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Boost Testing : |
From: Bronek Kozicki (brok_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-03-04 09:20:24
David Abrahams wrote:
>> - running bjam as SYSTEM (you'd need to use command "at" to schedule it,
>> because there is no way to set SYSTEM user from GUI) and let bjam
>> iterate through all desktops each few secs
>> - install new service and let bjam script "register" itself in this
>> service asking to kill all dialogs displayed by child processes
> Keeping in mind that I really don't know much about the details of
> what you're describing, the first way sounds easy but dangerous, and
> the 2nd one sounds somehow safer and less-intrusive. Is that right?
> If so, I'd prefer the 2nd.
I updated execnt.c so that bjam will seek and close dialogs in all
desktops (of the current session), assuming it has access rights high
enough (which means LocalSystem, I'm affraid - scheduler jobs created
with command "at" use LocalSystem account). I also fixed 2 bugs: time
conversion to seconds was buggy and there was handle leak in my code.
If you use fast user switching (in Windows XP) you will probably have
multiple sessions - one interactive and other(s) in the background. No
program can access windows displayed in the other sessions. This
limitation makes it impossible for bjam.exe when run in background
session to close assertions etc., because these are always displayed in
interactive session. This is why user of interactive session needs
noalerts.c (this is complete program in one file). It basicaly does the
job of build_monitor but is better ;) It will not kill any process and
will only close dialogs displayed by children of bjam.exe or csrss.exe .
It's also very simple (ie. should be easy to fix), does not depend on
3rd party programs (eg. "kill" - but as I said, it won't kill any
process anyway) and its CPU and memory overhead is very light. You may
put it on Startup and add commad line parameter "hide" to make the
window invisible.
I did not tested these as extensively as I'd like. So maybe before you
check them in, just run it for a while.
#define STRICT
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500
#include <windows.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "kernel32")
#pragma comment(lib, "user32")
#include <tlhelp32.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
static volatile long stop_flag_ = 0;
/* Return value can be directly used as return value from various ...EnumProc */
static int
return InterlockedCompareExchange(&stop_flag_, 0, 0) ? FALSE : TRUE ;
static void
InterlockedCompareExchange(&stop_flag_, 1, 0);
/* Convert a FILETIME to a number of seconds */
static double filetime_seconds(FILETIME t)
return (t.dwHighDateTime * (double)(1UL << 31) * 2 + t.dwLowDateTime) * 1.0e-7;
static double
creation_time(HANDLE process)
FILETIME creation, exit, kernel, user, current;
if (GetProcessTimes(process, &creation, &exit, &kernel, &user))
return filetime_seconds(creation);
return 0.0;
/* Recursive check if first process is parent (directly or indirectly) of
the second one. Both processes are passed as process ids, not handles.
Special return value 2 means that the second process is smss.exe and its
parent process is System (first argument is ignored) */
static int
is_parent_child(const char* const p, DWORD child)
HANDLE process_snapshot_h = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
if (!child)
return 0;
process_snapshot_h = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS,0);
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != process_snapshot_h)
pinfo.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);
for (
ok = Process32First(process_snapshot_h, &pinfo);
ok == TRUE;
ok = Process32Next(process_snapshot_h, &pinfo) )
if (pinfo.th32ProcessID == child)
if (stricmp(pinfo.szExeFile, p) == 0)
return 1;
/* csrss.exe may display message box like following:
xyz.exe - Unable To Locate Component
This application has failed to start because
boost_foo-bar.dll was not found. Re-installing the
application may fix the problem
This actually happens when starting test process that depends
on a dynamic library which failed to build. We want to
automatically close these message boxes even though csrss.exe
is not our child process. We may depend on the fact that (in
all current versions of Windows) csrss.exe is directly
child of smss.exe process, which in turn is directly child of
System process, which always has process id == 4 .
