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From: Tom Matelich (tmatelich_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-08-15 14:53:26

I'm attempting to go to Boost 1.28 on our HPUX 10.20 boxes. I've run into a
problem with an assumption about the type of pthread_mutexattr_t.
detail\lwm_pthreads.hpp calls:

        pthread_mutex_init(&m_, 0);

HP's pthread.h (10.20 uses DCE) has that defined as:

int pthread_mutex_init (pthread_mutex_t *,pthread_mutexattr_t);

after tracing the typedef's down to <dce/cma.h>, I found pthread_mutexattr_t
is this:

typedef struct CMA_T_HANDLE {
    cma_t_address field1;
    short int field2;
    short int field3;
    } cma_t_handle;

where cma_t_address is a void*.

The error message is:
.../boost/detail/lwm_pthreads.hpp: In method
.../boost/detail/lwm_pthreads.hpp:40: conversion from `int' to non-scalar
type `CMA_T_HANDLE' requested

I'm not sure what solution to use here. Ifdefs are troublesome because it
is hard to distinguish between HP 10.x and 11.x, which use different
threading models. I don't know a lot about threads on HP, we use ACE so
that we don't have to. One thing I do remember is that they conform to a
fairly old revision of POSIX.

I think attachments are prohibited on this list, so I will append pthread.h
and dce/cma.h below.

Thanks for your help,


 * (c) Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 OPEN SOFTWARE FOUNDATION, INC.
 * Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 Open Software Foundation, Inc.
 * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED (DCE). See the file named COPYRIGHT.DCE for
 * the full copyright text.
 * @(#)HP DCE/9000 1.5
 * @(#)Module: pthread.h $Revision: /main/HPDCE02/5 $ $Date: 1995/07/11
17:25 UTC $
 * %W% (DEC OSF/1) %G%
 * Copyright (c) 1990, 1992 by
 * Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard Massachusetts.
 * All rights reserved.
 * This software is furnished under a license and may be used and copied
 * only in accordance with the terms of such license and with the
 * inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software or any other
 * copies thereof may not be provided or otherwise made available to any
 * other person. No title to and ownership of the software is hereby
 * transferred.
 * The information in this software is subject to change without notice
 * and should not be construed as a commitment by DIGITAL Equipment
 * Corporation.
 * DIGITAL assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of its
 * software on equipment which is not supplied by DIGITAL.

 * Common Multithread Architecture (CMA) services; POSIX 1003.4
 * External definitions for CMA's pthreads services
 * Dave Butenhof
 * 20 February 1990
 * Dave Butenhof
 * Paul Curtin
 * Webb Scales

#ifndef PTHREAD
#define PTHREAD

#if !defined(__STDC__) && defined(_CMA_HP_INT_NONANSI)
# include <dce/pthread_int.h>
#ifdef vms
# include <cma.h>
#else# include <dce/cma.h>
# include <signal.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
 * The implementation makes these basic decisions

#endif#if _CMA_KTHREADS_ != _CMA__MACH
 * Implement push and pop for cancellation handlers, using TRY and ENDTRY

#define pthread_cleanup_push(routine,arg) \
    { \
    pthread_cleanup_t _XXX_proc = (pthread_cleanup_t)(routine); \
    pthread_addr_t _XXX_arg = (arg); \
    int _XXX_completed = 0; \
    TRY {

#define pthread_cleanup_pop(execute) \
    _XXX_completed = 1;} \
    FINALLY { \
        int _XXX_execute = execute; \
        if ((! _XXX_completed) || (_XXX_execute)) _XXX_proc (_XXX_arg);} \

#define pthread_equal_np(thread1,thread2) \
    (((thread1).field1 == (thread2).field1) \
    && ((thread1).field2 == (thread2).field2) \
    && ((thread1).field3 == (thread2).field3))

#define pthread_equal(thread1,thread2) \
    (((thread1).field1 == (thread2).field1) \
    && ((thread1).field2 == (thread2).field2) \
    && ((thread1).field3 == (thread2).field3))

#define pthread_getunique_np(handle) \
    ((unsigned int)((pthread_t *)handle)->field2)

 * Sample decisions for the environment types

typedef cma_t_key pthread_key_t;

typedef cma_t_address pthread_addr_t;

