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From: Beman Dawes (bdawes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-09-22 18:58:40

At 06:00 PM 9/20/2002, Craig Henderson wrote:

>I've developed my library with MSVC7 and am now trying to test on as many
>compiler as possible. Using g++ 2.95.3-5 on cywin, I get a compiler error
>using std::distance
>`distance' undeclared in namespace `std'
>I have tried all the obvious includes, but the problem seems to be a
>configuration issue for using namespaces. The code compiles on
>VC7/Dinkumware, VC7/STLport-4.5.3 and BCC 5.5.1 so I am confident that
>there is no error in the code itself.

At this point in time g++ 2.95.3-5 is quite a few (six maybe?) releases and
a year and a half behind the current release (3.2). GCC and its libraries
have made major steps forward during that time. Maybe you should consider
downloading 3.2 instead of putting effort into 2.95.3. You will have to
compile it yourself, but just following the instructions has worked fine
for me (but do run the configure, make, and install steps under cygwin.)


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