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Boost-Commit : |
Subject: [Boost-commit] svn:boost r83291 - sandbox/rational
From: dansearles_at_[hidden]
Date: 2013-03-03 21:50:34
Author: mrdans
Date: 2013-03-03 21:50:33 EST (Sun, 03 Mar 2013)
New Revision: 83291
URL: http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/83291
Converted to partially specialized templates to further separate the overflow checking functions from the original non-checking forms.
Text files modified:
sandbox/rational/rational.hpp | 854 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
1 files changed, 556 insertions(+), 298 deletions(-)
Modified: sandbox/rational/rational.hpp
--- sandbox/rational/rational.hpp (original)
+++ sandbox/rational/rational.hpp 2013-03-03 21:50:33 EST (Sun, 03 Mar 2013)
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
res_lo += 1;
if(res_lo == 0)
- res_hi++;
+ res_hi++;
@@ -214,13 +214,9 @@
explicit rational_overflow() : std::domain_error("rational error: over or underflow") {}
-template <typename IntType, rational_checktype CheckingMode=rational_no_checking>
-class rational;
-template <typename IntType, rational_checktype CheckingMode>
-rational<IntType, CheckingMode> abs(const rational<IntType, CheckingMode>& r);
-template <typename IntType, rational_checktype CheckingMode>
+template <typename IntType, rational_checktype CheckingMode=rational_no_checking>
class rational :
less_than_comparable < rational<IntType, CheckingMode>,
equality_comparable < rational<IntType, CheckingMode>,
@@ -311,6 +307,122 @@
bool operator> (param_type i) const;
bool operator== (param_type i) const;
+ rational& assignNoNorm(param_type n, param_type d) { num = n; den = d; return *this;}
+ // Implementation - numerator and denominator (normalized).
+ // Other possibilities - separate whole-part, or sign, fields?
+ IntType num;
+ IntType den;
+ // Representation note: Fractions are kept in normalized form at all
+ // times. Normalized form is defined as gcd(num,den) == 1 and den > 0.
+ // In particular, note that the implementation of abs() below relies
+ // on den always being positive.
+ bool test_invariant() const
+ {
+ return ( this->den > int_type(0) ) && ( math::gcd(this->num, this->den) == int_type(1) );
+ }
+ void normalize();
+// Partially specialize the class for the overflow checking.
+template <typename IntType>
+class rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow> :
+ less_than_comparable < rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>,
+ equality_comparable < rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>,
+ less_than_comparable2 < rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>, IntType,
+ equality_comparable2 < rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>, IntType,
+ addable < rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>,
+ subtractable < rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>,
+ multipliable < rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>,
+ dividable < rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>,
+ addable2 < rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>, IntType,
+ subtractable2 < rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>, IntType,
+ subtractable2_left < rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>, IntType,
+ multipliable2 < rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>, IntType,
+ dividable2 < rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>, IntType,
+ dividable2_left < rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>, IntType,
+ incrementable < rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>,
+ decrementable < rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>
+ > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >
+ // Class-wide pre-conditions
+ BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( ::std::numeric_limits<IntType>::is_specialized );
+ // Checking for overflow requires IntType be signed.
+ BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( ::std::numeric_limits<IntType>::is_signed);
+ // Helper types
+ typedef typename boost::call_traits<IntType>::param_type param_type;
+ struct helper { IntType parts[2]; };
+ typedef IntType (helper::* bool_type)[2];
+ typedef IntType int_type;
+ rational() : num(0), den(1) {}
+ rational(param_type n) : num(n), den(1) {}
+ rational(param_type n, param_type d) : num(n), den(d) {normalize();}
+ // Default copy constructor and assignment are fine
+ // Add assignment from IntType
+ rational& operator=(param_type i) { num = i; den = 1; return *this; }
+ // Assign in place
+ rational& assign(param_type n, param_type d);
+ // Access to representation
+ inline IntType numerator() const { return num; }
+ inline IntType denominator() const { return den; }
+ // Arithmetic assignment operators
+ rational& operator+= (const rational& r);
+ rational& operator-= (const rational& r);
+ rational& operator*= (const rational& r);
+ rational& operator/= (const rational& r);
+ rational& operator+= (param_type i);
+ rational& operator-= (param_type i);
+ rational& operator*= (param_type i);
+ rational& operator/= (param_type i);
+ // Increment and decrement
+ const rational& operator++();
+ const rational& operator--();
+ // Operator not
+ bool operator!() const { return !num; }
+ // Boolean conversion
+#if BOOST_WORKAROUND(__MWERKS__,<=0x3003)
+ // The "ISO C++ Template Parser" option in CW 8.3 chokes on the
+ // following, hence we selectively disable that option for the
+ // offending memfun.
