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From: Dale Peakall (dale.peakall_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-08-29 09:39:13

On Thursday 29 August 2002 3:13 pm, Russ Poffenberger wrote:
> In your situation, you would typically have the main thread with a socket
> listening on a "well known" port for new connections. It would then create
> a new socket, bind the new socket to that connection, then spawn a new
> thread to handle just that socket. There really isn't much overhead to a
> thread, you can have lots of them. The beauty of this is that the main
> thread doesn't care about the sockets it has spawned off. If the socket
> connection dies, the thread just terminates. Since the main socket is only
> listening for connection requests, it doesn't need to manage the other
> sockets, let the individual threads do that.

This is an awful design for any server that handles lots of connections,
there's way too much thread contention to be efficient.

        - Dale.

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