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From: Darryl Green (green_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-09-30 03:00:57

This issue has come up before on the development list (search for
Boost.Threads Locking Delima). I'm not sure that it was resolved
satisfactorily - move semantics for scoped_locks seemed to be the answer,
but I think there were problems actually implementing that. The intent was
that if move couldn't be implemented, then the mutex lock methods would have
to be exposed.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Raoul Gough [mailto:yg-boost-users_at_[hidden]]
> Sent: Friday, 27 September 2002 9:44 PM
> To: boost-users_at_[hidden]
> Subject: [Boost-Users] Returning a boost::scoped_lock by value
> boost::scoped_lock is non-copyable, so it is impossible to
> return one from a function by value. However, I would like to
> be able to do something like this:
> mt::holder<std::ostream> logStream;
> logStream() << "Hello world\n";
> where the operator() returns a proxy object that contains a
> scoped_lock and a pointer to the data (the ostream). What I
> currently have is this:
> (mt::proxy<std::ostream> (logStream)) << "Hello world\n";
> So the client code has to know what type the proxy object is
> and construct one itself. If scoped_lock would provide access
> to its associated mutex object, this wouldn't be a necessary,
> because the proxy object could then have a copy-constructor,
> and operator() in the holder template would look like this:
> proxy<T> operator() ()
> {
> proxy<T> temp (*this);
> return temp;
> }
> The proxy copy constructor would unlock() the original lock
> and construct the copy using the original's mutex (which is
> the part that can't currently work, because there is no
> public access to a lock's mutex). Assuming that the compiler
> implements the NRVO, the unlock/lock sequence wouldn't
> actually happen, and the client code just gets its proxy
> object constructed for it. If the compiler doesn't implement
> the NRVO, the code still works, but is less efficient.
> I guess exposing the raw mutex from scoped_lock would break
> an important level of encapsulation. Still, it would be kind
> of nice in this case. Maybe if proxy<T> were part of the
> library and made a friend of scoped_lock? The only other
> alternative I've come up with is to allocate the lock on the
> heap and return an object containing a std::auto_ptr (which
> makes usage easier, but less efficient). Any comments or suggestions?
> Regards,
> Raoul Gough.
> // Returnable proxy template
> template<typename T>
> class proxy
> {
> boost::mutex::scoped_lock mLock;
> T *mPtr;
> boost::mutex &release()
> {
> mLock.unlock();
> return mLock.mutex(); // <<<< doesn't work
> }
> public:
> proxy (proxy &other)
> : mLock (other.release())
> , mPtr (other.mPtr)
> {
> }
> // ...
> };
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