+#pragma parse_mfunc_templ off
+ operator bool_type() const { return operator !() ? 0 : &helper::parts; }
+#if BOOST_WORKAROUND(__MWERKS__,<=0x3003)
+#pragma parse_mfunc_templ reset
+ // Comparison operators
+ bool operator< (const rational& r) const;
+ bool operator== (const rational& r) const;
+ bool operator< (param_type i) const;
+ bool operator> (param_type i) const;
+ bool operator== (param_type i) const;
+ rational& assignNoNorm(param_type n, param_type d) { num = n; den = d; return *this;}
// Implementation - numerator and denominator (normalized).
// Other possibilities - separate whole-part, or sign, fields?
@@ -334,141 +446,162 @@
return *this;
+template <typename IntType>
+inline rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>& rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>::assign(param_type n, param_type d)
+ num = n;
+ den = d;
+ normalize();
+ return *this;
-// Unary plus and minus
+// Unary plus (for any/all CheckingMode's)
template <typename IntType, rational_checktype CheckingMode>
inline rational<IntType, CheckingMode> operator+ (const rational<IntType, CheckingMode>& r)
return r;
+// Unary minus
template <typename IntType, rational_checktype CheckingMode>
-inline rational<IntType, CheckingMode> operator- (const rational<IntType, CheckingMode>& r)
+rational<IntType, CheckingMode>
+operator- (const rational<IntType, CheckingMode>& r)
- IntType negnumer = ~r.numerator(); ++negnumer;
- if(CheckingMode==rational_check_for_overflow)
- {
- if(negnumer && (r.numerator() == negnumer))
- throw rational_overflow();
- }
- return rational<IntType, CheckingMode>(negnumer, r.denominator());
+ rational<IntType, CheckingMode> retRational;
+ retRational.assignNoNorm(-r.numerator(), r.denominator());
+ return retRational;
+template <typename IntType>
+rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow> operator- (const rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>& r)
+ IntType negnumer = -r.numerator();
+ if(negnumer && (r.numerator() == negnumer))
+ throw rational_overflow();
+ rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow> retRational;
+ retRational.assignNoNorm(negnumer, r.denominator());
+ return retRational;
+template <typename IntType, rational_checktype CheckingMode>
+rational<IntType, CheckingMode> abs(const rational<IntType, CheckingMode>& r);
// Arithmetic assignment operators
template <typename IntType, rational_checktype CheckingMode>
-rational<IntType, CheckingMode>& rational<IntType, CheckingMode>::operator+= (const rational<IntType, CheckingMode>& r)
+ rational<IntType, CheckingMode>& rational<IntType, CheckingMode>::operator+= (const rational<IntType, CheckingMode>& r)
- if(CheckingMode==rational_check_for_overflow)
- {
- const int num_bits = sizeof(IntType)*CHAR_BIT;
- const IntType zero(0);
- const IntType one(1);
- const IntType neg1(-1);
- IntType part1_h,part1_l,part2_h,part2_l,new_num_h,tmp;
- // Protect against self-modification
- IntType r_num = r.num;
- IntType r_den = r.den;
- IntType r_den_g = r.den;
+ // This calculation avoids overflow, and minimises the number of expensive
+ // calculations. Thanks to Nickolay Mladenov for this algorithm.
+ //
+ // Proof:
+ // We have to compute a/b + c/d, where gcd(a,b)=1 and gcd(b,c)=1.
+ // Let g = gcd(b,d), and b = b1*g, d=d1*g. Then gcd(b1,d1)=1
+ //
+ // The result is (a*d1 + c*b1) / (b1*d1*g).
+ // Now we have to normalize this ratio.
+ // Let's assume h | gcd((a*d1 + c*b1), (b1*d1*g)), and h > 1
+ // If h | b1 then gcd(h,d1)=1 and hence h|(a*d1+c*b1) => h|a.
+ // But since gcd(a,b1)=1 we have h=1.
+ // Similarly h|d1 leads to h=1.
