected: 0.0017965
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-Expected: +0.0017965
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-Expected: 0.0017965327
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-Expected: 0.0017965327
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-Expected: +0.0017965327
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-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 1.79653273e-03
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-Expected: +1.79653273e-03
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-Expected: 1.79653273e-03
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-Expected: 0.00179653
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-Expected: 0.00179653273
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-Expected: 1.796532728e-03
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-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
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-Expected: +1.796532728e-03
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-Expected: 1.796532728e-03
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-Expected: 0.001796533
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-Expected: +0.001796533
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-Expected: 1.7965327279e-03
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-Expected: +1.7965327279e-03
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-Expected: 1.7965327279e-03
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-Expected: 0.0017965327
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-Expected: +0.0017965327
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-Expected: 1.79653272789e-03
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-Expected: +1.79653272789e-03
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-Expected: 1.79653272789e-03
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-Expected: 0.00179653273
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-Expected: 0.00179653273
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-Expected: 1.796532727894e-03
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: +1.796532727894e-03
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-Expected: 1.796532727894e-03
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-Expected: 0.001796532728
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-Expected: 0.001796532728
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-Expected: 1.7965327278944e-03
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-Expected: 1.7965327278944e-03
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-Expected: 0.0017965327279
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-Expected: -0.002
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-Expected: -0.002
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-Formatting flags were: scientific
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-Expected: -1.8e-03
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-Expected: -0.0
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-Expected: -0.0018
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-Expected: -0.0018
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-Expected: -1.80e-03
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-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -1.80e-03
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-Expected: -0.00
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-Expected: -0.00
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-Expected: -0.0018
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-Expected: -1.797e-03
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-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -1.797e-03
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-Expected: -1.797e-03
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-Expected: -0.002
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-Expected: -0.002
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-Expected: -0.002
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-Expected: -0.001797
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-Expected: -0.001797
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-Expected: -1.7965e-03
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-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
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-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -1.7965e-03
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-Expected: -0.0018
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-Expected: -0.0018
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: -0.0017965
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-Expected: -0.0017965
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-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -0.0017965
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-Formatting flags were: scientific
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-Expected: -1.79653e-03
-Testing value -0.0017965327278943732381
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -1.79653e-03
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-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -1.79653e-03
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-Expected: -0.00180
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-Got: -987654312.00000
-Expected: -0.00180
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-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
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-Expected: -0.00180
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: -0.00179653
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-Expected: -0.00179653
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-Expected: -0.00179653
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-Formatting flags were: scientific
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-Expected: -1.796533e-03
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-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 6
-Got: -9.876543e+08
-Expected: -1.796533e-03
-Testing value -0.0017965327278943732381
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
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-Expected: -1.796533e-03
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-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: -0.001797
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-Expected: -0.001797
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-Expected: -0.001796533
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: -0.001796533
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-Expected: -0.001796533
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-Expected: -1.7965327e-03
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-Expected: -1.7965327e-03
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-Expected: -0.0017965
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-Expected: -0.0017965
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-Expected: -0.0017965327
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-Expected: -0.0017965327
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-Expected: -1.79653273e-03
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-Expected: -1.79653273e-03
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-Expected: -0.00179653273
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-Expected: -1.796532728e-03
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-Expected: 2.25e-04
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-Expected: 2.246e-04
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-Expected: 2.246e-04
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-Expected: 0.000
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-Expected: 2.2457e-04
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-Expected: 2.24567e-04
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-Expected: +2.245666e-04
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-Expected: 2.245666e-04
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-Expected: +2.2456659e-04
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-Expected: 2.2456659e-04
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-Expected: +2.24566591e-04
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: 2.24566591e-04
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-Formatting flags were: fixed
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: 0.00022457
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-Expected: +0.00022457
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: 0.000224566591
-Testing value 0.00022456659098679665476
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.
-Expected: 0.000224566591
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-Expected: 2.245665910e-04
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-Expected: +2.245665910e-04
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: 2.245665910e-04
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-Expected: 0.000224567
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-Expected: +0.000224567
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-Expected: 0.000224566591
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-Expected: +2.2456659099e-04
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: 2.2456659099e-04
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-Expected: 0.0002245666
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-Expected: 0.0002245666
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-Expected: +0.0002245666
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-Expected: +2.24566590987e-04
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-Expected: 2.24566590987e-04
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-Expected: 0.00022456659
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-Expected: 0.00022456659
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-Expected: +0.00022456659
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-Expected: +2.245665909868e-04
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-Expected: 2.245665909868e-04
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-Expected: -2.24567e-04
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-Expected: -2.245665910e-04
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-Expected: -2.2456659099e-04
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-Expected: -0.0002245666
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: -0.0002245666
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-Expected: -0.0002245666
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-Expected: -0.00022456659099
-Testing value -0.00022456659098679665476
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-Expected: -0.00022456659099
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: -2.24566590987e-04
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-Expected: -0.00022456659
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-Expected: -0.00022456659
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-Expected: -2.245665909868e-04
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-Expected: -0.000224566591
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-Expected: -0.0002245665910
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-Expected: 3.e-05
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-Expected: 0.0
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-Expected: 2.81e-05
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-Expected: 2.81e-05
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-Expected: 0.00
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-Expected: 0.00
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-Expected: +0.00
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-Expected: 2.81e-05
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-Expected: 0.000
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-Expected: 0.000
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-Expected: +0.000
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-Expected: 2.807e-05
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-Expected: +2.807e-05
-Testing value 2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Expected: 2.8071e-05
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-Expected: 2.8071e-05
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-Expected: 0.0000
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-Expected: +0.0000
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-Expected: 2.8071e-05
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-Expected: 2.80708e-05
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-Expected: 0.00003
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-Expected: 2.80708e-05
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-Expected: 2.807082e-05
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-Expected: 2.8070824e-05
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-Expected: 0.0000281
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-Expected: 0.00002807
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-Expected: 2.80708239e-05
-Testing value 2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Testing value 2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Expected: +2.80708239e-05
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-Expected: 0.000028071
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-Expected: 0.0000280708
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-Testing value 2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Expected: 0.00002807082
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-Expected: 2.80708238733e-05
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: 2.807082387335e-05
-Testing value 2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: 0.000028070824
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-Expected: 0.000028070824
-Testing value 2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: +0.000028070824
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-Testing value 2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 2.807082387335e-05
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: +2.807082387335e-05
-Testing value 2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 2.8070823873350e-05
-Testing value 2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 2.8070823873350e-05
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-Expected: 0.0000280708239
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-Expected: 0.0000280708239
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: +0.0000280708239
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-Got: -1e+09
-Expected: -3e-05
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-Got: -1.e+09
-Expected: -3.e-05
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1e+09
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-Expected: -2.8e-05
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-Expected: -0.0
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-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: -2.8e-05
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-Expected: -2.8e-05
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-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -2.81e-05
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-Expected: -2.81e-05
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-Expected: -2.81e-05
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-Expected: -2.807e-05
-Testing value -2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Expected: -2.807e-05
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-Expected: -2.807e-05
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-Expected: -0.000
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-Expected: -2.807e-05
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-Expected: -2.8071e-05
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-Expected: -2.8071e-05
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-Expected: -2.8071e-05
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-Expected: -2.80708e-05
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-Expected: -0.00003
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-Expected: -0.00003
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-Expected: -2.80708e-05
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-Expected: -2.807082e-05
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-Expected: -2.807082e-05
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-Expected: -2.80708239e-05
-Testing value -2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Got: -987654312.
-Expected: -2.80708239e-05
-Testing value -2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Expected: -2.80708239e-05
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-Expected: -2.80708238733e-05
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-Expected: -0.0000280708239
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Got: 1e+09
-Expected: 4e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
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-Got: 1.e+09
-Expected: 4.e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: +1e+09
-Expected: +4e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 3.5e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: +9.9e+08
-Expected: +3.5e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 3.5e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 987654312.0
-Expected: 0.0
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 987654312.0
-Expected: 0.0
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: +987654312.0
-Expected: +0.0
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 3.5e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 3.5e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: +9.9e+08
-Expected: +3.5e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 3.51e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: +9.88e+08
-Expected: +3.51e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 3.51e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 987654312.00
-Expected: 0.00
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 987654312.00
-Expected: 0.00
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: +987654312.00
-Expected: +0.00
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 3.51e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 3.51e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: +9.88e+08
-Expected: +3.51e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 3.509e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: +9.877e+08
-Expected: +3.509e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 3.509e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 987654312.000
-Expected: 0.000
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 987654312.000
-Expected: 0.000
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: +987654312.000
-Expected: +0.000
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 3.509e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 3.509e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: +9.877e+08
-Expected: +3.509e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 3.5089e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: +9.8765e+08
-Expected: +3.5089e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 3.5089e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 987654312.0000
-Expected: 0.0000
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 987654312.0000
-Expected: 0.0000
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: +987654312.0000
-Expected: +0.0000
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were:
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-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 3.5089e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 3.5089e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: +9.8765e+08
-Expected: +3.5089e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 3.50885e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: +9.87654e+08
-Expected: +3.50885e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 3.50885e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: 0.00000
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 987654312.00000
-Expected: 0.00000
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: +987654312.00000
-Expected: +0.00000
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: 3.50885e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 3.50885e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: +9.87654e+08
-Expected: +3.50885e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 3.508853e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 6
-Got: +9.876543e+08
-Expected: +3.508853e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 3.508853e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 6
-Got: 987654312.000000
-Expected: 0.000004
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 6
-Got: 987654312.000000
-Expected: 0.000004
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: +0.000004
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 3.508853e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 3.508853e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: +9.876543e+08
-Expected: +3.508853e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 3.5088530e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: +3.5088530e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 3.5088530e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: 0.0000035
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Got: 987654312.0000000
-Expected: 0.0000035
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Got: +987654312.0000000
-Expected: +0.0000035
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: 3.508853e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 3.5088530e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 8
-Got: +9.8765431e+08
-Expected: +3.508853e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific
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-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 3.50885298e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Got: +9.87654312e+08
-Expected: +3.50885298e-06
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-Precision is: 8
-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 3.50885298e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: fixed
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-Got: 987654312.00000000
-Expected: 0.00000351
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
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-Got: 987654312.00000000
-Expected: 0.00000351
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: +0.00000351
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-Expected: 3.50885298e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.
-Expected: 3.50885298e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 9
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +3.50885298e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific
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-Got: 9.876543120e+08
-Expected: 3.508852984e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: +9.876543120e+08
-Expected: +3.508852984e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: 9.876543120e+08
-Expected: 3.508852984e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: 0.000003509
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.000000000
-Expected: 0.000003509
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: +0.000003509
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-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 3.508852984e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: 987654312.0
-Expected: 3.508852984e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +3.508852984e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: 9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: 3.5088529842e-06
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: 9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: 3.5088529842e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 0.0000035089
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: 987654312.0000000000
-Expected: 0.0000035089
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: +0.0000035089
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 3.5088529842e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Got: 987654312.00
-Expected: 3.5088529842e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: +3.5088529842e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 3.50885298417e-06
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-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: 3.50885298417e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: 0.00000350885
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Got: 987654312.00000000000
-Expected: 0.00000350885
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: +0.00000350885
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-Expected: 3.50885298417e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 12
-Got: 987654312.000
-Expected: 3.50885298417e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: +3.50885298417e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 3.508852984169e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 12
-Got: 9.876543120000e+08
-Expected: 3.508852984169e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 0.000003508853
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 0.000003508853
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: +0.000003508853
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-Expected: 3.508852984169e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 3.508852984169e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: +3.508852984169e-06
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-Expected: 3.5088529841687e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: +3.5088529841687e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 13
-Got: 9.8765431200000e+08
-Expected: 3.5088529841687e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 0.0000035088530
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 13
-Got: 987654312.0000000000000
-Expected: 0.0000035088530
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: +0.0000035088530
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were:
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-Got: -1e+09
-Expected: -4e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1.e+09
-Expected: -4.e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1e+09
-Expected: -4e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -3.5e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -3.5e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -3.5e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -987654312.0
-Expected: -0.0
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: -987654312.0
-Expected: -0.0
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: -987654312.0
-Expected: -0.0
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: -3.5e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -3.5e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -3.5e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -3.51e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -3.51e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -3.51e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -987654312.00
-Expected: -0.00
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: -987654312.00
-Expected: -0.00
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: -987654312.00
-Expected: -0.00
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were:
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-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -3.51e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -3.51e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -3.51e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: -3.509e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: -3.509e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: -3.509e-06
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-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: -0.000
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-Expected: -0.000
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-Expected: -0.000
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-Expected: -3.509e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: -3.509e-06
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-Expected: -3.509e-06
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-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: -3.5089e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -3.5089e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: -3.5089e-06
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-Expected: -0.0000
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-Expected: -0.0000
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-Expected: -3.5089e-06
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-Expected: -3.5089e-06
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-Expected: -3.50885e-06
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-Expected: -3.50885298e-06
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-Expected: -0.0000035088530
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-Expected: 4.e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: 4.4e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: +4.4e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 4.39e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 4.39e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: 0.00
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-Expected: 4.39e-07
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-Expected: 4.39e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: +4.39e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 4.386e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: +4.386e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 4.386e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: 0.000
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-Expected: 0.000
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-Expected: +0.000
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-Expected: 4.386e-07
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-Expected: 4.386e-07
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-Expected: +4.386e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 4.3861e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: +4.3861e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: 4.3861e-07
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-Expected: 0.0000
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-Expected: 0.0000
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-Expected: +0.0000
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 4.3861e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 4.3861e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: +9.8765e+08
-Expected: +4.3861e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 4.38607e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Precision is: 5
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-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: 4.38607e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
-Formatting flags were: fixed
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-Expected: 0.00000
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-Expected: 0.00000
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-Expected: +0.00000
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-Expected: 4.38607e-07
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: 4.38607e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: +9.87654e+08
-Expected: +4.38607e-07
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-Expected: 4.386066e-07
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-Expected: 4.386066e-07
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-Expected: 0.000000
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-Expected: 0.000000
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-Expected: +0.000000
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-Expected: 4.386066e-07
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-Expected: 4.3860662e-07
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-Expected: 4.3860662e-07
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-Expected: 0.0000004
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-Expected: 0.0000004
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-Expected: +4.3860662e-07
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-Expected: 4.38606623e-07
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-Expected: 4.38606623e-07
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-Expected: 0.00000044
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-Expected: 0.00000044
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-Got: 987654312.
