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From: Matthias Kronenberger (mkronen_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-08-27 09:00:31

Does that mean i can only use vecS as the EdgeList?
What about the usual std::set.
Could one change a BGL config file to use hash_setS as the default EdgeList?
Which file would that be?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeremy Siek" <jsiek_at_[hidden]>
Newsgroups: gmane.comp.lib.boost.user
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2002 7:17 PM
Subject: Re: BGL: adjacency_list: remove_edge problems

> Hi Matthias,
> On Mon, 26 Aug 2002, Matthias Kronenberger wrote:
> yg-boo> Could it be, that some BGL config file detects MSVC and concludes,
> yg-boo> that hash sets are not available in the MSVC stl??
> Yes, for hash sets to work, BGL needs to create partial specializations
> for the hash template class. However, MSVC does not support partial
> specialization. I can't think of a straightforward workaround for this
> problem. Sorry.
> Regards,
> Jeremy
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Jeremy Siek
> Ph.D. Student, Indiana Univ. B'ton email: jsiek_at_[hidden]
> C++ Booster ( office phone: (812) 855-3608
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------

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