+ // So we have that h | gcd((a*d1 + c*b1) , (b1*d1*g)) => h|g
+ // Finally we have gcd((a*d1 + c*b1), (b1*d1*g)) = gcd((a*d1 + c*b1), g)
+ // Which proves that instead of normalizing the result, it is better to
+ // divide num and den by gcd((a*d1 + c*b1), g)
- IntType g = math::gcd(den, r_den);
+ // Protect against self-modification
+ IntType r_num = r.num;
+ IntType r_den = r.den;
- if(g != one)
- {
- den /= g;
- r_den_g /= g;
- }
+ IntType g = math::gcd(den, r_den);
+ den /= g; // = b1 from the calculations above
+ num = num * (r_den / g) + r_num * den;
+ g = math::gcd(num, g);
+ num /= g;
+ den *= r_den/g;
- detail::mul2int<IntType>(part1_h,part1_l, num, r_den_g);
- detail::mul2int<IntType>(part2_h,part2_l, r_num, den);
- bool ovfl = detail::add2int<IntType/*, CheckingMode*/>(new_num_h, num,part1_h,part1_l,part2_h,part2_l);
- tmp = num>>(num_bits-1);
- if(new_num_h!=tmp)
- throw rational_overflow();
+ return *this;
+template <typename IntType>
+rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>& rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>::operator+= (const rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>& r)
+ const int num_bits = sizeof(IntType)*CHAR_BIT;
+ const IntType zero(0);
+ const IntType one(1);
+ const IntType neg1(-1);
+ IntType part1_h,part1_l,part2_h,part2_l,new_num_h,tmp;
- g = math::gcd(num, g);
- if(g!=one)
- {
- num /= g;
- r_den /= g;
- }
+ // Protect against self-modification
+ IntType r_num = r.num;
+ IntType r_den = r.den;
+ IntType r_den_g = r.den;
- detail::mul2int<IntType>(part1_h,den, den, r_den);
- if((part1_h!=zero) || (den<zero))
- throw rational_overflow();
+ IntType g = math::gcd(den, r_den);
+ if(g != one)
+ {
+ den /= g;
+ r_den_g /= g;
- else
+ detail::mul2int<IntType>(part1_h,part1_l, num, r_den_g);
+ detail::mul2int<IntType>(part2_h,part2_l, r_num, den);
+ bool ovfl = detail::add2int<IntType>(new_num_h, num,part1_h,part1_l,part2_h,part2_l);
+ tmp = num>>(num_bits-1);
+ if(new_num_h!=tmp)
+ throw rational_overflow();
+ g = math::gcd(num, g);
+ if(g!=one)
- // This calculation avoids overflow, and minimises the number of expensive
- // calculations. Thanks to Nickolay Mladenov for this algorithm.
- //
- // Proof:
- // We have to compute a/b + c/d, where gcd(a,b)=1 and gcd(b,c)=1.
- // Let g = gcd(b,d), and b = b1*g, d=d1*g. Then gcd(b1,d1)=1
- //
- // The result is (a*d1 + c*b1) / (b1*d1*g).
- // Now we have to normalize this ratio.
- // Let's assume h | gcd((a*d1 + c*b1), (b1*d1*g)), and h > 1
- // If h | b1 then gcd(h,d1)=1 and hence h|(a*d1+c*b1) => h|a.
- // But since gcd(a,b1)=1 we have h=1.
- // Similarly h|d1 leads to h=1.
- // So we have that h | gcd((a*d1 + c*b1) , (b1*d1*g)) => h|g
- // Finally we have gcd((a*d1 + c*b1), (b1*d1*g)) = gcd((a*d1 + c*b1), g)
- // Which proves that instead of normalizing the result, it is better to
- // divide num and den by gcd((a*d1 + c*b1), g)
- // Protect against self-modification
- IntType r_num = r.num;
- IntType r_den = r.den;
- IntType g = math::gcd(den, r_den);
- den /= g; // = b1 from the calculations above
- num = num * (r_den / g) + r_num * den;
- g = math::gcd(num, g);
num /= g;
- den *= r_den/g;
+ r_den /= g;
+ detail::mul2int<IntType>(part1_h,den, den, r_den);
+ if((part1_h!=zero) || (den<zero))
+ throw rational_overflow();
return *this;
template <typename IntType, rational_checktype CheckingMode>
-rational<IntType, CheckingMode>& rational<IntType, CheckingMode>::operator-= (const rational<IntType, CheckingMode>& r)
+rational<IntType, CheckingMode>&
+rational<IntType, CheckingMode>::operator-= (const rational<IntType, CheckingMode>& r)
- if(CheckingMode==rational_check_for_overflow)
- {
- if((num==r.num) && (den==r.den)) {
- num = IntType(0);
- den = IntType(1);
- return *this;
- }
- // Negate the denominator (which is safe), and use constructor 'normalize' to check for overflow.