This check must be performed before comparison of process
creation time */
if (stricmp(pinfo.szExeFile, "csrss.exe") == 0
&& is_parent_child("smss.exe", pinfo.th32ParentProcessID))
return 1;
Unfortunately, process ids are not really unique. There might
be spurious "parent and child" relationship match between
two non-related processes if real parent process of a given
process has exited (while child process kept running as an
"orphan") and the process id of such parent process has been
reused by internals of the operating system when creating
another process. Thus additional check is needed - process
creation time. This check may fail (ie. return 0) for system
processes due to insufficient privileges, and that's OK. */
double tchild = 0.0;
double tparent = 0.0;
HANDLE hchild = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, pinfo.th32ProcessID);
if (hchild != 0)
HANDLE hparent = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, pinfo.th32ParentProcessID);
if (hparent != 0)
tchild = creation_time(hchild);
tparent = creation_time(hparent);
/* return 0 if one of the following is true:
1. we failed to read process creation time
2. child was created before alleged parent */
if (tchild == 0.0 || tparent == 0.0 || tchild < tparent)
return 0;
return is_parent_child(p, pinfo.th32ParentProcessID) & 1;
return 0;
/* This function is called by the operating system for each topmost window. */
window_enum(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam)
char buf[7] = {0};
const char* const p = (const char* const) lParam;
DWORD pid = 0;
/* we want to find and close any window that:
1. is visible and
2. is a dialog and
3. is displayed by any of our child processes */
if (!IsWindowVisible(hwnd))
return TRUE;
if (!GetClassNameA(hwnd, buf, sizeof(buf)))
return TRUE; /* failed to read class name; presume it's not a dialog */
if (strcmp(buf, "#32770") != 0)
return TRUE; /* not a dialog */
/* GetWindowThreadProcessId returns 0 on error, otherwise thread id
of window message pump thread */
GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &pid);
if (is_parent_child(p, pid))
PostMessageA(hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
/* PostThreadMessageA(tid, WM_QUIT, 0, 0); - too rude and would require to change desktop */
/* stop, we do not want to check any other window now */
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
desktop_enum(LPSTR lpszDesktop, LPARAM lParam)
HDESK desktop = OpenDesktop(lpszDesktop, 0, FALSE, GENERIC_ALL);
if (desktop != NULL)
EnumDesktopWindows(desktop, &window_enum, lParam);
return dont_stop();
static HWINSTA home_winsta_ = 0;
winsta_enum(LPSTR lpszWindowStation, LPARAM lParam)
HWINSTA newone = 0;
if (home_winsta_ == 0)
home_winsta_ = GetProcessWindowStation();
newone = OpenWindowStation(lpszWindowStation, FALSE, WINSTA_ALL_ACCESS);
if (newone != NULL)
EnumDesktops(newone, desktop_enum, lParam);
return dont_stop();
static void
close_alert(const char* const process)
EnumWindowStations(&winsta_enum, (LPARAM) process);
worker_thread(void *lParam)
double lastrun = 0.0;
while (dont_stop())
FILETIME current;
double dcurrent = filetime_seconds(current);
if (dcurrent - lastrun > 2.0)
lastrun = dcurrent;
return 0;
BOOL is_win2K_or_later()
ZeroMemory(&osvi, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO));
osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);
if (!GetVersionEx(&osvi))
return FALSE;
if (osvi.dwMajorVersion < 5)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
window_proc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
case WM_CLOSE:
return DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
return 0;
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
const char* const wndclass = "BjamAlertWatcher";
HWND hwnd;
HANDLE thread;
MSG Msg;
BOOL hide = FALSE;
if (stricmp(lpCmdLine, "hide") == 0)
hide = TRUE;
ZeroMemory(&wc, sizeof(WNDCLASSEX));
wc.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX);
wc.lpfnWndProc = window_proc;
wc.hInstance = hInstance;
wc.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_HAND);
wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW);
wc.lpszClassName = wndclass;
wc.hIconSm = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_HAND);
return 0;
if (hide && is_win2K_or_later())
/* HWND_MESSAGE is Windows 2000/XP specific feature used to minimize system overload */
hwnd = CreateWindowEx(
"Bjam Alert Watcher",
hwnd = CreateWindowEx(
"Bjam Alert Watcher",
NULL, NULL, hInstance, NULL);
if(hwnd == NULL)
return 0;
if (!hide)
ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_MINIMIZE);
thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, &worker_thread, NULL, 0, NULL);
if (thread == NULL)
return 0;
while(GetMessage(&Msg, NULL, 0, 0) > 0)
WaitForSingleObject(thread, INFINITE);
return Msg.wParam;
* Copyright 1993, 1995 Christopher Seiwald.
* This file is part of Jam - see jam.c for Copyright information.
/* This file is ALSO:
* Copyright 2001-2004 David Abrahams.
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
* (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
# include "jam.h"
# include "lists.h"
# include "execcmd.h"
# include "pathsys.h"
# include "debug.h"
# include <errno.h>
# include <assert.h>
# include <ctype.h>
# include <time.h>
# ifdef USE_EXECNT
# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
# include <windows.h> /* do the ugly deed */
# include <process.h>
# if !defined( __BORLANDC__ )
# include <tlhelp32.h>
# endif
# if !defined( __BORLANDC__ ) && !defined( OS_OS2 )
# define wait my_wait
static int my_wait( int *status );
# endif
* execnt.c - execute a shell command on Windows NT and Windows 95/98
* If $(JAMSHELL) is defined, uses that to formulate execvp()/spawnvp().
* The default is:
* /bin/sh -c % [ on UNIX/AmigaOS ]
* cmd.exe /c % [ on Windows NT ]
* Each word must be an individual element in a jam variable value.
* In $(JAMSHELL), % expands to the command string and ! expands to
* the slot number (starting at 1) for multiprocess (-j) invocations.
* If $(JAMSHELL) doesn't include a %, it is tacked on as the last
* argument.
* Don't just set JAMSHELL to /bin/sh or cmd.exe - it won't work!
* External routines:
* execcmd() - launch an async command execution
* execwait() - wait and drive at most one execution completion
* Internal routines:
* onintr() - bump intr to note command interruption
* 04/08/94 (seiwald) - Coherent/386 support added.