 * For compatibility with OSF/1 pthreads
typedef pthread_addr_t any_t;
typedef void (*pthread_cleanup_t) (pthread_addr_t);

 * Sample decision for a one-time initialization control block and its
 * initialization macro.
 * Declare a one time initialization control block as:
 * static pthread_once_t block = pthread_once_init;
typedef cma_t_once pthread_once_t;

#define pthread_once_init cma_once_init

#define CANCEL_ON 1
#define CANCEL_OFF 0

 * The following are the portable pthread definitions

 * Operations on Handles

 * Operations on attributes objects

typedef cma_t_attr pthread_attr_t;

 * An attributes object is created to specify the attributes of other CMA
 * objects that will be created.

int pthread_attr_create (pthread_attr_t *);

 * An attributes object can be deleted when it is no longer needed.

int pthread_attr_delete (pthread_attr_t *);

 * Operations on threads

typedef cma_t_thread pthread_t;
typedef cma_t_start_routine pthread_startroutine_t;
 * For compatibility with OSF/1 pthreads
typedef pthread_startroutine_t pthread_func_t;

#define PTHREAD_INHERIT_SCHED ((int)cma_c_sched_inherit)
#define PTHREAD_DEFAULT_SCHED ((int)cma_c_sched_use_default)

#define SCHED_FIFO ((int)cma_c_sched_fifo)
#define SCHED_RR ((int)cma_c_sched_rr)
#define SCHED_FG_NP ((int)cma_c_sched_throughput)
#define SCHED_BG_NP ((int)cma_c_sched_background)

/* For compatibility with namespace collision due to POSIX.4 includes */
# define SCHED_OTHER ((int)cma_c_sched_throughput)
#define PRI_FIFO_MIN ((int)cma_c_prio_fifo_min)
#define PRI_FIFO_MAX ((int)cma_c_prio_fifo_max)
#define PRI_RR_MIN ((int)cma_c_prio_rr_min)
#define PRI_RR_MAX ((int)cma_c_prio_rr_max)
#define PRI_FG_MIN_NP ((int)cma_c_prio_through_min)
#define PRI_FG_MAX_NP ((int)cma_c_prio_through_max)
#define PRI_BG_MIN_NP ((int)cma_c_prio_back_min)
#define PRI_BG_MAX_NP ((int)cma_c_prio_back_max)
#define PRI_OTHER_MIN ((int)cma_c_prio_through_min)
#define PRI_OTHER_MAX ((int)cma_c_prio_through_max)

 * Operations to define thread creation attributes

 * Set or obtain the default thread priority.
int pthread_attr_setprio (pthread_attr_t *,int);

int pthread_attr_getprio (pthread_attr_t);

 * Set or obtain the default scheduling algorithm
int pthread_attr_setsched (pthread_attr_t *,int);

int pthread_attr_getsched (pthread_attr_t);

 * Set or obtain whether a thread will use the default scheduling
 * or inherit them from the creating thread.
int pthread_attr_setinheritsched (pthread_attr_t *,int);

int pthread_attr_getinheritsched (pthread_attr_t);

 * Set or obtain the default stack size
int pthread_attr_setstacksize (pthread_attr_t *,long);

long pthread_attr_getstacksize (pthread_attr_t);

 * Set or obtain the default guard size
int pthread_attr_setguardsize_np (pthread_attr_t *,long);

long pthread_attr_getguardsize_np (pthread_attr_t);

 * The following procedures can be used to control thread creation,
 * termination and deletion.

 * To create a thread object and runnable thread, a routine must be
 * as the new thread's start routine. An argument may be passed to this
 * routine, as an untyped address; an untyped address may also be returned
 * the routine's value. An attributes object may be used to specify details
 * about the kind of thread being created.
int pthread_create (pthread_t

 * A thread object may be "detached" to specify that the return value and
 * completion status will not be requested.
int pthread_detach (pthread_t *);

 * A thread may terminate it's own execution.
void pthread_exit (pthread_addr_t);

 * A thread can await termination of another thread and retrieve the return
 * value of the thread.
int pthread_join (pthread_t,pthread_addr_t *);