- IntType negrden = ~r.den; ++negrden;
- rational<IntType, CheckingMode> negOperand(r.num, negrden);
- return operator+= (negOperand);
- }
- else
- {
- // Protect against self-modification
- IntType r_num = r.num;
- IntType r_den = r.den;
- // This calculation avoids overflow, and minimises the number of expensive
- // calculations. It corresponds exactly to the += case above
- IntType g = math::gcd(den, r_den);
- den /= g;
- num = num * (r_den / g) - r_num * den;
- g = math::gcd(num, g);
- num /= g;
- den *= r_den/g;
+ // Protect against self-modification
+ IntType r_num = r.num;
+ IntType r_den = r.den;
+ // This calculation avoids overflow, and minimises the number of expensive
+ // calculations. It corresponds exactly to the += case above
+ IntType g = math::gcd(den, r_den);
+ den /= g;
+ num = num * (r_den / g) - r_num * den;
+ g = math::gcd(num, g);
+ num /= g;
+ den *= r_den/g;
+ return *this;
+template <typename IntType>
+rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>& rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>::operator-= (const rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>& r)
+ if((num==r.num) && (den==r.den)) {
+ num = IntType(0);
+ den = IntType(1);
return *this;
+ // Negate the denominator (which is safe), and use constructor 'normalize' to check for overflow.
+ IntType negrden = ~r.den; ++negrden;
+ rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow> negOperand(r.num, negrden);
+ return operator+= (negOperand);
template <typename IntType, rational_checktype CheckingMode>
-rational<IntType, CheckingMode>& rational<IntType, CheckingMode>::operator*= (const rational<IntType, CheckingMode>& r)
+rational<IntType, CheckingMode>&
+rational<IntType, CheckingMode>::operator*= (const rational<IntType, CheckingMode>& r)
// Protect against self-modification
IntType r_num = r.num;
@@ -478,38 +611,46 @@
IntType gcd1 = math::gcd(num, r_den);
IntType gcd2 = math::gcd(r_num, den);
- if(CheckingMode==rational_check_for_overflow)
- {
- const int num_bits = sizeof(IntType)*CHAR_BIT;
- const IntType one = IntType(1);
- const IntType zero = IntType(0);
- IntType num_gcd1=num, den_gcd2=den, signbits;
- if(gcd1!=one) {
- num_gcd1 /= gcd1;
- r_den /= gcd1;
- }
- if(gcd2!=one) {
- den_gcd2 /= gcd2;
- r_num /= gcd2;
- }
- detail::mul2int<IntType>(signbits,num, num_gcd1, r_num);
- if(IntType(num>>(num_bits-1)) != signbits)
- throw rational_overflow();
+ num = (num/gcd1) * (r_num/gcd2);
+ den = (den/gcd2) * (r_den/gcd1);
+ return *this;
+template <typename IntType>
+rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>& rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>::operator*= (const rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>& r)
+ // Protect against self-modification
+ IntType r_num = r.num;
+ IntType r_den = r.den;
- detail::mul2int<IntType>(signbits,den, den_gcd2, r_den);
- if((signbits!=zero) || (den<zero))
- throw rational_overflow();
- }
- else
- {
- num = (num/gcd1) * (r_num/gcd2);
- den = (den/gcd2) * (r_den/gcd1);
- }
+ // Avoid overflow and preserve normalization
+ IntType gcd1 = math::gcd(num, r_den);
+ IntType gcd2 = math::gcd(r_num, den);
+ const int num_bits = sizeof(IntType)*CHAR_BIT;
+ const IntType one = IntType(1);
+ const IntType zero = IntType(0);
+ IntType num_gcd1=num, den_gcd2=den, signbits;
+ if(gcd1!=one) {
+ num_gcd1 /= gcd1;
+ r_den /= gcd1;
+ }
+ if(gcd2!=one) {
+ den_gcd2 /= gcd2;
+ r_num /= gcd2;
+ }
+ detail::mul2int<IntType>(signbits,num, num_gcd1, r_num);
+ if(IntType(num>>(num_bits-1)) != signbits)
+ throw rational_overflow();
+ detail::mul2int<IntType>(signbits,den, den_gcd2, r_den);
+ if((signbits!=zero) || (den<zero))
+ throw rational_overflow();
return *this;
template <typename IntType, rational_checktype CheckingMode>
-rational<IntType, CheckingMode>& rational<IntType, CheckingMode>::operator/= (const rational<IntType, CheckingMode>& r)
+rational<IntType, CheckingMode>&
+rational<IntType, CheckingMode>::operator/= (const rational<IntType, CheckingMode>& r)
// Protect against self-modification
IntType r_num = r.num;
@@ -528,80 +669,127 @@
IntType gcd1 = math::gcd(num, r_num);
IntType gcd2 = math::gcd(r_den, den);
