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From: khuroth (dansilva_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-08-27 09:52:27

Oh, that works, thanks!
To clarify though, for a member function, bind can be passed either
an object pointer, an object reference, a function that returns an
object pointer (the result of another bind), or a function that
returns an object reference?

I'm definitely a fan of this library now =)

--- In Boost-Users_at_y..., Jaakko Jarvi <jajarvi_at_c...> wrote:
> > > I think what you want is something like
> > > bind( &Controller::DoSomething,
> > >          bind( &A::GetController, _1 ) );
> >
> > That didn't work when I tried earlier, either because bind()
> > produces a function instead of a pointer to a Controller or
> > GetController returns a reference instead of a pointer.
> When binding member pointers, LL accepts either pointers or
> as the object argument, and the above should thus work.
> This example works for me:
> #include "boost/lambda/bind.hpp"
> #include "boost/lambda/lambda.hpp"
> #include <iostream>
> using namespace boost;
> using namespace boost::lambda;
> class Controller {
> public:
> void DoSomething() { std::cout << "Hello World!"; };
> };
> class View {
> Controller& contr;
> public:
> View(Controller& c) : contr(c) {};
> Controller& GetController() { return contr; }
> };
> int main () {
> Controller c;
> View v(c);
> bind(&Controller::DoSomething,
> bind(&View::GetController, _1))(v);
> };
> /Jaakko
> >
> >
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> --
> --
> -- Jaakko Järvi email: jajarvi_at_c...
> -- Post Doctoral Fellow phone: +1 (812) 855-3608
> -- Pervasive Technology Labs fax: +1 (812) 855-4829
> -- Indiana University, Bloomington

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