 * Thread Scheduling Operations

 * The current user_assigned priority of a thread can be changed.
int pthread_setprio (pthread_t,int);

 * The current user_assigned scheduler algorithm of a thread can be changed.
int pthread_setscheduler (pthread_t,int,int);

 * A thread may tell the scheduler that its processor can be made available.
void pthread_yield (void);

 * Thread Information Operations

 * A thread may obtain a copy of its own thread handle.
pthread_t pthread_self (void);

 * The current user_assigned priority of a thread can be read.
int pthread_getprio (pthread_t);

 * The current user_assigned scheduler algorithm of a thread can be read.
int pthread_getscheduler ( pthread_t);

 * Operations on Mutexes

#define MUTEX_FAST_NP 0

typedef cma_t_attr pthread_mutexattr_t;
typedef cma_t_mutex pthread_mutex_t;

int pthread_mutexattr_create (pthread_mutexattr_t *);

int pthread_mutexattr_delete (pthread_mutexattr_t *);

int pthread_mutexattr_setkind_np (pthread_mutexattr_t *,int);

int pthread_mutexattr_getkind_np (pthread_mutexattr_t);

 * The following routines create, delete, lock and unlock mutexes.
int pthread_mutex_init (pthread_mutex_t *,pthread_mutexattr_t);

int pthread_mutex_destroy (pthread_mutex_t *);

int pthread_mutex_lock (pthread_mutex_t *);

int pthread_mutex_trylock (pthread_mutex_t *);

int pthread_mutex_unlock (pthread_mutex_t *);

 * Operations on condition variables

typedef cma_t_attr pthread_condattr_t;
typedef cma_t_cond pthread_cond_t;

int pthread_condattr_create (pthread_condattr_t *);

int pthread_condattr_delete (pthread_condattr_t *);

 * A thread can create and delete condition variables.
int pthread_cond_init (pthread_cond_t *,pthread_condattr_t);

int pthread_cond_destroy (pthread_cond_t *);

 * A thread can signal to and broadcast on a condition variable.
int pthread_cond_broadcast (pthread_cond_t *);

int pthread_cond_signal (pthread_cond_t *);

int pthread_cond_signal_int_np (pthread_cond_t *);

 * A thread can wait for a condition variable to be signalled or broadcast.
int pthread_cond_wait (pthread_cond_t *,pthread_mutex_t *);

 * Operations for timed waiting

 * A thread can perform a timed wait on a condition variable.
int pthread_cond_timedwait (pthread_cond_t *,pthread_mutex_t *,struct
timespec *);

 * Operations for client initialization.
 typedef void (*pthread_initroutine_t) (void);

int pthread_once (pthread_once_t *,pthread_initroutine_t);

 * Operations for per-thread context

typedef cma_t_destructor pthread_destructor_t;

 * A unique per-thread context key can be obtained for the process
int pthread_keycreate (pthread_key_t *,pthread_destructor_t);

 * A thread can set a per-thread context value identified by a key.
int pthread_setspecific (pthread_key_t,pthread_addr_t);

 * A thread can retrieve a per-thread context value identified by a key.
int pthread_getspecific (pthread_key_t,pthread_addr_t *);

 * Operations for alerts.

 * The current thread can request that a thread terminate it's execution.

int pthread_cancel (pthread_t);

 * The current thread can poll for alert delivery.
void pthread_testcancel (void);

 * The current thread can enable or disable alert delivery (PTHREAD
 * "cancels"); it can control "general cancelability" (CMA "defer") or
 * just "asynchronous cancelability" (CMA "asynch disable").
int pthread_setasynccancel (int);

int pthread_setcancel (int);

_CMA_IMPORT_ pthread_attr_t pthread_attr_default;
_CMA_IMPORT_ pthread_mutexattr_t pthread_mutexattr_default;
_CMA_IMPORT_ pthread_condattr_t pthread_condattr_default;

 * Define nonportable extensions

extern int pthread_get_expiration_np (struct timespec *,struct timespec

extern int pthread_delay_np (struct timespec *);