-Expected: 4.38606623e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: +4.38606623e-07
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-Expected: 4.386066230e-07
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-Expected: 4.386066230e-07
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-Expected: 0.000000439
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-Expected: 4.386066230211e-07
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: -987654312.000000
-Expected: -0.000000
-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: -0.000000
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: -4.386066e-07
-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: -4.386066e-07
-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: -4.3860662e-07
-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -9.8765431e+08
-Expected: -4.3860662e-07
-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: -4.3860662e-07
-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: -0.0000004
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-Expected: -0.0000004
-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: -987654312.0000000
-Expected: -0.0000004
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-Expected: -4.3860662e-07
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-Expected: -4.38606623e-07
-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: -4.38606623e-07
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-Expected: -4.38606623e-07
-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: -0.00000044
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-Precision is: 8
-Got: -987654312.00000000
-Expected: -0.00000044
-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: -0.00000044
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-Expected: -4.38606623e-07
-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312.
-Expected: -4.38606623e-07
-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -4.38606623e-07
-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: -4.386066230e-07
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-Expected: -4.386066230e-07
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-Expected: -0.000000439
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-Expected: -0.000000439
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-Expected: -0.000000439
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-Expected: -4.386066230e-07
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-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -4.38606623e-07
-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: -4.3860662302e-07
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-Expected: -4.3860662302e-07
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-Expected: -4.3860662302e-07
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-Expected: -0.0000004386
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-Expected: -0.0000004386
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-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: -4.38606623021e-07
-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: -4.38606623021e-07
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-Expected: -0.00000043861
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-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: -4.38606623021e-07
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-Expected: -4.386066230211e-07
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-Expected: -4.386066230211e-07
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-Expected: -0.000000438607
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-Expected: -0.000000438607
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-Expected: -4.386066230211e-07
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-Expected: -0.0000004386066
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-Expected: 5e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Got: 1.e+09
-Expected: 5.e-08
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-Got: +1e+09
-Expected: +5e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 5.5e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Expected: +5.5e-08
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-Expected: 5.5e-08
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-Expected: 0.0
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-Expected: 0.0
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-Expected: +0.0
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-Expected: 5.5e-08
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-Expected: 5.5e-08
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-Expected: +5.5e-08
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-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 5.48e-08
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-Expected: +5.48e-08
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-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 5.48e-08
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-Expected: 0.00
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-Expected: 0.00
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-Expected: +0.00
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-Expected: 5.48e-08
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-Expected: 5.48e-08
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-Expected: +5.48e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 5.483e-08
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-Expected: +5.483e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 5.483e-08
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-Expected: 0.000
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-Expected: 0.000
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-Expected: +0.000
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-Expected: 5.483e-08
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-Expected: 5.483e-08
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-Expected: +5.483e-08
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-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 5.4826e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Expected: +5.4826e-08
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-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 5.4826e-08
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-Expected: 0.0000
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-Expected: +0.0000
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-Expected: 5.4826e-08
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-Expected: 5.4826e-08
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-Expected: +5.4826e-08
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-Expected: 5.48258e-08
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-Expected: +5.48258e-08
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-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 5.48258e-08
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-Expected: 0.00000
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-Expected: 0.00000
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-Expected: +0.00000
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-Expected: 5.48258e-08
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-Expected: 5.48258e-08
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-Expected: 5.482583e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Got: +9.876543e+08
-Expected: +5.482583e-08
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 5.482583e-08
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-Expected: 0.000000
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-Expected: +0.000000
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-Expected: 5.482583e-08
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-Expected: 5.4825828e-08
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-Expected: +5.4825828e-08
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-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 5.4825828e-08
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-Expected: 0.0000001
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-Expected: +0.0000001
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-Expected: 5.4825828e-08
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-Expected: 5.4825828e-08
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-Expected: +5.4825828e-08
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-Expected: 5.48258279e-08
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: 5.48258279e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: 0.00000005
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-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: 0.00000005
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-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: +0.00000005
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-Expected: 5.48258279e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.
-Expected: 5.48258279e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 9
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +5.48258279e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Expected: 5.482582788e-08
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-Expected: +5.482582788e-08
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: 5.482582788e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: 0.000000055
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-Got: 987654312.000000000
-Expected: 0.000000055
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-Expected: +0.000000055
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-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: 987654312.0
-Expected: 5.482582788e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Expected: +5.482582788e-08
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-Expected: 5.4825827878e-08
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-Expected: 5.4825827878e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Expected: 0.0000000548
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-Expected: 0.0000000548
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-Expected: +0.0000000548
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-Expected: 5.4825827878e-08
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-Expected: 0.00000005483
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-Expected: 0.00000005483
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-Expected: +0.00000005483
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-Expected: 5.48258278776e-08
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-Expected: 5.482582787764e-08
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-Expected: 0.000000054826
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-Expected: +0.000000054826
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-Expected: 5.482582787764e-08
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-Expected: -5.48e-08
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-Expected: -5.483e-08
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-Expected: -5.483e-08
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-Expected: -5.483e-08
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-Expected: -5.48258279e-08
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-Got: -987654312.
-Expected: -5.48258279e-08
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-Expected: -5.48258279e-08
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-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: -5.4825827878e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Expected: -5.4825827878e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: -5.4825827878e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: -0.0000000548
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: -987654312.0000000000
-Expected: -0.0000000548
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: -987654312.0000000000
-Expected: -0.0000000548
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-Expected: -5.4825827878e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: -5.4825827878e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Expected: -5.4825827878e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Expected: -5.48258278776e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: -5.48258278776e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Expected: -0.00000005483
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: -0.00000005483
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: -0.00000005483
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-Expected: -5.48258278776e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: -5.48258278776e-08
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-Expected: -5.482582787764e-08
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-Expected: -0.000000054826
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-Expected: -0.000000054826
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-Expected: -0.000000054826
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-Expected: -5.482582787764e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Expected: -5.482582787764e-08
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-Expected: -5.4825827877636e-08
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-Expected: -5.4825827877636e-08
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-Expected: -0.0000000548258
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: -0.0000000548258
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-Expected: 7e-09
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-Expected: 7.e-09
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-Expected: +7e-09
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-Expected: +6.9e-09
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-Expected: 6.9e-09
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-Expected: 0.0
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-Expected: 0.0
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-Expected: 6.9e-09
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-Expected: 6.9e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: +6.9e-09
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-Expected: 6.85e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: +6.85e-09
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 6.85e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: 0.00
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-Expected: 0.00
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-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: +0.00
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-Expected: 6.85e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: +6.85e-09
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-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 6.853e-09
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-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: +6.853e-09
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-Expected: 6.853e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: 0.000
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-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: 0.000
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: +0.000
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: 6.853e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 6.853e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: +6.853e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 6.8532e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: 6.8532e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: 0.0000
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-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: 0.0000
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: +0.0000
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: 6.8532e-09
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-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 6.8532e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: +6.8532e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 6.85323e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: +6.85323e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: 6.85323e-09
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-Expected: 0.00000
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-Expected: 0.00000
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-Expected: +0.00000
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-Expected: 6.85323e-09
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-Expected: +6.85323e-09
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-Expected: 6.853228e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 6.853228e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: 0.000000
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-Expected: 6.853228e-09
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-Expected: 6.853228e-09
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-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 6.8532285e-09
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-Expected: 6.8532285e-09
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-Expected: 0.0000000
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: +0.0000000
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-Expected: 6.8532285e-09
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-Expected: 6.8532285e-09
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: 6.85322848e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: 0.00000001
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: 6.85322848e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.
-Expected: 6.85322848e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +6.85322848e-09
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-Expected: 6.853228485e-09
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-Got: 9.876543120e+08
-Expected: 6.853228485e-09
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-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: 0.000000007
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-Expected: 6.853228485e-09
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-Expected: +6.853228485e-09
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-Expected: 6.8532284847e-09
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-Got: +9.8765431200e+08
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: 9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: 6.8532284847e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: 0.0000000069
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Got: 987654312.0000000000
-Expected: 0.0000000069
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-Expected: 6.8532284847e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: 6.8532284847e-09
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-Expected: 6.85322848470e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: +6.85322848470e-09
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: 6.85322848470e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 11
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-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: 0.00000000685
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-Expected: +0.00000000685
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 6.8532284847e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: 6.85322848470e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 12
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +6.8532284847e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: 6.853228484704e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: +6.853228484704e-09
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-Precision is: 12
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: 0.000000006853
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-Expected: +0.000000006853
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-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 6.853228484704e-09
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-Expected: +6.853228484704e-09
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-Expected: 6.8532284847045e-09
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-Expected: +6.8532284847045e-09
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-Expected: 6.8532284847045e-09
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-Expected: 0.0000000068532
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-Expected: 0.0000000068532
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-Expected: +0.0000000068532
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-Got: -1e+09
-Expected: -7e-09
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-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: -7.e-09
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-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: -7e-09
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-Expected: -6.9e-09
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-Expected: -6.9e-09
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-Expected: -6.9e-09
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-Expected: -6.9e-09
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-Expected: -6.9e-09
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-Expected: -6.9e-09
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-Expected: -6.853e-09
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-Expected: -6.853e-09
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-Expected: -6.853e-09
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-Expected: -6.853e-09
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-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Got: -987654312.
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-Expected: -6.853228484704e-09
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-Got: -987654312
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-Expected: -6.8532284847045e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: -6.8532284847045e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 13
-Got: -9.8765431200000e+08
-Expected: -6.8532284847045e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 13
-Got: -987654312.0000000000000
-Expected: -0.0000000068532
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 13
-Got: -987654312.0000000000000
-Expected: -0.0000000068532
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 13
-Got: -987654312.0000000000000
-Expected: -0.0000000068532
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 1e+09
-Expected: 9e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 1.e+09
-Expected: 9.e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: +1e+09
-Expected: +9e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 8.6e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: +9.9e+08
-Expected: +8.6e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 8.6e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: 987654312.0
-Expected: 0.0
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: 987654312.0
-Expected: 0.0
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: +987654312.0
-Expected: +0.0
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 8.6e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 8.6e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: +9.9e+08
-Expected: +8.6e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 8.57e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: +9.88e+08
-Expected: +8.57e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 8.57e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: 987654312.00
-Expected: 0.00
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: 987654312.00
-Expected: 0.00
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: +987654312.00
-Expected: +0.00
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 8.57e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 8.57e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: +9.88e+08
-Expected: +8.57e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 8.567e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: +9.877e+08
-Expected: +8.567e-10
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-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 8.567e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 987654312.000
-Expected: 0.000
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: 987654312.000
-Expected: 0.000
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: +987654312.000
-Expected: +0.000
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 8.567e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 8.567e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: +9.877e+08
-Expected: +8.567e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 8.5665e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: +9.8765e+08
-Expected: +8.5665e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 8.5665e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: 0.0000
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: 987654312.0000
-Expected: 0.0000
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: +987654312.0000
-Expected: +0.0000
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were:
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-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 8.5665e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 8.5665e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: +9.8765e+08
-Expected: +8.5665e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 8.56654e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: +9.87654e+08
-Expected: +8.56654e-10
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 8.56654e-10
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-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: 0.00000
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: 987654312.00000
-Expected: 0.00000
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: +987654312.00000
-Expected: +0.00000
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were:
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-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 8.56654e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 8.56654e-10
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-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 6
-Got: +9.87654e+08
-Expected: +8.56654e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 8.566536e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 6
-Got: +9.876543e+08
-Expected: +8.566536e-10
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 8.566536e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: 0.000000
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: 987654312.000000
-Expected: 0.000000
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-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
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-Expected: +0.000000
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Expected: 8.566536e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 8.566536e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: +9.876543e+08
-Expected: +8.566536e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 8.5665356e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: +9.8765431e+08
-Expected: +8.5665356e-10
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 8.5665356e-10
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-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: 0.0000000
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: 987654312.0000000
-Expected: 0.0000000
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: +0.0000000
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-Expected: 8.5665356e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 8
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 8.5665356e-10
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-Precision is: 8
-Got: +9.8765431e+08
-Expected: +8.5665356e-10
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-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 8
-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 8.56653561e-10
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-Precision is: 8
-Got: +9.87654312e+08
-Expected: +8.56653561e-10
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-Precision is: 8
-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 8.56653561e-10
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: 0.00000000
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-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: 0.00000000
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Expected: +0.00000000
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-Expected: 8.56653561e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.
