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Subject: [Boost-commit] svn:boost r85630 - in trunk: boost/geometry/index boost/geometry/index/detail/algorithms libs/geometry/doc libs/geometry/index/test/rtree
From: adam.wulkiewicz_at_[hidden]
Date: 2013-09-09 18:37:56
Author: awulkiew
Date: 2013-09-09 18:37:55 EDT (Mon, 09 Sep 2013)
New Revision: 85630
URL: http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/85630
[geometry]: iterative queries simplified, docs updated, added qbegin() and qend() free functions, added new functions to the reference matrix, release notes updated.
Text files modified:
trunk/boost/geometry/index/detail/algorithms/segment_intersection.hpp | 6 +
trunk/boost/geometry/index/rtree.hpp | 141 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
trunk/libs/geometry/doc/quickref.xml | 6 +
trunk/libs/geometry/doc/release_notes.qbk | 6 +
trunk/libs/geometry/index/test/rtree/test_rtree.hpp | 37 ++++++---
5 files changed, 175 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
Modified: trunk/boost/geometry/index/detail/algorithms/segment_intersection.hpp
--- trunk/boost/geometry/index/detail/algorithms/segment_intersection.hpp Mon Sep 9 16:29:22 2013 (r85629)
+++ trunk/boost/geometry/index/detail/algorithms/segment_intersection.hpp 2013-09-09 18:37:55 EDT (Mon, 09 Sep 2013) (r85630)
@@ -34,8 +34,10 @@
template <typename Box, typename Point, size_t I>
struct box_segment_intersection_dim
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(I < dimension<Box>::value);
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(I < dimension<Point>::value);
+ BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(0 <= dimension<Box>::value);
+ BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(0 <= dimension<Point>::value);
+ BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(I < size_t(dimension<Box>::value));
+ BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(I < size_t(dimension<Point>::value));
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(dimension<Point>::value == dimension<Box>::value);
// WARNING! - RelativeDistance must be IEEE float for this to work
Modified: trunk/boost/geometry/index/rtree.hpp
--- trunk/boost/geometry/index/rtree.hpp Mon Sep 9 16:29:22 2013 (r85629)
+++ trunk/boost/geometry/index/rtree.hpp 2013-09-09 18:37:55 EDT (Mon, 09 Sep 2013) (r85630)
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@
/*! \brief Unsigned integral type used by the container. */
typedef typename allocators_type::size_type size_type;
- /*! \brief The type-erased const query iterator. */
+ /*! \brief Type of const query iterator. */
typedef index::detail::rtree::iterators::query_iterator<value_type, allocators_type> const_query_iterator;
@@ -772,6 +772,68 @@
This method returns the iterator which may be used to perform iterative queries. For the information
about the predicates which may be passed to this method see query().
+ \par Example
+ \verbatim
+ for ( Rtree::const_query_iterator it = tree.qbegin(bgi::nearest(pt, 10000)) ;
+ it != tree.qend() ; ++it )
+ {
+ // do something with value
+ if ( has_enough_nearest_values() )
+ break;
+ }
+ \endverbatim
+ \par Throws
+ If predicates copy throws.
+ If allocation throws.
+ \param predicates Predicates.
+ \return The iterator pointing at the begin of the query range.
+ */
+ template <typename Predicates>
+ const_query_iterator qbegin(Predicates const& predicates) const
+ {
+ return const_query_iterator(qbegin_(predicates));
+ }
+ /*!
+ \brief Returns the query iterator pointing at the end of the query range.
+ This method returns the iterator which may be used to check if the query has ended.
+ \par Example
+ \verbatim
+ for ( Rtree::const_query_iterator it = tree.qbegin(bgi::nearest(pt, 10000)) ;
+ it != tree.qend() ; ++it )
+ {
+ // do something with value
+ if ( has_enough_nearest_values() )
+ break;
+ }
+ \endverbatim
+ \par Throws
+ Nothing
+ \return The iterator pointing at the end of the query range.
