Re: [Boost-docs] Strange failure to build Quickbook, Doxygen and Autoindex and specialization std::numeric_limits

Subject: Re: [Boost-docs] Strange failure to build Quickbook, Doxygen and Autoindex and specialization std::numeric_limits
From: Raffi Enficiaud (raffi.enficiaud_at_[hidden])
Date: 2015-03-11 16:53:52

> On 11 Mar 2015, at 17:47, Paul A. Bristow <pbristow_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> Short version:
> I have been building a prototype documentation for a fixed-point library using Quickbook, Doxygen
> and Autoindex enabled . It includes a specialization of std::numeric_limits.
> It fails to build, but only if it includes a specialization of std::numeric_limits *and* index
> enabled.
> The most helpful message is from Doxygen:
> "
> error: Cannot open file
> I:/modular-boost/bin.v2/libs/fixed_point/doc/msvc-12.0/debug/auto-index-internal-on/auto-index-verbo
> se-on/auto-index-on/threading-multi/autodoc-xml/classstd_1_1numeric__limits_3_01boost_1_1math_1_1
> fixed__point_1_1negatable_3_01range_00_01resolu7207871e2843a3ccd659eb78939f39a6.xml for writing!
> "
> I can live with removing numeric_limits conditionally (it isn't terribly useful anyway).
> (I think have seen this problem, before but pushed it under the carpet ;-)
> Any ideas?
> (Place back under carpet?)
> Paul

It looks like the file names are too long. Maybe you can use SHORT_NAMES = YES in the doxygen configuration.

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