-Expected: 8.56653561e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 9
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +8.56653561e-10
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-Got: 9.876543120e+08
-Expected: 8.566535606e-10
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: 9.876543120e+08
-Expected: 8.566535606e-10
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-Expected: 0.000000001
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Expected: 0.000000001
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Expected: +0.000000001
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-Expected: 8.566535606e-10
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-Got: 987654312.0
-Expected: 8.566535606e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +8.566535606e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Got: 9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: 8.5665356059e-10
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: +8.5665356059e-10
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: 9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: 8.5665356059e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: 987654312.0000000000
-Expected: 0.0000000009
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: 987654312.0000000000
-Expected: 0.0000000009
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: +0.0000000009
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-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 8.5665356059e-10
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-Precision is: 11
-Got: 987654312.00
-Expected: 8.5665356059e-10
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-Precision is: 11
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +8.5665356059e-10
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-Expected: 8.56653560588e-10
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-Expected: +8.56653560588e-10
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-Precision is: 11
-Got: 9.87654312000e+08
-Expected: 8.56653560588e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: 0.00000000086
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-Expected: 0.00000000086
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: +0.00000000086
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-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 8.56653560588e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 12
-Got: 987654312.000
-Expected: 8.56653560588e-10
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-Precision is: 12
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +8.56653560588e-10
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-Expected: 8.566535605881e-10
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: +8.566535605881e-10
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: 8.566535605881e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Expected: 0.000000000857
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-Expected: 0.000000000857
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: +0.000000000857
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 8.566535605881e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Got: 987654312.0000
-Expected: 8.566535605881e-10
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-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +8.566535605881e-10
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-Expected: 8.5665356058806e-10
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: +8.5665356058806e-10
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-Precision is: 13
-Got: 9.8765431200000e+08
-Expected: 8.5665356058806e-10
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 0.0000000008567
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-Got: 987654312.0000000000000
-Expected: 0.0000000008567
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 13
-Got: +987654312.0000000000000
-Expected: +0.0000000008567
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1e+09
-Expected: -9e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1.e+09
-Expected: -9.e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1e+09
-Expected: -9e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -8.6e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -8.6e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -8.6e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: -987654312.0
-Expected: -0.0
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: -987654312.0
-Expected: -0.0
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -987654312.0
-Expected: -0.0
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -8.6e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -8.6e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -8.6e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -8.57e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -8.57e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -8.57e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: -0.00
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: -987654312.00
-Expected: -0.00
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: -987654312.00
-Expected: -0.00
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-Expected: -8.57e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -8.57e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -8.57e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -8.567e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -8.567e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -8.567e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: -987654312.000
-Expected: -0.000
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: -987654312.000
-Expected: -0.000
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: -987654312.000
-Expected: -0.000
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-Expected: -8.567e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: -8.567e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -8.567e-10
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-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -8.5665e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -8.5665e-10
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -8.5665e-10
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-Expected: -0.0000
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-Got: -987654312.0000
-Expected: -0.0000
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-Expected: -0.0000
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-Expected: -8.5665e-10
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-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -8.5665e-10
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -8.5665e-10
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-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -8.56654e-10
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -8.56654e-10
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -8.56654e-10
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-Expected: -0.00000
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-Got: -987654312.00000
-Expected: -0.00000
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-Got: -987654312.00000
-Expected: -0.00000
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-Expected: -8.56654e-10
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-Expected: -8.56654e-10
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-Expected: -8.56654e-10
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-Expected: -8.566536e-10
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-Expected: -8.566536e-10
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-Expected: -0.000000
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-Expected: -0.000000
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-Expected: -8.566536e-10
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-Expected: -8.5665356e-10
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-Expected: -0.0000000
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-Expected: -0.0000000
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-Expected: -8.56653561e-10
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-Expected: -8.56653561e-10
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-Expected: -0.00000000
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-Expected: -0.00000000
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-Expected: -0.00000000
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-Expected: -8.56653561e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312.
-Expected: -8.56653561e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -8.56653561e-10
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-Expected: -8.566535606e-10
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-Got: -9.876543120e+08
-Expected: -8.566535606e-10
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: -9.876543120e+08
-Expected: -8.566535606e-10
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-Expected: -0.000000001
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-Expected: -0.000000001
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-Expected: -0.000000001
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-Expected: -8.566535606e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Got: -987654312.0
-Expected: -8.566535606e-10
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -8.566535606e-10
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-Got: -9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: -8.5665356059e-10
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-Got: -9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: -8.5665356059e-10
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-Expected: -8.5665356059e-10
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-Expected: -0.0000000009
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-Expected: -0.0000000009
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-Expected: -0.0000000009
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-Expected: -8.5665356059e-10
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-Expected: -8.5665356059e-10
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-Precision is: 11
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -8.5665356059e-10
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-Expected: -8.56653560588e-10
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-Expected: -0.00000000086
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-Expected: -0.00000000086
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-Expected: -8.56653560588e-10
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-Expected: -8.56653560588e-10
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-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -8.56653560588e-10
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-Expected: -8.566535605881e-10
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-Expected: -0.000000000857
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-Expected: -0.000000000857
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-Expected: -8.566535605881e-10
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-Expected: -8.566535605881e-10
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-Expected: -8.566535605881e-10
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-Expected: -0.0000000008567
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-Got: -987654312.0000000000000
-Expected: -0.0000000008567
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: 1e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: 1.e+08
-Testing value 123456789
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-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: +1e+08
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-Expected: 1.2e+08
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-Expected: +1.2e+08
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-Expected: 1.2e+08
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-Expected: +123456789.0
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-Expected: 1.2e+08
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-Expected: 1.2e+08
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-Expected: +1.2e+08
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-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: 1.23e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: +1.23e+08
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 1.23e+08
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-Expected: 123456789.00
-Testing value 123456789
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-Expected: 123456789.00
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-Expected: 1.23e+08
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-Expected: 1.23e+08
-Testing value 123456789
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-Expected: +1.23e+08
-Testing value 123456789
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-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 1.235e+08
-Testing value 123456789
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-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: +1.235e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 1.235e+08
-Testing value 123456789
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-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: 123456789.000
-Testing value 123456789
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: 987654312.000
-Expected: 123456789.000
-Testing value 123456789
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-Expected: +123456789.000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
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-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 1.235e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 1.235e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: +9.877e+08
-Expected: +1.235e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 1.2346e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: +9.8765e+08
-Expected: +1.2346e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 1.2346e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 987654312.0000
-Expected: 123456789.0000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 987654312.0000
-Expected: 123456789.0000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: +987654312.0000
-Expected: +123456789.0000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 1.2346e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 1.2346e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: +9.8765e+08
-Expected: +1.2346e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 1.23457e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: +9.87654e+08
-Expected: +1.23457e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 1.23457e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 987654312.00000
-Expected: 123456789.00000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 987654312.00000
-Expected: 123456789.00000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: +987654312.00000
-Expected: +123456789.00000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 1.23457e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 1.23457e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 6
-Got: +9.87654e+08
-Expected: +1.23457e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 1.234568e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 6
-Got: +9.876543e+08
-Expected: +1.234568e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 1.234568e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 6
-Got: 987654312.000000
-Expected: 123456789.000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 6
-Got: 987654312.000000
-Expected: 123456789.000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 6
-Got: +987654312.000000
-Expected: +123456789.000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 1.234568e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 1.234568e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 7
-Got: +9.876543e+08
-Expected: +1.234568e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 1.2345679e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 7
-Got: +9.8765431e+08
-Expected: +1.2345679e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 1.2345679e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 7
-Got: 987654312.0000000
-Expected: 123456789.0000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 7
-Got: 987654312.0000000
-Expected: 123456789.0000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 7
-Got: +987654312.0000000
-Expected: +123456789.0000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 8
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 1.2345679e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 8
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 1.2345679e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 8
-Got: +9.8765431e+08
-Expected: +1.2345679e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 8
-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 1.23456789e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 8
-Got: +9.87654312e+08
-Expected: +1.23456789e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 8
-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 1.23456789e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 8
-Got: 987654312.00000000
-Expected: 123456789.00000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 8
-Got: 987654312.00000000
-Expected: 123456789.00000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 8
-Got: +987654312.00000000
-Expected: +123456789.00000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 123456789
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.
-Expected: 123456789.
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 9
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +123456789
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 9
-Got: 9.876543120e+08
-Expected: 1.234567890e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 9
-Got: +9.876543120e+08
-Expected: +1.234567890e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 9
-Got: 9.876543120e+08
-Expected: 1.234567890e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.000000000
-Expected: 123456789.000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.000000000
-Expected: 123456789.000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 9
-Got: +987654312.000000000
-Expected: +123456789.000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 10
-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 123456789
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 10
-Got: 987654312.0
-Expected: 123456789.0
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 10
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +123456789
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 10
-Got: 9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: 1.2345678900e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 10
-Got: +9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: +1.2345678900e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 10
-Got: 9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: 1.2345678900e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 10
-Got: 987654312.0000000000
-Expected: 123456789.0000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 10
-Got: 987654312.0000000000
-Expected: 123456789.0000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 10
-Got: +987654312.0000000000
-Expected: +123456789.0000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 11
-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 123456789
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 11
-Got: 987654312.00
-Expected: 123456789.00
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 11
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +123456789
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 11
-Got: 9.87654312000e+08
-Expected: 1.23456789000e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 11
-Got: +9.87654312000e+08
-Expected: +1.23456789000e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 11
-Got: 9.87654312000e+08
-Expected: 1.23456789000e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 11
-Got: 987654312.00000000000
-Expected: 123456789.00000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 11
-Got: 987654312.00000000000
-Expected: 123456789.00000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 11
-Got: +987654312.00000000000
-Expected: +123456789.00000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 12
-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 123456789
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 12
-Got: 987654312.000
-Expected: 123456789.000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 12
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +123456789
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 12
-Got: 9.876543120000e+08
-Expected: 1.234567890000e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 12
-Got: +9.876543120000e+08
-Expected: +1.234567890000e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 12
-Got: 9.876543120000e+08
-Expected: 1.234567890000e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 12
-Got: 987654312.000000000000
-Expected: 123456789.000000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 12
-Got: 987654312.000000000000
-Expected: 123456789.000000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 12
-Got: +987654312.000000000000
-Expected: +123456789.000000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 13
-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 123456789
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 13
-Got: 987654312.0000
-Expected: 123456789.0000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 13
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +123456789
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 13
-Got: 9.8765431200000e+08
-Expected: 1.2345678900000e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 13
-Got: +9.8765431200000e+08
-Expected: +1.2345678900000e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 13
-Got: 9.8765431200000e+08
-Expected: 1.2345678900000e+08
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 13
-Got: 987654312.0000000000000
-Expected: 123456789.0000000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 13
-Got: 987654312.0000000000000
-Expected: 123456789.0000000000000
-Testing value 123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 13
-Got: +987654312.0000000000000
-Expected: +123456789.0000000000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1e+09
-Expected: -1e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1.e+09
-Expected: -1.e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1e+09
-Expected: -1e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -1.2e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -1.2e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -1.2e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -987654312.0
-Expected: -123456789.0
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -987654312.0
-Expected: -123456789.0
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -987654312.0
-Expected: -123456789.0
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -1.2e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -1.2e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -1.2e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -1.23e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -1.23e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -1.23e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -987654312.00
-Expected: -123456789.00
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -987654312.00
-Expected: -123456789.00
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -987654312.00
-Expected: -123456789.00
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -1.23e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -1.23e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -1.23e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -1.235e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -1.235e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -1.235e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -987654312.000
-Expected: -123456789.000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -987654312.000
-Expected: -123456789.000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -987654312.000
-Expected: -123456789.000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -1.235e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -1.235e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -1.235e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -1.2346e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -1.2346e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -1.2346e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 4
-Got: -987654312.0000
-Expected: -123456789.0000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: -987654312.0000
-Expected: -123456789.0000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: -987654312.0000
-Expected: -123456789.0000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -1.2346e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -1.2346e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -1.2346e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -1.23457e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -1.23457e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -1.23457e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 5
-Got: -987654312.00000
-Expected: -123456789.00000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: -987654312.00000
-Expected: -123456789.00000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: -987654312.00000
-Expected: -123456789.00000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 6
-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -1.23457e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 6
-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -1.23457e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 6
-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -1.23457e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 6
-Got: -9.876543e+08
-Expected: -1.234568e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 6
-Got: -9.876543e+08
-Expected: -1.234568e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 6
-Got: -9.876543e+08
-Expected: -1.234568e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 6
-Got: -987654312.000000
-Expected: -123456789.000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 6
-Got: -987654312.000000
-Expected: -123456789.000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 6
-Got: -987654312.000000
-Expected: -123456789.000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -9.876543e+08
-Expected: -1.234568e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -9.876543e+08
-Expected: -1.234568e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -9.876543e+08
-Expected: -1.234568e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -9.8765431e+08
-Expected: -1.2345679e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -9.8765431e+08
-Expected: -1.2345679e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -9.8765431e+08
-Expected: -1.2345679e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -987654312.0000000
-Expected: -123456789.0000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -987654312.0000000
-Expected: -123456789.0000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -987654312.0000000
-Expected: -123456789.0000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 8
-Got: -9.8765431e+08
-Expected: -1.2345679e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 8
-Got: -9.8765431e+08
-Expected: -1.2345679e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 8
-Got: -9.8765431e+08
-Expected: -1.2345679e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 8
-Got: -9.87654312e+08
-Expected: -1.23456789e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 8
-Got: -9.87654312e+08
-Expected: -1.23456789e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 8
-Got: -9.87654312e+08
-Expected: -1.23456789e+08
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 8
-Got: -987654312.00000000
-Expected: -123456789.00000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 8
-Got: -987654312.00000000
-Expected: -123456789.00000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 8
-Got: -987654312.00000000
-Expected: -123456789.00000000
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -123456789
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312.