#if (_CMA_UNIX_TYPE == _CMA__SVR4)
extern unsigned int pthread_delay_unsigned_np (unsigned int );
#endif /* (_CMA_UNIX_TYPE == _CMA__SVR4) */

extern void pthread_lock_global_np (void);

extern void pthread_unlock_global_np (void);

# if _CMA_OS_ != _CMA__VMS
extern int pthread_signal_to_cancel_np (sigset_t *,pthread_t *);
# endif
#ifdef __hpux
extern int pthread_is_multithreaded_np (void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _CMA_HP_INT_NONANSI */


 * (c) Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 OPEN SOFTWARE FOUNDATION, INC.
 * Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 Open Software Foundation, Inc.
 * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED (DCE). See the file named COPYRIGHT.DCE for
 * the full copyright text.
 * (c) Copyright 1991, 1992 Siemens-Nixdorf Information Systems
 * Burlington, MA, USA
 * @(#)HP DCE/9000 1.5
 * @(#)Module: cma.h $Revision: /main/HPDCE02/3 $ $Date: 1995/09/07 19:35
 * %W% (DEC OSF/1) %G%
 * Copyright (c) 1988, 1992 by
 * Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard Massachusetts.
 * All rights reserved.
 * This software is furnished under a license and may be used and copied
 * only in accordance with the terms of such license and with the
 * inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software or any other
 * copies thereof may not be provided or otherwise made available to any
 * other person. No title to and ownership of the software is hereby
 * transferred.
 * The information in this software is subject to change without notice
 * and should not be construed as a commitment by DIGITAL Equipment
 * Corporation.
 * DIGITAL assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of its
 * software on equipment which is not supplied by DIGITAL.

 * Digital's Proprietary Interface to DECthreads (CMA)
 * External definitions for CMA services
 * Dave Butenhof
 * 2 November 1988
 * Dave Butenhof
 * Bob Conti
 * Paul Curtin
 * Hans Oser
 * Webb Scales


 * Define a symbol which client code can test to determine whether the
 * underlying threads package is DECthreads or not. This is especially
 * important to clients of the Pthreads interface who may want to use
 * certain DECthreads extensions, such as the global lock and non-real-time
 * scheduling policies, on the DECthreads platform while maintaining
 * portability to a "vanilla" pthreads implementation.
#define _DECTHREADS_ 1

 * The implementation makes these basic decisions

#if defined(vms) || defined(__vms) || defined (VMS) || defined(__VMS) ||
# include <cma_config.h> /* configuration symbols */
#else# include <dce/cma_config.h> /* configuration symbols */
/* For HP_UX, specifies which version of the operating system we are
building on */
#if _CMA_VENDOR_ == _CMA__HP
# include <dce/hpdce_platform.h>
/* Fix ordering problem with "wait" definition in HP-UX 1010 header files */
#if defined(__hpux1010p)
# define wait cma_wait
# if defined _libcma_code_
# include <cma_libc_redefs.h>
# endif#endif
#if _CMA_OS_ != _CMA__VMS
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <sys/time.h>
#if _CMA_OS_ == _CMA__VMS
# include <exc_handling.h> /* Bring in exception services */
#else# include <dce/exc_handling.h> /* Bring in exception
services */
# define _REENTRANT 1 /* Enable reentrant errno.h */
# ifndef _REENTRANT
# define _REENTRANT 1
# endif#endif

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
 * Sample decisions for the environment types

typedef int cma_t_integer;

typedef unsigned int cma_t_boolean;

typedef unsigned int cma_t_natural;

typedef float cma_t_interval;

typedef int cma_t_key;

typedef int cma_t_status;

typedef int cma_t_priority;

#if _CMA_VOID_
typedef void *cma_t_address;
#elsetypedef char *cma_t_address;
#define cma_c_false (cma_t_boolean)0
#define cma_c_true (cma_t_boolean)1
#define cma_c_null_ptr (cma_t_address)0

#define cma_c_prio_fifo_min 16
#define cma_c_prio_fifo_mid 24
#define cma_c_prio_fifo_max 31
#define cma_c_prio_rr_min 16
#define cma_c_prio_rr_mid 24
#define cma_c_prio_rr_max 31
#define cma_c_prio_through_min 8
#define cma_c_prio_through_mid 12
#define cma_c_prio_through_max 15
#define cma_c_prio_back_min 1
#define cma_c_prio_back_mid 4
#define cma_c_prio_back_max 7
#define cma_c_prio_ada_low_min 0
#define cma_c_prio_ada_low_mid 4
#define cma_c_prio_ada_low_max 7

