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From: stefan (stefan_at_[hidden])
Date: 2019-06-06 13:35:02

On 2019-06-06 9:10 a.m., Mateusz Loskot wrote:

> Hi All,
> Stefan, on Gitter, I've seen your request to students to prepare PRs
> to the upstream develop branch.
> Does it mean you expect partial integration of GSoC work, before
> actual completion of the whole GSoC period, and the projects?
> Could you clarify that?

I think in general the sooner we get a completed feature into the
upstream repo, the better.

In that sense I didn't express an expectation or a request, but a
suggestion (it's up to you and Miral to decide at what points you have
features ready to be merged).

There are a couple of benefits:

* it reduces the amount of work needed at the end of the project

* it fosters collaboration, as new features get out "into the wild"
sooner, and thus have better visibility

Would you prefer a different approach ?



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