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From: John Maddock (john_maddock_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-09-13 06:40:54

>Result: jam still gives "Thread support is unavailable" errors.
>Attempt: added a line to boost/config/user.hpp:
>Result: builds!

Just defining BOOST_HAS_THREADS probably won't get things working - you need
to set the right compiler switches to ensure that the compiler really is
building multithreaded code, however Jam should do this for you, so my guess
is that the vacc toolset description is wrong. Maybe someone familiar with
the compiler/platform can jump in here and indicate what the problem with
vacc-tools.jam is.

>Afterwards you have to manually set BOOST_HAS_THREADS as you
>discovered by yourself. This is because the configure script
>discovers that POSIX threads are available by the configure
>system doesn't set BOOST_HAS_THREADS itself. Maybe it should?
>You should ask John Maddock about it.

It's not supposed to set it - the config system will still check for
_REENTRANT and/or _MT etc to see if the compiler is in multi-thread mode, if
vacpp sets some other define then let me know and I'll update the config

John Maddock

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