- if(CheckingMode==rational_check_for_overflow)
- {
- const int num_bits = sizeof(IntType)*CHAR_BIT;
- const IntType one = IntType(1);
- IntType num_gcd1=num, den_gcd2=den, signbits;
- if(gcd1!=one) {
- num_gcd1 /= gcd1;
- r_num /= gcd1;
- }
- if(gcd2!=one) {
- den_gcd2 /= gcd2;
- r_den /= gcd2;
- }
- detail::mul2int<IntType>(signbits,num, num_gcd1, r_den);
- if(IntType(num>>(num_bits-1)) != signbits)
- throw rational_overflow();
+ num = (num/gcd1) * (r_den/gcd2);
+ den = (den/gcd2) * (r_num/gcd1);
- detail::mul2int<IntType>(signbits,den, den_gcd2, r_num);
- if(IntType(den>>(num_bits-1)) != signbits)
- throw rational_overflow();
+ if (den < zero) {
+ num = -num;
+ den = -den;
+ }
+ return *this;
+template <typename IntType>
+rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>& rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>::operator/= (const rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>& r)
+ // Protect against self-modification
+ IntType r_num = r.num;
+ IntType r_den = r.den;
- if (den < zero)
- {
- IntType neg_den = ~den; ++neg_den;
- IntType neg_num = ~num; ++neg_num;
- if(den == neg_den) // den never zero here
- throw rational_overflow();
- if(num && (num == neg_num))
- throw rational_overflow();
+ // Avoid repeated construction
+ const IntType zero(0);
- num = neg_num;
- den = neg_den;
- }
- }
- else
+ // Trap division by zero
+ if (r_num == zero)
+ throw bad_rational();
+ if (num == zero)
+ return *this;
+ // Avoid overflow and preserve normalization
+ IntType gcd1 = math::gcd(num, r_num);
+ IntType gcd2 = math::gcd(r_den, den);
+ const int num_bits = sizeof(IntType)*CHAR_BIT;
+ const IntType one = IntType(1);
+ IntType num_gcd1=num, den_gcd2=den, signbits;
+ if(gcd1!=one) {
+ num_gcd1 /= gcd1;
+ r_num /= gcd1;
+ }
+ if(gcd2!=one) {
+ den_gcd2 /= gcd2;
+ r_den /= gcd2;
+ }
+ detail::mul2int<IntType>(signbits,num, num_gcd1, r_den);
+ if(IntType(num>>(num_bits-1)) != signbits)
+ throw rational_overflow();
+ detail::mul2int<IntType>(signbits,den, den_gcd2, r_num);
+ if(IntType(den>>(num_bits-1)) != signbits)
+ throw rational_overflow();
+ if (den < zero)
- num = (num/gcd1) * (r_den/gcd2);
- den = (den/gcd2) * (r_num/gcd1);
+ IntType neg_den = ~den; ++neg_den;
+ IntType neg_num = ~num; ++neg_num;
+ if(den == neg_den) // den never zero here
+ throw rational_overflow();
+ if(num && (num == neg_num))
+ throw rational_overflow();
- if (den < zero) {
- num = -num;
- den = -den;
- }
+ num = neg_num;
+ den = neg_den;
return *this;
// Mixed-mode operators
template <typename IntType, rational_checktype CheckingMode>
+ inline rational<IntType, CheckingMode>&
+rational<IntType, CheckingMode>::operator+= (param_type i)
+ num += i * den;
+ return *this;
+template <typename IntType>
+inline rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>&
+rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>::operator+= (param_type i)
+ return operator+= (rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>(i));
+template <typename IntType, rational_checktype CheckingMode>
+ inline rational<IntType, CheckingMode>&
+rational<IntType, CheckingMode>::operator-= (param_type i)
+ num -= i * den;
+ return *this;
+template <typename IntType>
+inline rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>&
+rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>::operator-= (param_type i)
+ return operator-= (rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>(i));
+template <typename IntType, rational_checktype CheckingMode>
inline rational<IntType, CheckingMode>&
rational<IntType, CheckingMode>::operator*= (param_type i)
- if(CheckingMode==rational_check_for_overflow)
- return operator*= (rational<IntType, CheckingMode>(i));
// Avoid overflow and preserve normalization
IntType gcd = math::gcd(i, den);
- num *= i / gcd;
+ num *= i / gcd;
den /= gcd;
return *this;
+template <typename IntType>
+inline rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>&
+rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>::operator*= (param_type i)
+ return operator*= (rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>(i));
template <typename IntType, rational_checktype CheckingMode>