-Expected: -123456789.
-Testing value -123456789
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312
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-Expected: -1.234567890e+08
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-Expected: -1.234567890e+08
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-Expected: -123456789.000000000
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-Expected: -123456789.0000000000000
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-Expected: +1.5432098625000e+07
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 1.5432098625000e+07
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-Expected: 15432098.6250000000000
-Testing value 15432098.625
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-Expected: 15432098.6250000000000
-Testing value 15432098.625
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-Expected: +15432098.6250000000000
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-Precision is: 1
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1e+09
-Expected: -2e+07
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-Expected: -1.5e+07
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-Expected: -1.5e+07
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-Expected: -15432098.6
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-Expected: -15432098.6
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-Expected: -1.5e+07
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-Expected: -1.5e+07
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-Expected: -1.54e+07
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-Expected: -1.54e+07
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-Expected: -1.54e+07
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-Expected: -1.54e+07
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-Expected: -1.543e+07
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 1.929e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 1.929e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: +9.877e+08
-Expected: +1.929e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 1.9290e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: +9.8765e+08
-Expected: +1.9290e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 1.9290e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 987654312.0000
-Expected: 1929012.3281
-Testing value 1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 987654312.0000
-Expected: 1929012.3281
-Testing value 1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: +987654312.0000
-Expected: +1929012.3281
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 1.929e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 1.9290e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: +9.8765e+08
-Expected: +1.929e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 1.92901e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: +9.87654e+08
-Expected: +1.92901e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 1.92901e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: 1929012.32812
-Testing value 1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 987654312.00000
-Expected: 1929012.32812
-Testing value 1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
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-Got: +987654312.00000
-Expected: +1929012.32812
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 1.92901e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 1.92901e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: +9.87654e+08
-Expected: +1.92901e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 1.929012e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: +9.876543e+08
-Expected: +1.929012e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 1.929012e+06
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: 1929012.328125
-Testing value 1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 6
-Got: 987654312.000000
-Expected: 1929012.328125
-Testing value 1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
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-Expected: +1929012.328125
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: 1929012
-Testing value 1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 1929012.
-Testing value 1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 7
-Got: +9.876543e+08
-Expected: +1929012
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-Formatting flags were: scientific
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-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 1.9290123e+06
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-Got: +9.8765431e+08
-Expected: +1.9290123e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 1.9290123e+06
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: 1929012.3281250
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: 1929012.3281250
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: +1929012.3281250
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 1929012.3
-Testing value 1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 8
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 1929012.3
-Testing value 1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were: showpos
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-Expected: +1929012.3
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 8
-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 1.92901233e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Got: +9.87654312e+08
-Expected: +1.92901233e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 8
-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 1.92901233e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: 1929012.32812500
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 8
-Got: 987654312.00000000
-Expected: 1929012.32812500
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: +1929012.32812500
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 1929012.33
-Testing value 1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.
-Expected: 1929012.33
-Testing value 1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 9
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +1929012.33
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: 1.929012328e+06
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-Got: +9.876543120e+08
-Expected: +1.929012328e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Got: 9.876543120e+08
-Expected: 1.929012328e+06
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: 1929012.328125000
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.000000000
-Expected: 1929012.328125000
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: +1929012.328125000
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 1929012.328
-Testing value 1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 10
-Got: 987654312.0
-Expected: 1929012.328
-Testing value 1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were: showpos
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-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +1929012.328
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: 9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: 1.9290123281e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Got: +9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: +1.9290123281e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Got: 9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: 1.9290123281e+06
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: 1929012.3281250000
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: 987654312.0000000000
-Expected: 1929012.3281250000
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: +1929012.3281250000
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: 1929012.3281
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: 1929012.3281
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: +1929012.3281
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-Expected: 1.92901232812e+06
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-Expected: +1.92901232812e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Got: 9.87654312000e+08
-Expected: 1.92901232812e+06
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: 1929012.32812500000
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: 1929012.32812500000
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: +1929012.32812500000
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 1929012.32812
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: 1929012.32812
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: +1929012.32812
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: 1.929012328125e+06
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-Expected: +1.929012328125e+06
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Got: 9.876543120000e+08
-Expected: 1.929012328125e+06
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: 1929012.328125000000
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: 1929012.328125000000
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: +1929012.328125000000
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-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 1929012.328125
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: 1929012.328125
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: +1929012.328125
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 1.9290123281250e+06
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-Expected: +1.9290123281250e+06
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-Got: 9.8765431200000e+08
-Expected: 1.9290123281250e+06
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 1929012.3281250000000
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 1929012.3281250000000
-Testing value 1929012.328125
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-Expected: +1929012.3281250000000
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-Testing value -1929012.328125
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1.e+09
-Expected: -2.e+06
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1e+09
-Expected: -2e+06
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-Expected: -1.9e+06
-Testing value -1929012.328125
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-Expected: -1.9e+06
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-Expected: -1929012.3
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-Expected: -1929012.3
-Testing value -1929012.328125
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-Expected: -1929012.3
-Testing value -1929012.328125
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-Expected: -1.9e+06
-Testing value -1929012.328125
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-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -1.9e+06
-Testing value -1929012.328125
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-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -1.9e+06
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-Expected: -1.93e+06
-Testing value -1929012.328125
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-Expected: -1.93e+06
-Testing value -1929012.328125
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-Expected: -1.93e+06
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-Expected: -1929012.33
-Testing value -1929012.328125
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-Expected: -1929012.33
-Testing value -1929012.328125
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-Expected: -1929012.33
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-Expected: -1.93e+06
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-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -1.93e+06
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-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -1.93e+06
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-Expected: -1.929e+06
-Testing value -1929012.328125
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-Expected: -1.929e+06
-Testing value -1929012.328125
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-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -1.929e+06
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-Expected: -1929012.328
-Testing value -1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: -1929012.328
-Testing value -1929012.328125
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-Expected: -1929012.328
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-Expected: -1.929e+06
-Testing value -1929012.328125
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-Expected: -1.929e+06
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-Expected: -1.9290e+06
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-Expected: -1.9290e+06
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-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -1.9290e+06
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-Expected: -1929012.3281
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-Expected: -1929012.3281
-Testing value -1929012.328125
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-Expected: -1929012.3281
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-Expected: -1.9290e+06
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-Expected: -1.929e+06
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-Expected: -1.92901e+06
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-Expected: -1.92901e+06
-Testing value -1929012.328125
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-Expected: -1.92901e+06
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-Expected: -1929012.32812
-Testing value -1929012.328125
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-Expected: -1929012.32812
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-Expected: -1929012.32812
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-Expected: -1.92901e+06
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-Expected: -1.92901e+06
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-Expected: -1.92901e+06
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-Expected: -1.929012e+06
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-Got: -9.876543e+08
-Expected: -1.929012e+06
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-Got: -9.876543e+08
-Expected: -1.929012e+06
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-Expected: -1929012.328125
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-Expected: -1929012.328125
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-Expected: -1929012.328125
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-Expected: -1929012
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-Expected: -1929012.
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-Expected: -1929012
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-Testing value -1929012.328125
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-Expected: -1.9290123e+06
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-Expected: -1.9290123e+06
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-Expected: -1929012.3281250
-Testing value -1929012.328125
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-Expected: -1929012.3281250
-Testing value -1929012.328125
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: -1929012.3281250
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-Expected: -1929012.3
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-Expected: -1929012.3
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-Expected: -1929012.3
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-Expected: -1.92901233e+06
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-Expected: -1.92901233e+06
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-Expected: -1.92901233e+06
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-Expected: -1929012.32812500
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-Expected: -1929012.32812500
-Testing value -1929012.328125
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-Expected: -1929012.32812500
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-Expected: -1929012.33
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: -1929012.33
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-Expected: -1929012.33
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-Expected: -1.929012328e+06
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-Expected: -1.929012328e+06
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-Expected: -1929012.328125000
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-Expected: -1929012.328125000
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-Expected: 2.41e+05
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-Expected: 2.41e+05
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-Expected: 2.411e+05
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-Expected: 241126.541
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-Expected: 2.411e+05
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-Expected: +2.411e+05
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-Expected: +2.4113e+05
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-Expected: 2.4113e+05
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-Expected: 241126.5410
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-Expected: 241126.5410
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-Expected: 2.4113e+05
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-Expected: 2.4113e+05
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-Expected: +2.4113e+05
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-Expected: 2.41127e+05
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-Expected: 241126.54102
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-Expected: 241126.54102
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-Expected: 241127
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-Expected: 241127.
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-Expected: +241127
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-Expected: +2.411265e+05
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-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 2.411265e+05
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-Expected: 241126.5
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-Expected: 2.4112654e+05
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-Expected: 241126.5410156
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-Expected: 241126.5410156
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-Expected: 241126.54
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-Expected: +241126.54
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-Expected: +2.41126541e+05
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-Expected: 2.41126541e+05
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-Expected: 241126.54101562
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-Expected: 241126.54101562
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-Expected: 241126.541
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Expected: 241126.541
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Expected: +241126.541
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-Expected: 2.411265410e+05
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-Expected: +2.411265410e+05
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-Expected: 2.411265410e+05
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-Expected: 241126.541015625
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Expected: 241126.541015625
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Expected: +241126.541015625
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-Expected: 241126.541
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-Expected: +241126.541
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-Expected: 2.4112654102e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Expected: +2.4112654102e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Got: 9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: 2.4112654102e+05
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-Expected: 241126.5410156250
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Expected: 241126.5410156250
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-Expected: +241126.5410156250
-Testing value 241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: 241126.54102
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: 241126.54102
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: +241126.54102
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: 2.41126541016e+05
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: +2.41126541016e+05
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-Precision is: 11
-Got: 9.87654312000e+08
-Expected: 2.41126541016e+05
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-Expected: 241126.54101562500
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Expected: 241126.54101562500
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-Expected: 241126.541016
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-Expected: +241126.541016
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-Expected: 2.411265410156e+05
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-Expected: +2.411265410156e+05
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-Expected: 2.411265410156e+05
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-Expected: 241126.541015625000
-Testing value 241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: 241126.541015625000
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-Expected: +241126.541015625000
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-Expected: 241126.5410156
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-Expected: +241126.5410156
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-Expected: 2.4112654101562e+05
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-Expected: +2.4112654101562e+05
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-Expected: 2.4112654101562e+05
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-Expected: 241126.5410156250000
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-Expected: 241126.5410156250000
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-Expected: -2e+05
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-Expected: -241126.5
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-Expected: -2.4e+05
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-Expected: -241126.5410
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-Expected: -2.41127e+05
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-Expected: -241126.54102
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-Expected: -241127.
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-Expected: -2.411265e+05
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-Testing value -241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: -2.4112654101562e+05
-Testing value -241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: -2.4112654101562e+05
-Testing value -241126.541015625
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 13
-Got: -987654312.0000000000000
-Expected: -241126.5410156250000
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: -241126.5410156250000
-Testing value -241126.541015625
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: -241126.5410156250000
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Got: 1e+09
-Expected: 3e+04
-Testing value 30140.817626953125
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 1.e+09
-Expected: 3.e+04
-Testing value 30140.817626953125
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: +1e+09
-Expected: +3e+04
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 3.0e+04
-Testing value 30140.817626953125
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: +9.9e+08
-Expected: +3.0e+04
-Testing value 30140.817626953125
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 3.0e+04
-Testing value 30140.817626953125
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: 987654312.0
-Expected: 30140.8
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: 987654312.0
-Expected: 30140.8
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-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: +30140.8
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-Expected: 3e+04
-Testing value 30140.817626953125
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 3.0e+04
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: +9.9e+08
-Expected: +3e+04
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 3.01e+04
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: +9.88e+08
-Expected: +3.01e+04
-Testing value 30140.817626953125
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 3.01e+04
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-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: 30140.82
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-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: 30140.82
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-Expected: +30140.82
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-Expected: 3.01e+04
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-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 3.01e+04
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-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: +3.01e+04
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-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: 3.014e+04
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-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: +3.014e+04
-Testing value 30140.817626953125
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 3.014e+04
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-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: 30140.818
-Testing value 30140.817626953125
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: 987654312.000
-Expected: 30140.818
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-Expected: +30140.818
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-Expected: 3.014e+04
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-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 3.014e+04
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-Got: +9.877e+08
-Expected: +3.014e+04
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-Expected: 3.0141e+04
-Testing value 30140.817626953125
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-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: +3.0141e+04
-Testing value 30140.817626953125
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 3.0141e+04
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-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: 30140.8176
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-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: 30140.8176
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-Expected: 30141
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-Formatting flags were: showpoint
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-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 30141.
