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From: someuserat (marktutt_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-09-19 20:28:18

--- In Boost-Users_at_y..., "Peter Dimov" <pdimov_at_m...> wrote:
> > for_each(widgetset_.begin(),widgetset_.end(),i->insert);
> > }
> I think that you need bind(&WidgetMap::insert, i, _1) here.

Thanks! I figured that one out this morning,

> maps_.erase(remove_if(maps_.begin(),maps_.end(),(boost::mem_fn
> etIndexedMember)).equals(d)));
> This is getting harder.
> bind(&DataMember::equals, bind(&WidgetMap::getIndexedMember, _1), d)
> would be my guess. Easier would be to define a helper function
> bool memberEquals(WidgetMap const & m, DataMemberPtr d)
> {
> return m.getIndexedMember().equals(d);
> }
> and then use
> bind(memberEquals, _1, d) in dropWidgetMember.

I actually ended up figuring out how to write a function object class
to do something similar. This has been a good learning experience!
Is there a down side to the function object approach over the helper
function? From what I could tell, the helper function had to be a
global function, which just didn't seem right.



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