 * The implementation of the cma_t_date_time type should match the "native
 * time" of the platform: that allows clients to use the full set of
 * time operations, rather than just "cma_get_expiration", to compute and
 * test timed waits.
 * This section assumes the platform is either "VMS" or "UNIX-ish". Others
 * will require changes.
#if _CMA_OS_ == _CMA__VMS
typedef struct CMA_T_DATE_TIME {
    unsigned long int low;
    unsigned long int high;
    } cma_t_date_time;
#elsetypedef struct timeval cma_t_date_time;
#ifdef __hpux
 * Structure for C++ callbacks
typedef struct CB_STRUCT {
        void (*start)();
        void (*end)();
        void (*out)();
        void (*in)();
} _ctxcb_spec_t;
 * Sample decisions for what handles shall be

typedef struct CMA_T_HANDLE {
    cma_t_address field1;
    short int field2;
    short int field3;
    } cma_t_handle;

#define cma_thread_get_unique(handle) \
    ((unsigned int)((cma_t_thread *)handle)->field2)

#define cma_c_handle_size sizeof(cma_t_handle)

typedef cma_t_handle cma_t_mutex; /* Needed for CMA_ONCE_BLOCK */

 * Predefined null handle
_CMA_IMPORT_ cma_t_handle cma_c_null;
 * Sample decision for a one-time initialization control block and its
 * initialization macro.
 * Declare a one time initialization control block as:
 * static cma_t_once block = cma_once_init;
typedef struct CMA_T_ONCE {
    cma_t_integer field1;
    cma_t_integer field2;
    cma_t_integer field3;
    } cma_t_once;

#define cma_once_init {0, 0, 0}

 * Sample decision for a variable to save the current alert state.
typedef struct CMA_T_ALERT_STATE {
    cma_t_integer state1;
    cma_t_integer state2;
    } cma_t_alert_state;

 * The following are the portable CMA definitions

 * Operations on Handles

 * The value of a handle can be assigned the value of another handle.

extern void cma_handle_assign (cma_t_handle *, cma_t_handle *);

 * The value of a handle can be compared to the value of another handle.

extern cma_t_boolean cma_handle_equal ( cma_t_handle *, cma_t_handle *);

 * Operations on attributes objects

typedef cma_t_handle cma_t_attr;

 * An attributes object is created to specify the attributes of other CMA
 * objects that will be created.

extern void cma_attr_create (cma_t_attr *,cma_t_attr *);

 * An attributes object can be deleted when it is no longer needed.

extern void cma_attr_delete (cma_t_attr *);

 * Operations on threads

typedef cma_t_handle cma_t_thread;
typedef cma_t_address (*cma_t_start_routine) (cma_t_address);

typedef enum CMA_T_EXIT_STATUS {
    cma_c_term_error = 0,
    cma_c_term_normal = 1,
    cma_c_term_alert = 2
    } cma_t_exit_status;

typedef enum CMA_T_SCHED_INHERIT {
    cma_c_sched_inherit = 0,
    cma_c_sched_use_default = 1
    } cma_t_sched_inherit;

typedef enum CMA_T_SCHED_POLICY {
    cma_c_sched_fifo = 0,
    cma_c_sched_rr = 1,
    cma_c_sched_throughput = 2,
    cma_c_sched_background = 3,
    cma_c_sched_ada_low = 4
    } cma_t_sched_policy;

#define cma_c_sched_default cma_c_sched_throughput
#define cma_c_sched_other cma_c_sched_default

 * The following procedures can be used to control thread creation,
 * termination and deletion.