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-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: +30141
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-Formatting flags were: scientific
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-Expected: 3.01408e+04
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-Expected: +3.01408e+04
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-Expected: 3.01408e+04
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-Expected: 30140.81763
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-Expected: 30140.81763
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-Expected: 30140.8
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-Expected: 30140.8
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-Expected: +30140.8
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-Expected: 3.014082e+04
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-Expected: +3.014082e+04
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-Expected: 3.014082e+04
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-Expected: 30140.82
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-Expected: 30140.82
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-Expected: 3.0140818e+04
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-Expected: +3.0140818e+04
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-Expected: 3.0140818e+04
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-Expected: 30140.818
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-Expected: 30140.818
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-Expected: +3.01408176e+04
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-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 3.01408176e+04
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-Expected: 30140.81762695
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.
-Expected: 30140.8176
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-Expected: +30140.8176
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-Expected: 3.014081763e+04
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-Expected: +3.014081763e+04
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-Expected: 3.014081763e+04
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-Expected: 30140.817626953
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-Expected: +3.0140817627e+04
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-Expected: 3.0140817627e+04
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-Expected: 30140.8176269531
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-Expected: 30140.8176269531
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-Expected: 3.01408176270e+04
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-Expected: 30140.81762695312
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-Expected: 30140.81762695312
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-Expected: 30140.817626953125
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-Expected: 30140.8176269531250
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-Expected: -30140.8
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-Expected: -3.01e+04
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-Expected: -30140.82
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-Expected: -3.01e+04
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-Expected: -3.01e+04
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-Expected: -3.01e+04
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-Expected: -3.014e+04
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-Expected: -3.014e+04
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-Expected: -3.014e+04
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-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: -30140.818
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-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: -30140.818
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-Expected: -30140.818
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-Expected: -3.014e+04
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-Expected: -3.014e+04
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-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -3.014e+04
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-Expected: -3.0141e+04
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-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: -3.0141e+04
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-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: -3.0141e+04
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-Expected: -30140.8176
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-Expected: -30141
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-Expected: -30141.
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-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: -30141
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-Expected: -3.01408e+04
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-Expected: -3.01408e+04
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-Expected: -30140.81763
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-Expected: -3.0140818e+04
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-Expected: 3.768e+03
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-Expected: 3768.
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-Expected: +3.76760e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Expected: 3.76760e+03
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-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 3.767602e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Expected: 3767.602203
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: 3767.602203
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
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-Expected: +3767.602203
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-Expected: 3767.602
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: 3767.602
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: +9.876543e+08
-Expected: +3767.602
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: 3.7676022e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: +3.7676022e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 3.7676022e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: 3767.6022034
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: 987654312.0000000
-Expected: 3767.6022034
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Expected: +3767.6022034
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-Expected: 3767.6022
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-Precision is: 8
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 3767.6022
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: +3767.6022
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-Formatting flags were: scientific
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-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 3.76760220e+03
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-Expected: +3.76760220e+03
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-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 3.76760220e+03
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: 3767.60220337
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: 3767.60220337
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-Expected: +3767.60220337
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-Expected: 3767.6022
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.
-Expected: 3767.60220
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 9
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +3767.6022
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-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Expected: +3.767602203e+03
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-Expected: 3.767602203e+03
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-Expected: 3767.602203369
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Expected: 3767.602203369
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-Expected: +3767.602203369
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-Expected: 3767.602203
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-Expected: +3767.602203
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-Got: 9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: 3.7676022034e+03
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-Expected: 3767.6022033691
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Expected: 3767.6022033691
-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Expected: +3767.6022033691
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-Got: 9.87654312000e+08
-Expected: 3.76760220337e+03
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-Expected: 3767.60220336914
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-Expected: 3.767602203369e+03
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-Testing value 3767.602203369140625
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-Expected: 3767.602203369141
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-Expected: +3767.602203369141
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-Expected: 3.7676022033691e+03
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-Expected: 3767.6022033691406
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-Expected: -4e+03
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-Expected: -3.8e+03
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-Expected: -3.8e+03
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-Expected: -3.8e+03
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-Expected: -3767.6
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-Expected: -3767.6
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-Expected: -3.8e+03
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-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -3.8e+03
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-Expected: -3.77e+03
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-Got: -9.88e+08
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-Got: -9.88e+08
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-Expected: -3767.60
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-Expected: -3767.60
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-Expected: -3.77e+03
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-Expected: -3.77e+03
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-Expected: -3.768e+03
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-Expected: -3.768e+03
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-Expected: -3.768e+03
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-Expected: -3767.602
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-Expected: -3767.602
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-Expected: -3768
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-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -3768.
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-Expected: -3767.6022
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-Expected: -3767.6
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-Expected: -3767.6
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-Expected: -3.76760e+03
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-Expected: -3.767602e+03
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-Got: -9.87654312e+08
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-Expected: -3767.6022
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: -3767.60220
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-Expected: -3767.6022
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-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: -3.767602203e+03
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-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: -3.767602203e+03
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-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: -3.767602203e+03
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-Expected: -3767.602203369
-Testing value -3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: -3767.602203369
-Testing value -3767.602203369140625
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-Expected: -3767.602203369
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-Expected: -3.7676022034e+03
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-Precision is: 10
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: -3.7676022034e+03
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-Testing value -3767.602203369140625
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: -3767.6022033691
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-Expected: 5.e+02
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-Expected: 4.71e+02
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-Expected: 471.
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-Expected: 4.710e+02
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-Expected: +4.710e+02
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-Expected: 4.7095e+02
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-Expected: 4.7095027542e+02
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-Expected: 470.9502754211
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-Got: 9.87654312000e+08
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-Expected: +4.709502754211e+02
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-Expected: 4.709502754211e+02
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-Expected: 470.950275421143
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-Expected: 470.9502754211426
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-Expected: -471.
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-Expected: 59.
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-Expected: 5.89e+01
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-Expected: +5.89e+01
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-Expected: 5.89e+01
-Testing value 58.868784427642822266
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-Expected: 58.87
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-Expected: 58.87
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-Expected: 58.9
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-Expected: +58.9
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-Expected: 5.887e+01
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-Expected: +5.887e+01
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-Expected: 5.887e+01
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-Expected: 58.869
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-Expected: 58.869
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-Expected: 58.8688
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-Expected: 58.8688
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-Expected: +5.88688e+01
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-Expected: 5.88688e+01
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-Expected: 58.86878
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-Expected: -59.
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-Expected: -5.887e+01
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-Expected: -5.8869e+01
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-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: -58.8688
-Testing value -58.868784427642822266
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: -987654312.0000
-Expected: -58.8688
-Testing value -58.868784427642822266
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -58.869
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-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -58.869
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-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -58.869
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-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: -5.88688e+01
-Testing value -58.868784427642822266
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -5.88688e+01
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -5.88688e+01
-Testing value -58.868784427642822266
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-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: -58.86878
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: -987654312.00000
-Expected: -58.86878
-Testing value -58.868784427642822266
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-Got: -987654312.00000
-Expected: -58.86878
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-Expected: -58.8688
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: -58.8688
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: -58.8688
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-Expected: -5.886878e+01
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-Got: -9.876543e+08
-Expected: -5.886878e+01
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: -9.876543e+08
-Expected: -5.886878e+01
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: -58.868784
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-Expected: -58.868784
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-Expected: -58.868784
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-Expected: -58.86878
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-Expected: -58.86878
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-Got: -9.876543e+08
-Expected: -58.86878
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-Expected: -5.8868784e+01
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-Got: -9.8765431e+08
-Expected: -5.8868784e+01
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-Expected: -5.8868784e+01
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-Expected: -58.8687844
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-Expected: -58.8687844
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-Expected: -58.868784
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-Expected: -58.868784
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-Expected: -5.88687844e+01
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-Expected: -5.88687844e+01
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-Got: -9.87654312e+08
-Expected: -5.88687844e+01
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-Expected: -58.86878443
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-Expected: -58.8687844
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-Got: -987654312.
-Expected: -58.8687844
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-Expected: -58.8687844
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-Expected: -5.886878443e+01
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-Expected: -5.886878443e+01
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-Expected: -58.868784428
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-Expected: -58.868784428
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-Expected: -5.8868784428e+01
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-Expected: -58.8687844276
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-Expected: -58.868784428
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-Expected: -58.86878442764
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-Expected: -58.8687844276
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-Expected: -58.86878442764
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-Expected: -58.8687844276428
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-Expected: 7
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-Expected: 7.
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-Got: +1e+09
-Expected: +7
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-Expected: 7.4e+00
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-Expected: 7.4e+00
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-Expected: 7.36e+00
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-Expected: 7.359e+00
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-Expected: 7.359e+00
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-Expected: 7.359
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-Expected: +7.3586e+00
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-Expected: 7.3586e+00
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-Expected: 7.3586
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-Expected: 7.35860e+00
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-Expected: +7.35860e+00
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-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 7.35860e+00
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-Expected: 7.35860
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-Expected: 7.35860
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-Expected: +7.358598e+00
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-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 7.358598e+00
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-Expected: 7.358598
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-Expected: 7.358598
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-Expected: +7.358598
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-Expected: 7.358598
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-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 7.358598
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: +7.358598
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-Expected: 7.3585981e+00
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-Expected: +7.3585981e+00
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-Expected: -7.358598053
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-Expected: -7.3585980535
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-Expected: -7.3585980535
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-Expected: 9.19825e-01
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: +9.198247566819e-01
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-Expected: 9.198247566819e-01
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-Expected: 0.919824756682
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-Expected: 0.919824756682
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-Expected: 0.1
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-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
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-Expected: 0.1
-Testing value 0.11497809458523988724
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
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-Expected: +0.1
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: 0.11
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-Formatting flags were: showpoint
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-Expected: 0.11
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-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: 1.15e-01
-Testing value 0.11497809458523988724
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: +1.15e-01
-Testing value 0.11497809458523988724
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 1.15e-01
-Testing value 0.11497809458523988724
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: 987654312.00
-Expected: 0.11
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-Expected: 0.11
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-Expected: +0.11
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: 0.115
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-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 0.115
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-Expected: +0.115
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-Expected: 1.150e-01
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-Expected: +1.150e-01
-Testing value 0.11497809458523988724
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 1.150e-01
-Testing value 0.11497809458523988724
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-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: 0.115
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-Expected: 0.115
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-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 0.1150
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-Expected: +0.115
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-Expected: 1.1498e-01
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-Expected: +1.1498e-01
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-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 1.1498e-01
-Testing value 0.11497809458523988724
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-Expected: 0.1150
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-Expected: +0.11498
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-Formatting flags were: scientific
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-Expected: 1.14978e-01
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-Expected: +1.14978e-01
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-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 1.14978e-01
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-Expected: 0.11498
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-Expected: 0.114978
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-Expected: +0.114978
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-Expected: 1.149781e-01
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-Expected: +1.149781e-01
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-Expected: 1.149781e-01
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-Expected: 0.1149781
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-Expected: +0.1149781
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-Expected: 1.1497809e-01
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-Expected: 1.1497809e-01
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-Expected: 1.14978095e-01
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-Expected: 1.149780946e-01
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-Expected: 0.114978095
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-Expected: 1.1497809459e-01
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-Expected: -1.15e-01
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-Expected: -1.15e-01
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-Expected: -1.150e-01
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-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -1.150e-01
-Testing value -0.11497809458523988724
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
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-Expected: -1.150e-01
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -1.1498e-01
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-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -1.1498e-01
-Testing value -0.11497809458523988724
-Formatting flags were: fixed
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-Expected: -0.1150
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-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: -0.1150
-Testing value -0.11497809458523988724
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-Expected: -0.1150
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: -0.11498
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-Expected: -0.11498
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-Expected: -0.11498
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-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: -1.14978e-01
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-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: -1.14978e-01
-Testing value -0.11497809458523988724
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
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-Expected: -1.14978e-01
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-Expected: -0.11498
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-Expected: -0.11498
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: -0.114978
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-Expected: -0.114978
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-Expected: -1.149781e-01
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-Expected: -1.149781e-01
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-Expected: -1.149781e-01
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-Expected: -0.114978
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-Expected: -0.114978
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-Expected: -0.1149781
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-Expected: -0.1149781
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-Expected: -1.1497809e-01
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-Expected: -0.1149781
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-Expected: -0.11497809
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-Expected: -0.11497809
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-Expected: -0.114978095
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-Expected: -0.114978095
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-Expected: -0.1149780946
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-Expected: -0.11497809459
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-Expected: 0.01
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-Expected: 1.44e-02
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-Expected: 1.44e-02
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-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 1.4372e-02
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-Expected: 0.014372
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-Expected: 1.43723e-02
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-Expected: +1.43723e-02
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-Expected: 1.43723e-02
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: +1.437226e-02
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-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 1.437226e-02
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-Formatting flags were: fixed
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-Expected: 0.01437226
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-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 0.01437226
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: +0.01437226
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-Expected: 1.4372262e-02