inline rational<IntType, CheckingMode>&
rational<IntType, CheckingMode>::operator/= (param_type i)
- if(CheckingMode==rational_check_for_overflow)
- return operator/= (rational<IntType, CheckingMode>(i));
// Avoid repeated construction
IntType const zero(0);
- if (i == zero) throw bad_rational();
+ if (i == zero)
+ throw bad_rational();
if (num == zero) return *this;
// Avoid overflow and preserve normalization
@@ -616,39 +804,27 @@
return *this;
-template <typename IntType, rational_checktype CheckingMode>
-inline rational<IntType, CheckingMode>&
-rational<IntType, CheckingMode>::operator+= (param_type i)
+template <typename IntType>
+inline rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>&
+rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>::operator/= (param_type i)
- if(CheckingMode==rational_check_for_overflow)
- return operator+= (rational<IntType, CheckingMode>(i));
- num += i * den;
- return *this;
+ return operator/= (rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>(i));
-template <typename IntType, rational_checktype CheckingMode>
-inline rational<IntType, CheckingMode>&
-rational<IntType, CheckingMode>::operator-= (param_type i)
- if(CheckingMode==rational_check_for_overflow)
- return operator-= (rational<IntType, CheckingMode>(i));
- num -= i * den;
- return *this;
// Increment and decrement
template <typename IntType, rational_checktype CheckingMode>
-inline const rational<IntType, CheckingMode>& rational<IntType, CheckingMode>::operator++()
+const rational<IntType, CheckingMode>& rational<IntType, CheckingMode>::operator++()
+ num += den;
+ return *this;
+template <typename IntType>
+const rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>& rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>::operator++()
- if(CheckingMode==rational_check_for_overflow)
- {
- const IntType zero( 0 );
- if((num>zero) && (IntType(num + den) < zero))
- throw rational_overflow();
- }
+ const IntType zero( 0 );
+ if((num>zero) && (IntType(num + den) < zero))
+ throw rational_overflow();
// This can never denormalise the fraction
num += den;
@@ -656,14 +832,17 @@
template <typename IntType, rational_checktype CheckingMode>
-inline const rational<IntType, CheckingMode>& rational<IntType, CheckingMode>::operator--()
+const rational<IntType, CheckingMode>& rational<IntType, CheckingMode>::operator--()
- if(CheckingMode==rational_check_for_overflow)
- {
- const IntType zero( 0 );
- if((num<zero) && (IntType(num - den) >= zero))
- throw rational_overflow();
- }
+ num -= den;
+ return *this;
+template <typename IntType>
+inline const rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>& rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>::operator--()
+ const IntType zero( 0 );
+ if((num<zero) && (IntType(num - den) >= zero))
+ throw rational_overflow();
// This can never denormalise the fraction
num -= den;
@@ -672,30 +851,12 @@
// Comparison operators
template <typename IntType, rational_checktype CheckingMode>
-bool rational<IntType, CheckingMode>::operator< (const rational<IntType, CheckingMode>& r) const
+rational<IntType, CheckingMode>::operator< (const rational<IntType, CheckingMode>& r) const
// Avoid repeated construction
int_type const zero( 0 );
- if(CheckingMode==rational_check_for_overflow)
- {
- IntType prod_left_h, prod_left_l, prod_right_h, prod_right_l;
- detail::mul2int<IntType>(prod_left_h, prod_left_l, num, r.den);
- detail::mul2int<IntType>(prod_right_h, prod_right_l, r.num, den);
- if(prod_left_h < prod_right_h)
- return true;
- else if(prod_left_h == prod_right_h)
- {
- const int num_bits = sizeof(IntType)*CHAR_BIT;
- const IntType msb_mask = (IntType)(((IntType)(1)) << (num_bits-1));
- prod_left_l ^= msb_mask; // Convert to signed
- prod_right_l ^= msb_mask; // Convert to signed
- return prod_left_l < prod_right_l;
- }
- else
- return false;
- }
- else
// This should really be a class-wide invariant. The reason for these
// checks is that for 2's complement systems, INT_MIN has no corresponding
@@ -707,8 +868,8 @@
// Determine relative order by expanding each value to its simple continued
// fraction representation using the Euclidian GCD algorithm.
