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From: John Maddock (john_maddock_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-09-25 05:34:50

> Since we switched our projects to the new VC7.1 C++ Compiler ( MSVC 1310 )
recently i am not able to compile Boost Python anymore.
> The question is, if that's not supported at all, or if there is a
workaround to do this. ( Compiling with VC7.0 works fine for me )
> I upgraded to the most recent CVS version of Boost today, but still no
luck ( using bjam "-sTOOLS=vc7" ) at least it does not spit out a "Unknown
compiler version" warning anymore....
> Any clues?

Don't use a compiler that hasn't been released yet :-)

OK back in the real world, I've just patched boost.config to support VC7.1,
but only on the RC_1_29_0 branch - I assume that the changes will be merged
back into the main trunk after release? I admit I haven't tested
boost.python with that compiler, but pretty well everything else passes ...

John Maddock

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