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-Expected: -0.014372262
-Testing value -0.014372261823154985905
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: -0.014372262
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-Expected: -0.014372262
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-Expected: -0.01437226182
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-Expected: -0.01437226182
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: -0.0143722618
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-Expected: -1.43722618232e-02
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-Expected: 1.797e-03
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-Expected: 1.797e-03
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-Expected: +1.79653e-03
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-Expected: 1.79653e-03
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-Expected: 0.00179653
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-Expected: 1.796533e-03
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-Expected: 1.796532728e-03
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-Expected: 1.7965327279e-03
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: 1.79653272789e-03
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: +0.00179653272789
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-Expected: 1.796532727894e-03
-Testing value 0.0017965327278943732381
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: +1.796532727894e-03
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: 1.796532727894e-03
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: 0.001796532728
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: 0.001796532728
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-Expected: +0.001796532728
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-Expected: 0.001796532727894
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-Expected: 1.7965327278944e-03
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: +1.7965327278944e-03
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-Expected: 1.7965327278944e-03
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-Expected: 0.0017965327279
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-Precision is: 13
-Got: 987654312.0000000000000
-Expected: 0.0017965327279
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: +0.0017965327279
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-Expected: -0.002
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-Expected: -0.002
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-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: -1.8e-03
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-Expected: -1.8e-03
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-Expected: -0.0
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-Expected: -0.0
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-Expected: -0.0018
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-Expected: -0.0018
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-Expected: -0.0018
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-Expected: -1.80e-03
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-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -1.80e-03
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-Expected: -1.80e-03
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-Expected: -0.00
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-Expected: -0.0018
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-Expected: -0.00180
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-Expected: -0.0018
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-Expected: -1.797e-03
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-Expected: -1.797e-03
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-Expected: -0.002
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-Expected: -0.002
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-Expected: -0.001797
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-Expected: -0.001797
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-Expected: -1.7965e-03
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-Expected: -0.0018
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-Expected: -0.0018
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-Expected: -1.79653e-03
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-Expected: -1.79653e-03
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-Expected: -0.00180
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-Expected: -0.001797
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-Expected: -0.001797
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-Expected: -0.00179653273
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-Expected: 0.0002
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-Formatting flags were: showpoint
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-Expected: 0.0002
-Testing value 0.00022456659098679665476
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: +1e+09
-Expected: +0.0002
-Testing value 0.00022456659098679665476
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 2.2e-04
-Testing value 0.00022456659098679665476
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: +2.2e-04
-Testing value 0.00022456659098679665476
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-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: 2.2e-04
-Testing value 0.00022456659098679665476
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: 0.0
-Testing value 0.00022456659098679665476
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: 0.0
-Testing value 0.00022456659098679665476
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-Expected: +0.0
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-Expected: 0.00022
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-Expected: 0.00022
-Testing value 0.00022456659098679665476
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-Expected: +0.00022
-Testing value 0.00022456659098679665476
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 2.25e-04
-Testing value 0.00022456659098679665476
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: +2.25e-04
-Testing value 0.00022456659098679665476
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: 2.25e-04
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-Expected: 0.00
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-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: 0.00
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-Expected: +0.00
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-Expected: 0.000225
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-Expected: 0.000225
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-Expected: +0.000225
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-Expected: 2.246e-04
-Testing value 0.00022456659098679665476
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: +2.246e-04
-Testing value 0.00022456659098679665476
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 2.246e-04
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-Expected: 0.000
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-Expected: 0.000
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-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: +0.000
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-Expected: 0.0002246
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-Expected: 0.0002246
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-Expected: +0.0002246
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-Expected: 2.2457e-04
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-Expected: +2.2457e-04
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-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
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-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 2.2457e-04
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-Expected: 0.0002
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-Expected: +0.0002
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-Expected: 0.00022457
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-Expected: 0.00022457
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-Expected: +0.00022457
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-Expected: 2.24567e-04
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-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: +2.24567e-04
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-Expected: 2.24567e-04
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-Expected: +0.00022
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-Expected: 0.000224567
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-Expected: 0.000224567
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-Expected: 2.245666e-04
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-Expected: +2.245666e-04
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-Expected: 2.245666e-04
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-Expected: 0.0002245666
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-Expected: 0.0002245666
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-Expected: +2.2456659e-04
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-Expected: 2.2456659e-04
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-Expected: 0.00022456659
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: +2.24566591e-04
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: 2.24566591e-04
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-Expected: 0.000224566591
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-Expected: +2.245665910e-04
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: 2.245665910e-04
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-Expected: 2.24566590987e-04
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-Expected: 0.00022456659
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-Expected: -2.2e-04
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-Expected: -0.0
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-Expected: -0.00022
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-Expected: -0.00022
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -2.25e-04
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-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: -2.25e-04
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-Got: -9.88e+08
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-Got: -987654312.00
-Expected: -0.00
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: -987654312.00
-Expected: -0.00
-Testing value -0.00022456659098679665476
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: -987654312.00
-Expected: -0.00
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: -0.000225
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-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -0.000225
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-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -0.000225
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-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: -2.246e-04
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-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -2.246e-04
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-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -2.246e-04
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-Formatting flags were: fixed
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-Expected: -0.000
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-Expected: -0.000
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-Expected: -0.0002246
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-Expected: -0.0002246
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-Expected: -0.0002246
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-Expected: -2.2457e-04
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-Expected: -0.0002
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-Expected: -0.00022457
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-Expected: -0.00022457
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-Expected: -2.24567e-04
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-Expected: -0.000224567
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-Expected: -0.000224567
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-Expected: -2.245666e-04
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-Expected: 2.81e-05
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-Expected: 2.807e-05
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-Expected: 2.8071e-05
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-Expected: 2.8071e-05
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-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: 2.80708e-05
-Testing value 2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Expected: 0.00003
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: 987654312.00000
-Expected: 0.00003
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-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: +0.00003
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-Expected: 2.80708e-05
-Testing value 2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: 2.80708e-05
-Testing value 2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: +9.87654e+08
-Expected: +2.80708e-05
-Testing value 2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 2.807082e-05
-Testing value 2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: 2.807082e-05
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-Expected: 0.000028
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-Expected: 0.000028
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-Expected: 2.807082e-05
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-Expected: +2.807082e-05
-Testing value 2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Expected: 2.8070824e-05
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-Expected: 0.0000281
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-Expected: 0.0000281
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-Expected: +0.0000281
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-Expected: 2.8070824e-05
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-Expected: +2.8070824e-05
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-Expected: 2.80708239e-05
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-Expected: 0.00002807
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-Expected: 0.00002807
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-Expected: 2.80708239e-05
-Testing value 2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.
-Expected: 2.80708239e-05
-Testing value 2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: +2.80708239e-05
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-Expected: 0.000028071
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-Expected: 0.0000280708
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-Expected: 2.80708238733e-05
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-Expected: 0.000028070824
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-Expected: -2.81e-05
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-Expected: -2.81e-05
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-Expected: -0.000
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-Expected: -2.8070824e-05
-Testing value -2.8070823873349581845e-05
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: -2.8070824e-05
-Testing value -2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: -9.8765431e+08
-Expected: -2.8070824e-05
-Testing value -2.8070823873349581845e-05
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: -0.0000281
-Testing value -2.8070823873349581845e-05
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -987654312.0000000
-Expected: -0.0000281
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-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -987654312.0000000
-Expected: -0.0000281
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-Expected: -2.8070824e-05
-Testing value -2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Expected: -2.8070824e-05
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: -2.8070824e-05
-Testing value -2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: -2.80708239e-05
-Testing value -2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: -2.80708239e-05
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-Expected: -2.80708239e-05
-Testing value -2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: -0.00002807
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-Precision is: 8
-Got: -987654312.00000000
-Expected: -0.00002807
-Testing value -2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: -0.00002807
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-Expected: -2.80708239e-05
-Testing value -2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312.
-Expected: -2.80708239e-05
-Testing value -2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -2.80708239e-05
-Testing value -2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: -2.807082387e-05
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-Expected: -2.807082387e-05
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-Expected: -2.807082387e-05
-Testing value -2.8070823873349581845e-05
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-Expected: -0.000028071
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: -0.000028071
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-Expected: -0.000028071
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-Expected: -2.807082387e-05
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-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -2.807082387e-05
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-Expected: -2.8070823873e-05
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-Expected: -2.8070823873e-05
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-Expected: -0.0000280708
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-Expected: -0.0000280708
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-Expected: -2.80708238733e-05
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-Expected: -2.80708238733e-05
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-Expected: -2.80708238733e-05
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-Expected: -0.000028070824
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-Expected: -0.0000280708239
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: -0.0000280708239
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-Got: 1e+09
-Expected: 4e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 4.e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: +4e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 3.5e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: +3.5e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 3.5e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 0.0
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-Expected: 0.0
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-Expected: 3.5e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 3.5e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: +3.5e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 3.51e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: +3.51e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 3.51e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 0.00
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-Expected: 0.00
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-Expected: +0.00
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-Expected: 3.51e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 3.51e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: +3.51e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 3.509e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: +3.509e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 3.509e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 0.000
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-Expected: 0.000
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-Expected: +0.000
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 3.509e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 3.509e-06
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-Expected: +3.509e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 3.5089e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: +3.5089e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 3.5089e-06
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-Expected: 0.0000
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-Expected: 0.0000
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: +0.0000
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 3.5089e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 3.5089e-06
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-Expected: 3.50885e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 3.50885e-06
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-Expected: 0.00000
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-Expected: 0.00000
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-Expected: +0.00000
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-Expected: 3.50885e-06
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-Expected: 3.50885e-06
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-Expected: +3.50885e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 3.508853e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Got: +9.876543e+08
-Expected: +3.508853e-06
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 3.508853e-06
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-Expected: 0.000004
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-Expected: 0.000004
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: +0.000004
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-Expected: 3.508853e-06
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-Expected: +3.508853e-06
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-Expected: 3.5088530e-06
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: 3.5088530e-06
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-Expected: 0.0000035
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: +0.0000035
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: 3.508853e-06
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-Expected: 3.5088530e-06
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-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 3.50885298e-06
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-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 3.50885298e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: 0.00000351
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-Expected: 0.00000351
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: +0.00000351
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: 3.50885298e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.
-Expected: 3.50885298e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 9
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +3.50885298e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 9
-Got: 9.876543120e+08
-Expected: 3.508852984e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: 3.508852984e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: 0.000003509
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: 0.000003509
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-Expected: 3.508852984e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: 3.508852984e-06
-Testing value 3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: +3.508852984e-06
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-Expected: 3.5088529842e-06
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-Expected: 0.0000035089
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-Expected: 0.0000035089
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-Expected: +0.0000035089
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-Expected: 3.5088529842e-06
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-Expected: 3.5088529842e-06
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-Expected: 0.00000350885
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-Expected: 0.00000350885
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-Expected: 3.50885298417e-06
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-Expected: 0.000003508853
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-Expected: 3.508852984169e-06
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-Expected: 0.0000035088530
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-Expected: -3.51e-06
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-Expected: -3.509e-06
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-Expected: -3.509e-06
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-Expected: -3.509e-06
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-Expected: -3.50885298e-06
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: -0.0000035089
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-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: -0.0000035089
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: -3.5088529842e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: -3.5088529842e-06
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-Expected: -3.5088529842e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: -3.50885298417e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: -3.50885298417e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: -3.50885298417e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: -0.00000350885
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: -0.00000350885
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-Expected: -0.00000350885
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-Expected: -3.50885298417e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: -3.50885298417e-06
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-Expected: -3.508852984169e-06
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-Expected: -3.508852984169e-06
-Testing value -3.5088529841686977306e-06
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-Expected: -3.508852984169e-06
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-Expected: -0.000003508853
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-Expected: -0.000003508853
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-Expected: -3.508852984169e-06
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-Expected: -3.508852984169e-06
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-Expected: -3.5088529841687e-06
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-Expected: -0.0000035088530
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-Expected: -0.0000035088530
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-Expected: -0.0000035088530
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-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: 4.e-07
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-Expected: 4.4e-07
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-Expected: 4.4e-07
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-Expected: 0.0
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-Expected: 0.0
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-Expected: 4.4e-07
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-Expected: 4.4e-07
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-Expected: 4.39e-07
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-Expected: +4.39e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: 4.39e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: 0.00
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-Expected: 0.00
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-Expected: +0.00
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-Expected: 4.39e-07
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-Expected: 4.39e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: 4.386e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: +4.386e-07
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-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 4.386e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: 0.000
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-Expected: 0.000
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-Expected: +0.000
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-Expected: 4.386e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: 4.386e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: +4.386e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 4.3861e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: +4.3861e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: 4.3861e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: 0.0000
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-Expected: 0.0000
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-Expected: +0.0000
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-Expected: 4.3861e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: 4.3861e-07
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-Expected: +4.3861e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: 4.38607e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: 4.38607e-07
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-Expected: 0.00000
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-Expected: 0.00000
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-Expected: +0.00000
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-Expected: 4.38607e-07
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-Expected: +4.38607e-07
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-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: 4.386066e-07
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-Expected: 0.000000
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-Expected: 4.3860662e-07
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-Expected: 4.3860662e-07
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-Expected: 4.38606623e-07
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-Expected: 0.00000044
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-Expected: 4.38606623e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Got: 987654312.