* 05/04/94 (seiwald) - async multiprocess interface
* 01/22/95 (seiwald) - $(JAMSHELL) support
* 06/02/97 (gsar) - full async multiprocess support for Win32
static int intr = 0;
static int cmdsrunning = 0;
static void (*istat)( int );
static int is_nt_351 = 0;
static int is_win95 = 1;
static int is_win95_defined = 0;
static struct
int pid; /* on win32, a real process handle */
void (*func)( void *closure, int status, timing_info* );
void *closure;
char *tempfile;
} cmdtab[ MAXJOBS ] = {{0}};
static void
set_is_win95( void )
os_info.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(os_info);
os_info.dwPlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS;
GetVersionEx( &os_info );
is_win95 = (os_info.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS);
is_win95_defined = 1;
/* now, test wether we're running Windows 3.51 */
/* this is later used to limit the system call command length */
if (os_info.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT)
is_nt_351 = os_info.dwMajorVersion == 3;
int maxline()
if (!is_win95_defined)
/* Set the maximum command line length according to the OS */
return is_nt_351 ? 996
: is_win95 ? 1023
: 2047;
static void
free_argv( char** args )
free( args[0] );
free( args );
/* Convert a command string into arguments for spawnvp. The original
* code, inherited from ftjam, tried to break up every argument on the
* command-line, dealing with quotes, but that's really a waste of
* time on Win32, at least. It turns out that all you need to do is
* get the raw path to the executable in the first argument to
* spawnvp, and you can pass all the rest of the command-line
* arguments to spawnvp in one, un-processed string.
* New strategy: break the string in at most one place.
static char**
string_to_args( const char* string )
int src_len;
int in_quote;
char* line;
char const* src;
char* dst;
char** argv;
/* drop leading and trailing whitespace if any */
while (isspace(*string))
src_len = strlen( string );
while ( src_len > 0 && isspace( string[src_len - 1] ) )
/* Copy the input string into a buffer we can modify
line = (char*)malloc( src_len+1 );
if (!line)
return 0;
profile_memory( src_len+1 );
/* allocate the argv array.
* element 0: stores the path to the executable
* element 1: stores the command-line arguments to the executable
* element 2: NULL terminator
argv = (char**)malloc( 3 * sizeof(char*) );
if (!argv)
free( line );
return 0;
profile_memory( 3 * sizeof(char*) );
/* Strip quotes from the first command-line argument and find
* where it ends. Quotes are illegal in Win32 pathnames, so we
* don't need to worry about preserving escaped quotes here.
* Spaces can't be escaped in Win32, only enclosed in quotes, so
* removing backslash escapes is also a non-issue.
in_quote = 0;
for ( src = string, dst = line ; *src; src++ )
if (*src == '"')
in_quote = !in_quote;
else if (!in_quote && isspace(*src))
*dst++ = *src;
*dst++ = 0;
argv[0] = line;
/* skip whitespace in src */
while (isspace(*src))
argv[1] = dst;
/* Copy the rest of the arguments verbatim */
src_len -= src - string;
/* Use strncat because it appends a trailing nul */
*dst = 0;
strncat(dst, src, src_len);
argv[2] = 0;
return argv;
/* process a "del" or "erase" command under Windows 95/98 */
static int
process_del( char* command )
char** arg;
char* p = command, *q;
int wildcard = 0, result = 0;
/* first of all, skip the command itself */
if ( p[0] == 'd' )
p += 3; /* assumes "del..;" */
else if ( p[0] == 'e' )
p += 5; /* assumes "erase.." */
return 1; /* invalid command */
/* process all targets independently */
for (;;)
/* skip leading spaces */
while ( *p && isspace(*p) )
/* exit if we encounter an end of string */
if (!*p)
return 0;
/* ignore toggles/flags */
while (*p == '/')
while ( *p && isalnum(*p) )
while (*p && isspace(*p) )
int in_quote = 0;
int wildcard = 0;
int go_on = 1;
q = p;
while (go_on)
switch (*p)
case '"':
in_quote = !in_quote;
case '?':
case '*':
if (!in_quote)
wildcard = 1;
case '\0':
if (in_quote)
return 1;
/* fall-through */
case ' ':
case '\t':
if (!in_quote)
int len = p - q;
int result;
char* line;
/* q..p-1 contains the delete argument */
if ( len <= 0 )
return 1;
line = (char*)malloc( len+4+1 );
if (!line)
return 1;
profile_memory( len+4+1 );
strncpy( line, "del ", 4 );
strncpy( line+4, q, len );
line[len+4] = '\0';
if ( wildcard )
result = system( line );
result = !DeleteFile( line+4 );
free( line );
if (result)
return 1;
go_on = 0;
} /* while (go_on) */
* onintr() - bump intr to note command interruption
onintr( int disp )
printf( "...interrupted\n" );
* can_spawn() - If the command is suitable for execution via spawnvp,
* return a number >= the number of characters it would occupy on the
* command-line. Otherwise, return zero.
long can_spawn(char* command)
char *p;
char inquote = 0;
/* Move to the first non-whitespace */
command += strspn( command, " \t" );
p = command;
/* Look for newlines and unquoted i/o redirection */
p += strcspn( p, "'\n\"<>|" );
switch (*p)
case '\n':
/* skip over any following spaces */
while( isspace( *p ) )
/* Must use a .bat file if there is anything significant
* following the newline
if (*p)
return 0;
case '"':
case '\'':
if (p > command && p[-1] != '\\')
if (inquote == *p)
inquote = 0;
else if (inquote == 0)
inquote = *p;
case '<':
case '>':
case '|':
if (!inquote)
return 0;
while (*p);
/* Return the number of characters the command will occupy
return p - command;
void execnt_unit_test()
#if !defined(NDEBUG)
/* vc6 preprocessor is broken, so assert with these strings gets
* confused. Use a table instead.
