Boost Testing :
- Next message: David Abrahams: "[Boost-testing] Re: [testing] Buildbot setup status."
- Previous message: Carl Daniel: "[Boost-testing] Re: Tests for Comeau, GCC for Tru64, VisualAge 6.0?"
- In reply to: Aleksey Gurtovoy: "[Boost-testing] Re: Tests for Comeau, GCC for Tru64, VisualAge 6.0?"
- Next in thread: Victor A. Wagner Jr.: "Re: [Boost-testing] Re: Tests for Comeau, GCC for Tru64, VisualAge 6.0?"
- Reply: Victor A. Wagner Jr.: "Re: [Boost-testing] Re: Tests for Comeau, GCC for Tru64, VisualAge 6.0?"
- Reply: Aleksey Gurtovoy: "[Boost-testing] "Microsoft" platform (Was: Tests for Comeau, GCC for Tru64, VisualAge6.0?)"
Aleksey Gurtovoy wrote:
>>OK, Comeau 4.3.3 on vc71 are running, first set of results just got
>>uploaded to ftp://fx.meta-comm.com/boost-regression/CVS-HEAD
> Hmm, seems like you're the second person who's Python interpreter
> thinks that it's running on the platformed named "Microsoft".
> Could you please do 'platform.system()' test along the lines of
> http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lib.boost.testing/666 and report
> the results here?
Python 2.4.1 (#65, Mar 30 2005, 09:13:57) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import platform
>>> print platform.system()
>>> ^Z
This is python-2.4.1.msi from http://www.python.org/2.4.1/
- Next message: David Abrahams: "[Boost-testing] Re: [testing] Buildbot setup status."
- Previous message: Carl Daniel: "[Boost-testing] Re: Tests for Comeau, GCC for Tru64, VisualAge 6.0?"
- In reply to: Aleksey Gurtovoy: "[Boost-testing] Re: Tests for Comeau, GCC for Tru64, VisualAge 6.0?"
- Next in thread: Victor A. Wagner Jr.: "Re: [Boost-testing] Re: Tests for Comeau, GCC for Tru64, VisualAge 6.0?"
- Reply: Victor A. Wagner Jr.: "Re: [Boost-testing] Re: Tests for Comeau, GCC for Tru64, VisualAge 6.0?"
- Reply: Aleksey Gurtovoy: "[Boost-testing] "Microsoft" platform (Was: Tests for Comeau, GCC for Tru64, VisualAge6.0?)"
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