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Subject: Re: [Boost-mpi] [EXTERNAL] master vs develop
From: Alain Miniussi (alain.miniussi_at_[hidden])
Date: 2014-11-20 04:02:07
Hi Matthias,
Noel did reply to all my questions so far.
Since I'm pretty new to the boost release process, git and bjam, I'm
sure I'll have more questions pretty soon.
On 19/11/2014 18:54, Matthias Troyer wrote:
> Hi Alain,
> Sorry for the late reply, I've been traveling to France and California over the past two days. Did Noel's reply answer your question? I generally tested it on one or two local machines before committing to the release branch back when we used svn.
> Matthias
>> On 18 Nov 2014, at 21:11, Belcourt, Kenneth <kbelco_at_[hidden]> wrote:
>> Hi Alain,
>> On Nov 18, 2014, at 3:48 AM, Alain Miniussi <alain.miniussi_at_oca.eu> wrote:
>>> I have a question regarding:
>>> https://github.com/boostorg/mpi/compare/master...develop
>>> I guess that all the commit, specially the pull requests, listed are those that made their way to develop but not to master.
>>> What is the protocol/usage for having the stuff on the develop branch merge onto the master branch ?
>> Generally Ive been waiting for testing to cycle for a while before merging changes to master.
>>> I guess the stuff on develop is already considered as being validated in some way, so what is needed for the next step ? does some testing report need to be produced ? on a specific set of platform ?
>> Since very few people test Boost MPI on develop or master, I try to be very cautious with commits to develop and merges to master. Its kinda easy to break things and, given the scarcity of MPI and Graph Parallel testers, I prefer to test the PRs, develop and master branches on internal resources to ensure I dont hit any problems before I push them to github.
>> Are you familiar with the Boost testing pages? Can you contribute any testing resouces to specifically test MPI and Graph Parallel?
>>> Also, does everything that is in master supposed to go automagically in the next release ?
>> Generally yes, everything in master goes into the release, thats why were careful about what ends up in master.
>> Noel
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-- --- Alain
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