 * To create a thread object and runnable thread, a routine must be
 * as the new thread's start routine. An argument may be passed to this
 * routine, as an untyped address; an untyped address may also be returned
 * the routine's value. An attributes object may be used to specify details
 * about the kind of thread being created.
extern void cma_thread_create (cma_t_thread *,cma_t_attr

 * A thread object may be "detached" to specify that the return value and
 * completion status will not be requested.
extern void cma_thread_detach (cma_t_thread *);

 * A thread may terminate it's own execution.
extern void cma_thread_exit_error (void);

extern void cma_thread_exit_normal (cma_t_address);

 * A thread can await termination of another thread and retrieve the return
 * value and completion status of the thread.
extern void cma_thread_join (cma_t_thread *,cma_t_exit_status
*,cma_t_address *);

 * Operations to define thread creation attributes

 * Set or obtain the default thread priority.
extern void cma_attr_set_priority (cma_t_attr *,cma_t_priority);

extern void cma_attr_get_priority (cma_t_attr *,cma_t_priority *);

 * Set or obtain the default scheduling algorithm
extern void cma_attr_set_sched (cma_t_attr *,cma_t_sched_policy

extern void cma_attr_get_sched (cma_t_attr *,cma_t_sched_policy *);

 * Set or obtain whether a thread will use the default scheduling
 * or inherit them from the creating thread.
extern void cma_attr_set_inherit_sched (cma_t_attr *,cma_t_sched_inherit);

extern void cma_attr_get_inherit_sched (cma_t_attr *,cma_t_sched_inherit *);

 * Set or obtain the default stack size
extern void cma_attr_set_stacksize (cma_t_attr *,cma_t_natural);

extern void cma_attr_get_stacksize (cma_t_attr *,cma_t_natural *);

 * Set or obtain the default guard size
extern void cma_attr_set_guardsize (cma_t_attr *,cma_t_natural);

extern void cma_attr_get_guardsize (cma_t_attr *,cma_t_natural *);

 * Thread Scheduling Operations

 * The current user_assigned priority of a thread can be changed.
extern void cma_thread_set_priority (cma_t_thread *,cma_t_priority);

 * The current user_assigned scheduler algorithm of a thread can be changed.
extern void cma_thread_set_sched (cma_t_thread

 * A thread may tell the scheduler that its processor can be made available.
extern void cma_yield (void);

#ifndef _HP_CMA_PERF_
extern void cma_yield_noselect (void);
#endif /* _HP_CMA_PERF_ */

 * A thread may enter a wait state for a speciifed period of time.
extern void cma_delay (cma_t_interval);

 * Thread Information Operations

 * A thread may obtain a copy of its own thread handle.
extern void cma_thread_get_self (cma_t_thread *);

 * The current user_assigned priority of a thread can be read.
extern void cma_thread_get_priority (cma_t_thread *,cma_t_priority *);

 * The current user_assigned scheduler algorithm of a thread can be read.
extern void cma_thread_get_sched (cma_t_thread *,cma_t_sched_policy *);

 * Operations on Mutexes

typedef enum CMA_T_MUTEX_KIND {
    cma_c_mutex_fast = 0,
    cma_c_mutex_recursive = 1,
    cma_c_mutex_nonrecursive = 2
    } cma_t_mutex_kind;

 * Operations to define mutex creation attributes

 * Set or obtain whether mutex locks can nest.
extern void cma_attr_set_mutex_kind (cma_t_attr *,cma_t_mutex_kind);

extern void cma_attr_get_mutex_kind (cma_t_attr*,cma_t_mutex_kind *);

 * The following routines create, delete, lock and unlock mutexes.
extern void cma_mutex_create (cma_t_mutex *,cma_t_attr *);

extern void cma_mutex_delete (cma_t_mutex *);

extern void cma_mutex_lock (cma_t_mutex *);

extern cma_t_boolean cma_mutex_try_lock (cma_t_mutex *);

extern void cma_mutex_unlock (cma_t_mutex *);

extern void cma_lock_global (void);

extern void cma_unlock_global (void);

 * Operations on condition variables

typedef cma_t_handle cma_t_cond;

 * A thread can create and delete condition variables.
extern void cma_cond_create (cma_t_cond *,cma_t_attr *);

extern void cma_cond_delete (cma_t_cond *);

 * A thread can signal to and broadcast on a condition variable.
extern void cma_cond_broadcast (cma_t_cond *);

extern void cma_cond_signal (cma_t_cond *);

extern void cma_cond_signal_int (cma_t_cond *);

 * A thread can wait for a condition variable to be signalled or broadcast.
extern void cma_cond_wait (cma_t_cond *,cma_t_mutex *);

 * Operations for timed waiting

 * A thread can perform a timed wait on a condition variable.
extern cma_t_status cma_cond_timed_wait (cma_t_cond *,cma_t_mutex
*,cma_t_date_time *);

 * A thread may perform some operations on absolute date-time and intervals.

extern void cma_time_get_expiration (cma_t_date_time *,cma_t_interval );

 * Operations for CMA and client initialization.