struct { int_type n, d, q, r; } ts = { this->num, this->den, this->num /
- this->den, this->num % this->den }, rs = { r.num, r.den, r.num / r.den,
- r.num % r.den };
+ this->den, this->num % this->den }, rs = { r.num, r.den, r.num / r.den,
+ r.num % r.den };
unsigned reverse = 0u;
// Normalize negative moduli by repeatedly adding the (positive) denominator
@@ -773,44 +934,65 @@
-template <typename IntType, rational_checktype CheckingMode>
-bool rational<IntType, CheckingMode>::operator< (param_type i) const
+template <typename IntType>
+bool rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>::operator< (const rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>& r) const
- if(CheckingMode==rational_check_for_overflow)
+ // Avoid repeated construction
+ int_type const zero( 0 );
+ IntType prod_left_h, prod_left_l, prod_right_h, prod_right_l;
+ detail::mul2int<IntType>(prod_left_h, prod_left_l, num, r.den);
+ detail::mul2int<IntType>(prod_right_h, prod_right_l, r.num, den);
+ if(prod_left_h < prod_right_h)
+ return true;
+ else if(prod_left_h == prod_right_h)
- IntType prod_left_h, prod_left_l, prod_right_h, prod_right_l;
- detail::mul2int<IntType>(prod_left_h, prod_left_l, num, IntType(1));
- detail::mul2int<IntType>(prod_right_h, prod_right_l, i, den);
- if(prod_left_h < prod_right_h)
- return true;
- else if(prod_left_h == prod_right_h)
- {
- const int num_bits = sizeof(IntType)*CHAR_BIT;
- const IntType msb_mask = (IntType)(((IntType)(1)) << (num_bits-1));
- prod_left_l ^= msb_mask; // Convert to signed
- prod_right_l ^= msb_mask; // Convert to signed
- return prod_left_l < prod_right_l;
- }
- else
- return false;
+ const int num_bits = sizeof(IntType)*CHAR_BIT;
+ const IntType msb_mask = (IntType)(((IntType)(1)) << (num_bits-1));
+ prod_left_l ^= msb_mask; // Convert to signed
+ prod_right_l ^= msb_mask; // Convert to signed
+ return prod_left_l < prod_right_l;
- else
- {
- // Avoid repeated construction
- int_type const zero( 0 );
+ else
+ return false;
- // Break value into mixed-fraction form, w/ always-nonnegative remainder
- BOOST_ASSERT( this->den > zero );
- int_type q = this->num / this->den, r = this->num % this->den;
- while ( r < zero ) { r += this->den; --q; }
+template <typename IntType, rational_checktype CheckingMode>
+bool rational<IntType, CheckingMode>::operator< (param_type i) const
+ // Avoid repeated construction
+ int_type const zero( 0 );
+ // Break value into mixed-fraction form, w/ always-nonnegative remainder
+ BOOST_ASSERT( this->den > zero );
+ int_type q = this->num / this->den, r = this->num % this->den;
+ while ( r < zero ) { r += this->den; --q; }
+ // Compare with just the quotient, since the remainder always bumps the
+ // value up. [Since q = floor(n/d), and if n/d < i then q < i, if n/d == i
+ // then q == i, if n/d == i + r/d then q == i, and if n/d >= i + 1 then
+ // q >= i + 1 > i; therefore n/d < i iff q < i.]
+ return q < i;
- // Compare with just the quotient, since the remainder always bumps the
- // value up. [Since q = floor(n/d), and if n/d < i then q < i, if n/d == i
- // then q == i, if n/d == i + r/d then q == i, and if n/d >= i + 1 then
- // q >= i + 1 > i; therefore n/d < i iff q < i.]
- return q < i;
+template <typename IntType>
+bool rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>::operator< (param_type i) const
+ IntType prod_left_h, prod_left_l, prod_right_h, prod_right_l;
+ detail::mul2int<IntType>(prod_left_h, prod_left_l, num, IntType(1));
+ detail::mul2int<IntType>(prod_right_h, prod_right_l, i, den);
+ if(prod_left_h < prod_right_h)
+ return true;
+ else if(prod_left_h == prod_right_h)
+ {
+ const int num_bits = sizeof(IntType)*CHAR_BIT;
+ const IntType msb_mask = (IntType)(((IntType)(1)) << (num_bits-1));
+ prod_left_l ^= msb_mask; // Convert to signed
+ prod_right_l ^= msb_mask; // Convert to signed
+ return prod_left_l < prod_right_l;
+ else
+ return false;
template <typename IntType, rational_checktype CheckingMode>
@@ -818,9 +1000,19 @@
return operator==(i)? false: !operator<(i);
+template <typename IntType>
+bool rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>::operator> (param_type i) const
+ return rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>::operator==(i)? false: !rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>::operator<(i);
template <typename IntType, rational_checktype CheckingMode>
-inline bool rational<IntType, CheckingMode>::operator== (const rational<IntType, CheckingMode>& r) const
+ bool rational<IntType, CheckingMode>::operator== (const rational<IntType, CheckingMode>& r) const
+ return ((num == r.num) && (den == r.den));
+template <typename IntType>
+bool rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>::operator== (const rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>& r) const
return ((num == r.num) && (den == r.den));
@@ -830,13 +1022,17 @@
