Re: [Boost-docs] Xpressive problems

Subject: Re: [Boost-docs] Xpressive problems
From: David Abrahams (dave_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-12-06 02:28:15

on Fri Dec 05 2008, "John Maddock" <> wrote:

>>>> Beman, I'll look into starting a test case, but I honestly think
>>>> you're wasting your time using cygwin. I'd much rather see you
>>>> using all win32 builds of bjam/xsltproc/doxygen etc.
>>> The recommendation in
>>> is to
>>> use cygwin. Daniel pressed me to use cygwin back when I was using
>>> win32 versions of some of the tools, and indeed problems were reduced
>>> when I switched to cygwin. Given the long length of the tool chain, I
>>> really don't want to have to manually search for and install, and
>>> keep
>>> up to date win32 versions.
> Sigh. Difference of opinion then. All I can say is that I gave up on cygwin tools
> ages ago, because of precisely these kinds of issues :-(
> I'll give cygwin another try on the test docs and see how far I get...

I used cygwin happily for many years with an installation that used the
windows line-ending convention. Then one day the Cygwin installer added
a recommendation to use *nix line-ends. I've never understood why.
Everything had just seemed to work for me. So if you've been having
line-ending issues, try a cygwin installation that is compatible with
the rest of your system.

Dave Abrahams
BoostPro Computing

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