 * Initialize the CMA facility.
extern void
cma_init (void);

 * A thread can declare a one-time initialization routine. The address of
 * the init block and routine are passed as parameters.
typedef void (*cma_t_init_routine) (cma_t_address);

extern void
cma_once (cma_t_once *_block,cma_t_init_routine,cma_t_address);

 * Operations for per-thread context
typedef void (*cma_t_destructor) (cma_t_address);

 * A unique per-thread context key can be obtained for the process
extern void cma_key_create (cma_t_key *,cma_t_attr *,cma_t_destructor);

 * A thread can set a per-thread context value identified by a key.
extern void cma_key_set_context (cma_t_key,cma_t_address);

 * A thread can retrieve a per-thread context value identified by a key.
extern void cma_key_get_context (cma_t_key,cma_t_address *_value);

 * Operations for alerts.

 * The current thread can request that a thread terminate it's execution.

extern void cma_thread_alert (cma_t_thread *);

 * The current thread can poll for alert delivery.
extern void cma_alert_test (void);

 * The current thread can disable asynchronous alert delivery, restore the
 * previous state of asynchronous alert delivery, or enable asynchronous
 * alert delivery.
extern void cma_alert_disable_asynch (cma_t_alert_state *);

extern void cma_alert_disable_general (cma_t_alert_state *);

extern void cma_alert_enable_asynch (void);

extern void cma_alert_enable_general (cma_t_alert_state *);

extern void cma_alert_restore (cma_t_alert_state *);

 * Operations on stacks

typedef cma_t_handle cma_t_stack_np;
typedef void (*cma_t_call_routine) (void);

 * Allocate stack space
extern void cma_stack_allocate_np (cma_t_integer,cma_t_address *);

 * Assign a stack to a thread
extern void cma_stack_assign_np (cma_t_stack_np *,cma_t_thread *);

 * Call a routine on a new stack
extern void cma_stack_call_routine_np (cma_t_stack_np
*,cma_t_call_routine,cma_t_address,cma_t_address *);

 * Check stack limit
extern cma_t_boolean cma_stack_check_limit_np (cma_t_integer);

 * Create a new stack
extern void cma_stack_create_np (cma_t_stack_np *,cma_t_attr *);

 * Delete a stack
extern void cma_stack_delete_np (cma_t_stack_np *);

 * Debug threads
extern void
cma_debug (void);

extern void cma_debug_cmd (char *, ...);

_CMA_IMPORT_ void (*cma_g_debug) (void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
# if defined(_HP_LIBC_R) && defined(__hpux1010p)
# define sigaction _sigaction_sys
# endif
# if _CMA_OS_ == _CMA__VMS
# include <cma_px.h>
# else# include <dce/cma_px.h>
# endif
# if _CMA_OS_ == _CMA__VMS
# include <cmalib_crtlx.h>
# else# include <dce/cmalib_crtlx.h>
# endif#endif
# if _CMA_OS_ == _CMA__VMS
# include <cmalib_crtlx.h>
# else# include <dce/cma_errno.h>
# include <dce/cmalib_crtlx.h>
# include <dce/cma_stdio.h>
# endif# elif (_CMA_UNIX_TYPE == _CMA__SVR4)
        * SVR4 reentrant libraries do not have per-thread errno.
# include <dce/cma_errno.h>
# endif# if _CMA_OS_ == _CMA__UNIX
# include <dce/cma_ux.h>
# endif# if _CMA_OS_ == _CMA__VMS
# include <cma_sigwait.h>
# else# include <dce/cma_sigwait.h>
# endif# endif
# ifdef _HP_LIBC_R
# undef wait
# include <cma_libc_calls.h>
# endif


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