typedef struct test { char* command; int result; } test;
test tests[] = {
{ "x", 0 },
{ "x\n ", 0 },
{ "x\ny", 1 },
{ "x\n\n y", 1 },
{ "echo x > foo.bar", 1 },
{ "echo x < foo.bar", 1 },
{ "echo x \">\" foo.bar", 0 },
{ "echo x \"<\" foo.bar", 0 },
{ "echo x \\\">\\\" foo.bar", 1 },
{ "echo x \\\"<\\\" foo.bar", 1 }
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < sizeof(tests)/sizeof(*tests); ++i)
assert( !can_spawn( tests[i].command ) == tests[i].result );
char* long_command = malloc(MAXLINE + 10);
assert( long_command != 0 );
memset( long_command, 'x', MAXLINE + 9 );
long_command[MAXLINE + 9] = 0;
assert( can_spawn( long_command ) == MAXLINE + 9);
free( long_command );
/* Work around vc6 bug; it doesn't like escaped string
* literals inside assert
char** argv = string_to_args("\"g++\" -c -I\"Foobar\"");
char const expected[] = "-c -I\"Foobar\"";
assert(!strcmp(argv[0], "g++"));
assert(!strcmp(argv[1], expected));
/* 64-bit arithmetic helpers */
/* Compute the carry bit from the addition of two 32-bit unsigned numbers */
#define add_carry_bit(a, b) ( (((a) | (b)) >> 31) & (~((a) + (b)) >> 31) & 0x1 )
/* Compute the high 32 bits of the addition of two 64-bit unsigned numbers, h1l1 and h2l2 */
#define add_64_hi(h1, l1, h2, l2) ((h1) + (h2) + add_carry_bit(l1, l2))
/* Add two 64-bit unsigned numbers, h1l1 and h2l2 */
static FILETIME add_64(
unsigned long h1, unsigned long l1,
unsigned long h2, unsigned long l2)
FILETIME result;
result.dwLowDateTime = l1 + l2;
result.dwHighDateTime = add_64_hi(h1, l1, h2, l2);
return result;
return add_64(
t1.dwHighDateTime, t1.dwLowDateTime
, t2.dwHighDateTime, t2.dwLowDateTime);
/* 2s complement negation */
return add_64(~t.dwHighDateTime, ~t.dwLowDateTime, 0, 1);
/* COnvert a FILETIME to a number of seconds */
static double filetime_seconds(FILETIME t)
return (t.dwHighDateTime * (double)(1UL << 31) * 2 + t.dwLowDateTime) * 1.0e-7;
static void
record_times(int pid, timing_info* time)
FILETIME creation, exit, kernel, user;
if (GetProcessTimes((HANDLE)pid, &creation, &exit, &kernel, &user))
/* Compute the elapsed time */
#if 0 /* We don't know how to get this number this on Unix */
time->elapsed = filetime_seconds(
add_FILETIME( exit, negate_FILETIME(creation) )
time->system = filetime_seconds(kernel);
time->user = filetime_seconds(user);
* execcmd() - launch an async command execution
char *string,
void (*func)( void *closure, int status, timing_info* ),
void *closure,
LIST *shell )
int pid;
int slot;
int raw_cmd = 0 ;
char *argv_static[ MAXARGC + 1 ]; /* +1 for NULL */
char **argv = argv_static;
char *p;
/* Check to see if we need to hack around the line-length limitation. */
/* Look for a JAMSHELL setting of "%", indicating that the command
* should be invoked directly */
if ( shell && !strcmp(shell->string,"%") && !list_next(shell) )
raw_cmd = 1;
shell = 0;
if ( !is_win95_defined )
/* Find a slot in the running commands table for this one. */
if ( is_win95 )
/* only synchronous spans are supported on Windows 95/98 */
slot = 0;
for( slot = 0; slot < MAXJOBS; slot++ )
if( !cmdtab[ slot ].pid )
if( slot == MAXJOBS )
printf( "no slots for child!\n" );
exit( EXITBAD );
if( !cmdtab[ slot ].tempfile )
const char *tempdir = path_tmpdir();
DWORD procID = GetCurrentProcessId();
/* SVA - allocate 64 other just to be safe */
cmdtab[ slot ].tempfile = malloc( strlen( tempdir ) + 64 );
profile_memory( strlen( tempdir ) + 64 );
sprintf( cmdtab[ slot ].tempfile, "%s\\jam%d-%02d.bat",
tempdir, procID, slot );
/* Trim leading, ending white space */
while( isspace( *string ) )
/* Write to .BAT file unless the line would be too long and it
* meets the other spawnability criteria.
if( raw_cmd && can_spawn( string ) >= MAXLINE )
printf("Executing raw command directly\n");
FILE *f = 0;
int tries = 0;
raw_cmd = 0;
/* Write command to bat file. For some reason this open can
fails intermitently. But doing some retries works. Most likely
this is due to a previously existing file of the same name that
happens to be opened by an active virus scanner. Pointed out,
and fix by Bronek Kozicki. */
for (; !f && tries < 4; ++tries)
f = fopen( cmdtab[ slot ].tempfile, "w" );
if ( !f && tries < 4 ) Sleep( 250 );
if (!f)
printf( "failed to write command file!\n" );
exit( EXITBAD );
fputs( string, f );
fclose( f );
string = cmdtab[ slot ].tempfile;
if (shell)
printf("using user-specified shell: %s", shell->string);
printf("Executing through .bat file\n");
/* Forumulate argv */
/* If shell was defined, be prepared for % and ! subs. */
/* Otherwise, use stock /bin/sh (on unix) or cmd.exe (on NT). */
if( shell )
int i;
char jobno[4];
int gotpercent = 0;
sprintf( jobno, "%d", slot + 1 );
for( i = 0; shell && i < MAXARGC; i++, shell = list_next( shell ) )
switch( shell->string[0] )
case '%': argv[i] = string; gotpercent++; break;
case '!': argv[i] = jobno; break;
default: argv[i] = shell->string;
printf( "argv[%d] = '%s'\n", i, argv[i] );
if( !gotpercent )
argv[i++] = string;
argv[i] = 0;
else if (raw_cmd)
argv = string_to_args(string);
/* don't worry, this is ignored on Win95/98, see later.. */
argv[0] = "cmd.exe";
argv[1] = "/Q/C"; /* anything more is non-portable */
argv[2] = string;
argv[3] = 0;
/* Catch interrupts whenever commands are running. */
if( !cmdsrunning++ )
istat = signal( SIGINT, onintr );
/* Start the command */
/* on Win95, we only do a synchronous call */
if ( is_win95 )
static const char* hard_coded[] =
"del", "erase", "copy", "mkdir", "rmdir", "cls", "dir",
"ren", "rename", "move", 0
const char** keyword;
int len, spawn = 1;
int result;
timing_info time = {0,0};
for ( keyword = hard_coded; keyword[0]; keyword++ )
len = strlen( keyword[0] );
if ( strnicmp( string, keyword[0], len ) == 0 &&
!isalnum(string[len]) )
/* this is one of the hard coded symbols, use 'system' to run */
/* them.. except for "del"/"erase" */
if ( keyword - hard_coded < 2 )
result = process_del( string );
result = system( string );
spawn = 0;
if (spawn)
char** args;
/* convert the string into an array of arguments */
/* we need to take care of double quotes !! */
args = string_to_args( string );
if ( args )
#if 0
char** arg;
fprintf( stderr, "%s: ", args[0] );
arg = args+1;
while ( arg[0] )
fprintf( stderr, " {%s}", arg[0] );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
result = spawnvp( P_WAIT, args[0], args );
record_times(result, &time);
free_argv( args );
result = 1;
func( closure, result ? EXEC_CMD_FAIL : EXEC_CMD_OK, &time );
char **argp = argv;
printf("Executing command");
while(*argp != 0)
printf(" [%s]", *argp);
/* the rest is for Windows NT only */
/* spawn doesn't like quotes around the command name */
if ( argv[0][0] == '"')
int l = strlen(argv[0]);
/* Clobber any closing quote, shortening the string by one
* element */
if (argv[0][l-1] == '"')
argv[0][l-1] = '\0';
/* Move everything *including* the original terminating zero
* back one place in memory, covering up the opening quote */
if( ( pid = spawnvp( P_NOWAIT, argv[0], argv ) ) == -1 )
perror( "spawn" );
exit( EXITBAD );
/* Save the operation for execwait() to find. */
cmdtab[ slot ].pid = pid;
cmdtab[ slot ].func = func;
cmdtab[ slot ].closure = closure;
/* Wait until we're under the limit of concurrent commands. */
/* Don't trust globs.jobs alone. */
while( cmdsrunning >= MAXJOBS || cmdsrunning >= globs.jobs )
if( !execwait() )
if (argv != argv_static)
* execwait() - wait and drive at most one execution completion
int i;
int status, w;
int rstat;
timing_info time;
/* Handle naive make1() which doesn't know if cmds are running. */
if( !cmdsrunning )
return 0;
if ( is_win95 )
return 0;
/* Pick up process pid and status */
while( ( w = wait( &status ) ) == -1 && errno == EINTR )
if( w == -1 )
printf( "child process(es) lost!\n" );
exit( EXITBAD );
/* Find the process in the cmdtab. */
for( i = 0; i < MAXJOBS; i++ )
if( w == cmdtab[ i ].pid )
if( i == MAXJOBS )
printf( "waif child found!\n" );
exit( EXITBAD );
record_times(cmdtab[i].pid, &time);
/* Clear the temp file */
if ( cmdtab[i].tempfile )
unlink( cmdtab[ i ].tempfile );
/* Drive the completion */
if( !--cmdsrunning )
signal( SIGINT, istat );
if( intr )
rstat = EXEC_CMD_INTR;
else if( w == -1 || status != 0 )
rstat = EXEC_CMD_FAIL;
rstat = EXEC_CMD_OK;
cmdtab[ i ].pid = 0;
/* SVA don't leak temp files */
if(cmdtab[i].tempfile != NULL)
cmdtab[i].tempfile = NULL;
(*cmdtab[ i ].func)( cmdtab[ i ].closure, rstat, &time );
return 1;
# if !defined( __BORLANDC__ )
/* The possible result codes from check_process_exit, below */
typedef enum { process_error, process_active, process_finished } process_state;
/* Helper for my_wait() below. Checks to see whether the process has
* exited and if so, records timing information.
static process_state
HANDLE process /* The process we're looking at */
, int* status /* Storage for the finished process' exit
* code. If the process is still active
* this location is left untouched. */
, HANDLE* active_handles /* Storage for the process handle if it is
* found to be still active, or NULL. The
* process is treated as though it is
* complete. */
, int* num_active /* The current length of active_handles */
DWORD exitcode;
process_state result;
/* Try to get the process exit code */
if (!GetExitCodeProcess(process, &exitcode))
result = process_error; /* signal an error */
else if (
exitcode == STILL_ACTIVE /* If the process is still active */
&& active_handles != 0 /* and we've been passed a place to buffer it */
active_handles[(*num_active)++] = process; /* push it onto the active stack */
result = process_active;
*status = (int)((exitcode & 0xff) << 8);
result = process_finished;
return result;
static double
running_time(HANDLE process)
FILETIME creation, exit, kernel, user, current;
if (GetProcessTimes(process, &creation, &exit, &kernel, &user))
/* Compute the elapsed time */
double delta = filetime_seconds(
add_FILETIME( current, negate_FILETIME(creation) )
return delta;
return 0.0;
static double
creation_time(HANDLE process)
FILETIME creation, exit, kernel, user, current;
if (GetProcessTimes(process, &creation, &exit, &kernel, &user))
return filetime_seconds(creation);
return 0.0;
/* it's just stupidly silly that one has to do this! */
LONG ExitStatus;
PVOID PebBaseAddress;
ULONG AffinityMask;
LONG BasePriority;
ULONG UniqueProcessId;
ULONG InheritedFromUniqueProcessId;
typedef LONG (__stdcall * NtQueryInformationProcess__)(
HANDLE ProcessHandle,
LONG ProcessInformationClass,
PVOID ProcessInformation,
ULONG ProcessInformationLength,
PULONG ReturnLength);
static NtQueryInformationProcess__ NtQueryInformationProcess_ = NULL;
DWORD get_process_id(HANDLE process)
if ( ! NtQueryInformationProcess_ )
if ( ! NTDLL_ )
NTDLL_ = GetModuleHandleA("ntdll");
if ( NTDLL_ )
= (NtQueryInformationProcess__)GetProcAddress( NTDLL_,"NtQueryInformationProcess" );
if ( NtQueryInformationProcess_ )
LONG r = (*NtQueryInformationProcess_)(
process,/* ProcessBasicInformation == */ 0,&pinfo,sizeof(PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION_),NULL);
return pinfo.UniqueProcessId;
return 0;
/* not really optimal, or efficient, but it's easier this way, and it's not
like we are going to be killing thousands, or even tens or processes. */
static void
kill_all(DWORD pid, HANDLE process)
HANDLE process_snapshot_h = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
if ( !pid )
pid = get_process_id(process);
process_snapshot_h = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS,0);
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != process_snapshot_h)
pinfo.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);
for (
ok = Process32First(process_snapshot_h,&pinfo);
TRUE == ok;
ok = Process32Next(process_snapshot_h,&pinfo) )
if (pinfo.th32ParentProcessID == pid)
/* found a child, recurse to kill it and anything else below it */
HANDLE ph = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS,FALSE,pinfo.th32ProcessID);
if (NULL != ph)
/* now that the children are all dead, kill the root */
/* Recursive check if first process is parent (directly or indirectly) of
the second one. Both processes are passed as process ids, not handles.
Special return value 2 means that the second process is smss.exe and its
parent process is System (first argument is ignored) */
static int
is_parent_child(DWORD parent, DWORD child)
HANDLE process_snapshot_h = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
if (!child)
return 0;
if (parent == child)
return 1;
process_snapshot_h = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS,0);
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != process_snapshot_h)
pinfo.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);
for (
ok = Process32First(process_snapshot_h, &pinfo);
ok == TRUE;
ok = Process32Next(process_snapshot_h, &pinfo) )
if (pinfo.th32ProcessID == child)
/* csrss.exe may display message box like following:
xyz.exe - Unable To Locate Component
This application has failed to start because
boost_foo-bar.dll was not found. Re-installing the
application may fix the problem
This actually happens when starting test process that depends
on a dynamic library which failed to build. We want to
automatically close these message boxes even though csrss.exe
is not our child process. We may depend on the fact that (in
all current versions of Windows) csrss.exe is directly
child of smss.exe process, which in turn is directly child of
System process, which always has process id == 4 .
This check must be performed before comparison of process
creation time */
if (stricmp(pinfo.szExeFile, "csrss.exe") == 0
&& is_parent_child(parent, pinfo.th32ParentProcessID) == 2)
return 1;
else if (stricmp(pinfo.szExeFile, "smss.exe") == 0
&& pinfo.th32ParentProcessID == 4)
return 2;
Unfortunately, process ids are not really unique. There might
be spurious "parent and child" relationship match between
two non-related processes if real parent process of a given
process has exited (while child process kept running as an
"orphan") and the process id of such parent process has been
reused by internals of the operating system when creating
another process. Thus additional check is needed - process
creation time. This check may fail (ie. return 0) for system
processes due to insufficient privileges, and that's OK. */
double tchild = 0.0;
double tparent = 0.0;
HANDLE hchild = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, pinfo.th32ProcessID);
if (hchild != 0)
HANDLE hparent = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, pinfo.th32ParentProcessID);
if (hparent != 0)
tchild = creation_time(hchild);
tparent = creation_time(hparent);
/* return 0 if one of the following is true:
1. we failed to read process creation time
2. child was created before alleged parent */
if (tchild == 0.0 || tparent == 0.0 || tchild < tparent)
return 0;
return is_parent_child(parent, pinfo.th32ParentProcessID) & 1;
return 0;
/* This function is called by the operating system for each topmost window. */
window_enum(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam)
char buf[7] = {0};
DWORD pid = 0;
DWORD tid = 0;
/* we want to find and close any window that:
1. is visible and
2. is a dialog and
3. is displayed by any of our child processes */
if (!IsWindowVisible(hwnd))
return TRUE;
if (!GetClassNameA(hwnd, buf, sizeof(buf)))
return TRUE; /* failed to read class name; presume it's not a dialog */
if (strcmp(buf, "#32770") != 0)
return TRUE; /* not a dialog */
/* GetWindowThreadProcessId returns 0 on error, otherwise thread id
of window message pump thread */
tid = GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &pid);
if (tid && is_parent_child(p.pid, pid))
/* ask really nice */
PostMessageA(hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
/* now wait and see if it worked. If not, insist */
if (WaitForSingleObject(p.h, 200) == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
PostThreadMessageA(tid, WM_QUIT, 0, 0);
WaitForSingleObject(p.h, 300);
/* done, we do not want to check any other window now */
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
desktop_enum(LPSTR lpszDesktop, LPARAM lParam)
HDESK desktop = OpenDesktop(lpszDesktop, 0, FALSE, GENERIC_ALL);
if (desktop != NULL)
EnumDesktopWindows(desktop, &window_enum, lParam);
return TRUE;
static HWINSTA home_winsta_ = 0;
winsta_enum(LPSTR lpszWindowStation, LPARAM lParam)
HWINSTA newone = 0;
if (home_winsta_ == 0)
home_winsta_ = GetProcessWindowStation();
newone = OpenWindowStation(lpszWindowStation, FALSE, WINSTA_ALL_ACCESS);
if (newone != NULL)
EnumDesktops(newone, desktop_enum, lParam);
return TRUE;
static void
close_alert(HANDLE process)
DWORD pid = get_process_id(process);
/* If process already exited or we just cannot get its process id, do not
go any further */
if (pid)
PROCESS_HANDLE_ID p = {process, pid};
EnumWindowStations(&winsta_enum, (LPARAM) &p);
static int
my_wait( int *status )
int i, num_active = 0;
DWORD exitcode, waitcode;
HANDLE active_handles[MAXJOBS];
/* first see if any non-waited-for processes are dead,
* and return if so.
for ( i = 0; i < globs.jobs; i++ )
int pid = cmdtab[i].pid;
if ( pid )
process_state state
= check_process_exit((HANDLE)pid, status, active_handles, &num_active);
if ( state == process_error )
goto FAILED;
else if ( state == process_finished )
return pid;
/* if a child exists, wait for it to die */
if ( !num_active )
errno = ECHILD;
return -1;
if ( globs.timeout > 0 )
unsigned int alert_wait = 1;
/* with a timeout we wait for a finish or a timeout, we check every second
to see if something timed out */
for (waitcode = WAIT_TIMEOUT; waitcode == WAIT_TIMEOUT; ++alert_wait)
waitcode = WaitForMultipleObjects( num_active, active_handles, FALSE, 1*1000 /* 1 second */ );
if ( waitcode == WAIT_TIMEOUT )
/* check if any jobs have surpassed the maximum run time. */
for ( i = 0; i < num_active; ++i )
double t = running_time(active_handles[i]);
/* periodically (each 5 secs) check and close message boxes
displayed by any of our child processes */
if ((alert_wait % ((unsigned int) 5)) == 0)
if ( t > (double)globs.timeout )
/* the job may have left an alert dialog around,
try and get rid of it before killing */
/* we have a "runaway" job, kill it */
/* indicate the job "finished" so we query its status below */
waitcode = WAIT_ABANDONED_0+i;
/* no timeout, so just wait indefinately for something to finish */