+ */
+ const_query_iterator qend() const
+ {
+ return const_query_iterator();
+ }
+ /*!
+ \brief Returns the query iterator pointing at the begin of the query range.
+ This method returns the iterator which may be used to perform iterative queries. For the information
+ about the predicates which may be passed to this method see query().
The type of the returned iterator depends on the type of passed Predicates but the iterator of this type
may be assigned to the variable of const_query_iterator type. If you'd like to use the type of the iterator
returned by this method you may get the type e.g. by using C++11 decltype or Boost.Typeof library.
@@ -814,7 +876,7 @@
- qbegin(Predicates const& predicates) const
+ qbegin_(Predicates const& predicates) const
static const unsigned distance_predicates_count = detail::predicates_count_distance<Predicates>::value;
BOOST_MPL_ASSERT_MSG((distance_predicates_count <= 1), PASS_ONLY_ONE_DISTANCE_PREDICATE, (Predicates));
@@ -869,7 +931,7 @@
- qend(Predicates const& predicates) const
+ qend_(Predicates const& predicates) const
static const unsigned distance_predicates_count = detail::predicates_count_distance<Predicates>::value;
BOOST_MPL_ASSERT_MSG((distance_predicates_count <= 1), PASS_ONLY_ONE_DISTANCE_PREDICATE, (Predicates));
@@ -922,11 +984,13 @@
\return The iterator pointing at the end of the query range.
detail::rtree::iterators::end_query_iterator<value_type, allocators_type>
- qend() const
+ qend_() const
return detail::rtree::iterators::end_query_iterator<value_type, allocators_type>();
\brief Returns the number of stored values.
@@ -1620,6 +1684,75 @@
+\brief Returns the query iterator pointing at the begin of the query range.
+This method returns the iterator which may be used to perform iterative queries. For the information
+about the predicates which may be passed to this method see query().
+\par Example
+for ( Rtree::const_query_iterator it = qbegin(tree, bgi::nearest(pt, 10000)) ;
+ it != qend(tree) ; ++it )
+ // do something with value
+ if ( has_enough_nearest_values() )
+ break;
+\par Throws
+If predicates copy throws.
+If allocation throws.
+\ingroup rtree_functions
+\param tree The rtree.
+\param predicates Predicates.
+\return The iterator pointing at the begin of the query range.
+template <typename Value, typename Parameters, typename IndexableGetter, typename EqualTo, typename Allocator,
+ typename Predicates> inline
+typename rtree<Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator>::const_query_iterator
+qbegin(rtree<Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator> const& tree,
+ Predicates const& predicates)
+ return tree.qbegin(predicates);
+\brief Returns the query iterator pointing at the end of the query range.
+This method returns the iterator which may be used to check if the query has ended.
+\par Example
+for ( Rtree::const_query_iterator it = qbegin(tree, bgi::nearest(pt, 10000)) ;
+ it != qend(tree) ; ++it )
+ // do something with value
+ if ( has_enough_nearest_values() )
+ break;
+\par Throws
+\ingroup rtree_functions
+\return The iterator pointing at the end of the query range.
+template <typename Value, typename Parameters, typename IndexableGetter, typename EqualTo, typename Allocator> inline
+typename rtree<Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator>::const_query_iterator
+qend(rtree<Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator> const& tree)
+ return tree.qend();
\brief Remove all values from the index.
It calls \c rtree::clear().
Modified: trunk/libs/geometry/doc/quickref.xml
--- trunk/libs/geometry/doc/quickref.xml Mon Sep 9 16:29:22 2013 (r85629)
+++ trunk/libs/geometry/doc/quickref.xml 2013-09-09 18:37:55 EDT (Mon, 09 Sep 2013) (r85630)
@@ -680,6 +680,8 @@
<member><link linkend="geometry.reference.spatial_indexes.boost__geometry__index__rtree.remove_iterator__iterator_">remove(Iterator, Iterator)</link></member>
<member><link linkend="geometry.reference.spatial_indexes.boost__geometry__index__rtree.remove_range_const___">remove(Range const &)</link></member>
<member><link linkend="geometry.reference.spatial_indexes.boost__geometry__index__rtree.query_predicates_const____outiter_">query(Predicates const &, OutIter)</link></member>
+ <member><link linkend="geometry.reference.spatial_indexes.boost__geometry__index__rtree.qbegin_predicates_const___">qbegin(Predicates const &)</link></member>
+ <member><link linkend="geometry.reference.spatial_indexes.boost__geometry__index__rtree.qend__">qend()</link></member>
<member><link linkend="geometry.reference.spatial_indexes.boost__geometry__index__rtree.size__">size()</link></member>
<member><link linkend="geometry.reference.spatial_indexes.boost__geometry__index__rtree.empty__">empty()</link></member>
<member><link linkend="geometry.reference.spatial_indexes.boost__geometry__index__rtree.clear__">clear()</link></member>
@@ -701,6 +703,8 @@
<member><link linkend="geometry.reference.spatial_indexes.group__rtree__functions.remove_rtree_________iterator__iterator_">remove(rtree<...> &, Iterator, Iterator)</link></member>
<member><link linkend="geometry.reference.spatial_indexes.group__rtree__functions.remove_rtree_________range_const___">remove(rtree<...> &, Range const &)</link></member>
<member><link linkend="geometry.reference.spatial_indexes.group__rtree__functions.query_rtree______const____predicates_const____outiter_">query(rtree<...> const &, Predicates const &, OutIter)</link></member>
+ <member><link linkend="geometry.reference.spatial_indexes.group__rtree__functions.qbegin_rtree______const____predicates_const___">qbegin(rtree<...> const &, Predicates const &)</link></member>
+ <member><link linkend="geometry.reference.spatial_indexes.group__rtree__functions.qend_rtree______const___">qend(rtree<...> const &)</link></member>
<member><link linkend="geometry.reference.spatial_indexes.group__rtree__functions.clear_rtree________">clear(rtree<...> &)</link></member>
<member><link linkend="geometry.reference.spatial_indexes.group__rtree__functions.size_rtree______const___">size(rtree<...> const &)</link></member>
<member><link linkend="geometry.reference.spatial_indexes.group__rtree__functions.empty_rtree______const___">empty(rtree<...> const &)</link></member>
@@ -728,7 +732,9 @@
<entry valign="top">
<bridgehead renderas="sect3">Predicates (boost::geometry::index::)</bridgehead>
<simplelist type="vert" columns="1">
+ <member><link linkend="geometry.reference.spatial_indexes.group__predicates.contains_geometry_const___">contains(Geometry const &)</link></member>
<member><link linkend="geometry.reference.spatial_indexes.group__predicates.covered_by_geometry_const___">covered_by(Geometry const &)</link></member>
+ <member><link linkend="geometry.reference.spatial_indexes.group__predicates.covers_geometry_const___">covers(Geometry const &)</link></member>
<member><link linkend="geometry.reference.spatial_indexes.group__predicates.disjoint_geometry_const___">disjoint(Geometry const &)</link></member>
<member><link linkend="geometry.reference.spatial_indexes.group__predicates.intersects_geometry_const___">intersects(Geometry const &)</link></member>
<member><link linkend="geometry.reference.spatial_indexes.group__predicates.overlaps_geometry_const___">overlaps(Geometry const &)</link></member>
Modified: trunk/libs/geometry/doc/release_notes.qbk
--- trunk/libs/geometry/doc/release_notes.qbk Mon Sep 9 16:29:22 2013 (r85629)
+++ trunk/libs/geometry/doc/release_notes.qbk 2013-09-09 18:37:55 EDT (Mon, 09 Sep 2013) (r85630)
@@ -20,6 +20,10 @@
[*Additional functionality]
* Added centroid for segment type
+* Added intersects() and disjoints() for Segment-Box and Linestring-Box
+* Added rtree creation using packing algorithm
+* Added contains() and covers() spatial query predicates
+* Added iterative queries
@@ -43,7 +47,7 @@
* Transform-strategy TODO
* Spikes (could be generated in difference) in integer-based overlays are now avoided during generation
* Cleanup, removed old MSVC2005 project files, let all tests pass green (also in extensions)
+* R*-tree balancing algorithm optimized
[heading Boost 1.54]
Modified: trunk/libs/geometry/index/test/rtree/test_rtree.hpp
--- trunk/libs/geometry/index/test/rtree/test_rtree.hpp Mon Sep 9 16:29:22 2013 (r85629)
+++ trunk/libs/geometry/index/test/rtree/test_rtree.hpp 2013-09-09 18:37:55 EDT (Mon, 09 Sep 2013) (r85630)
@@ -642,6 +642,14 @@
+// alternative version of std::copy taking iterators of differnet types
+template <typename First, typename Last, typename Out>
+void copy_alt(First first, Last last, Out out)
+ for ( ; first != last ; ++first, ++out )
+ *out = *first;
// spatial query
template <typename Rtree, typename Value, typename Predicates>
@@ -666,22 +674,25 @@
exactly_the_same_outputs(rtree, output, rtree | bgi::adaptors::queried(pred));
std::vector<Value> output3;
- std::copy(rtree.qbegin(pred), rtree.qend(pred), std::back_inserter(output3));
+ std::copy(rtree.qbegin(pred), rtree.qend(), std::back_inserter(output3));
compare_outputs(rtree, output3, expected_output);
+ std::vector<Value> output4;
+ std::copy(qbegin(rtree, pred), qend(rtree), std::back_inserter(output4));
+ exactly_the_same_outputs(rtree, output3, output4);
- typedef typename Rtree::const_query_iterator QI;
- QI first = rtree.qbegin(pred);
- QI last = rtree.qend(pred);
std::vector<Value> output4;
- std::copy(first, last, std::back_inserter(output4));
+ std::copy(rtree.qbegin_(pred), rtree.qend_(pred), std::back_inserter(output4));
compare_outputs(rtree, output4, expected_output);
- QI last2 = rtree.qend();
- std::copy(first, last2, std::back_inserter(output4));
+ copy_alt(rtree.qbegin_(pred), rtree.qend_(), std::back_inserter(output4));
compare_outputs(rtree, output4, expected_output);
// rtree specific queries tests
@@ -1029,22 +1040,20 @@
exactly_the_same_outputs(rtree, output, output2);
std::vector<Value> output3;
- std::copy(rtree.qbegin(bgi::nearest(pt, k)), rtree.qend(bgi::nearest(pt, k)), std::back_inserter(output3));
+ std::copy(rtree.qbegin(bgi::nearest(pt, k)), rtree.qend(), std::back_inserter(output3));
compare_nearest_outputs(rtree, output3, expected_output, pt, greatest_distance);
- typedef typename Rtree::const_query_iterator QI;
- QI first = rtree.qbegin(bgi::nearest(pt, k));
- QI last = rtree.qend(bgi::nearest(pt, k));
std::vector<Value> output4;
- std::copy(first, last, std::back_inserter(output4));
+ std::copy(rtree.qbegin_(bgi::nearest(pt, k)), rtree.qend_(bgi::nearest(pt, k)), std::back_inserter(output4));
compare_nearest_outputs(rtree, output4, expected_output, pt, greatest_distance);
- QI last2 = rtree.qend();
- std::copy(first, last, std::back_inserter(output4));
+ copy_alt(rtree.qbegin_(bgi::nearest(pt, k)), rtree.qend_(), std::back_inserter(output4));
compare_nearest_outputs(rtree, output4, expected_output, pt, greatest_distance);
// rtree nearest not found
Boost-Commit list run by bdawes at acm.org, david.abrahams at rcn.com, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk