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From: shevaxp (isaac_chaob_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-09-13 10:54:00

  Iīm actually developping a NLP appication (a morphological analyzer)
Iīve implemented the tokenizer using boost regex++ engine, but the
performance is poor in comparition with Perlīs one for the same task.
  Iīve read some messages about this questions in the mailing list,
and then realized that boost regex++ gives really more than what i
needed, and the price I have to pay is a lack of speed.
  But I wouldnīt like to mistake twice, so Iīve decided to make to
all of you the question:
 Is there something I could change to enfinciently use boost regex in
NLP programming?
If not, whatīs the better(at least better than Perl!) regex engine in
C/C++ for NLP programming (and,of course... OPEN SOURCE) ?

  Thank you. (and sorry for my english)

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