Boost-MPI : |
Subject: Re: [Boost-mpi] scatterv
From: MM (finjulhich_at_[hidden])
Date: 2016-07-02 10:41:01
On 2 July 2016 at 14:34, Julio Hoffimann Mendes <juliohm_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I didn't write the documentation that you're reading, just the code. Please open an issue on the Boost website if you think the documentation is inaccurate. Thank you for catching it. For your question regarding the API, Boost.MPI is just a wrapper over the C API, if you know what the C API does and you are familiar with it, just pass the "same arguments" to the C++ version.
> Best,
> -Júlio
Thank you
boost::mpi::scatterv is just a wrapper around MPI_Scatterv only if the
type being sent is a MPI_Data_Type.
Otherwise, boost::mpi implements the function with actual sends directly AFAIK.
In any case, the logical behavior would be the same in both cases.
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