return ((den == IntType(1)) && (num == i));
+template <typename IntType>
+bool rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>::operator== (param_type i) const
+ return ((num == i) && (den == 1));
// Invariant check
-template <typename IntType, rational_checktype CheckingMode>
-inline bool rational<IntType, CheckingMode>::test_invariant() const
+template <typename IntType>
+inline bool rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>::test_invariant() const
- return ( this->den > int_type(0) ) && ( math::gcd(this->num, this->den) ==
- int_type(1) );
+ return ( this->den > int_type(0) ) && ( math::gcd(this->num, this->den) == int_type(1) );
// Normalisation
@@ -867,15 +1063,45 @@
// Ensure that the denominator is positive
if (den < zero)
- IntType neg_den = ~den; ++neg_den;
- IntType neg_num = ~num; ++neg_num;
- if(CheckingMode==rational_check_for_overflow)
- {
- if(den == neg_den) // den never zero here
- throw rational_overflow();
- if(num == neg_num) // num never zero here
- throw rational_overflow();
- }
+ den = -den;
+ num = -num;
+ }
+ BOOST_ASSERT( this->test_invariant() );
+template <typename IntType>
+void rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>::normalize()
+ // Avoid repeated construction
+ const IntType zero(0);
+ if (den == zero)
+ throw bad_rational();
+ // Handle the case of zero separately, to avoid division by zero
+ const IntType one(1);
+ if (num == zero) {
+ den = one;
+ return;
+ }
+ IntType g = math::gcd(num, den);
+ if(g != one)
+ {
+ num /= g;
+ den /= g;
+ }
+ // Ensure that the denominator is positive
+ if (den < zero)
+ {
+ IntType neg_den = -den;
+ IntType neg_num = -num;
+ if(den == neg_den) // den never zero here
+ throw rational_overflow();
+ if(num == neg_num) // num never zero here
+ throw rational_overflow();
den = neg_den;
num = neg_num;
@@ -923,6 +1149,31 @@
return is;
+template <typename IntType>
+std::istream& operator>> (std::istream& is, rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>& r)
+ IntType n = IntType(0), d = IntType(1);
+ char c = 0;
+ detail::resetter sentry(is);
+ is >> n;
+ c = is.get();
+ if (c != '/')
+ is.clear(std::istream::badbit); // old GNU c++ lib has no ios_base
+#if !defined(__GNUC__) || (defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 3)) || defined __SGI_STL_PORT
+ is >> std::noskipws;
+ is.unsetf(ios::skipws); // compiles, but seems to have no effect.
+ is >> d;
+ if (is)
+ r.assign(n, d);
+ return is;
// Add manipulators for output format?
template <typename IntType, rational_checktype CheckingMode>
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const rational<IntType, CheckingMode>& r)
@@ -931,14 +1182,21 @@
return os;
+template <typename IntType>
+std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>& r)
+ os << r.numerator() << '/' << r.denominator();
+ return os;
// Create overloads for signed char, so numbers will get printed, instead of characters.
-std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const rational<signed char, rational_check_for_overflow>& r)
+std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const rational<signed char, rational_no_checking>& r)
os << (int)r.numerator() << '/' << (int)r.denominator();
return os;
-std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const rational<signed char, rational_no_checking>& r)
+std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const rational<signed char, rational_check_for_overflow>& r)
os << (int)r.numerator() << '/' << (int)r.denominator();
return os;
@@ -956,26 +1214,26 @@
// Do not use any abs() defined on IntType - it isn't worth it, given the
// difficulties involved (Koenig lookup required, there may not *be* an abs()
// defined, etc etc).
-template <typename IntType, rational_checktype CheckingMode>
-inline rational<IntType, CheckingMode> abs(const rational<IntType, CheckingMode>& r)
+template <typename IntType>
+inline rational<IntType, rational_no_checking> abs(const rational<IntType, rational_no_checking>& r)
- if(CheckingMode==rational_check_for_overflow)
- {
- const IntType zero(0);
+ return r.numerator() >= IntType(0)? r: -r;
+template <typename IntType>
+inline rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow> abs(const rational<IntType, rational_check_for_overflow>& r)
+ const IntType zero(0);
- if (r.numerator() >= zero)
- return r;
- else
- {
- IntType negnumer = ~r.numerator(); ++negnumer;
- if(r.numerator() == negnumer) // numer is never zero here
- throw rational_overflow();
+ if (r.numerator() >= zero)
+ return r;
+ else
+ {
+ IntType negnumer = -r.numerator();
+ if(r.numerator() == negnumer) // negnumer is never zero here
+ throw rational_overflow();
- return -r;
- }
+ return -r;
- else
- return r.numerator() >= IntType(0)? r: -r;
typedef rational<signed char,rational_check_for_overflow> RatSCharwOvCk;
Boost-Commit list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk