Re: [Boost-docs] INdexing

Subject: Re: [Boost-docs] INdexing
From: Andrew Sutton (asutton_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-09-21 14:09:24

>> You wouldn't happen to have any references for any such algorithms,
>> would you?
> No: that's not a distribution I'm familiar with, and in any case the
> math-toolkit doesn't do random numbers - thankfully ! ;-)
> There seem to be a lot of references here though:

It's just a normal distribution, that's "tilted" to the left or
right. I actually went through that site, but apparently missed the
FAQ on how to generate them.

Anyway, I have a student that already submitted an almost correct
solution (I actually fixed it, but haven't given out the solution).
I'm going to have him implement both the random number generator and
the distribution for the Math toolkit. So, if you're interested in an
extra distribution, I think I could persuade him to submit it :)

Andrew Sutton

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