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Boost Testing : |
From: Aleksey Gurtovoy (agurtovoy_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-02-27 06:14:22
Tobias Schwinger writes:
> Martin Wille wrote:
>> Tobias Schwinger wrote:
>> It would be cool if the build system would be able to automatically
>> remove results for tests that don't exist anymore.
> OK, here you go:
> # Copyright (C) 2006 T. Schwinger - Boost Software License
> # boost_root must be set here
> echo removing outdated tests:
> bin_dir=$boost_root"/bin/boost" # remove /boost for v2
> for lib_test_dir in `find $boost_root/libs -type d -name test` ; do
> lib_dir=`dirname $lib_test_dir`
> lib=`basename $lib_dir`
> echo - checking library $lib
> jamfile=$lib_test_dir/Jamfile
> jamfile_ts=$jamfile"_timestamp"
> if test -r $jamfile ; then
> if test -r $jamfile_ts ; then
> if test "`find $jamfile -type f -newer $jamfile_ts`" = "$jamfile" ; then
> echo +- Jamfile has changed, removing test target files
> rm -rf $bin_dir/libs/$lib/test
> touch -r $jamfile $jamfile_ts
> fi
> else
> touch -r $jamfile $jamfile_ts
> fi
> fi
> done
> Test and integrate at will -- putting 'echo' before the 'rm -rf' sets dry run mode.
> Even the integration of this snippet should work incrementally so
> the second run is the first that can detect changes.
> No overhead is involved (except for the few seconds the script takes
> to run).
>> However, I doubt this would be easy to implement, if possible at all.
> (-; this one works quite well for motivating people, I figure ;-)
Now, if you could express the above in Python, we'd happily integrate
it in "regression.py"!
-- Aleksey Gurtovoy MetaCommunications Engineering