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-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: +4.38606623e-07
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-Expected: 0.000000439
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-Expected: 4.3860662302e-07
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-Expected: 0.0000004386
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-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: 0.00000043861
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-Expected: 4.38606623021e-07
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-Expected: 4.386066230211e-07
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-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: 4.386066230211e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: 0.000000438607
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: 0.000000438607
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: +0.000000438607
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-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 4.386066230211e-07
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: +4.386066230211e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 4.3860662302109e-07
-Testing value 4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: +4.3860662302109e-07
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-Expected: 4.3860662302109e-07
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 0.0000004386066
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 0.0000004386066
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-Expected: +0.0000004386066
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-Got: -1e+09
-Expected: -4e-07
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-Got: -1.e+09
-Expected: -4.e-07
-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1e+09
-Expected: -4e-07
-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Expected: -4.4e-07
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-Got: -9.9e+08
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-Expected: -4.4e-07
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-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -4.39e-07
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-Expected: -4.39e-07
-Testing value -4.3860662302108721633e-07
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-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -4.386e-07
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-Expected: -4.386e-07
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-Expected: -4.38606623e-07
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-Expected: -0.0000004386066
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: 5e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 1.e+09
-Expected: 5.e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: +1e+09
-Expected: +5e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 5.5e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: +9.9e+08
-Expected: +5.5e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 5.5e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 987654312.0
-Expected: 0.0
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 987654312.0
-Expected: 0.0
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: +987654312.0
-Expected: +0.0
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 5.5e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 5.5e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: +9.9e+08
-Expected: +5.5e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 5.48e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: +9.88e+08
-Expected: +5.48e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 5.48e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: 0.00
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 987654312.00
-Expected: 0.00
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: +987654312.00
-Expected: +0.00
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 5.48e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 5.48e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: +9.88e+08
-Expected: +5.48e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 5.483e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: +9.877e+08
-Expected: +5.483e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 5.483e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 987654312.000
-Expected: 0.000
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 987654312.000
-Expected: 0.000
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: +987654312.000
-Expected: +0.000
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were:
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-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 5.483e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 5.483e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: +9.877e+08
-Expected: +5.483e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 5.4826e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: +9.8765e+08
-Expected: +5.4826e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 5.4826e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: 0.0000
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: 987654312.0000
-Expected: 0.0000
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: +987654312.0000
-Expected: +0.0000
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were:
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-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 5.4826e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 5.4826e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: +9.8765e+08
-Expected: +5.4826e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: scientific
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-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 5.48258e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: +9.87654e+08
-Expected: +5.48258e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 5.48258e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: 0.00000
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: 987654312.00000
-Expected: 0.00000
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: +987654312.00000
-Expected: +0.00000
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-Expected: 5.48258e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 5.48258e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: +9.87654e+08
-Expected: +5.48258e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: scientific
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-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 5.482583e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Got: +9.876543e+08
-Expected: +5.482583e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 5.482583e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: 0.000000
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-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
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-Expected: 0.000000
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Expected: +0.000000
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-Expected: 5.482583e-08
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 5.482583e-08
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-Got: +9.876543e+08
-Expected: +5.482583e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Expected: 5.4825828e-08
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-Expected: +5.4825828e-08
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 5.4825828e-08
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-Expected: 0.0000001
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-Got: 987654312.0000000
-Expected: 0.0000001
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: +0.0000001
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-Expected: 5.4825828e-08
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-Precision is: 8
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 5.4825828e-08
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-Expected: +5.4825828e-08
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-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 5.48258279e-08
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-Expected: +5.48258279e-08
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-Expected: 5.48258279e-08
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-Expected: 0.00000005
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-Expected: 0.00000005
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: +0.00000005
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-Expected: 5.48258279e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.
-Expected: 5.48258279e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +5.48258279e-08
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-Got: 9.876543120e+08
-Expected: 5.482582788e-08
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-Expected: +5.482582788e-08
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: 5.482582788e-08
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: 0.000000055
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-Expected: 0.000000055
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: +0.000000055
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-Expected: 5.482582788e-08
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-Got: 987654312.0
-Expected: 5.482582788e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +5.482582788e-08
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-Got: 9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: 5.4825827878e-08
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-Got: 9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: 5.4825827878e-08
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-Expected: 0.0000000548
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-Got: 987654312.0000000000
-Expected: 0.0000000548
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-Expected: +0.0000000548
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-Expected: 5.4825827878e-08
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-Got: 987654312.00
-Expected: 5.4825827878e-08
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-Expected: +5.4825827878e-08
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-Expected: 5.48258278776e-08
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-Expected: 5.48258278776e-08
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-Expected: 0.00000005483
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-Got: 987654312.00000000000
-Expected: 0.00000005483
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-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Expected: 5.48258278776e-08
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-Expected: 5.482582787764e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Expected: 0.000000054826
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-Got: 987654312.000000000000
-Expected: 0.000000054826
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-Expected: 5.482582787764e-08
-Testing value 5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Expected: 5.482582787764e-08
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 5.4825827877636e-08
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: 0.0000000548258
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-Expected: +0.0000000548258
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Got: -1e+09
-Expected: -5e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1.e+09
-Expected: -5.e-08
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-Formatting flags were: showpos
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-Expected: -5e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: scientific
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-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -5.5e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -5.5e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -5.5e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -987654312.0
-Expected: -0.0
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-Expected: -0.0
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: -987654312.0
-Expected: -0.0
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: -5.5e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -5.5e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: -5.5e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -5.48e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -5.48e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -5.48e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: -987654312.00
-Expected: -0.00
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Expected: -0.00
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: -987654312.00
-Expected: -0.00
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: -5.48e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -5.48e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: -5.48e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -5.483e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -5.483e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 3
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -5.483e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: -987654312.000
-Expected: -0.000
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: -987654312.000
-Expected: -0.000
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-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: -0.000
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-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: -5.483e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -5.483e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -5.483e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -5.4826e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -5.4826e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: -5.4826e-08
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-Expected: -0.0000
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-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: -0.0000
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-Got: -987654312.0000
-Expected: -0.0000
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-Expected: -5.4826e-08
-Testing value -5.4825827877635902041e-08
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -5.4826e-08
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -5.4826e-08
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-Expected: -5.48258e-08
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-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -5.48258e-08
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-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -5.48258e-08
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-Expected: -0.00000
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-Expected: -0.00000
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-Expected: -0.00000
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-Expected: -5.48258e-08
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-Expected: -5.48258e-08
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-Expected: -5.48258e-08
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-Expected: -5.482583e-08
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-Expected: -5.482583e-08
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-Expected: -5.482583e-08
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-Expected: -0.000000
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-Expected: -0.000000
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-Expected: -0.000000
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-Expected: -5.482583e-08
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-Expected: -5.4825828e-08
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-Expected: -0.0000001
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-Expected: -0.0000001
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-Expected: -5.4825828e-08
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-Expected: -5.48258279e-08
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-Expected: -5.48258279e-08
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-Expected: -0.00000005
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-Expected: -5.48258279e-08
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312.
-Expected: -5.48258279e-08
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-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -5.48258279e-08
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-Expected: -0.000000055
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-Expected: -0.000000055
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-Expected: -5.482582788e-08
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-Expected: -5.482582788e-08
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-Expected: -0.00000005483
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-Expected: -0.00000005483
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-Expected: -0.000000054826
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-Expected: -5.482582787764e-08
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-Expected: -0.0000000548258
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-Expected: -0.0000000548258
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-Expected: 7e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: 7.e-09
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-Expected: +7e-09
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-Expected: 6.9e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: +6.9e-09
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-Expected: 6.9e-09
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-Expected: 0.0
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-Expected: 6.9e-09
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-Expected: 6.9e-09
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-Expected: +6.9e-09
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-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 6.85e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: +6.85e-09
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-Expected: 6.85e-09
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-Expected: 0.00
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-Expected: 0.00
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-Expected: 6.85e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: 6.85e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: +6.85e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 6.853e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: 6.853e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: 0.000
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-Expected: 0.000
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: +0.000
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-Expected: 6.853e-09
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-Expected: 6.853e-09
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-Expected: +6.853e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 6.8532e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 4
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-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: 6.8532e-09
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-Expected: 0.0000
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: 987654312.0000
-Expected: 0.0000
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: +987654312.0000
-Expected: +0.0000
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 6.8532e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 6.8532e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: +9.8765e+08
-Expected: +6.8532e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 6.85323e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: +9.87654e+08
-Expected: +6.85323e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 6.85323e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: 0.00000
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: 0.00000
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: +0.00000
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: 6.85323e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 6.85323e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: +9.87654e+08
-Expected: +6.85323e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 6.853228e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: +9.876543e+08
-Expected: +6.853228e-09
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 6.853228e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: 0.000000
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: 0.000000
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: +0.000000
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-Expected: 6.853228e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: 6.853228e-09
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-Got: +9.876543e+08
-Expected: +6.853228e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 6.8532285e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Got: +9.8765431e+08
-Expected: +6.8532285e-09
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-Expected: 6.8532285e-09
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-Expected: 0.0000000
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: 0.0000000
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: +0.0000000
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-Expected: 6.8532285e-09
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-Expected: 6.8532285e-09
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-Expected: +6.8532285e-09
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: 6.85322848e-09
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-Expected: +6.85322848e-09
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-Expected: 6.85322848e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: 0.00000001
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-Expected: 0.00000001
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: 6.85322848e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.
-Expected: 6.85322848e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +6.85322848e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Got: 9.876543120e+08
-Expected: 6.853228485e-09
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: +6.853228485e-09
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: 6.853228485e-09
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-Expected: 0.000000007
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: 0.000000007
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-Expected: +0.000000007
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-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Got: 987654312.0
-Expected: 6.853228485e-09
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-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +6.853228485e-09
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-Got: 9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: 6.8532284847e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: +6.8532284847e-09
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: 6.8532284847e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: 0.0000000069
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Got: 987654312.0000000000
-Expected: 0.0000000069
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: +0.0000000069
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-Got: 987654312
-Expected: 6.8532284847e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 11
-Got: 987654312.00
-Expected: 6.8532284847e-09
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-Precision is: 11
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +6.8532284847e-09
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-Expected: 6.85322848470e-09
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-Expected: +6.85322848470e-09
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-Precision is: 11
-Got: 9.87654312000e+08
-Expected: 6.85322848470e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 11
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: 0.00000000685
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-Expected: +0.00000000685
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-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: 6.85322848470e-09
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-Precision is: 12
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +6.8532284847e-09
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-Got: 9.876543120000e+08
-Expected: 6.853228484704e-09
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-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 12
-Got: 9.876543120000e+08
-Expected: 6.853228484704e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: 0.000000006853
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-Expected: 0.000000006853
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-Expected: +0.000000006853
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-Got: 987654312
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-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 13
-Got: 987654312.0000
-Expected: 6.853228484704e-09
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: +6.853228484704e-09
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-Expected: 6.8532284847045e-09
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: +6.8532284847045e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 13
-Got: 9.8765431200000e+08
-Expected: 6.8532284847045e-09
-Testing value 6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: 0.0000000068532
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-Expected: 0.0000000068532
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-Expected: +0.0000000068532
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-Got: -1e+09
-Expected: -7e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1.e+09
-Expected: -7.e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1e+09
-Expected: -7e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: -6.9e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: -6.9e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -6.9e-09
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-Precision is: 1
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-Precision is: 1
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-Expected: -0.0
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-Expected: -6.9e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: -6.9e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -6.9e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -6.85e-09
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-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: -6.85e-09
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-Expected: -0.00
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -0.00
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -6.85e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -6.85e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -6.853e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -6.853e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -6.853e-09
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-Expected: -0.000
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-Expected: -0.000
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-Expected: -0.000
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-Expected: -6.853e-09
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-Expected: -6.853e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -6.853e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -6.8532e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -6.8532e-09
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-Expected: -6.8532e-09
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-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Got: -987654312.0000
-Expected: -0.0000
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -0.0000
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-Expected: -6.8532e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Got: -9.8765e+08
-Expected: -6.8532e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -6.85323e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -6.85323e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -0.00000
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -0.00000
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -6.85323e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -6.85323e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: -9.87654e+08
-Expected: -6.85323e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -6.853228e-09
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: -9.876543e+08
-Expected: -6.853228e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: -6.853228e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 6
-Got: -987654312.000000
-Expected: -0.000000
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 6
-Got: -987654312.000000
-Expected: -0.000000
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 6
-Got: -987654312.000000
-Expected: -0.000000
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: -6.853228e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -9.876543e+08
-Expected: -6.853228e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: -9.876543e+08
-Expected: -6.853228e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: -9.8765431e+08
-Expected: -6.8532285e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 7
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-Expected: -6.8532285e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: -9.8765431e+08
-Expected: -6.8532285e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: -987654312.0000000
-Expected: -0.0000000
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: -987654312.0000000
-Expected: -0.0000000
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 7
-Got: -987654312.0000000
-Expected: -0.0000000
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: -6.8532285e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 8
-Got: -9.8765431e+08
-Expected: -6.8532285e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 8
-Got: -9.8765431e+08
-Expected: -6.8532285e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: -6.85322848e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 8
-Got: -9.87654312e+08
-Expected: -6.85322848e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 8
-Got: -9.87654312e+08
-Expected: -6.85322848e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: -0.00000001
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-Precision is: 8
-Got: -987654312.00000000
-Expected: -0.00000001
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 8
-Got: -987654312.00000000
-Expected: -0.00000001
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-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: -6.85322848e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312.
