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Boost Users :

From: Jim.Hyslop (jim.hyslop_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-08-27 08:17:35

> I'm using WinCvs to checkout the current version of boost from the
> cvs server. However, I found that I can not checkout some of the
> libs which are put in the Attic, though I can browse them through my
> internet browser. Anyone knows how to check these files out? (for
> example, the mpl lib)
Any files in the Attic are either obsolete, or have been added only on a
branch and have not been merged to the trunk yet.

Unless you are having a specific problem that requires a file from the
Attic, then don't worry about what's up there (I suspect that's probably why
it's called the "Attic" - out of sight, out of mind ;-)


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