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Subject: [Boost-interest] GPCE 2011 Call for Participation
From: Chang Hwan Peter Kim (chpkim_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-10-15 15:57:48

                      CALL FOR PARTICIPATION
                 Tenth International Conference on
          Generative Programming and Component Engineering
                         (GPCE 2011)
                     October 22-23, 2011
                    Portland, Oregon, USA
                 (collocated with SPLASH 2011)
            Facebook: GPCE 2011

Last chance to register for GPCE 2011. The program features keynotes
by Matthias Felleisen (Northeastern University) and Gary Shubert
(Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company), 18 technical talks covering
theoretical and practical aspects of generative and component based
programming, and two tech talks by Olivier Danvy (University of
Aarhus) and John Launchbury (Galois, Inc.).



Generative and component approaches are revolutionizing software
development just as automation and componentization revolutionized
manufacturing. Key technologies for automating program development are
Generative Programming for program synthesis, Component Engineering
for modularity, and Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) for compact
problem-oriented programming notations.

The International Conference on Generative Programming and Component
Engineering is a venue for researchers and practitioners interested in
techniques that use program generation and component deployment to
increase programmer productivity, improve software quality, and
shorten the time-to-market of software products. In addition to
exploring cutting-edge techniques of generative and component-based
software, our goal is to foster further cross-fertilization between
the software engineering and the programming languages research


Chairs (chairs_at_[hidden])

General Chair: Ewen Denney (SGT/NASA Ames, USA)
Program Chair: Ulrik Pagh Schultz (University of Southern Denmark)
Publicity Chair: Chang Hwan Peter Kim (University of Texas, USA)

Program Committee

* Andrzej Wasowski (IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
* Aniruddha Gokhale (Vanderbilt University, USA)
* Bernd Fischer (University of Southampton, UK)
* Bruno C. d. S. Oliveira (Seoul National University, Korea)
* Christian Kaestner (Philipps Universitat Marburg, Germany)
* Chung-Chieh Shan (Cornell University, USA)
* Don Batory (University of Texas, USA)
* Eli Tilevich (Virginia Tech, USA)
* Eric Tanter (University of Chile, Chile)
* Gorel Hedin (Lund University, Sweden)
* Ina Schaefer (TU Braunschweig, Germany)
* Jeremiah Willcock (Indiana University, USA)
* Jeremy Siek (University of Colorado at Boulder, USA)
* Jurgen Vinju (Centrum Wiskunde en Informatica, The Netherlands)
* Lionel Seinturier (University of Lille, France)
* Marjan Mernik (University of Maribor, Slovenia)
* Mat Marcus (Canyonlands Software Design, USA)
* Nicolas Loriant (Imperial College, France)
* Ras Bodik (University of California at Berkeley, USA)
* Robert Gluck (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
* Steffen Zschaler (King's College London, UK)
* Tudor Girba (, Switzerland)
* Walter Binder (University of Lugano, Switzerland)
* Yanhong A. Liu (State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA)

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