-Expected: -6.85322848e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -6.85322848e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 9
-Got: -9.876543120e+08
-Expected: -6.853228485e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: -9.876543120e+08
-Expected: -6.853228485e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -6.853228485e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: -0.000000007
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312.000000000
-Expected: -0.000000007
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: -0.000000007
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-Expected: -6.853228485e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Got: -987654312.0
-Expected: -6.853228485e-09
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -6.853228485e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: -9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: -6.8532284847e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: -9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: -6.8532284847e-09
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: -6.8532284847e-09
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-Precision is: 10
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-Expected: -0.0000000069
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: -987654312.0000000000
-Expected: -0.0000000069
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-Expected: -0.0000000069
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-Expected: -6.8532284847e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -6.8532284847e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 11
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -6.8532284847e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -6.85322848470e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -6.85322848470e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: -6.85322848470e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 11
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-Expected: -0.00000000685
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-Expected: -0.00000000685
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-Expected: -0.00000000685
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-Expected: -6.8532284847e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -6.85322848470e-09
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-Precision is: 12
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -6.8532284847e-09
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-Expected: -6.853228484704e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 12
-Got: -9.876543120000e+08
-Expected: -6.853228484704e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -6.853228484704e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -0.000000006853
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: -0.000000006853
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 12
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-Expected: -0.000000006853
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-Expected: -6.853228484704e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Expected: -6.853228484704e-09
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-Precision is: 13
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -6.853228484704e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Got: -9.8765431200000e+08
-Expected: -6.8532284847045e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 13
-Got: -9.8765431200000e+08
-Expected: -6.8532284847045e-09
-Testing value -6.8532284847044877552e-09
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: -6.8532284847045e-09
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-Precision is: 13
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-Expected: -0.0000000068532
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-Precision is: 13
-Got: -987654312.0000000000000
-Expected: -0.0000000068532
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-Precision is: 13
-Got: -987654312.0000000000000
-Expected: -0.0000000068532
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-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 1e+09
-Expected: 9e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 1.e+09
-Expected: 9.e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: +1e+09
-Expected: +9e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 1
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 8.6e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 1
-Got: +9.9e+08
-Expected: +8.6e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 8.6e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Expected: 0.0
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Got: 987654312.0
-Expected: 0.0
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: +987654312.0
-Expected: +0.0
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Expected: 8.6e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.9e+08
-Expected: 8.6e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: +9.9e+08
-Expected: +8.6e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 8.57e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 2
-Got: +9.88e+08
-Expected: +8.57e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 2
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 8.57e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed
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-Expected: 0.00
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-Precision is: 2
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-Expected: 0.00
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 2
-Got: +987654312.00
-Expected: +0.00
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: 8.57e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.88e+08
-Expected: 8.57e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: +9.88e+08
-Expected: +8.57e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 8.567e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 3
-Got: +9.877e+08
-Expected: +8.567e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 3
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 8.567e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: 0.000
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: 0.000
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 3
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-Expected: +0.000
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-Expected: 8.567e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.877e+08
-Expected: 8.567e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: +9.877e+08
-Expected: +8.567e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 8.5665e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 4
-Got: +9.8765e+08
-Expected: +8.5665e-10
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 8.5665e-10
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-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: 0.0000
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-Precision is: 4
-Got: 987654312.0000
-Expected: 0.0000
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 4
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-Expected: +0.0000
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were:
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-Expected: 8.5665e-10
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.8765e+08
-Expected: 8.5665e-10
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-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: +9.8765e+08
-Expected: +8.5665e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 8.56654e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 5
-Got: +9.87654e+08
-Expected: +8.56654e-10
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 8.56654e-10
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-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: 0.00000
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-Precision is: 5
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-Expected: 0.00000
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 5
-Got: +987654312.00000
-Expected: +0.00000
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-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 8.56654e-10
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.87654e+08
-Expected: 8.56654e-10
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: +9.87654e+08
-Expected: +8.56654e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 8.566536e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 6
-Got: +9.876543e+08
-Expected: +8.566536e-10
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 8.566536e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: 0.000000
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-Precision is: 6
-Got: 987654312.000000
-Expected: 0.000000
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 6
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-Expected: +0.000000
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Expected: 8.566536e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.876543e+08
-Expected: 8.566536e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: +9.876543e+08
-Expected: +8.566536e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 8.5665356e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: +9.8765431e+08
-Expected: +8.5665356e-10
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 8.5665356e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 7
-Got: 987654312.0000000
-Expected: 0.0000000
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: 987654312.0000000
-Expected: 0.0000000
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 7
-Got: +987654312.0000000
-Expected: +0.0000000
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were:
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-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 8.5665356e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 8
-Got: 9.8765431e+08
-Expected: 8.5665356e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 8
-Got: +9.8765431e+08
-Expected: +8.5665356e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 8
-Got: 9.87654312e+08
-Expected: 8.56653561e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: +8.56653561e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: 8.56653561e-10
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: 0.00000000
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-Precision is: 8
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-Expected: 0.00000000
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-Expected: +0.00000000
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-Expected: 8.56653561e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: 987654312.
-Expected: 8.56653561e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 9
-Got: +987654312
-Expected: +8.56653561e-10
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: 9.876543120e+08
-Expected: 8.566535606e-10
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-Expected: +8.566535606e-10
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-Precision is: 9
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-Expected: 8.566535606e-10
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-Expected: 0.000000001
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-Expected: 0.000000001
-Testing value 8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Expected: +0.000000001
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-Expected: 8.566535606e-10
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-Expected: 8.566535606e-10
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-Precision is: 10
-Got: +987654312
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-Expected: 8.5665356059e-10
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-Expected: +8.5665356059e-10
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-Expected: 8.5665356059e-10
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-Expected: 0.0000000009
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-Expected: 0.0000000009
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-Expected: +0.0000000009
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-Expected: 8.5665356059e-10
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-Expected: 8.56653560588e-10
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-Expected: +8.56653560588e-10
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-Expected: 0.00000000086
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-Expected: 0.00000000086
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-Expected: 8.566535605881e-10
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-Expected: 0.000000000857
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-Expected: 8.566535605881e-10
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-Expected: 8.5665356058806e-10
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-Expected: 8.5665356058806e-10
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-Expected: 0.0000000008567
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-Expected: 0.0000000008567
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-Expected: +0.0000000008567
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1.e+09
-Expected: -9.e-10
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-Precision is: 1
-Got: -1e+09
-Expected: -9e-10
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-Expected: -8.6e-10
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-Got: -9.9e+08
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-Got: -9.9e+08
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-Expected: -8.6e-10
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-Expected: -8.6e-10
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-Got: -9.9e+08
-Expected: -8.6e-10
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-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -8.57e-10
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-Expected: -8.57e-10
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-Expected: -8.57e-10
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-Expected: -8.57e-10
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-Got: -9.88e+08
-Expected: -8.57e-10
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-Expected: -8.567e-10
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-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -8.567e-10
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-Got: -9.877e+08
-Expected: -8.567e-10
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-Expected: -0.000
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-Expected: -0.000
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-Expected: -8.567e-10
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-Expected: -8.567e-10
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-Expected: -8.567e-10
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-Expected: -8.5665e-10
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-Expected: -8.5665e-10
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-Expected: -8.5665e-10
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-Expected: -8.56654e-10
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-Expected: -8.56654e-10
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-Expected: -8.566536e-10
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-Expected: -8.5665356e-10
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-Expected: -8.56653561e-10
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-Expected: -8.56653561e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312.
-Expected: -8.56653561e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
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-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -8.56653561e-10
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-Expected: -8.566535606e-10
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-Expected: -8.566535606e-10
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-Precision is: 9
-Got: -9.876543120e+08
-Expected: -8.566535606e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312.000000000
-Expected: -0.000000001
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312.000000000
-Expected: -0.000000001
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 9
-Got: -987654312.000000000
-Expected: -0.000000001
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 10
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -8.566535606e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 10
-Got: -987654312.0
-Expected: -8.566535606e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 10
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -8.566535606e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 10
-Got: -9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: -8.5665356059e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 10
-Got: -9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: -8.5665356059e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 10
-Got: -9.8765431200e+08
-Expected: -8.5665356059e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 10
-Got: -987654312.0000000000
-Expected: -0.0000000009
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 10
-Got: -987654312.0000000000
-Expected: -0.0000000009
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 10
-Got: -987654312.0000000000
-Expected: -0.0000000009
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 11
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -8.5665356059e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 11
-Got: -987654312.00
-Expected: -8.5665356059e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 11
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -8.5665356059e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 11
-Got: -9.87654312000e+08
-Expected: -8.56653560588e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 11
-Got: -9.87654312000e+08
-Expected: -8.56653560588e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 11
-Got: -9.87654312000e+08
-Expected: -8.56653560588e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 11
-Got: -987654312.00000000000
-Expected: -0.00000000086
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 11
-Got: -987654312.00000000000
-Expected: -0.00000000086
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 11
-Got: -987654312.00000000000
-Expected: -0.00000000086
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 12
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -8.56653560588e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 12
-Got: -987654312.000
-Expected: -8.56653560588e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 12
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -8.56653560588e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 12
-Got: -9.876543120000e+08
-Expected: -8.566535605881e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 12
-Got: -9.876543120000e+08
-Expected: -8.566535605881e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 12
-Got: -9.876543120000e+08
-Expected: -8.566535605881e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 12
-Got: -987654312.000000000000
-Expected: -0.000000000857
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 12
-Got: -987654312.000000000000
-Expected: -0.000000000857
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 12
-Got: -987654312.000000000000
-Expected: -0.000000000857
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were:
-Precision is: 13
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -8.566535605881e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpoint
-Precision is: 13
-Got: -987654312.0000
-Expected: -8.566535605881e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: showpos
-Precision is: 13
-Got: -987654312
-Expected: -8.566535605881e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific
-Precision is: 13
-Got: -9.8765431200000e+08
-Expected: -8.5665356058806e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpos
-Precision is: 13
-Got: -9.8765431200000e+08
-Expected: -8.5665356058806e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: scientific showpoint
-Precision is: 13
-Got: -9.8765431200000e+08
-Expected: -8.5665356058806e-10
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed
-Precision is: 13
-Got: -987654312.0000000000000
-Expected: -0.0000000008567
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpoint
-Precision is: 13
-Got: -987654312.0000000000000
-Expected: -0.0000000008567
-Testing value -8.5665356058806096939e-10
-Formatting flags were: fixed showpos
-Precision is: 13
-Got: -987654312.0000000000000
-Expected: -0.0000000008567
-9360 errors detected.
-====== END OUTPUT ======
- "bin/test_float_io_cpp_dec_float.test/clang-darwin-2.9x/release/test_float_io_cpp_dec_float" > "bin/test_float_io_cpp_dec_float.test/clang-darwin-2.9x/release/test_float_io_cpp_dec_float.output" 2>&1
- status=$?
- echo >> "bin/test_float_io_cpp_dec_float.test/clang-darwin-2.9x/release/test_float_io_cpp_dec_float.output"
- echo EXIT STATUS: $status >> "bin/test_float_io_cpp_dec_float.test/clang-darwin-2.9x/release/test_float_io_cpp_dec_float.output"
- if test $status -eq 0 ; then
- cp "bin/test_float_io_cpp_dec_float.test/clang-darwin-2.9x/release/test_float_io_cpp_dec_float.output" "bin/test_float_io_cpp_dec_float.test/clang-darwin-2.9x/release/test_float_io_cpp_dec_float.run"
- fi
- verbose=0
- if test $status -ne 0 ; then
- verbose=1
- fi
- if test $verbose -eq 1 ; then
- echo ====== BEGIN OUTPUT ======
- cat "bin/test_float_io_cpp_dec_float.test/clang-darwin-2.9x/release/test_float_io_cpp_dec_float.output"
- echo ====== END OUTPUT ======
- fi
- exit $status
-...failed testing.capture-output bin/test_float_io_cpp_dec_float.test/clang-darwin-2.9x/release/test_float_io_cpp_dec_float.run...
-...failed updating 2 targets...
-...skipped 2 targets...
Modified: trunk/status/Jamfile.v2
--- trunk/status/Jamfile.v2 (original)
+++ trunk/status/Jamfile.v2 2012-11-18 13:56:59 EST (Sun, 18 Nov 2012)
@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@
logic/test # test-suite logic
lockfree/test # test-suite lockfree
math/test # test-suite math
+ multiprecision/test # test-suite multiprecision
move/example # test-suite move_example
move/test # test-suite move_test
mpi/test # test-suite mpi
@@ -166,3 +167,4 @@
run-tests tools :
Boost-Commit list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk