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Subject: [Boost-testing] git, possible redundancy in run.py
From: Ben Pope (benpope81_at_[hidden])
Date: 2014-09-15 23:47:44
I may not have the fastest internet connection in the world, but it
takes around 10 minutes to update my repositories. I think that's quite
a long time, considering that's the case when they are already up to date.
The bulk of the time is spent fetching submodules.
I'm no git or test infrastructure expert, but it looks to me like it
fetches submodules 3 times, once for develop and twice for master. If
I'm building master, shouldn't it just fetch master submodules a single
time? In fact, when the pull is done, does it even matter whether master
or develop is checked out?
What follows is a summary of the insan^H^H^H^H^Hactivity:
For tools_bb:
git remote "set-branches" "--add" "origin" "develop"
git pull "--recurse-submodules"
git submodule "update" "--init"
git checkout "develop"
And then for boost_root:
git remote "set-branches" "--add" "origin" "master"
git pull "--recurse-submodules"
** slow stuff here **
git submodule "update" "--init"
git checkout "master"
git remote "set-branches" "--add" "origin" "master"
git pull "--recurse-submodules"
** slow stuff here **
git submodule "update" "--init"
git checkout "master"
git submodule foreach "git reset --quiet --hard; git clean -fxd"
git reset "--hard"
git clean "-fxd"
git status
git remote "set-branches" "--add" "origin" "master"
git pull "--recurse-submodules"
** slow stuff here **
git submodule "update" "--init"
git checkout "master"
Is all of that entirely necessary?
Also, if you can answer that question, perhaps you can answer this: Can
I run my master and develop tests from the same directory, I currently
have them separated, as that's how I did it with svn.