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From: John Maddock (john_maddock_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-09-23 05:39:43

> Hi! I'm running into the brickwall now while trying to port "boost"
> containing codes from VC7 to gcc. Anyone has a pointer to a makefile for
> this combination. The codes works flawlessly inside Microsoft .NET IDE.
> I've tried ./configure script, manually edit the "user.hpp" and many
> fruitless hours to no aval. The "bjam" build of the library seems to be at
> least partially sucesful.
> Please help before I had to abandon the ship.

Boost is regularly tested with various versions of gcc, you shouldn't
actually need to reconfigure anything - and if you do it's a bug and should
be reported. Can you please be more specific on the issues you have come up
against (and the gcc version you are using).

John Maddock

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