waitcode = WaitForMultipleObjects( num_active, active_handles, FALSE, INFINITE );
if ( waitcode != WAIT_FAILED )
if ( waitcode >= WAIT_ABANDONED_0
&& waitcode < WAIT_ABANDONED_0 + num_active )
i = waitcode - WAIT_ABANDONED_0;
i = waitcode - WAIT_OBJECT_0;
if ( check_process_exit(active_handles[i], status, 0, 0) == process_finished )
return (int)active_handles[i];
errno = GetLastError();
return -1;
# endif /* !__BORLANDC__ */
# endif /* USE_EXECNT */
--- C:\Documents and Settings\Bronek Kozicki\Desktop\bjam\execnt.c Tue Jul 25 05:50:44 2006 UTC
+++ C:\Documents and Settings\Bronek Kozicki\Desktop\bjam\update\execnt.c Sat Mar 3 22:18:26 2007 UTC
@@ -474,11 +474,11 @@
/* COnvert a FILETIME to a number of seconds */
static double filetime_seconds(FILETIME t)
- return t.dwHighDateTime * (double)(1UL << 31) * 2 + t.dwLowDateTime * 1.0e-7;
+ return (t.dwHighDateTime * (double)(1UL << 31) * 2 + t.dwLowDateTime) * 1.0e-7;
static void
record_times(int pid, timing_info* time)
@@ -1034,24 +1034,10 @@
ok == TRUE;
ok = Process32Next(process_snapshot_h, &pinfo) )
if (pinfo.th32ProcessID == child)
- /*
- Unfortunately, process ids are not really unique. There might
- be spurious "parent and child" relationship match between
- two non-related processes if real parent process of a given
- process has exited (while child process kept running as an
- "orphan") and the process id of such parent process has been
- reused by internals of the operating system when creating
- another process. Thus additional check is needed - process
- creation time. This check may fail (ie. return 0) for system
- processes due to insufficient privileges, and that's OK. */
- double tchild = 0.0;
- double tparent = 0.0;
- HANDLE hchild = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, pinfo.th32ProcessID);
/* csrss.exe may display message box like following:
xyz.exe - Unable To Locate Component
This application has failed to start because
@@ -1075,28 +1061,43 @@
&& pinfo.th32ParentProcessID == 4)
return 2;
- if (hchild != 0)
+ /*
+ Unfortunately, process ids are not really unique. There might
+ be spurious "parent and child" relationship match between
+ two non-related processes if real parent process of a given
+ process has exited (while child process kept running as an
+ "orphan") and the process id of such parent process has been
+ reused by internals of the operating system when creating
+ another process. Thus additional check is needed - process
+ creation time. This check may fail (ie. return 0) for system
+ processes due to insufficient privileges, and that's OK. */
- HANDLE hparent = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, pinfo.th32ParentProcessID);
- if (hparent != 0)
+ double tchild = 0.0;
+ double tparent = 0.0;
+ HANDLE hchild = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, pinfo.th32ProcessID);
+ if (hchild != 0)
- tchild = creation_time(hchild);
- tparent = creation_time(hparent);
- CloseHandle(hparent);
+ HANDLE hparent = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, pinfo.th32ParentProcessID);
+ if (hparent != 0)
+ {
+ tchild = creation_time(hchild);
+ tparent = creation_time(hparent);
+ CloseHandle(hparent);
+ }
+ CloseHandle(hchild);
- CloseHandle(hchild);
- }
- /* return 0 if one of the following is true:
- 1. we failed to read process creation time
- 2. child was created before alleged parent */
- if (tchild == 0.0 || tparent == 0.0 || tchild < tparent)
- return 0;
+ /* return 0 if one of the following is true:
+ 1. we failed to read process creation time
+ 2. child was created before alleged parent */
+ if (tchild == 0.0 || tparent == 0.0 || tchild < tparent)
+ return 0;
+ }
return is_parent_child(parent, pinfo.th32ParentProcessID) & 1;
@@ -1150,20 +1151,55 @@
return TRUE;
+desktop_enum(LPSTR lpszDesktop, LPARAM lParam)
+ HDESK desktop = OpenDesktop(lpszDesktop, 0, FALSE, GENERIC_ALL);
+ if (desktop != NULL)
+ {
+ EnumDesktopWindows(desktop, &window_enum, lParam);
+ CloseDesktop(desktop);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+static HWINSTA home_winsta_ = 0;
+winsta_enum(LPSTR lpszWindowStation, LPARAM lParam)
+ HWINSTA newone = 0;
+ if (home_winsta_ == 0)
+ home_winsta_ = GetProcessWindowStation();
+ newone = OpenWindowStation(lpszWindowStation, FALSE, WINSTA_ALL_ACCESS);
+ if (newone != NULL)
+ {
+ SetProcessWindowStation(newone);
+ EnumDesktops(newone, desktop_enum, lParam);
+ SetProcessWindowStation(home_winsta_);
+ CloseWindowStation(newone);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
static void
close_alert(HANDLE process)
DWORD pid = get_process_id(process);
/* If process already exited or we just cannot get its process id, do not
go any further */
if (pid)
PROCESS_HANDLE_ID p = {process, pid};
- EnumWindows(&window_enum, (LPARAM) &p);
+ EnumWindowStations(&winsta_enum, (LPARAM) &p);
static int
my_wait( int *status )