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From: Marc Cromme (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-08-30 03:49:12

Dear Boost Members

I was wondering if there is an n-ary ordered tree template in boost,
something like

template <size_t N, class Type, class Alloc = allocator<Type > >
class NTree

which is a standard container, and a reversible container, ordered
by level. That is, first element is root, next series of elements
are childs of roots, next series are grandchilds of root , and so

This way one could parse level by level like a reversible container.

There should be the obvious member functions for inserting/deleting
child nodes and subtrees.

As far as I can see, there is not such a template in boost, but the
question is then:

1) can it be emulated using the grah library ??


2) is there already an proposal/prototype for such a thing ??


3) would it be interesting to include such a thing in boost ??

your's sincierely,

     Marc Cromme

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